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2014, Vol.41, No.3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
  • Spontaneous Generation and SSR Characterization of Polyploids from Ten Citrus Cultivars
  • LIANG Wu-Jun, JIE Kai-Dong, GUO Da-Yong, XIE Zong-Zhou, XU , QIANG , YI Hua-Lin, GUO Wen-Wu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 409-416.
  • Abstract ( 979 ) HTML ( 2347 ) PDF (961KB) ( 2347 )    
  • Seeds were extracted from mature fruits and undeveloped seeds were cultured in vitro and
    mature seeds were sowed in field. Seedlings with 2–3 true leaves after germination were analyzed by
    flow cytometry to screen polyploids,and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to characterize
    the genetic origin of these polyploids. The results showed that a total of 44 tetraploid seedlings were obtained from all studied diploid genotypes,i.e. 6,1,3,12,3,6,2,1 and 10 seedlings from Early Gold
    sweet orange,Cutter Valencia,Tarocco blood orange,Sunburst mandarin,Ortanique tangor,Murcott
    tangor,Huanong Bendizao tangerine,Zhuhongju tangerine and Flame grapefruit respectively. A total of 8
    triploid seedlings were obtained from all studied diploid genotypes,i.e. 1,1,2,4 seedlings from Early
    Gold sweet orange,Tarocco blood orange,Itabori sweet orange and Ortanique tangor respectively. The
    genetic origin of polyploids obtaining by embryo rescue were determined by 13 SSR markers,and the
    results showed that the regenerated triploid plants of Early Gold and Itabori sweet oranges were
    allotriploid and that of Tarocco blood orange and Ortanique tangor maybe were autotriploid. The
    regenerated tetraploid plants of Early Gold sweet orange and Ortanique tangor maybe were autotetraploid
    and those of Tarocco blood orange were allotetraploid. SSR analysis validated that the band profiles of
    tetraploids derived from other eight diploid cultivars were identical to their diploid maternal line. These
    exploited natural polyploids hold great value for both citrus seedless breeding and basic research.
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  • Secreted Expression of Cecropin B Gene Enhances Resistance to Xanthomonas
    axonopodis pv. citri in Transgenic Citrus sinensis‘Tarocco’
  • ZOU Xiu-Ping, PENG Ai-Hong, LIU Qi-Qi, HE Yong-Rui, WANG Jun-Zheng, XU Lan-Zhen, LEI Tian-Gang, YAO Li-Xiao, CHEN Shan-Chun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 417-428.
  • Abstract ( 853 ) HTML ( 985 ) PDF (3180KB) ( 985 )    
  • A Citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri(Xac)is a very destructive
    disease,which affects the citrus industry in most citrus-producing areas of the world. Here,we reported the
    production of transgenic Tarocco blood orange(C. sinensis Osbeck)containing the synthetic antibacterial
    peptide genes and the evaluation of transgenic plants for resistance to Xac. Two new Cecropin B(CB)
    antibacterial peptide genes PR1aCB and AATCB with signal peptide(SP)sequence were synthesized by PCR. Transient RFP expression showed that fluorescence accumulation was observed predominantly in
    intercellular space surrounding the onion epidermal cells transformed with PR1aCB︰rfp and AATCB︰rfp
    genes compared with CB︰rfp without SP,indicating the SPs could direct protein secretion to the apoplast.
    PR1aCB and AATCB gene cassettes driven by CaMV 35S were introduced into Tarocco blood orange by
    Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Integration of transgenes into citrus genome was confirmed by
    GUS histochemical staining,PCR and Southern blot. Transcriptions of PR1aCB and AATCB genes were
    detected by Real-time quantitative PCR in transgenic plants. Transgenic leaves were in vitro inoculated
    with suspension of Xac. Compared to control(nontrangenic plants and pGN transgenic plants without
    antibacterial gene),ten transgenic lines showed significant increase in resistance to citrus canker. The
    levels of the resistance of the transgenic lines were equivalent to that of the highly resistant varieties:
    Nanfeng Miju(C. succosa Hort. Ex Tan)and Calamondin(C. madurensis).
  • References | Related Articles | Metrics
  • Effect of Exogenous SA Pretreatment on the Ultrastructure of Flower Cells in Apricot Under Chilling Stress
  • ZHANG Jun-Huan, WANG Yu-Zhu, SUN Hao-Yuan, YANG Li, JIANG Feng-Chao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 429-436.
  • Abstract ( 538 ) HTML ( 975 ) PDF (2000KB) ( 975 )    
  • The ultrastructure of petal,pollen,stigma and ovule cells under chilling stress after SA
    pretreatment was observed using the transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that the
    ultrastructure of normal flower cells pretreated with H2O was damaged remarkably under –2 ℃ for 4 h.
