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2007, Vol.34, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue



  • Compara tive Morphology and Its Systema tic Implica tion on EpiphyllousM icrosporang ia from G inkgo biloba L.
  • XING Shi-yan;L I Shi-mei;L IBao-jin;WANG Fang;HAN Ke-jie;WANG L i
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 805-812.
  • Abstract ( 2322 ) HTML ( 1394 ) PDF (749KB) ( 1394 )    
  • Comparative morphology of ep iphyllous microsporangia Ginkgo, which was discovered by au2
    thor for the first time in China, were examined under light microscope (LM) , scanning electron microscope
    ( SEM) , and its systematic imp lication was discussed. The research results showed that there exists the normal
    microsporangia and ep iphyllousmicrosporangia on ep iphyllous microsporangia Ginkgo tree. These leaves with
    ep iphyllousmicrosporangia are smaller than that of normal leaves, and with 1 to 3 deep lobes attached by 1 -
    9 microsporophyll, sometimes 1 - 3 (5) microsporophyll clustered on the boundary of lamina and petiole, and
    the microsporophyll without stalklet. There is no significant difference in anatomical structure between the
    leaves with ep iphyllousmicrosporangia and normal leaves, excep t the thickening in the site where ep iphyllous
    microsporangia inserted. The transections of both kinds of leaves comp rise ep idermis, mesophyll and veins,
    and there is no significant palisade tissue and spongy parenchyma. There is diversity in the number of ep iphyllousmicrosporangia per leaf, inserted site, and morphological features. The normalmicrosporangia is ellip tic,
    while the ep iphyllousmicrosporangia is almost circular, and the microsporangia wall consists of 4 - 7 layers of
    cell. At the time of pollen shedding, the tapetum was degenerated to vestige in both kinds ofmicrosporangia.
    The polar axis and the equatorial axis of pollen p roduced in ep iphyllous microsporangia are 19199 μm and
    13160μm, respectively. The number of pollen in ep iphyllousmicrosporangia averages 18 600. Normal pollen is slippery2grained type, but ep iphyllous pollen is rough2grained type. The pollens in ep iphyllousmicrosporan2
    gia have capability to germinate. The ontogeny of ep iphyllousmicrosporangia Ginkgo indicated that the micro2
    sporophyll in Ginkgo is of phyllome origin. Possibly, the ep iphyllous microsporangia is a peculiar chimera.
    Phylogeny on ep iphyllousmicrosporangia Ginkgo was discussed in the article.
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  • Hereditary Ana lysis of Tota l Fruit Ac id Content and Sugar Content of Progen ies ( F1 - F4 ) of V itis am u rensis Rupr. v ia Intra spec if ic or Interspec if icHybr idiza tion
  • SONG Run-gang;ZHENG Yong-chun;LU Wen-peng;L I Chang-yu;SHEN Yu-jie;L I Xiao-hong;ZHANG Bao-xiang;L IN Xing-gui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 813-822.
  • Abstract ( 2231 ) HTML ( 1337 ) PDF (393KB) ( 1337 )    
  • Ten thousand and five hundred forty-four hybrid plants survived in 73 crossing group s with 8
    kinds of crossingmodels and 3 049 plants were separated with low acid content and high sugar content, which
    is 28.9% among the total hybrid plants by intraspecific hybridization of Vitis am urensis Rupr. to cold-resistan
    ting resources of Vitis amurensis Rupr. (VA) and the interspecific hybridization, back cross and recrossing
    between VA and Vitis vinifera L. (VV) with high sugar content and low acid content in the northeast area of
    China from 1973 to 2005. The range of total acid content of 8 kinds crossingmodels ( from low to high) was:
    (VA ×VV) F2 ×VV → (VA ×VV) F1 ×VV → (VA ×VV) → (VA ×VV) F1 × (VA ×VV) F1
    (VA ×VV) F2 × (VA ×VV) F2 → (VA ×VV) F2 ×VA → (VA ×VV) F1 ×VA → (VA ×VA) and the range of fruit sugar contents ( from high to low) was : (VV ×VA) F2 ×VV → (VV ×VA) F1 ×VV →
    (VV ×VA) F2 × (VV ×VA) F2 → (VV ×VA) F1 × (VV ×VA) F1 → (VA ×VV) → (VV ×VA) F1
    ×VA → (VV ×VA) F2 ×VA→ (VV ×VA). It showed a continuous distribution and tended to the parent
    with high acid content and low sugar content in the hereditary laws of the separation of total acid content and
    sugar content of intraspecific hybridization and interspecific hybridization of VA ( F2 - F4 ) , and the more
    crossings of those parentswere used, the more progenies were separated with high acid content and low sugar
    content; and the laws showed quantity trait heredity controlled by multi2gene. A new variety named‘Zuo
    Youhong’and strains of 94-7-75, 94-8-168, 98-17-121 and 2002-1-135 for dry-red grape wine and a new
    strain for ice2red grape wine were bred from the p rogenies of crossingmodels of (VA ×VV) F1 ×VA, (VA
    ×VV) F1 × (VA ×VV) F1 and (VA ×VV) F2 × (VA ×VV) F2.
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  • Changes in Soluble Sugars and Activities of Related Metabolic Enzymes inGrape Berries During Ripening and Delayed Harvest
  • SONG Jin;FAN Pei-ge;WU Ben-hong;LI Shao-hua;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 823-828.
  • Abstract ( 2025 ) HTML ( 1549 ) PDF (597KB) ( 1549 )    

  • Changes in soluble sugarswere studied during fruit ripening and delayed harvest in grape ber
    ries of J ingxiu, Alexander and 20 individuals of the cross p rogenies from two crosses: J ingxiu ×Alexander and
    J ingxiu ×Xiangfei. Soluble sugars in the berry of Jingxiu and 8 individuals accumulated significantly during
    three-week delayed harvest period while no significant changes in soluble sugars were observed in Alexander
    and the other 12 individuals. Acid invertase (AI) , neutral invertase (NI) , sucrose synthase ( cleavage direc
    tion) tended to increase during the delayed harvest period in J ingxiu and 97-2-23, which belonged to sugar
    accumulation type, while those ofAlexander and 97-2-24, which were the sugar stable type, decreased signifi
    cantly during the three weeks of delayed harvest. Moreover, there was difference in the resp iratory rate of ber
    ries between the two types. It is suggested that the difference in resp iratory rate and sink strength reflected by
    the activities of sucrose degradation enzymes in berries may be an important factor in soluble sugar changes
    during delayed harvest between the two types.
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  • Studies on Chlorosis and Iron Contents of Leaves from Different GrapevineCultivars on Calcareous Soil
  • WANG Cui-ling;ZHOU Wei-dong;YANG Xiao-ming;CAO Zi-yi;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 829-834.
  • Abstract ( 1833 ) HTML ( 1395 ) PDF (194KB) ( 1395 )    
  • The studywas carried outwith table grapevine p lants grown on calcareous soil under field con
    ditions. Chlorophyll concentration, active iron contents and total iron contents of leaves from different positions
    of 82year2old table grapevine ( three Vitis vinifera, Blush Seedless, Muscat Hamburg and Rizamat; three Euro
    American hybrid, J ingya, Fujiminori and Zizhenxiang) were measured and analyzed their relationship. The
    results indicated that contents of chlorophyll, active and total iron gradually increased from young leaves to
    muture leaves. The contents of chlorophyll of chlorotic leaveswere significantly lower than that of green ones.
    The active iron content of leaves at first and second position of severely chlorotic Euro2American hybrid was re
    markably lower than that of normal Vitis vinifera. Chlorotic leaves have same or higher iron concentration than
    green oneswhen compared with the total iron content of leaves at first and second position of different culti
    vars, while the total iron content of leaves at forth position of Blush Seedless andMuscat Hamburgwere signif
    icantly higher than ones of chlorotic cultivars. Chlorophyll contentwas negatively correlated to degree of chlo
    rosis, the active and total iron contents were significant positively correlated to chlorophyll content.
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  • Effects of Different Bag Treatments on the Absorption of Ca lcium in ‘RedFuji’ Apple Fruit
  • DONG Zhong-fang;WANG Yong-zhang;WANG Lei;L IU Cheng-lian;DONG Xiao-ying;L IU Geng-sen;YUAN Yong-bing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 835-840.
