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2014, Vol.41, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
  • Classification and Expression Analysis of Apple MdCBL Family Genes with a Functional Characterization of MdCBL1
  • MA Qi-jun,HU Da-gang,YOU Chun-xiang,and HAO Yu-jin*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1053-1062.
  • Abstract ( 850 ) HTML ( 993 ) PDF (728KB) ( 993 )    
  • In this study,the functional domains of apple MdCBL family proteins were predicted with bioinformatics methods. Their phylogenetic relationship with 10 Arabidopsis AtCBL proteins were analyzed. They were systematically named based on the similarity to their Arabidopsis counterparts,respectively. Subsequently,Real-time quantitative RT-PCRs were performed to determine the expression levels of apple MdCBLs in different tissues and in response to various abiotic stresses including salt,low temperature,ABA and drought. Results demonstrated that MdCBLs may play roles in different tissues and be involved in the response to abiotic stresses in plants. Finally,MdCBL1 was genetically transformed into apple callus. Salt-tolerance assay indicated that overexpression of MdCBL1 remarkably increased the tolerance of transgenic apple callus to high salinity,further supporting that MdCBLs genes participate in the response of plants to abiotic stress.
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  • Fate of Different Parts 13C-photoassimilates of Tianhong 2/SH40/Malus robusta
  • MEN Yong-ge,REN Yi-hua,XU Hai-gang,JIANG Han,LI Hong-na,ZHOU Le,WEI Shao-chong,and JIANG Yuan-mao *
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1063-1068.
  • Abstract ( 715 ) HTML ( 2102 ) PDF (11173KB) ( 2102 )    
  • The 5-year-old apple trees(Tianhong 2/SH40/Malus robusta Rehd.)were divided into three parts(the upper part,the middle part and the lower part),and those three parts(new shoot)were labeled with 13C to study about the fate of 13C-assimilates in plant. The results showed that the self-retention of the upper new shoot was the highest(91.00%),that of the middle new shoot was in the second place(79.34%),that of the lower new shoot was the lowest(67.39%). The supply capacity of those three parts to other organs was manifested as the lower part > the middle part > the upper part. The distribution of root was very obvious,manifested as the lower part > the middle part > the upper part. More than 50% 13C-assimilates was allocated to aboveground in the trees that were labeled upper new shoot and middle new shoot,were 87.42% and 59.79%,respectively,only 12.58% and 40.21% were transported to root,mainly transported to above-ground. The distribution of 13C-assimilates in root was labeled lower parts plants reached 75.53%,mainly transported to underground(root).
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  • Studies on the Optimum Parameters for Mineral Nutrition in Newhall Navel Orange Leaves
  • XIE Wen-long,LI Jian*,SHI Qing,LI Mei-gui,and XIE Zhong-chen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1069-1079.
  • Abstract ( 759 ) HTML ( 881 ) PDF (341KB) ( 881 )    
  • By assaying leaf,fruit and soil samples of 100 individual plants in 50 Newhall naval orange(Citrus sinensis)orchards,which were situated in mid-subtropics soil region in northwest Fujian and located at latitudes ranging from N25°3′27″–N27°8′,H 160–660 m,the relationship between concentrations of 26 mineral elements and fruit quality and yield per plant were studied. Results showed: ①The contribution rates of fruit quality indexes,TSS,CF,titrable acid and single fruit weight,to fruit-quality were 36.5%,27.1%,20.0 and 16.1%,respectively;While those of mineral element level in leaf,including K,Cu,Ca,N,Ni,B,Cd,P and Mg,were 15.8%,11.3%,11.2%,10.5%,8.7%,8.7%,7.8%,7.4% and 7.3%,respectively,and amounted to 88.7%. ②According to standard regression analysis,the influence rates of different mineral element levels on yield per plant,from the highest to the lowest,were La(–0.553),Ni(–0.405),Zn(+ 0.395),and Cu(–0.377). ③ Sixteen mineral elements were recommended for leaf nutrient diagnosis in Newhall navel orange(< lack;minimum–maximum;> over):N(2.7%–3.2%),P(0.13%–0.20%),K(1.2%–1.9%;> 2.2%),Ca(2.5%–4.0%),Mg(< 0.20%;0.22%–0.45%),Cu(5.0–25 mg · kg-1;> 60 mg · kg-1),Zn(20–50 mg · kg-1),Fe(50–200 mg · kg-1),Mn(20–150 mg · kg-1),B(< 20 mg · kg-1;35–150 mg · kg-1),Mo(0.05–1.0 mg · kg-1),S(0.28%–0.40%),Cl(< 0.2%;> 0.5%);Limited elements Ni(≤ 3.0 mg · kg-1),Cd (≤ 0.3 mg · kg-1),La(≤ 12 mg · kg-1).
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Fruit Trees

  • Effects of Propylene and 1-methylcyclopropene on Expression of Two EXP Genes in Persimmon Fruits
  • SUN Zhen-ying,HAN Ye,LI Xiu-fang,MA Qiu-shi,and RAO Jing-ping*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1089-1095.
