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2007, Vol.34, No.2 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Effects of Rhizosphere Nitrate and Ammonium on the Level of Cytokininsand Leaf Growth of Malus hupenensis Rehd.
  • ZHOU Peng;PENG Fu-tian;WEI Shao-chong;and PENG Yong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 269-274.
  • Abstract ( 1582 ) HTML ( 1664 ) PDF (576KB) ( 1664 )    
  • Experiments were carried out to study the effects of rhizosphere nitrate and ammonium on the level of cytokinins in different organs and the leaf growth of Malus hupenensis Rehd. seedlings under water culture condition. Results indicated that the concentration of zeatin and zeatin riboside (Z+ZR) both in roots and in leaves increased quickly in 0.5 hour after nitrate supp ly, and the levels of Z+ZR were always higher than ammonium treatment and the control within 24 hours. In stems, the concentration of Z+ZR increased significantly in 1 hour after nitrate treatment, but there was no significant difference between the treatment and the control. The concentration of isopentenyladenine and isopentenyladenosine (iP+iPA) was higher in roots in nitrate treatment and in leaves in ammonium treatment. No significant difference was noticed in stems between the treatment and the control. The leaf growth in nitrate treatmentwas better than ammonium treatment, suggesting that itmay be involved in higher Z+ZR level and lower ABA level.
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  • Difference of Organic Acid Exudation from Roots of SH40 and Balenghaitangunder Iron-deficiency Stress
  • LI Zhen-xia;XU Ji-zhong;GAO Yi;SHAO Jian-zhu;and ZHANG Yuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 279-282.
  • Abstract ( 2096 ) HTML ( 1228 ) PDF (124KB) ( 1228 )    
  • SH40 and Balenghaitang (Malus micromalus) , apple rootstocks, were used as experimental materials to study the organic acid exudation from roots grown hydroponically under iron-deficiency stress. Results showed no difference in types of organic acids between SH40 and Balenghaitang under iron-deficiency, including oxalate, malonic acid, tartaric acid, citrate acid and malate. The quantity, however, was significantly different. The total amount of organic acid of Balenghaitang, which has higher in iron-deficiency tolerance,was higher than that of SH40. On the other hand, oxalate and citrate exuded from SH40 and Balenghaitang were increased largely under iron2deficiency stress, and drymass and Fe content of Balenghaitangwere significantly higher than that of SH40. In summary, significantly increased oxalate and citrate exudation is probably responsible for the tolerance of SH40 and Balenghaitang to iron-deficiency stress.
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  • Differential Expression Analysis of cDNA Between Columnar and Non-columnar Apples Using cDNA-AFLP
  • ZHU Yuan-di;SUN Ling-xia;LI Chun-yu;ZHANG Wen;and WANG Tao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 283-288.
  • Abstract ( 1664 ) HTML ( 1314 ) PDF (580KB) ( 1314 )    
  • In order to illustrate the molecularmechanism of Co gene, which controls columnar tree structure in apple (Malus×domestica Borkh. ) , differential exp ression p rofile of cDNA among the columnar apple cultivar Waltz, the normal cultivar Fuji, and F1 seedlings from the cross of Fuji ×Waltzwas analyzed through cDNA-AFLP. Sixty-four pairs of primers were used for the cDNA-AFLP amp lification. Totally 1 630 differentially expressed fragments between columnar and non-columnar app les were detected. Eleven differentially exp ressed fragmentswere confirmed by bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and reverse Northern blotting, further cloned and sequenced. Based on Database search, five cDNA fragments had high homologies to known genes,while the functions of other six were unknown. According to the alignment of Blastn and Blastx, one differentially exp ressed fragment, A7, was 97% identical in nucleotides to the 26S ribosomal RNA gene of Photinia fraseri and 91% in amino acids to cytochrome P450 monooxygenase in maize, respectively. Another differentially exp ressed fragment, A16, was 85% in nucleotides and 93% in amino acids identical to alpha-expansin 2 in Triphysaria versicolor. A16 and A7 as the candidate cDNA differential fragments, which may be related to tree architectures, were further analyzed by Northern Blotting. The express levels of them were the highest in Fuji and reduced gradually in the order of the no-columnar gene pool, columnar gene pool and Waltz. The results imp lied that the change of GAS modulated by the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase genesmight influence the columnar growth habit.
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  • Identification of Male Sterility of Pear Cultivars in Niitaka Line
  • YUAN De-yi;TAN Xiao-feng;ZHANG Lin;HE Xiao-yong;ZHAO Si-dong;WUYUN Ta-na;DUAN Jing-hua;and Li Xiu-gen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 289-294.
  • Abstract ( 1614 ) HTML ( 1284 ) PDF (996KB) ( 1284 )    
  • A large number of Niitaka line cultivars in sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) exhibited male sterility were firstly found. Nine cultivars in Niitaka line were examined by morphologic observation of pollen and anther, pollen culture in vitro, whole stain2chearing technique, paraffin sectioning, and pollination tests. The results indicated that Josengwhangkeum was a male fertile cultivar. All other eight cultivars, Niitaka,WhangKeumBae, Sujeong, Yeongsanbae, Yewang, J inqiu, Banndainiitaka, and Nokaniitaka, were male sterile cultivars. These p lants had abnormal or extremely few normal pollens that resulted from pollen abortion.Male sterile cultivars in Niitaka line were sporogenesismale sterility. The degree ofmale sterilitywas different among the cultivars.
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  • Mutational Mechanism of Self-compatible Pear Cultivar‘Jinzhuili’(Pyrusbretschneideri)
  • WU Hua-qing;ZHANG Shao-ling;WU Ju-you;WANG Ying-tao;and WU Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 295-300.
  • Abstract ( 1780 ) HTML ( 1717 ) PDF (497KB) ( 1717 )    
  • Jinzhuili (Z) is a naturally occurred self-compatible (SC) mutant from Yali (Y) , a China native leading cultivar displaying typical gametophytic self-incompatibility ( GSI). How Z mutated to SC is unclear to date. In the p resent study, field pollination tests were carried out under four crosses ( Z selfed,
    Yselfed, Z ×Y and Y ×Z) , and fruit setting percentage determined and pollen tube growth inspected under fluorescentmicroscope. It was observed that more than 76% flowers set fruits and many pollen tubes grewdown to the base of style in crosses of Z and YXZ, whereas fruit setting did not occurred and most pollen tubes were arrested at the upper part of style in the cross Y and ZXY. These results indicated that both Y and Z functioned normally in SI response on the stylar part and could reject competent Y pollen, but accep ted Z pollen。Furthermolecular analyses revealed that both Y and Z harbored S21-and S34-RNase, transcribed normally and were identical to one another in mRNA sequences of two S-RNase. All these data suggested that Zmost
    likely lost pollen SI function, and its style behave normally in SI response as that of itswild type Y did. How pollen of Zmutated needs to be further investigated.
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  • Rela tion sh ip Between Pollen Abortion and Change of Endogenous Polyam ines Contents in‘Niitaka’Pear Cultivars
  • LI Liu-lin;ZHANG Shao-ing;and GUO Yan-ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 301-304.
  • Abstract ( 1631 ) HTML ( 1363 ) PDF (217KB) ( 1363 )    
  • In order to exp lore the relationship between polyamines and pollen abortion of pear, the contents of different forms of putrescine ( Put) , spermidine ( Spd) and spermine ( Spm) were examined at different stages of pollen development in floral buds or anther of male sterile pear cultivar Niitaka (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) and fertile pear cultivar Housui. The results indicated that the variation range of contents of both free Put and Spd in Niitaka was small during bud development, whereas the variation of free Put and Spd content of
    Housui showed a peak during uninucleate pollen stage to later uninucleate pollen stage. At the stage of pollen abortion ( from uninucleate pollen stage to later uninucleate pollen stage) , the free Put and Spd contentswere
    3-5 times of Niitaka. Free Spm content in Niitaka was significantly lower than that of Housui. The contents of perchloric acid covalently soluble conjugated Put, Spd and Spm of Housuiwere gradually increased, but the contents of those in Niitaka showed a peak that did not appear in Housui during pollen abortion or ahead. Except developmentally mature anther, variations of perchloric acid covalently insoluble conjugated in two cultivars were similar. Total contents of different forms of Put, Spd and Spm did not have significant differences before pollen abortion, butwere significant lower in Niitaka than that of Housui after pollen abortion. The free Put, Spd and Spm were the p redominant forms in total contents in Housui, however, the p redominant forms in Niitaka were perchloric acid covalently soluble conjugated Put, Spd and Spm.