  • Abstract ( 2057 ) HTML ( 1561 ) PDF (334KB) ( 1561 )    
  • The effects of different bag treatments on the absorp tion of calcium in ‘Red Fuji’ apple fruits
    were studied with 45Ca isotopic trace technique. The results showed that the total contents of calcium in apple
    fruit increased during the whole development and the main uptake occurred in the earlier and later growth sta
    ges. Moreover, itwas found that the kinds of bags had significant influences on the amount of calcium up take
    with the control fruit showing the highest abilities of calcium absorp tion, and the fruit covered with paper bag
    had the lowest amount of calcium. On the other hand, the rate of calcium absorp tion was higher at the begin
    ning of treatment, but declined graduallywith the extension of experiment time. The results also indicated that
    the calcium absorbed in app le fruit entered the stem end first and then to the calyx end. It is concluded that
    the calcium absorbed in app le fruitwas removable and might be moved to the shoot, leaves or other parts, sug
    gesting that calcium absorbed in apple fruit canpt be re-distributed was discussible.
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  • Effect of Pear Stylar S-RNa se on Self-pollen Tube Ultrastructure in Vitro
  • LIU Zhu-qin;ZHANG Shao-ling;XU Guo-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 841-846.
  • Abstract ( 2058 ) HTML ( 1285 ) PDF (503KB) ( 1285 )    
  • The effects of pear stylar S-RNase on compatible and incompatible pollen tube ultrastructure
    in vitro were studied with transmission electron microscope. Ultrastructure of compatible pollen tube and con
    trolwas natural during growth, i.e. cytop lasm and organelles filled tube growth tip and their configurations
    were intact. There was no callose along the cell wall. While ultrastructure of incompatible tube degenerated
    gradually followed by treatment time. After treated for 3 h incompatible tube was full of cytop lasm and organ
    elles. There was no callose along the cell wall. But secreting vacuoles fused at the apex of tube and the cell
    wall was thinner than that of others. Eight hours after treatment mitochondria appeared swelling, cristae de
    creased or disappeared, ER dilated and wrapped around vacuoles and other organelles, vacuoles fused and
    swallowed cytop lasm and organelles. After 24 h, mitochondria and ER disappeared, only a little of cytop lasm
    laid near the tube tip and the shank nearlywere emp ty. Cellwalls became thicker and a layer of callose laid a
    long the cell walls. The result hits pear stylar S2RNase could cause degeneration of incompatible pollen tube
    and inhibited incompatible tube growth.
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  • AFLP Analysis of New Pear Cultivars and Their Parents
  • WANG Fei;LIN Sheng-hua;FANG Cheng-quan;LI Lian-wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 847-852.
  • Abstract ( 1667 ) HTML ( 1854 ) PDF (659KB) ( 1854 )    
  • Forty-three pear cultivars including 20 new pear cultivars and their parentswere subjected to
    fluorescent AFLP ( amplified fragments length polymorphism) analysis. Seven primer combinations selected
    from 64 primer combinations produced a total of 784 fragments, of which 699 were polymorphic with a poly
    morphism percentage of 89.2%. The results showed that characteristic bands were amp lified from 29 culti
    vars, and any primer combination could identify all the cultivars. Fluorescent AFLP was proved to be a very
    reliable method to identify pear cultivars. The genetic relationship between new pear cultivars and their parents
    was analyzed and 20 new cultivars were classified on molecular level by clustered analysis, which p rovided
    theoretical reference for parent selection in pear hybridization breeding.
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  • Identification of S-genotypes of Twelve Pear Cultivars by Analysis of DNASequence
  • HENG Wei;ZHANG Shao-ling;ZHANG Yu-yan;WU Jun;LI Xiu-gen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 853-858.
  • Abstract ( 2030 ) HTML ( 1518 ) PDF (682KB) ( 1518 )    
  • Using PCR amplification method, S-genotypes of twelve Chinese pear cultivars were deter
    mined. The S-genotypeswere S4S36 for Hongsucui, S28Sd for Xinli 7, S5S29 for Jinshui 3, S3S16 for Bayuesu,
    S3S29 for Jinshui 1, S3S22 for Longquansu, S4S16 for Xuehua, S4S16 for Xuefang, S4S34 for Yaqing, S4S34 for
    Xinya, S3S29 forDeshengxiang, S31S33 for Fuyuanhuang. Based on the analysis of the S gene, Itwas confirmed
    that S16 and S31 were the same S gene. The study results enriched the genotype information of pear cultivars in
    China, p roviding the basis for app rop riate arrangement of pollination tree in pear orchards.
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  • Isolation and Identification of Four New S-RNase Genes of White Pear( Pyrus bretschneideri)
  • WUYUN Ta-na;TAN Xiao-feng;CAO Yu-Fen;ZHANG Lin;DENG J ian-jun;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 859-864.
  • Abstract ( 1859 ) HTML ( 1259 ) PDF (726KB) ( 1259 )    
  • PCRs were performed on genomic DNAs of four Chinese white pear (Pyrus bretschneideri) culti
    varsDonghuang, Xinliyihao, Hongp isu and Boshanchi using degenerate primers derived from conserved amino
    acids FTQQYQ and anti-IIWPNV of Japanese pear S1-8
    -RNases. Restricted digestion analysis of PCR products
    revealed that Xinliyihao and Donghuang had a common S8
    -allele. Sequencing and bioinformatics analysis of un
    digested PCR p roduct showed that four alleles from the four cultivarswere distincted from published S1-19
    at the DNA and deduced amino acid sequences level, thereby being identified as new alleles. Theywere named
    as S20-, S22-, S26- and S27-alleles, respectively ( GenBank accession numbers AY250988, AY250990,
    AY339396 and AY339397). Finally, the four cultivarswere S2genotyped as follows: Donghuang (S8 S20 ) , Xin
    liyihao (S8 S22 ) , Hongp isu (S12 S26 ) and Boshanchi (S19 S27 ).
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  • Identif ication of RAPD Marker Linked to Pollen Fertility Gene and Conversion to SCARMarker in Peach
  • WANG Cheng;CAO Hou-nan;ZONG Cheng-wen;ZHAO Cheng-ri;ZHUANG De-feng;P IAO Ri-zi;ZHAO Kai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 865-870.
  • Abstract ( 1913 ) HTML ( 1535 ) PDF (608KB) ( 1535 )    
  • In this study, a RAPD marker (OPW03-900) linked to pollen fertility gene was screened
    from 180 RAPD arbitrary p rimers in 52 F1 individuals from the cross‘Chongyanghong’ בOkuba’, pollen
    fertility/ sterility poolwas constructed respectively by using RAPD technique and BSA method. After repeating
    tests and checking up individuals of population, thismarker could only be amp lified in the pollen fertility indi
    viduals ( excep t recombinants) , the linkage distance was 5.80 cM with the pollen fertility/ sterility locus. This
    band was collected and sequenced to synthesize a pair of SCAR p rimerwhich was used to amp lify the individu
    als of the F1 p rogeny, the locus of the special band and the number of recombinantswere the same as the result
    of RAPD amp lification, the size of thismarkerwas 906 bp, which was designated as SCW03-906, indicating
    the RAPD marker has been successfully converted into a SCAR markerwhich linked to pollen fertility gene in
    peach. This sequence was adop ted by GenBank, the logging number wasDQ659676.
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  • Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Cerasus by SSR Markers
  • AI Cheng-xiang;XIN Li;YU Xian-mei;ZHANG Li-si;WE I Hai-rong;YUAN Ke-jun;SUN Qing-rong;LIU Qing-zhong;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 871-876.
  • Abstract ( 2033 ) HTML ( 1460 ) PDF (450KB) ( 1460 )    
  • The genetic diversity of thirty cultivars of Prunus avium L. and P. pseudocerasus Lindl. were
    evaluated by 24 pairs of SSR p rimers. The aim of the study is to reveal the genetic diversity in Cerasus and
    help to exp loit and make use of the germp lasm of Cerasus. The results showed that the Shannon2weaver index
    of genetic diversity ranged from 1.3647 to 2.9964 and the Simp son index from 0.6111 to 0.9326, which indi
    cated that the Cerasus has abundant genetic diversity. The molecular clustering showed some rules in the geo
    graphical distribution. The cultivars used in this studywere divided into 2 group s by cluster analysis: P. avi
    um L and P. pseudocerasus Lindl. , which was in agreementwith the traditional taxonomy on Cerasus. Moreo
    ver, P. avium L. was subdivided into 3 subgroup s, and P. pseudocerasus L indl. into 2 subgroup s respective
    ly. The cluster results showed that the molecular classification of Cerasus in China had some relativity to the
    geographic taxonomic system, which reflected the genetic and territorial character of Cerasus.
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  • Identification of Pathogenic Fungus Causing a Decay of Stored Pomegranate Fruits Using Molecular Biology Technique
  • FU Juan-ni;LIU Xing-hua;CAI Fu-dai;KOU Li-ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 877-882.
