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2009, Vol.36, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Research of Programmed Cell Dea th Under Wa ter Stress in Malus robustaRehd. and Malus hupehensis ( Pamp. ) Rehd.
  • CAO Hui;;LI Chun-xia;WANG Xiao-wei;ZOU Yan-mei;and SHU Huai-rui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 469-474.
  • Abstract ( 2234 ) HTML ( 3371 ) PDF (371KB) ( 3371 )    
  • The seedling of Malus robusta Rehd. and Malus hupehensis ( Pamp. ) Rehd. were treated with 20% PEG 6000. The study was to observe p rogrammed cell death under water stress through morphocytology and DNA ladder. The nuclearmorphology was observed after DAP I staining. And the results showed that the characteristic morphological changes of chromatin /chromosome and nuclear such as chromatin condensed, karyon shinked, distorted and degraduated were found with stress time. Meantime, DNA ladder was found in cells after agarose gel electrophoresis. Cell death induced bywater stress showed typ icalmorphological and biochemical p roperties of p rogrammed cell death, and thiswas an active cell death. Additionally, PCD in Malus robusta Rehd. was longer than in Malus hupehensis ( Pamp. ) Rehd. seedlings.
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  • Sequences Cloning of Candidatus Liberibactor asiaticus Associated withHuanglongbing Using Genomic Walking Method
  • LIAO Hui-hong;LI Yang-rui;PENG Hong-xiang;BA I Xian-jin;YANG Li-tao;and XU Ning
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 493-500.
  • Abstract ( 1193 ) HTML ( 437 ) PDF (579KB) ( 437 )    
  • Huanglongbing (HLB) , previously known as greening disease, is probably the most serious disease in citrus. The presump tive causal agent is believed to be a non-cultured, phloem-restricted α-proteobacterium. Currently, there are three Candidatus L iberibactor spp. associated with citrus Huanglongbing
    (HLB) disease, Ca. Liberibactor asiaticus, Ca. L iberibactor africanus and Ca. L iberibactor am ericanus. In this study, a genomic walkingmethod was used to obtain new sequences extended from previously known loci,rplKAJL-rpoBC, 16S/23S rRNA and outermembrane protein (omp) of Ca. Liberibactor asia ticus. In rplKA-JL 2rpoBC locus, 3 218 bp of new sequenceswere obtained at the 5′up stream end and 2 653 bp at the 3′downstream. Totally, fragments about 1 853 bp and 2 459 bp were also acquired from 5′up stream and 3′down
    stream of 16S/23S rRNA region, respectively. Similarly, in om p locus, fragment about 4 014 bp were obtained at 5′up stream and 971 bp at 3′ downstream, respectively. Genomic walking app roach was used in this
    study, and totally 15 168 bp non-redundancy sequences from asiaticus specieswere obtained. Sequence analy-sis shows that there are two new genes ( suhB and serA) at the rplKAJL-rpoBC gene cluster locus, four new
    genes ( transmembrane p rotein gene, cell wall hydrolase p seudogene, 5S ribosomal RNA and tRNAMet ) extended from the 16S/23S rRNA gene locus and six new genes ( rpsB, tsf, pyrH, frr, cdsA2, cds2) at the omp
    locus. These new sequences obtained in this study will facilitate the PCR-based HLB research.
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  • Studies on the Phylogenetic Rela tionships of Chinese Ziziphus by RAPD Techn ique
  • LI Li;PENG Jian-ying;and BAI Rui-xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 475-480.
  • Abstract ( 1939 ) HTML ( 1474 ) PDF (499KB) ( 1474 )    
  • The genomic DNA polymorphisms of 14 species of Chinese Ziziphus, 11 varieties of Z. jujuba Mill. and one outgroup were analyzed by using random amp lified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). A total of 921 RAPD bandswere amplified by 31 random p rimers, amongwhich 919 (99.78% ) were polymorphic. The data of 921 RAPD bands were used to generate Diceps similarity coefficients and to construct a dendrogram by means of UPGMA in the NTSYS-pc program. It is concluded as follows: All samples were classified into six kinds at genetic similarity 0126. The results canpt support the classification of Sect. and Ser. on Z iziphus that based on single character. Z. jujubaMill. and Z. acidojujuba C. Y. Cheng et M. J. L iu. should be treatedas one species. In the same way, Z. xiangchengensis Y. L. Chen et P. K. Chou and Z. montana W. W.Smith should be treated as one species. Infraspecific classification of Z. jujubaMill. should be classified into two subspecies, which were given new Latin names. It is agreed that the varieties of Z. jujuba should be merged into Z. jujuba.
