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2005, Vol.32, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • The Content and Fractiona tion of Copper in Apple Orchard So ils
  • Li Wenqing;;Zhang Min;Shu Huairui;Wang Xinying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 769-772.
  • Abstract ( 1402 ) HTML ( 817 ) PDF (335KB) ( 817 )    
  • The content and fractionation of copper in orchard soils was investigated and relations of soil copper status with apple up take was also studied in this paper. The results showed that copper accumulated gradually in orchard soils. The content in orchard soilswasmuch higher than that in the nonorchard fields and it increased with orchard age. Copper in soil was unevenly distributed vertically, decreasing sharply from top to the deeper layers, and the differences among different layerswere significant though significant correlations was also noticed. As to the fractions, organically bound and oxides bound copper accounted for most part of the total copper in soil and exchangeable fraction was much lower. All fractions had a tendency to decrease with dep th and both significant differences and significant correlations were found among copper fractions in different layers. Fruit copper and copper in shoot all had good correlations with total copper and copper fractions in top layer and some fractions in deeper layers.
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  • Comparative Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Three Sweet Cherry Cultivars
  • Yang Jiangshan;Chang Yongyi;Chong Peifang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 773-777.
  • Abstract ( 1816 ) HTML ( 1094 ) PDF (298KB) ( 1094 )    
  • Photosynthetic characteristics of three sweet cherry cultivars Sato Nishiki, Stella and Napoleon Bigarreau were studied comparativelywith the CIRAS-2 photosynthetic instrument. The results showed that diurnal change in net photosynthetic rate ( Pn) of mature cherry leaves was a typical bimodal curve determinately regulated by stomatal conductance. The responsive curves of photosynthesis in mature cherry leaves to the change of photosynthetic active radiation, CO2 concentration and air temperature can be described with
    quadratic equations. The light compensation point (LCP) of different cherry cultivars was 10 - 82 μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1 , light saturation point (LSP) was 970 - 1 040 μmol·m- 2 · s- 1. Stella had the lowest LCP among the three cultivars, while Sato Nishiki had the highest LSP. The CO2 compensation point (CCP) was
    90 - 116μmol·mol- 1 , and the CO2 saturation point (CSP) was 1 030 - 1233 μmol·mol- 1. The CCP of Sato Nishiki was lower but with higher CSP, and its carboxylation efficiency (CE) and maximal Pn ( Pm) preponderated over the other ones are obviously. The suitable temperature scope of sweet cherry photosynthesis changed from 11℃ to 36℃, and the most suitable temperature was between 23℃and 25℃, in which Pn of Sato Nishiki exceeded the other two cultivars significantly.
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  • Relationship between the Content of Phenolic Compounds and the Taste ofAstringency and Bitterness in Apple Fruit
  • Nie Lanchun;Sun Jianshe
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 778-782.
  • Abstract ( 1699 ) HTML ( 1422 ) PDF (522KB) ( 1422 )    
  • The distribution of phenolic compounds and the relationship between the content of phenolic compounds and the taste of astringency and bitterness in apple (Malus domestica Borkh. ) fruits were studied by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that the contents of phloridzin and catechin were more than 30 times, and epicatechin, procyanidins and chlorogenic acid were about 10 times in young fruits with strongly astringency and bitterness compared to that in ripe fruitswith no taste of astringency
    and bitterness. In ripe fruits with astringent taste, the contents of chlorogenic acid, catechin, epicatechin, and procyanidinswere much higher than that with no astringent taste. In fruits with bitter taste, the contents of chlorogenic acid, phloridzin, and procyanidinswere much higher than that with no bitter taste. In fruits with both astringent and bitter taste, the contents of chlorogenic acid, catechin, epicatechin, phloridzin, and p rocyanidins were the highest. The levels of phloridzin and procyanidins in the bitter pit tissue were fifteen and three times higher than those in normal tissue, respectively. These results indicated that the astringency of apple fruitswas due to the increase of chlorogenic acid, catechin, epicatechin, and procyanidins, while the bitter taste was associated with the accumulation of phloridzin, catechin, and p rocyanidins. Chlorogenic acid mainly exists in seed, core, and flesh. Catechin, epicatechin, and quercetin are mainly in the peel. Procyanidins are also mainly in the peel with small amount in the flesh and core, and phloridzin is mainly in the seed, peel, and core.
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  • Control of Black Mould Disease in ‘Yali’Pear Fruit by the Treatment withASM Induction after Harvest
  • Cao Jiankang;JiangWeibo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 783-787.
  • Abstract ( 1339 ) HTML ( 1052 ) PDF (494KB) ( 1052 )    
  • Acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) is an important inducer of genes related to disease resistance in plant. ‘Yali’pear fruit were wounded and inoculated with Alternaria alternata after vacuum infiltration of ASM. Results showed that 0.5 mmol·L - 1 ASM treatment effectively inhibited the development of black mould disease in inoculated fruit or in intact fruit, enhanced activities of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase ( PAL) and chitinase (CHT) , and led to accumulation of H2O2 and total phenolic compounds. In vitro experiments indicated thatASM did not inhibit the growth of the fungus, imp licated that the alleviation of fruit disease by ASM treatment is attributed to its ability to enhance defense system in fruit rather than its direct inhibitory effect on the fungus.
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  • Changes in Antioxidant Systems and Polyphenol Ox idase Activity in PeachFruit Treated with Exogenous Oxalic Acid during Storage at Low Temperature
  • Zheng Xiaolin;Tian Shiping;Li Boqiang;Xu Yong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 788-792.
  • Abstract ( 1782 ) HTML ( 1546 ) PDF (304KB) ( 1546 )    
  • Peach ( Prunus persica L.‘Bayue Cui’) fruit were dipped in a 5 mmol·L - 1 oxalic acid solution for 10 min and then stored at low temperature for 20 days. Changes in antioxidant ability and polyphenol oxidase ( POD) activity in the fruit were investigated during storage. The results showed that, as compared
    with control fruit, higher activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD) , peroxidaes ( POD) , catalase (CAT) and PPO were observed and lose of ascorbate acid (AsA) was delayed. Moreover, to some extent, active oxygen species (AOS) production including superoxide (O2· ) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 ) was inhibited in treated fruit. Itwas suggested that effects of oxalic acid on increases of antioxidant ability and PPO activitymight be beneficial in delaying ripening process and enhancement of disease resistance in peach fruit during storage at low temperature.
