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2014, Vol.41, No.7 Previous Issue    Next Issue
  • Comparison of Phosphorus Efficiency on Different Rootstocks and Their Grafted Seedlings with Cabernet Sauvignon
  • MA Zhen-Qiang, ZANG Xing-Long, SUN Lu-Long, ZHAI Heng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1289-1296.
  • Abstract ( 935 ) HTML ( 826 ) PDF (359KB) ( 826 )    
  • 101-14M,5BB,1103P,Beta and Cabernet Sauvignon(CS)grafting were chosen as test
    materials to study the absorption kinetics of phosphorus and efficiencies of phosphorus. The results
    showed that,absorption efficiencies of different rootstocks on phosphorus were 1103P > Beta >
    101-14M > 5BB. Cabernet Sauvignon(CS)grafted on different rootstocks. Under normal P-supply and
    P-deficiency (20% of normal P-supply),the root length,root surface area,root volume of CS/1103P were
    significantly higher than the other three combinations,under the phosphorus stress,the root length of
    CS/1103P was higher than CS/101-14M,CS/Beta and CS/5BB respectively 24.53%、22.22%、33.60%;
    The root surface area of CS/1103P was higher than the other three respectively 22.77%,30.72%,34.28%;
    The root volume of CS/1103P was higher than the other three respectively 23.10%,36.92%,33.35%.
    Under normal P-supply,the phosphorus uptake of CS/1103P was higher than CS/101-14M,CS/Beta and CS/5BB respectively 32.08%,40.31%,27.19%;Under the stress of low phosphorus,the phosphorus
    uptake of CS/1103P was higher than the other three respectively 47.35%,44.64%,36.90%. The plant
    biomass of CS/1103P was significantly higher than the other three combinations. So we can concluded that
    1103P is P-efficient root stock,which can be applied in phosphorus deficiency or soil.
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  • Laboratory Evaluation for the Resistance of Pyrus Germplasm Accession to Valsa Canker
  • ZHANG Mei-Xin, DI Li-Feng, HU Hong-Ju, ZHANG Ben-Xian, HONG Ni
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1297-1306.
  • Abstract ( 647 ) HTML ( 741 ) PDF (326KB) ( 741 )    
  • The resistance of a total of 211 samples of Pyrus germplasm accessions belonging to
    eleven species to Valsa canker were evaluated by inoculating detached shoots in the lab with conidial
    suspension and mycelia plugs of two strains of Valsa mali var. pyri. The results indicated that the
    difference between the disease auti-invasion(17.5%)and auti-expansion(35.1%)was significant among
    the examined germplasm accessions. The disease auti-invasion and auti-expansion of the same germplasm
    accession in response to the pathogen was significantly different,and the consistent resistance accounted
    for 30.3% while the inconsistent 69.7%. For all of the germplasm accessions,highly resistant(HR/HR),
    resistant(R/R),moderately(M/M),susceptible(S/S),and highly susceptible(HS/HS)of the disease
    auti-invasion and auti-extension to the pathogen was 1.4%,4.7%,12.3%,10.9% and 0.9%,respectively.
    According to comprehensive evaluation for the resistance,it was considered that of Daxiangshui,Duli,Jiangdao,Le Counte,Longquansu,Pingguoli,Shanli,Yunhong-1,Zaoyu and Changshilang were resistant
    (R/R),that of Niitaka,Wudou-9 and Jingdu-3 were high resistant(HR/HR)and that of Xinxing and
    Xinhuang were high susceptible(HS/HS).
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  • Studies on Genetic Diversity of Pear Germplasm Resources in Liaoning Province of China Based on Chloroplast DNA Analysis
  • CHANG Yao-Jun, CAO Yu-Fen, ZHANG Jin-Mei, TIAN Lu-Ming, DONG Xing-Guang, ZHANG Ying , QI Dan , ZHENG Ying-Chun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1307-1316.
  • Abstract ( 634 ) HTML ( 1067 ) PDF (347KB) ( 1067 )    
  • Eight chloroplast DNA(cpDNA)primers were selected from 32 universal primer pairs to
    assess the genetic diversity of 37 pear accessions in Liaoning Province. Among these primer amplification products,four cpDNA fragments possessed variation sites. Nine singleton variable sites,three parsimony
    informative sites and two INDELS were obtained from the combined cpDNA fragments(3 688 bp). Two
    trnL-trnF-487 haplotypes,four trnL-trnF-413 haplotypes,two rbcL haplotypes and three trnS-psbC
    haplotypes were identified among the 37 pear accessions,respectively,and four haplotypes were identified
    based on the combined fragments. Non-coding region trnL-trnF-413 exhibited highest polymorphism with
    the most number of haplotypes,the most abundant haplotype(gene)diversity and nucleotide diversity,
    the most variant of haplotype diversity and the highest standard deviation of haplotype diversity. Values of
    haplotype(gene)diversity(Hd)and nucleotide diversity(Pi)of 37 pear accessions in Liaoning Province
    are 0.577 and 0.00055,respectively. Tajima’s test showed all Tajima’s D values are not statistical
    significant except for the rbcL fragment in P < 0.05,indicating that natural selection has an effect on
    mutations of this fragment. Both P. ussuriensis and P. bretschneideri accessions contained haplotypes
    HAP_1,HAP_2 and HAP_3,showing a close relationship between them;While HAP_5 is shared by P.
    communis accessions independently. The network constructed with Median-Joining network calculation
    exhibited that HAP_1 has a far relationship with HAP_2 and HAP_3,whereas HAP_5 has a far
    relationship with those three haplotypes mentioned above.