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  • SSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Pear Cultivars
  • CAO Yu-fen;L IU Feng-zhi;GAO Yuan;JIANG L i-jie;WANG Kun;MA Zhi-yong;and ZHANG Kai-chun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 305-310.
  • Abstract ( 1642 ) HTML ( 2372 ) PDF (527KB) ( 2372 )    
  • Genetic diversity of 41 pear cultivars was analyzed by using SSR markers. Twelve SSR markers amp lified 114 alleles, with an average of 915 alleles per locus. Locus heterozygosity was 0.1517-0.7079, and the genetic diversity index was 014630. Two pairs of p rimer (BGT23b and CHO2D11) could
    distinguish all of the pear cultivars except the mutant cultivars. UPGMA cluster analysis showed that the cultivars could be classified into two groups, the occidental pear and oriental pear. Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd. , P. ussuriensis Maxim. , and some P. pyrifolia (Burm. f. ) Nakai cultivars originated in China
    interveined each other; Kuerlexiang and other P. sinkiangensis Yüvarieties could be clustered together. Chinese P. py rifolia Baozhu and Deshengxiang, Japanese P. pyrifolia Shinseiki and Housui, Korean P. py rifolia Whangkeumbae were clustered together in the dendrogram. The coefficient between Qiubai andMiliwas high,and they belonged to the same population, so as Nanguo, Manyuanxiang, Qiuzi and Balixiang. Jinhua originated correlatively with J inchuanxue and Cangxixue.
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  • Development of SSR Markers in Sweet Cherry Using Selectively Amplified Microsatellite
  • AI Cheng-xiang;YU Xian-mei;ZHANG Li-si;WE IHai-rong;XIN Li;YUAN Ke-jun;JIN Song-nan;SUN Qing-rong;and LIU Qing-zhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 311-316.
  • Abstract ( 1866 ) HTML ( 1231 ) PDF (556KB) ( 1231 )    
  • A total of 100 sequenceswere isolated and cloned by SAM ( SelectivelyAmp li2
    fiedMicrosatellite) and another one was obtained from the NCBI and EMBL databases. 82 SSR sequenceswere used to design the special primers at 77 loci from 69 fragments. Thirty-eight pairs of special primerswere synthesized, matchingwith 5′anchored degenerate SSR p rimer, to detect 36 SSR loci. 27 p rimer pairs amp lified clear and robust DNA fragment, of which nineteen pairs of SSR p rimers amp lified the corresponding SSR sequences and eight amplified the unexpected fragments. 24 polymorphic p rimer pairs were selected from the 27 p rimer pairs by using the genomic DNA of 27 sweet cherry germp lasm, and 24 locus-specific SSR markerswere obtained.
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  • Effects of Calcium Cyanamide and Salicylic Acid on Dormancy-release of Grape Bud
  • JIANG Wei-bing;HAN Hao-zhang;FEI Xian-jin;CAO Jing;and LI Gang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 317-324.
  • Abstract ( 2631 ) HTML ( 1517 ) PDF (308KB) ( 1517 )    
  • The canes with well-developed buds from Fujiminori grape grown in a vineyard in Nanshan Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Park in Zhenjiang of J iangsu Province were treated with CaCN2 and salicylic acid ( SA) at three different stages of dormancy to study the effects on dormancy-release of grape bud in an experiment from December 2003 to March 2004. After treatment, the twigs were put in the greenhouses for sprouting cultivation. The content of H2O2 , activities of antioxidant enzymes of grape buds were investigated every 5 days, and the sp routing percentage of grape bud after 21 days was calculated. The results showed that CaCN2 and SA increased resp iratory rate, H2O2 content, POD activities, and decreased
    CAT activities, but had different effects on SOD activities at different stages of dormancy. The increased degree of H2O2 content, POD and SOD activities of flower buds at the early stages of sp routing cultivation was higher, but the decreased extent of CAT activities of flower buds was larger, when treatments with chemicals
    had significant effects on dormancy-release or sp routing. The results of sp routing rate showed that CaCN2 and SA had no effect on dormancy-release in early-dormancy stage. The treatment of 25% CaCN2 had a significant
    effect on dormancy-release of grape bud at deep-dormancy stage or late2dormancy stage, the sp routingwas 4 -6 days earlier than those of control ( no CaCN2 and SA treatment) grapes, and the final sp routing rate reached 41.6% - 90.0%. SA had little effect on dormancy2release of grape bud.
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  • Selenium Absorbtion, Distribution and Accumulation in Grapevine
  • ZHU L i-qin;WEI Qin-ping;XU Xue-feng;HAN Zhen-hai;WANG Xiao-wei;and LI Tian-zhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 325-328.
  • Abstract ( 2149 ) HTML ( 1466 ) PDF (323KB) ( 1466 )    
  • In a field experiment with grapevine (Vitis vinifera‘Red Globe’ / V. vulpina‘Beta’) , the selenium absorption, distribution and accumulation in grapevine organs and the effect on fruit qualities were studied. The results indicated that the orders of selenium distributionswere roots > leaves > shoots > stems > berries, an initial Se concentration in control was only 01009 mg·kg- 1DM in berries. After treatment with 0.5,1.0, 115 kg·hm- 2 Na2SeO3 , Se concentration in analyzed parts was mostly corresponded with increased Se
    doses and significant increaseswere noticed. The excess of absorbed Se redistributed in plants and the orders of selenium distribution were leaves > roots > shoots > berries > stems. Se concentration in berries were 01062
    mg·kg- 1DM in treatmentwith 1.5 kg·hm- 2 Na2SeO3. Se concentration in berrieswas almost the same at all phonological stageswhen Se content in single berry rose steadily and reached the highest in 90 days after flowering, but dropped with the fruit ripening. TSS increased significantly with the Se fertilization and there were no significant changes in mean fruit fresh mass, mean fruit drymass and TA.
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  • Effects of Culture Medium and Inoculating Date on Embryo Rescue of Seedless Grape
  • GUO Xiu-wu;GUO Yin-shan;ZHANG Hai-e;L I Yi-hui;and LI Cheng-xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 329-332.
  • Abstract ( 1869 ) HTML ( 1701 ) PDF (412KB) ( 1701 )    
  • Four combinations of Canadice ×Venus Seedless, Remaily Seedless ×Venus Seedless, Selfing of Venus Seedless and selfing of Lakemont Seedless were used as test materials in this experiment. This
    experimentmainly studied the influence of inoculating time and different kinds ofmedia on the effect of embryo
    rescue of seedless grape by the orthogonal experiment design of L25 (55 ). Results showed that the most important factor influencing the embryo rescue of seedless grape was the inoculating time, and the influence level of
    other factorswas different among combinations. The op timum inoculating time of the embryo was 45 - 60 days after blooming and the seedling rate reached 13.64% - 75.23%. It also showed that certain treatments of ovule increased the germination rate of ovule, among them the treatment of crosscut and low temperature increased the germination rate of ovule significantly.
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  • Clon ing and Sequence Analysis of Two Encoding Ethylene Receptor cDNAs in ‘Dongzao’Jujube
  • WEI Shao-chong;PENG Fu-tian;SHU Huai-rui;and SUN Xu-dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 333-338.