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  • Effect of ABA and GA3 Treatments on the Metabolism of Active Oxygen Species in Cold Stored ‘Brumal Jujube’Flesh
  • Li Hongwei;Han Tao;Li Liping;Feng Shuangqing;Zhao Yumei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 793-797.
  • Abstract ( 1366 ) HTML ( 1068 ) PDF (254KB) ( 1068 )    
  • The changes of active oxygen species in ‘Brumal Jujube’flesh treated with 100 mg·L - 1 ABA or 100μg·L - 1 GA3 during cold storage 〔(0 ±2) ℃, 60 days〕, including the p roduction rate of superoxide anion, contents of malondialdehyde (MDA ) or H2O2 and activities of catalase (CAT) , peroxidase
    ( POD ) , polyphenoloxidase ( PPO ) and ascorbic acid oxidase (AAO ) , were investigated. The results showed that ABA increased the p roduction rate of superoxide anion, promoted the accumulations of MDA and H2O2 in ‘Brumal Jujube’during storage, the activity peaks of CAT, PPO and POD were advanced, and AAO activity kep t increasing, the content of total phenols decreased sharp ly, all of the parameters above were higher than those in control. They suggested that ABA treatment accelerated the senescence of‘Brumal Jujube’fruit. The effects of ABA on ‘Brumal Jujube’fruit were opposite to GA3.
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  • Karyotypes of Different Strains in Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ‘Zanhuang Dazao’
  • Peng Jianying;Liu Ping;Zhou Junyi;Peng Shiqi;Cao Qingguo;Chu Xinfang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 798-801.
  • Abstract ( 1661 ) HTML ( 1463 ) PDF (467KB) ( 1463 )    
  • The karyotypes of 42 strains of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ‘ZanhuangDazao’ randomly sampled in its original location based on geography and morphology were analyzed. The results showed that all the strains examined were triploid, 2n = 3x = 36. The polymorphism of karyotype existed in ‘Zanhuang Dazao’. The main three karyotypes were as follows: 2n = 3x = 21m (1SAT ) + 15 sm, 2n = 3x = 15m + 21 sm, 2n = 3x = 21m (2SAT ) + 15 sm. The karyotypes of three strains belonged to Stebbinsp 2A, 2B, 2A type, respectively. ‘Zanhuang Dazao’might have originated from natural crossing with 2n gametes and normal gametes.
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  • AFLP Analysis of the Origin of Malus toringoides Hughes
  • Shi Shengyou;Liang Guolu;Cheng Minghao;Guo Qigao;Li Xiaolin;Zhou Zhiqin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 802-806.
  • Abstract ( 1386 ) HTML ( 1089 ) PDF (336KB) ( 1089 )    
  • We studied the relationship ofM alus toringoides Hughes and its parents by applying AFLP. 231 polymorphic bandswere obtained with four AFLP primers, and among them 211 (91.34% ) bands were polymorphic with an average of 5718 perAFLP p rimers combination. The relationship s among M. toringoides
    Hughes, M. transitoria Schneid and M. kansuensis Rehd were analysed with AFLP. The results are consistent with previous studies based on morphological, cytological and isozyme data. AFLP marker data show that M.toringoides Hughes has been the hybrid of M. transitoria Schneid and M. kansuensis Rehd, and that the variation types of M. toringoides Hughes have been the results of introgressive hybridization between M. toringoides Hughes and M. transitoria Schneid or between M. toringoides Hughes and M. ansuensis Rehd.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Banana ACC Oxidase Gene (MAO3)
  • Huang Junsheng;Wang Hua;Zhang Shiqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 807-811.
  • Abstract ( 1482 ) HTML ( 1024 ) PDF (359KB) ( 1024 )    
  • We obtained core sequence of MAO3 of banana according to homo-cloning, and then cloned 5'up stream and 3'down stream sequences by RACE PCR technology and the promoter sequence by GenomeWalker technology. Phylogenetic analysis showed that this gene was highly conserved in the same species and had comparatively high homology compared with both monocots and dicots. In situ hybridization experiment showed that the expression of MAO3 gene was tissue specific. Meanwhile, according to fluorescence real-time
    quantification PCR, we found that MAO3 and ERS2 (one of banana ethylene receptor genes) genes were also induced by wounding.
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  • On the Process of Fertilization in Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis and ItsDuration of Each Stage
  • Peng Jie;Shen Jiaheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 812-817.
  • Abstract ( 1539 ) HTML ( 1113 ) PDF (1020KB) ( 1113 )    
  • This paper reported the p rocess of fertilization in Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis and its duration of each stage. The results are as follow: 1. Pollen germinates on stigma 2 - 3 h after pollination. 2. 4 - 8 hours after pollination, pollen tube grows in style. 3. 8 - 14 hours after pollination, pollen tube grows in ovary and gets into ovule via micropyle. 4. 16 hours after pollination, one sperm nucleusmoves to egg and enters it. 5. The sperm nucleus adheres to the nuclearmembrane of egg 18 hours after pollination. 6. 20 hours after pollination, sperm nucleus enters egg nucleus and male chromatin gradually disperses and 24 hours after pollination, male nucleolus appears. A large female nucleolus and a smallmale nucleolus occur in the nucleus of fertilized egg, and zygote formed. The dispersing of sperm chromatin in egg nucleus takes about 4 hours; 7. 32 - 34 hours after pollination, the division of zygote begins. The dormancy stage of the zygote lasts for about 8 - 10 hours; 8. The pair polar nuclei lie in chalazal end to egg before fertilization, which fuse into a secondary nucleus or not; 9. 16 - 18 hours after pollination, the sperm nucleus moves to the polar nuclei or the secondary nucleus. 18 hours after pollination, sperm nucleus adheres to the nuclearmembrane of polar nuclei or that of the secondary nucleus; 10. 20 hours after pollination, sperm nucleus enters one of the polar nuclei or the secondary nucleus and the triple fusion takes place. The process of fusion is similar to the karyogamy, and faster than that. The dispersing of the sperm chromatin in polar nucleus or secondary nucleus takes about 2 hours; 11. 22 hours after pollination, the primary endosperm nucleus formed. The female and male nucleoli can not fuse with each other before mitotic division of the p rimary endosperm nucleus; 12. 24 hours after pollination, the division of the p rimary endosperm nucleus takes place.
