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2010, Vol.37, No.8 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Effects of Shoot Numbers and Distribution in Canopy on Yields and Qualities of‘Fuji’Apple with Standard Rootstock
  • ZHANG Qiang;WEI Qin-ping;WANG Xiao-wei;SHANG Zhi-hua;LIU Jun;LIU Song-zhong;and SUN Zhi-hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1205-1212.
  • Abstract ( 1952 ) HTML ( 1563 ) PDF (257KB) ( 1563 )    
  • The methods of canopy subarea,multiple statistical analysis and liner program were used to study difference of shoot numbers,distribution,yields and quality in sunlight and overcrowd canopy,and effect of shoot numbers,type and proportion on yields and quality factors in twenty-year old‘Fuji’apple tree with standard rootstock. The results showed that total shoot numbers of sunlight and overcrowd canopy were 104 × 104 and 124 × 104 per hectare,and proportions of shoot in inner,middle and outer of canopy were 41.87%,42.83%,15.30% and 10.00%,36.92%,53.08% in sunlight and overcrowd canopy,respectively. The yield that converted per tree into per unit area in sunlight canopy was 63.30 t · hm-2,which significantly higher than 47.95 t · hm-2 in overcrowd canopy,and distributed mainly at 1.0–2.5 m canopy height. The outputs of per layer in sunlight canopy were higher than overcrowd canopy. The mean weight per fruit,soluble solids content and soluble solids/acid were respectively higher 11.84%,18.01% and 68.22% in sunlight canopy than overcrowd canopy. Canonical correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to obtain major shoot type and importance affecting fruit quality factors. There was a positive correlation significantly between the amounts of long shoot and per fruit weight and firmness,between amounts of spur shoot and soluble solids content,and also a negative correlation significantly between amounts of spur shoot and titratable acidity content. Linear programming was used to calculate optimum parameters of total shoot number and proportion of different shoot type for good qualities in‘Red Fuji’apple trees,which total shoot number was 96.57 × 104–103.68 × 104 per hectare and the ratio in long,medium and spur shoots were 9.41%–10.62%,14.12%–15.00%,74.57%–76.47%,respectively.
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  • Expression Analysis of WRKY Family in Response to Salt Stress in Malus zumi Mats
  • JIANG A-wei;ZHANG Su-wei;SUN Yang-wu;CHU Xin-ran;ZHAO Yu;XU Xue-feng;and KONG Jin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1213-1219.
  • Abstract ( 2198 ) HTML ( 1410 ) PDF (296KB) ( 1410 )    
  • Sequence assembly from 58 Malus WRKY ESTs resulted in 37 uniESTs. Malus zumi Mats is a salt-tolerant rootstock of apple,which could survive in 0.6% total salt content of land. Primers were designed in M. zumi Mats according to the 37 uniESTs,semi-quantitative RT-PCR was applied to reveal the expression patterns of MzWRKY gene family in response to salt stress. RT-PCR products of 28 MzWRKY genes were detectable, 21 MzWRKYs were up-regulated and 1 MzWRKY was down regulated under salt stress. According to the peak hour,the MzWRKYs were classified into 2 groups. The different expression patterns of MzWRKY genes suggested that WRKY proteins play various roles in response to salt stress in M. zumi Mats.
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  • Comparison Studies on the Stone Cell Content in Flesh of Pear Cultivars
  • CAO Yu-fen;TIAN Lu-ming;LI Liu-lin;and GAO Yuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1220-1226.
  • Abstract ( 1939 ) HTML ( 2153 ) PDF (690KB) ( 2153 )    
  • Stone cell content of 304 pear accessions of 5 pear(Pyrus L.) species preserved in National Germplasm Repository of Apple and Pear were measured by gravimetric method,including 117 Chinese white pear cultivars(P. bretschneideri Rehd.),89 sand pear cultivars〔P. pyrifolia (Burm.f.) Nakai〕,35 Ussurian cultivars(P. ussuriensis Maxim.),8 Xinjiang pear cultivars(P. sinkiangensis Yü),16 common pear cultivars( P. communis L.) and 39 Pyrus hybrid cultivars. It was showed that the mean value of stone cell content per 100 g fresh weight(FW)of flesh in all cultivars was 0.684 g,ranging from 0.010 g to 6.678 g. Mean value and varying range of stone cell content of P. bretschneideri,P. communis,P. pyrifolia,P. ussuriensis were 0.462 g /0.020–1.479 g,0.524 g /0.027–1.136 g,0.552 g /0.01–2.018 g,1.887 g /0.256–6.678 g,respectively. Eight cultivars with very low stone cell content were screened through 3-year evaluation,they are‘Zaosu’,‘Deshengxiang’,‘Akaho’,‘Saint Maria’,‘Siyangqingli’,‘Conference’,‘Bartlett’and‘Qingkui’.
