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2014, Vol.41, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
  • Isolation of the Citrus CsTBL1 Gene Promoter and Its Activity in Transgenic Arabidopsis
  • MA Yan-Yan, CHEN Jiao, WU Tian-Li, ZHANG Jun, ZHONG Guang-Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 817-824.
  • Abstract ( 855 ) HTML ( 1165 ) PDF (584KB) ( 1165 )    
  • A 2 361 bp long promoter of the CsTBL1 gene was isolated from sweet orange[Citrus
    sinensis(L.)‘Olinda’]. Sequence analysis showed that the promoter harbors multiple stress-responsive
    cis-elements. To gather clues of the specific functions of the promoter a promoter-reporter vector was
    constructed,and introduced it into Arabidopsis by floral dip method. Analysis of T3 transgenic progenies
    with histochemical staining showed that high GUS activity in whole plants of 1- and 3-day-old seedlings.
    Strong GUS activity was still detected in cotyledons and roots of 7- and 20-day-old seedlings,but
    disappeared in hypocotyls. In 50-day-old seedlings,however,GUS activity was only detected in root tips
    and trichomes. GUS expression was induced by treatments with ethylene precursor ACC,ABA,MeJA,and SA,suggesting that CsTBL1 could be involved in plant development and stress responses.
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  • Molecular Identification and Cold-resistance Analysis of the AmEBP1 Transgenic Apricot Plants
  • NIU Qing-Lin, CAO Bang-Hua, WANG Yu-Shan, LIU Jing, ZHAO Jin-Hong, LUO Lei, HUANG Yan-Yan, FENG Dian-Qi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 825-832.
  • Abstract ( 639 ) HTML ( 787 ) PDF (430KB) ( 787 )    
  • The AmEBP1 gene coming from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus,was transformed into the
    immature embryo of apricot by pollen tube. Grew in the modified WPM media,five transgenic lines were
    obtained based on the following selections including kanamycin resistance,PCR and Southern analyses.
    Results of the cold resistance tests pointed out that in the low temperature treatments(–4 and–8 ℃),the
    transgenic plants exhibited higher survival rates than the untransformed control plants. Under the lower
    temperature cold treatment,the REC and MDA of transgenic plants was obviously lower than that of
    untransformed control plants. The LT50 of transgenic lines was remarkable lower than that of the
    untransformed control plants by 2.13 ℃. These results indicate that the imported AmEBP1 gene increased
    the cold resistance of the Daguo apricot.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Association Analysis on Leaf and Fruit AsA Content and SSR Markers of Wild Actinidia eriantha
  • TANG Jia-Le, WU Han, LANG Bin-Bin, QU Xue-Yan, HUANG Chun-Hui, XU Xiao-Biao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 833-840.
  • Abstract ( 789 ) HTML ( 1233 ) PDF (340KB) ( 1233 )    
  • Association analysis on leaf and fruit AsA content and SSR markers were studied by using
    wild Actinidia eriantha Benth. populations which AsA content was rich variation as experimental material.
    The results indicated that by using SSR marker and genetic structure analysis showed that the population
    of these materials was composed of 4 subpopulations. At P < 0.01 level,there were 7 SSR markers
    associated with the leaf and fruit AsA content under GLM program,and the rate of explanation on the
    phenotype of related marker ranged from 0.082 5 to 0.175 5. There were 6 SSR markers associated with
    the leaf and fruit AsA content under MLM program,and the rate of explanation on the phenotype of related
    marker ranged from 0.073 6 to 0.154 6. Found excellent SSR markers(UDK96-040,UDK96-053,
    UDK97-408,UDK97-414 and Ke227)associated with the leaf and fruit AsA content.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • In Situ Hybridization Analysis and Taxonomic Treatments of Rubus ellipticus,R. pinfaensis and R. ellipticus var. obcordatus
  • WANG Yan, WANG Xiao-Rong, CHEN Qing, ZHANG Li, LIU Yin, TANG Hao-Ru
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 841-850.
  • Abstract ( 530 ) HTML ( 854 ) PDF (602KB) ( 854 )    
  • Chromosomal localization of 45S rDNA and 5S rDNA were studied by means of
    fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH)on metaphase chromosomes of Rubus ellipticus,R. pinfaensis and
    R. ellipticus var. obcordatus. Genomic in situ hybridization(GISH)technique was also used to analyze the
    phylogenetic relationship among them. The results showed that two 45S rDNA and two 5S rDNA sites
    were detected in the three taxa. All 45S rDNA sites were localized on terminal chromosomal regions. 5S
    rDNA loci localized on peri-centromeric region of short arms in R. ellipticus and R. pinfaensis,but located
    on terminal regions in R. ellipticus var. obcordatus. GISH results indicated that the genomes of R.
    ellipticus and R. pinfaensis shared many common DNA sequences on 14 chromosomes. Eight weak signals
    around centromere and telomere were shared between R. ellipticus and R. ellipticus var. obcordatus.
    Meanwhile,R. pinfanesis showed close relationship with R. parvifolius from subsection Stimulantes,distant with R. coreanus from subsection Pungentes. Combined the above data and morphological
    differences,we approved the view that R. ellipticus and R. pinfaensis should be combined and placed the
    combined species R. ellipticus into subsection Stimulantes. R. ellipticus var. obcordatus should be treated
    as R. obcordatus rather than as a variety of R. ellipticus.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Effect of SH6 Dwarfing Interstock on N Absorption,Distribution and
    Storage Characteristic in Apple Saplings
  • LI Hong-Na, GE Shun-Feng, MEN Yong-Ge, ZHOU Le, WEI Shao-Chong, JIANG Yuan-Mao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 851-858.