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  • Effects of Nitric Oxide on Active Oxygen Metabolism of Postharvest Tomato Fruit
  • Zhang Shaoying;Ren Xiaolin;Rao Jingping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 818-822.
  • Abstract ( 1514 ) HTML ( 1473 ) PDF (249KB) ( 1473 )    
  • Experiments were conducted to study the effects of nitric oxide (NO) on active oxygen metabolism of postharvested‘Baili’tomato. The results showed that the application of NO delayed the respiration and ethylene peaks, inhibited the O·2 and H2O2 accumulation, maintained a higher level of the activities of SOD, CAT, POD, APX and the content of GSH and AsA at the late stage of fruit storage during active oxygen metabolism, slowed down the increase of MDA content and the relative membrane permeability, reduced the preoxide action of membrane lip ids, and postphoned the fruit senescence.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Glycerol-3-phosphate AcyltransferaseGene from Sweet Pepper
  • Chen Na;Guo Shangjing;Yan Kun;Dong Xinchun;Meng Qingwei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 823-827.
  • Abstract ( 1474 ) HTML ( 1334 ) PDF (1069KB) ( 1334 )    
  • A full length cDNA of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase ( GPAT) gene was cloned from sweet pepper by using RT-PCR approach with degenerate primers based on the conserved motifs found in a number of p lant GPAT genes. The CaGPAT is 1 791 bp encoding 463 amino acids, with high homology to tomato GPAT gene. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the amino acid sequence of GPAT in sweet pepper first gathered with that in tomato, then with that in spinach. Northern blot showed that the exp ression of CaGPAT in leaves was higher than that in other organs such as roots, stems, petals and fruits. CaGPAT expression could be significantly induced by low temperature ( 8℃) for 3 h. But it could not be obviously induced by high temperature ( 35℃). The gene expression level had no obvious difference at 5℃, 10℃ and 15℃.
    These results demonstrate that CaGPAT expression is closely correlated with plant responding to low temperature.
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  • The Transformation System for Volvariella volvacea by Particle Bombardment
  • Guo Liqiong;;Yang Feiyun;Xiong Sheng;Lin Junfang;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 828-833.
  • Abstract ( 1542 ) HTML ( 1178 ) PDF (402KB) ( 1178 )    
  • The resistant test of Volvariella volvacea strain V1308 to hygromycin, kanamycin, G418 and PPT showed that the strain was sensitive to the former but resistant to the latter 3 reagents. The lowest selection concentrations of hygromycin for V1308 were 75μg·mL - 1 on PDSA solid medium and 50μg·mL - 1 in PDSB liquid medium. The expression vector pCAMB IA1301, carrying 35S promoter, hygromycin selectable gene and gus report gene, was transferred into intactmycelia of V1308 by particle bombardment. The most effective bombardment parameters were 1 100 Psi of helium pressure, 87188 kPa of vacuum pressure and 6 cm of target-shelf distance. The result of southern blotting indicated that the gus gene was integrated into the V1308 genome. GUS histochemical assay confirmed that gus had exp ressed in V1308 mycelia. Cultivation of V1308 showed that both the transformant and the control were able to form normal fruit-bodies. GUS histochemical assay indicated that the exogenous gus gene expressed stably in the mycelia derived from the fruit-bodies of transformant.
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  • Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Cucurbita by RAPD Markers
  • Li Junli;Xiang Changping;Zhang Hongrong;Yang Jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 834-839.
  • Abstract ( 1504 ) HTML ( 1432 ) PDF (792KB) ( 1432 )    
  • In this study, the genetic diversity among 70 accessions in cucurbita was analyzed by using RAPD marker and the genetic relationship among the accessionswas revealed by cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis respectively. 21 polymorphic p rimers, screened out of 100 random p rimers, were used and produced 168 rep roducible bands. Of them, 157 bands (93.5% ) were polymorphic. The cluster analysis divided the germplasm used in this study into 3 groups: Cururbita moschata, C. pepo, and C. maxima, which
    was in agreement with the traditional taxonomy on Cucurbita. Moreover, Cururbita moschata was divided further into 3 subgroups, C. pepo into 6 subgroups, and C. maxima. into 5 subgroups respectively by cluster analysis. The clusterswere greatly associated with the origins and the morphologic characters of the tested germplasm. The results obtained by the principal coordinate analysis were consistent with those of cluster analysis.
    However, cluster analysis could supply more abundant informations than principal coordinate analysis on revealing the relationship among the closely related accessions.
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  • Cloning of cs-acs1g Gene and Research on Expression of Different Periodsand Sites in Cucumber
  • Cheng Libao;Qin Zhiwei;Liu Hongyu;Ding Guohua;Zhou Xiuyan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 840-843.
  • Abstract ( 1320 ) HTML ( 1106 ) PDF (352KB) ( 1106 )    
  • Research on expression of different periods and sites was based on gene cloning. The result showed that cs-acs1g gene did not exp ress during 1 - 5 leaves without treatment of hormone, as the same time, it showed the same consequence under treatment of ETH and GA, cs-acs1g gene would exp ress at the period of two leaves with treatment of certain concentration of IAA, the intensity was accumulated with increasing frequent of IAA; cs-acs1g gene would transcript differently at various sites, the intensity which the root tips and stem and tip's represent was distinctlymore strong than that of fruit and axillary buds. therefore,it existed discrepancy at different periods and various sites.
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  • Plant Tissue Culture for 8 Pagoda Tree Var ieties of Papilionoideae and Effects of Genotypes on Regeneration Ability
  • Wang Guanlin;Liu Xiumei;Fang Hongjun;Li Hong;Li Huagang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 844-848.
