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2015, Vol.42, No.2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Effects of Chaetomium globosum ND35 Fungal Fertilizer on Continuous Cropping Soil Microorganism and Malus hupehensis Seedling Biomass
  • SONG Fu-hai1,WANG Sen1,ZHANG Xian-fu1,GAO Ke-xiang2,YIN Cheng-lin2,CHEN Xue-sen1,and MAO Zhi-quan1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 205-213. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0742
  • Abstract ( 525 ) HTML ( 1223 ) PDF (349KB) ( 1223 )    
  • Effects of Chaetomium globosum ND35 fungal fertilizer on the replanted soil environment and Malus hupehensis Rehd. seedlings biomass were investigated in pot experiments. The experiment involved three treatments,including a control,the fungus chaff fertilizered into the soil which is carrierfungus chaff of Chaetomium globosum and Chaetomium globosum ND35 fungal fertilizer,a mixture of fungus chaff and strains,fertilizered into the soil with the concentration of 2%. Results showed that the fungus chaff and Chaetomium globosum ND35 fungal fertilizer application to replant soil significantly enhanced the dry and fresh weight of the seedlings compared with the control. And Chaetomium globosum ND35 fungal fertilizer increased in dry and fresh weight by 71.9% and 71.6% in July,155.9% and 153.1% in September than the control,respectively. The effects are more obvious in September. As the extension of the treating time,the quantities of soil bacteria and actinomycete were increased,and reached peak in September. Chaetomium globosum ND35 fungal fertilizer had a stronger effect. Compared with control,the quantity of soil bacteria in July,August and September increased by 245.9%,89.1% and 216.3%,respectively. The quantity of soil actinomycete increased by 68.7%,124.7% and 131.1% respectively. Both of the two treatments increased the activity of soil enzymes which increased with a subsequent decrease initially,and was the highest in August. The fungal fertilizer showed a significant increase to soil enzymes. The fungal fertilizer fertilizered into the soil significantly improved the root activity of Malus hupehensis Rehd.,and increased by 59.0%,50.2% and 20.2%,respectively in July,August and September. Compared with control and the fungus chaff,Chaetomium globosum ND35 fungal fertilizer can improve soil microflora,improve soil enzyme activity,increase root activity and biomass of Malus hupehensis Rehd. seedlings.
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  • Screening of SNP Markers Tightly Linked to PcDw Locus Determining Pear Dwarf Trait Using HRM Technology
  • LI Wei,TIAN Yi-ke,WANG Cai-hong*,BAI Mu-dan,and HOU Dong-liang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 214-220. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0871
  • Abstract ( 929 ) HTML ( 1229 ) PDF (434KB) ( 1229 )    
  • Screening of SNP markers tightly linked to objective traits is critical for fine mapping of objective gene due to abundant SNP loci exist in the genome of fruits. In this research,26 primer pairs which are suit for high resolution melting(HRM)analysis were designed according to the sequences from apple genome. Based on the principle of the bulked segregant analysis(BSA),these primer pairs were tested in the F1 population with 215 individuals derived from the cross of Pyrus communis L.‘Aishengli’× Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.‘Chili’by HRM,and two markers(CNqau012 and CNqau039)linked to PcDw locus at the distance of 13.3 cM and 2.33 cM,respectively,were identified. Furthermore,the amplicons of the two markers(CNqau012 and CNqau039)were sequenced and one single nucleotide changes(G/A and C/T,respectively)between the dwarf and standard phenotypes were detected. These SNP markers are of great significance to the following fine mapping and cloning of the PcDw gene.
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  • Cloning of Aquaporion Gene VhPIP1 in Vitis heyneana and Its Expression Under Drought Stress
  • YAN Pei-ling,PAN Xue-jun,and ZHANG Wen-e
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 221-232. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0875
  • Abstract ( 474 ) HTML ( 1056 ) PDF (971KB) ( 1056 )    
  • A plasma membrane intrinsic proteins(PIPs)gene,designated VhPIP1,was cloned from root on wild grapevine(Vitis heyneana‘Huaxi-9’)native to China by RT-PCR and RACE(Rapid amplication of cDNA ends). The full cDNA sequence of VhPIP1 was 1 087 bp,containing an open reading frame(858 bp)and encoding a putative VhPIP1 protein with 286 amino acids. Bioinformatics analysis demonstrated that VhPIP1 exhibited an internal symmetry showing two highly conserved NPA(Asn-Pro-Ala)motifs and a typical structure with six membrane-spanning domains and possessing the MIP family signal consensus sequence. Quantitative real-time PCR results showed that the VhPIP1 expressed in roots,stems and leaves,and the expression level was the highest in roots,and the lowest inleaves. Under drought stress,the expression level of VhPIP1 of Huaxi-9 changed with time extension,which was first rised and then dropped,but the expression level of VvPIP1 of Red Globe was decreased. Compared with drought sensitive genotype Red Globe,the relatively higher expression level of VhPIP1 in drought resistance genotype corresponds to the higher leaves relative water content and the lower ion leakage of plasma membrane. These results suggested that the expression quantity of VhPIP1 closely related to drought resistance.
