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2006, Vol.33, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Cracking Mechanism of Prunus salicina and Related Preventions
  • Zhang Linjing;;;Gui Mingzhu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 699-704.
  • Abstract ( 1785 ) HTML ( 1441 ) PDF (789KB) ( 1441 )    
  • Relationships among cell growth of fruit, water, or total soluble solid ( TSS) with cracking of Prunus salicina L. were studied. Tissue anatomical characteristics of cracking fruitwere observed. Effects of spraying borate or calcium hydroxide solutions and rain shield on trees for reducing cracking incidence were tested. The resultswere as follows: 1. Anatomical observations and micro-measurements showed that, uncoordinatedly growing between the outer dermal tissue of fruit and inner parenchyma caused fruit cracking. Compared with ‘Jilin 6’and ‘Suilinghong’, inner parenchyma cells of‘Suili 3’grew significantly more faste during rapidly growing period ( P < 0.05) while epidermis grew slowly or stops developing. In addition, there exists bigger interspace of cutin decorations on surface of‘Suili 3’, potentially becoming break through point of cracking. In this way, combination of internal turgor forces caused by inner rap id growth acting on the fruit surface with the loss of skin elasticity caused fruit cracking. 2. TSS contents in cracking fruits are significantly higher than that of normal fruits ( P < 0.05) , suggesting that higher TSS may easily induce fruit cracking. 3. ‘Suili 3’fruit cracking may be reduced through spraying of borate at 0.5 mg/L. However, spraying calcium
    hydroxide solutions had no effect in reducing fruit cracking. 4. It is positive-correlated between soil moisture and the incidence of the cracking ( P < 0.05) in August when fruits of‘Suili 3’was nearly mature; plastic rain shield and ditches may effectively reduce fruit cracking of‘Suili 3’, suggesting that water is a driving factor that caused fruit cracking.
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  • The Change of Soil Nutrition and the Status of Distribution in the Apple Orchard in the South and Central Part of Hebei Province
  • Liu Jianling;Liao Wenhua;Zhang Zhihua;Sun Jianshe
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 705-708.
  • Abstract ( 1755 ) HTML ( 1435 ) PDF (283KB) ( 1435 )    
  • The change of soil nutrition in 1993 to 2003 yearwas surveyed. The status and distribution of soil nutrition in the apple orchard were also studied in the south and central part of Hebei p rovince. The main result showed that organic matter and total N gave an increase of 2.548 and 0.317 mg·kg- 1 during 10 years, respectively. Alkali-N, avail-P (Olsen-P) , avail2K were increased 17.1, 122.3 and 279.5 mg·kg- 1. A-vail-Fe, avail-Zn , avail-Mn gave an increase of 9.2, 1.9 and 10.5 mg·kg- 1. The change of soil nutrition was significantly different between crop fields and apple orchard. Avail-Cu increased significantly. Most of soil nutrition were accumulated in the soil p rofile of 0 - 40 cm, with a little increase in the soil profile of 40 - 80 cm. The soil nutrition accumulation gradually decreased with the soil depth. The soil nutrition also gradually decreased with the increasing distance from the tree trunk. The amount of soil nutrition accumulation was: Olsen-P > avail-K > alkali-N > total N and organic matter.
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  • Ultrastructural Changes Associated with Droplet Vitrification Cryopreservation of Banana Shoot-tip
  • Zhang Shoumei;Li Jianguo;;Chen Houbin;Xu Chunxiang;Han Lina
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 709-713.
  • Abstract ( 1711 ) HTML ( 1374 ) PDF (846KB) ( 1374 )    
  • Ultrastructure of banana shoot-tip cells during drop let vitrification cryopreservation was observed by using the transmission electron microscopy ( TEM). The results showed that loading decreased the degree of vacuolation and caused plasmolysis. The extent of plasmolysis became more severe and protoplast was condensed after dehydrating treatment. Meanwhile, cell walls, cellmembranes and nucleus envelopes of some cellswere lethally injured. Although there were some changes in the structure of many other cells, the
    damage was reversible, which might be rehabilitated automatically during recovery culture and regenerating plantlets could be obtained. Cells were mainly damaged during the dehydrating process, and no significant alterations occurred subsequently in the cooling step. The possible mechanisms for those resultswere discussed.
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  • Determination of Monomeric and Polymeric Flavan-3-ols in Grape Berry byHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography
  • Wen Pengfei;;Chen Jianye;Li Jingming;Wan Sibao;Kong Weifu;HuangWeidong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 714-720.
  • Abstract ( 2096 ) HTML ( 1599 ) PDF (311KB) ( 1599 )    
  • The grape (Vitis vinifera L. ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’) berry was used as the material. A new method was developed for simultaneously determinating five kinds ofmonomeric flavan-3-ols and their derivatives, including ( + ) -catechin (CAT) , ( - ) -epigallocatechin ( EGC) , ( - ) -epigallocatechin gallate ( EGCG) , ( - ) -epicatechin ( EC) , and ( - )-epicatechin gallate ( ECG) , in the grape berry by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). These compounds were efficiently separated directly from the samples through a chromatographic column of 5 μm LiChrospher 100 RP-18e (250 mm ×410mm I.D., Merck)
    by the mobile phase gradient elution of glacial acetic acid solution at the flow rate of 1.0 mL /min, at the detection wavelength of 280 nm and at 30℃. The polymeric flavan-3-ols had been fractioned and purified on TSK HW-50 ( F) , followed by acid-catalyzed degradation in the presence of phloroglucinol, then the mean degree and the composition of polymeric flavan-3-ols in grape berry were determined by HPLC. The results showed that monomeric and polymeric flavan-3-ols were mainly accumulated in the skins and seeds of grape berry.
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  • Cloning and Expression of β-galactosidase Gene cDNA in Peach
  • Bian Weihua;;Jiang Changjun;Wang Zhaoxia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 721-724.
  • Abstract ( 1500 ) HTML ( 1096 ) PDF (315KB) ( 1096 )    
  • A 3 285 bp cDNA encoding β-galactosidase was cloned from compress peach by the methods of RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The accession number is AY874412, which contains 2 559 bp, encoding a 853 residue polypeptide. The cDNA was constructed into the vector pET-32a( + ) designed for recombinant strain. After IPTG induction, it was observed there was a special band about 115 kDa on SDS-PAGE. The activity of the fusion protein was analyzed by in vitro enzymatic reaction.
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  • Studies on Genetic Polymorphism of Main Mango Cultivars via AFLP Markers
  • Lei Xintao;Wang Jiabao;Xu Xuerong;Lin Shunquan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 725-730.
  • Abstract ( 1578 ) HTML ( 1371 ) PDF (533KB) ( 1371 )    
  • In this article, the classification and the relationship s of 31 main domestic and overseas mango (Mangifera indica Linn. ) cultivars were investigated via amplified fragments length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. The results showed that the 142 pair primer combination screened totally amp lified 1 761 bands from the sampled mango cultivars, and 97% of all bands were polymorphic. For each pair of primers, there were 125.8 bands and 121.6 polymorphic bands and the polymorphic bands rate was 97%. Based on the AFLP markers, all the materials were divided into 7 group swith the threshold of 0148 of similarity coefficient. At the same time, the first group was divided into 6 subgroups with the threshold of 0.52 of similarity coefficient. Compared with morphologic markers, the mango classification system based on AFLP markers could reflect relationship among mango cultivars more efficiently.
