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2006, Vol.33, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Effects of Different Rootstocks on the Photosynthesis of Satsuma Mandarin
  • Hu Liming;Xia Renxue;Zhou Kaibing;Huang Renhua;Wang Mingyuan;Tan Meilian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 937-941.
  • Abstract ( 1670 ) HTML ( 1370 ) PDF (200KB) ( 1370 )    
  • It was conducted with ‘Guoqing 4’Satsuma mandarin young tree whose rootstocks were Trifoliate, Sexual hybrid Troyer Citrange, Swingle Citrumelo and somatic hybrid Red tangerine + Trifoliate. Studing on the effects of rootstocks on the net photosynthesis rate ( Pn) through potted experiment in the green house. The results showed that: The diurnal variation of Pn in young tree with different rootstocks was seminar and presented bimodal carve, the first peak occurred at 10: 00, the second peak occurred after 13: 00 and the
    value was lower than the first one. With the analysis of Pn, transp iration rate ( Tr) , water use efficiency(WUE) , apparent quantum yield (AQY) and carboxylation efficiency (CE) , the results were the young tree—Troyer Citrange had a weaker photosynthesis, Trifoliateps photosynthesiswas the best, red tangerin + Trifoliate and Swingle Citrumelo was between the above two; Trifoliate had a higher physiological value in soluble protein, specific leaf weight and photosynthetic pigment, the other three didnpt have remarkable difference. Under protected condition, Pn had obvious positive relationship with stomatal conductance (Gs) , Tr and relative humidity (RH) , Pn had obvious negative relationship with intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) , there were comp lex relation between Pn and air temperature ( Tair) , photosynthesis availability radiation ( PAR) and vapor p ressure deficit at the leaf surface (Vpdl).
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  • Inheritance of Flavor Constituents in F1 Progenies of ‘Katy’and‘Xinshiji’Apricot
  • Chen Meixia;;Chen Xuesen;Wang Xinguo;Ci Zhijuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 942-946.
  • Abstract ( 1314 ) HTML ( 1359 ) PDF (195KB) ( 1359 )    
  • The inheritance of the constituents of aroma, sugar and acid were studied with ‘Katy’and ‘Xinshiji’ap ricot varieties and 65 seedlings of F1 progenies by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and capillary electrophoresis. The results indicated that among there were 37 compounds shared with parents and 12 compounds shared with single parent 49 aroma compounds analyzed. Twenty components shared with parents, being successional variance, were not segregated in F1 generations and exhibited quantitative character inheritance, including 9 characteristic aroma compounds. The means of characteristic aroma compounds, such as ( E) -2-hexenal, γ-decalactone, hexanal, γ-dodecalactone, were over mid-parent, which suggested the inheritance of these compounds exhibited not only additive genetic effect but also inadditive genetic effect. Seventeen compounds shared with parents segregated in ratio of 1∶1, 1∶3, 1∶7 or 1∶15 in F1 generations and exhibited qualitative character inheritance, including 8 characteristic aroma compounds, which may be governed by one or several pare genes. Sugar, acid and their components showed successional variance in F1 progenies, but their genetic effectswere different, ofwhich the means of malate, total acid, total sugar and sucrose were below mid-parent value and suggested that their inheritance showed mainly additive genetic effect. Meanwhile, the means of citrate, fructose and glucose were overmid-parent value, which indicated the inheritance of citrate, fructose and glucose exhibited not only additive genetic effect but also inadditive genetic effect and the progenies with these compounds had great potential to be chosen.
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  • Studies on the Simultaneous Detection of Citrus Huanglongbing Pathogen,Citrus exocortis viroid, Citrus tristeza virus by Multiplex RT-PCR
  • Ding Fang;;Cao Qing;Wang Guoping;Yi Ganjun;Zhong Yun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 947-952.
  • Abstract ( 1924 ) HTML ( 1715 ) PDF (671KB) ( 1715 )    
  • A multiplex RT-PCR was successfully established to simultaneously detect Citrus Huanglongbing pathogen (Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, HLB) , Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) and Citrus tristeza virus (CTV). Using three sets of specific primers designed according to the converted sequences of these three
    pathogens respectively, expected fragments of 1 160 bp (HLB) , 371 bp (CEVd) and 273 bp (CTV) were successfully amplified by thismultiplex RT-PCR systerm. To optimize the multiplex RT-PCR, the concentration of primers and annealing temperature were repeatedly tried. Final results showed that a multiplex RT-PCR system to simultaneously detect HLB, CEVd and CTV was firstly established successfully. Sensibility test showed: it could detect out HLB, CEVd in 10 pg, and CTV in 1 pg total RNA respectively. To confirm the utilization of the multip lex RT-PCR system, 37 samples collected from field were tested. The results showed:two or three pathogensmix2infection was in existence in fields.
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  • Linkage Analysis between Genes for Dwarf Tree and Round Fruit Shape inPeach ( Prunus persica L. )
  • Niu Liang;Wang Zhiqiang;Liu Shupe;Song Yinhua;Zong Xuepu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 953-956.
  • Abstract ( 1772 ) HTML ( 1579 ) PDF (249KB) ( 1579 )    
  • Using 83 seedlings of 4 crosses between genotypes of DwdwSs and dwdwss, 18 seedlings of 1 cross between genotypes of Dwdwss and DwdwSs, we analyzed the segregation of the two peach traits based on the progenies. The results showed dwarf growth habit and flat fruit shape are qualitative inheritance. Dwarf growth habit is a recessive characterwhile flat fruit shape is dominant. In p rogenies of the cross combinations of DwdwSs ×dwdwss or dwdwss ×DwdwSs, there were no dwarf flat peach and non-dwarf round peach observed. The segregation ratio of Dw_Ss and dwdwss was 1∶1. The two pairs of allelic gene were isolated with Mendelian ratio independently. We also failed getting dwarf flat peach in the cross combination of DwdwSs ×
    Dwdwss, in progenies of which the segregation ratio of Dw _ SsDw _ ssdwdwss was 2∶1∶1. Based on above results, we supposed that dwarf tree ( dw ) was completely linked with round peach fruit (s) , while flat peach fruit (S) was linked with non-dwarf tree (Dw). The dwarf gene and the gene controlled the flat fruit shape was located in different homologous chromosomes and there was no crossover happened. As a result, there was no dwS gamete produced.
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  • Plant Regenera tion with in Vitro Culture from Cotyledons and Hypocotyls ofEarly-ripen Nectarines (Prunus persica var. nectarina)
  • Han Mingyu;Zhang Manrang;Tian Zengsheng;Sun Yuefeng;Tian Yuming;Wang Anzhu;Zhao Caiping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 957-962.
  • Abstract ( 1677 ) HTML ( 1391 ) PDF (316KB) ( 1391 )    
  • The cotyledons and hypocotyls of early-ripen nectarine varieties, ‘Huaguang’ and ‘Shuguang’, were cultured in order to study the factors affecting their regeneration, such as density and combination of plant growth moderators, culture medium and embryo developing phases. Cotyledons of different development stages, namely 30, 40, 50, 60 days after blossom and mature cotyledons respectively, was cultured with MS medium mixed with BA, TDZ, ZT, KT and NAA. The results showed that the best time to culture cotyledons of‘Huaguang’was 60 days after blossom and the regeneration rate of the cotyledons was 75% when they were cultured with MS + TDZ 2 mg/L +NAA 0.04 mg/L. Mature cotyledons, 68 days after blossom, were the best for‘Shuguang’and the regeneration rate was 6617% when the cotyledons were cultured with MS +BA 8 mg/L +NAA 0.04 mg/L. There was no remarkable difference between upper and lower hypocotyls in their culture. The Gmedium combined with TDZ 3.0 mg/L, KT 1.0 mg/L, and NAA 3.0 mg/L was the best for Huaguang's hypocotyls regeneration. The QL medium combined with TDZ 2.0 mg/L and NAA 0.5 mg/L was the best for Shuguang's hypocotyls regeneration. The hypocotyls could directly regenerate plants.
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  • Relationships of Total Phenolics, Reactive Oxygen Species and DormancyRelease in Nectarine Bud Treated by Heating
  • Wang Haibo;;;Wang Xiaodi;Gao Dongsheng;Li Jiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 963-968.