  • Abstract ( 2337 ) HTML ( 182 ) PDF (0KB) ( 182 )    
  • According to Koch'postulates, the pathogenic fungus causing a destructive decay of stored
    pomegranate fruitswas isolated and confirmed. After cloning the internal transcribed spacer ( ITS) region of
    the isolate using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) technique, the gene sequence of ITS region of isolate were
    determined. Using Blast System, the difference of the gene sequences between the isolate and the fungus in
    EuropeanMolecular B iology Laboratory Genbank was compared. The result showed that the isolate fungus and
    B otryosphaeria dothidea share more 99% homology sequence. Therefore, the isolated funguswas identified as
    B otryosphaeria dothidea. The symp toms of B otryosphaeria dothidea causing fruit rot are same with other fungus
    in other reports. This paper is the first report about B otryosphaeria dothidea causing pomegranate rot. In addi
    tion, the disease cycle and the ep idemiology of B otryosphaeria dothidea were investigated in order to control
    the decay of stored pomegranate fruits.
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  • Interspecific Hybridization and Identification of Hybrid in Capsicum
  • CHENG Zhi-fang;QIAN Chun-tao;CHEN Xue-jun;CHEN Jin-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 883-888.
  • Abstract ( 2093 ) HTML ( 1444 ) PDF (451KB) ( 1444 )    
  • Three hybrid p lants from the combination of Capsicum baccatum ×C. chinense (Hbc ) and seven hybrid plants of C. annuum ×C. chinense (Hac ) were obtained through recip rocal interspecific hybridiza
    tions among the five cultivated species C. annuum, C. chinense, C. frutescens, C. baccatum, and C. pu
    . Excep t for the Hac-7 which exhibited virus-like symp toms, all the other hybrid p lants grew normally.
    The pollen stainability percentages of Hac and Hbc were 13.9% and 23.8%, respectively, and were significant
    ly lower than those of their corresponding parents. The pollen stainability percentage, morphological characters
    and band patterns of isozyme in the hybrid p lantswere identicalwithin each combination. The nature of hybrid
    was confirmed by morphological characteristics and isozyme (peroxidase) analysis.
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  • Ultrastructural Changes of Pericarp of Cucumber in Vivo During Senescence
  • WANG Zhi-kun;Q IN Zhi-wei;LI Yan-qiu;ZHOU Xiu-yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 889-894.
  • Abstract ( 1769 ) HTML ( 1290 ) PDF (770KB) ( 1290 )    
  • Ultrastructural changes of pericarp of cucumber in vivowere investigated in cucumber cultivars
    D0313 and 649 during senescence. The results showed that in the cultivar 649, cellwall dissolution was initi2
    ated along the middle lamella and granum lamellae were extended towards both sides at 30 d after pollination.
    At 40 d after pollination, cellwall disrup tion was advanced, grana began to dissolve and cristae ofmitochondria were fewer in number. In the cultivarD0313, dissolution of the middle lamella has occurred, grana were
    dilated and single thylakoidswere distributed at 20 d after pollination. At 30 d after pollination, middle lamella disappeared, chlorop lasts degraded and cristae ofmitochondria were illegibility. So, cellwall, chlorop lasts
    and mitochondria of D0313 began to degrade p rior to that of 649 during senescence. And mitochondria were
    stable cellular organelles; the changes ofmitochondria were later than chlorop lasts during senescence.
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  • Effect of Cu2+ , Zn2++ and Mn2+ on SOD Activity of Cucumber Leaves Extraction after Low Temperature Stress
  • LI Tao;YU Xian-chang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 895-900.
  • Abstract ( 1636 ) HTML ( 1305 ) PDF (386KB) ( 1305 )    
  • The contents ofMn, Zn, Cu, Fe and the activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD) and its
    isoenzymes in grafted and own-rooted cucumber leaves under low temperature stresswere studied. The results
    indicated that the contents ofMn, Cu, Zn and the activities of SOD, Cu /Zn-SOD andMn-SOD in grafted cucumber leaveswere significantly higher than those in own-rooted cucumber leaves, while the content of Fe and
    Fe2SOD activity was lower. In order to make clear the relationship s between high contents ofMn, Zn, Cu and SOD activity in grafted cucumber, Mn2+ , Zn2+ and Cu2+ and different combinations were added into own-rooted cucumber leaves extraction, respectively, in the third day during low temperature stress and made their final concentrations were the same as they in grafted cumber leaves extraction. The results showed that adding Mn2+ , Zn2+ , Cu2+ and their different combinations were added into own-rooted cucumber leaves extraction could enhance the SOD and its isoenzymes activities excep t the Fe-SOD. The sequence of increasing level was Mn2+ + Zn2+ , Mn2+ +Cu2+, Mn2+ , Cu2+, Cu2+ + Zn2+ +Mn2+ , Cu2+ + Zn2+ and Zn2+. This re-search has p roved that theMn, Cu and Zn in cucumber leave could affect the SOD activity and the higher SODactivity in grafted cucumber leave might be attributed to higher accumulation of Cu, Zn and Mn.
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  • Effects of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid ( ALA ) on Chlorophyll FluorescenceDynamics of Watermelon Seedlings under Shade Condition
  • SUN Yong-ping;WANG Liang-ju
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 901-908.
  • Abstract ( 1640 ) HTML ( 1620 ) PDF (804KB) ( 1620 )    
  • The influences of the foliar app lication with 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on dynamics of chlorophyll fluorescence in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb. Mansfeld) seedlings under shade condition were studied with PAM-2100 Chlorophyll Fluorometer in the work. The results showed that shading significantly depressed chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, whereasALA imp roved the actual photochemical efficiency of photosystemⅡ (ΦPSⅡ) , the electronic transfer rate (ETR) , the photochemical quenching (qP) and the energy distribution in photochemistry (Pc) absorbed by PSⅡreaction center. The treatmentwith 1% diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC), a chelator of Cu2+, which inhibits the activity of Cu-Zn-SOD, decreased all the parameters above,
    whereas ALA could inverse the inhibition ofDDC, suggesting that p romotion ofALA on photochemical efficiency of PSⅡmight be related with the activities of antioxidant enzymes. The initial fluorescence (Fo) ofwatermelon leaveswas increased by the shade treatment, and companied with a lower level of the maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) , suggesting thatwatermelon is a considerably light-loving crop and low light intensity tends to cause ogenesis of photosynthetic apparatus. ButALA and /orDDC did not show any effect on the fluorescence parameterswhich suggested the p romotion ofALA on photochemical efficiency of PSⅡdid not directly relate with the PSⅡreaction centers in watermelon leaves, but related with acceleration of active oxygen metabolism nearby PSⅠreaction centers by increasing the activities of antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD.
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  • Molecular Characterization and Expression of Thioredoxin-like Prote in THL1Gene from Brassica oleracea L.
  • GAO Qi-guo;SONG Ming;NIU Yi;YANG Kun;ZHU Li-quan;WANG Xiao-jia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 909-914.
  • Abstract ( 1820 ) HTML ( 1228 ) PDF (521KB) ( 1228 )    
  • The DNA and cDNA fragments of the THL1 were amp lified from genomic DNA and stigma cDNA of Brassica oleracea ‘E1’by PCR and RT2PCR methods. Their lengths were 732 bp and 455 bp re
    spectively. Sequence analysis indicated that the identities of DNA and cDNA with those cloned from Brassica oleracea ‘Xiyuan 4’ previously were 97.9% and 98.3% respectively, the introns of the two sequences were
    different in size. Moreover, the second intron of THL1 from Brassica oleracea ‘E1’was not comp ly with the
    typ ical GT-AG rule: AT existed in the 3′end of the second intron. The cDNA of THL1 was cloned into vector pET-43.1a ( + ) to be pET43.1a ( + ) -THL1, transferred into E1coli BL21 and exp ressed as a 74 kD fusion p rotein when induced with IPTG. Thioredoxin activitywasmeasured by ability of the THL1 to reduce insulin. The result showed the THL1 gene had been correctly exp ressed.
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  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Mutation-type Cinnamate-4-hydroxyla seGene from Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC.
  • CHEN An-he;;LI Jia-na;CHAI You-rong;WANG Rui;Lv Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 915-922.
