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2006, Vol.33, No.3 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Developmental Changes in External Color, Pigment Content and Composition in Citrus iyo Fruit
  • Wang Weijie;Xu Jianguo;Xu Changjie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 461-465.
  • Abstract ( 1774 ) HTML ( 1433 ) PDF (248KB) ( 1433 )    
  • Developmental changes in the content and composition of pigments, especially carotenoids, in Citrus iyo Hort. ex Tanaka cv. Miyauchi fruit and their correlations with fruit coloration were studied. High content of chlorophylls in young fruit was responsible for its green color. Intensive increase in content of carotenoids and rapid loss of chlorophylls commenced at 8 and 4 weeks before harvest respectively, and both changes contributed to yellow color development in ripening fruit. 83.62% of total fruit carotenoidswas found located in the peel, where carotenoid content was 16.62 times as high as that in the pulp. Composition of carotenoids in the peel within 12 weeks before fruit harvest was analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array detection (HPLC - PDAD). 23 carotenoids were separated and 7 of them were identified. Among identified carotenoids, β-cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin were relatively abundant and accounted for 8.00% and 6.78% of total carotenoids respectively; β-carotene was less than 1% of total while α-carotene and lycopene were undetectable. The increase in content of β-cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin was accompanied by the decrease in content of lutein, α-carotene andβ-carotene during late fruit development, indicating that
    carotenoid β pathway and β-ring hydroxylation activities were enhanced. Meanwhile, the appearance and accumulation of apo-carotenoids suggested an increase in carotenoid cleavage activities as the fruit ripened.
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  • Studies on the Requirement and Accumulative Trend of Nutrients in Wine Grape‘Cabernet Sauvignon’
  • Zhang Zhiyong;Ma Wenqi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 466-470.
  • Abstract ( 1722 ) HTML ( 1538 ) PDF (248KB) ( 1538 )    
  • The requirement and accumulative trend of N, P and K in wine grape‘Cabernet Sauvignon’were studied. The resultswere showed that the leaf had the most variable nitrogen and phosphorus concentration, but during the stage from berry swelling to coloring, the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the leaf were relatively stable. Berry had the greatest change in potassium concentration, which was relatively stable during ripening. The amounts of N, P and K accumulated by Cabernet Sauvignon were tending to increase in whole growth stage and achieved the maximum amounts in ripening. The amounts of N, P2O5, and K2O required by Cabernet Sauvignon for producing 1 000 kg fruit was 5.95, 3.95 and 7.68 kg, respectively. The proportion of nutrients required by Cabernet Sauvignon was 10.0∶7.0∶13.0 (N∶P2O5 ∶K2O). Therefore, it
    was advised that the period during the stage from berry swelling to coloring was the optimum period to diagnose the status of nitrogen and phosphorus and N fertilizer should be mainly applied at blossom, phosphorus be applied before berry swelling and potassium be applied between berry swelling and coloring for the Cabernet Sauvignon.
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  • Characteristics of Sugar Metabolism and Accumulation in GA3 Induced Parthenocarpic White Flesh Loquat‘Ninghai Bai’Fruit
  • Chen Junwei;Feng Jianjun;Qin Qiaoping;Liu Xiaokun;Wu Jiang;Xie Ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 471-476.
  • Abstract ( 1913 ) HTML ( 1368 ) PDF (573KB) ( 1368 )    
  • The characteristics of sugar metabolism and accumulation in parthenocarpic white flesh loquat(Eriobotrya japonica Lindl. ‘Ninghai Bai’) fruit induced by 0.5 and 1.0 g·L - 1 GA3 were studied. The contents of sucrose, glucose, fructose and total sugar in parthenocarpic seedless fruit induced by two concentrations of GA3 were lower than those in the control loquat fruit, and the reduction in sugar content was increased with GA3 concentration. The differences of various sugar content between treated and control fruit were significant ( P = 0.05) at full ripe stage. As a result of the application of different concentrations of GA3, the activities of sucrose metabolizing enzymes ( sucrose synthase, sucrose phosphate synthase and invertase) , hexose metabolizing enzymes (hexokinase and fructokinase) and sorbitol dehydrogenase ( SDH) in GA3 induced seedless fruit were lower than in the control seeded fruit, and the activities also decreased with the increase of GA3 concentration. These results indicate that GA3 induced seedless loquat fruit resulted in lower activities of
    sugar metabolizing enzymes, which caused the lower sugar content in seedless loquat.
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  • Research on Yield Components among Apricot Seedlings of F1 Populations
  • Chen Xuesen;Wu Yan;Sun Yonghua;Liu Wen;Liang Qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 477-480.
  • Abstract ( 1517 ) HTML ( 1403 ) PDF (175KB) ( 1403 )    
  • The experiment was conducted with 5 - 6 years old 52 seedlings from‘Katy’ ב Xinshiji’combination. The correlation and variation were studied among yield per plant, number of flowers per tree, fruiting rate of self-pollination, fertile flower rate, average fruit mass and the number of fruits per tree. The results showed that, ①there were wide variations in fruiting rate of self-pollination, fertile flower rate, average fruit mass and number of fruits per tree among apricot seedlings of F1 populations, among them, variation coefficients of number of fruits per tree and fruiting rate of self-pollination were the biggest, 102.0%and 99.5% respectively, which showed that the selection potentiality of the two characters was large; ②number of fruits per tree, fruiting rate of self-pollination, fertile flower rate were most prominent positive correlation to yield per tree, correlation coefficients were 0.945, 0.541 and 0.439, respectively. Furthermore, fruiting rate of self-pollination and fertile flower rate were also most prominent positive correlation to number of fruits per tree. Then, it could be concluded that fruit setting percentage of self-pollination and fertile flower rate were the main factors to yield per plant; ③the correlation between average fruit mass and yield per tree was negative ( r =
    - 0.176) , but itwas not significant, and its reason was that other factors effected reciprocally in the multifactor correlation analysis system. So, in this experiment the fruit size was not the main factor to yield per plant; ④according to the above results, we advanced primarily and discussed the selection method by two-steps of fertilitye-selection and quality-selection.
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  • The Effects of Interplant Different Herbage on Soil Water in Apple Orchards in the Area of Weibei Plateau
  • Zhao Zhengyang;L i Huike
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 481-484.
  • Abstract ( 1652 ) HTML ( 1761 ) PDF (204KB) ( 1761 )    
  • Analysis on soilmoisture in 0 - 100 cm soil layer in nonirrigated apple orchard in Weibei areas during March to October in 2003 and 2004 year showed that water content competition existed between herbage and apple in 0 - 40 cm soil layer. But planting herbage had function of retain soilwater content to 40
    - 80 cm soil layer. With different kind of herbage and different water consumption of different kind of herbage, the increasing and decrease of soil moisture storage was different in planting herbage areas, this occurred mainly in spring and in autumn. In the abundance of rainfall, planting herbage impacted less on soil moisture storage. But impacted more on soi lwater storage in the year of drought.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Mitochondrial Genes from Satsuma Mandarin ( Citrus unshiu Marc. )
  • Hu Zhiyong;Tong Zhu;Xu Qiang;Yi Hualin;Deng Xiuxin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 485-490.