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  • Texture Changes and Regulation of Postharvest Loquat Fruit
  • Cai Chong;Gong Mingjin;Li Xian;Lü Junliang;and Chen Kunsong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 731-736.
  • Abstract ( 1792 ) HTML ( 1457 ) PDF (216KB) ( 1457 )    
  • Effects of 1-MCP and temperature treatment on texture changes of postharvest loquat fruit were investigated in the present study. During the 20℃ postharvest storage of loquat fruit, changes of LOX activities, PAL activities and O·2 accumulation showed peak-trend, tissue electric conductivity and fruit firmness increased steadily, and fresh juice percentage decreased. The changes of fruit firmness and fresh juice percentage were the characteristics of tissue lignification. Application of 1-MCP significantly inhibited PAL and LOX activities, reduced O·2 production, delayed the fruit senescence process and the increase in firmness. 1℃ temperature storage effectively retarded fruit senescence, but it induced fruit chilling injury, which also resulted in tissue lignification. The increase in firmness during postharvest loquat fruit senescence showed similar characteristic to tissue lignification of chilling injury, however, the mechanism might be different.
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  • Breeding of New CMS Lines of Leaf Mustard byMeans of In terspec if ic Crosswith CMS L ine of Chinese Cabbage
  • Jin Haixia;Feng Hui;Xu Shufa
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 737-740.
  • Abstract ( 1702 ) HTML ( 232 ) PDF (0KB) ( 232 )    
  • A cytop lasmic male sterile line of Chinese cabbage and two male fertile lines of LeafMustard were app lied to transfer the male sterility. Interspecific crosses followed by 7 generations’ backcrosses withLeafMustards as recurrent parentswere carried out. Two new CMS lines of LeafMustards were obtained. It was identified that the CMS lines of leaf mustard possessed equal number of chromosomes with the recurrent parents, and theirmale sterility were shown as 100% both in the degree and ratio. The morphological traits and the seed set ability of the CMS lines were inclined to the recurrent parents. Four favorite combinations with the CMS as female parentwere got through p lot trail.
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  • Composition and Con tent of Glucosinolates in Leaves and Bolting Stems ofChinese Kale Quantified by HPLC
  • Chen Xinjuan;Zhu Zhujun;Yang Jing;Liu Yonghua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 741-744.
  • Abstract ( 1784 ) HTML ( 1986 ) PDF (128KB) ( 1986 )    
  • The composition and content of glucosinolates ( GSs) in young leaves and bolting stems ofChinese kale (Brassica alboglabra Bailey) were analyzed by HPLC. Ten kinds of GSswere identified in both parts, including six aliphatic GSs ( 3-methylsulfinylpropyl GS, 2-hydroxybut-3-enyl GS, 2-propenyl GS, 4-methylsulfinylbutyl GS, 5-methylsulfinylpentyl GS and 3-butenyl GS) and four indolyl GSs (4-hydroxyindol-3-ylmethyl GS, indol-3-ylmethyl GS, 4-methoxyindol-3-ylmethyl GS and neoindol-3-ylmethyl GS). 3-methyl-
    sulfinylp ropyl GS, 2-propenyl GS and 5-methylsulfinylpentyl GS were firstly detected in Chinese kale. Total content of GSs in bolting stemswas 4 907.1μg·g- 1DM, being 4.57 folds as that in leaves. The main individual GS was 3-butenyl GS, accounting for 56.46% and 60.37% of the total GSs in leaves and bolting stems, respectively. The minor individual GS was indol-3-ylmethyl GS, accounting for 18.85% and 11.10% of the total GSs in leaves and bolting stems, respectively. And 5-methylsulfinylpentyl GS was present at the
    lowest amount, only accounting for 0.26% and 0.39% of the total GSs in leaves and bolting stems, respectively. The relative p roportion of aliphatic GSs in leaves was lower than in bolting stems, and that of indolyl GSs in leaves was higher than in bolting stems.
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  • Effect of Different Harvest Seasons on the Flavonoids Content and Antioxidant Activities of Leaf Mustard
  • Wang Ping;;Zhu Zhujun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 745-750.
  • Abstract ( 1815 ) HTML ( 1646 ) PDF (329KB) ( 1646 )    
  • Effects of different harvest seasons on the contents of total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activities in 10 genotypes of leafmustard were investigated. The results showed that leafmustard harvested in spring had much higher levels of total phenolics and antioxidant activities than those harvested in winter.Quercetin and kaempferol were the main flavonoids of leaf mustard, and all the 10 genotypes harvested in sp ring had much higher contents of above two flavonaids compared with those harvested in winter. There were obvious differences in contents of phenolics, quercetin, kaempferol and antioxidant activities among geno2 types, the correlation between genotypes and season was significant. It indicated that seasons play an important role in affecting phenolics accumulation and antioxidant activities of leafmustard. The antioxidant activitieswere positively correlated with the content of phenolics, quercetin and kaempferol at significant and extremely significant level, respectively ( P < 0.05, P < 0.01).
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  • RAPD Analysis of Phenogenic Relationship in Five Cultivated Capsicum Species
  • Chen Xuejun;;Chen J infeng;Geng Hong;Lou Qunfeng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 751-756.
  • Abstract ( 1863 ) HTML ( 1849 ) PDF (480KB) ( 1849 )    
  • RAPD analysis was conducted in 31 accessions from 5 cultivated species in Capsicum. Thirtyone primers generated 276 scorable RAPD bands ofwhich 244 were polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic loci ( PPB) and Shannonps information index ( I) in C. annuum were 32.97% and 0.1599 respectively, indicating the genetic diversitywithin C. annuum was low. Jaccard's similarity between pairs of accessionsranged from 0.349 to 0.952 with a mean of 0.729. The results from cluster analysis showed that the genetic distances of C. annuum with other four species beginningwith nearerwere C. chinense, C. frutescens, C. pubescens and C. baccatum. The cluster formed by the 24 accessions of C. annuum did not fully correspond to the current morphologic classification, suggesting that the genetic differences among those accessions of C. annuum could not be precisely reflected by the current taxonomic system. Great diversity of amp lification bands was observed between C. baccatum accession from Xishuangbanna, China and that from America, which provided us with new evidence to the argument that if the Xishuangbanna area in China was also a place for pepper origin.
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  • Effects of Low Night Temperature on Photosynthesis of Tomato Seedlings
  • Wang Lijuan;;Li Tianlai;Li Guoqiang;Qi Hongyan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 757-761.
  • Abstract ( 2084 ) HTML ( 1613 ) PDF (253KB) ( 1613 )    
  • Effects of different low night temperature (12℃, 9℃, 6℃, and 15℃ as control) on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics were investigated in tomato seedlings . Results showed that the dry matter accumulation of plants was restrained under low night temperature. Total chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate decreased. The stomatal conductance (Gs) , intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) , transpiration rate ( Tr) decreased but the stomatal limitation (Ls) increased in comparison with the
    control. The photosynthetic rate and related factors could be resumed to normal standard after 10 days treatment of 12℃and 9℃. Photosynthetic related factors could be recovered, but the net photosynthetic rate could
    not resumed at 6℃. This indicated that the low photosynthetic rate was not related to Gs, Ci, Tr and Ls during the recovery period after 6℃ treatment. Fv/Fm, ΦPSⅡ , ETR were not significantly affected under low night temperature, because all of them could be recovered soon after released from low night temperature stress. The results indicated that PSⅡ of tomato seedlings was not damaged under the low night temperature and the period of treatment within the designed experiments.