  • Abstract ( 729 ) HTML ( 714 ) PDF (274KB) ( 714 )    
  • Two-year-old SH6 dwarfing interstock apple trees(Kudowu/SH6/Malus hupehensis)and
    vigorous rootstock apple trees(Kudowu/Malus hupehensis)were used in the present study to explore the
    effect of SH6 dwarfing interstock on N absorption,distribution and storage in apple sapling. The results
    were as follows:The net growth of vigorous rootstock tree was larger than that of SH6 dwarfing interstock.
    During the same period,Ndff value of same organs vigorous rootstock was higher than that of the SH6
    dwarf. Meanwhile,the 15N allocation rate of two kinds rootstock trees had a consistent pattern:Leaf was the highest,followed by new shoots and thick roots,while the center stem was the lowest,and
    40%–70% of nitrogen was assigned to the new organs(new shoots and leaves). The above part of N
    fertilizer allocation in vigorous rootstock(63.66%)was higher than that of the SH6 interstock(57.68%)
    in autumn shoot growth arrest stage,nitrogen use efficiency of vigorous rootstock young trees(14.32%)
    was higher than that of SH6 interstock apple trees(8.55%). After leaves fell in autum,33.11% of the
    nitrogen in the vigorous rootstock leaves retreated into trees,while about 36.92% retreated into the
    interstock trees. All organs except the fine root in the tree had 15N storage,and thick roots and phloems
    were the main storage parts in apple trees. The increment of nitrogen in vigorous rootstock underground
    part was 8.34%,while SH6 interstock apple tree was only 6.85%. SH6 interstocks had a certain block
    effect on N absorption and backflow.
  • Related Articles | Metrics


  • Molecular Clonging and Expression Analysis of Seven Homebox Genes
    from Brassica oleracea
  • REN Xue-Song, ZHANG Lin-Cheng, PU Quan-Ming, GAO Qi-Guo, WANG Xiao-Jia, SONG Ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 859-868.
  • Abstract ( 833 ) HTML ( 1187 ) PDF (361KB) ( 1187 )    
  • Four significantly differentially expressed HB(homeobox)analogs genes,BoHAT2,
    BoHB12,BoHB7,BoHB27 were identified through transcriptome comparison of stem tip and leaf at
    rosette stage and heading stage of cabbage(Brassica oleracea L.‘519’). BoHAT2,BoHB12,BoHB7,BoHB27 and else three HB analogs genes BoPHB,BoPHV,BoREV,which were no transcription difference
    at rosette stage and heading stage of cabbage but had been proved involving in the process of leaf curl in
    Arabidopsis thaliana were isolated respectively using homologous cloning method. Amino acid sequence
    analysis showed that seven genes share a homeodomain of homeobox family. BlastP analysis indicated all
    of proteins are highly homologous with HB protein family from Arabidopsis thaliana. The similarity of
    amino acid sequence of BoHAT2,BoHB12,BoHB7,BoHB27,BoPHB,BoPHV,BoREV genes are 86%,
    80%,79%,60%,94%,95%,96% compared with HAT2,ATHB12,ATHB-7,ATHB27,PHB,PHV,
    REV from Arabidopsis thaliana,respectively. Further BlastP and phylogenetic tree analysis indicated that
    BoHAT2 belongs to HD-Zip Ⅱ protein,BoHB12 and BoHB7 belong to HD-Zip protein,BoHB27 belongs
    to ZF-HD protein,BoPHB,BoPHV and BoREV belong to HD-Zip Ⅲ protein. The real-time PCR analysis
    indicated the BoHAT2,BoHB12,BoHB7,BoHB27,BoPHB,BoPHV and BoREV genes express in stem
    tip and leaf from rosette stage to heading stage. The BoHB12 and BoHB7 genes expressed higher in the
    leaf of heading stage than the leaf of rosette stage,there were 38.1 times more BoHB12 transcription at
    heading stage than rosette stage and 6.2 times more BoHB7 transcription at heading stage than rosette stage
    were detected. No obvious expression difference was observed for else five genes between heading stage
    and rosette stage. These results demonstrate the BoHB12 and BoHB7 genes may be the major genes that
    involved in the process of cabbage leaf curl.
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  • Differences of FLC Family Members and Its Effect on Dimerization of
    FLC/SVP in Brassica oleracea
  • LIU Zhi-Yu, YANG Pu-Li, JIANG Wei, GU Hui-Ying, WANG Zhi-Min, SONG Ming, TANG Qing-Lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 869-880.
