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2014, Vol.41, No.2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
  • Anatomy and Histochemistry Study of Secretory Cavities in Rooted Chichies on Seedlings of Ginkgo biloba
  • FU Zhao-Jun-1, XING Shi-Yan-1, * , YE Bao-Xing-2, 3 , TAN Xiu-Shan-2, 3 , HUANG , YAN 1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 205-214.
  • Abstract ( 766 ) HTML ( 1204 ) PDF (7201KB) ( 1204 )    
  • This study took rooted chichies of Ginkgo biloba L. as experimental material,according to use the resin semi-thin section technique to observe the occurrence and developmental process of secretory cavities and use the histochemistry method to preliminarily study the basis secretion of secretory cavities. The results show that:The secretory cavities consists of two-three stratums of sheath cells and one stratum of secretory cells around a round or oval cavity. The average diameter of secretory cavities is 566.7 μm. The secretory cavities are developed from the schizolysigenous of original cell clusters which cells are small but with large nucleus and dense cytoplasm. The intercellular layer of central cells in original cell clusters swells,expands and finally forms intercellular space along with the secretory cavities developing. When the intercellular space expands to a certain extent,central cells of original cell clusters begin to dissolve. The secretory cavities gradually expands with central cells continually dissolve until central cells stop dissolving,then a mature secretory cavity forms. A large number of secretory cavities with different degree of developments are located in the cortex of tip and the meristem of adventitious bud in the tip of rooted chichi. The original cell clusters in rooted chichi have obvious osmiophilia,nucleoprotein is abundant while starch grain is a fat lot. During the central cells dissolving period,there are osmiophilic materials in all secretory cells and cavities with a mass of protein material and a spot of starch grain. After the secretory cavities mature,there is no protein and starch grain in cavities while secretory cells and sheath cells both have strong osmiophilia.
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  • Genome-wide Analysis of SBP-box Gene Family and Molecular Cloning of Its Typical Members in Malus × domestica
  • Zhang-Xiao-Hui, WEI Xiao-Chun, LI Xi-Xiang, SUN Yu-Yan-1, WANG , GUAN 1, CHANG Zhao-Jing-1, LIU Guan-Qun-1, QIU , YANG 1, SONG Jiang-Ping-1, WANG Hai-Ping-1, SHEN , DI 1, WANG Da-Jiang-2, HAN Yue-Peng-3
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 215-226.
  • Abstract ( 1188 ) HTML ( 1742 ) PDF (7719KB) ( 1742 )    
  • The present study isolated 33 SBP-box family genes including 20 miR156 targets in Golden Delicious apple genome. The phylogenic analyses were performed and the biological functions were predicted based on the phylogenic tree. The existence and expression pattern of SBP-box family genes were investigated by PCR and RT-PCR analysis. Alternative splicing events were commonly found in this gene family. Four typical members,MdSPL2MdSPL11MdSPL13 and MdSPL33 were cloned from Fuji apple tree. Compared to Golden Delicious cultivar,MdSPL33 from Fuji produced an alternative splicing version which lost the 2nd and 3rd exons and harboring two single base mutations. MdSPL11 and MdSPL13 have four and two single base mutations causing three and one amino acid changes,respectively.
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  • Phylogenetic Relationship Between Xinjiang Wild Apple(Malus sieversii Roem.)and Chinese Apple(Malus × domestica subsp. chinesnsis)Based on ITS and matK Sequences
  • ZHU Yuan-Di-1, CAO Min-Ge-1, XU , ZHENG 2, WANG , KUN 3, ZHANG , WEN 1, *
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 227-239.
