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2009, Vol.36, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Effect of Root Cutting on Vegeta tive Growth of Zizyphus jujuba Mill. ‘Dong2zao’Trees
  • YANG Shou-jun;XING Shang-jun;DU Zhen-yu;JIANG Wei;WANG Hai;and LIU Chun-sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 625-630.
  • Abstract ( 1828 ) HTML ( 1573 ) PDF (282KB) ( 1573 )    
  • The root system of six-year-old Chinese jujube treeswere manually cut with a sharp spade at 3, 5 or 7 times trunk diameter distance along both inter-row sides p rior to buds break on April 26th 2008 in Binzhou Chinese jujube orchards, to study the effects of root cutting on the vegetative growth. The results showed that the root cutting of 3 times trunk diameter decreased the length of once branch by 27.9% and the numbers of once branch by 12.1% in contrast to the control. Compared to the control, root cutting of 3 and 5
    times trunk diameter had no apparent effects on N, P and K content of leaves after 35 days, but had significant effects after 161 days. Photosynthetic rate (Pn) , transpiration rate (Tr) , stomatal rate (Gs ) , intercellular concentration (Ci ) of leaves and zeatin ( ZT) content of rootwere lowered after 35 days and were raised after 161 days as effected by the root cutting treatments of 3 and 5 times trunk diameter. However, Auxin(IAA) concentrations of once branch top and rootwere increased after 35 days and decreased after 161 days.Also, ethylene release of once branch top and abscisic acid (ABA) content of root were both increased after 35 and 161 days. Compared with root cutting of 3 times trunk diameter, the effect of root cutting on the vegetative growth at the distance of 5 times trunk diameterwasweakened to some extent. Leaf chlorophyll content of Chinese jujube treeswas the highest under the treatment of 3 times trunk diameter root cutting, which declined gradually with the increase of root cutting distance. The contents of vitamin C and total sugar in fruits were increased by root cutting, but no effectswere found on total acid content of fruit and yield at harvest. It is proposed that 3 times trunk diameterwas the best distance for root cutting to regulate the vegetative growth of Chinese jujube trees.
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  • The Character istics of β-Gal and LOX Activities in Apple (Malus domestica Borkh. ) Fruit and Their Relation to Fruit Softening
  • WEI Jian-mei;and MA Feng-wang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 631-638.
  • Abstract ( 1963 ) HTML ( 1782 ) PDF (644KB) ( 1782 )    
  • For understanding the role of β-galactosidase (β-Gal) and lipoxygenase (LOX) during fruit development, ripening and softening, the fruits of app le (Malus domestica Borkh. ) cultivars, ‘Fuji’and‘Golden Delicious’, were used to investigate the activity changes of β-Gal and LOX over this period, and
    during postharvest regulation by ethylene. The results indicated that theβ2Gal activity in‘Golden Delicious’was markedly higher than that in‘Fuji’during fruit development and ripening and the difference was in particular significant during ripening and softening. The LOX activity in‘Fuji’was dramatically increased and higher than that in‘Golden Delicious’after flowering, but its activity wasmarkedly reduced and maintained lower than that of‘Golden Delicious’before fruit ripening. The β-Gal and LOX activities of app le fruitwere
    markedly inhibited by 12methycyclopene ( 1-MCP) and increased by ethephon. The changes of β-Gal and LOX activity showed a similar trend and the β-Gal be much easier to be regulated by ethylene than LOX.These results suggested that the change of β-Gal and LOX activities be correlated with the storage characteristic of apple fruit and β-Galmight have an important role in the early stage of fruit softening.
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  • Studies on Anatomy and Distribution of the Vascular Bundles in the PeachFruit
  • ZHANG Jun;L IU Zhi-min;MA Huan-pu;and MA Shao-peng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 639-646.
