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2014, Vol.41, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
  • High Efficient and Extensive Production of Triploid Citrus Plants by Crossing Polyembryonic Diploids with Tetraploids
  • XIE Kai-dong1,WANG Xiao-pei1,WANG Hui-qin1,LIANG Wu-jun1,Xie Zong-zhou1,GUO Da-yong1,YI Hua-lin1,DENG Xiu-xin1,GROSSER Jude W.2,and GUO Wen-wu1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 613-620.
  • Abstract ( 790 ) HTML ( 1904 ) PDF (413KB) ( 1904 )    
  • In the four successive years from 2009 to 2012,to obtain triploid citrus hybrids,eight elite polyembryonic diploid female parents were crossed respectively with five allotetraploid somatic hybrids and one autotetraploid. A total of 4 442 flowers were pollinated in 15 crosses,from which 1 484 fruits were set,with an average fruit setting rate as 33.4%. As much as 12 578 immature seeds from 1 075 young fruits were cultured in vitro. After shooting and rooting induction,2 832 plants were regenerated,in which 401 and 121 plants proved to be triploids and tetraploids respectively by flow cytometry analysis. Up to 349 triploids and 98 tetraploids survived in the greenhouse after transplantation into greenhouse. The Simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers analysis showed that all of the 89 triploids derived from the cross of W. Murcott × NH were hybrids of both parents.
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  • Isolation,Subcellular Localization and Expression Analysis of a Citrus Cysteine Protease Gene,CsCysP
  • MA Yan-yan1,ZHANG Jun1,CHEN Jiao1,ZHANG Ling-yun1,ZHU Shi-ping1,YAN Shu-tang1,and ZHONG Guang-yan2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 621-630.
  • Abstract ( 731 ) HTML ( 1204 ) PDF (855KB) ( 1204 )    
  • A cysteine protease gene,CsCysP(KJ093387),was cloned from the fruit abscission zone of sweet orange[Citrus sinensis(L.)‘Olinda’] using RT-PCR and RACE. The 1 485 bp full-length cDNA of CsCysP contains a 1 083 bp open reading frame(ORF)encoding a protein of 360 amino acid residues. Comparison between cDNA and genomic DNA sequences showed that the gene contains three introns. The phylogenetic analysis placed the gene into papain-like(C1A)group. BLASTp analysis showed that CsCysP protein shared 73%–83% amino acid identities with CPRs from Arabidoposis thaliana,soybean,tobacco,Populus trichocapa and other species. Transient expression of a 35S-CsCysP-GFP fusion gene in onion epidermal cells revealed that CsCysP protein was localized in cell wall. Quantitative Real-time PCR results showed that the expression of CsCysP was higher in senescent leaves,fruit abscission zone cells and flowers than in leaves,stems and roots of young seedlings. CsCysP was induced by salt,PEG6000 and ABA but repressed by low temperature,ethylene(ET),brassinolide(BR),methyl jasmonic acid(MeJA)and salicylic acid(SA). Five transgenic citrus lines overexpressing CsCysP were also obtained in this study and will be further characterized.
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  • Phenotypic Diversity of Important Agronomic Traits of Local Cultivars of Chinese Chestnut
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 641-652.
  • Abstract ( 836 ) HTML ( 1521 ) PDF (283KB) ( 1521 )    
  • Phenotypic diversity of 12 important agronomic characters include leaf and nut phenotype and quality for 90 Chinese chestnut cultivars from 10 provinces were analyzed using nested design variance analysis and cluster analysis methods. The results showed:(1) There were significant differences for 12 agronomic traits of chestnut among and within populations,indicated that there existed a wide range of variation in the two levels;(2) The average variation coefficient of leaf and nut phenotype and quality traits were 7.7%,4.4% and 6.8%,respectively,showed that genetic stability of nut phenotype traits was higher than the other two traits;(3) The average of phenotypic differentiation coefficient among populations were 23.42%,which were less than the variation within populations(76.58%),showed that the variation within populations was the main source of variation;(4) Ten populations of chestnut were divided into 4 categories by using the minimum distance cluster analysis,indicated the differences of phenotypic diversity of chestnut existed in different geographical population.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of CsCER7,a Relative Gene May Regulate Wax Synthesis in Cucumber
  • LIU Xiao-feng1,AN Jing-bo1,ZHANG Li-xin2,WANG Wen-jiao1,XU Chong1,and REN Hua-zhong1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 661-671.
