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2008, Vol.35, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Study on Preparation of Prototype S-RNase Microarray and Molecule Hybridization Condition
  • JIANG Nan;;TAN Xiao-feng;CHEN Hong;WANG Xiu-li;ZHANG Lin;ZENG Yan-ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 475-486.
  • Abstract ( 2184 ) HTML ( 1625 ) PDF (560KB) ( 1625 )    
  • To explore the application of oligonucleotide microarray in identification of pears S-genotype, some probes for S-RNase detection were designed according to the structure characteristic of self-incompatibility gene, and oligonucleotide microarray was prepared. The PCR products of S-RNase were amplified by Cy3-labeled primer and hybridized with the microarray in order to detect the S-genotype of pears. Optimized reaction conditions were gained by exploration of hybridization temperature and hybridization time. The microarray results of S-genotype of pear was similar with the RFLP and sequenced results. In conclusion:, the oligonucleotide microarray is an effective method in detecting S-genotype of pear. With the future improvement, it could be widely used in the study of self-incompatibility of pear.

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  • Analysis of the Self-fruitfulness of 'Hanfu' Apple and Identification of the S-Genotypes
  • BAI Song-ling;YI Kai;LIU Guo-cheng;HAN Zhen-hai;XU Xue-feng;Wang Dong-mei;and LI Tian-zhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 475-480.
  • Abstract ( 2263 ) HTML ( 1400 ) PDF (560KB) ( 1400 )    
  • 'Hanfu' Apple cultivar(Malus×domestica) and its parents were used in this research to study its self-compatibility and identify their S-genotypes. The pollination test in the field showed that the 'Hanfu' is self-compatible, and its female parent 'Dongguang' is also self-compatible, but its male parent 'Fuji' is self-sterile as known. The S-genotype of 'Hanfu' was identified as S1S9 by the PCR-based method. Also, the S-genotypes of all 'Dongguang' cultivars which are homonym were identified except the 'Toko' which came from Japanese and was named as 'Dongguang' in Chinese. The results showed the S-genotype of 'Dongguang' from Liaoning Research Institute of Pomology is S2S19, showing no relationship with 'Hanfu', and the S-Genotypes of 'Dongguang' cultivars from Shenyang Agricultural University, and Jilin Research Institute of Pomology contain S9 allele, suggesting they are probably the female parent of 'Hanfu'.

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  • Transgene Expression in Pear (Pyrus communis L.) Driven by Phloem-specific Promoter AtSUC2
  • SUN Qing-rong; SUN Hong-yan; ZHAO Yan; HAMMOND Rosemarie; and DAVIS Robert E.
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 487-492.
  • Abstract ( 2305 ) HTML ( 1759 ) PDF (370KB) ( 1759 )    
  • Leaves of 'Old Home' Pear (Pyrus communis L.) in vitro were selected as explants. GUS (β-glucuronidase) reporter gene (uidA) under the control of the Arabidopsis sucrose-H+ symporter gene (AtSUC2) promoter which is phloem-specific was introduced into 'Old Home' by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Optimal conditions were established for efficient transformation from leaf explants of a pear cultivar, 'Old Home'. High transformation efficiency was achieved by an improved induction stage following initial Agrobacterium infection. In the induction stage, Agrobacterium cells and parent leaf explants were co-cultivated on a liquid induction medium, which yielded a five-fold increase of transformation frequency over conventional co-cultivation on a solid medium. The integration was checked by PCR and Southern hybridization. The expression of uidA gene was analyzed by GUS histochemical detection and Western blot analysis.

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  • Cloning of the Terminal Regions of Apple stem pitting virus in Pear Trees Using 3' and 5' RACE
  • ZHAO Ying and NIU Jian-xin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 493-500.
