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2010, Vol.37, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Allelopathic Effects and Identification of Allelochemicals in Grape Root Exudates
  • GUO Xiu-wu;LI Kun;;SUN Ying-ni;ZHANG Li-heng;HU Xi-xi;and XIE Hong-gang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 861-868.
  • Abstract ( 2727 ) HTML ( 2032 ) PDF (286KB) ( 2032 )    
  • In order to explore the allelopathy of grape root exudates,tissue cultured plantlets of Red Globe(Vitis vinifera L.)in laboratory and cutting seedlings of Beta(V. riparia × V. labrusca)by pot experiment were used to examine the effects of grape exudates on plant growth. Laboratory tests showed 0.01,0.10,0.50 g · mL-1(root dry weight/root exudates volume)grape root exudates significantly inhibited growth of grape plantlets,the inhibition being stronger at higher root exudate concentrations. Pot experiment indicated that low-concentration root exudates promoted plant growth,and increased soluble sugar content,starch content and protein content of leaves. The difference of PAL and SOD activities betweenthe treatments and the control were not significant,and MDA content decreased under low concentration. High-concentration root exudates inhibited plant growth significantly,and PAL and SOD activity were higher than the control by 69.16% and 10.35% respectively,and MDA content increased. p-Hydroxybenzoic acid and salicylic acid were determined by LC-MS in grape root exudates,which had significant allelopathy effect on tissue culture plantlets. Other compounds in root exudates of grape were inferred as palmitic acid,1-heneicosanol,citric acid,aconitic acid,β-sitosterol,phthalic acid and gallic acid.

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  • Computational Identification and Analysis of the Putative microRNAs in 32 Fruit Crops
  • SONG Chang-nian;JIA Qi-dong;WANG Chen;LI Fei;ZHANG Zhen;and FANG Jing-gui;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 869-879.
  • Abstract ( 2138 ) HTML ( 3065 ) PDF (860KB) ( 3065 )    
  • Here we present a study of bioinformatics identification of microRNA precursors in fruit crops by blasting ESTs of 32 fruit crops in NCBI using bioinformatics-based gene search and homology search method to look for miRNAs in fruit crops. A total of 110 miRNA precursors,encoding 116 unique miRNA sequences,were identified in these fruit crops. Further analysis through the miRbase database showed the 116 miRNAs belonged to 45 miRNA families,of which 7 were predicted with miRNA number more than 5,20 between 2–4,and the other 18 with only 1 miRNA. miRNAs were identified in Citrus,apple,bananas,kiwifruit and peach,and the numbers of miRNAs found in them were 28,16,13,11,and 10,respectively. The results of the alignment of 6 miRNA families showed the nucleotide sequences of the miRNAs in same family were variable,and the variation between the nucleotides of same locus could be of transversion and transition.
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  • Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Phytochelatin Synthase Gene,PcPCS1,from Pyrus calleryana Dcne.
  • LI Hui;;CONG Yu;WANG Hong-wei;SHENG Bao-long;LIN Jing;and CHANG You-hong;;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 880-890.
  • Abstract ( 2085 ) HTML ( 1718 ) PDF (834KB) ( 1718 )    
  • Pear rootstocks bean pear(Pyrus calleryana Dcne.)was used as an experimental materials for cloning phytochelatin synthase gene and researching its expression characterization via rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE)and fluorescent quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)methods. PcPCS1 cDNA sequence length is 1 970 bp, which contains an open reading frame that would encode a 54.77 kD protein of 497 amino acids. Two typical phytochelatin subfamily domains constitute PcPCS1 protein, which includes three adjacent Cys-Cys elements(331-332, 351-352 and 369-370 location amino acid)in the C-terminal region and all characteristics sites(Cys-56, Cys-90/91 and Cys-109)of phytochelatin synthase protein. PcPCS1 and other PCS1 proteins from leguminous plants belong to the same branch in PCS1 phylogenetic tree. Moreover, PcPCS1 had the highest homology(84%)with Lotus corniculatus LjPCS1. Fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR results showed that PcPCS1 gene was constitutively expression and its expressions were different in various organs. Furthermore, PcPCS1 transcription level was quickly climbed up after 20 mmol · L-1 CdSO4 treatment 24 hours, which was higher in leaf than in root. It was very significant that three heavy-metal ions had different abilities to up-regulated PcPCS1 expression as the sequence Cd2+ > Zn2+ > Cu2+. It is need to point out that PcPCS1 expression was significantly inhibited by 200 mmol · L-1 L-Buthionine sulfoximine(BSO) which was one of γ-glutamyl cysteine synthetase inhibitors. However, its expression returned to the normal level of single heavy-metal treatment or exceeded it after adding 200 mmol · L-1 L-Glutathionereduced(GSH)to the nutrient solution. In summary, the bean pear phytochelatins synthesis used glutathione as substrate, which was produced through γ-glutamyl cysteine synthetase pathway.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of NCED Gene from Sweet Cherry Fruit
  • REN Jie;WU Jie-fang;LENG Ping;SUN Liang;and ZHAO Sheng-li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 891-898.