    The plasmolysis phenomenon occurred in the spetal cells,the cristae of mitochondria were damaged;
    Obvious injury occurred in pollen exine;The cristae of mitochondria of stigma and nucellus cells were
    disrupted and even became empty,the nucleus membrane was partly dissolved. In contrast,the
    ultrastructure of petal,pollen,stigma and ovule cells pretreated with 100 μmol · L-1 SA still maintained
    nearly integrated state after 4 h chilling stress. Therefore,the stability of flower organ cells under chilling
    stress could be increased by SA pretreatment. The obtained results,to our knowledge,firstly offered the
    cytological evidence for the chilling resistance increased by exogenous SA pretreatment in apricot flower.
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  • Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Forms and Ratios on Rhizospheric Environment
    and Growth of the Juglans sigillata Seedlings
  • FAN Wei-Guo, LUO Yan, WU Su-Fang, GE Hui-Min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 437-446. DOI:S 664.1
  • Abstract ( 821 ) HTML ( 821 ) PDF (328KB) ( 821 )    
  • Effects of different forms and ratios of nitrogen fertilizers on rhizospheric ecological
    factors of the Juglans sigillata Dode were investigated. The objective of the present study was to provide a
    scientific foundation for fertilizer application. Using NH4+-N,NO3--N and CO(NH2)2 as nitrogen sources,pot experiment was conducted to examine the effects of different nitrogen fertilizer forms and ratios on
    organic acids with low molecular weight,microorganism and enzyme activities in rhizosphere soil of the J.
    sigillata Dode seedlings. Further,the correlation among organic acids,microorganism and enzyme
    activities was analyzed as well. The obtained results showed that under the mixed supply of NO3--N and NH4+-N at same ratio,the plant height,stem base diameter,plant wet weight,shoots wet weight and roots
    wet weight of the seedlings were the largest,the values of them were 58.03 cm,18.21 mm,238.19 g,
    147.68 g and 90.51 g,respectively. Significant differences(P < 0.05)with other treatments were shown.
    The total content of organic acids,the amounts of bacteria,fungi,actinomycetes and microbial diversity
    indices were also the largest,they were 16.72 μg · g-1 FW,592.00 ×105 CFU · g-1,34.33 × 104 CFU · g-1,
    19.33 × 105 CFU · g-1 and 0.1738,respectively,significantly higher than other treatments. The activity of
    acid phosphatase,neutral phosphatase,alkaline phosphatase,sucrase and diastase were the strongest,they
    were 9.54,0.24,3.60,61.98 and 8.03 mg · g-1,respectively. Compared with other treatments,the
    significant differences(P < 0.05)also existed. The sole supply of CO(NH2)2,NO3--N or NH4+-N went
    against the increase of the organic acids content,microorganism amount and microbial J.sigillata Dode
    seedlings was reduced while the ratio of NO3--N was increased. However,the extremely significant
    positive correlation among the amount of bacteria,fungi,actinomyces and the activity of neutral diversity
    indices. Under the mixed supply of NH4+-N and NO3--N,the protease activity in rhizosphere soil of the
    phosphatase,alkaline phosphatase,nitrate reductase,sucrase and diastase were clearly displayed.
    Significant positive correlation among bacteria amount and acid phosphatase activity was found in this
    study. Also,the positive correlation among the total content of organic acids and the activity of urase,
    neutral phosphatase,alkaline phosphatase,nitrate reductase,sucrase and diastase and microorganism
    amount were extremely significant. Meanwhile,the extremely significant negative correlation among
    microorganism amount,the total content of organic acids and catalase were found. The present results
    indicated that application of mixed forms of NO3--N and NH4+-N at same ratio,the rhizosphere
    environment was obviously improved and the growth of the Juglans sigillata Dode seedlings was
    significantly promoted.  
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  • Effects of 1-MCP Treatment on the Pericarp Pigment and the Activity of Related Enzymes of‘Red Fuji’Apple
  • LI Xiu-Fang, RAO Jing-Ping, MA Qiu-Shi, SUN Zhen-Ying, HAN Ye
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 447-455.
