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2007, Vol.34, No.3 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Bagging at Different Developmental Stages on Sclereid Formation in ‘Dangshansu’ Pear Fruit
  • ZHANG Zhen-ming;SHI Ze-bin;ZHANG Shao-ling;QIAO Yong-jin;TAO Shu-tian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 0-568.
  • Abstract ( 1943 ) HTML ( 2462 ) PDF (603KB) ( 2462 )    
  • Fruit of pear cultivar Dangshansu were used as materials for investigating the relationship a
    mong sclereids, related enzymes and fruit quality. The results showed that fruit had the similar developmental
    course either bagged or not, the density of sclereid group was high at the early stage, then decreased with the
    fruit development, and became stable two months before ripeness. The size of sclereid group increased gradu
    ally during early stage, then decreased and increased again with fruit development, while the quantity of scle
    reid increased also during early stage and decreased, but reached to max 49 d after anthesis, in accordance
    with the activities decline of POD ( Peroxidase) , PAL ( Phenylalanine ammonia2lyase) , and PPO ( Polyphe
    nol oxidase) enzymes. In control and bagging treatments, the content of titratable acid in bagged fruit was
    higher, but TSS ( total soluble solid) , total soluble sugars and fruit mass were lower than that in unbagged
    fruit. Especially the quantity of sclereid in bagged fruits were markedly decreased than that in unbagged fruit
    at all stages. Meanwhile, compared with that of bagged fruit, activities of all the three enzymes were more
    lower in bagged fruit, indicating that the activities of POD, PAL and PPO were positively related to the forma
    tion of sclereids.
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  • Influences of Tree Form Reconstruction on Canopy Structure and Photosynthesis of Apple
  • ZHANG Xian-chuan;GAO Zhao-quan;FU Zhan-fang;FANG J ian-hui;LI Tian-hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 537-542.
  • Abstract ( 1791 ) HTML ( 2571 ) PDF (815KB) ( 2571 )    
  • Tree form reconstruction of ‘Fuji’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh. ‘Fuji’) was carried out
    from 2001 to 2004 in theMing Tombs Farm ( longitude 116°13′east, latitude 40°13′north, altitude of 79 m)
    in Changp ing of Beijing. The three branch form was reconstructed into open2center system to resolve the p rob
    lem of badly light distribution, yield and quality. By three years of experiment the height of trunk was ad
    vanced from 0.29 m to 1.37 m. The number of bough was reduced from 15.58 to 4.58. The number of spurs
    was reduced from 2 119.7 ×103 ·hm-2 to 814.1 ×103 ·hm-2 and leaf area index was reduced from 3.98 to
    2.31. The distribution of leaves and relative light intensity in canopywere uniform in open-center system. The
    useless light space was reduced from 43% to 24%. The simulation showed that photosynthesis rate of canopy
    in open-center system was reduced by 14.6% compared with control in growth period, but the mean photosyn
    thetic rate was 40.4% higher than control. And the outputwas increased from 27.3 t·hm-2 to 54.5 t·hm-2
    and the soluble sugar of fruit was increased from 12.83% to 15.55%.
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  • Effect of Fruit Bagging on Leaf Net Photosynthesis of ‘Royal Gala’ Apple
  • WANG Shao-min;LI Bo;LIU Cheng-lian;GAO Hua-jun;SUN Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 543-548.
  • Abstract ( 2097 ) HTML ( 1729 ) PDF (425KB) ( 1729 )    
  • The experimentwas conducted with Royal Gala apple trees, and the effect of fruit bagging on
    leaf net photosynthesis was analyzed. L ight and CO2 response curves and daily change of photosynthesis in
    leaves of fruit-bagged tree were studied. Results showed that bagging had no effect on the photosynthesis of the
    leaves on the exterior canopy. But it reduced the maximal net photosynthetic rate and CE of the interior leav2
    es. At the same time, bagging also could make a weaker light environment for the interior canopy, and short
    ened the effective time of leaf photosynthesis. W ith fruit2bagged trees, the maximal Pn value of leaves in the
    interior canopy was 16.5 μmol·m-2 ·s-1 , only 68% asmuch as the control. The daily average Pn value of
    the leaves on fruit-bagged tree was 5.25 μmol·m-2 ·s-1 , significantly lower than that of the control, thus
    decreasing the ability of carbon assimilation. So, the weakness of photosynthetic capability in interior leaves
    could be refered to as one of the reasons thatmaking fruit-bagged quality to become worse.
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  • Study on Root Mitochondrial Character istics and Root CellDeath o f Malus hupehensis Rehd. under Water Stress
  • MA Huai-yu;XIAO Jing;YANG Hong-qiang;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 549-554.
  • Abstract ( 1673 ) HTML ( 1278 ) PDF (512KB) ( 1278 )    
  • The changes of rootmitochondrialmembrane potential (Δψm) , H2O2 concen
    tration and the activity of caspase23 /7, the key enzyme of p rogrammed cell death were studied
    under 20%-PEG6000 treatment. The results showed that root mitochondrial Δψm declined
    slowly in the first six days of PEG treatment, then declined rap idly. The content of mitochon
    drial H2O2 increased slowly in the first six days, then accumulated speedy inside of mitochon
    dria. TUNEL assay was carried out and root paraffin slices disp layed distinct positive reaction
    spots, which were more and more with the p rolonging treatment. The activity of caspase23 /7 in
    root kep t at low level from the first day to the sixth day, and then rose sharp ly on the ninth and
    twelfth day of PEG treatment. These indicate that 20% PEG6000 can induce p rogrammed cell
    death inM alus hupehensis Rehd. roots at a certain treating2phase.
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  • Isolation of Fe Deficiency-induced Genes by Suppression Subtractive Hybridiza tion in Malus xiaojinensis
  • ZHANG Yu-gang;XU Xue-feng;LI Tian-zhong;WANG Yi;KONG Jin;HAN Zhen-hai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 555-560.
  • Abstract ( 1812 ) HTML ( 1451 ) PDF (433KB) ( 1451 )    
  • In order to isolate genes involved in Fe nutrition, supp ression subtractive hybridization ( SSH)
    was performed using mixed cDNAs p repared from Malus xiaojinensis roots treated with Fe deficiency as tester
    and treated with Fe sufficiency as drivers. A forward subtractive cDNA library was constructed, from which
    1 152 recombinant colonieswere p icked and amp lified. Through differential screening of the subtractive cDNA
    library, 105 exp ress sequence tags (ESTs) were identified as Fe deficiency stress induced. Of the 105 ESTs,
    50 contain regionswith 60% - 90% identity to their homolog in GenBank, 32 are expected to be novel genes,
    23 are repeated fragments to other genes. The ESTswith significant p rotein homologywere sorted into 9 func2
    tional categories.
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  • Effects of Subculture Times on Organogenesis Character istics of Apple inV itro Shoot Explants
  • SHI Xiao-xin;DU Guo-qiang;WANG Chen;MA Bao-kun;GE Yi-nan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 561-564.
  • Abstract ( 1946 ) HTML ( 1580 ) PDF (204KB) ( 1580 )    
  • The organogenesis characteristics of app le (M alus dom estica Borkh. ) shoot exp lants repeated
    ly subcultured in vitro were examined by analysis of the shootmultip lication, rooting, and adventitious bud re
    generation rate from leaves. The results showed low p ropagation ability for the shoot exp lants subcultured in
    vitro for five times or less at the beginning of inoculation in terms of its shootmultip lication, rooting, and ad
    ventitious bud regeneration rate from leaves. With the increasing number of subculturing times, the regenera
    tion ability of the organs above enhanced and remaind at a high level. There were no significant differences a
    mong the shoot p lantlets being subcultured for 76 and 164 times in Fuji, and for 76, 84, and 116 times in
    Golden Delicious and Jonagold in the aspects of above. It is concluded that the app le shoot p lantlets repeatedly
    subcultured in vitro formore than one hundred times for twenty years retain the organogenesis characteristics as
    usual and can still be used for the p lantmicrop ropagation and gene transformation.