  • Abstract ( 2526 ) HTML ( 1750 ) PDF (480KB) ( 1750 )    
  • The 5' and 3' terminal regions of Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) in tree of Pyrus sinkiangensis ‘Kuerle’pear were cloned using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technique. The results showed that the techniques of 3' and 5' RACE could amplify the terminal regions of ASPV in pear trees effectively, and the 329 bp and 367 bp segments of ASPV were obtained. The 3' terminal region of ASPV in Kuerle pear contained 131 nt of non-coding sequence and a poly (A) tail, and the 5' terminal region contained 34 nt of non-coding sequence. They shared 78% and 84% nucleotide acid identity with the sequence of NC_003462 in NCBI nucleotide acid database, respectively. This study laid a sound foundation for obtaining the full sequence and analyzing the function and structure of genome of ASPV in pear trees.
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  • Isolation and Characterization of RNaseH-LTR Sequences of Ty1-copia Like Retrotransposons in Oriental Persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb. 'Luotian-tianshi')
  • DU Xiao-yun;ZHANG Qing-lin;and LUO Zheng-rong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 501-508.
  • Abstract ( 2654 ) HTML ( 1667 ) PDF (820KB) ( 1667 )    
  • It is important to obtain sequence information on retrotransposons for detecting their behavior in the host genome and for studing the phylogenetic relationship in many crops. Thirty-one RNaseH-long terminal repeat (LTR) sections of the Ty1-copia like retrotransposon clones were isolated from oriental persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb. 'Luotian-tianshi') successfully, and IRAP analysis were performed in order to illustrate retrotransposon groups corresponding to several sequences transcriptional activity and distribution in oriental persimmon genome. Both sequence multiple alignment and the phylogenetic analysis indicated that at least ten subgroups were amplified, and high sequence heterogeneity that was due to nucleotide replacement, insertion or deletion and amino acid replacement, stop codon and frameshift mutations in translated putative amino acid sequences were found among the different subgroups. But some clones showed high similarity within the same subgroup, it may exhibit the mutual benefit relationship between the host genome and retrotransposons. The IRAP analysis suggested that retrotransposon are ubiquitous, generally dispersed, high copy and high transcriptional activity in Diospyros spp., and their multiple insertion patterns indicated that the potential of these RNaseH-LTR sequences for developing novel retrotransposon molecular markers.

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  • Chilling Temperature Enhances Quality Reduction in Postharvest ‘Shatangju’(Citrus reticulata Blanco) Fruit
  • PANG Xue-qun;CHEN Yan-ni;HUANG Xue-mei;WANG Yue-hua;HU Wer-rong;and ZHANG Zhao-qi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 509-514.
  • Abstract ( 2515 ) HTML ( 2077 ) PDF (480KB) ( 2077 )    
  • Postharvest Shatangju (Citrus Reticulata Blanco CV. Shiyueju) fruit are susceptible to chilling injury, which results in quality reduction of pulp. However, the mechanism of quality reduction has not been well understood yet. Shatangju fruit were stored at 1℃, 3℃, 6℃ and 9℃.The storage effect, pulp quality and physiological responses were compared to each other. The results indicated that chilling injury symptom occurred in the fruit stored at 1℃ or 3 ℃,and 6℃ was the optimum temperature for storage. Chilling injury not only reduced the appearance quality of the fruit, but also resulted in accumulation of aldehyde and ethanol, and led to unpleasant favor and quality reduction in pulp. Compared with the fruit stored at 6℃, the respiratory rate, ethylene production, the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), the activities of pyruvat decarboxylase (PDC) and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) increased dramatically in the fruit stored at 1℃. It was suggested that, during chilling temperature storage, the quality reduction of pulp is due to the accumulation of aldehyde and ethanol, and the increase of respiratory rate may be due to the increase of PDC and ADH activities.

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  • Genetic Analyses of Fruit Traits Based on a Double Haploid Population from a Hybrid of Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L. )
  • ZHANG Shu-gen;JIANG Zhong-ren;XING Yong-ping;and LI Chun-ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 515-520.
