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2013, Vol.40, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Effects of Soil Available Nutrients and Long-term Fertilization on Yield of
    Fuji Apple Orchard of Weibei Area in Shaanxi,China
  • GAO Yi-Min-*, TONG Yan-An, LU Yong-Li, WANG Xiao-Ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 613.
  • Abstract ( 799 ) HTML ( 1294 ) PDF (687KB) ( 1294 )    
  • Soil available nutrients,one year fertilization and apple yield of 915 mature‘Fuji’apple
    orchards in Loess Plateau of Shaanxi were investigated. An eight-year located experiment was carried
    which studied effects of nitrogen(N),phosphate(P)and potassium(K)on Fuji apple yield,weight per
    fruit,Meanwhile,the change of agronomic efficiency(AE)and fertilizer contribution(FCR)was analyzed.
    The result showed that average values of soil alkaline N,available P,available K and organic matter(OM)were 60.1 mg · kg-1,17.7 mg · kg-1,173.0 mg · kg-1 and 12.6 g · kg-1 respectively. The soil nutrient
    distribution ranges of the highest frequency were alkaline N 40–60 mg · kg-1,available P 10–20
    mg · kg-1,available K 150–200 mg · kg-1,and OM 10–15 g · kg-1 respectively. The correlation between
    alkaline N,available P and apple yield reached very significant and significant level respectively,however
    that between available K,OM and apple yield were not significant. The average fertilizers application rates
    were N 454.5 kg · hm-2,P2O5 327.7 kg · hm-2,K2O 313.2 kg · hm-2 and organic manure 4.7 t · hm-2 in local
    apple orchard,respectively. In addition,the highest frequency fertilizer rate of N,P and K were same,
    within 200–400 kg · hm-2. Using manure accounted for only 26.6 percent in these areas. Correlations
    between fertilizer rates of N,P,K,apple yield and soil available nutrients reached extremely significant
    and significant level. The effects of N,P,K on apple yield,weight per fruit,their AE and FCR all changed
    by alternate bearing years,among that,N had more significant effects on apple yield,weight per fruit,
    AE and FCR than P and K. P had more significant effects on apple yield than K in heavy fruiting year,but
    no significant difference between P and K in normal year and light fruiting year. There was no significant
    difference between P and K on weight per fruit in heavy fruiting year and normal year,but K was
    significantly higher than P in light fruiting year. The order of N,P,K on AE were N > P > K in heavy
    fruiting year and normal year,and N > K > P in light fruiting year,respectively. The order of N,P,K on
    FCR were same as the former.
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  • Correlation Analysis on Nutrient Element Contents in Orchard Soils and Sweet Orange Leaves in Southern Jiangxi Province of China
  • TANG Yu-Qin, PENG Liang-Zhi, CHUN Chang-Pin, LING Li-Li, FANG Yi-Wen, YAN Xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 623.
  • Abstract ( 1046 ) HTML ( 1571 ) PDF (254KB) ( 1571 )    
  • Both soil and leaf samples were collected from 181 red soil orchards of sweet orange
    grafted on trifoliate orange[Poncirus trifoliata(L.)] rootstocks in Anyuan and Xunwu,the two biggest
    citrus production counties in southern Jiangxi Province of China,and then analyzed for their nutrient
    element contents in 2010 and 2011. The aim was to realize relationship between soil and leaf nutrient
    elements and to provide the possibilities of formulated fertilization based on soil testing in sweet orange
    orchards in red soil areas. The results showed that the contents of available soil nutrient elements such as
    nitrogen(N),calcium(Ca),iron(Fe),magnesium(Mg)and zinc(Zn)in orchard soils could reflect,
    to some extent,the contents of corresponding nutrients in citrus leaves. A significant positive correlation
    (P < 0.05)was found between the contents of available Zn in soils and Zn contents in leaves in Anyuan
    county in 2010. However,the contents of soil available potassium(K),phosphorus(P),copper(Cu)
    and boron(B)correlated nonsignificantly with the contents of the corresponding nutrients in leaves. Therefore,formulated fertilization by soil testing is not suitable for sweet orange orchards in red soil areas.
    It is suggested that formulated fertilization should be mainly based on leaf diagnosis and supplemented by
    soil testing.
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  • Influence of K-deficiency Stress on Plant Growth of Strawberry and Soil-borne Disease Under Continuous Cultivation
  • FAN Teng-Fei, CAO Zeng-Qiang, BI Yan-Meng, TIAN Ji-Lin, ZHANG Lu-Sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 633.