  • Abstract ( 761 ) HTML ( 969 ) PDF (285KB) ( 969 )    
  • The effects of 1-MCP on‘Red Fuji’apple fruit firmness,chlorophyll,carotene and
    anthocyanin content changes during storage,and focus on the anthocyanin content changes and synthetic
    enzymes(PAL,CHI,DFR,UFGT)activity and degradation enzyme PPO,POD activity changes. The
    results showed that : 1-MCP treatment can inhibit degradation of chlorophyll and anthocyanin
    accumulation in early storage,delay the accumulation of carotenoids and anthocyanins late degradation;
    Through the analysis of correlation showed that,during postharvest storage,anthocyanin synthesis was not
    related with CHI,DFR activity changes but with PAL,UFGT activity are closely related;During
    postharvest storage,anthocyanin degradation enzyme PPO,POD activity increased firstly and then
    decreased,during the whole storage,PPO activity of control group is higher than that of 1-MCP treatment
    group,1-MCP treatment significantly inhibit the rise of POD activity in the pre-storage peel and the fall of
    POD activity in the late storage.
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  • Identification and Characterization of Introgression and Additional Lines
    Between Cauliflower and Black Mustard
  • Lv Jing, LIU Fan, ZONG Mei, HAN Shuo, WANG You-Ping, WANG Gui-Xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 456-468.
  • Abstract ( 777 ) HTML ( 1194 ) PDF (734KB) ( 1194 )    
  • Abstract:In this research,we analyzed the asymmetrical somatic hybrids of cauliflower(Brassica
    oleracea var. botrytis,CC,2n = 18)and black mustard(B. nigra,BB,2n = 16)and their selfed or
    backcrossed progenies by integrating morphological,cytological and molecular information.Among 16
    advanced selfing and backcrossing descendants in analysis,12 introgression lines displaying the
    cauliflower-like morphology were identified with chromosome number 18. Simple sequence repeat(SSR)
    and amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP)analysis showed that those introgression lines
    preserved some DNA banding patterns from B. nigra,B. carinata(BBCC,2n = 34)and some of new
    bands,and all of these introgression lines showed an absence of some cauliflower-specific sites. 4 plants
    (PFCN29BC2S1-4,PFCN15-2S1BC5-6-2,PFCN29BC4-37-7 and PFCN29BC4-38-5)were confirmed to
    have 9,16,16 and 18 cauliflower chromosomes added with 8,7,14 and 5–7 B. nigra-derived chromosomes respectively by fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH).
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  • Analysis of the Carotenoids Pigments and Orange Inner Leaf Gene in Chinese Cabbage(Brassica rapa)
  • LI Pei-Rong, ZHANG Shu-Jiang, ZHANG Shi-Fan, LI Fei, ZHANG Hui, LIU Xin-Yan, WU Jian, WANG Xiao-Wu, SUN Ri-Fei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 469-478.
  • Abstract ( 843 ) HTML ( 1725 ) PDF (720KB) ( 1725 )    
  • High-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC),coupled with photodiode array
    detection and carotenoid standards was used to analyze caotenoid composition in different genotypes of
    Chinese cabbage. A F2 population constructed by homozygous breeding lines white inner leaf cabbage
    ‘A21445’and orange inner leaf cabbage‘A21530’was used for markers screening and fine mapping. The
    candidate or gene was screened and cloned according to Brassica rapa genome annotation information. An
    internal marker in the gene was developed and verified candidate gene in F2 population. Mapping of SSR
    and InDel markers on 269 individuals of F2 population,the or gene was located to a 1.4 cM interval with
    the physical distance of 98.904 kb on chromosome A09 of the B. rapa genome. HPLC analysis indicated
    that orange inner leaf of Chinese cabbage is due to the accumulation of prolycopene(7Z,9Z,7′Z,9′Z-tetra-cis-lycopene),9-cis-β-carotene,proneurosporene(7,9,9′-tri-cis-neurosporene)and other carotenoids
    pigments. According to B. rapa genome annotation information,a candidate gene Bra031539,designated
    CRTISO,was predicted within the mapped or locus. A deletion of 6 bp and 53 SNPs were found in coding
    sequence of the orange type,corresponding to two glutamic acids(Glu)deletion and 12 amino acids
    mutations. The functional marker was cosegregated with or loucs in F2 individuals.
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  • Effects of Pathogens Causing Discoloration on the Microcosmic Structure of Red Pepper Cells
  • DING Zhu-Hong, LIU Hai, ZHENG Wen-Yu, LI Xiao-Xin, WANG Xiao-Yun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 479-488.