  • Abstract ( 804 ) HTML ( 2198 ) PDF (1299KB) ( 2198 )    
  • CsCER7,a homology exonucleases gene of Arabidopsis thaliana CER7,was recently cloned from cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.). Phylogenetic reconstruction indicated that CsCER7 has closer relation with SlCER7. CsCER7 expression was characterized by RT-PCR,GUS staining,in suit hybrid(ISH). The results showed that CsCER7 is expressed in tested organs,especially in the epidemic cells of fruits. A GFP fusion protein analysis showed that CsCER7 protein is localized in the nucleus and partial cytoplasm where AtCER7 protein is also localized previously reported. Promoter prediction showed that it contains several cis-acting elements such as MYCs and ABREs which response to ABA. RT-PCR analyses that expression of CsCER7 in cucumber fruit peel is increased under treatment with ABA. And wax load of fruit is also improved upon ABA treatment. Collectively,these results indicated that CsCER7 acts response to ABA which induces its higher expression,and further changes the accumulation of fruit cuticular wax.
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  • Studies of an AP2/ERF Transcriptional Factor Regulating Bi Gene of Cucumis sativus
  • ZHANG Hui-min1,ZHANG Lei1,MA Yong-shuo2,SHANG Yi2,WANG Shen-hao2,YANG Qing1,*,and HUANG San-wen2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 672-680.
  • Abstract ( 838 ) HTML ( 3337 ) PDF (719KB) ( 3337 )    
  • The cucumber foliage bitterness gene(Bi)encodes a cyclase and is responsible for the first committed step in the biosynthesis of cucurbitacin C. We cloned Bi gene promoter from North China cucumber‘9930’. To identify the candidate transcript factor that could regulate its expression in cucumber,we applied yeast one hybrid system using the promoter of Bi as bait to screen a cDNA library generated from cucumber leaves. After the sequencing of positive signals and alignment with cucumber genome database,we identified seven TFs(2 AP2/ERF,3 bZIP,1 WRKY and 1 E3 ubiquitin class)that were repeatedly detected from the sequencing results. CsERF(Accession number:Csa7M448110),the AP2/ERF family TF,was selected for a further study as repeated six times more than other TFs. In addition to the yeast one-hybrid system,we also observed the similar result using the transient expression system in tobacco. In summary,yeast one-hybrid and tobacco transient expression system showed that the CsERF has the ability to activate the transcription of Bi. Thus,this gene was an important candidate regulator that could control the biosynthesis of bitter material in cucumber.
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  • Functional Analysis of the gacS Gene in a Tomato Grey Mould Suppressive Bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens FD6
  • CHANG Lin,XIAO Qi,TONG Yun-hui,XU Jing-you,and ZHANG Qing-xia*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 681-686.
  • Abstract ( 1233 ) HTML ( 1391 ) PDF (482KB) ( 1391 )    
  • Pseudomonas fluorescens FD6 strain produces several antifungal metabolites and inhibits mycelial growth of many plant pathogenic fungi. The partial sequence of sensor kinase gacS gene was PCR-amplified and used to construct a suicide vector pBS-S,which was introduced into strain FD6 to generate a gacS gene-insertion mutant FD6-MS by homologous recombinant. FD6-MS could not produce pyrrolnitrin,2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol,pyoluteorin,proteinase and HCN,and the siderphore production and biofilm formation were markedly reduced. The mutant FD6-MS failed to protect tomato fruits from grey mould caused by Botrytis cinerea HY2-1. The gacS complementary strain could restore the production of above antifungal compounds and protective effect against tomato grey mold. Our results suggest that the gacS gene in strain FD6 act as an important regulatory element in antibiotic production and disease suppression activity.