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  • Synthesis of Resveratrol and Piceid in Different Grape Organs in Response to UV-C Irradiation
  • ZHENG Xian-bo;LI Xiao-dong;WU Ben-hong;WANG Li-jun;LIU Chun-yan;and LI Shao-hua;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1227-1234.
  • Abstract ( 1821 ) HTML ( 1478 ) PDF (204KB) ( 1478 )    
  • Resveratrol(Res)and piceid(PD)synthesis in leaves,berry skin,and seeds in‘Beifeng’and‘Beiquan’grapes in response to UV-C irradiation were studied. In addition,the dynamic changes of Res and PD content in berry skin and seeds with the extension of storage time at room temperature under dark conditions were investigated. The results showed trans-resveratrol(trans-Res)synthesis in various organs in response to UV-C irradiation was different. The optimal dosage of UV-C irradiation for leaves was 1.8 kJ · m-2,while for berry skin it ranged from 1.8 to 5.4 kJ · m-2,and Res synthesis in leaves was more sensitive than that in fruits in response to UV-C irradiation. Trans-Res content in grape seeds was not significantly changed when grape berries,excised seeds,and dissected seeds were directly irradiated with 3.6 kJ · m-2 UV-C. Trans-Res content in UV-C treated grape berry skin and leaves increased rapidly andthen decreased sharply with the extension of storage time at room temperature in the dark. Trans-PD and cis-PD content in UV-C treated grape berry skin and leaves increased rapidly during the first 12–48 h storage,and then maintained a relatively stable level. There was no difference in trans-Res content between the UV-C treated grape seeds and the control grape seeds.
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  • Effects of Sod Culture and Intercropping Green Manure on the Soil Nutrient,Enzyme Activities and Microorganisms in Bonsai Citrus
  • PAN Xue-jun;;ZHANG Wen-e;FAN Wei-guo;PENG Gui-hua;and LUO Guo-hua;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1235-1240.
  • Abstract ( 2578 ) HTML ( 1611 ) PDF (151KB) ( 1611 )    
  • The experiment was conducted to study the variation of soil nutrient,enzyme activities and microorganism category in the soil of 2-year Newhall Navel orange(Citrus sinensis Osbeck‘Newhall Navel’)seedlings,planted in pots at different managements by clean tillage,sod culture and intercropping green manure. The results showed that the contents of soil organic matter,total N,available K and P were obviously improved by intercropping green manure and sod culture,but the available N content in the sod culture soil was lower than that of clean tillage. Compared with the control,the activities of the urease,protease and catalase of green manure and sod culture treatment were improved obviously. The bacteria quantity in the soil,ranked first,account for 90 percent of total microorganisms during the whole growing period of the seedlings,and then were the actinomycete and fungi. The quantity of soil bacteria andactinomycete were improved,while the fungi quantity was improved by sod culture. Further analysis showed that there is significant positive-correlations between the enzyme activities,the microorganism quantity and the soil nutrients.
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  • Effects of Trunk Spiral Girdling on Photosynthesis and Transpiration of Young‘Guiwei’Litchi During Fruit Development Period
  • DAI Hong-fen;QIU Yan-ping;YUAN Pei-yuan;LI Zhi-qiang;and WANG Xiao-rong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1241-1246.
  • Abstract ( 2000 ) HTML ( 1409 ) PDF (63KB) ( 1409 )    
  • Trunk spiral girdling was done on young 6-year-old trees of Litchi chinensis Sonn.‘Guiwei’in December in order to improve fruitset next year. During fruit development in May,effects of spiral girdling on photosynthesis and transpiration of leaves were investigated. The leaves were chosen from fruit-bearing and sterile shoots stemming from the same branch on the spiral girdling treatment or control trees. Trunk spiral girdling was useful for fruitset while fruits on the control trees fell down. The difference of photosynthetic parameters between leaves and no fruit leaves was narrowed by spiral girdling. Compared with the control,the maximum leaf photosynthetic rate(Amax),apparent quantum efficiency (AQY)and carboxylation efficiency(CE)were significantly reduced while light compensation point(LCP)was increased. It was deduced that spiral girdling decreased photosynthetic efficiency. Based ondiurnal variation of net photosynthesis(Pn)and transpiration(Tr),it was indicated that the extent of reduced Tr was more serious than Pn by spiral-girdling treatment. Pn was significantly relevant with Tr. Diurnal curves of Pn and Tr of the control exhibited a single peak at 14:00. Pn and Tr of the treatment were shown a clear midday depression mainly caused by stoma limitation. The daily average of Pn and Tr of fruit-bearing leaves were higher than non-fruit-bearing leaves from the same treatment. It was suggested that fruit stimulate the increase of Pn and Tr.