  • Abstract ( 2011 ) HTML ( 1438 ) PDF (1500KB) ( 1438 )    
  • A 2 431-bp full-length cinnamate-4-hydroxylase gene, BoC4H, was cloned from Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC. It contains 2 introns. ItsmRNA is 1 715 bp, encoding a deduced 481-amino-acid
    polypeptide with wide homologies to C4Hs from other plants. It possesses cytochrome P450 conserved domains
    and motifs such as the haem-iron binding motif, the E - R - R triad, the T-containing binding pocket motif
    and the hinge motif necessary for optimal orientation of the enzyme. It also has most of the canonical C4H /
    CYP73A5-featured substrate-recognition sites ( SRSs) and active site residues. But owing to a single2base de
    letion at C2242 and subsequent frame shiftwithin the 3′coding region as compared with C4H genes from Arabidopsis thaliana and other p lants, BoC4H shows a 36-aa deletion /variation at its C-terminus, and the SRS6 motif together with active site residues therein are absent. Thus BoC4H may be of no function or low activity.
    BoC4H is a membrane p rotein and is probably associated with endop lasmic reticulum. Its secondary structure
    is dominated by alpha helices and random coils. Swiss-Model could not p redict its tertiary structure. B. oleracea contains a C4H gene family with at least 5 members.
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  • A Study on Extraction and Determina tion of Total Flavonoids in OrangeColour Chinese Cabbages
  • LI Juan;ZHANG Lu-gang;;ZHANG Yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 923-928.
  • Abstract ( 1736 ) HTML ( 1521 ) PDF (251KB) ( 1521 )    
  • The methods of extraction and determination of the total flavonoids in the leaf-head of heading Chinese cabbages [ Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis (Lour. ) Olsson ] were studied. The optimal
    conditions for the ultrasonic extracting process were screened by single factor analysis and orthogonal analysis, which using 80% ethanol as impregnant, at the ratio 1 ∶20 of solid to liquid ( g/mL ) , the total flavonoids were extracted by 60 Hz ultrasonic at temperature 60℃ for 1 h, 2 times. Using rutin as standard
    compound, the total flavonoids of orange colour Chinese cabbages were determined by UV spectrophotometry
    and RP-HPLC, respectively. The result shows that RP-HPLC is better than spectrophotometrywith the same
    trend. The condition of RP-HPLC is that a ODS column was used with methanol-water-acetic acid (6∶93.4
    ∶0.6) as the mobile phase, at a flow rate of 0.5 mL /min, 25℃ of the column temperature and 280 nm of
    the UV detectection wavelength.
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  • Evaluation of Application of SRAP on Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Cultivars of Allium fistulosum L.
  • LI Hui-zhi;YIN Yan-p ing;ZHANG Chun-qing;ZHANG Min;LI Jian-min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 929-934.
  • Abstract ( 1513 ) HTML ( 1607 ) PDF (430KB) ( 1607 )    
  • In order to evaluate the app lication of SRAP in identification and genetic relationship analysis
    on cultivars ofA llium f istulosum L. , 20 cultivarswere used in this experiment. We investigated the morphological characters and analyzed the genetic diversity of 20 cultivars with SRAP markers. 256 p rimer pairs were
    tested, 161 (62.9% ) of which generated polymorphic bands. A total of 336 polymorphic bands were observed. The number of polymorphic bands detected by an individual p rimer pair ranged from one to six, with
    an average number of 2.1. Genetic similarity (GS) coefficients among 20 cultivars based on the SRAP data
    ranged from 0.464 to 0.938, with a mean GS coefficient of 0.703. A dendrogram was generated using cluster
    analysis, which revealed phylogenetic relationship s among 20 cultivars. The result was in agreement with the
    common classification based on morphologic traits, which suggested that SRAP marker could be reliably used
    in cultivar identification and genetic diversity analysis of A. fistulosum L.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • ISSR Analysis of Cultiva ted Auricularia auricula
  • LI Hui-ping;HUANG Chen-yang;CHEN Qiang;ZHANG Jin-xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 935-940.
  • Abstract ( 1458 ) HTML ( 1691 ) PDF (371KB) ( 1691 )    
  • Genetic diversity was assessed in 21 cultivated strains of A. auricula by ISSR ( inter simple
    sequence repeats). Ten primerswere screened out from twenty ISSR primers in this study. One hundred and
    eighty five loci were produced from the primers, of which 181 loci (97.84% ) were polymorphic in the organism. The size of these loci ranged from 200 bp to 3 000 bp. High genetic diversity of A. auricula in China was
    detected: the observed number of alleles (Na) averaged 1.9784 and the effective number of alleles (Ne) was
    1.2396, for every locus; Neips genetic diversity ( h) was estimated to be 0.2732, while Shannonps information index ( I) was 0.4278, on average1 The Neips ( 1972) genetic distance among strains ranged from 0.36 to
    0.55, but the gene flow (Nm ) was 2.7528. Analysis showed that there were high genetic diversity and large
    spawns exchange among p rovinces for A. auricula in China.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Comparing the Lentinan Yield of the Monokaryontic Mycelia to the Dikaryotic Mycelia from Lentinula edodes 939
  • SHEN jin-wen;WANG Shu-min;QI Yuan-cheng;GAO Yu-qian;LIANG Zhen-pu;QIU L i-you
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 941-946.
  • Abstract ( 1658 ) HTML ( 1568 ) PDF (430KB) ( 1568 )    
  • Lentinan (LN) is a very important immunomodulator. The characteristics of p roducing LN of
    monokaryontic mycelia developed from the basidiospores have not been reported. Our research demonstrated
    that the monokaryontic mycelia colonies developed from basidiospores of Lentinula edodes 939 could be classified into four types: type S, sticking; type A, app ressed; type R, rare and thin; type H, fine hair. The four
    types of the monokaryontic mycelia could divide into two group s based on the LN yield by shaking flack cultivation. The first group included type S and R where LN p roduction was similar to that of the dikaryotic mycelia; the second group included type A and H where LN p roduction was significantly lower than that of the first
    group. The nutrition and environment required for p roducing LN of monokaryontic mycelia S1 of type S were
    basically similar to that of its parent dikaryotic mycelia. However same as glucose, the easily utilized C
    sources, such as sucrose and maltose, disp layed strong rep ression on S1 for p roducing LN butweak rep ression
    on dikaryotic mycelia. Monokaryontic mycelia were not as sensitive to high dissolved oxygen as dikaryotic mycelia which could be considerably repressed. An initial lower pH of liquid media did not p rofit dikaryotic mycelia to produce LN, but had little effect on monokaryontic mycelia.
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  • A Study on Numerical Classifica tion of the Wintersweet Cultivars
  • ZHAO Bing;LUO Xin-yan;ZHANG Qi-xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 947-954.
  • Abstract ( 1782 ) HTML ( 1452 ) PDF (395KB) ( 1452 )    
  • The paper deals with the numerical classification of 62 wintersweet [ Chim onanthus praecox (L. ) Link ] cultivars, 24 characters within 62 cultivars of wintersweet were selected for the numerical classification on the basis of investigation and nomenclation. Results obtained through Q cluster analysis show that
    the inner-perianth color is served as the first classification criteria, faint-center, speckle-center and red-center
    can not be separately served as classification criteria, faint-center should be mergered to plain-center, speckle-center and red-center should be mergered to purple-center. Thus wintersweet cultivars are separated into plain-center, purple-center and green-center according to the inner-perianth color, besides, cluster analysis also
    shows that the form of the middle-perianth has an important effect on wintersweet cultivars classification, so it
    is served as the second classification criteria. R cluster analysis shows that the 24 characters have independent
    influences on the genetic relationship. Other questions of wintersweet cultivars classification were also discussed. The p rincipal component analysis showed that the 24 characterswere intergrated into 9 p rincipal components ( PC) and their accumulative contributor ratio amounted to 77.3% , and 16 major discriminating
    characteristics were selected according to the relativity between 9 PC and characters.

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  • A Preliminary Study on Genetic Parameters and Selection Efficiency of YieldTraits of Fresh Floral Bud in Rosa rugosa
  • LI Yan-yan;FENG Zhen;ZHAO Lan-yong;DAI Qing-min;ZHANG Bao;ZHANG Zhao-kun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 955-958.
  • Abstract ( 1664 ) HTML ( 1332 ) PDF (181KB) ( 1332 )    
  • The floral bud yield /plant ( y) and 13 quantitative traits of 20 Rosa rugosa cultivarswere investigated. Analysis of genetic correlation, correlative heritability ( hxy ) and path analysis were carried out.
    The results indicated: (1) the number of floral bud /p lant ( x8 ) , the number of branches ( x13 ) , the length of
    the first petal ( x3 ) , the length of the second petal ( x5 ) , the length of floral bud ( x1 ) had significant genetic
    correlation with y; (2) hxy of x8 , x5 , x13 and x1 related to ywere higher, respectively, and were close to heritability ( h2 ) of y. The efficiency of correlation selection of these traitswould not be much lower than direct selection of y; (3) x1 , x8 , x5 , x13 , the fresh mass of pedals/ floral bud ( x9 ) played an important positive role
    in imp roving y according to decision coefficient.