  • Abstract ( 2162 ) HTML ( 1719 ) PDF (232KB) ( 1719 )    
  • In order to understand the role of abscisic acid(ABA)in sweet cherry fruit maturation, one cDNA(PacNCED1)encoding 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase(NCED)as a key enzyme in ABA biosynthesis was cloned from the sweet cherry fruit,and one cDNA(PacACO1)encoding 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid(ACC)oxidase involved in ethylene biosynthesis was cloned from ethephon treated fruits using RT-PCR and RACE-PCR approach. The amino acid sequences of PacNCED1 and PacACO1 showed high homology to those of other NCEDs and ACOs. The expression patterns of PacNCED1 and PacACO1 were determined using RT-PCR and Real time PCR. The results indicated that the PacNCED1 was expressed continuously during the whole period of sweet cherry fruit development and in different tissues. Expression of PacNCED1 gene increased in the flesh and seeds and reached the maximum before maturation and that in pedicle reached the maximum at full maturity of sweet cherry fruit. PacNCED1 gene was weakly expressed in control leaves and roots,but sharply increased in water stressed leaves. Compared to the control,ABA and ethephon treatments could enhance the expression of PacNCED1in fruit,while the NDGA and IAA treatments had no effect. The expression of PacACO1 during sweet cherry fruit development was not detected,but it could be induced with the ethephon and ABA treatments.
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  • Plant Regeneration via Somatic Embryogenesis After Cryopreservation of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions of Banana(Musa spp. AAA)by Vitrification and the Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plant
  • LI Yan-na;WEI Yi-ming;HU Gui-bing;CHEN Hou-bin;and XU Chun-xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 899-905.
  • Abstract ( 2357 ) HTML ( 1582 ) PDF (206KB) ( 1582 )    
  • A vitrification protocol for cryopreservation of ECSs of banana cultivars was investegated. ECSs of 3 banana cultivars,Baxijiao,Beida Aijiao and Yueyoukang 1,were successfully cryopreserved and the relative survival rates of cells obtained were 89.6%,90.9% and 89.9%,respectively. ECS was successfully re-established using cryopreserved cells of Beida Aijiao. Plants regenerated from cryopreserved ECSs of the 3 cultivars,and the relative regeneration rates obtained were 64.4%,0.9% and 14.0% respectively. The genetic stability in morphology and molecular biology of banana seedlings regenerated from cryopreserved cells through embryogenesis were studied using ‘Baxijiao’. The results showed that there was no distinct difference in morphology between treatment and the control. ISSR molecular marker analysis also demonstrated that there were no different bands between the treatment and the control,which suggested that cryopreserved ECSs of banana were genetic stable.
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  • Effects of Grafting on Eggplant Growth and Soil Biochemical Properties Under Autotoxic Substance Stress
  • CHEN Shao-li;ZHOU Bao-li;YIN Yu-ling;and YE Xue-ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 906-914.
  • Abstract ( 1959 ) HTML ( 1237 ) PDF (282KB) ( 1237 )    
  • Using the HPLC analysis technique, the contents of autotoxic substances(cinnamic acid and vanillin)in eggplant replanting soil were determined, and the effects of grafting on eggplant growth and soil biochemical properties under the two autotoxic substances stress were studied in a pot culture experiment. The results showed that cinnamic acid and vanillin existed in soil of eggplant continuous cropping. The contents of cinnamic acid and vanillin in soil increased with increasing planting years, the content of cinnamic acid ranged from 17.08% to 27.09% of vanillin. Grafting could improve the adverse effect on eggplant growth and soil biochemical properties under the two substances’ stress. Under cinnamic acid and vanillin stress, own-rooted eggplant growth was inhibited, whereas grafted eggplant growth was slightly promoted. Compared with own-rooted eggplants, grafted eggplants rhizospheric effect(R/S)of bacterium and actinomyces increased, whereas R/S of fungi decreased, with R/S of actinomyces reached the maximum 2.92 under 4.0 mmol · L-1 cinnamic acid, that of fungi reduced to minimum 0.61 at4.0 mmol · L-1 vanillin;The R/S of saccharase, urease, phosphatase of grafted eggplant soil increased with increasing concentration of cinnamic acid and vanillin, and R/S of saccharase reached to the maximum 2.32 at 1.0 mmol · L-1 vanillin.