  • Abstract ( 1746 ) HTML ( 1279 ) PDF (342KB) ( 1279 )    
  • Effects of short-term heating at 40℃, 45℃ and 50℃ on bud livability, bud burst, the content of reactive oxygen and total phenolics, and the activity of related enzyme in‘Shuguang’nectarine bud were studied in order to investigate the mechanism of short-term heating releasing the endodormancy. The results indicated that effects of short2term heating on the endodormancy were differentwith date, temperature and continuous time of treatment. On November 30, compared with no2heating treatment ( control) , the date of
    endodormancy release was postponed, the bud burst series and the rate of production in O2· and ·OH, the content of H2O2 and the activity of CAT, POD, PPO enzyme were lower, and the content of total phenolics and the activity of PAL, SOD enzyme were higher on 40℃-heating treatment. Whereas, 45℃ and 50℃-heating treatment had the contrary effects. On December 10, 40℃-heating treatment nearly had the same results as control on the above factors, and the effects of 45℃ and 50℃-heating treatment on endodormancy release
    were the same as the treatment on 30 November, and the effect of the former was superior to the latter. The decrease of the total phenolics content and the significant increase of reactive oxygen content and production rate were probably the cause of endodormancy release.
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  • Studies on Metabolism of Active Oxygen Spec ies in the Leaves of YoungVirus-free Trees of Ziziphus jujuba‘Junzao’
  • Liu He;Guo Yan;Song Jinlong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 969-973.
  • Abstract ( 1525 ) HTML ( 1323 ) PDF (258KB) ( 1323 )    
  • The dynamics of the generation rate of O2·, the contents of H2O2 , MDA, GSH, AsA and the activities of SOD, POD, CAT, GR, APX in the leaves of virus-free Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ‘Junzao’trees were similiar with those in leaves of common‘Junzao’trees. The generation rate of O2·, the contents of H2O2 , MDA, GSH, AsA and activities of SOD, POD, CAT, GR, APX in the leaves of virus-free‘Junzao’trees were lower than those of common‘Junzao’trees in the early period of growth. The differences became significant with the growth of trees. In the later period of growth, most indexs in the leaves of virus-free
    ‘Junzao’treeswere higher than those of common‘Junzao’trees except the generation rate of O2·, the concents of H2O2 and MDA. However, the content of AsA in the leaves of virus-free‘Junzao’trees was higher than that of common‘Junzao’trees throughout the growth period, and the difference was significant only in later period of growth. The results showed that there were lower reactive oxygen species (ROS) content and stronger ability to clean out the ROS in virus-free‘Junzao’trees than those in common 'Junzao' tree.
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  • Identification of Photooxidation Tolerance and Its relationship with Metabolism of Reactive Oxygen Species in Pak-choi
  • Huang Jun;Wu Zhen;Guo Shirong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 979-984.
  • Abstract ( 1601 ) HTML ( 1314 ) PDF (320KB) ( 1314 )    
  • Thirty cultivars of pak-choi (Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis Makino) were divided into five grades according to their photooxidation tolerance by the residual content of total chlorophylls under artificial photooxidation condition, where the tolerant ones included Qingyou 4, Shulü, Kangre 605, Lüyang Qing, Aikang 6 and Huawang, and the suscep tible oneswere Lüxing and Aijiao Huang. In order to study the characteristics of reactive oxygen metabolism between pak-chio varietieswith different photooxidation tolerance, Kangre 605
    and Lüxingwere used to compare the differences in the paper. The results showed that the activities of antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase (SOD) , peroxidase (POD) , catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in the two cultivarswere induced at the beginning of photooxidation stress, and then decreased in the sensitive Lüxing, but that of the tolerant Kangre 605 continued to keep at a higher levels. Additionally, the O2·production rate and the content of H2O2 and malondialdehyde (MDA) in Lüxing were higher than that in Kangre 605, whichmight be the cause leading to a lower level of chlorophylls. These results suggested that higher antioxidant enzyme activities p layed an important role in Kangre 605 against photooxidation stress.
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  • Cloning and Characterization of a Full-length cDNA of Pathogenesis-relatedProtein 1 in Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis
  • Wang Yanhua;;Hou Xilin;Shen Shuxing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 985-988.
  • Abstract ( 1377 ) HTML ( 1403 ) PDF (697KB) ( 1403 )    
  • In this study, according to the consensus domain of the Brassica napus pathogenesis-related protein PR-1 gene ( accession number U21849) , using RT-PCR and RACE technology, a full-length cDNA of pathogenesis-related protein 1 named BcPR-1 was obtained from Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis cultivar
    Suzhouqing, which displayed resistance to downy mildew. Sequence analysis indicated that cloned BcPR-1 gene consisted of 646 nucleotides (nt) containing 161 amino acids. Further comparison to B. napus PR-1 gene and Arabidopsis thaliana PR-1 gene showed that its identitywas 91% and 78% , respectively. Its similarity to other PR-1 genes was 57% to 60%. Southern-blot analysis indicated that there were at least two copies of BcPR-1 gene in B. rapa ssp. chinensis genome. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that expression of BcPR-1 gene was induced by SA treatment in Suzhouqing, and the corresponding mRNA was accumulated most abundantly 12 h after treatment upon 2 mmol/L SA.
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  • The Construction and the Chilling-Resistance Ability of Endoplasmic Reticulum Small Heat Shock Protein ( ER-sHSP) Transgenic Tomato Plants
  • Zhao Chunmei;Wang Li;Yi Shuying;Liu Jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 989-994.
  • Abstract ( 1638 ) HTML ( 1222 ) PDF (537KB) ( 1222 )    
  • The full-length endoplasmic reticulum small heat shock protein ( ER-sHSP) cDNA using CaMV 35S p romoterwas transformed into the genome of tomato plants. The chilling tolerance of transgenic tomato plants, non2transgenic tomato plants and pROKⅡ-transformed tomato plants were studied. Under chilling stress treatment, compared with non-transgenic and pROKⅡ-transformed tomato plants, transgenic tomato plants exhibited slighter cold-injured symptoms, suffered less destruction of chlorophyll and electrolyte leakage. The content of MDA of transgenic tomato plants was lower than that of non-transgenic and pROKⅡ-transformed tomato plants, and transgenic tomato plants could keep up higher value of net photosynthetic rate, Fv/Fm and could recover quickly from chilling-induced photosynthetic inhibition. The results showed that ERsHSP played a key role in enhancing the chilling-resistance ability of plants.
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  • Effect of Intercropping on Disease Management and Yield of Chilli Pepper and Maize
  • Sun Yan;Zhou Tianfu;Wang Yunyue;Chen Jianbin;He Xiahong;Li Chengyun;Zhu Youyong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 995-1000.
  • Abstract ( 2359 ) HTML ( 1920 ) PDF (204KB) ( 1920 )    
  • A field studywas conducted to determine the most effective intercropping combination of chilli and maize to reduce the occurrence of Phytophthora blight ( PB) on chilli and Northern & Southern leaf blight (NSLB) on maize. The treatment combinations were MC5M, MC6M, MC7M, MC8M, MC9M, MC10M, M10
    and C10 , (M, Maize; C, Chilli; 5 - 10, number of rows ofmaize or chilli per p lot). All intercrop combinations reduced incidence of both PB and NSLB significantly over their counterpart monocrops. The chillimaize combination of MC5M had the most drastic effect in reducing PB on chillies while MC10M proved to be the best
    combination formanagement of NSLB in maize. The incidence of PB increased and that of NSLB decreased with increasing number of rows of chilli in the intercrop combination. The statistical analysis showed that all intercropping systems had greater yields and economic advantage over their monocrop counterparts. Intercrop combination ofMC5M had the greatest combined yield but smallest economic value whereas MC10M had the opposite effect. Maize and chilli yields per plant increased gradually with the increasing rows of intercropped chilli. The programme establishes useful potential at farm-level for using interspecific diversity as means to improve control of PB and NSLB.
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  • The Resistance Genetic Analysis and Tightly Linked Molecular Markers forZYMV-CH in Cucumber
  • Luo Jianhua;;Zhang Haiying;Mao Aijun;Zhang Feng;Wang Yongjian;Pu Tongliang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1001-1006.