  • Abstract ( 2610 ) HTML ( 1904 ) PDF (1346KB) ( 1904 )    
  • In order to understand the distribution and structure of vascular tissue in the peach fruit, observation of the branches system and distribution of vascular bundleswas taken with the normal paraffin section and peach (Prunus persica‘Okubao’) fruitwas used asmaterial. The results showed that: Vascular bundles in peach fruit can be divided into three types, main vascular bundle, branch vascular bundle and fibrous vascular bundle. Main vascular bundles include embryo vascular bundle, endocarp vascular bundle and mesocarp
    vascular bundle (ventral bundle and dorsal bundle, and vascular bundles on endocarp from pedicel). Their functions are that transport nutrition to the seed, endocarp and the mesocarp respectively. Embryo vascular bundle has developed phloem and tertiary structure; Vascular bundles with developed phloem are annularly distributed in the endocarp; Ventral bundle and dorsal bundle are thick, both of them have a majority of branches and developed phloem and xylem. Branch vascular bundles and fibrous vascular bundlesmainly distribute in the mesocarp. The cavity is observed in phloem of fibrous vascular bundle in the mesocarp and it enlarges
    with the fruit growth. The structures of vascular bundles accommodate to their functions. It can be speculated that seed and endocarp mostly need organic nutrition and the mesocarp needs organic nutrition, mineral nutri2
    tion and water.
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  • Effect of Heat-water Treatment on Strawberry Fruits Preservation and Its Relationship with Ethylene Gene Expression
  • Du Zheng-shun;Gong Hui-fang;Wang Ronghua;Li Yi;Wang Liang-ju;and Li Bai-jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 647-654.
  • Abstract ( 1847 ) HTML ( 1598 ) PDF (1111KB) ( 1598 )    
  • In the work, the effects of heat water treatment on the preservation and expression of genes involved in ethylene biosynthesis and ethylene receptors were detected by using strawberry fruits (Fragaria ananassa Duch. 'Toyonoka'). The results indicated that dipping fruits in 45℃ heat-water for 15 min significantly inhibited anthocyanin accumulation, weight loss, decay index, respiratory rate and ethylene release rate during fruit storage, which led to fruits containing higher levels of the soluble solids, the titrable acids and the soluble proteins, although the VC content was significantly lower than control. Therefore, heat-water treatment was in general helpful for strawberry fruits to prolong the storage life at low temperature. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that heat water treatment significantly inhibited gene expression of ACS, ACO, ERS1 and ETR1 during the storage period, although it had no effect on genes expression of EIN1, which maintained a high level during the whole storage. These results suggested that strawberry senescence delaying by heat-water treatment was possibly related with its inhibition on ethylene biosynthesis and regulation.

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  • Construction of aMolecular Genetic Map for Longan Based on RAPD,ISSR,SRAP and AFLP Markers
  • GUO Yin-shan;ZHAO Yu-hui;LIU Chao-ji;REN Peng-rong;HUANG Tian-lin;FU Jia-xin;LU Bo-bin;and LIU Cheng-ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 655-662.
  • Abstract ( 2133 ) HTML ( 1826 ) PDF (1367KB) ( 1826 )    
  • A big F1 population of‘Fengliduo ×Dawuyuan’were created by crossing between a high quality cultivar‘Fengliduo’and a large fruit size main cultivar‘Dawuyuan’. Among the hybrid population,94 F1 individuals were randomly chosen and used as the mapp ing population. Based on the mapp ing population, a molecular genetic linkage map of longan was constructed with RAPD, ISSR, SRAP and AFLP molecular markers. According to the linkage analysis by JoinMap3.0, the molecular linkage map of‘Fengliduo’fell into 21 linkage group s, which contained 183 markers, with an average interval of 5184 cM and covered a total distance of 965.1 cM; While the molecular linkage map of‘Dawuyuan’fell into 22 linkage group s, which contained 251 markers, with an average interval of 4.65 cM and covered a total distance of 1 064.8 cM. This was the first report about high-density molecular genetic map for longan and would lay a solid foundation for gene location and marker assited selection in longan breeding.
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  • Effects of Supplemental Lighting with Different Light Qualities on Growthand Physiological Characteristics of Cucumber , Pepper and Toma to Seedlings
  • CUI Jin;MA Zhi-hu;XU Zhi-gang;ZHANG Huan;CHANG Tao-tao;and LIU Hai-jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 663-670.