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  • Effects of Water Stress on Photosynthetic Physiologica l Characteristics inLeaves of Rhododendron fortunei and Their Response to Light and Temperature
  • KE Shi-sheng;YANG Min-wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 959-964.
  • Abstract ( 1886 ) HTML ( 1533 ) PDF (503KB) ( 1533 )    
  • The effects of soilwater stress on some photosynthetic physiological characteristics in leaves of
    Rhododendron fortunei and their response to light and temperature were investigated by using 5-year-old pot-cultured seedlings as experimentalmaterials and exposing them to different levels of water stress. Twelve pots
    of p lant seedlingswith a similar growth were divided into 4 groups: no stress ( control) , light stress, moderate
    stress and heavy stress. Net photosynthesis rate ( Pn) declined underwater stress conditions. According to the
    criteria suggested by Farquhar and Sharkey, the dep ression of photosynthesismay be attributed to stomatal limitation under light water stress conditions, while thatmay be linked to non-stomatal limitation undermoderate
    and heavy stress conditions. In comparison with the control group, light compensation point (LCP) and stomatal resistance ( rs ) increased, light saturation point (LSP) , apparent quantum yield (AQY) , maximal Pn
    ( Pm) , Fv/Fm and transp iration rate ( Tr) in the other group s declined along the water stress gradients. Besides, the dark resp iration rate (Rd) increased under light and moderate stress, but decreased under heavy
    stress. The intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) disp layed adverse trend compared with that of Rd. High temperature aggravated the stress effect of water on photosynthesis.
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  • Effects of Photoperiod on Floral Bud Differentiation and Flowering ofChrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. ‘J inba’
  • YANG Na;GUO Wei-ming;CHEN Fa-di;FANG Wei-min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 965-972.
  • Abstract ( 1981 ) HTML ( 1571 ) PDF (758KB) ( 1571 )    
  • The process of floral bud differentiation, growth and floral development of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat1‘J inba’with different photoperiod treatments were studied in this experiment. The results
    showed that the inflorescence differentiates from the ap ical growing point, the whole p rocess could be divided
    into nine stages: the vegetative growing stage, initiative stage of floral bud differentiation, the initial and final
    stage of involucre p rimordia differentiation, the initial and final stage of floret primordia differentiation and the
    initial, metaphase and final stage of crown formation. The order of inflorescence differentiation is centripetal,
    i1e1, from the outside to the inside. The differentiation of stamen and gynoecium accompanied that of floret
    crown. It took 23 days in the whole bud differentiation, the inflorescence p rimordia differentiation took more
    days than that of floret. Bud differentiation of p lants under short day treatmentwere uniform and normal. However, those under short2long day treatments differed in individuals, delayed flowering and abnormal flowers
    were observed. Plants under long day treatment failed to bloom.
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  • The Volatiles of Two Greening Tree Spec ies and the Antimicrobial Activity
  • ZHANG Feng-juan;LI J i-quan;XU Xing-you;MENG Xian-dong;CHEN Fa-ju
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 973-978.
  • Abstract ( 1876 ) HTML ( 1426 ) PDF (378KB) ( 1426 )    
  • The volatiles from Gleditsia sinensis Lam. and Acer truncatum Bunge. , two greening tree species, were investigated by dynamic headspace collection and TCT - GC - MS ( gas chromatograph /mass spectrometry equipped with a thermal desorp tion cold trap device) analysis, the effects of which on the growth of
    air-borne microbeswere examined by the method of natural sedimentation too. The results showed that the relative content of 3-hexen-1-ol acetate and acetic acid hexyl ester was the highest in the volatiles of G1sinensis
    Lam. and A. truncatum Bunge. , respectively. Decanal, benaldehyde, trans-2-hexenal, nonanal, octanol,
    pentanol and 3-hexenolwere the common components in the volatiles of two species. According to microbe-experiment, the number of micro-organisms over the treeswas significantly lower than that in open land. 32hex2
    en212ol acetate, acetic acid, hep tyl ester, nonanal, hexanal, trans222hexenal, 12octanol, pentanol and 32hex2
    enol inhibited the growth of bacteria and fungi significantly, and the ability of inhibiting the growth of micro2
    organisms for 32hexenyl acetate was stronger than that for acetic acid, hep tyl ester. So the results partly ex2
    p lained the reasons that the number of fungi and bacteria in the woodland of G1sinensis Lam. and A1truncatum
    Bunge. is lower than that in the open land.
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  • Effects of Silicon on Parameters of Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Ultra structure of Chloropla st in Aloe vera L. under Salt Stress
  • XU Cheng-xiang;;LIU You-liang;MA Yan-ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 979-984.
  • Abstract ( 1774 ) HTML ( 1269 ) PDF (745KB) ( 1269 )    
  • Effects of soluble silicon ( Si) on parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence and ultrastructure of
    chlorop last in A loe vera L. under salt stress were investigated with seven2leaf2old seedlings. Experimental results showed that the responses of aloe to NaCl (100 mmol/L) stress were more evident with p rolongation of
    treatment time; salt injury of 30 d after treatmentwasmore serious than that of 10 d. However, compared with
    the p lants treated with NaCl alone, under NaCl stress with added Si ( 2.0 mmol/L ) , the decrease of total
    chlorophyll content slightly decreased, chlorophyll a content significantly increased, the increase of minimal
    fluorescence ( Fo) and the decrease of variable fluorescence ( Fv) were inhibited, and the potential activity of
    photosystemⅡ ( PSⅡ) , i.e. Fv/Fo ratio was significantly enhanced. Meanwhile, added Siwas favourable to
    maintain the morphology and structure of aloe chlorop last and to protect the integrity of thylakoid structure, illustrating that exogenous soluble Si alleviates injury of salt stress to photosynthetic organelle and imp roves pho
    tosynthetic efficiency of salt-stressed aloe plant.
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  • ZHENG Ya-dong;GUO Yu-long;CHEN Xu;LI Yan-dong;OU Jian-long;and LI Ming-yang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 985-990.
  • Abstract ( 1865 ) HTML ( 1344 ) PDF (519KB) ( 1344 )    
  • An AGAMOUS homologue (GhMADS3) was introduced into petunia via Agrobacterium tume
    faciensmediated method. Forteen independent kanamycin-resistant petunia plants were alive. GUS staining revealed that ectopic gene was expressed in transgenic plants. PCR detection showed that the GhMADS3 was integrated into their genomes. The expression of the GhMADS3 was detected by RT-PCR. Constitutive expression
    of GhMADS3 resulted in visible phenotypic alterations in floral organ. In transgenic petunia plants, GhMADS3
    resulted in the sepals swelling, corolla smaller and corolla deep spliting. It was noteworthy that the color of
    transgenic floral organ became weaker or entirely pale. The measuration of anthocyanin and chlorophyll showed
    that the content in transgenic plants were greatly lower than wild-type. It also indicated that GhMADS3 in
    plants has some relationship with the formation of flower color.
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  • Root Induction During Tissue Culture of Michelia chapensis Dandy
  • WU Yue-yan;LIU Xiu-lian;WANG Cai-sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 991-994.
  • Abstract ( 1655 ) HTML ( 1225 ) PDF (232KB) ( 1225 )    
  • Effects of 6-BA, NAA and IBA alone or combination at various concentrations on the root in
    duction of Michelia chapensis Dandy during tissue culture were investigated. The results showed that low con
    centrations of 6-BA, NAA and IBA were suitable for the root induction and growth of Michelia chapensis Dan
    dy. The root formation rate wasmore than 50% , while the root number of each p lantwasmore than 1.5 with
    grown p lantletswhen the exp lantswere transferred to the 1/2MS medium containing 0.40 mg·L-1 6-BA and
    0.60 mg·L-1 IBA and 0.80 mg·L-1 NAA. Meanwhile, itwas observed that the root developed well.
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  • Compar isons of Ascorbic Ac id Contents and Activ ities of Metabolism Relative Enzymes in Apple Leaves of Various Ages
  • MA Chun-hua;MA Feng-wang;;Li Ming-jun;HAN Ming-yu;SHU Huai-rui;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 995-998.