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  • Identif ication and Genetic Relationships of Diospyros kaki Thunb. and RelatedSpecies Using ISTR Analysis
  • DU Xiao-yun;ZHANG Meng-si;LUO Zheng-rong;and ZHANG Qing-lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 481-486.
  • Abstract ( 2110 ) HTML ( 1453 ) PDF (385KB) ( 1453 )    
  • Inverse sequence-tagged repeat (ISTR) molecularmarkerwas emp loyed to investigate genetic relationship s of 32 genotypes rep resentative of 7 species including Diospyros kaki Thunb. , D. lotus L. , D.glaucifoliaMetc. , D. oleifera Cheng. , Jinzaoshi (D. sp. ) , D. rhom bifolia Hemsl. and D. virginiana L.ISTR showed good discriminatory power between genotypes, with excep tion of one bud mutation and its original variety. The clustering results derived from ISTR molecular data was in good agreementwith the p revious studies or known genetic relationship s of some genotypes, indicating that ISTR could be app lied for the genus of Diospy ros. Both unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) and p rincipal coordinated analysis ( PCOA) results separated Japanese persimmon into different group s, indicating their different genetic background. The new found several Chinese native PCNA varieties showed abundant genetic diversity based on ISTR analysis, aswell aswith Japanese native PCNA types, suggesting that theymay be potential and p recious breedingmaterials. In summary, ISTR would be a potential efficient tool for further germp lasm differentiation, genetic diversity assessment and phylogenetic analysis in Diospyros.
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  • Sequences Cloning of Candidatus Liberibactor asiaticus Associated withHuanglongbing Using Genomic Walking Method
  • LIAO Hui-hong;LI Yang-rui;PENG Hong-xiang;BAI Xian-jin;YANG Li-tao;and XU Ning
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 493-500.
  • Abstract ( 2086 ) HTML ( 1555 ) PDF (579KB) ( 1555 )    
  • Huanglongbing (HLB) , previously known as greening disease, is probably the most serious disease in citrus. The presumptive causal agent is believed to be a non-cultured, phloem-restricted α-proteobacterium. Currently, there are three Candidatus Liberibactor spp. associated with citrus Huanglongbing
    (HLB) disease, Ca. Liberibactor asiaticus, Ca. Liberibactor africanus and Ca. L iberibactor am ericanus. In this study, a genomic walkingmethod was used to obtain new sequences extended from previously known loci,
    rplKAJL-rpoBC, 16S/23S rRNA and outermembrane protein (omp) of Ca. L iberibactor asia ticus. In rplKA-JL-rpoBC locus, 3 218 bp of new sequenceswere obtained at the 5′up stream end and 2 653 bp at the 3′down2
    stream. Totally, fragments about 1 853 bp and 2 459 bp were also acquired from 5′up stream and 3′down-stream of 16S/23S rRNA region, respectively. Similarly, in om p locus, fragment about 4 014 bp were obtained at 5′up stream and 971 bp at 3′downstream, respectively. Genomic walking approach was used in this study, and totally 15 168 bp non2redundancy sequences from asiaticus specieswere obtained. Sequence analysis shows that there are two new genes (suhB and serA) at the rplKAJL-rpoBC gene cluster locus, four new
    genes ( transmembrane p rotein gene, cell wall hydrolase pseudogene, 5S ribosomal RNA and tRNAMet ) extended from the 16S/23S rRNA gene locus and six new genes (rpsB, tsf, pyrH, frr, cdsA2, cds2) at the omp locus. These new sequences obtained in this study will facilitate the PCR2based HLB research.
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  • Multiple Statistics Analysis of Low Light Tolerance in Cucumber(Cucumissativus L. )
  • LI Dan-dan;SI Long-ting;NIU Hai-chen;GAO Ling-na;and JIN Zheng-ai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 501-506.
  • Abstract ( 1837 ) HTML ( 1746 ) PDF (320KB) ( 1746 )    
  • Eighteen cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ) inbred lines were used to evaluate their low light tolerance based on growth, physiological and biochemistrical indexes at seedling stage. The low light condition was simulated by block light net. The result indicated that thirteen character indexes of different cucumber materials showed significant difference by usingmultip le variance analysis. Factor analysis indicated that the thirteen character indexes could be characterized into five main factors, and the accumulative contribution rate hit
    to 85.62%. Cluster analysis based on factor scores after varimax rotation showed that eighteen cucumber inbred lineswere classified into four categories: The best low light tolerantmaterials including M22, M43, Ma9,
    and stronger low light tolerant inbred lines includingM8 , M11 , M3 , M4 and M34, moderately sensitive materials including M12, M21, M14, M2, Ma1 and M28, whereas low light sensitive materials including M10, M44, M32 and M36. Under low light stress, stronger inbred lines have bigger low light tolerant index and smaller fall in pohotosynthetic rate. The method of combination of low light tolerant index and other factors such as photosynthesis and growth is effective to identify low light tolerance in cucumber.