  • Abstract ( 799 ) HTML ( 826 ) PDF (672KB) ( 826 )    
  • The transcription factors Flowering Locus C(FLC)and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE
    (SVP)interact to delay the flowering time in the plants of Brassica oleracea,but the molecular
    mechanisms have not been thoroughly understood. In an effort to unravel the mechanisms of the protein
    interactions,five FLC genes(named BoFLCy1–BoFLCy5) were cloned in Brassica oleracea. And all the
    FLC family members encoded MIKC-type proteins which were classified into two groups. Group one has
    two members(BoFLCy3 and BoFLCy5)with only one variational amino acid in C domain. While group two has three members(BoFLCy1,BoFLCy2 and BoFLCy4)with one or two variational amino acid positions in
    K or C domain,respectively. Then yeast two-hybrid system was used in the experiments and showed that
    all the BoFLCs(BoFLCy1–BoFLCy5)could act with BoSVP protein,but the three amino acids of TET
    inserted into the N-terminal of BoFLCy4 may destroy the protein interaction. Furthermore , the
    β-galactosidase activities were tested and indicated that the relationships of significantly different strengths
    among BoFLCs/BoSVP were BoFLCy1 > BoFLCy2 > BoFLCy3 > BoFLCy5 > BoFLCy4. The hydrophobic
    amino acids,which lied in the variational positions in KC domains of BoFLCs,were helpful for the
    polymerization of FLCs/SVP. And the conservative amino acids,positions of 63,77,120,121,135 and
    157 in IK domains of BoFLCy4,were respectively mutated and then acted with BoSVP protein. The results
    suggested that these hydrophilic or hydrophobic amino acids in K domain not in I domain regulated and
    affected the interaction strength.
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  • Analysis on the Internal Transcribed Spacers ( ITS ) Sequences and Phylogenetic of Pepper
  • XU Xiao-Wan, LI Ying, WANG Heng-Ming, XU Xiao-Mei, LI Tao, LUO Shao-Bo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 881-888.
  • Abstract ( 706 ) HTML ( 1243 ) PDF (240KB) ( 1243 )    
  • Based on the emerging field of molecular systematics as a powerful classification tool,a
    phylogenetic analysis was conducted using sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacer of nuclear
    ribosomal DNA(rDNA ITS)as DNA bar-codes for phylogenetic analysis of Capsicum plants. Seventeen
    pepper(Capsicum)resources were collected from different localities and sequenced ITS for all samples by
    sanger dideoxy method. Furthermore,other ITS sequences of Solanum lycopersicum(Shanghai906),C.
    baccatum,C. pubescens,C. frutescens,C. eximium and C. lycianthoides were downloaded from GenBank
    and aligned with the sequences obtained in this study by Clustalx 2 software. Then,the(G + C)content,
    divergence and similarity among sequences were analyzed by DNAstar software. Finally,based on the ITS
    sequences,phylogenetic tree was reconstructed by MEGA5.1 software using Solanum lycopersicon
    (Shanghai 906)as an outgroup to root the tree. The alignment result indicated a 15-base deletion in the
    ITS1 region for C. chinense(No. 6,7,8),C. pubescens(No. 20)and C. frutescens(No. 22)but not in C. annuum,C. baccatum,C. eximium and C. lycianthoides. According to the analysis of phylogeny,the 22
    Capsicum samples were divided into 6 clustered,all of C. annuum samples were clustered together. C.
    chinense and C. frutescens were clustered together. The result indicated that the genetic relationships of C.
    chinense and C. frutescens were close. C. eximium,C. baccatum,C. pubescens and C. lycianthoides
    represent entirely different branches.
  • References | Related Articles | Metrics
  • Functional Characterization of ClNLR Gene Involved in Tomato Defense
    Against Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Disease
  • LI Nan, YANG Ma-Li, CHEN Tian-Zi, ZHANG Bao-Long, ZHAO Tong-Min, YANG Yu-Wen, LIU Ting-Li, YU Wen-Gui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 889-906.
  • Abstract ( 944 ) HTML ( 1207 ) PDF (341KB) ( 1207 )    
  • The previous comparative transcriptome revealed the NBS-LRRs gene(Solyc05g009760.1)
    was up-regulated in the TYLCV resistant tomato line CLN2777A and may involve in the resistance to
    TYLCV. In this study,the cDNA of this NBS-LRRs gene was isolated from CLN2777A by RT-PCR and
    named as ClNLR. Quantative RT-PCR revealed that ClNLR gene was strongly expressed in the root and
    leaves of tomato. The transient expression of ClNLR gene in leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana triggered the
    hypersensitive reaction(HR). And the virus induced gene silencing(VIGS)of ClNLR gene in the
    CLN2777A plantlets facilitated the proliferation of TYLCV as shown by a negative relationship between
    the DNA content of TYLCV and the expression levels of ClNLR gene in the VIGS treated plantlets. Taken together,ClNLR gene may be a TYLCV resistance-related gene in tomato.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Construction of a Highly Dense Genetic Map Using SNP and Mapping of Three Qualitative Traits in Cucumis melo
  • YANG Guang-Hua, FAN Rong, YANG Xiao-Feng, HOU Jun-Liang, YUAN Shi-Chen, CAO Ming, WANG Xue-Lin, LI Jin-Song
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 898-906.
  • Abstract ( 1163 ) HTML ( 1957 ) PDF (332KB) ( 1957 )    
  • A Bin map of melon was constructed using a F2 population developed from a crossing the
    melon inbred lines between‘K1-7’(green-yellow primary skin color,white flesh color and absence
    secondary skin color)and‘K3-92-1’(yellow primary skin color,red-orange flesh color and absence
    secondary skin color). A genotyping method based on restriction named MSG was applied to genotype for
    the F2 population,and then SNPs had been scaned in the genome-wide of melon. The Bin map included 44 722
    SNPs,and then genetic analysis and gene maping had been done for primary skin color,secondary skin
    color and flesh color. Genetic analysis showed that the primary skin color and flesh color is determined by a single gene separately,in addition,the character of green-yellow primary skin color and red-orange flesh
    color is dominant inheritance. The genetic loci control of primary skin color was mapped on chromosome
    4 of melon,narrowed the range of 409 828 bp to 835 625 bp(425 kb region),the genetic loci control of
    flesh color was mapped on chromosome 9,narrowed the range of 20 433 942 bp to 20 573 889 bp(139 kb
    region). The genetic control of secondary skin color was found to be complex,involving two loci with
    epistatic interactions. One of these loci was the same region as the genetic loci control of primary skin
    color trait,the other gene loci was mapping on chromosome 2,narrowed the range of 23 736 803 bp to
    23 787 235 bp(51 kb region).