  • Abstract ( 1715 ) HTML ( 1874 ) PDF (348KB) ( 1874 )    
  • Ascorbic acid (AsA) metabolism, including AsA content, metabolism relative enzymes ac
    tivities and relationship s among them, was investigated in leaves of app le (Malus domestica Borkh. ‘Gala’)
    of various ages, i.e. young leaves, expanding leaves, mature leaves, aged leaves. The results showed that to
    talAsA content and AsA content changed accordingly, reaching maximum in mature leaves and minimum in
    aged leaves, and changes of GalLDH activitywere accordantwith AsA content. W ith the decline ofAPX ac
    tivities and accumulation of H2O2 , the activities ofMDHAR, DHAR and GR which conduce to regeneration
    of AsA were lowest at aged leaves, so as to the extent of AsA oxidation reached maximum in aged leaves.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Apple MxIrt1 Gene
  • WANG Yi;QI Jin-liang;XU Xue-feng;LI Tian-zhong;KONG Jin;HAN Zhen-hai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 999-1002.
  • Abstract ( 1549 ) HTML ( 1389 ) PDF (409KB) ( 1389 )    
  • A Full length cDNA of MxIrt1 gene from the iron-stressed root cDNA library of Malus xiaojinensis Chent et Jiang was cloned using the RACE method with primers designed based on the conserved domain sequences of plant IRT gene families. The recombinant prokaryotic expression vector pEIrt was constructed using vector pET30a. Restriction endonuclease analysis, PCR amplifying and sequencing confirmed that the construction was correct and had no base mutant. The prokaryotic expression analysis was carried out through transformation of E.coli (BL21). The SDS-PAGE electrophoresis analysis showed that the best expression was induced by 30℃ and 0.5 mmol·L-1 IPTG, under which a 40 kD recombinant protein was produced. These results will provide a foundation for further purifying and identifying objective protein
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  • Genomic Organization and Sequence Polymorphism of E, E-alpha Farnesene Synthase Gene in Apples (Malus domestica Borkh. )
  • YUAN Ke-jun;LIU Qing-zhong;LI Bo;ZHANG Li-si
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1003-1006.
  • Abstract ( 1595 ) HTML ( 1281 ) PDF (328KB) ( 1281 )    
  • Primer pairs were designed to amplify the genomic DNA of alpha-farnesene synthase gene
    (AFS ) by PCR, the PCR p roductswere sequenced, the sequenceswere sp liced and compared to cDNA ( ac
    cession No. AY182241) in the GenBank, then the genomic sequence and intron-exon organization of AFS
    gene were obtained. The AFS genomic sequence has been registered in GenBank ( accession No.
    DQ901739) , it had 6 introns and 7 exons, encoded a p rotein with 576 amino acids. The sizes of 6 introns
    were 108 bp, 113 bp, > 1 000 bp, 125 bp, 220 bp and 88 bp, and their phase were 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, re
    spectively. The sizes of deduced amino acids of 7 exonswere 57, 89, 127, 73, 48, 83 and 99, respectively.
    The AFS p rotein contained three motifs, the RR (X8) W motif was encoded by a sequence in exon 1, the
    RxR motif and DDxxD motifwere encoded by two sequences in exon 4. The AFS genomic sequence ( accession
    No. DQ901739) was compared to cDNA ( accession No. AY523409) in the GenBank, itwas found that there
    were 6 single2nucleotide polymorphisms between the two sequences, four ofwhich causedmutations at the ami
    no acid level. Interestingly, one amino acid mutation (291R→G) was found in RxR motif, it deserves further
    investigation whether the alpha2farnesene synthesis ability and superficial scald suscep tibility of app leswere in
    fluenced by this amino acid mutation and othermutations.
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  • Pericarp Structure and Storage Quality of Pyrus ussuriensis Fruits
  • LIU Jian-feng;LI Guohuai;PENG Shu-ang;CHENG Yun-qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1007-1010.
  • Abstract ( 1733 ) HTML ( 1305 ) PDF (550KB) ( 1305 )    
  • Jianbasuan and Huagai pears were used as materials to study the relationship between the
    changes of pericarp structure and cell wall components and their storage characters. The results show that:
    (1) A large amount of small crackles on the pericarp of Huagai pearwas observed. There were a lot of tumor
    like objects and little cracks on the surface of J ianbasuan pear. Many damaged areas appeared on the surface
    of Jianbasuan pear, and they could connected with each other, and intercellular junctions of the middle part of
    pericarp of Jianbasuan pear broke completely and holes appeared on the damaged areas. (2) Compared with
    Huagai pear, the content of cellulose, proto pectin and fruit firmness of Jianbasuan being poor storabilitywere
    lower, while decay rate, water2soluble pectin and ethylene production were higher.

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  • Effects of NaCl Stress on Contents of Polyamines in Roots of Grafted Toma toSeedlings
  • ZHANG Gu-wen;ZHU Yue-lin;YANG Li-fei;LIU Zheng-lu;HU Chun-mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1011-1014.
  • Abstract ( 1523 ) HTML ( 1108 ) PDF (212KB) ( 1108 )    
  • Using Kagemusya (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. ) , a salt tolerant cultivar, as rootstock and
    Baoda 903 as scion, grafting was made to compare the differences in plant growth and contents of different
    forms ( free, conjugated and bound) of polyamines between grafted and own-rooted tomato seedlings under 100
    mmol·L-1 NaCl stress for 10 days. The results showed that the biomass production in grafted seedlings was
    significantly higher than that of own-rooted seedlings. The contents of three forms of putrescine ( Put) and
    spermine ( Spm) in roots of grafted seedlings increased significantly duringNaCl treatment, while the contents
    of three forms of spermidine ( Spd) decreased continuously. The contents of free and conjugated Spm in roots
    of own2rooted seedlings reached the highest value on the 6 th day of treatment and then decreased slowly. No
    significant difference was observed in bound Spm. The contents of three forms of Put and Spd decreased signif
    icantly duringNaCl treatment. These results indicated that the Put and Spd p layed important roles in the roots
    of grafted tomato seedlings for salt tolerance.
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  • Changes of Cell Ultra Structure in Different Resistant Lines of Tomato afterPhytophthora infestans Inoculation
  • LI Cong-shun;JIN Zhao-hui;ZHU Hai-shan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1015-1018.
  • Abstract ( 1449 ) HTML ( 1166 ) PDF (482KB) ( 1166 )    
  • Three different resistant tomato lines ( Inbred line 5, CLN2037E and their cross F1 ) were stud
    ied in incubator after inoculating Phytophthora infestans. We took leaves at different time to observe the deterio
    ration of leaves ultra structure. The result showed that: first, before inoculating Phytophthora infestans, Inbred
    line 5 hasmore mitochondria than F1 and CLN2037E. Second, inoculated 42 h, three lines appeared p lasmoly
    sis. Both Inbred line 5 and F1 appeared peroxisome and the mitochondria quantity increased, and chlorop last of
    Inbred line 5 was also damaged. Third, inoculated 54 h, CLN2037E appeared peroxisome and mitochondria
    quantity increased; also a part of chlorop last of F1 was destroyed. Fourth, inoculated 72 h, the cell wall in all
    three lines became creased. Much of the chlorop lastmembrane of inbred line 5 was decomposed. There was only
    scattered thylakoid and grana lamella, a few mitochondria cavitations and membrane was damaged. There was
    basic chlorop last structure in F1 and little chlorop last membrane of CLN2037E was damaged. Conclusion: we
    compared resistant line (CLN2037E) with sensitive line ( Inbred line 5) after inoculating Phytophthora infes
    and found that the structure of resistant line chlorop lastwas least damaged. Peroxisome appeared later and
    increased quantities ofmitochondria also appeared at later stage. Creasing in the cell wall became obvious.
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  • Establishment and Application of the System for Isolated Microspore Culturein Kale ( Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC. )
  • FENG Hui;JIANG Feng-ying;FENG Jian-yun;WANG Chao-nan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1019-1022.
  • Abstract ( 1925 ) HTML ( 1322 ) PDF (400KB) ( 1322 )    
  • Isolated microspore culture was carried out by ten hybrids of kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC.). The frequency of embryogenesis, embryos germinated plantlets, ploidy identification of microspores-derived plantlets and chromosome doubling techniques for haploid plantlets were studied. The results showed that the buds in flourishing florescence were the best for the purpose of microspore culture. The sucrose content of 13% was optimal in medium. MS+6-BA 2 mg·L-1+ NAA 0.1 mg·L-1 was optimal medium for subculture and the average propagation quotiet reached 5.06. The survival rate of microspore-derived plantlets reached 74.6%. The DH plants rate of spontaneous was in the range of 23.33%-37.50%. The treatment of 70 mg·L-1 colchicine for 9-11 d was optimal for haploid seedlings and led to 54.55% doubled haploid plantlets.
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  • Studies on Screening of Siderophore Producing Bacteria in the Soil and Factors Influencing Its Secretion
  • LIANG Jian-gen;ZHU Li-hong;WU Ji-an;LI Xiao-hui;SANG Jin-long;YAO Hang-li;SHI Yue-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1023-1028.