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  • Effects of Non-acid Rhizosphere pH on the Iron Elements Uptakes and Expressions of Iron Metabolism Related Genes in Blueberry
  • CHEN Ya-bin,LI Yong-qiang,SUN Lin,SHEN Yan-wen,CHEN Wen-rong*,LIU Xia,and GUO Wei-dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 233-242. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0827
  • Abstract ( 588 ) HTML ( 1815 ) PDF (311KB) ( 1815 )    
  • In order to reveal the mechanism behind the blueberry acidophilus,this research investigated whether the non-adaptation of blueberries(Vaccinium spp.)to the non-acid soil was associated with the metabolic disorders of the iron nutrition. The two-year seedlings of three blueberry cultivars (Biloxi,O’Neal and Brigitta)were subject to pH 5.5,pH 7.0 and pH 7.5 rhizospheric treatments. After 20 days of treatments,they were harvested to analyze their root activity,malondialdehyde contents,mineral elements content and expression of genes related to iron uptake and transportation. The results showed that the pH 7.0 and pH 7.5 treated hizosphere exhibited gradually decreased root activity and deteriorated membrane lipid oxidation. Meanwhile,the Fe concentration in roots of the pH 7.5 treatmentwas only 53.2% of that under the pH 5.5 treatment. The real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR analysis revealed that,in comparison to the pH 5.5 rhizosphere treatment,the expression levels of FRO2(Ferric reduction oxidase 2),Fer2(Ferritin 2)and Nramp3(Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 3)in rhizospheric under the pH 7.5 conditions were significantly decreased,while no significant difference was observed in the expression of HA(Plasma membrane H+-ATPase). The above results indicated that the alkaline treatment suppressed the expression of FRO2,which significantly decreased the Fe3+ reductive capacity in roots. Simultaneously,the iron binding storage and Fe transportation were suppressed,as indicated by the decreased expressions of Fer2 and Nramp3,all of which resulted in decreased Fe contents in blueberry roots and an Fe deficiency in leaves. Considering no regular change in contents of other mineral elements,we deduced that the Fe deficiency and the depressed expression of the Fe metablism related genes may be key factors causing the poor growth of blueberries under alkaline rhizosphere conditions.
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  • Sequence Characteristics and Expression Analysis of IAA-Leucine Resistant1-like Hydrolase Genes in Peach
  • PAN Lei,ZENG Wen-fang,NIU Liang,LU Zhen-hua,CUI Guo-chao,and WANG Zhi-qiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 243-251. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0898
  • Abstract ( 492 ) HTML ( 973 ) PDF (1233KB) ( 973 )    
  • The IAA-Leucine Resistant1-like Hydrolase(ILL)genes is thought to regulate the release of free indole-3-acetic-acid(IAA)which is involved in the regulation of fruit development and others developmental processes. In order to further study the function of ILL family genes in peach,the member number of ILL gene family was confirmed;Thereafter their distribution on the scaffold,putative proteins,phylogenetic classification,and expression patterns were analyzed. We identified 9 ILL genes in the entire peach genome,which distributed across 4 scaffolds(1,2,3 and 7). The members of the ILR1-like family genes were PpILR1,PpILR2,PpILR3,PpILR4,PpILL1,PpILL2,PpILL3,PpILL4 and PpILL5. All of their putative proteins contained M20 and M20 dimerisation domains. The relative expression levels in mesocarps of peach fruit at different developmental stages were also detected by quantitative real-time PCR. The results showed that several genes exhibited different expression patterns during fruit development.Moreover,the transcript level of PpILR1 was significantly up-regulated at the late-ripening stage.
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  • Effect of Antisense RNA of the MLPK Gene on Self-incompatibility in Cabbage
  • HE Shao-min,LI Chun-yu,LAN Cai-yun,ZOU Min,REN Xue-song,SI Jun,LI Cheng-qiong,and SONG Hong-yuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 252-262. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0775
  • Abstract ( 462 ) HTML ( 1019 ) PDF (973KB) ( 1019 )    
  • An antisense MLPK gene controlled by a stigma-specific promoter SLR of Brassica oleracea was introduced into a self-incompatibility B. oleracea‘TF’through Agrobacterium mediated transformation. Real-time PCR expression analysis of the MLPK gene in T0 generation transgenic cabbage plants was performed,significant different transcription levels of the MLPK gene in transgenic plants were observed,and the transcription level of MLPK in open ?ower stigmas of the transgenic plants were greatly reduced compared with the wild type plants. In situ fluorescence microscopy results showed a large number of pollen germination on the stigmas of transgenic plants,and markedly increased pollen tubes penetrated the stigma after self-pollination of open ?ower,which leads to significantly increased numbers of seed. Moreover,both the flowering and bud stage compatibility index of transgenic plants were significantly higher than the wild type. The results demonstrated that down-regulation expression of the MLPK gene in stigma can result in a partial breakdown of B. oleracea self-incompatibility,and promoteseed setting after self-pollination during flowering stage.
