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2006, Vol.33, No.2 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Effect of Fertilizer Being Bag-controlled Release on Nitrogen Utilization Rate, Growth and Fruiting of Zhanhua Winter Date ( Zizyphus jujuba Mill. var. inermis Rehd. )
  • Peng Futian;Peng Yong;Zhou Peng;and Zhang Shoushi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 223-228.
  • Abstract ( 1753 ) HTML ( 1547 ) PDF (500KB) ( 1547 )    
  • Bag controlled release fertilizer was a new type fertilizer which changed the idea of spraying high molecular materials to fertilizer particles according to the big individual volume characteristics of fruit trees. Experiments about effect of fertilizer being bag2controlled release on nitrogen utilization rate, growth and
    fruiting were done using Zhanhua Winter Date ( Zizyphus jujuba Mill. var. inerm is Rehd. ) as materials, the results showed that: Soil available nutrients concentration of fertilizer being bag controlled release application treatments (BCRT) wasmore steadier than that of fertilizer being spread application treatments (ST) ;Nutilization rate forBCRT treeswas 2.8 and 1.5 times as high as that for fertilizer being sp read app lication in one time treatments and in four times treatments trees respectively; Trees of BCRT were healthier but generated less jujube shoot than trees of ST due to steady nutrients concentration in soil; At the same application amount level chlorophyll content and Pn of BCRT treeswere steadier and higher than those of ST; BCRT significantly increased yield and fruit quality.
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  • Studies on the Rela tionship between the POD and IOD Activity and the Growth Vigor of Walnut
  • Zhang Zhihua;Liu Xincai;Wang Hongxia;Gao Yi;and Zhao Yuep ing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 229-232.
  • Abstract ( 1905 ) HTML ( 1423 ) PDF (380KB) ( 1423 )    
  • The relationship between the POD and IOD activity ofwalnut and the growth vigorwas studied by measuring the POD and IOD activity of leaves and roots ofwalnut seedlings, and through observing and analyzing the growth vigor. The results indicated that the POD activity of leaves have negative relationship strikingly with the tree height, and have bally negative correlation significantly with increment of tree height. The POD activity of roots have bally negative relationship strikinglywith the tree height and trunk girth, and have
    negative relationship significantlywith increment of tree height and trunk girth. The IOD activity of roots have bally negative correlation strikingly with the tree height, and have negative relationship strikingly with trunk girth and increment of tree height. The POD and IOD activity of leaves higher than that of roots. The POD and IOD activity of roots and the POD activity of leaves can be used for forecasting the growth vigor of walnut seedling.
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  • Cloning and Transformation of apetala2 Homologues Genes from Apple
  • Zhou Shengmei;Su Hongyan;Wang Lei;Zhang Xiansheng;and Shu Huairui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 239-243.
  • Abstract ( 1782 ) HTML ( 1447 ) PDF (542KB) ( 1447 )    
  • MAP2, with homology to Arabidopsis AP2, was isolated from the flower buds of apple (Malus domestica Borkh). MAP2 cDNA is 2 212 bp long and encodes a 549 amino acid protein. Like other AP2 genes, MAP2 encodes a protein containing two distinct AP2 domain, a transcription-activating domain and aputative nuclear location signal. This indicates thatMAP2 is a homologue of AP2 in app le. Although the homolog among the three proteins in the putative nuclear location signal is 100% , MAP2 shares only 45.1% and 55.2% similarity with AP2 and PhAP2A , respectively. This reflects the diversity in the function of AP2 gene family excep t for acting in the nuclear. RT-PCR analysis showed that MAP2 is expressed in floral buds, allfloral organs and vegetative organs, which is similar to the exp ression pattern of AP2 and PhAP2A. To study the function of MAP2 in apple, we introduced the sense MAP2 under the control of 35S promoter of Cauliflower mosaic virus into Royal Gala plants.
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  • Analysis of Apple Fruit Acid /Low-acid Trait by SSR Marker
  • Yao Yuxin;Zhai Heng;Zhao Lingling;Yi Kai;Liu Zhi;Song Ye
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 244-248.
  • Abstract ( 2015 ) HTML ( 1602 ) PDF (442KB) ( 1602 )    
  • It is necessary for app le genomic research and breeding to find outmalic acid genetic characteristics. In this research, SSR marker linked to acid /low-acid trait in app le fruitwas identified from 140 SSR primer pairs, materialed by 91 F1 population hybrid from the intraspecific cross between apple cultivar‘Dongguang’ and ‘Fuji’. Of 140 SSR primer pairs, only p rimer SDY085 produced a polymorphic band linked to acid trait, and the linkage distance was 8.89 cM. Also, the titrated acid and malic acid in different developmental stages were determined. The SSR marker analysis, coupled with the change of the total acid and malic acid contents, revealed that acid/low-acid trait was governed by a major gene and acid trait was complete dominant.

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  • Use of Amplified DNA Sequences for the Genetic Analysis of the Cherry Germplasm
  • Cai Yuliang;;Li Shan;Cao Dongwei;Qian Zengqiang;Zhao Guifang;HanMingyu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 249-254.
  • Abstract ( 1665 ) HTML ( 1598 ) PDF (674KB) ( 1598 )    
  • A PCR method using arbitrary oligonucleotide primers and totalDNA was employed to analyze cherry germplasm polymorphisms. Out of 130 primers, 48 10-mer primerswere selected and 8 cherry species and 2 interspecific progenies were analyzed. The phylogenetic analysis was carried out using two distance-matrix methods and a dendrogram was generated to show the relationships among species and cultivars. The results showed that there were 840 amplified loci in total; 23 sweet cherry and 4 sour cherry cultivars were clustered together with 569 and 247 polymorphic loci respectively which ccounted for 67.74% and 29.40% of the total variation. Prunus tomentosa T. , P. fruticosa var. aucta P. and P. humilis B. formed a monophyletic group. A close relationship between P. pseudocerasus L. and Colt, which formed another closely related group, was observed while P. avium L. , P. cerasus L. and other cherry species were more divergent. The range of genetic distances was from 0.0623 to 0.2719 among Prunus species, which were genetically distinct. The topology of the tree was generally in agreement with taxonomical classification of Prunus. The results indicated that except sweet cherry‘Hongdeng’variety there were one ormore cultivar-specific RAPD markers in cherry species and cultivars. Using these specific markers, cherry species and varieties could be identified and good characteristics of hybrids could be selected early.
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  • Histolog ical and Hormonal Characters during the Rhizogenesis of in Vitro Walnut Shoots
  • Wang Qingmin;Peng Weixiu;Zhang Junpei;Pei Dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 255-259.