  • Abstract ( 1626 ) HTML ( 1311 ) PDF (701KB) ( 1311 )    
  • The Chinese strain of zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV-CH) is a major disease in cucumbers. A RIL population of a cross between‘European 8’and‘Qiupeng’were used for virus resistance evaluations. The frequency distribution in cucumber RIL population for disease index involving resistance to the ZYMV-CH showed two peaks, which indicated that the resistance to this diseases was controlled by main gene, but some minor gene also had moderate effect. AFLP and BSA were adopted to identify DNA markers
    linked to the resistance-related gene in the RIL6 population. Two markers, E-ACG/M-CAG-182 and E-ACG/M-CAG-180 were linked to it, and the genetic distanceswere 5 cM and 11 cM, respectively. The E-ACG/M-CAG-180 marker had transferred into a co-dominante SCAR marker ( SCAR3-109) , and the genetic distances was 11 cM. The result showed that this scarmarker could be useful in marker-assisted selection in ZYMV cucumber resistance beeding.
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  • Studies on Tissue-specific Expression of Bitter Gourd BAG Gene
  • Peng Shuming;Tang Lin;Ye Yang;Fan Zheren;Liu Yanjun;Chen Fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1007-1010.
  • Abstract ( 1801 ) HTML ( 1448 ) PDF (451KB) ( 1448 )    
  • In this study, we adopted a sensitive and reliable quantitative real-time RT-PCR assay for measuring the BAG mRNA expression levels of Momordica charantia L. The results showed that the expression of BAG was only present in carpel, stamen, calyx, and young fruit but none in petal. High mRNA levelswere
    detected in carpel and low mRNA levels in stamen, calyx and young fruit. All these data demonstrated BAG gene participates in development of flower and fruit, especially having a key role in carpel development.
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  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Coat Protein Genes of Cucumber mosaicvirus Isolated from Several Vegetable
  • Chen Wei;;Luo Jing;;Zhuang Mu;Li Yanhong;Feng Lanxiang;Wang Xiaowu;Xie Bingyan;Liu Yumei;Fang Zhiyuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1011-1014.
  • Abstract ( 1626 ) HTML ( 1227 ) PDF (381KB) ( 1227 )    
  • The eight CP genes of CMV isolated from different areas and vegetables in China were amplified by one-step RT-PCR, and transformed into pMD-18T vector and then sequenced, respectively. The results showed that the sequences of the eight CP genes were all 657 nucleotides that could encode the protein of 218 amino acids of each isolate, and the isolates shared high sequence homology from 92.8% to 99.1% among them. The nucleotide sequence alignment showed, compared with some CP gene sequences of CMV reported in GenBank, the eight CP genes shared 90.7% - 98.0% homology with those of CMV subgroup I strains, whereas only shared 75.8% - 78.1% homology with those of CMV subgroup Ⅱ strains. Therefore, it was supposed that all the eight CMV isolates reported in this study belonged to the subgroup I of CMV.
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  • Studies on the Karyotypes of Eight Species of Paphiopedilum subgenusbrachypetalum
  • Yang Zhijuan;;Zhu Genfa;Lü Fubing;Zhang Xian;Wang Biqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1015-1020.
  • Abstract ( 1710 ) HTML ( 1382 ) PDF (427KB) ( 1382 )    
  • Eight species of Paphiopedilum subgenus brachypetalum were karyologically analyzed by root tips squash method. The result showed that the number of the somatic chromosome of these plants is 2n = 26, diploid. The karyotypes were as follows: P. emersonii 2n = 2x = 26 = 18m + 8 sm, index of the karyotypic asymmetry (As.k) = 59.90%; P. concolor 2n = 2x = 26 = 2M + 18m + 4sm + 2st, As.k = 56.90%; P.bellatulum 2n = 2x = 26 = 22m + 2sm + 2st, As.k = 56.10%; P. hangianum 2n = 2x = 26 = 22m + 4 sm, As.k = 58.64%; P. malipoense 2n = 2x = 26 = 20m + 6sm, As.k = 59.41%; P. jackii 2n = 2x = 26 = 14m+ 10sm + 2st, As.k = 63.00%; P. armeniacum 2n = 2x = 26 = 24m + 2sm, As.k = 55.05%; P. micranthum 2n = 2x = 26 = 20m + 6sm, As.k = 56.91%. According to Stebbins classification of karyotypic asymmery, the karyotype of P. concolor, P. bellatulum and P. hangianum belonged to “2A”, the others belonged to “2B”. The diploid mainly consisted of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, but not satellites. Moreover, results of this karyological study provided some references on cytotaxonomy for system evolution of Paphiopedilum.
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  • Studies on Cell Suspension Culture and Plant Regeneration of Dendranthema×grandiflorum with Small Inflorescences
  • Chen Fadi;Jiang Jiafu;GuoWeiming;Fang Weimin;Zhao Hongbo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1021-1026.
  • Abstract ( 1470 ) HTML ( 1629 ) PDF (520KB) ( 1629 )    
  • Chrysanthemum‘Qiyuehong’with small inflorescence was employed for study of cell suspension and plant regeneration. The results showed that MS(Murashige and Skoog) medium with supplement of 1.0 mg·L-1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid ( 2, 4-D) and 0.2 mg·L-1 6-benzylamino purine ( 6-BA) could efficiently induce rapid-growing and loose calli. Obtained calli were subsequently cultured in liquid MS medium with 0.5 mg·L - 1 2, 4-D and 0.2 mg·L - 1 6-BA for establishing cell suspension system. The growth of suspension cultured cells showed a parabola curve, mainly characterized by lagged growth phase (0 - 2 d) , logarithmic growth phase (2 - 10 d) and stationary growth phase (10 d later) , respectively. In addition, pH value ofmedium decreased rapidly during the culture process. Highest plant efficiency was obtained on MS
    medium with 0.2 mg·L -1 kinetin (KT) and 0.2 mg·L - 1 2, 4-D. Low temperature treatment at 4℃ for 2 hours could enhance the growth of cell, and increase the planting efficiency as well. However, the p lant efficiency decreased with increasing of subculture times. Calli with a diameter of 0.2 cm were obtained in one month. When theywere transferred to MS medium containing 2.0 mg·L -1 6-BA and 0.1 mg·L -1 naphthaleneacetic (NAA) and subcultured for 4 times, shoots differentiated from the calli. Rooting plantlets were induced on MS with 0.5 mg·L -1 NAA.
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  • Effect of Elevated CO2 Concentration on Photosynthesis, Gowth and Development of Guzmania ‘Luna’
  • Hui Junai;Li Yonghua;;Li Zhuo;Ye Qingsheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1027-1032.
  • Abstract ( 1545 ) HTML ( 1532 ) PDF (701KB) ( 1532 )    
  • The effects of CO2 enrichment on net photosynthetic rate ( Pn) , growth, photosynthetic enzyme activity and flowering of Guzmania ‘Luna’were studied in plastic greenhouse. The results showed that CO2 enrichment caused obviously increase in Pn. Pn was increased by 26.18% , 43.49% in treatment of CO2(600 ±40) μmol·mol- 1 , (900 ±40) μmol·mol- 1 as compared with control [CO2 concentration was (360±30) μmol·mol- 1 ] , respectively, when treated 90 d. Stomata conductance and transp iratory rate of Guzmania ‘Luna’were reduced by CO2 enrichment. But the leaf area and plant height were increased by 15.01% , 11.12% in treatment of CO2 (600 ±40) μmol·mol- 1 , and 18.99% , 16.98% in CO2 (900 ±40) μmol·mol-1 when treated for 90 d. In addition, the accumulation of soluble sugar and starch were promoted, but the activity of glycolate oxidase was apparently decreased by CO2 enrichment, respectively, flowering of Guzmania ‘Luna’was also promoted.
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  • Research on Meiosis of Some Dendranthem a Species and Their Hybrids
  • Cui Naxin;Chen Fadi;Zhao Hongbo;Fang Weimin;Wang Zhouming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1033-1038.
