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2005, Vol.32, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Studies on Leaf Photosynthesis of Young Pear Trees with Various Cultivars
  • Wang Liangju;Jiang Weibing;Gao Guanglin;Han Haozhang;Kuang Yiling;Liang Shengqin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 571-577.
  • Abstract ( 1545 ) HTML ( 1412 ) PDF (379KB) ( 1412 )    
  • The net photosynthetic rates ( Pn) of young pear ( Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) trees were determined under field condition with a CIRAS-1 portable photosynthesis system in the late of May and the early of October, respectively. The results showed that Pn of most leaves in the middle of shoots were rather high and
    stable, while that in the base or top were low. Among 19 cultivars, the highest Pn, 13.13 μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1 , was found in‘Zhongli 1’, and the lowest in‘Akitsuge’, only 8.08 μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1 , and the others were the medium between them. The analysis of factors that affected leaf photosynthesis showed that leaf Pn was not dependent on shoot length directly, but on their growth situation. Pn of the leaves on a growing long shoot were significantly higher than that on a terminated middle or short shoot. The Pn when the upper surface of leaves was irradiated were significantly higher than that when the lower surface of leaves was irradiated. The Pn of young healthy leaves about 50-day-age on autumn shoots were significantly higher than that of older leaves about 150-day-age on sp ring shoots. The Pn determined in the morning were higher than that in the afternoon. The theoretical calculation showed that light compensation point of leaf photosynthesis of pear was 59.40μmol ·m- 2 ·s- 1 , apparent quantum efficiency 0.038, dark respiration 2.25μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1 , CO2 compensation point 42.17μmol·mol- 1 , the lowest leaf temperature 13.77℃, the optimum leaf temperature 26.86℃, the highest leaf temperature 39.96℃, the optimum atmospheric relative humidity 26.50% , and the highest 84.23%.
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  • A Study of Calcium Accumulation and Distribution in the Pericarp of LitchiCultivars Differing in Cracking Resistance
  • Huang Xuming;Yuan Weiqun;Wang Huicong;Li Jianguo;;Luo Shi;Yin Jinhua;Huang Huibai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 578-583.
  • Abstract ( 1410 ) HTML ( 1345 ) PDF (1200KB) ( 1345 )    
  • Changes in the micro-distribution of calcium in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn. ) pericarp ( fruit skin) were compared using electron probe ( X-ray despersive spectrometer ) between ‘Huaizhi’ and‘Nuomici’, which differ significantly in cracking susceptibility. The results showed that cracking-resistant ‘Huaizhi’has a stronger ability to accumulate calcium than the susceptible ‘Nuomici’. Before spongy tissue was visible 〔10 days after anthesis (DAA) 〕, calcium had accumulated at the site of spongy tissue formation, which formed calcium-rich zones in the inner mesocarp. These calcium-rich zones largely disappeared as the spongy tissue was formed (52 - 66 DAA) , with endocarp becoming“calcium rich”, indicating intercellular re-localization of calcium occurred within the pericarp. At later stages of fruit development (66 and 80 DAA) , calcium accumulated abundantly in the ep idermis cells, which formed a calcium-rich layer in both cultivars.However, the lowest calcium region was localized in the sclerenchyma tissue immediately beneath the ep idermis. The paper also discussed the interrelation between difference in calcium accumulation ability within the two cultivars and their seed development aswell as the roles of calcium in various parts in mechanical properties of the pericarp.
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  • Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on the Content of Phenolics in SweetCherry Dormant Flower Buds and Dormancy
  • Wei Hairong;Gao Dongsheng;Li Xianli
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 584-588.
  • Abstract ( 2065 ) HTML ( 1843 ) PDF (264KB) ( 1843 )    
  • The experiment was conducted with 7-year-old ‘Hongdeng’ and‘Zaohongbaoshi’ sweetcherry (Prunus avium L. ) trees, and effects of p lant growth regulators on the content of phenolics and relate enzymes activity and rate of germination were analyzed and studied. Results showed that the effects of different plant growth regulators were different: ABA p romoted the accumulation of phenolics 6-BA and GA3 postponed the accumulation of phenolics in the primary stage; In the middle stage, ABA kep t the content of phenolics high while 6-BA and GA3 promoted the content of phenolics peak then it dropped; In the last period, ABA postponed the drop of the phenolics content, 6-BA and GA3 were contrary to ABA. The effect of CA3 was better than that of ABA. ABA made PAL activity raise, and dropped the PPO activity; 6-BA and GA3 made PAL dropped but raised the PPO activity. Effects of different plant growth regulators on the germination rate were different in different periods of dormancy. In the primary stage, 6-BA and GA3 on the rate of germination were not obvious; In the middle stage, 6-BA and GA3 can break dormancy and made the rate of germination more than 50%; In the last period, effects of 6-BA and GA3 were similar to the middle of stage. In the whole period of dormancy, ABA made the rate of germination lowerd and inhibited the dormancy-release.
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  • Effects of Nitric Oxide on Senescence of Strawberry
  • Zhu Shuhua;Zhou Jie;;Shu Huairui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 589-593.
  • Abstract ( 1357 ) HTML ( 1277 ) PDF (204KB) ( 1277 )    
  • Using sodium nitrop russide as a nitric oxide (NO) donor, the effect of different concentration of SNP treatment on the activities of the softening enzymes of the post-harvest strawberry (‘Fengxiang’) was investigated. The results showed that in the fruits treated by 5μmol·L - 1 SNP aqueous solution, the activity of CAT could be obviously increased and those of PME, cellulase PPO and LOX could be significantly inhibited. However, exo-PG activity was hardly changed. This further opened out the mechanism that p roper concentration of NO could inhibit senescence of fruits by the way of effecting the activities of softening enzymes and p roved NO took on dual biological effects on senescence of fruits.