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  • Cloning and Function Identification of Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase Genes in Turnip
  • XU Zhi-ru,LIU Tong,CUI Guo-xin,LI Chun-lei,MA Jing,and LI Yu-hua*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 687-700.
  • Abstract ( 858 ) HTML ( 2145 ) PDF (1713KB) ( 2145 )    
  • Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase(DFR)is the critical catalyze enzyme in the later stage of anthocyanins biosynthesis,which belongs to a large redox enzyme superfamily that shares a Rossmann-fold NAD(P)H/NAD(P)(+) binding(NADB)domain. DFR catalyzes the reaction from dihydroflavonol to unstable leucoanthocyanidin. The roots of‘Tsuda’turnip and‘Yurugi Akamaru’turnip were irradiated with UV-A light for 24 h. Total RNA was isolated,and then BrDFR1 and BrDFR2 genes were cloned by RT-PCR method. The open reading frame(ORF)of BrDFR1 and BrDFR2 genes contained 1 158 bp and 999 bp encoding proteins of 385 and 332 amino acids respectively. Amino acid sequence analysis showed that BrDFR1 and BrDFR2 have high homology with DFR of Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis. The FR_SDR_e domain was in the amino acid sequence from 8 to 302 of BrDFR1 and BrDFR2. The whole genome sequences of BrDFR1 and BrDFR2 had five introns with the same location and sequence. Southern blotting result showed that the copy of BrDFR1 and BrDFR2 in‘Tsuda’turnip and ‘Yurugi Akamaru’turnip genome is only one. Northern blotting result indicated that the expression of BrDFR1 could be induced by irradiation of UV-A,and the expression of the gene was correlated with light-exposure time. The induction of UV-A irradiation on the expression of BrDFR2 gene was indistinctively. The 42.8 kD and 37.5 kD proteins of BrDFR1 and BrDFR2 were successfully purified after BrDFR1 and BrDFR2 genes expressed in E.coli cell,respectively. The color of the flowers from BrDFR1 and BrDFR2 over-expressed tobacco plants was darker than that of wild type. The transgenic plants with light-colored flowers were obtained after the RNAi vector containing the DFR gene fragment of turnip was introduced. The present study will establish the experiment foundation for preliminarily clarifying the mechanism of light-dependent and light-independent anthocyanin biosynthesis.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of DaF3H Gene in Yam(Dioscorea alata)
  • YAN Rui-xia,YIN Jian-mei*,HAN Xiao-yong,and ZHANG Pei-tong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 701-712.
  • Abstract ( 605 ) HTML ( 1884 ) PDF (1008KB) ( 1884 )    
  • DaF3H,a key gene of anthocyanin biosynthesis,has been isolated from‘Yzi 006’,a purple yam cultivar riching in anthocyanins. DaF3H(KF561995),full sequence of 1 325 bp,had a open reading frame of 1 089 bp encoding 362 amino acids. The DaF3H protein belonged to soluble protein without signal peptide and transmembrane domain,and localized in cytoplasm. The conserved domain search revealed DaF3H belonged to the 2OG-Fe(Ⅱ)oxygenase superfamily. Comparative and bioinformatic analysis showed DaF3H was highly homologous with F3Hs from other plants,such as Juglans regia and Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea(80%). Expression analysis indicated DaF3H gene had the highest relative expression level in young leaves and less in functional leaves and stems. Anthocyanins accumulatedtrends and DaF3H gene expression level were closely related in leaves,stems and storage stems of yam. Furthermore,a 502 bp nucleotide promoter sequence of DaF3H has been isolated by adapter PCR method and the cis-regulating element analysis predicted there were many elements regulating the expression level of DaF3H in yam,such as auxin,metal ion,MYB-bZIP-MYC complex and GT-1binding sites for light regulation which was proved by the experiment on leaves treated in dark.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Studies on Flowering Phenological Characteristics of Ornamental Crabapple Cultivar Group
  • ZHANG Wang-xiang*,WEI Hong-liang,JIANG Zhi-hua,CAO Fu-liang,and TANG Geng-guo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 713-725.