  • Abstract ( 1685 ) HTML ( 1543 ) PDF (482KB) ( 1543 )    
  • Histological characters and the modification of endogenous IAA and ABA during the rhizogenesis of walnut shoots were investigated with in vitro cultivar of Xinzaofeng (Juglans regia L. ). It was identified that the adventitious root primordia of in vitro shoot originated from the vascular cambium cells, especially, the cross areas of cambium and pith ray and they started to differentiate at the 6th dayand lasted to the 10th day. Ifthe shoots were cultured in the root inducingmedium for 12 days, led to not only descend of rooting rate, but also the damaged plantlets, showing black shoot tips, callus of stem base, and leaf senescent. However, if they were transferred into the medium without hormone in time, the root p rimordial p rotruded the epidermis and developed normally after 5 days culture. Itwas also found that when the adventitious root primordia formed and lengthened, endogenous IAA concentration reach the peak and ABA was still increasing. The rate of IAA
    and ABA was maximum before the adventitious root primordium forming, after wards, it decreased. The research not only confirmed that the two step smethod is reasonable for walnut rhizogenesis; but also expounded the mechanism of the hormone regulation during the induced rooting on the physiological level.
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  • Studies on the Methods of Establishing Cucumber Core Collection Based on RAPD Analysis
  • Zhang Guangping;;L i Xixiang;Xiang Changping;Shen Di;Wang Wenling;Song Jiangping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 260-265.
  • Abstract ( 1694 ) HTML ( 1453 ) PDF (441KB) ( 1453 )    
  • The genetic diversity of 90 cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ) accessions from different countries or regions was detected by RAPD analysis. The methods of establishing the cucumber core collection based on RAPD data were studied. Firstly, six core collectionswere individually established at different samp ling rate of 10% , 15% , 20% , 25% , 35% and 45% from the original collection. The various core collectionswere compared with the original collection in the number of polymorphic loci, number of lost loci and genetic diversity index. The results showed that 25% was more ideal for develop ing cucumber core collection in this study. Secondly, three sampling strategies ( random sampling method, maximal deviation method, and maximal genetic distance method) were compared. The result demonstrated that the strategy ofmaximal genetic distance was better than others in establishing cucumber core collection with RAPD data. Further, it was verified that the core collection developed according to the sampling rate and strategy determined above could well represent the original collection, but at the same time, the reserve collection could not be neglected in germplasm conservation and utilization.
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  • Introgressive Hybridization between the Synthetic Allotetraploid in Cucumis and Cultivated Cucumber and Assessment of the Genetic Variation in theProgenies
  • Zhuang Feiyun;;Chen Jinfeng;Joe Wolucau;Lou Qunfeng;Qian Chuntao;Luo Xiangdong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 266-271.
  • Abstract ( 1613 ) HTML ( 1382 ) PDF (421KB) ( 1382 )    
  • The percentage of fruit set and seed set in the crosses between amphidiploid (Cucumis × hytivus Chen and Kirkbride, 2n = 38) , and south and north ecotype cucumber cultigens (C. sativus L. , 2n =14) , and genetic variation in these progenies were investigated. The percentage of fruit set in all crosses was high (83% - 100% ). The ratio of fruitwith embryo was 60% - 67% in the crosses between C. × hytivus and cucumber cultigens. Each fruit had about 10 - 20 embryos, which could survive and develop into plantlets through embryo rescue. The chromosome number of these plantlets was 26, as allotriploid. When cucumber cultigens crossed with amphidiploid C. ×hytivus, three fruits were obtained. One fruit had about 180 embryos 80% of which could survive through embryo rescue, and the chromosome numberwas 26. Others produced 60 seeds ( as HH1 population) and 15 ones with 14 hromosomes similar to that of cucumber cultigens, respectively. Few fruits with embryos or seeds were obtained in the crosses between allotriploid and cucumber cultigens. HH1 population was selected to investigate the genetic variation from morphology and molecular markers. Four plants showed the original parent C. hystrix traits such as black spines on fruit, while six plants had multiple branchng habits and unique morphological characteristics such as orange skin of fruit. Nineteen SSR primer pairs produced 63 alleles in HH1 and 24 alleles (38.1% ) were segregated, and seven of them might come from C. hystrix. From 400 arbitrary primers screened, twenty-four produced varied primed sites and among the 186 primed sites 31.7% were segregated. The results suggested that the genes of C. hystrix could be introduced into cucumber through interspecific hybridization and introgression.
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  • Effects of CO2 and Tempera ture on Canopy Photosynthesis ofMuskmelon
  • Niu Qingliang;Huang Danfeng;Aierken·Yasheng;and Chen Chunhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 272-277.
  • Abstract ( 1554 ) HTML ( 1597 ) PDF (472KB) ( 1597 )    
  • Calculation and analysis system were established for crop gross photosynthesis measurement in climate chambers and effects of climate factor on muskmelon (Cucumis melo var. reticulatus Naud. ) canopy photosynthesiswere studied. It indicated that elevated CO2 obviously increased gross photosynthesis ( Pgc ) ,especially under high radiation conditions. Pgc increased 30.1% and 44.6% when CO2 concentration rose from 400 to 700 and 1 000 μmol·mol- 1 respectively. Elevated CO2 also enhanced photochemical efficiency (αc ) and maximum gross photosynthesis rate ( Pgc, m ax ). Temperature had high influence on Pgc also, higher temperature reduced αc and Pgc, max increased under low CO2 condition, whereas it's different when CO2 concentration was heightened to a relative high level because of CO2—emperature interactions effect. Temperature that maximized Pgc at different CO2 and light conditions were calculated and determined as well in the experiment.
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  • Studies on Induction Resistance to Psedoperonospora cubensis by BTH inCucumber Seedlings
  • Li Yuhong;Cheng Zhihui;Chen Peng;Chen Xiaoguang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 278-282.
  • Abstract ( 1696 ) HTML ( 1618 ) PDF (511KB) ( 1618 )    
  • 0.5 mmol/L BTH was used in seedlingwith two true leaves 4, 8 and 12 h, or 1, 2, 4 and 7 days before or 4 and 2 days after inoculation with P.cubensis. Results obtained showed that BTH had not a curative effect but could induce local and systemic resistance in cucumber against the downymildew. Expression of systemic resistance in leaves was detectable 48 h after treatment and continued for at least 7 days. Chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase activities analysis showed that induced resistance in cucumber leaves was
    accompanied by a systemic increasing in both enzymes activities. Two enzymes were related to resistance to downy mildew in cucumber.
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  • Studies on the Resistance to Cucumber Damping-off Induced by Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria CH1
  • Liang Jiangen;;Zhang Bingxin;Chen Zhenyu;Yu Jingquan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 283-288.
