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2006, Vol.33, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Effects of Abscisic Acid, Salicylic Acid and Oxalic Acid on Induction of Proline Accumulation in Apple Leaves
  • Zhang Wei;Yang Hongqiang;Jie Yuling;Li Qi;Zhao Haizhou;Zhang Xinrong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1175-1178.
  • Abstract ( 2003 ) HTML ( 213 ) PDF (0KB) ( 213 )    
  • Three-year-old apple trees 〔Malus domestica Borkh. ‘Rehd Fuji ’ /Malus hupehensis (Pamp) Rehd. 〕were used asmaterials in this experiment. The effect of abscisic acid (ABA) , salicylic acid ( SA) and oxalic acid (OA) on proline accumulation and the response of plant to water stress were studied
    with app le leaves. The results showed that SA increased the p roline content by 7.87% at the second day of pretreatment. At the 9 th day of pretreatment, natural drought (ND) , ABA, SA and OA increased the proline content by 96.30% , 110.67%, 135.12% and 115.96% respectively. At the 5 th day of water stress after 9 day pretreatment, ND, ABA, SA and OA increased water use efficiency (WUE) by 286.77% , 75.76%,79.04% and 100.44% respectively, with increasing of proline content. At the 10 th day of water stress after 9
    day pretreatment, ND, ABA and SA increased proline content by 5.33% , 262.76% and 92.32% , respectively. Those results suggested that the pretreatments of ND, ABA, SA and OA all could help to increase the
    drought resistance of apple tree via increasing proline content and WUE of leaf, in which effect of ABA was best and salicylic acid secondly. The effective duration of oxalic acid was shorter.
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  • Effects of Exogenous Ascorbic Acid on Senescence of Detached Apple Leaves
  • Ma Chunhua;Ma Fengwang;;Li Mingjun;Han Mingyu;Shu Huairui;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1179-1184.
  • Abstract ( 1591 ) HTML ( 1290 ) PDF (369KB) ( 1290 )    
  • Effects of exogenousAsA on ascorbate glutathione cycle and activity of GalLDH - akey enzyme for ascorbic acid biosynthesis were investigated during senescence of detached leaves of apple (Malus domestica Borkh. ‘Gala’) in this paper. The results showed that 5 mmol·L - 1 exogenous AsA inhibited partially membrane lip id peroxidation and decreased H2O2 content, but had little effect on relative membrane permeability. Exogenous AsA maintained high activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) , but inhibited partially the activity decline ofmonodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR) ,and decreased ratio of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) , then increased AsA content and regeneration ability accordingly. However, exogenousAsA inhibited the activity of L-galactono-1, 4-lactone dehydrogenase ( GalLDH) in the beginning of senescence and decreased ability ofAsA synthesis, but latermaintained higher activity of GalLDH.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of the SLF and S-RNase Genes in Almond
  • Guo Zhenyu;;Chang Fengqi;Xie Hua;Xu Yong;Ma Rongcai;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1185-1192.
  • Abstract ( 1573 ) HTML ( 1291 ) PDF (1769KB) ( 1291 )    
  • Using RT-PCR and Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE) techniques, cDNAs for one novel SLF (S Locus F-box) ( PdSLF1) gene and two novel alleles of S-RNase genes ( PdSm and PdSn) were cloned from almond ( Prunus dulcis Mill. ) cultivar‘Pioneer’, and their expression patterns were investigated in anthers, pistils, petals, sepals and leaves. PdSLF1 was 1 331 bp in length encoding a protein of 376 amino acids. The comp lete cDNA of PdSm was 826 bp encoding 228 amino acids and PdSn 878 bp encoding 227 amino acids. Compared the deduced p rotein sequenceswith those registered in GenBank, PdSLF1, PdSm and PdSn proteins shared high identities with other SLF (70.2% - 84.8% ) and S-RNase (59% - 83.9% ) proteins, respectively. Furthermore, the results of semi-quantitative RT2PCR analysis showed that PdSLF1 expressed exclusively in anthers, and two alleles of S-RNase, PdSm and PdSn, exclusively in pistils, which suggested that theymay participate in self-incompatibility in almond.
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  • Detection and Sequence Analysis of Hop stunt viroid in Apricot and Plum
  • Yang Yuanai;;Li Shifang;Cheng Zhuomin;Wang Hongqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1193-1198.
  • Abstract ( 1765 ) HTML ( 1440 ) PDF (499KB) ( 1440 )    
  • Low molecular mass RNAs extracted from bark of one year old branch of 24 apricot samples, 37 plum samples were used for DIG-cDNA Dot-blot hybridization, RT-PCR, Return-PAGE and biological indexing. There were no clear symptoms when these samples were collected. The result showed that 3 of 24 apricot samples, 6 of 37 plum samples were infected with Hop stunt viroid (HSVd). a5, a17, p6, p16 selected from the 9 samples were used for cloning and sequencing analysis. HSVd sequence variants obtained were
    compared with HSVd reported in GenBank and showed 99.0% - 99.7% identity. There was no clear relativity among sequence variants, region and host. These results suggest that sequence of HSVd is relatively conserved.
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  • Genetic Relationships of Strawberry Cultivars by AFLP Analysis
  • Zhang Yuntao;;Feng Zhiguang;Li Tianzhong;Dong Jing;Wang Guixia;Zhang Kaichun;Han Zhenhai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1199-1202.
  • Abstract ( 1611 ) HTML ( 1897 ) PDF (348KB) ( 1897 )    
  • The AFLP analysiswas conducted in order to investigate the blood relationship among the 107 strawberry cultivars conserved in Beijing, the National Strawberry Germplasm Repository. 10 pairs primers were selected from 64 primer pairs (2 + 2) to amplify the genomic DNAs. Total 581 AFLP fragments were obtained, 412 of them were polymorphic markers. The phylogenetic tree generated byUPGMA method showed the genetic relationship among cultivars identified by AFLP was better identical with their pedigree. AFLP technique was proved to be a very reliable method to study the genetic relationship s of strawberry cultivars.
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  • Reduction of Chilling Injury in Litchi Fruit by 1-MCP
  • Hu Weirong;;Liu Shunzhi;Zhang Zhaoqi;Jiang Yueming;Ji Zuoliang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1203-1208.
  • Abstract ( 1944 ) HTML ( 1388 ) PDF (359KB) ( 1388 )    
  • The effects of 0.25 μL ·L - 1 1-methylcycopropene (1-MCP) on chilling injury and related physiological and biochemical responses of litchi fruit (Litchi chinensis Sonn. ‘Guiwei’) stored at 0℃ were investigated. The results indicated that 1-MCP treatment efficiently retarded the development of pericarp browning, the main chilling injury symptom of litchi fruit, delayed color change and the decrease of anthocyanin content of pericarp, inhibited ethylene release, but had no effect on respiration rate of the fruits. Further
    study showed that 1-MCP treatmentmaintained the higher level of superoxide dismutase ( SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities during early days, decreased polyphenol oxidase ( PPO) activity and inhibited the increase of peroxidase ( POD) and ascorbic acid-peroxidase (AsA-POD) activities of fruits.