  • Abstract ( 569 ) HTML ( 1085 ) PDF (265KB) ( 1085 )    
  • In order to further explore the function of expansins(EXP)in the postharvest softening progress of persimmon fruits,Fuping Jianshi’was treated with 1-MCP and propylene,respectively. Real- time fluorescent quantitative PCR technology was used to detect the relative expression level of EXP genes in persimmon fruits. The results showed that propylene treatment promoted the softening of persimmon fruits,increased ethylene production and advanced the onset of climactic of ethylene production and accelerated the enzymatic activity of ACS and ACO. However,1-MCP treatment delayed the softening of persimmon fruits,retarded and reduced the peak of ethylene production,inhibited the enzymatic activity of ACS and ACO. Accompanying with fruit ripening,the expression levels of DkEXP3 and DkEXP4 inincreased sharply to maximum within the first 9 d of storage,followed by a control fruit steady decline until the end of storage. Treatment with propylene promoted the expression of DkEXP3 and DkEXP4,increased and advanced the peak of their expression;Treatment with 1-MCP showed a suppression of DkEXP3 and DkEXP4 expression in persimmon fruit,delayed and reduced the peak intensity. The peak expression levels of DkEXP3 and DkEXP4 in,pericarp and core. The results indicated that EXP might play a role in the early stage of postharvest persimmon fruit ripening and softening progress. The expression of EXP genes is tissue-specific and regulated by ethylene. control fruits and 1-MCP treatment fruits appeared earlier than those of the peak of ethylene production rate. The expression levels of EXP genes were different in sarcocarp
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  • Studies of Two Genes Related to Bacterial Wilt Resistance in Tomato
  • WANG Guo-ping1,*,CHU Meng2,*,KONG Jie2,CHEN Fu-ying2,CHEN Yu2,and ZHAO Ya-hua2,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1096-1104.
  • Abstract ( 748 ) HTML ( 1876 ) PDF (1836KB) ( 1876 )    
  • Two-dimensional electrophoresis(2-DE)was employed to analyze the comparative proteome from stems of resistant tomato‘Hawaii 7996’plants inoculated with medium virulent strain RsM and high virulent strain RsH. Two differentially expressed proteins were identified to be Glutathione S-transferase L3 and Remorin 1 and the function of corresponding genes,GST-L3 and Rem-1,were further studied. After confirming the effectiveness of VIGS system with TRV carrying the Phytoene Desaturase gene(PDS),two targeted genes were individually silenced in Hawaii 7996 using VIGS method and their expression levels were checked by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The results showed that the average disease incidence and disease index of bacterial wilt on GST-L3 or Rem-1 silenced plants increased significantly when challenging with RsM strain,indicating that these two genesare involved in the resistance of tomato to bacterial wilt disease.
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  • Thermoinhibition of Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis Seed Germination in Relation to Degrading Enzymes of Cell Walls
  • SONG Shun-hua1,SONG Song-quan2,*,WU Ping1,MENG Shu-chun1,and XING Bao-tian1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1115-1124.
  • Abstract ( 967 ) HTML ( 1101 ) PDF (383KB) ( 1101 )    
  • In order to study mechanism of seed germination thermoinhibition,the mature Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis seeds were used to investigate the response of seed germination to different temperatures,the effect of after-ripening,cold stratification and phytohormones to seed germination,and the relationship between seed germination and different treatments and degrading enzymes of cell walls. The results showed that seed germination was significantly decreased at ≥ 20 ℃ and in darkness,but the thermoinhibited seeds did not exhibit secondary dormancy. After-ripening,stratification and GA3 treatment effectively decreased thermoinhibition of seed germination,in contrast ABA treatment notably increased thermoinhibition. Activities of endo-β-mannanase,β-mannosidase and α-galactosidase increased during seed germination. Compared with freshly-collected seeds,treatments of after-ripening,stratification and GA3 increased the activities of above three enzymes,ABA treatment increased endo-β-mannanase activity and did not alter β-mannosidase and α-galactosidase activities. There was no direct correlation between seed germination and change in endo-β-mannanase and α-galactosidase activities of seeds imbibed at different temperatures for 48 h. The results indicated that freshly-collected B. rapa seeds had a typical germination thermoinhibition,which can be broken by after-ripening,stratification and GA3 treatments in an increasing the degrading enzyme activity of cell walls.
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  • Effects of Glucohexaose on Sheath Blight,Pathogenesis-related Proteins and Endogenous Hormones in Flowering Chinese Cabbage
  • KANG Yun-yan,LIU Bing,YANG Xian*,and CHAI Xi-rong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1125-1132.