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  • Sequence and Expression Analysis of Apple Tonoplast Monosaccharide Transporter TMT Genes and Their Relationship with Sugar Accumulation in Fruit
  • MA Xin-Li, QIN Yuan , WEI Xiao-Yu, MA Feng-Wang, LI Ming-Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1317-1325.
  • Abstract ( 889 ) HTML ( 916 ) PDF (484KB) ( 916 )    
  • In present study,we analyzed the information of apple tonoplast monosaccharide
    transporter(TMT)gene family based on Malus genome database,and explored their expression
    characteristics by qRT-PCR and analyzed the relationship between their expression and sugar accumulation
    in apple. The results showed that apple had 5 transcribed MdTMT genes with 11 transmembrane domains
    and a hydrophilic loop located in the cytoplasm. These MdTMTs are highly homologous with Arabidopsis
    thaliana and Vitis vinifera TMTs. Quantitative expression analysis showed that all MdTMTs were expressed
    in apple with a higher expression abundance of MdTMT1 and lower expression abundance of MdTMT3 and
    MdTMT4. MdTMT1 had the highest expression abundance in flower and fruit while MdTMT2 in fruit.
    The expression of MdTMT1 and MdTMT2 had significantly positive correlation with total sugar,
    reducing sugar,fructose and sucrose during fruit development,especially MdTMT2. These results
    suggested that MdTMT1 and MdTMT2 may participate in the accumulation of fructose and sucrose in the fructescence of apple.
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  • Primary Study on Characteristics of a Peach with Variegated Color on Follower,Leaf,Stem and Fruit Simultaneously
  • SHEN Zhi-Jun, MA Rui-Juan, YU Ming-Liang, XU Jian-Lan, CAI Zhi-Xiang, ZHOU Mao, LI Fan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1326-1334.
  • Abstract ( 681 ) HTML ( 738 ) PDF (1767KB) ( 738 )    
  • A peach‘PCM-1’,with variegated color was obtained in breeding practice of ornamental
    peach. The variegated color was pink and white on flower,purple and green on leaf,purple strips or dots
    on green stem,and irregular red spots or dots on young fruits with green background. In this study,
    morphology,transmission among grafted clones and inheritance of the variegated color were investigated.
    By using SSR,parent of‘PCM-1’and difference among grafted clones were identified. Variegated color
    was stable during 6 years of observation on‘PCM-1’. Colorful cells were only observed in the first layer
    on the epidemic of petal,leaf and stem. By grafting,most clones(97.4%)carried variegated color
    predicting the trait could be transmitted by grafting,but a few clones(2.6%)with pure color were also isolated. The variegated color on flower,leaf,stem and fruit appeared simultaneously on the same plant.
    By crossing‘PCM-1’with white flowered and green leafed peaches,12.2%–24.7% of individuals with
    variegated color were observed.‘Hongfen Jiaren’,a released ornamental peach,was identified to be the
    female parent of ‘PCM-1’. By screening 324 SSRs,no different alleles were observed among three clones,
    ‘PCM-1’,‘PCM-1R’and‘PCM-1G’,although their leaf color are variegated,pure purple and green,
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of a GTP-binding Protein MiRab11 Gene from Mangifera indica
  • LIU Zhao-Liang, LUO Cong, DONG Long, HE Xin-Hua, GEN Wen-Quan, LI Li-Shu, WEI Peng-Xiao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1335-1343.
  • Abstract ( 680 ) HTML ( 907 ) PDF (2938KB) ( 907 )    
  • A MiRab11 gene,which belonged to small GTP-binding proteins Rab gene family,was
    cloned by RT-PCR and RACE from Mangifera indica mixed tissues(leaves,stems,flowers,and fruits).
    The full-length cDNA sequence was 902 bp and contained an open reading frame of 654 bp,which
    encoded a 218 amino acid protein. The deduced amino acid sequence exhibited high homology with Vitis
    vinifera and Citrus sinensis(97% similarity). Real-time quantitative PCR detection showed that the
    ubiquitously expressed MiRab11 in young stems and fruit of 70 d after flowering was much higher than in
    other tissues;The expression level of the gene was down-regulated during early fruit development from 20
    d to 50 d after flowering and up-regulated during fruit ripening from 50 d to 70 d after flowering;It could
    be up-regulated under different stress treatments(low temperature,salt,and drought)and stimulated by
    different signal molecules stimulation(abscisic acid,salicylic acid,and hydrogen peroxide). In a word,
    a MiRab11 was identified from Mangifera indica,which might be associated with mango fruit ripening and play an important role in mango stress reaction.
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  • Analysis on EST-SSR Markers Associated with Core Length in Cabbage
  • SUN Peng-Peng, LIU Ji-Sheng, ZHANG Yang-Yong, FANG Zhi-Yuan, LIU Yu-Mei, YANG Li-Mei, GONG Yi-Qin, LIU Li-Wang, LI Zhan-Sheng, ZHUANG Mu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1344-1354.