  • Abstract ( 830 ) HTML ( 1718 ) PDF (372KB) ( 1718 )    
  • With 82 ornamental crabapple cultivars as the research object,the flowering phenology at initial flowering stage(S1),full blooming stage(S2)and end flowering stage(S3)was observed and studied systemly to provide references for the building and maintenance of crabapple gardens,for the excavation and development of special crabapple traits,and for the oriented breeding of crabapple with special flowering phenology. The results were as follows:According to the‘Hou’area distribution(five days is a‘Hou’in Chinese)of S1,82 ornamental crabapple cultivars were divided into five major flowering sequence groups:Very early group(VE),early group(E),medium group(M),late group(L),and extremely late group(EL),and flowering days interval between the earliest and the latest flowering variety was as long as 22days. According to flowering days from S1 to S3,with three days as level differential,82 crabapple cultivars,of which average flowering days was(11.4 ± 2.8)d,were divided into five major groups:Very short group(VS),short group(S),medium group(M),long group(L)and very long group(VL). Based on flowering phenology frequency statistics,cumulative cultivar frequency index(CFI)functions at S1,S2 and S3 were constructed respectively. It is found that the function linear slope values(i.e. k values)of S1,S2 and S3 were different significantlyk1(6.312)< k2(6.821)< k3(9.1557),which reflected a slow to fast rhythm changing trend in flowering phenology from S1 to S2 to S3. Also,Ornamental cultivar diversity index(CDI)function was constructed,which provided a new reference frame for evaluating the whole flowering appreciation value of the 82 cultivars. Based on CDI function,the whole flowering appreciation period of 82 cultivars were divided into six typical phases:start-up period(P0),fast rising period(P1),high and stable period(P2),fast falling periodP3),window period(P4)and low index period(P5). It is worth mentioning that in P1–P3,CDI ≥ 12.4% and the lasting time was up to 21 days,and in P2,CDI ranges from 75.4% to 80.2%,and the lasting time was 3 days.Based on the two-dimensional data of flowering days(L)of 82 cultivars and its respective mean daily maximum air temperature(T)during the flowering period(S1–S3),and with T = 23 ℃ and T = 27 ℃ as critical air temperature points,the three piecewise coupling functions between L and T were fitted respectively. It is found that the coupling coefficient(R2)between L and T were different significantly for the three cultivar groups distributed in different air temperature zones. Fifty-two cultivars distributed in air temperature zone A(T = 19.2–22.9 ℃),21 cultivars distributed in air temperature zone B(T = 23.0–26.9 ℃),and 9 cultivars distributed in temperature zone C(T = 27.0–32.0 ℃). That indicated the relativity of flowering days,which depends on both genetic and air temperature factors. When T ≤ 23 ℃,the genetic base was the dominant factor for flowering days,whereas when T ≥ 27 ℃,the daily maximum air temperature turned into the dominant factor. Also,when T = 23.0–26.9 ℃,the genetic base and the daily maximum air temperature both were the dominant factors for flowering days.
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  • Studies on SSR Molecular Markers Based on Transcriptome of Taxus chinensis var. mairei
  • LI Yan-lin1,YANG Xing-xing1,ZHANG Jia-yin3,HUANG San-wen2,and XIONG Xing-yao1,2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 735-745.
  • Abstract ( 858 ) HTML ( 2456 ) PDF (554KB) ( 2456 )    
  • To study the genetic diversity and genetic linkage mapping of Taxus chinensis var. mairei without information of the whole genome,the SSR primers were designed based on the transcriptome data (from NCBI)from roots,stems and leaves of 13 737 528 reads were assembled into 96 279 unique sequences with 38 Mb total nucleotides,in which 2 160 SSRs(2.24%)were identified,with the average frequency of 1/18.01 kb and the motifs length of 14 to 25 bp,by using SSR finding soft. Hexunucleotides (38.56%)and trinucleotides(37.08%)appeared to be the most abundant repeated motifs. Seven hundred and three repeat motifs were composed of 2 160 SSRs,in which hexunucleotides were accounted for 60.96%,with the repeat frequency of 3 to 4 times. Among the dinucleotide and trinucleotides SSR motifs(44.81%),the most abundant was(AG/CT)n,(AT/AT)n,(AAG/CTT)n,(AGC/CTG)n,(AGG/CCT)n and(ATC/ATG)n accounting for 34.73% of the total SSRs. A small amount of repeats were(CG/CG)n and(CCG/ CGG)n the optical amplifications were performed in 10 μL final volume containing 20 ng DNA,1× PCR buffer(Tiangen),20 mmol MgCl2,0.35 mmol each of dNTPs,0.25 μmol each of primers,0.45 U polymerase Taq(Tiangen),according to the orthogonal test of L9(34). Sixty-two potential markers sites were randomly selected to validate the assembly quality and develop SSR markers. Among 8 Taxus germplasms,effective PCR success rate and polymorphism rate of 62 markers were separately 53.23% and 38.71%. This study is important for analyzing genetic diversity,marker assisted selection,genetic linkage mapping and functional gene mining of Taxus chinensis var. mairei by using SSR molecular markers.