  • Abstract ( 2085 ) HTML ( 1552 ) PDF (275KB) ( 1552 )    
  • Genetic analysis of five fruit traits had been done based on a doubled haploid population of Capsicum annuum L.,obtained through anther culture from a cross between line '97403' and line '97410' and consisted of 103 lines. It was shown that the five fruit traits, i.e. transverse diameter of fruit,thickness of flesh,index of fruit shape,mass per fruit,vertical diameter of fruit,had the heritability of 82.3%,80.8%,80.5%,75.7%,70.9% respectively,while the least number of genes controlling those characteristics was 20.6,8.4,6.1,33.9,10.0 respectively. Based upon estimated coefficients of skewness (g1) and kurtosis (g2) of those traits,complementary gene interaction,it was shown that between the two traits such as mass per fruit and transverse diameter of fruit,and it was possible that the genes controlling the trait of thickness of flesh had the complementary interaction too. However,the gene interaction was found absent in the two traits of vertical diameter of fruit and index of fruit shape.
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  • Cytologic Observations on Anther Development of 9704A, a Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line in Capsicum annum L.
  • HE Chang-zheng;LIU Zhi-min;XIONG Xing-yao;ZOU Xue-xiao and XIAO Lang-tao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 521-528.
  • Abstract ( 2583 ) HTML ( 1649 ) PDF (275KB) ( 1649 )    
  • The anatomical observations were conducted on anther development of 9704A, a cytoplasmic male sterile line in Capsicum annum L, and its maintainer line 9704B. The results showed that the taptum of the maintainer line belonged to the glandular type. The development of vascular tissue in the connective of the CMS lines was normal, the abortion type of this CMS line was sporophyte abortion, the karyotheca of the tapetum cells of the CMS line vanished at the sporogenous cell stage, then the nucleus lysed and dispersed into cytoplasm agglomerately and vanished ultimately. The disintegrated taptum infiltrated into the location around the pollen mother cells and conglutinated with the pollen mother cells as amoeboid tapetum did, then the pollen mother cells failed to develop into tetrad because its meiotic division halted, the middle layer cells did not degenerate.

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  • Changes of Carbohydrate Metabolism of Tomato Leaves under High Temperature in Daytime in Solar Greenhouse
  • Zhang Jie;Li Tian-lai;and Xu Jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 529-534.
  • Abstract ( 1852 ) HTML ( 1567 ) PDF (240KB) ( 1567 )    
  • Changes of carbohydrate contents, sucrose-metabolizing enzymes activities and chloroplast ultrastructure in tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)leaves that were treated by 30 ℃ and 35 ℃ were studied to investigate the effects of high temperature on carbohydrate metabolism of tomato. Plants were treated by 30 ℃ and 35 ℃ in daytime after the 1st inflorescence effloresced, and plants that under 25 ℃ were considered as control. Results showed that the chloroplast ultrastructure in high temperature treated plants leaves changed and the number of starch grain in chloroplast decreased firstly then increased obviously after plants had been treated for 15 days, especially those plants that were treated by 35 ℃. Fructose content, glucose content and sucrose content in treated leaves all decreased compared to control. The higher the temperature in daytime was, the bigger differences between treatments and control were. The activities of acid invertase (AI) and neutral invertase (NI) in treated leaves decreased, but the activities of sucrose synthase (SS) and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) increased when plants were treated by high temperature for 15 days. It was maybe the changes of chloroplast ultrastructure,carbohydrate accumulation and metabolism in leaves that made the disadvantage effects on growth and development, yield and quality of tomato. The higher the temperature was, the worse effects they made.
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  • Effects of Drought on Gene Expressions of Key Enzymes in Carotenoid and Flavonoid Biosynthesis in Potato
  • FAN Min;; JIN Li-ping;HUANG San-wen;XIE Kai-yun;LIU Qing-chang;and QU Dong-yu;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 535-542.