  • Abstract ( 527 ) HTML ( 949 ) PDF (322KB) ( 949 )    
  • The influences of glucohexaose on sheath blight(Rhizoctonia solani)occurrence,pathogenesis-related proteins(PRs)and endogenous hormones contents were studied in flowering Chinese cabbage(Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis var. utilis Tsen et Lee)using the inoculation of R. solani at different glucohexaose levels. The results showed that glucohexaose could increase the resistance of plants to R. solani,and reduce the incidence of sheath blight,but had no effect on the yield. After inoculation with R. solani,the yield of flowering Chinese cabbage was reduced significantly compared with control. Glucohexaose treatments could alleviate the inhibition of R. solani on plant growth,and reduce the loss of the yield caused with R. solani. Both exogenous glucohexaose and inoculation with R. solani increased the activities of chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase,ethylene production, and the contents of indole acetic acid(IAA)and abscisic acid(ABA). These data suggested the involvement of endogenous hormones in the regulation of pathogenesis process of R. solani. It is important for inducing systematic acquired resistance of flowering Chinese cabbage to sheath blight to keep high level of PRs and endogenous hormones.
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  • Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics and Chloroplast Ultrastructure of Yellow Leaf Mutant YL-1 in Cabbage
  • YANG Chong,ZHANG Yang-yong*,FANG Zhi-yuan,LIU Yu-mei,YANG Li-mei,ZHUANG Mu,and SUN Pei-tian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1133-1144.
  • Abstract ( 738 ) HTML ( 1488 ) PDF (2658KB) ( 1488 )    
  • Yellow leaf cabbage mutant(‘YL-1’)and its near isogenic line‘WT708’were used to compare their difference. Mutant‘YL-1’showed yellow leaf phenotype from cotyledon stage and existed throughout the life cycle. Compared with‘WT708’,‘YL-1’had smaller leaves and less plant height. The head height of‘YL-1’was 39.0% of‘WT708’. The photosynthetic pigment content in‘YL-1’leaves was significantly lower than that in‘WT708’.‘YL-1’had fewer chloroplasts and base grains,less grana lamellae stacked pile and irregular arrangement of base grains. The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters FoFmFo′,Fv/FmFv′/Fm,ФPSⅡQPQN and ETR in‘YL-1’were significantly lower than those in‘WT708’. Lower photosynthetic pigment content leads to the lower light-harvesting capacity and photochemical conversion efficiency of the PSⅡreaction center. As temperature decreased,the difference of photosynthetic pigment content between‘YL-1’and‘WT708’gradually increased.′
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Ornamental Plants

  • Studies on Dynamic Characteristics of the Pigment Components of Ornamental Crabapple Cultivars Groups in Flowering Process
  • ZHANG Wang-xiang1,*,QIU Jing2,JIANG Zhi-hua1,WEI Hong-liang1,CAO Fu-liang1,and TANG Geng-guo1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1145-1156.
  • Abstract ( 673 ) HTML ( 1411 ) PDF (631KB) ( 1411 )    
  • With 58 ornamental crabapple cultivars as the research object,their pigment components in flower petals at big budding stage(S1),blooming stage(S2)and end flowering stage(S3)were measured. Meanwhile,the differences of pigment component among different cultivar series(or subseries)and their dynamic patterns at different developing stages were studied systematically. The research aimed to provide references for excavating and utilizing special pigment traits of ornamental crabapples,which had high content and stability of anthocyanin,and for improving flower color and oriented breeding. Based on the reflection spectrum index(RSI)obtained by Unispec-SC spectrum analyzer and the actual content of pigments by UV-2450 ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer,the coupling functions between them for anthocyanins(Anth),carotenoid(Car)and chlorophyll(Chl)were built respectively:yAnth = 0.014x + 0.0012(R2 = 0.9974),yCar = 0.0038x0.3772R2 = 0.9902),yChl =–0.1007x2 + 0.3221x–0.2169(R2 = 0.8179). Using Origin7.0 software,a set of dynamic three-dimensional diagrams of pigment component content and proportion of the 58 cultivars at the three flowering stages were constructed. The results showed that Anth was the major pigment in crabapple petals,and Car and Chl were both secondary pigments. In flowering process,Anth,Car and Chl content generally presented a tendency toward lower level,whereas the proportion of each pigment component maintained relatively stable despite the fact that the proportion of Anth declined slightly,while that of Car and Chl both rised slightly. Also,the tree diagrams of pigment component clustering analysis were constructed according to Anth content and proportion at S2 and S3. The results were as follows:In the genetic distances of 1.15,the 58 crabapple cultivars could be divided into five color series,i.e. white series(A),pink series(B),light reddish-purple series(C),reddish-purple series(D)and dark reddish-purple series(E),in which C,D and E series constituted a pan-reddish-purple series. Each color series or subseries had their own obvious pigment component dynamic characteristics. For instance,the pink color subseries B2 had a higher Anth content[(0.090 ± 0.038)mg · g-1] at S1,but its stability was so lower(Anth content at S2 and S3 decreases by 83.2% and 93.3% respectively)that its valuable ornamental period was only limited before the full bloom stage(S2). By contrast,the pink subseries B1 had a higher Anth content and stability than the pink subseries B2(Anth content of B1 was respectively 1.7 times,3.3 times and 3.2 times of B2 at S1,S2 and S3),which improved the ornamental values of B1 subseries in a certain degree. Compared with the pink series,the pan-reddish-purple series had such much higher Anth content and stability that they maintained red or purple at the whole flowering stage,which significantly prolonged their valuable ornamental periods. For example,at S1,S2 and S3,the Anth contents of D and E series were 1.8–2.0 times,3.9–6.5 times and 8.1–10 times of pink series respectively. It was worth mentioning that the Anth contents of D and E series at S3 still reached the same level with that of B series at S1. As for C series,it was inferior to D and E series but significantly superior to B series in Anth content and stability. Even the Anth content of the C series at S3 reached 43.2% and 152.5% of B series at S1 and S2 respectively.
