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2005, Vol.32, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • The Different Ability of Photosynthesis and Transpiration in Different Canopy Positions of Apple with Open-center System
  • Zhang Xianchuan;Gao Zhaoquan;Shu Xianyu;Wei Qinping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 975-979.
  • Abstract ( 1588 ) HTML ( 1608 ) PDF (335KB) ( 1608 )    
  • It is very important for trimming, fruit bearing, and accurate irrigation with the study of canopy photosynthesis and transpiration dynamic to fruit tree. So that we studied the ‘Fuji’apple (Malus pumila Mill. ‘Red Fuji’) canopy photosynthesis and transpiration rate in different positions from 2002 - 2004 in
    ‘Richuan’orchard ( longitude 116°13′east, latitude 40°13′north) which training as an open-center system. It had been measured of radiation distribution, the diurnal course of stomatal conductance, photosynthesis and
    transpiration rate with random sampling in different positions of canopy. It was found that the radiation flux in exterior was bigger than interior and midst positions, and the ability of photosynthesis of single leaf was so on. The maximal photosynthesis rate of interior, midst positions and exterior leaves were 13.46, 14.69 and 15.98 μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1. The diurnal course of stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, WUE (water use efficiency) had two peaks in clear day. And exterior leaves had bigger fluctuate than other. Transpiration diurnal course had one peak, which was decrease in noon. The photosynthesis rate of interior, midst position and exterior leaves in clear day were 4.53, 6.63 and 6.54 μmol·m-2 ·s-1 , and transpiration rate were 3.36, 4.06 and 4.40 μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1. There were some differences in different positions in canopy of the ability to photosynthesis and transpiration. The value of photosynthesis and WUE in midst position was the most. And the value of transpiration rate in exterior was the most, but interior was the least.
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  • Studies on Photosynthetic Characters of Three Apricot Cultivars Suitable forPlastic Greenhouse
  • Wang Jinzheng;Zhang Anning;Shan Shouming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 980-984.
  • Abstract ( 1354 ) HTML ( 1173 ) PDF (298KB) ( 1173 )    
  • ‘Katy’ is the main apricot ( Prunus armeniaca L. ) cultivar for plastic greenhouse cultivation presently in Shandong province. Other cultivars, such as‘Golden Sun’ and ‘Daguo’, are also used for plastic greenhouse in some places. Present papers tried to evaluate these three ap ricot cultivars by measuring photosynthetic characters in the open field with 3-year-old trees. The results showed that light compensation points were 42, 39 and 46 μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1 , while light saturation pointswere 1 050, 1 452 and 965μmol·
    m- 2 ·s- 1 in Katy, Golden Sun and Daguo, respectively. CO2 compensation point and CO2 saturation point were 60.3, 87.5 and 66.7 μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1 , and 682, 856 and 973 μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1 , respectively, in the three cultivars. Light intensity might reach the light compensation points of Katy and Daguo in plastic green-house. Photosynthetic rate of Katy was as two times as that of Daguo in their light compensation points probably because of a higher requirement of CO2 for Daguo. The normal plastic greenhouse could hardly meet the light requirement of Golden Sun although it showed a high photosynthetic rate in high light condition. It is suggested that Katy is suitable for normal plastic greenhouse in Shandong province while Golden Sun should be suitable for the greenhouse with good light condition.
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  • Influence of Shading on Florescence and Fruit Setting of Armeniaca vulgaris×A. sibirica dur ing Early Spring
  • Bai Gangshuan;Du Sheni;Luo Cong;Yu Guoyong;Kang Zhansheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 985-989.
  • Abstract ( 1550 ) HTML ( 1108 ) PDF (323KB) ( 1108 )    
  • Frost occurs frequently during florescence and fruit setting phase of Armeniaca vulgaris ×A.sibirica in Baiyushan Mountainous area. In order to prevent frost and postpone florescence, single and double sun shade nets were used to shade trees in the early sp ring before florescence. Compared with no shading, illumination intensity in sunny days was reduced by 56.15% and 87.37% respectively, and 51.33% and 72.05% in cloudy days; surface soil temperature reduced by 3.86℃ and 5.42℃, soil temperature in the depth of 30 cm reduced by 1.01℃ and 1.44℃, air temperature reduced by 1.50℃ and 2.40℃espectively; wind speed decreased 50.00% and 66.67% respectively; air relative humidity increased 15.09% and 20.75% respectively; 0 - 100 cm soil gravimetric water content increased 14.88% and 26.95% respectively;
    phenological phase such as florescence, sprouting and others delayed 4 and 5 days, florescence prolonged 1and 2 days, and fruit setting rate increased 7.95 and 10.25 times respectively.
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  • Effects of IAA, GA and ABA on Activities of Related Enzymes of SorbitolMetabolism in Developing Apple Fruit
  • Shan Shouming;Wang Yongzhang;Dong Xiaoying;Liu Chenglian;Yuan Yongbing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 990-993.
  • Abstract ( 1671 ) HTML ( 1540 ) PDF (251KB) ( 1540 )    
  • The regulating effects of IAA, GA and ABA on activities of SDH and SOX were studied in the fruits of‘Starkrimson’ apple through disk incubation technique. The results showed that the activities of SOX had significant negative correlation with the concentrations of IAA, GA and ABA during fruit developmental period. However, the activities of SDH only had significant negative correlation with GA contents. The results also indicated that exogenous IAA and GA highly increased the activities of SOX in apple fruit, especially to the fruit at early developmental period. Moreover, the exogenous ABA showed the highest regulating effects on SOX activity in the fruit at late developmental stage. On the other hand, exogenousABA increased the SDH activity significantly, however, IAA only increased the activities of SDH.
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  • Ascorbate Contents and Activities of Some Antioxidant Enzymes during Senescence of Rosa roxburghii Leaves
  • An Huaming;Chen Ligeng;FanWeiguo;Liu Qinglin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 994-997.