  • Abstract ( 1343 ) HTML ( 1170 ) PDF (319KB) ( 1170 )    
  • The regeneration ability for 8 pagoda tree varieties of Papilionoideae in the plant tissue culture were compared with different genotypes. The result shows that the buds differentiation rate of leaves varied much with a descending order var. japonica Jinye ( 79.03% ) , var japonica golden ( 41.46%) , Cladrastis sinensis (36.2% ) , Robinia psudoacian L. ( 34.2% ) , Cassia suffruticasa ( 25% ) , Sophora japonica L. (22.7% ) , var. robinia tetrap loid (21% ) and Robinia hispida L. (18% ) ; The descending order of induction rate, differentiation rate of cullas and rooting rate was the alide with the bud differentiation rate of leaves. The regulatory effects and traits of genotype on plant regeneration abilitywas discussed respectively by this experiment system. There were indications that the demand for basic medium and foreign hormone was similar between different genotypes of pagoda tree; the regulation of genotype on dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of pagoda trees was identical; the regulation of genotype had identity on regeneration ability of plant tissues and organs, but there still existed specificities in different tissues and organs of different genotypes as well as the same genotype.
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  • Karyotype Analysis of Section Populus in Populus
  • Qi Liwang;Zhang Shougong;Han Suying;Chen Chengbin;Li Xiulan;Song Wenqin;Chen Ruiyang;Ren Jianzhong;Zhou Yuquan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 849-853.
  • Abstract ( 1540 ) HTML ( 1224 ) PDF (939KB) ( 1224 )    
  • The karyotype of 9 species ( varieties) of section Populus in the genus Popu lus have been analyzed for the first time. The resultswere as follows: P. alba L. , 2n = 28 = 1M + 30m + 4 sm (1SAT) + 1 st (1SAT) + 2 t; P. alba L. var. pyram idalis, 2n = 38 = 1M + 24m + 6 sm + 5 st (1SAT) + 2 t (1SAT) ; P. hopeiensis Hu et Chow, 2n = 38 = 1M + 25m + 8 sm + 4 st; P. tom entosa Carr. , 2n = 38 = 1M + 27m + 2 sm + 6 st + 2 st; P. trem ula L. , 2n = 38 = 27m (1SAT) + 6 sm + 5 st (2SAT) ; P. a lba bolleana, 2n = 38 = 1M + 24m + 7 sm (1SAT) + 5 st (1SAT) + 1 t; P. tom en tosa var. Ex i, 2n = 38 = 26m + 5 sm + 4 st + 3 t; P. davidiana
    Dode CL alba21, 2n = 38 = 3M + 23m (1SAT) + 6 sm + 6 st (1SAT) ; P1 ×hongba inensis B14, 2n = 38 = 22m + 6 sm (1SAT) + 7 st + 3 t. Results of karyotype analysis showed that the karyotype differences among species ( varieties) in section Populus were remarkable. The results obtained indicated that their origin were different. The karyotype characteristics provided important basic data for species of section Populus.
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  • Relationship between Endopeptidase Activity in Petals and Tolerance to Water Deficit Stress of Two Cut Rose Cultivars
  • Zhao Xiting;Cong Richen;Shan Ningwei;Gao Junping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 854-860.
  • Abstract ( 1451 ) HTML ( 1140 ) PDF (381KB) ( 1140 )    
  • This work was aimed to investigate to relations between tolerance to water deficit stress (WDS) and the activity and type of endopep tidase in different cultivars of Cut roses (Rosa hybrid). Two cultivars, ‘Samantha’with the strong tolerance to WDS, and ‘Belami’with the medium one, were used as
    materials, and WDS treatment was carried out for 0 - 60 h under the conditions of 22 - 25℃, RH 30% - 60% , and 80μE·m- 2 · s- 1. To make different p rocess ofWDS, we treated the two cultivars separately with two manners, namely flowers with and without branches in the same condition of WDS above. The results showed that, ① the decrease of flower recovery percentage was much slower in ‘Samantha’ than in‘Belami’, and was slower significantly in the flowerswith branches than without branches in a cultivar, while the opposite tendency was obtained on the increase of flower bent neck percentage during WDS. A turning point, in which recovery rate of flowers was going to be decreasing rapidly, was observed in both flowers with and without branches, and the occurrence of the turning pointwas later in ‘Samantha’ than in ‘Belami’. However, the value of water potential was almost the same in a cultivar, corresponding to the turning point of recovery rate. ② The turning point of quick climbing of free amino acid content in petals was also observed in
    the flowers of both cultivars, including the two manners, with orwithout branches separately duringWDS, and these pointswere identicalwith the turning points of their recovery rate. ③WDS2induced increase of endopeptidase activity was later in‘Samantha’than in‘Belami’, and it was earlier in the flowerswith branches than without branches in a cultivar. Interestingly, the turning points of quick increase of endopep tidase activity in2duced byWDS in both cultivarswith orwithout brancheswere consistentwith the turning points of their recovery rates. ④ Changes of both metall-oproteinase and serine proteinase activities of petals induced by WDS were significantly smaller in ‘Samantha’ than in ‘Belami’. The results above suggested that the difference of tolerance toWDS between different cultivars might be related to the different changes of metallo-proteinase and serine proteinase activitives in petals induced by WDS.
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  • Effects of High Oxygen on Respiratory Rate and Ethylene Production in Harvested Blueberries and Strawberries
  • Zheng Yonghua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 866-868.
  • Abstract ( 1661 ) HTML ( 2548 ) PDF (170KB) ( 2548 )    
  • Freshly harvested blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L. ‘Duke’) and strawberries ( Fragaria ×ananassa Duch. ‘Allstar’) were placed in jars and continuously ventilated with air or 40% , 60% , 80% or 100% O2 for 35 and 14 days at 5℃, respectively, to investigate effects of high oxygen atmospheres
    on fruit respiratory rate and ethylene production. While exposure of blueberries to 40% O2 slightly affected fruit respiratory rate and ethylene production, fruits exposed to 60% - 100% O2 exhibited significantly lower
    respiratory rate and ethylene p roduction rate than those exposed to air. In strawberries, application of high oxygen atmospheres had no significant effects on fruit respiratory rate and ethylene p roduction within 8 days of storage, but significantly lower respiratory rate and ethylene p roduction rate were observed in fruits exposed to 80% and 100% O2 in the comparison with those exposed to other high O2 atmospheres and air between 10 and 14 days of storage.
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  • Effects of Different Light Qualities on Root Growth and Development of Test-tube Plantlets of Vitis vinifera L.
