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2015, Vol.42, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Effects of Water-storage Regulation Around Root on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Apple Leaves
  • Yan-Yu-Jing, BAI Jian, FU Chun-Xia, FAN Xiao-Dan, WANG Yan-An, CHEN Xiu-De, SHU Huai-Rui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 817-825. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1046
  • Abstract ( 543 ) HTML ( 1308 ) PDF (344KB) ( 1308 )    
  • In order to offer the theoretical basis of limited irrigation conditions for fruit planting fourteen-year-old‘Red Fuji’apple trees(rootstock Malus × hupehensis Rehd.)in field were used as materials to explore the effects of water-storage regulation conduced by burying bricks around roots on the rhizosphere soil environment,leave growth,photosynthesis characteristics and antioxidant enzyme activities of apple leaves. The results showed that the water content of different soil depth enhanced;The water content,chlorophyll and carotenoid content,net photosynthetic rate(Pn),stomatal conductance(Gs)and intercellular carbon dioxide concentration(Ci)of apple leaves also increased by the water-storage root regulation treatment. While the PSⅡ potential activity(Fv/Fo)and performance index(PIABS),the value of Tfm decreased at the same time by the water-storage root regulation treatment,which indicated that the conversion rate from light energy to chemical energy increased by the water-storage root regulation treatment. Compared with the control,the SOD,POD,CAT activities and MDA content in apple leaves were decreased with the treatment. In conclusion,water-storage regulation treatment could improve the content of soil water,increase the rate of photosynthetic carbon assimilation and electron transport,significantly reduce the generation of reactive oxygen species,which finally delayed the senescence and prolonged the functional period of apple leaves.
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  • Differences in Salt Tolerance Between the Diploid and Autotetraploid ‘Hanfu’Apple
  • XUE Hao, ZHANG Feng, ZHANG Zhi-Hong, FU Jun-Fan, WANG Feng, ZHANG Bing, MA Yue
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 826-832. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1042
  • Abstract ( 562 ) HTML ( 869 ) PDF (355KB) ( 869 )    
  • Diploid and autotetraploid‘Hanfu’apple seedlings were treated with 200 mmol ? L-1 NaCl for 8 d in 1/2 Hoagland nutrient solution,and determined the physiological characteristics and the expression of aquaporin-related genes in leaves at different treatment time. The results showed that the morpholoy of autotetraploid was better than diploid. The relative water content(RWC)kept decreasing in diploid and autotetraploid leaves over time,but the latter was higher than the former in the whole process. The content of proline and the accumulation of malondialdehyde(MDA)remained higher in the diploid than the autotetraploid,with both increasing over time. The RWC of leaves in autotetraploid was 8% higher than the diploid,the concentration of MDA in autotetraploid was 4.466 nmol ? g-1FW lower than the diploid and the accumulation of Pro in diploid was about 1.18 fold that in the autotetraploid by 8 d after the imposition of stress. The tendences of MdPIP1;1,MdPIP2;1,MdTIP1;1,MdTIP2;1 all showed first decreasing then increasing trend,but the expression level in autotetraploid was higher,especially for 24 htreatment. This study found that the salt tolerance of autotetraploid was strongger than the diploid,which may be associated with the higher expression of aquaporin-related genes in autotetraploid under salt stress.
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  • Bioinformatics Analysis and Expression of the Nectarine Indole-3-acetic- acid-amido Synthase(GH3)Gene Family During Fruit Development
  • ZENG Wen-Fang, PAN Lei, NIU Liang, LU Zhen-Hua, CUI Guo-Chao, WANG Zhi-Qiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 833-842. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1002
  • Abstract ( 545 ) HTML ( 947 ) PDF (787KB) ( 947 )    
  • To explore the role of GH3 gene family during peach fruit development,the members of GH3 gene family were identified and analyzed by bioinformatics;Additionally,the expression levels of GH3 gene were detected in melting-flesh and stony-hard nectarine fruits during fruit development and ripening,as well as in stony-hard nectarine fruits under NAA treatment. The results showed that eight GH3 genes were identified in the peach genome and named as PpGH3-1–PpGH3-8,respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that peach GH3 gene family was divided into two groups,GroupⅠand GroupⅡ. The results of qRT-PCR showed that the expression levels of GH3 genes from GroupⅡ(PpGH3-1,PpGH3-2,PpGH3-3,PpGH3-4 and PpGH3-5)in melting-flesh nectarine fruits were higher than in stony-hard nectarine fruits,especially for PpGH3-3 and PpGH3-4. The expression levels of four genes(PpGH3-1,PpGH3-3,PpGH3-4,and PpGH3-7)in stony-hard nectarine fruits were up-regulated under NAA treatment,especially for PpGH3-3. The results suggested that auxin might play an important role in regulating peach fruit ripening.