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  • Role of Brassinosteroids in the Regulation of Photosynthetic Apparatus in Cucumber Leaves
  • HuWenhai;;Huang Lifeng;Mao Weihua;Zhou Yanhong;Yu Jingquan;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 762-766.
  • Abstract ( 1763 ) HTML ( 1779 ) PDF (294KB) ( 1779 )    
  • Spray with 0.1 mg·L - 1 24-epibrassinolide ( EBR) significantly up-regulated the net photosynthetic rates of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings and the effect lasted for 1 week. EBR had no effect on chlorophyll content and stomatal limitation value (l) , but significantly increased apparent quantum yield(AQY) , carboxylation efficiency (CE) , the maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco (Vc,max ) and the maximum rate of RuBP regeneration (Jmax ). EBR treatment also increased the p roportion of‘open’PSⅡ reaction centers ( qP) , thereby resulting in an increased quantum yield of PSII electron transport (ΦPSⅡ ) , but had little effects on the maximal photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ ( Fv/Fm) , and efficiency of energy capture by open PSⅡ reaction centres ( Fv’ /Fm’).
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  • Construction of a Cucumber cDNA Microarray and Its Application in the Study of Response of Cucumber Plants to Magnesium Deficiency Stress
  • Mao Weihua;;Gong Yaming;Song Xingshun;Xia Xiaojian;Shi Kai;Zhou Yanhong;Yu J ingquan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 767-772.
  • Abstract ( 1798 ) HTML ( 1176 ) PDF (367KB) ( 1176 )    
  • Microarray technology plays increasing roles in the study of plant gene function. By using BLAST biosoftware and data from GenBank, the specific primers for key metabolism enzyme genes in cucumberwere designed, and the specific fragments amp lified by RT-PCR were cloned and sequenced. A total of
    432 cDNA sequences corresponding to genes involved in photochewistry, carbon fixation, carbohydrate metabolism, water-water cycle, signal transduction , hormone metabolism, defense, photoresp iration and amino acid
    metabolism were obtained and categorized. At last, a cDNA microarraywith 423 cDNA fragments and 9 quality control cDNA fragments were built. The microarray was then used to study the changes of gene expression
    profiles of cucumber plants after exposure to magnesium starvation. The results showed that 10 genes were down regulated, while 12 genes were up regulated in magnesium deficiency p lants. This microarray will provide us a powerful tool for the study of gene function in response to a series of stresses.
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  • Effects of Grafting on Development, Carbohydra te Content and Sucrose- metabolizing Enzymes Activities of Muskmelon Fruit
  • Xu Chuanqiang;Li Tianlai;Qi Hongyan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 773-778.
  • Abstract ( 1728 ) HTML ( 2003 ) PDF (284KB) ( 2003 )    
  • In this experiment, we studied on the effects of grafting on development, carbohydrate content and sucrose-metabolizing enzymes activities of muskmelon fruit in solar greenhouse. The results showed that the enlarging speed of fruit had been quickened, and little effects on mesocarp thick of muskmelon fruit. By grafting, Fructose and glucose content of mesocarp of muskmelon fruit decreased, and the pattern of sucrose accumulation was also changed by grafting, the schedule of sucrose accumulation bringing forward about 7 days compared with the own rootmuskmelon, and sucrose content of mesocarp of muskmelon fruit was also higher than it. But total sugar content, acid invertase (AI) and netutral invertase (NI) activities of mesocarp of muskmelon fruit declined, sucrose phosphate synthase activities and sucrose synthase activitieswere evidently improved by grafting.
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  • Effects of Carbon Monox ide on Va se L ife and Antiox ida tive Metabolism inCut Rose Flower
  • Ling Tengfang;Zhang Bo;Lin Jinshan;Liu Hui;Wei Shouyang;Sun Yonggang;ShenWenbiao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 779-782.
  • Abstract ( 1927 ) HTML ( 1830 ) PDF (299KB) ( 1830 )    
  • Effects of exogenous carbon monoxide ( CO ) donor (Hematin) at 0.001, 0.01 and 0.1μmol·L - 1 on vase life and antioxidative metabolism in cut rose‘Movie Star’flowerwere investigated. Compared with the control flowers kept in distilled water, application of CO donor hematin (0.001 - 0.01μmol·L - 1 ) resulted in the prolonged vase life of cut rose in a dose-dependent manner. Between these treatments,the effect of 0.01μmol·L - 1 hematin (H 0.01) was the most effective in extending the vase life. However, the opposite effect of 0.1μmol·L - 1 hematin (H 0.1) was also found. Furthermore, app lication of H 0.01 apparently and differentially up-regulated the activities of peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase, resulting in the apparent decrease of MDA content during the early holding period.
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  • Sequence Analysis of the cDNA Fragments Differentially Expressed in theOvaries of Cymbidium hybridium after Pollination
  • Chen Xiaoqiang;Li Xiulan;Wang Chunguo;Zhang Yong;SongWenqin;Chen Ruiyang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 783-788.
  • Abstract ( 1689 ) HTML ( 1537 ) PDF (635KB) ( 1537 )    
  • In this study, we identified and characterized seven cDNA fragments differentially expressed in the pollinated and non-pollinated ovaries of Cymbidium hybridium using mRNA differential display RT-PCR(DDRT-PCR). Deduced aminoacid sequences of four of the seven cDNA fragments (CDD-313, CDD-272,CDD-265, CDD-243) showed no significant homology with ESTs and genes in the Genbank databases. However, the remaining three (CDD-193, CDD-218, CDD-470) showed significant homologies with sequences encoding components of an ABC-type transporter, GTPase and 40S ribosomal S3 proteins (RPS3) , respectively. Their differential expression patterns were confirmed by reverse Northern blot analysis. CDD-470, which encoded a new factor of RPS3 participating in cell growth and proliferation, appeared to be present and highly expressed in the pollinated ovaries. Based on these results, we deduced that this 40S ribosomal S3 like protein was most likely involved in the ovary development of orchids, and the study gave us novel insights into the molecular mechanism of the ovary and floral development of orchids.

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  • Studies on Germplasm Conservation of Lily ( Lilium L. ) by Restricting Growth Method
  • Chen Hui;;Chen Xiaoling;Chen Longqing;Lu Xinxiong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 789-793.
  • Abstract ( 1925 ) HTML ( 1401 ) PDF (330KB) ( 1401 )    
  • Studies on conservation of in vitro shoots of lily (Lilium L. ) by restricting growth method and genetic stability of recovered plantlets were carried out. Results showed that 80% of in vitro shoots could be conserved in the medium supplemented with 1.0 - 3.0 mg/L ABA formore than 9 months at normal temperature of (20 ±1) ℃, 1 500 lx and 12 h /d photoperiod. MS or 1/2MS ( half strength ofmacronutrients and micronutrients) medium supplemented with 50 - 90 g/L sucrose restricted the growth of in vitro shoots and prolonged the subculture interval to over 11 months. In vitro shoots grew slowly and produced some purple bulb during conservation. The growth of in vitro shoots cultured in medium supplemented with 10 - 50 g/L mannitol or 10 - 40 mg/L trimethylammonium (CCC) was not significantly restricted. After cultured in recoveringmedium for 1 month, all conserved in vitro shoots turned to normal plantlets and showed no obvious difference in morphology, soluble protein, isoenzynic zymogram of esterase and peroxidase compared with the control.
