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2010, Vol.37, No.2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • The Changes of PSⅡ Chlorophyll Fluorescence Dynamic CharacteristicDuring Leaf Senescence of Ginkgo
  • HAN Biao;CHEN Guo-xiang;GAO Zhi-ping;WEI Xiao-dong;XIE Kai-bin;YANG Xian-song
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 173-178.
  • Abstract ( 2684 ) HTML ( 2051 ) PDF (1057KB) ( 2051 )    
  • Use natural growth ginkgo leaves as experimental materials, the net photosynthetic rate, the chlorophyll content, the fluorescence emission spectra of thylakoids membranes at room temperature and the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were measured. The results showed that photosystemⅡ(PSⅡ)function declined the same as leaf senescence. The reasons of PSⅡ function declined were that the antenna pigment were destroyed and the receptor side of electron transfer of PSⅡ was impeded. The damaged extent of PSⅡ antenna pigments was directly proportional to net photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content, but the center pigment structure of PSⅡ was damaged until November. With the aging of leaves, the number of PSⅡ reaction center continual decreased, in which the number of PSⅡ active reaction centers dropped 49%, but the PSⅡ reaction centers only dropped 27%. It showed that the active reaction centers were more ulnerable be damaged than the reaction centers. At the side of PSⅡ receptor, the rate, the frequency and the energy needing of QA reduction continual increase. At the same time, less energy was used for electron transfer of QA
    downstream. Changes of chlorophyll fluorescence transient showed that the impeded electron transport chain led to PSⅡ function descent. In November, the structure of PSⅡ mostly been destroyed.
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  • Effects of Low-temperature on Enzymes Activities of Nitrogen Metabollism and Free Amino Acids Contents in Root of Malus baccata Borkh. and Malus hupehensis Rehd. Seedlings
  • WANG Ying;Lü De-guo;QIN Si-jun;ZHANG Yu-long;MA Huai-yu;LIU Guo-cheng;MENG Qian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 179-184.
  • Abstract ( 1980 ) HTML ( 1390 ) PDF (294KB) ( 1390 )    
  • The enzymes activities of nitrogen metabolism and free amino acids were studied under low temperature in Malus baccata Borkh. and M. hupehensis Rehd. The results indicated that at low temperature, glutamine synthetase(GS) activity were increased obviously by 119% and 317% respectively inM. baccata Borkh. and M. hupehensis Rehd. But low temperature decreased glutamate synthase (NADHGOGAT) and glutamate dehydrogenase (NADHGDH) activity. In M. baccata Borkh. and M. hupehensis Rehd. NADHGOGAT activity decreased to 6.11% and 48.43%, NADHGDH activity decresed to 47.07% and 33.84%. Low temperature effected GS activity and NADHGDH activity in M. hupehensis Rehd. more than in M. baccataBorkh. Analysis for GS/GDH ratio showed that GS-GDH cycle was the main pathway of ammonium assimilation irrespective of low temperature, but under low temperature stress, GS pathway was strengthened obviously, especially in M. hupehensis Rehd. At low temperature the content of free amino acids were increased by 78.34% and 89.79% respectively in M. baccata Borkh. and M. hupehensis Rehd., the total content of free amino acids increased more in M. baccata Borkh. than that of M. hupehensis Rehd. Before low temperature the main composition of free amino acids were threonine, tyrosine, aspartic acid and glutamate, but under low temperature the main composition of free amino acids were threonine, arginine, aspartic acid and glutamate. The content of arginine was obviously increased under low temperature.
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  • Leaf Area Index Estimated with Plant Canopy Analyzer in Apple Orchards and Analysis of Its Reliability
  • ZHANG Ji-xiang;WEI Qin-ping;ZHANG Jing;WANG Lian-xin;SUN Xie-ping;WANG Cui-ling;and SONG Kai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 185-192.