  • Abstract ( 956 ) HTML ( 1154 ) PDF (938KB) ( 1154 )    
  • Forty EST-SSR markers were applied for the genetic structure analysis of a natural population comprised 100 cabbage inbred lines,and association analysis between markers and two agronomic traits on core length were subsequently performed using GLM(general linear model)and MLM(mixed linear model)programs of TASSEL3.0 software in this study. Population genetic structure analysis showed that 100 cabbage accessions were composed of 3 subpopulations,and high polymorphism and various degree of linkage disequilibrium were detected among EST-SSR loci. There were 7 alleles of 5 markers associated with core length,and 3 alleles of 2 markers associated with core length/vertical diameter of head,and 2 alleles associated simultaneously with two observed traits under GLM program. There were 4 alleles of 3 markers associated with core length,and 2 alleles of 1 marker associated with core length/vertical diameter of head,and 2 alleles associated simultaneously with two observed traits under MLM program. Furthermore,2 alleles of 1 marker associated with core length/vertical diameter ofhead and 4 alleles of 3 markers associated with core length were determined under GLM and MLM programs.
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  • Obtaining of One Chinese Cabbage–Cabbage Translocation Line by Microspore Culture
  • HU Yong-Xia, LI Xiao-Feng, XUAN Shu-Xin, SHEN Shu-Xing, WANG Yan-Hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1361-1368.
  • Abstract ( 624 ) HTML ( 903 ) PDF (4840KB) ( 903 )    
  • In order to create Chinese cabbage–cabbage translocation lines,isolated microspores of Chinese cabbage–cabbage monosomic addition lines 3#(AA + C3)were cultured. Through identifying the obtained microspore plants by specific InDel markers located on Linkage group C02 of cabbage,one plant which has cabbage specific bands was identified from seventeen microspore plants. By designing multiple InDel markers around the targeted region,the exogenous cabbage fragment size is clarified as 1.03 Mb in this plant. Using one hundred InDel markers uniformly distributed on ten A genome linkage groups of Chinese cabbage,the chromosome fragment of cabbage was preliminary determined on the 5# chromosome of Chinese cabbage. Meiosis behavior of this translocation line showed that the chromosome number of this plant is twenty,which is identified as one translocation line introduced one segment of chromosome 3# in cabbage.
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  • Germplasm Resources Analysis of Rootstock-used Pumpkins by Phenotype and SSR
  • LI He, GUO Shi-Rong, SHU Sheng, XU Yang, SUN Jin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1379-1390.
  • Abstract ( 717 ) HTML ( 1839 ) PDF (1281KB) ( 1839 )    
  • Forty-seven accessions of rootstock-used pumpkin were collected in this research. Analyses
    of genetic diversity and relationships were done with 63 phenotypes and 40 SSR markers. It was observed
    that H’> 1.00 with eight qualitative characters(tender gourd skin color,fruit shape,main vine color,
    skin speckle,foliage white spotting,leaf shape,tender gourd speckle and color)and 23 quantitative
    characters. One hundred and sixty-seven polymorphic bands were generated. An average of 4.18
    polymorphic bands were detected from one pair SSR primers,and they ranged from 2 to 8. H’ranged from
    0.16 to 1.18,and its average was 0.62. Forty-seven germplasms were divided into four groups by 63
    morphological traits,and most of the germplasms were clustered into one group. Three groups were
    divided by 40 higher polymorphic SSR primers,similar to the result of our previous morphological study. The genetic diversity of collected rootstock-used pumpkin germplasms was low,and the genetic relationship
    was close. SSR marker CMTm11,with a high polymorphism,could be used in molecular marker assisted
    selection. Eight quality traits and most of the quantitative traits could be used as morphological markers,
    as an auxiliary means of rootstock-used pumpkin germplasms evaluation and breeding of new varieties.
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  • Karyotype Characteristics of Allium robustum,A. fetisowii and A. roborowskianum
  • YANG Tian-Ling, NING Ya-Nan, LIN Chen-Yi, XI Yan-Po, BA Ya-Wen, WANG Peng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1391-1399.
  • Abstract ( 646 ) HTML ( 1126 ) PDF (1448KB) ( 1126 )    
  • Karyotypes of 5 populations to Allium robustum,A. fetisowii and A. roborowskianum
    originated from Xinjiang were analyzed by squash method. The result showed that the chromosome
    numbers of A. fetisowii were 2n = 2x = 20 and 2n = 3x = 30,and its karyotype was 2B. The chromosome
    numbers of A. robustum and A. roborowskianum were 2n = 2x = 16 respectively,and their karyotype was
    all 2A. The karyotype formular of A. fetisowii in Yumin-Tacheng population was K(2n)= 2x = 20 = 12m +
    7sm + 1st. The karyotype formular of A. fetisowii in Yumin population were K(2n)= 2x = 20 = 12m + 6sm
    + 2st and K(2n)= 3x = 30 = 18m + 6sm + 6st. The karyotype formular of A. roborowskianum in
    Yumi-Tacheng and Qitai populations were K(2n)= 2x = 16 = 12m + 4sm,and the karyotype formular of
    A. robustum was K(2n)= 2x = 16 = 14m + 2sm. Satellite appeared on the short arm in m chromosome of
    A. robustum and sm chromosome of A. roborowskianum in Qitai population. The compositions of
    chromosome relative length were different in different species. A. fetisowii had all 4 kinds of chromosomes
    based on the index of relative length,A. roborowskianum missed L and S chromosome,and A. robustum had no L chromosome. A. fetisowii has intraspecific ploidy differentiation,and its triploid is reported for the first time.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of LlHsfA1 from Lilium longiforum
  • GONG Ben-He, YI Jin, SUI Juan-Juan, WU Jian, WU Ze, CHENG Yun-He, WU Chen-Yu, LIU Chen, YI Ming-Fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1400-1408.