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  • Purification and Identification of a Pathogenesis-related Protein in Intercellular Fluids of Cucumber Leaves Induced by BTH
  • LI Yu-hong;CHEN Peng;CHENG Zhi-hui;ZHANG Jing;and DONG Jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 507-512.
  • Abstract ( 1760 ) HTML ( 1334 ) PDF (2878KB) ( 1334 )    
  • This article reported the induction, purification and identification of a pathogenesis-related protein from the intercellular fluids of cucumber seedlings, which were treated with benzothiadiazole (BTH) or
    Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Our results demonstrated that both BTH treatment and Pseudoperonospora cubensis inoculation could induce the exp ression of a 27 kD p rotein in intercellular fluids of cucumber leaves. This protein was purified by electroelution combined with SDS - PAGE, and analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. The obtained pep tide mass fingerp rinting ( PMF) was searched in the protein data bank, indicating that it was an acidic chitinase. This was confirmed further by the assay of chitinase activity andWestern blotting.

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  • Information on EST-SSR Loci in Melon (Cucumis melo L.) and MarkerExploitation
  • HU Jian-bin and LI Jian-wu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 513-520.
  • Abstract ( 2392 ) HTML ( 1636 ) PDF (653KB) ( 1636 )    
  • A total of 35 547 melon ESTswere downloaded from GenBank (http: and cleaned resulting in production of 34 408 non-redundant ESTs with a total length of 215 ×107 bp. From these sequences, 2 877 SSRs were sought out, distributing in 2 119 ESTs. The frequency of the EST2SSRs was 8.36% and mean distance was 8.72 kb in 34 408 ESTs. Mononucleotide, dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats were major types, respectively accounting for 16.61% , 22.49% and 46.09%. A /T, AG/CT and
    AAG/CTT were most frequent motifs in mononucleotide, dinucleotide and trinucleotide, accounting for 15.88% , 16.02% and 28.61% , respectively. The frequency of the EST2SSRswith a repeat number of 4 -10 was 69.10% and 51.34% of them had a length of 12 - 20 bp. Thirty p rimer pairswere designed for partial EST-SSRs and used for PCR amp lification of 33 melon inbred lines. Among the p rimer pairs, 24 pairs gave distinct bands with expected length and 22 pairs generated polymorphic bands with 2.73 alleles per primer pair. With the primers, melon materials could be exactly divided into different groups, which accorded with the actual situation of the materials. Among the 24 p rimer pairs, 19 pairs could be transferable to cucumber and 16 pairs to watermelon and 15 pairs to gourd. All these results indicated that exp loitation of SSR markers from melon ESTs was convenient and p racticable.
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  • Cloning and Expression of C-8,7 Sterol Isomera se Gene (StSI1) cDNA fromPotato
  • NIU Hong-bin;BAI Run-e;DENG De-zhi;and YIN Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 521-526.
  • Abstract ( 2197 ) HTML ( 1678 ) PDF (687KB) ( 1678 )    
  • C-8,7 sterol isomerase plays a vital role in the sterol biosynthesis pathway. UsingA rabidopsis C-8, 7 sterol isomerase (GenBank accession No. AAD03489) amino acid sequence as a querying probe,many highly homologous EST sequenceswere obtained from GenBank and a putative cDNA sequence of potato C-8, 7 sterol isomerase was assembled. Futhermore, a putative C-8, 7 sterol isomerase gene cDNA, named StSI1 (GenBank accession No. EU103613 ) was cloned from potato (Solanum tuberosum L. ). StSI1 was 886 bp in full length, including a 5′untranslated region of 59 bp, 3′untranslated region of 161 bp with poly A, and a 666 bp length open reading frame (ORF) encoding 221 amino acids with the molecular weight of 25 kD. Software prediction results showed that StSI1 contained a 35 amino acid lenghth signal pep tide at the N terminal. Homology analysis showed that the deduced amino acid sequence of StSI1 shared 32.9% - 61.3% identity with sterol isomerase from other organisms. RT2PCR analysis showed that the StSI1 was highly expressed in skin and eyes of potato stem tuber. The exp ression profiling also showed that StSI1 mRNA was up regulated intensively both by temperature and light.
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  • Effects of A ir Hum idity on the Growth and Quality of Cut Flower of OrientalHybrids Lilies
  • YOU Wei-zhong;Hans Kok;FANG Wei-min;and CHENG Hai-zhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 527-532.