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  • A Study on Obtaining Primary Trisomics by the Isolated Microspore Cultureof Autotetraploid Chinese Cabbage
  • Shen Shuxing;;Hou Xilin;Zhang Chenghe
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1209-1214.
  • Abstract ( 1595 ) HTML ( 1489 ) PDF (772KB) ( 1489 )    
  • Selection of primary trisomics of Chinese cabbage 〔Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinesis (Lour) Olsson〕is an important foundation for the gene chromosome mapp ing and other genetic studies. The aneuploid plants with one extra chromosome (2n + 1) were obtained from the isolatedmicrospore cultured plantlets of the tetraploid Chinese cabbage. By karyotype analysis of the root tip metaphase chromosome, meiosis observation and plant characters investigation, a set of primary trisomics ( Tri-1, Tri-2, Tri-3, Tri-4, Tri-5, Tri-6, Tri-7, Tri-8, Tri-9 and Tri-10) was identified. Each trisomic was with some unique characters on plant morphological traits. The isolated microspore culture of tetraploid Chinese cabbage is a convenient and effective way to select trisomics in Chinese cabbage.
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  • Physiological Variation of Damaged Leaves of Tomato by Aculops lycopersici
  • Wu Juan;;Li Linyi;Xu Xiang;Yang Yizhong;Wang Dongsheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1215-1218.
  • Abstract ( 1714 ) HTML ( 1633 ) PDF (326KB) ( 1633 )    
  • Several physiological and biochemical indexes of tomato leaves injured by Aculops lycopersici were measured. Compared with the normal leaves, the content of chlorophyll, soluble sugar of tomato leaves damaged by Aculops lycopersici decreased as the time p rolonging and the amount of mite increasing. Contents of soluble p rotein and free amino acid of the tomato leaves rose when they were injured by little mites in short time. And that, as the time prolonging and the amount of mite increasing both the contents increased. The content of free proline of treatment 20 amount per leaf and 60 amount per leaf increased rapidly respectively by 31.7887% and 82.0439% in six days compared with the normal leaves.
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  • Dynamic Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Allium ovalifolium Regeneration Buds from Dormancy to Sprouting under Different Temperatures
  • Chen Yuanping;Yang Wenyu;Ren Wanjun;Fan Gaoqiong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1219-1224.
  • Abstract ( 1785 ) HTML ( 1268 ) PDF (276KB) ( 1268 )    
  • The changing rules of endogenous hormones in the regeneration buds of Allium ovalifolium during the period from dormancy to sp routing treated with different temperatureswere determined by HPLC. The results indicated that: 1) To relieve dormancy of regeneration buds of A llium ovalifolium required a p roper period of low temperature treatment, and the accumulation of low temperatures showed a positive and marked effect on both the degree of dormancy relieving and the growing performance of the plants. A treatment of ( 3 ±1) ℃ for no less than 92 d could relieve dormancy comp letely but treatments of 5 - 12℃ and (20 ±1) ℃ could not relieve dormancy efficiently. 2) The contents of GA3 and ZT increased and the contents ofABA decreased after storage of buds at (3 ±1) ℃ and 5 - 12℃ for 31 d, amongwhich the contents of GA3 , ZT and ABA treated with (3 ±1) ℃ changed remarkably, resulting in a shorter period to relieve dormancy. The dormancy could not be relieved
    at (20 ±1) ℃ treatment due to the increasing of ABA and the decreasing of GA3 and ZT contents before its bulb drying rot. 3) The dormancy process of regeneration buds could be divided into three phases as predormancy,
    real dormancy and forced dormancy. In the period of predormancy, the contents of GA3 , ZT, ABA and IAA were normal. In the period of real dormancy, the contents of GA3 and ZT were low, and the contents of IAA were not stable, but the contents of ABA were high. In the period of forced dormancy, the contents of GA3 and ZT reached the highest and the contents of ABA dropped to the lowestwith a little increase of IAA. 4) Dormancy relieving might be controlled mainly by the contents of GA3 and ABA and the ratios of GA3 to ABA. A ratio of GA3 /ABA≥16.59 ±3.90 could relieve the dormancy of the regeneration buds completely. More ever, the contents of ZT might also play a certain role in relieving dormancy.
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  • Effects of Grafting on Growth and Physiological Metabolism in CucumberSeedlings under Hypoxia Stress
  • Fan Huaifu;Guo Shirong;Zhang Runhua;Li Nana;Cui Congcong;Du Changxia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1225-1230.
  • Abstract ( 1740 ) HTML ( 1280 ) PDF (213KB) ( 1280 )    
  • Effects of grafting on growth, physiologicalmetabolism and hypoxia tolerance were studied incucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ) grafted on smooth luffa (Luffa cylindrica Roem. ) and grown in nutrient solution. The results showed that grafting significantly increased hypoxia tolerance of grafted cucumber seedlings.Plant height, stem thickness, fresh mass, dry mass of grafted seedlings and the activity of SOD, POD, CAT and APX in both leaves and roots of grafted seedlingswere markedly higher than those grown on own-roots after 8 days of hydroponic hypoxia stress. Similarly, root activity, the content of chlorophyll, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration and transpiration rate were significantly higher than those grown on own2roots under hypoxia stress. However, the rate of O2·
    production of grafted seedlings was lower than that grown on own-roots after 8 days of hydroponic hypoxia stress. The higher levels of antioxidation and higher photosynthetic rate may be involved in higher hypoxia tolerance of grafted seedlings.
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  • Effect of Bur Cucumber ( Sicyos angulatus L. ) a s Rootstock on Growth Physiology and Stress Resistance of Cucumber Plants
  • Zhang Shengping;Gu Xingfang;Wang Ye
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1231-1236.
  • Abstract ( 1684 ) HTML ( 1401 ) PDF (167KB) ( 1401 )    
  • Grafting was made to study the effects of bur cucumber (Sicyos angulatus L. ) as rootstock on the growth physiology and stress resistance of cucumber plants, using bur cucumber and black seed pumpkin (Cucurbita ficifolia Bouche. ) as rootstocks and Zhongnong 21 cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ) as scion.
    The results showed that the florescence date of the first female flower and first harvest date of the cucumber plants grafted on bur cucumber rootstock were ahead of the p lants grafted on black seed pumpkin rootstock and self-rooted cucumber. The effects of bur cucumber as rootstock on the mass of the first fruit, the number of female flowers on the main stem in 20 nodes, plant height, area of the biggest leaf, number of leaves, stem diameter, number of nodes were in the middle of the effects of black seed pumpkin as rootstock and self-rooted cucumber. The cold resistance and photosynthetic rate of the cucumber plants grafted on bur cucumber were higher than that grafted on black seed pumpkin and self-rooted cucumber. Cucumber grafted on bur cucumber
    rootstock could increase yield, fusarium wilt and root-knot nematode resistance. The fruit qualities of cucumber plants grafted on bur cucumber rootstock were superior to that grafted on black seed pumpkin rootstock.