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  • Molecular Identification of Brassica oleracea CMS and the Morphology Response of Flower to Nuclear Background
  • ZHANG Yan;WANG Xiao-jia;LI Cheng-qiong;SONG Hong-yuan;REN Xue-song;and SI Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 915-922.
  • Abstract ( 1869 ) HTML ( 1606 ) PDF (511KB) ( 1606 )    
  • Fifteen cytoplasmic male sterile materials in Brassica oleracea was identified by amplified special cytoplasmic male sterile associated gene,all of the CMS materials were crossed and backcrossed with different inbred-lines for several successive generations to investigated the morphology response of flower to nuclear background. The result showed that:Ogu CMS take up the most part in the materials investigatied. Fourteen materials of 15 belong to this class. Only No.78 belong to Nap CMS. The response of Nap CMS to different nuclear background showed three types. The first type was similar with original material or show negative response;The second type was positive response;The third type was complicated,varying with floret parts. The Ogu CMS materials either showed a weak positive response to nuclear background or keep unchanged comparing to original material. Morphology response of different source of Ogu CMS to the same nuclear background was varied with unclear background. The inbred-line K1,N4 have similar impact on different cytoplasmic male sterile,but 37,F1 and G7 have different effect on different sources of cytoplasmic male sterile in flower morphology.

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  • SSR Mapping of the Msf,a Multiple-allele Male-fertility Restorer Gene in Chinese Cabbage(Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis)
  • WANG Li-li;WEI Peng;LIU Zhi-yong;LI Cheng-yu;WANG Yu-gang;JI Rui-qin;and FENG Hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 923-930.
  • Abstract ( 1967 ) HTML ( 1303 ) PDF (1057KB) ( 1303 )    
  • In order to construct a molecular-assisted selection(MAS)system for breeding the multiple-allele male-sterile lines in Chinese cabbage, a BC4 mapping populations was constructed with the fertile plant(MsfMsf) which was selfing progenies of the genetic multiple-allele male-sterile AB as the female parent and inbred line ‘a20’ (msms)which is the male parent. Screening 104 SSR primer pairs was performed with near isogenic lines(NILs). The results showed that three SSR markers named syau_m13, syau_m14 and BRMS-040 were found to be linked to the target Msf . Based on the genetic linkage analysis,the Msf gene was located on the linkege group R07. Finally,a genetic map of the Msf gene was constructed covering a total interval of 8.6 cM. The three markers were located on the same side of the gene at distances of 6.7,6.7 and 8.6 cM,respectively.
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  • Construction of Cucumber Leaf cDNA Library and Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tag
  • QI Xiao-hua;LUO Jing-jing;Mouammar Alfandi;MA Wei;XU Qiang;and CHEN Xue-hao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 931-938.
  • Abstract ( 1955 ) HTML ( 1298 ) PDF (271KB) ( 1298 )    
  • We constructed a cDNA library from the leaf of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) line JIN5-508 with high powdery mildew resistance based on the SMART technology,and checked the quality of this library. The recombinant rate of present library was 95.3%,the titer was 1.02 × 106 pfu · mL-1,and the average size of inserted cDNA fragments were about 0.5 kb. It indicated that one high quality cDNA library of cucumber was successfully constructed. Subsequently,8 352 clones were chosen randomly from this library,and 8 035 valid expressed sequence tags were generated from the 5′ end sequencing. The average length of ESTs were 838 bp. Bioinformatics analysis of EST data indicated the low redundancy of this library with a score of 56.9%,in which 3 467 unigenes including 953 contigs and 2 514 singletons were assembled. Genes that expressed with low abundance occupied 72.5% of total unigenes,indicating the good complexity of gene expression in this library. One thousand nine hundred and ninty-one unigenes could be assigned functional description. Among the unigenes with molecular function classification,bindingactivity and catalytic acitivity related proteins took up to 41.34% and 38.72%,respectively. Three unigenes with high homology to Arabidopsis thaliana powdery mildew resistance locus were also identified,which suggested this library could be useful for further identification and expression analysis of powdery mildew resistance genes in cucumber.