  • Abstract ( 949 ) HTML ( 1190 ) PDF (1929KB) ( 1190 )    
  • By analyzing the changes of malondialdehyde(MDA)concentration,relative permeability
    of cells and microstructure of red pepper tissues,the results indicated that the pulp tissues infected by
    pathogens causing discoloration had significantly increased in MDA concentration,relative permeability
    compared with control group(P < 0.05),as well as they destroyed cell membrane,tissue cells and
    chromoplast structure,increased cell permeability,and decomposed pigment component. The bacteria
    damaged the external and internal cell tissues,while the fungus damaged from the internal to external
    tissues. The fungus had stronger damage to cell wall than bacteria,and were prone to destroy chromoplast
    structure. Meanwhile,various pathogens damaged pepper tissues differently. Compared with Lysinibacillus
    sphaericus and Cladosporium cladosporioides,the Bacillus subtilis,Phanerochaete sordida and Irpex
    lacteus had more serious damage to cell wall,membrane and chromoplast structure,which decomposed
    most inclusion and carotenoids,leaving a little lipid droplet. The experiment showed that the pathogens causing discoloration damaged red pepper cell microstructure,resulted in the damage of chromoplast,
    decomposed pigment and consequently depigment.
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  • Effects of Trichoderma harzianum on Photosynthetic Characteristics in
    Tomato Leaves Infected with Fulvia fulva
  • CHEN Shuang-Chen, JI De-Gang, LI Cong, LIU Ai-Rong, WANG Hong-Tao, LIN Xiao-Min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 489-497.
  • Abstract ( 666 ) HTML ( 1638 ) PDF (772KB) ( 1638 )    
  • The mechanisms of antagonism between Trichoderma harzianum and Fulvia fulva in
    tomato leaves were analyzed using combined indoor screening and field efficacy trial. All five testing
    strains had distinct inhibitory effects to tomato leaf mould disease by the antagonistic experiments. The
    inhibitory effects of strains TH16 and TH54 were the strongest in all the tested strains. Field efficacy trial
    results showed that the optimal concentration of spores suspension were 108 per milliliter. The control
    effects of TH16 and TH54 were 69.4% and 60.0% respectively. Net photosynthetic rate,intercellular CO2
    concentralion,stomatal conductance,light saturated rate of the CO2 assimilation(Asat),maximum
    carboxylation rates(Vcmax)and maximum RuBP regeneration rate(Jmax)were increased significantly after
    the inoculation of tomato leaves with T. harzianum. Activities of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate
    carboxylase/oxygenase Rubisco and stromal fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase(FBPase)and genes expression
    levels encoded Calvin cycle enzymes increased in tomato plants inoculated with T. harzianum TH16. However,leaf mould disease infection resulted in lower net photosynthetic rate,Vcmax and Jmax value.
    Meanwhile,the inhibition of Pn,Asat,Vcmax and Jmax could be recovered in the plants infected with leaf
    mould disease if pre-inoculated with T. harzianum. The expression levels of the genes encoded Calvin
    cycle key enzymes could be induced in the plants inoculated with T. harzianum. The expression levels of
    FBPase,FBPA,SBPase and TPI were increased 6.53,3.51,5.17 and 7.81 times of the control respectively.
    The results showed that T. harzianum invoked a range of related enzymes and genes to facilitate
    photosynthetic metabolism against leaf mould disease.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Heterologous Expression of Gladiolus GhOPR3 Enhances the Abiotic Stress Resistance of Arabidopsis
  • LIAN Qing-Long, XIN Hai-Bo, LI Xiao-Xin, ZHONG Xiong-Hui, YIN Yi-Lei, YI Ming-Fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 498-508.
  • Abstract ( 645 ) HTML ( 1183 ) PDF (910KB) ( 1183 )    
  • OPR is a key enzyme in jasmonic acid biosynthesis pathway,a full-length cDNA named
    GhOPR3 was cloned in Gladiolus hybridus‘Rose Supreme’corms by RT-PCR and RACE. The results of
    quantitative RT-PCR showed that GhOPR3 gene was expressed in leaf,flower,root,stolon,corm and
    cormel,and the relatively high expression level of GhOPR3 was observed in cormel and stolon.
    Meanwhile,the expression level and the endogenous MJ content in corms steadily increased under MJ
    treatment with a raising concentration gradients from 0.1 mmol · L-1 to 0.5 mmol · L-1. GhOPR3 was
    overexpressed in Arabidopsis,which increased the salt tolerance and drought-resistant in Arabidopsis.
    After mechanical damage,the expression level of related resistance genes and the content of endogenous
    MJ were increased.
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  • Over-expressing PMADS20-SRDX Repressor Leads to the Formation of Ectopic Trichome and Stoma on Petals and Pistils in Petunia
  • GUO Yu-Long, YU Yong, YANG Zi, QIN Xiao-Ting, MA Jing, HAN Yao, YANG Xia, LI Ming-Yang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 509-520.