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  • Screening and Identification of RhTSPO1,an Interacting Protein of Ethylene Receptor RhETR3 in Cut Roses
  • YANG Ruo-yun1,CHEN Wen1,XUE Jing-qi2,TIAN Ji1,ZHANG Shuai1,ZHU Chun-yan1,GAO Jun-ping1,and MA Nan1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1157-1166.
  • Abstract ( 806 ) HTML ( 1413 ) PDF (1812KB) ( 1413 )    
  • It is known that RhETR3 plays an important role in ethylene-regulated flower opening of roses(Rosa hybrida). Here,RhETR3 was used as a bait to screen its potential interacting proteins in rose petals by using split ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid system. Of 26 positive clones which were identified and confirmed by retransformation in yeast,a TSPO/MBR protein was isolated by RACE and was named as RhTSPO1. The full length of RhTSPO1 was 777 bp which contained a 579 bp open reading frame,encoding 192 amino acids residues. The interaction between RhETR3 and RhTSPO1 was confirmed by β-galactosidase activity test in yeast. In addition,RhTSPO1 was fused with a mCherry fluorescent protein. The resultant RhTSPO1-mCherry fusion protein was used to conduct the fluorescence co-localization with RhETR3-GFP. The results indicated that these two proteins both located in the endoplasmic reticulum. The expression of RhTSPO1 increased as flower opening in the petals of cut roses,while it started to decrease when flower reached full opening,implying that RhTSPO1 may be involved in the flower opening process.
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  • Studies on the Histology and Ultrastructure of the Initiation of Rhizoids and Protocorm-like Bodies(PLBs)Induced from the Leaf Explants of Rosa canina
  • ZHANG Jian-fu1,2,TIAN Chuan-wei1,BI Ling1,and ZHAO Liang-jun1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1167-1174.
  • Abstract ( 575 ) HTML ( 1090 ) PDF (3114KB) ( 1090 )    
  • Leaf explants of Rosa canina were used to investigate the origins of the rhizoids and protocorm-like bodies formation. Histological studies revealed that remained procambium cells in the vascular bundles were induced by 2,4-D,then divided and enlarged to form long but narrow vascular tissue cells that functioned as pluripotent stem cells with a tendency to form root primordia which further developed to form root meristems. The rhizoids have the same anatomical structure with the roots growing in vitro,including root cap,root meristematic zone,elongation zone and maturation zone,and the rhizoids only has the primary structure not secondary structure. Incubating the rhizoids carrying calli under light/dark conditions on 1/2MS medium containing TDZ,the tips of rhizoids could develop into protocorm-like bodies(PLBs). Histological and ultrastructure observation revealed that the cells in the tip of rhizoids firstly differentiated into large parenchyma cells,these cells adjacent to the epidermis dedifferentiated to form a great many proembryo calli under the conditions of light and TDZ. And then the embryogenic cells divided and enlarged to form PLBs.
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Research Notes

  • Expression of GDP-L-galactose Pyrophosphatase and Its Relationship with Ascorbate Accumulation in Rosa roxburghii
  • SUN Ya-lei,YANG Man,and AN Hua-ming*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1175-1182.
  • Abstract ( 727 ) HTML ( 1259 ) PDF (659KB) ( 1259 )    
  • A full length cDNA encoding GDP-L-galactose pyrophosphatase(GGP),a key enzyme in the putative L-ascorbic acid(AsA)biosynthetic pathway of higher plants,was obtained from Rosa roxburghii Tratt fruits using RT-PCR and RACE technology. This cDNA,designated RrGGP(accession number,HM998753),contained an open reading frame(ORF)of 1 341 bp,encoding a protein of 445 amino acids. Sequence analysis indicated that its deduced amino acid showed over 80% identities with the corresponding proteins from other plant species. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR showed that the expression of RrGGP in fruits was significantly abundant than that of in leaves,flowers or stems,respectively,contributing to parallel accumulation of AsA. Transcript abundance of RrGGP in developing fruits showed a development-specific profile,in which RrGGP transcript levels were lower in young(10–50 days after anthesis,DAA)and nearly ripe(110–120 DAA)fruits,and higher in fruit in mid-development(60–100 DAA). This expression pattern showed a well correlation with AsA level,suggesting an important role of this gene in regulating AsA biosynthesis in the fruits.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of an Anthocyanin-related Transcription Factor Gene PyMYBa in Pear
  • SUN Sha-Sha, WANG Nan, JI Xiao-Hao, FENG Shou-Qian, ZHANG Xian-Sheng, WU Shu-Jing, LI Min, WANG Yan-Ling, CHEN Xue-Sen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1183-1190.
