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2013, Vol.40, No.3 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Evaluation of Peach Rootstock Waterlogging Tolerance Based on the Responses of the Photosynthetic Indexes to Continuous Submergence Stress
  • MA Rui-Juan, ZHANG Bin-Bin, CAI Zhi-Xiang, SHEN Zhi-Jun, YU Ming-Liang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 409-416.
  • Abstract ( 1286 ) HTML ( 1783 ) PDF (284KB) ( 1783 )    
  • The effective evaluation of waterlogging tolerance of different peach rootstock cultivars is necessary for the proper choice of suitable cultivars in production areas usually have waterlogging phenomenon. The experiment was conducted at peach experimental orchard of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences with one-year-old seedlings of 10 peach rootstock cultivars. The photosynthetic indexes were measured for evaluating the waterlogging tolerance. It was found that the change range of each index was inconsistent in different cultivars. Based on the changes of the photosynthetic indexes in response to submergence stress,the eight single indexes could be classified into two independent comprehensive components through principal component analysis. Based on subordinate functional analysis the ten peach rootstock cultivars were divided into three groups,namely high,medium and poor waterlogging tolerance cultivar group. GF43 and GF1869 belonged to high waterlogging-tolerance type; Maotao,Maotao 2,Tsukuba 5,Taobadan,Shaanxi Taobadan,Nemaguard and GF305 belonged to medium waterlogging-tolerance type;Shantao belonged to poor waterlogging-tolerance type.
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  • Effects of Low Temperature Stress on Ascorbate-glutathione Cycle in
    Kernel Apricot Pistil
  • WANG Ping, LI Yan-Hui, ZHANG Xue-Mei, LI Bao-Guo, YAO Fei-Fei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 417-425.
  • Abstract ( 1362 ) HTML ( 1211 ) PDF (235KB) ( 1211 )    
  • The peroxide(H2O2 )content and ascorbate(AsA)-glutathione(GSH)cycle in pistil of
    two kernel apricot(Prunus armeniaca Linn.)cultivars under different low temperature(18,–1,–2,
    –3,–4,–5,–6,–7 ℃)were studied using the artificial climate chamber. The results show that H2O2 contents in kernel apricot pistilincreased under the low temperature stress,at–7 ℃,the amount of
    ‘Weixuan 1’resistant to cold stress was 5.49 times more than control(18 ℃),the amount of
    ‘Longwangmao’ susceptible to cold stress was 7.22 times more than the control. The content of enzyme like AsA and so on and activity of enzyme like APX and so on in‘Weixuan 1’pistil were higher than those
    in ‘Longwangmao’under low temperature,at–7 ℃,the contents of AsA,MDHA,DHA,GSH and
    GSSG were decreased by 66%,69%,48%,52%,53% compared to the control(18 ℃)in‘Weixuan 1’
    pistil,were decreased by 78%,79%,59%,66%,65% compared to control(18 ℃)in‘Longwangmao’
    pistil. At–7 ℃,the activity of APX,MDHAR,DHAR,GPX,GR,GSH/GSSG were 2.87,1.07,
    1.42,1.60,1.20,1.03 times more than control(18 ℃)respectively. AsA/DHA was 65% of the control
    in‘Weixuan 1’pistil. The activity of APX,DHAR,GPX were 2.41,1.13,1.08 times more than control
    (18 ℃). MDHAR,GR,AsA/DHA,GSH/GSSG were 96%,98%,54%,97% of the control respectively
    in‘Longwangmao’pistil. The results indicate that‘Weixuan 1’pistil could maintain efficient metabolism
    of AsA-GSH cycle,inhibit the accumulation of H2O2  effectivity,this might be one of important reasons for
    higher cold tolerance of‘Weixuan 1’.
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  • Discovery and Identification of Natural Triploid Ploidy of Chinese Jujube
  • LIU Xue-Sheng, CHEN Long, WANG Jin-Xin, LI Li, PENG Jian-Ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 426-432.