  • Abstract ( 1656 ) HTML ( 1318 ) PDF (241KB) ( 1318 )    
  • Rosa roxburghii Tratt‘Guinong 5’was used to investigate changes in ascorbate content and activities of some antioxidant enzymes in leaves during senescence. The results showed that O·2 generation rate, MDA content and plasma membrane permeability increased, while photosynthetic p igment and ascorbate content, POD and CAT activities decreased, significantly, together with a slow decrease in soluble protein content, with a p rogress in the leaf senescence. The change of O·2 generation rate was correlated significantly and positively withMDA content and p lasma membrane permeability, but significantly and negatively correlated with ascorbate content. The significantly negative correlation between the POD and CAT activities and the plasma membrane permeability suggests that the two enzymes played important roles in alleviating membrane damage caused by senescence.
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  • GC-MS Analysis of Fruit Aroma Components of Organ ic‘Fuji’Apple
  • Wang Xiaodi;Shi Dachuan;Song Ye;Zhai Heng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 998-1002.
  • Abstract ( 1845 ) HTML ( 1351 ) PDF (192KB) ( 1351 )    
  • Volatile components were extracted from the control and organic ‘Fuji’apples (Malus domestica Borkh. ‘Fuji’) , respectively, using HS-SPME (Headspace Solid-Phase Micro-Extractions) method.64 compounds were identified in organic ‘Fuji’ app les while 51 compounds in the control with GC-MS.Meanwhile, the relative contents of main components were higher in organic ‘Fuji’ apple than in the control's. Generally, esteris the main style of aromain ‘Fuji’apples. The main esters were acetic acid, butyl ester, 1-butanol, 2-methyl-, acetate, hexanoic acid, ethyl ester, acetic acid, hexyl ester, butanoic acid, hexyl ester, butanoic acid, 2-methyl-, hexyl ester. The relative contents of the last three esters were higher in organic ‘Fuji’apple than in the controlps. The contents in organic ‘Fuji’apples were 62.51% ,75.1% , 40.57% higher than in the controlps, respectively. The main contents of the alcohol were 12butanol,
    1-butanol, 2-methyl-, ( S ) -, 1-hexanol. But the last component was not in the control‘Fuji’apples, which contributing to the characteristic aroma of‘Fuji’app les. While the contents of aldehyde quite different be2
    tween the control and organic ‘Fuji’app le. The contents of aldehyde were 215 times in organic ‘Fuji’ap2
    p les as controlps. And the formerwasmore than the latter by one compound 〔22hexanal, ( E) 2〕.
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  • SCAR Marker Linked to the Peach/Nectarine in Peach
  • Jiang Lijie;Yang Yingjun;Zhang Xiaoming;Li Wensheng;Zhang Kaichun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1003-1007.
  • Abstract ( 1572 ) HTML ( 1253 ) PDF (592KB) ( 1253 )    
  • RAPD technique was used in screen molecular marker linked to peach/nectarine character (G / g) in 69 F1 hybrids resulting from the intraspecific cross between peach cultivar‘J ingyu’and nectarine cultivar‘Flavortop’. The OPP20 primer resulted in a reproducible bright polymorphic band of 2 258 bp present in the individuals of peach character and peach cultivar‘Jingyu’. The polymorphic band was cloned and sequenced. Four primers were designed based on the sequence to transform into SCAR marker. But primer combination BFP94 /BFP95 amp lified the same-sized band in all individuals resulting in a loss of the original RAPD polymorphism. The RAPD markerwas successfully converted into a SCAR markerwith primer combination BFP96 /BFP98, which was designated SCP2022258. The linkage distance is 718 cM between the SCP2022258 and the peach /nectarine character. The SCAR marker will be useful for marker-assisted selection for peach /nectarine character in peach breeding programs.
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  • In Vitro Tetraploid Induction of Ziziphus jujuba ‘Dongzao’and Z. acidojujuba ( Z. spinosa Hu) with Colchicine
  • Wang Na;Liu Mengjun;Dai Li;Qin Ziyu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1008-1012.
  • Abstract ( 1780 ) HTML ( 1520 ) PDF (480KB) ( 1520 )    
  • In vitro tetraploid induction of ‘Dongzao’ ( Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ) and sour jujube ( Z.acidojujuba C. Y. Cheng et. M. J. Liu) was studied by treating cluster budswith colchicines supp lemented in medium. The results indicated that the highest induction rates of sour jujube and ‘Dongzao ’were 36.67% and 26.67% , respectively, under optimized colchicines treatment combination of 50 mg·L - 1 for 40 d. After separated and subcultured 3 to 4 times, the chimeras were effectively purified and the purified plantlets were proliferated and rooted. The chromosome number of root-tip cells of the purified plantlets was 2n = 4x = 48. The section of paraffin-embeded shoot apices and leaves showed that the tetrap loid leaves were thicker than diploid, the fence tissue and sponge tissue are more up growth, and the cell size of each layer of the tetraploid was larger than that of the dip loid, which p roved that the autotetraploid was obtained. Compared with the diploid, the tetraploid leaves showed bigger, darker and thicker with larger leaf serration and guard cell and
    lower density of stomas. In addition, the induced plantlets showed slower growth, smaller leaf index and shorter internode during the course of induction, which was only a temporary phenomena.
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  • Studies on Fertilization of Hemerocallis citrina Baroni
  • Shen Jiaheng;Shen Ye;Wang Yanjie;Yuan Qiuhong;Yu Chunguang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1013-1020.
  • Abstract ( 1758 ) HTML ( 1281 ) PDF (1918KB) ( 1281 )    
  • Observed the process of fertilization in Hemerocallis citrina Baroni in detail by means of paraffin wax. The main results are as follows: 1. After artificial pollination 1 - 2 hours, pollens germinated at the top of stigma, growing out pollen tube, where only generative cell can get into. 2. Pollen tube prolongs in
    stylar canal for 20 - 22 hours, in concomitant with generative cell dividing into two sperms. 3. Pollen tube prolongs on the surface of axile placenta in locule for 2 - 4 hours. 4. After artificial pollination 26 - 28 hours, pollen tube get into one of synergids, and releases two sperms. 5. It takes 4 - 6 hours to egg-sperm fusion, and then bring out zygocyte. 6. The formation of primary endosperm nucleus results from 2 - 4 hours’egg-secondary nucleus fusion. 7. The duration of the whole fertilization is 29 - 36 hours from pollen germination to the formation of zygocyte. 8. After artificial pollination 39 - 48 hours, zygocyte begins to divide. 9. Discussed the significance of the result of study to genetic breeding and molecular breeding.