  • Abstract ( 1258 ) HTML ( 1179 ) PDF (351KB) ( 1179 )    
  • Use strawberry cultivar‘Benihoppe’as test material. The purpose of this study was to
    investigate the relations of K-deficiency stress with continuous cropping obstacles of strawberry. The
    results showed that the growth of shoot and root was inhibited,when strawberry plants were replanted in
    first-crop substrates with K-deficiency(K+ 48.75 mg · L-1),1/2K(K+ 415.58 mg · L-1)and normal K(K+
    782.41 mg · L-1)treatments compared with control group. The plants with K-deficiency treatment had the
    worst growth,while the growth of plants with 1/2K treatment was better than that with 1K treatment. Root
    exudates of second-crop plants with K-deficiency treatment had a significant influence on growth of the
    tissue cultural plantlets. The low concentration(1%,2%)promoted laterals growth and shoot growth and
    high concentration(4%)inhibited root growth. When second-crop substrates were used to replant
    strawberry plants and inoculated by Fusarium oxysporum and Verticillium dahliae,the diseases of
    third-crop strawberry plants were worse at different periods than that of control group. The disease of
    plants with K-deficiency treatment was the most serious,resulting in a 75 disease index after 10 days. 1/2K
    treatment had lower disease index than normal K treatment. In conclusion,continuous cropping obstacles
    of strawberry can be worse under the K-deficiency stress and appropriate K concentration had an important
    role in preventing continuous cropping obstacles.
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  • The Cloning and Quantitative Expression Analysis of Mycorrhizal
    Phosphate Transporter Gene in Fragaria × ananassa
  • CAO Qing-Qin, DENG Jie, ZHU Li-Jing, BAI Juan-Fan, ZHAO Tian, ZHU Xu-Wen, JIANG Yi-Chen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 641.
  • Abstract ( 1137 ) HTML ( 1502 ) PDF (704KB) ( 1502 )    
  • Phylogenetic tree was clustered by MEGA5.0 based on amino acid sequences of nine
    Fragaria vesca inorganic phosphate transporters and 58 known phosphate transporters of other plants. The
    results showed five inorganic phosphate transporters in Fragaria vesca were gathered the branch of
    mycorrhizal phosphate transporter,so these five genes were preliminarily predicted candidates of
    mycorrhizal phosphate transporter. Based on homologous sequences,full sequences of these five genes in
    Fragaria × ananassa Duch.‘Benihoppe’were obtained. Real-time quantitative PCR showed that,FaPT4,
    FaPT5 and FaPT8 genes were dramaticly induced in the mycorrhizal roots of strawberry combined with
    cluster result above. Therefore,FaPT4,FaPT5 and FaPT8 were proven to be mycorrhizal phosphate
    transporter genes in Fragaria × ananassa Duch.‘Benihoppe’.
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  • Effects of Different Cooling Modes on Chilling Injury,Quality and Active Oxygen Metabolism in Harvested‘Xuxiang’Kiwifruits
  • YANG Qing-Zhen, RAO Jing-Ping, WANG Yu-Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 651.
  • Abstract ( 1287 ) HTML ( 1650 ) PDF (1657KB) ( 1650 )    
  • Abstract:The effects of direct cooling and gradual cooling on chilling injury,fruit quality and active
    oxygen metabolism in kiwifruit(Actinidia deliciosa‘Xuxiang’)during cold storage were investigated. The
    results showed that the gradual cooling treatment significantly reduced chilling injury index and chilling
    injury incidence,maintained higher accepted fruit percentage and shelf-life quality,and inhibited the
    accumulation of malonaldehyde and the increase in membrane permeability. Moreover,the gradual cooling
    treatment maintained higher activities of superoxide dismutase,catalase and ascorbate peroxidase,and
    lower activity in lipoxygenase than direct cooling fruit during the storage,and kept lower levels of
    superoxide anion production rate and H2O2 content. These results indicate that gradual cooling treatment
    retard chilling injury in ‘Xuxiang’ fruit which may be related to enhancing the activities of active oxygen
    scavenging enzymes and reducing the accumulation of active oxygen. The gradual cooling(10 ℃→5 ℃
    for 2 days→2 ℃ for 2 days→0 ℃ ± 0.5 ℃)had a better effect.
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  • QTL Analysis of Resistance to Type B Bemisia tabaci in Solanum habrochaites LA2329
  • GUO Guang-Jun, GAO Jian-Chang, WANG Xiao-Xuan, GUO Yan-Mei, John C. SNYDER, DU Yong-Chen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 663.
  • Abstract ( 1104 ) HTML ( 1794 ) PDF (770KB) ( 1794 )    
  • The wild species of tomato,Solanum habrochaites LA2329 has high levels of resistance to
    whitefly(Bemisia tabaci) and is thus an important resource for breeding of insect resistance. A linkage
    map that covered 1 166.6 cM of the tomato genome and included 180 markers was generated based on the
    BC1 population of generated from tomato cultivar 9706 crossed with Solanum habrochaites LA2329.