  • Abstract ( 1958 ) HTML ( 1422 ) PDF (545KB) ( 1422 )    
  • Meiosis behaviors of D. nankingense ( 2x) , D. lavandulifilium ( 2x) , D. nankingense(4x) , D. morifolium ‘Chuju’ (6x) , D. morifolium ‘Huangying’ (6x) and part of interspeicific hybrids between them were studied. The results were concluded as following: The chromosome pairing configuration in meiosis MI per PMC of diploid D. nankingens and D. lavandulifilium was 0.83Ⅰ + 8.58Ⅱ and 1.50Ⅰ+8.25Ⅱ, respectively. The chromosome pairing configuration in meiosis MⅠ per PMC of tetraploid D. nankingense (4x) was 2.64Ⅰ + 13.35Ⅱ + 1.03Ⅲ + 0.93Ⅳ. The chromosome pairing configuration in meiosis MⅠ per PMC of hexaploid D. morifolium ‘Chuju’and D. morifolium ‘Huangying’were 0.48Ⅰ + 26.09Ⅱ+ 0.33Ⅳ and 1.09Ⅰ + 25.18Ⅱ + 0.18Ⅲ + 0.50Ⅳ, respectively, which elucidated that they were two allohexaploids with diploidization meiotic behavior, as well, there were structural changes as translocation on some
    chromosomes. The chromosome pairing configuration in meiosis MⅠ per PMC of D. nankingense ×D. lavandulifilium was 1.61Ⅰ + 8.19Ⅱ. Chromosome configuration per PMC in MⅠ was 3.42Ⅰ + 8.34Ⅱ + 1.53Ⅲ+ 0.58Ⅳ in F1 hybrids of D. nankingense (4x) ×D. nankingense (2x) and 3.62Ⅰ + 8.31Ⅱ + 1.50Ⅲ +0.56Ⅳ in that of D. nankingense (2x) ×D. nankingense (4x). Meiotic association per PMC in MⅠ of F1 hybrids of D. nankingens ×D. morifolium ‘Huangying’, D. morifolium ‘Huangying’ ×D. nankingens,D. lavandulifilium ×D. morifolium ‘Huangying’and D. morifolium ‘Huangying’ ×D. lavandulifilium were 0.30Ⅰ + 16.45Ⅱ + 0.70Ⅳ, 0.29Ⅰ + 16.07Ⅱ + 0.89Ⅳ, 0.63Ⅰ + 16.32Ⅱ + 0.68Ⅳ and 0.47Ⅰ + 16.38Ⅱ + 0.65Ⅳ + 0.03Ⅵ, respectively. Chromosome configuration in meiosis MⅠ per PMC of F1 hybrids of D. nankingense (4x) ×D. morifolium ‘Chuju’was 3.59Ⅰ + 18.03Ⅱ + 0.98 Ⅲ + 0.52Ⅳ + 0.07Ⅴ.The results indicated that the genetic relationship between D. nankingense and D. lavandulifilium was closely,and D. nankingense, D. lavandulifilium or some of their relatives were the pregenitor of one genome of cultivating chrysanthemum. The degree of differentiation of three genomes in genus Dendranthema was low and the homology of the three genomes was high. Meanwhile, Structural changes such as translocation were likely to
    happen in some chromosomes, and pairing-promotion genes existed in genus Dendranthem a widely.
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  • Effects of Partial Rootzones Irrigation on Endogenous Hormones and Growthof Apple Branches and Leaves
  • Zou Yangjun;Wei Qinping;Li Jiarui;Wang Xiaowei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1039-1041.
  • Abstract ( 1567 ) HTML ( 1158 ) PDF (279KB) ( 1158 )    
  • Two-year-old split-root potted apple trees (Royal Gala) were used for studying the effects of partial rootzone alternative irrigation on the content of endogenous hormones in leaves and growth of shoots and leaves. There are five experiment group s of irrigation: complete irrigated part, 3 /4, 2 /4, 1 /4 and no irrigation part. The results showed that the content ofABA in leaves increased but contents of IAA, GA3 and ZR in leaveswere decreased, the growth of shoots and leaves were markedly inhibited under the treatments of 1 /4 and 2 /4 irrigation groups. We supposed the reasons for the growth of shoots and leaves inhibited markedly were the common effects of ABA increasing, CTK decreasing in roots synthesizing and IAA and GA3 slowing
    down in shoots and young leaves synthesizing.
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  • Cryopreservation of Shoot Tips from Peach and Its Regeneration
  • Zhao Yanhua;Wu Yaqin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1042-1044.
  • Abstract ( 1551 ) HTML ( 1036 ) PDF (241KB) ( 1036 )    
  • The current paper studied factors that effected the cryop reservation of peach in vitro shoot tips. By using simple vitrification technique, factors like, cold hardening, sucrose p reculture and PVS3 treatment time and regeneration condition were all tested and a suitable p rocedure was established at last. The results showed that when shoot tip swere excised from healthy in vitro plants of peach cultivars, which had been subcultured for 30 days and followed by 5℃ cold hardening for 3 - 4 weeks, precultured with 0.7 mol/L sucrose for two days, and dehydrated with PVS3 for 100 min before direct plunging into liquid nitrogen, the survival after cryop reservation was higher than 60%.
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  • Self-hybridized Triploids Derived from 2n Gametes Induced by Colchicine inPummelo
  • Yang Xiaoling;Cheng Zhou;Li Shan;Kitajima Akira;Hasegawa Kojiro
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1045-1047.
  • Abstract ( 1893 ) HTML ( 1228 ) PDF (404KB) ( 1228 )    
  • Tosa-Buntan pummelo 〔Citrus grandis (L. ) Osb. 〕was used to establish a method of 2n gametes induced by colchicine. The effects of colchicine concentration and its treatment period on the derived self-hybridized triploids were also analyzed. The results showed that 2n gametes with self-compatibility could be induced by treating the bud with 0.25% colchicine at 1 week before flowering. 25% of the alive F1 plants were considered as the self-hybridized trip loids after the measurement of leave cellular nucleus DNA content and cytological identification. Therefore, it is the effective method to obtain the self-hybridized triploids derived from 2n gametes induced by colchicines in pummelo.
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  • Shoot Regeneration from Leaves of ‘Fuyu’and ‘J iro’Persimmon
  • Ma Junlian;Liu Kai;Zhang Zide
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1048-1050.
  • Abstract ( 1893 ) HTML ( 1172 ) PDF (217KB) ( 1172 )    
  • Studies were carried out on high-frequency shoot regeneration from leaves of Fuyu and Jiro,two Japanese non-astringent persimmon. The effects of growth regulator and cultural time on the adventitious shoot regeneration from leaves were investigated. The results showed that TDZ was a strong and efficient hormone inducing adventitious shoot and calli formation. The best regeneration was achieved in 1 /2DKW + TDZ 0.5 mg·L - 1 + ZT 1.0 mg·L - 1 , in which callus percentage was 96% and shooting was near above 80%.
    After 30 day culture, the calliwith small shootingwere transferred to 1 /2DKW medium supp lemented with 0.5 mg·L - 1 zeatin and 0.1 mg·L - 1 IAA. Shooting regeneration rate were more than 96% , and average adventitious shoots per exp lantwere 7.8 and 5.4 respectively for Fuyu and Jiro after 30 days culture. Rooting percentage from regenerated shootswas about 75%.
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  • Cloning and Expression Characteristics of the Ferritin Gene from Malusdomestica Borkh.
  • Ye Xia;;Tao Jianmin;Cai Binhua;Zhang Zhen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1051-1054.
  • Abstract ( 1468 ) HTML ( 1102 ) PDF (461KB) ( 1102 )    
  • A full-length cDNA sequence of apple ferritin ( iron-binding protein) gene was cloned from the leaves of Malus domestica Borkh. by RT-PCR method. The gene was named as Mdfer and its sequence was deposited in the GenBank (accession number DQ099429). The total length of Mdfer gene is 1 043 bp consisting of a 834 bp open reading frame (ORF) coding for 277 amino acids, and 209 bp non-coding 3’ region after the stop codon. Southern blotting analysis suggested that there were at least seven cop ies of ferritin gene in
    the genome of Malus domestica Borkh. When the seedlings of Malus domestica were treated with 0.5 mmol·L - 1 iron-citrate from zero to six hours, a gradually increased expression level of the ferritin gene was observed.This result suggested that the exp ression ofM dfer gene was possibly regulated by iron at transcrip tional level.