  • Abstract ( 2866 ) HTML ( 1706 ) PDF (597KB) ( 1706 )    
  • The β-carotene hydroxylase-1(HYD-1), flavonone-3-hydroxylase(F3H) and flavonol synthase(FLS)are key enzymes in biosynthesis of flavonoid and carotenoid. The transcript levels of genes of these three key enzymes were investigated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR under drought (withholding watering for 0, 7, 10, 12, 14 days respectively) in drought tolerance genotype of diploid H145 and drought susceptive genotype of diploid H214. The results showed that the gene transcript of these three key enzymes was increased in leaves and roots of two genotypes under mild and moderate drought. In the genotype of H145, the transcript level of F3H gene in leaves increased faster than that in roots, and the duration of transcript of FLS & HYD-1 gene in leaves was longer than that in roots under drought stress. In genotype of H214, the duration of transcript of F3H gene in leaves was longer than that in the roots, the transcript level of FLS & HYD-1 gene in leaves increased slower than that in roots under drought stress. The results suggest that the genes of β-carotene hydroxylase-1, flavonone-3-hydroxylase and flavonol synthase were concerned with the drought tolerance in potato, and there might be different acting models of these genes under drought in different genotypes.
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  • Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci Influencing Cucumber Carpopodium Length Using Simple Sequence Repeat Markers
  • WANG Gui-ling;QIN Zhi-wei﹡;ZHOU Xiu-yan;and ZHAO Zhi-yun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 543-546.
  • Abstract ( 2368 ) HTML ( 2106 ) PDF (286KB) ( 2106 )    
  • An F2 population from a cross between 129, a cucumber line with long carpopodium, and Z3, a cultivar with short carpopodium, was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with cucumber carpopodium length. DNA was extracted from F2 plants and amplified using simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker. A total of five polymorphic SSR markers were used for QTL detection. Based on the data recorded, those five markers were used to construct the genetic linkage map using mapmaker 3.0b. QTLs were detected with Windows QTL Cartographer V2.0. Four markers CSWGATT01B, CSWGATT01C, CSCT335 and CSWGATT01A, from one linkage group, were significantly associated with carpopodium length. Qchl1 was linked with SSR maker CSWGATT01B and CSWGATT01C by 3.4 cM and 18.0 cM, respectively. It explained 18.49% of phenotypic variance.

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  • Comparation of the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Purple Cabbage and Cabbage
  • WANG Mei-ling;AI Xi-zhen;DING Fei;WANG Hong-tao;and LIANG Wen-juan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 547-552.
  • Abstract ( 3186 ) HTML ( 1985 ) PDF (619KB) ( 1985 )    
  • The purpose of this paper is to clarify the photosynthetic characteristics of purple cabbage, and the differences compared with cabbage. The pigment contents and photosynthetic characteristics of purple cabbage varieties 'Zaohong' and 'Hongri' were investigated by Unispec spectrometer and Ciras-2 photosystems respectively, and compared with a common cabbage variety 'Zhonggan 11'. The result showed that the two varieties of purple cabbage differ less in pigment content and photosynthetic rate (Pn), their chlorophyll content were higher, the Pn were lower than those of 'Zhonggan 11'. There were more proportion of anthocyanin in purple cabbage, but no in cabbage. The Pn of purple cabbage was highest in initial heading stage, and decreased by a less margin in last stage compared with that of cabbage. The chlorophyll content was highest in middle heading stage, but the anthocyanin content increased as growing period getting along. The daily Pn varied in a single peak curve. The light compensation point and light saturation point of 'Zaohong' was 68.5 μmo1·m-2·s-1, and 1,077.5 μmo1·m-2·s-1 respectively, the CO2 compensation point and saturation point was 70.4 μmo1·mol-1 and 1,140 μmo1·mol-1, which higher than those of 'Zhonggan 11'. The Pn of 'Zaohong' was highest in 20 ℃, the compensation point was -4.4 ℃ at low temperature and 51.3 ℃ at high temperature, which lower than those of 'Zhonggan 11'.