  • Abstract ( 1976 ) HTML ( 1727 ) PDF (225KB) ( 1727 )    
  • It was studied that leaf area index (LAIs) were respectively estimated with sampling with a cubic frame (direct method) and using a plant canopy analyzer (indirect method) in more than 40 adult apple orchards (including unthinned, thinned and partially-cut-branch orchards) selected randomly in Shandong
    Province. The results showed that LAIs estimated with direct and indirect methods in all orchards tested were 3.0 ± 0.2 and 4.3 ± 0.2,respectively. Compared to LAI with the direct method (LAIdi), average under estimation of LAIs with indirect method (LAIin) was 30.2%, in which the underestimation of LAIs were 32.0%, 35.5% and 25.0%,respectively in unthinned, thinned and partially-cut-branch orchards. In addition, the larger LAI was, the more serious underestimation was in various types of orchards. LAIs estimated with direct and indirect methods were strongly and linearly interrelated to each other (r = 0.91, 0.89 and 0.92, respectively, in three types of orchards, P<0.00001). When omitting the reading of the external ring of the plant canopy analyzer and being recalculated, the linear correlation between LAIdi and LAIin was more significant (r = 0.93, 0.93 and 0.94, respectively, in three types of orchards, P<0.00001), and the difference became less (less than 13%). When LAI of apple orchards is estimated by a plant canopy analyzer, further
    correction of the data can improve its performance and produce reliable estimation through being modified by direct reference measurement. At this study, the modified coefficients of plant canopy analyzer were 1.3004, 1.2007 and 1.1762, respectively, in three types of orchards, that is to say, real LAIs in three types of orchards were about 1.3, 1.2 and 1.2 times respectively, more than estimated values (modified) of plant canopy analyzer.
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  • Role of Abscisic Acid and Ethylene in Fruit Maturation of Sweet Cherry
  • REN Jie;LENG Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 199-206.
  • Abstract ( 2080 ) HTML ( 2332 ) PDF (706KB) ( 2332 )    
  • Changes in concentrations of endogenous ABA and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid(ACC) of ‘Hongdeng’ sweet cherry(Prunus avium L.‘Hongdeng’), and the effects of ABA and ethephon application on fruit maturation were investigated. The results suggested that ABA content of peel increase with the fruit maturation and be the highest at 43 days after full bloom (DAFB). ABA content of pulp was higher at 14 DAFB and then decreased until 25 DAFB, but subsequently increased dramatically. The ACC level was low throughout the growth period. ABA application increased the level of endogenous ABA and ethylene production, but there was no effect of ABA application on endogenous ACC level. Ethephon application could increase the endogenous ethylene production and ACC level. ABA application increased the
    fruit maturation and anthocyanin content, accelerated fruit softening. There were no effects of ethephon application on fruit firmness, anthocyanin content and maturation index.
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  • Effects of Dynamic Controlled Atmosphere on Quality of ‘Okubo’ PeachDuring Storage and Shelf-life
  • FENG Zhi-hong;ZHAO Ying-li;YAN Gen-zhu;LI Jian-hua;WANG Liang;SHI Jun-feng;WANG Hua-rui;WANG Chun-sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 207-212.
  • Abstract ( 1666 ) HTML ( 1805 ) PDF (650KB) ( 1805 )    
  • The changes in physiological characteristics,chilling injure symptoms and sensory quality of Okubo peach stored in dynamic controlled atmosphere(DCA),in controlled atmosphere(CA)and in air (control),during storage-life at 0–1 ℃ for 70 d and subsequent shelf-life at 20 ℃ for 3 d,were investigated in this study. The results showed that DCA and CA treatments significantly inhibited fruit rot and flesh browning,kept firmness,alleviated the harm to flesh tissue and chilling-sensitivity,improved quality after storage in comparison with control. The Okubo peaches kept in DCA showed a better storability than that in CA.
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  • Chromosome Number Identification and Generation of Monosomic AlienAddition Line in the Triploid Interspecies Hybrid of Flowering ChineseCabbage–Chinese Kale
  • REN Yan-rui;ZHANG Cheng-he;SHEN Er-qiao;XUAN Shu-xin;SHEN Shu-xing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 213-220.
  • Abstract ( 1993 ) HTML ( 1423 ) PDF (3394KB) ( 1423 )    
  • In order to generate monosomic alien addition line of C-genome added the chromosome derived from A-genome, the triploid interspecies hybrid (CCA) and its parent Chinese kale (Brassica alboglabra Bailey) and Flowering Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. var. utilis Tsen et Lee) were used as the basic materials, by means of artificial hybridization, morphological and cytological examination and karyotype analysis, the seed setting of CCA × CC and CC × CCA, the chromosome number of their hybrids and the monosomic alien addition line of CC genome added a A-chromosome were identified. The main results showed as follows:① The seed setting of CCA × CC and CC × CCA was 0.28% and 0.63% respectively;② All of 88 progeny plants identified in CC × CCA were euploid(2n = CC = 18);③
    Aneuploids with different number extra chromosomes were existed in the identified 156 progeny plants of CCA × CC, in which one 2n + 1 plant and sixteen 2n + 2 plants were obtained;④ The monosomic alien addition line CC + A9 was preliminary determined by morphological marker identification and karyotype analysis for the 2n + 1 plant; ⑤ Meiotic observation for the addition line CC + A9 showed A9 chromosome having partial homology with a pair of C-chromosomes; ⑥ The alien chromosome A9 of the monosomic
    addition line CC + A9 could be transmitted by male and female gametes with a percentage of 9.82% and 18.75% , respectively.
