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2008, Vol.35, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Relationships between Distribution of Relative Light Intensity and Fruit Quality for Trellis-trained‘Hwangkumbae’
  • YUE Yu-ling;WEI Qin-ping;ZHANG Ji-xiang;WANG Xiao-wei;LIU-jun;and ZHANG Qiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 625-630.
  • Abstract ( 3181 ) HTML ( 2112 ) PDF (272KB) ( 2112 )    
  • In order to probe into the relationships between the fruit quality and the relative light intensity,as well as the number of branches and leaf in trellis-trained‘Hwangkumbae’ (Pyrus pyrifolia ‘Hwangkumbae’). The method of division in canopy was used to study the distribution of relative light intensity, and shoots and leaves, and fruit quality in different layers and positions of canopy. The results showed that the distribution of relative light intensity in the canopy gradually descended from upper to lower layer, and less 30% of relative light intensity distributed mainly in the lowest layer of canopy. The branches (shoots) and fruitage were distributed mainly from 1.0 m to 2.0 m height of the canopy in uprightness. And the per fruit weight, firmness, soluble solid content were positively correlated to relative light intensity, whereas titratable acidity negatively correlated with it. The regression equations in relationships between quality factors and relative light intensity were set up to obtain optimum relative light intensity 42.17% for per fruit weight, 78.98%for soluble solid, 70.12% for firmness, 59.97% for titratable acidity separately.The regression equations in relationships between relative light intensity and types of branches (shoots) were set up to obtain optimum proportion in shoot, meddle shoot and spur shoot 2.61℅:6.59℅:90.8℅,and total number of the shoots 4.295×105·hm-2.

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  • Variation of Different Forms Calcium Contents and Their CorrelationDuring Growth Stage of Prunus humilis Tissues
  • MA Jian-jun;ZHANG Li-bin;LIU Yu-yan;XU Xue-feng;and YU Feng-ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 631-636.
  • Abstract ( 2494 ) HTML ( 1605 ) PDF (547KB) ( 1605 )    
  • Variation of different forms calcium contents and their correlation in several tissues and organs (xylem, phloem, flower, fruit, new treetop and fruit petiole) were studied during budding period, florescence period and fruit development. The results showed that, there was close correlation between calcium absorption, accumulation and its existing forms. Calcium pectate was mainly existed in xylem, flower, fruit and fruit petiole. Calcium oxalate was mainly existed in phloem and treetop. During the annual development, the contents of all forms calcium in xylem had a trend of decline, but increased from fruit intumescent period. At the same time, the trend of calcium contents variation in phloem was same, only soluble calcium, calcium pectate, Calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate increased slightly. The variation of all forms calcium contents in flower and fruit decreased first, increased (or decreased) then, and decreased at last. During the fruit development, the soluble calcium,calcium pectate, calcium oxalate and residual calcium increased sharply, and the soluble calcium cotent in fruit petiole increased significantly. Conversion existed among different forms of calcium in different tissues and different development. High degree positive correlation existed between the annual variation of soluble calcium and calcium pectate contents in xylem, phloem, flowers and fruits and the calcium gross.
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  • Histological Research on Low Seeded Rate of Hybridization Between ‘Mopanshi’and Sweet Persimmon
  • LI Zhuang;HU Hui-ling;;Cao Yong-qing;Ren jie;and Leng Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 637-642.
  • Abstract ( 2889 ) HTML ( 1859 ) PDF (872KB) ( 1859 )    
  • In order to find out the cause of low fertilization rate of Mopanshi, the pollen germination and pollen tube growth in style on persimmon cultivars Nishimurawase, Zenjimaru, Hanagosho and Mopanshi and the embryo sac development of Mopanshi were observed by means of fluorescence microscopy and with paraffin sections. The results obtained were as follows: ① The ratio of developed seeds (the number of developed seeds: the number of ovules) for Mopanshi crossed with three non-astringent cultivars was distinctly lower than that of self-pollinated three non-astringent cultivars; ② The pollen grains landed on stigma of Mopanshi and their germination rate were fewer than those of three non-astringent cultivars, which indicates that pollen grain germination was affected by female parent and Mopanshi stigma is unsuitable, comparatively for pollen to adhere, hydrate and germinate; ③ Compared with three non-astringent cultivars, there were very fewer Pollen tubes in Mopanshi style which were twisted and curled each other, and furthermore, the portion of pollen tube ceased elongating before they arrived at ovary, while as far as non-astringent cultivars were concerned, abundant pollen tubes could be observed in the ovary; ④ Diverse aberrant embryo sacs were found on Mopanshi, which directly or indirectly affected the normal process of fertilization. In conclusion, poor fertilization and aberrant embryo sac were the main causes of low seeded rate for 'Mopansh' persimmon.
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  • Cloning and Expression Patterns of Two cDNAs Encoding ACC Oxidase in‘Dongzao' Jujube
  • WEI Shao-chong;CHEN Ru;ZHAO Xiang-juan;and ZHANG Jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 643-648.
  • Abstract ( 2280 ) HTML ( 2059 ) PDF (464KB) ( 2059 )    
  • Two ACC oxidase(ACO)cDNA fragments were isolated from half-red‘Dongzao' jujube fruit by 3′ RACE technique using degenerate primers corresponding to the conserved nucleotide and amino acid region sequences of the ACO family, then the 5′ end encoding sequences of both cDNAs were obtained by RT-PCR experiments. The two cDNAs, named as ZjACO1 and ZjACO2, contain an ORF(open reading frame)with 3′UTR(untranslated region)respectively. Their accession numbers in GenBank are EU216549 and EU216550. The two cDNAs are 1 115 bp and 1 105 bp in length, while the predicted proteins of them are 319 and 321 aa long, respectively. The similarity between ZjACO1 and ZjACO2 is 79.4% at nucleotide level, and 84.0% at amino acid level. The result of Northern blot analysis indicated that expressions of two cDNAs in jujube leaves were both undetectable, while their expressions at the development and ripening stages of jujube fruit were obviously different.