  • Abstract ( 1447 ) HTML ( 1144 ) PDF (387KB) ( 1144 )    
  • Two cDNA fragments with 1 058 bp were amp lified from Chinese jujube ( Z izyphus jujuba‘Dongzao’) fruit at a half2red mature stage through RT2PCR using degenerated p rimers, and then both 5′encoding region and 3′2 end with a UTR ( untranslated region) of these two cDNA fragment sequences were obtained. The obtained ethylene recep tor genes with two open reading frames, referred to ZjETR1 and ZjERS1,encoded 738 and 632 amino acids, respectively. Sequence analysis indicated that ZjETR1 and ZjERS1 shared
    a high similarity with other ethylene recep tors at the polypep tide level, and could be divided into the ETR1 and ERS1 sub-groups.
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  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Two Encoding Ethylene Receptor cDNAs in ‘Dongzao’Jujube
  • WEI Shao-chong;PENG Fu-tian;SHU Huai-rui;and SUN Xu-dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 333-338.
  • Abstract ( 1067 ) HTML ( 1122 ) PDF (387KB) ( 1122 )    
  • Two cDNA fragments with 1 058 bp were amp lified from Chinese jujube ( Z izyphus jujuba‘Dongzao’) fruit at a half2red mature stage through RT2PCR using degenerated p rimers, and then both 5′encoding region and 3′2 end with a UTR ( untranslated region) of these two cDNA fragment sequences were obtained. The obtained ethylene recep tor genes with two open reading frames, referred to ZjETR1 and ZjERS1,encoded 738 and 632 amino acids, respectively. Sequence analysis indicated that ZjETR1 and ZjERS1 shared
    a high similarity with other ethylene recep tors at the polypep tide level, and could be divided into the ETR1 and ERS1 sub-groups.
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  • Karyotypes Analysis and 45S rDNA-FISH of the Tetraploid and Diploid in Carica papaya L.
  • WANG Wei-xing;LI Chun-yan;XIANG Su-qiong;and LIANG Guo-lu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 345-348.
  • Abstract ( 2082 ) HTML ( 1416 ) PDF (416KB) ( 1416 )    
  • By using the techniques of karyotype analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization with 45SrDNA as p robe, the characteristics of karyotypes and 45S rDNA-FISH of tetrap loid and diploid in Carica papaya L. were studied. The results showed that the karyotypes of tetrap loid and dip loid were similar, the lengths of their chromosomes were 2.35 - 4.76μm as short chromosomes. They were composed of metacentric chromosomes and submetacentric chromosomes, their karyotypeswere 2A, the karyotype formulaswere 2n = 2x =18 = 16m (2SAT) + 2 sm and 2n = 4x = 36 = 32m (4SAT) + 4 sm. Two signals were detected in the karyons and chromosomes of somatic cells of dip loids, and four signalswere detected in that of tetrap loids. These signals were all located in the NucleolarOrganizer Region existed in the sixth pair of homologous chromosomes with satellites. According to the results, it is concluded that tetrap loids are homologous tetrap loidswhich came
    into being as the redup lication of chromosomes of somatic cells of diploids.
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  • Proteom ic Analysis of F2 Generation of Cucumber Against the CucumberPowdery Mildew Disease
  • FAN Hai-yan;CHEN Jie;Lü Chun-mao;ZHANG Chun-yu;and SUN Quan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 349-354.
  • Abstract ( 1809 ) HTML ( 1647 ) PDF (807KB) ( 1647 )    
  • Proteomic app roaches using two-dimensional gel electrohoresis (2-DE) were adop ted to identify proteins from cucumber leaves differentially exp ressed in F2 generation of cucumber. Nearly 500 proteins were reproducibly detected, including 39 specific p roteins exp ressed in F2 sensitive pool samp les and 2-specific p roteins exp ressed in resistance pool samp les, 35 proteinswere two-fold upper limit and 46 proteins were two-fold lower limit. Analysiswith MALDI-TOF-MASS showed that nine important proteins associated with de2
    fensive reaction were identified in F2 cucumber, a protein of disease resistance gene ( SSP3110) , 14-3-3 brain protein homolog ( SSP1411) , cop roporphyrinogen Ⅲ oxidase ( SSP5513) , carbonic anhydrase ( SSP5412) ,
    alpha2galactosid2ase2like p rotein ( SSP5710) , putative p rotein ( SSP6002) , 1718 kDa class small heat shock protein ( SSP0710) , hypothetical p rotein ( SSP3111) , ( S) -2-hydroxy-acid oxidase ( EC1.1.3.15) -cucur-bit ( SSP4610). All of those proteinswere probably parts of network of resistance or development-related proteins. This study gives new insights into cucumber powderymildew resistant response in cucumber leaves and demonstrates the power of the proteomic app roach in plant biology studies.
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  • Southern Identification and Homology Analysis of the Resistance GeneAna log in Cucumis sativus L.
  • DING Guo-hua;CHI Chun-yu;ZHOU Xiu-yan;and QIN Zhi-wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 355-360.
  • Abstract ( 2006 ) HTML ( 1698 ) PDF (569KB) ( 1698 )    
  • The homology among fifteen RGAs of cucumber cloned in authorsplaboratory and the homology between the RGAs and N gene from tobacco, and L6 gene from flax, and RPS2 gene from A rabidopsiswas analyzed using ClustalW and DNAMAN 310 p rogram. The fifteen RGAs were identified by PCR and Southern hybridization. The results showed that the highest homology of nucleotide sequence existed between CsRGA2,CsRGA4 and CsRGA5. Higher homology existed between CsRGA6, CsRGA7, CsRGA8 and CsRGA9, also existed between CsRGA1 and CsRGA3, Less homology existed in the other RGAs. The amino acid sequence homologies of the products translated from the RGAs were also similar to the above. The highest homology,46% , and the lowest homology, 22% , between the RGAs and three novel disease resistance genes, N, L6 and RPS2, were exhibited. The RGAswere identified using PCR with fifteen pairs of special p rimers based on the nucleotide sequence of the RGAs. CsRGA3 showed polymorphism in cucumber varieties. The fifteen digoxin (D IG) labeling probe, which produced by performing special primer PCR, hybridized with genomic DNA of 215, 129 and L18, digested by EcoRⅤ, using Southern blotmethod. The existence of the RGAs in cucumber genome was certified. CsRGA9, CsRGA11-CsRGA15 had multi copies, respectively, CsRGA3 had single copy, the others had two copies.
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  • Physiological Regulation of Calcium in Tomato Pedicel in Vitro During Abscission Induced by Ethylene
  • XU Tao;LI Tian-lai;and QI Ming-fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 366-370.
  • Abstract ( 1524 ) HTML ( 1554 ) PDF (240KB) ( 1554 )    
  • In an experiment, pedicels of Lycopersicon esculenturm Mill. ‘Liaoyuanduoli’were used to study the changes of Ca2+ -ATPase activity, abscission rate and the activity of Endo-PG, PE, CMC-Na enzymes in abscission zone after the pedicelswere incubated in exogenous ethylene (20μL·L-1 ). The results
    showed that ethylene could accelerate the abscission during incubation, Ca2+ -ATPase activity first rose sharply and then declined quickly. Subsequently, there was a increase in the activity of Endo-PG, PE, CMC-Na enzyme in abscission zone. Calmodulin antagonist trifluoperizine (TFP) and Ca2+ chelator EGTA both inhibited the effects induced by ethylene to a certain extent. It is concluded that Ca2+ and CaM participate in the reaction of exogenous ethylene.
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  • Clon ing of Deoxyoxylulose-5-phosphate Synthase Gene from Tomato and Its Color Complementa tion in E. coli
  • PAN Xi-chun;CHEN Min;LIU Yan;and LIAO Zhi-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 371-376.