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  • Sequence Analysis of CP Genes of CMV from Pumpkin in Yunan and Heilongjiang Provinces
  • Yang Guohui;Zhang Zhongkai;Cui Chongshi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1237-1240.
  • Abstract ( 1513 ) HTML ( 1048 ) PDF (353KB) ( 1048 )    
  • The CP genes were amplified by IC-PCR from CMV-HLJ and CMV-YN isolated from pumpkin in Heilongjiang and Yunan Provinces and cloned to pGEM-T vector. Analysis of nucleotide sequence showed that the length of CP genes of CMV-HLJ and CMV-YN was 657 bp, encoding 219 amino acid. The homology
    of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of CP gene between these two isolates was 96.8% and 97.4% respectively. The homology of nucleotide and amino acid sequences of CP gene of these two isolates was higher than
    90% and 97% respectively compared with six external isolates of CMV subgroupⅠ, and 66.4% and 73.4% respectively compared with another six external isolates of CMV subgroup Ⅱ, and higher than 89.5% and 93% respectively compared with ten Chinese isolates of CMV subgroup Ⅰ, and 68.3% and 73.5% respectively compared with two Chinese isolates of CMV subgroup Ⅱ. All these data showed that CMV-HLJ and CMV-YN belonged to CMV subgroupⅠ.
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  • Auxin Derived from Inflorescence Dominates Garlic Bolt Elongation in Allium sativum
  • YeMeirong;;Gan Lijun;Xia Kai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1241-1245.
  • Abstract ( 2256 ) HTML ( 1293 ) PDF (361KB) ( 1293 )    
  • We studied the effect of auxin derived from inflorescence on garlic bolt elongation in Allium sativum L. The decapitation (removing inflorescence) induced the decrease of garlic bolt elongation, indicating that garlic bolt elongation was controlled by the inflorescence. After decap itation, application of exogenous either IAA or GA3 at the excised site increased garlic bolt elongation rate significantly. Again, both exogenous IAA and GA3 promoted elongation of excised garlic bolt segments. IAA showed a stronger p romotion effect than GA3 in these processes. Application of 2, 3, 5-triiodobenzoic acid ( TIBA) , a polar auxin transport inhibitor, at the base of inflorescence decreased garlic bolt elongation rate. TIBA also inhibited elongation of excised
    garlic bolt segments. Assay of plant hormones revealed that decapitation reduced both endogenous IAA and GA1+ 3 content in garlic bolt to a level of 14.00% and 13.76% of the undecapitated control, respectively,which indicated that inflorescence should be important to maintain high level of IAA and active GA in garlic bolt. Applied IAA increased GA1+3 content in both decapitated garlic bolt and excised garlic bolt segments dramatically. All together, these data suggest that IAA derived from inflorescence dominate garlic bolt elongation by maintaining content of active GA in garlic bolt.
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  • cDNA Cloning and Expression of CaHSP26 from Sweet Pepper
  • Guo Shangjing;;Guo Peng;Dong Xinchun;Meng Qingwei;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1247-1252.
  • Abstract ( 1592 ) HTML ( 1352 ) PDF (737KB) ( 1352 )    
  • Full length 917 bp of chloroplast sHSP cDNA was isolated from heat-shocked sweet pepper leaves by RT-PCR approach, named CaHSP26 (AY224603 ). A single-gene was found in sweet pepper genomic DNA by southern-blot analysis. Northern blot revealed that heat stress induced the expression of CaHSP26 in roots, stems and leaves of sweet pepper. The heterologous expression of CaHSP26 in E. coli could maintain higher cell viability of E. coli under high temperature stress ( 50℃). These results indicated that plant chloroplast sHSP could p rotect cell against heat stress.
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  • Analysis on Import and Export of Vegetable Seed Trade of China
  • Zhang Mengyu;;Zhang Hongsheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1253-1258.
  • Abstract ( 2236 ) HTML ( 1709 ) PDF (202KB) ( 1709 )    
  • To promote the international trade of vegetable seed of China, the statistic data of 2003 - 2005 of import and export of vegetable seeds of China were collected from China customs. Some information related to China's seed imported and exported were cited from the materials published by ISF and APSA. From these data and information, some important countries and regions related to Chinaps import and export vegetable seeds were evaluated. The trade structure, developing trend and main models of China's vegetable seed imported and exported were concluded.
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  • Pollen Tube Behav ior Following Pollina tion between Ca rdioc rinum gigan teumand Lilium
  • Li Shouli;;Shi Lei;Zhang Jinzheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1259-1262.
  • Abstract ( 1907 ) HTML ( 2142 ) PDF (712KB) ( 2142 )    
  • The pollen tube behavior in the style following the hybridization between Cardiocrinum giganteum and Lilium were observed by means of fluorescence microscopy. The results indicated that the pollen of Lilium can germinated on the stigma of C. gaganteum and pollen tubes can reach the basal part of the style and finally arrive at the ovule in ovary, meanwhile, the result also showed that the speed of the pollen germination and pollen tube elongation following hybridization were much slower than that following intraspecificpollination, several abnormalities of pollen tubes were observed including pollen tubes with branching off, swollen or pointed tips, or superposition in the middle parts lots of callose depositiing at irregular distances, parts of pollen tubes became wave2liked at the middle or basal part of the style, which finally lead to the
    failure to arrive at the ovary.
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  • Genetic Diversity in the Natural Populations of Rhododendron fortuneiRevealed by ISSR Molecular Markers
  • Jin Zexin;Li Junmin;Gu Qiping;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1263-1267.
  • Abstract ( 1569 ) HTML ( 1595 ) PDF (372KB) ( 1595 )    
  • Genetic diversity in the five natural populations of Rhododendron fortunei in Zhejiang province of China were analyzed using inter simple sequence repeat ( ISSR) molecular markers. A total of 170 loci, 150 of which were polymorphic ones, were detected in natural populations of Rhododendron fortunei using 12
    ISSR primers. Total percentage of polymorphic loci ( P, % ) was 88.24% in the species, while Shannon's information index ( I) and Nei's gene diversity ( h) were 0.4317 and 0.2848, respectively. These indicated that the genetic diversity of Rhododendron fortunei was relatively high. In the contrary, the genetic diversity at population level of Rhododend ron fortuneiwas relatively low. The mean value of P% , I and h were 48.23% ,0.2682 and 0.1818, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) demonstrated that the among population component accounted for 40.03% of the total variations, while the within population component accounts for 59.97%. The genetic differentiation was relatively high and the gene flow was low ( 0.8824 ).