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  • The Effect of Temperature and Bud Stage Treatment on ParthenocarpicGene Expression of Eggplant
  • Liu Fuzhong;Lian Yong;Chen Yuhui;Song Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1021-1025.
  • Abstract ( 1676 ) HTML ( 1603 ) PDF (338KB) ( 1603 )    
  • 6 parthenocarpic lines of eggplant were used asmaterial to study the effect of temperature and bud stage treatment on parthenocarpic gene expression of eggplant. As the result shows, the tested material is a kind of temperature-sensitive parthenocarpy and express this characteristic under low temperature. The temperature which induces parthenocarpic gene expression range from 7℃ to 15℃ with fruit setting rate between 88.9% to 100%. Artificial emasculation and to get ride of stigmas during bud stage do not affect normal growth of parthenocarpic fruit. Getting ride of stigmas during bud stage can be used as one of the quick and accurate ways to identify the eggplant parthenocarpy.
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  • Expression of Human Lactoferr in Gene in Transgenic Tomato Plants
  • Cao Huiying;Guo Sandui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1030-1033.
  • Abstract ( 1573 ) HTML ( 1068 ) PDF (370KB) ( 1068 )    
  • The plant expression vector pBI121LF contained artificial synthesized human lactoferrin gene was constructed and introduced into tomato by Agrobacterium -mediated. Twenty-three regenerated plants were obtained through kanamycin-resistant selection. Itwas demonstrated that lf gene had been integrated into tomato genome by PCR and Southern blot analysis. Western blot analysis showed that human lactoferrin had expressed in transgenic tomato fruits. Itmade the basic research for transgenic tomato as healthy food.
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  • Effects of Salicylic Acid and Oxalate on Photosynthetic System and Xanthophyll Cycle in Cucumber Leaves under Photooxidative Stress
  • Sun Yan;Fan Aili;Xu Weijun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1034-1038.
  • Abstract ( 1650 ) HTML ( 1266 ) PDF (242KB) ( 1266 )    
  • Effects of exogenous salicylic acid ( SA) and oxalate (OA) on photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence and xanthophyll cycle in cucumber leaves under photooxidative stress induced bymethyl viologen (MV) were studied. The cucumber leaveswere sp rayed with SA 0.2 mmol·L - 1 and OA 5 mmol·L - 1 solution for 2 days before photooxidative stress by smearing MV 500 μmol·L-1 on leaf surface. The results showed that both SA and OA pretreatment could inhibit the decreases in photosynthetic rate ( Pn) , transp iration rate (Tr) , quantum yield of PSⅡ (ΦPSⅡ) , chlorophyll photochemical quenching ( qP) and the increases in intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) , chlorophyll non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and (A + Z) / (V +A + Z) ( the de-epoxidation extent of xanthophyll cycle) caused by photooxidative stress, but had little effect on stomatal conductance (Gs) and intrinsic photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ ( Fv/Fm). The decreases in xanthophyll cycle pool size, chlorophyll and carotenoid contents caused by photooxidative stress were also inhibited by SA and OA pretreatment. These results suggested that both SA and OA has the protective role against the damage of photosynthetic system during photooxidative stress.
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  • Interspecific Hybridization between Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis andBrassica spinescens via Asymmetric Somatic Protoplast Fusion
  • Yao Xingwei;Liu Fan;Yun Xingfu;Zhao Hong;Ryschka U;Schumann G
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1039-1044.
  • Abstract ( 1420 ) HTML ( 1107 ) PDF (482KB) ( 1107 )    
  • Asymmetric protoplast fusion between Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis and B. spinescens was taken for transferring of wild resistant traits into B. oleracea. B. spinescens possesses desirable characteristics such as high photosynthetic efficiency, resistance to the white rust ( caused by Albugo candida) , aphid
    and alternaria blights ( caused by Alternaria brassicae) and tolerance to salt. PEG ( polyethyleneglycol) induced asymmetric fusions were performed between mesophyll p rotop lasts of B. spinescens irradiated with UV and hypocotyl protoplasts of B. oleracea L. var. botrytis, and 379 regenerated plants were obtained. Peroxidase isozyme ( POX) analysis was taken in 120 plants, and 23 of them showed hybrid characters that were confirmed by the RAPD marker detection. The relative nuclearDNA content of the hybridsmeasured by flow
    cytometry ( FCM) showed that all of the 23 analyzed plants had a DNA content from tetraploidy to octoploidy. Influence of UV doses had been tested, and results showed that the maximum UV dose for B. spinescens was 0.0750 J·cm- 2.
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  • Effects of Nitrogen and Sulphur Application on the Growth and NutritionalQuality of Leaf Mustard
  • Li Juan;Zhu Zhujun;Qian Qiongqiu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1045-1050.
  • Abstract ( 1505 ) HTML ( 1181 ) PDF (178KB) ( 1181 )    
  • Effects of nitrogen and sulphur treatmentswith four levels of nitrogen (10.3, 100, 200 and 300 kg·hm- 2 ) and two levels of sulphur (0 and 50 kg·hm- 2 ) on the growth and nutritional quality in two cultivars of leaf mustard (Brassica juncea, ‘Xuelihong’and ‘Baobao Qingcai’) were studied. The results showed that increasing nitrogen application increased the shoot height, shoot fresh mass, yield, and the contents of chlorophyll, β-carotene, free amino acids, total N and S in shoots of both cultivars of leaf mustard and the nitrate content in ‘Xuelihong’, but decreased the dry matter content and the soluble sugar content in both cultivars. The soluble protein content in two cultivars of leaf mustard was significantly increased when the low dose of nitrogen ( < 100 kg·hm- 2 ) was applied. The nitrate content in ‘Baobao Qingcai’was not significantly influenced by increasing applied nitrogen when KCl ( non-sulphur) was applied, however significantly increased when K2SO4 ( sulphur) was applied. Sulphur application significantly promoted the soluble protein content in ‘Xuelihong’, the nitrate content in ‘Baobao Qingcai’and the shoot S content in both cultivars of leaf mustard, but did not affect other tested indexes in leaf mustard.