  • Li Sheng;Li Wei;Yang Delong;Wu Jiling;Yang Ning;Cao Ziyi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 872-874.
  • Abstract ( 1867 ) HTML ( 1620 ) PDF (159KB) ( 1620 )    
  • Effects of different light qualities on the root growth and development of grape test-tube plantlets ofwhich were capable of different rootingswere studied. The results indicated that all of treatments didn't initiate to root the first five days after inoculating. The rooting fastigium of‘Yatomi Rosa’and ‘Centennial
    Seedless’of easy rootingwas from the sixth day to the tenth day underwhite light, red light, yellow light and the darkness. And their root numbers reached the maximum under white light after inoculating for five days under green and blue light respectively, butwhen theywere inoculated beyond five days under green and blue light, their rooting obviously restrained. W ith p rolonging the inoculating time under four homochromous lights and darkness conditions, their root fresh mass decreased. The root length and fresh mass of‘Fujiminori’and
    ‘Autumn Royal’of difficult rooting treated for ten days under red, yellow light and the dark conditions reached the maximum, then with prolonging the inoculating time, their root fresh mass decreased. But their root fresh mass and root length decreased under green and blue lights. So the conclusion was drawn that the lonwave light was benefit to the root growth and development, but the short-wave light was on the contrary.
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  • SSR Analysis for Apple Cultivars
  • Wang Aide;Li Tianzhong;Xu Xuefeng;Han Zhenhai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 875-877.
  • Abstract ( 1691 ) HTML ( 1696 ) PDF (420KB) ( 1696 )    
  • By using simple sequence repeat ( SSR) , 25 apple cultivars were used for genomic polymorphic analysis. 97 alleleswere amp lified by using 10 pairs of primers selected from 20 pairs, of which average 917 alleles perpair of primer were amp lified and polymorphic percentage of amp lified band was 56.4% -
    100%. Two pairs of primer (GD142 and 02b1) could distinguish all cultivars used in the study. Based on the SSR results, calculation of the similarity coefficient and also UPGMA cluster analysis showed that the apple cultivars could be classified into the four groups of being similar to the traditional classification.
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  • Effects of Quercetin on Self-incompatibility and SRK Activity in Brassica oleracea L.
  • Li Chengqiong;Zhou Qinghong;Song Hongyuan;Ren Xuesong;Si Jun;Wu Nengbiao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 878-880.
  • Abstract ( 1370 ) HTML ( 964 ) PDF (202KB) ( 964 )    
  • In this experiment, the Self-incompatible ( SI) lines budswere treated with different concentrations of quercetin solution (500, 1 000 and 1 500μmol·L -1 ). The results showed quercetin could overcome the SI of Brassica oleracea L. significantly. What'smore, the most seeds per pollinated flower were obtained with the treatment of 1 500 μmol·L - 1 quercetin solution among three concentrations. In addition, the self-compatible ( SC) index of 022E1 SI line increased from 0.03 to 4.35, which similarly to bud pollination. Quercetin acted as a kind of Srecep tor kinase ( SRK) inhibitor, it can p revent the signal conduction of SI since it reduced SRK activity by spraying certain concentration quercetin. So it is feasible to overcome the SI by spraying quercetin.
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  • Full-length cDNA Clone and Sequences Analysis for Unknown Double-stranded RNA Isolated from Radish
  • Liu Li;Chen Jishuang;Yu Shan;Wang Chong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 881-884.
  • Abstract ( 1419 ) HTML ( 1088 ) PDF (487KB) ( 1088 )    
  • Some characters of unknown dsRNAs isolated from radish were identified. The dsRNAs could be detected from some radish plants and their offspring by dsRNAs analysis approach. The dsRNAswere separated into two fragments in polyacrylamide gel, named dsRNA1 and dsRNA2, respectively with their sizes of
    approximately 118 kbp. Full-length cDNA of dsRNA1 was obtained by single primer amplification technique, and its size of 1 866 ntwas determined. RT-PCR also showed that dsRNA1 was of radish plant origin. The results of BLASTP suggested that the biggest putative ORF1 was distantly related to RNA dependent RNA polymerase encoded by some species of Partitivirus. The molecular aspects of dsRNAs, and some biological characters of plants, seem related to radish yellow edge virus (RYEV) previously described.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Acid Invertase Gene cDNA Fragment from Tomato
  • Jiang Jing;Li Tianlai;Li Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 885-888.
  • Abstract ( 1513 ) HTML ( 1090 ) PDF (554KB) ( 1090 )    
  • According to the published gene sequences of cell wall2binding and soluble acid invertase of tomato, two pairs of primers were designed respectively. The cDNA fragments were obtained by reverse transcriptional polymersae chain reaction (RT-PCR) using the whole RNA of different genotype tomatos, ‘Liaoyuan Duoli’, ‘Momotaro’and wild type (Lycopersicon chmielewskii) , as the templates. The fragments were cloned into pMD18-T vector and then sequenced. The sequences showed highly homology ( to 99.5% )to the published sequences of soluble and insoluble invertases, respectively. Northern blotting was performed to analyze the exp ression pattern of acid invertase in different development stages of tomato fruit of‘Liaoyuan Duoli’. The result showed that soluble acid invertase was highly expressed in pectinic placenta of mature tomato fruit, but no expression was detected in other parts of fruits.
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  • Identification of Tomato Wild Species Resistant to Late Blight ( Phytophthora infestans) and Primary Introgression into Cultivars in China
  • Li Junming;Yang Yuhong;Song Yan;Xu Hejin;Feng Lanxiang;Zhou Yongjian;Mo Like
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 892-894.
  • Abstract ( 1590 ) HTML ( 1136 ) PDF (163KB) ( 1136 )    
  • The results from seedling inoculation on 3 accessions Lycopersicon hirsutum including LA1033, LA2099 and LA1777 proved that all of them gave a high resistance to Phytophthora infestans strains T10203. Moreover, LA2099 and LA1777 also p roduced a high resistance to strain T1020304, which was
    much more pathogenicity for tomato in China. F1 seeds from crossing these species with tomato lines were so wed in the greenhouse but gave very low germination rate. Significant difference was observed among different combinations, and it mainly depends on the different maternal genetic background and wild accessions.Comparing to direct sowing, mature embryo rescue in MS medium could p rovide more convenient, efficient and easy way to get F1 plants. Fruit setting of F1 pollinated by artificial pollination in the field indicated the great difference which was existed among the combinations. The above identified wild species and the introgression progenies would provide the potential use for tomato breeding resistant to Phytophthora infestans in China.
