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2006, Vol.33, No.1 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Studies on the Taxonomy of the Strawberry ( Fragaria ) Species Distributedin China
  • Lei Jiajun;Dai Hanping;Tan Changhua;DengMingqin;Zhao Mizhen;Qian Yaming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 1-5.
  • Abstract ( 2734 ) HTML ( 2869 ) PDF (142KB) ( 2869 )    
  • China hasmore wild strawberry resources than any other country in the world. 103 accessions of wild strawberry genotypes have been collected throughout China and conserved since 1980 s. Of about 20 recognized Fragaria species in the world, 11 species are distributed in China, including 8 dip loid species -
    Fragaria vesca L. , F. nilgerrensis Schlecht. , F. pentaphylla Lozinsk. , F. gracilis Lozinsk. , F. nubicola Lindl. , F. viridis Duch. , F. daltoniana Gay and F. mandschu rica Staudt, and 3 tetrap loid species - F. orientalis Lozinsk. , F. moupinensis ( Franch. ) Card. , and F. corymbosa Lozinsk. The wild strawberry species
    that are native to China are described and classified in this paper, and the dichotomous key is p rovided. This report includes three more species than were p reviously considered in China.
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  • Sugar and Ac id Contents in Peach and Nectar ine Der ived from DifferentCountries and Species
  • Niu Jing;;Zhao Jianbo;;Wu Benhong;L i Shaohua;Liu Guojie;Jiang Quan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 6-11.
  • Abstract ( 1705 ) HTML ( 1679 ) PDF (413KB) ( 1679 )    
  • Sugar and acid contentswere investigated in 99 peach germplasm, including 24 Chinese local and 19 Chinese bred cultivars, two cultivars of Prunus ferganensis and five wild species, 33 European & American and 16 Japanese cultivars. Sucrose accounted for about 73% of the total sugar, and malate for about
    60% of the total acid contents in fruits. Glucose and fructose contents in fruits were closely correlated and similar in amount in the most germplams, while the fructose content in fruits of one wild species and part of Chinese local cultivars was much lower than the glucose content and their fructose /glucose was inferior to 0.20. Mean sucrose contentwas the highest in fruits from Chinese local cultivarswhile the lowest sucrose content was found in the wild species. Fructose content in fruits from European & American, Chinese bred and
    Japanese cultivars was significantly higher than that from Chinese local cultivars and the wild species. Total acid content of the wild species was the highest and European & American cultivars had significantly higher
    acid contents than that from other groups. The malate and citrate contents in fruits from European & American cultivarswere significantly higher than those from Chinese and Japanese ones. Moreover sucrose content in fruits had positive correlation with sorbitol. There were significant positive correlations between malate and citrate, and between quinate and shikimate in fruits.
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  • Analysis of Effective Factors of Nutrient Content in Apple Leaves
  • An Guiyang;Fan Chonghui;Du Zhihui;Yu Junyi;Deng Fengchan;Shi Lianrang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 12-16.
  • Abstract ( 1746 ) HTML ( 1657 ) PDF (250KB) ( 1657 )    
  • Through sampling and analyzing the app le leaves and conducting fertilization test in Shaanxi province, the effect of samp ling time, cultivars, inter / rootstock, crop level and fertilization on nutrient content in apple leaves was discussed. The results showed that the nutrient content in apple leaves changes with seasonal grow stage of apple tree significantly. The contents of N, P, Ca, B, Mn, Zn in apple leaves are significantly different in 5 apple cultivars such as Fuji, Qinguan, Starking Delicious, Gold Delicious and Gala. The nutrient contents in app le leaves are different among M9, M26, M7, MM106 interstock and M. sieversii Rome rootstock, K, Fe contents ofM9 are higher but the others are lower, Mg , Mn, Zn contents of M26 are higher but K, Fe are lower, N, P, Cu, Fe, Zn contents of M7 are higher, N, Mn contents of
    MM106 are higher but K is lower, Fe content of M. sieversii Rome rootstock is higher but Cu, Zn are lower. The nutrient contents of different crop level orchards are different, the N, Mg, Zn contents of high-crop level
    orchards are higher but P, K are lower than those of low-crop level orchards. The K content in the apple
    leaves can be increased significantly by fertilization than N and P.
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  • Comparison of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Seven Grapevine VarietiesCultivated in Forcing-cultivation and Rain-shelter-cultivation Greenhouse
  • Dai Meisong;;Jiang Weibing;;Zhuang Meng;Fei Xianjin;Li Chuande
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 17-22.
  • Abstract ( 1594 ) HTML ( 1463 ) PDF (273KB) ( 1463 )    
  • Photosynthetic characteristics of 7 grapevine varieties were studied in Forcing-cultivation and Rain-shelter-cultivation ( F-C & R-S-C) greenhouse by using portable photosynthetic mensurate system CIR-
    AS-1. The results showed that: ①The value of Pn, LSP, LCP of grapevine varietieswere (5.74 ±4.33) -(7.87 ±5.85) ( is the mean of 7 data point in a day) , 494 - 1 110, 9.6 - 51.5 μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1 respectively during the F-C period, and (3.85 ±1.82) - ( 5.62 ±3.23) , 806 - 1 407, 16.5 - 33.5 μmol·m-2 ·s-1 respectively during the R-S-C period; The value of CSP, CCP of grapevine varieties were 717 - 1 500, 60.6 - 88.0 μL·L -1 respectively during the F-C period, and 944 - 1 601, 14.1 - 59.1μL ·L -1 respectively during the R-S-C period; ②There were higher value of diurnalmean of Pn, diurnal peak of Pn, diurnal integral of Pn, Gs, Tr, LSP, CSP and lower value of AQY, CE, LCP, CCP during the F-C period than those during the R-S-C period. WUE ofmost varieties are higher during the R-S-C period; ③Comparison of photosynthetic parameters before-mentioned, it showed that‘Dawn Seedless’,‘Rizamat’and ‘Zhengzhou Zaoyu’varieties had higher value of diurnal mean of Pn, WUE, AQY, CE, LSP, CSP and lower value of LCP, CCP than those of other varieties, thereby more adap ted to Forcing-cultivation and Rain-shelter-cultivation greenhouse cultivation.