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  • Promotion of 5-aminolevulinic Acid and Geniste in on Anthocyan in Accumulation in Apples
  • Wang Zhonghua;Tang Guohui;Li Zhiqiang;Wang Liangju
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1055-1058.
  • Abstract ( 1996 ) HTML ( 1547 ) PDF (281KB) ( 1547 )    
  • Two plant endogenous substances, 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA ) and genistein ( GNT) ,were proposed to p romote anthocyanin accumulation of apple fruits in the paper. When 300 mg·L - 1 ALA was app lied to ‘Fuji’apples 43 days before mature harvest, the rate of anthocyanin accumulation and the final content were both almost doubled compared with that of the control. When ALA was applied to the detached fruit discs followed by 48 hour continuous white light irradiation about 160 μmol·m-2 ·s-1 , the anthocyanin content rose about 2 times as high as that of the light control, and the latter 2 times as high as that of the dark control. A significant promotion on anthocyanin accumulation was firstly observed in treatment with GNT, where the anthocyanin content in the treated ‘Fuji’ app le discs was about 10 times as high as that of the dark control, about 2 times as effective as ALA treatment. Furthermore, 80 μmol·L - 1 GNT treatment could significantly promote anthocyanin accumulation in‘Golden Delicious’ app le discs, which has seldom been reported before. Additionally, the results showed that promotion ofALA and GNT on anthocyanin accumulation under continuous light was related with induction of phenylalanine ammonialyase ( PAL) activity, because it increased temporarily afterALA and GNT treatments. ALA and GNT are hopeful to be potentially used in fruit production.
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  • Effect of Natural Brassinolide on Drought Resistance and Yield of Red FujiApple
  • Li Kairong;Li Huike;Wang Jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1059-1062.
  • Abstract ( 1957 ) HTML ( 1171 ) PDF (176KB) ( 1171 )    
  • To provide the theoretical basis on apple cultivation, some indicators of drought resistance,yield and fruit quality of red Fuji apple were studied after apple leaveswere sprayed with different concentration of natural brassinolide. The experiment was set up as a completely randomized block design with twelve replicates. The research results showed that the relative water content and critical saturation deficit were increased. Natural saturation deficit, the degree of water requirement, the rate of transp iration, cell membrane permeability and injury rate were decreased compared with control. Natural brassinolide reduced water loss of apple leaves and enhanced its drought resistance. The results also indicated that natural brassinolide improved the growth of apple leaves, restrained the growth of shoot in autumn, and increased fruit set and yield of apple without reducing apple quality.
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  • Study on Tissue Culture in Vitro of Pear Dwarf ing Interstocks S2 , S5 andPDR54
  • Luo Ya;Tang Haoru;Li Xiumei;Wang Xiaorong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1063-1066.
  • Abstract ( 1770 ) HTML ( 1240 ) PDF (176KB) ( 1240 )    
  • The influencing factors of multiplication coefficient, regeneration quality and rooting for adventitious shoots of pear dwarfing interstocks S2 , S5 and PDR54 were studied. The results showed that the regeneration ability of adventitious shoots was influenced by genotypes, media and plant growth regulators. MS
    medium was more suitable for the proliferation of S2 , S5 and PDR54 than QL, WPM and AS media. The middle concentrations of 6-BA (2 - 3 mg·L - 1 ) in combination with lower concentrations of IBA (0.1 - 0.2 mg·L - 1 ) and GA3 (1 - 2 mg·L-1 ) could improve the proliferation of all the three interstocks, with proliferous index of shoots from 3.71 to 5.83. The best medium for S2 was MS + 3.0 mg·L - 1 6-BA + 0.2mg·L - 1IBA + 2.0 mg·L - 1 GA3 , while MS + 2.0 mg·L - 1 6-BA + 0.1 mg·L - 1 IBA + 1.0 mg·L - 1 GA3 was the optimal for S5 and PDR54 proliferation in comparison of the comprehensive index of shoot quality, numbers and lengths. The regenerated shoots were rooted with a rooting percentage of 67% , 50% and 86% respectively for S2 , S5 and PDR54.
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  • Studies on the Characteristics of Distribution of 14C-assimilates in Peachunder Protected Culture
  • Fan Shuang;Gao Dongsheng;Han Hongxia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1067-1070.
  • Abstract ( 1556 ) HTML ( 1168 ) PDF (253KB) ( 1168 )    
  • The characteristics of translocation and distribution of 14 C-assimilate in peach under protected culture were investigated by 14 C tracing technology. The results showed that 14 C-assimilates were mainly distributed to the fruit, and the amount of 14C-assimilates distributed to the fruit was increased with the growth of fruit at the stage of fruit enlargement and fruit ripening. The assimilates remained in leaves were lesser than that distributed to fruits, and the amount of remained 14C-assimilates decreased with the growth of fruit. The radioactivity ratio of fruit was the most active during different organs, the radioactivity ratio of leaves and roots was more active than others. It showed that the peach under protected culture had the highest requirement and
    competition ability to absorb 14 C-assimilates at the stage of fruit enlargement and fruit ripening.
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  • Solid Phase Microextraction- GC-MS Analysis of Fruit Aroma Components of Peach Cultivars
  • Li Ming;Wang Liping;Zhang Yang;Wang Jianxin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1071-1074.
  • Abstract ( 1982 ) HTML ( 1416 ) PDF (122KB) ( 1416 )    
  • The fruit aroma components in three mature periods of peach cultivars ‘Beinong ’,‘Baifeng’and ‘Baihua’were extracted by solid phase microextraction ( SPME) combined with GC-MS.The results showed that there were 60, 69 and 73 aroma components in the three cultivars, rep resenting
    94.41% , 96.39% and 96.11% of the total peak area, respectively. Esters, alcohols, aldehydes, and lactones were the major constituents. It was also found that‘Beinong’, ‘Baifeng’and ‘Baihua’had 8, 12 and 16 unique components, respectively. All 43 constituents were found common in the three cultivars. The results indicated that the aroma of‘Baifeng’was the strongest, then was‘Baihua’, and‘Beinong’was the weakest. The contents of hexenal, hexenol derivatives and lactones could be used for identification of peach fruit aroma as important quality indexes.
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  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Citrus Calmodulin cDNA
  • Yue Hailin;;Meng Haijun;Deng Xiuxin;Peng Shupang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1075-1078.
  • Abstract ( 1574 ) HTML ( 1305 ) PDF (367KB) ( 1305 )    
  • Using the first strand cDNA from the immature fruits of Citrus unshiu Marc. as template, we amplified and cloned the cDNA of Citrus calmodulin gene in this study. The PCR primers were designed according to the sequences of barley calmodulin gene obtained from GenBank (Accession No. M27303). The PCR product was cloned into PMD182T vector and then sequenced. Sequence analysis indicated that the cDNA of Citrus calmodulin gene contains 453 nucleotides coding for 148 amino acid residues. The nucleotide sequences and their deduced amino acid sequences of the Citrus calmodulin cDNA show an identity of above 83% and 97% , respectively, to those of barley and soybean. Southern dot blot analysis using the cloned cDNA as probe confirmed the results of sequencing analysis.
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  • Breeding Technology of Embryo Rescue in Seedless Grape with Chinese wildGrape
  • Wang Fei;Wang Yuejin;Zhou Jianxi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1079-1082.