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  • Studies on Uptake and Utilization of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium and Yield Advantage in Capsicum/Maize Relay Intercropping System
  • XU Qiang;XIE Bao-ying;LU Tao;and CHENG Zhi-hui;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1247-1256.
  • Abstract ( 2454 ) HTML ( 1456 ) PDF (69KB) ( 1456 )    
  • A microplot experiment and a root barrier technique were employed to investigate the yield advantage of relay intercropping and the absorption and utilization efficiency of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium by the component crops relay intercropped or monocultured,and the relative contribution of above- and below-ground interactions to yield in the capsicum/maize relay intercropping system with or without nitrogen fertilizer application was also researched. The results showed that the land equivalent ratios(LERs)of both economic yield and biological yield exceeded 1,which demonstrated a significant yield advantage for all the relay intercropping treatments of capsicum and maize. The biological yield advantage was stronger than that of the economic yield advantage. The absorption of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium by capsicum and maize in the intercropping system were 16.4%–22.1%,26.1%–30.5% and 27.0%–51.5% higher,respectively,than those in the monoculture system. However,the utilization efficiency of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in the intercropping system were 4.0%–14.1%,4.4%–9.4% and 4.3%–15.9% lower,respectively,than those in the monoculture system. The relay intercropping advantage on nutrient aspect was mainly due to the increase of nutrient absorption but not the decrease of nutrient utilization efficiency. The harvesting index of relay intercropping capsicum was significantly higher than that of the monocultured capsicum. The contribution of above- and below-ground interactions to the relay intercropping advantage of economic yield were 93.2% and 6.8%,respectively;Nevertheless the values were 88.8% and 11.2% respectively for biological yield in the condition of no nitrogen fertilizer application. While in the nitrogen fertilizer application zone,the contribution of above- and below-ground interactions to the relay intercropping advantage of economic yield were 85.2% and 14.8% respectively,and 84.6% and 15.4% were their relay intercropping advantage of biological yields respectively.
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  • Effects of Nitric Oxide on Postharvest Ripening and Le-ETR4 Expression of Tomato Fruit
  • YANG Hu-qing;WU Feng-hua;and CHANG Yin-zi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1257-1263.
  • Abstract ( 2263 ) HTML ( 1706 ) PDF (135KB) ( 1706 )    
  • The effects of NO on postharvest ripening of breaking tomato fruit(Lycopersicon esculentum)were investigated using 50 μmol · L-1 SNP treatment for 30 min. Northern hybridization method was taken to detect the expression of Le-ETR4. The results indicated that dipping fruits in 50 μmol · L-1 SNP treatment for 30 min obviously reduced ethylene production rate, inhibited the activities of cellulase, polygalacturonase and ACC oxidase, and delayed color development and fruit softening. NO treatment also significantly repressed the expression of Le-ETR4. These results demonstrate that NO can inhibit activities of ripening-related enzymes through suppressing ethylene synthesis and expression of ethylene receptor gene. The ripening process of tomato can be regulated by NO both on a physiological and ethylene receptor level.
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  • Marker-assisted Selection of Near Isogenic Lines for Clubroot Resistant Gene in Chinese Cabbage
  • PIAO Zhong-yun;WU Di;WANG Miao;and ZHANG Teng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1264-1272.
  • Abstract ( 2273 ) HTML ( 1908 ) PDF (99KB) ( 1908 )    
  • Clubroot disease is one of the most serious diseases in Chinese cabbage. In this study,nine near isogenic lines(NILs)were developed from backcross of clubroot susceptible‘BJN3’× clubroot resistant‘CR Shinkii DH’line through marker-assisted selection(MAS). Based on the foreground selection with TCR01 and TCR09 flanking the CRb gene and genomic background selection with 51 SSRs,10 homozygous resistant BC3F2 individuals recovering 98% of‘BJN3’genome were obtained. Results from inoculation of these BC3F2 individuals indicated that they were resistance to clubroot disease. By further selfing of BC3F2 individuals,nine BC3F3 individuals with full genome content of‘BJN3’were developed. Evaluation of heading related traits showed that there were no significant difference between the NILs and‘BJN3’.