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  • The Influence of Liquid Endosperm on Fruit Abscission and Growth of Litchichinensis Sonn.
  • Li J ianguo; and Huang Huibai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 23-27.
  • Abstract ( 1759 ) HTML ( 1277 ) PDF (356KB) ( 1277 )    
  • Effects of liquid endosperm on fruit growth, abscission and size were conducted using normal-seeded cultivar‘Baila’ litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn. ) as a material by puncturing with and without extraction of liquid endosperm within a seed. The results showed that treatments of puncturing with and without abstraction of liquid endosperm obviously increased fruit abscission 〔the cumulative abscission rate (CAR) treated at the 30th and 36th days after anthesiswas 93.3% and 73.3% - 80% respectively, while CAR of the control was lower than 10%〕and depressed fruit growth, and these negative effects were aggravated by earlier
    treatments. Puncturing plus extraction of liquid endosperm treatment induced aborted-seeded small-fruit and
    puncturing without extraction of liquid endosperm treatment gave rise to small-seeded small-fruit, while the control produced normal-seeded larger-fruit. It implies that the development of seedcoat and endosperm have
    more important effects on fruit set and the development of seed and fruit. Moreover, the results provided the
    direct experimental evidence for substantiating the ‘ball-skin versus bladder effect’ notionin during litchi fruit development, in which effects of seedcoat→pericarp→aril in order existed inside a litchi fruit tissue.
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  • The Relationship between Fruit Texture and Storage Character in Grapes
  • Zhou Huiling;L i J iarui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 28-32.
  • Abstract ( 1964 ) HTML ( 1889 ) PDF (658KB) ( 1889 )    
  • Is this paper, the comparison of anatomic structure and ultra-structure were studied in ‘Kyoho’, ‘Red Globe’, ‘Autumn Black’and ‘Autumn Red’grapes to inquire the physiology cause of diversity storability in different grape fruits. The result showed that storability of grapes and percarp and fruit texture has close relationship. The good storage property varieties have thicker horny layer and cuticle texture, cuticle
    cell orderliness and compact, even combined closelywith sub-cuticle cell, the fruit tissue arranged closely and
    the fruit cells well-distributed. Wax ultra-structure in fruit outer covering has large diversity in different
    grapes. The grape have thick wax surface, even distribution wax, compactly and regularly arranged pericarp
    cells resist SO2 stronger. That have thin wax surface and arranged relax and have large gap in wax layer cells
    were sensitive to SO2.
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  • Isozyme Patterns and RAPD Analysis of Apple Plantlets Repea tedly Subcultured in Vitro
  • Du Guoqiang;Shi Xiaoxin;Zhang Qingliang;Ma Baokun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 33-37.
  • Abstract ( 1752 ) HTML ( 1391 ) PDF (294KB) ( 1391 )    
  • The genetic stability of apple plantlets repeatedly subcultured in vitro for three to ninety times
    was examined by analysis of isozyme patterns of POX, EST and AMY, aswell as RAPD. The results showed
    that there were clear difference in POX, EST, and AMY isozyme patterns among varieties, but there was no
    detetable difference in the same varietieswith different times of subculturing. The POX isozyme was further analyzed by using IEF electrophoresis. It was easy to distinguish between genotypes ( i.e. ‘Golden Delicious’
    vs. ‘Jonagold’) according to the pI of POX isozyme. However, no difference was found in the same varieties
    with different times of subculturing. RAPD analysiswith twenty-five 10-mer arbitrary primers revealed identical bands for plantlets with different times of subculturing within avariety. Our results indicated that genetic
    stability of apple plantlets wasmaintained even after repeatedly subcultured in vitro for up to ninety times.
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  • Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Female and MaleGametophyte of Hemerocallis citrine Baroni
  • Shen Jiaheng;Shen Ye;Wang Yanjie;Yuan Qiuhong;Yu Chunguang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 38-45.
  • Abstract ( 2030 ) HTML ( 1621 ) PDF (1441KB) ( 1621 )    
  • This paper studies the megasporogenesis, microsporogenesis and evelopment of female and male megasporogenesis by way of paraffin wax of Hem eroca llis citrine Baroni. The results are as follows: The development of anther wall follows Monocotyledonous type. Successive cytokinesis in microspore mother cell accompaniesmeiosis to produce tetrahedral tetrad as well as medianly zygomorphic tetrad. Ellip soidal pollen grains are 2-celled when shed, with one germinal furrow. At this time, the nucleus in generative cell p resent
    the state of p rophase ormetaphase of mitosis. Ovule is bitegminous, temuinucellatae and anatropous. The archesporial cell below nucellus ep iderm functions directly as the megaspore mother cell. The chalazal megaspore of linear tetrad develop s into a Polygonum type embryo sac. Recorded relative development stage of pistil and stamen. In mature embryo sac, antipodal cell degenerates early. The main characteristics of the development of embryo sac in this species are that synergidswithout crook are abounded in filiform apparatus and there is no eminent vacuole in central cell.
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  • A Core Collection of Chinese Traditional Carrot Germplasm
  • Zhuang Feiyun;Zhao Zhiwei;L i Xixiang;Hu Hong;Fang Zhiyuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 46-51.
  • Abstract ( 1768 ) HTML ( 1321 ) PDF (395KB) ( 1321 )    
  • In order to establish a core collection of Chinese traditional carrot germplasm, a total of 340 accessions was evaluated for 4 quantitative and 9 qualitative traits and the data were submitted for cluster analyses. Under the suitable threshold value, the accessions thatwere closer to the value were selected as candidates to form core collection. Three samp ling p roportions of 10% , 15% and 20% were used to establish core collection. 13 traitswere compared between 3 core collections and entire collection in order to test the validity
    of p rimary core collections. The results showed that the means of β - carotene content, drymatter content and vitamin C contentwere significant between the p rimary core collections and the entire collection, while the ratios of phenotype retained of 4 quantitative traitswere high. Variances of phenotype frequency of 9 qualitative traits were not significant between the primary core collections and the entire collection while the ratios of phenotype retained were 100%. With samp ling p roportion reduced, the number of regions that core collection distributed decreased. 8 regionswere reduced and germplasm proportion from the main regionswas reduced from 50% to 35% between 10% core collection and the entire. 15% - 20% could be regarded as the optimal proportion for establishing Chinese traditional carrot germplasm core collection.
