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2015, Vol.42, No.3 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Carbohydrate Metabolism and the Key Gene Expression in Apple During Fruit Texture Softening
  • QI Xiu-dong1,WEI Jian-mei2,*,and LI Yong-hong3
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 409-417. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0867
  • Abstract ( 570 ) HTML ( 1154 ) PDF (311KB) ( 1154 )    
  • The fruits of‘Fuji’and‘Golden Delicious’apple were taken as materials to investigate the changes of the soluble sugars and starch contents and metabolism-related enzymes activities,and analyzed the expression level of the MdSPS and MdAM genes during fruit development and softening. The results indicated that the changes of starch content and amylase(AM)activity had significant correlation with firmness loss and show significant differences between‘Fuji’and‘Golden Delicious’fruits. AM activity significantly increased in‘Golden Delicious’with fruit softening,while it remained a relatively low activity in‘Fuji’fruit. These phenomena were consistent with the decrease of starch content in‘GoldenDelicious’and the low content of starch in‘Fuji’fruit. In addition,the expression level of MdAM gene increased rapidly in‘Golden Delicious’fruit during storage,being compared to that in‘Fuji’fruit. We also found that the changes of sucrose,fructose and glucose content were significantly correlated with the loss of fruit firmness during maturity,which excepted that the changes of sucrose content in‘Golden Delicious’fruit showed significantly negative correlation with fruit softening during storage. Sucrose Phosphate Synthase(SPS)activity was significantly correlated with firmness in‘Golden Delicious’,being accompanied with its higher expression level of MdSPS gene. Taken together,we concluded that starch degradation involved in fruit softening and had a close correlation with fruit storability,and SPS may play more important roles in sucrose metabolism during fruit softening in apple fruits and was also correlated with fruit storable characteristics.
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  • Effects of NAA,Ethylene and 6-BA on Apple and Characteristics of Distribution and Utilization of 13C and 15N
  • AN Xin,FENG Yan-guang,REN Yi-hua,JIANG Han,and JIANG Yuan-mao*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 418-424. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0979
  • Abstract ( 530 ) HTML ( 969 ) PDF (270KB) ( 969 )    
  • 5-year-old apple trees(Yanfu 3/M26/Malus hupehensis Rehd.)were treated with three different plant growth regulators to study the effect on fruit setting,which were α-Naphthalene acetic acid(NAA,10 mg ? L-1),Ethrel(600 mg ? L-1)and 6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA,100 mg ? L-1)respectively,and all the trees were labeled with 13C and 15N to determine the characteristics of carbon and nitrogen utilization. The results showed that fruit-set rate was obviously lower than control when sprayed with 10 mg ? L-1 NAA and 600 mg ? L-1 Ethrel 14 days after bloom,while no significant difference was found on spraying 100 mg ? L-1 6-BA treatment. The 13C and 15N distribution to fruits of NAA and Ethrel treatments were 1.11%,1.22% and 0.39%,0.33% respectively,which were lower than control(9.12%,7.29%),while the 13C allocation to roots and branches were higher than control significantly. Similar regulation canbe seen on Ndff of NAA and Ethrel treatments,the treatments improved the leaves,roots and branches duty ability of 15N,and reduced the fruits duty ability of 15N. The 15N utilization rate was increased by 2.35% and 2.37% respectively when sprayed NAA and Ethrel compared with control,and the treatments promoted the vegetative growth and the duty ability of N photosynthate of the roots,leaves and branches,while no significant difference was found on the 15N utilization of 6-BA treatment.
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  • Effect of NAA Treatment on Sugar Acid Content and Related Gene Expression in Grape Berries
  • WANG Xi-cheng,WU Wei-min*,ZHAO Mi-zhen,QIAN Ya-ming,and WANG Zhuang-wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 425-434. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0922
  • Abstract ( 490 ) HTML ( 1341 ) PDF (424KB) ( 1341 )    
  • ‘Rizamat’grape berries were treated with 50,100 and 200 mg ? L-1 NAA separately at veraison. The results showed that the accumulation of glucose,fructose,sucrose and soluble sugar was significantly inhibited,and the degradation of tartaric acid,malic acid,citric acid,oxalic acid and total acid was also hindered by the treatment of NAA. Comparing three different treatments,the effect of NAA with 200 mg ? L-1 was the most remarkable,but sugar and acid compositions were not changed. The expression of SS and SPS,which were the soluble sugar-metabolism related genes,was also inhibited by the treatment of NAA. But the expression of NI was inhibited in prometaphase and promoted at later stage. The expression of FRK was contrary to the NI. For organic acid related genes,the expression of MDH and PEPC was promoted by the treatment of NAA,and the expression of ME was inhibited. But the effect on the expression of IDH was not significant. Therefore,we speculate that the reason for delaying fruitripening of exogenous NAA is that parts of the sucrose and acid-metabolism related genes expression are changed,and then the accumulation of sugar and degradation of acid are hindered.