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of AcFT Florigen Gene in Allium cepa
  • LIU Bin-Xin, WANG Yong, CHEN Dian, WEI He-Yuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 907-914.
  • Abstract ( 752 ) HTML ( 1096 ) PDF (656KB) ( 1096 )    
  • The florigen gene which designated as AcFT isolated from the leaf of Allium cepa line,
    ‘1007’from vernalization period to bolting period(GenBank accession No. KF913629). The full-length
    cDNA of florigen gene in A. cepa was obtained by RT-PCR and Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends. The
    cDNA sequence of AcFT was 791 bp long and the open reading frame was 534 bp long which could
    encode a putative protein of 177 amino acids with a molecular weight of 19.8 kD and a theoretical pI of
    7.89. Compared and analyzed the amino acid sequence of florigen gene with Allium fistulosum,Iris fulva
    and so on,the A. cepa shared over 65% nucleotide sequence similarity with others and the similarity of
    amino acids with the florigen gene in A. fistulosum is 98.31%. Fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR system
    followed was established to examine the expression of AcFT. As a result,the AcFT gene from A. cepa
    detected during th e different tissues that was root leaf sheath,leaf,stem and inflorescence from bolting to
    vernalization,and it was highly expressed in leaves before bolting after vernalization.
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Ornamental Plants

  • The Analysis of Volatile Compounds and Seasonal Differences Emitted from Leaves of Acer truncatum
  • SONG Xiu-Hua, LI Chuan-Rong, XU Jing-Wei, WANG Chao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 915-924.
  • Abstract ( 560 ) HTML ( 1474 ) PDF (341KB) ( 1474 )    
  • Volatile compounds emitted by Acer truncatum were collected and analyzed by SPME–
    GC–MS in spring,summer and autumn,and the photosynthetic characteristics of the species were
    measured by CIRAS-Ⅱ photosynthetic apparatus. The main components,seasonal change and influencing
    factors of volatile compounds were analyzed. The results showed,the main volatile compounds included
    esters,followed by alcohols,aldehydes and terpenes,and the main components were 3-hexenal,
    3-hexen-1-ol,3-hexen-1-ol, acetate,acetic acid hexyl ester and β-caryophyllene. The total volatile
    compounds concentration varied with seasons,presenting a tendency of spring > summer > autumn,and
    the main components showed different releasing patterns. The correlation analysis indicated that there was
    a positive correlation between the total volatile compound and the stomatal conductance at the significant
    level. And the total volatile compound was accord with temperature,photosynthetic rate and transpiration
    rate,but not accord with the PAR.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of PIN1 and PIN2 Encoding Auxin Efflux Carriers in Rosa canina
  • LIU Feng-Luan, KOU Ya-Ping, CHEN Xiao-Li, GAO Bin, WANG Ling, ZHAO Liang-Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 925-934.
  • Abstract ( 857 ) HTML ( 1350 ) PDF (608KB) ( 1350 )    
  • The auxin transport and accumulation in plant can be indirectly indicated by the expression
    level of PIN(PIN-FORMED)genes encoding auxin efflux carriers. To identify the role of auxin in the
    initial development of Rosa canina protocorm-like body(PLB),two PIN genes RcPIN1(GenBank No.
    KF543362)and RcPIN2(GenBank No. KF543363)were isolated from adventitious roots of R. canina
    callus. The full cDNA of RcPIN1 was 2 266 bp in length and encoded a protein of 621 amino acids,that of
    RcPIN1 was 2 248 bp and encoded 643 amino acids,and they demonstrate a relatively high similarity in
    the two groups of membrane-spanning domains,located at the N- and C-termini of the proteins,and high heterogeneity in the central hydrophilic region. Blast exhibited that RcPIN1 and RcPIN2 were highly
    homologous to other PINs(> 70%). Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the expression level
    of RcPIN1 was higher in the root and stem than the leaf and flower,while that of RcPIN2,the root than the
    stem,leaf and flower. During the initial occurrence of R. canina PLB,high expression of RcPIN1 and
    RcPIN2 was induced in the callus-roots by TDZ culture,while in the presence of TIBA the two genes were
    inactive and less PLB formed finally. Our data suggested that auxin plays a important roles during the
    initial morphogenesis of R. canina PLB.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Karyotypes of 12 Wild Populations of Lilium sargentiae from Yunnan Province
  • LI Xuan, DUAN Qing, WANG Xiang-Ning, CUI Guang-Fen, JIA Wen-Jie, MA Lu-Lin, JIANG Ya-Lian, WANG Ji-Hua, WU Li-Fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 935-945.
  • Abstract ( 684 ) HTML ( 1195 ) PDF (857KB) ( 1195 )    
  • Karyological study of 12 wild populations of Lilium sargentiae Wilson from Yunnan
    Province was carried out by traditional squashing and pressing method. The results were the following.