    Parents,F1 and BC1 population were bioassayed with whiteflies using an in vitro method. Four
    phenotypic traits including number of adult whiteflies per leaflet,number of eggs per leaflet and densities
    of type Ⅵ trichomes on adaxial and abaxial surfaces were evaluated. A total of 33 QTLs associated with
    the four phenotypic traits were found in the BC1 population. The adult whitefly numbers had a significant
    positive relationship with oviposition numbers in the BC1 population. Eight QTLs associated with adult
    whitefly numbers and ovipitision numbers were located in the same locus. Of the 8 QTLs,2 major QTLs
    were located in the interval defined by the markers InDel_FT45–SSR57 and SSR57–InDel_FT49 on
    chromosome 2 and explained 33.2% and 39.8% of phenotypic variation,respectively. A QTL cluster that
    associated with density of type Ⅵ trichomes on abaxial surfaces was mapped on chromosome 6. Four
    major QTLs affecting density of Ⅵ trichomes in abaxial surfaces were located in the interval defined by
    C2_At3g11210–C2_At1g24360 and explained 56% of phenotypic variation. Four QTLs associated with
    density of type Ⅵ trichomes on adaxial surfaces were mapped to the same locus as 4 of QTLs associated
    with adult whitefly numbers and oviposition numbers,but their additive effects were opposite. The results
    showed that adult whitefly numbers and ovipitision numbers were measures of similar phenotypic traits for
    resistance to whiteflies. In addition,density of type Ⅵ trichomes on tomato was not the major trait of
    tomato to whitefly resistance.
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  • Evaluation of Acting Domain and Strength Mediating the Protein Self-interactions of SVP and FLC in Brassica juncea
  • TANG Qing-Lin, DING Ning, LI Nian-Zu, WANG Zhi-Min, SONG Ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 675.
  • Abstract ( 877 ) HTML ( 1715 ) PDF (592KB) ( 1715 )    
  • For further study on the molecular mechanism and interaction model of SVP and FLC
    protein homologous dimerization in flowering control in Brassica juncea Coss.(mustard),the selfinteractions
    of SVP and FLC were detected by the yeast two-hybrid system. The yeast stains of
    pGADT7SVP or pGADT7SVP2–5 could mate with pGBKT7SVP,which grew on selective agar plates
    QDO/X/A(SD/-Ade/-His/-Leu/-Trp/X-α-Gal/AbA)with blue stains. However,Y187-pGADT7SVP1 and
    Y2HGold-pGBKT7SVP could not mate into zygote diploids to grow on selective plates DO/X/A. The
    results showed that SVP or SVP2–5 truncated forms could act with SVP itself to combine and form
    homodimers. K domain of SVP was the key amino acid region to independently mediate and determine the
    homologous dimerization. MI-domain of SVP alone could not induce the self-interactions of SVP,but
    enhance the strength of homologous interactions. However,C-domain of SVP could weaken the protein
    self-interaction strength. The yeast stains of pGBKT7FLC2–5 and pGADT7FLC could mate into zygotes
    and grew on selective agar plates QDO/X/A with blue stains. The DNA-BD and AD were brought into
    proximity to activate transcription of four independent reporter genes(AUR1-C,HIS3,ADE2,MEL1).
    FLC2–5 truncated forms and FLC protein could act with each other to form homodimers. It also indicated
    that K domain of FLC may play an important role in mediating the FLC homodimers. However,I-domain
    of FLC could strengthen the protein self-interactions. Alignment analysis of K domain sequence showed
    that K domain was consist of three subdomains(K1,K2 and K3)and formed three ? helixes. Nine high
    conservative amino acids existed in K domain. Leucine zippers,protein interaction motifs,lied in K
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  • Studies on the Identification Technology and Inheritance of Disease Resistance to Fusarium Wilt in Bitter Gourd
  • ZHAO Xiu-Juan, TANG Xin, HU Kai-Lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 685.
  • Abstract ( 1111 ) HTML ( 1383 ) PDF (269KB) ( 1383 )    
  • The identification technology of resistance to Fusarium wilt in Momordica charantia was
    investigated with inbred lines presenting different degree of field resistance. Then a total of 43 Momordica
    charantia varieties(or inbred lines)from home and abroad were evaluated for resistance to Fusarium wilt.
    Furthermore,a highly susceptible inbred line‘472113’and a highly resistant inbred line‘0417’were used
    to study the inheritance of resistance to Fusarium wilt in Momordica charantia. The results indicated that
    direct hydroponic inoculation with concentration of 4 × 106 spores per milliliter was most suitable for
    resistance identification. And the existence of resistant resource is prevalent among the Momordica
    charantia germplasm resources. The broad-sense heritability of Momordica charantia resistance to
    Fusarium wilt is 90.78%. The resistance is controlled by single dominant nuclear gene without affecting
    by cytoplasm.
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Ornamental Plants

  • The Floral Scent Emitted from Lilium‘Siberia’at Different Flowering Stages and Diurnal Variation
  • ZHANG Hui-Xiu, LENG Ping-Sheng, HU Zeng-Hui, ZHAO Jing, WANG Wen-He, XU Fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 693.