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  • Development of Giant Cells and Roles of CCS52B Gene Work in Meloidogyne incognita Resistant Prunus sogdiana
  • CHEN Xue-Feng, XIAO Kun, ZHU Xiang, CHEN Wei-Yang, YANG Ying, HU Jian-Fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 843-852. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0062
  • Abstract ( 496 ) HTML ( 1125 ) PDF (1117KB) ( 1125 )    
  • Used the Meloidogyne incognita susceptible and resistant Xinjiang wild cherry plum’s greenwood cutting seedlings as the materials,the diversity of nematode infection amount,giant cell’s development and CCS52B expression between susceptible and resistant plants were observed. The results show that the number of M. incognita infected into susceptible plants is significantly higher than resistant ones. In susceptible plants,a large number of nematodes had established feeding sites 5 days after inoculation. After 21 days,these nematodes matured and completed its life cycle. But in resistant plants,only a small number of feeding sites were observed 7 days after inoculation. Twenty-one days after inoculation,most nematodes’ development were arrested,few can develop into adults 35 days afterinoculation. The area of gaint cell and nuclei surface in susceptible plants are significantly larger than resistant plants’. CCS52 is a family of endocycle activator genes,essential for endore-duplication and ploidy-dependent cell enlargement. CCS52B is gaint cell-specific expression in Xinjiang wild cherry plum. Besides,its expression in susceptible plants is stronger than in resistant ones,indicating the involvement of CCS52B in the gaint cell’s formation and development. Such involvement benefits nematodes to establish feeding sites and to complete its life cycle much easier in susceptible plants than in resistant ones. Its high expression in susceptible plants enhanced endoreduplication and increased the giant cell nucleus ploidy,both of which contributing to the development of giant cells and therefore leading the plants susceptible.
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  • Effects of NaCl Stress on Ion Absorption and Distribution in Sour Jujube Seedlings
  • JIN Juan, WANG Yi, LU Xiao-Yan, LIN Hai-Rong, CUI Hui-Mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 853-862. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1043
  • Abstract ( 489 ) HTML ( 1139 ) PDF (1259KB) ( 1139 )    
  • A hydroponic experiment was conducted to study the effects of NaCl concentration on reactive oxygen species,cell membrane permeability,root activity,and the concentrations of Na+,K+,Ca2+,and Mg2+ in different organs of sour jujube seedlings. The results showed no leaf wilting after six days in either 50 or 100 mmol ? L-1 NaCl treatments. In contrast,leaf wilting was observed in both the 150 and 200 mmol ? L-1 NaCl treatments. Leaf H2O2 concentrations were significantly greater in both the 150 and 200 mmol ? L-1 NaCl treatments than in the 0 mmol ? L-1 NaCl(control)treatment. Leaf concentrations were significantly greater in the NaCl treatments(i.e.,50,100,150,200 mmol ? L-1 NaCl)than in the control treatment. The NaCl treatments significantly increased Na+ concentrations in roots,stems,and leaves. In contrast,the NaCl treatments significantly reduced K+,Ca2+,Mg2+ concentrations in leaves. The NaCl treatments had no significant effect on K+ and Mg2+ concentrations,regardless of the plant organ. Compared with the control,the 200 mmol ? L-1 NaCl treatment significantly reduced Ca2+ concentrations in roots and stems. The NaCl treatments significantly reduced the K+/Na+,Ca2+/Na+,andMg2+/Na+ ratios of roots,stems and leaves;However,the K+/Na+ ratio of roots was always greater than 1. In conclusion,in order to adapt to salt stress,sour jujube seedlings not only maintained relative stable K+ and Mg2+ concentrations in roots and stems,but also maintained a K+/Na+ ratio > 1 in roots.
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  • QTLs Mapping for Tomato Fruit Weight and Fruit Shape in Solanum lycopersicon × S. galapagense Recombinant Inbred Line
  • WANG Shao-Hui, WANG Xiao-Xuan, HUANG Ze-Jun, GAO Jian-Chang, GUO Yan-Mei, DU Yong-Chen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 863-871. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1027
  • Abstract ( 684 ) HTML ( 1177 ) PDF (434KB) ( 1177 )    
  • The galapagense tomato‘LA0317’was crossed with the cultivated tomato‘9706’to establish a BC2S8 population which includes 130 recombined inbred lines. Eighteen QTLs were detected associated to these fruit morphological traits in total. The LOD values of these QTLs were between 2.40 and 5.17,which can explain 8.0%–32.4% phenotypic variations. Eight QTLs can explain more than 10% variations. Among these QTLs,five QTLs were related to fruit weight and the addictive effects were all negative,six QTLs were related to fruit shape index,two QTLs were related to fruit length and five QTLs related to fruit width. In addition,several QTLs detected controlling different morphological traits were clustered at some molecular makers such as SSR135,InDel_FT-77,TMS66 and InDel_FT-143,which indicated that these pleiotropic loci may simultaneously have impacts on different fruit morphological traits.