  • Abstract ( 1477 ) HTML ( 1293 ) PDF (253KB) ( 1293 )    
  • Through crossing between seedless grapes and Chinese wild grapes we got four group hybrid grape seedlings. The best time to harvest the hybrid grapes ovule for embryo rescued were as follows: 45 d after pollination are (1) Flame seedless with Vitis amurensis, (2) Ruby seedless with Olmo seedless, (3)Ruby seedless with Beichun, (4) Olmo seedless with Vitis amurensis; 30 d after pollination is (5) Changsui saltanina seedless with Vitis amarensis; 35 d after pollination is (6) Self-pollinated saltanina. Nistschs medium with additional 0.5 mg·L - 1 6-BA + 0.5 mg·L-1 GA3 + 2.5 mg·L-1 IBA + 0.1 mg·L-1 ZT was suitable for cross (1) , (3) and (5) , but Nistschs medium with additional 0.5 mg·L-1 6-BA + 0.5 mg·L-1GA3 + 2.0 mg·L-1 IBA + 0.1 mg·L-1 ZT was suitable for cross (2) , (4) and (6). For embryo regeneration Nistschs medium with additional 2.0 mg·L-1 IBA + 1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA + GA3 0.2 mg·L-1 was suitable for cross (1) , (2) , (3) , (5) and (6) , but for cross (4) medium with 1.5 mg·L-1 IBA + 0.2 mg·L - 1 GA3 + 1.0 mg·L - 1 6-BA was more suitable. 1/2MS medium adding 0.15 mg·L - 1 IBA + 0.02 mg·L - 1 6-BA were suitable for cross (1) and (5) to acquire embryo rescue plants, but 1 /2MS medium with addition 0.1 mg·L - 1 IBA + 0.02 mg·L - 1 6-BA was suitable for cross (2) and (4).
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  • Using RT-PCR Assay to Detect Grapevine rupestris stem pitting associated virus Based on Internal Control
  • Niu Jianxin;;Li Xiping;Zhao Ying;Zhang Qiang;Ma Binggang;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1083-1086.
  • Abstract ( 1711 ) HTML ( 1266 ) PDF (415KB) ( 1266 )    
  • This study prefer to establish a rapid, sensitive, accrual and practical detection system for Grapevine rupestris stem pitting associated virus (GRSPaV) based on internal control. These grapevine varieties such as‘Red Golbe’ that were detected to carry GRSPaV by RT-PCR were selected as testing material. Using SDS method to extract high quality total RNA from grape leaves and phloem, which was template to synthesize the cDNA by the guide of GRSPaV special antisense primer. After that, through PCR amplification, the 830 bp special fragmentwas gained. The co-amplification system of GRSPaV and plant mitochondrial nad5 as internal controlwas established. The use of internal control minimizes the risk of obtaining false negative RT-PCR results and avoids the need to eliminate contaminating DNA in extracts. The GRSPaV special fragment and nad5 aim fragmentwere cloned and sequenced respectively. The sequenced results aligned with nucleotide array in NCBI. The aligned results showed that GRSPaV has 96% similarity with array code
    AF057136 and nad5 has 96.67% similarity with array code D37958.
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  • Relationships between the Sucrose Phosphate Synthase and Ripening, Senescence of Banana Fruits
  • Li Wen;;Shao Yuanzhi;Zhuang Junping;Chen Weixin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1087-1089.
  • Abstract ( 1858 ) HTML ( 1564 ) PDF (179KB) ( 1564 )    
  • The relationships between the activity of sucrose phosphate synthase ( SPS) and resp iration rate, softening and sucrose accumulation during banana ripening were studied. Itwas shown that the application of ethylene absorbent not only inhibited the rate of respiration, delayed the fruit softening and the accumulation of sucrose ( P < 0.01) , but also inhibited the activity of SPS, the peak of which appearing 3 days later, and the activity of SPS being decreased significantly than that of normal ripening fruits. The peak of SPS activity in fruits treated with propylene appeared 9 days earlier than that in fruits with normal ripening. The rate of respiration of fruit, the decline of fruit firmness and sucrose accumulation were found to be accelerated by the
    treatment with propylene. The SPS was found to be correlated closely with the ripening, senescence, sugar accumulation and softening of the fruits.
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  • Effect of Iron Application on Growth, Yield and Quality in Radish Sprouts
  • Gao Hongbo;Chen Guilin;Zhang Tiejun;Lü Guiyun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1096-1098.
  • Abstract ( 1633 ) HTML ( 1357 ) PDF (166KB) ( 1357 )    
  • The effects of different source iron with 10~100 mg/L Fe concentration on growth, yield and quality of radish sprouts were studied. The results showed that the growth of radish sp routswas imp roved and yield, drymass content and vitamin C, amino acid, active iron, total iron contents in edible parts were all increased with iron application treatments. The increased degrees of EDTA-Fe treatment were the greatest, followed by FeC6H5O7 , then FeSO4 treatment. The growth, yield and quality of radish sprouts with 50 mg/L Fe
    treatment were higher than those with 10, 20, 100 mg/L Fe treatment. There existed significant differences in growth, yield and quality traits between‘Dahongpao’and‘Xinlimei’varieties under the same treatment.
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  • Establishment of the Exogenous Gene Expression System Based on Atropabelladonna Hairy Roots
  • Yang Chunxian;Chen Min;Liao Zhihua;Chen Rong;Yang Yijian;Zhang Lei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1103-1105.
  • Abstract ( 1806 ) HTML ( 1186 ) PDF (302KB) ( 1186 )    
  • The disarmed Agrobacteriumtum efaciens strain C58C1 harboring the plasmid pRiA4 was engineered by introducing the plant expressing vector pCAMBIA1304+ . The bacteria-free well-growing true leaves of A. belladonna were infected with the engineered recombined C58C1. The hairy roots were induced from the wounded sites of the leaves at the frequency of 100%. Then, genomic PCR was applied to detect rolB , rolC, and antihygromycin gene in different monoclonal hairy root lines. All the three geneswere simultaneously detected in 30% hairy root clones. The results demonstrated that exogenous genes could be exp ressed in hairy roots of A. belladonna at a relatively high frequency by the method in the present studies. These were fundamental works for tropane alkaloidsmetabolic engineering in hairy roots and molecular breeding of A. belladonna.
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  • Changes of Endogenous Hormones, Polyam ines and Salicylic Acid Contentduring Rhizome Development of Nelum bonucifera Gaertn
  • Li Liangjun;Pan Enchao;Xu Chao;Ye Zhirong;Cao Beisheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1106-1108.
  • Abstract ( 2198 ) HTML ( 1418 ) PDF (172KB) ( 1418 )    
  • By high performance liquid chromatography, the changes of endogenous hormones, polyamines, and salicylic acid ( SA) content in 3 lotus cultivar sprhizome were studied. The results showed that the peak of zeatin content appeared at 1 internode stage and first internode of 3 internode stage rhizome. GA3, IAA and SA content increased quickly from 1 and 2 internode stage, respectively; and all reached the highest at 3 internode stage; further more, IAA contentwas significantly correlated with SA at 0.01 level during rhizome development. ABA content in first internode was higher than that in second and third internode of 3 internode stage rhizome, and it increased fast in end stage of rhizome development. Spermine ( Spm) and putrescine ( Put) content were significantly higher than cadavarine (Cad) and spermidine ( Spd) during rhizome development.
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  • Effects of Ca2 + on Respira tory Metabolism in Roots of Cucumber Seedlingsunder Root-zone Hypoxia Stress
  • Hu Xiaohui;Li Juan;Guo Shirong;Li Jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1113-1116.
  • Abstract ( 1141 ) HTML ( 1226 ) PDF (214KB) ( 1226 )    
  • The effect of Ca2+ on respiratory metabolism in two cucumber cultivars (Cucumis sativus L. )‘Zhongnong 8’( the hypoxia-sensitive cultivar) and‘Lübachun 4’ ( the hypoxia-tolerant cultivar) seedling roots was investigated under hypoxia stress in nutrient solution. The results showed that compared with ‘Zhongnong 8’ seedling roots, the decrease of activities of succinic dehydrogenase ( SDH) and isocitric dehydrogenase ( IDH) wasweaker and the increase of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activitywas greater, the increase of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was weaker, and lactate contentwas lower in ‘Lübachun 4’seedling roots. The activities of SDH, IDH and ADH were promoted, while LDH activity was inhibited, the
    accumulation of lactate was depleted in cucumber seedling roots under the calcium sufficient hypoxic treatment, but that showed inverse results under the calcium deficient hypoxic treatment. The results suggested that exogenous calcium could increase the capacity of ethanol fermentation and decrease the capacity of lactate fermentation and maintain aerobic respiration for cucumber seedling roots, which was beneficial to improve the resistance to hypoxia stress for cucumber seedlings.