  • Abstract ( 1492 ) HTML ( 1304 ) PDF (307KB) ( 1304 )    
  • Synthetic oligonucleotides based on the conserved sequence of atp6, cob and cox Ⅱ of other plants were used to prime the synthesis and amplification of the specific fragments by RT - PCR from Citrus unshiu. PCR products were cloned into pBluescrip t ( sk + ) vector and sequenced. Sequencing analysis showed that the deduced amino acid of atp6, cob and coxⅡ shared over 85% , 98% and 96% identities with homologic genes of other plants species respectively. RT - PCR analysis indicated they expressed in the leaf, petal and flower buds during different stages, while not expression in the immature fruit. Southern blot analysis showed that there existed more than one copys in the genome.
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  • Effect of Heat Acclimation and SA Pretreat on the Ultrastructure of Mesophyll Cell in Grape Plants under Heat Shock
  • Liu Yueping;;Huang Weidong;Zhang Junhuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 491-495.
  • Abstract ( 1688 ) HTML ( 1313 ) PDF (605KB) ( 1313 )    
  • The effects of heat acclimation and salicylic acid (SA) pretreatment on the ultrastructure of mesophyll cell exposed to heat shock were investigated in young grape (Vitis vinifera L. ‘Jingxiu’) leaves.The results showed that the ultrastructure of normal leaveswas damaged remarkably in response to heat shock.The ultrastructure of heat2acclimated leaves had a little change, but heat acclimation pretreatment attenuated the destruction of ultrastructure in the following heat shock, principally showing in plasmolemma, vacuole
    membrane, nuleus and chloroplast. SA pretreatment had almost no effect on the ultrastructure of mesophyll cell, but the degree of ultrastructure destruction was less than that of H2O pretreatment in the following heat shock. Therefore, heat acclimation and SA pretreatment can both stabilize ultrastructure under heat shock and enhanced the thermotolerance of young grape plants.
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  • Identification of S-Genotypes of Pear Cultivars and Analyses of NucleotideSequences of S28-RNase and S30-RNase
  • Zhang Yuyan;Wu Jun;HengWei;Zhang Shaoling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 496-500.
  • Abstract ( 1560 ) HTML ( 1416 ) PDF (697KB) ( 1416 )    
  • Partial S-RNase genes of pear were amplified and cloned by using a pair of primers ( P1 and P2) based on the conserved regions C1 and C3 of pear S-RNase structure in six cultivars of unknown S-geontypes. The PCR products were sequenced and compared in GenBank. The S-genotypes of the six tested self-incompatible cultivars were identified as follows: ‘Kuerle Xiangli’ ( Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd. ) was S21 S28 ,‘Pingguoli’ ( P. bretschneideri Rehd. ) was S17S19 , ‘TaiwanMili’ ( P. pyrifolia Nakai) was S11 S22 , ‘Hululi’ ( P. comm unis L. ) was Sa Sb , ‘J ingbai’ ( P. ussriensis Max. ) was S16 S30 , ‘Zaoli 18’ ( P. ussriensis Max. ) was S4 S28. S28-RNase and S30-RNase were deposited in GenBank under the accession numbers of AY562394 and AY876945.
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  • Cryopreservation of in Vitro Shoot Tips of Banana by Vitrification and Its Regeneration
  • Wu Liming;;Zeng Jiwu;Peng Shu'ang;Yi Ganjun;Zhou Birong;Wu Yuanli
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 501-506.
  • Abstract ( 1909 ) HTML ( 1657 ) PDF (418KB) ( 1657 )    
  • Shoot tips excised from healthy in vitro plants of three Banana cultivars were successfully cryopreserved with the vitrification technique. A suitable procedure was established as follows: 3 - 4 weeks after subculture, shoot tip s about 2 - 3 cm in length were precultured for 2 days onMS medium supplemented with
    0.4 mol/L sucrose. Dissected shoot apices about 1.0 - 1.5 mm in length with one or two leaf primordium were loaded with a mixture of 2 mol/L glycerol plus 0.4 mol/L sucrose for 20 - 30 min at room temperature. These excised shoot tips were sufficiently dehydrated in a highly concentrated plant vitrification solution for 40 min at 0℃. And then plunged directly into liquid nitrogen and conserved for at least 1 h. After rapid thawing in water at 40℃ for 90 s, the tips were rinsed with 1.2 mol/L sucrose solution for 20 min at room temperature and then plated on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L 6-BA. The cryopreserved materials were cultured in darkness for one week so that they could grow quickly. Successfully cryopreserved shoot tips resumed growth
    within 10 days of plating and developed shootswithin 1 month without intermediary callus formation. This simple protocol was successfully applied to the three cultivars belonging to two genomic group s of banana. The
    survival rate of shoot tips was 75.9% , 40.0% , 69.6% , and regrowth rate reached 63.4% , 35.0% , 63.4% respectively. Almost all the shoot tips formed roots and were successfully transferred to soil in pots. The plantlets could normally root and survive after transplantation.
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  • Detection of Strawberry mottle virus and Strawberry mild yellow edge virus byMultiplex RT-PCR
  • Zhang Zhihong;Yang Hongyi;Dai Hongyan;Li He;Xiao Min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 507-510.
  • Abstract ( 1748 ) HTML ( 1804 ) PDF (479KB) ( 1804 )    
  • Amultiplex reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT - PCR) assay was developed for simultaneously detecting Strawberry mottle virus ( SMoV) and Strawberry mild yellow edge virus ( SMY2EV). Both field-grown strawberries and microplants were detected effectively. The primers of multiplex PCR were selected by primer-primer interactions and melting temperature. In multiplex PCR for detecting SMoV and SMYEV, the appropriate concentration of PCR buffer was 2 ×, and the appropriate temperatures for anneal and extension were 57℃ and 66℃ respectively. Eleven lines of strawberry ( Fragaria ×ananassa) cultivar‘Hokowase’, which were obtained by mini shoot tip culture in vitro, were screened for virus elimination by standard RT - PCR and multiplex RT - PCR.
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  • Molecular Markers Linked to Specific Characteristics of Prunus persica(L. ) Batsch
  • Yu Mingliang;Ma Ruijuan;Shen Zhijun;Zhang Zhen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 511-517.
  • Abstract ( 1641 ) HTML ( 1465 ) PDF (961KB) ( 1465 )    
  • A population of 48 individualswas developed from cross‘91-42-51’ בRuiguang 2’, and was used to find molecular markers linked to characters as peach or nectarine, yellow or white flesh, male sterility or male fertility by bulked segregant analysis (BSA). The results showed that SSR marker UDP96-018(300 bp) was found linked to peach gene with a distance of 4.5 cM, and UDP98-407 (680 bp ) linked to white flesh gene with a distance of 2.2 cM. Marker NNJ-I ( 600 bp ) and NNJ-I ( 900 bp ) amplified by primers which were designed according to male sterility sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana were tightly linked to male sterility gene with a distance of 0 cM. Markers linked to these characters obtained in this study would provide effective tools for marker assisted selection in peach breeding.
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  • Effect of Ethylene Receptor Genes Antisense Transformation on Fruit Ripening
  • Wang Zhongfeng;;Ying Tiejin;Zhang Ying;Bao Bili;Huang Xiaodan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 518-522.