  • Abstract ( 1024 ) HTML ( 1908 ) PDF (755KB) ( 1908 )    
  • Revealing the phylogenetic relationship between Xinjiang wild apple(Malus sieversii Roem.)and Chinese apple(Malus × domestica subsp. chinensis Li.)at molecular level would help identify the origin and taxonomy of Chinese apple,and provide theoretical basis for preserving and utilizing wild  apple resources. The sequence of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers(ITS)and the coding region of the matK gene were sequenced from 52 accessions of Xinjiang wild apple,nine cultivars of Chinese apple,and one accession of M. sylvestris. Sequences of ITS and matK of 11 cultivars of Malus × domestica,14 accessions of Malus sieversii,26 of other Malus spp.,and one of Pyrus communis were retrieved from GenBank. The MEGA software(ver. 4.0)was used to analyze the divergences,variable sites,parsim-informative sites,the ratio of transition to transversion(R)and pairwise distances. The phylogenetic analysis was conducted by Maximum parsimony(MP)and Neighbor-joining(NJ)methods. The results showed that the size of ITS sequences of Xinjiang wild apple and Chinese apple ranged from 589 bp to 594 bp containing 148 parsim-informative sites with R of 1.029,whereas their matK sequences varied from 1 451 bp to 1 461 bp encompassing 16 parsim-informative sites with R of 1.442. Duplication Ⅱ was not found in the Xinjiang wild apple and Chinese apple accessions. Phylogenetic trees of ITS showed that Chinese apple,the Xinjiang wild apple(from Xinjiang,China),and M. sieversii(from GenBank)fallen into a large clade. The systematic evolution of Xinjiang wild apple appeared to occur in a geographical order of Xinyuan,Gongliu,Huocheng,and Tacheng. The matK cladograms grouped Chinese apple and the Xinjiang wild apple into one large clade with weak bootstrap support. These results indicated that Chinese apple was domesticated from Xinjiang wild apple and the matK gene was not applicable for phylogenetic analysis in intra-species of Malus × domestica. apple resources. The sequence of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers(ITS)and the coding region of the matK gene were sequenced from 52 accessions of Xinjiang wild apple,nine cultivars of Chinese apple,and one accession of M. sylvestris. Sequences of ITS and matK of 11 cultivars of Malus × domestica,14 accessions of Malus sieversii,26 of other Malus spp.,and one of Pyrus communis were retrieved from GenBank. The MEGA software(ver. 4.0)was used to analyze the divergences,variable sites,parsim-informative sites,the ratio of transition to transversion(R)and pairwise distances. The phylogenetic analysis was conducted by Maximum parsimony(MP)and Neighbor-joining(NJ)methods. The results showed that the size of ITS sequences of Xinjiang wild apple and Chinese apple ranged from 589 bp to 594 bp containing 148 parsim-informative sites with R of 1.029,whereas their matK sequences varied from 1 451 bp to 1 461 bp encompassing 16 parsim-informative sites with R of 1.442. Duplication Ⅱ was not found in the Xinjiang wild apple and Chinese apple accessions. Phylogenetic trees of ITS showed that Chinese apple,the Xinjiang wild apple(from Xinjiang,China),and M. sieversii(from GenBank)fallen into a large clade. The systematic evolution of Xinjiang wild apple appeared to occur in a geographical order of Xinyuan,Gongliu,Huocheng,and Tacheng. The matK cladograms grouped Chinese apple and the Xinjiang wild apple into one large clade with weak bootstrap support. These results indicated that Chinese apple was domesticated from Xinjiang wild apple and the matK gene was not applicable for phylogenetic analysis in intra-species of Malus × domestica.
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  • solation and Expression Analysis of a CRT/DRE-binding Factor Gene FaCBF1 from Fragaria × ananassa
  • ZHANG Yong,TANG Hao-ru*,LUO Ya,WANG Xiao-rong,CHEN Qing,and LIU Ze-jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 240-248.
  • Abstract ( 800 ) HTML ( 1574 ) PDF (3340KB) ( 1574 )    
  • A CBF/DREB gene named FaCBF1 was cloned from strawberry(Fragaria × ananassa)through SON-PCR and RT-PCR and its GenBank accession number is FJ767754. The FaCBF1 gene from the cDNA contained an open reading frame of 636 bp,which encoded a polypeptide of 211 amino acids residues with a molecular mass of 23.4 kD and a pI of 6.53. The sequence homology comparison showed that the FaCBF1 exhibits a high homology of the deduced amino acids sequences with other Rosaceae CBF/DREB from GenBank. A phylogeny tree showed that the FaCBF1 had a relatively close evolutionary relationship with Rosa hybrida,Malus × domestica and Pyrus pyrifolia,and a distant relationship with Prunus plants. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the expression of FaCBF1 was induced by low temperature,drought,and salt stress,but insensitivity to ABA treatment. The expression level in root was higher than leaf and stem at the same treatment time.