  • Abstract ( 1592 ) HTML ( 2075 ) PDF (785KB) ( 2075 )    
  • The methods of eliminating walls by enzymolysis and low osmosis were used to analyze
    the chromosome karyotype of Ziziphus jujuba Mill.‘Pingguozao’. The results showed that the karyotype
    formula was 2n = 3x = 36 = 21m + 15sm(2SAT),and the karyotype was 2A type. It was second of the
    newly discovered natural triploid cultivar. The meiosis course of pollen mother cells of‘Pingguozao’was
    observed,and the various periods of the meiosis were described and analyzed. The results showed that the
    meiosis of ‘Pingguozao’was irregular. The diakinesis appeared univalent,bivalent and trivalent,and 57.5%
    of them were trivalent,at least 7 trivalents,at most contained 10 trivalents. The three genomes had very
    high homology. The lagging chromosomes and chromosome unequal separation phenomenon were
    observed in anaphase I and II. Some cells also produced few triad and pentad in telophaseⅡ,and formed
    unequal spores,and led to highly gametophyte sterility. In view of the above it was deduced that
    ‘Pingguozao’was autotriploid. The RAPD fingerprints of‘Pingguozao’and‘Zanhuangdazao’were
    different,which were two different natural triploid cultivars.
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  • Studies on Water Uptake and Apoplastic Transport in Detached Chinese
    Jujube Fruits
  • HAO Yan-Yan, ZHAO Li-Qin, ZHANG Peng-Fei, ZHANG Xu, HAO Da-Shan, LIU He, LU Gui-Bin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 433-440.
  • Abstract ( 1301 ) HTML ( 1465 ) PDF (394KB) ( 1465 )    
  • The objective of our study was to investigate the mechanism of fruit cracking caused by
    water uptake in Zizyphus jujuba Mill. The easily crack variety of jujube‘Huping’was used as material.
    Apoplastic dye solution was used as the tracer to monitor the water uptake and transport in detached fruits
    and branches with leaves and fruits. The results showed that water uptake by detached jujube fruits
    occurred through pedicel end and fruit surface. Water entered into fruits through pedicel xylem vascular,
    and accumulated in cavity under stalk. The vascular under epidermis and around fruit stone were stuffed
    by dye solution,and the speed of dye solution transport in the vascular bundles were high during fruit
    swell period,however,the distribution of stuffed dye in vascular bundles decreased and the speed of dye
    solution transport decreased during coloring period. This is because of breakoff of vascular bundles and
    non-functional xylem. While the ability of water uptake through fruit surface was enhanced during
    coloring period,responding to enlarged and loosen epidermal cells. It suggested that the efficiency of
    water transport in vascular of jujube fruits was decreased from fruit coloring stage,this led to water uptake
    through the fruit surface become potential importance to fruit crack during raining.
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  • Effects of Grafted on Photosynthetic Characteristics,Yield and Quality of
  • FU Ling, BAI Xiao-Mei, YANG Xian-He, WU Guo-Xiu, AI Xi-Zhen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 449-457.
  • Abstract ( 1614 ) HTML ( 1395 ) PDF (318KB) ( 1395 )    
  • The photosynthetic characteristics,yield and quality in grafted(‘Xinfeng 2’scion grafted
    onto‘Weishi’(XF/WS)and‘Buyeding’(XF/BYD)and own-root plants(‘Xinfeng 2’,the control)
    of pepper were investigated. The results showed that the pigment content and net photosynthetic rate(Pn)
    of grafted and own-root peppers were mostly higher in grafted leaves than in own-root leaves. The light
    compensation point of XF/WS and XF/BYD were 38.1 and 50.9 μmo1 · m-2 · s-1 respectively,which lower
    than that of the control. The light saturation point of XF/WS and XF/BYD were 981.0 and 903.0
    μmo1 · m-2 · s-1 respectively,both higher than that of control significantly. No differences were found in
    apparent quantum yield(AQY),CO2 compensation point and saturation point between grafted and
    own-root plants. However XF/WS showed a markedly higher carboxylation efficiency(CE)than that of the control. In comparison with own-root pepper,the yield of XF/WS and XF/BYD increased by 14.9%
    and 8.5% respectively,but no changes were observed in the fruit size,shape and color,and the contents of
    protein,amino acid,vitamin C and capsaicine in fruits of grafted plants. The contents of dry matter and
    soluble sugar in XF/WS fruits increased by 7.1% and 9.7% respectively compared with the control. These
    data suggest that‘Weishi’and‘Buyeding’have higher values of application and popularization.