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  • Microdissection, in Situ Analysis and Microcloning of Poplar Chromosome 1
  • Zhang Shougong;Zhang Yong;;Liu Bo;Li Xiulan;Song Wenqin;Han Suying;Qi Liwang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 794-800.
  • Abstract ( 1744 ) HTML ( 2075 ) PDF (501KB) ( 2075 )    
  • This study was performed to establish a method for single chromosome microdissection and microcloning in forest plants using poplar ( Populus tremula) as a model. An individual chromosome 1 was microdissected from the metaphase spreads of poplar root-tip cells with the fine glass needle controlled by a micromanipulator. The dissected chromosome was amp lified in vitro by the Sau3A linker adaptor mediated PCR technique, by which 200 bp to 3 000 bp smear DNA fragments were obtained. Southern hybridization result showed the PCR products from the single poplar chromosome were homogeneous with the poplar genomic DNA, indicating thatDNA from the single chromosome has been successfully amplified. Then, he second round PCR productswere used as a complex probe mixture for fluorescent in situ hybridization ( FISH) on the metaphasespreads of poplar. Hybridization signals were observed, mainly, along the entire chromosome 1, at the same time, signalswere also present on telomeric and centromeric regions of other chromosomes. The second round
    PCR p roducts from the single chromosome 1 were cloned into T-easy vectors to generate a DNA library of the chromosome 1. App roximately 3 ×105 recombinant clones were obtained. Evaluation based on 160 randomly selected clones showed that the sizes of the cloned inserts varied from 230 bp to 2 200 bp with an average of 800 bp. This library will facilitate specific probe screening, molecular map construction, gene tagging and gene cloning on this chromosome.
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  • Effects of Alternative Half Root Drying on Accumulation of Several OrganicOsmolytes in‘Okubo’Peach Leaves
  • Zhao Junying;;Wang Lijun;Fan Peige;Li Liansheng;Li Shaohua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 801-804.
  • Abstract ( 1662 ) HTML ( 1254 ) PDF (254KB) ( 1254 )    
  • Alternative half root drying (ARS) by root sp lit technology did not result in significant decrease in p redawn leaf water potential of young potted‘Okubo’peach plants ( Prunus persica) , as compared with the trees under well irrigation ( control) , while significantly higher predawn leaf water potential was observed on ARS trees than those underwhole root drying (WRS). WRS increased significantly the concentrations of foliar free amino acid, proline and soluble sugarwith a significant decrease in starch. However, there
    were no significant differences in the contents of foliar free amino acid, proline, soluble sugars and starch between ARS and control throughout the experiment. Moreover, the concentrations of foliar free amino acid, proline, soluble sugars and starch correlated significantlywith p redawn leaf water potential. It seemed that plants subjected to ARS maintained a good water status without accumulation of the p revious organic osmolytes in leaves for osmoregulation.
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  • Changes of Sugar and Acid Constituents in Apricot during Fruit Development
  • ChenMeixia;Chen Xuesen;Ci Zhijuan;Shi Zuoan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 805-808.
  • Abstract ( 1730 ) HTML ( 1783 ) PDF (259KB) ( 1783 )    
  • Sugar and acid components in ap ricot were studied with 10 cultivated varieties by Capillary Electrophoresis, as well as the changes of sugar and acid componentswith two cultivated varieties during fruit development. The results indicated that there were great differences in the contents of components and total sugar among apricot varieties, whereas their distributions were similar, that was the level of sucrose was the highest and the lowest for fructose in all tested varieties. Contrasting to sugar, both total acid and components were different greatly among varieties. According to the components of acid, the apricot varieties could be divided into two types: citrate and malate. Changes of components and total content of sugar were almost similar in‘Xinshiji’and ‘Katy’varieties at different fruit development stages, the level of sucrose and total sugar increased constantly, whereas the content of fructose and glucose kep t relatively steady, which indicated the increasing of total content of sugar was caused by sucrose. The change patterns of the content of total acid and
    componentswere different obviously in two varieties, but the change of malate and total acid was completely similar in‘Xinshiji’. Malate content increased slowly at higher level, whereas the level of citrate was lower during fruit development. The level of citrate at early development stage was lower than at later development stage, increasing rap idly while stoning finished and decreasing slightly during fruit maturation. The changing pattern showed “S”curve, contrast to citrate, the change of malate showed a reverse “S”curve.
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  • Using SSR Markers to Study Popula tion Genetic Structure of Cultivated Apricots Native to Xinjiang
  • He Tianming;;Chen Xuesen;Gao Jiangsheng;Zhang Dahai;Xu Lin;Wu Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 809-812.
  • Abstract ( 1534 ) HTML ( 1829 ) PDF (332KB) ( 1829 )    
  • Eleven Prunus simple sequence repeat ( SSR) primer pairs have been used in the molecular characterization of 30 apricot (Prunus armeniaca L. ) varieties from south Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. A higher level of genetic diversity was revealed by Neips gene diversity (He = 012364). The Gst (Gene
    Divergence) of 0.1508 indicated that genetic variation existed mainly within sub-group s (84.9%). The modest amount of gene flow (Nm =2.3666) based on Gst was discovered. Itwas p roposed that artificial introduction by seeds was probably the main way of gene flow. Consequently, aditional morphological and geographical classification can not completely reflect the genetic relationship between ap ricot varieties native to Xinjiang.
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  • The Preliminary Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Five CherryRootstocks
  • Qin Sijun;Lü Deguo;Du Guodong;Liu Guocheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 813-816.
  • Abstract ( 1547 ) HTML ( 1282 ) PDF (255KB) ( 1282 )    
  • The photosynthetic characteristics of five rootstocks of cherry Cerasus mahaleb (L. ) Mill. ,Cerasus pseudocerasus (Lindl. ) G. Don. ‘Daqingye ’, Cerasus sachalinensis Kom. , ‘Gisela 5 ’, and‘Colt’were studied by gas exchange. The results showed that there were differences among photosynthetic capacity, carboxylation efficiency, apparent quantum yield, CO2 compensation points, CO2 saturation points, light compensation pionts and light saturation points in the five rootstocks of cherry. The capacities of Cerasus mahaleb L. using low concentration CO2 and high intensity illumination were high, and photosynthetic capacity was the biggest, though the capacity of using low light of Colt was higher than Cerasusm ahaleb L. and Gisela,the photosynthetic capacity of Colt was the smallest. Photosynthetic capacities were differences among the leaves of different position of the shoots, the proportion of the leaf areas of different position of new shoot in total areas and photosynthetic products in total photosynthetic products were different. The percentage of leaf area in total leaf area and photosynthetic products in total photosynthetic p roducts of the basal-middle, middle and mid2top part leaves was higher than that of the base and top part leaves, the leaves of basal-middle and middle
    partswere bigger and developed better, which were the major parts of photosynthetic capacity.
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  • The Effects of Bud-scale Removing and Chemical Treatments on Dormancy-release and Phenolics of Sweet Cherry Flower Buds
  • Wei Hairong;;Gao Dongsheng;Li Xianli
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 817-820.