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  • Biological Characteristic and the Response to Aluminum Toxicity of Cucumber Border Cells
  • Zhou Nan;Chen Wenrong;Liu Peng;Xu Gendi;Ca iMiaozhen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1117-1120.
  • Abstract ( 1643 ) HTML ( 1354 ) PDF (205KB) ( 1354 )    
  • Biological characteristic and response to aluminum toxicity of cucumber (Cucumis sativa) root border cells have been studied. The experimental result indicated, during the sp rout p rocess of cucumber seed, the root border cells had very high viability. When the root length was 25 mm, the number of the root border cell reached its maximum ( about 5 480 ). The relative activity of PME ( Pectin methylesterase ) reached the maximum at 10 mm root length, then decreased gradually with the root elongating on. With the increasing concentration of Al3+ , root length and survival rate of border cells decreased. These results showed that aluminum toxicity had the obvious inhibition and harm to the growth of root and border cell. However, PME activity enhanced with the increasing concentration of Al3+ , showing PME was related to the stress of aluminum on plant. Simultaneously, the increase of PME activity under aluminum treatment condition caused demethylation of pectin in cucumber cell wall and increased Al3+ union position spots in the cell wall, thus
    prevented much more aluminum from entering the cell and harming plant.
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  • Characteristics of Photosynthesis in Lonicera tragophylla Hemsl. and L.tellmanniana Hort. Spoth Seedlings in Summer
  • Tian Yiping;;Jiang Chuangdao;Zhang Jinzheng;Liu Yan;Shi Lei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1125-1128.
  • Abstract ( 1435 ) HTML ( 1143 ) PDF (277KB) ( 1143 )    
  • Photosynthesis characteristics of Lonicera tragophylla Hemsl. and its hybrid L. ×tellmanniana Hort. Spoth seedlings were investigated in summer under field condition. Compared with Lonicera tragophylla Hemsl. , L. ×tellmanniana Hort. Spoth seedlings had relatively larger single leaf area, but lower specific leaf weight ( SLW) and pigments content on leaf area basis. The light saturated photosynthetic rate ( Pn) and stomatal conductance (Gs) in L. ×tellmanniana Hort. Spoth leaveswere significantly higher than that in Lonicera tragophylla Hemsl. leaves. The light saturated intensities were 400 μmol·m- 2 · s- 1 for Lonicera tragophylla Hemsl. and 1 200μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1 for L. ×tellmanniana Hort. Spoth. During daily courses, the daily maximum photosynthetic rate in Lonicera tragophylla Hemsl. and L. ×tellmanniana Hort. Spoth leaves reached at 8: 00 am and 10: 00 am, respectively. In this study, the maximum quantum yield of photosystem Ⅱ exhibited little difference between Lonicera tragophylla Hemsl. and L. ×tellmanniana Hort. Spoth leaves. However, higher actual photosystem Ⅱ efficiency (ΦPSⅡ) and lower non2photochemical quenching (NPQ) in L. ×tellmanniana Hort. Spoth leaves were clearly observed when exposured to moderate and high irradiance. According to these results, it is easily deduced that Lonicera tragophylla Hemsl. seedlings are more sensitive to high irradiance than L. ×tellm anniana Hort. Spoth seedlings. Therefore, we suggest that Lonicera tragophylla Hemsl. seedlings should be planted in shade, and L. ×tellmanniana Hort. Spoth seedlings can be grown under full sunlight.
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  • The Study of Root Induction and Root Vigor in Photinia fraseri in Vitro
  • Li Jihong;Han Xiaojiao;Lu Shengxi;Sun Zhongxu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1129-1132.
  • Abstract ( 1705 ) HTML ( 1360 ) PDF (291KB) ( 1360 )    
  • The effects of different auxin ( IAA, NAA and IBA) , phloroglucinol, culture in dark, paclobutrazol (MET) and supportingmaterials on Photinia fraseri rooting were studied. The results showed that NAA 0.5 mg·L - 1 and culture in dark for 7 days promoted rooting through orthogonal experiment; and when the 1 /2MS +NAA 0.5 mg·L - 1 + IBA 0.3 mg·L - 1 +MET 0.5 mg·L - 1 medium induced rooting, mean number of roots was 6.5, rooting rate was 90%. Besides, the effects of agar, veimiculite and pearlite as supporting materials were studied. Pearlite was the best supporting material; mean number of roots was 23.8; rooting rate was 9616%; the survive rate of transplant seedlings reached 95.9%; root vigor reached 576.159μg·g- 1 ·h- 1 ; POD activity reached 27.08 △A470 ·min- 1 ·g- 1.
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  • Studies on Regenerating Bulblets from Tissue Culture of Tulip
  • Yang Yonggang;Dai Hanping;Hu Xinying;Lei Jiajun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1133-1136.
  • Abstract ( 2315 ) HTML ( 1383 ) PDF (249KB) ( 1383 )    
  • The leaf, floral stem, recep tacle, ovary, scale, axillary bud of 4 tulip cultivars, ‘Kees Nelis’, ‘Merry Widow’, ‘Parade’, and‘Golden Parade’, were used as explants in vitro culture on the media of MS + 2, 4-D 0.1 mg·L - 1 , MS + 2, 4-D 0.5 mg·L - 1 , MS +BA 1.0 mg·L - 1 , MS +BA 5.0 mg·L - 1 ,
    MS +BA 2.0 mg·L - 1 + IAA 0.5 mg·L - 1 in the experiment. The results showed that the percent of bulblet induction was highest when receptacle was used as explant, with 56.7% on MS + 2, 4-D 0.5 mg·L - 1 , followed by floral stem with 33.3% on the same medium. The average number of the regenerating bulblets was 10.7 per receptacle explant and 19.9 per floral stem segment explant. The scale segment and axillary bud were difficult and with a longer time to regenerate bulblet. The leaf segment and ovary failed to regenerate bulblet in the experiment.
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  • The Influence of Phenols on Tissue Browning of Phalaenopsis
  • Yin Fang;;Ge Hong;Peng Keqin;Zhao Lingli;;Zhou Yujie;Li Qiuxiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1137-1140.
  • Abstract ( 1735 ) HTML ( 1652 ) PDF (499KB) ( 1652 )    
  • Three varieties of Phalaenopsis spp. including A1, B3 and R4 were used as materials, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was used to analyze phenolic acids of Phalaenopsis spp. qualitatively and quantitatively. Results showed that chlorogenic acid, catechol, catechuic acid, caffeic acid and
    gallic acid, phydroxybenzoic acid, coumaric acid were correlated with browning, and the influence of benzoic acid on browningwas neglectable; The dynamic changes of total phenolic acids contentswere studied. Results showed that total phenolswere positively correlated with browning.
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  • Phylogenetics Analysis of the Chinese Orchids in Yunnan Province Using AFLP Technique
  • Zhang Junxiang;Li Zhilin;Fan Chengming;Cheng Shaoli;Zhao Mingfu;He Yueqiu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1141-1144.
  • Abstract ( 1868 ) HTML ( 1384 ) PDF (258KB) ( 1384 )    
  • Thirty-eight collections of Chinese orchids in Yunnan Province, China, including 14 species and 3 varieties, were analyzed phylogenetically using AFLP technique. PCR amplification band pattern with 16 pairs of primers indicated that the Chinese orchids were very diverse, and individuals of the same species had different band patterns. Subgenus Jensoa appeared as a paraphyletic group. Subgenus Cyperorch is was not a monophyletic group instead formed an offshoot of subgenus Jensoa. At a similarity coefficient of 0.58, the orchids could be clustered into 3 groups: Cybidium tortisepalum Wu et Chen, C. tortisepalum var. longibracteatum, C. faberi and C. kancan belonged to Group 1; C. ensifolium, C. goeringii var. serratum, C.goeringii, C. sinense, C. hookerianum, C. tracyanum, C. mastersii, C. lowianum, C. wenshanense,C. erythraeum and C. lancifolium to Group 2; C. cyperifolium var. szechuanicum and C. pumilum to Group 3.
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  • Evalu tion of Growth and Ornamental Value for Introduced Perennial Ornamental Grass in Beijing
  • Wu Juying;Teng Wenjun;Wang Qinghai;Sun Zhenyuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1145-1148.