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  • Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide and Abscisic Acid on Alleviation to Autotoxicity in Pepper Seedlings
  • ZHANG Guo-Bin, YU Ji-Hua, FENG Zhi, MA Yan-Xia, lü Jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 458-466.
  • Abstract ( 1253 ) HTML ( 1227 ) PDF (696KB) ( 1227 )    
  • The aim of the experiment was to explore the physiological and biochemical mechanisms
    of nitric oxide(NO)and abscisic acid(ABA)on alleviation to autotoxicity in pepper seedlings(Capsicum
    annuum L.‘Longjiao 2’). With soil and substrates extracts of 3 years continuous cropping pepper treated
    pepper seedlings,then the effects of SNP(150 μmol · L-1)and ABA(100 μmol · L-1)on antioxidant
    enzymes activity,antioxidant substances content,osmotic adjustment substance content,and membrane
    lipid peroxidation in pepper seedlings leaves were investigated. The results showed that superoxide
    dismutase(SOD),peroxidase(POD),catalase(CAT)activities,and dehydroascorbate(DHA)content
    declined under all of soil and substrates extracts stress,while ascorbic acid(AsA),proline(Pro),soluble
    protein ,malondialdehyde (MDA)contents,relative conductivity and AsA/DHA ratio increased.
    Autotoxicity on pepper of soil extracts was serious greatly than that of substrates extracts. NO and ABA
    significantly increased SOD,POD and CAT activities,Pro and soluble protein contents,while reduced
    MDA content and relative conductivity significantly. At the same time,AsA/DHA ratio was significantly
    higher through promoting significantly to increase AsA content and decrease DHA content. Alleviate effect
    to autotoxicity of NO was significantly better than that of ABA in pepper seedlings. The above results
    suggested that NO and ABA effectively prevented malondialdehyde accumulation and electrolyte leakage,
    mitigated lipid peroxidation,through increasing antioxidant enzymes activities,osmotic adjustment
    substance content and AsA/DHA ratio in pepper seedlings under autoxicity stress.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of an Anthocyanin-related Transcription
    Factor Gene SmMYB in Eggplant
  • SHAO Wen-Ting, LIU Yang, HAN Hong-Qiang, CHEN Huo-Ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 467-478.
  • Abstract ( 1468 ) HTML ( 2950 ) PDF (806KB) ( 2950 )    
  • MYB gene’s cDNA and gDNA sequences in full length were cloned from eggplant
    Solanum melongena L.) cultivars‘YZ14’and‘YZ3’using RT-PCR and RACE. Sequence analysis shows
    that the full length of cDNA is 1 035 bp long,and the open reading frame(ORF)is 837 bp long,encoding
    278 amino acids. The protein isoelectric point is at pH8.47. The SmMYB protein contains two typical
    DNA-binding domains and has 71% homologies with anthocyanin biosynthesis-related R2R3-MYB
    transcription factor in capsicum. Furthermore,the protein is located mostly in the nucleus,in agreement
    with the regulatory function of MYB transcription factors. The corresponding gDNA is 3 834 bp in length,
    consisting of three exons and two introns. Fluorescence semi-quantitative PCR analysis indicates that
    SmMYB is expressed in all organs of the plant,including roots,stems,leaves,petals,and peels. However,
    the expression level of SmMYB is tissue-specific,and highly correlated with the concentration of
    anthocyanin in peel after shading treatment. Therefore,the SmMYB is speculated to be a MYB transcription factor gene,which positively regulates the biosynthesis of anthocyanin in eggplant.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Genetic Study on Immature Fruit Color of Cucumber
  • WANG Jian-Ke, FANG Xiao-Xue, LI Xue-Hong, CHEN Yao, WAN Zheng-Jie, XU Yue-Jin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 479-486.
  • Abstract ( 1490 ) HTML ( 1940 ) PDF (290KB) ( 1940 )    
  • Hybrid combinations of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)were made with two inbred lines
    with different immature fruit skin color. The C and L values of immature fruit skin color were measured by
    color difference meter after visually classified. The generations of F1,F2,backcrosses B1 and B2 and their
    parents P1 and P2 were used to explore the inheritance of immature fruit skin color traits with the method
    of conjoint analysis. The results showed that the major gene and polygene(E-0 model)inheritance of
    immature fruit skin color in cucumber accorded with the additive-dominance-epitasis pattern. The L value
    and C value of major gene heritability in F2 are 93.61% and 80.86% respectively. The major gene
    heritability in F2 is higher while the polygene heritability and environmental effect are lower,so we
    suggest that the fruit skin color breeding of cucumber should be selected in the early generation.