    The base number of L. sargentiae was 12(x = 12). All of the 12 wild populations were diploid(2n = 2x =
    24)with a karyotype of 3A and without B chromosome. Their first and second pairs of chromosomes were
    either large median chromosomes(m)or large submedian chromosomes(sm). All the first pairs of
    chromosomes of the 12 populations had satellite chromosomes. The Karyotype asymmetry coefficient (As.K%)of the 12 populations were from 78.66% to 82.05%,which indicated the karyotype of L.
    sargentiae was asymmetrical and advanced. The As.K% of 12 populations of L. sargentiae from high to
    low was as follows:Maguan population > Shikan population > Longling population > Jiucheng population >
    Shilin population = Luxi population > Shuanghe population > Xichou population = Shizong population >
    Daguan population > Wenshan population > Zhaxi population,which might reflect the intraspecific
    evolution relationships among populations in this species. The 12 populations of L. sargentiae could be
    divided into 3 groups by cluster analysis when the threshold was 1.04. The above results indicated that
    the chromosome number of L. sargentiae was stable,and the chromosome variation among populations
    was generally coming from structure variation. The 12 populations had obvious differences in the
    composition of chromosomes,the number and distribution of satellite chromosomes,arm ratio,
    chromosome length ratio and As.K%. There were obvious karyological variations among populations of
    L. sargentiae.
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Research Notes

  • Establishment of TP-M13-SSR Fingerprints and Analysis of Genetic
    Relationship for Processing Apple Cultivars
  • GAO Yuan, WANG Kun, LIU Feng-Zhi, NIE Ji-Yun, WANG Da-Jiang, GONG Xin, LIU Li-Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 946-956.
  • Abstract ( 901 ) HTML ( 944 ) PDF (338KB) ( 944 )    
  • The fluorescent labeling of simple sequence repeat with tailed primer M13 was used to
    establish fingerprints of 19 apple cultivars suitable for chips and 25 apple cultivars suitable for juice,and
    the genetic relationship was discussed by cluster analysis. CH04h02 and CH05d04 can distinguish all of
    the processing apple cultivars. The SSR fingerprints of fouty-four apple cultivars are different from each other. The SSR fingerprints of processing apple cultivars established can serve as the cultivars-specific
    patterns and as an important basis for cultivars identification. The coefficient of 44 apple cultivars were
    0.7259–0.9704. All the cultivars tested were divided at coefficient 0.798. All the apple cultivars suitable
    for juice except Rome Beauty,Macoun,Hongyue,Honeycrisp,Stark Jumbo,Rainier,Duanzhi Gold
    Delicious were clustered together in the dendrogram. But the apple cultivars suitable for chips were
    clustered relatively dispersedly. The processing characteristics of processing apple cultivars with extensive
    genetic basis are associated with parent. When we continue to improve and perfect the evaluation system
    of quality for apples suitable for juicing and chips,consideration must be given to the correlation between
    genetic relationships and processing properties. We should reinforce the use of Gold Delicious,Jonathan,
    Ralls,Fuji and Delicious which are good breeding parents of processing apple cultivars.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Species Delimitation and Preliminary Studies of Genetic Divergence of
    Malus toringoides Species Complex
  • TANG Liang, LI Ju, TAN Si, MA Xiang, ZHOU Zhi-Qin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 957-966.
  • Abstract ( 758 ) HTML ( 1741 ) PDF (367KB) ( 1741 )    
  • Based on the elucidation of genetic origins of taxa in the Malus toringoides species complex,
    species delimitation and genetic divergence of this species complex were studied using single-copy nuclear
    gene SbeⅠ. There are three main clades on the maximum likelihood tree constructed with SbeⅠ. Species
    delimitation analyses indicated that the three clades correspond to three species. However,taxa within the
    three clades cannot be delimited as species except M. transitoria. The results of species delimitation were
    further supported by the estimation of genetic distance and fixed index. Within a clade,the range of genetic
    distances(0–0.006)between sequences from the same taxa is overlapped with those from different taxa.
    While genetic distances(0.008–0.016)between sequences from different clades are larger than those from
    the same clade. The estimation of fixed index is consistent with the estimated genetic distance. These
    analyses showed that the genetic divergence between taxa within a clade is rather small,and taxa within the
    same clade shouldn’t be delimited as species. Based on the results of species delimitation,the estimation of genetic divergence,and the genetic origin of taxa in the M. toringoides species complex,it would be better
    to recognize M. × setok as the variant of M. × toringoides,and to recognize M. × maerkangensis and M. ×
    xiaojinensis as a single agamospeciesin the species complex. Species delimitation in the M. toringoides
    species complex could shed light on the utilization and protection of wild resource in genus Malus.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Comprehensive Evaluation on Drought Resistance of Early Fruiting Walnut Cultivars
  • LIU Du-Ling, PENG Shao-Bing, SUN Hong-Mei, ZHANG Bo-Yong, ZHU Hai-Lan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 967-974.