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  • Development and Utility of EST-SSR Marker in Cabbage
  • CHEN Chen;ZHUANG Mu;LI Kang-ning;LIU Yu-mei;YANG Li-mei;ZHANG Yang-yong;CHENG Fei;SUN Pei-tian;FANG Zhi-yuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 221-228.
  • Abstract ( 2662 ) HTML ( 2301 ) PDF (1240KB) ( 2301 )    
  • A total of 62 567 ESTs in Brassica oleracea were downloaded from NCBI for the identification and development of SSR marker. In total, 1 219 SSRs distributed in 1 176 ESTs were identified from 19 611 non-redundant ESTs, with an average of one SSR per 11.48 kb, and included 273 SSR motifs.Analysis
    of SSR motifs revealed that the dinucleotides (353 SSR) and tricleotides (423 SSR) were major motifs, accounted for 28.96% and 34.70% respectively. The AG/CT was the most frequent motifs and accounted for 25.59%,followed by AAG/CTT (94 SSR,7.71%). Based on the 1 176 SSR-containing ESTs, a total of 978 primer pairs were successfully designed and assessed validation of the amplification using two cabbage inbreed lines (397 and 20-2-5). The results showed that 897 primer pairs yielded 1 026 amplification bands, of which 128 primer pairs exhibited polymorphism with 258 polymorphic bands accounted for 25.15%. SSR fingerprint was obtained for 4 cabbage F1, Zhonggan 11, 8398, Zhonggan 15 and Zhonggan 21, and theirparents,and all the above materials could be discriminated by four specific EST-SSR primer pairs. The results
    indicated that the developed SSRs from ESTs of Brassica oleracea were validate and practicable.
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  • Development of SSR and CAPS Molecular Markers Linked with ps-2 Genein Tomato
  • ZHU Sha;SONG Yan;LIU Lei;Bistra Atanassova;XU He-jin;ZHOU Guo-long;LI Jun-ming;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 235-240.
  • Abstract ( 2102 ) HTML ( 2084 ) PDF (1464KB) ( 2084 )    
  • Abstract:Tomatoes with ps-2 gene can produce the progeny with 100% male sterility through selfing hence it is easy to be used for hybrid production. An elite processing tomato inbred line 92155 as male parent
    and a line named as CMC1ps2 with ps-2 gene from Bulgaria as female parent were employed to produce a F2 segregation population with 123 individuals. The segregation ratio of sterility was consistent with the Mendel law as a single recessive gene. Based on the maps of morphological and molecular marker,SSR,RFLP and COS markers were selected corresponding to ps-2 locus. In total,5 SSR markers,13 CAPS markers proved developed from RFLP probe sequences and one COS marker were screened. The linkage analysis that one SSR marker (SSR450) and one CAPS marker (TG123) were tightly linked with ps-2 gene. The linkage distances were about 4.9 and 11.6 cM respectively and both presented co-dominant character. Markers obtained
    can be directly used for marker assisted selection and the identification of hybrid purity. It also would speed up the procedure for the introgression and application of tomato male sterility in breeding.
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  • Broad Spectrum Resistance from Rpi-blb1 Homologous R-genes Has BeenBroken by Phytophthora infestans Isolates Collected from Solanumstoloniferum
  • ZHU Su-xian;;ZHU Jun;LI Ying;Nijenhuis Maarten;Bergervoet Marjan;Rietman Hendrik;Jacobsen Evert
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 241-246.