  • Abstract ( 2255 ) HTML ( 1594 ) PDF (424KB) ( 1594 )    
  • Oriental hybrids lilies‘Star Gazer’and‘Bahia Blanca’were cultivated in the greenhouse during autumn with treatments of 60%RH, 75%RH and 90%RH. The results suggested that different RH had significant effects on the growth and development for both cultivars. High RH increased the leaf area, but
    it delayed the flowering time, reduced the vase life of cut flowers, accelerated leaf senescence as well. High RH promoted big stomata and reduced the stomatal density, improved the stomatal conductance and transpiration rate. The stomata closure of leaves grown in high RH reflected slowly after desiccation than low RH. The sap flow was also slow and the water absorp tion amountwas also lower than the lily p lants grown in low RH.
    The paper leaves of cut flowers which were grown under high humidity occurred during the vase period.
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  • Observations on the Structure of Chlorophytum comosum Roots Under Soiland Water Culture
  • KONG Yu;WANG Zhong;GU Yun-jie;XIONG Fei;CHEN Juan;and ZHANG Chun-liang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 533-538.
  • Abstract ( 2579 ) HTML ( 2313 ) PDF (1174KB) ( 2313 )    
  • The roots of Chlorophytum comosum underwater culture were studied by op tical and electron microscopy. This paper examined the structure of Chlorophytum comosum roots by the means of resin sections.
    The results are as follows: (1) Chlorophytum comosum roots under water culture grew slowly, which were smaller in diameter in morphology. Lateral roots were fewer in number and root hair degenerated; (2) In microstructure, the root cap of the Chlorophytum comosum roots under water culture hardly had crystal cells, and the number of amylop lastwas fewer. Cortical cells and crystal cells in mature region were fewer than those under soil culture. Thickness of cell in endodermiswas thicker, and the area of the pith was less in the stele;(3) In the ultrastructure, there were a few organelles, such as rough endop lasmic reticulum (RER),mitochondria and endocytosis pits. In addition, p lastids would turn out to be chlorop last in roots under water
    culture; (4) There were a few crystal cells of great volume in the cortex, and their development followed certain laws.
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  • Studies on Gametophyte Development and Spore Propagation of Nephrolepis auriculta and N. falcata
  • LIU Bao-dong and TAN Long-yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 545-552.
  • Abstract ( 2248 ) HTML ( 2184 ) PDF (827KB) ( 2184 )    
  • The spores of Nephrolepis auriculata and N. falcata were cultivated with sterile culture and routine propagation. The gametophyte development of the two species were observed morphologically. Spore germination rates and sporophyte appearance rates in various culture media and substrate were also studied.The results indicated the same characteristics of the gametophytes of the two species, such as the spores are all monolete, adult gametophytes are cordate or broad cordate, trichomes are unicellular and sex organ is small.
    The rates of spore germination and gametophyte development of the two specieswere influenced heavily by concentration ofmineral salt in various culture media. Advantages and disadvantages of the three improved Knopps
    solid culture medium and substrate culture medium were analysed respectively, also the influence of mineral salt concentration in various culture medium and sucrose concentration on gametophytes of the two species.That indicates the sucrose concentration under 2% is good for spore germination.
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  • Identification of the Pathogen Causing Black SpotD isease of Little Spurflower
  • BEN Hai-yan;LI Bao-ju;LIU Xue-min;and SHI Yan-xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 553-558.
  • Abstract ( 1949 ) HTML ( 1574 ) PDF (558KB) ( 1574 )    
  • A pathogenic fungus causing leaf spot of Plectranthus parviflorus was isolated and characterized based on the morphological features, cultural characteristics and pathogenicity. By using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) technique to amp lify rDNA2ITS of the isolate, we obtained a 523 bp DNA fragment, the result showed that rDNA-ITS sequences of the isolate and Myrothecium roridum shared 99% homology, which was compared in National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) GenBank. Synthesized two identification results indicated that Myrothecium roridum was the pathogen causing black spot disease of Plectranthus parvif lorus. This is the first report of Myrothecium leaf spot caused by Myrothecium roridum on Plectranthus

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  • Regulation of Container Types on Growth, Root Architecture and Nutr ientsUptake of Seedling in Malus hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehd.
  • FAN We-guo and YANG Hong-qiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 559-564.