  • Abstract ( 1704 ) HTML ( 1467 ) PDF (151KB) ( 1467 )    
  • Fruit ripening characteristics of antisense transgenic lines ale1 and ale2 respectively from ethylene receptor genes LeETR1 and LeETR2 were studied. Compared to the wild type, transgenic lines disp layed that respiration rate decreased, whereas ethylene production increased 1 - 4 folds, which suggest that starting time of fruit ripening were not affected. At later stage of ale1 fruit ripening, a-value, carotenoid and lycopene contents was lower than that in wild type fruit. Although the speed of fruit coloring slow down in ale1, the polygalacturonase increasing and firmness decreasing were sped up. The results suggest that there is some intricate relation between LeETR1 and fruit ripening.
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  • Effect of Ultradrying on Antioxidant Enzymes and Heat-stable Protein of PeaSeeds
  • Wu Xiaoliang;;Chen Xiaoling;Xin Pingping;Zhang Zhi'e;Tao Lan;Lu Xinxiong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 523-528.
  • Abstract ( 1640 ) HTML ( 1303 ) PDF (567KB) ( 1303 )    
  • Abstract: Pea seeds ( Pisum sativum L inn. ) with different moisture contents (12.2% , 11.3% , 8% , 5%, 4%, 3%) were stored in drying box at 50℃. Germination percentage, vigor index, antioxidant enzymes and heat-stable protein of aged seedswere investigated. Results showed that vigor index and dry mass of root of seeds with moisture content of 4% and 3% declined significantly at 0.05 level, but germination percentage, dry mass of root and vigor index of seedswith moisture content of 8% and 5% kep t high level. Activities of peroxidase ( POD) and catalase (CAT) positively correlated with the germination percentage and vigor index. After 6 months storage, activities of POD and CAT of seedswith moisture content of 3% and 4% were lower than control, but for seeds with moisture content of 5% and 8% , they were higher than control. New heat-stable protein was not found in the ultra-dry seeds, but content of heat-stable protein increased in seeds with moisture content of 5% and 8%.
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  • Diurnal Changes of Non-structural Carbohydrates and Relative Enzymes inLeaves and Phloem Sap of Cucumber
  • Jiang Yahua;Miao Minmin;Chen Xuehao;Cao Beisheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 529-533.
  • Abstract ( 2136 ) HTML ( 1605 ) PDF (250KB) ( 1605 )    
  • Diurnal patterns of non-structural carbohydrates and relative enzymes in mature leaves and phloem sap in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ) were studied. The results showed that glucose and fructose are primary soluble sugars from night to 10: 00 a.m. in mature leaves, but during 13: 00 - 16: 00 p.m. , stachyose becomes the most abundant oligosaccharide, this diurnal change is mostly due to the tempestuous fluctuation of stachyose concentration in mature leaves. During photoassimilate transportation, the p rimary soluble sugar in phloem sap is stachyose. When transportation is finished, sucrose becomes the main sugar in phloem sap. Cucumber leavesmay store photoassimilate in the forms of starch, glucose, fructose, stachyose and sucrose at night. The concentrations of glucose, fructose and stachyose in phloem sap are much lower than in leaves at that time. There may be some unique mechanisms modulating source-sink translocation by which soluble sugars in leaveswere prevented from loading into the phloem further during night.
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  • Studies on Starch RVA Profile and Starch Granule Shape in Rhizome of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn
  • Li Liangjun;Zhang Xiaodong;Shen Xinping;Sun Lei;Xie Ke;Gu Li;Cao Beisheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 534-538.
  • Abstract ( 2239 ) HTML ( 2234 ) PDF (540KB) ( 2234 )    
  • The research on starch characteristics of matured lotus rhizome indicated that: the sort order of the four lotus varietiesps AAC from the highest to the lowest were: ‘Meirenhong’, ‘Elian 1’, ‘Elian 4’,‘Wuzhi 2’. Pellet and ellipse starch granules were found in lotus rhizome, the number of pellet starch granules in‘Wuzhi 2’and‘Elian 4’was more than in‘Elian 1’and‘Meirenhong’. RVA profile indicated that the starch gelatinization characteristics of‘Wuzhi 2’was similar to‘Elian 4’, their peak viscosity was both high and cool viscositywas below the peak viscosity far away, the consistence was very low and the setback was negative. But in‘Elian 1’and‘Meirenhong’, the peak viscositywas both low and cool viscosity was close to or even higher than peak viscosity, consistence and setback were significantly higher than the other two varieties. AAC in lotus rhizome was negatively correlated with peak viscosity and breakdown, with significant coefficients
    of - 0.9748**and - 0.9793**, but positively to consistence, setback, cool viscosity, peak time and pasting temperature with significant coefficients of 0.9860**, 0.9804**, 0.9339*, 0.9392* and 0.9130*, respectively. The difference of starch granule form and configuration leaded to the difference of the starch gelatinization characteristics.
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  • Sequentia l Expression of Fertility-related Genes Detected by cDNA-AFLP inDifferent Types of Cabbage Male Sterile Lines
  • Kang Jungen;;Wang Xiaowu;Zhang Guoyu;Zhang Yanguo;Lou Ping;Fang Zhiyuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 544-548.
  • Abstract ( 1757 ) HTML ( 1297 ) PDF (681KB) ( 1297 )    
  • Elucidating the gene expression in anther development is one of the key steps to develop new types of male sterility. Four types of male sterile cabbage lines and their corresponding fertile lines were used to analyze the gene expression by cDNA-AFLP. In total, we got 113 differentially exp ressed TDFs, which were
    classified into 12 group s. Among them, 76 TDFs (67.25% of the total) were classified into group A, B, C and D, which were sequentially interrupted according to the different sterile stages in four male sterile lines. Sequence analysis of representative TDFs from each group showed that glycosyl hydrolase family 1 protein, VQ motif-containing protein, glycine-rich protein and pectatelyase family protein possibly involved in sporogenesis cell, pollen mother cell, pretetrad and post-tetrad stage male development respectively.
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  • Data Mining for SSRs in ESTs and EST-SSR Marker Development in Chinese Cabbage
  • Xin Ya;;Cui Hairui;Lu Meizhen;Yao Yanling;Jin Jiqiang;Lim Yongpyo;Choi Suryun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 549-554.
  • Abstract ( 1726 ) HTML ( 1427 ) PDF (320KB) ( 1427 )    
  • Expressed sequence tags ( ESTs) , increased rapidly in number recently, are important resources for development of new SSR markers. In this study, 4 584 ESTs of Chinese cabbage were screened and 474 SSRs including 40 kinds of repeat motifs were mined out, accounting for 10.3% of ESTs. Dinucleotide
    and trinucleotide repeats, with similar frequency and accounting for 83% together in all SSRs, were dominant, while the frequency for other repeat type is below 5% each. GA and GAA are the most frequentmotifs, accounting of 71.5% and 37.5% in dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats respectively. 15 primer pairs for EST-SSRs were designed. Under a suitable PCR system, primers were screened against genomic DNA of inbred line A from which the cDNA library was constructed, and all the 15 primer pairs showed the amplification. Then all the primers available were subjected to PCR for DNAs from 28 Chinese cabbage varieties and 7 primer sets showed polymorphisms, accounting for 46.7% of total primers tested. Results indicate that it is a
    simple and effective approach to develop SSR markers based on ESTs.
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  • The Comparison of Essential Oil Contents and Components in Various Organs of Fennel
  • He Jinming;;Xiao Yanhui;Guo Yuan;Wang Yumei;Zhuo Lihuan;Zhang Zhenming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 555-560.