  • Abstract ( 1342 ) HTML ( 2208 ) PDF (324KB) ( 2208 )    
  • The floral scent of Lilium‘Siberia’at different flowering stages and different time points
    of one day was collected using dynamic headspace collection method,and then the components and
    released amount were identified by automated thermal desorption–gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
    (ATD–GC/MS)technique. The results showed that the components of floral scent emitted from Lilium
    ‘Siberia’mainly involved seven compound categories including terpenoids,alcohols,aldehydes,
    ketones,esters,aromatics and alkanes. The component number and released amount was low at early
    opening stage,and gradually rose at middle opening stage,arriving at the peak at full opening stage,and
    then dropped rapidly at wilting stage. It was found that 12,46,55,20 compounds were successively
    emitted from Lilium‘Siberia’at these 4 flowering stages. Among these components,terpenoid compounds
    showed the most number and highest released amount. In the diurnal variation of floral scent emitted from
    Lilium‘Siberia’,the released amount and component number also showed the pattern of first increase and
    then decrease from dawn to dusk during one day. The total released amount and component number arrived
    at the peak at 15:00—16:00,and significantly decreased at 7:00—8:00 and 19:00—20:00. At 7 time
    phases from 7:00 to 20:00,27,42,51,57,45,40,and 16 compounds were identified respectively,
    among which terpenoid compounds had the most number and the highest released amount. Among the
    floral scent components identified in Lilium‘Siberia’,the terpenoid compounds including linalool,
    β-ocimene,β-myrcene may be the main components contributing to the flower aroma of Lilium‘Siberia’,
    and the light intensity played a key role in the diurnal variation of floral scent.
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  • Determination of Pollen Quantity and Features of Pollen Dispersal for 41 Spray Cut Chrysanthemum Cultivars
  • WANG Xiao-Guang, FANG Wei-Min, CHEN Fa-Di, TENG Nian-Jun-*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 703.
  • Abstract ( 1220 ) HTML ( 1178 ) PDF (429KB) ( 1178 )    
  • Abstract:In this study,feature of pollen dispersal and the key factors influencingi quantity of pollen
    dispersal of 41 spray cut chrysanthemum cultivars were systematically investigated,with an aim to
    establish foundation for less-dispersing pollen or non-dispersing pollen cultivars breeding. The results
    showed that:The number of disk floret per inflorescence,anthers per flower,pollen quantity per anther and
    the pollen quantity per inflorescence were observed among the tested cultivars,which were estimated to be
    85.6–320.2 disk floret per inflorescence,5 anthers per flower in the vast majority of cultivars,0–1 017
    grains per anther,0–807 840 grains per inflorescence respectively;There were 9 non-dispersing pollen
    cultivars(the anthers of 8 cultivars have pollens but no cracking,while only‘Kingfisher’has no pollens),
    11 less-dispersing pollen cultivars,9 moderate quantity of pollen dispersal cultivars and 12 high quantity
    of pollen dispersal cultivars among them. Clustering analysis was applied to analyse the pollen quantity
    per anther and pollen quantity per inflorescence that were grouped into four types:Vast,moderate,a few,
    none,according to pollen quantity. 80% of tested cultivars are belonged to‘moderate’and‘a few’groups.
    All the results suggest that not only is the quantity of pollen dispersal of spray cut chrysanthemum
    positively related to the number of disk floret per inflorescence and pollen quantity per anther,but also it is
    positively related to the speed and degree of anther cracking.
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Research Notes

  • Characteristics of Two Dormancy-associated MADS-box Genes in Pear and Their Expression Analysis During the Dormancy
  • LIU Guo-Qin, ZHENG Peng-Hua, Sayed Hussain, TENG Yuan-Wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 724.
  • Abstract ( 1367 ) HTML ( 1673 ) PDF (402KB) ( 1673 )    
  • Two dormancy-associated MADS-box genes(PpMADS1 and PpMADS2)were obtained
    from transcriptome library constructed Pyrus pyrifolia white pear group‘Suli’. To understand sequence
    characteristics of two genes,bioinformatics analysis was carried out. Furthermore the gene expression
    patterns in lateral flower buds of both pear cultivars‘Cuiguan’and‘Wonhwang’were analyzed during the
    period of dormancy by quantitative real-time PCR. The results showed that PpMADS1 and PpMADS2
    contained well-conserved MIKC-motifs of MADS-box. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that PpMADS1
    was closely related to PpMADS13-1 of Japanese pear(P. pyrifolia‘Kosui’),whereas PpMADS2 was
    similar to PpMADS13-2 of Japanese pear. The pear DAM genes formed an independent subclade and were
    closely related to those of Prunus spp. The expression patterns of PpMADS1 and PpMADS2 were similar
    with one peak in two cultivars during the period of dormancy. However,the timing of gene expression
    peak differed between two cultivars. The PpMADS1 and PpMADS2 expression peak occured on the
    November 15th in‘Cuiguan’pear,while the PpMADS1 expression peak on the December 30th,and the
    PpMADS2 expression peak on the December 15th in‘Wonhwang’pear. The PpMADS1 and PpMADS2
    expression peak appeared prior to the release of endodormancy,and their expression levels were gradually
    down-regulated after the turn over of endodormancy and kept at a lower level during the period of
    ecodormancy. These results indicated that PpMADS1 and PpMADS2 might play an important role in the
    regulation of bud endodormancy-release in pear.