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  • Effect of Genistein on Promotion of Fruit Coloration in Peaches
  • ZHU Yun-na;WANG Zhong-hua;ZHANG Feng-song;DONG Xian-cai;WANG Liang-ju
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 569-574.
  • Abstract ( 1834 ) HTML ( 1431 ) PDF (568KB) ( 1431 )    
  • Genistein (GNT) , a natural isoflavone from soybean, was used to study the effect on peach
    ( Prunus persica L. ) coloration in the orchard and detached conditions. The results showed that app lication of
    GNT at concentrations of 40 - 120 μmol·L-1 at 22 d before harvest significantly p romoted anthocyanin accu
    mulation, and tended to increase the soluble solid content, the flavonoid content and single fruit weight, but
    tended to decrease the flesh firmness and the chlorophyll content of the skins, suggesting that GNT might
    p romp t fruitmaturity. In detached peach fruits, itwas observed that GNT also p romoted anthocyanin accumu
    lation, but cyclic GMP ( cGMP) inhibited the p romotion induced by GNT, suggesting that GNT2induced an
    thocyanin accumulation might be related with cellular cGMP signal transduction. Because the p romotion of
    GNT on anthocyanin accumulation was stable and significant, it is speculated that the natural substance may
    be used in fruit p roduction.
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  • The Role of Jasmon ic Acid Induced by Dought Stress in Apricot Leaves
  • GE Yun-xia;;YAO Yun-cong;XU Xue-feng;ZHANG J ie;HAN Zhen-hai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 575-578.
  • Abstract ( 1890 ) HTML ( 1714 ) PDF (363KB) ( 1714 )    
  • Plants of ap ricot (DT: drought-tolerance genotype Prunus armeniaca L. var. Ansu Maxim.
    and DS: drought-sensitive genotype Prunus arm eniaca vulgaris Lam. ‘Longwangmao’) were grown in pots of
    peat2based compost in order to examine the role of JA under drought stress. GC /MS analysis indicated that JA
    levels in leaves increased by 3 times in DT on day 12 since waterwithheld while it showed very little variation
    in the whole drying period in DS. There was no significant detectable difference in the concentration of JA in
    roots of well2watered and unwatered two ap ricot p lants. The LOX activity in old leaves of both increased while
    waterwaswithheld. However, the LOX activity in roots of two ap ricot p lants showed very little variation in the
    experiment. Exogenous JA accelerated senescence of leaves in ap ricots by p igment loss. After this drying peri
    od, the p lants were rewatered. Two months after rewatering, twelve of the eighteen DT lived, whereas all of
    the eighteen DS died. These results suggest that the transient accumulation of JA from leavesmay be necessary
    to p romote leaf senescence due to soil drying.
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  • Effects of Oxalic Acid Treatment on Mango Fruit DuringStorage
  • ZHENG Xiao-lin;TIAN Shi-ping;YUE Hong;XU Yong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 579-584.
  • Abstract ( 1757 ) HTML ( 1406 ) PDF (451KB) ( 1406 )    
  • Mango fruit (M angifera indica L. ‘Hongmang 6 ’) were treated with post-
    OA, pre-OA and post-OA, and pre Ca2+ and post-OA, respectively, and then were stored at
    room (25℃) and low temperature (14℃). The results showed that higher firmness index and
    lower disease indexwere observed in treated fruits, and no difference was detected in soluble sol
    id (SS) and titratable acid (TA) content between treated and control fruitswhile fruitswere full
    y ripe. It is suggested that these treatments are alternative methods for storage ofmango fruits.
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  • Effect of Light Quality on the Fruit Quality of ‘Toyonoka’ Strawberry( Fragaria ×ananassa Duch. )
  • XU Kai;GUO Yan-ping;ZHANG Shang-long;DA IWen-sheng;FU Qing-gong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 585-590.
  • Abstract ( 2128 ) HTML ( 2492 ) PDF (319KB) ( 2492 )    
  • The influence of different light qualities under identical light intensity on fruit quality of
    Toyonoka strawberry ( Fragaria ×ananassa Duch. ) was studied. The results showed that fruit surface color
    was greatly affected by light quality. The chroma value of fruits became greater and greater in turn under
    green, neutral, yellow, blue, and red film, which was correlated with the percentum of reddish orange light in
    overall radiant energy positively. Ascorbic acid (AsA) content in the fruits under different filmswas correlated
    with Red /Blue ratio negatively. Among of five films, the yield per p lant and fruit size under red film were the
    greatest, the SSC /TA ratio, SSC, AsA and sugar content were the greatest under blue film, but all of which
    were the lowest under green film. The fruit surface colorwas the reddest under red film, that under green films
    was the worst. Ascorbic acid (AsA) content in the fruits under different film was correlated with red /blue rati2
    o negatively.
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  • Identification of Strawberry Cultivars by RAPD and SCAR Markers
  • WANG Zhi-gang;ZHANG Zhi-hong;L IHe;GAO Xiu-yan;DU Guo-dong;TAN Chang-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 591-596.
  • Abstract ( 1761 ) HTML ( 1659 ) PDF (700KB) ( 1659 )    
  • Thirty-two strawberry cultivarswere tested by randomly amp lified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)
    and sequence characterized amp lified region ( SCAR) markers. Results showed that 8 RAPD p rimers p roduced
    85 bands, and 71 of them (83。5% ) were polymorphic bands. Among the 32 strawberrymaterials, 25 materi
    alswere easy to be distinguished by RAPD markers. The relationship of 28 materialswas analyzed with RAPD
    markers, and the synonyms and homonyms cultivars were screened p rimarily. Two dominant SCAR markers
    WS01 andWS02 with the length of 378 bp and 214 bp respectively were developed from RAPD markers and
    showed the same p rofiles as the corresponding RAPD markers. This study laid a sound foundation for the iden
    tification of strawberry cultivar atmolecular level.
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  • Cytogenetics and RAPD Analysis of Interspecific Hybrids from the Cross ofFragaria mandschurica Staudt and F. ananassa Duch.
  • MA Hong-xiang;CHEN Pei-du;YU Gui-hong;REN L i-juan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 597-604.
  • Abstract ( 1748 ) HTML ( 1537 ) PDF (519KB) ( 1537 )    
  • The interspecific hybrid was obtained from the cross of Fragaria mandschurica Staudt, a
    dip loid species derived from Northeast China, and F. ananassa Duch. (2n = 8x = 56) ‘Shengxing’by using
    immature embryo culture technique. The hybridswere pentap loidswith poor fertility. The morphological char
    acteristics of the hybridswere observed and showed that theywere intermediate between their parents in pedun
    cle height and p lant height, and similar to Fragaria m andschurica in hair on peduncle and petiole. The
    hybrids showed expected 35 chromosomes in somatic cells and had a meiotic chromosome association of 6.1Ⅰ
    + 10.6 Ⅱ + 2.1 Ⅲ + 0.35 Ⅳ with a few abnormal microspores occurring in tetrad phase. RAPD analysis
    showed that the hybrids possessed the specific bands of two parents, and the genetic diversities were found
    among the interspecific hybrid lines.
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  • Studies on the Ultrastructure of Abnormal Cell Death During Mutant ShortCatkin Development in Chestnut
  • ZHANG J ing;DONG Qing-hua;YANG Kai;CAO Qing-qin;FENG Yong-qing;Q IN Ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 605-608.