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  • Role of Endogenous Salicylic Acid in Responding of Cucumber Leaf
    Photosynthetic Systems to Low Temperature Stress
  • LI Liang, DONG Chun-Juan, SHANG Qing-Mao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 487-497.
  • Abstract ( 1661 ) HTML ( 1818 ) PDF (451KB) ( 1818 )    
  • In order to reveal the protective roles of endogenous salicylic acid(SA)on photosynthetic
    systems in cucumber seedlings under low temperature stress,the seedlings were pretreated with 100
    μmol · L-1 Paclobutrazol(Pac,an inhibitor of SA biosynthesis)for 24 hours and then cultured at 10 ℃.
    After 10 hours of temperature treatment,parts of materials were fed with exogenous SA(50 μmol · L-1).
    The endogenous SA content,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters,and the relative expression of Rubisco
    small subunit(RbcS)and Carbonic anhydrase(CA)genes were determined at different treatment times.
    The results exhibited that low temperature stress could induce endogenous SA accumulation in cucumber
    leaves,and this accumulation could be prevented by spraying with Pac. Low temperature resulted in a
    reduction in maximum photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ(F v/F m),effective photochemical quantum yield
    of PSⅡ(Φ PSII),potential activities of PSⅡ(F v/F o),and electron transport rate(ETR). Pac spraying
    caused a greater reduction in PSⅡefficiency. Low temperature stress led to a decreased allocation of light
    absorbed by PSⅡantenna to the photochemical reaction and an increased allocation of excessive energy,
    and Pac-treatment caused a much more allocation of light to dissipation as excessive energy. Also,the
    expression of RbcS and CA genes was down-regulated by low temperature stress,and the reduction was
    greater in Pac-treated seedlings. Furthermore,application of exogenous SA to Pac-treated seedlings
    alleviated the reduction of photosynthetic efficiency and rescued the repressed gene expression of RbcS
    and CA. All of these results suggested that low temperature-induced SA accumulation was required for
    maintenance of photosynthetic efficiency and carbon assimilation capacity,and thereby protected
    cucumber seedlings against low temperature-induced damages.
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  • Transformation of Broccoli with KTI Gene and the Bioassay for
    Diamondback Moth Resistance
  • JIANG Han-Min, SONG Wen-Qin, LIU Li-Li, WEN Zheng-Hua, YAO Xing-Wei, DAN Xiao-Zheng, SUN De-Ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 498-504.
  • Abstract ( 939 ) HTML ( 1355 ) PDF (469KB) ( 1355 )    
  • KTI gene was transformed into broccoli(Brassica oleracea L. ssp. italica)genome via
    Agrobacterium mediated transformation method using broccoli lines‘09LR-11’as explants. Thirteen
    kanamycin resistant broccoli plants were obtained. PCR analysis with primers specific to KTI gene
    identified 8 KTI positive plants. Southern blotting analysis with KTI gene as probes showed that the KTI
    gene was integrated into broccoli genome. RT-PCR analysis indicated that the KTI gene was expressed in
    transgenic broccoli. Both laboratory and field tests proved that the transgenic broccoli plants were resistant
    to diamondback moth(Plutella xylostella larvae).
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Ornamental Plants

  • Studies on Sequence Dynamic Distribution Pattern of Flower Color
    Parameters of Ornamental Crabapple
  • ZHANG Wang-Xiang, JIANG Zhi-Hua, QIU Liang, WEI Hong-Liang, CAO Fu-Liang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 505-514.