  • Abstract ( 1502 ) HTML ( 1444 ) PDF (679KB) ( 1444 )    
  • Using root-splitting method, the resistance to cucumber damping-off induced by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria CH1 and the changes in activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) , peroxidase( POD) , catase (CAT) , polyphenol oxidase ( PPO) and phenylalanine ammonialyase ( PAL) in cucumber roots and leaves pretreated with PGPR CH1 and inoculated by Pythium aphanidermatum were studied. The results showed that PGPR CH1 could enhance the surviving seedling of cucumber, control efficacy reached 78.64% after CH1 treatment at 28 d, which indicated that induced resistance was the major factor for CH1 to
    control the cucumber damping-off. The activities of SOD, POD, CAT, PPO and PAL in the roots treated by CH1 and the leaves nontreated by CH1 increased higher than those of other treatments to some extent and reached their maximum on 3rd, 3rd, 5th, 5th and 5th in roots, respectively, the activities of these protective enzymes in leaves were accorded with those of enzymes in roots. The experimental results suggested that the increased activities of SOD, POD, CAT, PPO and PAL induced by CH1 against Pythium aphanidermatum are most likely to be associated with the development of ISR in cucumber. Moreover, the resistance induced by CH1 is systemic.
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  • Effects of Exogenous Methyl Ja smona te on Chilling Injury and Physiologyand Biochem istry in Postharvest Cucumber
  • Han J in; and Tian Ship ing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 289-293.
  • Abstract ( 1722 ) HTML ( 1609 ) PDF (503KB) ( 1609 )    
  • The effects of exogenous methyl jasmonate (MJ) on physiological and biochemical attributes of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ‘Shennong 5’) under low temperature stress were investigated in this paper. The results indicated that symp toms of chilling injury in the cucumber treated withMJ developed slowly, electrolyte leakage of cellmembrane, p roline content and soluble solids content decreased after the treatment. MJ treatment could increase catalase activity, decrease peroxidase activity, but it could not affect significantly superoxide dismutase activity. Additionally, the concentration of MJ significantly affected chlorophyll content in cucumber. Therefore, the effect ofMJ on enhancing resistance of cucumber fruits to chilling stressmay attribute to altering its physiological pathways.
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  • Relationship between Carbohydrate Change and Related Enzymes Activities during Tomato Fruit Development
  • Qi Hongyan;Li Tianlai;Zhang Jie;Liu Haitao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 294-299.
  • Abstract ( 1663 ) HTML ( 3213 ) PDF (599KB) ( 3213 )    
  • ‘L iaoyuan Duoli’ tomato was cultivated in solar greenhouse. Different fruit parts namely peduncle vascular bundle, sepal, pericarp, pectinic, dissepiment and fruit vascular bundle were taken in order to determine carbohydrate composition and content and sucrose2metabolizing enzymes activities of each part during tomato fruit development. The results indicated that a negative correlation was found between glucose and fructose contents and sucrose synthase ( SS) activity during fruit development. The correlation coefficients
    were - 0.9497* and - 0.9598** 〔r(0.05, 3) = 0.8783, r(0.01, 3) = 0.9587〕, respectively. A positive correlation was found between invertase activity and glucose and fructose contents, while there was a significant negative correlation between the invertase activity and the sucrose content. The correlation coefficients were - 0.9706** and - 0.9669**〔r(0.01, 3) = 0.9587〕, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between sucrose accumulation and SS activity, with the correlation coefficient being 0.8886*〔r(0. 05, 3) =0.8783〕. Throughout the whole fruit development, no significant correlation existed among the contents of three kinds of sugar and sucrose phosphate synthase ( SPS) activity, suggesting that the accumulation and metabolism of sugar in the tomato fruitwere controlled by the SS and invertase activity mainly, not by SPS activity. Starch accumulation in the fruit was correlated significantly positive with SS and had little to do with other
    enzymes. Therefore, the combined action of invertase and SS was the key factor affecting sugar accumulation in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. ) fruit.
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  • Cloning and Expression Characteristics of cDNA Fragment of GABAa Receptor Gene in Diamondback Moth ( Plutella xylostella )
  • Zhou Xiaomao;;;Wu Qingjun;Hu Meiying;Zhang Youjun;Zhu Guoren;Xu Baoyun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 300-305.
  • Abstract ( 1621 ) HTML ( 1396 ) PDF (519KB) ( 1396 )    
  • One fragment of 248 bp cDNA of the GABAa recep tor gene from the fourth instar larvae of diamondback moth (DBM, Plutella xylostella) was amplified, cloned, sequenced and analyzed by using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method. Homologous analysis showed that it had 100% homologywith the published deduced amino acid sequences of Helioth is viresce. Based on the GABAa receptor gene clone, an optimal emiquantitative RT-PCR method was successfully constructed. Using 18S rRNA as internal control, the exp ression difference of GABAa recep tor gene in different tissues and different developmental stages was studied. Results showed that the gene was expressed the highest level in heads of DBM, next was in thorax and the lowest level in abdomen. The exp ression at different developmental stages was not significantly different.
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  • Effect of Hormones on the Regeneration of Different Explants of GMS Line in Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis
  • Sun Baojuan;Cao Jiashu;Xiang Xun;Ye Wanzhi;Yu Xiaolin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 306-310.
  • Abstract ( 1586 ) HTML ( 1152 ) PDF (480KB) ( 1152 )    
  • Receptacles with ovary and pedicel used as explants, the regeneration systems of different fertility explants of genic recessive male sterility A/B lines in Chinese cabbage-pak-choi (Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis Makino) were compared. Moreover, itwas analysed that the effect on different fertility explants regeneration of interaction between endogenous hormone of exp lant itself and exogenous app lication. Results showed that the best exogenous NAA concentrations for adventitious shoots induction of the sterile and the fertile explantswere 0.2 mg·L - 1 and 0.1 mg·L - 1 , respectively. With the optimal NAA concentrations, shoot induction rate of sterile explants was not significantly affected by 6-BA, however, that of fertile showed erratically change with different 62BA concentration. The result of endogenous hormone determination showed that the endogenous contents of GA3 , IAA and ZT in fertile explants were 37.8% , 28.0% and 224.9% higher than in that of the fertile, but ABA content is sterile exp lantswas 20;4% higher than that of the fertile. The shoots regenerated from this kind of floral explants showed high frequency bolting rate without subculture or with few times subculture. But with the times of subculture increasing, the tendency of rep roductive growth declined whereas the rooting rate enhanced significantly.