  • Abstract ( 2245 ) HTML ( 1408 ) PDF (395KB) ( 1408 )    
  • A systematic studywasmade about the effect of cultural container shapes on root architecture,nutrients uptake by roots and growth of shoots of Malus hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehd. seedling planted in the different shapes of pottery-pots. The results revealed thatwhen the seedling of M. hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehd. growing in the pots of deep and narrow, the growth of shoots was the biggest, and primary root was thick,lateral roots was short, the numbers of lateral roots and the fine rootswere more. And the root activity and the
    uptake ability of P and Fe of the roots were low, but the up take ability of Ca and Zn of the roots was high.When growing in the equal height and diameter pots, the growth of shootswas the smallest, the root-top ratio
    was close to 1. And p rimary rootwas thin and short, first lateral rootswere thick and long, and less numbers of the first lateral roots. And the K-up take ability of the roots was higher. When growing in the shallow and wide pots, the root-top ratio was the biggest, and the numbers, thickness and length of first lateral roots were between that in deep-narrow pots and in equal highness and diameter pots, second lateral rootswere thick and long. And the root activity and the up take ability of P and Fe of the roots produced in shallow-wide potswere higher, but the up take ability of K, Ca and Zn of the rootswas lower.
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  • Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Adventitious Root Forma tion in Soft-wood Cuttings of Autotetraplo id Grape Muscat Hamburg
  • QI Yong-shun;ZHANG Zhi-hua;WANG Tong-kun;DU Guo-qiang;and ZHANG Jing-zheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 565-570.
  • Abstract ( 2401 ) HTML ( 1523 ) PDF (487KB) ( 1523 )    
  • The changes of endogenous hormones in adventitious root formation in softwood cuttings of autotetrap loid grapeMuscat Hamburgwere studied. The results showed that endogenous hormones levels of cortex in rooting portionswere not only changed, but also the response to exogenous NAA was changed after Muscat Hamburg was doubled. It showed as follows: In adventitious root induction period (0-3 d) , the auxin levels
    which can p romote rootingwere decreased, the abscisic acid and gibberellin which can inhibit rootingwere increased, then the ratio of auxin / abscisic acid and gibberellin decreased. In root p rimary period, a rising of the content of gibberellin, zeatin and zeatin riboside instead of decreasing after exogenous auxin applied. The overall change of endogenous hormones was changed. In conclusion, it was one of the main reasons for the decreased rooting ability of softwood cuttings of grapeMuscat Hamburg that homologous doubling changed the metabolism of endogenous hormones in rooting portions.
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  • Effects of Temperature and Light Intensity on Photosynthetic Characters of‘Red Globe’Grape Plantlet in Vitro
  • CHEN Bai-hong;CAO Zi-yi;ZHAO Chang-zeng;MAO Juan;and SU Xiao-ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 571-576.
  • Abstract ( 2333 ) HTML ( 1422 ) PDF (499KB) ( 1422 )    
  • By the ways of falling and airproofing, the research was made on the photosynthetic characters of grape (Vitis vinifera L. ‘Red Globe’) p lantlets in vitro cultivated under different temperatures and photosynthetic availability radiations ( PAR). The results showed that under the temperatures between 20 ℃ and 30 ℃, the dark resp iration rate (Rd ) rose with the rise of the temperature, while the net photosynthesis rate(Pn) reached the highest in 25℃, slowed in 30 ℃, and reduced to the lowest in 20 ℃. However, the compensation point of CO2 was the lowest in 25 ℃, rose in 20 ℃, and reached the highest in 30 ℃. When the PAR was between 40 and 200μmol·m-2 ·s-1 , the Pn of the grape p lantlet rose with the increase of PAR,while the compensation point of CO2 decreased with the increase of the PAR. When PAR was available, the concentration of CO2 in the vessel reduced rap idly, almost close to the compensation point of CO2. The insufficient supp ly of CO2 is the chief factor that affects the assimilation of the plantlets. In the stage of indoor cultivation, the weak light, temperature changes by day and night and the imp rovement of the ventilation of the cultivated vessels are advantageous to imp roving the photosynthesis of the plantlets. And in the process of transplantation and domestication, the gradual increase and extension of the light are advantageous to accumulating the products of the plantlet assimilation and generating the strong plantlets.
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  • Effects of Oxa lic Ac id Compound Clean ing Agent on Storage Qua lity ofFruits of Apple ‘Red Fuji’
  • DONG Xiao-qing;RAO Jing-ping;TIAN Gai-ni;ZHANG Ju-yin;and LIAO Xiao-yue
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 577-582.