  • Abstract ( 2304 ) HTML ( 3127 ) PDF (628KB) ( 3127 )    
  • Effects of supplemental lighting with different light qualities on the growth and physiological characteristics of seedlings of cucumber ‘Zhongnong 21’ and ‘Zhongnong 27’, pepper ‘Juwuba 5’ and ‘Zhenyan 6’, tomato ‘Israel Hongfeng’ and ‘Holland Hongfen’ were studied. The light emitting diode (LED) with different light qualities(red light, yellow light, green light, red+blue light and blue light) were used as supplemental lighting. The experimental results showed that the effects of supplemental lighting with different light qualities on different vegetable seedlings were obvious, but not identical. Generally speaking, the growth of seedlings were remarkably effected by red LED and red+blue LED, the stem diameter, fresh/dry weight and healthy index of the seedlings were significantly higher than those of the control (no supplemental lighting), and the soluble sugar content of cucumber ‘Zhongnong 21’, tomato and pepper seedlings were significantly increased as well. The maximal healthy index and dry weight of pepper ‘Juwu ba 5’ were obtained with blue LED. Chlorophyll and carotenoid content of cucumber and tomato ‘Israel Hongfeng’ seedlings were significantly increased by red or yellow LED. The results suggested that supplementing red or red + blue light could accelerate the growth of the vegetable seedlings and benefit the breeding of healthy seedling, but appropriate readjustment is necessary according to the different vegetable species and cultivars.
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  • Effect of ALA on Fast Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Dynamics ofWatermelon Leaves under Chilling Stress
  • SUN Yong-ping;ZHANG Zhi-ping;XU Cheng-xiang;SHEN Chun-miao;GAO Chong;and WANG Liang-ju
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 671-678.
  • Abstract ( 2110 ) HTML ( 1756 ) PDF (530KB) ( 1756 )    
  • The root system of six-year-old Chinese jujube trees were manually cut with a sharp spade at 3, 5 or 7 times trunk diameter distance along both inter-row sides prior to buds break on April 26th 2008 in Binzhou Chinese jujube orchards, to study the effects of root cutting on the vegetative growth. The results showed that the root cutting of 3 times trunk diameter decreased the length of once branch by 27.9% and the numbers of once branch by 12.1% in contrast to the control. Compared to the control, root cutting of 3 and 5 times trunk diameter had no apparent effects on N,P and K content of leaves after 35 days, but had significant effects after 161 days. Photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal rate (Gs), intercellular concentration (Ci) of leaves and zeatin (ZT) content of root were lowered after 35 days and were raised after 161 days as effected by the root cutting treatments of 3 and 5 times trunk diameter. However, Auxin (IAA) concentrations of once branch top and root were increased after 35 days and decreased after 161 days. Also, ethylene release of once branch top and abscisic acid (ABA) content of root were both increased after 35 and 161 days. Compared with root cutting of 3 times trunk diameter, the effect of root cutting on the vegetative growth at the distance of 5 times trunk diameter was weakened to some extent. Leaf chlorophyll content of Chinese jujube trees was the highest under the treatment of 3 times trunk diameter root cutting, which declined gradually with the increase of root cutting distance. The contents of vitamin C and total sugar in fruits were increased by root cutting, but no effects were found on total acid content of fruit and yield at harvest. It is proposed that 3 times trunk diameter was the best distance for root cutting to regulate the vegetative growth of Chinese jujube trees.

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  • Regulation of Biosynthesis of Lycopene in Tomato by Antisense Transformation with Phytochrome A Gene
  • WU Feng-hua;Chang Yin-zi;and YANG Hu-qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 679-684.
  • Abstract ( 1698 ) HTML ( 1440 ) PDF (627KB) ( 1440 )    
  • Young leaves as explants, the tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) was transformed with antisense genomic DNA of phytochrome A, which mediated by Agrobacterium tumefacien. It was shown by PCR analysis and Sourthern blotting detection that the fragment of PHYA was integrated into the tomato genome. Several results were observed from transgenic tomato friuts including inhibition of expression of PHYA, siginificant decrease in biosynthesis of lycopene and the abnormal color of the fruit skin. There were no siginificant differenecs between transgenic fruits and the control groups in the production of ethylene. Therefore, we presumed that phytochrome existing in the downstram of ethylene, which along with PHYA, played a role in the regulation of biosynthesis of lycopene. However, more studies on how both of them regulate the biosynthesis of lycopene are needed.