  • Abstract ( 695 ) HTML ( 1215 ) PDF (1290KB) ( 1215 )    
  • The 714 bp full length cDNA of PyMYBa gene was obtained using RT and RACE PCR from pear skins. The predicted protein of PyMYBa had 237 amino acids,with a calculated molecular mass of 27.4 kD and an isoelectric point of 8.78. The conserved R2R3 domain was observed in the N-amino terminus of PyMYBa. A signature motif specific for the interaction between MYB and bHLH proteins was observed in the R3 domain. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that PyMYBa is close with other MYB TFs involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis. Transcription analyses revealed that higher transcript levels of PyMYBa were in flower,leaf,fruit peel than in fruit flesh. In pear skins,the similar transcripts of PyMYBa and PyMYB10 were detected. The expression level of PyMYBa is highly correlated with the concentration of anthocyanin in peel after shading treatment and MeJA treatment. Therefore,the PyMYBa is speculated to be a positive MYB transcription factor gene regulating the biosynthesis of anthocyanin in pear. Through a prokaryotic expression system,the recombinant protein of PyMYBa was obtained,whose molecular weight was consistent with the size of expected protein.
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  • Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Development of Fingerprinting Key Among Accessions of Kernel-using Apricot Using SRAP Markers
  • AI Peng-fei,SU Shan,and JIN Zhan-zhong*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1191-1197.
  • Abstract ( 644 ) HTML ( 901 ) PDF (560KB) ( 901 )    
  • In order to evaluate the genetic relationship among accessions of kernel-using apricot,sequence related amplified polymorphism(SRAP)markers were used to evaluate genetic diversity of 24 samples. Fifteen primer pairs generated 280 bands,241 bands(85.34%)of which were polymorphic ones. SRAP primer pairs amplified 13 to 24 bands with an average of 18.7 bands per primer pair. Polymorphic information content(PIC)ranged from 0.28 to 0.65 with an average of 0.51. A fingerprinting key,established on the base of polymorphic bands amplified by a primer pair of Me4-Em4,could discriminate 24 accessions of kernel-using apricot. A dendrogram was constructed based on SRAP data using UPGMA culster method. The 24 accessions were classified into 4 major groups at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.70,which was basically corresponded with the genetic relationship based on morphological traits.
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  • Genetic Diversity of Wild Actinidia eriantha Germplasm Based on Fruit Traits and SSR Markers
  • TANG Jia-le,HUANG Chun-hui,WU Han,LANG Bin-bin,QU Xue-yan,and XU Xiao-biao*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1198-1206.
  • Abstract ( 771 ) HTML ( 1222 ) PDF (261KB) ( 1222 )    
  • Genetic diversity and genetic relationship of 70 Actinidia eriantha Benth. germplasms sampled from Wugong Mountain in Jiangxi Province were estimated based on the fruit morphological traits and SSR markers. The fruit phenotypic traits were collected based on the UPOV(International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants)for kiwifruit. Seventy SRR primer pairs even distributed on genetic linkage map of Actinidia chinensis were used to initially assess the polymorphism. Of the 70 primer pairs tested,21 pairs successfully amplified polymorphic fragments. The collected 70 accessions have expressed rich genetic diversity in both fruit traits and SSR markers. Seventy accessions were clustered into three groups including the circular and elliptic group,elliptic group and the oblong group based on UPGMA analysis. One hundred and twenty-seven bands were amplified using 21 primer pairs,and the number of allele per locus ranged from 2 to 12,with an average of 6.04. The genetic similarity ranged from 0.5306 to 0.9252. Upon on the UPGMA cluster analysis,70 accessions were separated into three major groups when GS values were set at the level of 0.65,which was basically consistent with the results of the fruit traits. The high level of genetic variation of A. eriantha suggested that these accessions may be useful to provide breeding materials for kiwifruit.
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  • Prokaryotic Expression and Polyclonal Antibody Preparation of Kinesin Peptide Segment from Cucumber
  • WANG Yan*,YANG Xue-yong*,LIU Xiao-lin,ZHANG Xiao-meng,YU Hong-jun,and JIANG Wei-jie**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1207-1217.