  • Abstract ( 907 ) HTML ( 2178 ) PDF (1125KB) ( 2178 )    
  • Based on EST sequence data analysis,PMADS20(GU129907)was cloned from Petunia
    hybrid by PCR using inflorence cDNA as template. Phylogenetic analysis shows that PMADS20 belongs to
    SVP clade of StMADS11 subfamily and is most closely related to tomato and pepper JOINTLESS.
    qRT-PCR analysis indicated that PMADS20 mRNA accumulated high level in vegetative organs,and low
    level in flowers. Vectors of over-expressing PMADS20 and PMADS20-SRDX were constructed. When they
    were introduced into petunia using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method,both 35S︰PMADS20
    and 35S︰PMADS20-SRDX transgenic floral organs exhibited leaf-like characteristics. However,the
    alterations of 35S︰PMADS20-SRDX flowers were more severe than that of the 35S︰PMADS20 flowers. The 35S︰PMADS20-SRDX petals and pistils showed the unshaven floral phenotype which
    characterized by ectopic trichome and stoma formation on adaxial side of petals and the surface of ovaries
    and styles. The results suggest that PMADS20 functions in flower development by transcriptional
    suppression. Constitutive expression of PMADS20 did not lead to obvious changes in plant stature,while
    the internodes of 35S︰PMADS20-SRDX transgenic inflorences were shorter than that of the wild type.
    These results suggest that PMADS20 may function differently between in petunia inflorence internode and
    flower development.
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Other Horticulture Plants

  • Isolation and Expression Analysis of RNase-like Gene from Panax notoginseng
  • TANG Mei-Qiong, LI Gang, MIN Dan-Dan, WEI Rong-Chang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 521-528.
  • Abstract ( 774 ) HTML ( 882 ) PDF (468KB) ( 882 )    
  • Combining homology cloning approaches with RACE(rapid amplification of cDNA ends)
    techniques,the coding sequence of RNase-like major storage protein with differential expression was
    cloned from the total RNA of roots and stems of Panax notoginseng,then the full gene sequence was
    amplified from the total DNA. As a result,a cDNA sequence containing a 717 bp ORF(open reading
    frame)was cloned and named as PMP(GenBank,KC751542),together with a full-length DNA sequence
    of 1 074 bp. Analysis of sequence and its phylogenetic tree showed that PMP gene consisted of 2 introns
    and 3 exons,encoding a protein of 238 amino acids. The deduced protein,with a predicted molecular mass
    of 27.47 kD,contained two conserved domains of RNases,which belonged to the RNase-T2 superfamily
    member. The sequence showed 95% identity with that of RNase-like major storage protein in Panax ginseng. Real-time quantitative PCR showed that the expression level of PMP in 3-year-old root was
    higher than the other organs. The expression pattern of PMP showed notable correlation with that of main
    active components in P. notoginseng,which suggested that it might be involved in the regulation of
    secondary metabolism of notoginsenoside and the quality formation.
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Research Notes

  • Screening and Expression Analysis of Salt-induced R2R3-MYB Genes in Grapevine
  • WANG Chun-Rong, WANG Qing-Jie, LI Xiao-Ling, YAO Yu-Xin, HAO Yu-Jin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 529-535.
  • Abstract ( 659 ) HTML ( 1379 ) PDF (429KB) ( 1379 )    
  • In the study,we obtained four R2R3-MYB genes which were strongly induced by salt in the
    roots of grapevine rootstock‘1103P’. The proteins encoded by the above four genes were clustered into
    the different subgroups in the phylogenetic tree of Arabidopsis R2R3-MYB proteins. The four genes were
    expressed in root,stem,leaf and berry,whereas they showed the different expression levels in the different
    tissues. For example,VvMYB112 was expressed predominantly in the root. Among the four genes,only
    VvMYB112 could be induced by 100–200 mmol · L-1 salt. Besides,VvMYB112 and VvMYB15 were
    induced by PEG and cold as well,while VvMYB107 and VvMYB87 did not respond to or were repressed by
    PEG6000 or cold. Taken together,the four screened genes showed the different expression patterns in the
    different tissues or under the different stress treatment,which indicated that they might mediate the salt
    resistance by the different pathways.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of ARF and Aux/IAA Gene Family Members in Peach
  • SHI Meng-Ya, ZHANG Wei, YU Jia, WANG Wen-Ping, LIU Yue-Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 536-544.
  • Abstract ( 790 ) HTML ( 1298 ) PDF (834KB) ( 1298 )    
  • It has been known that auxin plays an important role in regulating fruit development. The
    transcription factors ARF and repressor protein Aux/IAA were the key factors in auxin signal transduction
    system,both of them are involved in regulating physiological activities at the transcriptional level. To
    explore the role of auxin in regulating the expression of the target gene during peach fruit development,the
    full-length of the cDNA sequences of the six related genes were isolated and analyzed by bioinformatics.