    These results suggested that population isolation and inbreeding regression may play the main roles in the genetic differentiation among Rhododendron fortunei populations. The pair-wise mean genetic distance among populations was 0.1755. The clustering analysis showed that KCS population and TTS population were in one group, FYS population and BSZ population in another group, and GK population separated from all the other populations in the dendrogram.
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  • Genetic Diversity in Natural Populations of Syringa oblata Detected by AFLPMarkers
  • Ming Jun;Gu Wanchun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1269-1274.
  • Abstract ( 1542 ) HTML ( 1213 ) PDF (262KB) ( 1213 )    
  • Seeds were collected from 30 trees selected from each of the 3 natural populations of Syringa oblata Lindl. located respectively in Daheishan mountain in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Beipiao in Liaoning Province and Wulaofeng in Shanxi Province. 72 wild accessions of the collections were used in this study. Seedswere germinated and a bulk sample of 20 leaves was collected from each family for molecular marker analysis. Eight EcoRI-MseⅠ AFLP primer combinations revealed 864 legible bands of which 187 were polymorphic markers. Nei's genetic diversitywas 0.2287, Shannon's information index was 0.3464, genetic diversity at species level was 0.3522, observed heterozygosity was 0.2287 within population and 0.1235 among populations, coefficient of genetic differentiation was 0.3508 and the average gene flow estimated from Gst was 0.9253. The results of AMOVA indicated that the variance component of among populations contributes 51.53% to the total genetic variance. UPGMA cluster analysis based on Nei's genetic disitance indicated that genetic distances were closely related to corresponding geographic distances among populations. The results also indicated that genetic differentiation among populations was large, mainly attributable to geographic isolation due to the discontinuous distribution of the species and high rate of selfing. Conservation strategy for the species should be therefore emphasized on conserving as many as possible the existing populations
    considering the current conditions of severe population fragmentation and losses.
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  • Studies on Genetic Transformation with Resistance to Fungi Disease of TallFescue
  • Ma Shengjian;;Xu Biyu;Zeng Fuhua;Lu Xiangyang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1275-1280.
  • Abstract ( 1889 ) HTML ( 1274 ) PDF (746KB) ( 1274 )    
  • Lawn is playing a more and more important role in humanps life, but its fungi disease is a important problem which should be solved urgently in the maintenance of lawn. In the paper, the binary vector harboring Glu and Chi gene was transformed into calli of tall fescue mediated byAg robacterium tum efacien, and the suitable transformation protocol of Agrobacterium of tall fescue was established. In the transformation, we confirmed that, the optimum concentration of selective agent kanamycin was 200 - 300 mg/L, the combination of carbercillin and cefotaxine as inhibitive agents had good inhibitive effect to Agrobacterium; The results of several cocultivation methods of Agrobacterium showed that, putting some filter paper on cocultivation medium, and dripping infection solution of Ag robacterium around the calli, and usingmannitol and antibiotic solution to washing calli 1 week after resuming cultivation, was the best way of transformation. The results of molecular
    detection of PCR and Southern-blotting and challenge inoculation experiment with F. graminearum Schwabe showed that, transformed p lants had higher positive frequency and resistance to fungi disease than the control respectively.
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  • Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Anthurium andraeanum
  • Xin Weijie;Xu Bin;Wang Guangdong;Guo Weiming;Wen Fangde;Jin Jianping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1281-1286.
  • Abstract ( 1645 ) HTML ( 1262 ) PDF (473KB) ( 1262 )    
  • A protocol for somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of Anthurium andraeanum Lind. in vitro plants has been successfully developed. Leaf sections, petioles and root sections were used as explants, the results showed that leaf sectionswere suitable exp lants and expressed higher embryogenic potential than others; Up to 9013% of explants produced embryogenic calli and embryogenic structures after 40 days culture on modified MS medium supplemented with 2.0 to 3.0 mg·L -1 2, 4-D, 0.5 mg·L -1 KT, 2% sucrose and 1% glucose; 62.9% of somatic embryos developed after 20 days culture on modified MS medium containing 0.5 mg·L - 1 6-BA and 3% sucrose under light conditions of 20 μmol·m- 2 ·s-1 and converted into plantlets with shoots and roots after 30 days culture on the same medium. The observation of histological structure and ultrastructure proved the process of somatic embryogenesis of Anthurium.
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  • Changes in Antioxidant System and Active Oxygen Species in Flesh of CaraCara ( Citrus sinenisis) during Development
  • Huang Renhua;Xia Renxue;Lu Yunmei;Hu Liming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1287-1290.
  • Abstract ( 1612 ) HTML ( 1132 ) PDF (201KB) ( 1132 )    
  • Cara Cara 〔Citrus sinenisis (L. ) Osbeck ‘Cara Cara’〕was used to study the contents of glutathione (GSH) , ascorbate (AsA) , active oxygen species (AOS) and changes in the activities of correlative enzymes during development. The results showed that the contents of AsA accumulated with increase in
    the activity of dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) during the fruit development and the correlation coefficient was 0.870, P < 0.05. The activity of DHAR showed opposite trend with ascorbate peroxidase (AsA-POD).
    The changes in glutathione reductase (GR) activities and GSH were similar to display a single-peak pattern and their correlation coefficient was 0.978 ( P < 0.01). The ratios of AsA /DHAsA and GSH /GSSG both descended, while the contents of AOS increased throughout fruit development.
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  • Relationship between Male Sterlity and Change of IAA and ABA Contents in‘Niitaka’Pear
  • Li Liulin;;Wu Juyou;Zhang Shaoling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1291-1294.
  • Abstract ( 1914 ) HTML ( 1268 ) PDF (516KB) ( 1268 )    
  • The contents of indole-3-acetic acid ( IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) , the activity of IAA oxidase and peroxidase ( POD) , and micro element contents were examined in floral buds or anther of male sterile pear cultivar‘Niitaka’and male fertile pear cultivar‘Housui’ ( Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) at different stages of pollen development, in order to exp lore the relation of IAA and ABA with male sterility of pear and reason of IAA deficiency. The results indicated that IAA content in floral bud of Housuiwas very significantly higher than that of Niitaka after tetrad stage. At the stage of pollen abortion, namely from arlymononucleate pollen stage to later stage of mononucleate pollen, IAA content of Housui was 3.70 to 4.47 folds of Niitaka. IAA deficiency in Niitaka was one of reasons that lead to pollen abortion; IAA oxidase activity in floral bud in prophase of pollen development of Niitaka was significantly higher than that of Housui. The change of POD activity in two pear cultivarswas very similar, and difference of POD activity was not significant, which suggesting that POD was not key enzyme that lead to IAA deficiency. Zinc content in Niitaka was significantly lower than that of Housui, butmanganese content was significantly higher aftermononucleate stage. ABA content in Niitaka was significantly higher than that of Housui from tetrad to binucleate stage, however, ABA was accumulated in mature anther of Housui.