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  • Creation of Triploid Citrus Plants by Crossing Elite Allotetraploid SomaticHybrid Pollen Parents with Diploid Cultivars
  • Song Jiankun;Guo Wenwu;Yi Hualin;Liu Jihong;Chen Chunli;Deng Xiuxin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 594-598.
  • Abstract ( 2009 ) HTML ( 1932 ) PDF (354KB) ( 1932 )    
  • To generate seedless triploidswith horticulturally acceptable fruit, interploidy crosses between elite allotetraploid somatic hybrids and several diploid cultivars were conducted in 2001 and 2002. Tetraploid somatic hybrids such as NS ( Tangelo + Sweet orange) , NH (Tangelo +HB pummelo) , SH ( Sweet orange + HB pummelo) , VM (Valencia orange + Tangor) , HD ( Sweet orange + Tangerine) were selected as male parents, and dip loid cultivars i1e. Shatian pummelo, Huanong Bendizao tangerine, Zhongqiu Satsuma, HB pummelo, Guoqing 4 satsuma were used as female parents. By embryo rescue technique, a total of 244 triploid and 10 tetrap loid p lantswere verified by flow cytometry analysis and chromosome counting from 10 crosses in 2001 and 2002. Out of these triploids, 147 were from the cross of Shatian pummelo as the female parent. So far, 172 trip loid and 4 tetrapliod plants have been transplanted and survived in greenhouse and field.
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  • Degradation of Pollen RNA in Japanese Pear Style in Vitro
  • Xu Yiliu;Zhang Shaoling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 599-603.
  • Abstract ( 1311 ) HTML ( 962 ) PDF (326KB) ( 962 )    
  • The RNAs were isolated from styles that were self- and cross-pollinated with 32 P-labelled pollens in vivo. Than radioactivity of pollinated style RNA was determined with a liquid scintillation counter, and agarose gel electrophoresis was used to test the degradation of RNA from pollinated styles. Results were
    that the content of pollen 32 P-RNA in self-pollinated style RNA is 40.7% - 25.3% that of pollen 32 P-RNA in cross-pollinated style RNA after pollination 12 - 48 h, and that pollen intact RNA in self-pollinated style was specifically decreased. This indicated that pollen RNA in self-pollinated style was specifically degraded.
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  • The RAPD and SSR Analysis of ‘Cabernet Shelongzhu’and Other Wine Grape Cultivars
  • Yao Yuxin;Zuo Fangmei;Zhai Heng;Liu Laixin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 604-608.
  • Abstract ( 1527 ) HTML ( 1325 ) PDF (395KB) ( 1325 )    
  • ‘Cabernet Shelongzhu’ is an important grape cultivar in China used for wine. However, its genetic origin is not clear yet. In this study, depending on the RAPD (Random Amp lification Polymorphism DNA) analysis with 36 primers, 14 wine grape cultivars were classified into four groups by UPGMA ( unweighted pair group method using arithmetic average) cluster analysis. Four cultivars of them, i. e. Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Shelongzhu, Cabernet Franc and Merlot, belonged to the same group. The SSR ( Simple Sequence Repeat) analysis further indicated that they were four independent cultivars. Also, the results from SSR analysis showed that three phenotypes of‘Cabernet Shelongzhu’ sampled from different regions were genetically distinct with Euclidean distances ranging from 1.41 to 1.73, which were much smaller than those among distinct cultivars. Comparingwith other cultivars, the phenotype of Cabernet Shelongzhu from Beigou at Penglai was the closest to Cabernet Franc with the Euclidean distance of 2.45, and followed by Changli and
    Yantai with the Euclidean distances of 2.56 and 2.64, respectively. The historical origin of the cultivar ‘Cabernet Shelongzhu’was investigated and discussed.
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  • Effects of NaCl Stress on Activities of Protective Enzymes, Contents of Osmotic Adjustment Substances and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Grafted Tomato Seedlings
  • Chen Shufang;Zhu Yuelin;Liu Youliang;Li Shijun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 609-613.
  • Abstract ( 1479 ) HTML ( 1639 ) PDF (290KB) ( 1639 )    
  • Comparison of the activities of protective enzymes, contents of osmotic adjustment substances and photosynthetic characteristics was made between grafted and self-root tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. ) seedlings under NaCl stress. The results showed that activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) , peroxidase ( POD) , ascorbate2specific peroxidase (APX) and content of ascorbic acid (AsA) in leaves of grafted seedlings were significantly higher than those of self-root seedlings. Malondiadehyde (MDA) content in leaves of grafted seedlings was significantly lower than that of self-root seedlings. The contents of free proline, soluble sugar and soluble protein in the leaves of grafted seedlings were significantly higher than those of self-root seedlings. Photosynthesis was inhibited under NaCl stress, but the performance of the grafted seedlings was superior to that of self-root seedlings. The Na+/ K+ value in the roots of grafted seedlings was significantly lower than that of self-root seedlings. Base on these results, it could be concluded that the resistance to NaCl stress of grafted tomato seedlings was stronger than that of self-root seedlings.
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  • Effects of Daytime Sub-high Temperature on Photosynthesis and ChloroplastUltrastructure of Tomato Leaves in Greenhouse
  • Zhang Jie;Li Tianlai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 614-619.
  • Abstract ( 1575 ) HTML ( 2172 ) PDF (526KB) ( 2172 )    
  • Tomato plants were dealed with 35℃ sub-high temperature in greenhouse from the first bud of tomato effloresced to 30 days after florescence. The results showed that under the condition of sub2high temperature, the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal limitation of photosynthesis and the content of chlorophyll of tomato leaves decreased. Ultrastructure of chlorop last was changed. The numbers of stoma increased obviously, and the opening degree of stoma was much larger than the control at 25℃. The envelope of chloroplast was partially injured, the number of grana decreased, and the thylakoids of grana was loose. The number of oil body increased while the starch grain decreased first then increased. Effects of 35℃ sub-high temperature on the photosynthesis of tomato leaveswere independent of stoma factors.