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  • Cloning and Functiona l Analysis of the Genes Involved in Signal Transduction in Tomato Cf-4-Avr4 Pathosystem
  • Liu Qing;Feng Dongxin;Wang Xiaowu;Du Yongchen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 52-57.
  • Abstract ( 2191 ) HTML ( 1483 ) PDF (536KB) ( 1483 )    
  • The Hypersensitive Response (HR) is one of the most efficient and common disease resistance mechanisms in plant. Cloning signaling genes is very important to elucidate the resistance mechanisms. A gene in tomato with homology to several resistance proteins involved in HR in plant, was indentified and designated as RGL (Resistance Gene Like). RGL protein was used as bait to screen interacting protein (s) from tomato cDNA library through yeast two-hybrid system. Two interacting proteins designated as RGLIP-1 and RGLIP-2 (RGL Interacting Protein) respectively were found. RGLIP-1 is a protein of 291 amino acids with significant homology to thylakoid lumen protein. RGLIP-2 is a protein of 248 amino acids with significant homology to transducin protein. Virus-Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) of the two genes resulted in a partial and
    complete suppression of Avr4-induced HR, indicating that both genes are involved in hypersensitive response.
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  • Effects of NaCl Stress on ABA and Polyam ine Contents in Leaves of Grafted Tomato Seedlings
  • Chen Shufang;Zhu Yuelin;L iu Youliang;Hu Chunmei;Zhang Guwen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 58-62.
  • Abstract ( 1565 ) HTML ( 1393 ) PDF (295KB) ( 1393 )    
  • Taking own-root tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. ) seedlings not subjected to NaCl stress as control, p lant growth, abscisic acid (ABA) and polyamine ( PAs) contents in leaves of grafted tomato seedlingswere studied under 100 mmol·L - 1 NaCl stress. Results showed that shoot and root biomass production in grafted seedlingswas significantly higher than that in control. ABA content of grafted seedlingswas significantly higher than that of control, increased by 56.60% on the second day of stress. Total polyamine content of grafted seedlingswas significantly higher than that of control, increased by 14.96% on the second day of stress. Putrescine ( Put) content of grafted seedlings was significantly lower than that of control after 2 d of
    stress. Spermidine (Spd) content of grafted seedlings was significantly higher than that of control on the second day of stress, but no significant difference was observed during 4 - 8 d of stress, Spd content of grafted seedlings was significantly lower than that of control on the tenth day of stress. Spermine (Spm) content of grafted seedlings was significantly higher than that of control, increased by 102.80% on the tenth day of stress. Put/PAs value of grafted seedlingswas significantly lower than that of control, while ( Spd + Spm) /Put
    value of grafted seedlingswas significantly higher than that of control. The above results indicated that biomass production of grafted seedlings was significantly higher than that of control, ABA and polyamine contents of
    grafted seedlings were significantly changed under NaCl stress, which showed the characteristics of stronger salt tolerance of grafted seedlings.
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  • Metabolism of Dynamic Changes of the Reactive Oxygen in Tomato Pericarpand Seed Tissues during Fruit Ripening and Senescence
  • Ruan Ying;L iu Kailang;Shen Lin;Tian Huiqin;Sheng Jiping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 63-67.
  • Abstract ( 1913 ) HTML ( 1521 ) PDF (249KB) ( 1521 )    
  • Tomato (Lycopersicom esculentum Mill. ) pericarp and seed were used to investigate the changes of reactive oxygen and activities of antioxidant system enzymes during fruit ripening and senescence. Superoxide p roduction rate (O2 ·) , hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 ) content and the activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD) , catalase (CAT) , ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and lutathione reductase (GR) were determined. The degrees of the oxidative damage to the membrane lip ids (MDA content) were also examined. The results showed that O2· production rate and H2O2 content in seed were significantly higher than those in pericarp at allmaturity stages, and the H2O2 content in the seed increased sharp ly after the p ink stage. Higher activities of SOD, CAT and GR were observed in the seeds than in the pericarp. Higher APX activities were
    found from the BR stage to the RED stage in seed and that in pericarp. At the beginning of fruit ripening, an increase of CAT activity followed the ccumulation of H2O2 , but its activity declined quickly by the end of ripening, while that of APX and GR kep t partial activities. These patterns of enzyme activity suggest that the AsA-GSH cycle might play an important role in scavenging H2O2 . The maximum MDA content appeared in seeds earlier than in the pericarp, the maximum being 115 fold of that in the pericarp. High concentration of reactive oxygen in seed might be closely related with fruit ripening, and H2O2 might be an important factor in triggering the senescence.
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  • Physiological Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Cucumber Seedlings under the Salt Stress
  • Song Shiqing;;Guo Shirong;Shang Qingmao;and Zhang Zhigang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 68-72.
  • Abstract ( 2172 ) HTML ( 1872 ) PDF (530KB) ( 1872 )    
  • To ascertain physiological and biochemical mechanisms of exogenous salicylic acid improving salt resistance of vegetable,cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) was used to study effects of different concentrations exogenous salicylic acid on its morphogenesis,physiological and biochemical characteristic under 200 mmol·L-1 NaCl stress with root injection and foliar spray.The results showed that exogenous salicylic acid significantly improved stem diameter,total dry mass and dry mass water content of cucumber seedlings, decreased the salt stress index, content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and permeation rate of electrolyte, increased contents of p roline ( Pro) , soluble sugar and activities of p rotected enzymes such as superoxide dismutase ( SOD) , peroxidase ( POD) and catalase (CAT) , also showed the op timum treatment concentration being 150 mg·L - 1. It is p roposed that exogenous salicylic acid as chemical activator could induce salt resistance, salt tolerance and decrease alleviate damage degree of salt stress of cucumber seedlings.
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  • Allotriploid Hybrids Obtained from Interspecific Hybridization between Chinese Cabbage and Cabbage and the Preliminary Research on Reproductive Characters
  • Gu Aixia;Shen Shuxing;Chen Xueping;Zhang Chenghe;Li Xiaofeng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 73-77.