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  • Comparison Study of Volatile Components in Malus sieversii and in Malusdomestica
  • Feng Tao;Chen Xuesen;Zhang Yanmin;He Tianming;Zhang Chunyu;Wang Liping;Liu Yangmin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1295-1298.
  • Abstract ( 1685 ) HTML ( 1644 ) PDF (245KB) ( 1644 )    
  • In order to acquire basic data for the preservation and application of the species, aroma components in ripe fruit of Malus sieversii (Ldb. ) obtained from 4 seedlings at Mohe Town, Gongliu County, Ily State, China, and of 4 M. domestica cultivars (Golden Delicious, Starking, Ralls and Fuji) were analyzed
    using head space-solid phase microextraction and Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry. The results indicated that significant difference in aroma components amounted to 89 resided in seedlings both for chemical category and for content. They suggested a rich genetic diversity in aroma components. Furthermore, the identity of categories and compounds in main volatile components between M. sieversii and M. domestica were also revealed. But 12 compounds ( ethanal etc. ) which included 7 unique components of M. domestica were not detected in M. sieversii. However, the acetals and lactones unique to M. sieversii absented in M. domestica, aswell as 4 unique character impact components to the former such as damascenone, etc.
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  • Preliminary Studies on Pollen Morphology of Fuji Sports Strains
  • Yan Zhongye;;Yi Kai;Li Zuoxuan;Liu Zhi;Wang Dongmei;Yang Feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1299-1302.
  • Abstract ( 1784 ) HTML ( 1126 ) PDF (757KB) ( 1126 )    
  • Pollen morphology of strains of‘Fuji’apple was examined with scanning electron microscope(SEM). Pollen morphology among various‘Fuji’sports was compared with the polar axis length, the equatorial axis length, the ridge width, the ridge distance and the perforation diameter. The results showed that the shape of these pollen grains was prolate ellipse in side morphology and they were triangle in polarmorphology. There was 3-colporate, striped ornamentation with perforation on the surface of these pollen grains. Pollen
    grains of‘Fukuhima Spur’with 42.25μm polar axis length and 25.08 μm equatorial axis length was the biggest. P /E value of‘Fuji’pollen with 1.75 was the biggest, then that of‘Nagafu 2’and ‘Wangshanhong’. They were both remarkably bigger than that of‘Yataka’. P /E value could be regarded as an important index for identifying sports. Otherwise pollen ornamentation was various in each cultivar. Therefore the above Fuji sports could be identified through SEM observation on pollen morphology.
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  • Screaming of Peach Cultivars for Juice Processing
  • Wang Lirong;Zhu Gengrui;Fang Weichao;Shen Yusheng;Wang Sixin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1303-1306.
  • Abstract ( 1524 ) HTML ( 1255 ) PDF (189KB) ( 1255 )    
  • Juice qualities of 31 yellow peaches, 27 white peaches and 2 red flesh peaches were evaluated in color, flavor, aroma, peculiar smell, uniformity, soluble solid content, titratable acidity. At the same time, ripening period, yield index and juice ratio also were considered as important factors to reduce costing.All were in order to scream app reciate cultivars for pressing juice. Finally, 7 yellow peaches (NJC108, Zaohuang Pantao, Earlygold, Luxiang, Redhaven, Fenghuang, and Babygold 6) , 4 white peaches ( Yuhualu,
    Zaofeng, Zhengzhou 11 and Hakuho) , and 1 red flesh peach (Jilin 8903) were recommended to growers or could be used aswonderful germplasm.
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  • Sugar Accumulation and Changes of Sucrose-metabolizing Enzyme Activitiesin Peach under Protected Culture
  • Fan Shuang;Gao Dongsheng;Li Zhongyong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1307-1309.
  • Abstract ( 1607 ) HTML ( 1160 ) PDF (223KB) ( 1160 )    
  • Sugar accumulation and changes of sucrose-metabolizing enzyme activities were studied during the fruit development of ‘Chunjie’peach ( Prunus persica ). Results showed that most soluble sugars had been reduced at early stage of fruit development, the reduced sugar maintained in a low level during mid and late stage of fruit development while non-reduced sugars accumulated. Sucrose content increased from the beginning to the end of fruit development and the content of glucose and fructose tended to decrease at early stage of fruit development and remained in a low level thereafter. The highest activities of acid invertase (A I) and neutral invertase (N I) at early stage of fruit development decreased with fruit development and maintained
    in a low level during mid and late stage of fruit development. During the early fruit development, the activity of sucrose synthase ( SS-h) kept the highest level, while that of SS-s increased continuously with fruit development and maintained in a low level at late stage of fruit development. The activity of SPS increased continuously, but the change of activity of SPS was less than that of SS. A significantly positive correlation was found between glucose content and activities ofA I, N I and SS-h, and between fructose content and A I and SS-h activities. The content of sucrose was positively correlated with the activity of SS-s and no any correlation with the activity of SPS was found.

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  • Relationship between the Flower Nodes and Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Grape Seedlings
  • Wu Yaqin;Chang Ruifeng;Li Chunmin;Zhao Shengjian;Guo Zijuan;Zhang Xinzhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1313-1316.
  • Abstract ( 1695 ) HTML ( 1347 ) PDF (542KB) ( 1347 )    
  • The contents of endogenous hormones ( including GA3 , GA4 + 7 , IAA, ABA, ZR and iPA) were analyzed with the method of EL ISA in different buds which located different nodes of two-year-old Kyoho grape seedings, and the lowest inflorescence nodes were investigated. The results revealed that the reproductive phase appeared at about 20th node. The contents of GA3 and GA4 + 7 decreased, the ABA content increased sharply during the process of phase change, but the content of ABA was so low that itwas hardly been detected at the nodes 31 - 35th ; the ratio of ABA /GA3 and ABA /GA4 + 7 varied slightly at the nodes 16 - 20th , but after that rose obviously. So we concluded that the ratio obviously reflected the relationship between variations of hormones contents and phase change than simplex variations of hormones contents.
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  • Somatic Embryogenesis and Analysis of the Genetic Stability of RegenerationSystem in Grapevine ‘Sinsaut’
  • Yang Xiaoming;;An Lizhe;Wang Yamei;Li Sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1317-1320.
  • Abstract ( 1576 ) HTML ( 1380 ) PDF (589KB) ( 1380 )    
  • Somatic embryogenesis and subsequent maintenance and plant regeneration from immature zygotic embryos of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.‘Sinsaut’) were studied by manipulating plant growth regulator levels, light intensities and temperature. The results showed that the op timum p lant growth regulator combinations were 1.0 mg·L - 1 2,4-D for embryogenic callus induction and 1.0 mg·L - 1 NAA + 0.5 mg·L - 1 BA for embryos production and maintenance in weak light at 5℃ and 0.03 mg·L - 1 NAA +0.5 mg·L - 1 BA for somatic
    embryos conversion and plant regeneration based on NN medium. The frequency of somatic embryogenesis was 37.5%, and the rate of plantlet regeneration from somatic embryos was 42.1%. The analysis of DNA content
    determined by flow cytometry and chromosome counting of somatic embryos and regenerated plant clearly indicated that little chromosome changes were induced during the somatic embryogenesis, but the nuclearDNA content
    and ploidy levels of the regenerated plants were stable and homogeneous to that of the donor plants.