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  • Two Sex Determining Genes and Their Inheritance in Cucumber
  • Chen Huiming;;Lu Xiangyang;Liu Xiaohong;Yi Ke;Xu Liang;Tian Yun;Xu Yong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 895-898.
  • Abstract ( 1627 ) HTML ( 1593 ) PDF (119KB) ( 1593 )    
  • Through the analysis of the sexual character ofmonoecious plants based on the ability of producing exclusively female flowers at later stages, monoecious cucumber could be divided into two groups of monoecious: common monoecious and monoecious-subgynoecious (MOA-subgynoecious). In the experiment, which 5 parental combinations from inbred two MOA-subgynoeciouses (98217, S22298) , monoecious (95) ,gynoecious (W I1983G) and hermaphrodite (W I1983H) and their F2 , BC1 -1 , BC1-2 were as research materials. Genetic analysis showed the MOA-subgynoeciouswith the ability of producing exclusively female flowers at later stagerswere controlled respectively by one pair of incompletely dominant gene and one pair of recessive gene, which were respectively designated presently as Mod-F1 and mod-F2. Genes Mod-F1 and mod2F2, which enhanced the intensity of femaleness, inherited independently with F and M genes.
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  • The Genetic Mechanism of Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Cucumber
  • Zhang Suqin;;Gu Xingfang;Zhang Shengping;Zou Zhirong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 899-901.
  • Abstract ( 1679 ) HTML ( 1299 ) PDF (165KB) ( 1299 )    
  • The cucumber powdery mildew resistance was studied with joint analysis of multip le generations. The best fitted model of three resistant suscep tible crosses was two major genes plus polygenes mixed inheritance model ( E2120 model) without excep tion. In cross I, heritabilities ofmajor geneswere 64.26% -95.47%. Formajor genes, susceptibilitywas the dominant partly. The additive effects of the two major genes and the dominant effect of the second major gene were higher. The ep istatic effect of additive ×dominant of two major genes was higher too. The heritabilities ofmajor genes in the crossⅡ and cross Ⅲ were 96.04% and 95.35% , respectively. The additive effect, dominant effect and dominance degree of two major genes were similar in this two crosses.
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  • Application of SSR Markers in Hybrid Seed Purity Test of Melon
  • Ai Chengxiang;Lu Lu;;Ma Guobin;Liu Zhixin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 902-904.
  • Abstract ( 1989 ) HTML ( 1795 ) PDF (554KB) ( 1795 )    
  • The polymorphism of 2 melon hybrids ( ‘Dongfangmi 1’and ‘01231’) and its parental lines were analyzed with SSR marker system. Eight out of 23 pairs of SSR p rimerswere selected, which gave stable and polymorphic amplification profiles in hybrids and their parents. The bands of hybrid melon were
    complement types of their parents, which were adap ted to examine purity of hybrid melon seed. Primer M6 was selected for SSR identification with 100 single seeds of‘Dongfangmi 1’, and p rimerM17 for‘01231’. The purity was 100% and 96% , respectively, which were app roximate to their field purity (99.6% and 96.2% , respectively). It suggested that SSR technique haswide prospective in hybrid seed purity test of melon.
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  • Studies on Physiological Characteristics of Kidney Bean Seeds with DifferentMoisture Content in Aging Course
  • Li Yuhong;Chen Peng;Tang Aijun;Wang Qi;Guan Zhihua;Cheng Zhihui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 908-910.
  • Abstract ( 1460 ) HTML ( 1001 ) PDF (222KB) ( 1001 )    
  • Kidney bean seeds of different moisture contents ( 2.1% , 3.4% , 3.8% , 6.9% and 9.0% ) were used to investigate the physiological characteristics in aging course. The results showed that the germination percent and the activity of SOD, POD, CAT and dehydrogenase were higher while LOX activity and MDA content were lower in 3.8%moisture content than othermoisture content seeds. It showed more vigor than other seeds. Reducing the moisture content of kidney bean seeds could increase the ability of anti-aging. The isozymes of POD were different, while the protein bandswere almost the same in kidney bean seeds of different vigor.
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  • Changes of Soluble Protein Content and Activities of Cell Protective Enzymesunder Chilling Stress in Asparagus Bean Seedlings
  • Chen Chanyou;;Wang Huidong;Ding Yi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 911-913.
  • Abstract ( 1492 ) HTML ( 1334 ) PDF (163KB) ( 1334 )    
  • The soluble protein content ( SPC) and activities of 4 cell protective enzymes ( SOD, CAT,POD and APX) of 12 asparagus bean cultivars under 10℃chilling stress for 5 days with the control of (20 ±3) ℃ were tested. The results showed that the SPC of leaves of seedlings raised significantly by 2.3% - 8.1%
    in 6 early maturing cultivars under chilling stress compared with that of relative control, whereas 3 late maturing cultivars inversed, so did the activities of SOD and APX by 27.82% - 128.52% and 10.53% - 39.36% in 8 cultivars and 4 early maturing cultivars respectively. The three indices were sensitive to chilling stress and were suitable to identify the cold resistance of asparagus bean genotypes. The cold resistant cultivars exerted their SPC and activities of SOD and APX to acclimate chilling stress. The changes of activities of CAT and POD could hardly reflect cold resistance of asparagus bean cultivars.
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  • Pollen Morphology of Lycoris Herb. and Its Taxonomic Significance
  • Zhou Shoubiao;Yu Benqi;Luo Qi;Qin Weihua;Wang Ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 914-917.
  • Abstract ( 1867 ) HTML ( 1497 ) PDF (1711KB) ( 1497 )    
  • Morphological studies of pollen of thirteen species of Lycoris Herb. in China were reported in this paper. The result shows that pollen grains of Lycoris Herb. are all zygomorphic; navicular or reniform is in equitorial view, and oval or long oval in polar view; monocolpate. The exine ornamentation are reticulate CR ( i.e. coarsely reticulate) or FR ( i.e. finely reticulate). Under SEM, several little papillae or tubercles can be seen at the bottom of luming or the murus. According to this, we divide them into 4 subtypes: NPCR ( i.e. no papillae coarsely reticulate) 、PCR ( i.e. papillae coarsely reticulate) 、NPFR ( i.e. no papillae finely reticulate) 、PFR ( i.e. papillae finely reticulate). Investigations on pollen grains can provide significant data for studies of interspecific relationships and systematics of Lycoris Herb.