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  • Polymorphism and Expression of Chalcone Synthase Gene in Citrus Related to the Flavonoids Content
  • WANG Zhi-bin,SHEN Wan-xia,ZHU Shi-ping,XUE Yang,and ZHAO Xiao-chun*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 435-444. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1036
  • Abstract ( 643 ) HTML ( 1189 ) PDF (342KB) ( 1189 )    
  • Chalcone synthase is one of the most important enzymes in flavonoids biosynthesis pathway. In this study,the CHS genes encoding chalcone synthase were isolated from 10 citrus species. Their expressions in different parts of plant and different time of the development were analysed by qRT-PCR. The flavonoids content at different development stages of fruits and leaves were investigated. The results indicated that in different citrus species,the CHS genes are very conservative with a high level of similarity at 98%. However,polymorphism on amino acid sequence of CHS was found among different citrus species,which demonstrated certain relationship with flavonoids content. The study reveals that expression level of CHS genes significantly different among different species,part of plant and development stages,indicating the CHS gene plays an important role in the biosynthesis of flavonoids in citrus.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of New Stress-resistant NAC83 Gene from Citrus
  • GUO Wen-fang*,LIU De-chun*,YANG Li,ZHUANG Xia,ZHANG Juan-juan,WANG Shu-sheng,and LIU Yong**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 445-454. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1006
  • Abstract ( 605 ) HTML ( 1130 ) PDF (1036KB) ( 1130 )    
  • In the present study,three novel NAC genes,CmNAC83,PtNAC83 and ClNAC83,were cloned by in silico cloning and RT-PCR approaches from seedlings of pomelo[Citrus maxima(Burm.)Merr.],trifoliate orange[Poncirus trifoliata(L.)Raf. ]and lemon[Citrus limon(L.)Burm. f.]. The expression patterns of these genes were analyzed by Real-time quantitative PCR(qRT-PCR)under the stress of ABA,drought,cold and salt. The results showed that the full length of cDNA sequence of all the three genes were 841 bp and the open reading frame(ORF)were 750 bp which encoded three polypeptides of 249 amino acids. The molecular weight of the three proteins were 24.18,28.00 and 28.15 kD,with isoelectric point about 9.02,9.31 and 9.30 respectively. The three novel proteins contained N-terminal conserved domains of NAC family. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the three proteins have the highest similarity with NAC22 from Malus × domestica,and Its belongs to the SENU5 subfamily in NACfamily. The qRT-PCR analysis indicated that the expressions of three NAC83 genes were induced by stress of ABA,drought,cold and salt,but they were differently expressed in different citrus species. The results of this paper suggested that CmNAC83,PtNAC83 and ClNAC83 were new members of the NAC gene family,and they might play important roles in citrus in response to abiotic stress.
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  • The Cloning and Quantitative Expression Analysis of Pectate Lyase Gene in Fragaria vesca
  • ZHOU He-ying,ZHANG Wei,ZHANG Qing,SHEN Yuan-yue,QIN Ling,and XING Yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 455-461. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0899
  • Abstract ( 472 ) HTML ( 977 ) PDF (729KB) ( 977 )    
  • Primers were designed based on the sequence information of woodland strawberries,and pectate lyase gene(PLA,PLB,PLC)was cloned from‘Ruegen’. Phylogenetic tree is clustered by MEGA 5.0 based on amino acid of pectate lyase gene(Fragaria vesca)and known pectate lyase gene of other plants. At the same time,gene expression levels were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR method for strawberries on different organs and developmental stages of fruit. The results showed that pectate lyase gene is continuous expression in all organs of strawberry plants. In developing strawberry fruit,pectate lyase gene family was significantly higher than other organs,combined with the results of the phylogenetic tree and the change of pectate lyase activity speculate that pectate lyase gene plays a role in the regulation of strawberry fruit ripening,especially in the late stage of fruit ripening.
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  • Allelic Tests and Sequence Analysis of Three Genes for Resistance to Xanthomonas perforans Race T3 in Tomato
  • ZHAO Bai-mei,CAO Hai-peng,DUAN Jun-jie,and YANG Wen-cai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 462-470. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0762
  • Abstract ( 503 ) HTML ( 1199 ) PDF (472KB) ( 1199 )    
  • Three crosses,Hawaii7981 × PI128216,Hawaii7981 × LA1589 and PI128216 × LA1589,were made to develop F2 populations for testing allelisms among three genes Xv3,Rx4,and RxLA1589 for resistance to bacterial spot caused by Xanthomonas perforans race T3. Each population consisted of 535–1 655 individuals. Infiltration method was used to inoculate the parental and F2 plants as well as the susceptible control OH88119. The results showed that all plants had hypersensitive resistance to race T3 except for OH88119,indicating that Xv3,Rx4 and RxLA1589 were allelic genes. Sequences of Rx4 alleles were amplified from Hawaii7981,PI128216,and LA1589 using the gene-specific primers. No sequence variation was observed in the coding region,suggesting that the resistance to race T3 in the three resistant lines was conditioned by the same gene. These results will provide useful information for understanding the mechanism of resistance to race T3 and developing resistant variety in tomato.