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  • Development of Adjustable Male Sterile Plant in Chinese Flowering Cabbageby Antisense DAD1 Fragment Transformation
  • CHEN Guo-ju;XU Fei;LEI Jian-jun;and CAO Bi-hao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 685-692.
  • Abstract ( 1772 ) HTML ( 1278 ) PDF (670KB) ( 1278 )    
  • There are not F1 hybrids because of no good male sterile materials or self incompatible lines in Brassica campestris L. ssp chinensis (L. ) Makino var. utilis Tsen et Lee. In this experiment, in accordance with the conservative region of DAD1 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana and B. campestris, the primer was designed
    to amplify the DAD1 gene conservative region fragment (DAD1F) of B. campestris L. ssp chinensis var. utilis. Using this fragment to construct a antisense exp ression vector to develop adjustable male sterile plants. All
    opend flowerswere removed from the inflorescence, and the remaining flowers were dipped into 500μmol·L -1 MeJA (Wako Pure chemical, Osaka, Japan) dissolved in 0105% aqueous Tween 20. The fragment amplified from B. campestris L. ssp ch inensis var. utilis was named as B rcpDAD1F. The homologous rates were 88% and 99% with that in A rabidopsis and B. cam pestris, respectively. The antisense DAD1F from B.campestris L. ssp ch inensis var. utilis, was connected to p lant exp ression vector pB I121. Using cotyledons with petiole as exp lants, Agrobacterium tum efaciens mediate transformation was performed with antisense BrcpDAD1F vector (pBI-antiBrcpDAD1F ) into B. campestris L. ssp chinensis var. utilis. The results of Southern bloting showed that antisense DAD1F had been transferred into B. campestris L. ssp chinensis var. utilis Tsen et Lee. Twelve transformantswere obtained, ofwhich 6 the mRNA of DAD1 were inhibited and disp layed male sterile, pollen germination percent of transgenic plantswere very low, which were not than 10%. After flowering, transgenic plants could not set or the siliquas were emp ty. Occasionally we could obtain seeds, but the seeds could not germinate. Pollinated with wild type plant pollen, the siliquas of transformed plants were enlarged and the seeds could be produced. No obvious differences were observed in morphology between transformed plants and wild type plants. A few flowers in transformed plants were abnormal. The pollen treated with 500μmol·L - 1MeJA could germinate in the medium and could fertilize. The fertile and sterile plantswere in the ratio of 3 to 1 in T1 population, 3 to 1 in some lines, full fertile in some lines full sterile in other lines in T2 populations. It suggested that antisense RNA can inherit inMendelmodel.
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  • A New System for Classify ing China Mei Cultivar Groups , with SpecialReference to Developing Super ior ities of Interspecific Hybrid OriginatedGroups
  • CHEN Jun-yu and CHEN Rui-dan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 693-700.
  • Abstract ( 1849 ) HTML ( 2300 ) PDF (846KB) ( 2300 )    
  • The authors revised the classification system for mei cultivars (2007), and a new system (2008) including 11 cultivar groups proposed. A key for classifying the 11 groups is published, and reasons of establishing these groups explained. The revised system is better than the old one in which only 3 cultivar groups included. Both of the two systems are in agreement with the rules of I. C. N. C. P (International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants, 2004), but the revised one reserves and expresses more superiorities of “Dual Classification Method” for Chinese traditional flowers. Meanwhile, on the basis of considering dot grottoes on stone surface as key criterion in group classification, it has been found recently that breath/thickness ratio of the stone also important as another key critorion. Moreover, special importance of these two groups both originated from interspecific hybridization, viz. apricot mei group and meiren (blireiana mei) group in acclimatization and development is pointed out.

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  • Studies on Numerical Classification of Chaenomeles Cultivars
  • WANG Ming-ming;WANG Jian-hua;SONG Zhen-qiao;LI Sheng-bo;QU Yan;and LIU Jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 701-710.