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  • Preliminary Identification and Analyses of Viruses Causing Pepper Virus Disease in Chongqing,China
  • GUO Si-yao2,TONG Yan2,*,HUANG Ya1,LUO Xin-fu1,and QING Ling1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 263-270. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0774
  • Abstract ( 584 ) HTML ( 1101 ) PDF (291KB) ( 1101 )    
  • The viruses causing pepper virus disease in Chongqing,China were identified and analyzed by Dot-ELISA and RT-PCR. In this research,152 pepper samples with viral symptoms,collected from eight pepper-growing counties in Chongqing,were detected with the special serums against five common vegetable viruses by Dot-ELISA method. The detection results showed that 118 pepper samples were positive,among which the infection of Cucumber mosaic virus(CMV)is common,and the detection rate is 57.89%. The detection rate of Tomato mosaic virus(ToMV)is the lowest,22.52%. The detection rate of Tobacco mosaic virus(TMV),Turnip mosaic virus(TuMV),and Broad bean wilt virus 2(BBWV-2)were 30.26%,36.18% and 24.34%,respectively. Among the 118 positive samples,66.10% samples were mix-infected with more than two viruses,33.33% samples were infected with CMV and TuMV,26.27%samples were infected with three viruses. Sixteen samples were randomly selected for RT-PCR amplification using specific primer pairs for the five viruses respectively,and the positive samples were then cloned and sequenced. The results showed that the amplified fragments were highly homologous with corresponding sequences of five viruses and the detection results were nearly consistent with those of ELISA detection. These results showed that CMV is the prevalent pathogenic virus,and the mix-infection of viruses on pepper was severe in Chongqing. This is the first report of ToMV and TuMV infecting pepper.
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  • Identification and Expression Character Analysis of LemiR390 and Its Potential Target LeTAS3 in Tomato
  • YU Li-li,LIU Wei-wei,FANG Yuan,ZHOU Ying,WANG Ru-yi,LI Yang,and ZHOU Bo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 271-279. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0789
  • Abstract ( 591 ) HTML ( 1306 ) PDF (849KB) ( 1306 )    
  • In this research,tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum)cultivar LA1996 was used as materials. Based on the sequence of MIR390 in mirbase and unigene database of tomato,fragments of premiR390 and potential target LeTAS3 were obtained through PCR using cDNA as template. Transcript levels of LemiR390 and its potential target gene LeTAS3 in tomato fruits were determined by real-time quantitative PCR. LemiR390 guided-cleavage and target site for the putative Trans-Acting SiRNA3(LeTAS3)mRNA was validated using RLM-5′RACE. The results showed that two precursors of miR390 were obtained,with sequences that were consistent with MIR390b and MIR390a and able to form a hairpin structure. Expression of LemiR390 and its target gene LeTAS3 in tomato fruits differed in developmental stage. During the early stage,especially 1–2 weeks after flowering,the transcription levels of LemiR390 and LeTAS3 were high,and LemiR390 negatively regulated the expression of LeTAS3;However,in late stage(3–7 weeks after flowering),their expression levels were low. The mature LemiR390 targeted a sequence of high complementarity in LeTAS3 mRNA and sheared the 10th site of LeTAS4 mRNA from the LemiR390 5? end.