  • Abstract ( 2439 ) HTML ( 1588 ) PDF (236KB) ( 1588 )    
  • Screening of siderophore producing bacteria in the soil and factors influencing its secretion were studied. Results of two methods using selected-medium CAS(chrome azurol S) and fluorescence observation under violet light to screen siderophore producing bacteria were consistent. By the virtue of quantity and intensity of siderophore absorbance apex, it is concluded that different molecular structures of siderophore appeared under different pH values. In addition, pH 8.3, SM medium and C∶N ratio of 10∶1 represented the optimum to produce siderophore, respectively. Different exogenous amino acids had different effects on production of siderophore. Supernatant of siderophore had a significantly inhibitory effect on five different phytopathogenic moulds growth.
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  • A Preliminary Study on Drought Stress of Two Kinds of Ornamental Grasses
  • ZHANG Zhi;XIA Yi-p ing;XU Wei-wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1029-1032.
  • Abstract ( 1996 ) HTML ( 1456 ) PDF (314KB) ( 1456 )    
  • An experiment was conducted with Zebra grass(Miscanthus sinensis'Zebrinus’)and Soft rush(Juncus effusus)under the conditions of drought stress. The result showed that the increase of the percentage of withered leaves, the proline content and REC were slowly in early stage of drought treatment. From the 10th to 15th day, the increase of the percentage of withered leaves, the content of free proline and REC appeared dramatically, respectively. There were significant positive correlations between the percentage of withered leaves and physiological indexes in two ornamental grasses under drought stress. It is indicated that the drought tolerance of Soft rush is better than that of Zebra grass, based on the analysis of growth appearance and physiological characteristics. ReplaceFont('ChDivSummary','选用斑叶芒(Miscanthus sinensis‘Zebrinus’)、灯心草(Juncus effusus)两种观赏草进行为期15d的自然失水胁迫处理。结果表明,干旱胁迫初期,两种观赏草的枯叶率、游离脯氨酸含量和电解质外渗率增加不显著,但自第10天至第15天,两种观赏草的枯叶率、游离脯氨酸含量和电解质外渗率剧增。相关分析表明,干旱胁迫条件下两种观赏草的枯叶率与生理指标均呈极显著正相关。综合评价两种观赏草的耐旱性为:灯心草>斑叶芒。');ReplaceFont('EnDivSummary','An experiment was conducted with Zebra grass(Miscanthus sinensis\'Zebrinus’)and Soft rush(Juncus effusus)under the conditions of drought stress. The result showed that the increase of the percentage of withered leaves, the proline content and REC were slowly in early stage of drought treatment. From the 10th to 15th day, the increase of the percentage of withered leaves, the content of free proline and REC appeared dramatically, respectively. There were significant positive correlations between the percentage of withered leaves and physiological indexes in two ornamental grasses under drought stress. It is indicated that the drought tolerance of Soft rush is better than that of Zebra grass, based on the analysis of growth appearance and physiological characteristics.');if(document.getElementById('ChDivSummary') != null && document.getElementById('ChDivSummary').innerHTML!=""){CutSpan('ChDivSummary',500);DisplaySpanDiv('ChDivSummary');ClearSummaryOnLoad('SummaryLinkChID','SummaryLinkEnID');} if(document.getElementById('EnDivSummary') != null && document.getElementById('EnDivSummary').innerHTML!=""){CutSpan('EnDivSummary',1000);DisplaySpanDiv('EnDivSummary');ClearSummaryOnLoad('SummaryLinkEnID','SummaryLinkChID');}ReplaceChar1('ChDivSummary');ReplaceChar('ChDivSummary');ReplaceChar1('EnDivSummary');ReplaceChar('EnDivSummary');
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  • Effects of Shade Treatment on the Growth and Photosynthesis Character isticsof Euonymus fortunei
  • GUO Bao-lin;YANG Jun-xia;LU Ren-qiang;WU Yan;GUO Jing;LI Xin-yue
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1033-1036.
  • Abstract ( 1560 ) HTML ( 1443 ) PDF (289KB) ( 1443 )    
  • The effects of different shading treatments(0, 30%, 60% and 80% of full sunlight) on the growth and photosynthetic physiological characteristics of Euonymus fortunei 'Hongmai’ were studied. The results indicated that Euonymus fortunei was a shade-loving plant with low light-saturation point(606.4 μmol·m-2· s-1) and low light-compensation point(32.6 μmol·m-2· s-1). The curve of diurnal variation of leaf photosynthesis showed two peaks in a day, under full light with 'Wuxiu’phenomenon, the total Pn value of full sunlight was lower than that of shading treatment, the branches and leaves grew slow. After shading treatment, there was only one Pn peak was a single curve and the peak was high after shading(30%-60% of full sunlight). Under weak light stress, the Pn and transpiration were higher, the branch and leaves grew quicking, the leaf mass reduecd and leaf thinner, but the leaf tissue were normal, the content of chlorophyll increased and leaf color was dark green, thus increasing the ornamental value in weak light stress than in full light. A moderate amount of shade will favarable to the growth and development.
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  • Effects of Different Nutrient Solutions on the Growth and Development ofMimosa pudica in Hydroponics
  • ZHANG Zhong-xin;FANG Zheng;LI Ying-li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1037-1037.
  • Abstract ( 1957 ) HTML ( 1632 ) PDF (241KB) ( 1632 )    
  • Effects of different nutrient solutions on the growth and development of Mim osa pudica were
    studied under solution culture conditions. The results indicated that different nutrient solutions had significant
    effects on the growth and development ofM im osa pudica. The p lants in B treatmentwhich include 019446 g·
    L -1 Ca(NO3)2.4H2O, 018088 g·L -1 KNO3 , 011495 g·L -1 NH4H2PO4 and 014929 g·L -1 MgSO4 ·
    7H2O had bettermorphological characters than that in other treatments, and the content of chlorophyll and
    CAT activity were also higher than that in other treatments, but the content ofMDA showed no significant
    difference in all treatments.
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  • Genetic Diversity of Chrysanthemum Cultivars Revealed by AFLP Analysis
  • HAN Jie;HU Nan;LI Yu-ge;SHANG Fu-de
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1041-1046.
  • Abstract ( 1879 ) HTML ( 1337 ) PDF (596KB) ( 1337 )    
  • The genetic diversity and relationship of 45 chrysanthemum cultivars were analyzed by AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism)-silver staining protocol. AFLP fingerprinting of 45 chrysanthemum cultivars with ten pairs of E+3/M+3 primers revealed a total number of 486 unambiguous bands, of which 451 were polymorphic and 45.1 polymorphic bands per pair of primer were produced on average. The polymorphism frequency was 92.80%. This result showed the abundant diversities of enzyme digestion sites
    among used chrysanthemum cultivars. As analyzed by DPSv3.01, the Neips genetic distance of 45 chrysanthe
    mum cultivars ranged from 0.36000 to 0.86237, and the average distance was 0.611185. These chrysanthe
    mum cultivars were divided into six group s by UPGMA ( unweighted pair group method with arithmetic aver
    age) based on Neips genetic distances. The genetic relationship of 45 chrysanthemum cultivars was analyzed
    using the different coefficient.
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  • In Vitro Propagation of Prunus mume Cultivar ‘Tiegu Hong’
  • LV Ying-min;CAO Liang;ZHANG Qi-xiang;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1047-1049.
  • Abstract ( 2414 ) HTML ( 1200 ) PDF (596KB) ( 1200 )    
  • The op timum in vitro shoot section exp lants growing medium for Prunus m um e cultivar Tiegu
    Hong was the modified Quoirin and Lepoivre medium supp lemented with Quoirin and Lepoivre medium large
    elements, Perezmedium trace elements, Murashige and Skoogmedium (MS) organic compounds, and double
    MS Fe salt. Thismodifiedmedium was used to resolve a serious of problems faced in Tiegu Hong tissue culture
    such as seedling chlorosis and shoot tip death. The op timum p roliferation medium for Tiegu Hongwas the im
    p roved Quoirin and Lepoivre medium supp lemented with 1.0 mg·L -1 6-BA, 0.05 mg·L -1 NAA and 4 mg·L-1 AgNO3. Attention should be paid to the app lication ofAgNO3 because of long period of use may lead to
    the p lantletsmalformation. The op timum rooting medium for Tiegu Hong was the imp roved 1 /2 Quoirin and
    Lepoivre medium supp lemented with 0.3 mg·L -1 NAA and 0.1 mg·L -1 IBA.
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  • On Cultivation of Pedicularis L.
  • LI Ai-rong;GUAN Kai-yun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1050-1054.