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  • Cloning of McANS Gene in Malus Crabapple and Expression Analysis in Different Cultivars
  • TIAN Ji;SHEN Hong-xiang;ZHANG Jie;YAO Yun-cong;SONG Ting-ting;and GENG Hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 939-948.
  • Abstract ( 2160 ) HTML ( 1663 ) PDF (414KB) ( 1663 )    
  • Using the total RNA from the leaves of Malus crabapple‘Royalty’as the template,the full cDNA of ANS(anthocyanidin synthase)gene(1 350 bp)was cloned by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)and rapid-amplification of cDNA ends(RACE). The gene was named as McANS,containing an open reading frame(1 074 bp)and encoding a protein of 357 amino acids. Corresponding DNA sequence is 1 268 bp,containing one intron,and all the cleave sites obey with the GT-AG rule. The expression of McANS and the content of anthocyanins and flavonoids was determined by real-time quantitative PCR and spectrophotometer respectively in the mature and young leaves of M.‘Flame’(green young and mature leaf),M.‘Radiant’(red young leaf and green mature leaf),M.‘Royalty’(purple young and mature leaf). The results showed that McANS was expressed in both mature leaves and young leaves of the above three cultivars,and the expression level of McANS in young leaves is higher than in mature leaves,23.82-fold difference in M. ‘Radiant’. The trends of anthocyanins content had significant consistency with that of the relative expression of McANS gene. But flavonoids content had not relevance with relative expression of McANS gene. It’s description that McANS have very close relationship with the metabolism of anthocyanins and color of leaf.
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  • Mechanism on Leaf Color Transformation of Loropetalum chinense Olive var. rubrum
  • YUAN Ming;WAN Xing-zhi;DU Lei;YUAN Shu;and LIN Hong-hui;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 949-956.
  • Abstract ( 2044 ) HTML ( 1875 ) PDF (284KB) ( 1875 )    
  • Loropetalum chinense Olive var. rubrum Yieh has been widely used in beautify cities and roads because of its red leaves,but its red leaves could turn green during summer time. The structure,the contents of chlorophylls,carotenoid and anthocyanin of red leaves and green leaves were studied in this papers. The results showed that after turning green:(1)Thickness of the leaves became weaker,and the cell size of epidermis and mesophyll became smaller;(2)Stomata index and stomata density declined distinctly;(3)Size and amount of chloroplasts in every mesophyll cell shrinked,but the contents of chlorophylls and carotenoid of leaves increased;(4)The contents of anthocyanin remarkably declined. According to these results and former reports,high temperature was possibly the key factor for green turning in summer time.
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  • The Effects of the Photoperiods on the Bulblet Formation and Sugar Metabolism Change of Wild Lilium lancifolium in Vitro
  • ZHANG Yan-long;;ZHANG Qi-xiang;and XUE Xiao-na
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 957-962.
  • Abstract ( 2053 ) HTML ( 1643 ) PDF (156KB) ( 1643 )    
  • In order to get the optimum photoperiod parameter for the production of bulblet by tissue culture,the experiment was conducted with 5 photoperiod treatments (darkness time per day:0,8,12,16,24 h) to investigate the effect of photoperiods on the bulblet morphogenesis,amylase activity,as well as the utilization rate of sucrose in the culture medium absorbed by bulblet of the wild Lilium lancifolium Thunb. in vitro. The results showed that the different periods of darkness had a significant effect on the organ formation (root,leaf and bulblet) and the weight of bulblets in test tube,the treatment 16 h · d-1 darkness had better effect for the bulblet formation and enlargement. There were differences between total soluble sugar content,starch content and the amylase activity in bulblets with different photoperiod treatments. After 60 days culture in the test tube,the starch content in bulblets with treatments of 12,16,24 h · d-1 darkness was higher than that with 0,8 h · d-1. The utilization rate of sucrose in the culture medium for bublets was also different among all treatments;The 16 h · d-1 darkness was optimum photoperiodtreatment for bulblet production with tissue culture technology.