  • Abstract ( 1769 ) HTML ( 1632 ) PDF (202KB) ( 1632 )    
  • Growth and ornamental value of 20 introduced perennial ornamental grass were evaluated in Beijing by gray-correlation analysis based on the characters of p lant growth, ornamental value, inflorescence aesthetics, leaf color and over wintering survival etc. The results showed that Anemathele lessoniana and Imperata cylindrica were not suitable for growing in Beijing because of their low overwintering survivals. Elytrigia repens, Festuca ovina, Stipa krylovii and Eragrostis curvula can be used for landscape in spring and their correlation degrees to perfect species were more than 0.80 in spring. Arundinella hirta, Elytrigia repens, Eragrostis curvula, M iscanthus sinensis‘Variegatus’ and Pennisetum alopecuroides have good ornamental values in summer aswell as higher correlation degrees. The p lant color of Miscanthus sinensis‘Variegatus’, Spodiopogon sibiricus, Arundinella hirta and Schizachyrium scoparium changed alongwith the season alternation, and their correlation degrees were higher than 0.80.
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  • Effect of Endo-β-1, 4-mannanase in Tomato Development Events
  • Wang Aoxue;Zhang Bingxiu;Li Jingfu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1157-1161.
  • Abstract ( 1598 ) HTML ( 1157 ) PDF (240KB) ( 1157 )    
  • Endo-β-1, 4-mannanase is a kind of polysaccharide hydrolase. It exists broadly in different plants. The different roles of endo-β-1, 4-mannanase were played in tomato different development events. In this paper, the roles of endo-β-1, 4-mannanase were reviewed during some development events of tomato including seed germination, anther and pollen development, fruit ripening. And the function of endo-β-1, 4-mannanase were analyzed. Moreover, The further work was suggested for elucidating the regulation mechanism of this enzyme in some development events and utilizing endo-β-1, 4-mannanase genes in plants.
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  • An Extreme-early-rippening Table Cultivar of Chinese Jujube ‘Yueguang’
  • Liu Mengjun;Zhou Junyi;Liu Ping;Dai Li;Yin Zhaofang;Zhao Jin;Wang Jiurui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1162-1162.
  • Abstract ( 1878 ) HTML ( 1154 ) PDF (75KB) ( 1154 )    
  • ‘Yueguang’, a new table cultivar of Chinese jujube ( Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ) , was selected from the local germplasm in Taihang Mountain, Hebei province. It ripes very early (mid. tolate Aug. in Baoding, Hebei) with fruit developing periods of about 80 d, super quality for fresh-consuming, high yield, and high tolerance to hardness. Its fruit is olive-like with average mass of 10 - 13 g, edible rate of 96.8% and has certain resistance to fruit cracking and fruit shrinking. It is suitable to be cultivated both in field and in green house.
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  • A New Male Cultivar of Actinidia Chinensis‘Moshan 4’
  • Huang Hongwen;Zhang Zhonghui;Jiang Zhengwang;Cheng Zhongping;Chen Xuzhong;Wang Yanchang;Wang Shengmei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1163-1163.
  • Abstract ( 2105 ) HTML ( 1098 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1098 )    
  • ‘Moshan 4’is a new male cultivar derived from the natural kiwifruit population of Actinidia chinensis, the blossom period is about 10 days longer than that of the othermales, and can cover all pistillate cultivars of A. chinensis and some from A. deliciosa with earlier flowering. The vine of‘Moshan 4’is compact, which is suitable for density planting. The cultivar is with high proportion of valid pollens and can improve the fruit mass and vitamin C content when used as a pollenizer for kiwifruit.

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  • A New Late Ripening Citrus Variety‘Mingliu Tianju’
  • Zeng Jiwu;Peng Chengji;Yi Ganjun;Du Guanxing;Zhang Shaoping;Feng Chuntian;Huo Heqiang;Zhong Yun;Zhou Birong;Huang Yonghong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1164-1164.
  • Abstract ( 2325 ) HTML ( 1103 ) PDF (695KB) ( 1103 )    
  • ‘Mingliu Tianju’ is a new late ripening citrus variety selected from‘Chuntian Ju’. It grows vigorously. The multiple spots regional trial and test showed that it has excellent characteristics such as strong adaptability, high and table yield. The fruit is seedless, soft and crisp, abundant juice, no residue, good-quality with great flavor and beautiful appearance. The soluble solid content is 12.7%. The fruit ripen in the last ten days of February and the first ten days of March.
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  • A New Cultivar of Vitis davidii‘Ziqiu’
  • Xiong Xingyao;Wang Rencai;Sun Wuji;Li Zhiqing;Ouyang Jianwen;Li Guiyong;Liu Dongbo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1165-1165.
  • Abstract ( 1736 ) HTML ( 1101 ) PDF (757KB) ( 1101 )    
  • ‘Ziqiu’, a new cultivar of V tis davidii Foex.was selected from wild germplasm of grapes in Huaihua, Hunan province. It has characteristics of stronger growth vigour, early bearing time, high yield, medium fruit size, good quality, high resistance to water stress, good intergrated character and genetic stability. ‘Ziqiu’which matures in the early September is a cultivar for both processing and fresh table, and could be developed in the southern China. For commercial cultivation, pergola system, density of 330 to 495 plants per hectare, and the suitable yield of 37 tons per hectare are recommended.
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  • A New Pakchoi Hybrid ‘Improved Naiba i’
  • Zhao Xiuyun;Xu Jiabing;Zhang Fenglan;Yu Yangjun;Zhang Deshuang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1167-1167.
  • Abstract ( 1383 ) HTML ( 904 ) PDF (92KB) ( 904 )    
  • ‘Improved Naibai’is a new pakchoi hybrid developed by two self-incompatibility lines YI105 and 89854. It grows vigorously. The leaf is dark green with strong glossiness and short thick white petiole. It has strong resistance to diseases and tolerance to high temperature. The average plant mass is about 0.12 kg. It has good quality and yield. It is suitable for summer and autumn cultivation in Beijing, Hebei, Guangdong, Fujian, Yunnan and Hainan.
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  • A New Melon Hybrid‘Huanghemi 6’
  • Zhang Jiannong;Tao Yonghong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1168-1168.
  • Abstract ( 1632 ) HTML ( 958 ) PDF (92KB) ( 958 )    
  • ‘Huanghemi 6’ is a melon hybrid p roduced by gansu agricultural university. The variety is suitable for p lanting open field in northwest area in China. Fruit is round deep yellow and middle netting. The average fruit is 2.5 - 3.0 kg. Flesh is light green, thick, juicy. The content of soluble solid material is above 15%. It is resistant to powdery mildew and downy mildew and rather conveniant to store.
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  • A New Bitter Gourd Hybrid ‘Reyan 1’
  • Yang Yan;Dang Xuanmin;Liu Zhaohua;Liao Yi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1169-1169.
  • Abstract ( 1407 ) HTML ( 1090 ) PDF (73KB) ( 1090 )    
  • ‘Reyan 1’ is a new bitter gourd F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line OHB4-3 (male pure line) and 02-20-4-9 ( female pure line). The average fruitmass is about 400 - 500 g, with 28 - 32 cm in length and 5.8 - 6.5 cm in diameter and 1.4 cm in flesh thick. The shape of fruit is uniform and regular,
    with the deep green skin, and wide and thick burl. It is highly resistant to powdery mildew. The yield is about 52.5 t/hm2.
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  • A New Winter Melon Hybrid‘Heiyou 1’
  • Xie Dasen;He Xiaoming;Peng Qingwu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(5): 1170-1170.
  • Abstract ( 1396 ) HTML ( 1112 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1112 )    
  • The hybrid ofwintermelon is bred, its parents are B48-2-1-4, with good resistance and beautiful appearance, and B45-1-3-1, with high quality and deep green in skin. The hybrid is a giant variety and very popular in South China. Fruits are long and of good quality, deep green in color and thick white flesh inside for vegetable uses, 58 - 75 cm in length, 23 - 25 cm in diameter. Average fruit weight is over 13 kg. The yield is over 97.5 t/hm2. It has a high tolerance to storage and resistance to shipment.
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