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  • The Induced Effects of Exogenous Polyamines on the Development of Lettuce Seedling Lateral Roots and Their Relationship with Nitric Oxide
  • SUN Na;WANG Li-wei;ZHANG Feng-zhi;and SU Guo-xing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1273-1278.
  • Abstract ( 2108 ) HTML ( 1666 ) PDF (161KB) ( 1666 )    
  • Using lettuce seeds(Lactuca sativa L.‘Guasihong’)as a material, the role of exogenous polyamines(PAs)and nitric oxide(NO)in the process of lateral root development in lettuce seedlings and their relationship were investigated. As a result,treatments with exogenous PAs at low concentrations were able to increase the levels of endogenous PAs and to promote the formation and development of lateral roots, and their optimal concentrations were 0.05 mmol · L-1. Consistently inhibitors of polyamines biosynthesis cyclohexylamine(CHA)and methyl-glyoxal-bis-guanyhyldrazone(MGBG)significantly reduced the development of lettuce lateral roots. Like PAs,exogenous NO donor sodium nitroprusside(SNP)also promoted the development of lettuce laterals. When treated with SNP and PAs, the application of NO scavenger 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide(cPTIO)could markedly prevented the SNP- or PAs- promoted effects on lateral roots. Fluorescent detection using the 1,2-diaminonanthraquinone(DAQ),a NO-sensitive fluorescent probe,showed that lateral root primordia treated with PAs or SNP emitted strong NO fluorescence,which could be eliminated by cPTIO,concomitantly with its inhibitory effect on lateral root emergence promoted by PAs or SNP. All together,these results suggest that NO is probably involved in PAs signaling pathway during the process of PAs induced development of lateral roots in lettuce seedlings.
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  • Cloning,Analysis and Expression of a Drought-related Gene MeP5CS from Melon
  • HUANG Zhi;ZOU Zhi-rong;HUANG Huan-huan;HE Chao-xing;ZHANG Zhi-bin;WANG Huai-song;and LI Jian-ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1279-1286.
  • Abstract ( 2134 ) HTML ( 1397 ) PDF (213KB) ( 1397 )    
  • Using designed primers based on the conserved amino acid sequences of known drought-related genes to amplify cDNA fragments from melon(Cucumis melo L.)by RT-PCR,a drought-related gene named MeP5CS was obtained. Bioinformatics analysis indicated that the full-length of cDNA sequence was 1 000 bp,which contained an open reading frame of 753 bp and encoded a protein of 250 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 82.18 kD and isoelectric point of 4.90. The MeP5CS protein showed 94%,81% and 73% similarity to the P5CS from Aegiceras corniculatum,Actinidia deliciosa and Vitis vinifera. The protein include α-helix(40.2%),β-turn(25.2%),random coil(34.6%)and a cleavage site between nineteen and twenty amino acid residues. The protein is a hydrophobic protein and there is two transmembrane helix and thirteen phosphorylation sites. The result ofRT-PCR analysis indicated that MeP5CS expression levels were different in roots,stems and leaves,and it was the highest in roots and middle in stems,lower in leaves. The results showed that the AMF can induce expression of MeP5CS gene in melon under water stress,and enhance the drought resistance of melon;Expression differences in tissues were related to different tissues and the duration of water stress. Under water deficit,AMF could increase Pro accumulation in melon leaves,gene expression and proline accumulation were positively correlated.
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  • Effects of Shading on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Red-leaf Peach
  • ZHANG Bin-bin;JIANG Wei-bing;WENG Mang-ling;and HAN Jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1287-1294.
  • Abstract ( 1776 ) HTML ( 1615 ) PDF (74KB) ( 1615 )    
  • The changes of photosynthetic characteristics in leaves of red-leaf peach under natural condition(control)and under continuous shading condition(moderate shading and severe shading)were studied respectively. The results showed that relative water content(RWC)of leaves of red-leaf peach increased while specific leaf weight(SLW),diurnal integral value of photosynthesis(DIV of Pn),light compensation point (LCP) and carboxylation efficiency (CE) decreased with the dilute of light intensity in summer and autumn. Furthermore,the apparent quantum yield(AQY)of red-leaf peach under summer shading condition was much higher than that in autumn while diurnal integral value of water use efficiency(DIV of WUE)was reverse. The content of chlorophyll(Chl.)in leaves of red-leaf peach under shading condition was significantly higher than that under the control in the two seasons and the similar result appeared on the content of anthocyanin(Ant.)in summer. In addition,Ant./Chl. of red-leaf peach was always significantly lower than the control. The diurnal variation of photosynthesis in leaves of red-leaf peach in full illumination showed the two-peak curve in summer and autumn but the phenomenon disappeared when it was under shading. This article concludes that the photoinhibition can be abated by appropriate shading treatment but it goes against photosynthetic accumulation and color appearance. Sored-leaf peach should be planted in full illumination.