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  • Effect of 1-MCP Treatment on L e2ETR4 Expression of Harvested Tomato Fruit at Different Maturation Stages
  • Wei Shaochong;;Li Xian;Chen Kunsong;Xu Zhihao;Luo Yunbo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 620-623.
  • Abstract ( 1467 ) HTML ( 1250 ) PDF (530KB) ( 1250 )    
  • Effects of 1-MCP on expression of ethylene receptor Le2ETR4 and ethylene production rate in harvested cherry tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum ) fruit at different maturation stages were investigated in this study. 1-MCP treatment reduced Le2ETR4 expression and ethylene production rate of turning fruit, and inhibited the Le2ETR4 expression of green mature and pink fruit at 20℃. However, 1-MCP treatment had no significant influence on ethylene production rate of green mature and pink fruit at 20℃. Furthermore, 1-MCP treatment accelerated ethylene production rate but had no obvious effect on the Le2ETR4 expression in red ripe fruit.

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  • Effect of Environmental Factors on Unsteady-state Photosynthesis in Greenhouse Aubergine
  • Gao Zhikui;Gao Rongfu;He Junping;Wang Mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 624-627.
  • Abstract ( 1428 ) HTML ( 1240 ) PDF (204KB) ( 1240 )    
  • Transient photosynthesis was measured by C IRAS-2 of PP SystemsLtd. at automatic recording with an interval of 2 s, and unsteady-state photosynthesis was found in greenhouse aubergine. By combining the transient measurement at the step treatment on photosynthetic available radiation ( PAR) and ambient
    CO2 concentration Ca in greenhouse with regression and correlation analysis of transient photosynthesis course, it was found that effects of intercellular CO2 concentration Ci and Ca on unsteady-state photosynthesis were the
    strongest, followingswere stomatal conductance Gs, transp iration rate E and PAR, and T1 and RH the least. At the same time, there was significant negative correlation at the P0.01 or P0.05 level between Ci and net photosynthetic rate Pn, but no correlation between Gs and Pn.
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  • Effects of Spd and MGBG on Endogenous Polyamine Levels and Prote inProfiles in Ovary and Its Relationship with Parthenocarpy of Cucumber
  • Chen Xuehao;Yu Jie;Xu Qiang;Guo Shaogui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 632-637.
  • Abstract ( 1693 ) HTML ( 1100 ) PDF (503KB) ( 1100 )    
  • The effect of spermidine and polyamine biosynthetical inhibitor-MGBG on endogenous polyamine contents and p rotein p rofiles of ovary and its correlation with cucumber parthenocarpy and ovary development were studied using parthenocarpic line EP26 and non-parthenocarp ic line ZR-2 treatedwith exogenous spermidine andMGBG. The resultswere as follows: the exogenous app lications of Spd at 1 mmol/L at 2 days before anthesis could significantly increase endogenous Spd, Spm and Put levels in the non-pollinated ovaries of ZR-2 at 2 days after anthesis, and the increasing in fruit length and fresh fruitmass could also be observed, which resulted in parthenocarp ic ovary ( young fruit) growth in the line ZR-2 when non-pollinated. However, the contents of Spd and Spm in the ovary of EP26, treated withMGBG, were decreased dramatically, while the content of Put was increased. The growth of fruit length and fresh fruit mass was inhibited, which led to ovary wither.
    The results suggested that both Spd and Spm promote cucumber parthenocarpy and ovary (young fruit) growth. We also studied changes of specific protein profiles during ovary /young fruit development treated with exogenous Spd on ZR-2 andMGBG on EP26. The results showed that specific proteins of 88 kD, 82 kD, 55 kD and 37 kD were identified in the ovary/young fruit of ZR-2 with exogenous Spd application. Application of polyamine
    biosynthesis inhibitorMGBG on EP26 ovary could induce the biosynthesis of specific proteins of 47 kD and 25 kD, but lead to the disappearance of the proteins of 85 kD, 45 kD and 10 kD. Those results indicated that exogenous application of Spd and MGBG might stimulate ovary/young fruit growth and induce parthenocarpy by regulating endogenous Spd and Spm levels and inducing the synthesis of some specific proteins.
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  • Studies on Genetic Diversity with a Molecular Marker SRAP of WatermelonHybrids
  • Li Yan;Zhang Chunqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 643-647.
  • Abstract ( 1476 ) HTML ( 1508 ) PDF (321KB) ( 1508 )    
  • Study on genetic diversity of watermelon could benefit the research of cultivar property right p rotecting, seed purity testing, and genetic breeding. A new molecularmarker system-SRAP ( Sequence-Related Amplified Polymorphism) was firstly app lied on 20 watermelon hybrids genetic diversity research. 20
    primer pairs selected from 25 amplified 135 polymorphic bandswith an average of 71.1 polymorphic bands per primer pair. Cluster analysis using UPGMA method based on the data of SRAP amplified bands by 20 primer pairs showed 20 hybrids could be distinguished into three main groups. Jaccard's similarity coefficient ranged from 0.29 - 0.86.
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  • Effects of Nitrogen Forms on Content and Distribution of Nitrate and Oxalate Forms in Spinach Plants
  • Zhang Yingpeng;Lin Xianyong;Zhang Yongsong;Du Shaoting
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 648-652.