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  • Effects of Magnesium Def ic iency on Photosynthesis Characteristic of Flowering Chinese Cabbage
  • Liu Houcheng;Chen Ximing;Chen Riyuan;Song Shiwei;Sun Guangwen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 311-316.
  • Abstract ( 2114 ) HTML ( 1144 ) PDF (633KB) ( 1144 )    
  • The effects ofmagnesium deficiency on photosynthesis characteristic of flowering Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis var. utilis Tsen et Lee) were studied. Net photosynthesis rate (Pn) , stomatal conductance and transpiration rate changed in one-peak curve in daytime, and those decreased with the decrease of magnesium supply. The Pn peak reached earlier in Mg-deficiency leaves. Light compensation point, light saturation point and Pn maximum at saturated light decreased in Mg-deficiency leaves. CO2 compensation point increased, CO2 saturation point decreased (Mg 1 mmol·L - 1 ) or increased (Mg 0) , Pn maximum at saturated CO2 concentration decreased inMg-deficiency leaves. There were little effects in the changes of intracellular CO2 concentration (Ci) in daytime, the response of Ci to light and CO2 concentration byMg-deficiency, those indicated that photosynthesis inhibition in flowering Chinese cabbage by Mg-deficiency was mainly due to non-stomatal factors.
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  • Genetic Diversity of Tea 〔Camellia sinensis ( L. ) O. Kuntze〕Cultivars Revealed by AFLP Analysis
  • Huang Jian'an;;Li Jiaxian;Huang Yihuan;Luo Junwu;Gong Zhihua;Liu Zhonghua;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 317-322.
  • Abstract ( 1639 ) HTML ( 2460 ) PDF (617KB) ( 2460 )    
  • 40 tea cultivars were analyzed by AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) -silver staining protocol in order to detect the genetic diversity and relationship. AFLP fingerprinting of 40 tea cultivars with primer combinations E-ACG/M-AAC, E-AGG/M-AAG and E-AGG/M-AGT revealed a total number of 226 unambiguous bands, of which 207 ones were polymorphic and the polymorphism frequency was 91.59%. This result showed the abundant diversities of restriction sites among tea cultivars studied. As analyzed by POPGENE 1.31, the average value of effective number of alleles, Nei's gene diversity and Shannonpsinformation index were 1.59 ±0.09, 0.35 ±0.04 and 0.53 ±0.05 respectively. As analyzed by SPSS12, the Nei's genetic distances of 40 tea cultivars ranged from 0.13 to 0.48, and the average distance was 0.32.
    These tea cultivars were divided into four group s by UPGMA ( unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average) based on Nei's genetic distances. The genetic relationship of 40 tea cultivarswas analyzed using the similarity coefficient.
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  • The Pollination Biology of Chimonanthus praecox (L. ) Link (Calycanthaceae)
  • Zhou Lihua;Hao Riming;and Wu Jianzhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 323-327.
  • Abstract ( 2044 ) HTML ( 1943 ) PDF (334KB) ( 1943 )    
  • This paper evaluated the pollination characteristics of Chimonanthus praecox. The results show that the same flower tends to dichogamous. The value of P /O is 2 847.3 ±1 125.0, and the total value of OCI is 3. The seed set rate with different treatments show that its breeding system is facultative hybridization, with a small part of self-pollination which needs pollinators. Insects visited C. praecox only in the sunny days and when the highest temperature of day is higher than 10℃, their visiting time is from 10: 00 to 14: 00 in a day, and its peak is from 12: 00 to 13: 00. Apis cerana cerana, A ldrichina grahami, Epistrophe balteata, Musca hervei are its main visitors in Nanjing. The different cultivars of C. praecox studied are similar in the species and visiting frequency of visitors. This study can give scientific data to cross-breeding.
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  • Effects of Ultrasonic Wave on Water Condition and Membrane Stability of Cut Nymphaea caerulea Flower during Wet Storage
  • He Wenting;Guo Weiming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 328-332.
  • Abstract ( 1581 ) HTML ( 1327 ) PDF (493KB) ( 1327 )    
  • Effects of pretreatments by UW ( ultrasonic wave) and UW + PS ( preservative solution) on indexes related to water conditionsmembrane stability of cut Nymphaea caerulea flower were studied during wet storage. The result showed that compared with the control, the vase life was postponed, water conditions were improved, which including the increase in fresh mass of flower stem, the p romotion of equilibrium between water absorp tions and loss, the water absorption rate and the water potential in different parts of flower stem. Meanwhile, the productions of O2· and MDA in petals were retarded, but SOD and CAT activities of petals were increased by two types of ultrasonic wave pretreatment during wet storage. The effect by UW + PS was better than that by UW alone, it showed the synergism effects.
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  • Effects of Light Quality on the Photosynthetic Characteristics and Growth of Poinsettia
  • Jiang Mingyan;Pan Yuanzhi;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 338-343.
  • Abstract ( 1906 ) HTML ( 1790 ) PDF (599KB) ( 1790 )    
  • Using‘Red Velvet’and‘Prestige’as materials, the effects of different light quality ( red,yellow, blue) on poinsettia growth, flowerps ornamental value and flowering time were examined. The results indicated that red light promoted the contents of chlorophyll b and the growth of lateral shoots, and the flowering times were delayed 3 days, but it increased the flowerps ornamental values. Yellow light benefited the increase of the photosynthetic rate, promoted the growth of poinsettia in the early stage but inhibited in the later
    stage. It decreased the flower's ornamental values of poinsettia although it had no effects on its flowering times.Blue light promoted the contents of chlorophyll a, inhibited the growth of lateral shoots and made flowers blooming 7 days earlier, but the flowerps ornamental values were normal.
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  • Preliminary Exploration on Extraction and Characterization of Red Pigment from Camellia japonica L.
  • Jiang Xinlong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 344-348.
  • Abstract ( 1745 ) HTML ( 1746 ) PDF (441KB) ( 1746 )    
  • Physico-chemical properties and extractions of the red pigment of Camellia japonica L. were explored preliminary. Results showed that good yield of pigment could be obtained by 95% ethanol solution(with 10% HCl) of pH 1 at 80℃ for 6 h with the solid2liquid ratio 1∶10 ( g/mL). The Camellia japonica L.
    red pigment is classified to anthocyanins, forwhich pH had significant effect on the tone of pigment. The pigment is suitable to acid environment while its good heat resistance. Under sunlight, degradation of the pigment could be accelerated, but regardless of ultraviolet light. Metallicions Na+ , Ca2 + , A13 + , Cu2 + , Zn2 + had no effect on the tone of pigment, but Fe3 + , Pb2 + had severe disadvantageous effect. This kind of pigment has better endurance capability against reducing agent, but it has less resistance capability against oxidizing agent. Addition of glucose, sucrose and salt had no effect on the pigment.