  • Abstract ( 1024 ) HTML ( 1211 ) PDF (2067KB) ( 1211 )    
  • A novel member of class A1 heat shock transcription factors(Hsfs)in full length with 1 587 bp coding sequence encoding a protein of 528 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 59.056 kD was isolated from the leaves of Lilium longiforum‘White Heaven’via RACE method. Deduced amino acid sequence analysis and phylogenic tree showed the gene named LlHsfA1 that had five critical domains and motifs,belonging to HsfA1 family and most closed to OsHsfA1a,was obviously different from each HsfA1 from other species. Moreover,it was constitutively expressed in roots,bulbs and leaves by qRT-PCR analysis under normal conditions. After 42 ℃ heat shock,LlHsfA1 expression level showed an alternate trend of‘rising and falling’,remarkably up-regulated by heat. The LlHsfA1-GFP fusion proteinswere observed to be located in the nucleus and cytoplasm.
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  • Molecular Cloning,Expression and Evolutionary Analysis of the Flowering- regulating Transcription Factor Gene PsCOL4 in Tree Peony
  • WANG Shun-Li, XUE Jing-Qi, ZHU Fu-Yong, ZHANG Ping, REN Xiu-Xia, LIU Chuan-Jiao, ZHANG Xiu-Xin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1409-1417.
  • Abstract ( 580 ) HTML ( 955 ) PDF (1032KB) ( 955 )    
  • One important flowering-regulating transcription factor gene CONSTANS(CO)was
    obtained from tree peony(Paeonia suffruticosa‘Ziluolan’)by RT-PCR. The full cDNA length of PsCOL4
    was 1 125 bp,and could encode 373 amino acids. Sequence alignment and motif analysis showed that the
    deduced amino acids contained 2 B-box zinc figure motifs near the amino terminus and 1 conserved CCT
    domain near the carboxy terminus. It was designated as PsCOL4 and the GenBank accession was
    KF113358,according to its high identity of AtCOL4 in Arabidopsis. Phylogenetic analysis showed that it
    has close relationship with Vitis vinifera. The results of qRT-PCR revealed that the highest expression
    levels were appeared in the stems of P. suffruticosa,flowed by leaves and buds. The expression pattern of
    PsCOL4 from bud swelling to big-like flower-bud showed a decreased trend. The expression of PsCOL4
    has a few differences under different photoperiod treatments. The expression of PsCOL4 increase in leaves and decreased in stems under short day photoperiod,compared with that in long day photoperiod.
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  • Isolation and Expression Analysis of Cytokinin Dehydrogenase Gene RcCKX5 in Rosa canina
  • WANG Ling, GAO Bin, WEN Chao, XI Lin, LIU Feng-Luan, MA Nan, ZHAO Liang-Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1418-1426.
  • Abstract ( 882 ) HTML ( 964 ) PDF (1569KB) ( 964 )    
  • Protocorm-like bodies(PLBs)is a new protocol of efficient regeneration,and the development of rhizoids is a critical stage of PLB regeneration. Recent researches showed that cytokinin regulated the formation of rhizoids. Here,we isolated the full length cDNA of a gene encoding cytokinin dehydrogenase from rhizoids of Rosa canina,named RcCKX5. Sequence analysis indicated that RcCKX5 consisted of 1 815 bp,with ORF of 1 626 bp,5′ UTR of 104 bp,3′ UTR of 85 bp,encoded 541 amino acids. The deduced amino acids possessed conserved domains of CKX family,FAD-binding domain and cytokinin-bining domain. Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic analysis showed that RcCKX5 had the highest similarity with TcCKX5 from Theobroma cacao. Real-time PCR analysis indicated that expression level of RcCKX5 in root was the highest,and expression level in flower and fruit was high.Expression level of RcCKX5 keep increasing all along the formation of rhizoids,reached the highest peak in the twenty-first day,then decreased slightly. This indicated RcCKX5 might be involved in rhizoids formation. RcCKX5 was significantly and rapidly induced by 6-BA,expression level of RcCKX5 reached highest with the concentration of 2.5 mg ? L-1 and time of 120 h.
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  • Genetic Diversity and Population Genetic Structure of Wild Sweet
    Osmanthus Revealed by Microsatellite Markers
  • HU Wan, LUO Yi, YANG Yi, ZHANG Zhi-Yong, FAN Deng-Mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1427-1435.