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  • Establishment and Application of Multiplex PCR Rapid Detection of Potato Viruses
  • LUO Wen-bin,LI Hua-wei,TANG Hao*,QIU Si-xin*,JI Rong-chang,XU Yong-qing,LIU Zhong-hua,and QIU Yong-xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 280-288. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0807
  • Abstract ( 537 ) HTML ( 2194 ) PDF (635KB) ( 2194 )    
  • A multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(multiplex RT-PCR)method was developed for the simultaneous detection of five potato viruses,Potato virus X,Potato virus M,Potato virus Y,Potato virus A and Potato virus S. Five compatible sets of primers specific for each virus were designed based on conserved sequences of coat protein(CP)gene for multiplex RT-PCR assay. The crucial factors of multiplex RT-PCR including annealing temperature,number of the PCR cycles,extension temperature and primers concentration were optimized for the highest sensitivity and specificity. Five specific fragments were simultaneously amplified in uniplex PCR reaction. Their molecular weights were determined to be 138,213,369,468 and 657 bp. The sequence analysis indicated that the five virusesshared at least 97% homology with other related viruses. The sensitivity was shown to be capable of positively identifying the five viruses with ≥ 10-3 mg of freesia tissue sample. This multiplex RT-PCR protocol can simultaneously detect five potato viruses from field samples and plantlets with accurately,rapidity,sensitivity.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Coronatine Insensitive Gene Encoding a Jasmonate Receptor from Gladiolus hybridus
  • WU Chen-yu1,HE Jun-na1,ZHONG Xiong-hui1,SENG Shan-shan1,WU Jian1,SUI Juan-juan1,2,LIU Chen1,WU Ze1,LIU Chao1,and YI Ming-fang1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 289-300. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0686
  • Abstract ( 529 ) HTML ( 1119 ) PDF (1187KB) ( 1119 )    
  • A full length cDNA of jasmonate receptor CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1(COI1)was amplified from the leaves of Gladiolus hybridus‘Rose Supreme’by the technique of RACE,and it was named GhCOI1. The gene had a length of 2 603 bp,and it included a 5′-untranslated region(UTR)of 484 bp,a 3′-UTR of 277 bp and an open reading frame that encoded a protein of 613 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 69.46 kD. The results of multiple alignments revealed that the deduced amioacid sequence of GhCOI1 had a high similarity(64.3%)to LeCOI1. Phylogenetic analysis showed that GhCOI1 shared a close relationship with the OsCOI1. The results of qRT-PCR demonstrated that the highest level of GhCOI1 mRNA was detected in leaves which followed by roots,while the extreme low level was observed in stolon,cormel,corm,petal,stamen and pistil,suggesting that the homologous genes of GhCOI1 expressed specifically in organs. Leaves were treated with the solution of 0.05,0.1 and 0.5 mmol ? L-1 methyl jasmonate(MeJA)respectively,the transcript level of GhCOI1 was up-regulated significantly by 0.1 mmol ? L-1 MeJA. The expression of GhCOI1 showed an alternating pattern of rise and fall by treatment during 12 hours with 0.1 mmol ? L-1 MeJA. Following transient expression of GhCOI1 in onion epidermal cells,GhCOI1 was found to be localized in both the cytoplasm and the plastid. The research suggested that GhCOI1 has specific function in jasmonate signal pathway of Gladiolus hybridus.
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  • Anthocyanin Profiles in Petals of Different Hyacinthus orientalis
  • TAO Xiu-hua1,2,YUAN Yuan1,XU Yi-qian1,SHI Yi-min1,and TANG Dong-qin1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 301-310. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0635
  • Abstract ( 562 ) HTML ( 1471 ) PDF (439KB) ( 1471 )    
  • The anthocyanin profiles in 12 cultivars of hyacinthus(Hyacinthus orientalis L.)were analyzed. The flower color was observed according to the Royal Horticultural Society Color Card (RHSCC). Petal pigment type was identified by characteristic color reaction. UPLC-PAD and UPLC-Q-TOF-MS were used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of anthocyanins. The results showed that colored carotenoids in petals of all cultivars were not detected,by contrast,every cultivar,except for‘City of Haarlem’and‘Aiolos’,contained anthocyanins in petals. Among ten anthocyanin-contained cultivars,‘Woodstock’contained the highest anthocyanin content,followed by‘Jan Bos’,‘Shangnong Zaofen’,and‘Shangnong Zihong’,respectively. Totally 9 anthocyanin components were detected in petals of these cultivars,including Pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside,Pelargonidin 3-O-glucoside-5-O-malonylglucoside,Cyanidin 3-O-coumaroylglucoside-5-O-glucoside,Pelargonidin 3-O-coumaroyl-glucoside-5-O-glucoside,Pelargonidin 3-O-coumaroylglucoside-5-O-acetyglucoside,Cyanidin 3-O-coumaroylglucoside-5-O- malonylglucoside,Pelargonidin 3-O-coumaroylglucoside-5-O-malonylglucoside,Pelargonidin3-O- feruloylglucoside-5-O-malonylglucoside,and Pelargonidin 3-O-caffeoylglucoside-5-O-malonylglucoside.‘Shangnong Zaofen’,‘Shangnong Zhongfen’,‘Gipsy Queen’,and‘Marconi’contained only pelargonidin derivated anthocyanins in petals while other six cultivars contained majorly pelargonidin derivated anthocyanins and some cyanidin derivated anthocyanins in petals. Pelargonidin 3-O- coumaroylglucoside-5-O-malonylglucoside was the dominant anthocyanin in‘Shangnong Zaofen’,‘Shangnong Zhongfen’,‘Gipsy Queen’,‘Jan Bos’,‘Marconi’,and‘Lady Derby’,while Pelargonidin 3-O-coumaroylglucoside-5-O-acetyglucoside was the dominant anthocyanin in‘Anna Lisa’and ‘Woodstock’;While,Cyanidin 3-O-coumaroylglucoside-5-O-malonylglucoside and Pelargonidin 3-O-coumaroylglucoside-5-O-glucoside was the dominant anthocyanin in‘Shangnong Zihong’and‘Sky Line’,respectively.