  • Abstract ( 1403 ) HTML ( 1649 ) PDF (508KB) ( 1649 )    
  • A hydroponic experiment was carried out to study effects of different ammonium /nitrate ratios on content and distribution of nitrate and oxalate in sp inach. The results showed that biomass increased with increased ammonium p roportion firstly, then decreased obviously and sp inach had the highest biomass as ammonium /nitrate ratioswere 25 /75 and 50 /50. Nitrate content of different tissues decreased markedlywith ammonium proportion increasing. Total oxalate and soluble oxalate content of leaf decreased obviously in response to elevating ammonium proportion, while oxalate content of petiole and lateral root was the lowest as ammonium /nitrate ratio was 50 /50, oxalate content of tap root decreased with increasing ammonium proportion, too. Distribution of oxalate in different tissues of spinach was uneven, and decreased in the following order: leaf >tap root > petiole > lateral root, and oxalate content of leafwas far higher than that of other tissues. Soluble oxalate was predominant form of oxalate in spinach, which occupied up to more than 69% of total oxalate in the other treatments except that soluble oxalate constituted 38% of total oxalate in leaves as ammonium is sole nitrogen resource. Therefore, ammonium /nitrate ratios of 25 /75 and 50 /50 are benefit for growth of spinach and can reduce soluble oxalate and total oxalate content in sp inach.
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  • Studies on Spore Propagation of Pteris cretica ‘Albo-lineata’
  • Xu Yan;;Shi Lei;Liu Yan;Li Dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 658-662.
  • Abstract ( 1577 ) HTML ( 1332 ) PDF (377KB) ( 1332 )    
  • The spore sterile culture and routine propagation of Pteris cretica ‘Albo-lineata’were studied respectively. The results showed that the spore germination was of the Vittaria2type while the gametophyte development was of the Ceratop teris2type. The maximum germination rate was obtained in 1 /2MS medium, which reached 82.3%; the medium with sucrose concentration being less than 2% was appropriate for spore germination; the highest rate of gametophyte to sporophyte was achieved in MS medium, which reached
    53.4%; the transplant survival rate of sporophyte in vitro reached above 80%. The mixed soil ( the turf and the sand blend in the volume ratio of 1 to 1) was the optimal growing medium for spore routine propagation, in which the rate of gametophyte to the sporophyte was up to 89.2%. When the first cotyledon of the sporophyte seedling grew to 1 - 2 cm, the sporophyte seedlings should be rep lanted in the growing medium which was composed of turf, vermiculite, sand and organic fertilizers. The highest survival rate reached 98.1%. The
    young gametophyte seedlings of 10 cm height had already possessed ornamental values.
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  • Supplemental Nitrogen Effects on Growth, Nutrient Content and Quality of Aloe vera Seedlings under Salt Stress
  • Ning Jianfeng;Zheng Qingsong;Liu Zhaopu;Shao Jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 663-668.
  • Abstract ( 1578 ) HTML ( 1314 ) PDF (339KB) ( 1314 )    
  • The plant growth reduced in salinity by inhibition in nitrogen, phosphate, potassium up take, but little study of supplemental nitrogen effects with plant was available. Plant growth and the contents of several nutrient ingredients which included nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, free amino acids, soluble sugar,soluble protein and total anthraquinone in leaves of Aloe vera seedlings by 200 mmol·L -1 NaCl stresswith different concentrations of NH4NO3 were studied. The results showed that the plant dry mass was increased with the application of NH4NO3 (3.75 - 18.75 mmol·L - 1 ) under salt stress, i. e. supplemented nitrogen promoted salt tolerace of Aloe vera seedlings. Increased with nitrogen level, content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, free amino acids, soluble sugar, soluble p rotein and total anthraquinone in leaves were increased obviously and reached the maximum value at 11.25 - 15 mmol·L - 1 NH4 NO3 level while the excessive NH4NO3 application ( 18.75 mmol·L-1 ) led to the negative effect. It appeared distinct difference among different-site leaves for the content of nutritional ingredients. Content of total P, thraquinone and soluble protein in the upper leaveswere higher and the same with soluble sugar in mid leaves, total N in down leaves. Nitrogen, phosphate, potassium increase in Aloe vera leaves with supplemental NH4NO3 in salinity played an important role in maintaining ion homeostasis, nutrient content and cell potential, while free amino acids, soluble sugar and soluble protein was significant organ osmoticas in plant responsing to salt stress. In some extent, high salt tolerance of Aloe vera was improved by supp lemental N was main caused by the enhancement of N, P, K, free amino acids, soluble sugar and soluble protein content in leaves.
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  • Effects of Withering with Different Light Intensities on Aromatic Constituents of Dancong Tea
  • Wang Dengliang;Zhang Lingzhi;Mao Minghui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 669-672.
  • Abstract ( 1457 ) HTML ( 1516 ) PDF (248KB) ( 1516 )    
  • Five different light intensities were employed in the withering process of Dancong tea. The analysis results of aromatic constituents with GC-MS are as follows: The fresh leaves withered by different light intensities resulted in different qualities of semi-made teas in terms of aromatic constituents. While the wave-length of the light was ≥ 520 nm, the light intensities 13 725 - 16 774 lx, withered the tea for 30 min, the corresponding semi2made tea had many sorts of aroma substances, contained β-Ionone and Ionone emitting unique sweet aroma of flower and smelled good and had better quality.
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  • Effect of Bagging and Bag-removing Techniques on Fruit Microenvironmentsin Apples
  • Zhang Jianguang;Sun Jianshe;Liu Yufang;Larry Schrader
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 673-676.
  • Abstract ( 1466 ) HTML ( 1285 ) PDF (186KB) ( 1285 )    
  • A study on the pattern ofmicroenvironmental changes of bagged fruits is beneficial to optimizing bagging techniques. In the present experiment, the effect of bagging techniques on the fruitmicroenvironments inside the bags was examined by using advanced apparatus to monitor both temperature and relative humidity. The results indicated that, bagging techniques and external environmental factors could affect fruit surface temperatures and its microenvironment to different extents. Moreover, there existed a significant difference in temperatures between bagged and exposed fruits at different timeswhen bags were removed in a day. In addition, a certain effect of differentmethods of disclosing bagswas found on fruit surface temperatures and separate removal of bags seemed to be more favorable to light acclimation.