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  • Genetic Diversity in Cymbidium Based on RAPD Markers and PCR-RFLP Analyses of Organellar DNAs
  • Gan Na;;Tan Xianghong;Chen Qibing;Wei Yuming;Zheng Youliang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 349-355.
  • Abstract ( 1997 ) HTML ( 1705 ) PDF (807KB) ( 1705 )    
  • The genetic diversity among 20 Cymbidium accessionswas investigated by RAPD markers and PCR-RFLP analyses of organellar DNAs. In RAPD analyses, the amplified roducts of 36 primers (72.0% ) were polymorphic. The RAPD-based genetic similarity (GS) among 20 Cymbidium accessions ranged from
    01503 to 01765, with the mean of 0.598. Based on genetic similarity matrix resulting from RAPD makers, the genetic relationships among 20 Cymbidium accessions were estimated by UPGMA ( unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means) clustering analysis. It was found that all 20 Cymbidium accessions could be distinguished by RAPD markers. In cpDNA PCR-RFLP analyses, 6 out of 7 markers (87.5% ) could produce one or more than one distinct bands by direct electrophoresis in 2% agrose gels. After the amplified products were digested by 7 restriction enzymes, a total of 53 bandswere detected in 19 cpDNA PCR-RFLP marker / enzyme combinations, among which 37 bands (69.8% ) were polymorphic. The cpDNA PCR-RFLP-based genetic similarity (GS) among 20 Cymbidium accessions ranged from 0.571 to 0.949, with the mean of 0.766. Of the 8 mtDNA PCR-RFLP markers, 3 markers (37.5% ) could p roduce one distinct band with no polymorphism detected by direct electrophoresis in 2% agrose gels. After the amplified productswere digested by 7 restriction enzymes, a total of 33 bands were detected in 10 mtDNA PCR-RFLP marker/enzyme combinations,among which 21 bands (63.6% ) were polymorphic. The mtDNA PCR2RFLP2based genetic similarity (GS) among 20 Cymbidium accessions ranged from 0.634 to 1.000, with the mean of 0.829. These results suggested that relatively higher level of genetic polymorphism in Cym bidium could be detected by RAPD markers, whereas relatively lower level genetic polymorphism could be estimated by mtDNA PCR-RFLP markers.
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  • Relationship between Boron Deficiency Occurrence and Annual Changes inContents of Boron and Sugar of Newhall Navel Orange
  • Xiao Jiaxin;;Yan Xiang;Peng Shu'ang;Deng Xiuxin;Fang Yiwen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 356-359.
  • Abstract ( 1697 ) HTML ( 1457 ) PDF (394KB) ( 1457 )    
  • Annual changes of boron (B) and soluble sugar (SS) concentrations were investigated in fruits and leaves of both Newhall (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) and Skaggps Bonanza (C. sinensis Osbeck) navel orange in the south part of Jiangxi province. The results showed that B concentrations in the rind were relatively high during fruitlet growth, and then those of both rind and pulp decreased, while the significant increases of B concentrations were detected in both rind and pulp from the two cultivars duringmiddle and late fruit enlargement. Meanwhile, B concentration decreased progressively and remained relatively low in old leaves from last season of Newhall, whereas was relatively high and changed little in old leaves from Skagg's Bonanza. During the middle and late stage of fruit enlargement, SS concentrations in both rind and pulp from the two cultivars accumulated significantly in accordance with B of them, meanwhile, notable decreases were presented for SS both in old leaves from the two cultivars and in sp ring-flush leaves from Skagg's Bonanza, whereas no obvious decrease was found for SS in sp ring-flush leaves of Newhall.
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  • Measuremen t of the Transpiration Rate of Developing Pear Fruit
  • Zhang Qing;Deng Ximin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 360-362.
  • Abstract ( 1639 ) HTML ( 1218 ) PDF (313KB) ( 1218 )    
  • Transpiration rate of the detached pear ( Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim. ‘Jingbaili’) fruit at various development stageswasmeasured using a self-designed device. This device continuously supp lied water to the detached fruit through the pedicel and controlled the air temperature and relative humidity by physical
    means. The results showed that the water supp ly to detached fruit kept the measured transp iration rate steady for longer period and obtained a higher value in comparison with the control. The increase in air temperature resulted in a significant increase of the fruit transpiration rate and the increase in relative humidity significantly reduced the fruit transpiration rate. The transpiration rate decreased with the development of pear fruit.
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  • Study on Evaluation of Grapevine Intra-plot Vegetative Vigour by Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
  • Li Demei;;Jean-Philippe Roby;Li Shaohua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 366-369.
  • Abstract ( 1758 ) HTML ( 1596 ) PDF (460KB) ( 1596 )    
  • Two grapewine making cultivars, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot (Vitis vinifera) , were used in this study to estimate vine vegetative vigour by the remote sensing technique. The results show that the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of grapevines based on on-ground object spectral data distinguished well the intraplot vine vegetative vigour, including shoot length, shoot daily growth rate, leaves areas pervine and N-Tester index. Significant correlations were found between NDVI and shoot length, shoot daily growth rate, leaves areas pervine, or N-Tester index. The results indicate that NDVI could be used for evaluating the grapevine intra-plot vegetative vigour and the GIS distributed NDVI map might be used to distinguish
    different grapevine vigour zones.
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  • Acquirement of New Male Sterile Germplasm of Chinese Jujube
  • Wang Jiurui;Liu Ling;Liu Mengjun;Zhou Junyi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 374-377.
  • Abstract ( 1854 ) HTML ( 1340 ) PDF (762KB) ( 1340 )    
  • A new male sterile material of Chinese jujube ( Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ) was identified from natural population for the first time by test of pollen vitality and number and anatomy studies. The material without normal pollen in yellow buds was named Male Sterile 1 of Chinese jujube (JMS1). Microspore massed
    and became disaggregated after tetrads during pollen development of JMS1. Then anthers became emp ty, or only pollen vestiges remained in yellow bud. So the pollen became abortive after tetrads. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of tapetum at tetrads stage were related to pollen abortion. In view of itsmiddle fertility of embryo, big fruit, and early mature, JMS1 could be used as a worthful female parent in the hybridization breeding of Chinese jujube.
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  • Genetic Diversity of Malus toringoides ( Rehd. ) Hughes Based on AFLP
  • Shi Shengyou;Cheng Minghao;Liang Guolu;Guo Qigao;Li Xiaolin;Zhou Zhiqin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 381-384.