  • Abstract ( 1247 ) HTML ( 2092 ) PDF (492KB) ( 2092 )    
  • With 97 ornamental crabapple cultivars as the research object,its flower color parameters
    at big budding stage(S1),blooming stage(S2)and end flowering stage(S3)were measured using X-Rite
    chromatic meter,and the flower color relation among different cultivar series(or subseries)and dynamic
    pattern of the flower color parameters distribution at different developing stages were studied
    systematically. The research aimed to provide reference for tapping and establishment of special traits of
    ornamental crabapples and for breeding and selection of special flower color. Also,the research aimed to
    provide method reference for other flowering species study. Using Origin7.0 software,a set of dynamic
    three-dimensional color parameters distribution diagrams of the 97 cultivars in the CIELCH color space at
    the three flowering stages,were constructed. The results showed that,in the flowering process,color
    parameter sites in the three dimension of L *,C * and h * presented a certain rule in spatial distribution and
    moved regularly during the flowering process. In L * and C * dimensions,the L * values of all cultivars
    increased continually whereas C * values decreased. As a result that the percentage of cultivars with higher
    L * value and lower C * value increased significantly. In the h * dimension,h * value of most cultivars showed
    a trend of increase during the flowering process and ratio of cultivars distributed in the red region(h * value =
    0 to 20°)decreased from 85.6%(at S1)to 52.6%(at S3)whereas ratio of cultivars distributed in the yellow
    region(h * value = 90° to 110°)increased from 2.1% up to 28.9%. Also,using software SAS 6.12,the tree
    diagram of color clustering analysis was constructed according to flower color parameters in the CIELCH
    color space at S2 and S3 flowering stages. The results as follows,in the genetic distances of 2.17 and 1.69,
    the 97 crabapple cultivars could be divided into three color series and six color subseries,i.e red purple
    series(including red purple,dark red purple and greyed red purple subseries),pink series(including pink
    and white pink subsieries)and white series. Each color series or subseries had their own obvious colour
    parameter characteristics. For the three color series,there existed significantly differences in color fading
    degree and rhythm during flowering process. The white color series of cultivars faded fast and sharply
    from red purplish(at S1)to white(or slightly spotted with pink)(at S2)and then to white(at S3). The
    pink color series of cultivars faded greatly and at a constant speed from purplish(at S1)to pink(at S2
    and then to light pink(or close to white). The red purple color series of cultivars faded greatly from
    purplish red(at S1)to purplish red(at S2)and then to light purplish red(at S3),but its total dilution degree
    significantly was lower than that of pink series. In the six color subseries of cultivars,the dark red purplish
    color subseries(A2)and red purplish color secondary subseries(A1-1)have stronger colour stability,
    continually maintaining a high color chroma value,in contrast with the pink color subseries(B1).
  • References | Related Articles | Metrics
  • Effect of Infection by Cylindrocladium canadense on Behaviors of
    Photosystems in Tree Peony Leaves
  • YANG De-Cui, LIU Chao, GAI Shu-Peng, ZHENG Guo-Sheng, GUO Ping-Yi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 515-522.
  • Abstract ( 1287 ) HTML ( 1922 ) PDF (334KB) ( 1922 )    
  • In the present study,Effect of infection by Cylindrocladium canadense on behaviors of
    photosystemⅠ(PSⅠ)and photosystemⅡ(PSⅡ)in tree peony(Paeonia suffruticosa‘Zangzhihong’)
    leaves was estimated by simultaneously measuring their Chlorophyll fluorescence transient,light
    absorbance at 820 nm,gas exchange and hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)content. The data showed that the net
    photosynthetic rate(P n),stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content were significantly decreased
    compared with that of the control after infection by C. canadense,whereas intercellular CO2 concentration
    was significantly increased. These results indicated that the decreased photosynthesis in infected leaves
    was resulted from non-stomatal factor. Furthermore,significantly enhanced H2O2 content,reduced Fv/Fm
    and PIABS,as well as the changed chlorophyll fluorescence transient was also observed in leaves of tree
    peony infected by C. canadense. The donor sides(Oxygen evolution complex),reaction centers and
    acceptor sides of PSⅡ were significantly inhibited by C. canadense infection. But the acceptor sides were
    more suffered than the donor sides. At the same time,the activity of PSⅠ was also significantly reduced.
    Taken together,the data presented here indicated that C. canadense infection resulted in the accumulation
    of H2O2,which in turn damaged the functions of PSⅠand PSⅡ. The decline of PSⅠ activity inhibited
    transportation of electrons from PSⅡ to PSⅠ,which then led to the accumulation of excessive excitation
    energy and reactive oxygen species(ROS). The increased ROS Inhibited synthesis of protein D1,
    accelerating damage to PSⅡ. It was the main reason for inhibition of photosystems in tree peony leaves
    after infected by C. canadense.