  • Abstract ( 673 ) HTML ( 1195 ) PDF (2674KB) ( 1195 )    
  • Using the total RNA of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)fruits as the template,we cloned two novel Kinesin genes CsKF1 and CsKF2 by RT-PCR. The results from deduced protein sequence analysis indicated that both CsKF1 and CsKF2contain moter domain of kinesin family. For protein expression in vitro,the coding regions for KF1-N,KF2-C,KF1-motor and KF2-motor were amplified by PCR and inserted into either the pET28a vector or the pET30a vector and then transformed into E. coli strain BL21(DE3). SDS-PAGE analysis results showed that the recombinant plasmid His-CsKF1-N and His-CsKF1-N,His-CsKF2-C,His-CsKF1-M could be expressed a 25 kD,30 kD,40 kD molecule mass of fusion protein with 0.1 mmol · L-1 isopropyl thiogalactoside for 6 h at 22 ℃. But His-CsKF2-M could be expressed a 38 kD molecule mass of fusion protein with 0.1 mmol · L-1 isopropyl thiogalactoside for 8 h at 18 ℃. The His-tagged fusion proteins were purified using a Ni2+-chelating Sepharose Fast Flow(Amersham Biosciences)column. Polyclonal anti-CsKF1-N,anti-CsKF2-C antibodies were raised in rabbits using the purified His-CsKF1-N and His-CsKF2-C protein as the antigens. Antiserum was then affinity purified using the AminoLink Plus kit with immobilized antigens according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Western blot analysis show that the polyclonal antibodies could specifically identify the corresponding antigen peptides His-CsKF1-N,His-CsKF2-C.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of LrPR10 Gene from Lilium regale Induced by Cucumber mosaic virus
  • ZHANG Xiang-ling,ZHANG Yan-long*,NIU Li-xin,SUN Dao-yang,and LIANG Zhen-xu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1218-1226.
  • Abstract ( 1335 ) HTML ( 1211 ) PDF (1176KB) ( 1211 )    
  • This study aimed to clone PR10 gene which was up-regulated in the leaves of Lilium regale infected by Cucumber mosaic virus(CMV)and examine the role of PR10 gene in defense response against CMV.The full length of LrPR10 was amplified by RACE and analyzed with bioinformatics tools. Real-time PCR was performed to check the transcript levels of LrPR10 in different organs of L. regale,CMV-inoculated and salicylic acid(SA)–treated leaves. The results showed that the length of complete cDNA of LrPR10 was 756 bp,which encoded 157 amino acids consisting of a Bet_v1_like conserved domain of pathogenesis-related proteins. The transcript level of LrPR10 was the highest in bulbs,whereas the lowest in tender leaves. LrPR10 was significantly induced by CMV inoculation and SA treatment. Transcript level of LrPR10 reached a peak at 4 d,4 d and 1d in the CMV-inoculated leaves of L. regale L. lancifolium and L. leucanthum respectively,while the maximum relatively expression values in CMV-inoculated samples were about 58,27 and 292 times higher than the uninoculated ones in these three species. After SA treatment,LrPR10 peaked at 8 h in L. regaleL. lancifolium and L. leucanthum and the maximum relatively expression values in treated samples were about 34,8 and 38 times higher than the untreated ones in three species. We hypothesize that LrPR10 from L. regale probably plays an essential role in plant defenseagainst CMV.
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  • Effects of Applying a Compound Coating with Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Quality of Fresh-cut Tree Peonies
  • WANG Yan-qiao,ZHU Wen-xue*,LIU Yun-hong,FAN Jin-ling,LUO Lei,and ZHAI Hao-yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1227-1235.
  • Abstract ( 696 ) HTML ( 1358 ) PDF (482KB) ( 1358 )    
  • To extend the preserving time of fresh-cut tree peonies,a compound coating antistaling agent was developed using polyvinyl alcohol,chitosan,citric acid,glycerol,sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS)and natamycin. Then the‘Luoyanghong’(Paeonia suffruticosa)peonies were processed applying ultraviolet(UV)irradiation and high-pressure electric spraying technology at room temperature 20–25 ℃ with the relative humidity of 68%–86% in order to investigate the effects on the quality and preserving time of fresh-cut tree peonies. The results showed that the method in this study could reduce water loss efficiently,keep the desirable color better,enhance the elasticity and firmness of the fresh-cut peonies significantly,and inhibit the growth of mould and yeast as well. An equation developed through quadratic polynomial stepwise regression was used to obtain the optimum proportion for the ingredients of the compound coating,which were polyvinyl alcohol 35 mg · mL-1,chitosan 21 mg · mL-1,natamycin 1.0 mg · mL-1,SDS 2.1 mg · mL-1 and citric acid 5.4 mg · mL-1 respectively. Additionally,the most suitable UV irradiation duration was 20 minutes with the irradiation intensity 90 μW · cm-2 at wavelength 253.7 nm. In conclusion,the method used here could prolong the vase life of fresh-cut tree peonies to 12 days.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Deoxyoxylulose-5-phosphate Synthase Gene Related to Aroma from Jasminum sambac and Isolation of Its Promoter
  • SUN Jun1,CHEN Gui-xin1,*,YE Nai-xing1,2,*,Lü Shi-heng1,LIU Zhi-qin3,HUANG Wei1,and LIN Zhi-da1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1236-1244.