    One of them was PpARF1 selected from ARF family and the other five were PpIAA3,PpIAA9,PpIAA17,
    PpIAA26 and PpIAA29 selected from Aux/IAA family. The relative expression levels in mesocarp and seed of peach fruit at different developmental stages were also detected by quantitative real-time PCR. The
    results showed that:The number of the base pairs of the six genes were 2 037,594,1 194,618,384 and
    723 bp,which encoded six proteins containing 678,197,397,205,127 and 240 amino acids respectively.
    The sequence of PpARF1 amino acid shares 90.56% homology with FvARF1(XP_004300014.1)in
    Fragaria vesca;Homology of the five proteins belongs to the PpIAA family was very low,only 23.77%.
    The expression of PpIAA3 and PpIAA17 were significantly increased in mesocarp at the 52 days after full
    flowering(hard core period);The expression of PpIAA26,PpIAA29 and PpARF1 in seed also increased
    significantly during that period. The results suggested that auxin might play an important role in regulating
    development of peach fruit at hard core stage.
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  • Effects of Light Quality on Total Phenolic Contents and Antioxidant Activity in Radish Sprouts
  • LU Yan-Wu, ZHANG Xiao-Yan, GENG Dian-Xiang, CUI Jin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 545-552.
  • Abstract ( 739 ) HTML ( 1914 ) PDF (321KB) ( 1914 )    
  • The effects of different light quality on growth,total phenolic contents,antioxidant and
    phenylalanine ammonia-lyase(PAL)activity of radish sprouts have been investigated. The results showed
    that the growth,total phenolic contents,antioxidant and PAL activity of radish sprouts that treated with
    different light spectrum qualities varied with light quality and treatment time. The hypocotyl length and
    growth of radish sprouts rapidly increased from 3 to 7 d,and then they increased slowly. Accumulated
    phenolic in sprouts also showed the general trend distribution of early stage of culture > late stage of
    culture. Compared to dark treatment,radish sprouts grown in UV-B treatment were found to have much
    higher concentrations of phenolic. Accordingly,the antioxidant and PAL activity were highest in the UV-B
    treatment. In addition,the blue light treatment also induced the PAL activity and increased the phenolic
    content in‘Yanghua’radish sprouts. These results suggest that light treatments of radish sprouts,especially
    UV-B and blue light,are effective in promoting dietary phenolic antioxidants and radish sprouts have the potential to be an effective source of bioactive compounds for the consumers.
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  • Studies on Differences of Hybridization Efficiency and Related Reasons of 17 Hippeastrum Cultivars
  • SHI Feng-Rui, XUE Jing-Qi, MU Ding, WANG Shun-Li, ZHANG Xiu-Xin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 553-563.
  • Abstract ( 1064 ) HTML ( 1845 ) PDF (507KB) ( 1845 )    
  • To cultivate excellent new cultivars,we introduced 17 Hippeastrum cultivars from
    Netherlands in this study. We designed 44 hybrid and 8 self-fertilize combinations,and calculated the seed
    setting rate,emergence rate,growth speed and the number of cabbage. The results showed that in the 44
    hybrid combinations,38 ones get hybrid offspring(seed setting rate 25.0%–100%)and obtain progeny
    seedlings(seedling emergence 35.7%–89.1%);In the 8 self-fertilize combinations,6 ones get fruits(seed
    setting rate 62%–100%),and five of them harvest future generations(seedling emergence 39%–96%).
    The concrete manifestation of the 17 cultivars are as following:(1)In terms of hybrid setting rate,‘Red
    Lion’,‘Carmen’,and‘Souvereign’had better performance. Except some combinations that didn’t seed,
    the average seed rating were more than 60% either as male or female parents.(2)In terms of seed number per fruit,‘Souvereign’,‘Olaf’,and‘Red Lion’had better performance. The average seed numbers per
    fruit of the three species as female parent were 44.6,43.2 and 44.0,respectively.(3)In terms of cormel
    growth,the combinations of‘Red Lion’בMout Blanc’,‘Olaf’בMout Blanc’,and‘Souvereign’×
    ‘Mout Blanc’had faster growth,the perimeters of 2-years-bulb were 23.1 cm,22.5 cm,and 20.5 cm,
    respectively.(4)In terms of cormel propagation,2-years-bulb of 19 combinations obtained gonidial balls,
    in which the‘Donau’בAmigo’combination had the most cormels,averaged at 4.2 per bulb. With above
    combinations this study obtained 16 thousands cross hybrid seedlings,from which 5 new cultivars were
    selected by identifying the blossom ones. The above results can serve as the reference for selecting
    breeding parents of Hippeastrum;Meanwhile,according to the performance of different combination and
    the results of offspring identification,this study analyzed the factors that affected the hybridization
    efficiency and offspring selection and brought up corresponding strategies.