  • Abstract ( 1596 ) HTML ( 1595 ) PDF (758KB) ( 1595 )    
  • During the development of short catkinsmutant, the upper parts became yellow, curved, and
    finally dropped off gradually, while the basal catkins still developed normally. The ultrastructure changes of
    cellswere observed during upper naturally degradation by using transmission electron microscope. The results
    exhibited orderly changes in death: the nucleus showed chromatin condensation, the nucleolus dissolved, kar
    yop lasm degraded, the karyotheca burst and the nucleus disintegrated, the vacuole happened distinct swallow,
    and some formed into many small vacuoles, the chlorop last and mitochondrion disintegrated gradually. The
    morphological changes during the death of all the organelleswithin the cell showed the typ ical features of p ro
    grammed cell death.
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  • The Establishment and Optimiza tion of a Highly Efficient System of ShootRegeneration from Hypocotyl Explants of Phyllanthus emblica L.
  • HU Hai-tao;GAO Yue;LAN Da-wei;LIU Yong-li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 609-614.
  • Abstract ( 1731 ) HTML ( 1211 ) PDF (430KB) ( 1211 )    
  • An efficient p lant regeneration p rotocol for Phyllanthus em blica L. was achieved via organo2
    genesis from callus tissues formed on hypocotyl exp lants in vitro. In this paper, several factors affecting in vitro
    regeneration of Phy llanthus em blica L. were examined. The op timum medium for shoot regeneration was 1 /2
    MSmedium containing 011μmol·L-1 NAA, 5μmol·L - 1 BA, 40 g·L-1 sucrose, 1 mg·L-1 AgNO3. The
    op timum exp lants were upper segments of hypocotyl of 282day-old seedlings. Under 14 d dark treatment,
    100% of adventitious shoot regeneration frequency with 1117 shoots per exp lantwas obtained. Excised shoots
    rooted when theywere transferred to 1 /2MSmedium containing 3 mg·L-1 22 ( diethylamino) ethyl ester cit
    rate (DA26) + 3 mg·L-1 compound sodium nitrophenolate (CSN ) after 35 days and developed into
    healthy p lantlets, which resulted in a rooting rate of 62.8%. The results of this studywill facilitate the app li
    cation of genetic transformation methods in Phyllanthus emblica L.
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  • Effects of Low Light Intensity on Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Capsicum Seedlings
  • SU IXiao-lei;MAO Sheng-li;WANG Li-hao;ZHANG Bao-xi;ZHANG Zhen-xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 615-622.
  • Abstract ( 1902 ) HTML ( 2084 ) PDF (729KB) ( 2084 )    
  • The effects of low light (75 - 100μmol·m-2 ·s-1 ) on photosynthetic gas exchange, chlo
    rophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll contents in seedlings of different Capsicum were studied. The results
    showed that under low light, net photosynthetic rate ( Pn) , dark resp iration rate, night resp iration rate, actual
    photochemical efficiency of PS Ⅱ in the light ( ФPS Ⅱ) , electron transport rate ( ETR ) , photochemical
    quenching ( qP) and excitation energy to PSⅡphotochemistry decreased, whereas the heat dissipation in
    creased and no significant changes in maximal photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ in the dark ( Fv/Fm). From
    the response curve of ФPSⅡ to light intensity, itwas seen thatwith the increase of light intensity, there was a
    faster decrease in ФPSⅡ. The response curve of ETR to light intensity indicated that Capsicum grown under
    low light had lower saturate electron transport rate light and saturation point of electron transport rate, as com
    pared with those grown under normal light. The SPAD value of leaves in Capsicum decreased which mean that
    the synthesis of chlorophyllwas inhibited under low light. Capsicum with lower net photosynthesis decreasing,
    higher Fv/Fm and ETR may possess potential low light-tolerance.
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  • Hayman Genetic Ana lysis of Y ield and Qua lity Characters in Pepper ( Capsi2cum annuum L. )
  • ZOU Xue-xiao;;CHEN Wen-chao;;ZHANG Zhu-qing;;DAI Xiong-ze;;MA Yan-qing;;LI Xue-feng;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 623-628.
  • Abstract ( 1860 ) HTML ( 1257 ) PDF (212KB) ( 1257 )    
  • Six pepper (Capsicam annuum L. ) parentswere used to p roduce 15 combinations by diallel
    crosses excluding recip rocals. Genetic parameters for five yield or quality characterswere estimated according
    to Haymanpsmethod. Analysis of regression Wr against Vr indicated that inheritance of yield per p lant, yield
    perp lot, capsaicin or drymatter content conformed to the“additive-dominant”modelwhile that of early yield
    per p lot did not. Correlation analysis showed that there was a negative correlation between Wr +Vr and Yr in
    the characters of yield per p lant, yield per p lot, early yield per p lot and drymatter content, imp lying that the
    parents possessing more dominant genes have lower Wr +Vr values. However, there was a positive correlation
    between Wr +Vr and Yr in cap saicin content at 1% significant level, which means that the parents possessing
    more dominant genes for high cap saicin content have relatively high Wr +Vr values. Estimation of the genetic
    parameters showed that the additive variance was greater than the dominant variance for cap saicin and drymat
    ter contentswhile the opposite situationswere true for yield per p lant, yield per p lot. For early yield per p lot,
    the dominant variance was significantly higher than the additive variance, and there were significant comp lex
    ep istatic effects.
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  • Analysis of Early Expression Genes Resistance to Root Knot Nema tode in NGene Pepper by SSH
  • MAO Zhen-chuan;;XIE Bing-yan;YANG Yu-hong;FENG Dong-xin;FENG Lan-xiang;YANG Zhi-wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 629-636.
  • Abstract ( 1518 ) HTML ( 1568 ) PDF (612KB) ( 1568 )    
  • The nematode resistant gene N is a single dominant gene in pepper cultivar CarolinaWonder
    (Capsicum annuum L. ). To investigate the early up2regulated exp ression genes p rofile in cultivar Carolina
    Wonder induced by root2knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita, RKN) , a forward subtracted cDNA library
    was constructed using supp ression subtractive hybridization ( SSH). The cDNA of pepper seedling root tip s in
    oculated with J2 RKN for 12, 24 and 36 h were used as tester and that from untreated root tip s as driver. To
    tally 237 RKN2induced SSH cDNA fragments were selected with DIG Nonradioactive Nucleic Acid Labeling
    and Detection System. Based on the sequencing and BLAST analyzing of 148 fragments, 68 up2regulated ex
    p ression EST fragmentswere identified, including the genes encode nucleotide2binding site / leucine-rich repeat
    (NBS2LRR) disease resistant p roteins and LRR resistance p rotein2like; some defense p roteins, such as Germ
    in2like p rotein, HSR203J p rotein2like, Nectarin, and Snakin22; some biostress resistance related transcrip tion
    factor likeWRKY and ERFBP; some signal p roteins, such as GRP2like p rotein and 142323 family p rotein.
    The Gene Ontology analysis revealed that the up2regulated ESTs involved in the recognition to nematode, sig
    nal transduction, p rotection mechanism, HR and SAR. In addition, some ESTs of unknown function may benovel genes.
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  • Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Cytochrome P450 in Pepper( Capsicum annuum L. ) Induced by β-aminobutyric Acid ( BABA)
  • DAI Su-ming;;ZHOU Cheng-ai;;XIE Bing-yan;XIAO Qi-ming;YANG Yu-hong;YIN Li-rong;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 637-643.