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Other Horticulture Plants

  • Effect of Harpin on Physiological Characteristics of Tea Plant Under Cold Stress
  • ZHOU Lin,CHEN Xuan,WANG Yu-hua,ZHU Xu-jun,LI Xing-hui,and FANG Wan-ping*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 746-754.
  • Abstract ( 597 ) HTML ( 1481 ) PDF (616KB) ( 1481 )    
  • Harpin,a new kind of elicitor protein,can increase the tolerance of plant. To understand the effects of harpin on the tea plant[Camellia sinensis(L.)O. Kuntze]under cold stress,The cultivar ‘Yingshuang’,was used as the material and treated with harpin at room temperature and 4 ℃,and then the physiological and biochemical indicators were determined. The results showed that osmotica content and antioxidant enzyme activity increased slightly within 6 days in the samples, which have been treated with harpin at room temperature. The contents of soluble protein,soluble sugar,proline and malondialdehyde(MDA),as well as the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD),catalase(CAT)and peroxidase(POD),increased as extending the cold treatment time. However,the chlorophyll content decreased. Prudent use of harpin(24 μg ? L-1)increased the contents of chlorophyll,soluble protein,soluble sugar and proline,simultaneously increased the activities of SOD,CAT and POD within 6 days. These results imply the injury of tea plants under cold stress can decline by the use of harpin,thus enhancing the cold resistant ability of tea plant.
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Research Notes

  • Screening and Identification of Cinnamic Acid-degrading Fungis and the Effect of Degradation Liquid on the Cucumber Germination
  • SUN Xiu1,WANG Xiu-feng1,WEI Min1,WANG Fang2,SHI Qing-hua1,*,and ZHOU Bo2,3,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 765-772.
  • Abstract ( 612 ) HTML ( 1252 ) PDF (421KB) ( 1252 )    
  • A fungi which is able to degrade cinnamic acid efficiently was isolated from cucumber rhizosphere soil by using enrichment and dilution separation methods. This strain could use cinnamic acid as the sole carbon source and was identified as Aspergillus niger by the morphological,biochemical characteristics and molecule analysis. Seed germination treated with degradation liquid of different time indicated that,this fungi could efficiently degrade cinnamic acid and alleviate the inhibition of cinnamic acid on cucumber germination. Seed germination rate,germination index and vigor index could separately reach 100%,92.06% and 91.49% compared with the controls in treatment with degradation liquid of 72 h. Radicle length,radicle area and root tip number also reached 84.19%,87.55% and 82.64%,hypocotyl length and fresh weight is not significant compared with the control.
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  • Comparison of Cold Tolerance Within 6 Cultivars of Iris germanica
  • WANG Guan-qun,LI Dan-qing,ZHANG Jia-ping,and XIA Yi-ping*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 773-780.