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  • Effects of Postharvest Heat and Calcium Treatments on Calcium Fractions and Cell Wall Metabolism of‘Huangguan’Pear Fruit
  • WANG Ling-Li-1, 2 , LIU , CHAO 1, HUANG Yan-Hua-1, LI Xing-Fa-1, ZENG , MING 1, 2 , *
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 249-258.
  • Abstract ( 688 ) HTML ( 1465 ) PDF (818KB) ( 1465 )    
  • The effects of postharvest treatments of heat(38 ℃ hot-air for 24 h),calcium(soaking with 6% CaCl2 for 15 min)and combination of heat and calcium(treated with 38 ℃ hot-air for 24 h and then soaked with 6% CaCl2 for 15 min)on calcium fractions and the cell wall metabolism of‘Huanngguan’pear were studied during low temperature storage,soaking with water as control. The results showed that pectin calcium was the main form of calcium in fruit,its content of total calcium accounted for 49.7%–55.8%;The total calcium contents of 6% CaCl2 and 6% CaCl2 + 38 ℃ treated fruits were 22.95 and 31.58 µg · g-1 higher than those of control,respectively;Treatments with 6% CaCl2 and 6% CaCl2 + 38 ℃ inhibited the declines in cellulose,proto pectin,water-soluble calcium and pectin calcium significantly,promoted the increase of calcium oxalate and delayed the decline in fruit firmness;Treatments with 38 ℃ and 6% CaCl2 + 38 ℃ inhibited the activity of pectinesterase(PME),polygalacturonase(PG)and cellulase significantly. Correlation analysis showed that the content of cellulose,proto pectin,water-soluble calcium and pectin calcium were significantly positive correlation with firmness,while the content of soluble pectin was significantly negative correlation with firmness;PG and cellulase showed a significantly negative correlation with firmness,PME showed no significant correlation with firmness. Treatments with 6% CaCl2,38 ℃ and 6% CaCl2 + 38 ℃ delayed fruit softening by inhibiting the transformation of soluble calcium to insoluble calcium,inhibiting the activity of cell wall-degrading enzymes and degradation of cell wall components,whereas application of 6% CaCl2 + 38 ℃ presented the best effect of all the treatments.
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  • Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of Red Mature Fruit in Cucumber
  • LIU Shu-Lin-1, GU Xing-Fang-1, MIAO , HAN 1, WANG , MIN 1, WANG , YE 1, Todd C. Wehner2, ZHANG Sheng-Ping-1, *
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 259-267.
  • Abstract ( 1113 ) HTML ( 1963 ) PDF (1844KB) ( 1963 )    
  • Genetic analysis and gene mapping were carried out on red mature fruit in cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)using‘NCG127’(red mature fruit)and‘9930’(yellow mature fruit)as experimental materials in this study. The results showed that a single dominant nuclear gene,R,dominates the red mature fruit trait in cucumber. Simple sequence repeat(SSR)marker and bulked segregant analysis(BSA)were conducted on the DNA of F2 plants,and resulted in screening 20 SSR markers linked to the R gene. The R gene was mapped to a linkage group corresponding to chromosome(Chr.)4 of cucumber. The flanking markers UW019319 and UW019203 were linked to the R gene with genetic distances of 0.8 and 0.7 cM,respectively. The physical distance between markers UW019319 and UW019203 was 213.4 kb based on the whole genome sequence of‘9930’cucumber line,and there were 30 candidate genes in this region.
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  • The More Severe Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Disease is Caused by Co-infection of PaLCuCNV and TYLCCNV
  • XIONG , YAN 1, ZHOU Chang-Yong-1, 2 , * , LI , YIN 1, WANG Chun-Yan-1, SUN Xian-Chao-1, QING , LING 1, 2 , *
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 268-276.