  • Abstract ( 1632 ) HTML ( 1935 ) PDF (983KB) ( 1935 )    
  • The complete CYP92A was amp lified by RT2PCR and RACE, which expressed in pepper (Cap
    sicum annuum
    L. ) leaf was rapidly and transiently induced by β-aminobutyric acid (BABA). The analysis of
    bioinformatics showed that CYP92A gene encoded a 5092 amino acid protein which contained a conserve heme2
    binding region of cytochrome P450. Therefore, it was confirmed that CYP92A is cytochrome P450. By phyloge
    netic analysis, it was belived to belong to 92A sub-family of P450. According to researches of other 92A sub
    family genes reported, it is speculated conferred that CYP92A may play a role in plant defence response. Based
    on bioinformatics analysis of protein struction, the p roperty of CYP92A in catalytic reaction was also discussed in
    this paper. This study had significance for research on indued2resistance mechanisms of BABA.
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  • Clon ing of DnaJ-like Gene cDNA in Diploid Pota to Using RACE MethodsCombined with cDNA Library
  • LI Guang-cun;;JIN Li-ping;WANG Xiao-wu;XIE Kai-yun;XIE Bing-yan;QU Dong-yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 649-654.
  • Abstract ( 2006 ) HTML ( 1564 ) PDF (616KB) ( 1564 )    
  • A cDNA library, enriched with full-length resistance-related genes, was constructed by
    SMART ( Switching mechanism at 5′end of RNA transcrip t) technique using dip loid potato leaves infected
    with race 3 (Biovar 2) PO41 of Ralston ia solanacearum for 24 h and 48 h. A full2length cDNA of DnaJ-like
    homolog with comp leted open reading frame of 177 amino acids was cloned from potato using the strategy of
    RACE ( rapidamp lification of cDNA ends) combined with cDNA library. This cDNA homologwas designated
    as S tDnaJ , which contains 735 bp with an un-translated region of 25 bp at its 5′end and a polyA tail at the 3′
    end (GenBank accession number: DQ885360). BLAST search against NCBI showed that the S tDnaJ gene
    shared 84% identity with DnaJ-like 20 of A rabidopsis thaliana in nucleotide and 59% in amino acid, but no
    similar genes have been reported from potatoes in the NCBI database. Analysis of semi-quantitative RT-PCR
    indicated that this gene was induced by Ralston ia solanacea rum as well as up-regulated by jasmonic acid
    (JA). That suggests S tDnaJ gene mayplay a role in recovering the activity of p rotein destroyed by R. so
    lanacearum or Jasmonic acid (JA) stress.
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  • Differential Expression Analysis of Bud of Pol CMS and Its Maintainter Lineof Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis Through SRAP
  • DENG Xiao-hui;ZHANG Shu-ning;and HOU Xi-lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 655-658.
  • Abstract ( 1542 ) HTML ( 1320 ) PDF (540KB) ( 1320 )    
  • cDNA of Pol cytop lasmic male sterility (CMS) and its maintainer line were amp lified with 30
    pairs of SRAP ( sequence related amp lified polymorphism) p rimers combination, and two fragmentsBcCMS1 and
    BcCMS2 were obtained. Information from cloning and sequencing of these two bands indicated thatBcCMS1 was
    of 63% of homology with 19 amino acids of chromosome related to cytogenetic of B rassica rapa, BcCMS2 was of
    88% of homologywith the FLC3 gene for inhibiting flower gene of Brassica oleracea. The accession numbers for
    these two sequences in GenBank were DQ914921 and DQ914922, respectively. The results obtained suggested
    that the exp ression of the nuclear gene in cytogenetic male sterility was affected by the cytop lasmic gene. The
    SRAP technique was firstly successfully adop ted in the research of gene differential exp ression.
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  • Protoplast Isolation and Plant Regeneration from Soma tic Embryogenic CellSuspension of Celery (Apium graveolens L. )
  • HAN Qing-xia;SHEN Huo-lin;ZHANG Zhen-xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 665-670.
  • Abstract ( 1705 ) HTML ( 1777 ) PDF (728KB) ( 1777 )    
  • Protop lastswere successfully isolated from embryogenic suspensions incubating in enzyme so
    lution containing 3.0% cellulose Onozuka R210, 1.0% macerozyme R210, 0.5% CaCl2 ·2H2O, 0.1%
    MES and 11% mannitol. The enzyme mixture was shaken (80 r /min) for 6 h at (25 ±2) ℃. The yield and
    viability were 25.00 ×106 /g and 83.41%. Purified protop lasts were cultured in mediem 1 /2 MS + 1 mg/L
    2, 4-D + 0.5 mg/L KT + 11% mannitol + 500 mg/L CH initially with shallow liquid layers. Two days later,
    cell wall was regenerated and simultaneously intiated the first division, through reducing manntol, mini-culli
    were observed in 30 days. Shoots regenerated in medium 1 /2MS + 0.25 mg/L KT + 500 mg/L CH.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Changes of Endogenous Hormones During the Process of Flower Bud Differentiation of Welsh Onion
  • SU Hua;XU Kun;LIU Wei;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 671-676.
  • Abstract ( 1712 ) HTML ( 1623 ) PDF (512KB) ( 1623 )    
  • DifferentWelsh onion (A llium f istulosum L. ) varieties were used as materials to discuss the
    relation between endogenous hormones and flower bud differentiation. The results showed that during the
    p rocess of flower bud differentiation, the contents of abscisic acid (ABA) , gibberellin ( GA3 ) and zeatin
    ( ZR) in the roots, cauloids and leaves ofWelsh onion peaked but indolylacetic acid ( IAA) decreased evi
    dently when flower buds differentiation was basically comp leted, and the period of peak or valley of endoge
    nous hormones appearing coincided with the time of flower bud differentiation comp leted, these indicating flow
    er bud differentiation nearly connected with ABA, GA3 , ZR and IAA. The contents and changing ranges of
    endogenous hormones in different organs ofWelsh onion were significantly different, in which the contents and
    changing ranges of ABA, GA3 in leaves and ZR in roots were much more than that of the other organs, but
    there was a little difference for that of IAA in roots and leaves. Further, ABA / IAA and ABA /GA3 inWelsh
    onion leaveswere obviously increasing along with the p rocess of flower bud differentiation, and peaked when
    flower buds differentiation was basically comp leted, then decreased significantly, this illustrated the balance
    between different endogenous hormones also p layed an important role in regulating and controlling flower bud
    differentiation ofWelsh onion.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Antisense Ac id Inverta se ( anti-MA I1) Gene Alters Soluble Sugar Composition and Size in Transgenic Muskmelon Fruit
  • FAN Ji-de;HE Qi-wei;WANG Xiu-feng;YU Xi-yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 677-682.
  • Abstract ( 1804 ) HTML ( 1587 ) PDF (588KB) ( 1587 )    
  • Anti-MAI1 gene was translated into melon fruits by ovary injection. PCR amp lification and
    Southern Blot analysis showed that two transgenic plantswere obtained from 330 melon p lants, transformation
    frequency was about 0.6% , and each transgenic plant had double copies of anti-MAI1 gene. The T0 genera
    tion transgenic melon plants had lower growth ability, and the fruitswere 30% smaller than control fruits, but
    had 52% more soluble sugar than control fruits. There was no gene lost in T0
    -1 progeny with the analysis of
    PCR and PCR - Southern blot. Also, transgenic p lants of T1 generation had weaker growth ability than control
    plants. Each T1 generation transgenic fruit had higher soluble sugar and sucrose concentrations but had lower
    levels of acid invertase in ripe fruit than control fruits. These results suggest that acid invertase control sugar
    composition in melon fruit and this change in composition contributes to alterations in fruit size and p lants
    growth ability.
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  • Relationship Between the Types of Flower-bud D ifferentiationand Forcing Successive Secondary Flowering of Tree Peonies
  • JIANG Zhuo;LIU Zheng-an;WANG Liang-sheng;SHU Qing-yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 683-687.