  • Abstract ( 1715 ) HTML ( 1782 ) PDF (607KB) ( 1782 )    
  • Based on the survey of Chaenomeles cultivars resources, the numerical taxonomic method was used for the cluster analysis of 29 cultivars and 2 wild species with 41 morphological characters. The result revealed that 31 OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) could be divided into 4 phenetic groups according to their botanical sources, namely C.cathayensis system (), C.thibetica (), C.speciosa system () and C.japonica system (). C.japonica system and C.cathayensis system are the most distantly related systems; C.thibetica appeared to be rather closely related to C.cathayensis; C.speciosa system together with the hybrid taxon C.superba and C.vilmoriniana takes an intermediate position between C.japonica system and C.cathayensis system. Principal component analysis showed that the 41 characters can be consolidated for the 6 principal components and their accumulative contribution ratio amounted to 72.396%. Integrated cluster analysis and principal component analysis with practical applicationsthe author suggested that the classification of Chaenomeles cultivars should be firstly based on the systematics of wild species (cultivar sources). Then, the flower size could be as the second criterion for the classification of Chaenomeles cultivars, and the flower color as the third criterion.
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  • Studies on the Effect of Different Sterilization Procedures , Medium,andDifferent Light Intensity on Spore Propagation of Drynaria roosii
  • ZHANG Yin-li;DU Hong-hong;L I Yang;LI Dong;JI Meng-cheng;JIANG Chuang-dao;and SHI Lei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 711-716.
  • Abstract ( 1908 ) HTML ( 1433 ) PDF (516KB) ( 1433 )    
  • The spore in vitro culture and routine propagation of Drynaria roosii were studied respectively. Tests were conducted to evaluate the effects of various sterilization procedures, medium and light intensity on spores of Drynaria roosii. The result exhibits that the spores germinated within 6-7 days after inoculated in the medium, and sporophytes began to form in 100 days after inoculated. The maximum germination ratio was 49% obtained in Knop’s medium. The low salt concentration of MS basal medium was helpful to spore germination, but inhibited the development of gametophytes. Spores can germinate in dark but can’t develop to prothallial plate. Spores surface sterilized for 5.5 min with 0.5%NaClO and inoculated in 1/2MS medium, were appropriate for Drynaria roosii cultivation with 40μmol·m-2·s-1 light intensity.
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  • Effect of Tillage and Mulching on Enzyme Activities of Apple Orchard Soil
  • YIN Rui-jing;WEN Xiao-xia;LIAO Yun-cheng;HUANG Jin-hui;and GAO Mao-sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 717-722.
  • Abstract ( 2044 ) HTML ( 1405 ) PDF (210KB) ( 1405 )    
  • To study the effect of different tillage and mulching measures on enzyme activities of apple orchard soil in WEIBEI Plateau Shaanxi province, three conservation tillage managements of no-tillage, moldboard plowing and rotary tillage under corn straw mulching, plastic film mulching and growing grass were analyzed and compared with each other. Results showed that: the enzyme activities of catalase, sucrase, urease were significantly different between these different treatments(P<0.05), tillage practice combined with mulching could increase the enzyme activities of soil; but the combination of tillage and mulching could effectively increase these three enzyme activities, In all treatments, moldboard plowing combined with stubble mulch had the best effect, and the three enzyme activities under the moldboard plowing combined with stubble mulch treatment increased by 13.82%, 27.41% and 363.26% compared to the control (moldboard plowing with no-mulch); but in different soil layers, the enzyme activities were different, the activities of sucrase and urease decreased with depth while the activities of catalase increased. So moldboard plowing combined with stubble mulch can increase the enzyme activities of soil and improve the micro-surroundings of the soil in WEIBEI Plateau.
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  • Identification and analysis of cytoplasmic male sterility in onion (Allium cepa L.) origin from Chinese cultivars
  • WU Hai-tao;WANG Jian-jun;HOU Xi-lin;LIU Hong-jiong;MA Rong-li;and MA Jing-fan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 723-726.