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  • Effects of Different Rootstocks on Distribution and Utilization of 13C and 15N of Malus × domestica Borkh.‘Red Fuji’
  • WANG Hai-Ning, GE Shun-Feng, JIANG Yuan-Mao-*, WEI Shao-Chong, CHEN Qian, SUN Cong-Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 733.
  • Abstract ( 1296 ) HTML ( 1077 ) PDF (222KB) ( 1077 )    
  • Five types of two-year-old apple rootstock-scion combinations[scion:Malus × domestica
    Borkh.‘Red Fuji’;rootsocks:M. hupehensis(Pamp.)Rehd. var. pinyiensis,M. micromalus Makino,
    M. prunifolia(Willd)Borkh.,M. sievesii(Ledeb.)Roemer,M. baccata Borkh.,recpectively]were used
    to study the growth and the characteristics of distribution and utilization of 15N and 13C. The results were as
    follows:The biomass of‘Red Fuji’/ M. hupehensis Rehd. was the largest,while that of M. domestica
    Borkh.‘Red Fuji’/ M. baccata Borkh. was the least. The 15N utilization ratio of ‘Red Fuji’/ M.
    hupehensis Rehd. was the largest,while‘Red Fuji’/ M. prunifolia(Willd)Borkh. was the least. The 15N
    and 13C distribution ratio of leaves was the highest,while annual stems was less than leaves,and the
    biennial stems was the least. The 15N and 13C distribution ratio in leaves of ‘Red Fuji’/ M. baccata Borkh.
    were the largest,while those in the roots of ‘Red Fuji’/ M. hupehensis Rehd. were the largest. Therefore,
    ‘Red Fuji’/ M. hupehensis Rehd. was the best considering with carbon and nitrogen nutrition.
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  • Cloning of NAD-Malic Enzymes and Their Expression Analysis During Tissues and Fruit Development of Apple
  • DONG Qing-Long, YU Xian-Mei, LIU Dan-Dan, WANG Hai-Rong, AN Miao, YAO Yu-Xin, WANG Chang-Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 739.
  • Abstract ( 1357 ) HTML ( 1921 ) PDF (544KB) ( 1921 )    
  • NAD-malic enzyme is a key enzyme in malic acid metabolism pathway of plants. Two
    apple NAD-ME genes(MdNAD-ME1 and MdNAD-ME2)were isolated from the‘Fuji’apple leaves
    Malus × domestica Borkh.)by homologous comparison and RT-PCR confirmation. MdNAD-ME1 and
    MdNAD-ME2 contained 1 785 bp and 1 818 bp ORFs,which encoded 595- and 605-aa proteins,
    respectively. Amino acid sequence and structure analysis indicated that MdNAD-MEs contained five
    conservative amino acid areas(Ⅰ–Ⅴ)and two functional structure domains:Malic and NAD_bind_1_
    malic_enz. The result of phylogenetic analysis showed that MdNAD-ME1 belonged to dicotyledon
    subgroup of α group,while MdNAD-ME2 belonged to dicotyledon subgroup of β group. qRT-PCR result
    showed that MdNADP-MEs were constitutively expressed in all examined tissues,and the expression level
    of MdNAD-ME1 were higher than of MdNAD-ME2 during more tissues. MdNAD-ME1 and MdNAD-ME2
    had different patterns of expression during fruit development of‘Fuji’apple. Taken together,the above
    results indicated that MdNAD-MEs belonged to NAD-ME family,and MdNAD-ME1 and MdNAD-ME2
    might play different roles in the growth and development of apple.
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  • Research on the Characteristics of Fruit Cracking in the Hybrid Progenies Between Ziziphus jujuba‘Dongzao’and‘Linyi Lizao’
  • TANG Yan-1, JING Yan-Ping-1, XU Li-Si-2, SHEN Lian-Ying-2, LI Ying-Yue-1, PANG Xiao-Ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 749.
  • Abstract ( 1128 ) HTML ( 1379 ) PDF (320KB) ( 1379 )    
  • Exploring the mechanisms underlying jujube fruit cracking is essential for the development
    of new cultivar with high cracking resistance and also provides important reference to overcome the
    problem. In this study,the hybrid seedlings between‘Dongzao’and‘Linyi Lizao’were chosen to
    investigate of the rate of fruit cracking and to reveal the anatomy structure through the paraffin section
    analysis. Furthermore,the relationship between fruit epidermal structure and fruit cracking susceptibility
    were analyzed. The results showed that 48-LS-33,47-LS-22,II-13-15 were the genotypes with highest
    cracking resistance and that there showed a significant negative correlation between the thickness of fruit
    epidermal cells and cracking rate. The fruit of cracking resistant type had tighter arrangement of epidermis
    cells than that of cracking sensitive type. The anticlinal changing in first layer epidermis cells caused by
    cuticle deposition is obvious in the fruit of resistant cracking type,whereas the cuticle thickness was not
    found to be related to the cracking rate.
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  • The Correlation Between Endogenous ZT and IAA Contents with the Growth of Cucumber and Tomato Seedlings Under Different Photoperiod
  • WU Qi, SU Na-Na, CUI Jin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 755.