  • Abstract ( 2338 ) HTML ( 1891 ) PDF (827KB) ( 1891 )    
  • The resistance of potato broad spectrum resistance gene Rpi-blb1(cloned from Solanum bulbocastanum)and its homologues Rpi-sto1(cloned from Solanum stoloniferum)and Rpi-pta1(cloned from Solanum papita)might be broken by advanced Phytophthora infestans isolates. Isolates potentially breaking this resistance could be found in Dutch potato fields on accessions of S. bulbocastanum and S. stoloniferum with these R-genes and in Mexico in nature on the same species. Here, these isolates have been retested on
    transgenic Desiree containing Rpi-blb1, Rpi-sto1 or Rpi-pta1 and on accessions of all three species(blb8005,
    sto389-4 and pta767-1)which are harboring one of the three cloned R-genes. It turned out that two isolates
    from Mexico, Pic99189 and Pic99192, found on S. stoloniferum, have broken the resistance from Rpi-blb1, Rpi-sto1 and Rpi-pta1 in cv. Desiree background. In addition, it was observed that the accessions harboring
    the same R-gene still were resistant to these isolates except Pic99192, which had clearly broken the S. papita accession. Another observation was that transgenic plants need be selected for strong expression of resistance
    to P. infestans in detached leaf assay (DLA). A pilot experiment with a Rpi-sto1 containing Desiree transformant,inoculated with Chinese isolates originated from 4 regions, showed high level of resistance and its potential application in China.
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  • The Ultra-structure Changes of Scales During the Development of Lily Bulb
  • WU Sha-sha;Lü Ying-min;ZHANG Qi-xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 247-255.
  • Abstract ( 1738 ) HTML ( 2032 ) PDF (6266KB) ( 2032 )    
  • Ultra-structure of outer and middle scales of bulbs of Lilium oriental hybrids cultivar‘Sorbonne’ were observed and analyzed systematically by using the transmission electron microscope (TEM) during the bulb development. The results indicated that there were a lot of big starch granules, proteins and
    lipid droplets in the scale cells at the planting stage. The bulbs played the role of “source” at this stage. With the growth of lily plant, a great number of mitochondria appeared near the cell wall and around the starch grains. This indicated that catabolism was the predominant processes in scale cells. The number of starch granules, proteins and lipid droplets decreased and reached the minimum at the blooming stage. After blooming, the amount of starch granules, proteins and lipid droplets increased significantly, the bulb
    converted to play the role of “sink” and started to accumulate a large number of assimilation products. There were full of starch granules and proteins in the scale cells at the harvest stage. At the same time a large
    number of plasmodesmata were observed between cells of outer and middle scales, and many vesicles were also observed near plasmodesmata at the blooming stage, which indicated that symplastic pathway was the main pathway in the exchange and transportation of assimilates during the process of functiontransmission of source and sink of lily bulb.
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  • Cytological Studies on Distant Hybridization Embryonic Development ofLilium
  • LI Xiao-ying;WANG Wen-he;ZHAO Jian-ying;WANG Shu-dong;ZHAO Xiang-yun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 256-262.
  • Abstract ( 2054 ) HTML ( 1557 ) PDF (4584KB) ( 1557 )    
  • This experiment was based on paraffin methods to observe ovule of different development stages in hybrid combination between Lilium asiatic hybrids ‘Navona’ × Lilium pumilum, while the female parent was Asiatic hybrids and male parent is wild type. We found that fertilization and embryonic
    development process of this distant hybrid combination were complicated, there were four conditions during the development. Fertilization could not be completed and embryonic sac member cells would disintegrate at last, which was one of the conditions. The second one was only the egg cell be fertilized, embryo will be obtained without endosperm. The third one was just the opposite, only polar nuclear cells were fertilized and endosperm be obtained but embryo. The last condition was double fertilization completed, both embryo and endosperm were obtained. Development of hybrid idiosome in Lilium went through stages of zygote, proembryo, spherical embryo, pear-shaped like embryo and clavate embryo. Before the clavate embryo stage,
    nutrition which supporting the embryo development was mainly absorbed from nucellus and integument bythe suspensor. When the embryo began to differentiate within the body, its shape was rod-like, suspensor disintegration. After that, embryo’s nutritional requirements were mainly provided by the endosperm cells. Development of Lilium endosperm was belonged to nuclear type. One of the reasons which probably inducing
    hybrid embryonic abortion was no nurture do embryo gain from endosperm, and this kind of embryo would grow not better than the stage of spherical embryo, another probable reason was endosperm growing slowly
    or even stop growing, which resulting in embryonic abortion at last. Forty-five days after pollination was the best time to carry out embryo rescue in this hybrid combination.
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  • Induction of Haploid Plantlets for Lilium × formolongi
  • HAN Xiu-li;TIAN Xiao-ming;JIA Gui-xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 263-276.