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  • Effect of Nitrogen Forms on Cell Ultrastructure and Photosynthesis of Tomato Under Salinity
  • LIU Ran1,SHI Feng1,LIU Wei-cheng2,MA Mei1,LI Zhen1,GUO Shi-wei1,ZHENG Qing-song1,*,and ZHENG Chun-fang2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 471-479. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0821
  • Abstract ( 637 ) HTML ( 1071 ) PDF (849KB) ( 1071 )    
  • In order to study effects of different nitrogen sources on the responses of tomato plants to salt stress,the effects of 150 mmol ? L-1 NaCl on growth,cell ultrastructure,root vigor and photosynthesis of tomato seedlings were investigated by supplying with ammonium(3 mmol ? L-1 nitrogen),nitrate(3 mmol ? L-1 nitrogen)and ammonium nitrate(3 mmol ? L-1 nitrogen)in nutrient solution. The results showed that salt-stressed leaf cells were damaged under nitrate source,but were not obviously affected underammonium nitrate source,that leaf cell ultrastructure showed obvious damage under ammonium source,and salinity aggravate the damage. Under NaCl stress,the biomass and root vigor of plants were both significantly decreased fed with three nitrogen sources,with ammonium nitrate fed seedlings retaining the highest biomass and root vigor. It showed that salinity caused a significant decrease of Pn and Tr of all the plants fed with different nitrogen sources,and Pn and Tr of plants fed with ammonium nitrate was higher significantly than that fed with the other two nitrogen sources. The WUE and Ls of nitrate- and ammonium nitrate-fed plants were increased under salinity stress,however,those of ammonium-fed plants were decreased by salinity. To sum up,under salt stress,ammonium nitrate-fed tomato seedlings showed better leaf cell ultrastructure,higher root vigor and higher photosynthesis than nitrate-fed tomato seedlings,so that better salt tolerance was achieved. However,pure ammonium application produced greater damage or decline to cell ultrastructure,root vigor and photosynthesis,and salinity worsened these phenomena.
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  • An Excellent New Potato Material Obtained by Somaclonal Variation
  • ZOU Xue,XIAO Qiao-lu,WEN An-dong,HU Fang,HUANG Xue-li,and WANG Xi-yao*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 480-488. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0695
  • Abstract ( 561 ) HTML ( 1160 ) PDF (563KB) ( 1160 )    
  • To evaluate the potential applications of somaclonal variation in potato(Solanum tuberosum L.),in this study we established regeneration systems of microtuber slices in Mira by regulating combinations of plant growth regulators and sucrose concentration. The line M-13 with excellent performance was quickly screened out from regenerated plants through stress treatment,and the study on its growth characteristics and phenotype stability was performed. The molecular markers start codon targeted(SCOT)and random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)were used to analyze the genetic variation of M-13. The results suggested that the bud regeneration rate could reach 65.33% of the highest value in the medium MS + 2 mg ? L-1 6-BA + 0.25 mg ? L-1 TDZ + 0.1 mg ? L-1 2,4-D without sucrose. Both plantlet and microtuber weights of M-13 which grew stronger were about 2-fold compared with the mother plant Mira. The root/ shoot ratio and chlorophyll content of M-13 increased by 112%,23.78%,but the soluble phosphorus content and peroxidase(POD)activity in leaves decreased by 16.36% and 30.37%,respectively. The genetic similarity coefficient between M-13 and Mira analyzed by SCOT and RAPD markers were 0.9323 and 0.9256,which indicated that M-13 remains most features of mother plant Mira but occurred genetic variation.
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  • Analysis on the Distribution of Pepper mild mottle virus in Leaf Tissues of Peppers with Indirect in situ RT-PCR
  • YANG Hong-yi1,GUO Shi-hui1,and LI Li-li2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 489-495. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0791
  • Abstract ( 554 ) HTML ( 951 ) PDF (395KB) ( 951 )    
  • The aim of this study was to analyze the characterization of distribution of Pepper mild mottle virus(PMMoV)in tissue of peppers,and an in situ RT-PCR system was developed to locate PMMoV in tissue of peppers. Total RNA was extracted from pepper leaves with a modified CTAB method. The specific fragment was amplified by RT-PCR using total RNA as a temple,and it was testified that the fragment was PMMoV-specific one on the basis of cloning and sequencing. A specific digoxin-labeled cDNA probe of PMMoV was generated according to PCR labeling technique. A system for localization of PMMoV in tissue level was developed with indirect in situ RT-PCR,via optimization of in situ RT-PCR including section preparation(7 μm sections in the Superfrost plus positively charged slides),pre-treating(1 mg ? L-1 protease K digested for 5 min),RT-PCR(performing 2.5 h in 37 ℃ for reverse transcriptionand annealing in 58 ℃ for PCR),and detection of hybridization. The technique,which can analyze the distribution of PMMoV in tissue of peppers,was developed. The result of in situ RT-PCR showed that PMMoV-positive signals were the best in palisade tissues of pepper leaves,and it had lots of PMMoV-positive signals in palisade tissues. Epidermis had also few positive signals. In addition,few positive signals located mostly in epidermis could be found in petioles.