  • Abstract ( 1923 ) HTML ( 1593 ) PDF (541KB) ( 1593 )    
  • Allotriploid hybrids (2n = 3x = 29, AAC) were produced by crossing tetraploid Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis AAAA, 2n = 4x=40) and diploid cabbage (B. oleracea var.capita ta L. CC, 2n = 2x = 18) using overy and ovule culture method, which will be used for constructing Chinese cabbage-cabbage addition lines, substitution lines and translocation lines. The allotriploid hybrids were similiar in morphological characters to Chinese cabbage, however the growth vigor was strong and the stem elongated quickly up to a height of about 2 m at flowering stage. And the pollen regularity and activity of hybrids were lower than that of diploid Chinese cabbage. The occurrence of diverse chromosome associations at diakinesis such as trivalent, bivalent and univalent suggested that the pollen-mother-cell's meiotic chromosome behavior of hybridswas complicated. The mean seed set derived from backcrossing by hybrids and diploid Chinese cabbage was 3.19%.
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  • Combining Ability and Genetic Analysis of Yield Characters for Fragrant-flowered Garlic
  • Ma Shubin;Guo Ruilin;Nie Yuxia;Meng Huiqin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 78-83.
  • Abstract ( 1936 ) HTML ( 1238 ) PDF (274KB) ( 1238 )    
  • In order to study the selection patterns of combinationswith strong heterosis, the using value of 7 parents and the heritablity of 7 characters for hybrid fragrant-lowered garlic, bymeans of analysis method of Griffing complete diallel cross, the heterosis and combining ablity analysiswere made for 42 hybrid combinations. The results show that: (1) There are all certain heterosis in 7 characters. The order of heterosis over mid-parent is sheath length and leaf number > leaf length > plant height >mass per plant > leaf width > diameter of sheath; The order of the heterosis over high-parent is leaf number > sheath length and leaf length > plant height > leaf width and mass per plant > diameter of sheath. ( 2) Tianjin Dajingou, Shandong Daqinggen, Guilinjiu and Chongqing Dajiucai have a better combinig ability. They are perfect parent materials, and their uses should be attached great importance to in future breeding. (3) Plant height, leaf length, leaf width, leaf number and mass per plant all have a recip rocal effect which is significance extremely. Among them, plant height, leaf length and mass per plant have a very obvious maternal effect. (4) Plant height, leaf length and mass per plant are mainly dominated by additive genes and cytop lasmic genes, sheath length by additive genes, leaf width, diameter of sheath, and leaf number by both addtional genes and no addtional genes (dominance genes or epistatic genes).
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  • Molecular Characterization and Coat Protein Gene Expression of a Turnip mosaic virus Isolate from Radish in Weifang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 84-88.
  • Abstract ( 1867 ) HTML ( 1263 ) PDF (468KB) ( 1263 )    
  • A Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) isolate (TuMV-Ra) was obtained from the radish root with symptom of red flesh in Weifang. The coat protein (CP) gene of TuMV-Ra was amplified by RT-PCR and its complete nucleotide sequence was determined. Homologies of the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences were compared between the CP region of TuMV-Ra and those of 20 TuMV radish isolates in GenBank. TuMV-Ra shared identities of 89.9% - 99.0% and 94.8% - 99.7% with these 20 radish isolates in nucleotide and corresponding amino acid sequences. It had highest homologies with two isolates from Hangzhou, HZLB1 and HZLB2, which amounted to 98.7% and 99.0% at nucleotide level and 99.0% and 99.7% at amino acid level. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences similarities between TuMV-Ra and CHINA-WF (obtained from the red flesh radish of Weifang in 1999) were 93.66% and 96.53% respectively. Most of the mutations occurred at the N terminus of CP. The CP gene of TuMV-Ra was cloned into expression vector pET22b ( + ) , transferred into E. coli BL21 (DE3) and exp ressed as a 38 kD fusion protein when induced with IPTG. The result ofwestern blotting assay showed that TuMV-Ra CP gene had been correctly expressed.
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  • Effect of GSH Pretreatmen t on the Tolerance to Water Deficit Stress in Cut Rose ‘Samantha’and Related to Enhancement of GR Activity
  • Wang Zihua;Jin Jishi;Gao Junping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 89-94.
  • Abstract ( 1587 ) HTML ( 1353 ) PDF (446KB) ( 1353 )    
  • In this article, the op timum p retreated concentrations of GSH (glutathione) and its biosynthetical inhibitor, BSO〔L-buthione ( S, R) sulfoximine〕, were determined firstly according to their effects on vase quality of the flowers after 24 h water deficit stress in cut rose (Rosa hybrida) ‘Samantha’. Effects of 2 mmol /L GSH and 2 mmol/L BSO pretreatments for 12 h on water potential of flower bud, MDA (malondialdehyde ) and GSH contents, and GR (glutathione reductase) activity in petalswere investigated. The results showed that GSH pretreatment markedly increased water potential, but significantly decreased MDA content, GSH content and GR activity obviously increased during vase when compared with stress control flowers. The contrary results were obtained in 2 mmol/L BSO pretreated flowers. These results above indicate that the improvement of GSH on tolerance to water deficit stress is possibly be related to the enhancement of GR activity in petals of cut rose 'Samantha’.

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  • Effects of Shade on the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Growth of Poinsettia
  • Pan Yuanzhi;;and Jiang Mingyan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 95-100.
  • Abstract ( 1550 ) HTML ( 1491 ) PDF (342KB) ( 1491 )    
  • The effects of shade degrees 100% , 50% and 25% of full sunlight on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of poinsettia ‘Prestige’ and ‘Red Velvet’were examined. The results indicated that poinsettia was a sun plant with high light-saturation point and low light-compensation point. But the shade tolerance of different cultivars was different. Under shade conditions, the contents of chlorophyll increased and leaf color greener, but their net photosynthetic rates, the contents of soluble sugars and proteins in leavesdecreased and the growth of lateral shoots were inhibited, resulting in decreasing of flower diameters, red bract areas, contents of anthocyanidin in braces finally.
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  • The Flowering and Fruit Set Features of Rhododendron fortunei in Tiantai Mountains
  • Bian Caimiao;Jin Zexin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 101-104.