  • Abstract ( 1299 ) HTML ( 1526 ) PDF (301KB) ( 1526 )    
  • The relative electric conductivity(REC)and field inspection were determined in leaves of six cultivars of Iris germanica during the natural winter along with dropping temperature. The logistic equation was constructed based on the relationship between REC and temperature,then the semi-lethal temperature was determined. Malondialdehyde(MDA)contents,soluble protein contents and free proline contents were analyzed. The results showed that the index of chilling injury was intervenient 1.20 and 3.65,and the range of semi-lethal temperature(LT50)was from–13.81 ℃ to–5.73 ℃. ‘Cherry Falls’ and‘Bedtime Story’had high cold tolerance. ‘Brown Lasso’and‘Black Swan’had medium cold tolerance. ‘China Dragon’and‘Caligula’had poor cold tolerance. The LT50 decreased with the drop in temperature, the decrease of LT50 was cultivar dependent. The decrease of LT50 varied from 1.46 ℃ to 6.51 ℃. The REC of the all cultivars increased following an S-curve as the temperature dropped. The contents of soluble protein,free proline and MDA increased firstly,then decreased.
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  • Studies on Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration in Rosa chinensis‘Yueyuehong’
  • YI Xing1,CHEN Ji-ren1,*,HU Bo-wen1,CHEN Yan-bin1,LI Qing1,DENG Zi-niu1,and XIONG Xing-yao1,2,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 781-788.
  • Abstract ( 567 ) HTML ( 1163 ) PDF (361KB) ( 1163 )    
  • In order to establish a high-frequency regeneration system for rose,the crucial effects of light and plant growth regulators on somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Rosa chinensis ‘Yueyuehong’were investigated using leaf as explant. The results showed that after 12 weeks of callus induction on embryo proliferation medium supplemented with 3.0 mg · L-1 2,4-D + 0.5mg · L-1 TDZ in the dark and a subculture on embryo mature medium under red light(with an intensity of 7.2 µmol · m-2 · s-1)treatment,somatic embryos with thick and expanded cotyledon(s),which had potential regenerating capability were mostly observed. While shoot-like embryos without cotyledon(s)were mostly observed in dark condition.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Grape Cultivar‘Green Rose’
  • LI En-biao*,NING Sheng,LI Xin-jiang,HU Jun-jie,CHEN Gang,CHEN Kai-feng,and WU Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 797-798.
  • Abstract ( 789 ) HTML ( 1013 ) PDF (242KB) ( 1013 )    
  • ‘Green Rose’is a new grape variety of early maturing and seedless,which was bred by ‘Qinlong Dasui’בSabah Pearls’,and exclusively used in protected cultivation. Its average single grain weight 6 g,soluble solids content of 18% to 22%,the content of Vitamin C 0.628 mg · g-1;Its fruit with rich rose fragrance,sweet,and good quality;Its peel yellow-green color,crisp,fruit meat separated from the skin,can be sliced,early flowering,early fruit,and with strong ability of continuous fruiting.
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  • A New Fresh and Processing Apricot Cultivar‘Jingjia 2’
  • WANG Yu-zhu*,SUN Hao-yuan,YANG Li,ZHANG Jun-huan,and JIANG Feng-chao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 799-780.
  • Abstract ( 583 ) HTML ( 811 ) PDF (184KB) ( 811 )    
  • ‘Jingjia 2’is a new apricot cultivar bred from the cross‘Chuanzhihong’בJinyuxing’. The fruit is oval-shaped with the ground color of yellow and almost half flush in the surface. The average fruit weight is 77.6 g,and the maximum is 118.0 g. The flesh is yellow with medium amount of juice,fine texture and aroma. The flavour is sweet and moderately sour. The soluble solids,titratable acidity and soluble sugar account for 13.1%,1.46%,and 6.4%,respectively. The vitamin C content is 67.3 mg ? kg-1. The fruit development period is about 87 d.‘Jingjia 2’is characterized by high and stable yield,good winter hardiness and high comprehensive quality.
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  • A New Autumn Chinese Cabbage Hybrid‘Qiubai 85’with Mid-cylindric Head
  • ZHANG Lu-gang*,ZHANG Ming-ke,and HUI Mai-xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 801-802.