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  • Flowering Biology and Breeding System of the Rare and Endangered Plant Handeliodendron bodinieri
  • LI Zai-liu1,4,LI Xue-ping2,GUO Song1,3,YAN Xiang1,LI Lei1,and BAO Man-zhu4,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 311-320. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0811
  • Abstract ( 779 ) HTML ( 1276 ) PDF (523KB) ( 1276 )    
  • To understand the endangered mechanism of the rare and endangered plant Handeliodendron bodinieri,flowering biology and breeding system were studied by using field investigation,out-crossing index estimation,pollination characteristics analysis and artificial pollination experiments. The main results were as follows:(1)H. bodinieri bloomed once a year and blooming time lasted from late April tomid-to-late May. The starting date of flowering or withering and the duration of blooming time was greatly influenced by local climate.(2)Most flowers of H. bodinieri were pseudo-bisexual flowers,which meant they were morphologyical bisexual flower with pistil and stamen,but functional unisexual flower that either pistil or stamen selective abortion during sex determination. It was rarely observed bisexual flowers with fertile pistil and stamen. Pseudo-bisexual flowers and bisexual flowers appeared on different trees. The unisexual flowers usually were dioecious. The number of female trees was smaller than that of male trees. The length of inflorescences in female tree was 5.6cm shorter than that of male trees. The duration of blooming time in female tree was 2 weeks shorter than that of male trees. It was occasionally observed female flowers on male trees.(3)The flowering process followed five stages from flower buds sprouting,white appearing,petal spreading,fully blooming to flowers withering,which took 5–6 days. The viability of pollen in male flowers was 90.5% from sprouting to 1 day after blooming,however,it descended greatly after 2 days of blooming. Some of stigmas of the female flowers were receptivity before opening while all stigmas were receptive for 1–3 days after petal fully opened. So the life span of pollen viability and stigmas receptivity were overlapped.(4)Each male flower had 51 461 pollens and each female flower had 6 ovules. The ratio of pollen to ovule(P/O)was 8 577,and the outcrossing index was 4. Taking all the results together of artificial pollination,bagged,netted and free pollination experiments,it indicates that H. bodinieri breeding system belongs to obligate outcrossing,apomixes may exist and pollinators are necessary for the pollination process.(5)Sex determination of flowers in H. bodinieri was complicated. The major factors leading to the endangered status of H. bodinieri in reproduction may include the limited fertile flowers and the large spatial isolation of female and male flowers as well as the unstable pollination environment.
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  • Effects of Low Temperature on Photosynthetic Proteins and Photosynthetic Capacities of Two Species of Spiraea
  • LIU Hui-min,SU Qing,ZHANG Qian,LIU Ji-xuan,and CHE Dai-di
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 321-331. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0221
  • Abstract ( 414 ) HTML ( 1185 ) PDF (906KB) ( 1185 )    
  • Spiraea trichocarpa Nakai and S. bumalda‘Gold Mound’,which have different cold resistance ablilty were used as experimental materials,for measuring the change of photosynthetic characteristics,establishing the different expression protein patterns of two species Spiraea in low temperature by the core technology of proteomics and then identifying the species of photosynthetic proteins,investigating the respond mechanism of two species Spiraea to low temperature treatments. The results showed that the photosynthetic capacities of two Spiraea species decreased in low temperature,but their capacities of using weak light increased and the capacities of using strong light decreased,S. trichocarpa Nakai with stronger cold resistance showed a better ability of using weak light than that of S. bumalda‘Gold Mound’with the weaker cold resistance. Seventeen kinds of photosynthetic proteins involved in energy metabolism and transport were identified seperately under different low temperature,the enzymes involved in Calvin cycle,TCA cycle,the pentose phosphate pathway and photophosphorylation of S. bumalda‘Gold Mound’showed obvious up and down regulation,while in S. trichocarpa Nakai only the enzymes involved in Calvin cycle and the proteins of photosynthetic electron transportation in PSⅡ showed obvious up and down regulation in low temperature;The photosynthesis of two species Spiraea were affected by low temperature,the change of the photosynthetic proteins in S. bumalda‘Gold Mound’were more significant.