  • Abstract ( 2487 ) HTML ( 1795 ) PDF (385KB) ( 1795 )    
  • The types of flower2bud differentiation in 135 cultivars of tree peonies ( Paeo2
    nia suffru ticosa) were identified and grouped as few (3 - 4) , medium (5 - 7) or many (8 -
    10) in number of flower-buds and small, medium or large in flower2bud differentiation gradi
    ent. Ten rep resentative cultivars were chosen and investigated for their behavior in forcing suc
    cessive secondary flowering. The results indicated that the flower2bud number and differentia
    tion gradient were directly related with secondary flowering. The cultivars with fewer flower-
    buds and large differentiation gradient could not be forced for successive secondary flowering in
    the same p lant, while the cultivars with medium2numbered ormany flower2buds and small dif
    ferentiation gradient flowered successively from January to Ap ril 2006 in the same p lant by forc
    ing. Among the latter, Paeonia‘Ru Hua Si Yu’had a secondary flowering percentage of 75%
    and p roduced good quality flowers during the p rimary and secondary flowering.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Construction and Analyses of SSH cDNA L ibraries of Rose Floral Color andScent Mutant
  • XIE Ji-rong;LIANG Guo-lu;TANG Kai-xue;ZHANG Hao;CHENG Zai-quan;HUANG Xing-qi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 688-694.
  • Abstract ( 1984 ) HTML ( 1678 ) PDF (503KB) ( 1678 )    
  • In order to analyse molecular mechanism of rose flower and scent metabolism and to exp lore
    the genes involved in rose floral color and fragrance metabolism, the supp ressive subtraction hybridization
    ( SSH) technique was used. Two differential exp ressing cDNA libraries were constructed with the cDNAs of
    the rose color and scentmutantWangriqinghuai as driver and the cDNAs of itswild type J inyindao (Rosa ×hy
    brida) as tester, vice versa. The cDNA libraries ofWSSH indicated the differential exp ressing cDNA frag
    ments in Wangriqinghuai and JSSH indicated the differential exp ressing cDNA fragments in Jinyindao. The
    difference of PCR bands for substracted samp le and non-substracted samp le was obvious. The relevant cDNA
    fragments exp ressing differentially between Wangriqinghuai and J inyindao were revealed and isolated through
    micoarray analysis of the clones in SSH. Twenty-seven positive clones ofWSSH and 25 positive clones of JSSH
    were obtained. After sequencing the clones exp ressing differentially in two cultivars and blasting their se
    quences, some ESTs regulating the color of pink mutant, such as CHS, DFR, MYB1, ADR were obtained
    from WSSH. Some ESTs regulating the floral color and scent of yellow p rogenitor, such as OOMT, MYB92 were also obtained from JSSH. Ty12cop ia2like retrotransposon most likely causing bud mutation was also got in
    this study. This is the first report on rose mutant SSH which would be useful for analysis and isolation of the
    genes related to rose floral color or scent.
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  • The Effect of Polyphenol Content and Polyphenol Oxidase Activity on in VitroRooting of Pingy in Rose Cultivars
  • LU Xu-juan;FENG Zhen;ZHAO Lan-yong;FENG Li-guo;YU Shou-chao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 695-698.
  • Abstract ( 1780 ) HTML ( 1279 ) PDF (278KB) ( 1279 )    
  • Polyphenol content, polyphenol oxidase ( PPO) activity and in vitro rooting ability of 5 Pingy
    in rose (Rosa rugosa Thunb. ) cultivarswere investigated to seek for the physiologicalmechanism of rooting.
    The results showed that polyphenol content, polyphenol oxidase activity and rooting index of different cultivars
    were different significantly. According to analysis of correlation, polyphenol content, polyphenol oxidase activ
    ity was correlated negatively to rooting index at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively. Polyphenol oxidase ac
    tivity and rooting index of R1 rugosa Purp le B ranch at different pH conditions were also studied. The results
    showed that both polyphenol oxidase activity and rooting index had significant correlation with pH, and the op
    timal pH of PPO was 6.5, while the op timal pH of in vitro rooting was 5.5.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Changes in Ultra-structure of Starch Granule in the Middle Scales of Liliumdavidii var. unicolor During the Bulb Development and Storage at Low Temperature
  • ZHANG Yue;SUN Hong-mei;SHEN Xiang-qun;CHEN Wei-zhi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 699-704.
  • Abstract ( 1815 ) HTML ( 1624 ) PDF (1617KB) ( 1624 )    
  • Changes in ultra-structure of starch granules in the middle scales of Lilium davidii var. unicol
    bulb were studied with the scanning electron microscope ( SEM) during the bulb development and storage at
    low temperature. The results indicated that a few separate starch granules coexisted with floccules in the cell
    beside the big vascular bundle at planting stage. With the development of bulb, the amount of starch granules
    increased significantly and reached the maximum at the half withered stage. Furthermore, the shape changes
    were observed from sp indle to almost rotundity. For the cells between the big and small vascular bundle, the
    amount of starch granules were smaller than that in the cells beside the big vascular bundle. And there are
    some cracks on the surface of the starch granule at the vegetative growth stage and bud autumn stage. During
    the storage at low temperature, the amount of starch granules tended to decline. By contrastwith the p rocess of
    bulb development, the amount of starch granules in the cells between the big and small vascular bundle were
    much more than that in the cells beside the big vascular bundle.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Effects of Elevated CO2 Concentration on Growth and Carbon Fixation ofPhalaenopsis ‘sogo Benz sogo’
  • LI Hua-yun;ZHUANG Jun-ping;HUANG Sheng-qin;YE Qing-sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 705-710.
  • Abstract ( 1625 ) HTML ( 1801 ) PDF (426KB) ( 1801 )    
  • Effects of elevated CO2 concentration on growth and CO2 fixation of Phalaenopsis were studied
    under elevated CO2 [ (700 ±50) μmol·mol-1 , (1 000 ±50) μmol·mol-1 ] and ambient CO2 concentra
    tions [ (360 ±30) μmol·mol-1 , control ] at 30 d ( short-term experiment) and 150 d ( long2term experi
    ment) after exposure to the corresponding CO2 concentrations. The results showed that the net CO2 absorp tion
    rate reached a maximum at 2 ∶00 A.M., with 134.11% in ( 700 ±50 ) μmol·mol-1 and 435.3% in
    (1 000 ±50) μmol·mol-1 higher than control at 30 d, while the increase rate decreased with time. Elevated
    CO2 resulted in the increase of the accumulation of titratable acids ( TA ) which increased by 65.05% in
    (700 ±50) μmol·mol-1 and 119.42% in (1 000 ±50) μmol·mol-1 at 30 d compared to control, but de
    creased slightly thereafter. Elevated CO2 treatment also resulted in the accumulation of carbohydrates ( soluble
    sugar and starch) in leaves, and the accumulation rate in ( 1 000 ±50 ) μmol·mol-1 was higher than in
    (700 ±50) μmol·mol-1. Compared with control, the fresh mass in (700 ±50) μmol·mol-1 and (1 000 ±
    50) μmol·mol-1 increased by 23% and 49% at 60 d, and 50% and 94% at 150 d, respectively; the dry
    mass in (700 ±50) μmol·mol-1 and (1 000 ±50) μmol·mol-1 was increased by 38% and 57% at 60 d,
    and 19% and 64% at 150 d, respectively. These results demonstrated that elevated CO2 has significant effect on the growth of Phalaenopsis.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Studies on Rapid Culture Techniques and Root Adaptability of Echinocactusgrusonii in Hydroponics
  • LUO J ian;WANG Ying;LIN Dong-jiao;WANG Man-li;OU Zhi-chan;LIU Shi-zhe
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 711-716.