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Research Notes

  • Bagging for the Development of Stone Cell and Metabolism of Lignin in
    Pyrus bretschneideri‘Dangshan Suli’
  • WANG Bin, ZHANG Nan, YAN Chong-Chong, JIN Qing, LIN Yi, CAI Yong-Ping, ZHANG Jin-Yun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 531-539.
  • Abstract ( 1316 ) HTML ( 1432 ) PDF (354KB) ( 1432 )    
  • To study the impact of bagging on pear fruit quality and the development of stone cell,the
    fruits of Pyrus bretschneideri‘Dangshan Suli’were bagged at the 15 days post anthesis and collected at
    different fruit stages to observe the distribution of sclereid and examine the content of stone cell,lignin and
    intermediate metabolite of lignin and the activities of relative enzymes. The results were as following:The
    bagged fruits decreased their stone cell content and lignin content by 31.6% and 13.9%,besides the
    quantity and diameter of stone cells decreased by 28.0% and 45.8%. The sclereid content and lignin
    content were extremely significant positive correlation. In the entire period of the development of pear
    fruit,the PAL,C4H,4CL and CAD activities of bagged fruit were suppressed;Lignin intermediate
    metabolite of cinnamic acid,coumaric acid,caffeic acid,ferulic acid content decreased. The bagging
    reduced lignin synthesis and the development of sclereid has been hampered. The lignin synthesis of
    Dangshan Suli pear fruit may be mainly through coumaric acid pathway.
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  • CmMLO2:A Novel Gene Closely Associated with the Powdery Mildew in
  • CHENG Hong, KONG Wei-Ping, HE Qi-Wei, WANG Xiao-Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 540-548.
  • Abstract ( 1179 ) HTML ( 1364 ) PDF (769KB) ( 1364 )    
  • The full-length cDNA sequence of the MLO gene was cloned via RACE-PCR from
    muskmelon(Cucumis melo L.),and was designated as CmMLO2(GenBank Accession No. FJ713542).
    The gene is 1 713 bp long and encodes a 570-amino acid peptide with a seven-transmembrane domain
    topology,and is a typical transmembrane protein. Its expression pattern was analyzed using quantitative
    real-time PCR after the melon leaf was infected with powdery mildew. The results indicate that CmMLO2
    is mainly expressed in melon leaves in a tissue-specific distribution. Moreover,CmMLO2 may play a
    crucial role in the pathogenesis of powdery mildew. After the efficient of dsRNA constructs were
    examined via pFGC1008-CmMLO2 were introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens and transformed into
    melon wild type with the methods of Agrobacterium-mediated leaf disc transformation. The material of
    broad-spectrum powdery mildew resistance against P. xanthii in muskmelon was obtained by
    ihpRNAi-mediated knock-down of CmMLO2.
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  • Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Seed Dormancy in Cucumber
  • TANG Hui-Xun, SI Long-Ting-*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 549-554.
  • Abstract ( 1233 ) HTML ( 1466 ) PDF (216KB) ( 1466 )    
  • Seed dormancy was analysized in cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)by rate of seed
    germination. Inheritance of seed dormancy in the cross M6 × M87 was detected by applying the major gene
    plus polygene model of quantitative traits to a joint analysis of multi-generations(P1,P2,F1,B1,B2 and
    F2). The results showed that seed dormancy in the cross M6 × M87 was controlled by one major gene with
    additive-dominance effects plus polygene with additive-dominance-epistatic effects(D-0). Heritability
    values of the major gene in B1,B2 and F2 populations were estimated as 35.75%,44.60% and 64.29%,
    while those of polygene were 13.89%,13.20% and 3.38%,respectively. The proportion of environmental
    variance in phenotypic variance was 50.36%,42.20% and 32.33%,respectively. The environmental and
    major gene factors had strong effects on seed dormancy in cucumber and it was not suitable for the
    selection in early generation.
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  • SEM and XRD Analyses of the Roots and Leaves of Coleus with Selenium
    Supplements Under Lead Stress
  • YUAN Ju-Hong, HU Mian-Hao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 562-570.