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  • Studies on 16S rDNA Sequence of Citrus Huanglongbing Bacteria in China
  • DING Fang;;;HONG Ni;;ZHONG Yun ;YI Gan-jun and WANG Guo-ping;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 649-654.
  • Abstract ( 2682 ) HTML ( 2530 ) PDF (980KB) ( 2530 )    
  • PCR-RFLP-SSCP analysis was carried out to study the 16S rDNA of the citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) bacterial isolates collected from 7 provinces in China. Three restriction endonucleases were used to digest the target DNA fragment of 16S rDNA. The digested products were subjected to single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. The results showed that there was no obvious difference among the 9 representative isolates from 7 provinces in 16S rDNA. The 16S rDNAs of the 9 representative isolates were cloned and sequenced. The result of the multiple alignment analysis of the sequences was in agreement with that of PCR-RFLP-SSCP analysis. It revealed that the citrus Huanglongbing bacteria isolated from different areas of China were highly conservative in their 16S rDNA sequence, and no molecular change were found among isolates from different hosts and different geographic areas. The result laid a foundation for further research on systematic evolution of HLB bacteria.

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  • Comparisons of Extraction Solvents and Determining-Methods for Anthocyanins in Strawberry and Blueberry Fruits
  • LIU Ren-dao;ZHANG Meng;and LI Xin-xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 655-660.
  • Abstract ( 4939 ) HTML ( 6506 ) PDF (252KB) ( 6506 )    
  • In this study, the extraction efficacity of solvent type and precision of determining-methods for anthocyanins in fruits were compared. Five solvents, acetone:water:formic acid (A), acetonitrile:acetic acid (B), ethanol:water:acetic acid (C), methanol:water:acetic acid (D), and methanol:HCl (E) were used to extract anthocyanins in strawberry and blueberry fruits and the anthocyanin content in the extracts was determined with colorimetry and HPLC. The results showed that extraction efficiency varied among the solvents with different organic-solvent and acid-type. In strawberries, the extraction efficiency of anthocyanin with D was best, followed by E, C, and A. However, B was the worst to extract the anthocyanin, with its value being less than 1/3 that obtained using the extract containing D. A similar tendency was found in blueberries. The anthocyanin contents determined by colorimetry with extracts containing D, E, and C in both fruits were respectively lower than that shown by HPLC. But, the value was obtained by colorimetry with extracts containing B was 2-fold to that by HPLC. In blueberries, obvious differences were not found in the results obtained using the extract containing A employing both methods, although in strawberries the anthocyanin content determined using the spectrophotometric method was higher by about 50% than with those obtained using HPLC. These results suggest that the HPLC method should be utilized to determine the anthocyanin content and that the colorimetry could be used to compare samples from the same kind of fruit, especially, using a low boiling-point alcohol as a solvent.
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  • Effects of Brassinolide on Contents of Nucleic Acid and Endogenous Hormones in Stem Apex of Broccoli
  • WANG Ting-qin;and Yang Xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 661-666.
  • Abstract ( 2100 ) HTML ( 1576 ) PDF (522KB) ( 1576 )    
  • Different concentrations of brossinolide(BL) (0.001, 0.01 and 0.1mg·L-1) were sprayed on leaves of broccoli at 20 th days before or 10 th days after inflorescence differentiation, respectively. Effects of brassinolide on contents of nucleic acid and endogenous hormones in stem apex of broccoli was investigated during the periods of inflorescence differentiation and curd emergence. Results showed that the synthesis of total nucleic acid and RNA could be improved under treatment of both concentrations of 0.001 and 0.01 mg·L-1 BL. The synthesis of DNA was enhanced by BL at inflorescence differentiation period, whereas was inhibited at curd emergence period. The balance of endogenous hormones in stem apex was obviously influenced by BL. The synthesis of IAA in stem apex was depressed by BL, so the content of IAA decreased at both stages of inflorescence differentiation and curd emergence. The contents of GA1/3 and iPAs in stem apex obviously increased under BL treatments during the period of inflorescence differentiation, but the contents of endogenous GA1/3 and iPAs in stem apex decreased durng the period of curd emergence. Different responses of endogenous hormones in plant to exogenous BL were observed in this experiment.