  • Abstract ( 764 ) HTML ( 961 ) PDF (270KB) ( 961 )    
  • The seedlings of 12 early fruiting walnut cultivars were used as the test materials in this
    study to determinate drought resistance index such as physiological and biochemical index,photosynthesis
    and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters by using natural drought stress and after rewatering method. Then
    5 major indicators were selected by using principal component analysis to analyze drought resistance
    coefficient of each drought resistance index characters. And then the drought resistance of early fruiting
    walnut varieties were comprehensively evaluated by using membership function. The sequence of drought
    resistance of twelve early fruiting walnut cultivars were:Liaohe 1 > Zhonglin 5 > Xinzaofeng > Wen 185 >
    Luguang > Zhonglin 1 > Liaohe 4 > Za 343 > Chandler > Xiangling > Xilin 2 > Xifu 1. The evaluation
    result is similar to the reaults tested in the field.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of SmNAC1 in Solanum melongena
  • SHAO Shuai, XU Ling-Xian, WANG Shao-Hui, ZHAO Fu-Kuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 975-984.
  • Abstract ( 746 ) HTML ( 1007 ) PDF (1251KB) ( 1007 )    
  • Eggplant seedlings were used as experimental materials and the full-length of SmNAC1
    was cloned using Rapid-amplification of cDNA ends(RACE). The results showed that the full-length
    sequence of SmNAC1 is 1 279 bp and the open reading frame is 909 bp which encoding a polypeptide of
    302 amino acids with a protein molecular weight of about 35.04 kD. SmNAC1 contains the N-terminal
    conserved domain of NAC family and homology was as high as 90% with tomato and potato. The
    expression patterns were analyzed by Real-time quantitative PCR(RT-qPCR)under GA,4 ℃ and NaCl
    treatment. The results showed that SmNAC1 was induced by GA and stress such as low temperature and
    high salt treatment. However,there were some differences of SmNAC1 gene expression in roots,stems and
    leaves. The overall level of expression in the roots was higher than stems and leaves under different
    treatments,which indicated that SmNAC1 was predominantly expressed in root. The relative expression
    level of SmNAC1 reached a high level with short time(0.5–1 h),while the reaction was relatively slow in
    stems and leaves. The relative expression level had the smallest variations in leaves under different treat
    times. The results suggested SmNAC1 may participate response of GA-induced and adjustment of low
    temperature and high salt stress tolerance in eggplant.
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  • Suppression of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Disease by the Pantoea agglomerans Strain Ljb-2 in the Field
  • KE Hong-Jiao, WANG Yong, WEI Tian, GU Chun, LIU Hong-Xia, GUO Jian-Hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 985-993.
  • Abstract ( 782 ) HTML ( 1030 ) PDF (296KB) ( 1030 )    
  • Aiming at developing biological control agents(BCAs)that can effectively suppress tomato
    yellow leaf curl virus disease(TYLCD),this study investigated the biocontrol efficacy of the Pantoea
    agglomerans strain Ljb-2 against TYLCD as well as its plant-growth-promoting effect under both
    greenhouse and field conditions. Ljb-2 was originally isolated from the tomato environment. Applied to the
    susceptible tomato variety Geruisi with root drenching in combination with foliar spray,it achieved the
    significant biocontrol efficacy of 49.77% and 57.12% against TYLCD in the greenhouse and the field,
    respectively,in spring 2012. At 60 d post transplantation in the field experiment in fall 2012,with the
    same application method,Ljb-2 attained the biocontrol efficacy of 45.26% against TYLCD on Defenni (a tomato variety with moderate resistance to TYLCD). Ljb-2 significant increased the contents of
    leaf chlorophylls a,b,and a + b in the field,elevated tomato yield by 20.05%,leading to rises in the
    contents of vitamin C,soluble sugar,titratable acid,and sugar-acid ratio in tomato fruit in the field in
    fall 2012.
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  • Physical Location of 45S rDNA and 5S rDNA in the Genomes of Three Wild Rose Species
  • ZHANG Ting, JIAN Hong-Ying, TIAN Min, WANG Qi-Gang, ZHANG Hao, YAN Hui-Jun, QIU Xian-Qin, TANG Kai-Xue
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 994-1000.
  • Abstract ( 668 ) HTML ( 1135 ) PDF (494KB) ( 1135 )    
  • 45S rDNA and 5S rDNA were mapped on the metaphase chromosomes of 3 diploid wild
    rose species:Rosa multibracteata Helm. et Wils.,R. soulieana Crép. and R. laevigata Michx.,respectively,
    by double color fluorescence in situ hybridization. The 45S rDNA chromosomal distribution patterns were
    highly conserved among the three species. Each species had a pair of 45S rDNA loci on the short arms of
    one pair of heteromorphic submetacentric homologous chromosomes. The 5S rDNA sites were different in
    number and location among the three species. A pair of 5S rDNA signals was detected on the
    chromosomes of R. multibracteata,and two pairs of 5S rDNA sites were detected on those of both R.
    soulieana and R. laevigata. 5S rDNA were localized near the centromere region on the long arms of
    chromosomes. The number,location and fluorescent intensity of the rDNA signals varied somewhat in
    these three species. These results indicated that the double color FISH with 45S rDNA and 5S rDNA as
    probes supplied some characteristic cytomolecular markers for identifying their own chromosomes for these species.
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  • Study on Stimulation Model of Growth Condition of Cymbidium hybridum Vegetative Growth Period Based on Production of Thermal Effectiveness and PAR
  • WEN Lei, TAN Mei, WANG Si-Qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 1001-1008.