  • Abstract ( 2003 ) HTML ( 1693 ) PDF (834KB) ( 1693 )    
  • To investigate the function of tomato dxs gene and confirm it can facilitate the accumulation of the downsteam metabolites, the coding sequence of dxs gene ( ledxs) was cloned from tomato by reverse-transcrip tion polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) , and constructed into the prokaryotic exp ression vector pTrcLeDXS. The lycopene biosynthetic pathway in E. coli strain XL1-Blue was reconstructed by transforming with pAC-LYC carrying the three key enzymes, crtE, crtB and crt I, in the lycopene pathway. This engineered XL-2 Blue was transformed with pTrcLeDXS. Then the engineerd bacteria was used to construct the color complementation p late and detect the content of lycopene after been fermented. The engineered XL1-Blue harboring pAC-LYC and pTrcLeDXS became red because of the p roduction of lycopene. And after 21 h cultivation,the lycopene p roductivity reached 605.25μg·L-1. The results demonstrate that ledxs can facilitate the carotenoid pathway flow to lycopene biosynthesis, and p rove the function of ledxs by color comp lementation. The lycopene p roductivity of the engineered bacteria could meet the requirement of industrial p roduction and can be used for fermentation to produce lycopene.
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  • Studies on Transformation of hrap Gene in to Tomato
  • WANG Shui-qi;;CHEN Jian;and LIN Zhong-ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 377-380.
  • Abstract ( 1886 ) HTML ( 1192 ) PDF (419KB) ( 1192 )    
  • Sweet pepper hrap gene under the control of CaMV 35S promoter has been transformed into tomato via Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated procedure. Plantletswere regenerated onMSmedium with 3.0mg·L - 1 6-BA, 0.2 mg·L-1 IAA, and 50 mg·L-1 kanamycin1 The transgenic plants had been identified by
    PCR procedure and Southern blot, and their exp ression was showed by Northern hybridization. A preliminary assay with leaf disc infected by tomato pathogen Ralstonia solanacea rum Smith showed that transgenic plants
    had higher resistance to the pathogen than wild2type tomato.
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  • Expression of Amaranthus viridis L. Agglutinin Mediated by Matrix Attachment Region (MAR) Sequence in Transgen ic Chinese Cabbage
  • DENG Zhi-nian;WEI Yuan-wen;LüWei-li;and LI Yangrui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 381-386.
  • Abstract ( 2090 ) HTML ( 1314 ) PDF (504KB) ( 1314 )    
  • The cotyledonswith petiole as acceptors, Chinese cabbage genetic transformation system mediated by Agrobacterium tum efaciens was set up and Amaranthus viridis L. agglutin in (AVA ) transformed plants resistanting to Myzus persicae were acquired. The effects of MAR (matrix attachment region) on AVA gene exp ression in transgentic Chinese cabbage were studied with two different p lant exp ression vectors. The number of transgenic plants was 29163% higher than that of the control. The bioassay of Myzus persicae revealed that transgetic plants showed more or less enhanced resistance and inhibition to population, and the average inhibition rate was 55.8%. Among the transgetic plants that AVA gene were mediated by MAR, the expression level of AVA gene was higher than that of the control, and the expression variance of AVA gene among transgetic p lantswas smaller as well.
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  • Meiosis of Pollen Mother Cells in Autotetraploid Broccoli
  • ZHANG Shu-ning;WAN Shuang-fen;ZHANG Wei;and HOU Xi-lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 387-390.
  • Abstract ( 1775 ) HTML ( 1992 ) PDF (861KB) ( 1992 )    
  • Cytological studies were conducted on pollen mother cells (PMCs) meiosis of autotetraploid broccoli using chromosome p reparation technique. Results showed that the PMCs meiosis of the autotetrap loid was similar to the diploid. However, there were particularities: in metaphase, multivalent, quadrivalent, trivalent, bivalent and univalentwere observed. Some of the chromosomeswere found not to rank atmetaphase plate in metaphaseⅠand metaphaseⅡcells. In anaphaseⅠand anaphaseⅡ, there were lagged chromosomes, chromosome bridges and fragments. During anaphaseⅡand telophaseⅡchromosome segregationswere not synchronous and equal. At tetrad stage, dyad, triad, tetrad withmicronucleus and polyad appeared. The emergence frequency of abnormal phenomena in each stage ofmeiosiswas counted and itwas 31.5% in autotetrap loid. Abnormal meiosis of PMCswas the cytogenetic reason for fertility reduction of autotetrap loid broccoli pollen.
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  • Evalua tion of QTL Markers Associated with Horizontal Resistance to LateBlight of Potato
  • L IU Jun;WU Cheng-jin;HU Cheng;SONG Bo-tao;TIAN Zhen-dong;and XIE Cong-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 391-396.
  • Abstract ( 1793 ) HTML ( 1658 ) PDF (446KB) ( 1658 )    
  • To improve the selection efficiency of potato horizontal resistance to late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans, molecularmarkers (GP179, GP76, p rp1 and GP125) of 4 quantitative trait loci (QTL)linked to potato late blight resistance and located on different chromosomeswere evaluated with 636 pedigrees
    derived from 11 potato crosses with parental materials possessing horizontal resistance to late blight. The results showed that there were 6 bands produced by all the 4 markers and band distribution varied with crosses
    that have different genetic background. The resistance level of the pedigrees identified in the field was significantly related to the total number of the bands yielded by the 4 markerswith a linear function. The dominant component analysis revealed that locus prp1570 exp lained 35% of the phenotypic variance of the resistance and its linked QTL was hence classified as a dominant locus of late blight resistance. Combining the phenotypic analysis together, the experimental results have reinforced the evidence that late blight resistance is related to the number ofQTL swhen a whole potato population ( i. e. all pedigrees of a cross) is taken into account and the dominant locus determined the resistance level of individuals within this population.
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  • Construction of a Molecular Linkage Map in Solanum tube rosum L.
  • JIN L i-ping;LIU Jie;;H. De Jong;and FANG Zhi-yuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 397-402.
  • Abstract ( 1652 ) HTML ( 2410 ) PDF (737KB) ( 2410 )    
  • Based on amp lified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, a molecular linkage map of potato was initially developed by using F1 segregating population from the cross between the diploid potato parents of 08675-21 and 09901-01. The genetic map included 24 main linkage group s, and the femalemaps covered 512 cM with an average distance of 6.83 cM between adjacentmarkerswhile the male2map s covered 578 cM with an average distance of 6.08 cM between adjacent markers.
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  • Isolation and Expression Analysis of Kunitz-type Enzyme Inhibitor GeneFragment in Potato (Solanum tube rosum L. )
  • LI Guang-cun;JIN Li-ping;XIE Kai-yun;BIAN Chun-song;DUAN Shao-guang;and QU Dong-yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 403-406.
  • Abstract ( 1830 ) HTML ( 1315 ) PDF (244KB) ( 1315 )    
  • The differentially exp ressed fragment, designated as kunitz2type enzyme inhibitor like (KTI-like) EST, was isolated from ED13 with high resistance to Ra lstonia solanacearum (Rs) using cDNA-RGA (resistance gene analogs, RGA). Results of BLAST against NCB I database showed that the KTI-like EST
    shared a high similaritywith kunitz2type inhibitor genes, and might be one of the importantmembers of potato cysteine proteinase inhibitor (PCPI) gene family. Analysis of semi2quantity RT2PCR indicated that the KTI-like gene was induced by Rs and itwas trigged to express before 12 h and reached the highest level at about 48 h post-inoculation, then leveled off. Results of this study combined with the fact that PCPI is involved in plant defence against insects and pathogens indicated that the KTI2like gene might play an important role in plant resistance against Rs.

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  • Influence of Cadmium on Metabolism and Its Residual Quantity in Gall ofZizanialatifolia Cultured in Reed Sediment Substrate
  • JIANG Jie-zeng;HUANG Kai-feng;YANG Kai;BIAN Xiao-dong;HUANG Dong-lin;CAO Bei-sheng;and GUO Shi-rong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 407-410.