  • Abstract ( 1602 ) HTML ( 1328 ) PDF (387KB) ( 1328 )    
  • The study ismainly on the genetic diversity of Malus toringoides (Rehd. ) Hughes by app ying AFLP. 658 bandswere obtained with 8 pairs of AFLP primers based on 30 variant types, and among them 568 (86.59% ) were polymorphic with an average of 71 bands for perAFLP p rimer, the ratio of polymorphic rate varied from 0.3582 to 0.6296. UPGMA cluster analysis based on simp le matching coefficient (SM) divided the thirty variant types into twelve group s at 0.68 level. At DNA level, the results showed that the rich diversity inM. toringoides (Rehd. ) Hugheswas derived from the introgression of M. toringoides (Rehd. )
    Hughes with M. transitoria Schneid. and M. kansuensis Rehd.
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  • Cloning of a New Self-incompatibility S-allele in White Pear( Pyrus retschneideri)
  • Wuyun Tana;Tan Xiaofeng;Cao Yufen;Li Xiugen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 385-388.
  • Abstract ( 1716 ) HTML ( 1225 ) PDF (280KB) ( 1225 )    
  • A new S-RNase gene was identified in white pear ( Pyrus bretschneideri) by PCR - RFLP, DNA sequencing analysis and cross pollination tests. The fragment length of PCR amplification using primers specific for S1-RNase to S9-RNase, similar to that of S8-RNase, was around 450 bp. RFLP and DNA sequence
    analyses revealed that the two genes had great variations in introns and hypervariable (HV) regions. The nucleotide size of intron of this new gene was 252 bp, whereas that of S8-RNase was merely 234 bp. By comparing the amino acids (AA) of the HV regions between the new S-RNase gene and S8-RNase, this new gene had substitutions of 10AA and deletion of 1AA, respectively. Nevertheless, it showed a high identity to S12-RNase that we previously identified in white pear, only 1 bp was substituted in the HV region, and 10 bp were substituted or deleted in the around regions. Based on our current results, the new S-RNase gene was named as S19-RNase ( accession number in GenBank: AY250987). The results of recip rocal cross pollination tests
    between pear cultivarswhose S genotypes have been determined and those containing S19-RNase further confirmed that the isolated fragment was a new S-RNase gene.
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  • Studies of Karyotype in Carica papaya
  • WangWeixing;Li Chunyan;Liang Guolu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 389-391.
  • Abstract ( 1544 ) HTML ( 1607 ) PDF (387KB) ( 1607 )    
  • Analyzed karyotypes of three varieties of Carica papaya including ‘Suizhonghong ’,‘Risheng’and ‘Meizhonghong’. The results showed that they all have a pair ofmedian satellites located on the sixth pair chromosomes of ‘Suizhonghong’ and ‘Risheng’ and on the seventh pair chromosomes of ‘Meizhonghong’. And we analyzed the heterochromosomes in ‘Suizhonghong’and ‘Risheng’. According to the results, we primarily discussed that there are sex chromosomes or not in Carica papaya. The karyotype formulas of three varieties: ‘Suizhonghong’, 2n = 2x = 18 = 16m (2SAT) + 2 sm; ‘Risheng’, 2n = 2x = 18 = 14m (2SAT) + 4 sm; ‘Meizhonghong’, 2n = 2x = 18 = 16m (2SAT) + 2 sm, and three karyotypes all are “2A”, but there are some differences among them.
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  • Effects ofMetabolism Regula tor on Surv iva l Ra te of Softwood Cutting Prop2aga tion and ItsMechan ism
  • Wang Guanlin;Su Dongxia;andWu Haidong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 395-398.
  • Abstract ( 1454 ) HTML ( 1471 ) PDF (454KB) ( 1471 )    
  • Abstract: The effectps ofMHSmetabolism regulator on cuttingspsurvival rate, rooting percent and green
    time, were studied by sp rayingMHS in the cutting of purpureus, cherry colt and pomegranate. The variation
    in the contents of solubility carbohydrate, soluble p rotein and total chlorophyll and the activities of superoxide
    dismutase ( SOD) were also discussed in the experiment. The results showed thatMHS could imp rove growth
    of the p lants which root either easy or hard. The highest survival rate and rooting rate were obtained after the
    cuttings of purpureus were soaked with rooting reagent and sp rayed byMHS. The survival rate and rooting rate
    with this treatmentwere increased by 895173% and 735172% separately. The green time was 28185 d longer
    than the control. The contents of solubility carbohydrate, soluble p rotein and chlorophyllwere increased grad2
    uallywith the treated days. The activities of SOD were descend firstly, then enhanced. This showed thatMHS
    increased survival rate by regulating the metabolism of cuttingps physiology and biochemistry.
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  • The Evaluation of Allelopathic Potentia l of Cultured Cucumber Root Exudates Based on Extension Engineering Principles
  • Zuo Shengpeng;;Shui Junfeng;Ma Yongqing;Huang Xiaoshan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 399-401.
  • Abstract ( 1789 ) HTML ( 1233 ) PDF (274KB) ( 1233 )    
  • The use of extension engineering theory to evaluate allelopathic potential of exudates from cultured cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ) roots provides a novel approach for the quantitative assessment of allelopathy between crops and scientific guidance for modern agriculture industry. A combination of cultured root techniques and extension engineering methods was used to theoretically assess the allelopathic potential of cultured cucumber root exudates on four test crops: bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. ) , cucumber, melon (Cucumis melo L) , and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. ). Extension measurement of allelopathic potential of cultured cucumber root exudates indicated that cucumber significantly stimulated the growth of bean seedlings. In contrast, cultured cucumber root exudates significantly inhibited cucumber, melon, and tomato seedlings. A mathematicalmodel, RE = [ k1Rp0 / ( k2 - k1 ) ] ( e- k1 t - e- k2 t ) ( e- k1a - e- k2a ) , was developed to show the dependence of allelopathic potential (RE ) of cultured cucumber root exudates on culture time ( t) and root exudate concentration ( a) where Rp0 = RE when t = 0. Significant differences in the chemical interference of cucumber root exudates on seedling growth of the four acceptor crops demonstrates inter- or intra-specific relationships related to the plant accession causing allelochemical reactions. Extension evaluation of allelopathic potential of the exudates from cultured cucumber roots theoretically shows that beans are an app rop riate choice for intercropping with cucumbers or as a successive crop after cucumber harvest.
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  • A Highly Efficient System Establishment of Transient Expression in Lettuce
  • Li Jing;Chen Min;Liu Xianwei;Shen Fafu;Wang Peng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 405-407.