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  • Characteristic and Genetic Linkage Analysis of Cf19 Gene in Tomato
  • ZHAO Ting-Ting, ZHANG Fan, LI Shuai, LIU Guan, LI Jing-Fu, JIANG Jing-Bin, ZHANG He, XU Xiang-Yang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 872-878. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1063
  • Abstract ( 408 ) HTML ( 1096 ) PDF (315KB) ( 1096 )    
  • In this study,comprehensive research including resistance characteristic and genetic linkage analysis of Cf19 gene were carried out. Artificial inoculation results showed that tomato plants carrying Cf19 gene resistant to all physiological races in China. A remarkable hypersensitive response(HR)phenomenon was observed in trypan blue staining experiment,and the response intensity that Cf19 mediated is between Cf4 and Cf9. Inheritance analysis indicated that the genetic action of Cf19 fits the genetic pattern of a single dominant gene. Six markers linked to Cf19 gene were obtained in SSR and AFLP analysis,and of which the marker SSR336 located Cf19 gene on the short arm of chromosome 1.
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  • Detection of QTLs for Main Agronomic Traits Using F2 and F2:3 Interspecific Populations in Pepper
  • ZHOU Kun-Hua, LEI Gang, FANG Rong, CHEN Xue-Jun, MIAO Nan-Sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 879-889. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0966
  • Abstract ( 556 ) HTML ( 962 ) PDF (509KB) ( 962 )    
  • In this study,a population of F2 generation including 180 individual plants was derived from the interspecific cross between the female line Capsicum annuum‘V06C1720’and the male line C. frutescens‘H101’. A genetic linkage map containing 17 linkage groups(LGs)was constructed included 278 markers of SSR and SRAP,and covered 1 282.10 cM with an average marker interval of 4.61 cM. With the phenotypic data of F2 and F2:3 populations,QTLs for 15 main agronomic traits were analyzed by the software of QTLNetwork 2.0 in pepper. A total of 48 additive QTLs and 11 pairs of epistatic QTLs were detected,which located on LG 1,2,3,4,6,7,10,12,13,14,15 and 16,explaining5.18%–40.33% and 4.09%–13.56% of the phenotypic variation,respectively. Thirty-three additive QTLs(68.75%)were major QTLs accounting for more than 10.00% of the phenotypic variation. Twenty-nine additive QTLs alleles(60.42%)from the parent‘H101’toward increasing the trait value were detected. Nine additive QTLs controlling plant height,primary axis length,fruit length,fruit diameter,fruit weight,fruit shape and fruit pungency respectively was persistently expressed in both of F2 and F2:3 populations. The QTL that were consistent in different environments or genetic backgrounds could be useful for marker-assisted selection of agronomic traits,fine mapping and positional cloning.
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  • Studies on Different Response of Cinnamic Acid to Root Border Cells in Cucumber and Figleaf Gourd Seedlings
  • QIAO Yong-Xu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 890-896. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0951
  • Abstract ( 495 ) HTML ( 772 ) PDF (598KB) ( 772 )    
  • In order to study cinnamic acid(CA)stress on root border cells(RBCs)biological characteristic in cucumber and figleaf gourd seedlings,the number of RBCs,viability of RBCs,thickness of mucilage layer of RBCs,the apoptosis rate of RBC and root activities in both species seedlings stressed by 0,0.125,0.250 mmol ? L-1 CA were investigated. The results showed that the number of RBCs,viability of RBCs and root activities inhibited by CA in cucumber seedlings were higher than that in figleaf gourd seedlings. Thickness of mucilage layer of RBC increased was higher in CA treated figleaf gourd seedlings than that in CA treated cucumber seedlings,on the contrary apoptosis rate of RBCs was lower in CA treated figleaf gourd seedlings. For RBCs the same trend was observed in both species stressed by 0.125and 0.250 mmol ? L-1 CA,but the extent of influence by lower concentration CA was lesser than that by higher CA concentration. 0.250 mmol ? L-1 CA inhibited root activities,which were more serious in cucumber seedlings than in figleaf gourd seedlings. Removal of RBCs from root tips led to more severe decline of root activities in 0.250 mmol ? L-1 CA treated cucumber and figleaf gourd seedling,it was more obvious in root activity in cucumber seedlings. It was concluded that RBCs play an important role in protecting root from CA toxicity,especially in figleaf gourd seedlings because of the lower apoptosis rate of RBCs and more thickness of mucilage layer of RBCs.