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  • Isolation and Tissue-specific Expression of Chalcone Synthase Gene Ps-CHS1 in Tree Peony
  • ZHOU Lin;WANG Yan;and PENG Zhen-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1295-1302.
  • Abstract ( 1803 ) HTML ( 2325 ) PDF (153KB) ( 2325 )    
  • In this work,a full-length cDNA sequence of chalcone synthase(CHS)gene was obtained from petals of Paeonia suffruticosa‘Caihui’using RT-PCR and RACE,named Ps-CHS1(GenBank accession No. GQ483511). Sequence analysis indicated that Ps-CHS1 is 1 475 bp in full length and contains a 5′-untranslated region(5′-UTR)of 82 bp,a 3′-UTR of 208 bp,and an opening reading frame(ORF)of 1 185 bp encoding a 394 predicted amino acids residues which possessed all the conserved active sites for the CHS function as well as the family signature. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis revealed that Ps-CHS1 shared more than 90% homology with CHS from plants in Salicaceae,Malvaceae and Rosaceae. Relative real-time PCR analysis indicated that Ps-CHS1 showed the highest transcript abundance in petals,moderate levels in sepals,low levels in leaves and stamens and the lowest levels in carpels.
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  • Morphology and Changes of Several Metabolites Content During Flower Bud Differentiation in Phalaenopsis
  • WEI Li;PENG Fang-ren;WANG Shi-bo;and TAN Peng-peng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1303-1310.
  • Abstract ( 2144 ) HTML ( 2339 ) PDF (131KB) ( 2339 )    
  • The processes of flower bud differentiation in Phalaenopsis,cultivar‘V31’,was investigated,and changes of C/N,nucleic acid,and some other metabolites contents in the leaves were also investigated. The results showed that the process of flower bud differentiation could be divided into six phases,initial differentiation,inflorescence primordium differentiation,flower primordium differentiation,sepal primordium differentiation,petal primordium differentiation,column and pollinia differentiation. The contents of soluble sugar,starch and soluble protein in the leaves reached a peak at 35 d after low temperature treatment,and two peak periods of C/N value appeared at 15 d and 30 d. Changes of total nucleic acid content were similar to RNA content,which increased continually since 15 d after treatment,then gradually declined in the phase of column and pollinia differentiation,while the change of DNA content was gently. It was suggested that a high level of C/N be conducive to flower bud differentiation of Phalaenopsis,and the sharp increase in RNA/DNA value(mainly RNA synthesis)was closely relatedto the processes for physiological differentiation shift to morphological differentiation of flower bud.
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  • Effects of Subculture Media on Embryogenic Callus Growth and Regenera- tion of Zoysia matrella
  • JIA Yu-fang;CHEN Shu;and CHAI Ming-liang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1311-1316.
  • Abstract ( 1833 ) HTML ( 1359 ) PDF (63KB) ( 1359 )    
  • The embryogenic calluses induced from the stolons of manilagrass [Zoysia matrella(L.)Merr.] were taken as materials and cultivated on three basic media(MS,N6 and N6AA)with different concentrations(0.5,1.0,1.5 and 2.0 mg · L-1)of 2,4-D for three successive generations to compare their effects. Growth rate,embryogenic maintenance and regeneration ability of the calluses,activities of anti-oxidant enzymes,contents of proline and ploidy of the regenerated plants were measured. The results showed that MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg · L-1 2,4-D was optimal for callus growth and its embryogenic maintenance,and the rate of embryogenic callues reached 85.00%. However,there were no significant differences among the activities of SOD,POD,CAT and proline content in the regenerated plants acquired from the calluses that had been successively subcultured on three different basic media. The ploidy of the regenerated plants measured with flow cytometry showed unchanged. There were also no morphological differences appeared among individual plants regenerated from different treatments.
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  • Seasonal Changes in Leaf Magnesium and Boron Contents and Their Relationships to Leaf Yellowing of Navel Orange(Citrus sinensis Osbeck)
  • ZHANG Guang-yue;PENG Liang-zhi;;CHUN Chang-pin;ZENG Ming;LING Li-li;LAI Jiu-jiang;and WANG Zhen-xing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1317-1324.