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  • Character istics of Reproduction and Breeding of Lilium pumilum
  • Yang Liping;Sun Xiaoyu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 918-921.
  • Abstract ( 1631 ) HTML ( 1073 ) PDF (200KB) ( 1073 )    
  • The research showed that the satus rate of 2nd-year Lilium pumilum with stooling and without stooling are respectively 47.66% and 38.79% , and the blooming rate for 2nd-year cultivated plants is 13.55% in term of cultivated condition. All the plants of 3rd-year and 4 th-year L. pumilum can bloom, but the flower quantity has a positive correlation with the age of p lants. The ratio of pollen to ovule is 164.9 -175.2 for cultivated plant, and 284.4 - 315.6 for wild plant, so the breeding system is facultative selfing. In full sun, relatively reproductive rate of the cultivated plants has positive relation with the age of the p lant. For the 2nd-year plants, relatively reproductive rate of the plants with the condition of full sunlight is 7.5 tines as that which grow under forest. Wild L. pumilum has the same relatively reproductive rate as the cultivated 2nd-year L. pumilum. which grows in full sunlight. It is discovered that the pollination acts on the stigmata 5 days before L. pumilum flower. The plants pollinated 1 day before flower bear luxuriantly. L. pumilum has no multi-parent effect, and the setting percentage and the seed yield for single parent is higher than that formulti-parent. The fruit-set rate of the plants with natural pollination is about 2 times of that with illegitimate pollination and self-pollination. The pollen which comes from L. daurucum and L. cernum heavily affects the natural reproduction of L. pumilum.
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  • Studies on the Culture Solution for Lily Pollen Vitality Test
  • Nian Yuxin;Luo Fengxia;Zhang Ying;Sun Xiaomei;Zhang Li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 922-925.
  • Abstract ( 1935 ) HTML ( 3121 ) PDF (284KB) ( 3121 )    
  • The fresh pollen of oriental hybrids ‘Sorbonne’was emp loyed as experimental material to carry on the studies on culture solution for the determination of lily pollen viability. Comparisons were made among the effects of different concentration of sucrose, boron, calcium, magnesium and potassium on the germination of lily pollen through simp le factorial experiment. And an orthogonal design was used on that basis to compare the effects of sucrose, boron and calcium on the germination of lily pollen. Results showed that sucrose and boron have great effects on the germination of lily pollen. The op timum culture solution was sucrose 100 g·L - 1 +H3BO3 20 mg·L - 1 +CaCl2 20 - 30 mg·L - 1. When cultured in pure water, the protoplasm of the pollen would split, and the substance inside would flow out; when cultured in the solution with high concentration of sucrose or salt, the protoplasm would dehydrate and separate from the cell wall. These two would inhibit the germination of lily pollen.
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  • Investigation on Natural Resources of Osmanthus fragrans Lour. at Zhouluocun in Hunan
  • Hao Riming;Zang Dekui;Xiang Qibai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 926-929.
  • Abstract ( 1490 ) HTML ( 1064 ) PDF (310KB) ( 1064 )    
  • The physiographical factors, the communityps components and morphological characteristics of sweet osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans) community were studied by two surveys at Zhouluocun in Hunan. Based on the field investigation, the biological characteristics of sweet osmanthus population were analysed; interestingly, morphological variations of flowerwere found. The results show that the color of sweet osmanthus corolla ismainly either light yellow ormilk yellow, but occasionally aureate or snow2white individuals can be
    found due to genetical variation in this Zhouluocun community. Flower types of sweet osmanthus are bisexual flower or unisexualmale flower due to the degeneration of p istil. Our data demonstrate that there are abundant morphological variations and successful regeneration in the natural population of sweet osmanthus.
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  • The Effectiveness of Two Types of Slow-release Fertilizer on Perennial Ryegrass Turf
  • Bian Xiuju;Li Huibin;Zhao Bingxiang;Hu Lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 930-932.
  • Abstract ( 1481 ) HTML ( 1004 ) PDF (109KB) ( 1004 )    
  • A field study on the effectiveness of two slow-release fertilizers ( Isobutylidene diurea-IBDU and Polymer-coated fertilizer) on the quality and growth of perennial ryegrass was conducted in Northern China. The results indicated that the slow-release fertilizers applied in spring could sustain much longer acceptable and uniform turfgrass quality and biomass of growth compared with urea applied. However, applying slowrelease fertilizers to the perennial ryegrass turf in fall could not produce the imp roving effects on the turf quality. Polymer-coated fertilizer applied in fall showed some what lower trufgrass quality than the ones with urea applied.
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  • The Potential Role of Phospholipase D in Fruit Development and RipeningProcess
  • Yuan Haiying;;Chen Ligeng;He Xinhua;Li Sufang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 933-938.
  • Abstract ( 1473 ) HTML ( 1755 ) PDF (410KB) ( 1755 )    
  • Phospholipase D ( PLD) is the most p revalent enzyme in plant tissues that hydrolyzes phospholipids. PLD p lays important roles in cellular activities concerning from membrane biogenesis and degradation to signal transduction. Based on the authorspwork, this review focuses on PLD-catalyzed pathway of phospholipids in plants, the relationship between PLD and fruit development, senescence-related physiological and biochemical p rocesses by PLD, and gene cloning, expression patterns and protein structure of PLD. The role of PLD in fruit development and ripening was also discussed.
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  • Advances in Researches on Bulb Development of Lilium spp. and Its Physiological Mechanisms
  • Xia Yiping;Huang Chunhui;Zheng Huijun;Gao Xiaochen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 947-953.