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  • The Metabolism of Phenolics and Reactive Oxygen Species in Relation to the Explant Browning Differences Among the Varieties of Phalaenopsis During the Tissue Culture
  • ZHAO Ying;YANG Shu-hua;GE Wei-ya;LI Qiu-xiang;CHEN Hong-xia;and GE Hong;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 963-970.
  • Abstract ( 2423 ) HTML ( 1535 ) PDF (156KB) ( 1535 )    
  • The parameters of phenolic and reactive oxygen metabolism were measured in three varieties of Phalaenopsis,i.e. B3,15 and F5 to study the physiological mechanisms of explant browning as well as genotype differences. The total phenol contents of the three varieties were positively correlated with their PAL and POD activities. B3 with the lowest phenol content showed the highest browning degree,PPO activity and MDA content. F5 with highest phenol content had the lowest browning degree,as well as the lowest PPO activity and MDA content. Moreover,SOD and APX activities in F5 were the highest among the three varieties. These results suggested that the browning degree was not directly related to the total phenol content and that explant browning may be due to the phenol oxidation which catalyzed by PPO. Meanwhile,explant browning reflected the membrane damage caused by lipid peroxidationduring the tissue culture of Phalaenopsis. The differences in the activities of PPO,SOD and APX possibly might be the main aspects that caused the genotype differences in tissue browning.
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  • The Volatile Constituents Analysis of Scindapsus aureum and Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis and Their Inhibition Against Five Fungi
  • MENG Xue;WANG Zhi-ying;and Lü Hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 971-976.
  • Abstract ( 1905 ) HTML ( 1679 ) PDF (406KB) ( 1679 )    
  • The volatile constituents of bunting(Scindapsus aureum)and Chinese ivy(Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis)were analysed by dynamic headspace-GC-MS analysis. Twenty-three volatile compounds were preliminary determined including 11 terpene compounds accounting for 64.73%(α-pinene and camphene were accounted for 30.67% and 14.92% respectively)in bunting. Thirty volatile compounds were preliminary determined including 13 terpene compounds accounting for 61.41%(α-pinene and camphene were accounted for 28.98% and 14.70% respectively)in Chinese ivy. The inhibitory effect of α-pinene,camphene and eucalyptole against Penicillium sp.,Aspergillus niger,Cladosporium sp.,Epicoccum sp. and Alternaria sp. were detected. The results showed that the inhibition rates were all 100% at 3 terpene monomers concentration of 50 µL · mL-1. The inhibition rates were 92%,85% and 23% at the concentration of 10 µL · mL-1 respectively,against Aspergillus niger,and were 60%,25% and 74% at the concentration of 5 µL · mL-1 respectively,against Penicillium sp. The bacteriostaticeffect,α-pinene was the best,eucalyptole was second and camphene was the worst in generally.
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  • Growth Responses of Rhdodendron catawbiense‘Boursault’to Size-elevated Containers
  • QIAO Wen-yan;CUI Hong-xia;LIU Jia-xun;JIANG Chuang-dao;and SHI Lei;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 977-983.
  • Abstract ( 1741 ) HTML ( 1280 ) PDF (233KB) ( 1280 )    
  • The expression of ornamental characteristics of mature pot-cultivated Rhdodendron depends on the vigorous growth of plantlet and the selection on container size is a basic aspect in commercial cultivation. The elevated container sizes including C1(140 mL,6.5 cm × 6.5 cm),C2(350 mL,10 cm × 10 cm),C3(850 mL,13 cm × 12 cm),C4(1 400 mL,15 cm × 13 cm)and C5(2 850 mL,18 cm × 16 cm)were used in our experiment. The results showed that:(1)Responses to the container volume gradients were sensitively induced in biomass,growth dynamics of plant height and leaf numbers.Positive relations between physiological and morphological traits and the container sizes were presented across 140–1 400 mL(C1–C4)and the outstanding growth occurred in C4(1 400 mL);(2)Light compensation point of photosynthesis was decreased in larger containers to accumulate more photoassimilates in partly shading condition;(3)Construction efficiency of structural and functional organs were promoted by elevated container size from 140 mL to 1 400 mL(C1–C4);(4)Coordinative increase in biomass happened on overground and underground organs at individual level when cultivated in size-elevated containers and the allocation fraction did not be affected by the container sizes.