  • Abstract ( 2547 ) HTML ( 1324 ) PDF (60KB) ( 1324 )    
  • Seasonal changes in Mg and B contents in leaves of two navel orange varieties,Newhall and Skaggs Bonanza(Citrus sinensis Osbeck)on trifoliate orange [Poncirus trifoliata(L.)] rootstocks,growing on red soil in the middle subtropical monsoon climate zone, were monitored to study the effects of such changes on chlorophyll contents and leaf yellowing. Mg content decreased as leaves grew older and the most pronounced decrease occurred in June when the fruit began expanding. The decrease in Mg paralleled with the progress of leaf yellowing. In contrast, leaf B content increased or stabilized as leaf age increased. A significant positive correlation(P < 0.01)was found between Mg contents and chlorophyll contents as showed by high correlation coefficients of 0.9082 and 0.9063 in leaves of Newhall and Skaggs Bonanza trees,respectively. No significant correlation was shown between B contents and chlorophyll contents in the leaves of the two cultivars. Therefore,Mg deficiency was the reason for yellowing of leaves on navel orange trees.
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  • SSR Molecular Markers Linked to the Fruit Russet Skin of Pear
  • SONG Wei;WANG Cai-hong;TIAN Yi-ke;TIAN Wei;and YIN Hao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1325-1328.
  • Abstract ( 1910 ) HTML ( 1491 ) PDF (90KB) ( 1491 )    
  • With the progenies produced from the cross Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai ‘Whangkeumbae’× Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.‘Dangshansu’,the method of bulked segregant analysis (BSA) was used to identify molecular markers linked to the trait of fruit russet skin in pear. Two hundred and eighty one pairs of SSR primers derived from pear and apple genome were screened. Two SSR markers,CH01c06 and Hi20b03,which linked to russet skin of fruit at a distance of 4.8 cM and 12.0 cM,respectively,were obtained. This suggests that the gene which determines fruit russet skin be located on LG8 of the pear consensus genetic map.
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  • Identification and Sequence Analysis of Pollen-sepecific SFB Genes in Self-incompatible Chinese Apricot(Prunus armeniaca)
  • WU Jun;GU Chao;ZHANG Shao-ling;ZHANG Shu-jun;SONG Hong-feng;and ZHAO Xi-ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1329-1338.
  • Abstract ( 1936 ) HTML ( 1631 ) PDF (258KB) ( 1631 )    
  • Six pollen-specific SFB genes were cloned by PCR amplification from nine cultivars of apricot(Prunus armeniaca)native to China,these novel SFB genes were denoted as Par-SFB8,Par-SFB9,Par-SFB11,Par-SFB17,Par-SFB23 and Par-SFB26 in corresponding to style-specific S-RNases,respec-
    tively. The gene sequences were submitted to the GenBank and their accession number are EU652883,EU935588,EU652884,EU652885,EU652886 and EU652887,respectively. The apricot SFB genes showed similar structural characteristics to SFB genes of other Prunus species. Introns of SFBs were located at 5′ terminal upstream of the initial codon,with intron lengths of 90–108 bp,and nucleotide sequence homologies of 63.9%–93.3%. Based on amino acid sequence alignment,the similarity of SFB
    alleles ranged from 73.7% to 85.3% in P. armeniaca,and from 75.2% to 97.7% comparing with other Prunus species. The intergenic distances for the S9,S11,S17 and S26 haplotypes were determined directly by specific PCR amplification,implying that the two genes are physically linked in apricot. The SFB genes are specifically expressed in pollen. All these evidence indicated that the SFB genes were good candidates for pollen S-determinants in apricot.
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  • Influence of Water Supply Tension on Yield and Quality of Potted Cucumber in Greenhouse
  • LI Shao;XUE Xu-zhang;GUO Wen-shan;ZHANG Wei-juan;ZHANG Min;and CHEN Fei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1339-1344.