  • Abstract ( 527 ) HTML ( 833 ) PDF (213KB) ( 833 )    
  • ‘Qiubai 85’is a new hybrid of autumn Chinese cabbage with mid-cylindric head and mid-late ripen bred by crossing self-incompatiable line‘05S1657’with‘05S137’. It can be harvested in 85 days after sowing. Its plant is erect with deep green leaf and white petiole,the plant is 45.0 cm in height and 63.5 cm in width. Its leaf head is mid-cylindric with erect heading leaf,and 33.6 cm in height,15.5 cm in diameter,2.9 kg in net weight. The rate of net head is 78.5%,Its average net yield is 75–97.5 t · hm-2.
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  • A New High Yield Savoy Cultivar‘Huiwu 4’
  • ZHANG Wen1,WANG Cheng-gang1,*,PING Qing-jiang2,and ZHANG Hui1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 803-805.
  • Abstract ( 506 ) HTML ( 888 ) PDF (156KB) ( 888 )    
  • ‘Huiwu 4’is a new high yield savoy cultivar bred by two self-incompatible line‘W9804-7’בW9803-3’. The sovoy cultivar shows high yield,beautiful plant type and winterness. The plant height is 15 cm. The expansion is about 30 cm × 30 cm. The average plant mass is about 516 g. The yield is about 68 100 kg × hm-2. The outer leaves are light green,the heart leaves are yellowish and the petioles are white with tender quality. It showed high quality and disease resistance in the fields. It is suitable to be cultivated for overwintering in open field in the middle and South of China,especially the Yangzi River and Huaihe River.
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  • A New Muskmelon Cultivar‘Ximi 8’
  • DOU Hong-tao*,CHEN Chong-jun,XING Wen-yan,WU Yun-xia,CHANG Hui,ZHANG Guo-long,and LU Yu-rong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 805-806.
  • Abstract ( 540 ) HTML ( 877 ) PDF (160KB) ( 877 )    
  • ‘Ximi 3’is a new muskmelon cultivar of mid-hybrid and superior quality. The whole fruit growth period is 110–115 d and fruit developing period is 45–50 d. Fruit is a regular spherical. The average fruit weight is 1 000–1 500 g. The pericarp is grey-green with many netty streaks,the well- distributed stripes on the pericarp are thick. The fruit fresh is light green and 4 cm thick. The soluble solids content is 16%. It is resistant to downy mildew and tolerant to storage. The yield is 37 500–45 000 kg · hm-2.
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  • A Novel Agaricus blazei Cultivar‘Fuji 5’
  • LIU Peng-hu1,JIANG Zhi-he2,*,LEI Jin-gui3,WANG Yi-xiang4,and WENG Bo-qi4,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 807-808.
  • Abstract ( 615 ) HTML ( 1110 ) PDF (441KB) ( 1110 )    
  • ‘Fuji 5’is a novel cultivar of Agaricus blazei which was bred through irradiating mycelium of strain J1 using 60Co-γ ray. The hypha of‘Fuji 5’were thicker than J1 and have more knotting. The fruiting body of‘Fuji 5’is brown. The optimum temperature for growth of its mycelia and fruiting body were 26–32 ℃ and 22–26 ℃ respectively. Compared with J1,‘Fuji 5’has several advantages,such as higher yield,better color,tidiness of stipe,lower absorption of heavy metals and richer nutrition content.
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  • A New Salvia splendens Cultivar‘Hongse Lianqu’
  • ZHANG Xiu-fang1,*,WANG Hong-li1,*,CHEN Hong-wei2,*,YAO Ai-min2,SHI Ai-ping1,and LIU Ke-feng2,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(4): 811-812.
  • Abstract ( 568 ) HTML ( 816 ) PDF (196KB) ( 816 )    
  • ‘Hongse Lianqu’is a red cultivar bred from the red Salvia splendens which grow in a rural farmhouse of Chaoyang City,Liaoning Province. After system selection in Beijing,we got the red new cultivar. Sowed in the early spring and planted in open field,the plant appear hemisphere type,height is 38–50 cm and the crown is 62–80 cm. The inflorescence length is 10–25 cm. The color of its calyx and corolla is both red. During the high temperature,it has a certain ability of resistance to high temperature,it wouldn’t show defoliation and yellow leaf,and flowers normally. It is not susceptible to disease and mosaic and suitable for cultivation in the region of Beijing.
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