  • Abstract ( 2127 ) HTML ( 2311 ) PDF (849KB) ( 2311 )    
  • In order to study rapid culture techniques and root adaptability of Echinocactus grusonii, five
    nutrient solutionswere used to grow Echinocactus grusonii together with a medium mixed with coconut husk,
    pearlite and sand as a control. The results showed that Echinocactus grusonii grew well in five tested formulae
    and there was a significant increase in ball biomass in still solution culture over that in medium culture, with a
    biomass increment of 307.48 - 399.16 g·plant-1 in 163 d. In still solution culture, Echinocactus grusonii
    roots grew well with vigorous root differentiation and development. For examp le, fresh and dry mass of root,
    root activity, total root length and root surface area increased by 114.6% , 43.3% , 38.1% , 460.7% and
    246.4% , respectively, over that in the medium culture. The submergence condition in solution culture altered
    the morphological and anatomic structure of rootswith smaller root diameter ( decreased from 0.83 mm in me
    dium culture to 0.51 mm in solution culture) , less cortex cell layers, enlarged intercellular space, and more
    developed root aerenchyma, which might be beneficial to root resp iration and up take of nutrients and water. It
    is concluded that still solution culture is an effective and rap id cultural technique for Ech inocactus g rusonii.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Response of Pigmen t Content of Golden-leaf Plants to Light Intensity
  • HU Hai-zi;ZHANG Rui;SHANG Ai-qin;ZHAO Liang-jun;LU Zhi-min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 717-722.
  • Abstract ( 1838 ) HTML ( 1492 ) PDF (262KB) ( 1492 )    
  • In this paper, light saturation point and light compensation point, p igment content in leaf, the
    response of leaf color to environmental light intensity on 14 kinds of golden-leaf p lantswere measured. The re
    sults showed that the chlorophyll content and ratio of Chl. /Car. of golden-leaf plants increased with the de
    scending leaf position and the leaf color ofmost golden2leaf p lantswas affected by environmental light intensi
    ty. The golden leave turned green and the content of chlorophyll increased with the decrease of light intensity.
    According to the sensitivity of leaf color to light intensity, these p lants were divided into three types, namely
    light insensitivity, light sensitivity and highly light sensitivity. The light insensitivity type includes Ipom oea
    batatas‘Aurea’and Epiprem num au reum. The light sensitivity type includes Celtis ju lianae‘Aurea’, Gledit
    sia triacanthos‘Sunburst’, Sophora japonica‘Aurea’, Physocarpus opulifolius‘Aurea’, Cornus alba‘Au
    rea’, L igustrum lucidum ‘Aurea’, Spiraea bum alda‘Goldmound’, B erberis thunbergii‘Aurea’, and the
    highly light sensitivity type includes Sam bucus g lauca ‘Aurea ’, Caryopteris ×Clandonensis ‘Worcester
    Gold’, Forsyth ia koreana‘Suwon Gold’.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • In Vitro Tetraploid Induction and Its Identif ication in Anthurium andraeanum
  • ZHANG Zhi-sheng;L I Yang-hui;J IANG Lei;LI Yun;WANG Zhu-ying;XIA Qing;YI Mao-sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 729-734.
  • Abstract ( 1857 ) HTML ( 1911 ) PDF (487KB) ( 1911 )    
  • Calli were employed to establish the technical system of tetraploid induction in Anthurium an
    by using colchicine treatment method. The results showed that the induction rate of tetrap loid in
    vitro depended on treatmentmethod, concentration of colchicine and duration of treatment. The lower the con
    centration of colchicine was, the higher the induction rate was. At the same concentration of colchicine, the
    induction rate of tetrap loid using liquid culture was higher than that using solid culture, and the longer the du
    ration of treatment was, the higher the induction rate was. The highest induction rate of tetrap loid, 45.5% ,
    was obtained from the calli cultured in the liquid medium supp lemented with 0.2 g·L-1 colchicine for 14 d
    on a rotator. The induction rate was not affected by genotype. Tetrap loid of Anthurium and raeanum was char
    acterized by larger and thicker leaves and spathes with deeper color and larger size of pollen, anther and
    p lant. Its length of stomatal cell on lower ep idermis leaf cellwas longer than that of diploid, while the density
    of stomata was less than that of diploid. This indicated that tetrap loids of An thu rium andraeanum could be pro
    duced by colchicine treatment and accurately determined by the improved squash method, the length of stoma2
    tal cell and the density of stomata.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Analysis on Karyotye of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. and L. pinnata L.
  • HUANG Shan-shan;LIAO Jing-ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 735-738.
  • Abstract ( 1647 ) HTML ( 1834 ) PDF (266KB) ( 1834 )    
  • The methods of eliminatingwalls by enzymolysis and low osmosis were used to analyse the cell
    chromosome karyotype of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. and L. pinnata L. The karyotype formula of L. angus
    Mill. is 2n = 2x = 50 = 14m + 10 sm ( SAT) + st, the species chromosome comp lement based on rela
    tive length is 2n = 50 =L + 11M2 + 13M1, which belongs to“2A”type. And the karyotype formula of L. pin2
    nata L. is 2n = 2x = 22 = 6m + 5 sm ( SAT) , the species chromosome comp lement based on relative length is
    2n = 22 = s + 6M1 + 2M2 + 2L, which belongs to“2B”type.
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  • Studies on the Correlative Factors for Normal Seedling Development inImmature Embryo Culture of Ultra-early Maturing Nectarine
  • DONG Xiao-ying;MENG Xin-fa;LI Pei-huan;WANG Yong-zhang;LIU Cheng-lian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 739-742.
  • Abstract ( 1353 ) HTML ( 1237 ) PDF (290KB) ( 1237 )    
  • The effects of different embryo developmental stages, treatment time of low temperature, 6-BA
    and GA3 levels, sucrose concentration in culture medium and seed coats on immature embryo development and
    normal seedling rate were studied with ultra-earlymaturing nectarine variety Super Red Spur. The results indi
    cated that the average PF value was only 0.086 when fruits developed up to 56 days. Among the all treat
    ments, the treatmentwith low temperature for 80 days and 6% sucrose concentrations in the culture medium
    had the highest effects on immature embryo growth and normal seedlings rate. Moreover, different 6-BA and
    GA3 concentrations showed little influence on the immature embryos cultured for 80 days in low temperature;
    but 9 mg/L 62BA had some promotion on the immature embryos development for 30 days. The PF value and
    the percent of normal seedling of immature embryos with seed coatswere found better compared with the em
    bryo without seed coatswhen cultured at low temperature condition.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Effect of Pre-storage Hot Air Treatment on the Blue Mold Rot of ‘Red Fuji’Apple Fruit
  • SHAO Xing-feng;TU Kang;JING Wei;WANG Hai;CHEN Yu-yan;CHEN Li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 743-746.
  • Abstract ( 1778 ) HTML ( 1467 ) PDF (424KB) ( 1467 )    
  • In this paper, the inhibitory effects of hot air treatment (38℃, 96 h) on the blue mold rot of
    app les fruit (Malus domestica Borkh. ‘Red Fuji’) were investigated. The activities of related enzymes of dis
    ease resistance were also determined. The decay incidence and lesion area was 78.33% and 20.83 cm2 re
    spectively on the app les only inoculated with Penicillium expansum spores after storage at 2℃ for 8 weeks.