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  • Changes of Pollen Germination Rate and Endogenous Hormones during Single Flower Opening of Chinese Jujube
  • Wang Jiurui;Liu Mengjun;Liang Haiyong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 677-680.
  • Abstract ( 1375 ) HTML ( 1235 ) PDF (168KB) ( 1235 )    
  • The changes of pollen germination rate ( PGR) and endogenous hormones during single flower opening of Chinese jujube ( Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ) were studied using two cultivars‘Dongzao’and ‘Hunan Jidanzao’. The results showed that the PGR of Chinese jujube changed significantly during single flower opening. The PGR reached its highest at the stage of sepal flat in‘Hunan Jidanzao’and at the begining stage of opening in‘Dongzao’. PGR of‘Dongzao’kep t lower than 3% duringwhole flower season. High level ethylene, low level GA3 and Z during single flower opening were related to very low PGR in‘Dongzao’. In view of its severely low PGR, high fertility of embryo, aswell as high quality for fresh consuming, ‘Dongzao’could be used as a desirable female parent in the cross breeding of Chinese jujube.
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  • Application of AFLP Markers for Identification of Hybrids from Open Pollinated Dongzao (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. ) Progenies
  • Lu Jinying;Mao Yongmin;Shen Lianying;Peng Shiqi;Liu Min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 680-684.
  • Abstract ( 1546 ) HTML ( 1175 ) PDF (313KB) ( 1175 )    
  • The 65 open-pollinated ‘Dongzao’ ( Zizyphus jujuba Mill. ) progenies were detected with AFLP technique. Twelve pairs of primers which amplified distinct and polymorphic segments were selected from 81 pairs of EcoRⅠand MseⅠ primers. Then twelve pairs of primers were used in the AFLP analysis. Altogether 517 bands were p roduced among which 376 bands were polymorphic ones with the percentage of polymorphism being 72.7%. Ten markers were present only in ‘Jinsi Xiaozao’. Thirty-four hybrids from
    ‘Dongzao’בJinsi Xiaozao’were identificated. Seven markers were present only in ‘Jianzao’. Fifteen hybrids from ‘Dongzao’בJ ianzao’were identificated. Sixteen plants were not confirmed.
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  • Identification of Large Fruit and Sweet Osmanthus Flavour Sport from‘Shixia’Longan Using RAPD Marker
  • Xiao Xuan;Sun Min;Wang Xinyan;Qiao Aimin;Jiang Bo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 684-687.
  • Abstract ( 1452 ) HTML ( 1083 ) PDF (499KB) ( 1083 )    
  • Genetic DNAs from ‘Shixia’ longan (Dimocarpus longana Lour. ) and its sport line which could generate larger fruits containing sweet osmanthus flavour were amplified by RAPD with 160 10 bp single and mixed random primers to study the genetic substance change of the sport. Six single and fourmixed primers were screened which could produce stable polymorphic segments between the two clones. 13 out of the total 99 fragments amp lified were distinctive including the loss of a normal segment and appearance of a new one.The polymorphic fragments amplified were S71-560, S161-813, Z70-800, etc. The difference of amplified DNA segments showed that the large fruit and sweet osmanthus mutant was closely related to changes of some genetic substances in the sport line. Further studying also showed that the genotype of the sport could be inherited stablely by way of asexual propagation. The polymorphic segments could be used to forecast the fruit characters of the grafted seedlings from the sport scion.
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  • Effects of NAA and IBA on Biochemical Metabolize and Rooting of Cherry's Stock (Prunus pseudocerasus Colt)
  • Wang Guanlin;Wu Haidong;Su Dongxia;Na Jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 691-694.
  • Abstract ( 1605 ) HTML ( 1451 ) PDF (369KB) ( 1451 )    
  • Abstract: The rooting and physiological biochemistry metabolize changes were studied during rooting of the softwood and plantlets in tissue of cherry's stock by treating of growth regulator NAA and IBA with water control. It was showed that the rooting rates and metabolize indexes of the cutting can be imp roved remarkably during the cutting rooting: When the softwood cutting soaked respectively with 100 mg/L NAA and IBA, the rooting rate 88.3% and 85% of them were obtained. The plantlets could rooting in out-tube after soaking with
    100 mg/L NAA, rooting rates in this condition was 8611%; During the primordium formation the soluble sugars, chlorophyll and nucleic acid were increased sharply while the soluble protein were decreased, but it is contrary for the contents of soluble sugar and soluble protein in the course of adventitious root formation, then the soluble sugar gradually increased by assimilated nutriment and leaves photosynthesis in the stage of adventitious root elongation. The results illustrated that the growth regulator promoted rooting by regulating the contents of interior substances of cutting which related with rooting.
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  • Identification of the Double Trisomic and Its Primary Trisomics in Cabbage
  • Zhu Haiyan;Zhang Chenghe;Shen Shuxing;Wang Dongping;Guo Lijuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 695-697.
  • Abstract ( 1549 ) HTML ( 1209 ) PDF (264KB) ( 1209 )    
  • An aneuploid plant with 2n + 2 = 20 chromosomes was obtained from progenies of 3 ×2x in cabbage. By meiosis observation and karyotype analysis, the aneuploid plant was showed a double trisomics with extra chromosomes No.1 and No.4 which come from this double trisomics, the primary trisomic-1 and primary trisomic-4 were obtained. The two primary trisomics were obviously different in plant hight and anthesis. The transfer rate of n + 1 female gameteswas 8.89% in trisomic21 and 11.54% in trisomic-4.