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  • The Photosynthetic Characteristics of Apple and Their Effects on Fruit Yield and Quality in Middle Guizhou Province
  • WANG Yu;XIANG Qing-yun;WU Ya-wei;QIAO Guang;CAI Yong-qiang;and WEN Xiao-peng;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 984-990.
  • Abstract ( 1836 ) HTML ( 1483 ) PDF (221KB) ( 1483 )    
  • To provide the physiological basis for apple in middle Guizhou Province, the photosynthetic characteristics, main factors impacting photosynthetic rate(Pn),as well as their effects on fruit yield and quality were elucidated in the present work. The results showed that‘Red Fuji’(14.87 μmol · m-2 · s-1) demonstrated a superior photosynthetic ability to‘Royal Gala’(13.57 μmol · m-2 · s-1). They exhibited diurnal fluctuations of Pn with two peaks in the summer, and an obvious midday depression was observed in both cultivars, which was primarily ascribed to the excessive photosynthetically active radiation(PAR)and reduced stomatal conductance(Gs). Photosynthesis was most predominantly affected by PAR, followed by the leaf temperature(Tl),and were slightly influenced by relative humidity(RH) and air CO2(Ca). The yields of two cultivars were highly correlated to PAR and Pn. The quality parameters,including fruit weight,soluble sugar content, and sugar acid ratio,were positively correlated with PAR and Pn,with the exception of vitamin C content. Based on the photosynthetic features, some technical measures on apple cultivation in the middle of Guizhou were put forward to promote light use efficiency.
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  • Effects of Rootstocks on Fruit Quality of‘Jincheng’Sweet Orange
  • CHUN Chang-pin;PENG Liang-zhi;LEI Ting;TANG Hai-tao;CAO Li;JIANG Cai-lun;and LING Li-li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 991-997.
  • Abstract ( 2774 ) HTML ( 2004 ) PDF (237KB) ( 2004 )    
  • The effects of rootstocks on fruit quality of‘Jincheng’sweet orange(Citrus sinensis Osbeck.‘Tougshui 72-1 Jincheng’)on Rangpurlime,Volkamer lemon,Sunchusha mandarin,Sour orange smooth flat seville,Cleopatra mandarin,Goutou sour orange,C-35 citrange,Carrizo citrange,Pomeroy trifoliate orange,Rubidoux trifoliate orange and Rich 16-6 trifoliate orange were investigated consecutively from 2006 to 2008. The results showed that different rootstocks had different effects on both fruit color and internal quality. Fruits on trees grafted on Carrizo citrange possessed the best peel brightness,the highest yellow color intensity,the largest fruit and the thinnest peel. Fruits on Rubidoux trifoliate orange rootstock showed the best red color intensity,the highest total soluble solids(TSS)/ titratable acid(TA)ratio and the thickest peel. Trees on Volkamer lemon rootstock produced fruits with the roughest peel surface,the least peel yellow color intensity,the smallest central axis,and the lowest fruit weight and edible rate. Fruits on rootstock of C-35 citrange had the largest central axis and the lowest vitamin C content. Fruits on rootstock of Smooth flat seville sour orange were the highest in edible rate andthe lowest in red color intensity. Fruits from the trees on Rich 16-6 trifoliate orange had the highest TSS content. Fruits from trees on Sunchusha mandarin had the highest TA content,the highest vitamin C content and the lowest TSS/TA ratio. Fruits with the lowest TSS and TA content were from the trees on Goutou sour orange. Judged by overall performance,the best rootstocks for ‘Jincheng’ sweet orange are Sunchusha mandarin,Carrizo citrange,and C-35 citrange whereas poorest ones are Rangpurlime and Volkamer lemon.
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  • Difference in Sugar Accumulation and Metabolism Between Red Flesh and White Flesh Cultivar in Loquat(Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)
  • CHEN Jun-wei;;XU Hong-xia;XIE Ming;WU Yan-jun;ZHANG Hui-qin;and FENG Jian-jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 997-1002.