  • Abstract ( 1358 ) HTML ( 1257 ) PDF (359KB) ( 1257 )    
  • Abstract:The effects of different photoperiod(12,14,16,18 and 20 h · d-1)on growth of cucumber
    and tomato seedlings were studied.The relationship between the growth differences and endogenous
    hormones(ZT,IAA)was discussed.The results indicated that the extented photoperiod could significantly
    decrease the plant height of cucumber and tomato seedlings and promote the content of soluble protein and
    soluble sugar of tomato seedlings.Under the treatment of 16 h · d-1 photoperiod,the leaf area reached to
    maximum and the healthy index significantly higher than the treatment of 12 h · d-1 and 14 h · d-1,but had
    no significant differences compare with 18 h · d-1 and 20 h · d-1 photoperiod.With the extension of the
    photoperiod,the ZT and IAA contents of tomato seedlings increased gradually in leaf and decreased
    gradually in stem,and it had linear regression correlation with leaf area and plant height. The IAA and ZT
    contents had linear regression correlation with plant height and leaf area respectively of cucumber
    seedlings. Overall,16 h · d-1 photoperiod was more beneficial to the growth and cultivated health seedling
    of cucumber and tomato plants. Photoperiod may affect the growth and development of cucumber and tomato
    seedlings by regulating the endogenous ZT and IAA contents.
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  • Expression of p22 Gene of Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus in Escherichia coli and Preparation of Antiserum
  • SHI Yan, WANG Zhen-Yue, YUAN Yuan, LIU Shan-Shan, SUN Hu, GU Qin-Sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 762.
  • Abstract ( 1243 ) HTML ( 1500 ) PDF (312KB) ( 1500 )    
  • p22 gene was amplified by RT-PCR from CCYV infected melon leaves and cloned into the
    prokaryotic expression vector pGex-4T-3. After verification by PCR and sequencing,the recombinant
    plasmid was transformed to Escherichia coli strain BL21 for protein expression. The SDS-PAGE analyses
    showed that 48 kD specific fusion protein was highly expressed after induction by IPTG. The expressed
    protein was purified from SDS-PAGE and the antiserum against the protein was raised in rabbit. The titer
    of antiserum was 1.28 × 105 estimated by ACP-ELISA. Western blot analysis confirmed that the antiserum
    reacted specifically with P22 protein of CCYV.
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  • Analysis of Meiotic Behavior of Haploid Chinese Cabbage and Selection of a Chromosome Monosomic Plant
  • LIU Fu-Qiang, DAI Shuang-Yan-*, WANG Yan-Hua-**?, ZHANG Cheng-He, SHEN Shu-Xing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 767.
  • Abstract ( 1052 ) HTML ( 1258 ) PDF (422KB) ( 1258 )    
  • Meiotic behavior and pollen viability of the haploid Chinese cabbage derived from
    microspore culture were studied and the chromosome numbers of progeny plants of the haploid plants
    crossing to the diploid plants were examined in the present report. The results showed the meiotic behavior
    of the haploid Chinese cabbage was abnormal. At metaphaseⅠ,the univalents were either moved to the
    center of the cell(equatorial plane)or scattered in the cytoplasm,occasionally 1–2 bivalents or one
    trivalent occurred;At anaphase Ⅰ,the chromosomes freely went to opposite poles,resulting in 0/10,
    1/9, 2/8,3/7,4/6 and 5/5 chromosome distributions,occasionally to three poles,forming 1/4/5,2/2/6
    and so on chromosome distributions. The products of the meiosis included tetrads,dyads and triads. The
    seed set of the haploid plants × the diploid plants by artificial pollination was very low,only about 0.068
    seeds per pod. By chromosome number identification,of the total 11 progeny plants,ten plants were
    diploid (2n = 20)and one monsomic plant(2n–1 = 19).
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  • Floral Bud Differentiation and Photoperiodic Characteristics of Pelargonium hortorum‘Horizon’
  • WANG Qin, CHEN Jin-Tao, YE Jian-Fei, GAN Lin-Ye, HU Hui-Rong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 773.
  • Abstract ( 1504 ) HTML ( 1042 ) PDF (249KB) ( 1042 )    
  • To study the characteristics of floral bud differentiation(FBD)and effects of photoperiod
    on growth and development of Pelargonium hortorum‘Horizon’,paraffin section method was used in
    identify the process of FBD,and flowering time and flower quality were investigated as the effects of 7
    kinds of photoperiod. The results show that:(1) There were 8 phases during FBD of‘Horizon’,and it
    lasted about 9 weeks. (2) Significant correlation existed between vegetative growth and FBD phases,and
    juvenile phase of‘Horizon’ended at 5-leaf stage according to the regression equations. (3)‘Horizon’
    was a facultative short day plant,of which the best photoperiod promoting flowering was 12 h. (4) The
    plants tended to have a tall and loose habit under longer days,and an opposite habit under shorter days. It
    is suggested that Pelargonium hortorum‘Horizon’planted under long-day of 16 h before 5-leaf stage to be
    strong as seedlings,and then under short-day of 12 h to promote branches and flowers.