  • Abstract ( 723 ) HTML ( 2302 ) PDF (394KB) ( 2302 )    
  • Genetic diversity and genetic structure of 139 individuals from seven wild populations of Osmanthus fragrans in four provinces of China were studied with nuclear microsatellite(nSSR)markers. A relatively high level of genetic diversity was detected in O. fragrans with 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Average Allelic diversity(A),effective number of alleles(Ne)and mean expected heterozygosity(He)were 6.039,3.769 and 0.673,respectively. All populations deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium significantly,with inbreeding coefficient(FIS)ranging from 0.313 to 0.580. Genetic differentiation among population was moderately low(FST = 0.143). Mantel test showed no significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances among populations(r =–0.277,P = 0.214). Bayesian STRUCTURE clustering analysis suggested that there were three logic populations for all individuals. Bottleneck analysis revealed that all populations except for LY had experienced recent decline in population sizes.
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Research Notes

  • Effects of Carbonized Powder of Apple Branch on the Growth and Root Architecture of Malus hupehensis
  • YAN Li-Juan, YANG Hong-Qiang, SU Qian, MEN Xiu-Jin, ZHANG Wei-Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1436-1442.
  • Abstract ( 725 ) HTML ( 866 ) PDF (292KB) ( 866 )    
  • The experiment was carried on using 2-year-old potted Malus hupehensis Rehd. seedlings with the carbonized branches from‘Red Fuji’apple tree pruned in winter applied,which were pyrolysised at temperature of 400,600 and 700 ℃ respectively.It was investigated that the photosynthetic performance,plant growth,root activity and root architecture parameters of Malus hupehensis seedlings after carbonized powder of apple branches were applied to the pots with the mass ratio of 1% and 2%. The results showed that the leaf net photosynthetic rate,plant height,stem diameter,total dry weight,root activity,root fractal dimension,total root length,root diameter,root surface-area and root volume were all increased significantly after applied with carbonized powder of apple branch to the soil,and all of them increased with the increase of the branch carbonization temperature from 400 ℃ to 700 ℃. The root structure of Malus hupehensis seedlings was more complex after treated by carbonized branches. The effect of application 2% carbonized powder of apple branches to the soil is better than that of 1%.
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  • Effects of Bagging on Soluble Sugars , Organic Acids , and Aroma
    Compounds in Pyrus sinkiangensis‘Korla Xiangli’Fruit
  • LI Fang-Fang, ZHANG Hu-Ping, HE Zi-Shun, TAO Shu-Tian, LI Ge, ZHANG Shao-Ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1443-1450.
  • Abstract ( 834 ) HTML ( 1169 ) PDF (784KB) ( 1169 )    
  • Bagging is an effective method of improving fruit quality in fruit production and has been widely used to improve fruit appearance,decrease pesticide/fungicides residues and increase commercial value. In order to compare the effects of different bag materials on internal fruit quality,the effects of purple plastic film bag and single-layer white paper bag(Kobayashi NK-15)on soluble sugars,organic acids,and aroma compounds in Pyrus sinkiangensis Yü‘Korla Xiangli’fruit were investigated by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC),headspace solid-phase microextraction(HS–SPME)combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC–MS)with non-bagged fruit as control. The results showed:(1) There were no significant differences in sugars contents between fruit with purple plastic film bag and non-bagged fruit. The contents of sucrose and sorbitol in fruits with single-layer white paper bag were significantly lower than that of non-bagged fruit(P < 0.05)but there were no significant differences in the contents of glucose and fructose. (2) Compared with non-bagged fruit,the content of malic acid were reduced significantly(P < 0.05)in fruit with purple plastic film bag and the contents of citric acid in fruit with single-layer white paper bag were increased significantly(P < 0.05). However,there were no significant differences in the contents of shikimmi acid,oxalic acid and quinic acid among different treatments. (3) There were distinct differences in the composition and contents of volatile compounds among different treatments. Bagging reduced volatiles varieties and relative contents of pear fruit,especially for esters with fruity smell. These results potentially suggest that bagging limite formation of whole fruit flavor,but the negative effects of plastic film bag on fruit flavor compounds lower than paper bag,and therefore the plastic film bag should be selected firstly in bagging cultivation of‘Korla Xiangli’fruit together with cost and work efficiency.
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  • Components and Amounts of Anthocyanins in Several Brassica Vegetables
  • ZHANG Shu-Jiang, MA Yue, XU Xue-Ling, QIAN Wei, ZHANG Shi-Fan, LI Fei, ZHANG Hui, SUN Ri-Fei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1451-1460.