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  • Effects of Chilling and Gibberellic Acid on the Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Paeonia ostii‘Feng Dan’
  • CHENG Fang-yun and DU Xiu-juan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 553-558.
  • Abstract ( 2782 ) HTML ( 3541 ) PDF (440KB) ( 3541 )    
  • Effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) and chilling treatments on releasing epicotyle and radicle dormancy and promoting seedling growth were studied in Paeonia ostii 'Feng Dan' to improve the protocol of seedling reproduction. Results showed that GA3 treatments with lower concentration (100~200 mg﹒L-1)enhanced the quality of rooting. In a certain range, extending the duration of chilling promoted epicotyle dormancy release and seedling growth and a proper concentration GA3 promoted seedling growth and total biomass accumulation, but, when the chilling days were long enough to releasing epicotyle dormancy, a higher concentration of GA3 was not beneficial to the growth. Comprehensive analysis on the effects of various treatments on shoot germination rate, germination index, seedling height, the first leaf width, leaf number, shoot length, shoot and root dry mass within 100 days after seeds were treated suggested that 21 and 28 days chilling combined respectively with 100 mg﹒L-1 or 200 mg﹒L-1 GA3 were beneficial to both seed germination and seedling growth, which could be extended into the seedling production of 'Feng Dan'.

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  • The LT50 and Cold Tolerance Adaptability of Chrysanthemum During a Natural Drop in Temperature
  • Xü Ying and CHEN Fa-di
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 559-564.
  • Abstract ( 2845 ) HTML ( 2192 ) PDF (404KB) ( 2192 )    
  • The relative electric conductivity(REC) was determined in the leaf of emergent rhizomes of chrysanthemum during the natural drop in temperature from autumn to winter. The logistic equation was constructed based on the relationship between REC and temperature, then the semi-lethal temperature was determined. The cold tolerance of 8 cultivars was evaluated by LT50. The validity of LT50 in evaluating the cold tolerance of chrysanthemum was proved by recovery of emergent rhizome test. The results showed that the LT50 temperature decreased with the drop in temperature, the decrease of LT50 is cultivar dependent, the decrease of LT50 varied from 4.0℃ to 9.4℃.The cold tolerance of 8 cultivars decreased in the order of 'Jinling Huanghe' ,'Yinxing' ,'Aoyun Wanxia' ,'Jinling Zhiguang' , 'Aoyun Jinyun' , '03(6)-16', '03(6)-12' and 'Aoyun Huoju'. No significant correlation between cold tolerance and florescence was observed. Emergent rhizomes recovering test is overall in consistence with the result of the freezing test indicating that LT50 temperature was a credible indicator to evaluate the cold tolerance of chrysanthemum. No emergent rhizomes recovered when the lethal low temperature was below -14℃.

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  • Study on Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Dendrobium
  • ZHANG Miao-bin;LIANG Qing-zhong;XIAO Hao;CEN Peng;FAN Gan-qun;PAN Li-jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 565-570.
  • Abstract ( 2623 ) HTML ( 2134 ) PDF (437KB) ( 2134 )    
  • Dendrobium ekapol 'Panda 1' was transformed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The sensitivity of Dendrobium to hygromycin and transformation effective factors such as different strains of Agrobacterium、bacterium concentration and acetosyringone (AS) were studied by transient gus expression. The results showed that the transformation efficiency of Dendrobium transformed by E1301 (EHA105 equipped with pCAMBIA1301) was 6 times higher than L1301 (LBA4404 equipped with the same vector). Higher concentration of bacterium was more effective to transform Dendrobium (the transformation efficiency at OD600 1.0 or 1.2 was twice as OD600 0.6 or 0.8). When the concentration of bacterium was 0.8 (OD600), the transformation efficiency was increased with the addition of AS. At other concentrations (OD600 0.6, 1.0 or 1.2), the transformation efficiencies were reduced with AS. Among all the treatments, the concentration of bacterium of OD600 1.0 without AS gave the highest transformation efficiency of 44.4%. Subjected to GUS histochemical staining, PCR and Southern blot analysis, the hygromycin-resistant shoots were proved to be transformed shoots.