  • Abstract ( 1548 ) HTML ( 1332 ) PDF (334KB) ( 1332 )    
  • The essential oil contents of Inner Mongolia fennel, obtained by simultaneous distillation and extraction, were 4.9, 9.3, 12.0, 12.9, 28.8, 31.5 mL /kg DM in root, stem, leaf, peduncle, anthotaxy and fruit respectively. The essential oil contents were significantly correlated to the contents of full nitrogen ( r= 0.92) and protein nitrogen ( r = 0.95). A significant negative correlation between the essential oil contents and the full carbon contents ( r = - 0.83) , and the essential oil contents and C /N ratio ( r = - 0.82) were observed respectively. The major component of essential oil in root was dillapiol which existed only in root, the major components of essential oil in stem were limonene and (E)-anethole, and the major components of essential oil in leaf, peduncle, anthotaxy and fruitwere ( E) -anethole and limonene. Meanwhile, the changing
    trends of monoterpenes compounds, oxygenated compounds, ( E) - anethole and limonene in essential oils from different organswere compared.
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  • Cloning and Sequence Analyzing of a Gene ( RAL F ) from Broccoli
  • Zhang Guoyu;;Kang Jungen;Zhang Yanguo;Lou Ping;Cheng Zhihui;Wang Xiaowu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 561-565.
  • Abstract ( 1565 ) HTML ( 1130 ) PDF (556KB) ( 1130 )    
  • A differential TDF ( Transcrip t Derived Fragments) in a cDNA-AFLP analysis of buds from male sterile and fertile lines of cabbage was used as a querying probe to blast the GenBank ( http: / / and Arabidopsis ( http: / / database. Based on the assembled homologous cDNA sequences, a 490 bp cDNA was amplified and cloned by RT - PCR. Homologous analysis shows that the amplified cDNA has 82% identity on the nucleotide acid sequence, and 56% identity on the amino acids peptide with Arabidopsis gene RALFL8. We designated the gene as BoRALFL1(GenBank accession number DQ059310). We predicted a 240 bp ORF in BoRALFL1 and a 79 amino acids peptide was coded by this cDNA. Further analysis shows that the pepetide is possibly a preprotein with a signal
    pepetide and multi-phosphorylation sites, and the C-terminal amino acids of the pepetide are highly conserved among different plant species.
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  • RAPD Analysis of Genetic Relationships among the 23 Ornamental BambooSpecies in Phyllostachys
  • Gao Suping;Ren Yanjun;;Chen Qibing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 566-570.
  • Abstract ( 1528 ) HTML ( 1438 ) PDF (298KB) ( 1438 )    
  • 23 species of Phyllostachys were analyzed by amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs). Six primers out of 27 random primers showed high polymorphism. Totally 47 of the polymorphic amplification DNA fragments were obtained. The length ranged from 0.3 kb to 1.05 kb. The polymorphic amplification has
    showed distinct polymorphism, about 93.9%. The results of cluster analysis and similarity coefficient statistics from RAPD, analysiswere dentical in the main with that from morphological taxonomy, although a few species not in good agreement with the morphological properties. This species need to be studied further.
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  • Changes of Carbohydrates Metabolism and Enzymes Activities in Low Temperature Storage for Bulbs of Lilium Oriental Hybrids
  • Xia Yiping;Huang Chunhui;He Guifang;;Zheng Huijun;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 571-576.
  • Abstract ( 1663 ) HTML ( 1662 ) PDF (335KB) ( 1662 )    
  • Carbohydrate contents and related enzymes activities were performed to investigate the effect of low temperature storage on the bulbspdormancy of Oriental Lily‘Sorbonne’. Bulbs were stored in moist peat moss for 8 weeks at 2℃, 5℃ and 8℃, respectively. The starch contents decreased continuously in interior and exterior scales, while the contents of total soluble carbohydrates and reducing sugar were increased. Activities of CAT, POD and SOD declined significantly, especially in the firstweek of cold storage. A peak value in α-amylase activity appeared in the 3rd week. Low activity levels of all enzymes presented after the 4th week. The results indicated that no obvious difference between the three low temperatures, and overcoming dormancyin bulbs of oriental lily‘Sorbonne’started in the 7th week.
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  • Study on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Red-leaf Peach and Purple-leaf Plum in Different Seasons
  • Jiang Weibing;Zhuang Meng;Shen Zhijun;Song Hongfeng;Cao Jing;Li Gang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 577-582.
  • Abstract ( 2111 ) HTML ( 1560 ) PDF (274KB) ( 1560 )    
  • The photosynthetic characteristics of red-leaf peach and purple-leaf plum were studied with the green-leaf peach and green-leaf plum varieties as control in field in different seasons. The result showed that: (1) The Pn of red-leaf peach and purple-leaf plum was significantly lower than that of green-leaf peach
    and green-leaf plum in spring and summer without significant difference in autumn, and the difference between two specieswas gradually reduced from sp ring to autumn; (2) Apparent quantum yield (AQY) and carboxylation efficiency (CE) of red-leaf peach and purple-leaf plum were significantly lower than that of green-leaf peach and green-leaf plum in spring and summer. The AQY of red-leaf peach and purple-leaf plum was higher than that of green-leaf cultivars, and CE was similar between two species in autumn; (3) Light compensation point (LCP) of red-leaf peach and purple-leaf plum was significantly higher than that of green-leaf cultivars in sp ring and summer, but significantly lower than that in autumn. Light saturation point (LSP) of red-leaf peach and purple-leaf plum were always higher than that of green-leaf cultivars or similar to them; (4)The content of photosynthetic pigment was not significantly different between the red-leaf peach and green-leaf peach, but the content of anthocyanin of the red-leaf peach and the purple-leaf plum was always higher than that in green-leaf cultivars; (5) Photo respiration (Rp ) of red-leaf peach and purple-leaf plum was significantly lower than opposite green-leaf cultivars as control.
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  • Effect of Number of Short-day on Flowering and Visual Quality of Poinsettia
  • Sun Zhaofa;Han Mingsan;Zhai Xiaoling;Wu Zhifei;Yu Qiugong;Xue Jigang;Chen Li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 583-586.
  • Abstract ( 2034 ) HTML ( 1297 ) PDF (389KB) ( 1297 )    
  • The effect of number of short-days on development and flowering of ‘Millennium’and‘Velveteen’poinsettia was studied by transferring plants from short-day to natural long days. The results showed that the number of short-day significantly affected the development, bract pigmentation and visual quality of poinsettia. When terminating short-day at bract colour change, the plants produced similar number of nodes below inflorescence to those under continued short-day, but flowering was delayed. Flowering time and canopy
    size did not change when transferred at or after visible bud stage. Until 13 - 14 d after visible bud, transitional leaf area remained equal to continued short-day. Poinsettia responded differently to number of short-days among cultivars. When terminating short-day before visible buds, poinsettia showed flower reversion with worse pigmentation of bract, longer node of transitional leaves and pedicle. As a conclusion, short-day should continue to visible buds in order to produce quality flowers.
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  • Cytologica l Study on Callus of Leaf and Reproduction Block Mass of AerialRoot in Anthurium andraeanum
  • Wang Guilan;Chen Chao;Li Wei;Li Yanmei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 587-591.