  • Abstract ( 908 ) HTML ( 1955 ) PDF (789KB) ( 1955 )    
  • Anthocyanins cause red or purple color in Brassica vegetables. The HPLC-MS method was used to analyze components and amounts of anthocyanins in purple heading Chinese cabbage(Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis),purple pakchoi and caixin(Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis),red cabbage(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata),and red leaf mustard(Brassica juncea Coss.). Totally 20 anthocyanins were separated and identified in these Brassicas. They were major cyaniding,minor delphinidin and petunidin. The main anthocyanins in red leaf mustard,purple heading Chinese,pakchoi and caixin were acylated cyanidin 3-sophoroside-5-glucosides,acylated cyanidin 3,5-diglucosides and cyaniding-3- sinapoylferuloylsophoroside-5-malonylglucoside,accounting for 46.51%,56.04%,46.38% and 68.96% of total anthocyanins. The main anthocyanins in red cabbage were cyanidin 3-sinapoylsophoroside-5-glucoside,cyanidin 3-sophoroside-5-glucoside,cyanidin 3-p-coumaroylsophoroside-5-glucoside,accounting for 41.87%,20.58% and 16.02% of total anthocyanins. The total amounts of anthocyanins were 719.04 μg ? g-1 FW in red leaf mustard,604.03 μg ? g-1 FW in purple heading Chinese cabbage,264.96 μg ? g-1 FW in red cabbage,219.07 μg ? g-1 FW in purple caixin and 130.02 μg ? g-1 FW in purple pakchoi,respectively. Two specific acylated cyanidin 3-sophoroside-5-glucosides and one specific petundin-3,5-diglucoside were identified in purple heading Chinese cabbage.
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  • Effects of Root-zone Cooling Bed with Cold Water on the Physiological
    Mechanism of Tomato Seedling
  • LI Sheng-Li, XIA Ya-Zhen, SUN Zhi-Qiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1461-1466.
  • Abstract ( 647 ) HTML ( 907 ) PDF (275KB) ( 907 )    
  • In order to explore the physiological and biochemical mechanism of tomato seedling
    growth promoted by root-zone cooling,tomato(Solanum lycopersicum)seedlings were cultivated in
    cooling bed and non-cooling bed as control. Plant root morphological traits,nutrient uptake and
    physiological characteristics of tomato seedlings were tested. The results showed as follows:Root surface
    area,root activity(sap flow velocity and root respiration rate)and nutrient uptake of tomato seedlings were
    improved significantly. Compared with the control bed treatment,shoot N,Ca and Mg contents of tomato
    seedling in cooling bed were significantly higher,but root P,Ca and Mg contents were lower. Antioxidant
    ability both in root and leaf of tomato seedling were promoted by root-zone cooling. This study indicated
    that root-zone cooling by cooling bed with cold water could alleviate high air temperature injury for
    intensive seedling production in summer.
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  • Introduction of Antimicrobial Peptide Gene Gnk2-1 into Watermelon via
    Pollen-tube Pathway
  • XU Jun-Ran, ZHANG , XIAN , ZHANG , YONG , MA Jian-Xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1467-1475.
  • Abstract ( 638 ) HTML ( 845 ) PDF (2360KB) ( 845 )    
  • In order to study the feasibility of transferring exogenous DNA into watermelon by
    pollen-tube pathway,the antimicrobial peptide gene Gnk2-1 was introduced into watermelon accession
    ‘04-1-2’by pollen-tube pathway with different concentration(100,200,300 and 400 ng · μL-1)at different
    time(24 h,27 h,30 h,33 h)after self-pollination. Seeds from treated fruits were harvested and tested by
    PCR. The results were as follows:The fruit setting rate and average number of seeds of T0 generation
    increased with the increment of treatment time after self-pollination,though the two figures both showed a
    significant decrease under all treatments compared with control. The germination rate of T1 seeds treated
    27 h after self-pollination and the seedling emergence rate of T1 seeds treated 24 h after self-pollination
    decreased significantly. Compared with control,there was no distinct difference illustrated in the rate of
    germination and seedling emergence of T1 seeds between different concentration treatments. The PCR
    results of 1 280 tested T1 seedlings showed 32 positive plants and the total transformation rate was 2.5%.
    The optimum transformation time was 24–27 h after self-pollination and the optimum transformation concentration were 100–200 ng · μL-1. The positive plants were inoculated with Fusarium and showed a
    stronger resistance compared with non transgenic plants.
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  • Preliminary Screening of Dormancy Regulation Related Genes from SSH
    Library Constructed Using Dormant and Dormancy Breaking Bulbs of
    Lilium pumilum
  • LIU Fang, WANG Jia-Yan, ZHOU Yun-Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1476-1483.
  • Abstract ( 519 ) HTML ( 671 ) PDF (789KB) ( 671 )    
  • In order to verify the differences of gene expression in the process of lily bulb dormancy
    breaking,two SSH-cDNA libraries were constructed using dormant and dormancy breaking bulbs. The
    forward library contained genes preferentially expressed in dormancy breaking bulbs and the reverse
    library contained genes preferentially expressed in dormant bulbs. The results showed that differential
    express genes were enriched effectively in two libraries,and subtraction efficiency reached the demand.
    Most of the length of inserted fragments was 250–1 000 bp. One hundred positive clones were randomly
    selected for sequencing from the two libraries. We analyzed ESTs in BLASTx of NCBI and unigenes
    positioning in the pathways using KOBAS system. Results indicated that in dormant bulb library,these
    functionally known genes were detected in stress response. Phenylalanine metabolism and MAPK
    signaling pathway were associated with dormancy. In bulb dormancy breaking library,the function of ESTs involved in sugar metabolism,hormone response and signal transduction,linoleic acid metabolism
    and starch and sucrose metabolic pathway was involved in dormancy breaking process.