  • Abstract ( 2275 ) HTML ( 1798 ) PDF (526KB) ( 1798 )    
  • In the present study, the effects of oxalic acid compound agent were investigated on washing efficiency and storage quality of fruits of app le Red Fuji. This compound is a mixture composed of 10.0 g·L-1 oxalic acid, 10.0 g·L-1 sodium chloride, 9 mg·kg-1 chlorine dioxide and 0102% Tween-20. The acid compound cleaning agent on washing was much more efficient than the control on clearing pesticides, heavy metals and colonies from fruit surface. Compared with control, the decrease of flesh firmness, respiratory peak and ethylene released peak were markedly delayed in treated fruits and stored in cool storage conditions. Level of ethylene released from treated fruitswas significantly lower than that of control fruits. Treatment of this compound was also found to delay degeneration of titrate acid and total soluble solid of the stored fruits, and reduce rates of weightlessness and decay of fruits. In conclusion, usage of oxalic acid compound as a washing agent can greatly imp rove quality of stored apple fruits.
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  • Studies on Isolated Microspore Culture of the Allotriploid Hybrids BetweenCabbage and Chinese Cabbage
  • ZHANG Wei-wei;SHEN Shu-xing;WANG Yan-hua;CHEN Xue-ping;XUAN Shu-xin;LUO Shuang-xia;and LI Xiao-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 583-586.
  • Abstract ( 1999 ) HTML ( 1364 ) PDF (326KB) ( 1364 )    
  • Microspore culture of 8 allotriploid hybrids between diploid Chinese cabbage (AA, 2n=2x=20) and autotetrap loid cabbage (CCCC, 2n=4x=36) was performed in order to create the alien addition lines. The results showed that embryo p roduction frequency of the allotrip loid hybrids (ACC) was lower than
    their parents. In liquid medium NLN with 15% sucrose and 0.1 mg·L-1 6-BA, 0.2 mg·L-1 2, 4-D, 0.05mg·L-1 KT, the 8 lines were different, the highest of embryo production was 0.0250 embryos per bud, the average was 0.0100 embryos per bud. The p lant regeneration frequency of embryoids was only 33.3%. The chromosome number of plantlets derived from microspore culture varied from 14 to 27. The morphological characters were diverse among the different plants.
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  • Microspore-derived Embryos and Plant Regenera tion in Edible Kale (Brassica ole racea L. var. acephala DC. )
  • FENG Hui;GUO Shu;FENG Jian-yun;andWANG Yu-shu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 587-592.
  • Abstract ( 2415 ) HTML ( 1335 ) PDF (400KB) ( 1335 )    
  • Plant regeneration was firstly reported bymeans of isolated microspore culture in edible kale. A hybrid cultivar named‘Succulent Green Leaf’which was introduced from Japan was used for the experiment. Several combinatory were screened in microspore derived embryos, trans-embryos time, hormone constitution on shooting and rooting in order to obtain the bestway on the regenerative system. Embryoswere attained in the mediums of NLN-13 + 0.1 mg·L -1 6-BA + 0.1 mg·L-1 NAA ( embryo yield per bud was 1.38) and NLN-13 + 0.2 mg·L-1 62BA + 0.2 mg·L-1 NAA ( the yield was 0.98). The suitable time for transfer of the embryos was 25 days after inoculation; The best shooting medium was MS+2.0 mg·L-1 6-BA+ 0.1 mg·L-1 NAA + 3% sugar + 0.7% agarose. With the shoot induction rate was 56.38% , the suitable medium for rooting was 1/2MS + 0.1 mg·L-1NAA + 3% sugar + 0.7% agarose and the root inducing rate come up to 100%.
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  • Studies on Pollen Viability and Its Storage Conditions of Pingyin Rose
  • WANG Wen-li;ZHAO Lan-yong;ZHU Cui-ying;ZHENG Cheng-shu;ZHANG You-peng;and GENG Cui-fang;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 593-598.
  • Abstract ( 2270 ) HTML ( 1579 ) PDF (428KB) ( 1579 )    
  • The viability and storage capability of 22 pollens of Pingyin rose cultivars were studied. The results showed that the pollen viability and storage capability changed with the storage conditions and time in a differentway with different cultivars. The viability of pollen of‘ZizhiMeigui’(90.0% ) on harvest day was
    the highest, while those of‘Zhuzi Shuanghui’(9.5% ) was the lowest. The dry condition and lower temperature were better conditions for the rose pollens storage. Longer storage time and lower pollen viability. The pollen viabilities under natural conditions decreased very fast, and most of the cultivars reached 0 after one month, while those of under the frozen conditions ( - 4 - - 6 ℃) decreased slower, and still maintained higher levels of viabilities after 60 days and a great numbers of pollens of cultivarsmaintained viabilities after one year.
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  • Effects of Exogenous Ammonium on the Pigmentation and Growth in Gerbera hybrida Ray Floret
  • HUANG Zhi-gang;LIANG Min-ting;ZOU De-le;GAO Su-juan;and WANG Xiao-jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 599-604.