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  • Cloning and Expression Profiling Analysis of Soluble Starch Synthase Gene in Lotus Rhizome
  • ZHANG Li,YIN Li,YANG Jian-qiu,CHENG Li-bao,and LI Liang-jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 496-504. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0906
  • Abstract ( 566 ) HTML ( 819 ) PDF (1348KB) ( 819 )    
  • The soluble starch synthase gene(LrSSS)was cloned from‘Meirenhong’,a species of lotus rhizome based on reverse transcription polymerase chain RT-PCR and RACE methods with leaf as template in the present study. The full-length of LrSSS(GenBank accession number KP201636)was 4 080 bp in nucleotide containing an open reading frame of 3 696 bp which encoding 1 231 amino acid. Phylogenetic analysis showed that LrSSS had 79%,69% homolog with melon,grape respectively. LrSSS contained three typical carbohydrate domains(CBM_25)and one catalyzing domains(Glyco_transf_5)relevant to starch synthesis. The expression in different temporal and spatial of LrSSS was determined by RT-PCR method. The results was that LrSSS showed the highest expression in the last leaf,and then followed by the stalk of the penultimate leaf,the lowest expression was found in the the stalk of the last leaf. In addition,the expression of LrSSS was higher in the first and second internodes than in the third and fourth internodes of rhizome,suggesting that LrSSS might play an important role in starch synthase processes.
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  • Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of AcPAL2 in Onion
  • LIANG Yi1,LIU Xiao-yi2,ZHANG Hong-wei1,*,and TAN Wu-ping1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 505-512. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0900
  • Abstract ( 552 ) HTML ( 1161 ) PDF (601KB) ( 1161 )    
  • A full-length cDNA of phenylalanine ammonia lyase-homologue(AcPAL2)was isolated from onion using degenerate PCR and the RACE(rapid amplification of cDNA ends)method. The full-length cDNA is 2 349 bp long,which encodes a polypeptide of 685 amino acids. Blast analysis indicate that the polypeptide shares a relatively high similarity with Galtonia saundersiae and Musa balbisiana. Real-time PCR analysis demonstrate that AcPAL2 mRNA express abundantly in red onions,but extremely low in yellow and white onions;AcPAL2 in different bulb swelling stage in red onion has a high expression during the initiation,then express stable after a rapid decrease. And anthocyanin content change also shows the same tendency with AcPAL2 expression.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Studies on Breeding Value of Three Intergeneric Hybrids Between Chrysanthemum and Tanacetum,Ajanina and Crossostephium
  • XU Li-li,ZHU Wen-ying,WANG Hai-bin,FANG Wei-min,TENG Nian-jun,CHEN Su-mei,LIAO Yuan,and CHEN Fa-di*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 513-522. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0280
  • Abstract ( 645 ) HTML ( 952 ) PDF (550KB) ( 952 )    
  • In allied genera of chrysanthemum,many wild species possess elite attributes such as resistance to to disease,insect,virus and environment,Crossostephium chinense(L.)Makino is one of them. It is mostly found in the coastal forest,mainly distributed in the cracks of bed rock,and possesses high salt tolerance. But it is usually difficult to obtain hybrids between these allied genera species and chrysanthemum cultivars. Bridge parent is an effective way to overcome distant hybridization and transfer useful genetic variation to elite germplasm. Here,three intergeneric hybrids,[Chrysanthemum nankingense(Hand.-Mazz.)Y. R. Ling × Tanacetum vulgare L.]F1(short for JJ),[Chrysanthemum crassum(Kitam.)Kitam. × Ajania myriantha(Franchet)Ling ex Shih] F1(short for DD),[Chrysanthemum crassum(Kitam.)Kitam. × Crossostephium chinense(L.)Makino] F1(short for DF),as bridge parent,were hybrided with chrysanthemum to study the possibility of transfer useful genetic variation to chrysanthemumcultivars and innovate chrysanthemum germplasm. The main results showed that:No seed was obtained between C. morifolium‘Xiumandaihua’,‘6045-7’and JJ. The seed set of cross and backcross between C. morifolium‘Maoyan’and DD was very low,only one cross hybrid and three single backcross hybrids using C. morifolium‘Maoyan’as paternal parent were obtained. The seed set of cross between C. morifolium‘T1012’,‘Han 2’(both female parent)and DF was comparatively higher,and single backcross hybrids using C. morifolium‘T1012’as paternal parent were successfully obtained. The cross hybrids and backcross hybrids differentiated obviously from their parents in many morphological characters and chromosome number and salt tolerance,and there existed transgressive individuals and aneuploids. The results of salt tolerance identification showed that using intergenneric hybrids as bridge parent can successfully introduce the salt tolerance of A. myriantha and Cr. chinense into chrysanthemum cultivars,and improve its salt tolerance.