  • Abstract ( 1713 ) HTML ( 2497 ) PDF (323KB) ( 2497 )    
  • Using Agrobacterium vacuum infiltration method the plant bivalent expression vector pBI121 containing GUS as a report gene was transformed into lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. sp). Through orthogonal experiment, a highly efficient system of transient expression was observed in plant intact leaves when they were
    treated with 200 μmol/L acetosyringone, 0.8 OD600 bacterium density, vacuum 30 min and co-culture 6 days. Transgenic expression level of the optimal condition is improved 16.3 times than that of the control.
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  • Studies on the Proteoglycans Isolated from the Wild Lactarius deliciosus and Lactarius hatsudak
  • Dong Aiwen;;Fu Xinghui;Huang Mei'e;Chen Yang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 408-410.
  • Abstract ( 1545 ) HTML ( 2246 ) PDF (293KB) ( 2246 )    

  • Proteoglycan was extracted from the Lactaricus deliciosus Gray and Lactarius hatsudak Tanake by app rop riate solvent, method and condition. Proteoglycan was further isolated and purified by Sevage, DEAE-cellulose columns and SephdexG-100. After purified proteoglycans was analyzed by IR, UV-spectrum,
    the contents of protein and sugar were measured. The result shows that the protein and sugar content in the proteoglycan of Lactarius deliciosus were 24.53% and 68.83% , and that in proteoglycan of Lactarius hatsudak were 15.53% and 66.52%. At the same time two p roteoglycans have antioxidation. TLC analysis of proteoglycan hydrolate showed that those sugars of Lactarius deliciosus were mainly composed of glucose, fructose and mannose while sugars of Lactarius hatsudak were mainly composed of glucose, fructose and xylose.
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  • The Effect of GA3 on the Relatived Signal Molecule Changes during the Breaking Dormancy in Aralia elata Seed
  • Li Hongbo;Liu Yanji;Li Tianlai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 414-416.
  • Abstract ( 1539 ) HTML ( 1521 ) PDF (399KB) ( 1521 )    
  • Under alternating temperature stratification ( high temperature 13 - 15℃ 12 h everyday and low temperature 0 - 4℃ 12 h everyday) condition, the effect of GA3 on the change of partial signal molecule was studied during the process of breaking dormancy in Aralia elata seed. The resultswere as following: 200 mg/L GA3 of acetone solution significantly p romoted germination rate of Aralia elata seed, decreased the content of the ABA, and increased the content of the endogenous GA3 and CaM, meanwhile, improved activity of the NADKase and PM Ca2 + -ATPase evidently. It can be concluded that signal molecule participated in and regulated the course of the breaking dormancy in A ralia elata seed.
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  • Chromosome Analysis of Hybrid Cymbidium
  • Zhu Genfa;Lü Fubing;Wang Biqing;Chen Mingli
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 417-421.
  • Abstract ( 1711 ) HTML ( 1291 ) PDF (1106KB) ( 1291 )    
  • Chromosome was analyzed on hybrid Cymbidium. The chromosome number of 33 varieties of hybrid Cymbidium are different, Which 7 varieties are diploid, 15 varieties are trip loid, 10 varieties are tetraploid, and 1 variety is aneuploid. Further chromosome analysis on different varieties from the same cross or
    parentage varities shows that the offspring of cross between diploid will possibility be tetraploid.
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  • Effects of N-lauroylethanolamine Treatments on Vase-life and Membrane Permeability of Cut Carnation‘Red Barbara’Flowers
  • Zhang Yun;;GuoWeiming;Han Liang;Li Zhengming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 422-425.
  • Abstract ( 1699 ) HTML ( 1142 ) PDF (405KB) ( 1142 )    
  • It was studied the effect of N-lauroylethanolamine on the vase life and relative postharvest physiology indexes of cut carnation‘Red Barbara’flower. The results showed that (1) N-lauroylethanolamine supplied in vase solution at 5 μmol/L could delay the senescence of‘Red Barbara’, and the vase-life could
    be prolonged for 2 more days than of the control ( P < 0.05, n = 30) ; (2) Treatment by the N-lauroylethanolamine, the cut flowers could maintain longer opening period, but have no effect on the stage of pre-opening and the stage of beginning ofwilting; (3) Exogenous treatments by N-lauroylethanolamine could decrease the level of leakage of membrane and the rate of alondialdehyde accumulation during development and senescence of petals of the cut carnations. It was discussed that the N-lauroylethanolamine induced delaying senescence of cut carnantion flowers involves in the decrease of lipid peroxidation level, thus preserving the integrity of membranes as a kind of signal lipids.
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  • In itia tion and Development of Flower Buds in Forsythia suspensa
  • Chen Xuhui;Jiang Sha;Li Yifan;Xu Ke;Han Yi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 426-428.
  • Abstract ( 1873 ) HTML ( 1713 ) PDF (697KB) ( 1713 )    
  • The differentiation and development of flower buds in Forsythia suspensa were observed by ightmicroscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope ( SEM). The results were: (1) The differentiation f flower buds began at the period between middle and late May and continued to middle July. The whole rocess could be divided into five stages: vegetative stage, initial differentiation stage, sepal primordial initiation stage, corolla and anther primordial initiation stage, carpel primordial initiation stage. (2) The development of pistil and stamen followed the finish of the flower bud differentiation. Pollen mother cells and completely developed microsporagium wall ere observed at the period of early September and megaspore mother cell in ovule was observed at the period of late October.
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  • A Comparative Electron Microscopic of Ultra Structure in Different Lily Cultivars under Salt Stress
  • Zuo Zhirui;;;Gao Junping;Mu Ding;Liu Chun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 429-432.
  • Abstract ( 1814 ) HTML ( 1707 ) PDF (574KB) ( 1707 )    
  • The cytological development of leaves of salt-tolerance cultivar‘Prato’and combined salt-sensitive cultivar Sorbonne in Lilium, stressed with different concentration of salinity, was studied using transmission electron microscope. The results indicated that under the control and low NaCl concentration, leaves
    of Prato were abundant with organelles, the lamellae were lined regularly, with the increase of salt concentration, the number of organelles decreased, the chlorop lasts degenerated. In contrast to Prato, leaves of Sorbonne showed abnormal behaviors under low NaCl concentration, including degenerated organelles, vacuolated chloroplasts and the loosened lamellae. In addition, mitochondria began to degenerate prior to chloroplasts. It is inferred that degeneration of chloroplasts contributed to the ultra structure of degeneration of mitochondria, which further leading to senescence of leaves.
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  • Dentification of Three Species in Bauhinia and Hybrid Origin of Bauhinia blakeana Using ISSR Markers
  • Luo Yuping;GongWei;Qiu Yingxiong;Yuk Sing Gibert Chan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 433-436.