  • Abstract ( 1933 ) HTML ( 1562 ) PDF (1759KB) ( 1562 )    
  • Abstract: Based on the meiosis and microspore development of Lilium × formolongi ‘Raizan 1’, the length of flower bud and the colors of anther relative to the development stages were determined. The suitable media was selected for haploid callus induction of the ‘Raizan 1’, that was improved MS supplemented with 2,4-dichlunruphenoxyacetic(2,4-D)0.5 mg · L-1 and kinetin(KT)4.0 mg · L-1. The results showed the effects of sucrose concentration in the 30–90 g · L-1 were not significant on the microspore callus induction. Microspores at early and mid-stage were more suitable for culture. Induction percentage of haploid calli were 44%, as bud length were 24–25 mm. Plantlet was obtained when haploid calli was transferred to the MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg · L-1 naphthaleneacctic acid(NAA). The induction rate of plantlets were 100%,there into,plantlets of haploid were 43%.
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  • Studies on Cloning and Real-time Expression of McCHS Gene in MalusCrabapple
  • SONG Ting-ting;SHEN Hong-xiang;YAO Yun-cong;TIAN Ji
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 269-276.
  • Abstract ( 1896 ) HTML ( 1718 ) PDF (4325KB) ( 1718 )    
  • Using the total RNA from the leaves of Malus crabapple‘Royalty’as the template, the full cDNA of CHS(Chalcone synthase)gene(1 529 bp)was cloned by reverse transcription polymerse chain reaction(RT-PCR)and rapid-amplification of cDNA ends(RACE). The gene was named McCHS, containing
    an open reading frame(1 167 bp)and encoding a protein of 389 amino acids. The expression of McCHS and the content of anthocyanin was determined by Real-time quantitative PCR and spectrophotometer
    respectively in the mature and young leaves of ‘Flame’(green young and mature leaf),‘Radiant’(red young leaf and green mature leaf),‘Prairifire’(red young leaf and green mature leaf),‘Royalty’(purple
    young and mature leaf). The results showed that McCHS was expressed in both mature leaves and young leaves of the above four cultivars. It was in the young leaves of all the four cultivars that the variation in the
    McCHS expression was similar to that in the anthocyanin content. The same trend was found in the mature leaves of most cultivars with the exception of ‘Radiant’, which may have other enzymes and transcriptionfactors involved in the anthocyanin synthesis in its mature leaves.
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  • Studies on Year-cycle Changes of Leaf Nutrient Status from Camphor Tree
  • LI Li-min;WU Liang-huan;;MA Guo-rui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 277-282.
  • Abstract ( 1979 ) HTML ( 1487 ) PDF (643KB) ( 1487 )    
  • The year-cycle changes of leaf nutrient status of normal and chlorosis camphor trees grown in calcareous soil were surveyed in coastal regions on the north shore of the Qiantang River of Hangzhou city. The results indicated that leaf total P of chlorosis trees were higher than normal trees, while active Fe, total Fe, total N, total K, SPAD value, peroxidase and catalase activities were lower. Among four sampling times, the order of chlorosis from light to heavy was August in 2007 > June in 2007 > March in 2007 > October in 2006. The results also showed antagonism of leaf total P and active Fe, while the remaining elements and physiological indexes were synergy. On this basis a new fertilizing method of camphor was recommended to provide for treating and preventing of chlorosis camphor.
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  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Squalene Synthase Gene and cDNA inBupleurum chinense DC.
  • SUI Chun;WEI Jian-he;ZHAN Qing-qing;;YANG Cheng-min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 283-290.
  • Abstract ( 1731 ) HTML ( 1468 ) PDF (4801KB) ( 1468 )    
  • Abstract:Squalene synthase(EC., SS)is an important key enzyme in biosynthesis pathway of plant sterols and terpenoids. In order to learn the role of SS in the biosynthesis of saikosaponin in Bupleurum chinense DC., SS cDNA was cloned with total RNA extracted from adventitious roots of B. chinense using Trizol method. Specific fragments were amplified by RT-PCR and then were cloned and sequenced. Sequencing results showed two different cDNA fragments(BcSS1 and BcSS2)with 1 245 bp and 1 248 bp long were obtained which encodes proteins with 414 and 415 amino acids, respectively. The identities of nucleotides and amino acids between BcSS1 and BcSS2 were 98% and 96%. NCBI Blastx search results showed BcSS1 and BcSS2 had the highest amino acid similarity to the corresponding proteins from B.falcatum L. and Panax notoginseng F. H. Chen. The identities of BcSS1 with the two proteins were 99 % and 90% and those of BcSS2 were 97% and 87%. SS gene with 5 880 bp containing 12 introns was then amplified by PCR with genomic DNA extracted from adventitious roots of B. chinense using CTAB method.