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  • Research Advance in the Molecular Mechanisms of Plant Flower Blotch
  • SHANG Xiao, WANG Jian, LI Qin, GONG Sheng, SUN Hai-Yan, ZHANG Xuan-Bing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1485-1494.
  • Abstract ( 608 ) HTML ( 1282 ) PDF (318KB) ( 1282 )    
  • Flower blotch is an important characteristic of flower ornamental traits. In previous
    researches the components and biosynthetic pathway of the pigment of the flower blotch have been
    understood well. This paper reviewed the recent research advance in the molecular mechanisms of flower
    blotch formation. The anthocyanidin synthesis catalase genes and regulatory genes related in the flower
    blotch were summarized,and the roles for the flower blotch formation of transposon,promoter,RNA
    interference,methylation and virus were discussed. A schematic diagram of the molecular mechanisms of
    flower blotch formation was calculated for a better understanding of the mechanisms,which would
    promote the theory study for the breeding about flower blotch.
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  • Design and Practice of Emasculation-free Cross Breeding in Chinese Jujube
  • LIU Meng-Jun, WANG Jiu-Rui, LIU Ping, LIN Min-Juan, XIAO Jing, LIU Zhi-Guo, SUN Xue-Chao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1495-1502.
  • Abstract ( 603 ) HTML ( 969 ) PDF (300KB) ( 969 )    
  • Little progress has been made for a long time in Chinese jujube cross breeding and none
    new cultivar via artificial cross-breeding has been released so far. Only approximate 0.01% of pollinated
    flowers produce fruits with hybrid seeds in conventional manual hybridization as a result of difficult
    manual emasculation (flower very small),very low fruit set rate and severe embryo abortion. After over
    10 years of study on the fruiting characteristics and pollen viability as well as exploration of embryos
    culture with different ages,we made a substantial progress in jujube cross breeding by overcoming the two
    bottleneck techniques,i.e.,emasculation and embryo rescue. Here we presented the design scheme and
    practical techniques for high efficient cross breeding of Chinese jujube,including breeding targets,parent
    selection,controlled hybridization without emasculation,pollination methods,acquirement of hybrids by
    embryo culture and molecular identification of hybrids. The design scheme has been carried out and
    further improved in practice. Two hundred and eleven hybrids from 2 cross combinations were obtained
    via controlled hybridization for the first time. The development prospects of Chinese jujube cross breeding were also discussed.
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  • A New Late Ripening Apple Cultivar‘Shannonghong’
  • JI Xiao-Hao, MAO Zhi-Quan, ZHANG Yan-Min, WU Shu-Jing, CHEN Xiao-Liu, CHEN Wei-Yi, CHEN Xue-Sen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1503-1504.
  • Abstract ( 695 ) HTML ( 768 ) PDF (463KB) ( 768 )    
  • ‘Shannonghong’is a new late ripening cultivar selected from the apple cultivar‘Ralls’.
    The fruit is middle big,nearly round in shape,the average fruit weight is 182.9 g,and the biggest one is
    260 g. The fruit has smooth surface,with yellow-white in background colour and bright red on all surface
    when full colouring. The colouring index is significantly higher than‘Ralls’. The flesh is white,delicate
    tender and agreeable to the taste in sour and sweet with rich flavour. The soluble solids content is 14.5%.
    The fruit has excellent quality. The fruit maturity period is about 180 days. During the fruit highest
    producing stage,the fruit yield is 118.8 t · hm-2. The resistance of‘Shannonghong’is close to that of
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  • A New Mid-early Ripening Grape Cultivar‘Hongcui’
  • ZHAO Xin-Jie, GAO Zhong-Jie, HAN Ning, ZHAO Yue-Ling, ZHANG Jia-Rong, LIU Sheng, LIU Pin-He
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1505-1506.
  • Abstract ( 611 ) HTML ( 630 ) PDF (4584KB) ( 630 )    
  • ‘Hongcui’is a new mid-early maturing grape cultivar which bred from‘Juxing’בJingxiu’.
    The fruit ripens in mid-late July in Pingdu,Shandong. The cluster is cone-shaped,with an average weight
    690 g. The berry shape is oval with bright red pericarp,the average fruit weight is 8.59 g. Furthermore,the
    soluble solids and acid content of berry is 15% and 4.4 g · L-1 respectively and the texture of flesh is fine.
    Moreover,the disease resistance of berry is stronger than parents. So the‘Hongcui’has better character and
    is suited to grow.
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  • A New Late-fruiting Walnut Cultivar‘Aolin’
  • HOU Li-Qun, ZHAO Deng-Chao, HAN Chuan-Ming, LIU Bing-Hua, WANG Jun-Yi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1507-1508.
  • Abstract ( 565 ) HTML ( 613 ) PDF (497KB) ( 613 )    
  • ‘Aolin’is a new late-fruiting walnut cultivar selected from wild walnut(Juglans regia L.)
    seedling resources in Shandong Province. The walnut is oval and the average nut weight is 14.8 g. The
    thickness of shell is about 1.1 mm. The average kernel weight is 8.9 g,and the kernel percentage is 60.2%.