  • Abstract ( 1110 ) HTML ( 1849 ) PDF (568KB) ( 1849 )    
  • The full length cDNA sequence of Deoxyoxylulose-5-phosphate synthase gene(JsDXS)was cloned from Jasminum sambacby using RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE)method. According to the 2 505 bp sequence,the promoter of JsDXS was isolated using Genome Walking Method. The gene expression pattern in blooming was analyzed by the real-time PCR. Gene structure analysis showed that the full length cDNA contained a 2 145 bp open reading frame(ORF),encoding a protein of 714 amino acid. There were several conserved domains,such as TPP-DXS,TPP-PYR-DXS- TK-like,Transketolase C,etc. One 745 bp sequence was found to be the promoter of JsDXS,which contained many cis-acting elements,such as TATA-box,T/GBOXATPIN2(related to jasmonate signaling),MYCCONSENSUSAT(related to cold stress),CIACADIANLELHC(necessary for circadian expression).The real-time PCR analysis revealed that the gene expression at 18:00 was low and started to increase and reached a maximum at 22:00,and then started to decrease and reached a minimum at 2:00. This phenomenon perhaps illustrated that the expression of JsDXS was regulated by circadian.
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  • Epigenetic Research Progress on Flowering Time and Flower Organ Development in Angiosperms
  • LI Wei and XU Qi-jiang*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1245-1256.
  • Abstract ( 736 ) HTML ( 2398 ) PDF (399KB) ( 2398 )    
  • The floral transition is a critical developmental process in angiosperms life cycle. Plants integrate multiple endogenous and environmental signals through gene expression pattern changes to result in flowering. Over the past few decades,extensive molecular genetic studies have elucidated the molecular mechanisms governing the floral transition. One key molecular mechanism for this transition involves epigenetic modifications that affect a number of aspects of plant growth and development. Epigenetic control is determinative in plants for coordinating the switch to flowering under favorable internal and external conditions and achieving reproductive success. In this review,research progress on the epigenetic regulation associated with flowering time and floral organ development. These epigenetic modifications include chromatin remodeling,histone methylation,and the miRNAs that mediate epigenetic modifications.
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Technologies and Methods

  • Development of a Real-time Fluorescent Quantitative RT-PCR Method for the Detection of Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-2
  • HU Jia-yi1,2,LUO Zhi-wen2,FAN Hong-yan2,LI Xiang-hong2,LIU Zhi-xin3,and HE Fan2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1257-1266.
  • Abstract ( 523 ) HTML ( 1415 ) PDF (667KB) ( 1415 )    
  • Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-2(PMWaV-2)is an important pathogen that causes Mealybug wilt of pineapple(MWP). This study established a real-time quantitative RT-PCR method with TaqMan probe based on specific primers of conserved nucleotide sequence of PMWaV-2 coat protein gene. The results showed that the method is highly sensitive to positive sample,but has no fluorescence signal to health sample and water control. The sensitivity of real-time quantitative RT-PCR is about 100 times higher than regular PCR. Three-time repeats revealed that the coefficients of variation between the intra- and inter-assay were both within 1.85%,indicating a simple,specificity,high sensitivity,and reliable reproducibility detection method to PMWaV-2.
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New Cultivars

  • ‘Huami Wuhe Gonggan’,A New Citrus Cultivar
  • QIN Yong-hua,YE Zi-xing,HU Gui-bing*,CHEN Jie-zhong,XU Chao,LI Gu-yu,and LIN Shun-quan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1267-1268.
  • Abstract ( 981 ) HTML ( 1031 ) PDF (245KB) ( 1031 )    
  • A new seedless citrus cultivar,‘Huami Wuhe Gonggan’,was selected from‘Gonggan’(Citrus sinensis × C. reticulata)through bud mutation. Fruit is medium,weighing around 116.3 g. The average seed number per fruit is less than 1.0. The fruit is oval in shape,with an orange thin rind. The flesh is orange red,sweet,fibreless and crisp,with an average TSS of 14.6%. Its full bloom occurs in middle-late March and fruits are mature in late December to early January of the following year.
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  • A Good Lemon Cultivar‘Yunning 1’
  • GAO Jun-yan,ZHOU Dong-guo*,LI Jin-xue,YANG En-cong,PENG Man-xiu,GUO Jin,WANG Zi-ran,ZHU Chun-hua,WANG Shao-hua,DONG Mei-chao,YANG Shi-pin,GONG Qi,and YUE Jian-qiang**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1269-1270.
  • Abstract ( 714 ) HTML ( 1181 ) PDF (297KB) ( 1181 )    
  • ‘Yunning 1’selected from the‘Eureka’lemon,is a good lemon cultivar. It shows some characters,such as moderate growth,bisexual flowers,petals purple,plenty flowers and blossom some times amount of a year. The average fruit weight is 145 g,elliptic,papillate,not fruit top seal ring,fruit surface smooth,the oil cell sag,pulp yellow-white,single fruit contains 10 capsules and 10–45 seeds,the juice flesh crisp. The soluble solids of 8.46%,total acid of 7.06%,vitamin C of 0.49 mg · g -1. Fruits can be listed in the middle of August by bagging technology,the skin turn to be yellow in November under the condition of natural. It can be fruit in the first year,high yield after 3 years,its yield is 60.0 t · hm-2 and high quality fruit rate reached 70%. It plant in Dali,Dehong,Baoshan and other regions in Yunnan Province.