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  • Investigation on Population Dynamics of Grape Phylloxera(Daktulosphairavitifoliae Fitch.)in Vineyards of Xi’an and Shanghai
  • ZHANG Hua-ge;LIU Chong-huai;ZHONG Xiao-hong;WANG Zhong-yue;SUN Hai-sheng;FAN Xiu-cai;LIU Xin-ming;SHEN Biao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 291-296.
  • Abstract ( 1732 ) HTML ( 1326 ) PDF (674KB) ( 1326 )    
  • Grape phylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch., is a destruetive insect on cultivated grapes. It has reoccurred in some provinces since 2005. In order to understand grape phylloxera’s population dynamics in one year cycle, we investigated it in the vineyards of Xi’an and Shanghai. The results showed
    that grape phylloxera’s life cycle was mainly asexual portions with types that feed on root galls, and reproduced exclusively by clonal. Some grape phylloxera arose alternation of generation from August to October, a few winged-bearing nymphs was observed, but the winged adult insects was not found in the field.
    At July and October the population reached peaks respectively, then declined and began to dormancy from November. Overwinter population was in small numbers by frst instar hibernants since November. As groundtemperatures increased to about 13.0 ℃ in the spring, it terminated dormancy, larvaes began to feed and transformed into adults after some ecdysis,then was in parthenogenesis.
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  • Studies on Breeding of‘Yanzhen 1’Apple Stock and Its Mechanism of AppleRough Bark Disease Resistance
  • ZHAO Ling-ling;SONG Lai-qing;LI Yuan-jun;YU Qing;LIU Mei-ying;ZHANG Zhen-ying;JIANG Zhong-wu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 297-302.
  • Abstract ( 1914 ) HTML ( 1439 ) PDF (201KB) ( 1439 )    
  • The botanical properties and the effect on upper variety were studied in Yanzhen 1 as interstock of which was resistance to apple ring rot disease. The results showed that the upper variety of which using Yanzhen 1 as interstock could decrease the incidence of apple ring spot and apple ring rot. The internode length,diameter of trunk pith and thickness of xylem were increased,whereas ratio of bark of root and shoot decreased. The lenticel density and thickness of epidermal layers had not been affected. The
    activities of defend-related enzymes of Fuji were significantly enhanced. The CAT,PAL,PPO,SOD and POD enzymes activity of Fuji that of using Yanzhen 1 was 2.05,1.88,1.91,1.07 and 1.44-fold compared with that of not using Yanzhen 1 as interstock. Among of hybrid seedlings between Fuji and Yanzhen 1,the rate of disease-resistant seedlings was 15.7%,and others was 84.3%.
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  • Analysis and Identification of Apple Rootstock SH Series by Simple Sequence Repeat
  • JIN Wan-mei;MAO Hai-liang;ZHANG Qiang;WANG Xiao-wei;YANG Ting-zhen;WEI Qin-ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 303-306.
  • Abstract ( 2896 ) HTML ( 1195 ) PDF (321KB) ( 1195 )    
  • The phenomenon of homonym and synonym of SH series apple rootstocks happened in the process of introduction breeding, which was also proved in the practice of planting. Therefore, it was necessary to clarify stem and series of homonym and synonym. With 28 SH series apple rootstocks preserved in Pomology Insitute of Shanxi(Shanxi), Institute of Forestry and Pomology of Beijing (Beijing) and Institute of Pomology of Changping, Beijing (Changping, Beijing) as materials,used method of simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers, screened 82 pairs primer from 112 pairs to conduct PCR amplification, analyzed results of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and conducted data analysis of bands data matrices by NTSYS software. 〖JP2〗The results showed that among homogeneity in different institutes, SH9 in Shanxi and Beijing has 100% similarity; There were four homonyms in the samples, i.e. the similarity coefficients of SH17, SH18, SH40 coming from different conservative places were as low as 68.9%, 55.1% and 65.6% respectively and among the similarity coefficients of SH38 coming from different conservative places the highest was 61.2%. Three heteronyms were also identified: SH18 (Shanxi) and SHb(100%), SH17 (Changping, Beijing) and SHd(99.5%), SHa and SHe(99.5%), SH18(28) and SH40 (Shanxi) (99%), all of them had a similarity coefficient larger than 99%. In addition, high similarities were found between SH18 and SH38 from Changping (98.4%) and among SH12,SH17(Shanxi)and SH29 ( 97.2%-98.9%). SH1, SH3, SH6, SH8-11, SH9-hf, SH19, SH28, SH29, SHc, SHd and SHf etc. in different conservative places were heterogeneous.