  • Abstract ( 1527 ) HTML ( 1146 ) PDF (229KB) ( 1146 )    
  • Flowering and fruit set features are important to understanding the reproduction of plants. This paper, by observing the characteristics of florescence and fruit set of three populations of Rhododendron fortunei in Tiantai Mountains, studied the flower bud developing, morphology of flower, flowering dynamics, life span of flower, the fruit set ratio and seed set ratio and their influenced factors. The results were as follows: The flower buds, formed after flowering, get its shape after a fast development from August to Sep tember, and remain through all the winter, the overwintering buds resurrect in the April of next year and form cymebotrys, containing 6 to 12 flowers. The flowering phase of three populations of R. fortunei is about 25 days with a 6-day life span of each flower. Affected by a strong illumination and a high air humidity, R. fortunei in Pinusta iwanensis forest got a smaller flower and a shorter life span of 518 days averaged than the others. The fruit set ratio and seed set ratio of R. fortunei, populations in Guanyundong, Huangjingdong and Yongziting, are very low. Both the fruit set ratio, 65.84%, 62.64% and 62.17% respectively, and the seed set ratio, 35.05% , 32.51% and 31.93% respectively, are notably infected by the life span of flower. The shorter the life span, the higher the fruit set ratio and seed set ratio. Also the seed set ratio was affected by illumination and air humidity and resulted in a notable difference in the three populations.
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  • Establishment of Agrobacterium -mediated Transformation System for Torenia
  • Li Meilan;Wang Xiaojing;L i Hongqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 105-110.
  • Abstract ( 1686 ) HTML ( 1217 ) PDF (503KB) ( 1217 )    
  • An efficient and stable Agrobacterium -genetic transformation system for Torenia was established through investigating the factors influencing the transformation efficiency. The results showed that leaf explants are more sensitive to Agrobacterium infection, preculture of explants had an adverse effect on transformation efficiency, induction of vir gene with AS greatly imp roved the transformation effects. In addition, the concentration of bacteria, the time of infection and cocultivation, as well as the regeneration methods have effects on the transformation. By using the optimized conditions, hygromycin resistant plants could be obtained within 70 days from the infection of the explants with Agrobacterium. GUS staining, PCR and Southern-blot analysis confirmed that transgene were integrated into the Torenia genome with a transformation frequency of 7% - 8%.
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  • The Distribution and Accumulation of Cuprum and Cadmium in Young Apple Tree
  • Zhang Lianzhong;Lu Keguo;Yang Hongqiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 111-114.
  • Abstract ( 1825 ) HTML ( 1441 ) PDF (458KB) ( 1441 )    
  • The experimentwas carried out using pot-cultured three-year-old Fuji apple tree (Malus pumila /Malus hupehensis Rehd. ) after cuprum (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) app lied to soil. The content of Cu and Cd in roots, shoots and leaves was measured during the growing season. The results shows that the accumulation of Cu and Cd in roots, shoots and leaves all increases with the increase of the content of Cu and Cd in soil. The content of Cu and Cd in roots and shoots rises step by step from the period of leaf expanding to the period of new shoot growth and gets the peak at the period of new shoot stopp ing growth in spring. The change of content of Cu and Cd in leaves lag behind that in roots and shoots. The content of Cu and Cd in leaves get the peak at the period of shoot growth again in autumn. The order of Cu and Cd content from high to low in different parts of app le is root > trunk > shoot > leaf. Root can absorb more Cu. There are more Cu is accumulated in roots and more Cd is transferred to top.
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  • Effects of Salicylic Acid on the Active Oxygen Metabolism and UltraweakLuminescence of Malus hupehensis Rehd
  • Liu Gaofeng;Yang Hongqiang;ZhangWei;Ma Fangfang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 118-121.
  • Abstract ( 1616 ) HTML ( 1237 ) PDF (253KB) ( 1237 )    
  • The change of active oxygen and ultraweak luminescence (UWL ) in leaves was studied by spraying Malus hupehensis Rehd. seedlings with 50 μg·mL - 1 exogenous salicylic acid ( SA). The results showed the generation rate of superoxide anion O·2 was higher than that of the control between 12 h and 48 h after treatment. H2O2 level was significantly increased with two peaks at the 12 h and 48 h. In the meantime, the activity of peroxidase ( POD) was enhanced step by step from 12 h to 120 h, and superoxide dismutases ( SOD) activity was significantly increased after 48 h of treatment. Moreover, catalase (CAT) activity was higher than that of the control within 24 h, but lower from 48 h to 120 h. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and ultraweak luminescence in leaves enhanced after SA treatment, and the value of UWL was higher than the control of all the time within 120 h. The change ofUWL is different from one of the H2O2 and O·2 in the course of whole experiment.
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  • Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Apple AFS Gene
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 122-124.
  • Abstract ( 1609 ) HTML ( 1136 ) PDF (392KB) ( 1136 )    
  • α-farnesene synthase (AFS) gene from apple peel tissue was amplified by RT-PCR, and cloned into pET-30a ( + ) vector to construct recombinant prokaryotic exp ression vector pET-AFS. After transformation of E. coli and induced by 1 mmol/L isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside ( IPTG) , recombinant protein with 66 kD was expressed in pET-AFS system and separated by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. The maximum of protein was expressed when induced with IPTG for 6 h. The recombinant protein exp ressed as inclusion bodies.
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  • Cloning and Sequencing of PGIP Gene from Prunus mume Sieb
  • Li Guangping;Fang Jinggui;Cai Binhua;Zhang Zhen;Zhang Changqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 125-127.
  • Abstract ( 1510 ) HTML ( 1225 ) PDF (396KB) ( 1225 )    
  • A 1 192 bp sequence of polygalacturonase-inhibiting p rotein ( PGIP) gene(Genbank locus:AY764131) was isolated by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) from Prunus m um e. This sequence had a intron and a full open reading frame encoding the polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein. Its gene and derived protein were both highly homologous to those from Prunus persica and Prunus mahaleb. A conserved leucinerich fragment had existed in the derived protein sequence.
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  • Molecular Analysis, Morphological and Physiological Evaluation of the Transgen ic Citrange Plants With rolA, rolB, rolC Genes
  • Hu Chunhua;Deng Ziniu;Gentile Alessandra;Xu Yan;and Xiong Xingyao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 130-133.