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  • Eradication of CymMv from Tissue Cultures of Cymbidium sinense with Chemotherapy
  • Jiang Ling;Zhang Mingtao;Chen Zexiong;Ma Guohua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1056-1060.
  • Abstract ( 1682 ) HTML ( 1341 ) PDF (394KB) ( 1341 )    
  • Meristem-tip of protocorms of Cymbidium sinense was employed to study eradication of CymMv by combining tissue culture and chemotherapy. Meristem-tip of protocorms about 1 - 2 mm in length were excised and immersed separately with 0, 20 and 40 mg·L - 1 of antiviral agent, ribavirin for 15 mins, followed by the sub-culture, the regenerated plantlets were achieved. Above materials were determined for virus infection by RT-PCR assay. Experiment indicated that RNA of virus-infected samples were determined and the amplified 767 bp specific fragments of CymMv could be visibled clearly in agarose gel electrophoresis, and no product appeared in the health control; only 72.9% of the plantlets obtained merely by meristem of protocorms culture were virus-free, while the percentage was 100% for plantlets regenerated from meristem of protocorms, ever treated by 20 mg·L - 1 of ribavirin, though the chemical injured tissue to certain extents, which were still recovered, efficient proliferation of adventitious buds were achieved, and plantlets were regenerated subsequently after 5 - 6 months. When treated with 40 mg·L - 1 of ribavirin following above-mentioned method, meristem of protocorms became transparent and browned, and the cell vigor could not be recovered.
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  • Wu Jilin;Li Yonghua;Ye Qingsheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1061-1064.
  • Abstract ( 1389 ) HTML ( 1281 ) PDF (212KB) ( 1281 )    
  • The photosynthetic characteristics of leaves in Chorisia speciosa were studied. The results were as follow: The light saturated point and compensate point of leaves of Chorisia speciosa were about 1 600 and 35μmol·m- 2 · s- 1 respectively, while the apparent quantum efficiency was 0.0263; The CO2 saturatedpoint and compensate pointwere about 1 000 and 59μmol·mol- 1 respectively, while the carboxying efficiency was 0.0622; The optimal temperature of photosynthesis ability was 24 - 28℃; The diurnal variation of net photosynthetic rate of leaves in sunny days exhibited bimodal curve, with a lower value of the second peak than that of the first peak, whereas, a bimodal curve of the seasonal variation of Pn was observed; Pn had a significantly positive relationship with stomata conductance and a positive relationship with transp iration rate and photosynthetic active radiation, but a obvious negative relationship with intercellular CO2 concentration. The relationship between Pn and air temperature was indefinite.
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  • High Efficiency of in Vitro Micropropagation and Regeneration for Ground Cover Rose ‘Royal Bassino’
  • Zhang Changqing;Hong Bo;Wang Haiqin;Gao Junping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1065-1069.
  • Abstract ( 1735 ) HTML ( 1551 ) PDF (394KB) ( 1551 )    
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate in vitro microp ropagation and regeneration of petiole, leaf disk and internodal segments in ground cover rose (Rosa hybrida L. ) ‘Royal Bassino’. The results showed that using axillary as explants, the optimum induction medium with 100% of shoots rate was basal
    MS supplemented with 6-BA 1.5 mg/L and IBA 0.1 mg/L; and the highest shoot proliferation rate of 6.3 timeswas obtained on the medium of MS + 6-BA 0.5 mg/L + IBA 0.05 mg/L; and 1/2MS with IBA 0.01 mg/L was the optimum shoot rooting medium with 92% rooting. After 7 d of acclimation, the plantlets were
    transplanted to a greenhouse, and 99% survivals were obtained. Using petiole as explants for regeneration culture, derived either from loose callus or through organogenesis, the rate of adventitious buds was reached to 57.1% through following procedures: dark-induced initially for 10 d on the medium of MS + thidiazuron ( TDZ) 7μmol/L, then cultured on the medium of MS + 6-BA 0.5 mg/L for about 20 d under photoperiod of 16 /8 h. However, no successful regenerations of adventitious buds were observed in the culture using leaf
    disks and internodal segments.
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  • Absorption and Partition of Different Nitrogen Forms in Strawberry
  • Zhang Qing;Peng Futian;Jiang Yuanmao;Peng Yong;Zhou Peng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1070-1072.
  • Abstract ( 1518 ) HTML ( 1387 ) PDF (387KB) ( 1387 )    
  • The technique of stable isotope 15N trace was used to study the absorption and partition to different nitrogen forms in strawberry fruit ripe stage using‘Guinugan’ ( Fragaria grandiflora Ehrh. ) as materials. Results indicated that underwater culture condition, the rank of 15N utilization rate was (NH4 )2SO4 >
    Gly >Ca (NO3)2 >L-Glu, and 15Nutilization rate of NH+4-N and Gly-N was increased when they were mixed with NO-3-N; When the leaf was labeled , the rank of 15N utilization rate was Urea > Gly >L-Glu. The competition ability to Ca (NO3)2 of fruit was lower than that of leaf , but concerning to (NH4)2SO4, Gly and L-Glu it was higher.
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  • Effects of Temperature on Anthocyanin Synthesis of Postharvest Plum Fruit
  • Zhang Xueying;Zhang Shanglong;Qin Yonghua;Li Shicheng;Ye Zhengwen;Luo Jun;Jia Huijuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1073-1076.
  • Abstract ( 2011 ) HTML ( 1275 ) PDF (206KB) ( 1275 )    
  • The paper describes the effects of different temperatures on anthocyanin synthesis and physiological changes in postharvest fruit of Prunus salicina Lindl. ‘Dashi Zaosheng’and ‘Black Ambar’. The results showed that anthocyanin synthesis of postharvest plum fruitwas closely correlated with temperature. At
    0℃, anthocyanin synthesis slowly increased as compared to rap id increase at 20℃. Cyanin-3-glucoside content increased within 10 days while yanin-3-rutinside decreased at 8th day in Dashi Zaosheng peels. Both anthocyanins increased within 8 days, especially cyanin-3-glucoside, but decreased after eight days in Black Ambar peels at 20℃. No significance was observed in sugar and malic acid contents and pH changes at 0℃.However, at 20℃, malic acid and sugars contents especially fructose and sorbitol were significantly decreased as compared to increasing of pH. Those changes were related to anthocyanin synthesis.