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Research Notes

  • Effects of KClO3 on Hormones Within Leaves and Apical Buds During Floral Induction Phase in Longan
  • CHANG Qiang1,2,SU Ming-hua1,2,*,WU Shao-hua2,WANG Wei1,2,and LI Hui-hua1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 332-340. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0828
  • Abstract ( 844 ) HTML ( 968 ) PDF (513KB) ( 968 )    
  • Dimocrupus longan Lour.‘Fenglisui’(mid season cultivar)was employed as material for application of KClO3 with girding and bending branch to induce off-season flowering. The dynamic changes of endogenous hormones and relationship between these changes and flowering status were investigated during floral bud differentiation. Auxin(IAA)contents in apical bud decreased while IAA contents in leaf increased in response to potassium chlorate treatment. IAA contents in apical bud with potassium chlorate treatment and branch bending treatment,possess the highest flowering rate treatment,were the lowest. This result indicated that low level of IAA in the apical bud was essential for longan flowering and that the application of potassium chlorate resulted in a decrease in IAA and thus promoted the flowering. Similar to the effects of potassium chlorate on IAA,gibberellins(GA3)and abscisic acid(ABA)content in the apical bud decreased in response to potassium chlorate application. This result suggested that consistent with IAA,low levels of GA and ABA in apical bud facilitated longan flowering. In contrast,zeatin(ZT)content in the flower bud of longan with potassium chlorate treatment increased during floral induction phase,but reduced in leaves. This indicated that the increase of ZT content in the terminal buds may be major factors or signal substance in off-season flower of longan. However,flowering rate in longan with three treatments and ZT content has not been positively correlated,suggested that cytokinins promoted flowering that depends on its optimum concentration or level.
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  • Analysis on SSR Information in Transcriptome and Development of Molecular Markers in Rosa roxburghii
  • YAN Xiu-qin,LU Min,and AN Hua-ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 341-349. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0882
  • Abstract ( 507 ) HTML ( 1255 ) PDF (375KB) ( 1255 )    
  • One hundred and six thousand five hundred and ninety unigenes from fruit transcriptome of Rosa roxburghii Tratt were screened using MISA software. A total of 21 711 SSRs that occurred in 18 155 unigenes were identified,and the frequency of these SSRs was 20.37% and mean distance was 1.68 kb in the unigenes. Trinucleotide,tetranucleotide and dinucleotide were major types,accounting for 26.87%,26.77% and 24.93%,respectively. AG/CT,AAG/CTT were respectively most frequent motifs in dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats,accounting for 17.80% and 11.55%,respectively. Using the Primer 3.0,42 primers were designed and synthesized based on different dominant motifs types,and verified with R. roxburghii germplasms for validity and Rosa germplasms for transferability. The results showed that the products of 23 primers are clear and effective,23 pairs could be transferable to Rosa germplasms and 12 pairs were polymorphic among the 16 R. roxburghii germplasms. The results indicated that the unigenes generated from transcriptome sequencing in R. roxburghii can be used as an effective source todevelopment SSR markers. The large quantities of SSR markers will provide more reliable markers for map structure,analysis of genetic polymorphism for R. roxburghii and its closely related species.
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  • Genetic Diversity Analysis for Germplasm of Flowering Chinese Cabbage by Using Fluorescent Microsatellite-anchored Fragment Length Polymorphism
  • GUO Pei-guo1,XU Lan-gui1,XIA Yan-shi1,HUANG Hong-di2,ZHANG Hua2,ZHENG Yan-song2,and LI Rong-hua1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 350-360. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0704
  • Abstract ( 363 ) HTML ( 759 ) PDF (966KB) ( 759 )    
  • In this study,a fluorescent microsatellite-anchored fragment length polymorphism (MFLP) technique was established by adding universal M13 adapter to the anchored primers. Nine highly polymorphic primer pairs were selected from 360 selective amplification primer combinations,and were used to screen polymorphisms for 32 genotypes of flowering Chinese cabbage. The results showed that the polymorphic alleles for the nine primer pairs ranged from 10 to 31 in 32 flowering Chinese cabbage genotypes,with an average of 17.7 per primer combination. Polymorphism information content(PIC)ranged from 0.61 to 0.98 for nine primer combinations,with an average of 0.81. The genetic similarities were calculated and showed their distribution ranged from 0.277 to 0.836 among the 32 genotypes. By using polymorphic alleles data,the 32 flowering Chinese cabbage genotypes were clusteredinto 2 groups and 4 subgroups by UPGMA method. These results show that the developed fluorescent MFLP technique could effectively detect DNA polymorphisms in the flowering Chinese cabbage germplasm,indicating this technique is suitable for the fields of research and application of genetic analysis in flowering Chinese cabbage.