  • Abstract ( 1682 ) HTML ( 1649 ) PDF (545KB) ( 1649 )    
  • Molecular identification, physiology evaluation and morphological observation of the rolA, rolB and rolC transgenic citrange clones (B, D, E) were conducted. PCR analysis indicated that the rolA, rolB, rolC geneswere integrated into the citrange genome. The expression of the transgenes nptⅡ and rolC was detected by using RT-PCR; while the transgenes rolA and rolB did not show any RT-PCR product, and it was not clear for the factors related to their expression. In comparison with the control plants, the rol transgenic plant showed evident dwarfing characteristics, such as only half of the control in plant height, shorter internodal length, weaker apical dominance with more lateral branches, smaller leaf area, and higher net photosynthesis rate. Higher contents of the endogenous GA3 , IAA and zeatin were found in the middle and basal parts of the transgenic shoots than the control, this could be one of the factors responsible for the above described morphological modifications.
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  • RAPD Studies on Sport Line of‘Shixia’Longan with Double Primers
  • Wang Xinyan;Xiao Xuan;Qiao Aimin;and Sun Min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 134-136.
  • Abstract ( 1611 ) HTML ( 1158 ) PDF (332KB) ( 1158 )    
  • A single 10 bp random oligonucleotide was often used as the primer in the standard RAPD-PCR analysis. To identify the possibility of RAPD-PCR reaction with double 10 bp primers, 80 double 10 bp oligonucleotideswere applied to the RAPD-PCR analysis between the ‘Shixia’ longan (Dimocarpus longan var. shixia Lour. ) sport line and itps normal line ( control). Four double primers which could produce clear and stability polymorphic DNA fragments were screened. Five RAPD makers have been obtained which were linked to the mutation gene of the sport line. Furthermore, the reason why the new RAPD fragments could be produced by double primers was also discussed.
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  • Analysis on Polymorphism of S Gene in Almond
  • Ma Yan;;Ma Rongcai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 137-139.
  • Abstract ( 1514 ) HTML ( 1078 ) PDF (259KB) ( 1078 )    
  • To investigate the characteristics of the S gene in almond, we degenerative primers according to conservative sequence of S gene in rosaceous plant and got 10 S gene fragments by PCR application from 8 almond cultivars in China. All sequenceswere aligned with S genes in GeneBank by BLAST software. The result indicated that all 10 fragments contained domain encoding 5 high conservation regions (C1, C2, C3, RC4, C5) and hypervariable region (RHV) of rosaceous S2RNase . RHV and intron characterized S gene furthermore. Homology analysis showed that the amino acid sequence between putative peptides from above S gene fragments and that from S-RNase of rosaceous p lant were 67% - 96% of homology. Almond should be assigned to plum subspecific group s with cherry and apricot.
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  • Inheritance of Main Quantitative Characters in Truss Toma to Fruits
  • Xu Na;Feng Hui;WangWuhong;and Wu Zhigang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 146-148.
  • Abstract ( 1746 ) HTML ( 1372 ) PDF (164KB) ( 1372 )    
  • The results showed that 02S02 and 02S18 were good materials for truss tomato breeding.02S35 ×02S45 and 02S15 ×02S51 had better representation than other combinations. h2N of fruit number per truss and fruit width were higher, so that they should be selected in earlier generations, while h2N of per fruit mass and p lot yield were lower, so they should be selected in the later generations. Per fruitmasswas the most important factor about p lot yield, and it has a significant negative correlation with per truss fruit number.
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  • Effect of Microorganism-sourced ABA on Chilling Resistance and Some Physiological Indexes in Eggplant Seedling
  • Tang Risheng;Tang Xianhong;Zhong Yu;Zhang Dadong;Yu Yongzhu;and Tong Hongyu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 149-151.
  • Abstract ( 1666 ) HTML ( 1057 ) PDF (165KB) ( 1057 )    
  • The effects of natural ABA on chilling resistance and some physiological indexes in eggplant seedling ( Suqi 1) were investigated. The results showed thatABA could effectively enhance the ability of eggplant seedling resistance to low temperature stress. Meanwhile, ABA could remarkbly delay the decrease of SOD activities and GSH content aswell as the increase of MDA content in the leaves of eggplant seedling during low temperature stress. On the other hand, ABA could effectively promote the increasing of contents of
    proline and soluble sugar in the leaves of eggplant seedling during low temperature stress. The AsA content was maintained a steady level in leaves of eggplant seedling by ABA-treatment.
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  • Inheritance of the Node for First Flower in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. )
  • Chen Xuejun;;Chen Jinfeng;Fang Rong;Cheng Zhifang;and Wang Shubin;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 152-154.
  • Abstract ( 1684 ) HTML ( 1591 ) PDF (213KB) ( 1591 )    
  • With classic genetics and the major gene plus polygene model of quantitative traits, a joint analysis of multi-generations from the cross between an extreme earliness inbred line ‘B9431 ’ and ‘Jilin Changjiao’was carried out to investigate the inheritance of the node of the first flower in pepper(Capsicum annuum L. ). The results showed that the node of the first flower in ‘B9431’was controlled by a recessive major gene and the inheritance of the node of the first flower fitted one major gene plus polygene model. Heritability values of the major genes of B1, B2 and F2 population were estimated as 83.72% , 76.56% and 86.63% respectively, while those polygene were 10.96% , 18.58% and 7.94%.
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  • SSR Primers Development in Non-head ing Chinese Cabbage by ISSR-PCR and Streptavidin-coated Magnetic Beads Adsorption
  • Cui Xiumin;Hou Xilin;and Dong Yuxiu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 155-157.
  • Abstract ( 1718 ) HTML ( 1157 ) PDF (273KB) ( 1157 )    
  • Two methods of ISSR-PCR and streptavidin-coated magnetic beads adsorption were used to isolate microsatellites from genomic DNA of non-heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis) and a total of 41 SSR primers were successfully developed in this study. SSR primers ( IP2 and IP3)were designed on the base of the determined terminal sequence of nested PCR products in the ISSR-PCR method with the efficiency of 12% for SSR primer development. As to the method of streptavidin-coated magnetic beads adsorption, firstly the biotin-labeled SSR p robe was hybridized with digested genomic DNA and SSR fragments were enriched by absorption with strepavidin-coated magnetic beads and then theywere amp lified, cloned and
    sequenced. On the base of the sequence flanking microsatellites SSR primers(PL and PR ) were designed with an efficiency of 9.6%.