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  • In Vitro Rescue Culture of Zygotic Embryo of ‘Mopanshi’Persimmon
  • Hu Huiling;Zhang Hui;Li Bao;Leng Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1077-1079.
  • Abstract ( 1339 ) HTML ( 1109 ) PDF (404KB) ( 1109 )    
  • The zygotic embryos, obtained from crossing between Chinese persimmon ‘Mopanshi’ (Diospyros kaki Thunb. ‘Mopanshi’) and Japanese cultivar‘Nishimura Wase’, were rescued under in vitro conditions. The effect of nitrogen (N) concentration in MS medium, and the effects of sucrose, 6-BA and
    IBA concentrations on the rates of sprouting and lateral rooting and plantlet formation were investigated using Orthogonal design at 3 levels. The results showed that sucrose concentration was the most effective factor, then, followed by IBA and 6-BA in these four factors. The concentrations of N in MS medium exhibited no considerable effect to rates of sprouting and lateral rooting and plantlet formation, but showing prominent effect to leaf color. This study also demonstrated that the optimum medium for embryo rescue was MS basal medium containing 3 /4N + 6-BA 0.1 mg·L - 1 + IBA 0.02 mg·L - 1 + sucrose 50 g·L - 1.
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  • Leaf Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Pears with Different Genotypes
  • Liu Cuiqiong;Tang Haoru;Luo Ya
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1080-1083.
  • Abstract ( 1321 ) HTML ( 368 ) PDF (0KB) ( 368 )    
  • Taking leaves from the vitro cuttings of Pyrus communis L. ‘Bartlett’, P. pyrifolia Nak.‘Shenbuzhi’and P. bretschneideri Rhed. ‘Zaosu’as explants, the adventitious bud were induced, propagated, and rooted. The effects of basic media, plant growth regulators and their concentration, AgNO3 with
    different concentration and the ratios of the nitrate: ammonium on adventitious bud regeneration were studied.The results showed that the best bud regeneration medium from leaves of‘Bartlett’wasMS + TDZ 0.5 mg/L+ IBA 0.1 mg/L. The bud regeneration rate of ‘Shenbuzhi’ and ‘Zaosu’ respectively from leaves was reached 89.6% and 81.2% , with an average regeneration buds of 3.45 and 3.73 on QL + TDZ 1.0 mg/L +NAA 0.1 mg/L after three weeks dark pretreatment. The bud regeneration frequency of‘Shenbuzhi’from
    leaves was enhanced on medium containing AgNO3 0.1 - 4.0 mg/L, 1∶2 - 7 of the nitrate: ammonium with K+ 21.50 mmol/L, while inhibited without nitrate; The subculture medium for in vitro proliferation of three cultivars was MS +BA 1.0 mg/L + IBA 0.1 mg/L; The rooting rate in varying degrees was obtained in the media of MS, 1 /4MS supplemented with IBA at 1.0 - 2.5 mg/L and sucrose at 5 - 15 g/L and AC ( actived charcoal) at 0.5 - 1.0 g/L.
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  • Establishment of High Frequently Regeneration System from Leaves of‘Xueqing’Pear
  • Tang Shaohu;Sun Min;Zhou Qigui;Long Yun;Li Daogao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1084-1087.
  • Abstract ( 1330 ) HTML ( 1263 ) PDF (376KB) ( 1263 )    
  • Leaves excised from one-year old shoots of‘Xueqing’pear ( Pyrus sp. ) were used asmaterials to induce adventitious shoots on MS medium supplied with different combinations of p lant growth regulators, 8 g·L-1 agar and 30 g·L-1 sucrose, pH = 5.8 in a growth chamber set at a 14 h photoperiod, a 2 000
    lx photosynthetic density and a (25 ±1) ℃ temperature. 100% of the leaf explants dedifferentiated onMS + 2,4-D 2 mg·L - 1 + 6-BA 0.5 mg·L-1 and calli increased 12.05 times in a 30-day subculture period. All the calli could regenerate adventitious shoots after transferred on MS + 6-BA 5 mg·L-1 + IAA 0.1 mg·L - 1 and the shoots proliferated about 7 times in every subculture during one to six subcultures on MS + 6-BA 2 mg·L - 1 + IAA 0.1 mg·L - 1 +CH 100 mg·L - 1. 67.50% of shoots rooted on 1 /2MS + IBA 2 mg·L - 1 + 6-BA 0.5 mg·L - 1 +AC 500 mg·L - 1. Of 68 plantlets, 46 plantlets (67.65% ) were acclimatized after transplanting to matrix pearlite for 30 days.
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  • Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Jackfruit Germplasm Grown in Leizhou Peninsula, China, Using RAPD Marking Method
  • Ye Chunhai;Li Yingzhi;Feng Feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1088-1091.
  • Abstract ( 1680 ) HTML ( 1422 ) PDF (478KB) ( 1422 )    
  • RAPD ( random amplified polymorphic DNA) variation was assessed in 65 accessions of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. ) from Leizhou peninsula, southern China. Among 78 bands detected by 16 RAPD p rimers, 69 were polymorphic. The cluster analysis showed that three group s could be clustered
    when genetic distance coefficient was given as 0.26. In contrast to high diversity among morphology characters, high average genetic similarity coefficient was observed (0.7431) on RAPD markers. Soft type and firm type could not form an independent cluster, nor the germplasm introduced from Malaysian species. The classification methods and the introduction strategy of jackfruit germplasm were discussed.
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  • Studies on Enhancing of Plantlet Regeneration in Isolated-microspore Culture of Chinese Cabbage
  • Han Yang;Ye Xueling;Feng Hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1092-1094.