  • Abstract ( 1899 ) HTML ( 1285 ) PDF (60KB) ( 1285 )    
  • A negative pressure water supplying and controlling pot device was used to control different soil water contents by setting the water supply tensions(WST)of the devices at different values. Yield and quality of potted cucumber fruit in greenhouse were study under seven WST,i.e.,1,3,5,7,9,11 and 13 kPa. The results showed that yield,WUE and marketable rate of fruit had a parabola change tendency under seven treatments,the maximum yield and marketable rate of fruit value appeared in 3–9 kPa and 3–5 kPa separately,but plant WUE in 3–13 kPa had no differences. There were no significantly differences in water content and specific gravity of fruit among the seven treatments,and also the fruit length,mean fruit weight and total pigment content of peel except 1 kPa,which was significantly lower than other treatments. Tannin content within 3–5 kPa treatments were significantly bigger than 7–13 kPa treatments. Soluble solids and vitamin C content of fruits were significantly lower. Nitrate content of cucumber fruits within 3–7 kPa treatments were significantly lower than 9–13 kPa treatments. The above results indicated that range of 3–7 kPa water supply tension when soil relatively water content within 55%–81% were more suitable for the enhancement of fruit yield and quality in cucumber.
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  • Detection of RAPD and ISSR Markers Associated with Ornamental Traits of Chrysanthemum in Vegetative Stage
  • ZHANG Fei;CHEN Fa-di;FANG Wei-min;and CHEN Su-mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1345-1350.
  • Abstract ( 2221 ) HTML ( 1636 ) PDF (47KB) ( 1636 )    
  • Association analysis were undertaken to detect the genetic markers significantly related to the 6 ornamental traits(i.e. plant height,plant width,the ratio of plant height to plant width,internode length,leaf length and leaf width)in vegetative stage by the method of One-Way ANOVA based on a F1 population derived from chrysanthemum cultivars,‘Yuhualuoying’and ‘Aoyunhanxiao’. The result showed that the 6 traits segregated significantly in the F1 population(coefficient of variation > 20%),basically fitting in a normal distribution. The One-Way ANOVA analysis revealed that the number of genetic markers significantly associated with plant height,plant width,the ratio of plant height to plant width,internode length,leaf length and leaf width was 15,9,9,11,7 and 8,respectively. Of these genetic markers,the cumulative contribution ratio for each trait was above 30%,whereas the contribution ratio of each single genetic marker ranged from 2.77% to 8.50%,revealing that these markers were polygene with little effect. We anticipated that the proper utilization of these genetic markers significantly associated with these target traits would effectively improve selection breeding in chrysanthemum.
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  • Effects of Different Preservative Solution on Cut Flowers of Ixora chinensis
  • LU Luan-mei;LIN Jin-shui;and XIE Zhi-ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1351-1356.
  • Abstract ( 2250 ) HTML ( 1403 ) PDF (66KB) ( 1403 )    
  • We selected the cut flowers of Ixora chinensis as experimental materials,to investigate the effect of different preservative solutions on the preservation of cut flowers of Ixora chinensis. Those cut flowers were treated with solutions comprised of different concentration of sucrose,KH2PO4,8-hydroxyquinoline(8-HQ),and citric acid(CA). And the indexes included the vase life,fresh weight, petal membrane permeability and soluble protein content.The results showed that,the preservative solution(2% sucrose + 150 mg · L-1 KH2PO4 + 120 mg · L-1 8-HQ + 30 mg · L-1 CA)could significantly delay the vase life of cut flowers of I. chinensis 6 d than the control(distilled water),meanwhile,fresh weight and soluble protein content relatively decreased more slowly,and the relative electric conductivitie(REC)rose more slowly.It is the most effective preservative solutions in this study.
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  • Analysis of Genetic Diversity Among Natural Hybrid Progenies of Camellia sinensis‘Huangshanzhong’
  • FAN Kai;HONG Yong-cong;DING Zhao-tang;and WANG Yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1357-1362.
  • Abstract ( 2240 ) HTML ( 2342 ) PDF (57KB) ( 2342 )    
  • Genetic diversity among natural hybrid progenies of Camellia sinensis ‘Huangshanzhong’was studied,using some morphological traits and ISSR markers. The average coefficient of variation and Shannon-weave index were 20.5%(ranged between 12.5% and 33.2%)and 1.89(ranged between 1.60 and 2.07)respectively,based on investigation of morphological traits. Using 22 ISSR primers,402 discernible DNA fragments were generated,among which 396(98.5%)were polymorphic. The mean of poly-
    morphism information content(PIC)for the ISSR primers was 0.90. The mean of Nei’s genetic diversity(H) and Shannon’s information index(I) were 0.32 and 0.49 respectively,among all tested individuals. The results showed that genetic variation was high among those progenies of C. sinensis‘Huangshan-
    zhong’. The relationship between morphological and ISSR-based distance was significant positively correlated(r = 0.61,P = 0.01)by Mantel testing. It indicate that ISSR is a useful tool for relationship analysis of tea germplasm resources. Based on morphological and ISSR data,several plants were cluserted
    into a major group,and only few individual plants were divided into single group. These special plants would be of great help to the tea breeding in future.