  • Abstract ( 2725 ) HTML ( 1388 ) PDF (472KB) ( 1388 )    
  • Cytoplasmic male sterile line in Onion (Allium cepa L.) is crucial material for production of hybrid seeds. It is important to identify its cytoplasm and origination, for these could give breeder some guidance suggestions. In this paper, two sets of cytoplasmic male sterile lines, came from two different Chinese onion cultivars, were investigated by molecular method, and were discussed about their polymorphisms with corresponding maintainers. The result showed that the cytoplasms of male sterile lines origin from ‘Sha Gou Hong Pi’and ‘Shuo Zhou Zi Pi’are T and S, respectively. RAPD amplification showed that the S cytoplasm has more polymorphism than T cytoplasm compared to their maintainer lines.

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  • Broccoli Karyotype Analysis by Using Immature Pistil
  • ZHANG Hong-mei;ZHANG Shu-ning;KONG Yane;and ZHANG Li-li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 727-730.
  • Abstract ( 1903 ) HTML ( 1335 ) PDF (276KB) ( 1335 )    
  • In this article,we studied broccoli karyotype analysis using immature pistil and root tip via squash method. The results indicated that there were more metaphase stage celles in ovary than in stigma and style. Compared with the root tip, the immature ovary possessed more cells which were at metaphase stage; There were no obvious differences in patterns of the morphology chromosome in both materials, we could see satellites in both cells of two materials; No matter which material was used,the karyotype formula both were 2n=2x=18=8m+10sm(2sat),with 4 metacentric pairs(3,4,7,8)and 5 acrocentric pairs(1,2,5,6, 9) chromosomes, satellites all were observed at the sixth pair of chromosomes. The karyotype all belong to 2A, presented a ultimately symmetry karyotype. In addition, the pistil was more plentiful than root tip when used as preparation of chromosome material. This provided a new method about cytology studies for crucifer crops which have smaller chromosome and satellites.
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  • QTL Mapping for TuMV Resistance in Chinese Cabbage [Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis (Lour. ) O lssom]
  • ZHANG Xiao-wei;YUAN Yu-xiang;WANG Xiao-wu;SUN Ri-fei;WU Jian;XIE Cong-hua;JIANG Wu-sheng;and YAO Qiu-ju
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 731-736.
  • Abstract ( 2321 ) HTML ( 1859 ) PDF (522KB) ( 1859 )    
  • One hundred and eighty-three doubled hap loid (DH) lines derived from the cross of two Chinese cabbage [Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis (Lour. ) Olssom ] DH lines, Y177212 (TuMV-susceptible) and Y195293 ( TuMV-resistant) , were used to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to TuMV resistance. TuMV resistance was evaluated for young seedlings by inoculating true leaves with TuMV-C4 strain.Based on the reported genetic map with 287 loci, 3 QTLs were detected for TuMV resistance, localizing on linkage group s R03, R04 and R06, respectively. The most significant of the identified QTL locates on R04,named Tu-2, exp laining 21.9% of the phenotyp ic variance. The other two QTL s mapped on R03 and R06, explaining 10.5% and 14.5% of the phenotyp ic variance, respectively. The three QTL s together exp lained
    40.0% of the TuMV resistance variance.
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  • Three Co-dominant Markers Linked to M Gene in Cucumis sativus L.
  • SHI Qiu-xiang;LIU Shi-qiang;LI Zheng;CAO Chen-xing;LI Ying;and HUANG San-wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 737-742.
  • Abstract ( 2007 ) HTML ( 1371 ) PDF (441KB) ( 1371 )    
  • A segregating cucumber BC1 population was developed using the nearly isogenic lines WI1983G (gynoecious, FFMM) as donor and WI1983H (hermaphroditic, FFMM) as recurrent parent. With screening of polymorphism of one SCAR and, 2112 SSR markers, three polymorphic co-dominant markers SSR23487, SCAR123 and SSR19914 were found to be tightly linking to the M/m gene,with a distance of 0.28 cM, 0.94 cM and 3.20 cM respectively. The interval between SSR23487 and SCAR123, which locate on each side of the M/m gene, was 1.22 cM. These markers not only be useful in markers-assisted selection for gynoecious plant, but also provide a solid basis for isolation of the sex-determining M/m gene in cucumber.