  • Abstract ( 1756 ) HTML ( 1224 ) PDF (292KB) ( 1224 )    
  • Experiment was conducted with 72year-old sweet cherry (Prunus avium L. ) ‘Hongdeng’and ‘Zaohongbaoshi’ trees, the effect of bud-scale removing and chemical treatments on phenolics content and germination rate were analyzed and studied. Results showed that phenolics in dormant flower buds were distributed primarily in scales, phenolics content in scaleswas far higher than that in de-scaled buds and whole buds. The content of phenolics in flower buds fall down sharply after shelling scales. The effects of bud-scale removing
    were differerent during differerent stage of endodormancy: the effect of bud-scale removing in the early stage of endodormancy was better; In the middle stage of endodormancy, because of the deepest time of endodormancy,
    bud-scale removing could not break the endodormancy; In the last stage of endodormancy, bud-scale removing could also break endodormancy. The effects of different chemical treatments on the content of phenolics at different stage of endodormancywere different: KNO3 and sulfourea treatment slowed the speed of phenolics accumulation speed, while H2O2 treatment accelerated the accumulation of phenolics content in the primary stage of endodormancy. In the middle stage of endodormancy, the effects of these three chemical treatments on phenolics contentwere similar to those in the early stage of endodormancy. In the last stage of endodormancy, KNO3 treatment reduced phenolics content while sulfourea treatmentmade it increased slightly, H2O2 treatment remarkably increased phenolics content. In the aspect of breaking endodormancy, KNO3 treatment was 2 - 3 days earlier than the control, there were no remarkable changes on breaking endodormancy after sulfourea reatment, while H2O2 treatment remarkably inhibited the breaking of endodormancy.
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  • Effect of Green Spot Disease (Apatococcus lobatus) Parasitization on Diurnal Variation of Photosynthesis of Valencia Orange Trees
  • Wang Daping;;Zhu Jun;Li Daogao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 821-824.
  • Abstract ( 1705 ) HTML ( 1210 ) PDF (178KB) ( 1210 )    
  • The effect of green spot disease (Apatococcus lobatus) parasitization on diurnal variation of photosynthesis of valencia orange trees ( Citrus ‘Olinda’) was studied by portable photosynthesis system LI-6400 with 2-year pot-grown grafting seedlings. The results showed that diurnal course in net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and stomatal conductance (Gs) of leaveswith low severity (5% ) presented two peaks, transp iration rate ( Tr) appeared single peak, intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) before noon greatly declined and
    lower Ci was kep t afternoon. Leaves with slight severity were similar to healthy leaves in diurnal variation of photosynthesis, their photosynthesis appeared ‘Wuxiu’phenomenon, and mainly controlled by stomatal factors. Diurnal changes in photosynthesis of leaveswith medium severity (40%) and high severity (80% ) were different greatly from the healthy leaves, their diurnal curve of Pn, Gs, and Tr declined sharp ly, Ci decreased slowly before noon and higher Ciwasmaintained in the whole afternoon, their photosynthesis was mainly controlled by non-stomatal factors.

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  • Studies on the Leaf Epidermal Structure of Litchich inensis and Dimocarpuslongan
  • Wang Xinyan;He Huiling;Xiao Dexing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 825-828.
  • Abstract ( 2212 ) HTML ( 1258 ) PDF (760KB) ( 1258 )    
  • The structure of leaf ep idermis was studied with scanning electronic microscope ( SEM) in 3 cultivars of litchi and longan respectively. The results showed that the cuticle thickness in upper epidermis was 1.93 μm in litchi and 2.36μm in longan. Numerous protuberances could be observed on the lower epidermis, the densities of p rotuberance were 7 855.1 /mm2 in litchi and 7 708.8 /mm2 in longan. The litchips protuberances were dome-shaped with 9.55μm in width and 5.71μm in height. The longanps protuberances were
    long, 5.94 μm in width and 10.38 μm in height. The stomata appeared only on lower epidermis, the size of stomata in litchiwas 6.98μm ×3.09μm while 7.14μm ×2.30μm in longan. The characteristic difference of the ep idermis construction was obvious between litchi and longan.
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  • A New Method for Measuring Leaf Area of Fruit Trees Using Digital Camera
  • Yuan Kejun;Liu Qingzhong;Li Shenglong;Chen Xiuxia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 829-832.
  • Abstract ( 1654 ) HTML ( 1640 ) PDF (554KB) ( 1640 )    
  • The new method was arapid non-destructive leaf area measurement method, it could be used to measure leaf area of apple, grape and other fruit trees, living plants or detached leaves in the field or laboratory. In this method, digital camera was used to cap ture the image of leaf and scale ruler, image processing software was used to get p ixels per square centimeter and the pixels of leaf image, then leaf area was calculated. The accuracy of new method was verified, the estimation error of apple leaf area was among 0.57% -0.80% and that of grape leaf area was among 1.05% - 1.43% , these results indicated that the new method could provide high accurate estimation for leaf area of fruit trees.
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  • Identification and Prokaryotic Expression of Transcription Factor MxMYB1Gene in Malus xiaojinensis
  • Cao Dongmei;;Xu Xuefeng;Han Zhenhai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 833-835.
  • Abstract ( 1639 ) HTML ( 1491 ) PDF (284KB) ( 1491 )    
  • MxMYB1 is a MYB transcription factor from Malus xiaojinensis. MxMYB1 contains a highly conserved DNA binding domain and amino acids existed in MYB proteins particularly. Restriction endonuclease analysis, PCR amplifying and sequencing confirmed that construction was correct and had no base mutant and drift. SDS-PAGE of pET-MxMYB1 proteins induced by 1 mmol/L IPTG showed that there was a strengthened protein band in expectant 38 kD protein Marker, but SDS-PAGE of pET-MxMYB1 proteins uninduced by IPTG had not this band. These results will more provide the foundation for purifying and identifying objective
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  • Optimization for Extraction and Determination of Resveratrol in Grapes by HPLC
  • Li Xiaodong;;Li Shaohua;Yan Shutang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 836-838.
  • Abstract ( 2064 ) HTML ( 3691 ) PDF (214KB) ( 3691 )    
  • The study focused on the extraction procedure, including solvent type, extracting way, temperature and duration, and the determination of resveratrol in grape skins and seeds by HPLC. The results showed that the optimum condition for the extraction of resveratrol in grape skinswas extracted in ethyl acetate for 24 hour at 25℃ after grinding and the optimun condition for the grinded seedswas extracted in methanol for 48 hours at 25℃, and for the grinded seeds. The highest Res content determined by HPLC in ‘Beichun’
    grape was 3.51μg·g- 1 FM and 8.81μg·g- 1 FM in skins and seeds under the above conditions, respectively. Res can be determines by HPLC under isocratic with wave length of 306 nm.
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  • Role of Fungal Pathogens in the Postharvest Abscission of Grape Berries
  • Xu Ling;;Wang Yanzhang;H. Toyoda;Si Kusakari
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 839-841.
  • Abstract ( 1514 ) HTML ( 1371 ) PDF (380KB) ( 1371 )    
  • Abscission of grape berries during the storage is aserious factor that affects the quality of grape. The abscission is caused physiologically or as a result of the damage from fungal infection. In the present study, some fungi were isolated from grape berries dropped and inoculated into healthy fruits to verify their involvement in the postharvest abscission of grape berries during the storage. Of seven fungi isolated, Botrytis cinerea, Alternaria ssp. and Fusarium sp. were shown to be the pathogens causing the postharvest abscission of
    the inoculated berries. Moreover, the fungicide treatment of the postharvest berrieswas effective for preserving the berrieswithout abscission. These results strongly suggest the involvement of some pathogenic fungi in the
    postharvest abscission of grape berries during the storage.
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  • Cryopreservation of in Vitro Cultured Kiwifruit Shoot-tips by Vitrification and their Regeneration
  • Xu Xiaobiao;Gu Qingqing;Cai Zuguo;Deng Xiaomei;Zhang Qiuming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 842-844.