  • Abstract ( 1520 ) HTML ( 1318 ) PDF (242KB) ( 1318 )    
  • During the microspore embryogenesis of Chinese Cabbage, the embryo development was not synchronism and cotyledonary embryos was the highest ( 80% ). The better embryos develop, the yield of higher plantlet regeneration rate is. And the regenerated plant rate of cotyledonary embryos and germinated embryos were 20% and 90.5% respectively. Dry culture medium was favor of regenerating plantlet, optimum agar content was 1.2%. Culture medium supplemented with activated charcoal 200 mg·L - 1 could evidently
    raise regenerated plant rate, which was as 2.225 times as control (without activated charcoal). Transferring mature cotyledonary embryos to the regenerating culture medium in time was essential to increasing plantlet regeneration rate.
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  • Identification and Characterization of a Cucumber Alien Translocation LineCT201 Possessing Resistance to Downy Mildew
  • Cao Qinghe;Chen Jinfeng;Qian Chuntao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1098-1101.
  • Abstract ( 1738 ) HTML ( 1280 ) PDF (331KB) ( 1280 )    
  • Cultivated cucumber‘Beijing Jietou’ (Cucumis sativus L. , 2n = 14) was backcrossed to the synthetic amphidiploid species C. hytivus (2n = 38) , and the progenies were selfed. All the plants were tested for downy mildew resistance by field inoculation. One plant HH12825 possessing resistance was identified in the BC1 F2 population. The HH12825 was compared with the cucumber and the wild Cucum is species C. hystrix in morphology and cytology. The result indicated that some of its morphological characters were intermediate between the two parents, e.g. , leaf area, internodeps length, and fruit length ×diameter, while some of them were closer to the wild species, e.g. , number of lateral branches, fruit spines color. In cytology, observations from meiotic process indicated much higher frequencies of multivalents (56% ±8%) atmetaphase I and chromosome lagging rate (72% ±5%) at anaphaseⅠ in the pollen mother cell ( PMC) , indicating typical behavior of a translocation plant. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was carried out with the genomic DNAs of HH12825. Two p rimers E219: ACGGCGTATG and A I220: CCTGTTCCCT from 40 random primers selected could amplify a special repeatable DNA sequence from C. hystrix in the plant and thus its translocation nature was confirmed, and its was named as CT201, thereafter.
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  • Research on New Antagonistic Prote in L37 against Fusarium oxysporum
  • Zheng Aiping;Yan Min;Li Ping;Tan Furong;Zheng Xiuli;Li Zhuang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1102-1104.
  • Abstract ( 1426 ) HTML ( 1157 ) PDF (210KB) ( 1157 )    
  • Bacillus subtilis inhibiting cucumberwither pathogen was screened from soil. After fermenting, 15 kD antagonistic protein named L37 was got through DEAE-fibrin, Sephadex G-100 chomatography, which proved purified completely through SDS-PAGE. It was probably a new type of antagonistic p rotein against
    pathogen by the sequence on the amino N-terminal testing, which could make the normal hypha of pathogen distort, split and inhibit. The control effect could reach 90% against cucumberwither pathogen and improved the yield in field controlling test by fermenting products.
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  • Preliminary Studies on Early Genomic Changes of a Synthetic Allotetraploidin Cucumis
  • Chen Longzheng;Lou Qunfeng;Joseph N. Wolukau;Chen Jinfeng;Geng Hong;Luo Xiangdong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1105-1107.
  • Abstract ( 1456 ) HTML ( 1304 ) PDF (122KB) ( 1304 )    
  • AFLP analysis was carried out in amplification of the DNAs from different generations of the synthetic allotetraploid (Cucumis ×hytivus, Chen and Kirkbride, 2n = 38) , the interspecific F1 , and its diploid parents. The results indicated that extensive genomic changes occurred in the synthetic allotetraploid, and the variation rate was as high as 22.2%. We found the genomic changes started in the F1 and the highest variation rate observed in S2. Most genomic changes involved the loss of parental fragments, formation of novel fragments, with some fragments disappearing in one generation and reappearing in others. In addition, it was observed that some parent-specific bands were inherited preferentially from the male parent.
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  • Studies of Somatic Embryo via Cotyledon Induction in Cucumis melon L.'Hetao’
  • Han Hongyan;Li Lianguo;Jia Yuchen;Zhang Qingmei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1108-1110.
  • Abstract ( 1522 ) HTML ( 1143 ) PDF (304KB) ( 1143 )    
  • The main factors of somatic embryo on Cucumis melon L.‘Hetao’from cotyledon explants were studied and embryogenesis was observed. The results indicate that the highest regeneration was occurred on MS medium containing 60 g/L sugar and supp lemented with 2.0 mg/L 2,4-D and 1.0 mg/L 6-BA. Daily cotyledon explants were cultured one week in darkness, followed by another week photoperiod before transfering to embryos development medium, produced more mature embryos. Somatic embryos were formed from the inside or the surface of callus, the surface of explant, adventitious root and meristem of explant vascular.
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  • Changes of the Activities of Enzymes Related to Antioxidation in Cut PeonyFlowers during Low Temperature Storage
  • Liu Yali;Wang Ronghua;Li Jingchun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1114-1117.
  • Abstract ( 1423 ) HTML ( 1214 ) PDF (186KB) ( 1214 )    
  • Here reports the changes of the activity of enzymes related to antioxidation in cut peony flowers‘Zixiaxian’and ‘Zhushalei’at two degrees centigrade in the storage in this research. Results showed that changes of protein content, MDA content, the plasma membrane permeability, SOD activity and CAT activity were similar to both the ‘Zixiaxian’ and‘Zhushalei’. Although the vase life of peony flowers was shorten during storage but protein content in petal decreased and MDA content and the plasma membrane permeability increased. Meanwhile SOD and CAT activity in petal were up and then down with the storage time prolong. Zixiaxianps opened flower percentage, from full opening to wilting and some activity of enzymes related to antioxidation were higher than‘Zhushalei’. These results demonstrated that the activities of resisting senescence and storage of‘Zixiaxian’were higher than ‘Zhushalei’.
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  • Effects of Paclobutrazol on Thermotolerance of Perennial Ryegrass
  • Ma Boying;Xu Ligen;Jin Songheng;Li Xueqin;Guo Dongming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1118-1120.