  • Abstract ( 1806 ) HTML ( 1335 ) PDF (524KB) ( 1335 )    
  • In vitro morphogenesis and differentiation pathways of three leaf callus and rep roduction block mass (RBM) of aerial root in Anthurium andraeanum‘Arizona’were studied. The results showed that in the three callus of kelly, yellow and brown color, the karyop lasm ratio decrease in turn, cell arrangement became looser and looser, the shape of cell was not in its integrity. Some similar apoptotic bodies appeared in cells of yellow and brown callus, and these cells apop tosis eventually. The morphogenesis of aerial roots of leaf were indirect organogenesis. RBM derived from the cortex of aerial root cut. There were a lot of dense small cell groups in RBM, the cells divided vigorly, and theywere original tissue of differentiation, and differentiated infinitive buds gradually. Morphogenesis pathway was mainly indirect organogenesis, and had few embryoid morphogenesis pattern. Small cell groups were the foundation of differentiating infinitive buds. Merismatic cells mainly derived from the inside of RBM, and belonged to ingenesis. With the ceaseless growth of small cell group, the outer layer cells apop tosis gradually. Finally the buds broke through RBM and became young plants.
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  • Preliminary Studies of Aromatic Constituents among Three Species ( Variation) of Camellia
  • Fan Zhengqi;Li Jiyuan;Tian Min;Li Xinlei;Ni Sui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 592-596.
  • Abstract ( 1941 ) HTML ( 2109 ) PDF (205KB) ( 2109 )    
  • This paper analysed aromatic constituents of three species of Camellia flowers. 37 compounds were identified in ‘Kramerps Supreme’, 27 in ‘Scentsation’and 34 in C. grijsii Hance. The main compounds were alcohol, aldehyde, ester, alkyl, alkene and linaloloxide. L inalool was on the top of the compounds list in ‘Kramerps supreme’. Nonanal and linalool was dominant in ‘Scentsation’. In C. grijsii Hance, cis-linaloloxide Ⅱ and phenylethyl alcohol kept ahead. The content of alcoholwas higher on florescent prophase in two variety, while ester came up on anaphase. In C. grijsii Hance, alcoholwas descended alone with florescent process.
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  • The Reaserch about the Absorption, Transportation and Distr ibution of Ironin Apple Trees by Using Different Fertilize Methods
  • Wang Xiuru;Xue Jinjun;;Yang Qingqin;Tai Shezhen;Li Shaohua;Zhang Fusuo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 597-600.
  • Abstract ( 1610 ) HTML ( 1348 ) PDF (262KB) ( 1348 )    
  • The red O-phenanthroline Fe and 59Fe was used to study the absorption, transportation and distribution of iron in the apple trees. Fe2 + was absorbed by root and transported to stem, leaves and main vein when iron fertilizer was root injected. Fe2 + was transported along xylem near cambium. The speed of
    transportation reached dozens centimeter per hour. Distribution of 59 Fe in cutting root and leaves was 19.3% and 70.9% , respectively. The ratio of iron distributed in leaves by cutting the one, two, three roots were 57.9% , 63.6% and 68.0% , respectively. When the trunk was injected with iron fertilizer with high-pressure, Fe2 + was transported along the central xylem, most of Fe2 + was transported to the root and stored in it. The speed of transportation reached several hundreds centimeter per hour. When the trunk was injected
    with iron fertilizer, the covery of iron deficiency chlorosis trees was slower and the effect of correcting iron deficiency chlorosis lasted longer than iron fertilizer was root injected. Iron fertilizer could be absorbed and transported by branch and leaves.
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  • Effects of Short-term Heating on Bud Dormancy in‘Shuguang’Nectarine Tree
  • Wang Haibo;;Gao Dongsheng;Wang Xiaodi;Li J iang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 601-604.
  • Abstract ( 1624 ) HTML ( 1138 ) PDF (295KB) ( 1138 )    
  • Effects of short-term heating at 40, 45 and 50℃ on bud livability, bud burst, the ratio of free water and bound water and membrane permeability in‘Shuguang’nectarine tree were studied in order to know the mechanism of short-term heating releasing the endodormancy. On November 30, the date of endodormancy release was postponed, the bud burst, the ratio of free water and bound water and membrane permeability were lower on 40℃ - heating treatment. Whereas, 45℃ and 50℃ - heating treatment had the contrary effects. On December 10, 40℃ - heating treatment had the nearly same results as control on the above factors, and the effects of 45℃ and 50℃ - heating treatment on endodormancy release were the same as the treatment on November 30, and the effect of the formerwas superior to the latter. The correlation of the rate of bud burst, the ratio of free water and bound water, and membrane permeability of the different treatments indicated that the change from bound water to free water and the increase of membrane permeability were probably the cause of endodormancy release.
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  • Diurnal Variations of Carbohydrate Contents and Activities of Related Enzymes in Leaves in Response to Defruiting in Peach Trees
  • Li Weidong;;Wu Benhong;Li Shaohua;and Li Liansheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 605-608.
  • Abstract ( 1657 ) HTML ( 1269 ) PDF (136KB) ( 1269 )    
  • Diurnal variations of carbohydrate content and activities of related enzymes in source leaves in response to defruiting were studied during endocarp hardening and final rapid fruit growth stages of‘Yanfeng Yihao’peach. Results showed that total soluble sugar, sorbitol, sucrose and starch contents, opposite to glucose and fructose contents, tended to increase during the day in source leaves for both retaining fruit ( control) and defruiting treatments ( defruiting). Defruiting resulted in significantly higher contents of sorbitol and
    starch, and higher activities of aldose-6-phosphate reductase (A6PR) and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (ADPGPPase) as compared with the control atmost time during a day. Moreover, the role of accumulation of end-product and activities of related enzymes in leaves on reduced photosynthesis under a low sink source ratio in fruit trees was discussed in this paper.
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  • Effect of Postharvest High-oxygen Treatments on ‘Dongzao’Jujube Membrane Lipids Peroxidation and Defensive Enzyme Activities during Shelf-life
  • Wang Guixi;Li Pengxia;;Liang Lisong;Fan Jinshuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 609-612.
  • Abstract ( 1566 ) HTML ( 1194 ) PDF (259KB) ( 1194 )    
  • The effects of postharvest high-oxygen treatments on relative electric conductivity, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and activities of defensive enzymes ( SOD, CAT, POD) in ‘Dongzao’ jujube( Zizyphus Jujuba Mill. ) fruit were investigated during shelf-life. ‘Dongzao’ jujube fruitwere p laced in jars and ventilated continuously with air (21% O2 ) , 70% O2 + 30%N2 or 100% O2 at - 1 to - 2℃ for 7 or 15 days, and then placed at 20℃ for the test of shelf-life. The results showed that high-oxygen treatments could inhibit the increase of relative electric conductivity and the treatment with 100% O2 was more effective than that of 70% O2. 70% O2 treatment for 7 d had not positive effects on reducing the MDA contents, but induced the high levels of SOD, CAT and POD activities. The result indicated that 70% O2 postharvest treatment fastened the senescence of jujube fruits during shelf-life. Treatment with 100% O2 for 15 d was the most effective in keeping membrane permeability and maintaining the activities of defensive enzyme during shelf-life.