  • Abstract ( 1634 ) HTML ( 1436 ) PDF (208KB) ( 1436 )    
  • Experiments were conducted to provide an appropriate means for long-term p reservation of kiwifruit germp lasm using cryopreservation by vitrification. Shoot-tips of a dwarf genotype of kiwifruit were cultured in vitro to obtain aseptic clones. The results showed that shoot-tips 1.5 - 2.5 mm in length with one or two leaf primordium were precultured in 5% DMSO + 5% sucrose + MS medium for 4 days. Pretreated shoottips with 2 mol/L glycerol + 0.4 mol/L sucrose for 30 min at room temperature, followed by dehydration with PVS2 (30% glycerol + 15% ethylene glycol + 15% DMSO + 0.4 mol/L sucrose) for 40 min at 0℃ and rapidly put into liquid nitrogen for 24 h. The defrosted shoot-tips were then inoculated onto subculture medium.The survival and regeneration rate of shoot-tips treated in thisway was 56.7% and 51.6% respectively. The
    plantlets could normally root and survive after transplanting.
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  • Development of a Multiplex PCR Protocol for the Detection of Two Virusesof Banana
  • Peng Jun;Wang Guofen;Huang Junsheng;;Dai Peng;Xie Yuping;Li Weidong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 845-848.
  • Abstract ( 1812 ) HTML ( 1655 ) PDF (373KB) ( 1655 )    
  • A multiplex RT-PCR was developed for the simultaneous detection of two viruses of banana and plantain (Musa spp. ). Two sets of specific primer pairs were designed according to the gene sequence of Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) replicase region and Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) coat protein region, respectively. Based upon the establishment of the optimized PCR and RT-PCR detection of BBTV and CMV, the multiplex RT-PCR which can simultaneously detect the two banana viruses was developed. It was shown that all samples infected with BBT and CMV could be amplified simultaneously by multiplex RT-PCR, and yield two specific bands of BBTV (748 bp) and CMV (557 bp) visualized by agarose gel electrophoresis. Sequence analysis of the amplified products showed high homology of BBTV (91% - 99% ) and CMV (93% - 98% )
    with the sequences of BBTV and CMV in GenBank.
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  • Effects of Root Restriction on Plant Growth, Root Respiration, Activities ofH+-ATPase and H+-PPase in Tomato Seedlings
  • Shi Kai;Hu Wenhai;Dong Dekun;Ogweno Joshua Otieno;Song Xingshun;Xia Xiaojian;Zhou Yanhong;Yu Jingquan;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 853-855.
  • Abstract ( 1702 ) HTML ( 1381 ) PDF (232KB) ( 1381 )    
  • Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. ) seedlings were grown hydroponically to investigate the effect of root restriction on plant growth and some key physiological characteristics. Plant biomass, root respiration, root hydrolytic ATPase activities and ultrastructure of root tip cells were investigated during the experiment. The results showed that in the early phase, cytochrome pathway respiration was significantly stimulated while the alternative pathway respiration was inhibited by root restriction stress. In later stage, root restriction resulted in great decrease in plant biomass production especially in root, which was accompanied by significant decline in root total respiration and cytochrome pathway respiration. In addition, root restriction greatly depressed activities of root plasma membrane H+ -ATPase, vacuolar H+ -ATPase and H+-PPase, and resulted in degradation of root tip cell nucleolus.
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  • Studies on Inheritance and Phenotype of the Yellow Mutant of Carrot
  • Shen Huolin;Cheng Jieshan;Han Qingxia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 856-858.
  • Abstract ( 1885 ) HTML ( 1297 ) PDF (164KB) ( 1297 )    
  • Stably inherited leaf yellowish mutant was found in the high-generated inbred line of carrot cultivar (Daucus carota‘Kuroda’). Genetic analysis indicated that the yellowish mutant was nucleolus inheritance and was controlled by one pair of recessive gene, and green colorwas comp lete dominant to yellow color. The leaf chlorophyll content of the yellowish mutant was only 29.3% - 50.1% of the normal line, and was not affected by the temperature and the illumination of the environment. The growth weight of the over-ground and under-ground of the mutant ( yelyel) was significantly lower than the weight of the normal line ( YELYEL ) , but when the allele is heterozygous ( YELyel) , there was no significant difference in growth weight, yield and nutrient quality between the mutant and the normal line.
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  • Utilization of RAPD Markers to Predict Fruit Yield of Hybrid in Cucumber
  • Chen Xiwen;Chen Defu;Xia Lixin;Liu Dianlin;Yang Ruihuan;Ha Yujie;Du Shengli
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 859-862.
  • Abstract ( 1622 ) HTML ( 1264 ) PDF (253KB) ( 1264 )    
  • Random amplified polymorphic DNA markerswere used to analyze the genetic relationship among 39 cucumber inbred lines. One hundred and seventy-eight arbitrary primers were selected and 49 primers could amplify 378 bands, among them 137 were polymorphic. Based on these data the resulted dendrogram was coincident with the morphology. The genetic distance (GD) between the inbred lines varied from 0.0645 to 0.5992 with the mean value of 0.2458, which showed a wide genetic diversity existed in these inbred lines.
    The parental combination with higher, medium and lower genetic distances were selected and 60 crosses were made. Heterosis was found to be significant for yield and its components, which varied from - 39% to 136%.
    The association between genetic distance of parents and heterosis for yield and its components is only significant in the crosses in which the GD of parents varied from 0.19 to 0.27. The correlation coefficient with the total yield, average fruitmass and the total number of fruit was 0.6207, 0.5012 and 0.3918. According to the rule the parental combination with the GD varying from 0.24 to 0.27 were selected and 58 crosses were made. The possibility of hybrids with the yield 10% higher than‘Jinchun 2’and‘Jinyou 10’were significantly increased compared to random crosses.
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  • An Analysis of Onion Genetic Diversity by RAPD
  • Cui Chengri;Xu Qijiang;Cui Chongshi;Li Jingpeng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 863-865.
  • Abstract ( 1974 ) HTML ( 1275 ) PDF (257KB) ( 1275 )    
  • The genetic diversity of 41 onion (Allium cepa L. ) germp lasm resources were analyzed by RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). Results showed that 34 ( 53.13% ) polymorphic sites were detected among the total 64 sites amplified by 7 screened random primers ( among 100 primers). The RAPD-
    based genetic similarity ranged from 0.694 to 1.000. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that the tested materials could be divided into nine groups at the level of genetic similarity 0.926. Dendrogram obtained using molecular markers is homologous with separated morphologic character in some degree.
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  • Construction and Analysis of‘Tsuda’Turnip Subtracted cDNA L ibrary
  • Xu Zhiru;Li Yuhua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 866-868.
  • Abstract ( 1536 ) HTML ( 1216 ) PDF (326KB) ( 1216 )    
  • A substracted cDNA library was constructed by using SSH technique to enrich related genes.cDNA p repared from red root peel of‘Tsuda’turnip was used as tester, and that from white oneswas used as driver. 960 positive clones were got from the library. The inserted size was between 300 and 800 base pair as it was determined by PCR method. After sequencing and clustering, 302 unique geneswere obtained. By running blastn p rogram of NCB I, 99 ESTs were found to have the homologous genes of the database with known
    function, and 203 ESTs without remarkable homology or with unknown.