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  • Seedling Cultivation of Doritis pulcherrima Lindl. with Mycorrhizal Fungi
  • KE Hai-li;SONG Xi-qiang;;LUO Yi-bo;ZHU Guo-peng;and LING Xu-bo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 571-576.
  • Abstract ( 2045 ) HTML ( 1557 ) PDF (564KB) ( 1557 )    
  • It aims at the application of mycorrhization technique in the orchid conservation. The endogenetic fungi from the root of the wild plant of Doritis pulcherrima Lindl were inoculated with seedlings of D.pulcherrima in flask and in pot. Firstly, the symbiotic cultivation of aseptic seedlings with the mycelium of solid culture was carried out in flask. According to the method of root coloration, the result showed that the fungi can successfully infect the root of D. pulcherrima seeding after 15d, with 100﹪ survival rate, while that of the control without mycorrhizal fungi was 63.33﹪. After 90 d, the fresh weigh of these seedlings treated with fungi were all higher than the control, especially as for the treatment with fungi F29, there were even 31.3﹪ higher than the control. Secondly, Seedlings were also cultivated with the liquid strain in pot. After 90 d, both the survival rate and the fresh biomass of the mycorrhization seedlings were higher than those of the control. For the mycorrhization seedlings with F29, they have 35﹪ survival rate and 33.24﹪the fresh weigh higher than those of the control, respectively. The results suggested that there was remarkable or significant difference between the inoculated plants and the control.

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  • Effects of Different Concentration of DA-6 on Photosynthesis and Fruit Quality in Strawberry
  • SHAN Shou-ming;LIU Guo-jie;LI Shao-hua and MIAO Peng-fei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 587-590.
  • Abstract ( 2189 ) HTML ( 1960 ) PDF (354KB) ( 1960 )    
  • The effects of DA-6 at different concentration on leaf photosynthesis and fruit quality were studied in strawberry. The results showed that DA-6 of 10 and 20 mg·L-1 could increase leaf photosynthetic rate, stormatal conductance, chlorophyll content, Rubisco activity and soluble protein content compared with control. Moreover, 20 mg·L-1 DA-6 significantly enhanced leaf photosynthetic rate, Rubisco activity and soluble protein content from 7 to 21 days after treatment. However, the results also indicated that 40 mg·L-1 DA-6 had inhibiting effects on leaf photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content and Rubisco activity and no significant differences found with control during the whole treatment period. On the other hand, DA-6 applied in different concentrations all increased the quality of strawberry and 20 mg·L-1 DA-6 showed the remarkable effect. It is concluded that DA-6 applied at appropriate concentration improved photosynthetic ability and finally increased fruit quality and yield.
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  • Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Boron on Nutrient Absorption, Distribution, Yield and Quality of Broccoli
  • ZHANG Chao-xuan;XIE Zhu-jie;CHEN Shu-tang;and WU Zhen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 591-594.
  • Abstract ( 3464 ) HTML ( 1837 ) PDF (249KB) ( 1837 )    
  • Field experiment was conducted to study the effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium deficiency and boron on N、P、K nutrition absorption and distribution, yield, quality and of broccoli. The results showed that the plant accumulate more mineral nutrition during initial period of bud to curd intumescences period. In the whole growth stage, broccoli absorbed K highest, and then N, P was least. N, P, K was distributed in leaves mostly, and then turn to curd. The content of NPK decreased 19.6%, 10% and 9.0% in leaves from bud period to harvest and the content of NPK in curd increased to 23.1%, 15.9% and 11.1% respectively in harvest period. The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium deficiency decreased yield, vitamin C and finished product rate significantly. The treatment of adding boron increased finished product rate 4.8% than NKP treatment. The treatment of deficiency of nitrogen and sulfur decreased the glucosinolates significantly. Correlation analysis revealed that the yield was significant correlate with N, K accumulation in plant and finished product rate was significant correlate with the P in plant.