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  • AFLP Ana lysis on the Short Ca tkinsMuta tion of Chestnut
  • Xu Yue;;Cao Qingqin;Feng Yongqing;Yang Kai;Qin Ling;Liao Kang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1321-1324.
  • Abstract ( 1505 ) HTML ( 1156 ) PDF (516KB) ( 1156 )    
  • AFLP was used to compare the short catkins sport and its mother plant in chestnut (Castanea mollissima Bl. ). A total of 72 selective primer pairs amplified 5 129 clear bands, of those 53 were polymorphic loci. The polymorphic rate and Neips association coefficient between them were 2.05% and 0.9897 respectively. The molecular weight range of the polymorphic fragments was mainly 300 - 900 bp. The results indicated that there were some molecular-level differentiation between chestnut and its short catkins sport. Some of the specific segments had been considered as markers of short catkins in chestnut.
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  • Effect of Ice Temperature Technique and SO2 Releaser on Storage of LonganFruits
  • Zhang Huiling;;Hu Weirong;Pang Xuequn;Zhang Zhaoqi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1325-1328.
  • Abstract ( 1650 ) HTML ( 1179 ) PDF (128KB) ( 1179 )    
  • The freezing point of longan fruits and its affecting factors were determined in four cultivars. The effects of ice temperature ( - 1℃) storage and normal low temperature (3℃) storage and different dosage of SO2 Releaser on fruit quality were investigated in this paper. The results showed that the freezing points of four cultivars fruits ranged from - 2.04℃ to - 3.49℃, therefore, the suitable ice temperature for the storage of longan fruits was recommended as - 1℃, considering the fluctuation of temperature in practical storage room. There was an obviously negative relationship between the freezing points and TSS content. However, no significant relationship was found between the freezing points and single fruit mass. The pericarp of longan fruits in - 1℃ browned more rapidly than that in 3℃ due to chilling injury, however, the flavor of pulp was as normal as in 3℃. The fruits treated with 0.4% dosage of SO2 Releaser maintained a higher rate of good fruits and a lower SO2 residue, compared to the lower rate of good fruits with 0.2% dosage of SO2 Releaser
    and a higher SO2 residue with 0.6% dosage of SO2 Releaser.
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  • Physiological Response of Dwarf Pumpkin on Exogenous GA3 Treatment
  • Yu Huifang;;Cao Jiashu;Wu Tao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1331-1334.
  • Abstract ( 1740 ) HTML ( 1199 ) PDF (212KB) ( 1199 )    
  • We studied the physiological influence of exogenous GA3 on‘Wuman 1’. The chlorophyll content and the activities of catalase (CAT) , guaiacol peroxidase (G-POD) , superoxide dismutase ( SOD) ,α-amylase and acid phosphatase were compared between control and treated pumpkin plants with GA3. The results showed that the chlorophyll content had no significant change in pumpkin leaves in three day after treatment with GA3 ; The chlorophyll content in treated pumpkin leaves was significantly decreased in treated pumpkin leaves on the sixth day after treatmentwith GA3; The activities of α-amylase, CAT and SOD were increased in three days after treatment, and the activities of acid phosphatase and G-POD were gradually increased in six days and nine days after treatment, respectively.
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  • Molecular Clon ing and Sequence Analysis of GLDH Gene cDNA from Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis
  • Ren Xiliang;Hou Xilin;;Li Ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1345-1348.
  • Abstract ( 1456 ) HTML ( 1061 ) PDF (1154KB) ( 1061 )    
  • The L-galactono-1, 4-lactone dehydrogenase ( EC, GLDH) is a key enzyme that catalyzes the final step in the L-ascorbic acid synthetic pathway of plants. GLDH gene cDNA sequence was cloned with cDNA isolated from Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis‘Suzhouqing’. A 2 034 bp full-length cDNA sequence of GLDH was obtained using RT-PCR, nested PCR, 3 ’RACE and 5 ’RACE techniques.Further analysis on GLDH gene cDNA indicated that it encoded a peptide containing 601 amino acids. The amino acid sequence comparison with Brassica oleracea GLDH gene and Arabidopsis thaliana GLDH gene showed that identity was 98% and 90% , respectively. The sequence was accepted and released by GenBank (Accession number AY899298).
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  • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Some Chinese Cultivated Potato Varieties Using AFLP Markers
  • Di Hong;Chen Yili;Jin Liping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1349-1352.
  • Abstract ( 1432 ) HTML ( 1215 ) PDF (167KB) ( 1215 )    
  • Amplification fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysiswas applied to study the genetic relationship among some of 79 Chinese cultivated potato varieties. 8 pairs of primers were screened to amplify and 801 bands were obtained, and the average number of band amplified per pair primer was 100.13. 493 of the bands presented polymorphism, the average rate of certificated polymorphism was 61.2%. The polymorphic value was the highest if amplified with the combined primer E11 /M51. Accessionswere classified into 3
    groups according to the analysis of clustering. There was no obvious difference in geographic relationship among the clustering results. In addition, the potato accessions could be certified through AFLP molecular markers.
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  • Floral Organogenesis and Development of Lonicera maackii ( Rupr. ) Maxim
  • Xu Ke;Jiang Sha;Chen Xuhui;Wang Yongzhou
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1353-1356.
  • Abstract ( 1424 ) HTML ( 1587 ) PDF (795KB) ( 1587 )    
  • We studied floral organogenesis and development of Lonicera maackii (Rupr. ) Maxim by using scanning electron microscope ( SEM) technique. We found that the lateral vegetative apexes transformed from one protrusion into two protrusions in mid-March, and then the two vegetative apexes simultaneously
    transformed into two collateral reproductive apexes, i. e. floral primordia. The floral phyllotaxis was whorled and centripetal. Calyx, corolla, and androecium were all pentamerous, developing from calyx, corolla and androecium primordial, respectively. The single carpellary p rimordium developed into stigma, style, and ovary.The floral organogenesis and development of L. maackii were rapid and nutrition-demanding. During floral organogenesis and development, the two collateral flowers were synchronous.
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  • Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Potted Cultivation of Mei Flower
  • Zhang Xiaoyue;Huang Guolin;Long Cip ing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1357-1360.
  • Abstract ( 1658 ) HTML ( 1370 ) PDF (120KB) ( 1370 )    
  • Effects of plant-growth regulators on potted mei flower cultivation were studied. The results showed that ABT treatment stimulated rooting of Prunus mume var. Qingmei cuttings. The highest rooting rate (82.2% ) was achieved by 100 mg/L treatment, 37.1% higher than the control. Paclobutrazol treatment at 1 000 mg/L concentration was most effective in inhibiting shoot growth and promoting flower formation. The flowering period was markedly delayed by spraying GA3 from early Sep tember to middle October, and the extent of effection was positively correlated with the concentration of GA3. Application of GA3 at 1 000 mg/L had the best result. The flowering period was advanced by spraying GA3 from late October to November.