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  • Construction and Characterization of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library of Potato Cultivar C88
  • YANG Yu1,YANG Xiao-hui1,*,LI Can-hui2,GUO Xiao1,SHAN Wei-wei1,MA Wei-qing1,**,HUANG San-wen3,and LI Guang-cun1,3,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 361-366. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0885
  • Abstract ( 739 ) HTML ( 1103 ) PDF (411KB) ( 1103 )    
  • A bacterial artificial chromosome library of potato(Solanum tuberosum L.)was constructed for‘C88’,a tetraploid potato cultivar conferring resistance to late blight,PVX and PVY,using BAC vector CopyControlTM pCC1. Fresh leaf tissues from 12–15 day-old seedlings were used to isolate high molecular weight genomic DNA,and 100–300 kb partially HindⅢ digested DNA fragments were selected and ligated into the HindⅢ site of pCC1. The library consists of 850 000 clones and stored in 1 700 pools. The average insert size of BAC clones is about 90 kb and the empty clones consist of about 2.08%. The library is equivalent to 85 haploid potato genomes. Six randomly picked clones showed stable HindⅢ fingerprints after 5 days’ successive culture,indicating that the clones in the library are stable. The library will facilitate gene cloning,sequencing and comparative genomics research of potato.
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  • Disease Prevention and Growth Promotion Effects of Actinomycete Strain D74 on Amorphophallus konjac
  • HE Fei1,ZHANG Zhong-liang2,CUI Ming3,4,XUE Quan-hong5,*,and WANG Dong-sheng5
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 367-376. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0766
  • Abstract ( 503 ) HTML ( 936 ) PDF (379KB) ( 936 )    
  • Based on morphological characters and 16S rRNA gene sequence,actinomycete strain D74 was identified as Streptomyces rochei. D74 showed antagonistic activity against soft rot pathogens in petri dish trials,and the diameter of growth inhibition zones ranged from 11.0 to 18.3 mm. Fermentation filtrate of D74(10-fold dilution)significantly increased germination rate,condensed vigor index,hypocotyl length,and radicle length of melon seeds by 34.9%,82.4%,66.4%,and 31.5%,respectively(P < 0.05). In the pot experiment,individual inoculation of D74 and combined inoculation of D74 with Pectobacterium chrysanthemi(a bacterial pathogen)respectively achieved 100% and 17.0% relativebiocontrol effect on A.konjac during the harvest stage. Either individual or combined treatment with D74 improved photosynthetic rate,SPAD value,biomass,yield,and corm quality of A. konjac. In the plot experiment,hole application of D74 increased photosynthetic indexes,biomass,and yield of A. konjac compared with control. This study indicates that Streptomyces rochei D74 strongly inhibits the growth of soft rot pathogens. Its viable preparation(powder formulation)has a great effect on A. konjac regarding disease prevention and growth promotion,as well as corm quality improvement.
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  • Effects of Exogenous Calcium on Physiological Characteristics and Qualities of Garlic Under Cadmium Stress
  • LI He,SUN Ya-li,LIU Shi-qi*,GUO Hui-ping,LIAN Hai-feng,YU Xin-hui,and SHI Qing-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 377-385. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0878
  • Abstract ( 593 ) HTML ( 821 ) PDF (255KB) ( 821 )    
  • In this experiment,the effect of cadmium(Cd2+)on growth,photosynthetic characteristics,absorption of main mineral elements,and qualities of garlic were studied,as well as the alleviation effect of exogenous Ca2+. The results showed that Cd obviously inhibited the growth of garlic seedlings,reduced pigment contents and photosynthetic parameters(Pn,Tr,Gs)of leaves,decreased mineral elements(N,P,K,Ca,Mg)contents and increased Cd accumulation of roots,and lowered qualities of garlic bolts and bulbs. The growth was promoted significantly after adding exogenous Ca to garlic seedlings under Cd stress,the morphological indexes(plant height,pseudostem diameter,pseudostem length,plant fresh weight,plant dry matter)increased at first and then decreased with the increase of exogenous Caconcentrations,the biggest increases of which were 54.4%,26.0%,45.2%,61.4% and 77.3%,respectively. At the same time,exogenous Ca also improved the pigment contents and photosynthetic parameters(Pn,Tr,Gs)of leaves under Cd stress,the change tendency was similar to morphological indexes,and the largest increases were 44.6%,36.6%,31.8% and 18.4%,respectively. In addition,adding moderate exogenous Ca to garlic seedlings under Cd stress increased mineral elements contents and reduced Cd accumulation of roots,improved appearance and nutritional qualities of garlic bolts and bulbs.