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Technologies and Methods

  • Rapid Method for the Extraction of Abscisic Acid from Strawberry and Analysis by Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography
  • MA Hong-Qi, CHEN Min-Dong, ZHU Hai-Sheng, WEN Qing-Fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 577-584.
  • Abstract ( 602 ) HTML ( 2078 ) PDF (289KB) ( 2078 )    
  • This study was carried out to look for an optimized method for extraction of endogenous
    abscisic acid(ABA)from strawberry and for ultra performance liquid chromatography(UPLC)analysis.
    A rapid extracting method that using Methanol-ethyl acetate-formic acid(50︰50︰1,v/v)as extracting
    liquid was found out,which can extract ABA from strawberry in half an hour. An efficient UPLC analysis
    method for ABA was also established,Chromatographic separation was carried out by reversed Phase
    ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 column and with Methanol︰acetonitrile︰0.1% formic acid(20︰10︰70)
    isocratic elution program,at column temperature of 30 ℃,injection volume of 10 μL,flowrate of
    0.3 mL · min-1,and wavelength at 265 nm. Applying the extracting and UPLC analysis method,we
    evaluated the content of ABA in strawberry fruit at different developments and ripening stages. The result
    showed that with developing and ripening,content of ABA in strawberry was increasing,and reached the
    highest level at the red ripening stage.
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  • PCR Assay for Detection of Corynespora cassiicola,the Causal Agent of Corynespora Leaf Spot of Cucumber
  • CHEN Lu, SHI Yan-Xia, XIE Xue-Wen, CHAI A-Li, LI Bao-Ju
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 585-592.
  • Abstract ( 985 ) HTML ( 2241 ) PDF (481KB) ( 2241 )    
  • A rapid PCR detection assay of Corynespora cassiicola,the causal agent of Corynespora
    leaf spot of cucumber,was developed based on the Actin gene of the pathogen. Primer pair Caa5F/Caa5R
    were designed on the different bases of Actin gene sequences between C. cassiicola and other common
    plant fungal pathogens,including Corynespora lieustri and Corynespora cambrensis,and only C.
    cassiicola performed a 160 bp amplication. C. cassiicola could be detected in infected cucumber leaves
    without isolation or cultivation by the PCR assay. The assay with a high sensitivity of 4 pg · μL-1 DNA per
    reaction could be a useful tool of rapid detection of Corynespora leaf spot of cucumber.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Late-ripening Peach Cultivar‘Xiahui 8’
  • YU Ming-Liang, MA Rui-Juan, XU Jian-Lan, SHEN Zhi-Jun, SONG Hong-Feng, CAI Zhi-Xiang, ZHANG Yu-Yan, ZHANG Bin-Bin, DU Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 593-594.
  • Abstract ( 716 ) HTML ( 1065 ) PDF (181KB) ( 1065 )    
  • ‘Xiahui 8’is a new late-ripening peach cultivar which is derived from the cross of
    ‘Zhaohui’and‘Ruiguang 18’. The flower is showy with much pollen. It’s self-fruitful and the yield is
    high and stable. The fruit shape is round,the average weight is 246 g,and the biggest one is 390 g. More
    than 80% of the fruit surface is covered by red color. The flesh is white,melting,sweet,with 13.4%
    soluble solids content,10.15% soluble sugar content and 0.21% titratable acid content. The stone is cling.
    It ripens in early-mid August in Nanjing,and the fruit development period is about 132 d.
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  • A New Promising Late-maturing Litchi Cultivar‘Miaozhongnuo’
  • LIU Cheng-Ming, HU Gui-Bing, HUANG Sui-Sheng, HUANG Xu-Ming, HU You-Li, FU Jia-Xin, ZHOU Jia, QIN Yong-Hua, SU Can-Hu, SU You-Quan, NI Yao-Yuan, ZHANG Yong-Fu, PAN Li-Jia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 595-596.
  • Abstract ( 824 ) HTML ( 858 ) PDF (162KB) ( 858 )    
  • ‘Miaozhongnuo’is a new litchi selected from open-pollinated seedlings. Its full bloom
    occurs in late March and fruits are mature from late June to early July. The main fruit traits are as follows:
    Short heart-shaped,average single fruit weight 20.6 g,17.5% TSS,high seed abortion rate(> 90%)and
    flesh recovery of 79.0% with aborted seed,high quality as well as high and stable yield.