    The nut has smooth surface. It is very easy to take out the whole kernel for dissepiment of nut shells
    degraded. The kernel was full and plump with a light yellow episperm. In addition,it has strong
    adaptability,good productivity,and high resistant to disease.
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  • A Walnut Cultivar‘Tianfu Zhihe’
  • WAN Xue-Qin, XIAO Qian-Wen, ZHANG Fan, ZHONG Yu, HU Ting-Xing, LI Zhi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1509-1510.
  • Abstract ( 525 ) HTML ( 676 ) PDF (584KB) ( 676 )    
  • ‘Tianfu Zhihe’is a new walnut cultivar derived from the native and excellent walnut plant
    (No. 01117)in Sichuan Mabian County. The nut is large and round,with the smooth surface. The average
    fruit size is 3.1 cm,the shell thickness is 1.1 mm,and kernel percentage is 55.2%. The average mass of
    single nut is 10.2 g. The total fat content is 62.2%,and total protein content is 17.5%. The production of its
    5-year-old crown projection area is 400 g · m-2.‘Tianfu Zhihe’is full of aroma and has high quality.
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  • A New Summer Squash Cultivar‘Heyuli’
  • WU Qing-Shan, WU Jun-Xin, SHEN Qiong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1511-1512.
  • Abstract ( 451 ) HTML ( 565 ) PDF (652KB) ( 565 )    
  • ‘Heyuli’is a new summer squash hybrid developed by crossing inbred line‘Y-2’and inbred
    line‘X-38’. The plant growth is semi-bush. The first female flower is set at 5–6th nodes. The fruit is
    straight,light green and shiny. The single fruit weight is about 320 g. It has continuous fruit setting ability,
    and good commodity quality. The plant potential is strong and not easy to premature aging. It has high
    resistance to disease. It is suitable to be cultivated in the early spring in protected fields in the whole
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New Cultivars

  • A New Light Skin Muskmelon Cultivar‘Cuixue 5’
  • ZHANG Yue-Jian, SHOU Wei-Song, WANG Guo-Hua, LU Hong-Ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1513-1514.
  • Abstract ( 757 ) HTML ( 991 ) PDF (937KB) ( 991 )    
  • ‘Cuixue 5’is a new middle-late ripening light skin muskmelon cultivar. The fruit is oval
    shape. The average fruit weight is about 1.15 kg. The color of its pericarp is white with light yellow when
    ripe. The cultivar belongs to crisp-flesh type and its pulp is white with thickness of 3.5 cm. The soluble
    solids content in the center of fruit is usually above 16%.‘Cuixue 5’has strong tolerance to gummy stem
    blight and resistance to powdery mildew in field. It is suitable to be cultivated in protected field.
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  • A New Rose Cultivar‘Pink Queen’
  • YUE Ling, CHI Dong-Ming, SONG Wei, GUO Peng-Zhong, LI Ming-Yan, ZHANG Jia-Wang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1515-1516.
  • Abstract ( 855 ) HTML ( 993 ) PDF (470KB) ( 993 )    
  • A new rose cultivar‘Pink Queen’is selected from the‘White Queen’natural pollination
    seedling.‘Pink Queen’has upright plants and high growth vigor. The flower is pink color,with 13 cm
    average diameter and 60 petals. The flower has strong resistance and fragment. It is suitable to be
    cultivated in the south of Shenyang.
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  • OT Lily Cultivar‘Jinmen’
  • CUI Guang-Fen, WANG Xiang-Ning, JIANG Ya-Lian, WU Li-Fang, JIA Wen-Jie, DUAN Qing, WANG Ji-Hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1517-1518.
  • Abstract ( 753 ) HTML ( 653 ) PDF (768KB) ( 653 )    
  • 'Jinmen’is a new OT lily cultivar selected from the cross-combination‘T11’(♀)and
    ‘D74’(♂),which has obtained by cutting stigma pollination combining with embryo rescue techniques.
    ‘Jinmen’is characterized by yellow petals that deep yellow in the lower,excellent opening angle of
    stalk,compact inflorescence,thick and good orthotropism of stem.‘Jinmen’shows vigorous growth with
    strong heat resistance. The cultivar has a certain tolerance to saline-alkali soil. It is suitable for wide area.
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  • A New Cultivar of Marigold‘Jingyue 1’
  • ZHANG Hua-Li, DONG Ai-Xiang, WANG Tao, ZHAO Liang-Jun, XIN Hai-Bo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(7): 1521-1522.
  • Abstract ( 627 ) HTML ( 820 ) PDF (559KB) ( 820 )    
  • Marigold cultivar‘Jingyue 1’is developed from a cross of female parent(male sterile
    material)S-03 × male parent V-01. It is a medium-height F1 cultivar with orange and honeycomb flowers.
    It takes about 90 days from sowing to the first blooming and it meets the flower demand of‘May day’
    holiday in Beijing. The potted plant is 25–28 cm of height,28–30 cm of crown width and 8.6–9.5 cm
    of flower diameter. Its pinnately compound leaf is 16–20 cm in length and 14–16 cm in width,with 7–
    9 pairs of leaflets. In addition,the new cultivar is resistant to rain and heat,and has vigorous growth and
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