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  • Effects of Plucking Hearts in Bud Stage on the Hormones in the Process of Tuber Formation in Solanum tuberosum L.
  • Zheng Shun-lin;Yuan Ji-chao;Wang Xi-yao;and Ma Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 667-672.
  • Abstract ( 2250 ) HTML ( 2029 ) PDF (513KB) ( 2029 )    
  • In order to elucidate the physiology mechanism of plucking hearts in bud stage to accelerate tuberization,the changes of endogenous hormones in the process of tuber formation in potato(Solanum tuberosum L.) were analyzed . The results showed that in the middle stage of tuber formation,GA3, IAA and ZT content increased obviously , the high peak time and changing trend of JAs content were changed. For the balance relationship among the IAA, GA3, JAs and the ABA,the value of IAA/ABA, IAA/JAs, GA3/ABA and GA3/JAs were raised at the middle stage of tuberization and were reduced at prophase and anaphase. Plucking hearts could alter the content of hormons and the relationships among them, opitimize the level of hormones in the middle stage of tuberization and improve the tuber development.

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  • Effects of Light quality on Growth and Light Utilization Characteristics in Ginger
  • Zhang Rui-hua;;Xu Kun;Dong Can-xing;Li Ying-ying and Lv Jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 673-680.
  • Abstract ( 2518 ) HTML ( 1896 ) PDF (747KB) ( 1896 )    
  • Effects of light quality on the growth, photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence of ginger were investigated in this study. The results indicated that white or red light induced the greatest growth, chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate (Pn), followed by blue and green light in order from high to low level. When ginger seedlings were transferred to sunlight, the Pn and photorespiration (Pr) of leaves treated with white light were the highest, followed by blue, red or green light in turn, while that of Pr/Pn was reverse. The maximal photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) and efficiency of excitation energy capture by open PSⅡ reaction centres (Fv′/Fm′) as well as photochemical quenching coefficient (qP) decreased markedly under middy strong light. But their values in different treatments were different, with the highest values in white light treatment, followed by blue, red or green light in order from high to low level. Contrarily, white, blue, red or green light treatment induced the relative deviation from full balance between two photosystems (β/α-1) in ginger leaves increased in turn. In parallel, the excitation energy used in photochemical reaction (P) of leaves treated with white light was the highest, the next was blue or red light, and the lowest was green light. While the antenna heat dissipation (D) and excess light energy (E) of PSⅡ in ginger leaves treated with green light was the highest and white light was the lowest.

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  • Transformation of Tomato with the Verticillium dahliae Resistance Gene StVe from Solanum torvum
  • CHEN Yu-hui; ZHAO Ling-xia; CHAI You-rong; CUI Li-jie; DONG Zhong-qi;QIAN Hong-mei; and TANG Ke-xuan;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 693-700.
  • Abstract ( 2644 ) HTML ( 1851 ) PDF (528KB) ( 1851 )    
  • In order to verify the function of StVe gene(3.4 kb)which was isolated from Solanum torvum, we substituted the StVe gene for gus in plasmid p35S-2300 :: gus :: noster, and constructed plant binary expression vector p35S-2300 :: StVe :: noster. Subsequently, the resulting vector was introduced into tomato plants via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated method. In total, we obtained 72 tomato plants resistant to kanamycin and 5 independent transgenic tomato plants were confirmed by PCR and Southern blot analysis. The five transgenic tomato plants were further analyzed the expression of StVe gene at transcription level through semi-quantitative one-step RT-PCR. StVe gene was found to express with variable levels between different transgenic lines. The crude proteins were extracted from the transgenic tomato leaves and proved to have an effect of restraining the mycelia growth of Verticillium dahliae race 1 in vitro.