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  • Isolated-m icrospore Culture and Plantlet Regeneration in Cabbage ( Brassicaoleracea L. var. capitata L. )
  • Fang Shugui;ChenWenhui;Zeng Xiaoling;Zhu Chaohui;Liao Xiaozhen;and Zheng Xueli
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 158-160.
  • Abstract ( 1656 ) HTML ( 1286 ) PDF (287KB) ( 1286 )    
  • Some factors affecting isolated2microspore culture of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. ) were studied using double-crossed and tetra-crossed hybrids as the donor plants. Results showed that the genotype was one of the most critical factors affecting embryogenesis in isolated microspore culture. The embryogenesis capacity of the low responsive genotype could be significantly improved after crossed with the genotype with high embryogenesis ability. The tetra-crossed hybrid could produce more vigorous embryos and result higher seedling rate compared with the double-crossed hybrid. The yield of embryoid could be significantly increased by adding new liquid medium with lower sucrose concentration into the original culture medium with a higher sucrose concentration after 4 days of culture.
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  • Observation and Comparison of Growing Development among Three Types of Taro with Multi-cormels
  • Huang Xinfang;KeWeidong;Li Shuangmei;Ye Yuanying;Liu Yiman;Liu Yuping;Peng Jing;Li Feng;Fu Xinfa;Lin Chufa;and Huang Laichun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 161-163.
  • Abstract ( 1598 ) HTML ( 194 ) PDF (0KB) ( 194 )    
  • ‘Zoumayang taro’ (purple petiole, white bud) , ‘Jianghan taro’ ( green petiole, whitebud) and‘Red-petiole taro’ (purple-red petiole, pale red bud) were selected for observation and comparison of growing development among these three types of taro 〔Colocasia esculenta (L. ) Schott〕with multicormels. It indicated thatmaturity of‘Jianghan taro’was the ealiest, ‘Zoumaoyang taro’was the next earliest, and ‘Red-petiole taro’was the latest. The later the maturity was, the faster the leaf grew. Earliness or lateness of tiller appearing was an indicator of that of the first grade cormel formation. Numbers of tillers, which reflected the tillering charactor of different types of cultivars, had no positive correlation with numbers of the first grade cormels and total cormels. The source-sink relationship of drymatter accumulation exists among
    corm, the first grade cormels and the second cormels.
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  • Comparison of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in Four TurfgrassSpecies
  • Li Xueqin;Xu Ligen;Jin Songheng:and Ma Boying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 164-167.
  • Abstract ( 1862 ) HTML ( 1314 ) PDF (230KB) ( 1314 )    
  • To investigate the adaptive capacity to light irradiance, and to screen for the different photoin-hibition-tolerant turfgrass species for different regions, we exp lored light2dependent chlorophyll fluorescence properties in four turfgrass species: Zoysia sinica, Eremochloa ophiuroides, Festuca arundinacea, Lolium perenne. The results showed that with increasing of light intensity under 30℃, there is a slower decrease in efficiency of energy conversion of open PSⅡ ( F′v/F′m) , actual PSⅡ efficiency (ΦPSⅡ) and photochemical quenching ( qP) , and a faster increase in electron transport rate ( ETR ) in Zoysia sinica and Eremochloa ophiuroides, as compared with Festuca arundinacea and Lolium perenne. Although Festuca arundinacea and Lolium perenne had higher energy dissipation capacity indicated by a higher qN than two other species did, their lower qP and ФPSⅡ suggested that they had more suscep tibility to photoinhibiton under strong irradiance resulting in the decrease of ETR. Therefore, it is considered that cool-season turfgrasses Festuca arundinacea
    and Lolium perenne appear to suffer photoinhibiton more easily than warm-season turfgrasses Zoysia sinica and Eremochloa ophiuroides do and that noninvasive chlorophyll fluorescence techniquesmay be used to identify for
    different photoinhibition tolerant genotypes.
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  • Studies on High Quality Somatic Embryogenesis Applied to Artificial Seed of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.
  • Xiao Ying;;and Wang Gang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 175-178.
  • Abstract ( 1597 ) HTML ( 1164 ) PDF (354KB) ( 1164 )    
  • MS agarmedium supp lemented with 2,4-D 2.0 mg·L-1 and 6-BA 0.5 mg·L-1 was proved to be the best for inducing callus from the leaves of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. It was suitable for somatic embryogenesis when the concentration of 2,4-D was reduced to 1.0 mg·L-1. Activated carbon, MSmedium and suspension culture were suitable for high frequency somatic embryogenesis. If globular embryoids, heart-shaped embryoids and pear 6-BA shaped embryoidswere transferred intoMSmedium supplemented with NAA
    0.2 mg·L -1, 6-BA 0.5 mg·L -1 and casein hydrolyzed 80 mg·L -1 , the quality of somatic embryos would be improved. If cotyleden embryoids were transferred in time into a forementioned medium added on ABA 0.5 mg·L -1 , the rate of normal somatic embryogenesis would be increased.
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  • Establishment of High-frequency Regeneration System from Leaf Explants ofLavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’
  • Xu Yaozu;;Wei Yanyu;Wang Xiaojun;ZhaoMinpan;and Zhao Haiqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 182-185.
  • Abstract ( 1515 ) HTML ( 1202 ) PDF (461KB) ( 1202 )    
  • The regeneration system of Lavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’ in vitro was studied with leaves as explants, and the results showed the optimal medium for callus induction was MS + 2,4-D 0.1 mg/L + 6-BA 0.5 mg/L with the induction frequency of 100%. Liquid suspension solid culture can achieve adventitious bud differentiation rate of 92.5% and 6.6 bud per callus. Best bud multip lying medium which was MS medium supplemented with NAA 2.0 mg/L and 6-BA 0.5 mg/L and IAA 1.0 mg/L was sifted through orthogonal experiment with multip lying coefficient of 8.7. The rooting of rootless bud could be accomplished directly in the bud multip lying medium with rooting frequency of 100%.