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  • Studies on the Difference of Nitrate Accumulations of Different Varieties ofChinese Cabbage
  • Tao Zhengping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 698-700.
  • Abstract ( 1218 ) HTML ( 913 ) PDF (217KB) ( 913 )    
  • 17 Chinese cabbage varieties were cultivated in high density nitrogen solution to analyze the nitrate content of different varieties of different periods. The result showed that the difference of content of nitrate reached extremely remarkable between different varieties, the highest and the the most low one differ by more than two times. The nitrate reductase activity and the nitrate content reached evidently negative correlation, but there were also such varieties exist that the nitrate content was lower and the nitrate reductase activity was also lower. Through analysiswe can draw a conclusion that it can be cultivated through breeding way for the varietieswith lower quantity of nitrate accumulations.
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  • Strategies in Establishing Effective Regeneration System of Chinese Cabbage
  • Wang Yang;Cui Jizhe;Li Cuiling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 701-703.
  • Abstract ( 1274 ) HTML ( 1404 ) PDF (220KB) ( 1404 )    
  • This study evaluated shoot organogenic potential of 14 genotypes of Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis) , the regeneration frequency varied significantly. The genotype which had maximum shoot regeneration was chosen for investigating the op timum concentration of 6-BA or TDZ on shoot
    regeneration. The maximum frequency of shoot regeneration was obtained respectively in the mediums: MS + 6-BA 5 mg/L +NAA 0.5 mg/L +AgNO3 2 mg/L and MS + TDZ 0.1 mg/L + 6-BA 5 mg/L +NAA 0.5 mg/L +AgNO3 2 mg/L + ABA 0.25 mg/L, and the highest frequency of shoot regeneration ( 90.6%) was
    achieved on the latter medium. In this research, The determine factors influencing shoot regeneration and strategies to establish efficient regeneration system of Chinese cabbage are discussed.
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  • Studies on the Effect of Fulvic Acid (FC) on Toma to Seedling Physiological Changes and Hormone Level during Storage and Shipment
  • Ning Wei;Ge Xiaoguang;Li Tianlai;Bao Tong;Zhang Heran
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 704-706.
  • Abstract ( 1382 ) HTML ( 962 ) PDF (292KB) ( 962 )    
  • In this study, tomato seedlings raised in plug trays by the soilless method were used as a test material. Results of the simulation test and indoor measurements and analyses showed that seedlings, after being treated with a 0.04% fulvic acid solution by the folial spray method, in the 3 - 6 d storage and shipment period excelled significantly the untreated check in quality. In the same time, changes occurred accordingly in the physiology and endogenous hormones of the seedlings, with the differences all reaching the significance
    level. Treating seedlings with fulvic acid could alleviate and retard to a certain extent the “stressive decay”of seedlings, hence maintaining the good quality of seedlings during storage and shipment.
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  • A Study of Dicyandiam ide Effect on the Accumulation of Nitrate in Soilless cultured Brassica campestris
  • Huang Xingfa;Gu Minghua;Li Xiaofeng;Tang Xinlian;Long Minghua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 716-718.
  • Abstract ( 1480 ) HTML ( 936 ) PDF (265KB) ( 936 )    
  • The effect of dicyandiamide (DCD) on the accumulation of nitrate in Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis var. utilis Tsen. et Lee. was investigated in the present study. The results indicated that DCD, which was applied at 20 d before harvest of the vegetable, had a significant effect on lowering the
    amount of NO 3--N and enhancing the level of NH4+-N in the substrate. Consequently, DCD supp ressed excessive accumulation of nitrate in the vegetable, while yield of the vegetable was not affected by the app lication of
    DCD, suggesting that the decrease of nitrate accumulation in vegetable treated with DCD was resulted from the inhibition of nitrification and the reduction of nitrate absorption.
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  • Studies on the Characteristics of the Growth and Development of Petuniahybrida ‘Fantasy Pink’under Two Kinds of Photoper iod
  • Hu Huirong;Liu Yahong;Hu Xiaolong;Bao Manzhu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 719-721.
  • Abstract ( 1740 ) HTML ( 1088 ) PDF (216KB) ( 1088 )    
  • The first flowering time, changes of p lant height, crown diameter, branch number, and flower number of Petunia hybrida ‘Fantasy Pink’cultivated separately in long days and short days were recorded. Seedlings of petunia ‘Fantasy Pink’were transferred from short days to long days upon reaching 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 leaf stages respectively, the time from transfer to first floweringwere measured. It is concluded that petunia ‘Fantasy Pink’ tends to have an up right habit under long days and a compact habit under
    short days; petunia ‘Fantasy Pink’ is a quantitative long day plant; it should be more vegetatively developed before flowering under short days; and the end of the juvenile phase of petunia ‘Fantasy Pink’ is 8-leaf stage. Primary suggestion was p resented that petunia ‘Fantasy Pink’planted under short days before 8-leaf stage to be compacted in morphology, and then under long days to be fast in flowering.
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  • Changes of Antioxidant Enzymes, Ethylene Production and Polyamines inBougainvillea glabra
  • Liu Jianxin;Zhao Guolin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 722-724.
  • Abstract ( 1558 ) HTML ( 1174 ) PDF (225KB) ( 1174 )    
  • Changes of contents of soluble p rotein, free amino acid, O·2 and malondialdehyde (MDA) ,activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD) , catalase (CAT) , and peroxidase ( POD) , ethylene production and polyamines contents in bract of two varieties of B ouga invillea glabra were investigated during senescence. The results showed that with the flower opening and senescence, the contents of soluble p rotein, free amino acid and polyamines, the activities of SOD, CAT and POD in B ougainvillea glabra bract were increased first and later decreased, free amino acid contents increased continually and decreased at lasting phase, O·2 generation rate and MDA contents had an ascend tendency and ethylene production changed according to climacteric character. The bract senescence of Bougainvillea glabra Choisy was the same with Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd approximately.