  • Abstract ( 891 ) HTML ( 1396 ) PDF (2590KB) ( 1396 )    
  • Thirty-six tomato samples with severe stunting,yellowing and leaf-curling symptoms were collected in Panzhihua,Sichuan Province. Fragments of about 500 bp were amplified from all samples using the begomoviruses degenerate primers PA and PB. The complete genome sequence analysis showed that the diseased tomato samples were infected by Papaya leaf curl China virus(PaLCuCNV)and Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus(TYLCCNV)and 97.2% samples were infected with both viruses. Sequence analysis showed that PaLCuCNV had the highest sequence identity(99.1%)with PaLCuCNV-[HeNZMI] isolated from tomato in Henan,and TYLCCNV shared the highest sequence identity(97.9%)with TYLCCNV-[Y295] isolated from tobacco in Yuanmou,Yunnan. In addition,all isolates were found to be associated with DNA β molecules. Nine complete DNA β sequences were determined and showed  the highest sequence identity with DNA β of TYLCCNV(TYLCCNB-[SC65]),being ranged from 87.7% to 94.5%. This is the first report that tomato yellow leaf curl disease was caused by the co-infection of PaLCuCNV and TYLCCNV/TYLCCNB.
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  • Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Reactive Oxygen Metabolism in Ginger Leaves Under Heat Stress
  • LI Xiu,GONG Biao,and XU Kun*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 277-284.
  • Abstract ( 615 ) HTML ( 1416 ) PDF (693KB) ( 1416 )    
  • To investigate the physiological response characteristics of ginger under heat stress,a sandy-cultured experiment was conducted to study the effects of high temperature on active oxygen metabolism of ginger leaves and the mitigation effect of SNP(sodium nitroprusside,a NO donor)application in ginger leaves under heat stress. Such as pigments content,reactive oxygen species level,enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems were considered in this study. A significant decrease of pigments content as well as accumulation of ,H2O2 and MDA were observed in heat-stressed ginger leaves. Additionally,SOD,POD and CAT activities were enhanced at the early stage of heat stress,which were then sharply inhibited with the stress time prolonging and blocked AsA–GSH cycle. Compared with the control treatment,application of 0.1 mmol · L-1 SNP significantly enhanced activities of antioxidant enzymes as well as palingenesis of AsA–GSH cycle that significantly decreased levels of reactive oxygen species and membrane lipid peroxidation. Furthermore,application of SNP conferred ginger plants heat stress tolerance by pigment contents analysis.
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  • Hypovirulent Strain of Pseudomonas tolaasii Induced Systemic Resistance Against Brown Blotch Disease in Pleurotus ostreatus
  • SHI Yan-xia,JIN Dan,MENG Shan-shan,XIE Xue-wen,CHEN Lu,CHAI A-li,and LI Bao-ju*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 293-300.
  • Abstract ( 637 ) HTML ( 1104 ) PDF (2056KB) ( 1104 )    
  • This study is aimed at defining the induced resistance,hypovirulent pathogenicity and the genetic,induced concentration and interval of induction. Hypovirulent pathogenicity of the strain could be inherited to next five generation stably. The efficiency of induced systemic resistance against brown blotch disease by the five generations was 67.2%,66.3%,69.1%,68.6% and 65.0%,respectively. To summarize,the study provided a theoretical basis for application of the hypovirulent strain as a biocontrol agent to control the P. ostreatus brown blotch disease. stability of the hypovirulent strain JPG250303 in Pleurotus ostreatus. The strain was identified as Pseudomonas tolaasii combining morphology and molecular biological methods. Good induced resistance effect of the hypovirulent strain was proved by studies of induced resistance
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Ornamental Plants

  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of McUFGT in Different Cultivars of Crabapple
  • HAN Zhen-yun,SONG Ting-ting,TIAN Ji,ZHANG Jie,PENG Zhen,LUO Rui,and YAO Yun-cong*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 301-310.
  • Abstract ( 983 ) HTML ( 1563 ) PDF (2287KB) ( 1563 )    
  • More attention has been paid to the utilities of ornamental crabapple for landscape use,because all kinds of color in leaves,flowers and fruits. Anthocyanins are a class of secondary metabolites which contribute to the coloration in higher plants,and also play a vital role in enhancing plant resistance and attracting pollinators. In phenylpropanes metabolism,UFGT(uridine diphosphate glucose flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase)is a key enzyme in anthocyanins biosynthesis pathway. Using the total RNA from the leaves of Malus‘Royalty’(ever-red leaf)as the template,the cDNA of McUFGT(2 186 bp)was cloned by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(PCR)and rapid-amplification of cDNA end(RACE). The gene was named as McUFGT,containing an open reading frame(1 425 bp)and encoding a protein of 475 amino acids. The expression of McUFGT and the content of anthocyanins and flavonoids was determined by real-time quantitative PCR and HPLC in the leaves of Malus‘Royalty’ (ever-red leaf),Malus‘Radiant’(red young leaf and green mature leaf),Malus‘Flame’(ever-green leaf). Here we report that the cyanidin is the major of anthocyanins in different crabapple cultivars. The results showed that with the development of leaves,there is a significant difference exists in cyanidin contents among these three crabapple cultivars,and the accumulation of cyanidin in‘Royalty’is higher than other two cultivars. At the same time,the content of cyanidin was correlated to the expression level of McUFGT. It is supposed that McUFGT plays an important role in anthocyanins accumulation in different crabapple cultivars.