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  • Effects of Mixture of Controlled-release Urea and Conventional Urea on the Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Chrysanthemum morifolium
  • ZHU Li-Xiang, BI Jian-Jie-*, WANG Jian-Hua, XIN Yong-Dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 782.
  • Abstract ( 875 ) HTML ( 1108 ) PDF (249KB) ( 1108 )    
  • Field experiment was conducted to study the effects of applying conventional urea,
    conventional urea combined with controlled-release urea on Chrysanthemum morifolium yield and
    nitrogen use efficiency. Six treatments with three replications were set up,i.e.,control(CK11),no nitrogen
    fertilizer applied;Suitable fertilization rate including single conventional urea(N11),controlled-release
    urea combined with conventional urea(N12),control(CK22),no nitrogen fertilizer applied,phosphorous
    and potassium saved 1/4;Fertilization rate saved 1/4 including conventional urea(N21),controlled-urea
    combined with conventional urea(N22). Results showed that applying nitrogen fertilization increased
    inflorescence diameter,inflorescence numbers per plant and dry weight per inflorescence significantly as
    compared with control. At harvesting stage,controlled-release urea combined with conventional urea
    decreased nitrogen distribution ratio to stem and leaf,and increased that to inflorescence comparing with
    single conventional urea under same fertilization rate,this indicated that controlled-release urea combined
    with conventional urea was more favorable to nitrogen allotting to inflorescence,and increased yield. Yield
    under suitable fertilization rate was higher than fertilization rate saved 1/4. Under suitable fertilizer rate,
    controlled-release urea combined with conventional urea increased yield by 87.96 kg · hm-2 compared with
    single conventional urea,and 124.99 kg · hm-2 higher compared with the same nitrogen fertilization mode
    under fertilization saved 1/4. Nitrogen use efficiency treated by suitable fertilization rate was higher than
    that of treated by fertilization saved 1/4 under the same nitrogen fertilization mode,while nitrogen
    agricultural use efficiency displayed reverse tendency. Both nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen
    agricultural use efficiency treated by controlled-urea combined with conventional urea were significantly
    higher than those of treated by single conventional urea under the same fertilization rate. Considering from
    economic and practical view,controlled-release urea combined with conventional urea under suitable
    fertilizer rate was the best nitrogen fertilization mode,namely the suitable nitrogen fertilization rate was
    120 kg · hm-2. 50% of the total was used as basal,which was controlled-release urea(150 d)combined with
    conventional urea at the ratio of 1︰1;50% of the total was used as dressing at vigorous stage,which was
    controlled-release urea(90 d)combined with conventional urea at the ratio of 1︰1.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Chinese Bayberry Cultivar‘Zijing’
  • HUANG Ying-Hong, YU Wen-Sheng, GUO Zhi-Hai, YE Li-Fa, QIE Hong-Li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 791.
  • Abstract ( 1034 ) HTML ( 1013 ) PDF (165KB) ( 1013 )    
  • ‘Zijing’is a new Chinese bayberry cultivar which was selected from the seeding variation
    of Chinese bayberry germplasm resources investigation. The fruits are spherical,weighing 16.2 g on
    average and 20.7 g on maximum,with surface coverded by purple red to purple black. The fruit is soft and
    juicy. It has soluble solids content of 10.7%,95.4% edible rate and strong resistance. The maturity of fruit
    is in mid-late June in Suzhou.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • A New Hot Pepper Cultivar‘Biluo 6’
  • HUANG Wei, GONG Zhen-Hui-*, LI Da-Wei, LU Ming-Hui, CHEN Ru-Gang, LI Zheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 793.
  • Abstract ( 888 ) HTML ( 1036 ) PDF (169KB) ( 1036 )    
  • ‘Biluo 6’is a new early maturing hot pepper hybrid bred from the cross combination of
    ‘L98-16-6-39’בY99-3-18-40’. The fruit is long sheep-horn shaped and wrinkle-skinned,green color
    in immature and red color in mature with good marketable character that is 26.8 cm long,2.8 cm wide and
    2.5 mm flesh thick. The vitamin C content,dry matter and crude protein contents were 1.035 mg · g-1
    9.01% and 1.06% respectively. The mass of single fruit is 37.5 g and the average yield is 48 840.3
    kg · hm-2.‘Biluo 6’shows high resistance to bacterial spot as well as moderate resistance to virus disease,
    blight disease and anthracnose disease.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • A New Bolting Resistance Savoy Cultivar‘Huiwu 2’
  • SONG Jiang-Hua, ZHU Shi-Dong, WANG Cheng-Gang-*, DAN Guo-Lei, ZHANG Ling-Feng, ZHANG Hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 795.
  • Abstract ( 818 ) HTML ( 951 ) PDF (177KB) ( 951 )    
  • A‘Huiwu 2’is a new bolting resistance savoy hybrid bred by two self-incompatible line
    ‘W9702-3’and‘S9801-2’. The savoy cultivar shows prosperous growth vigour,beautiful plant type,
    high yield and strong winterness. The plant height is 13.8 cm. The expansion is about 27.0 cm. The
    average plant mass is about 0.295 kg. The yield is about 48 000 kg · hm-2. The outer leaves are dark green,
    the heart leaves are yellowish and the petioles are white with tender quality. It showed high disease
    resistance in the fields. It is suitable to be cultivated for overwintering in open field in the south of China,
    especially the Yangtze River and Huaihe River.