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  • A Preliminary Study on the in Vitro Culture of Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb. et Zucc.
  • Mai Miaomiao;Shi Daxing;Wang Mili;Liao Jing;and Han Shan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 186-189.
  • Abstract ( 1442 ) HTML ( 1077 ) PDF (456KB) ( 1077 )    
  • Cercidiphyllum japonicum is an endangered plant in China, possesses the high economic and appreciatory value. This papermainly dealt with the study on shoot organogenesis culture in vitro culture from sprout explants of Cercidiphy llum japonicum. The results showed that the best media for various stages were as follows: (1) Axially bud induction medium: MS +NAA 0.01 mg·L - 1 ; (2) Clump shoot induction medium: MS +BA 1.0 mg·L - 1 ; (3) Clump shoot regeneration medium: MS + BA 2.0 mg·L - 1 + 2,4-D 0.01 mg·L - 1 ; (4)Rooting medium: 1/2MS + IBA 1.0 mg·L - 1.
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  • Recent Advances in Lily Breeding
  • Li Shouli;;Shi Lei;Zhang Jinzheng;and Long Yayi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 203-210.
  • Abstract ( 2062 ) HTML ( 2517 ) PDF (482KB) ( 2517 )    
  • The studies on conservation and utilization of Lilium germplasm resourses, character improvement and the new technology in its breeding were reviewed. During the passed decades, great advances were made in new cultivar breeding and technique innovation. Several integrated systems relating to pollenless cultivar selection, overcoming of hybridization barriers and Agrobacterium mediated transformation have been developed, which will p rovide great help for lily breeding. However, more studies should be done on conservation of rare and endangered species in Lilium, mechanism of cross-sterility and utilization of molecular biology in breeding. Resistance breeding is one of the main directions in Lilium variety development in the future.
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  • A New Triploid Variety of Pear ‘Longyuan Yanghong’
  • Wang Xiaoxiang;Yin Jinfeng;and Ren Aihua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 211-211.
  • Abstract ( 1750 ) HTML ( 1065 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1065 )    
  • ‘Longyuan Yanghong’, a new triploid variety of pear, originated from a cross-combination of 56-5-20 בЦaoma’, have about 120 d of fruit growth period, strong adaptability to cold, The treebody can tolerate - 38℃. The average single fruit mass is 185.5 g, the maximum is 650.6 g. The fruit shape-index is 1.13, the fruit is irregular long-oval. The color of the peel is yellow covered with fresh red, which texture is white, fine, soft and many juice with 16.05% of soluble solid, 11.68% of soluble sugar and 0.81% of acid content. The fruit ripened around September 15 with middle sweet and sour and a little scent. It is a short branched type variety. Per fruit has only 2.5 seeds and seeds are irregular.
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  • A New Var iety for Pineapple ‘Yuecui’
  • Liu Yan;Zhong Yun;Meng Xiangchun;Xu Shunquan;and L iu Peizhen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 214-214.
  • Abstract ( 1408 ) HTML ( 1117 ) PDF (437KB) ( 1117 )    
  • ‘Yuecui’, a new variety, is a hybrid developed from crossing spineless‘Kayin ’with ‘Shenwan’pineapple. Fruit is large, long-conical in shape, and yellow in color, with an average mass of about 1.5 kg and 3.5 kg for the largest. Fruit flesh is yellow in color, succulent and crispy in flavor, with refreshing fragrance-scented and little fibre in texture. It has the total soluble solids ( TSS) of 15.2% -23.0%. The yielding is about 37.5 - 75 t/hm2. Fruit is available from mid to late August in Guangzhou.
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  • A New Late-maturing, Large-size and High-quality Longan Variety‘Youyi 106’
  • Liao Jianqiao;Xu Zujin;Xu Chunhua;Li Jian;and Zhu Guoqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 215-215.
  • Abstract ( 1601 ) HTML ( 1209 ) PDF (95KB) ( 1209 )    
  • New longan variety‘Youyi 106’is an excellent mutated tree selected from seedling longan population in 1995, the date of maturity in Putian. Fujian is at the last ten-day of September, the average quality of simple fruit is 15.5 g and the esculent rate is 70.6% , dissolubility solids occupies 21.6%, which is suitable to both eating and processing; the capacity for anti-witches besom is strong and the disease percentage is only 1.3%. Through the trials at 496 hm2 inside and outside Fujian province and the demonstration planting, the main agricultural trait and the zymogram test of peroxide isoenzyme for the mother tree and clonal generation, the heredity is stable.
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  • A New SeedlessWa termelon ‘Tiansheng’
  • Ma Changsheng;;Li Jianwu;Sun Zhongwei;and Zhang Jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 216-216.
  • Abstract ( 1683 ) HTML ( 1062 ) PDF (93KB) ( 1062 )    
  • ‘Tiansheng’is a seedlesswatermelon hybrid produced by Forestry and Horticulture College,Henan Agricultural University and Henan Yuyi Seed Company Ltd. The variety is suitable for planting in open field in some areas in China. The life history is about 105 days. The average fruit mass is 5.5 kg/ fruit, the yield is about 62.5 t/hm2. The fruit is round in shape with white powder on its dark surface. The content of soluble solid material is about 12.0%. The variety tastes very delicious. It is resistant to diseases and very
    convenient for store and transport.
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  • A New Cultivar for Export‘Dongnong 803’
  • Qin Zhiwei;L iu Hongyu;and Zhou Xiuyan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(1): 217-217.
  • Abstract ( 1483 ) HTML ( 1085 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1085 )    
  • A new cultivar‘Dongnong 803’ is a new hybrid used to exporting Russia. It is adaptable to the protected field cultivation in spring and open field cultivation in summer in northeast of China. The fruit is 16 - 18 cm in length, 2.0 - 2.5 cm in diameter and 100 - 120 g in mass. The skin is dark green with luster and little sting. It has high marketable quality with straight, delicious and crisp fruit. The fruit contains 0.1178 mg/g Vitamin C and 3.54% soluble substance. The rate of normalized fruit is above 85%.

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