  • Abstract ( 1680 ) HTML ( 1161 ) PDF (123KB) ( 1161 )    
  • Changes of some physiological and biochemical indexes in leaves and roots of the Zizania latifolia were studied with single-harvested cultivar Jiangshujiao and double-harvested cultivar Fenghongzao which cultured in reed sediment substrate with different Cd2 + concentrations. The Cd2+ residues in Zizania galls were also determined. The results showed that, after about 2 months of treatment, the soluble protein content and net photosynthetic rate of functional leaves arrived the maximum when the Cd2+ concentration was 25 mg·L-1,and then decreased with increasing Cd2+ concentration. The activities of POD, PPO increased with the increasing Cd2+ concentration until 200 mg·L-1. The Cd2+ residues in Zizania galls in all treatments were lower than the national maximum residue standards of non2polluted vegetables. The Cd2 + residues in Fenghongzao gallswere higher than those in Jiangshujiao in all treatments. The Cd2+ accumulation in next summer-harvested gallswas higher observably than those in first-autumn-harvested galls of Fenghongzao. It is considered that the Zizania latifolia has a high tolerance to Cd2+ stress while has a low Cd2+ bio-enrichment in the edible organ. A significant positive correlation was observed between the Cd2+ residual quantity in the galls
    and the time of Cd2+ treatment.
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  • Karyotype Analysis and Cytology Observation on Meiosis of Paeonia ostii‘Phoenix White’
  • LI Zi-feng;WANG Jia;HU Yong-hong;LIU Qing-hua;and QIN Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 411-416.
  • Abstract ( 1949 ) HTML ( 1312 ) PDF (777KB) ( 1312 )    
  • The karyotype and meiosis course of pollen mother cell on Paeonia ostii‘PhoenixWhite’of cultivar group of tree peony from South Yangtse River of China have been observed and researched. Results show that the chromosome number of Paeonia ostii‘PhoenixWhite’is 10. It is liploid. Kitagawa is 2n=2x=10=6m + 2sm+2 st, which is belong to 2A type. It has not observed chromosome satellites. Extrapolated Paeonia ostii‘PhoenixWhite’with Paeonia ostii is not the different same thing, whether there ismainly disp lays in chromosome satellites. Compare with the karyotype of Paeon ia ostii and show that from Paeonia ostii to Paeonia ostii‘PhoenixWhite’evolved the course from pure to mixed and shut different grade. Meiosis is out of step. It was observed that the chromosome bridge was in anaphase Ⅰ, telophase Ⅰ and the‘diagonal’bridge, splits unequally, one pair of bridges, etc. were in anaphaseⅡ, telophaseⅡ. The unusual phenomenon in meiosis course of pollen mother cell of Paeonia ostii‘PhoenixWhite’have been analyzed from cell science of heredity level. The best time to observation of the pollen master cellmeiosis is end of February to the beginning of March in Shanghai.
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  • Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Hybrid Cymbidium Based on AFLP Marker
  • ZHU Gen-fa;LI Dong-mei;and GUO Zhen-fei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 417-424.
  • Abstract ( 1730 ) HTML ( 1702 ) PDF (595KB) ( 1702 )    
  • The genetic diversity and relationship of 42 cultivars of hybrid Cymbidium introduced from Japan, Korea and USA, and 2 wild species from China (C. aloifolium and C. f loribundum ) were evaluated using AFLP molecularmarkers in this study. Among the 1 597 AFLP bands obtained from nine selective p rimer
    pairs, 1 565 (98.0% ) were polymorphic. The average number of DNA bands per p rimer pairwas 177, with
    a range of 156 - 193. All the cultivars have their characteristic bands and can be identified based on the AFLP markers. Genetic similarity based on dice coefficients among the cultivars ranged from 0.3399 to 0.8223, with an average of 0.5783. The cultivars could be divided into four group s based on the UPGMA dendrogram, and this division is in consistence with the morphological classification based on the type of flower inflorescence,
    flower size or flower color. Cultivars originated from the same country or the same breeding company could be clustered together in the AFLP dendrogram and this rep resents the genetic relationship of the cultivars.
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  • A Study on Cold Tolerance of Different Phalaenopsis Cultivars
  • LIU Xue-qing;WANG Xiu-feng;and PIAO Yong-ji
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 425-430.
  • Abstract ( 1833 ) HTML ( 1486 ) PDF (442KB) ( 1486 )    
  • Changes in chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence parameter (Fv/Fm) , MDA content and SOD activity in the leaves of six Phalaenopsis cultivarswere studied during different low temperature treatments, and during recovery. The results showed that the cold damage on leaves at 11℃/6℃ was different among cultivars. The damage on leaves of GL11 and JT944 wasmore serious than NK1 and GL14. After 10 d of recovery, chlorophyll content and Fv/Fm in NK1 and GL14 were 84.9% , 43.3% , 91.3% and 24.8% of those before cold treatment, respectively. In contrast, chlorophyll content and Fv/Fm in GL11 and JT944 at 10 d of recovery were only 2.3% , 6.3%, 0 and 0, respectively. NK1 and GL14 had a higher recovery capacity. So it is concluded that NK1 and GL14 were cold2tolerant and GL11 and JT944 were cold-sensitive.The rests were intermediate in cold tolerance, GL11 was the only cultivar that was severely injured under 14℃/9℃, which indicated that the threshold low temperature at night endurable bymost of Phalaenopsis cultivars was below 9℃. The changes in chlorophyll content, Fv/Fm and SOD activity under different cold temperatureswere significant and could be used to indicate the cold tolerance of Phalaenopsis. MDA content did not show consistent changes under cold temperatures.
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  • Efficient Somatic Embryogenesis from Leaf Explants of Phalaenopsis in vitro Culture and Histological Observations
  • CUI Guang-rong;HOU Xi-lin;ZHANG Zi-xue;ZHANG Cong-yu;HU Neng-bing;and LIU Yue-cheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 431-436.
  • Abstract ( 2207 ) HTML ( 1678 ) PDF (664KB) ( 1678 )    
  • The leaves of phalaenopsis were used as explants to culture in the 1/2MS basic medium with different kinds of plant growth regulators for somatic embryos induction. The effects of different concentrations of three kinds of plant growth regulators 6-BA, Ad, NAA and their combinations on somatic embryogenesis were studied in vitro culture. Meanwhile, the influences of the concentrations of sucrose (w/v) and coconut water (v/v) on somatic embryogenesis were studied too. The results showed that the effects of cytokinins N6-benzyl adenine (6-BA) was better than adenine sulphate (Ad) in embryoid induction. The auxin а-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) combined with given concentrations of 6-BA and Ad could effectively raise the frequency of somatic embryogenesis. The optimum plant growth regulator combination for somatic embryogenesis was 6-BA 4.0 mg/L +Ad 2.0-4.0 mg/L+NAA 1.0-2.0mg/L. 20-40 g/L sucrose (w/v) and 200 ml/L coconut water (v/v) added in the medium was benefit for somatic embryogenesis. The results of histological observations indicated that somatic embryos originated from upper epidermis and mesophyll single cell nearby stoma. The course of somatic embryos development was similar to other plants. Finally, the somatic embryos became protocorm-like body.
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  • Construction of Expression Vector and Function Analysis of LfMADS Genes from Lilium
  • ZHAO Yin-quan;MI Zhi-wei;LIU Qing-lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 437-442.
  • Abstract ( 1551 ) HTML ( 1340 ) PDF (639KB) ( 1340 )    
  • In order to analyse the function of LfMADS1 and LfMADS3 from lily, their sense and antisense plant expression vectors were constructed by inserting into the pBin438 plasmid vector, and then transformed into tobacco by Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404.The results of PCR and PCR-Southern for transgenic plants showed that the foreign genes were introduced into the tobacco genome. Ectopic expression of antisense 35S::LfMADS1 in tobacco produced one of stamen truncated with anther; while the transformed tobacco with sense 35S::LfMADS1 generated a mutant in which partial sepal was converted into petal. One of the transgenic tobacco with antisense 35S::LfMADS3 showed novel phenotype by converting partial bracts into petal, another one had a flower short of one stamen; while the transgenic tobacco with sense 35S::LfMADS3 were morphologically indistinguishable from wildtype. The preliminary results suggested that LfMADS1 belongs to B function gene, and LfMADS3 is a SEP-like gene. In comparison to the expression of other flower organ identity genes in model plants, a different gene expression pattern could be involved in Lilium.