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  • Screening of Antagonistic Bacteria Against Botrytis cinerea and Identificationof Strain X-75
  • WANG Wei;LI Shu-na;LI Hong-ya;HAO Zhi-min;WANG Quan;WANG Shu-xiang;ZHU Bao-cheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 307-312.
  • Abstract ( 2040 ) HTML ( 1932 ) PDF (1517KB) ( 1932 )    
  • In order to obtain antagonistic bacteria against Botrytis cinerea, about 200 strains of bacteria isolated from soil samples were screened with the agar plate diffusion method. After primary and secondary screening, the strain X-75 showed the most significant antagonistic activity. After the morphological
    observation and a series of physiological and biochemistry experiments, the bacterial strain X-75 was primarily identified as Bacillus sp. The similarity of the 16S rDNA sequences between X-75 strain and AB245422 Bacillus velezensis was 99.93%, so it was finally identified as the nearest genetic relationship with
    Bacillus velezensis. And the X-75 strain showed obvious antagonistic activity against Botrytis cinerea Pers on tomato leaves.
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  • Identification of Impatiens necrosis spot virus from Phalaenopsis amabilis inYunnan
  • ZHENG Yuan-xian;LI Yong-zhong;LIU Ya-ting;XU Xiao-gang;YE Mao;ZHU Qiu-yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 313-318.
  • Abstract ( 2185 ) HTML ( 1738 ) PDF (1386KB) ( 1738 )    
  • Tospovirus,the only genus to infect plants in the Bunyaviridae family,can cause many crops and flowers to the serious disease in the tropics,the subtropics as well as the temperate zone area. This research surveyed the main flower fields of Yunnan Province in 2008. One sample with concentric rings spots and necrosis spots symptom was collected from Phalaenopsis amabilis in Kunming. By the biological techniques,electron microscope and ImmuStrip Test,it was confirmed that the plant was infected by Impatiens necrotic spot virus,belong to Tospovirus. Four pairs primers was used for RT-PCR,clone and sequencing,886 nts nucleic acid sequence of nucleocapsid protein,681 nts nucleic acid sequence of non-structure protein in RNA M and 1 048 nts fragment of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase(RdRp)were
    obtained. By comparing with network database of NCBI BLAST and multiple alignment using biological information software DNAman,it was found that homology between the sample and Impatiens necrotic spot virus(INSV)reached higher than 90%. It was proved that the pathogens of the sample was Impatiens necrosis spot virus.
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  • The Soluble Sugar and Starch Allocation Characteristics after FloweringDeveloping in Platycodon grandiflorium
  • ZHU Li-xiang;WANG Jian-hua;SUN Yin-shi;TANG Xing-tao;GENG Hui-yun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 319-324.
  • Abstract ( 1857 ) HTML ( 1687 ) PDF (667KB) ( 1687 )    
  • Two-year-old Platycodon grandiflorum was used as materials to study the allocation characteristics of soluble sugar and starch during the flowering and fruiting stage. The results showed that the contents of starch and soluble sugar in root decreased gradually and reached the minimum at 25 d after
    flowering. The soluble sugar content in branches declined gradually at first and reached the minimum at 15 d after flowering, lately increased. The content of starch in branches showed significantly difference between
    branches with flower and flower cutted-off. The content of starch in branches with flower appeared the trend of rise at first then dropping, while the starch content in branches with flower cutted-off showed significantly rising trend. The total soluble sugar content was higher in the leaves with flower cutted-off than that in leaves with flower. Compared with that at 17:00 on the previous day, after one night consumption, the total soluble sugar content in the leaves with flower cutted-off decreased obviously at 8:00, but the change in the leaves with flower was not obvious. The starch content in leaves appeared opposite tendency comparing with soluble sugar content. It was shown that starch in the root decomposed into soluble sugar and transported to the stem for temporary storage to meet the need of leaves, flowers and fruits development within 25 d after flowering, then the contents of starch and soluble sugar in root were increased. It is well indicated that the organic material made by aerial parts of plant transported to root and promoted root development at this stage.