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  • Genetic Analysis of Leaf Size Using Mixed Major-gene Plus Polygene Inheritance Model in Cucumis sativus
  • ZHANG Yun-Nan, CAO Qi-Wei, LI Li-Bin, WANG Xiu-Feng, WANG Yong-Qiang, SUN Xiao-Lei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 897-906. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1126
  • Abstract ( 452 ) HTML ( 1380 ) PDF (331KB) ( 1380 )    
  • To investigate how cucumber leaf size is geneticially determined,two parents with signicantly different leaf size,namely‘SJ57-h’(small leaf,‘P1’hereinafter)and‘SJ11-1’(big leaf,‘P2’hereinafter),were used to generate F1,B1,B2 and F2 populations for joint analysis,using mixed major gene plus polygene inheritance model in different seasons. The results showed that the leaf size was controlled by two additive-dominant-epitasis major genes plus additive-dominant-epitasis polygenes(E-0 model). Leaf size was closer to P2(big size). In spring,the major gene heritability of B1,B2 and F2 wereestimated to be 75.1%,26.59% and 61.19%,respectively,with the heritability of polygene as 0.36%,55.41% and 21.39%,respectively. The variance of the environment accounted for 25.03%,73.79%,39.01% of the phenotypic variation of three generations,respectively. In autumn,the major gene heritability of B1,B2 and F2 were estimated as 80.16%,34.82%,86.59%,with the heritability of polygene being 0,49.18% and 0,respectively,and the variance of the environment accounted for 20.43%,65.48%,13.51% of the phenotypic variation,respectively. It indicated that cucumber leaf size was dominated by major genes while environment factors also play a great role,espcially on the B2 generation. In practice,high hereditability of major genes is favorable to an efficient selection in early generation of F2 and B1 for suitable leaf size in cucumber breeding.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Heterosis and Mixed Genetic Analysis of Inflorescence Traits of Anemone- typed Chrysanthemum
  • TANG Hai-Qiang, ZHANG Fei, CHEN Fa-Di, FANG Wei-Min, WANG Chu-Chu, CHEN Su-Mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 907-916. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0433
  • Abstract ( 421 ) HTML ( 848 ) PDF (401KB) ( 848 )    
  • In the present study,inheritance pattern of inflorescence traits of anemone-typed chrysanthemum was dissected by applying the single segregation analysis method of major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance model,based on the two-year phenotypic data in 2012 and 2013 of the segregating F1 population derived from a cross between anemone-typed‘QX-053’and non-anemone-typed‘Nannong Jingyan’. The results suggested that of the 10 investigated inflorescence traits,the heterosis value of mid-parent for the six traits including center flower diameter,ray florets width,number of tubular florets,tubular florets length,longest lobe length and style length,compared with mid-parent value,showed a significant difference degree at 0.01 level. Mixed inheritance model analysis revealed that the seven floral traits,i.e.,flower diameter,center flower diameter,ray florets length,ray florets width,number of tubular florets,tubular florets length and style length were compatible with A-0 model showing no major genes,and therefore might be controlled by polygene subjected to environmental impacts;The other three floral traits including the number of ray florets,tubular florets width,longest lobe length werefitting the B-1 model controlled by two pairs of major genes with additive–dominance–epistatic effect,and the corresponding major gene heritability was 93.85%,42.86% and 52.00%,respectively.
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  • Effects of Drought Stress Treatments on Photosynthesis and Proteins Related to Photosynthesis of Spiraea fritschiana and S. thichocarpa
  • LIU Ji-Xuan, HU Bing, ZHANG Qian, SU Qing, ZHANG Jiao, LIU Hui-Min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 917-929. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0450
  • Abstract ( 450 ) HTML ( 902 ) PDF (801KB) ( 902 )    
  • Spiraea thichocarpa Nakai with poor drought resistance and S. fritschiana Schneid with strong drought resistance were used as experimental materials under different levels of drought treatments. Proteomics technology was used for studying the changes of expressions of proteins related to photosynthesis of two Spiraea species which was on the basic of measuring the changes of photosynthesis. The results show that the photosynthetic capacities of two Spiraea species decreased under drought stress,light compensation point(LCP)and light saturation point(LSP)decreased,but their capacity of using weak light increased,S. fritschiana Schneid with stronger drought resistance showed a better ability of adapting weak light than that of S. thichocarpa Nakai. Twenty kinds of proteins related to photosynthesis involvedin energy metabolism and transport were identified separately under different levels of drought treatments. In S. thichocarpa Nakai,the expressions included the enzymes in Calvin Cycle and photophosphorylation,the most oxygen-evolving complex proteins and the chlorophyll a/b binding proteins of photosystemⅡ showed obvious up and down regulation under drought stress. While in S. fritschiana Schneid,the expressions included the enzymes in Calvin Cycle,the reaction center proteins and electron transport proteins of photosystemⅠ,the chlorophyll a/b binding proteins of photosystemⅡ,the proteins involved in photophosphorylation and oxidative photosphorylation also showed obvious up and down regulation under drought stress. The proteins related to photosynthesis of two Spiraea species were effected under drought stress. In S. thichocarpa Nakai,it was the proteins related to energy metabolism changed significantly. In S. fritschiana Schneid,it was the proteins related to energy transport changed significantly.