  • Abstract ( 1888 ) HTML ( 1874 ) PDF (127KB) ( 1874 )    
  • difference and their activities decreased again when fruit maturation. The levels of invertase and SS-cleavage in fruit of‘Ninghaibai’were higher than those in‘Dahongpao’, especially the acid invertase in fruit of‘Ninghaibai’was much higher than that in ‘Dahongpao’ at the late stages of fruit development. Activity of SDH in fruit of‘Dahongpao’was slightly higher than that in‘Ninghaibai’. Difference in sugar accumulation between red flesh and white flesh fruit of loquat relate to sugar metabolism.Sugar content, activities of sucrose and sorbitol metabolizing enzymes were measured in developing fruit of white flesh loquat cultivar ‘Ninghaibai’ and red flesh cultivar ‘Dahongpao’. The results showed that sugar accumulation pattern in developing fruit of two cultivars were almost same. The sucrose contents were almost stable during fruit development, while sorbitol content decreased with fruit development. Fructose and glucose were the major sugars in fruits of these two loquat cultivars, about 90% of glucose and fructose was accumulated within three weeks during maturation. The activities of invertase, sucrose synthase(SS)-cleavage and sorbitol dehydrogenase(SDH)showed the same change pattern that decreased at the early stages of fruit development, then increased at the later stages of fruit maturation. The changes in activities of SS-synthetic direction and sucrose phosphate synthase(SPS)showed some
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  • Three Cultivars Karyotype Analysis of Lilium × formolongi
  • SUN Xiao-mei;JIA Lian;YANG Hong-guang;ZHANG Li-jie;and CUI Wen-shan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 1003-1008.
  • Abstract ( 1879 ) HTML ( 1551 ) PDF (201KB) ( 1551 )    
  • The chromosome number and karyotype studied by squash method. The results indicated that the karyotype formula of three cultivars of Lilium × formolongi as follows:(1)The karyotype formula of‘Raizan 1’was 2n = 2x = 24 = 4m + 6sm(2SAT)+ 8st + 6t;(2)The karyotype formula of‘Raizan 2’was 2n = 2x = 24 = 4m(2SAT)+ 2sm + 10st + 8t(2SAT);(3)The karyotype formula of‘Raizan 3’was 2n = 2x = 24 = 2m(2SAT)+ 8sm + 4st + 10t. The three cultivars of karyotype belonged to 3B,asymmetry index(As.K%)were 72.96%,77.39%,75.93% respectively.
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  • Antioxidant Activity in Vitro of Glycoprotein from Chinese Yam
  • SUN Yu-jing;HAN Tao;LI Li-ping;and YANG Rui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 1009-1014.
  • Abstract ( 1984 ) HTML ( 1409 ) PDF (213KB) ( 1409 )    
  • After yam flesh were exposed to hot water extraction and then purified by DEAE-52 and SephadexG-75 columns,two pieces of glycoproteins in Chinese yam were obtained,i.e. CYG-1 and CYG-2. The antioxidant activities in vitro of the two glycoproteins were investigated. The results showed that the two glycoproteins had scavenging activities against hydroxyle radical(·OH),hydrogen peroxide (H2O2),superoxide anion radical()and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl(DPPH)as well as inhibiting capacity of lipidsome peroxidation. There were positive relations between CYGs concentrations and their antioxidant activities. There were some differences on antioxidant activities between CYG-1 and CYG-2. Generally,CYG-2 exhibited better effects than CYG-1.
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  • A New Middle-late Ripening Apple Cultivar‘Pingyan’
  • YANG Feng-qiu;CHEN Dong-mei;ZHAO Tong-sheng;LI Chun-min;ZHANG Xin-sheng;ZHAO Yong-bo;and FU You
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 1015-1016.
  • Abstract ( 1774 ) HTML ( 1278 ) PDF (377KB) ( 1278 )    
  • ‘Pingyan’is a new middle-late ripening apple cultivar hybrid selected from‘Fuji’בTsugaru’. The fruit shape is nearly round,with 0.84 fruit shape index,and 172.1 g the average fruit weight. The skin is covered by bright red with stripes. The flesh is pale yellow and characterized by crispness and juiciness with 8.5 kg · cm-2 firmness and 15.8% soluble solids content.‘Pingyan’is characterized by excellent appearance,aromatic flavour,good quality,early-bearing and high yield.
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  • A New Good Quality and High Yield Pear Cultivar‘Chuanhua Li’
  • LIAO Ming-an;ZHANG Zhi-peng;REN Ya-jun;DENG Guo-tao;CHENG Shuai;LI Jian;Lü Xiu-lan;WANG Yong-qing;WANG Zhi-hui;and ZHOU Ting-guo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 1017-1018.