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Research Notes

  • Determination and Comparison of 10 Phenolic Compounds in Peach with Three Types of Flesh Color
  • YAN Juan, CAI Zhi-Xiang, SHEN Zhi-Jun, ZHANG Bin-Bin, QIAN Wei, YU Ming-Liang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 319-328.
  • Abstract ( 888 ) HTML ( 1463 ) PDF (720KB) ( 1463 )    
  • In this study,we optimized the High-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)determination system for phenolic compounds in peach,and determined and compared phenolic compounds in three types of color peach flesh,i.e. blood,yellow and white. The phenolic compounds of peach flesh were extracted with ethanol(0.1% H3PO4)via ZORBAX SB-C18 column(4.6 mm × 250 mm,5 μm),by using ethanol(0.1% H3PO4)and water(0.1% H3PO4)as solvents at the flow rate of 1.0 mL · min-1 under the temperature of 30 ℃ and UV of 280 nm. This method was particularly suitable for the determination of phenolic compounds of peach flesh. The results showed that chlorogenic acid,neochlorogenic acid,catechin,epicatechin,rutin,quercetin,gallic acid,ferulic acid,phlorizin and phloretin were detected in peach flesh. The main components and content of phenolic compounds were different in the three types of flesh color peaches. In details,epicatechin,chlorogenic acid,catechin and neochlorogenic acid were the main components in blood flesh peach. Neochlorogenic acid,chlorogenic acid and catechin were the first most components in yellow flesh peach,while neochlorogenic acid,catechin and rutin in white flesh peach. Epicatechin and neochlorogenic acid were the highest phenolic compounds in blood flesh peach and yellow flesh peach,respectively,with the content of 78.91–673.90 mg · kg-1FW and 7.28–25.57 mg · kg-1FW. However,the phenolic compounds in white flesh peach was distinct among cultivars,and neochlorogenic acid(3.17–6.16 mg · kg-1FW)and catechin(4.21–14.55 mg · kg-1FW)contents were higher than the other components. In particular,the contents of phenolic compounds varied significantly in different color flesh peaches. As the main phenolic compounds in peach flesh,chlorogenic acid,neochlorogenic acid,catechin,epicatechin and rutin were significant higher in blood flesh peach than that of white and yellow flesh peach. In addition,the content of some phenolic compounds was significantly different among cultivars within the same color flesh,which may be favorably used to screen specific germplasms in peach.
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  • Changes in Respiration,Ethylene and Biochemical Values of Soft Jackfruits During the Ripening Period
  • WANG Jun-Ning, 吕Qing-Fang , FENG Feng, XIE Jiang-Hui, WEI Chang-Bin, LI Ying-Hui, YE Chun-Hai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 329-334.
  • Abstract ( 1017 ) HTML ( 1334 ) PDF (669KB) ( 1334 )    
  • A total of‘301’soft jackfruit lines stored at room temperature conditions were used to analyze the contents of respiratory rate,ethylene,starch,cellulose,pectin and total soluble sugar. The results showed that the soft jackfruit was a typical climacteric fruit,with the highest levels of ethylene and respiratory rate,respectively,within 2 and 3 days after harvest. Contents of starch,cellulose and proto-pectin in jackfruit pulp decreased rapidly within 2 days after harvest,while the contents of soluble pectin and total soluble sugar,respectively,reached maximum values at first,and then dropped off within the same period of time after harvest. Similar patterns were observed in changes in contents of starch,cellulose,pectin and total soluble sugar in fruit tendon,but the trend was relatively flat and slow. During the entire storage period,there were higher contents of starch and total soluble sugar(except for day 2),and lower contents of cellulose and pectin in jackfruit pulp than in fruit tendon. The contents of proto-pectin and total pectin were significantly higher in jackfruit pulp than in fruit tendon within 2 days after harvest,then the total pectin content was dramatically lower in jackfruit pulp than in fruit tendon.