  • Abstract ( 1514 ) HTML ( 1062 ) PDF (116KB) ( 1062 )    
  • The influence of paclobutrazol (PP333 ) on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. ) under heat stress was examined. The results showed that the plant height were significantly decreased after the seeds were treated with PP333. The decline of soluble protein content in perennial ryegrass leaves treated with PP333 was delayed in relation with the reduction of cellmembrane permeability, while the activity of SOD and the proline accumulation were increased, which indicated that the active oxygen species have been scavenged efficiently.
    These results suggested that the damage of high temperature on perennial ryegrass could be alleviated by PP333.
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  • Studies on Relationship between Species, Cultivars of Cymbidium Using RAPD
  • Sun Caiyun;Zhang Mingyong;Ye Xiulin;Liang Chengye;Xia Kuaifei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1121-1124.
  • Abstract ( 1592 ) HTML ( 1348 ) PDF (355KB) ( 1348 )    
  • Cymbidium is a genus with very important values of horticulture. In the present study genetic closeness of various species of Cymbidium was determined using RAPD. A total of 250 amplified bands was gotten from all PCR reactions by 12 selected primers, and their band size was from 200 bp to 2 100 bp. Except of the 850 bp band amplified from S143 primer, all other amp lified bands were diversity locus, and most of the bands were located between 1 030 bp and 300 bp. The UPGMA dendrogram showed some congruence with the previous ITS phylogeny, which revealed the paraphyly of subgen. Cyperorchis, and high polyphyly of subgen. Cymbidium. The subgroups within each subgenus revealed by the RAPD were, however, correspond to the traditional taxonomy based on gross morphology. This study also shows higher genetic diversity of C. goeringii, being cultived for long history, than other Cymbidium species.
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  • Callus Induction and Plant Regenera tion from Stem Segment of Bougainvilleaglabra Choisy
  • Gong Wei;Hu Tingxing;Gong Yuanbo;Xiong Qing'e;Wang Jingyan;Zhang Jian;Li Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1125-1128.
  • Abstract ( 1705 ) HTML ( 1227 ) PDF (339KB) ( 1227 )    
  • This papermainly dealt with the studies on callus induction and plant regeneration from stem segment of Bougainvillea glabra Choisy. The results showed that MS medium supplemented with BA 3.0 mg·L-1 + 2,4-D 0.2 mg· L - 1 +NAA 0.1 mg·L - 1 was best for callus induction in which the induction rate and differentiation rate of callus were 78.2% and 25.6% , respectively. Two types of shoots were observed: the first type of shootswas directly induced from the bottom of stem segment, the second type of shoots differentiated from the callus induced at the bottom of stem segment. MS medium containing BA 2.0 mg·L-1 +NAA 0.1 mg·L-1 was best for clump shoots induction in which the ratio of multiplication was 5.4, while BA and 2,4-D increased to 3.0 mg·L-1 and 0.5 - 1.0 mg·L - 1 respectively would result in leaf variation of regenerated plants. MS medium containing BA 0.2 mg·L - 1 + GA3 0.5 mg·L-1 +NAA 0.1 mg·L - 1 gave best result for efficient seedling culture. MS medium containing NAA 3.0 mg·L - 1 was best for root induction where the rate of rooting was 88.3%.
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  • Effects of Gibberellin and Rooting Powder on the Forcing Culture of Paeonialactiflora ‘Da Fugui’
  • Cheng Fangyun;Zhang Wenjuan;Yu Xiaonan;Chai Xinli;Yu Ruiqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1129-1132.
  • Abstract ( 2530 ) HTML ( 1309 ) PDF (286KB) ( 1309 )    
  • Three-year-old plants of Paeonia lactiflora ‘Da Fugui’were potted after being sprayed with the different concentration combinations of gibberellin (GA3 ) and rooting power (ABT) solution on Nov. 5 of 2003, kept in the shade until forced in a greenhouse on Feb. 5, 2004, and flowered during Ap r. 2 - 22. The results showed that the combination of GA3 and ABT (1) Promoted the sprouting of flower buds uniformly, of which 150 mg/L GA3 made the plants finishing sprouting in 2 - 3 days thatwasmuch less than 8 days in the control; (2) Significantly promoted flowering thatwas earlier about 10 days than in the control, but inflorescence of the population was prolonged one-fold with dispersed flowering; ( 3) Flowering rate was increased 20% and the highest was 93% in the treatment using 150 mg/L GA3 alone, but the quality of cut-flower was totally better in 100 mg/L GA3 ; (4) ABT promoted new-root formation and growth and had a positive effect in improving cut-flower quality. The treatment of combinated 100 mg/L GA3 and 100 mg/L ABT had better comprehensive result for forcing culture.
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  • Studies on Infection Processes of Colle totrichum gloeosporioides and Activitiesof Chitinase and β-1, 3-glucanase in Leaves of Cymbidium sinense
  • Wang Liguo;Li Ling;Fan Dongyu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1133-1135.
  • Abstract ( 1471 ) HTML ( 1100 ) PDF (110KB) ( 1100 )    
  • The infection processes of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and activities of chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase in leaves of Cymbidium sinense were studied after inoculating C. gloeosporioides. The results showed that the stomatic cavities in the epicuticula of leaves of C. sinense were infected by the hyphae of C. gloeosporioides at 12 h after inoculation. Both of the primary and secondary hyphae of C. g loeosporioides extended and developed in the intercellular spaces of mesophyll tissues in 36 - 60 h after inoculation. The cytoplasms were
    infected at 84 h, and disintegrated partly. The activities of chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase increased inoculated with C. gloeosporioide. Both enzymes activities reached the highest level at 84 h. Therefore, the results suggest the importance of hyphae successfully infecting intercellular spaces and cytoplasm of mesophyll tissues in leaves of C. sinense as the occurrences of active peaks of chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase.
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  • Advances in Worldwide C itrus Breeding
  • Deng Xiuxin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1140-1146.