  • Abstract ( 1938 ) HTML ( 1230 ) PDF (323KB) ( 1230 )    
  • Ray floret (rf) petals detached from inflorescences of Gerbera hybrida were cultured in vitro and the effects of exogenous ammonium on petal pigmentation and growth were investigated. NH4+of 10.00mmol·L-1 obviously blocked petal p igmentation and the petal expansion, the width, fresh weight and dry weight were also declined significantly. The anthocyanin content of the petals of ray floret cultured in vitro began to increase 36 h and accumulated greatly fast between 54 h and 84 h after the incubation, which was followed by a gradually decline. The application of NH4+ within 36 h was completely effective on the inhibition of the p igmentation, while the effect was gradually decreased when NH4+ was app lied after 36h. Moreover,stronger inhibition was observed when the working time of the NH4+ was longer than 12 h. The anthocyanin accumulation was promoted by the increase of sucrose content in the present of NH4+. Other sugars such as fructose, lactose, maltose and glucose in the media had little effect on the NH4+-induced inhibition of pigmentation.
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  • Preliminary Studies on Polyploidy Mutation of Cut Flower Gerbera jamesonii Bolus
  • LI Han;;YAN Bo;ZHANG Ting;JIANG Ya-lian;ZHANG Hao;YU Li-xia;and LI Shen-chong;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 605-610.
  • Abstract ( 2180 ) HTML ( 1875 ) PDF (314KB) ( 1875 )    
  • Tetrap loidswere successfully induced from in vitro plantlets of diploid Gerbera jamesoniiBolus‘Cabana’and‘Dalma’(2n=2x=50) by dipping shoot tip s with colchicine. Colchicine at a concentration of 0.02% , 0.05% , 0.10% were tested for 24, 36 and 48 h. The results indicated that the most efficient
    condition for inducing tetrap loids was treated with 0110% colchicine for 48 h. The highest mutation rate of‘Cabana’and‘Dalma’was 16% and 10%, respectively. As a whole, gerbrea shoots seemed be not sensibility to colchicines. Mutation budswere screened bymorphological app raisal, stomatal and cytological identification. The chromosome number of part mutants have doubled to 100 (2n=4x=100). As compared with diploid, tetraploid of Gerbera jamesonii Bolus was characterized by larger stoma area, larger flower head,thicker leaves color, leaves tend to round, thicker leaves, larger stem diameter and anthocyanin coloration of peduncle baseswere obviously strong. Finally, over 200 and 300 stable tetrap loids of‘Cabana’and‘Dalma’were respectively abtained.

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  • A Fewer Seeds C itrus Cultivar‘Shaohe Hongcheng’
  • Li Zhi-qiang;Tang Xiao-lang;Wu Shao-yi;Peng Cheng-ji;and Luo Min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 614-614.
  • Abstract ( 1975 ) HTML ( 1318 ) PDF (400KB) ( 1318 )    
  • ‘Shaohe Hongcheng’ is a fewer seeds citrus cultivarwhich was selected from the graft generations of‘Hongjiangcheng’after twice irradiation treatment. The fruit shape is near roundness. The average mass of single fruit is 136 g, The average seed content per fruit is 3. The color of fruit is salmon pink. The flesh is soft and slippery, and contains abundant sweet juice. The soluble solids content is 13.2%. The quality is excellent. The mature period is in the second half ofDecember in the Southwest part of Guangdong Province.
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  • A New Good Quality, Yellow Flesh, Fresh Consuming Peach Cultivar ‘Meijin’
  • MA Zhi-sheng;J IA Yun-yun;CHEN Ti-xian;WANG Yue-hui;MA Wen-hui;XUAN Li-feng;WANG Jianxue;and LI Hai-shan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 615-615.
  • Abstract ( 2155 ) HTML ( 1427 ) PDF (94KB) ( 1427 )    
  • ‘Meijin’is a new peach cultivarwhich was selected from a self-cross of‘Jingyu’.The fruit is round. The attractive red blush covers over 50% of the skin surface. The average fruitmass is 216 g. The soluble solids content is 12.6%. The flesh is yellow, firm, sweet, non-melting and freestone with strong aroma and good storability. It ripens in late July in Hebei with long duration of harvest. It is suitable for fresh consuming. It has excellent vigour and cropping ability.
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  • Precocity and High Quality Strawberry Cultivar ‘Jiuxiang’
  • GAO Qing-hua;YE Zheng-wen;ZHANG Xue-ying;and ZHENG Hong-qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 617-617.