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  • Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Bacterial Wilt and Identification of an Associated AFLP Marker in Eggplant ( Solanum melongena )
  • Li Meng;Wang Yongqing;Tian Shibing;Luo Zhangyong;Wang Xiaojia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 869-872.
  • Abstract ( 1877 ) HTML ( 1466 ) PDF (341KB) ( 1466 )    
  • F1 and F2 populations, derived from the cross between bacterialwilt highly susceptible cultivar ‘Sanyueqie’and highly resistant Indonesian cultivar‘S69’, were used for investigation of the inheritance of resistance to bacteria wilt and for identification of associated AFLP markers in eggplant. The results showed that the resistance to bacterialwiltwas incompletely recessive, otherwise susceptibilitywas incomp letely dominant, which was controlled by 1 - 2 genes. By using a combination of the amp lified fragment length polymor2
    phism (AFLP) technique and bulked segregant analysis (BSA) , an AFLP marker, named 39A980 was identified with the p rimer combination E-ACC /M-CTG to be linked to the major resistant gene. The crossing-over value and the genetic distance between the resistant gene and‘39A980 ’were estimated as 4.65% and 4.9 cM respectively by analyzing a set of 86 F2 plants.
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  • Inducement in Vitro of Rhizome of Stachys floridana Schuttl. ex Benth.
  • Guo Dongwei;;Ma Youzhi;Zhou Yilong;Min Donghong;Chen Yaofeng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 873-875.
  • Abstract ( 1601 ) HTML ( 1100 ) PDF (749KB) ( 1100 )    
  • Sucrose less than 4% in medium could not stimulate formation of rhizome for Stachys floridana Schuttl. ex Benth. on the medium without revulsant. There was no significant revulsive difference between MS medium and MB medium with 10% sucrose. Glucose could induce significantly more rhizome than sucrose at the same concentration level, but could not make the increasing of gross fresh weight of rhizome. Every plant of Stachys floridana Schuttl. ex Benth. would be induced to produce 3.33 pieces and 0.45 g of rhizomes on
    MS medium containing 4% sucrose, 8.0 mg·L - 1 6-BA and 10 mg·L - 1 SA, which was significantly better than other combinations. The change of ploidy level was not observed in the induced rhizomes according to the result of determination by flow cytometry.
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  • Studies on Optimizing Production of Wasabi Plantlet
  • Cui Cui;He Fengfa;Zhou Qingyuan;Wang Jichun;Huang Yuanxin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 876-878.
  • Abstract ( 1699 ) HTML ( 1943 ) PDF (251KB) ( 1943 )    
  • The study showed that the concerntration of 6-BA, NAA and Vitamin C affected plantlet propogation coefficients ofWasabi through optimization regression analysis. As a result, the suitable combination was selected, the proliferation coefficient might increase to 6.8380 when treated byMS medium with 6-BA
    1.2504 mg/L and Vitamin C 1.9668 mg/L. In rooting culture, 1 /2MS medium or 1 /2MS with 0.01mg/L NAA were suitable for root development and growth, and rooting frequency reached above 90%. In acclimatization, the results showed that strong plantletswithout rootingwere fit for culture out of door with around 80% rooting frequency, therefore, production cost of wasabi seedlings decreased greatly without rooting phases.
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  • Cytohistological Study of Morphogenesis in Thin Cell Layer Culture of Ovaryof Lilium‘Star Gazer’
  • Zhou Zufu;Ai Suyun;Yang Meichun;Li Zhao'an
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 883-886.
  • Abstract ( 1518 ) HTML ( 1220 ) PDF (749KB) ( 1220 )    
  • Thin cell layers from the ovary of Lilium‘Star Gazer’were cultured as explants on MS medium supplemented with BA 2.0 mg·L -1 and NAA 0.2 mg·L -1 to induce callus and organs. Historical study showed that callus initiated on the edges and the insides of the incisions of adaxial surface and flank of explants, then they formed strumae, club and ovule-like tubers, finally, they developed into organs. There are three types of organogenesis of Lilium‘Star Gazer’s ovary: ①buds formed from the surface of callus; ②roots formed from inside or near the surface of callus; ③buds formed from the surface of callus, while roots formed from the inside of the callus, then they were connected by vascular systems to form whole primary plants.
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  • Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on the Rhizomeps Multiplication and Differentiation in Cymbidium goeringii with Verge Line Pattern Leaves
  • Shi Lejuan;Zhang Fang;Zhang Shiliang;Bu Yanfeng;Ye Xiaowei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 887-890.
  • Abstract ( 1673 ) HTML ( 1631 ) PDF (360KB) ( 1631 )    
  • The rapid multiplication system of Cymbidium goeringii‘Lüyun’with verge line pattern leaves by protocorm like-body was established. Effects of plant growth regulators on multiplication and differentiation of rhizomes were studied. 1 /2MS solid medium was suitable for subculture and preservation of the rhizome. The optimal medium for multiplication and growth of rhizomes was MS + 6-BA 1.0 mg·L - 1. IBA was more effective to the growth of rhizomes than NAA with increasing of auxin concentration (0 - 3 mg·L - 1 ).The optimum medium for differentiation of rhizomes was 1/2 MS supplemented with 6-BA 1.0 mg·L - 1 and IBA 1.0 mg·L - 1 , which regeneration rate of shoots was as high as 36.9%. Dasheen paste was better to the multiplication of rhizomes than coconut milk and banana mud added to the culture medium. Single conglomeration with 3 - 5 rhizomes was optimum by the way of broking off with fingers and thumb. Verge line pattern on the leaf could be stably inherited.
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  • In Vitro Culture of Unfertilized Ovules in Phalaenopsis
  • Wu Chenghou;;;Pan Yishan;Luo Kaimei;Ye Xiulin;Liang Chengye
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 891-894.
  • Abstract ( 1517 ) HTML ( 1476 ) PDF (334KB) ( 1476 )    
  • The effects of medium composition on the in vitro culture of unfertilized ovules of a Phalaenopsis hybrid were studied. The results showed that the megasporocytes of the hybrid were capable of undergoing meiosis to form bi-nucleate embryo sacs in vitro by ovule cultures on the medium of VW + BA 0.2 mg·L - 1 + NAA 0.2 mg·L - 1 + sucrose 2.0% + phytagel 0.3%. On the medium of VW + BA 0.2 mg·L - 1 +NAA 0.2 mg·L - 1 + sucrose 2.0% + phytagel 0.3% + coconut milk 10% , the megasporocytes would develop into 4-nucleate embryo sacs or embryogenic cell masses. These embryogenic cell masses may develop into haploid plants.
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  • Construction and Identification of a cDNA Expression Library from Dendrobium nobile
  • Zhuang Junping;Huang Shengqin;Pan Shuqun;Ye Qingsheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 895-897.
  • Abstract ( 1555 ) HTML ( 1274 ) PDF (233KB) ( 1274 )    
  • A cDNA expression library from the flower bud of Dendrobium nobile was constructed into pcDNA3.0 eukaryotical expression plasmid used SMARTTM cDNA library construction protocol. The result showed that the cDNA expression library contained 3.02 ×105 pfu, the size of the inserts ranges from 0.5 kb
    to 2.5 kb, and the percentage of positive clones was almost 100%. All of the above mentioned have answered for the general requirements of a cDNA library. This provides a base for cloning of important genes related to
    flower bud differentiation in Dendrobium nobile.
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  • Control of Browning of Spath Tissues of Cut Heliconia rostrata
  • Sheng Aiwu;Liu Nian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 898-900.