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  • A New Oriental Melon Cultivar‘Nongda 9’
  • WANG Wei, CHEN Zhi-Gang, QIAO Hong-Yu, YE Jing-Xue, YU Zhan-Dong, WU Qi-Shun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 799.
  • Abstract ( 1260 ) HTML ( 753 ) PDF (138KB) ( 753 )    
  • ‘Nongda 9’is a new F1 oriental melon cultivar,with early maturity,high yield and strong
    resistance. Plants have strong growth potential. The fruit is high spherical,smooth surface with golden
    yellow stripes. The average fruit weight is about 500 to 750 g. The variety belongs to crisp-flesh type. The
    soluble solids content in the center of fruit is above 14%. It takes about 65–75 days from sowing to
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • A New Bitter Gourd Cultivar‘Huabiyu’
  • YANG Jing, KONG Qiu-Sheng, YU Zhong-Wei, WANG Zi-Song, XIANG Chang-Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 801.
  • Abstract ( 888 ) HTML ( 929 ) PDF (214KB) ( 929 )    
  • Huabiyu’is a new bitter gourd F1 hybrid developed by crossing predominant female line
    Z-1-4 and inbred line 88-3-7. It has much branches and short internodes. It is early maturity. The first
    female flower is set at 6th–8th nodes of the main vine and that is set at the lower nodes of the lateral vines.
    The rate of female flowers is high. Usually 2 or 3 female flowers exist with an interval of about 3 sections
    on the lateral vines. The fruit is cylindrical,green in colour,about 40 cm in length,5.6 cm in diameter,
    and 0.9 cm in flesh thickness. Average single fruit weight is about 340 g. It is tolerant to chilling climate
    and resistant to downy mildew and powdery mildew. It yields over 48 t · hm-2,and is suitable to be
    cultivated in Hubei,Hunan,Guangdong and Shandong Provinces.
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  • A New Paphiopedilum Cultivar‘SCBG Xia’
  • FU Yan-Yan, ZENG Song-Jun, ZHANG Jian-Xia, WU Kun-Lin, DUAN Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 804.
  • Abstract ( 826 ) HTML ( 1215 ) PDF (988KB) ( 1215 )    
  • ‘SCBG Xia’is a new cultivar of Paphiopedilum developed by crossing female parent Paph.
    Mystic Jewel and male parent Paph. Valerie Tonkin. This cultivar is characterized by the shaped and color
    traits of flowers between the two parents. The plant has graceful plant shape,leaves are gray-green with
    dark green spots. Single flowers lies in a inflorescence,13–15 cm in diameter. Sepals are white with light
    green stripes. Petals are light green with brown edge. Plants have strong growth vigor,long flowering
    period(20 d)and strong adaptability.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • A New Ornamental Pumpkin Cultivar‘Xinqiu’
  • DAI Zhong-Ren, YU Xi-Hong, JIANG Xin-Mei, ZHANG Li-Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 809.
  • Abstract ( 836 ) HTML ( 742 ) PDF (175KB) ( 742 )    
  • The ornamental pumpkin‘Xinqiu’is a new hybrid cultivar of inbred lines‘38’and‘45’.
    Fruit is orange,near ball and diameter is 9–10 cm,the average weight is 349 g. It is early-maturing and
    has strong fruit ability,the main vine is the main fruiting part,but branch can fruit also. The growth period
    is 100–115 days. It has a strong adaptability and resistance to stress and diseases. It is a special hybrid of
    ornamental pumpkin that is used for potted plant and protected and open field cultivation.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • A New Musella lasiocarpa Cultivar‘Foxi Jinlian’
  • WAN You-Ming, LI Zheng-Hong-*, MA Hong, LIU Xiu-Xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(4): 811.
  • Abstract ( 1071 ) HTML ( 1618 ) PDF (194KB) ( 1618 )    
  • ‘Foxi Jinlian’is a new cultivar which is selected and bred from the natural variant plants of
    Musella lasiocarpa(Franch.)C. Y. Wu ex H. W. Li. The cultivar is tufted perennial herb with persistent
    leaf-sheaths and loose in plant type. The average height of the plants is(67.3 ± 4.6)cm;Its leaf is ovate in
    shape with leaf index ranging from 1.49–1.62;The midrib of leaf is abaxially reddish at base and turns to
    green gradually at about its half in length,pinnate veins distinct along midrib;The bract is triangle-ovate in
    shape whose color is orange-red on abaxial surface and yellow-orange(ca. 3/10 in length from its base to
    apex)to orange-red(the other ca. 7/10)on adaxial surface. The variety has great ornamental value,strong
    growing vigor and high complex resistance to main disease. It is suitable to be cultivated for domestic
    decoration and landscape designment widely.
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