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  • Preliminary Studies on the Changes of Flower Color During the Flowering Period in Two Tree Peony Cultivars
  • YANG Qin, YUAN Tao, SUN Xiang-Bin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 930-938. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0996
  • Abstract ( 796 ) HTML ( 1039 ) PDF (422KB) ( 1039 )    
  • In this paper,we explored the flower color variation,pigments distribution and content during the flowering period in tree peony cultivars named‘Jinyi Hualian’and‘Xiaguang’respectively using Colour Chart of the Royal Horticultural Society(RHSCC)and colorimeter,tissue sections,and high performance liquid chromatography with a photodiode array detector. Four kinds of anthocyanins and 14 kinds of flavonoids were detected from two tree peony cultivars. They are mainly distributed in epidermal cells,whereas no or only a few flavonoids were found in palisade tissue. Our results suggested that the flower lightness(L*)of the two cultivars increase,whereas the chroma(C*)and redness decrease during flowering period with the flower color changing from red yellow bi-color and red to light yellow and orange yellow respectively. The pigments composition of two cultivars remained unchanged during this period;but there was a significant change in pigment content. Total anthocyanins(TA)and total flavonols (TF)decreased sharply;And the content of TA decreased sharper compared with TF. Overall,the results indicated that the difference in anthocyanins and flavonoids degradation rates during the flowering periodhad caused the color to change from red to orange and yellow,and could be the main contributing factor for changes in flower color.
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Other Horticulture Plants

  • Floral Syndrome and Breeding Systems of Calligonum ebi-nuricum
  • LI Zhi-Cheng, LI Jin, 吕Hai-Ying , ZHANG Xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 939-949. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0869
  • Abstract ( 628 ) HTML ( 882 ) PDF (485KB) ( 882 )    
  • Calligonum ebi-nuricum is a desert shrub and a rare species in Xinjiang. Based on the observation of the sample plants in the field,with the focus on the outcrossing index,pollen-ovule ratio (P/O),pollen vitality and stigma receptivity and artificial pollination experiments,a systematic research on the floral syndrome and breeding systems of C. ebi-nuricum was conducted. Results showed:The flowering stage of populations was approximately 70 days from May to July,and the life span of a single flower was 4–6 days in habitat. The flowering process for one flower of the species can be divided into five periods:Bud stage,prophase of flowering,blooming stage,decadence stage and fade stage. The flowers of C. ebi-nuricum are bisexual and the anther always exceeded stigma during the whole flowering process. Dichogamy and protandrous. Pollen had stronger vigor from first to fourth day of blossoming,and stigma had higher receptivity from second to fifth day of blossoming. The crossing index was 5,pollen-ovule ratio was 2 464. Based on results of artificial pollination experiment,the breeding system is out-cross system,self-compatible partly,and it needs pollinators. Pollinators were mainly bees,ants,fliesand beetles.
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Research Notes

  • Studies on the Characteristics of the Composition and Content of Soluble Sugars in Apple Fruit
  • ZHENG Li-Jing, NIE Ji-Yun, YAN Zhen, XU Guo-Feng, WANG Kun, GAO Yuan, YE Meng-Liang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 950-960. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0140
  • Abstract ( 747 ) HTML ( 1823 ) PDF (377KB) ( 1823 )    
  • Contents of soluble sugars in fruit of 132 apple cultivars were determined by Ion Chromatography. Statistical methods(such as frequency analysis,correlation analysis,and regression analysis)were used to clarify the level of each index and its distribution,the variation tendency between indexes,and the quantitative relationships between/among indexes. The results showed that fructose was the most dominant soluble sugar in apple,the second one was sucrose and glucose,and the last one was sorbitol. In fruit of about 4/5 apple varieties studied,content of surcose was higher than that of glucose. The discrete degree of content of soluble sugars in apple was sorbitol > glucose > sucrose > fructose. Five indexes of apple(including fructose content,sucrose content,sweetness value,TSS,and SS)distributednormally. Glucose content and sorbitol content of apple also distributed normally if a few varieties were removed from the samples. Between fructose and sweetness,as well as between TSS and SS,there were significant linear functions with correlation coefficient of 0.9450 and 0.8797 respectively. In apple,both TSS and SS had multiple linear regression models concerning some other indexes with high fitting precision and high prediction accuracy.