  • Abstract ( 3384 ) HTML ( 1487 ) PDF (75KB) ( 1487 )    
  • ‘Jiuxiang’strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa Duch. ) offers growers in Shanghai and other areas with relativelymild winter and spring climates a short2day cultivar that is early fruiting and produces fruit that has
    a distinctively sweet flavor and is resistant to powderymildew (caused by Podosphaera macularis). Fruits of‘J iuxiang’ripen about four to seven days later than‘Toyonoka’, a Japanese cultivar that has been the standard short day cultivar in Southeast China along the seaside, especially in the Yangzi River drainage area.
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  • A New Strawberry Cultivar ‘Shimei 6’
  • YANG Li;L I Li;YANG Lei;HAO Bao-chun;and ZHANG Jian-jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 618-618.
  • Abstract ( 2237 ) HTML ( 1272 ) PDF (95KB) ( 1272 )    
  • ‘Shimei 6’was derived from the cross strawberry‘360-1’ בNew Star’. ‘Shimei 6’is short conical, the fruit has neck, the sepal is easy to be removed, fruit is bright red and shiny; fruit flesh is red, sweet and sour, the texture is dense and flesh is thin, p ith is smallwith no cavity, fiber is few, the fruit hasmiddle juicy, dense fragrance, big firmness, strong tolerence for storage and transportation, high yield,mid-maturing cultivar. It is suitable for dew p lace culture and semi-forcing culture.
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  • Hot Pepper Cultivar‘Yuehong 1’
  • L I Ying;WANG De-yuan;WANG Heng-ming;and XU Xiao-wan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 619-619.
  • Abstract ( 1949 ) HTML ( 1212 ) PDF (93KB) ( 1212 )    
  • ‘Yuehong 1’is a new mid-early maturing cultivar of table hot pepper hybrid suitable for south China area by outdoor planting pattern. The unripe fruit is green, sheep-horn shaped with good marketable character that is 17.7 cm length, 210 cm width and 0.3 cm flesh thickness. The single fruit weight is
    30 g. Moreover, the ripe fruit is red with fresh and smooth appearance, high pungent as well as excellent storage capacity.
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  • A New Eggplant Hybrid ‘Qieza 12’
  • WU Yan-rong;WANG Hong-chang;GAO Xiu-rui;PAN Xiu-qing;LI Bing;and YAN Shu-cheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 620-620.
  • Abstract ( 1871 ) HTML ( 1173 ) PDF (400KB) ( 1173 )    
  • ‘Qieza 12’is a new eggp lant hybrid developed by crossing lines‘93-6 F2-1-3-1-1-1’with‘Yuanza-1-1-2-M’, which is suitable for planting in plastic tunnel and greenhouse. It has excellent characteristics such as early maturity, tolerance to low temperature and weak light, setting fruit easily and good
    coloring. It is small plant type and the number of nodes under the first flower is 6. The fruit is oblate, bright dark and the flesh is light green. The average fruit weight is 700 - 750 g. Its yield amounts to 80 - 96 t·hm-2.
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  • A New Chieh-qua Cultivar ‘Guiyou 2’
  • LI Yan;LI Wen-jia;KANG Hong-wei;and LI Li-zhi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 621-621.
  • Abstract ( 1808 ) HTML ( 1147 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1147 )    
  • ‘Guiyou 2’ is a new chieh-qua cultivar which was selected from‘W3’ בN2’. Single plant of the cultivar has more fruits than that of other cultivars. The average fruit weight is 0.60 - 0.75 kg in young fruit, and 1.20 - 1.50 kg in old fruit, with 28-32 cm in length and 7-8 cm in diameter. The fruit is uniform and regularwith green skin in young fruit, and wide and thick wax in old fruit. It has high yield, good quality, resistance to some fungi diseases. The yield is 90.60 - 93.05 t·hm- 2.
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  • A New Tea Tree Cultivar‘Foxiang 3’
  • BAO Yun-xiu;YANG Xing-rong;CHEN Ji-wei;ZHANG Jun;LING Guang-yun;HUANG Mei;TANG Yi-chun;and LIU De-he
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(4): 622-622.
  • Abstract ( 2285 ) HTML ( 1236 ) PDF (94KB) ( 1236 )    
  • ‘Foxiang 3’is a new hybrid green tea cultivar with characteristics of rich aroma, fine quality, high yield and strong antireversion. It has been bred from the p rogenies of artificial pollination between‘Fuding Dabaicha’and‘Changye Baihao’. For the green tea product of‘Foxiang 3’, it appears argent downy overall, smells great aromatic and extending, tastes fresh and mellow, and the color of infused leaf is bright yellow green. The yield of dry green tea with high quality is 2 371.2kg·hm-2 processed by‘Foxiang 3’. The tea cultivar, ‘Foxiang 3’is suitable to popularize in Yunnan large2leaf area.
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