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  • The Construction of a Binary Vector for Marker-free Transformation in Plants
  • XIN Cui-hua;;LIU Qing-chang ;QU Dong-yu;;and HUANG San-wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 701-706.
  • Abstract ( 2941 ) HTML ( 2336 ) PDF (794KB) ( 2336 )    
  • A marker-free vector (pBINMF) derived from the binary vector pBINPLUS was generated, which only contained a multiple cloned site between left and right borders as validated by restriction analysis and sequencing. In order to identify the efficiency of pBINMF for transformation, the gus gene was cloned into the vector and was introduced into the tomato cultivar Moneymaker via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Gene-specific PCR and GUS stain assay showed that gus gene was integrated into the tomato genome and was expressed. This vector could become a reliable and efficient tool for direct generating marker-free transformants in plants, particularly useful for vegetatively propagated crops like potato and cassava.
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  • Effects of Salicylhydroxamic Acid (SHAM) and Methyl Jasmonate (MJ) on in Vitro Corm Formation of Gladiolus hybridus
  • HE Xiu-li;ZHANG Zhi-qian;SHI Li-wei;YUAN Zhi-hua;XU Zhe;and YI Ming-fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 707-714.
  • Abstract ( 2354 ) HTML ( 1768 ) PDF (829KB) ( 1768 )    
  • To investigate the effects of SHAM and MJ in vitro on corm formation in Gladiolus hybridus 'Rose Supreme', the contents of total soluble protein, endogenous methyl jasmonate (MJ) and carbohydrates as well as the activities of LOX-1 and antioxidant enzymes were examined under different treatments. LOX isozymes were also analysized. The results showed that, under the SHAM treatment, corm formation was obviously delayed and reduced in terms of frequency and corm fresh mass and diameter and that the concentrations of total protein, MJ and carbohydrates, and the activities of antioxidant enzymes and LOX-1 were all reduced compared to the control. The activities of LOX isozymes became weaker with two isozyme bands disappeared. In contrast, these physiological and biochemical indexes were increased under MJ treatments, in which, 0.5mmol·L-1 was the optimal concentration for promoting corm formation in Gladiolus. These results suggested that corm formation could be improved by MJ but suppressed by SHAM through regulating the LOX activity, resulting in carbohydrate accumulation and increase of antioxidant enzymes activities in Gladiolus hybridus.
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  • Alkali Tolerance of Rhododendron fortunei in Subirrigated Ebb & Flow Bench Systems with Hydroponics
  • YU Shu-jun;CHEN Xi-ming;and LEE Jeong-sik
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 715-720.
  • Abstract ( 2509 ) HTML ( 1462 ) PDF (499KB) ( 1462 )    
  • In a closed ebb & flow subirrigation bench system, plant growth response and nutrient element analysis of Rhododendron fortunei in 5 different pH regimes (pH4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, and 8.5) were conducted and the results indicated that pH 7.5 environment adapted preferably R. fortunei growth and development, in return, the higher pH 8.5 regime was not suitable for its growth in terms of dry and fresh mass of shoot and root, whereas the lower pH treatments stood at medium. It preferred lower pH treatments to higher pH environments on basis of leaf chlorophyll contents and adapted to the conditions of climate and soil in Seoul based on plant growth, leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthesis rates. It appeared that R. fortunei was little affected by the pH variation of media, even if an acidic or an alkaline root environment, e.g. in pH 4.5 and 8.5 regimes. R. fortunei needed less micronutrients, no special demands for mineral nutrients as any other plants. Most of the mineral nutrient elements except for P were unexpectedly showed a flat variation among 5 different pH treatments which proved furthermore that plant growth responses, especially, nutrient contents of R. fortunei were insensitive to pH changes. Therefore, R. fortunei would be a promising gene resource for application and breeding as lime-tolerant rhododendrons.