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  • Comparision of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi for Drought Resistance of Trifoliate Orange ( Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf. ) Seedlings
  • Wu Qiangsheng;;Wang Youshan;Xia Renxue
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 613-616.
  • Abstract ( 1774 ) HTML ( 1569 ) PDF (239KB) ( 1569 )    
  • The effect of Glomus versiforme, G. mosseae, G. geosporum, G. diaphanum and G. etunicatum on water relations of trifoliate orange ( Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf. ) seedlings was studied in potted culture under well-watered and water stress conditions. Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculations increased the plant biomass and biological morphological characteristics under well-watered and water stress conditions. Soluble sugar in leaves and roots, soluble starch in leaves, and soluble protein in leaves were enhanced by arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculations under two water regimes conditions. Moreover, mycorrhizal seedlings had higher superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase activities in leaves. Thus, the drought resistance of mycorrhizal seedlings was enhanced. Inoculation with G. versiforme showed the greatest effects under well-watered conditions and inoculated with G. mosseae the greatest effects underwater stress conditions.
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  • Changes of Peel Colour of Banana and Planta in Fruits during Ripening atDifferent Temperatures
  • Li Yun;Qian Chunmei;Lu Wangjin;Zhang Zhaoqi;Pang Xuequn
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 617-620.
  • Abstract ( 2367 ) HTML ( 3682 ) PDF (215KB) ( 3682 )    
  • Changes of peel colour and pigment content of banana (Musa AAA Group ) and plantain(Musa AAB Group ) fruits during ripening at 20℃ and 30℃ was investigated. The results indicated that, when ripening at 20℃, both banana and plantain fruits showed a climatic respiration and ethylene release rate, peel chlorophyll content decreased and carotenoid content increased gradually and a fully yellow peel was developed. However, when ripening at 30℃, although the fruits showed a normal climatic respiration and ethylene release rate like at 20℃, an abnormal green peel was developed due to inhibition of chlorophyll breakdown. Plantain fruit developed a fully yellow peel at 30℃ as well as at 20℃. The possible relationship between chlorophyll breakdown and the peel degreening of banana fruitswas discussed.
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  • RAPD Analysis for Genetic Assessment of Some Cultivars of Pyrus pyrifolia Derived from China and Japan
  • Shen Yuying;;Teng Yuanwen;Tanabe Kenji
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 621-624.
  • Abstract ( 1665 ) HTML ( 1288 ) PDF (344KB) ( 1288 )    
  • The present study, using RAPD analysis, was undertaken to characterize genetic variation in Japanese pears and Chinese sand pears, as well as their genetic relationships. The materials used consisted of 36 Japanese pears and 6 Chinese accessions from Zhejiang and Fujian provinces. A total of 27 primers generated 261 scorable polymorphic RAPD bands. Clustering analysis revealed 9 groups: 4 consisting of Chinese sand pears and 5 from Japan, of which 4 Japanese pear groups contained cultivars or types from Kouchi Prefecture, Japan. Chinese sand pears and Japanese pearswere notmingled together into groups due to sampling bias. However, Chinese sand pear cultivars showed higher affinities to some Japanese pears, especially those from Kouchi prefecture than to Chinese ones.
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  • Establishment of High2eff ic ien t in Vitro Leaf Regenera tion System in ChineseJujube
  • Zhou Ruijin and LiuMengjun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 625-628.
  • Abstract ( 1432 ) HTML ( 1210 ) PDF (250KB) ( 1210 )    
  • Factors affecting in vitro leaf regeneration including age of leaf, source of leaf, condition of tube-plantlet and hormones in culture medium were studied in Ziziphus jujuba ‘Huanghua Dongzao’. A high-efficient system of in vitro leaf regeneration was established. The upper and middle leaves from rootless tube-plantlet were easier to regenerate than those from rooted tube-plantlet. The efficiency of TDZ was significantly higher than BA in the induction of adventitious bud from leaf. Leaves should be first induced on MS medium
    supplemented with TDZ (1.0 mg·L - 1 ) and IBA (0.1 mg·L - 1 ) for 28 days, and than transferred to medium MS + IBA 0.1 mg·L - 1 + GA3 0.05 mg·L - 1. In this way, the regeneration rate reached 92.45%. MS + BA 1.0 mg·L - 1 + KT 0.5 mg·L - 1 + IBA 0.1 mg·L - 1 was suitable for subculture of shoots, with the multiplication coefficient of 3.64. The regenerated plantlets rooted well in 1 /2MS medium plus IAA (1.0 mg·L - 1 ) , with rooting percentage of 87.1%. The survival rate of rooted plantlets in the field was 57%.
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  • Studies on Biochemica l Characters in Sweet Pepper ( Capsicum annuum L. )CMS Line and Its Maintainer Line
  • Liu Jinbing;;Hou Xilin;Chen Xiaofeng;Zhang Jingyi;Wang Shubin;Pan Baogui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 629-631.
  • Abstract ( 1440 ) HTML ( 1129 ) PDF (165KB) ( 1129 )    
  • A comparison of soluble sugar and protein content, activites of superoxide dismutase ( SOD) ,peroxidase ( POD) and catalase (CAT) between cytoplasmic male sterile line (CMS) T6A and its maintainer line T6B of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. ) in different developmental stages of leaves and buds were carried out in this study. The content of soluble sugar and protein and the activity of CAT were low in both leaves and buds and the activities of SOD and POD were high in CMS than those in its maintainer line. These results suggest that the variation of soluble sugar and protein content and enzyme activities used contribute to pollen abortion in CMS T6A.
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  • Studies on Watermelon Ploidy Revertant
  • Tan Suying;Liu Wenpge;Yan Zhihong;Zhao Shengjie;He Nan;Ma Shuangwu;Wang Jiming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 632-634.
  • Abstract ( 1474 ) HTML ( 1218 ) PDF (376KB) ( 1218 )    
  • Fourmutants were discovered in autotetraploid watermelon varieties 790010, 日み66, 91E7 and 770007 in 2001 and 2002. Their morphological and cytological characteristics were observed and identified, comparing with original autotetraploid watermelon. The morphological traits of the mutants had been obvious characteristics of dip loid watermelon and original variety. The pollen size and leaf guard cell size of the mutants become smaller and chlorop lasts number in guard cell diminished, and chromosomes number of the
    mutants somatic cell were 22, which were half of autotetraploid watermelon. Finally four mutants were confirmed revertants of autotetraploid watermelon.
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  • In Vitro Selection of Salt-tolerant Mutant from Potato Stem Explants
  • Cheng Zhihui;Li Juan;Zhang Guoyu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 635-638.
  • Abstract ( 1625 ) HTML ( 1393 ) PDF (171KB) ( 1393 )    
  • The stem explants of four potato cultivarswere used to induce calli and to screen salt-tolerant mutants in the medium containing different levels of NaCl. The results indicated that different cultivars showed different tolerance levels. To calli induction, the highest salt tolerant level is 018% for cv. Dongnong 303 and E1, 0.6% for cv. Favorite and 0.4% for cv. Shepody. Salt inhibited shoot and root differentiation. The salt-tolerant calli should be subcultured for notmore than 8 - 10 times. Salt tolerant tests in vivo and in vitro revealed that the mutants possessed salt tolerance.
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  • Effect of the Auxin and Ctytokin on the Frequency of Embryogenesis in Kale
  • Jiang Fengying;;Feng Hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 642-644.