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  • A Study on Seed Germ ina tion and Seedling Growth of Rhododendrons
  • Zhang Lehua;Liu Xiangping;Wang Kaihong;Wang Zhaohong;Li Xiaohua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1361-1364.
  • Abstract ( 1929 ) HTML ( 1806 ) PDF (230KB) ( 1806 )    
  • Experiments on raising Rhododendron seedlings using different media and at different times were carried out with the following results. 1. The optimal range of temperature for seed germination and seedling growth was 16 - 20℃, and the seedswere best sown in earlyMay inMt. Lushan. Among the five subgenera of which we had ample materials for testing, Rhododendron subgen. Pentanthera had the highest speed of seed germination, subgen. Azaleastrum had the lowest speed of seed germination, while subgen. Hymenanthes, subgen.Tsutsusi and subgen. Rhododendron had the speed of seed germination in between. 2. Humic soil plus moss was an ideal sowing medium that resulted in a higher rate of survival and better growth of the seedlings than the medium of humic soil only. 3. Species distributed in places closer to Mt. Lushan and having less climatic differences were easier to propagate by seed, and the taxa from themiddle and lower altitudes in themiddle and lower
    reaches of the Changjiang River performed verywell. 4. The five subgenera Tsutsusi, Azaleastrum, Pentanthera,Hymenanthes and Rhododendron, in that order, had increasingly lower effects in propagation. 5. The management during seed sowing and seedling growth was critical to success of propagation.
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  • Effects of pH and Tempera ture on Brown ing of Pha laenopsis Explants Cultured in Vitro
  • Zhao Lingli;;Ge Hong;Fan Chonghui;Yin Fang;Li Qiuxiang;and Zhou Yujie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1373-1376.
  • Abstract ( 1975 ) HTML ( 1643 ) PDF (462KB) ( 1643 )    
  • The variety‘R4’of Phalaenopsis was used for the study of pH and temperature effect on polyphenol oxidase ( PPO) activity, total phenolic content , browning rate of the exp lants, correlation of browning rate and PPO activity with total phenolic content. The browning rate was the lowest at pH6.5 or 20℃. Under the same temperature (25℃) , the PPO activity and total phenolic content didnpt have direct ratio with the bulk of pH, and there was no significant correlation between PPO activity and total phenolic content, but there was significant correlation between browning rate and total phenolic content at pH 5.0; Under the same pH (6.0) , PPO activity, total phenolic content and browning rate increased while the temperature rose, and there were the best significant correlation between browning rate and PPO activity at 20℃, significant correlation between browning rate and total phenolic content at 20℃ and 30℃.
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  • The Research Advance in D endrobium Study
  • Yang Zhijuan;;Zhang Xian;ZhangMengjin;Zhu Genfa;andWang Biqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1389-1396.
  • Abstract ( 1380 ) HTML ( 2105 ) PDF (214KB) ( 2105 )    
  • Abstract: Dendrobium is one of the most popular flowers in the market in and out of land. The top ic of
    this paper summarized some research advance on Dendrobium including its evolution and taxonomy, cytology,
    horticulture, heredity in recent 10 years, and further viewed the development ofDendrobium , briefly stated the
    direction and emphasis of the research ahead in China.
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  • Cisgenesis will Become an Effective Tool of Crop Improvement in Use of Wild Germplasm
  • Huang Sanwen;Du Yongchen;Qu Dongyu;Evert Jacobsen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1397-1400.
  • Abstract ( 1910 ) HTML ( 2377 ) PDF (461KB) ( 2377 )    
  • A major bottleneck of crop breeding is the narrow genetic base of cultivated species. It is a must to introgress new beneficial alleles from wild germp lasm. Due to crossing barrier and linkage drag, conventional breeding isnpt effective in use of these beneficial alleles. The rap id development of genomics enables
    the isolation of a number of plant genes in an easyway. Cisgenesis is a genetic modification app roach to quickly transfer beneficial alleles from crossable species into elite cultivars. This app roach will not only speed up breeding process but also avoid linkage drag. As the origins of target genes by cisgenesis and conventional breeding are the same, cultivars released by these two app roaches are same in safety. If regulators could treat cisgenic plants the same as conventionally bred p lants, cisgenesis will become an effective tool of crop improvement in use of wild germplasm.
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  • A New Self-fruitful Pear Variety ‘Zaoguan’
  • Wang Yingtao;Li Yong;Li Xiao;Liu Guosheng;Han Yanxiao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1401-1401.
  • Abstract ( 1480 ) HTML ( 947 ) PDF (74KB) ( 947 )    
  • The new pear variety‘Zaoguan’is the progeny of hybrid of‘Yali’and ‘Qingyun’. The fruit ripes in later July or early August, globular in shape with light yellow skin; The average fruit mass is 230 g; The fruit fresh is fine and crisp with tart2sweet flavorance; The soluble solid content is above 12.0%.
    It also has other characteristics such as self-fruitful, high yield and resistance to pear scab.
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  • A New Dwarf Rootstock of Pear‘Zhong’ai 2’
  • Jiang Shuling;Chen Changlan;Jia Jingxian;Li Zhenru;Fang Chengquan;Ma Li;Lü Baohe
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1402-1402.
  • Abstract ( 1857 ) HTML ( 1183 ) PDF (94KB) ( 1183 )    
  • ‘Zhong’ai 2’, a new pear dwarf rootstock breeded by traditional crossing method, can be used as self-rooted rootstock and intermediate stock. Grafting with it results in the efficient dwarf of pear varieties, early fruiting, early full-production and high fruit quality. ‘Zhong’ai 2’is strongly resistant to cold,
    pear stemring spot and pear canker diseases.
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  • A New Apricot Var iety ‘J inya’
  • Tian Jianbao;Chen Qiufang;Wang Min;He Meimei;Han Feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1403-1403.
  • Abstract ( 1397 ) HTML ( 1071 ) PDF (73KB) ( 1071 )    
  • ‘Jinya’apricot is strongly against late frost, early-fruiting and productive. It ripens at the end of June and the beginning of July in Middle Shanxi. The fruit is oblong, with the bottom color of yellowish white and the positive side of a little flush. The average mass is 86 g, The flesh is light yellow with abundant juice and 18% of soluble solids. It has small stone and sweet kernel with 98% edible rate. In addition, the fruit has good storage and shipping quality. It’s suitable formany places, and is a quality variety of replacing old ones in ap ricot producing area.
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  • Late-ripening Juice Making Grape Cultivar ‘Beizi’
  • Fan Peige;Li Shengchen;YangMeirong;Li Shaohua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1404-1404.