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  • Detection of Three Lily Viruses by Multiplex RT-PCR
  • XU Rong-xue;MING Jun;MU Ding;LIU Chun;TANG Geng-guo;and WANG Xiao-wu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 443-448.
  • Abstract ( 1974 ) HTML ( 2052 ) PDF (485KB) ( 2052 )    
  • A multiplex RT-PCR method was developed to simultaneously detect three viruses of Lily by using 3 sets of specific primers designed according to CMV (Cucumber mosaic virus), LMoV (Lily mottle virus) and LSV (Lily symptomless virus). All samples infected by CMV,LMoV and LSV could be amplified by multiplex PCR, and yielding three special bands of CMV(657 bp), LMoV (428 bp) and LSV(171 bp). Sequence identities of the three amplified virus fragments correlated well with other isolates from Asia and the Netherlands registered in the GenBank. Remarkably high homology in the coat protein sequences of the three viruses has been observed respectively despite their different origins.
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  • Inheritance of Several Key Quantitive Traits of Pansy (Viola × wittrockiana)
  • WANG Jian; and BAO Man-zhu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 449-454.
  • Abstract ( 1536 ) HTML ( 1501 ) PDF (252KB) ( 1501 )    
  • The inheritance of 10 traits was studied by diallel cross analysis (Griffing 2) performed within 5 inbred lines using a MINQUE method (additive-dominance- epistatic model). Dominance effect applied for the most of traits, however, additive effect applied for plant height and number of flowers, while additive ×additive epistatic effects applied for plant size and thickness of petals. The broad sense heritabilities of different traits (h2B) ranged from 0.33 to 0.87 with an average of 0.57, and the narrow sense heritabilities (h2N) ranged from 0.10 to 0.53 with an average of 0.33. Correlation analysis showed that significant positive correlation existed between flower size and number of flowers. No significant correlations were observed between flower size and vegetative traits, such as plant height, plant size, number of branches and single leaf area. Significant correlations existed between number of flowers and plant size, plant height, while no significant correlations were observed between number of flowers and number of branches or single leaf area. No significant correlations existed among other traits.

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  • Chemical Regulation of the Main Ornamental Characters of Potted Plant Pyracantha fortuneana
  • LI Yu-qi and DENG Guang-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 455-460.
  • Abstract ( 1546 ) HTML ( 1295 ) PDF (218KB) ( 1295 )    
  • Effects of PP333 or 6-BA on the main ornamental characters were investigated with 3-year-old cottage P. fortuneana (Maxim.) Li. The result shows that PP333 treatment can shorten shoot growth, diminish and thicken leaves, postpone the first bloom, prolong florescence, add quantity, shorten fruit stalk, and significantly increase its ornamental value. The concentration of PP333 has a direct correlation with the root/top ratio. Although 6-BA retrained the shoot growth, lessened the leaf area and improved the diameter of the shoot, it reduced the fruit quantity and the chlorophyll content of the leaves. Two growth regulators decreased the contents of endogenous GA and IAA in the leaves, but increased the content of endogenous ABA. The comprehensive evaluation using the gray system theory shows that PP333 at 500mg·L-1 produces the optimal effect on the ornamental characters. The treatment with PP333 improves more ornamental evaluation than that 6-BA, in agreement with the practical observation.
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  • Effects of 6-BA Application on Promotion of offset formation in Iris germanica
  • GUO Jin-yan;ZHANG Jin-zheng;SUN Guo-feng;and SHI Lei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 461-464.
  • Abstract ( 1832 ) HTML ( 1277 ) PDF (179KB) ( 1277 )    
  • A single foliar application of 6-BA at 3000 or 5000 mg/L stimulated axillary and rhizomic budbreak and rhizome formation in Iris germanica 'Lovely again'. The effect of BA application was more significant on plants with two or four initial rhizomes but not on those with one initial rhizome at 30 d(days after treatment), 60 d and 90 d. Stock plants with two or four initial rhizomes generally formed more rhizomes than stock plants with one initial thizome at 150 d and the next year. However, leaf area and changes in leaf number of stock plants, total leaf area and changes in total leaf number were not affected by 6-BA application.
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  • A Preliminary Study on Induction of Adventitious Buds and Embryogenesis in Clematis‘Multi-Blue’
  • ZHANG Qi-xiang;FANG Yan-ming;Lü Mei;and CHEN Na
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 465-468.
  • Abstract ( 1724 ) HTML ( 1294 ) PDF (423KB) ( 1294 )    
  • In a culture experiment, shoot apexes were the best explant and 1/2 MS was the best basal medium. Adventitious buds and calli were induced from shoot apexes of Clematis ‘Multi-Blue’which were cultured on solid 1/2MS medium containing 0.5 mg·L-1TDZ+0.01 mg? L-1NAA+2% sucrose and 0.8 mg·L-1TDZ+0.5 mg·L-1NAA+2%sucrose respectively. Induction rate of buds is up to 200.8% after one month and the buds were vigorous. Somatic embryos were obtained from the grey yellow lumped and granular calli through successive transfer culture. The induction rate of somatic embryos was up to 60%, and it can be developed to normal seedlings in the same medium.

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  • Effects of Different Nitrogen Supply on Photosynthesis, Antioxidant Enzymes in Vetiver Leaves
  • MA Bo-ying and XU Li-gen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 469-472.
  • Abstract ( 1751 ) HTML ( 1165 ) PDF (204KB) ( 1165 )    
  • We explored effects of four nitrogen (N) treatments (0, 1, 8 or 16 mmol·L-1) on the photosynthesis, antioxidant defense systems and lipid peroxidation in Vetiver leaves. Our results show that the net photosynthetic rate (Pn), the maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII reaction centres (Fv/Fm), quantum efficiency of PSII electron transport (ФPSⅡ), photochemical quenching (qP), non-photochemical quenching(NPQ), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase(POD) activities rose firstly and then declined when N concentrations increased from 0 mmol·L-1 to 16 mmol·L-1. They reached biggest at 8 mmol·L-1 N and were minimum at 16 mmol·L-1 N .During the two types of treatments (1 and 8 mmol·L-1 N), Pn, Fv/Fm, ФPSⅡ, qP ,NPQ,SOD and POD activities did not show difference significantly. Catalse activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) content reduced firstly and then enhanced while proline (Pro) accumulated with increasing N supply. These results indicate that vetiver leaves have a higher Fv/Fm、ФPSⅡ、qP and activities of antioxidant enzymes under the low nitrogen conditions.

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  • Effects of herbage-interplanted on soil Nutrient of non-irrigated apple orchard in the Loess Plateau
  • Li_Hui-ke;Zhang Guang-Jun;Zhao Zheng-Yang;and Li Kai-Rong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 477-480.
  • Abstract ( 1864 ) HTML ( 1587 ) PDF (205KB) ( 1587 )    
  • The soil nutrients of the interplanted herbage of apple orchard in Weibei areas in the loess plateau were studied. Results showed that the content of soil organic matter within 60 cm soil layer was increased by 0.1% in grass family herbage land and by 0.15% in the pulse family herbage per year respectively. With growing herbage years, the soil organic matter increased in dept soil layers.Effects of herbage-interplanted on total N, P and K were within 40 cm soil layer. Nutrient competition existed between herbage and apple tree within 40cm soil layers in four years after planting herbage. In the fifth year of herbage growth, the content of total N, P and K were increased. The content of total N, P and K appeared "S" type change within five years. But the content of hydrolytic N, available P and available K within 40cm soil layer was increased. The activated organic P and hydrolytic N were different in the various kinds of herbage lands. The activated organic P in perennial ryegrass land was more effectively than that in white clover land. The hydrolytic N in white clover land was increased in compared with perennial ryegrass land. With growing herbage years,fruit output and quality were enhanced.