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  • Identification of ISSR in Lily Hybrids
  • WU Xue-wei;CUI Guang-fen;WU Li-fang;ZHANG Yi-ping;MING Jun;WANG jie;and WANG Ji-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 749-754.
  • Abstract ( 2299 ) HTML ( 2221 ) PDF (408KB) ( 2221 )    
  • Forty p rogenies obtained from 4 combinations of crosses among 3 oriental lily cultivars‘Sorbonne’, ‘Tiber’and ‘Cobra’were analyzed with the screened 5 pairs of ISSR p rimers. The genetic relationship s constructed with UPGMA method ofNTSY Spc software quite shows their linage relationship. And the primers numbered with P23 and P21 possess relatively high resolution in the p resent research.
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  • New Advances of the Apricot Resources Evaluation, Germplasm Enhancement and Utilization
  • ZHANG Yan-min;HE Tian-ming;FENG Jian-rong;CHEN Mei-xia;YUAN Zhao-he;SUN Jia-zheng;ZHANG Da-hai;WU Yan;ZHANG Li-jie;and CHEN Xue-sen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 755-762.
  • Abstract ( 2058 ) HTML ( 1582 ) PDF (250KB) ( 1582 )    
  • Apricot (Prunus Armeniaca), originated in China, has rich germplasm. The apricot research progress in recent 5 years is reviewed in the paper, including the origin of apricot, genetic structure and diversities of populations of Prunus Armeniaca L. in ILy River Valley, XinJiang, evaluation on aroma compounds, pollination biology and frozen resistance, distant hybridization and creating new germplasm of apricot, inheritance and variation of S-gene, yields and quantity components among F1 progenies, and breeding and selection new cultivars. It is proposal to construct multi-level system of protection and conservation apricot in ILy River Valley, XinJiang and protect the rare resources practically. Some research programmes need to be studied in this field in the future were suggested.
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  • Studies on Identif ica tion Method of Garlic Resistance to Violet Leaf Spot
  • ZOU Yan;CHENG Zhi-hui;CHENG Xiao-lan;WANG Yi;and NIU Qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 763-770.
  • Abstract ( 1819 ) HTML ( 1317 ) PDF (437KB) ( 1317 )    
  • The infection path of garlic violet leaf spot [Alternaria porri ( ELL. ) Cif. ] and resistance identification of inoculation leaf stages, inoculation spore concentration, inoculation position, culture temperature after inoculation and time to survey etc were studied by using the identification cultivars G087 (R) , G064(MR) , and G073 ( S). The results show that, the pathogen of violet leaf spot infects garlic plants through both the wound and the natural orifices at seedling stage while at flower bud differentiation stage it only invades
    through the wound. For disease resistance identification, the op timal leaf stage is 52leaf stage, the optimal spore concentration is 1×106 cfu·mL-1; Inoculation in vitro ismore simple and rap id compared to inoculation in vivo. For in vitro inoculation, there is no significant difference between leaf face inoculation and leaf back inoculation; The op timal culture temperature after inoculation is 21 ℃; The op timal time to survey disease index is the 6 th day after inoculation. Using G057 (R) , G103 (MR) , and G083 (S) as the verification
    cultivars, the results show that the established method is practicable to reflect the true resistance of garlic cultivars to violet leaf spot.
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  • A New Zizyphus jujube Cultivar ‘Zhongqiu Sucui’
  • Wang Sen;Xie Bi-xia;Zhong Qiu-ping;Guo Zhan-ying;Zeng Jiang-qiao;Zeng Jian-xin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 771-771.
  • Abstract ( 1825 ) HTML ( 1305 ) PDF (462KB) ( 1305 )    
  • ‘Zhongqiu Sucui’is a new Zizyphus jujube cultivar selected from bud mutation of‘Tangzao’. It matures later about 8 d than‘Tangzao’. Its average fruitweight is 2.2 times as that of‘Tangzao’and the total sugar content is 4.4% higher than that of the latter. It has a eating quality, long-term storability and good appearance. Trials prove that it is superior to‘Tangzao’and the other cultivars grown in the south China. It is suitable to the local growing conditions and has high and stable p roduction, which should be popularized over large areas.