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Other Horticulture Plants

  • Cloning and Expression Patterns of SgUGT4 Gene from Siraitia grosvenorii
  • MO Chang-ming1,2,MA Xiao-jun3,*,TANG Qi4,*,BAI Long-hua2,PAN Li-mei2,and FENG Shi-xin2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 523-534. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0757
  • Abstract ( 647 ) HTML ( 885 ) PDF (1184KB) ( 885 )    
  • A glucosyltransferase gene,named as SgUGT4,was cloned from Siraitia grosvenorii fruits at 70 days after pollinating(DAP)by RT-PCR and RACE methods. The full-length cDNA of SgUGT4 is 1 726 bp and has an open reading frame(ORF)of 1 344 bp which encodes a predict protein of 447 amino acids. The recombinant plasmid pET32a-SgUGT4 was constructed in a prokaryotic expression system and then was transformed into E.coli strain Rossetta-gami(DE3),A 65 kD fusion protein was expressed after being induced by IPTG. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that SgUGT4 was classified as the same subfamily as the glucosyltransferase of AtUGT73C3,AtUGT73C5,AtUGT73C6 from Arabidopsis thaliana and SrUGT73E1 from Stevia rebaudiana,which could catalyze mogrosides biosynthesis.qRT-PCR analysis demonstrated that the expression level of SgUGT4 in pulps where mogroside Ⅴ most abundantly accumulated was more higher than that in stems,leaves,flowers and peels. SgUGT4 did not nearly expressed in roots and seeds. From 40 DAP to 50 DAP,the content of mogrosideⅤgradually occurred and accumulated,the expression level of SgUGT4 rose gradually. The expression level of SgUGT4 up-regulated sharply after 50 DAP. The more higher the mogroside Ⅴ content in varieties was,the more higher its expression level of SgUGT4 in varieties was. Therefore,the SgUGT4 probably involved in mogroside Ⅴ biosynthesis.
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Research Notes

  • Effects of Rain-shelter Cultivation on Formation of Peach Fruit Volatile Compounds
  • WU Lei1,LIU Hong-ru1,CHEN Miao-jin2,WU Da-jun2,ZHANG Bo1,*,YIN Xue-ren1,XU Chang-jie1,and CHEN Kun-song1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 535-544. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0824
  • Abstract ( 570 ) HTML ( 1489 ) PDF (410KB) ( 1489 )    
  • Although rain-shelter cultivation is getting more attentions in horticulture crops production,its effect on formation of volatile compounds remains unclear. In present study,fruits of cultivar‘Yulu’(Prunus persica L. Batsch‘Yulu’)were grown under rain-shelter and open field as the control,and the fruit were harvested at different maturity stages. Real-time data indicated that rain-shelter treatment significantly reduced soil relative humidity and light transmission,but no significant changes were found for air temperature,relative humidity and soil temperature eleven classes of volatiles wereidentified in peach fruit by solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography mass spectrometry techniques,including C6 compounds,aldehydes,alcohols,esters,lactones,terpenes,terpenoids,phenylpropanoids and others. Peach fruit treated with rain-shelter cultivation could be clearly distinguished from the controls by partial least squares discriminant analysis(PLS–DA),being consist with results produced by electronic nose analysis. Eighteen volatile compounds that contributing to differences in volatile compositions between rain-shelter cultivation and open field fruit were identified based on variable importance in projection(VIP)value. Peach fruit treated with rain-shelter produced higher contents of “green note”C6 alcohols such as(Z)-3-hexenol and(E)-2-hexenol,and lower concentrations of“fruity note”γ-Undecanolactone,γ-Decalactone and(Z)-3-Hexenyl acetate.
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  • Comprehensive Evaluation on Cold Resistance of Early Fruiting Walnut Cultivars
  • LIU Du-ling,ZHANG Bo-yong,SUN Hong-mei,PENG Shao-bing*,and ZHU Hai-lan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 545-553. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0917
  • Abstract ( 642 ) HTML ( 1457 ) PDF (769KB) ( 1457 )    
  • Nine early fruiting walnut cultivars were used as the test materials to determinate the effect of low temperature stress to the young sprout using the indexes such as relative conductivity,soluble protein,soluble sugar,proline,superoxide dismutase(SOD)activity,peroxidase(POD)activity and catalase(CAT)activity in artificial simulation low temperature environment. Taking cold resistant coefficient of each physiological index of walnut leaves as index to measure cold resistance capacity,and cold resistance of early fruiting walnut cultivars were comprehensively evaluated by using principal components analysis,membership function and cluster analysis based on cold resistant coefficient of these indexes. The sequence of cold resistance of nine early fruiting walnut cultivars was:Liaoning 4 > Chandler > Zha 343 > Xiangling > Xilin 2 > Xifu 2 > Xilin 3 > Liaoning 3 > Luguang. Liaoning 4 and Chandler belong to high cold resistance group;The medium cold resistance group covers Zha 343,Xiangling and Xilin 2,the others four cultivars,Xifu 2,Xilin 3,Liaoning 3 and Luguang belong to low cold resistance group. The comprehensive evaluation results is similar to results observed in morphological characteristics of shoots.