    Compared with the control apples, the decay incidence and lesion area was reduced by 16.67% and 22.8%
    respectively on the heat-treated app les before inoculation. Further research found that, the phenylalanine am
    monium lyase ( PAL) and peroxidase ( POD) activity, the content of lignin and total phenomena of treated ap
    p leswere higher than controls at the later period of storage, which imp lied that heat treatment enhanced the in
    duced disease resistance of the app les to P. expansum.
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  • Molecular Biology Identif ication of Self-incompatibility Genotypes of NewApple Cultivars
  • ZHANG Xue-mei;LI Bao-guo;CUI Hui-ying;QI Guo-hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 747-750.
  • Abstract ( 1526 ) HTML ( 1576 ) PDF (412KB) ( 1576 )    
  • Five new apple cultivars, USA No. 8, Korin, Matsumoto Nishiki, Huaguan and Nanfangcui,
    which were introduced into Hebei Province recently, were used asmaterials in the p resent study. The p rimers
    ( P1 : 5′2 TTTACGCAGCAATATCAG23′; P2 : 5′2 ACGTTCGGCCAAATA /CATT23′) were newly designed ac2
    cording to the conservedsequence of amino acid of S-RNase. The self2incompatibility alleles of the cultivars
    were isolated and identified using PCR - RFLP analysis. Based on the results, the self2incompatibility geno
    types of the cultivarswere identified as S9S27、S1S9、S9S 9、S2S9、S2S9, respectively.
    Apple; Self-incompatibility genotype; Isolation; Identification
  • Related Articles | Metrics



  • Clone and Expression Analysis of a Novel S-allele: S35-RNase in Pyrusbretschneideri
  • YANG Gu-liang;TAN Xiao-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 751-754.
  • Abstract ( 1554 ) HTML ( 1451 ) PDF (426KB) ( 1451 )    
  • A new self2incompatibility gene, which contains an open reading frame of 681 nucleotides en
    coding a 227 amino acid protein, was isolated from Pyrus bretschneideri cultivars of Zaosu by rap id amp lifica
    tion of cDNA ends (RACE). DNA sequece analysis revealed that the isolated gene contains the specific se
    quences of S-RNase, such as conserved histidines and cysteines, hypervariable region and conserved regions.
    It displayed the highest homology of 94% with the embodied S4-RNase (AB014072). The new S-allele was
    named S35-RNase and its accession number wasDQ224344 in GenBank. The northern blot analysis indicated
    that this gene only exp ressed in p istil, with a higher exp ression level at the balloon stage than at the stage of 3
    days before or after flowering.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Contents and Distribution of Different Forms of Calcium in Prunus humilis
  • MA Jian-jun;ZHANG Li-bin;YU Feng-ming;XU Xue-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 755-759.
  • Abstract ( 1771 ) HTML ( 1961 ) PDF (438KB) ( 1961 )    
  • In order to exp lore the characteristic of calcium content variation and distribution in different
    tissues, and the mechanism of higher calcium content in Chinese dwarf cherry ( Prunus humilis) fruit, differ
    ent kinds of calcium contents, which were extracted by sequential extraction p rocedure, were analyzed during
    the fruit development. The results showed that the accumulation of calcium in fruits appeared in two periods,
    one was the mitotic period of young fruits, which appeared in 45 d after flowering and the accumulation amount
    accounted for 69.39% of the single fruit calcium; the other appeared in the period of cell swelling and lasted
    for about 30 d, calcium pectate was the main form in the mitotic period, while the soluble calcium was the
    main form in the swelling period. The order of calcium contents in different parts of P. humilis fruits was as
    follows: pulp > p it kernel > p it hull, which accounted for 72.50% , 15.94% and 11.56% of the total calcium
    contents, respectively. The order of calcium forms accumulated in fruitswas as follows: soluble calcium > cal
    cium pectate > calcium phosphate > calcium oxalate > residual calcium, and active calcium ( including soluble
    calcium and calcium pectate) accounted for 69.87% of the total calcium contents. It was concluded that ac
    tive calcium was the main form of calcium absorp tion, transportation and accumulation, and it also became the
    main reason for the characterization of higher calcium contents in P. hum ilis fruit. The ratio of different kinds
    of calcium in grafting tree had no significant change.
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  • The Character Display of Castanea mollissima var. pendula Sexual Progenies
  • TU Shu-ping;QIU Fu-xing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 760-762.
  • Abstract ( 1617 ) HTML ( 1486 ) PDF (168KB) ( 1486 )    
  • Castanea mollissima var. pendula is a special variety with dwarfing and pendent branches,
    was selected from the seedlings of Castanea mollissima in Jinping, Jiangxi. There were the erect p lants and the
    pendent p lants in the selfed p rogenies of Castanea mollissima var. pendula and the isolated ratio is 3∶1. The
    erect characterwas dominated by dominant gene and pendent characterwas dominated by recessive gene. The
    sexual progenies of C. mollissima var. pendula were still dwarfing. C. mollissima var. pendula could be uti
    lized dwarfing breeding of C. mollisima. The grafted results showed that C. mollissima var. pendula will be utilized for the dwarfing and a good yield of C. mollissima.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Radish Chromosome-specific ( dp ) RAPD Markers Screened from Raperadish Addition Lines
  • DING Yun-hua;BUDAHN Holger;JIAN Yuan-cai;PETERKA Herbert
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 767-770.
  • Abstract ( 1531 ) HTML ( 1331 ) PDF (259KB) ( 1331 )    
  • In previous researches, a series of rape2radish addition lines with known additional radish
    chromosomes and a linkage map of oil radish consisting of 9 group s have been developed. To study the assign
    ment between the linkage group s and the chromosomes of radish, this work was carried out to screen radish
    chromosome-specific molecularmarkers from rape-radish addition lines bymeans of ( dp) RAPD technology so
    as to integrate radish chromosome markers into the linkage groups in further research. 576 decamer primers
    and pair-primers were tested to identify molecularmarkers for radish chromosomes (A - I). As a result, 413
    primers and pair-primerswere effectual to amp lify radish chromosome2specific ( dp) RAPD markers, the effec
    tual primers (pair-primers) occup ied averagely 71.7%. This ratio in p rotocol of RAPD was 67.7% , and that
    in dpRAPD was 73.2%. Altogether 899 ( dp) RAPD markers for all 9 chromosomes of radish were obtained,
    including 354 RAPD markers and 545 dpRAPD markers. The number of markers for individual chromosome
    varied from 41 for chromosome I to 160 for chromosome C.
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  • Effect of Plant Growth Regulator on Root Activity of Tomato in Long-termSoilless Cultivation
  • JIANGWei-jie;YU Hong-jun;ZHU De-wei;DU Yong-chen;LI Hong;SHI Zhen-xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 771-774.
  • Abstract ( 2270 ) HTML ( 2024 ) PDF (499KB) ( 2024 )    
  • An experiment was conducted to study the effects of plant growth regulators ( PGR ) on
    growth of tomato Baofa 008 and their mechanism in long-term soilless cultivation in greenhouse. The plant
    growth regulators included 2, 4-D, uniconazole (UNI) , salicylic acid ( SA ) , Yunda-120, NAA and com
    pound sodium nitrophenolate (CSN). The results indicated that tomato plant treated with Yunda-120, CSN +
    NAA increased root activities by 0.623 mg·h-1 ·g-1 and 0.558 mg·h-1 ·g-1 , respectively, which were
    significantly higher than that of the control, enhanced leaf net photosynthesis rate and p lant stem growth, con
    sequently increased tomato yield by 13.42% and 8.78% , respectively, as compared with the control.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Changes in Fraction and Content of Pectin During Development of Carrot
  • SUN Ya-jun;XUE Hui-lan;ZHANG Xue-jie;WANG Jin-yu;GUO Ke
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 775-782.