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  • Genetic Diversity of the Endangered Handeliodendron bodinieri in Guangxi Province by ISSR and SRAP Analysis
  • LI Xue-ping1,GUO Song2,3,XIONG Jun-fei1,3,GUO Hua-wei1,ZHENG Lin1,and LI Zai-liu3,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 386-394. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0362
  • Abstract ( 466 ) HTML ( 897 ) PDF (270KB) ( 897 )    
  • Genetic diversity of 95 samples of five natural populations of the endangered plant Handeliodendron bodinieri(Lévl.)Rehd. was analyzed by using ISSR and SRAP techniques. A total of 114 bands were obtained with 10 ISSR primers,of which 68 bands were polymorphic with a polymorphic proportion of 59.65%. At the species level,the Nei’s genetic diversity(H)was 0.1817,and Shannon’s information index(I)was 0.2792. The observed number of alleles was 1.5965 and the effective number of alleles was 1.2984. The differentiation coefficient(Gst)among the populations was 35.17%. Totally,292 bands were obtained with 15 SRAP primer pairs,and 269 bands were polymorphic with a proportion of92.12%. The Nei’s genetic diversity(H)was 0.3171,and the Shannon’s information index(I)was 0.4758. The observed number of alleles was 1.9212 and the effective number of alleles was 1.5380. The differentiation coefficient(Gst)among the populations by SRAP analysis was 23.17%. The results showed that both methods could be used to determine the genetic diversities among different populations of H. bodinieri. There was a high genetic diversity in H. bodinieri,and genetic differentiation and gene flow existed between the populations,but the main genetic differentiation occurred largely within the population.
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New Cultivars

  • A Wine Grape Cultivar‘Beixin’
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 395-396. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0551
  • Abstract ( 743 ) HTML ( 889 ) PDF (388KB) ( 889 )    
  • ‘Beixin’is a late-ripening red wine grape cultivar selected from seedlings of Vitis vinifera × V. amurensis. Berries mature in late September in Beijing. The fruit cluster is conical,weighing 155.5 g on average. The average weight of single berry is 3.62 g. The berry is circular and blue black. The flesh is soft and red acid-sweet juice with 22.4% soluble solids content,0.64% titratable acid content and 67.9% juice extraction. It has high yield and resistance to cold and diseases. The wine made from its berry is bright ruby,clear and translucent with aromas of rose flower,rich and well balanced on the palate.
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  • A New Cucumber Hybrid‘Ganfengxiuyu’
  • HOU Dong*,YUE Hong-zhong,ZHANG Dong-qin,and LI Ya-li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 397-398. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0374
  • Abstract ( 543 ) HTML ( 624 ) PDF (171KB) ( 624 )    
  • ‘Ganfengxiuyu’,a new hybrid of white cucumber,is bred by crossing inbred line Veb0211-11 and qby21-0-5-0. It has growth strength and is a female line,the percentage of female flows is 50.6%. The fruit is about 18 cm long. The average fruit weight is about 160 g. It has yellowish-white skin,white thorn,medium tumor and is comparatively dense. The fruit is beautiful and has good uniformity. The content of soluble solid is 29.0 g ? kg-1,soluble sugar is 21.6 g ? kg-1,vitamin C is 59.7 mg ? kg-1,and it has fuller flavor. It is suitable for green houses in winter and plastic shed cultivation in eastern Gansu and other areas with similar climate. Its yield is about 82.875 t ? hm-2.
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  • A New Heat-resistant Spinach Cultivar‘Hubo 1’
  • GE Chen-hui1,CAI Xiao-feng1,XU Chen-xi1,WANG Xiao-li1,DENG Jie2,LIU Shuang1,ZHAO Qi1,DAI Shao-jun1,and WANG Quan-hua1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 399-400. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1019
  • Abstract ( 927 ) HTML ( 934 ) PDF (155KB) ( 934 )    
  • ‘Hubo 1’is a new spinach hybrid developed by crossing‘SSM08-1-38’as female parents and‘SSF08-4-9’as male parents. It is resistant to downy mildew,virus disease,heat,and bolting. The plant is erect and compact,with strong growth. The color of the root is pink. The leaf is dark green,of pointy round shape and with bright and smooth surface. The plant grows fast,and the average yield amounts up to 18 000 kg ? hm-2,suitable for both protected and open field cultivation.
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  • A New Malus Crabapple Cultivar‘Qianquan’
  • SONG Ting-ting,ZHANG Jie,TIAN Ji,LU Yan-fen,and YAO Yun-cong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(2): 401-402. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0888
  • Abstract ( 586 ) HTML ( 636 ) PDF (172KB) ( 636 )    
  • ‘Qianquan’is a new Malus crabapple cultivar which has been selected from the seedlings of‘Red Bar’. The cultivar has moderate tree vigor and upright tree appearance. Its one-year-old branches and young leaves are red-brown,while mature leaves are dark green. This cultivar bears deep red buds that open to pink flowers. Its fruit is cylinder with good uniformity,and the background color of fruits is yellow-green which is partially covered by light-red. It is early blooming and the flower formation is easy. It has strong resistance and high adaptability. It is suitable to be planted in apple cultivation areas.
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