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  • Studies on the Resistance to Cabbage Anthracnose Induced by Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria NK1
  • LIANG Jian-gen;WU Ji-an;ZHU Li-hong;SANG Jin-long;YAO Hang-li;and SHI Yue-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 595-598.
  • Abstract ( 2049 ) HTML ( 1452 ) PDF (277KB) ( 1452 )    
  • The resistance to cabbage anthracnose induced by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria strain NK1 was studied. The results indicated that the number of lesion and its area on the leaves were both significantly reduced compared with the control (P <0.05), the induced effectiveness to cabbage anthracnose reached 64% after strain NK1 treatment. Meanwhile, the induced effectiveness was significantly different by using different methods (P <0.05), that of seed treatment and root irrigation was the best. In addition, the research found that the induced effectiveness was the best under the condition of treating the cabbage seedlings with NK1 before inoculating Colletotrichum higginsianum as early as five days. Compared with the control, chitinase and β-1, 3-glucanase activity of the cabbage leaves and roots significantly increased after NK1 treatment(P <0.05), which suggested that strain NK1 could systemicly induce cabbage to produce resistance to cabbage anthracnose.
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  • A Study on Micropropagation and Germplasm Preservation in Tube of Rhododendron chrysanthum Pall.
  • GU Di-zhou;SUN Zhong-lin;HE Xiao-yan;ZHANG Qiu-ju;and ZHU Jun-yi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 603-606.
  • Abstract ( 3283 ) HTML ( 2530 ) PDF (277KB) ( 2530 )    
  • Dormant buds of Rhododendron chrysanthum Pall. were used as explants for the experiment. The most suitable media for inducement, differentiation, rooting and germplasm preservation in tube were screened. The results showed that 1/4 MS + GA31.5 mg·L-1 + vitamin C 20 mg·L-1 was fit for sprouting of dormant buds, 1/4 MS + 6-BA 4.0 mg·L-1 + NAA 0.3 mg·L-1 for differentiation, MS + IBA 0.46 mg·L-1 + active carbon 450 mg·L-1 for rooting, and 1/6 MS (macro-elemenyts) + 1/4 MS (micro-elements) + 1/2 MS (ferric salt) +1/4MS (organic substances) + B9 3.5 mg·L-1 for germplasm preservation in tube. Rhododendron chrysanthum tissue culture required different kinds of culture media in different phases. The method of dwarfing with low nutrients and normal temperature was utilized for germplasm peservation in tube at normal temperature.
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  • Cryopreservation of Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) Libosch by Vitrification and Encapsulation-vitrification
  • LI Ming-jun;ZHOU Na;LIU Jie;ZHANG Xiao-li;LI Ping;and ZHANG Nan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 607-610.
  • Abstract ( 2062 ) HTML ( 1302 ) PDF (56KB) ( 1302 )    
  • The cryopreservation methods of Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) Libosch by vitrification and encapsulation-vitrification were studied. The results showed that: it was optimal cryopreservation condition for the two methods in the experimentation when the materials were trained at 4 ℃ low temperature for 5 d, then pre-cultured on the medium with DMSO and Acetamide for 3 d, loaded with 60 % PVS2 for 25 min at room temperature and dehydrated with PVS2 for 30 min at 0 ℃. But compared with the materials cyropreserved by the two methods, the survival rate and regeneration rate by vitrification were both higher than those by encapsulation-vitrification. The survival rate (88.92 %) and the regeneration rate (64.29%) of the former were 1.38 times and 2.41 times higher than the latter, suggesting cryopreservation of Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) Libosch by vitrification is applicable to the germplasm conservation.

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  • A New Thick-red Pear Cultivar 'Aoguanhong'
  • REN Qiu-ping;ZHANG Fu-jun;LV Fu-tang;ZHANG Xiu-sheng;ZHU Fa-zuo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 618-618.