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  • The Relationship between Ovule Development and Isozymes after Pollination in Phaius tankervilliae (Aiton) Bl.
  • LI Dong-mei;DUAN Zhong-gang;YE Xiu-lin;and LIANG Cheng-ye
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 721-726.
  • Abstract ( 2541 ) HTML ( 1405 ) PDF (900KB) ( 1405 )    
  • Under microscope, the nucellar filament of Phaius tankervilliae(Aiton) Bl. could be observed on 10th day after pollination, archesporial cell on 20thday, megasporocyte on 24th day, the functional megaspore on 30th day; and 8-nucleate embryo sac on 41th day. And then double fertilization finish and early globular embryo emerg. The researchs on isozymes indicated that some varieties of isozyme loci present during the embryo development. There are 7 esterase(Est) loci and 5 acid phosphatase (Acp) loci during the periods between nucellar filament and early globular embryo; both of Est and Acp appeared the most diversity in the stage of 8-nucleate embryo sac. Est-7 and Acp-4 always express in the whole developmental stages , and Est-4 and Acp-3 just express in the stage of 8-nucleat embryo sac of Phaius tankervilliae(Aiton) Bl., but Acp-2 express in all developmental stages except the 8-nucleat embryo stage. Est-1 only express in the stage of 8-nucleat embryo sac and metaphase I of meiosis. Further studies should be done to confirm if Est-4, Acp-2 and Acp-3 could regulate the development of 8-nucleat embryo sac.
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  • Generating Marker-free Transgenic Chrysanthemum by Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation with Twin T-DNA Binary Vectors
  • SUN Lei;ZHANG Qi-xiang;ZHOU Lin;LU Miao;and CAI Ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 727-734.
  • Abstract ( 2820 ) HTML ( 1623 ) PDF (711KB) ( 1623 )    
  • In this study, we constructed a super binary vector to evaluate the potential of the twin T-DNA system for generating selectable marker-free progeny plants in chrysanthemum plants. The first T-DNA of the vector, contains the hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt) selectable gene, while the second T-DNA, bears the β-glucuronidase gene (gus), featuring the gene of interest. The two T-DNA regions were located adjacent to each other with no intervening region. 506 resistant chrysanthemum plants were then obtained by Agrobacterium- mediated transformation with this vector, analysis of transgene inheritance was facilitated by PCR amplification and Southern blot from leaf tissue, the primary co-transformation frequency was 38.4%. A total of seventeen hpt-resistant/gus-active T0 plants were evaluated for segregation in the next generation, and among these, approximately 15.8% had transgene inserts which segregated in the T1 progeny to yield chrysanthemum plants without selectable marker gene. Overall, the twin T-DNA systems appeared to be a useful approach to generate marker free transgenic plants, thereby eliminating public concerns regarding proliferation of antibiotic and herbicide resistance genes in the environment.

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  • Relationship Between Activity of Alcohol Dehydrogenase and Soluble Tannin in Persimmon
  • LIU Chao-peng;ZHENG Zhong-ming;LIANG Yin-na;and LI Bao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 741-746.
  • Abstract ( 2242 ) HTML ( 1841 ) PDF (661KB) ( 1841 )    
  • Content of soluble tannin and activity of alcohol dehydrogenase and the optimum temperature of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in 4 different type fruits of persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb) were measured, in order to assess the effects of ADH on loss of astringency of persimmon fruits. In the early stage of fruits development, the pollination constant non-astringent (PCNA) and the pollination variant non-astringent type (PVNA) soluble tannin content decreased, and the activity of ADH increased, but the activity of ADH decreased when the fruits become non-astringent, especially in PVNA-type fruits. The content of soluble tannin of pollination constant astringent (PCA) and pollination variant astringent (PVA) -type fruits decreased, and the activity of ADH was also in the lower level in the mature stage. During the leaf development, there is no significant relationship between ADH and soluble tannin. The optimum temperature of ADH is at 25℃. ADH plays a role to some extent in loss of astringency of persimmon fruits.

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  • Studies on the Genetic Diversity of Some Chestnut (Castanea) Cultivars by AFLP Analysis
  • AI Cheng-xiang;ZHANG Li-si;WEI Hai-rong;and LIU Qing-zhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 747-752.
  • Abstract ( 2379 ) HTML ( 1781 ) PDF (543KB) ( 1781 )    
  • Investigation of the genetic diversity of chestnut (Castanea) is significate in utilizing its germplasm resources and breeding new varieties. The phylogenetic relationships among 30 chestnut cultivars were analyzed by using of AFLP technique to study the genetic diversity with seven AFLP primer combinations (M+3 and E+3). Among the 962 bands detected, 852 bands were polymorphic and specific bands had been found in all tested cultivars. The high ratio of polymorphic bands (89%) observed indicated abundant genetic diversity among chestnut cultivars. The results suggested that the seven pairs of primer combinations could be used to distinguish all tested cultivars. Cluster analysis showed that the classification based on AFLP markers of most cultivars was consistent with their origin.