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  • Genetic Relationship of Stone-used Ginkgo biloba Cultivars Based on AFLP Markers
  • WU Qi-Kui, XING Shi-Yan, WANG Xuan, SUN Li-Min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 961-968. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1047
  • Abstract ( 399 ) HTML ( 793 ) PDF (453KB) ( 793 )    
  • The genetic relationship of 34 stone-used Ginkgo biloba L. cultivars were assessed by AFLP markers. A total of 1 337 bands were amplified with 8 pairs of primers,the percentage of polymorphic loci was 99.63%. The genetic similarity coefficient among 34 stone-used G. biloba L. cultivars ranged from 0.2915 to 0.6812 with an average of 0.4911,and all cultivars were divided into 4 groups at 0.50 of the similarity coefficient. The fingerprint of G. biloba L. cultivars were established based on AFLP results. Nei’s gene diversity index ranged from 0.1392 to 0.2014 for 4 types of stone-used G. biloba L. cultivars,with the total value of 0.2112. Shannon’s information index varied from 0.2138 to 0.3165,with the total value of 0.3417. The genetic differentiation coefficient for 4 types of stone-used G. biloba L. cultivars was 0.0871 and genetic flow was 5.4230. Eight cultivars were recognized relatively more distinctive among 34 stone-used G. biloba L. cultivars.
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  • Correlations of Endogenous Hormones and Lycopene Accumulation During Development of Different Ploidy Watermelons
  • DOU Jun-Ling, LU Xu-Qiang, LIU Wen-Ge, ZHAO Sheng-Jie, HE Nan, ZHU Hong-Ju, GAO Lei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 969-978. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0936
  • Abstract ( 371 ) HTML ( 955 ) PDF (350KB) ( 955 )    
  • To explore the relation between the accumulation of lycopene and hormones,genotypes with different ploidy(2x,3x,4x)watermelon‘Mimei’were used as materials. The content of endogenous hormones(IAA,ABA,GA,ZR,BR)and lycopene were tested by ELISA(enzyme linked immunsorbent assay)and spectrophotometry respectively during the fruit development period. The results showed as follows:The fruit reached its full size from 25 d to 30 d after pollination. The content of lycopene had the tendency of triploid(3x)> tetraploid(4x)> diploid(2x)and rapidly increased at 25 d after pollination. The content of IAA in diploid watermelon was less than others during fruit developing period,and the contents of triploid were significant more than others at 15 d and 25 d after pollination;There was no obvious regularity about the content of ABA among different ploidy;The content of GA reached the maximum in the early development period,but decreased gradually as the fruit grows;The content of ZR had no obvious difference among different ploidy in the whole development,only having a peak value at 25 d after pollination;The content of BR was less than other hormones in watermelon fruit,maintaining in 5–15 ng ? g-1FW during fruit development period. There was a negative correlation between lycopene and GA. The correlations between lycopene and others hormones were not found.
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  • Effects of High-pressure Electric Spraying Technique on the Mechanical Properties of Cut Tree Peonies
  • WANG Yan-Qiao, ZHU Wen-Xue, LIU Yun-Hong, FAN Jin-Ling, LUO Lei, DI Hao-Yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 979-988. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0860
  • Abstract ( 333 ) HTML ( 740 ) PDF (482KB) ( 740 )    
  • To enhance the elasticity,toughness,and texture of cut tree peonies(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.),the flowers were processed with high-pressure electric spraying technique,and the compound coating made of 20 g ? L-1 chitosan and 5% citric acid were applied. Then Box-Behnken center-united experiment was conducted on the basis of single-factor experiment concerning three factors including vacuum degree,nozzle diameter and spraying distance. Then the data were analyzed through the response surface regression to optimize the mechanical properties of cut tree peonies. The results showed that the optimum shape-keeping condition was vacuum 72.5 kPa,nozzle diameter 1.1 mm and spraying distance 51.2 cm. After the cut flowers were processed under this condition and stored at room temperature for one week,their tensile strength was 14.40 MPa,and puncture strength was 8.13 MPa. Compared with the control group,the method that used here could preserve the original structure of the cut tree peonies,and enhance their resistance to wear,pressure and shock significantly.