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  • A New Yellow Flesh Kiwifruit Cultivar‘Jinshi 1’
  • XIE Yue, WANG Li-Hua, DONG Guan-Yong, ZHENG Xiao-Qin, ZHUANG Qi-Guo, LI Ming-Zhang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 597-598.
  • Abstract ( 1067 ) HTML ( 1399 ) PDF (155KB) ( 1399 )    
  • ‘Jinshi 1’kiwifruit is a tetraploid yellow flesh cultivar seclected from seedlings of Actinidia
    chinensis var. chinensis. The fruit is long trapezoidal,while the fruit skin is tawny with moderate amount
    of short hairs. The average fruit weight is 85.83 g,and maximum fruit weight can reach 102.4 g. The flesh
    is yellow. The fruit taste is favorite with smell of fragrance. The soluble solids content is 17.5%,total sugar
    content is about 10.82%,total acid content is 0.143% and vitamin C content is 2.05 mg · g-1. It matures in
    early November in Deyang,Sichuan Province. Flourishing time tree produce 22 500 kg per hectare.
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  • A New Oriental Melon Cultivar‘Hualei’
  • ZHANG Ruo-Wei, PENG Dong-Xiu, WU Yun-Peng, LI Xiu-Xiu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 603-604.
  • Abstract ( 819 ) HTML ( 842 ) PDF (169KB) ( 842 )    
  • ‘Hualei’is a new oriental melon hybrid with superior quality and high yield. The plant has
    vigorous growth and compact plant-type. Fruit-setting is easy at lower-temperature period. It can bear fruit
    from the secondary or sub-secondary vine and get 4–5 fruits per plant. The fruit-shape is pyriform.
    Average weight of single fruit is 500–600 g. The fruit developing period is about 30 days. The skin is
    yellow with dark-green spots when ripe. The flesh is green and the soluble solids content is above 16.0%.
    It has crisp flesh,good taste and resistance to transportation. The average yield is 45.0 t · hm-2.
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  • A New Salvia splendens Cultivar‘Hongse Lianren’
  • LI Juan-Juan, LIU Ke-Feng, SHI Ai-Ping, CHEN Hong-Wei, WANG Hong-Li, HONG Pei-Pei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 605-606. DOI:S 684.1
  • Abstract ( 650 ) HTML ( 834 ) PDF (176KB) ( 834 )    
  • ‘Hongse Lianren’is a red cultivar bred from the red Salvia splendens which grow in a
    farmhouse of Sanhe City,Hebei Province. Sowed in green house in the early spring and planted in open
    field,the plant height is 53–70 cm and the crown is 72–90 cm. The inflorescence length is 15–32 cm
    and the number of inflorescence is 79–119. The distance between wheels is close space and shows 0.6–2.7
    cm. The colors of its calyx and corolla are both red. It has long flowering period,from June to October and
    the full-blossom period lasts from August to September. It is not easy to be infected by epidemic disease or
    mosaic disease and also has good heat-resistance.
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  • A New Iris sanguinea Cultivar‘Zidie’
  • DONG Ran, ZHAO He-Xiang, GU De-Feng, WANG Wen-Qiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 607-608.
  • Abstract ( 555 ) HTML ( 854 ) PDF (182KB) ( 854 )    
  • ‘Zidie’is a new cultivar selected from the superior individuals of the Iris sanguinea,and
    it has the following advantages:Long-green period,bright color,medium-growing type. Plant height is
    about 75 cm in blooming period,and the crown width is about 50 cm after planted two years,besides,
    every plant has about 15–23 scape. The flower color is pieces of purple(C60M90),flower diameter is
    about 10 cm. The single scape have about 2–4 flowers. It’s suitable to open cultivation in northeast area
    of China,and can be applied in the north and east of China.
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  • A New Paphiopedilum Cultivar‘SCAU Wusha’
  • WEN Zhen-Zhen, WANG Yan-Jun, LIN Yin, TAN Jian-Feng, LIU Yun-Quan, TAN Zhi-Yong, HU Luo-Zhao, LIU Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(3): 609-611.
  • Abstract ( 595 ) HTML ( 1009 ) PDF (504KB) ( 1009 )    
  • ‘SCAU Wusha’is a new Paphiopedilum cultivar developed by crossing female parent P.
    appletonianum and male parent P. purpuratum. With variegated leaves and solitary flower,this hybrid
    cultivar has high seeds germination rate and wide adaptability. It is also characterized by thick leaves,erect
    stalks,elegant and colorful flowers,high flowering efficiency and concentrated flowering period.
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