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  • A New Pear Cultivar‘Hansuli’
  • ZHANG Mao-jun;DING Li-hua;WANG Qiang;YAN Xing-kai;and XING Guo-jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1363-1364.
  • Abstract ( 1588 ) HTML ( 1407 ) PDF (369KB) ( 1407 )    
  • ‘Hansuli’is a new,high-quality pear cultivar released by Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2010 and derived from‘Dali’(Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.)בJinsuli’,with the high hardy and disease resistance. The fruit is round,with the average fruit weight 260 g,the maxmum 540 g,green peel,fine flesh,juicy,crisp,sour-sweet,little stone cell. The soluble solids content is 13.5%,the soluble sugar content is 8.83%,the titratable acid content is 0.12% and the vitamin C content is 0.0325 mg · g-1.
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  • A New Chinese Jujube Cultivar‘Zhongmou Cuifeng’
  • LI Ji-dong;ZHENG Xian-bo;FENG Jian-can;BO Yu-lin;LIU Xue-zeng;LI Yan;and SHANG Xiao-li;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1365-1366.
  • Abstract ( 1723 ) HTML ( 1082 ) PDF (778KB) ( 1082 )    
  • ‘Zhongmou Cuifeng’is a new fresh jujube cultivar whose fruits mature in the late September. The cultivar is of strong fruiting ability,high yield,and resistance to fruit crack. The fruits size of‘Zhongmou Cuifeng’is uniform. The average fruit weight is 5.91 g. The soluble sugar content is 17.70%,while the titratable acid content is 0.55%. The flesh of‘Zhongmou Cuifeng’is crisp,juicy,sweet and sour,so it is very suitable for fresh-consuming. The cultivar is suitable to plant in the jujube orchards all over Henan Province.
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  • A New Large Fruit Sweet Pepper Cultivar‘Jiyan 13’Produced by Male Sterile Lines
  • FAN Yan-qin;LIU Yun;YAN Li-bin;and CHEN Xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1367-1368.
  • Abstract ( 1561 ) HTML ( 1209 ) PDF (447KB) ( 1209 )    
  • ‘Jiyan 13’is a hybrid of sweet pepper selected from the crossing the genic male sterile line AB91-ZH4-7-2 with inbred line DL-1-1-4H. The mid-maturity cultivar has healthy growth. It is resistant to CMV,tolerant to TMV and phytophthora blight. It has large fruit size and good quality. The fruit is lantern-like with green,and is 11–12 cm in length,9–10 cm in width,and 0.65–0.75 cm in flesh thickness. The single fruit weight is 220–350 g. The cultivar is suitable for protected field cultivation. The yield is about 60 000 kg · hm-2.
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  • A New Spring Tuber Mustard Cultivar‘Yongzha 2’
  • MENG Qiu-feng;WANG Bing-liang;WANG Yu-hong;HUANGFU Wei-guo;and HUANG Yun-ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1371-137.
  • Abstract ( 1716 ) HTML ( 1229 ) PDF (612KB) ( 1229 )    
  • ‘Yongzha 2’,a middle maturing spring tuber mustard cultivar,which is characterized by middle-split leaves,strong growth potential,erected plant type,far-surface base. The tuberous stem is of cylinder shape. The tuberous stem shape index is 1.04. The average fresh weight is 300 g. The processing quality is better. The whole growth period is 175–180 days. The cold resistance and bolting-tolerance is stronger. The hollow heart percentage is lower. The yield was high. The cultivar was suitable to be planted in Zhejiang spring tuber mustard areas.
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  • A New High Cordycepin Cordyceps militaris Cultivar‘Haizhou 1’
  • DU Ai-ling;ZHANG Xiang;and ZHANG Hai-zhou
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2010, 37(8): 1373-1374.
  • Abstract ( 2199 ) HTML ( 1706 ) PDF (612KB) ( 1706 )    
  • ‘Haizhou 1’is a new high cordycepin cultivar of Cordyceps militaris separated from wild strains. The mycelia are thick with white color. The stroma is orange,bar-shaped with a tapering apex and few branches. It is 2–5 mm in diameter and 12–15 cm in length. The optimum growth temperature for mycelia is 16–20 ℃ and the optimum temperature and light intensity for stroma formation and develoment are 18–22 ℃ and 500 lx. Under favorable conditions,it takes 5–6 days for mycelium full run,12 days for the stroma formation and 45–50 days from inoculation to pick. The average cordycepin content can reach 24.98 mg · g-1DW.
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