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  • Identification of Interaction Sites in K-domains of Flowering Signal Integrator SOC1 and AGL24 in Brassica juncea
  • XIE Ting*,GU Hui-ying*,JIANG Wei,MA Guan-peng,CHEN Jiao,WANG Zhi-min,SONG Ming**,and TANG Qing-lin**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 554-562. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1014
  • Abstract ( 529 ) HTML ( 1190 ) PDF (688KB) ( 1190 )    
  • The flowering signal integrator SOC1 can interact with AGL24 in Brassica juncea,which plays an important role in regulating flowering time. Based on the binding sites in the K-domains of MIKC-type proteins predicted by ISIS system,we constructed five single-site mutants of SOC1(respectively named SOC1V77K,SOC1P81K,SOC1K108V,SOC1R109L and SOC1C137K)and three single-site mutants of AGL24(respectively named AGL24Q107L,AGL24R137L and AGL24E169L)to unravel themolecular mechanism of the protein interactions of SOC1 and AGL24. Yeast two-hybrid experiments and β-galactosidase activity assays showed that mutant of AGL24Q107L could no more interact with SOC1. However,AGL24R137L and AGL24E169L mutants as well as AGL24 retained similarly strong interacting with SOC1 protein. So it was suggested that the interactions of SOC1/AGL24 were probably not regulated by the amino acid sites of 137th or 169th but 107th in the K-domain of AGL24. Further research showed that mutants of SOC1V77K,SOC1P81K,SOC1K108V,SOC1R109L and SOC1C137K remained interacting with AGL24 protein. Mutants of SOC1V77K、SOC1P81K、SOC1K108V and SOC1R109L fused with AGL24 had significantly low interaction strength compared with SOC1/AGL24. On the contrary,the interaction strength of SOC1C137K and AGL24 was greatly higher than that of SOC1/AGL24. It was indicated that the interaction strength of SOC1/AGL24 could be controlled by negative regulation sites of 77th,81st,108th and 109th amino acids,as well as positive regulation site of 137th amino acid in the K-domain of SOC1 protein. The study provided valuable information for further studies on direct regulation of SOC1/AGL24 and molecular mechanisms of flowering time in Brassica juncea.
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  • Effect of Different Pre-treated Temperatures on the Microspore Embryogenesis in Broccoli
  • SUN Ji-feng,FANG Zhi-yuan,YUAN Su-xia,LI Zhan-sheng,YANG Li-mei,ZHUANG Mu,ZHANG Yang-yong,SUN Pei-tian,and LIU Yu-mei*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 563-568. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0469
  • Abstract ( 489 ) HTML ( 866 ) PDF (785KB) ( 866 )    
  • B908 and B1092 of broccoli(Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck)were used to be the materials in the research on microspore embryogenesis. The nuclear division patterns and embryo development efficiency of isolated microspores of broccoli pretreated at different temperatures were investigated under a fluorescence microscopy by using DAPI staining. Four pretreated temperatures were 25 ℃,4 ℃,32.5 ℃,or 4 ℃→32.5 ℃(combined treatment). The results showed that the nuclear division patterns were much the same under different temperature pretreatment. The B pathway started from symmetrical division that was the main pathway. The cotyledons-shaped embryo was formed after different developmental stages,microspore divided equally,multicellular structure packaged by the exine,original embryoid,globular embryoid,heart-shaped embryoid,torpedo-shaped embryiod,cotyledons- shaped embryoid. The embryoid development efficiency of isolated microspores of broccoli pretreated at different temperatures was different. The combined treatment(4 ℃→32.5 ℃)induced the highest frequency of microspore derived embryo.