  • Abstract ( 1690 ) HTML ( 1120 ) PDF (513KB) ( 1120 )    
  • ‘Chuanhua Li’pear is a new cultivar selected from the bud mutation of‘Jinhua Li’. The fruit peel is yellow and flesh is white. The average fruit weight is 450 g. The flesh of fruit is tender,crisp,sweet,with rich juice,less stone cell,12.8% soluble solids content,10.01% total sugar,0.11% titrable acid,27.12 μg · g-1 vitamin C and 88% edible rate.‘Chuanhua Li’has various desirable characteristics including early bearing, high and stable yield, large fruit, good quality, enduring storage,strong tolerance as well as resistance to adverse conditions and diseases. The fruit ripening time of ‘Chuanhua Li’was at the end of August which was earlier 15 days than‘Jinhua Li’in Ya’an,Sichuan Province. It is a new cultivar which is suitable for Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd. production areas.
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  • A New Very Late-maturing Peach Cultivar‘Qilu Juhong’
  • CHEN Xue-sen;LIAN Mao-pai;XIN Pei-gang;LIN Qun;PENG Fu-tian;JU Cheng-xiang;WEI Jing-li;CHEN Xiao-liu;and ZHANG Yan-min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 1019-1020.
  • Abstract ( 3105 ) HTML ( 1519 ) PDF (631KB) ( 1519 )    
  • ‘Qilu Juhong’is a new very late-maturing peach cultivar which bred from‘Hanxiangmi’בTaowang 99’and‘Dongxuemi’. The fruit ripens in mid-late October with fruit development period about 200 days. The fruit shape is nearly round with a not remarkable beaked top and an apparent suture. The average fruit weight is 375 g,the maximum is 550 g. The fruit background is light yellow,covered bright red color,very beautiful. The soluble solids content is 14.4%. The flesh is fine and tender texture with sweet flavor and good quality. This cultivar is precious,high and stable yield.
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  • A New Early-maturing Apricot Cultivar‘Shuoguang’
  • ZHAO Xi-ping;LIU Tie-zheng;MA Wen-hui;YANG Li;FU Ya-li;and LI Chen-quan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 1021-1022.
  • Abstract ( 1515 ) HTML ( 1126 ) PDF (605KB) ( 1126 )    
  • ‘Shuoguang’is a new early maturing table apricot cultivar derived from these natural crossing seeds of‘Dafeng’apricot. The fruit is oval in shape. The average weight of single fruit is 86.08 g and the maximum is 106.4 g. The fruit tastes sweet and sour with 13.2%–14.5% soluble solids content. The background of peel is yellow. The sunny side is red or not. The surface is smooth and clean. The fruit development period is 65–70 days. The production is high.
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  • A New Large Kiwifruit Cultivar‘Jinshuo’
  • CHEN Qing-hong;GU Xia;XU Ai-chun;and QIN Zhong-qi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 1023-1024.
  • Abstract ( 1814 ) HTML ( 1433 ) PDF (513KB) ( 1433 )    
  • ‘Jinshuo’is a new cultivar of Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa,selected from wild kiwifruit. The average fruit weight is 120 g and the biggest one reaches 159 g. The fruit is elliptic,uniform and beautiful. The fruit surface cover with short soft snuff color tomenta,postmature fruit skin is easy to peel off. ‘Jinshuo’fruit has 17.4% soluble solids content,9.22% total sugar content,1.8% titratable acid content and 1 040 mg · kg-1 vitamin C content. It matures in early October in Wuhan. The fruit can be stored about 20 to 30 days at room temperature.
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  • A New Fresh Tomato Hybrid‘Hongzun 1’
  • ZHANG Sheng-chang;PU Xing-xiu;XI Xiao-fei;and MA Wen-hai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(6): 1026-1026.
  • Abstract ( 1645 ) HTML ( 1125 ) PDF (358KB) ( 1125 )    
  • ‘Hongzun 1’is a new fresh tomato hybrid,developed by crossing female parent XQ114 × male parent XQ121. It is mid-maturing cultivar. It has high resistance to Botrytis cinerea Pers.,Alternaria solani(Ellis et Martin)Jones et Grout and Phytophthora infestans(Mont.)de Bary. It takes about 106 days from sowing to the first harvest. The fruit is red in color and it has flat round shape. Its average fruit weight is 180 g. It has good commodity character for storage and transportation. The average yield is up to 97.5 t · hm-2. It is suitable for open field cultivation and protected cultivation.
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