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  • Molecular Identification of Chaenomeles and Its Closely Related Genera Using ITS2 Sequence Fragments
  • Lü Ze-Fang , WU Hong-Mei, XI Wan-Peng, YU Jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 989-996. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0988
  • Abstract ( 749 ) HTML ( 1305 ) PDF (665KB) ( 1305 )    
  • Conduct molecular identification of Chaenomeles from its closely related genera by ITS2(nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2)sequence fragments,aiming at investigating the feasibility of application of methodology of ITS2. The DNA samples were extracted and purified,the PCR amplification and bidirectional sequencing of the materials were carried out to get 22 ITS2 sequences. Then the 22 ITS2 sequences obtained together with 8 ITS2 sequences from GenBank database were aligned by Clustal X(version 1.81),with manual adjustments assisted by BioEdit. MEGA program(version 5.05)was employed to estimate the intraspecific and interspecific genetic distances. NJ(Neighbor-Joining)and ML(Maximum Likelihood) trees were constructed based an K2P(Kimura-2-parameter)distance of the ITS2 sequences in order to evaluate the former results identified. The range of intraspecific differences of Chaenomeles and its closely related genera was 0 to 0.0274,with a mean value of 0.0029;While the interspecific differencevalue was from 0.011 to 0.112,with a mean value of 0.075. These indicates a significant difference between interspecific and intraspecific values. Further on,NJ and ML phylogenetic tree of different species of Chaenomeles and its closely related genera were constructed. These two methods gave rise to a similar result. Various species were clustered together,formed a monophyletic group. The supporting rates of the above results were all above 50%. The results showed that the ITS2 barcoding was a fast and accurate method for the identification of Chaenomeles and its closely related genera.
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New Cultivars

  • Establishment of RT-LAMP Assay for Detection of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus
  • LIU Ke-Hong, CHEN Hong-Ming, ZHOU Yan, LI Zhong-An
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 997-1002. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1022
  • Abstract ( 727 ) HTML ( 1677 ) PDF (316KB) ( 1677 )    
  • Yellow vein clearing disease caused by Citrus yellow vein clearing virus(CYVCV)was first found in Eureka lemon in Ruili,Yunnan in 2009,and it was observed in several citrus-growing areas of China in recent years. In order to establish the reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification(RT-LAMP)assay,primers were designed from the conserved region in the coat protein(CP)gene identified by multiple sequence alignment of CP gene sequences of CYVCV available in GenBank,and its reaction conditions was optimized. CYVCV was identified by RT-LAMP while Citrus tristeza virus(CTV),Citrus psorosis virus(CPV),Citrus exocortis viroid(CEVd),Satsuma dwarf virus(SDV),Citrus tatter leaf virus(CTLV)and Huanglongbing(HLB)were not amplified by the RT-LAMP assay. Sensitivity of the RT-LAMP assay was 10-fold higher than RT-PCR. The positive rate of 30 samples from Yunnan by using the RT-LAMP was 63.33%,the same as RT-PCR,suggesting the RT-LAMP assay worked as well as RT-PCR. In addition,amplification products were able to detect by visual inspection using SYBR GreenⅠand there is no need for gel electrophoresis. Hence,this RT-LAMP assay is a specific,sensitive and rapid method for detecting CYVCV.
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  • A New Apple Cultivar‘Pingguang’
  • CHEN Dong-Mei, YANG Feng-Qiu, ZHANG Chao-Hong, ZHAO Tong-Sheng, LI Chun-Min, ZHANG Xin-Sheng, ZHAO Yong-Bo, FU You, ZHAO Guo-Dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 1003-1004. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0526
  • Abstract ( 616 ) HTML ( 830 ) PDF (144KB) ( 830 )    
  • ‘Pingguang’is a new middle-late ripening apple cultivar derived from a cross‘Fuji’× ‘Tsugaru’. The average single fruit weight is 212 g. Its shape is cone to long-cone and regular shape index is 0.88. It has a beautiful appearence with a deep-red color. The skin is smooth,waxy and moderately thick. The fruit flesh is light-yellow and characterized by crispness and juiciness with 8.4 kg ? cm-2 firmness and 15.5% soluble solids content,having high sugar,low acid contents and an aromatic flavour. The fruit is easy to color up. This cultivar has high resistance to diseases and strong adaptability.
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  • A New Walnut Rootstock Cultivar‘Zhongningqiang’
  • ZHANG Jun-Pei, XI Sheng-Ke, PEI Dong, XU Hu-Zhi, ZHANG Zhong-Lin, WANG Zhan-Xia, ZHANG Jian-Wu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 1005-1006. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1020
  • Abstract ( 679 ) HTML ( 830 ) PDF (197KB) ( 830 )    
  • ‘Zhongningqiang’is a new walnut rootstock cultivar derived from‘Juglans major’× ‘Juglans regia L.’. It is a hybrid walnut cultivar with excellent characteristics,such as better stem- straightness,development of root system,higher divarication capability,fast-growing,drought resistance,leanness resistance and better graft compatibility. The diameter growing quantity is 1.7 cm every year,is 1.7 multiples of‘Juglans regia L.’. The rooting rate of green-wood cutting of ‘Zhongningqiang’is 85%. Used‘Zhongningqiang’as the stock,used‘Juglans regia L.’varieties as grafting scion,the branch grafting survival rate of‘Zhongningqiang’is more than 90%,the bud grafting survival rate of‘Zhongningqiang’is up to 95%. And the walnut is growing luxuriantly,the kernel of the nut is good taste. It is suitable for the application in the main walnut production area such as North China,Northwest China,East China and Southwest China.