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  • Screening,Identification and Bio-control of Antagonistic Endophytic Bacteria from Fruit Trees
  • LIU Hui-Qin, HAN Ju-Cai, ZHAO Ting-Chang, WEN Xiang-Zhen, LIU Yan, LIU Hui-Ping, WANG Yuan-Hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 335-342.
  • Abstract ( 658 ) HTML ( 1679 ) PDF (1569KB) ( 1679 )    
  • Two hundred and thirty-five endophytic bacteria were isolated from the xylem from diverse healthy fruit trees with tissue isolation method. Through the primary and secondary screening with confront-culture method,six antagonistic strains were obtained. Antibacterial spectrum tests were performed with bacteria fermentation broth get by autoclaving and filtration. Ultimately,fermentation broth from strain X8 was found to have high antifungal activities. So strain X8 was further studied on colonization,identification and control. The results showed that:Strain X8 could colonize in apricots,peppers,and so on. The inhibition of fermentation broth from strain X8 was the strongest against Phytophthora capsici,up to 80.3%;Which was above 75% against three Alternaria pathogens. The control effect of X8 fermentation broth to tomato gray mould and pepper phytophthora blight reached 75.4% and 79.3%,which were significantly higher than those of 50% procymidone and 25% metalaxyl. With the 16S rDNA sequence analysis,strain X8 shared 99% homology with Bacillus subtilis. According to morphology,physiological and biochemical characters as well as 16S rDNA sequences,strain X8 was identified as B. subtilis(GenBank accession number HQ647257).
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  • SNP Mining in Pepper Transcriptome and the Polymorphism Analysis
  • LIU Feng, XIE Ling-Ling, MI Bao-Bin, 欧Yang-Xian , MAO Zhen-Chuan, ZOU Xue-Xiao, XIE Bing-Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 343-348.
  • Abstract ( 985 ) HTML ( 3262 ) PDF (867KB) ( 3262 )    
  • In this study,we investigated 251 068 unigenes from two transcriptome in pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)using SNP finding soft. In total,18 159 SNP were identified from these SNP-containing unique ESTs. Among,1 781 SNP located at 1 291 annotation genes,analysis of GO(Gene Ontology)showed that 853 ESTs were classified,among primary metabolic process(28.7%),cellular metabolic process(17.3%),biosynthetic process(15.7%)being main. In KEGG map,125 ESTs involved in taken part in metabolic pathways,and 53 participated in biosynthesis of second metabolites,and 31 involved in biosynthesis of plant hormones. Moreover,a total of 4 172(22.9%)sequences were successfully designed primers of CAPS marker. Eight out of 15 primer pairs selected at random showed polymorphism among 5 different pepper varieties. The results indicated that those CAPS markers from EST-SNP will be more usable in map structure,analysis of genetic polymorphism in pepper.
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  • In Silico Cloning and Expression of Flower Development Related Gene of Cucumis melo
  • SHENG Yun-yan1,2,*,WANG Xia1,WANG Yang-yang1,and WENG Yi-qun3,4
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 349-356.
  • Abstract ( 822 ) HTML ( 1299 ) PDF (1584KB) ( 1299 )    
  • Using transcriptom sequencing technology to analysis and detected different expressed gene among monoecious,andromonecious,gynoecious and hermaphrodite families from WI998(gynoecious)cross Topmark(andromonecious),a full length of 1 842 bp which locates in chromosome 12,named CmTs2,was obtained from bioinformatics methods. Sequence analysis indicated that the CmTs2 consisting an open reading frame(ORF)which from 119 to 832 nucleotides encoding 237 amino acids with molecular weight 25 358.8 D,instability index is 21.6 and aliphatic index is 99.11,grand average of hydropathicity is 0.078. Blast alignment analysis indicated highly homologous to TS2 gene especially for cucumber which has 96% homologous relationship,pathway analysis indicated CmTs2 gene located the upstream of gibberellin synthesis pathway. Real time-PCR analysis indicated that the expression level of CmTs2 was highest expressed in andromonecious but lowest in gynoecious in leaf and flower,which showed the CmTs2 gene might involve in the flower development female flower.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of OnAP1-like Gene from Oncidium ‘Gower Ramsey’
  • CUI Bo1,2,WU Zhen-jiang2,LIU Jia2,ZHANG Guo-fu2,YUAN Xiu-yun1,and YE Yong-zhong2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 357-364.