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  • Propagation with Etiolated Softwood Cuttings of Five Dwarf Cultivars ofChinese Tree Peony
  • Zeng Duanxiang;;Yin Weilun;Wang Yuhua;Zhao Xiaoqing;Wang Huafang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 725-728.
  • Abstract ( 1756 ) HTML ( 1333 ) PDF (390KB) ( 1333 )    
  • This paper is of propagation of etiolated softwood cuttings from five cultivars of dwarf Chinese tree peony, ‘Yinfen Jinlin’, ‘Lantianyu’, ‘Jinyu Jiaozhang’, ‘Xiaohuhong’, and ‘Shiyuanbai’, respectively. As the results, rooting rates of five cultivars mentioned above are 91.0% , 80.9% , 78.6% ,40.6% , 20.0% , respectively. The etiolated softwood cuttings with 4 - 6 cm length and 0.5 cm thicker in diameterwere taken in the middle of October, emerged their bases in the rooting promoter solution, IBA 100 mg/L or‘ABT 2’150 mg/L for 16 h at 20 - 25 ℃, inserted into the cutting bed of vermiculate with particle of 3 - 4 mm in diameter. The highest rooting rate of 93% was achieved for the cultivar‘Yinfen Jinlin’. Adventitious roots occurred were strong and young plants grew well after transp lanted them into pots.
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  • Influences on Seed Forma tion of Different Hybrid Combinations in Cut Flower Lilies by Four Pollination Techniques
  • Luo Fengxia;Nian Yuxin;Sun Xiaomei;Li Zhihui;Wang Xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 729-731.
  • Abstract ( 1290 ) HTML ( 290 ) PDF (0KB) ( 290 )    
  • In this experiment, 11 cultivars of cut flower lilies were employed as experimental materials to study the effects of pollination method on seed formation. Conventional pollination, pollination after the treatments of 0.1% BA, pollen culture solution ( sucrose 100 g·L - 1 + H3BO3 20 mg·L - 1 + CaCl2 10 mg·L - 1 ) , 3% salt solution were carried on in two different flower growth periods. Results showed that parental combination and flower growth period have a great effect on seed formation. Pollination after the treatment of pollen culture solution has considerable facilitation on seed formation, bypassed interspecific crossing barriers in a combination of Asiatic hybrids. Pollination after treatments of BA and salt solution can promote seed formation in some parental combination, but inhibit seed formation in others.
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  • Studies of Antibrowning in the Tissue Culture of Phalaenopsis
  • Liu Zhenhua;;Ge Hong;Guo Shaoxia;Liu Hongtao;Cao Canjing;Zhou Yujie;Li Qiuxiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 732-734.
  • Abstract ( 1809 ) HTML ( 1648 ) PDF (218KB) ( 1648 )    
  • In order to control the browning of tissue culture on Phalaenopsis, the contrast test of adsorbent: activated charcoal, PVP, and five antioxidants: citric acid, cysteine, glutathione, vitamin C, sodium thiosulfate in tissue culture of Phalaenopsis were studied. The results showed that activated charcoal can control browning and promote growth. But at the same time, it was adverse to the differentiation. Although the glutathione, which the effect of antibrowning was not as good as activated charcoal's, its resultant effect was the best one.
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  • Tissue Culture of Altemanthera ficoidea ‘Ruliginosa’Leaf Explants and ItsPlantlet Regeneration
  • Quan Hong;Shi Heping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 735-737.
  • Abstract ( 1446 ) HTML ( 911 ) PDF (248KB) ( 911 )    
  • An efficient regeneration protocol was developed through shoot regeneration from leaf exp lants of A ltem anthera f icoidea ‘Ruliginosa’. The results showed that light green calli could be formed from all the leaf explants of cultured in vitro for 20 days onMS medium containing 6-BA 1.0 mg/L, 4-PU 〔N-phenyl-N’-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl) urea 〕1.0 mg/L and NAA 0.1mg/L. Adventitious shoots in purp le could be developed from the calli at the frequency of 45.31% on MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/L 6-BA and 0.4 mg/L NAA. About 6% of the regenerated variants buds with green leaf-colour and tiny leaves were also observed to form on the same medium. Adventitious purple shoots could be rooted and formed regenerated plants on 1 /2MS medium supplemented with 0.4 mg/L NAA. The survival rates of regenerated plants were more than 85%.
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  • Primary Study on in Vitro Culture and Micropropagation of Sweet Osmanthus
  • Song Huifang;Ge Hong;Zhou Yuan;Wang Caiyun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 738-740.
  • Abstract ( 1650 ) HTML ( 1185 ) PDF (289KB) ( 1185 )    
  • Using the embryo, stem-segment of new shoots as the exp lants, in vitro culture and high frequency propagation of sweet osmanthus were studied. The results showed that the optimizing media for various stages were as follows: (1) Initial medium for embryo: MS +BA 1.00 mg·L - 1 + 3% sucrose; (2) Initial
    medium of stem-segment for new shoots: LMc + KT 8.00 mg·L - 1 +NAA 0.10 mg·L - 1 + 3% sucrose; (3) Clump shoot regeneration medium: LMc + TDZ 0.50 mg·L - 1 +NAA 0.10 mg·L - 1 + 3% sucrose; ( 4) Rooting medium: 1 /2MS +NAA 2.00 mg·L - 1 + 3% sucrose. Using humus soil as culture substrate, the
    survival percentage of plantlets could reach 80%.
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  • Advances in the Biotechnology of Dendrobium Orchid
  • Song Xiqiang;;;Luo Yibo;Zhong Yunfang;Zhang Qixiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 741-747.