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  • A New Yellow-flesh Peach Cultivar ‘Wan 83’
  • ZHANG Shui-ming;ZHU L i-wu;YANG Peng-yuan;SUN Qi-bao;JIA Bing;and YE Zhen-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 772-772.
  • Abstract ( 1845 ) HTML ( 1148 ) PDF (424KB) ( 1148 )    
  • ‘Wan 83’is a new yellow2flesh peach cultivar selected from the mutant of Frederic, NJC83.It is applicable to canned p rocessing. The average fruitmass is 14112 g. The fruit flesh is yellow and is not fusible. There is no red color on the skin and p it of fruit. The flesh is sweet2sour, fine quality. It is early bearing, high productive, and strong adap table. The canned product is golden color, very fine flesh and with palatable aroma.
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  • A New Ornamental Actinidia Lindely Cultivar‘Chaohong’
  • WANG Sheng-mei;J IANG Zheng-wang;ZHONG Cai-hong;ZHANG Zhong-hui;GONG Jun-jie;HUANG Hong-wen;and HUANG Ren-huang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 773-773.
  • Abstract ( 1942 ) HTML ( 1241 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1241 )    
  • ‘Chaohong’ is a new Actinid ia Lindley cultivar which selected from the interspecific hybrids between Actinidia eriantha and A.chinensis. It could be used not only as ornamental purposes, but as staminate (male p lant) for pollination, parental and honey-collect resource plant aswell. The vine iswith big size flowers (418 cm in diameter) , and can bloom several times from earlyMay to the end of August. The flower is rose-red color, flourishing and with fragrantwhen blooming.
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  • A New Spr ing TuberMustard Cultivar‘Yong Zha 1’
  • WANG Yu-hong;MENG Qiu-feng;HUANGFU Wei-guo;and HUANG Yun-ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 774-774.
  • Abstract ( 1645 ) HTML ( 1182 ) PDF (74KB) ( 1182 )    
  • ‘Yong Zha 1’ is a early maturing sp ring tubermustard cultivar. It has middle -split and soft leaf with few p rickle. The tuberous stem is cylinder. The stem is slightly green. The tuberous protuberance orienting ordered arrangement is three layers. The fresh weight is 250-300 g. The shell is thin and the gluten
    is little. The texture is crisp and p rocessing quality is good. The whole growth period is 170 days. It has excellent characteristic such as strong adap tation, bolting2tolerance, low hollow heart percentage and high yield. It is suitable for Ningbo and similar ecological field.
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  • A New Tomato Hybrid ‘Xinong 205’
  • LIANG Yan;LI Ji-gang;XU J ia-xin;SUN Ya-dong;YAN J ian-min;WANG Xiao-jing;ZHANG Fei;and HU Xin-min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 775-775.
  • Abstract ( 1589 ) HTML ( 1299 ) PDF (73KB) ( 1299 )    
  • ‘Xinong 205’is a interdetermined growth type and high fruit2setting ability tomato hybrid. It can countinuous bears 6-8 fruit clust. The fruit is round, red and smooth. The average mass of a single fruit is 150-180 g. It has tolerance to store and transportation , resistance to ToMV, tolerance to CMV and stress. It is suitable for long2term p rotected cultivation, and open field p lantation as well.
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  • A NewWa termelon Cultivar‘Haitian 9565’
  • ZHANG Shen-pu;YANG Hong-li;DOU Rui-mu;LIANG Xin-an;WANG Yu-hai;and ZHANG Shou-shi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(5): 776-776.
  • Abstract ( 1720 ) HTML ( 1216 ) PDF (93KB) ( 1216 )    
  • ‘Haitian 9565’ is a new early-ripening, high-quality, high-yield and steady-yield water-melon cultivar. The whole growth period is about 92 days from sowing. The fruit is ellip ticalwith mesh pattern and cyan skin. The skin thickness is 1.0-1.2 cm. The flesh is bright red, juicy and crisp, the center soluble solid content is 12.4%. The average mass of a single fruit is 7 kg, and the yield is 47.01-52.33 t·hm-2. It is resistant to diseases, adversity and fruit surface have good toughness resistant to dehiscence, so it is suitable for storing and transporting.
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