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  • Effects of Shading Treatment and Regular Light Recovery on Growth and Reactive Oxygen Metabolism of Pak-choi
  • HUANG Jun;GUO Shi-rong;JIANG Fang-ling;CHEN Lan;and WU Zhen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 753-756.
  • Abstract ( 2325 ) HTML ( 1762 ) PDF (471KB) ( 1762 )    
  • This paper studied the response of growth, reactive oxygen species metabolism and antioxidative enzyme activities of two different pak-choi cultivars ('Aiwang'and 'Lvyou') to low light under shading treatment and regular light recovery. The results showed that the growth of 'Aiwang' was retarded and the growth of 'Lvyou' was complete inhibited under shading treatment. The MDA content, the O2-. Production rate and the H2O2 content in two cultivars decreased at first and increased later. The POD activities increased under shading treatment while the SOD, CAT and APX decreased firstly and increased later. The activities of all theses enzymes increased remarkably after the recovery of growth light. The results suggested that, under shading treatment and regular light recovery, 'Aiwang' was more efficient on the enhancement of antioxidative enzymes activities to reduce the membrane lipid peroxidation, while 'Lvyou' was subject to a more grave membrane lipid peroxidation.

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  • Comparison of Polysaccharide Content in Different Cultivars of Momordica Charantia L.and in Different Tissues and Development Stages
  • Huang Jing;Zhang Ming-wei;Zhang Rui-fen;Zhang Yan;Wei Zhen-cheng;Xin Xiu-feng;Chi Jian-wei;and Tang Xiao-jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 757-760.
  • Abstract ( 2248 ) HTML ( 1940 ) PDF (226KB) ( 1940 )    
  • In this paper, polysaccharide content of Momordica charantia L. of different cultivars and in different tissues and development stages were compared in the paper. The results indicated that the average value and the range of polysaccharide contents in 53 cultivars of Momordica charantia L were 10.00% and 6.85%-13.48%, respectively. The ranges of polysaccharide contents in 4 different parts were 1.41%-12.21%, and the polysaccharide contents differed significantly. The average polysaccharide contents were in the order of flesh > seed > leaf > vine, with the polysaccharide contents of 12.21%, 5.42%, 1.68%, and 1.41%, respectively. The polysaccharide contents of 4 Momordica charantia L. cultivars from the 4th to the 24 th days after pollination all gradually increased and were the highest in ripe fruits.

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  • A New B igger Fruit Size Cultivar ofChinese Bayberry -Ciq i.
  • ZHENG Jin-tu1, ZHANGW ang-shu1, Q IAN Jie-bing1, ZHANG Tong-x in1, CHU You-w e i 2, FU Q -i sheng2,
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 773-773.
  • Abstract ( 788 ) HTML ( 556 ) PDF (61KB) ( 556 )    
  • -C iqi. is a new cu lt ivar se lected from -B iq i. Chinese bayberry w ith b igger fruit size and
    better qua lity. The average mass and d iameter o f -C iq i. reached 14125 g and 3100 cm, significantly greater
    than that o f orig ina l line of -B iq i. bayberry respective ly, and the taste is richer. The tree v igo r is interm ed-i
    ate and the ma in fru i-t bearing shoo ts sprout in spring, w ith h igh and stable y ield, and su itab le fo r plant ing in
    the neutra l to ac idu lous of grave l so i.l
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  • A New CoconutCultivar -Wenye 2.
  • FAN Ha-i kuo, HUANG L-i yun, TANG Long-x iang, Q IN We-i quan, MA Z-i long, and ZHAO Song- lin*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(5): 774-774.
  • Abstract ( 680 ) HTML ( 477 ) PDF (57KB) ( 477 )    
  • -Wenye 2. , a new cultivar, is selected from -M alaya Ye llow ing Dw arf. by Coconu t
    Research Institute o f Ch inese A cademy of Tropic Agricu lture Sciences. The trunk is dw ar,f fruit is yellow in
    co lor, coconutm ilk is sw ee,t coconutmeat is so f.t The average yie ld is about 1 725- 3 000 nut# hm- 2. It
    com es into b lossom 3- 4 years after p lanting, and could be p lanted in Ha inan province, and the best areas
    are south and east ofHa inan island.
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