  • Abstract ( 1676 ) HTML ( 1107 ) PDF (215KB) ( 1107 )    
  • The effects of 6-BA, NAA and 2, 4-D on embryoid induction during adopting isolated microspore culture of kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC. ) were studied using two hybrids‘Yuanye Hongxin’and ‘Zhouye Hongxin’. The results showed that 6-BA could promote embryoid induction and the suitable content was 0.2 mg·L - 1. NAA could not p romote embryoid formation, but increased the proportion of normal embryoid. 2, 4-D has significant inhibition to embryoid formation and only produce a little agglomerate cells. In addition, the media with 62BA and NAA dramatically increased the frequency of microspore-derived embryoids and the suitable content ration was 1∶1 or 2∶1.
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  • Effects of Aluminum on Root Morphology and Antioxidant System in Leavesof Mustard ( Brassica juncea Coss) Seedlings
  • Li Chaosu;Liu Peng;Xu Gendi;Lin Huijun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 645-648.
  • Abstract ( 1742 ) HTML ( 1200 ) PDF (254KB) ( 1200 )    
  • Two mustard varieties’ (Brassica juncea var. multiceps Tsen et Lee and Brassica juncea var. crispifolia Bailey) seedlings were cultured in sand which was dipped in nutrient solution added different concentrations of aluminum (0, 1, 10, 100 mg·L - 1 Al3 + ). The change of the rootmorphology and the content
    of MDA, AsA and GSH aswell as POD, CAT and SOD activities in leaves were determined. The result indicated that lower concentrations of aluminum (1 mg·L - 1 and 10 mg·L - 1 ) could promote the root growth and decrease the MDA content in two mustard varieties'leaves on the 15th day. With increase of aluminum, the root growth was inhibited and the MDA content in two varieties'leaves was increased compared with the control, and the activities of POD and CAT were also promoted obviously, but the response of AsA and GSH content aswell as SOD activity in different varieties were different to aluminum stress. It is suggested that lower aluminum concentrations could promote the growth of mustard seedlings in a short time. Antioxidant enzymes
    played an important part in resisting aluminum.
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  • Effect of Alternating Temperature and Gibberellin ( GA3 ) on etabolic Control of Japanese Aralia (Aralia elata) Seed In Dormancy-Breaking Process
  • Ning Wei;Fan Wenli;Li Hongbo;Liu Yanji;Ge Xiaoguang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 649-652.
  • Abstract ( 1635 ) HTML ( 1717 ) PDF (396KB) ( 1717 )    
  • This study investigated the change 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and succinic dehydrogenase and in the contents ofmetabolic substances in the activity of key enzymes for respiratorymetabolic pathway hexosephosphate isomerase, 6-zwischenferment, in the Japanese aralia (Aralia elata) seed dormancy-breaking p rocess under alternating temperature. Results showed that, after the seed was soaked in a 200 mg·L - 1 GA3 acetone solution for 12 hours, the α-amylase activity and the soluble sugar content in the seed increased significantly and reached the maximum on the 12 th day, whereas the soluble p rotein content decreased steadily since the initiation of stratification, down to the lowest point on the 12 th day. In the after ripening
    process, the Japanese aralia seed mainly relied on glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid cycle for its energy supply through oxidation, the activity of key enzymes in phosphopentase pathway reached the maximum on the 8 th day, in GA3 and stratification alternating treatment proceess, suggesting that the activation of this pathway also played a vital role in breaking the dormancy of the seed.
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  • The Pre-fertilization Barriers Research of Lilium Interspecific Hybridization
  • Liu Chun;Mu Ding;Ming Jun;Dong Ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 653-656.
  • Abstract ( 1661 ) HTML ( 1864 ) PDF (390KB) ( 1864 )    
  • Effects of pre-fertilization barriers including the viability, germination ability, preservation conditions of pollen and pollination methods on interspecific Lilium crosses was studied in L. pumilum, ‘Siberia’, ‘White Fox’, ‘Pink Perfection’, ‘Ceb Dazzle’and‘Victoria Falls’. The results showed that the
    op timum concentration of sucrose contributes to the pollen germination. Two techniques of pollination were studied comparatively for pollen germination. It appeared that pollen tubes stopped growth and the pollen was not able to germinate on cut-style 48 h after pollination. The use of in vitro pollination showed that the pollen tubes can penetrate ovary into ovules 24 hours after pollination and the strong swelling of ovary happened 45 days after pollination. The hybrid seedlings were attained by embryo rescue.
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  • Effect of Water Stress on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Lagerstroemia indica‘Summer and summer’and Lonicera nitida‘Maigrun’
  • Luo Jianxia;Shi Yanshan;Cao Hongbin;Wang Dan;Li Jianke;Wu Chunxia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 657-659.
  • Abstract ( 1787 ) HTML ( 1249 ) PDF (112KB) ( 1249 )    
  • Growth and physiological characteristics of two ground cover plants, Lagerstroemia indica‘Summer and summer’and Lonicera nitida‘Maigrun’which grown in pots, were investigated under the treatment of water stress. Criteria to evaluate drought resistance, including growth increments, photosynthetic rate ( Pn) , transp iration rate ( Tr) , stomatal conductance ( Gs) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) were determined in the experiment. The results showed that with the water stress the growth of both varieties
    was inhabited obviously, the relative growth rate of‘Summer and summer’was lower than that of‘Maigrun’, indicating the growth of the former was more retarded by water stress. The photosynthetic rate ( Pn) , transpiration rate (Tr) and stomatal conductance (Gs) in the treated plants appeared to decrease while intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) ranged from the decline at beginning to the increase at the later period of the experiment, each index variation degree of‘Summer and summer’was greater than that of‘Maigrun’. According to multiple analysis the drought resistance order for the two varieties was‘Maigrun’ > ‘Summer and summer’.
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  • Morphological Observation of Sexual Reproduction Abortion in ‘High Noon’Tree Peony
  • He Guimei;Cheng Fangyun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 660-663.
  • Abstract ( 1507 ) HTML ( 1353 ) PDF (389KB) ( 1353 )    
  • Morphology of sexual rep roduction abortion in ‘High Noon’, a distant hybridization cultivar of tree peonies ( P. delavayi var. lutea ×P. suffruticasa) , was systematically investigated with light microscopy and cross. The results indicated that: (1) The stamens matured earlier than the gynoecia and pollens
    dispersed at the early stage of anthesis but the rate of normal 2-celled pollenswere merely 2.41%. No pollens germinated not only in liquid nutrition but also on its own stigmas and on other two female parents’stigmas. When flower withered, stigmas excreted a great deal of exudation and became in the best for pollination; (2) The meiosis of multi-megasporocytes were highly asynchronous in one ovule, the development of embryo sac and fertilization were retarded, and the mitosis of some free endosperm nucleiwere abnormal during the cellularization stage; (3) No seeds were produced by self- and cross-pollination in the same cultivar group, but natural pollination seeds were produced with the rate of 0.053‰ - 0.130‰. It was suggested that the main
    reasons for the sexual rep roduction abortion in ‘High Noon’were that it can not form enough viable gametes and lack valid pollination.
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  • Establishment of Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation System of Lily
  • Wang Aiju;Zhang Fengmei;Lu Jinying;Zhao Xiangyun;Jia Xu;Liu Min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 664-666.