  • Abstract ( 733 ) HTML ( 1469 ) PDF (3099KB) ( 1469 )    
  • Afull-length 958 bp cDNA of AP1APETALA1)-like was obtained by RT-PCR and RACE amplification the total RNA extracted from the scapes of Oncidium‘Gower Ramsey’(Orchidaceae)at flowering stage. The gene consisted of 690 bp gene encoding region which encoding a protein of 229 amino acids,was designated as OnAP1-like(accession number:KC426946). The analysis of secondary structure of protein showed that the protein was hydrophilic,and it contained 48.91% of α-helix,10.92% of β-sheet and 40.17% of random coil. The analysis of protein sequence alignment and cluster showed that the OnAP1-like was close to AP1-like of Cymbidium faberi with an overall sequence similarity. Using RT-qPCR to analysis the expression quantity of OnAP1-like of different organsfrom Oncidium in different stages,the results showed that in different development stages,the expression level of leaves was the highest in flower budding stage,that of root and scapes gradually increased with development and obtained the highest expression level at post-flowering stage. In different organs,the expression level of roots was higher than that of leaves before reproductive growth stage;The expression level of petals was the highest in flower budding stage,and that of scapes was the highest in flowering and post-flowering stage. The results suggest that OnAP1-like gene play a significant role in the development and formation of flowers in Oncidium‘Gower Ramsey’.
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  • Genetic Relatives Analysis of 41 Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Cultivars by ISSR Markers
  • DONG Hai-yan1,*,JI Kong-shu2,HOU Bo-xin3,and ZHAO Hong-bo1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 365-374.
  • Abstract ( 872 ) HTML ( 1198 ) PDF (7036KB) ( 1198 )    
  • ISSR-PCR was used to detect the genetic diversity and relationship of 41 varieties of Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum. ISSR fingerprinting amplified by 14 ISSR primers revealed a total number of 203 unambiguous bands,of which 148 ones were polymorphic and the polymorphism frequency was 72.9%. As analyzed by NTSYS-pc(version 2.10e),the similarity coefficient between varieties ranged from 0.626 to 0.926. These 41 varieties of L. chinense var. rubrum were divided into five groups by UPGMA based on Jaccard coefficient. Leaf color could be the highest classification trait following with petal shape which reflected the phylogenetic evolution among different cultivars. Additionally,due to the origin and breeding of cultivars,the breeding procedure and the characteristics of parents should be considered in cultivar classification. The inheritance of flower color,leaf shape and habit of branching was not stable,so these traits were not suitable as higher classification standard.
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  • Prokaryotic Expression of Qiongzhuea tumidinoda CBF1 Gene and Preparation of Its Polyclonal Antibody
  • XIAO Yan1,LIN Hua2,YANG Li-juan1,CHEN Shi-jie2,XIONG Ze-ping3,and CHEN Qi-bing1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 375-381.
  • Abstract ( 731 ) HTML ( 1161 ) PDF (1105KB) ( 1161 )    
  • C-repeat binding factor 1 gene(CBF1)was amplified by RT-PCR from Qiongzhuea tumidinoda Hsueh leaves and cloned into prokaryotic expression vector pET32a(+). After identification by enzyme digestion and sequencing,the expression of recombinant plasmid carried CBF1 gene was transformed into Rosetta2(DE3)E. coli. Through induced with IPTF,the expression of recombinant protein was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The results showed that the protein was highly expression in E. coli,and the molecular weight of the recombinant protein was 45 kD. After purification with Ni2+-NTA affinity chromatography,the immune reactivity of recombinant CBF1 protein was identified with positive antiserum against nature CBF1 protein specifically by Western-blotting analysis. Antibodies against recombinant CBF1 protein was obtained by subcutaneous injection of rabbit with purified CBF1 recombinant protein,which is specific to the total protein of Qiongzhuea tumidinoda Hsueh leaves induced by low temperature. Our results indicate that the recombinant protein can be used for immunohistochemistry and western blot detection.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Broccoli Cultivar‘Hailü’
  • GU Hong-hui1,*,YU Hui-fang1,XU Ying-jun2,CHEN Ji-suan3,WANG Bing-liang4,WANG Jian-sheng1,MAO Pei-cheng3,ZHAO Zhen-qing1,SHENG Xiao-guang1,and WANG Wei3
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 391-392.