  • Abstract ( 576 ) HTML ( 857 ) PDF (274KB) ( 857 )    
  • Product of thermal effectiveness and PAR(TEP)is an important method in the crop growth
    simulation models. The growth condition including the longest leaf-length,pseudobulb diameter and the
    number of unfolding leaf,is an important index in Cymbidium’s vegetative growth period. The aim of this
    study is to investigate the effects of both temperature and photosynthetically active radiation on the growth
    condition of Cymbidium hybridum vegetative growth period. According to the characteristic of growth and
    development of Cymbidium responding to temperature and light,Cymbidium Hiroshima Golden Cup
    ‘Sunny Moon’and Cymbidium Great Flower‘Marie Laurencin’were used as experimental materials to
    study the growth and development simulation of Cymbidium in the greenhouse by the method of TEP. The
    results showed that the predicted results,including the longest leaf-length,pseudobulb diameter and the
    number of unfolding leaf,accorded well with the observed ones. The decision coefficient(R2)of predicted values and actual measured values of the cue ball,cormel,sun ball’s longest leaf-length,pseudobulb
    diameter,the number of unfolding leaf of the two varieties were respectively higher than 0.98,0.98,0.95;
    The regression estimation standard error(RMSE)were respectively lower than 2.06 cm,0.85 mm,1.21;
    The relative prediction error(RSE)were lower than 4.8%,2.8%,8.8%. The simulation model is applicable
    with few parameters,and can provide an effective method to predict the growth condition of Cymbidium’s
    vegetative growth period and decision support for the light and temperature management of greenhouse
    Cymbidium’s production.
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  • Progress on Molecular Detection of Grapevine Viruses
  • FAN Xu-Dong, DONG Ya-Feng, ZHANG Zun-Ping, REN Fang, HU Guo-Jun, ZHU Hong-Juan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 1009-1019.
  • Abstract ( 674 ) HTML ( 2420 ) PDF (273KB) ( 2420 )    
  • In this paper,the molecular detection technologies used for grapevine viruses in recent
    years are outlined,which include RT-PCR,molecular hybridization,gene microarray,RT-LAMP and
    high-through sequence,and the achievements of those technologies in the detection of grapevine virus are
    summarized. Furthermore,the further research directions of molecular detection of grapevine viruses are
    also discussed.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Mango Cultivar‘Yunre-5006’
  • LONG Ya-Qin, ZHANG Shi-Yun, JIE De-Hong, ZHAO Zhong-Hai, CHEN Yu-Fu, ZHANG Xue-Xian, ZHANG Fa-Ming, ZHANG Cui-Xian, WANG Wan-Dong, ZHOU Bang-Mao, NI Zhang-Guang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 1029-1030.
  • Abstract ( 778 ) HTML ( 895 ) PDF (186KB) ( 895 )    
  • ‘Yunre-5006’is a new mango cultivar selected from seedling variation of‘Sannianmang’.
    The fruit is elliptic,its average single fruit mass is 384.8 g. Ripe fruit skin is yellow,with golden yellow
    flesh,edible rate is 84.98%,soluble solids content is 15.74%,content of total sugar is 13.09%,and the
    vitamin C content is 93 mg · kg-1. Taste fragrance,beautiful shape,it has the advantages of high yield,
    strong adaptability and resistance. Its mature period is late June In Yunnan.
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  • A Flat Nectarine Cultivar‘Meiyue’
  • LIN Yun-Di, HAN Xia, ZHAO Qing-Zhu, ZHANG Dong-Qi, GAO Jing, QIU Yu-Bin, ZHAO Jing-Jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 1031-1032.
  • Abstract ( 1065 ) HTML ( 1012 ) PDF (396KB) ( 1012 )    
  • ‘Meiyue’is a new flat nectarine cultivar derived from the cross of‘Yanpan’flat peach ×
    ‘AT163’flat nectarine. The fruit shape is flat,with an average fruit weights 147 g. The fruit skin is full
    bright red. The flesh is white,crisp,sweet,with 15.4% soluble solids content. Superiorities of cultivar are
    early ripening,big fruit,good storage trait,seldom dehiscent fruit,seldom gummosis,high fertility and
    so on. The fruit development period is about 93 d.
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  • A New Cucumber Cultivar‘Yueqing 1’
  • LIANG Zhao-Jun, ZHOU Xiang-Yang, LIN Yu-E, MA Hai-Feng, HUANG He-Xun, 欧Ji-Xi , WANG Rui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 1033-1034.
  • Abstract ( 749 ) HTML ( 900 ) PDF (158KB) ( 900 )    
  • ‘Yueqing 1’is a new North China type cucumber cultivar bred by crossing‘YC-5’(female
    parent)and‘B11’(male parent). The fruits are produced mainly on the stem and side shoot. Fruits are long
    rod,straight and 38.0–40.0 cm in length,3.8 cm in width,1.2 cm in flesh thickness. Average fruit weight
    is about 400 g. Its skin is dark green with small white spines and its nubble is more and small. Fruits are
    crisp and sweet. It has good quality and resistance to storage and transportation.‘Yueqing 1’is suitable for
    cultivation in South China in Spring and Autumn.
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  • A New Seedless Watermelon Cultivar‘Golden Orchid’
  • LIU Wen-Ge, LU Jin-Sheng, YAN Zhi-Hong, ZHAO Sheng-Jie, HE Nan, LU Xu-Qiang, LIU Guo-Dong, CHEN Zong-Guang, ZHANG Bao-Dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 1035-1036.