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  • Molecular Mechanism of Controlling Flower Formation by PhotoperiodInducement in Plants
  • TIAN Su-bo;GUO Chun-xiao;ZHENG Cheng-shu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 325-330.
  • Abstract ( 2152 ) HTML ( 4837 ) PDF (630KB) ( 4837 )    
  • Flowering is the transition from vegetative growth to reproductive growth in plants. Flowering-related gene expression is the basis for achieving this transition. Environment factors and the growth conditions of plant cells on the expression of these genes play regulatory roles. Now, it has been
    known that photoperiod stimulation signal was received and apperceived by mature leaves of plants and there are produced flowering signal substances in the mature leaves of plants, and that this kinds of flowering signal
    substances transports from leaves to the top of stems, and ultimately causes flowering using model plants Arabidopsis, rice and ornamental plants petunia and Antirrhinum. This article reviewed the study progress in the molecular mechanisms of controlling flowering of plants, in order to provide references for further in-depth studies of photoperiodic flowering molecular mechanism of ornamental plants.
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  • A New Freestone Later-maturing Peach Cultivar ‘Shuanghongyan’
  • CHU Ai-xiang;YANG Ying-jun;CHU Xian-zhou;ZHANG Yao-zhan;LI Yan-mei;HAO Shui-wang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 331-332.
  • Abstract ( 2292 ) HTML ( 1247 ) PDF (1097KB) ( 1247 )    
  • ‘Shuanghongyan’ is a new freestone later-maturing peach cultivar which was derived from the cross ‘Heluo Hongmi’ × ‘Yuxi Hongmi’,‘Local peach’ and ‘Yanguang’ nectarine peach by Forestry College of Henan University of Science and Technology in 2000. The fruits are big in size,spherical in shape and rose in color. The average single fruit weight is 350 g. The fruit flesh is high firmness,sweet flavour, freestone and high hardness. The cultivar has strong stress resistance and it is tolerant to storage and long-distance transportation. The fruits matured in the middle of September which is the time of Mid-autumn Festival and National Day exactly. Therefore the cultivar has a good marketable foreground.
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  • A New Walnut Cultivar‘Qinglin’Used for Wood and Fruit
  • HOU Li-qun;WANG Jun-yi;ZHAO Deng-chao;YANG Ke-qiang;HAN Chuan-ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 333-334.
  • Abstract ( 2024 ) HTML ( 1276 ) PDF (1652KB) ( 1276 )    
  • ‘Qinglin’is a new walnut cultivar used for wood and fruit, which selected from wild resources in Shandong Province. The fruit weight is 17.78–20.0 g. The kernel rate is 40.12%, the kernel total fat content is 67.7%. It is easy to take out the whole kernel, the color of kernel is light yellow and the kernel
    tastes fragrant. The volume and diameter of 33-year-old tree are 1.168 m3 and 41.6 cm respectively. It has good displays in stem straight, stem fatness and a rapid growth rate. In addition, it also has a good productivity, high resistance to cold and disease.
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  • Hot Pepper Cultivar ‘Huifeng 2’
  • WANG Heng-ming;LI Ying;GUO Han-quan;XU Xiao-wan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 337-338.
  • Abstract ( 1795 ) HTML ( 1070 ) PDF (749KB) ( 1070 )    
  • ‘Huifeng 2’ is a new midearly maturing cultivar of hot pepper hybrid suitable for south China area by outdoor planting pattern. The shape of unripe fruit is sheephorn, with green skin, about 18.0-18.2 cm in length, 2.53-2.64 cm in width and 031-032 cm in flesh thickness. The single fruit weight is 36.4-39.4 g. Moreover, the ripe fruit has smooth appearance, high pungency and excellent storage capacity.
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  • A New Doritaenopsis Brother Strawberry Cultivar ‘Hongrong’
  • CHEN Zhi-lin;WU Kun-lin;ZENG Song-jun;ZHENG Feng;DUAN Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(2): 341-342.
  • Abstract ( 1719 ) HTML ( 1100 ) PDF (405KB) ( 1100 )    
  • ‘Hongrong’is a new cultivar of Doritaenopsis Brother Strawberry propagated by tissue culture of a mature plant selected from the hybrid population of sibcross between two Doritaenopsis Brother Strawberry clones. The new cultivar is mutiflower type, characterized by spread growing leaves, ramose flower stalk with many small red flowers,long lasting flowering time, and strong adaptability as well. All the above mentioned characters indicate ‘Hongrong’ has a high market value of ornament.
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