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  • A New Mango Cultivar‘Yunre-5007’
  • LONG Ya-qin1,ZHANG Shi-yun2,XIE De-hong1,ZHAO Zhong-hai2,CHEN Yu-fu1,ZHANG Cui-xian1,ZHANG Fa-ming1,LUO Xin-ping1,and NI Zhang-guang1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1271-1272.
  • Abstract ( 665 ) HTML ( 910 ) PDF (383KB) ( 910 )    
  • ‘Yunre-5007’is a new mango cultivar selected from seedling variation of‘Hongxiangya’mango. The fruit shape is elliptic with yellow flesh,the average single fruit mass is 414.8 g,the ripe fruit skin is pink which exposed to strong light,and it is yellowish green which is in poor light. Its fruit has a edible rate of 82.2%,soluble solids content is 13.4%,total sugar content is 17.3%,and the vitamin C content is 0.149 mg · g-1,with abundant fruit juice,sweet,moderate fiber content,high and stable yield.
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  • A New Landscape Lily Cultivar‘Yunjing Red’
  • FENG Li-yuan,WANG Wen-he*,ZHAO Xiang-yun,WANG Shu-dong,ZHANG Ke,and YANG Kai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1275-1276.
  • Abstract ( 666 ) HTML ( 937 ) PDF (306KB) ( 937 )    
  • ‘Yunjing Red’is a new LiliumAsiatichybrid which is selected from‘Romano’בClaire’. The flower color is red with purple stigmn. The flowers are large and the flowering period is long. It has 3–7 flowers for 14–16 cm bulbs. The plant is small with an average height of 43–52 cm. The stem is thick and rigid. Bulbs breeding cycle is short. It has strong adaptability,slow degradation,and resistance to adversity.
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  • A New Salvia splendens Cultivar‘Ziguan Jingling’
  • WANG Mei1,*,ZHOU Xian-lin2,*,GE Xiu-xiu3,*,HONG Pei-pei4,CHEN Hong-wei4,WANG Hong-li1,AN Li-qing4,and LIU Ke-feng4,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1277-1278.
  • Abstract ( 554 ) HTML ( 893 ) PDF (315KB) ( 893 )    
  • ‘Ziguan Jingling’is a new cultivar bred from Salvia splendens whose calyx color is lavender and corolla color is dark purple. Planted in open filed and after 4 times pinched,the plant height of‘Ziguan Jingling’is 54–61 cm and the crown is 57–69 cm. Its calyx color is lavender and corolla is dark purple,the inflorescence length is 27–33 cm. The number of flower wheels is 18–24. There are 105–135 inflorescences on the whole plant. Sowed in greenhouse in early spring and then planted in open filed in Beijing,the florescence is up to 150 d,and sowed outdoor in early summer,the florescence is up to 75 d. It shows good at high temperature in Beijing.
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  • A New Acer rubrum Cultivar‘Yanhong’
  • TANG Fei1,DING Zeng-cheng1,*,REN Jie1,LIU Zuo-jun1,JIN Xiao-long1,Shi Dan1,and GUO Rui2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1281-1282.
  • Abstract ( 650 ) HTML ( 920 ) PDF (354KB) ( 920 )    
  • ‘Yanhong’is a new colored-leaf cultivar which is selected from the progeny of Acer rubrum. The leaves of‘Yanhong’with five lobes turn bright red from green and red in the late of October. The best ornamental time of the leaves is in the early November,with 30–35 days. Seven-year-old‘Yanhong’has no flowers and fruits. It becomes dormant in late November. It can be planted wildly in east,central,north and northeast area of China with strong resistance.
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  • A Chimonobambusa neopurpurea Cultivar‘Dujiangyan Fangzhu’
  • SHI Jun-yi1,*,YI Tong-pei1,2,MA Li-sha2,PU Zheng-yu1,YAO Jun1,and YIN Xian-xiao1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(6): 1283-1284.
  • Abstract ( 959 ) HTML ( 928 ) PDF (451KB) ( 928 )    
  • Chimonobambusa Makino‘Dujiangyan Fangzhu’is a new early-shoot bamboo cultivar from Ch. neopurpurea Yi. The straw which has purple brown longitudinal stripes is higher and beautiful. Underground stems are sympodial. The foliage are dense. The bamboo shooting period is earlier and longer,up to 120 d.‘Dujiangyan Fangzhu’grows up bamboo shoots twice. The type of bamboo shoots is taper and subconical. The texture of bamboo shoots is delicate and crisp. The bamboo shoots also have a higher nutritional value.
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