  • Abstract ( 744 ) HTML ( 921 ) PDF (168KB) ( 921 )    
  • 'Golden Orchid’is a new early-ripening triploid seedless watermelon by crossing tetraploid
    line 950002LY as female parent with diploid line CL as male parent. It has middle-early maturity,set fruit
    easily. The average fruit weight is about 2.4–3.0 kg. The fruit is round with green skin and dark-green
    stripes. The flesh is yellow with small seed traces,fine texture,crisp and sweet flavor. The center soluble
    solids content is over 12%. The flesh citrulline content is 2.8 mg · g-1. The cultivar has good adaptability
    and it is suitable for long distance shipping.
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  • A New Asparagus Bean Cultivar‘E Jiangdou 12’
  • CHEN Chan-You, HU Zhi-Hui, ZHAO Xin-Chun, ZENG Chang-Li, ZHANG Feng-Yin, NING Bin- , PAN Lei, GUO Rui, PENG Hai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 1037-1038.
  • Abstract ( 659 ) HTML ( 1204 ) PDF (159KB) ( 1204 )    
  • ‘E Jiangdou 12’is a newly-bred cultivar of asparagus bean with typical characters of high
    yield,high quality,moderate maturity,and rampant growth. Its pod is green with red tip,having average
    length of 68.4 cm and an average weight of 24.3 g. It has continual productivity of tender pods and its
    yield can reach 27 000 kg · hm-2. It is suitable for planting in spring,summer and autumn in Hubei regions
    and the others suitable areas.
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  • A New Purple Hull Onion Cultivar‘Liancong 10’
  • CHEN Zhen-Tai, MIAO Mei-Hua, XUE Ping, YANG Hai-Feng, PAN Mei-Hong, LUO Zhi-Dan, YANG He-Chuan, NING Yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 1039-1040.
  • Abstract ( 655 ) HTML ( 913 ) PDF (151KB) ( 913 )    
  • The onion cultivar‘Liancong 10’is bred by separating F1 of the‘Japenese Red Onion’
    and‘Hongyu Zaosheng’hybrid and through systematic selection for many generations. It is the type of
    middle-day and early-mid season cultivar,the bulb is oblate spheroidal with purple color and its SI is 0.66.
    The weight of single bulb is 301 g. The total yield is 76 000 kg · hm-2.‘Liangcong 10’shows high disease
    resistance and can be practiced in open field of autumn sowing summer growth type in Huang-huai area of
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  • A New Lentinula edodes Cultivar‘Nongxiang 2’
  • LIU Xin-Rui, YANG Bin, XIE Bao-Gui, JIANG Yu-Ji, LIN Xi-Qiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 1041-1042.
  • Abstract ( 523 ) HTML ( 694 ) PDF (234KB) ( 694 )    
  • ‘Nongxiang 2’is a hybrid strain selected from the hybrids between single spores of wild
    Lentinula edodes strains L.0212 and L.0249 which from Fujian and Sichuan respective. The new cultivar
    has excellent characteristics such as good quality,thin stipe,high yield,and resistant to fresh storage. It
    belongs to a medium temperature and maturing strain and could be cultivated by frame and soil covered.
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  • Begonia‘Lihongmao’and‘Baiyunxiu’
  • LI Jing-Xiu, GUAN Kai-Yun, LI Ai-Rong, KONG Fan-Cai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 1043-1044.
  • Abstract ( 648 ) HTML ( 770 ) PDF (159KB) ( 770 )    
  • The new Begonia cultivars are name‘Baiyunxiu’(B. hemsleyana × B. rex)and
    ‘Lihongmao’(B. lipingensis).‘Baiyunxiu’was selected from F1 hybrids.‘Lihongmao’was selected
    from M1 space mutation breeding,by space mutation breeding to select new Begonia cultivar for the first
    time in China. The new cultivars are suitable indoor plants both for foliage and flower ornamental
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  • A New Malus Crabapple Cultivar‘Yingluo’
  • SONG Ting-Ting, TIAN Ji, ZHANG Jie, LU Yan-Fen, YAO Yun-Cong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 1045-1046.
  • Abstract ( 636 ) HTML ( 614 ) PDF (477KB) ( 614 )    
  • ‘Yingluo’is a new Malus crabapple cultivar which has been selected from the seedlings of
    Malus‘Adams’. This cultivar has strong tree vigor and upright tree shape. Its one-year-old branches and
    young leaves are red-brown,while mature leaves are dark green. This cultivar bears deep red buds that
    open to red flowers at a later time. Its long conical fruit is with good uniformity and bright color. The
    background color of fruits is yellow-green which is partially covered by deep-red. In addition to its high
    ornamental value due to its colorful leaves,flowers and fruits,this cultivar has strong resistance to low
    temperature and diseases.
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  • New Cultivar Series of Hemerocallis
  • GAO Yi-Ke, GAO Shu-Ying, JIA He-Yan, ZHANG Qi-Xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(5): 1047-1049.
  • Abstract ( 538 ) HTML ( 708 ) PDF (249KB) ( 708 )    
  • In cultivation Hemerocallis can be self and cross fertilized. Through a long period of
    cultivation and observation of the resulted hybrid seedlings,which showed a great variability in
    ornamental characters,10 individuals with high ornamental value and good adaptability were selected.
    They have been multiplied by in vitro rapid propagation and division propagation to establish 10 clones as
    new cultivar,which are different from each other in flower’s colour and shape and are suitable for most of
    the regions in China.
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