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  • Establishment and Genetic Diversity Analysis of SCoT Molecular Marker System for Osmanthus fragrans
  • YUAN Wang-jun1,2,MA Yin-feng1,DONG Mei-fang1,HAN Yuan-ji1,ZHANG Wei-rui1,and SHANG Fu-de1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 569-575. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0575
  • Abstract ( 628 ) HTML ( 1069 ) PDF (523KB) ( 1069 )    
  • In this study,based on the‘Ziyingui’DNA and 2 × Es TaqMasterMix,the SCoT-PCR amplification system of Osmanthus fragrans was established by optimizing reaction annealing temperature,the amount of template DNA,primer concentration and other factors. This system contained 30 ng template DNA,0.4 μmol ? L-1 primers in 12 μL mixture,and the most suitable annealing temperature of different primers was 48,49.9,54.3 and 56 ℃ respectively. Twelve Osmanthus fragrans cultivars were analyzed using this system,and the amplified bands were very clear. The 12 primers generated a total of 244 fragments from 12 Osmanthus fragrans cultivars,and 97.47% of fragments showed polymorphic. At the level of similarity coefficient 0.57,‘Jiulonggui’was to one group and other cultivars were to anothergroup. In the second group,‘Jingui’,‘Zaoyingui’and‘Ziyingui’were in one subgroup,and the other eight cultivars were in another subgroup. Our results indicated that genetic relationship between color and variety was not perfectly correlated,which is consistent with the results of other molecular markers.
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  • Establishment of cDNA-AFLP System of Paeonia lactiflora Seed
  • SUN Xiao-mei1,*,YANG Pan-pan1,LU Xiu-jun1,ZHOU Wen-qiang2,WANG Dan2,and YANG Hong-guang1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 576-584. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0699
  • Abstract ( 390 ) HTML ( 897 ) PDF (584KB) ( 897 )    
  • The research established a cDNA-AFLP analysis system which suited Paeonia lactiflora seed by using hybrid seeds of P.‘Fenyunu’and P.‘Fenzhonglou’as materials and optimizing the important factors which affect the reaction of cDNA-AFLP. In addition,we made a preliminary analysis on the expression difference of gene under the conditions of before and after breaking epicotyl and hypocotyl dormancy. The results indicated that total RNA was isolated from Paeonia lactiflora seeds using the RNAprep Pure Plant Kit according to the manufacturer’s instruction. Doubled-stranded cDNA was digested completely with EcoRⅠand MseⅠat 37 ℃ for 4 h and at 65 ℃ for 20 min. The ligated products should be diluted 10 times with sterilized distilled water for the pre-amplification. Then relatively clear and differentiable bands were obtained after the pre-amplified products were diluted 10 times,and 5 μL were taken as a template for selective amplification. About 3 700 differential bands were visualized between before and after breaking hypocotyl dormancy and about 1 600 differential bands were visualized between before and after breaking epicotyl dormancy.
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  • The Identification and Analysis of ITS Sequence on Tree Peony Black Spot in Shandong
  • SHI Liang-hong,ZHAO Lan-yong*,WU Di,WANG Yu,JIANG Lin,and YANG Nuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 585-590. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0545
  • Abstract ( 634 ) HTML ( 1522 ) PDF (670KB) ( 1522 )    
  • The pathogens of tree peony black spot remained unclear. The aim of this research was to clarify its taxonomic status by identifying the pathogen of tree peony black spot. In this study,the pathogen was identified based on morphology and molecular identification,the ITS phylogenetic trees was generated with the soft of Mega 5. The result suggested that the pathogen of tree peony black spot was Alternaria alternate(Genbank Accession No. KJ682317). The homology between the sample strain and A. alternate was up to 100 percent. The wound leaves and the intact ones were both infected by the pathogen. However,the expansion rate of the disease spot on the wound leaves was faster than the intact ones.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Apple Cultivar‘Yanchanghong’
  • AN Gui-yang1,*,LU Shu-guo2,and WANG Sen3
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 591-592. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0511
  • Abstract ( 667 ) HTML ( 850 ) PDF (147KB) ( 850 )    
  • ‘Yanchanghong’is a new red apple cultivar selected from‘Nagafu 2’. The fruit appearance is full red,shape is high pile,and average fruit weight is 225 g,along with particular flavor and aroma. It has good characteristic of high fruit setting rate,early-bearing and high yield potential. It is harvested during mid-October,and the fruit has a relatively long storage life. Its content of soluble solids is nearly 15% when harvested,and may increase to 17% during storage.
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  • A New Excellent Early-maturing Chestnut Cultivar‘Yanjin’
  • ZHANG Shu-hang1,SHANG He-li2,LIU Qing-xiang1,LI Ying1,and WANG Guang-peng1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 597-598. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0493
  • Abstract ( 389 ) HTML ( 809 ) PDF (168KB) ( 809 )    
  • The new chestnut cultivar‘Yanjin’was selected from the wild seedlings of chestnut in Yanshan Mountain. It has excellent characteristics such as good quality,high yield,early maturing and strong cold resistance. The nut mass 8.20 g on average,sugar content of 22.75% and starch content of 55.12%. The flesh of nut is fine and smooth and the nuts are perfect for stir-fry. The yield is up to 3 500 kg ? hm-2. The new cultivar is appropriate to be planted in mountains and hills of the northern margin of Castanea mollissima in China.