  • Abstract ( 1630 ) HTML ( 2142 ) PDF (418KB) ( 2142 )    
  • Based on the characteristics of the bulb scales, the advances in researches on the physiological mechanisms in the process of bulb initiation and development in lily (Lilium spp. ) were reviewed in the paper. We concluded the influences of environmental conditions on the formation and growth of bulblet from scaling or in vitro of various species or cultivars of lily. Regarding the p rospect of further research in lily bulb, the metabolism and accumulation of nutrients, the regulation of endogenous hormone or enzymes activities for bulblet differentiation and bulb development were reviewed as well.
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  • A New Sour Cherry Variety for Processing Use ‘Jilin Red Cherry 1’
  • Lin Baoshan;Huang Sen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 964-964.
  • Abstract ( 1419 ) HTML ( 1021 ) PDF (142KB) ( 1021 )    
  • ‘Jilin Red Cherry 1’, introduced from Canada known as‘Evens’cherry, is characterized with late maturity, strong cold hardiness, and high and stable yield. This sour cherry variety can be grown in areas where frost-free period is over 120 days. During the four years of trials in west-central and eastern regions of Jilin Province, this cherry did not show any signs ofwinter damage without coverage or pest development. The fruit of this cherry variety tastes sour sweet and is excellent for processing use. The production at four-year-old is 5 540 kg/hm2 , 14% higher than the local sour cherry, Kwanzan flowering cherry (Prunus serrulata).
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  • A New Soft-seeded Pomegranate Variety‘Hongyushizi’
  • Zhu Liwu;Zhang Shuiming;Gong Xuemei;Jia Bing;Li Shaowen;Li Yao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 965-965.
  • Abstract ( 1374 ) HTML ( 957 ) PDF (93KB) ( 957 )    
  • ‘Hongyushizi’ is a new variety with full colored peel selected from the mutant of Punica granatum ‘Yushizi’. The average fruit mass, 100-grain mass, soluble solid content and juice content of ‘Hongyushizi’ increased 33.4%, 16.8% , 2.7% and 3.0% respectively in the comparison with that of ‘Yushizi’. The seed hardness of‘Hongyushizi’ is 3.31 kg/ cm2. The soft2seeded variety is productive and had a high resistance to the diseases caused by Iythia versoniana Sau. and Cercospra punicae P. Henm. The fruit of‘Hongyushizi’matures in late Sep-tember in the mid-area in Anhui province.
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  • A New Blueberry Cultivar ‘Beichun’
  • Li Yadong;Wu Lin;Liu Haiguang;Zhang Zhidong;Liu Hongzhang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 966-966.
  • Abstract ( 1196 ) HTML ( 830 ) PDF (142KB) ( 830 )    
  • ‘Beichun’ is a new selected blueberry cultivar introduced from the United States and belongs to the half-high highbush blueberry. It is a mid-early season and be harvested in the mid-July in Changchun.The fruit is round shape with white fruit powder, good flavor and blue color. The average fruitmass is 112 g.The blueberryps cluster is fruiting and tight, excellent resistant to cold and diseases, and is very productive.
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  • A New Eggplant Var iety‘Bingza Yuanqie 1’
  • Liu Guizhi;Du Xiulan;Wang Yuling;Li Yunle;Zhang Cuixiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 968-968.
  • Abstract ( 1457 ) HTML ( 1047 ) PDF (143KB) ( 1047 )    
  • ‘B ingza Yuanqie 1’ is a new eggp lant hybrid with a high yield、mid-early-maturing and better quality, stronger tolerance. It can resistance to many eggplant's disease. The variety has an exuberant vitality, and the fruit is bigger than others and nearly round in shape. Average fruitmass is 646 g. It also has
    a good quality and merchandise. The yield is 7 800 kg/hm2. The variety is suitable for protecting production and open field production.
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  • A New Sweet Corn F1 with Good Quality ‘Jinyinsu 2’
  • He Xiaoming;Chen Qinghua;Xie Dasen;Peng Qingwu;Ye Shaowen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 969-969.
  • Abstract ( 1862 ) HTML ( 851 ) PDF (93KB) ( 851 )    
  • ‘J inyinsu 2’ is an earlymaturity, good quality three-way hybrid of sweet corn developed by crossing ( PY10 ×PB22) as a female parent with UPA2 as a male parent. The hybrid grows strongly with resistance to diseases and lodging. The cylindrical ear is about 350 - 400 g in weight and 20.3 cm in length.The kernels are bi-color, uniform and crisp with 17.39% - 18.68% soluble sugar. The hybrid is suitable for cultivation in south China, and common output amount is 14 - 15 t/hm2.
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  • A New Watermelon ‘Yuyou’
  • Ma Changsheng;;Li Jianwu;Sun Zhongwei;Liang Xinpan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 970-970.
  • Abstract ( 2346 ) HTML ( 966 ) PDF (143KB) ( 966 )    
  • ‘Yuyou’is a new watermelon hybrid p roduced by Forestry and Horticulture College, Henan Agricultural University and Henan Yuyi Seed Company Ltd. . The variety is suitable for planting in greenhouse and open field during sp ring in some areas in China. The life history is about 85 days. The average fruitmass
    is 5 - 6 kg/ fruit, the yield is about 471.3 t/hm2. The fruit is oval in shape with smooth dark-green on its surface. The content of soluble solid material is about 12.0%. The variety tastes very delicious. It is very convenient for store and transport.
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  • New Varieties of Chrysanthemum Potted Varieties with Small Inflorescences
  • Fang Weimin;Chen Fadi;Zhao Hongbo;Guan Zhiyong;Xie Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(5): 971-971.
  • Abstract ( 1221 ) HTML ( 984 ) PDF (610KB) ( 984 )    
  • Six varieties of potted chrysanthemum with small inflorescences blooming in autumn ‘Zhongshan Chengguang’, ‘Zhongshan Hongfeng’, ‘Zhongshan Huangtuogui’, ‘Zhongshan Guohuang’,‘Zhongshan Bailu’, ‘Zhongshan Fenzhuang’were selected from selfed progenies of material 0321125、rm12
    1、0321121、0321328、03 (4) 25、rm2028, respectively. The height of new varieties varies from 25 cm to 40 cm, and the crown is symmetricalwhich diameter is between 45 cm and 60 cm . These varieties are also characterized by strong ramification, flamboyant flower color and strong growth potential. The initial flowering date of new varieties is on the first ten days ofOctober and the blooming date is on the second or the last ten days of October. They are all suitable for the pot culture.
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