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  • Analysis of Ploidy and Homozygous Genotype of Apple Plants Obtained byAnther Culture
  • ZHANG Li-yi;YANG Zhen-ying;CONG Pei-hua;ZHANG Kai-chun;LIU Jian-li;and XUE Guang-rong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 481-484.
  • Abstract ( 1911 ) HTML ( 1234 ) PDF (418KB) ( 1234 )    
  • In this paper, the ploidy and homozygous genotype of three apple plants obtained by anther culture were analyzed by using methods of the flow cytometric analysis and AS-PCR marker, in order to confirm their hap loid origin. The results have proved that they all have a true homozygous status by AS-PCR analysis although they are now dip loid, trip loid and tetrap loid respectively by Ploidy Analyser, which is possibly regarded as a result of spontaneous polyp loidisation from hap loid cell during tissue culture.
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  • Determ ina tion of Volatiles in Harvested Banana Fruit by HS-SPME andGC-MS
  • ZHU Hong;CHEN Yu-fen;LI Xue-ping;LI Jun;HAN Dong-fang;and CHEN Wei-xin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 485-488.
  • Abstract ( 2198 ) HTML ( 2222 ) PDF (204KB) ( 2222 )    
  • The headspace solid-phase microextraction coup led with capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for the determination of volatiles in harvested banana fruit (Musa spp.‘Baxi’) during ripening. The fiber coating, as one of the main parameters that influence the extraction effect,was extensively studied and op timized. A steadymethod of HS-SPME coup led with GC - MS for banana volatiles determination was established. The results showed that the constituent and amount of volatiles in banana fruitwere shown to be of great difference during ripening. Therefore, it was very necessary and important to select appropriate fibers and op timize GC-MS condition for the extraction and determination of volatiles in banana at different stages of ripening.

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  • Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Tomato with PvFer
  • YE Xia;HUANG Xiao-de;YAO Quan-hong;and ZHANG Zhen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 489-492.
  • Abstract ( 1816 ) HTML ( 1169 ) PDF (326KB) ( 1169 )    
  • In this study, the bean iron-binding protein gene (PvFer) was introduced into the genome of tomato Fenhong 908 by Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation. The results of PCR,PCR-Southern and Southern blotting analysis confirmed that foreign ferritin gene was integrated into the genome of two tomato plants. RT-PCR revealed that the foreign ferritin gene was expressed in the two tomato plants. Measurement of Fe, Zn, Mn contents in fruit and leaf of the transgenic tomato plants suggested that iron content in leaves of T1 transgenic line was approximately 2.7 times that of the non-transformed leaves, and iron content in fruits was increased by 37%; zinc content in fruits was increased by 119%, but manganese content in fruits of T1 transgenic line was decreased by 56%.

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  • Comparison of Amino Acid Sequences on Resistant Gene Tm-22and its Alleles
  • Jiang Guo-yong;Wang Lin-hua;Huang Ting-ting
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 493-496.
  • Abstract ( 1694 ) HTML ( 1596 ) PDF (449KB) ( 1596 )    
  • Alleles of Tm-22 from 4 different cultivars were cloned. Sequence analysis of them showed that: 1) 'Salong', 'Yukang-2' and '97-4' had 100% identity to reported sequences from 'GCR267'(Tm-22),'GCR236'(Tm-2)and'GCR26'(tm-2), respectively; Cultivar 'yinghong1' had 98% identity to 'GCR26'(tm-2);2) in LRR domain of the encoded proteins, the resistant alleles Tm-22 and tm-2have two amino acid at sites of 624 and 704 different from that of the susceptible alleles tm-2, lptm-2, in which proline (P) changed to leucine (L) and methionine (M) to isoleucine (I); 3) in LRR domain of the encoded proteins between the sites of 601 and 790, 23 amino acid differences were found among Tm-22, Tm-2, lptm-2 and tm-2; 4) tm-2 of Yinghong1 (Lycopersicon esculentum.var.cerasiforme) might be an orthologous gene evolved from Lycopersicon esculentum cultivars.

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  • Propagation of Haploid Melon (Cucumis melo L.) in Vitro
  • ZHANG Yong-bing;YI Hong-ping;JIA Yuan-yuan;FENG Jiong-xin;WU Ming-zhu;and CHEN Jin-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 497-500.
  • Abstract ( 1831 ) HTML ( 1072 ) PDF (423KB) ( 1072 )    
  • The propagation in vitro of haploid melon was investigated using shoot-tips and lateral buds from haploid melon plantlets. The results indicated that the optimal media for shoot proliferation was MS + 6-BA 0.5mg·L-1 and the optimal media for rooting was 1/2MS + IBA 0.5mg·L-1. The multiplication coefficient was 3.57. The chromosome number was checked and no ploidy variation occurred among these plants.
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  • Determination of Volatiles of Puer Tea Stored for Different Lengths of Time
  • ZHANG Ling-zhi;WANG Deng-liang;CHEN Wei-xin;and CHEN Yu-fen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 504-506.
  • Abstract ( 1647 ) HTML ( 2027 ) PDF (164KB) ( 2027 )    
  • With the aim to study the effect of storage time on the aroma characteristic of Puer tea, the headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coup led with cap illary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for the determination of volatiles in Puer tea samp les stored for different lengths
    of time. The results showed that the total contents of terpene and their derivatives in the tea samp les stored for 30, 25, and 6 years and the newly p rocessed tea were 51.42% , 89.15% , 74.10% and 39.72% , respectively. The classes of terpene and their derivatives in the tea samp le stored for some years and newly p rocessed tea were shown to be of great difference. The trans-caryophyllene was found to be the most abundant class of
    compounds in the tea samp les stored for 30, 25, and 6 years with the content of 36.78%, 66.98% and 56.08% , respectively; whileα-guaiene was the main compounds in the newly p rocessed tea with the content
    of 33.30%. Compared with newly p rocessed tea, both the class and the content of volatile compounds in the tea stored for some yearswere less. Twenty2three, twenty2four and twenty2two volatile compounds were identified respectively in the tea samples stored for 30, 25 and 6 years, while thirty-six volatile compounds in the newly p rocessed tea was found.
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  • RAPD Analysis of the Genetic Diversity in Chinese Tea Germplasm
  • LI Xing-hui;ZHANG Chuan-zheng;L IU Chun-lin;SHI Zhao-peng;LUO Jun-wu;and CHEN Xuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 507-508.
  • Abstract ( 1495 ) HTML ( 1218 ) PDF (96KB) ( 1218 )    
  • The genetic diversity of the tea germplasm (Camellia Section Thea) in China was studied with RAPD method. 135 RAPD bands including 123 polymorphic bandswere scored in the 23 tea germplasm tested with 11 p rimers selected. The average of polymorphism was 91.11%. The results of cluster analysis indicated that the minimum genetic distance (0.1378) was between C.kwangnanica and C. grandibracteata, and the maximum genetic distance ( 018995 ) between C. pubescens and C. crassicolumna. A dendrogram by unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean algorithm (UPGMA) analysis was obtained. Taxonomy for Camellia Section Thea was discussed by using the dendrogram.
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  • Effects of High Temperature on the Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes in Lily Plants
  • Yin Hui;Chen Qiu-ming;He Xiu-li;and Yi Ming-fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 509-512.
  • Abstract ( 1840 ) HTML ( 1446 ) PDF (392KB) ( 1446 )    
  • The effects of short time high temperature on the antioxidant enzymes, content of MDA, soluble protein and relative electric conductivity were investigated in Lilium cultivars ('White Heaven'and'Tiber').The results showed that the changes of plant morphology, relative electric conductivity and MDA content in two cultivars were slightly affected at 37℃ and 42℃ whereas the level of electric conductivity and MDA content increased obviously under 47℃ specially to 'Tiber'. Heat shock could promote the activities of SOD,POD and CAT compared to control and analysis of SOD and POD isoenzymes revealed that the number of SOD isoenzyme was unchanged in two cultivars while the expression of SOD was affected by heat shock..There were five bands in 'White Heaven' and two bands of POD isoenzyme in'Tiber' were identified.The POD activity for 'White Heaven' was obvious higher than 'Tiber' after heat shock.These results demonstrated that the lily plants might enhance the activities of antioxidant system to alleviate the damage caused by heat stress however the patterns of antioxidant enzymes to response to high temperature of the two cultivars were different.