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  • A New Cauliflower Cultivar‘Shengxue 4’
  • HU Li-Min, TAO Xing-Lin, ZHU Hui-Xia, LIU Ming-Xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 1007-1008. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0224
  • Abstract ( 456 ) HTML ( 637 ) PDF (129KB) ( 637 )    
  • A new cauliflower cultivar,‘Shengxue 4’,is a medium-maturing F1 hybrid created by the thermo-sensitive male sterile line. The plant is moderately strong in growth potential with dark green leaf,the height and width of that is 67.3 cm and 78.3 cm. The curd of the cultivar is tight,round or tall round,white,smooth in surface,and good in quality. From planting to harvest it needs about 75 d in Spring,the average weight of single curd is 1.17 kg,and the yield is 43 500 kg ? hm-2. In Autumn,the time from seeding to harvest is 113 d,the weight of single curd is 1.24 kg,and the yield is 48 000 kg ? hm-2. It is suitable for planting in the northwest of Gansu and the same climatic zones.
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  • A New Watermelon Cultivar‘Xikang 4’
  • ZHU Hong-Hua, LIU Hai-Heng, LI Tong, DENG Jun-Jun, LU Yu-Rong, HU Hui-Ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 1011-1012. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0550
  • Abstract ( 482 ) HTML ( 604 ) PDF (439KB) ( 604 )    
  • ‘Xikang 4’is a new mid-early maturing watermelon F1 hybrid cultivar with superior quality,high yield,anti-cracking. The fruit is spherical in shape and the skin is emerald green with greenish black stripes on the surface which was covered with wax powder. The pericarp thickness is about 1.2 cm,and it is good toughness. So,the fruit is adapted for storage and long distance transportation. The flesh is red and fine sandy,juicy but less fiber,and the center sugar content is about 12% with little differentiation from the edge. The average weight of single fruit is about 6.5 kg and the yield is about 48.743 t ? hm-2. The whole growth period is about 96 days and the fruit development period is around 30 days. It is suitable for the early spring protected cultivation in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province.
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  • A New Doritaenopsis Cultivar‘Hongyun’
  • SHU Bing, PAN Hai-Fa, XIE Guang-Kun, ZHANG Jin-Yun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 1013-1014. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0655
  • Abstract ( 620 ) HTML ( 767 ) PDF (184KB) ( 767 )    
  • ‘Hongyun’,derived from the hybridization between Dtps. Ben Yu Star‘Red Dragon’and Dtps.‘Tianlong Rose’,is a new cultivar of Doritaenopsis. The individual plant is distinctive in its morphology with thick and well developed aerial roots,leaves 20.07 cm long and 10.40 cm wide,pedicels 56 cm tall,9 flowers on average. The flowers are big and significant with diameter of 11.11 cm. Perianth is rose red with velvet texture. The cultivar is characterized with cold-resistance,flowering normally at the low temperature of 8 ℃.
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  • A New Rhododendron Cultivar‘Jiangnan Chunzao’
  • LIU Xiao-Qing, SU Jia-Le, LI Chang, HE Li-Si, CHEN Lu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 1015-1016. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0639
  • Abstract ( 419 ) HTML ( 632 ) PDF (165KB) ( 632 )    
  • ‘Jiangnan Chunzao’is a derived from the cross of female‘Zi Hudie’and male‘Hong Zhenzhu’. Its flower color is brightly rose pink. The diameter of flower head is about 4.5?–5.5 cm. Its single petal has five deep lobes. It has 8?–10 stamens. It is characterized by compact plant type,vigour growth,high temperature and high humidity tolerance. It is suitable for the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Its natural florescence is from early-April to mid-April. Its flowering can last 20–25 days.
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  • A New Ulmus pumila Cultivar‘Yangguang Nühai’
  • YAN Shu-Fang, HUANG Yin-Ran, ZHANG Jun-Ying, LIU Yi-Chao, YANG Yu-Mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(5): 1017-1018. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0491
  • Abstract ( 401 ) HTML ( 670 ) PDF (187KB) ( 670 )    
  • Ulmus pumila‘Yangguang Nühai’is a new ornamental tree which is selected from the descendant population of U. pumila.‘Yangguang Nühai’is deciduous trees,with straight trunk and broad ovate canopy. The leaves are bigger than ordinary U. pumila,with edge ruffle and base skewed. It produces wide-angled branches with drooping slightly,which has density medium. Annual branche is turquoise. The young trees bark is hoary,smooth,no longitudinal crack,lenticels cross-linkage clear. The scar left by the branches is obvious on adult trees. This variety is suitable for cultivation in northeast,northwest,north and coastal regions of China.
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