  • Abstract ( 2033 ) HTML ( 1136 ) PDF (75KB) ( 1136 )    
  • ‘Aoguan' red pear is a new bud mutation cultivar of ‘Mantianhong’, with thick-red skin and colored area ratio of 80~95%, belonging to sand pear system. The fruit is big and flat-round. The average fruit mass is 430.9 g with the biggest of 960.0 g. The soluble solid content of the fruit is 14.60%, the ratio of the soluble solid and the titratable acid is 16.3. The flesh is crisp, nearly no stone cell, with abundant juice and thick aroma. And it is super quality. The fruit matures in middle September in Liaocheng.
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  • A New GrapeCultivar‘Bixiang Wuhe’
  • LI En-biao;CHEN Dian-yuan;WANG Shu-xian;LI Wei-qing;and NING Shen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 619-619.
  • Abstract ( 6200 ) HTML ( 1236 ) PDF (56KB) ( 1236 )    
  • ‘Bixiang Wuhe’is a new cultivar of very rareripe and without nucleus grape cultivated as 1851×Shaba Pearl. Per ear weight is 600g, per grain weight is 4 g, the content of solubility solid is 22%-28%, with very dense Rose fragrance, very sweet and very good quality; The color of fruit rind is yellow-green, and crisp pulp can be cut thin flake; The period of blooming and bearing fruit are all early, the ability of bearing fruit is strong.
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  • A New Watermelon Hybrid 'Jinmi 1'
  • LIU Xin-hua;YUAN Ming-an;MA Chang-sheng;LIU Jun;and ZHANG Yi-dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 620-620.
  • Abstract ( 2629 ) HTML ( 1554 ) PDF (74KB) ( 1554 )    
  • 'Jinmi 1' is a new watermelon Hybrid developed by crossing inbred lines 'AH6' with 'D6601'. Its maturing stage of fruit is 31-32 days, the mass of single melon is 4.5 kg, and center sugar content is 11.0%. The fruit has good quality and is highly suitable for storage and transportion. Its average yield is 4.2 t·hm-2. It is suitable to be cultivated in Zhejiang and other similar areas.
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  • A New Hot Pepper Cultivar 'Nongchengjiao 3'
  • GONG Zhen-hui;HUANG Wei;LI Da-wei;ZHANG Bing-kui;LU Ming-hui;and CHEN Ru-gang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 621-621.
  • Abstract ( 1681 ) HTML ( 2043 ) PDF (1510KB) ( 2043 )    
  • 'Nongchengjiao3' is a new early maturing fresh hot pepper hybrid suitable for north China area. It grows well and has perfect resistance to virus disease, anthracnose disease, sunscald disease and blight disease. It also has fine fruit-setting ability with 29 fruits per plant. The fruit is absinthe-green, slight hot and horn shaped with good marketable character that is 16.4 cm long, 2.7 cm wide and 0.39 cm flesh thick. The mass per fruit is 26.5 g. The yield is about 60 000~67 000 kg·hm-2.
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  • A New Eggplant Cultivar 'Boza 1-Juyuanqie'
  • WANG Jin-hua;ZHAO Xiao-bin;DING Jun-jie;MI Guo-quan;and CHENG Zhi-fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(4): 622-622.
  • Abstract ( 2162 ) HTML ( 1352 ) PDF (1510KB) ( 1352 )    
  • ‘Boza 1-Juyuanqie'is a new mid-late ripening eggplant hybrid derived from the cross Beijing 'jiuyeqie' S53×'Ziguanqie' S64. Its average fruit mass is about 750 g, with Max 2 300 g, and the yield is 82.5 t·hm-2. The fruit has excellent quality and marketable characteristics such as round shape, dark-purple pericarp, sweet white flesh, few seeds, tolerant of aging, non-browning and so on. It is high resistant to virus disease, resistant to phomopsis rot and phytophthora rot. It is suitable for growing in greenhouse of both early spring and late autumn, open fields in the north of China.

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