  • Abstract ( 1847 ) HTML ( 1693 ) PDF (234KB) ( 1693 )    
  • We established genetic transformation system of lily callus (Lilium‘Star Gazer’) and leaves (Lilium‘Siberia’) mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Experimental result indicates that we could get efficient transformation with both callus and leaves as accep tor. We gained high transformation rate when the OD600 of Agrobacterium was between 0.5 - 1.0. There were better screening to callus and leaveswhen the concentration of Hygromycin was 40 mg·L - 1. RemovingNH4NO3 from major element could remarkably enhance
    transformation rate. Results of PCR proved that the gus gene had integrated into lily genome.
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  • The Comparation of Cold Resistance of Four Gardening Young Trees
  • Jiao Lili;Lu Bingshe;Bai Zhiying;Meng Qingrui;Zhen Hongwei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 667-670.
  • Abstract ( 1916 ) HTML ( 1727 ) PDF (207KB) ( 1727 )    
  • Regarding the relative electric conductivity and relative leakage of K+ as a physiological indicator for the cold resistance of one-year dormant shoots of four gardening young trees, the curves of relative electric conductivity and relative leakage of K+ by different temperature treatments were rep resented using Logistic equation. The results showed that the relative electric conductivity and the relative leakage of K+ increased as a S-curves with the decreased of temperature. According to these S-shaped curves and the
    Logistic equation, it could be calculated the semi-lethal temperature (LT50 ) of four sticks of Idesia polycarpa, Acer negundo, Chionanthus retusu and Cornus controversa, which was - 11.5℃, - 24.9℃, - 20.7℃ and - 29.8℃ respectively. Among the four species, the cold resistance of Cornus controversa stick was the strongest, followed by Acer negundo, Chionanthus retusu and Idesia polycarpa.
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  • Changes of Total Phenol Content and the Activities of PPO, POD and PAL during the Browning in Phalaenopsis Explant in Vitro
  • Xu Chuanjun;;Li Ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 671-674.
  • Abstract ( 1985 ) HTML ( 1671 ) PDF (257KB) ( 1671 )    
  • In the early stage of Phalaenopsis explant browning, the activities of PPO and POD increased, while in the later stage, their activities declined. The PPO and POD isoenzyme showed that no PPO band appeared in 0 day culture, while a weak band of POD appeared. After 2 days culture, there were three bands of
    POD appeared, and the band Ⅰappeared after cultured for 4 days and dispersed in another day; and three bands of PPO isoenzyme in browning cell appeared and the band Ⅲ had a higher activity when cultured for 4 days, the activitives of PPO and POD declined whit the culture extension. As explant turned black, the content of total phenol compounds and the activity of PAL increased and there was a extremely positive correlation between them.
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  • Research Advance of Glucosinolates from Crucifer
  • Li Xian;Chen Kunsong;Zhang Mingfang;Kushad M. Mosbah
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 675-679.
  • Abstract ( 1652 ) HTML ( 4484 ) PDF (254KB) ( 4484 )    
  • Glucosinolate is a group of important bioactive compounds found mainly in the cruciferous family. About 120 natural glucosinolates have been isolated, and they are known to have various functions and bioactivities such as anticarcignogen, plant defense, and flavour2forming. The distribution and biochemical property, glucosinolate breakdown products, and their biological effects are reviewed in this paper.
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  • An Excellent New Cultivar of Chinese Jujube with High Resistance to JujubeW itches Broom Disease‘Xingguang’
  • Liu Mengjun;Zhou Junyi;Zhao Jin;Wang Jiurui;Liu Ping;Dai Li;Wang Yinxiao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 687-687.
  • Abstract ( 1814 ) HTML ( 1173 ) PDF (76KB) ( 1173 )    
  • ‘Xingguang’, a new cultivar of Chinese jujube ( Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ) with high resistance to jujube witches broom disease (JWB) , was selected from the variations of‘Junzao’, an old local cultivar, using a high-intensity screening method established by the authors, grafting the healthy scions of the germplasm to be checked onto seriously diseased trees. In Taihang mountain with heavy JWB, the disease rate of ‘Xingguang’kep t 0 and 100% of the diseased trees reconstructed with it recovered normal fruiting. Its fruit is
    big (22.9 g) and suitable formaking dry fruit ( drying rate 56.4% ). It not only could be cultivated directly as a high-resistant cultivar but also used to reconstruct the crown of diseased trees by grafting.
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  • A New Cucumber Hybrid ‘Zhongnong 19’
  • Gu Xingfang;Zhang Shengping;Fang Xiujuan;Wang Ye
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 690-690.
  • Abstract ( 1421 ) HTML ( 1067 ) PDF (91KB) ( 1067 )    
  • ‘Zhongnong 19’was developed by using double gynoecious lines 151G as male line and 65G as female line. Fruits are short cylindrical with smooth and uniform shiny green colour. Fruit is about 15 - 20 cm in length and 100 g in mass. Fruits are crisp and sweet. The yield is about 150 000 kg/hm2. It has very good resistance to diseases, low temperature and weak light, and was suitable for protected cultivation.
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  • A New Watermelon Variety ‘Heixiu’
  • Ma Changsheng;;Zhang Jie;Zhu Weiling;Sun Zhongwei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 693-693.
  • Abstract ( 1682 ) HTML ( 977 ) PDF (94KB) ( 977 )    
  • ‘Heixiu’ is a watermelon hybrid p roduced by Henan Yuyi Seed Company Ltd. The variety is suitable for p lanting in greenhouse and open field in some areas in China. The average fruitmass is 7 - 10 kg/ fruit, the yield is about 67.5 - 75 t/hm2. The fruit is oval in shape with smooth dark-green stripes on its surface. The content of soluble solid material is about 11.6%. The fruit is delicious. It is resistant to diseases and very convenient to store and transport.
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  • A New Watermelon Variety ‘Guanjin’
  • Wang Shijie;;Chen Yumei;Wei Mingjun;;Liang Yaoping;Deng Zhengyu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 694-694.
  • Abstract ( 1774 ) HTML ( 1065 ) PDF (553KB) ( 1065 )    
  • ‘Guanjin’ is a middle-type hybrid variety with yellow-flesh watermelon. The fruit shape is globose. Dark-green surface covered with dark stripes. The texture is crisp, the best tasting and flavour quality. The soluble solid concentration is 11.5%. Itps vigorous and better resistence to virus, damp and hot. Suitable for greenhouse and open field in south and west china. Average mass per fruit is 3.47 kg. The yield is above 36.5 t/hm2. It is vigorous and very convenient to store and transport. The farmswhich have used this variety in Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Hunan of China very like it.
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  • A New Petunia Variety ‘Longyuan Petunia’
  • Jia Lanhong;Meng Lifen;Lu Yingjie;Zhang Yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(3): 695-695.
  • Abstract ( 1759 ) HTML ( 1164 ) PDF (91KB) ( 1164 )    
  • ‘Longyuan Petunia’ is a new variety selected from a hybrid of America by selfcrossing. It has five colors, such as red, blue, write, pink, purple, etc. Its color is pure and flower is bigger. It need to take about 73 days from sowed seed to come into bloom. It has growth mediumer pressure, but bloom productivity is heavy. Its p lant height is 15 - 20 cm. It can be grown in room or open grownd. Seedling can resistance - 5℃ drop ing in temperature suddenly.
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