  • Abstract ( 1709 ) HTML ( 2184 ) PDF (379KB) ( 2184 )    
  • Advances in biotechnology of Dendrobium orchid including tissue culture, flowering and germplasm preservation in vitro, protoplast culture and fusion, as well as genetic engineering were reviewed, based on the literature cited during two decade years. Meanwhile, subjects on the technology of plantlet transplantation, mycorrhizal technology, and secondarymetabolites in vitro are discussed in this paper to desert further research in order to provide well background for Dendrobium orchid industrialization. Furthermore, the swift development of biotechnology benefits to prompt the Dendrobium orchid breeding for new varieties.
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  • A New Apple Cultivar ‘Wangshanhong’
  • Yi Kai;Liu Zhi;Wang Dongmei;Yan Zhongye;Zhang Jing'e;Yang Feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 753-753.
  • Abstract ( 1369 ) HTML ( 1228 ) PDF (124KB) ( 1228 )    
  • A new cultivar‘Wangshanhong’ tested as 93-01 with early maturing, full-red and a long storage life was selected from mutation of‘Nagano Fuji 2’. Through the appraisal of morphology, anatomy, pollen morphology, analysis of physiological and comp rehensive characteristics, area trials, isozyme map and
    the ability of resistance to hardness and diseases, the results show that Wangshanhong is a mutation of‘Nagano Fuji 2’. Its resistance to hardness and diseases is slight stronger than ‘Nagano Fuji 2’. It ismatured 15 d earlier than ‘Nagano Fuji 2’. The surface color of fruit is full-red without bagging. It has the same long storage life as Nagano Fuji 2.
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  • A New Very-early-ripening Peach Variety ‘Qinjie’
  • Han Mingyu;Tian Yuming;Yu Chengzhe;Zhang Manrang;Wang Anzhu;Wang Shuli
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 755-755.
  • Abstract ( 1218 ) HTML ( 850 ) PDF (93KB) ( 850 )    
  • ‘Qinjie’peach is a very-early-ripening hybrid selected from ‘Dajiubao’ בChunlei’.Its average fruitmass is 135 g, the heaviest is 200 g, more than three-fourth part of the fruit surface is fresh red color. The very vigorous p lant provideswhite flesh, crisp, sweet and acid balance fruitwith longer-storage
    life at room temperature. It ripens at the beginning of June in Shaanxi area and yields 32.355 t/hm2.
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  • A New Early-mid Maturing Table Peach Variety ‘Huangshuimi’
  • Li Jing;Chen Yanhui;Sun Shouru;Hu Qingxia;Zheng Xianbo;Jian Zaihai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 756-756.
  • Abstract ( 2054 ) HTML ( 942 ) PDF (93KB) ( 942 )    
  • ‘Huangshuimi’, a new cultivar bred from the seedling of‘Lüda 60-21-129’at the department of horticulture, Henan AgriculturalUniversity, is an early-mid maturing table-peach with yellow-fleshed, red skin and with bright yellow ground color. The peach is ellip se in shape, and it has thick skin which is easy
    to be peeled. Its average mass is 200 g and the king fruit can be up to 280 g. The bright yellow flesh is that of hard melting type. The fruit is freestone, juicy and strong fragrant, and the flavor is honeyed. The cultivar having pollen is high2yield, and mature in later June in Zhengzhou.
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  • A New Dry-red Brewing Grape Variety ‘Zuoyouhong’
  • Song Rungang;Lu Wenpeng;Guo Taijun;Liu Jingkuan;Shen Yujie;Lin Xinggui;Li Xiaohong;Guo Zhengui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 757-757.
  • Abstract ( 1705 ) HTML ( 1081 ) PDF (145KB) ( 1081 )    
  • ‘Zuoyouhong’ is a hybrid cultivar derived from ‘79-26-18’ ×74-1-326’. The ripening time of berry is in the middle ten days of September in Jilin city area. It is round and blue2black. The average mass of a single berry is 1.36 g. The fruit cluster is conical, weighing 144.8 g, fruit soluble solid content is
    18.5% - 24.4%, fruit total acid is 1.191% - 1.447% and fruit juice rate is 66.4% which fruit for brewing high quality dry-red grape wine. ‘Zuoyouhong’ is high cold-resistance, high yield and high disease-resistance.
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  • Natural Plumcot Hybrid ‘Gold Queen’
  • Xu Zhida;Wang Changzhu;Si Chun'ai;Gao Jingcao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 758-758.
  • Abstract ( 1331 ) HTML ( 903 ) PDF (117KB) ( 903 )    
  • ‘Gold Queen’ is a natural p lumcot hybrid. The fruit shape is round. The average fruit mass is 85 g and the maximum mass is 150 g. Golden yellow flesh has both taste of apricot and plum. The fruit growth period is about 100 days. Early-bearing, resistance to frost, and good storage quality are itps good characteristics. The tree has a high and constant yield. It is suitable for table fruit and processing.
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  • A New Cucumber Variety‘New Era’
  • Li Jianwu;Ma Changsheng;Sun Zhiqiang;Sun Shouru
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2005, 32(4): 763-763.
  • Abstract ( 1217 ) HTML ( 980 ) PDF (94KB) ( 980 )    
  • ‘New Era’is a cucumber hybrid p roduced by Forestry and Horticulture College, Henan Agricultural University and Henan Yuyi Seed Company Ltd. The variety is suitable for planting in greenhouse during the winter and plastic channel in the early spring in some areas of China. It grows strong under low
    temperature and weak sunlight. The fruits are p roduced on the stem mainly, and the yield is around 127.5 t/hm2. The fruit is about 30 cm, with many prickles on its dark-green surface. The fruit pedicel is very short, about 1/7 of total fruit length. The variety tastes very delicious. It is resistant to diseases such as wilt, blight, powdery mildew, anthracnose, and downy mildew.

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