  • Abstract ( 1477 ) HTML ( 1440 ) PDF (303KB) ( 1440 )    
  • As classic materials for the study of a number of significant biological issues and as p romising
    potential ornamental plants, species of Pedicularis L. have become a great concern to biologists and horticul
    turists. However, cultivation of the genus has long been unsuccessful, which hinders their exp loitation to a
    large extent. The majority of botanists tend to ascribe the difficulties encountered in cultivation to their hemip
    arasitism and cultivation experiments have been partially focused on the search of p roper host p lants. Previous
    reports indicated that the establishment of Pedicularis seedlingswas very poor even in the p resence of their host
    plants. It is speculated that there may be other important factors inhibiting the cultivation of the genus. Based
    on literatures and our investigations, the important roles ofmycorrhizal fungi and other ecological factors in the
    cultivation p rocess of Pedicularis species are pointed out in the present paper. And multifactor analysis of spe
    cific species is suggested by getting rid of traditional single host-plant factor investigation.
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  • On the Classifica tion System of Prunus mume Cultivars
  • CHEN Jun-yu;CHEN Rui-dan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1055-1058.
  • Abstract ( 1805 ) HTML ( 1668 ) PDF (305KB) ( 1668 )    
  • The authors discussed classification system of Mei flower Prunus mume cultivars under the
    rules of ‘International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants ( I.C.N.C.P. ) ’, when the book entitled
    ‘Chinese Mei Flower Cultivars’ is beingwritten. There are 3 cultivar groups under Prunus mume species, the
    first is TrueM um e Group, the second is Apricot Mei Group and the third is B lireiana Group. There will be no
    further classification under each cultvar group. The spiritual content of so-called ‘Dual Classification System’
    will be hidden into the name of each cultivar. The key characterwhich is concerned of classification of Prunus
    , P. cerasifera and P. armeniaca is the dot grottoes on stone surface. Because both Blireiana Group and
    Apricot Mei Group are all with dot grottoes on stone surface, they should not be concerned as species and
    called in Latin name of Prunus blireiana and Prunus bungo, but should be remained as cultivar group s under
    Prunus mume.
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  • An Improved Method for Extraction and Identification of Potato RNAs
  • BAI Yun-feng;GUO Zhi-hua;BAI Dong-mei;WANG Xiao-qi;ZHANGWei-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1059-1062.
  • Abstract ( 1533 ) HTML ( 1547 ) PDF (303KB) ( 1547 )    
  • An improved method of extracting and identifying total RNAs from potato leaf and stem was put forward. The electrophoretic patterns and absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm in a UV-Vis spectrophotometer revealed that the total RNAs of potato extracted by this method has good completeness and high purity. Furthermore, the result of RT-PCR indicated that the RNAs prepared with this improved method could meet the needs of most molecular biological experiment including gene cloning and expression analysis.
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  • A New Tetraplo id Grape Cultivar ‘Shenfeng’
  • JIANG Ai-li;LI Shi-cheng;YANG Tian-yi;JIN Pei-fang;LUO Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1063-1063.
  • Abstract ( 1529 ) HTML ( 1062 ) PDF (95KB) ( 1062 )    
  • Shenfeng’, a new tetraploid hybrid of table grape, was bred through crossing ‘Jingya’(maternal plant) with Zizhenxiang’(paternal plant). Its fruit cluster is columniform and weights 400 g on an average. Its oval berry with purple-black pericarp weights 8 g in average with 14%-16.5% soluble solids. The fruit ripens around early August in Shanghai area with strawberry aroma. Shenfeng’ has the characters of good fruit setting, early maturation, high and sustained yield, symmetrical coloring and good quality.
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  • A New Extremely Late Ripening Peach Cultivar ‘Qiuhongwanm i’
  • LIU Yu-xiang;LI Shu-zhi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1064-1064.
  • Abstract ( 1595 ) HTML ( 1178 ) PDF (94KB) ( 1178 )    
  • ‘Qiuhongwanmi’, a new extremely late ripening peach cultivar, was selected from germp lasm
    resource of peach in Tangshan, and its ripenning date is in the middle and last ten days of October in Tangs
    han area. The fruit is large with bright red color and the average fruitmass is 280 g. It has high self2fruitful
    rate and extremely high and stable yield, and its storage p roperty and resistance to bacterial shot2hole are
    stronger than that of the other extremely late ripening peach cultivar, especially the defect of resistance to cold
    ness in extremely late ripening peach cultivar is overcome.
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  • Early Autumn Cabbage Hybrid ‘Huifeng 4’
  • WU Yong-hui;LI Jian-sheng;WANG Cui-xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1066-1066.
  • Abstract ( 1417 ) HTML ( 990 ) PDF (417KB) ( 990 )    
  • ‘Huifeng 4’, hybrid of autumn cabbage, is developed from two self2incompatible lines of
    9203-4-3-11 and 9110-1-1. It is early mature, 65 days from p lanting to harvest. It grows vigorously. It has
    thin grey-green external leaves, medium wax, round head with good compaction, crisp and tender leaves. It is
    good in flavor. The single head mass is 1.34 kg and yield is 61.52 - 65.33 t/hm2. It is resistant to heat and
    disease. As an early autumn cabbage, it is adap ted to Northern China, Hubei, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Shaanxi,
    and other p rovinces.

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  • A New Hot Pepper Hybrid ‘J ix ing 7’
  • SHEN Shu-xing;LI Qing-yun;CHEN Xue-ping;LUO Shuang-xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1067-1067.
  • Abstract ( 1440 ) HTML ( 1131 ) PDF (416KB) ( 1131 )    
  • ‘J ixing 7’ is a new hybrid bred by crossing inbred line‘Niu 32121’as female parent with
    ‘Space 023’as male parent. The‘Niu 32121’was selected through crossing‘Bulgaria Pepper’with the
    parent of pepper‘031’. The‘Space 023’was selected from the excellent variants of‘023’pepper radia
    ted in space. It grows vigorously and is resistant to diseases. It fruitswith widely temperature range. Maximum
    amount of fruit set is 20 - 30 per p lant. Fruit shape is horn. Fruit length is 17 - 23 cm, fruit diameter is 315
    - 415 cm, and fruit is 0137 cm in pulp thickness; the fruitmass is 50 - 70 g. The fruit is straight, green fin
    ish, and its flavor is sp icy. The yield is up to 75 t/hm2. App rop riate cultivation area is in North China.
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  • A New SeedlessWa termelon ‘Chuanmi wuzi 1’
  • LIU Du-chen;FANG Chao;LI Yue-jian;LIU Xiao-jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1068-1068.
  • Abstract ( 1503 ) HTML ( 1134 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1134 )    
  • ‘Chuanmiwuzi 1’ is a middle maturing seedless watermelon hybrid with red2flesh. The total
    growing period is about 100 - 115 days. The average fruitmass is about 7.0 kg / fruit, the yield is about 60.0
    t/hm2. The fruit is high round in shape and its surface is golden. The content of soluble solid material is about
    12.5%. The variety tastes very delicious. It has quite high adverse resistance.
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  • New Cultivar of NettedMuskmelon ‘Bilong’
  • Lv Jing-gang;L IXiu-xiu;PENG Dong-xiu;ZHAO Zong-wu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1069-1069.
  • Abstract ( 1988 ) HTML ( 1577 ) PDF (177KB) ( 1577 )    
  • ‘Bilong’is a new mid-late hybrid of muskmelon. Its p lant is moderate. Its leaf is moderate
    and dark green, and the internode is short. The maturity period of fruit is 48 d. The mass of a single melon is
    over 1.6 kg. Its peel is dark green with many netty streaks. Its pulp is green and crisp. The thickness of pulp
    is 3.8 cm. Its soluble sugar content is 17%. Its fruit is storable. It is resistant to powderymildew and downy
    mildew. It is suitable for p lanting in sp ring in p rotected field.
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  • A New Bitter Gourd Hybrid ‘Reyan 2’
  • YANG Yan;LIU Zhao-hua;DANG Xuan-min;LIAO Yi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2007, 34(4): 1070-1070.
  • Abstract ( 1726 ) HTML ( 1156 ) PDF (73KB) ( 1156 )    
  • ‘Reyan 2’ is a new F1 hybrid bitter gourd developed by crossing inbred lineMC009 (male
    pure line) and 022202429 ( female pure line). The average fruitmass is about 400 - 500 g, with 25 - 28 cm
    in length and 5.8 - 6.9 cm in diameter and 1.8 - 1.9 cm flesh thick. The shape of the fruit is uniform and
    regular, with light green skin, and wide and thick burl. It is highly resistant to powderymildew. The yield is
    about 51.0 t/hm2.
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