  • Abstract ( 813 ) HTML ( 762 ) PDF (153KB) ( 762 )    
  • A new broccoli hybrid‘Hailü’,was crossed from microspore-derived double haploid plants. The height and breadth of plant were 65 cm and 75 cm respectively,with semi-erect plant type. The dark green leaf is long elliptic shape surfaced with much wax. The green curd is semi-spherical shape,and its flower buds are small size as well as uniform. The average weight of curd is 490 g with 14 cm in transverse diameter. The curd can be employed as fresh use as well as frozen processing. The cultivar is early-medium maturity type with 75 days duration from transplant to harvest,which is suitable for autumn cultivation in Zhejiang,China.
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  • A New Pepper Cultivar‘Xinjiao 23’
  • GE Ju-fen*,YAN Tong,OUYANG Wei,GAO Fang-yu,and Nuliyanmuguli ? Mumingjiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 393-394.
  • Abstract ( 702 ) HTML ( 889 ) PDF (391KB) ( 889 )    
  • ‘Xinjiao 23’is a new hot pepper F1 hybrid with early-mid maturing. The cultivar has strong growth vigor and middle resistence to Phytophthora capsici Leonian and virus disease. Fruit is long sheep-horn shape,24.4 cm long,2.98 cm of shoulder diameter,and the flesh thickness is 1.92 mm. The average fruit weight is 42.3 g.
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  • A New Subgynoecious and Chilling Tolerant Bitter Gourd Cultivar‘Xiuyu 1’
  • CHEN Long-zheng,XU Hai,SONG Bo,ZHANG Hui,KUANG Yuan-yuan,and YUAN Xi-han*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 399-400.
  • Abstract ( 786 ) HTML ( 1182 ) PDF (1271KB) ( 1182 )    
  • ‘Xiuyu 1’is a new bitter gourd hybrid with early-ripening,high-yield developed by crossing subgynoecious line‘HZ006’and chilling tolerance inbred line‘TC008’. The first female flower position is at the 6–8th joint and about 15 female flowers on main stem blow 30th joint. The fruit is long rod form shape,with 40 cm in length,7–8 cm in diameter,1 cm in thickness of fruit flesh. The average fruit weight is about 450 g with bright green skin,round tumour and slight bitter. Its yield is about 50 t · hm-2. It is tolerant to chilling climate and resistant to powdery mildew,and is suitable for protected cultivation in early spring and over wintering.
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  • A New Hybrid Cymbidium Cultivar‘Yunülan’
  • ZENG Rui-zhen1,XIE Li1,GUO He-rong1,LI Yang-hui2,YI Mao-sheng2,DU Bao-gui2,HE Yan1,and ZHANG Zhi-sheng1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 401-402.
  • Abstract ( 780 ) HTML ( 1284 ) PDF (2199KB) ( 1284 )    
  • ‘Yunülan’is a new potted cultivar of hybrid Cymbidium with elegant plant type and pleasant aroma,which is developed from the combination of Cymbidium sinense‘Qijian Baimo’and Cymbidium King Arthur,its flower is yellow-green in color and above the leaves. When cultured in greenhouse,it begins to bloom in the middle of January and the flowering lasts one to two months. There are about ten flowers in an inflorescence with the average diameter of 6.3 cm.
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  • A New Michelia Cultivar‘Yunrui’
  • XU Hai-yan1,2,LI Wen-xiang1,PAN Yue-zhi2,and GONG Xun2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(2): 403-404.
  • Abstract ( 749 ) HTML ( 982 ) PDF (844KB) ( 982 )    
  • ‘Yunrui’is a new Michelia cultivar which was selected from hybrid crossing female parent(Michelia yunnanensis × M. doltsopa)× M. maudiae. It combines with the three parents’ parts of good characters:Evergreen brush,large and fragrant flowers,ivory-white tepals with faint yellow base,flowering date from February to March,and strong adaptability to drought and poor soil. It is a good ornamental plant in gardens for enjoying flowers and leaves.
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