  • Abstract ( 1507 ) HTML ( 1135 ) PDF (141KB) ( 1135 )    
  • The optimum harvest time and effective pretreatment solutions and their treatment methods of cut Heliconia rostrata in relation to the control of spath browning were studied. The middle flowering bud stage was determined to be the optimum harvest stage. The whole flower twigs were immersed completely for 1 h in a solution containing 500 mg·L - 1 H3BO4 or 500 mg·L - 1 MgSO4 , then placed in a vase solution containing 2 mg·L - 1 6-BA + 200 mg·L - 1 Al2 ( SO4 ) 3 and finally sprayed with 0.1% polyvinyl alcohol. These treatments
    significantly controlled the browning of spath tissues of cut Heliconia rostrata, maintained a low pH value and reduced the increase of membrane permeability. After treatments, their vase life were 12 d and 11.5 d, respectively, which was significantly higher than the control (4 d).
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  • Molecular Interaction between Root-knot Nematode and Plant
  • Mao Zhenchuan;;Xie Bingyan;Yang Zhiwei;Yang Yuhong;Feng Lanxiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 901-907.
  • Abstract ( 1793 ) HTML ( 1522 ) PDF (327KB) ( 1522 )    
  • Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp. ) are obligate, sedentary endoparasites nematodes.The interaction between root-knot nematodes and plants is complex, which involved a series ofmolecular signs identification, regulation and genes expression. In suscep tible host, following infection of the host root, Root-knot nematode modifies one or more plant cells, which causes their re-differentiation into a specialized feeding site that supports development of a sedentary, feeding and rep roductively competent female. Root knot nematodes form giant cells by inducing plant cellmitosis without concomitant cytokinesis. In resistance host, Root-knot nematode triggers plant resistance responses to defense the nematodes invading, migrating or interfering with forms of feeding site. Some resistant-nematode genes have been cloned. It is generally accep ted that the secretions of Root-knot nematodes are key in the molecular interaction between Root-knot nematodes and plants. The interaction results in the host resistance or susceptibility. The research on the early molecular express in resistant host induced by nematode, the special transcrip t p romoters in the root and the virulent/avirulent genes et al will become a hot field.
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  • Progress on the Research on Protoplast Fusion of Compositae Plants
  • Zhao Hongbo;Chen Fadi;Fang Weimin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 908-914.
  • Abstract ( 1552 ) HTML ( 1463 ) PDF (377KB) ( 1463 )    
  • Protop last fusion is a potential method, by which the target characters, especially ones controlled by multigenes or un-cloned genes, can be transferred. The research on protoplast fusion of Compositae
    plants has been focused on Helianthus, Cichorium, Dendranthema, Lactuca genera etc, and the purposes are concentrated on resistance improvement, male-sterile materials, polyploid induction and obtainment of intermediate materials. In this paper we reviewed the achievements of protoplast fusion of Compositae plants, and discuss on existent questions at present and further improvements.
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  • Influence of Bagging on the Structure of Apple Production Investment as Well as Its Resultant Problem of Shading
  • Zhai Heng;Ren Cheng;Li Enmao;Shi Dachuan;Lin Guiyan;Shu Huairui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 921-926.
  • Abstract ( 1795 ) HTML ( 1421 ) PDF (326KB) ( 1421 )    
  • The bagging technique has been applied wildly in fruit production, especially for Fuji apples with a bagging rate of over 75% in main production areas of both Shandong and Shaanxi. 8 000 - 18 000 bags have been used annually, costing 270 - 1 100 yuan per 667 m2. The cost took up 1/3 of the total investment and 45% of production material input. The labor cost in bagging and bag-removing accounted formain sector of the total labor cost. Therefore, the bagging has strongly influenced the structure of p roduction investment.In the research on photosynthesis of bagged apple trees, itwas found that a bag could cause the shading of 5 leaves nearby, with the Pn values of the shaded leaves being negative. Mass bagging could reduce the photosynthetic ability of the middle and interior parts of the canopy very significantly. It iswise to apply the bagging technique based on both the market demand and local production conditions.
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  • A Hairless Kiwifruit Cultivar with Yellow Flesh‘E Mihoutao 3’
  • Chen Qinghong;Gu Xia;Qin Zhongqi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 927-927.
  • Abstract ( 1788 ) HTML ( 1228 ) PDF (75KB) ( 1228 )    
  • ‘EMihoutao 3’ is a new early2mature cultivar of Actinidia chinensis with yellow flesh, selected from wild kiwifruit. Its average fruitmass is 85 g and the biggest one can reaches 155 g. Its fruit shape is long cylinder, skin is brown-green and smooth; Its fruit is early2season maturity, yellow flesh. Its fruit is fine and tender in texture with a thick sweet taste and rich refreshing aroma. The soluble solids content of fruit is 15.0% , and the vitamin C content is 557.0 mg/kg. Itmatures in early to mid September in Wuhan. Its fruit of‘EMihoutao 3’can be stored for 15 days at room temperature and for 50 days under cold storage.
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  • A New Plum Variety‘Meilinhong’
  • Wang Baipo;Qian Yincai;Pan Wenxian;Shen Xianglin;Shen Shaojie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 928-928.
  • Abstract ( 1497 ) HTML ( 1092 ) PDF (144KB) ( 1092 )    
  • ‘Meilinhong’, a new variety, was selected from seedling of plum in Zhejiang province. It has some good characteristics, such as fruiting early, with strong resistance to adversity, a hight and stable yield and no fruit dropping prior to fruit maturity. The fruit is suitable for processing and export as a salted plum.
    The processed plum graded at MA for export reached 98.24%. In addition, the rate of fresh fruit to dried fruitwas 1.96∶1. Therefore, this variety is good in quality of the processed fruit for export and processing performance.
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  • A New Variety of Cauliflower‘Xiahua 6’
  • Huang Congli;Li Chuanyong;Pan Aimin;Xu Ruide;Zeng Zhijie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 930-930.
  • Abstract ( 1708 ) HTML ( 1157 ) PDF (74KB) ( 1157 )    
  • ‘Xiahua 6’is a heat-resistant and rareripe new hybrid cauliflower bred by the self-incompatibility. It is suitable to be cultivated in both summer and autumn. W ith the mature period ranging from 50 to 55 days. Reginal cultivation experiment had been take from 2001 to 2003. The yield is increased 20.5% comparing with the same rareripe variety and‘Xiahua 6’had better quality. The fruitwith the partly loose structure is semicircle and white but the stalk is green. The average mass of single fruit is about 0.50 to 0.85 kg. So we
    can harvest 30 to 45 t/hm2 if the p lant density is 45 000 - 49 500 per hectare. It tastes well and has strong resistance to some diseases.
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  • A New Watermelon Hybrid ‘Kangbing 948’
  • GuWeihong;Yang Hongjuan;Ma Kun;Yao Xiangtan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(4): 932-932.
  • Abstract ( 2807 ) HTML ( 1060 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1060 )    
  • ‘Kangbing 948’ is a new watermelon hybrid with good quality and high yield, and resistance to gummy stem blight, fusarium wilt and anthracnose. It is medium-early maturity, harvest about 33 d after flowering. The fruit is round, light green and has dark green stripes on its surface, flesh color is dark pink,
    the central soluble solid content is 13% , and with crisp and more juice. The fruitmass is 5 - 8 kg, with thin and tough skin, and mean yield is 45 t/hm2. It is suitable to plant in cannal plastick or open field.
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