  • Abstract ( 1552 ) HTML ( 1046 ) PDF (93KB) ( 1046 )    
  • ‘Beizi’ is an interspecific hybrid cultivar derived from Vitis thunbergii and Muscat Hamburg (V. venifera). Berriesmature at the end of September in Beijing. The vines are vigorous with high yeild. The fruit cluster is conical, weighing 38616 g on average. The average mass of a single berry is 2.8 g. The moderately crowded berries are uniformly sized, elliptical and purple black. The juice is purple red and acid-sweet with 19.6% - 21.5% soluble solid content, 0.67% titratable acid content and 78.8% juice extraction. It has high resistance to cold and diseases.
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  • A New Hilly Type Chestnut Var iety ‘Zhen'an 1’
  • Lü Pinghui;Ji Zhiping;He Jialin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1405-1405.
  • Abstract ( 1384 ) HTML ( 992 ) PDF (141KB) ( 992 )    
  • ‘Zhen'an 1’ is a new chestnut variety selected from 38 excellent trees, it is suitable for growing in a hilly areas especially. Through multiple spots regional trial and demonstration, the variety has good harvest, can be grown in drought and infertile land, and can fruit after being engrafted two years. The average
    seed mass is 13.15 g, seed-setting rate is 35.3% , and the yield of tree crown projection is 0.246 kg/m2.
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  • A New Stir-fry ing Chinese Chestnut Cultivar ‘Taili 5’
  • Zhang Jiliang;Sun Haiwei;Ma Yumin;Zhao Jinhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1406-1406.
  • Abstract ( 1509 ) HTML ( 954 ) PDF (142KB) ( 954 )    
  • ‘Taili 5’ is a new superior cultivar selected from Chinese chestnut population growing in Mount Taishan. In field trials it has shown characters such as early fruiting, high and stable yielding, and better resistance. The nut is oval in shape, and purple brown colorwith rich gloss. The nut is formal and average fruit mass is 9.52 g. The flesh is fine and sticky, the sugar content is 20.54%, and the nut overall quality is good.
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  • A New Redcurrant Cultivar ‘Cherry’
  • Liu Haiguang;Zhang Zhidong;Wu Lin;Li Yadong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1408-1408.
  • Abstract ( 1759 ) HTML ( 977 ) PDF (92KB) ( 977 )    
  • Berries of‘Cherry’, induced from Poland, were characterized by bright red color, 42 gmass per hundred berries, 7 - 13 cm long cluster of berry, soluble solid state material of 9.0%, organic acid of 3.0% , rate of juice obtained of 63%. The ripening stage was during the early July with accordant ripeness in
    Changchun region. Plants reached 1.2 m high and p roduced 6 150 kg/hm2 after planting 5 years.
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  • A New Cherry Toma to Hybr id ‘Jinong Jinyu’
  • Wang Wei;Yao Fangjie;Su Guijuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1410-1410.
  • Abstract ( 1480 ) HTML ( 1064 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1064 )    
  • ‘Jinong Jinyu’ is a F1 by crossing small tomato introduced from Denmark and small yellow pear. It has unlimited branches and common leaves and grows vigorously. The first inflorescence was situated between the eighth and ninth node and each inflorescence bears 15 - 30 tomatoes. The fruit is yellow and
    round and tastes very well. The mass of simp le fruit is about 10 - 15 g. It is resistant to disease and suitable for open field cultivation.
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  • A New Asparagus Bean Var iety‘Oujiang Y idianhong’
  • Rao Libing;Chen Xianzhi;Huang Wenbin;Chen Xiaoxu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1411-1411.
  • Abstract ( 1480 ) HTML ( 1081 ) PDF (94KB) ( 1081 )    
  • ‘Oujiang Yidianhong’ is a new middle maturity asparagus bean variety. It takes 69 days from sowing to the first harvest date in spring growth season. The pod is light green with red color at the top of pod, and the seed color is black. The pod is 70 - 80 cm in length, 0.8 - 1.0 cm in diameter, 25 - 30 g in
    mass. The pod tastes sweet and crisp. Fresh pod yield is 30.0 - 37.5 t/hm2. This variety is resistant to Fusarium wilt and TuMV.
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  • A New Hybrid Variety Carrot‘Hongshen’
  • Hu Xilai;Zhang Huimei;Sun Zhiqiang;Chen Shouyao;Li Shengli
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1412-1412.
  • Abstract ( 1597 ) HTML ( 1116 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1116 )    
  • A new hybrid cultivar of carrot, ‘Hongshen’, was raised by breeding technology with male sterile line: its anthers are converted comp letely into petals. The cultivar is characterized by long column in shape, orange in color and a high trimness for individuals. The average yield of root organ is 64 500 kg/hm2. Also, this cultivar has other characteristics, e.g. high content of carotene, early production of root organ,small leaf bunch and resistance to emerge, etc. It is suitable for cultivation in both sp ring and autumn.
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  • A New Hybr id ofWa termelon‘J inzaom i 1’
  • Guo Shang;Wu Dongtang;Wang Xiuying;Zhang Zuogang;andMao Lip ing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1413-1413.
  • Abstract ( 1506 ) HTML ( 988 ) PDF (93KB) ( 988 )    
  • ‘J inzaomi 1’is a minitype watermelon hybrid. It is a very early ripening cultivar, about 75 -80 d from sowing to harvest, with middle growth, tolerance to low temperature and weak light, easy fruits setting, resistance to fusarium wilt and anthracnose, especially to powdery mildew. The fruit is round, black2
    green with black stripes on the surface. The flesh is peach, crisp, juicy and delicious. The content of soluble solid material is above 12.5%. The thickness of fruit peel is 0.5 - 0.8 cm. The average fruit mass is about 1.5 kg, the yield is 30 000 kg/hm2. It is suitable to cultivate in plastic tunnel or solar greenhouse in early spring or late autumn in Huabei region.
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  • A New High2tempera ture2thermotoleran t Aga ricus bitorqu is Hybr id‘Xiax iu2000’
  • CaiWeiming;J in Qunli;FengWeilin;Fan Lijun;Fang Julian;and L i Nanyi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2006, 33(6): 1414-1414.
  • Abstract ( 1665 ) HTML ( 1510 ) PDF (95KB) ( 1510 )    
  • Abstract: ‘Xiaxiu 2000’ is a new hybrid of high2temperature2thermotolerant Agaricus bitorqu is. The
    suitable temperature for its fruitbody formation is at 26 - 34℃, and its develop ing fruitbody can grow at the
    temperature as high as 36 - 38℃. It is a good variety for growing in hot summertime in China. Itsmycelia col2
    onize strongly and evenly in casing layer, has a higher fruiting rate than its parent strains, the average yield is
    819 kg/m2. Other desirable characteristics include bruise resistance, brownness resistance, ease of p icking
    and transporting, and longer shelf life.
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