  • Abstract ( 1889 ) HTML ( 1889 ) PDF (554KB) ( 1889 )    
  • In this study, inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) was evaluated for its potential use in the identification of Bauhinia purpurea, B. blakeana and B. variegate. Of the 74 ISSR primers subjected to screening, 9 produced reproducible, polymorphic and discrepant fragments. Using these primers, 80 discernible DNA fragmentswere generated with 55 (68.8% ) being polymorphic bands. The average number of DNA bands amplified by each primer was 8.88. DNA profiles based on 8 primers have revealed potential diagnostic fingerprints which could contribute to the identification of 3 species in Bauhinia. Meanwhile, ISSR - PCR analysis revealed that the amplified fragments respectively unique to B. purpurea and B. variegate showed additivity in B. blakeana. The molecular evidence indicated that B. blakeana was a hybrid origin from B. purpurea and B. variegate.
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  • Effect of Four Brands of Gelling Agents on Callus Induction from Mature Seeds of Several Turfgrass Species
  • Wang Hefei;Chai Mingliang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 437-440.
  • Abstract ( 1623 ) HTML ( 1261 ) PDF (485KB) ( 1261 )    
  • The effects of Phytagel, Canageenen, Agar A and Agar powder on callus induction and embryogenic callus development from the mature seeds of Agrostis palustris‘L293’, Poa pratensis ‘Fortuna’,Festuca arundinacea‘Starlet’and ‘Triple’, Zoysia japonica‘Qingdao’, ‘Zenith’and ‘Songnan’and Cynodon dactylon ‘Jackpot’were systematically compared. The results indicated that both the percentages of callus induction and the percentages of embryogenic callus development were the highest for Agrostis palustris and Poa pratensis on the medium solidified with Phytagel. Although the highest percentage of callus induction was obtained on the Agar powder solidified medium for Festuca arundinacea, no significant differences among
    the four gelling agents were found on the development of emryogenic callus. Although the differences were not significant among the four gelling agents on callus induction from Zoysia japonica ‘Zenith’and ‘Songnan’,the development of embryogenic callus was highest on Phytagel, Canageenen and Agar power for‘Qingdao’,‘Zenith’and ‘Songnan’, respectively. For Cynodon dactylon, embryogenic callus was formed only on the medium solidified with Phytagel.
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  • Establishment of Plant Regeneration from Leaves Explants of Wild Roscoeacautleoides in Yunnan
  • Qu Suping;Xiong Li;Li Shufa;Wang Lihua;Tang Kaixue
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 441-444.
  • Abstract ( 1832 ) HTML ( 1141 ) PDF (460KB) ( 1141 )    
  • The ideal regeneration system of Yunnan wild Roscoea cautleoides by leaves explants was established. In this study, the effects of different place on leaf, plant growth regulators, dark periods, casein hydrolysate, coconutmilk on callus induction and shoot regeneration were investigated. The research results indicated that downside from leaf, dark periods, casein hydrolysate, coconut milk can improve on callus induction. At the same time, dark periods can facilitate shoot regeneration. The app rop riate media for callus induction from leaves explants of Roscoea cautleoides is MS + 6-BA 1.5 mg·L - 1 +NAA 0.1 mg·L - 1 +CH 800 mg·L - 1 + CM 50 mL ·L - 1. The appropriate media for shoot regeneration is MS + 6-BA 1.5 mg·L - 1 +NAA 0.1 mg·L - 1. The media for propagation adventitious shoots isMS + 6-BA 0.6 mg·L - 1 +NAA 0.1
    mg·L - 1. The media for regeneration adventitious roots is 1/2MS +NAA 0.8 mg·L - 1.
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  • Research and Application of Embryo Rescue Techniques in Fruit Tree Breeding
  • Liang Qing;Chen Xuesen;Liu Wen;Wu Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 445-452.
  • Abstract ( 2015 ) HTML ( 1687 ) PDF (401KB) ( 1687 )    
  • The application and p rogress of embryo rescue in fruit breeding were reviewed in this paper. This technique p lay an important role in breeding earliness peach and ap ricot, seedless grape and trip loid citrus, as well as overcoming the abortion in distant hybridization and in Chinese jujube. Meanwhile, several factors that affect embryo culture, e1g. the explant, maturation stage, medium, culture conditions and transplant technology, were briefly introduced. Finally, the directions on embryo rescue in fruit tree breeding were advanced.
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  • A New Apple Variety ‘Tianwang 1’
  • Zhang Weimin;Ren Hongtao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 453-453.
  • Abstract ( 2005 ) HTML ( 1060 ) PDF (93KB) ( 1060 )    
  • The new apple variety‘Tianwang 1’ is selected from the bud mutation of ‘Starking Delicious’. The fruit ripes in middle September in Tianshui. The fruit growth period is about 148 days. It has conoid fruit shape and five sticking out arris. Its fruit form index is 0.90 - 0.98. The average fruitmass is 210 g. When the fruitmature, its color is deep red all around. The flesh is juicy, fragrant and sweet, and soluble solids content is 11.9% - 14.1%. It grows sturdiness and has a high and constant yield.
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  • An Excellent and Large-fruited Persimmon New Variety ‘Chuantianshi 1’
  • Chen Dong;Xie Hongjiang;Jiang Guoliang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 455-455.
  • Abstract ( 1431 ) HTML ( 1263 ) PDF (124KB) ( 1263 )    
  • ‘Chuantianshi 1’, a new persimmon variety, was developed from a superior line selected from the ordinary‘Jiro’ introduced from Japan. The variety has various desirable characteristics, incoluding better quality, large2fruited, good looking, sweet and crisp flesh, and long shelf life. ‘Chuantianshi 1’ has a good graft compatibility with ‘Date Plum’ stock, such as stronger tolerance, early bearing, and high yield. The variety is stronger resistence to diseases and insect, and anti-crack. Itps also high resistance to poor soil and careless management, so it is suitable for growing in mountain and hill areas.
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  • A New Watermelon Variety ‘Yuy i Xin Moyu’
  • Li Jianwu;Ma Changsheng;;Sun Zhongwei;Wang Hongzhan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(2): 456-456.
  • Abstract ( 1981 ) HTML ( 1127 ) PDF (93KB) ( 1127 )    
  • ‘Yuyi Xin Moyu’ is a watermelon hybrid produced by Forestry and Horticulture College, Henan Agricultural University and Henan Yuyi Seed Company Ltd. The variety is suitable for planting open field in some areas in China. The life history is about 85 days. The average fruitmass is about 8 to 10 kg, the yield is about 62.5 t/hm2. The fruit is oval in shape with white powder on its surface. The content of soluble solid material is about 11.2%. The variety tastes very delicious. It is resistant to diseases and very convenient to store and transport.
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