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  • A Preliminary Study on in Vitro Selection of Heat-tolerant Clonal Lines in Senecio × hybridus
  • YU Xiao-ying;LU Xiang-yang;LI Da;ZHANG Hong-zhi;YAO Jue;and CHEN Cui-lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 513-516.
  • Abstract ( 1554 ) HTML ( 1211 ) PDF (434KB) ( 1211 )    
  • Using high temperature and HYP as direct and indirect selection stress, in vitro selection of heat-tolerant clonal lines from tussock plantlets and callus of senecio cruentus was carried out. The results showed that: ⑴ 40℃ for 16-20 h and 30 mmol·L-1 HYP were optimal direct and indirect selection stress pressure, respectively; ⑵ Two heat- tolerant clones (Z1-1-1 and N1-2-1) were obtained by using high temperature direct selection , HYP and high temperature selection; ⑶ The regenerated plants of Z1-1-1 were different significantly from their mother plants(Z1) in leaf thickness, TPT/TST and stomata index. The fruit setting rate of adult plant of Z1-1-1 was only 1.0% after artificial pollination , and the fruit setting rate of Z1 was over 85%, ⑷ After heat stress(40℃ 24 h),the heat injury index, content of MDA and electrolyte leakage of the regenerated plants of Z1-1-1 and N1-2-1 were lower than their mother plants , but the activity of POD and SOD were higher than their mother plants (Z1 and N1).
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  • A New Yellow-flesh Peach Variety ‘Huangjinguan’
  • MENG Qing-jie;HUANG Yong;WANG Guang-quan;ZHANG Xiu-sheng;LI Qiang;and ZHANG Wei-xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 525-525.
  • Abstract ( 1834 ) HTML ( 1291 ) PDF (1000KB) ( 1291 )    
  • Huangjinguan variety is a yellow flesh natural hybrid from J inxiu peach. It is app licable to canned p rocessing and fresh. The plant is robust. The average single fruit mass is 167 g. The fruit is yellow flesh and is not fusible. There is no color red on the skin and p it of fruit. The flesh is sweet2sour, fine quality, early bearing, high productive, and resistant to perforate illness, strong adap tability. The canned product is golden color, very fine flesh and with palatable aroma.
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  • A New Mango Variety ‘Keitt’
  • LI Hong-wen;LIU Jian-jun;QIN Da-kui;HAN Da-xiang;LI Gui-li;PENG Yong-kang;ZOU Cheng-jun;XIE Ben-ping;and XIONG Ming-zhao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 526-526.
  • Abstract ( 1485 ) HTML ( 1011 ) PDF (94KB) ( 1011 )    
  • Keittmango (Mangifera indica Linn. ) , a late ripening red variety, was selected from theMulgoba seedling mango in America. The excellent characters of Keitt mango are better adap tability, early bearing, high and stable yield, super quality, resistant to disease in Panxi, Sichuan.
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  • Late-ripening Juice Making Grape Variety ‘Beifeng’
  • FAN Pei-ge;LI Sheng-chen;YANGMei-rong;and LI Shao-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 527-527.
  • Abstract ( 1637 ) HTML ( 997 ) PDF (94KB) ( 997 )    
  • Beifeng is an interspecific hybrid cultivar derived from V itis thunberg ii and Muscat Hamburg (V. vinifera). Berriesmature at the end of Sep tember in Beijing. The vines are vigorouswith high yield. The conical and large clustersweigh 389.6 g on average. The average mass of a single berry is 2.9 g. The moderately crowded berries are uniformly sized, ellip tical and purp le black. The flesh is soft and juicy. The juice is purple-red and acid-sweet with 19.1% - 23.1% soluble solid content, 0175% titratable acid content and
    81.9% juice extraction. It has high resistance to cold and diseases.
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  • A New Cucumber Hybrid‘Chuanlü1’
  • LI Yue-jian;LIU Du-chen;L IU Xiao-jun;and FANG Chao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 528-528.
  • Abstract ( 1666 ) HTML ( 1027 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1027 )    
  • Chuanlü1 is a new Huanan type cucumber hybrid developed by crossing C99-150 with C01-02. It grows vigorously. The fruits are p roduced on the stem mainly, with a few white prickles on its green surface. The fruit pedicel is very short. Average fruit is 22-25 cm in length, 4.0-4.5 cm in diameter, and
    about 200 g in mass. The variety tastes very delicious. It is early maturing, the harvesting time is 10 days about earlier and the early stage yield is 35.4% higher than Baisitiao. It is resistant to diseases such as downy
    mildew, wilt and powdery mildew. It is suitable to be cultivated in the early sp ring in some areas of China.
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  • A New Cucumber Variety‘J inong 4’
  • QIAO Hong-yu;HAN Yu-zhu;LI Chang-lan;and ZHANG Han-qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 529-529.
  • Abstract ( 1497 ) HTML ( 1004 ) PDF (91KB) ( 1004 )    
  • Jinong 4 is a new cucumber hybrid with early maturity, which is suitable for cultivation in north open fields. Its growing period is about 75 days. The variety has better vigorous growth and is resistant to downy mildew and powderymildew. The first female flower is p roduced on 3-4 node ofmain stem. The fruit is jade-green, long, crisp and tender, with better quality and flavor. The average fruitmass is 150-200 g.There are 6-8 fruits in a single plant.
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  • A New Tomato Var iety ‘Shenfen 918’
  • ZHU Long-ying;YANG Zhi-jie;WAN Yan-hui;and ZHU Wei-min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 531-531.
  • Abstract ( 1753 ) HTML ( 1016 ) PDF (94KB) ( 1016 )    
  • Shenfen 918 is a new tomato hybrid used specially for large modern greenhouse culture. It is a middle-early variety, indeterminate growth type and bears big pink ball-shaped fruit tolerant to storage and transportation. A single fruitweighs averagely over 200 g, and the soluble solids of fruit is 4.6%. The hybrid is highly resistant to leafmold and ToMV and middle resistant to CMV. Its growth period can last 10 months or more under warming or heat presevation in winter, and the fruit picking time can last about 7 months.
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  • A New Hot Pepper Hybr id ‘Sujiao 12’
  • WANG Shu-bin;LIU J in-bing;and PAN Bao-gui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 532-532.
  • Abstract ( 1544 ) HTML ( 1155 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1155 )    
  • A new mid-early ripening hot pepper Sujiao 12 has been released. Its fruit is long sheep-horn shaped, slight green color in immature, 18-20 cm in length and 30 g in mass. The marketable yield is up to 45 000 kg/hm2. It shows good resistance to disease, excellent storage capacity, and strong tolerance to both low and high temperature. It is suitable for the open field and p rotected cultivation.
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  • A New Variety of Hardy Purple-leaf Plum ‘Changchun Caiye Li’
  • LI Feng;ZHANG Bing-bing;JI Xiu-jie;ZHANG Yan-bo;and XING Guo-jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(2): 534-534.
  • Abstract ( 1708 ) HTML ( 1124 ) PDF (74KB) ( 1124 )    
  • Changchun Caiye Li, a new variety colorful leaf p lum, originated from a cross-combination of Chinese plum ( P. sa licina) purple-leaf plum ( P. catropurpurea). Its leaves are purple in the whole growing season, whereas the extent of leaf color varieswith the season. The quality of fruit is better. The tree is suitable for growing in cold area of northeastern China. This variety of plum can be used as a kind of steady colorful leaf vigorous tree in cold regions.
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