  • Abstract ( 1665 ) HTML ( 2727 ) PDF (370KB) ( 2727 )    
  • The variety trend of fresh citrus fruit is easy peeling, seedless, strong flavour and aromatic.More than one hundred new cultivars have been released in the world in the past 30 years via bud sport selection, cross and other breeding channels. The new cultivars from the bud sport mainly belong to three types,
    i. e. Satsuma mandarin, navel orange and Clementine mandarin. They formed group of cultivars respectively with 4 - 6 months long harvesting time. Crossing breeding has led to more than 70 cultivars ( strains) , however, they shared mainly a few parents such as the mono2embryonic Clementine mandarin, cytoplasmic male sterile Satsuma mandarin and Dancy red tangerine. Newly released rootstocks are mainly hybrids of trifoliate orange and sour tangerine both originated from China. Comparatively, the breeding work for processing purpose is slower than that for fresh fruit. Biotechnology, especially embryo rescue, and protoplast fusion etc. have greatly promoted the citrus breeding.
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  • A New Apple Variety ‘Hongxiangcui’
  • Li Bingzhi;Zhang Linsen;Luan Dongzhen;Han Mingyu;An Guiyang;Cao Ru;Wang Huanlao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1155-1155.
  • Abstract ( 1435 ) HTML ( 879 ) PDF (124KB) ( 879 )    
  • ‘Hongxiangcui’, a new mid2late ripening apple variety, was selected from ‘Royal Gala’ בSplendour’clones introduced from New Zealand. The multiple spots regional trial and test showed that it has excellent characteristics such as strong adaptability, high yield, good storability, good quality and palatable sweet favor and aroma.
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  • A New Late-ripening and Good Quality Peach Variety ‘Meishuai’
  • Jia Yunyun;Ma Zhisheng;Chen Tixian;Sun Yuzhu;Chen Jiangyu;Ma Wenhui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1157-1157.
  • Abstract ( 1476 ) HTML ( 978 ) PDF (93KB) ( 978 )    
  • ‘Meishuai’peach was released from a cross of‘Okubo’and ‘90-1’ (Bayuecui ×Jingyu). The fruit is round. The attractive red blush covers 60% - 80% of the skin surface. The average fruit mass is 275 g. The soluble solid content is 12.6%. The flesh iswhite, firm, sweet, and freestone with a good eating quality. The fruit ripen in mid-August with a very high productivity. It can be grown in north China, northwest China and middle China.
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  • A New Yellow-flesh Peach Variety ‘Jinqiu’
  • Tian Jianbao;Chen Shuangjian;Li An'gen;Wang Mingyuan;Cheng Enming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1158-1158.
  • Abstract ( 1614 ) HTML ( 857 ) PDF (1062KB) ( 857 )    
  • ‘J inqiu’peach is a hybrid from the cross of‘Yangquan’ בMingxing’. It is vigorous. Its fruit is big in size with yellow-flesh and bright red superficiality. Its average mass is 186.7 g , and the maximum is 487.0 g. Its flesh is fine and with strong aroma. Its canning products are excellent in quality, and very pretty golden in color. It ripens in the middle of September in Shanxi. It is suitable for both fresh consuming and canning process.
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  • A New Pomelo Variety ‘Chuhongyou’
  • Xu Xianghua;Lan Yunlong;Wu Jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1159-1159.
  • Abstract ( 1784 ) HTML ( 1037 ) PDF (90KB) ( 1037 )    
  • ‘Chuhongyou’ is a new pomelo variety selected from the seed cultivated pomelo, which represented as a beautiful appearance and easy to peel. The sarcocarp is crimson, less seeds and high edible rate. The fruit is soft and crisp, abundant juice, no residue, with sweet-sour and great flavor. It ripens in the
    late September, with strong resistence to adversity, high and stable yield.
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  • A New Watermelon ‘Moxiu’
  • Ma Changsheng;Sun Zhongwei;Hu Xilai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1163-1163.
  • Abstract ( 1281 ) HTML ( 916 ) PDF (74KB) ( 916 )    
  • ‘Moxiu’ is a watermelon hybrid p roduced by Forestry and Horticulture College, Henan Agricultural University and Henan Yuyi Seed Company Ltd. The variety is suitable for planting in open field in some areas in China. The life history is about 105 days. The average fruit mass is about 8 kg, the yield is
    more than 45 t/hm2. The fruit is oval in shape with white powder on its dark surface. The content of soluble solid material is about 11.5%. The variety tastes very delicious. It is resistant to diseases and very convenient
    for store and transport.
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  • A New Chinese Cabbage ‘Zaoxinbai’
  • Mu Jingui;Wang Mingqiu;Liu Xuemin;Liu Xiaodong;Wang Yuhai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1164-1164.
  • Abstract ( 1472 ) HTML ( 861 ) PDF (974KB) ( 861 )    
  • ‘Zaoxinbai’ is a new F1 cross-breed of Chinese cabbage. It was cultivated through hybridize two self-incompatibles‘Fanxinbai’and ‘AD’. Its maturation characters is only 58 days, stature is 45 cm, leaf length is 40 cm, and leaf width is 25 cm. When it become mauture, it looks like a lotus flower with lasting storage and nice taste. Each netmass is 2 kg. The yield of the cultivar is 75 000 - 90 000 kg/hm2. Its disease resistance is excellent and it can be cultivated all over the country.
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  • New Varieties of Chrysanthemum———Ground Cover Varieties
  • Chen Fadi;Fang Weimin;Zhao Hongbo;Guan Zhiyong;Xu Gaojuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(6): 1167-1157.
  • Abstract ( 2166 ) HTML ( 1119 ) PDF (830KB) ( 1119 )    
  • Seven ground cover varieties of chrysanthemum ‘Qixiannü’,‘Qiuyi ‘Yumantang ’,‘Tianzhuiyulu’,‘J inhehuan’,‘Hengxing’and ‘Feitian’were bred by methods of radiation on self-pollinated seeds of‘Ziwan’and‘Zifen’. The height of new varieties varies from 40 to 50 cm respectively, and the crown is large and symmetrical. These varieties are also characterized by strong ramification, flamboyant flower color, strong growth potential and groveling growth. Leaf color is viridian in vegetative phase. The initial flowering date of new varieties is on the last days of October and the blooming date is on the first ten days of November.
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