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  • Two New Pink-flowered Strawberry Cultivars‘Pink Beauty’and‘Pretty Beauty’
  • LEI Jia-jun*,XUE Li,DAI Han-ping,and DENG Ming-qin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 599-600. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0188
  • Abstract ( 710 ) HTML ( 957 ) PDF (151KB) ( 957 )    
  • Two new ornamental and edible pink-flowered strawberry cultivars,‘Pink Beauty’and‘Pretty Beauty’,were released from the cross of‘Kinuama’and‘Pink Panda’. They started to bloom in early May and ended in early June in the open field in Shenyang region. There were 30 to 40 flowers per plant,and each flower lasted for 5 to 7 days. Their fruits ripened in early June in the open field. They had strong leaf spot resistance and cold resistance. They were suitable to grow in the open field and in pot. ‘Pink Beauty’had pink flowers of 2.7 to 3.5 cm in diameter. Its fruit was red,conical and uniform with average single primary fruit weight 14.9 g. The content of soluble solids was 8.4%. It tasted sour with some sweet. ‘Pretty Beauty’had larger and dark pink flowers of 3.5 to 3.7 cm in diameter. Its fruit was sweet,red,conical and uniform with average single primary fruit weight 10.5 g. The content of soluble solids was 9.6%.
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  • A New Sweet Pepper Cultivar‘Sujiao 103’
  • LIU Jin-bing*,WANG Shu-bin,PAN Bao-gui,DIAO Wei-ping,and GE Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 601-602. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0483
  • Abstract ( 449 ) HTML ( 927 ) PDF (205KB) ( 927 )    
  • A new early-mid ripening sweet pepper cultivar‘Sujiao 103’derived from‘01016-2’× ‘S006’has been released. Its fruit is long lantern shaped,green color in immature and red color in mature,10.1 cm in length and 6.8 cm in width and 137 g in weight. The vitamin C content is 1.48 mg ? g-1. It is resistant to virus disease,anthracnose,phytophthora blight and bacterial wilt. The cultivar is suitable for the open field cultivation in Jiangsu,Henan and Guangdong,and the marketable yield is up to 39 009 kg ? hm-2.
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  • A New Watermelon Cultivar‘Tiancheng’
  • FAN Min*,ZHANG Rui-lin,and NIU Xiao-wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 603-604. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0476
  • Abstract ( 540 ) HTML ( 778 ) PDF (138KB) ( 778 )    
  • ‘Tiancheng’is a new generation of hybrid watermelon germplasm with high yield,resistant to disease,and superior quality. The whole fruit growth period is about 95 d and the fruit development period is 30 d. The shape of fruit is oval shape and pericarp is green with greenish black stripes on the surface which was covered with wax powder. The average single fruit weight is 2–3 kg. The flesh is orange yellow,fine and close,delicious sweet. The soluble solids content is 12%–13%. It has some characteristics including early ripening,crack resistance,excellent storage capacity,wide adaptability,high adverse resistance to Fusarium wilt and flavor with enjoyable taste. The yield is up to 35 t ? hm-2 with the high commodity rate.
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  • A New Panellus edulis Cultivar‘Qidong 1’
  • WANG Peng1,YAO Fang-jie1,2,FANG Ming1,JIU Lian-di1,ZHAI Yu1,and YUAN Wei-dong2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 605-606. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0448
  • Abstract ( 571 ) HTML ( 672 ) PDF (153KB) ( 672 )    
  • ‘Qidong 1’was a new cultivar of edible mushroom Panellus edulis oriented from a wild strain Y3 collected from‘Erdao Baihe’forestry centre of Baihe Forestry Bureau by systematic breeding. It took 110–120 days from inoculation to harvest. The fruiting body was cluster together with the dark yellow color. The edge of the fruiting body was involute or flat. The size of a single fruiting body was 6–9 cm × 7–11 cm. The thickness was from 1.0 cm to 1.5 cm. The average yield was 83.8 kg every 100 kg fresh compost and the dry wet ratio of fruiting body was 1.4–2.2︰10.0.
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  • A New Salvia splendens Cultivar‘Ziyi Xianzi’
  • WANG Hong-li1,*,ZHANG Xiu-fang1,*,CHEN Hong-wei2,HONG Pei-pei2,YAO Ai-min2,SHI Ai-ping1,and LIU Ke-feng2,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(3): 609-610. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1156
  • Abstract ( 519 ) HTML ( 1000 ) PDF (152KB) ( 1000 )    
  • ‘Ziyi Xianzi’is a new Salvia splendens cultivar bred from seedlings using the system selection method. The plant height is 55–62 cm and the crown is 68–78 cm. The inflorescence length is 18–24 cm ,the number of flower wheels is 14–21,and the distance between wheels is 1.1–1.8 cm. There are 67–110 inflorescences on the whole plant. The color of calyx is white with a little lavender brush,and the corolla is lavender. Flowering from June to October,and full bloom from August to September.‘Ziyi Xianzi’has strong resistance,a certain ability of resistance to high temperature. It is not susceptible to disease and mosaic. It is suitable to planted in Beijing.
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