  • Abstract ( 1817 ) HTML ( 1269 ) PDF (253KB) ( 1269 )    
  • Fraction and changes of pectin substances in five carrot varieties, the main varieties in China,
    during the growth of fruits from 60 days to 100 days after sowing were investigated. The study can be used as
    a reference for carrot breeding and postharvest comp rehensive utilization. The results showed that the content
    of water soluble pectin (WSP) , oxalate soluble pectin (OSP) and total pectin (TP) increased with carrot
    growing, however, different trends were observed in content of ASP in different varieties, ASP increased or
    unchanged significantly with development of fruits. The acid soluble pectin (ASP) was the main fraction of
    pectin substances which reached 75.2% - 91.3% of TP, the second was OSP, 5.8% - 17.9% of TP, and
    the third wasWSP, 2.9% - 8.9% of TP. After harvest, TP content of Juhong 1 was the highest among the
    five varieties, which reached 12.585 mg/g, but the other four varietiespTP content showed no significant
    difference. The correlation between firmness of carrot and pectin content and fraction showed no significant
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  • A Preliminary Study on Cold Resistance of Six Magnolia Species Seedlings
  • LI Gang;JIANG Wei-bing;WENG Mang-ling;JIANG Wu;CAO Jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 783-786.
  • Abstract ( 1642 ) HTML ( 1521 ) PDF (282KB) ( 1521 )    
  • The performance and the physiological indices including CI, TL50 , MDA and Chl. during the
    course of winter were investigated to study the cold resistance of six evergreen magnolia species. All speciesp
    chilling assistance was strengthened after a period of low temperature domestication. The magnolia species that
    distributed naturally in middle-subtrop ical areas had much lower CI and TL50 than that distributed naturally in
    sourthern-subtrop ical areas. All speciespcontents ofMDA ascended while Chl. descended during the course of
    winter. The cold resistance of sixmagnolia specieswere arranged in sumarization of the value of above indice:
    Parakm eria lotungensis was the strongest, followed by Michelia platypetala, Michelia foveolata, Manglietia in
    , Michelia macclurei and Tsoongiodendron odorum.
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  • Research on in Vitro Culture for Plant Regenera tion and Cultivation ofOrnamenta l of Melastoma dodecandrum
  • JIANG Dao-song;LI Ling;XIONG Bi-luo;LI Luan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 787-790.
  • Abstract ( 1716 ) HTML ( 1211 ) PDF (425KB) ( 1211 )    
  • In vitro culture and plant regeneration of Melastoma dodecandrum by tissue culture using its
    blade were studied. The results showed that the op timum medium for callus induction isMS supp lemented with
    2, 4-D 1 mg·L -1 , 6-BA 0.2 mg·L-1 , 5% sucrose and 0.6% agar , or MS with 2, 4-D 2 mg·L-1 , 6-
    BA 0.2 mg·L -1 , 5% sucrose and 0.6% agar. The optimum medium for the formation and growth of cluster
    buds is MS with 6-BA 2 mg·L-1 , NAA 0.3 mg·L-1 , 5% sucrose and 0.6% agar. The optimum medium
    for rooting is 1/2MS with NAA 1.5 mg·L-1 , 2, 4-D 0.5 mg·L-1 , 5% sucrose and 0.6% agar, or MS
    with 6-BA 0.5 mg·L-1 , NAA 2 mg·L-1 , 5% sucrose and 0.6% agar. The cultivation for ornamental of
    test-tube plantlets was also studied. The optimum temperature is 28 - 32℃. The optimum medium is 2/3 peat
    soil and 1/3 vermiculite, or 2/3 humus and 1/3 vermiculite for pot cultivation. The best p roportion of N, P
    and K is 114 ∶112 ∶1. The optimum soil is humus. The test2tube p lantlets can be cultivated as a pot flower
    and ornamental lawn with high ornamental value.
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  • A New Grape Cultivar ‘Xinyu’
  • LUO Qiang-wei;SUN Feng;CAI Jun-she;GENG Xin-li;REBI Gu-li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 797-797.
  • Abstract ( 2055 ) HTML ( 1021 ) PDF (74KB) ( 1021 )    
  • E42-6 was selected from Red Earth natural cultivars. Xinyu is a hybrid cultivar derived from
    E42-6 ×Rizamat. The ripening date of berry is in the middle ten days of Sep tember in Shanshan City area.
    The berry is egg-like, purple-red. The average mass of a single berry is 11.6 g. The fruit cluster is conical,
    weighting over 800 g, fruit soluble content is 16% - 19% , and fruit total acid is 0.33% - 0.39%. The mul
    tip le spots regional trials and tests showed that the cultivar has excellent characteristics such as stronger growth
    vigour, high yield and good quality.
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  • Hot Pepper Cultivar ‘Hangjiao 1’
  • HUO Jian-tai;ZHANG Ting-gang;BAO Wen-sheng;WEI Jin-bin;HU Xiao-ming;ZHANG Zhong-ping;;GAO Yan-hui;DING Yao-hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 799-799.
  • Abstract ( 2313 ) HTML ( 1107 ) PDF (73KB) ( 1107 )    
  • The new hot papper cultivar Hangjiao 1 was developed by space mutation and added genera
    tions breeding in solar-greenhouse. The CULTIVAR is earlymaturing. Its fruit ismoderate hot and green with
    ox horn shape and mooth appearance as well as super marketable quality. The average fruitmass is 54.8 g.
    The content of vitamin C is 2.34 g/kg. The yield is 32.5 - 45.5 t/hm2. It has resitance to virus and phyto
    phthora blight, medium resistance to powdery mildew, and good tolerance to lower temperature and weaker
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  • A New Pumpkin Cultivar ‘Jinxiangyu’
  • GU Wei-hong;YANG Hong-juan;MA Kun;Wang Qing-zhong;Song Rong-hao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 801-801.
  • Abstract ( 4162 ) HTML ( 1115 ) PDF (93KB) ( 1115 )    
  • J inxiangyu is a new mini2pumpkin hybrid cultivarwith good quality and special characters. It
    is early maturing, the harvesting time is about 35 d after flowering. It is good in setting fruit, each p lant can
    set 5 - 8 fruits, each fruit is about 250 - 300 g. The fruit is pyramid in shape, light yellow and has 9 or 10
    dark yellow shallow channels on its surface, flesh color is dark yellow, with good taste after cooking. This cul
    tivar is suitable for p lanting in plastic greenhouse in southern and northern China.
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  • A New Seedless Watermelon Cultivar ‘Cu iyu’
  • CHANG Gao-zheng;J ING Yan-cai;XU Xiao-li;LI Xiao-hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(3): 802-802.
  • Abstract ( 1851 ) HTML ( 1003 ) PDF (94KB) ( 1003 )    
  • Cuiyu is a middle-maturing, disease resistant, high-yielding, and high quality new cultivar of
    watermelon bred by using tetrap loid cultivar SB-1 asmale parent and RB-5 as female parent. It ismiddle-late
    cultivarwith a growth period of 105 days. The fruit is spherical in shape and fruit shape index is 1.01. The
    fruit peel is light green mixed with black stripe in colour and is 1. 4 cm in thickness. Its storage p roperty is
    good. The mass of a single fruit is 8 - 10 kg and the biggest one is above 15 kg. The highest yield is 67.5 t/
    hm2 or more. It is highly resistant to anthrax of watermelon (Colletotrichum lagenarium ) , watermelon virus
    disease, and moderately resistant to watermelon wilt disease. Its flesh is red in colour, succulent, crisp, less
    fibber content, the seedless p roperty is stable, and no hollow. The content of central soluble solids is 12.5%.
    The peel is thin, the edible rate is high, the commercial p roperty is good and the quality is high.
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