  • Abstract ( 1060 ) HTML ( 1336 ) PDF (865KB) ( 1336 )    
  • With coleus(Coleus blumei Benth.)for the materials,using the planting method with
    nutrient solution containing 1.0 mmol · L-1 Pb 2+ and adding different concentrations(0.1,0.5,1.0,2.5,
    5.0 mg · L-1)sodium selenite,from the spectroscopy to study the effect of different selenium(Se)
    concentrations on the morphological and structural changes of Coleus under lead(Pb)stress by X-ray
    diffraction(XRD)and scanning electron microscope(SEM)analysis. The results showed that the particle
    microstructure in the roots and leaves of Coleus under Pb stress were great influenced by different Se
    concentrations,the particle distribution in the roots and leaves from the SEM image of 1.0 mg · L-1 Se
    treatment was more uniform than the other concentration,and structure closer and flat plait shape,XRD
    diffraction angle moved to the right,and strength,high peak,peak area,and FWHM reduced. These
    indicated that 1.0 mg · L-1 Se can reduce the migration and transformation of Pb in the solution,and
    explain the changes of combination form of Pb in the Coleus through the particle distribution,diffraction
    angle remove,the changes of strength,high peak,peak area and FWHM.
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  • SSR Distribution Characteristic Analysis and Molecular Marker Development
    in Taxus wallichiana var. mairei
  • YI Guan-Mei, LI Jian-Hui, WANG Dong-Mei, TONG Zai-Kang, LU Yong-Quan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 571-578.
  • Abstract ( 1188 ) HTML ( 1392 ) PDF (292KB) ( 1392 )    
  • Abstract:In order to provide tool of biology research and genetic improvement for Taxus wallichiana
    var. mairei,SSR molecular markers were developed with GSS sequence in this study. In total 184 SSR loci
    were find from 1 923 GSS sequences. Among those loci,the proportion of two nucleotide repeats,three
    nucleotide repeats and four nucleotide repeats are 88.6%,10.3%,1.1%,respectively. The frequency of a
    and t are higher than that of c and g in the nucleotide repeats in the T. wallichiana var. mairei genome.
    From those 184 SSR loci,90 SSR candidate primers were exploited. In order to verify the validity of
    candidate primers,20 primers were selected for further test. PCR result showed that 19 can gain clear
    products. Those results showed that GSS data could be employed to exploit SSR marker. Those markers
    can be well used in T. wallichiana var. mairei research.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Walnut Cultivar‘Jinboxiang 6’
  • TIAN Jian-Bao, SHAO Jia-Ming, CHENG 恩Ming, WANG Yong, WU Yan-Xia, TIAN Xin, HAN Yu-Hu, LIU Chao-Hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 591-592.
  • Abstract ( 1400 ) HTML ( 1015 ) PDF (210KB) ( 1015 )    
  • ‘Jinboxiang 6’walnut is a new selection from the seedlings of thin shell walnuts introduced
    from Xinjiang by Pomology Institute,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1980's. The tree has
    vigorous growth,high yield and strong resistance to cold. Its nut is elliptical with clear suture,plump
    kernel,weight 17.12 g per fruit,and 8.97 g per kernel in average. Its nut shell is 1.18 mm in thickness with
    52.4% of shelling percentage,and its kernel is light yellow with milky white flesh and excellent quality.
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  • A New Sour Cherry Cultivar‘Meili’
  • CAI Yu-Liang, FENG Ying, QIU Rong, HAN Yu, ZHANG Xue, WAN Tian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 593-595.
  • Abstract ( 1039 ) HTML ( 986 ) PDF (205KB) ( 986 )    
  • 'Meili’is a natural hybrid of Prunus avium and Prunus fruticosa selected by cherry
    research group of Northwest A & F University and approved by Shaanxi Forestry Variety Examining
    Committee in 2010,which is suitable for processing. It is arbor and the tree growth vigor is middle,
    semi-dwarf,the tree height is 2.5–3.5 m with a dark brown bark colour. The fruit skin is purplish red. The
    good characteristic includes early ripening,self-pollination,stress resistance and productive. Average fruit
    weight is 5 g,total sugar concentration is 7.96%,total acidity is 1.45%,soluble solids is 14.1%,soluble
    protein content is 1.87% and the juice processing rate of fruit is 86.9%,its colour is red which is a good
    character for processing. It is suitable for cultivation in the area of south of Weibei highland,middle and
    south of Shaanxi and Long Hai railway line surrounding area.
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  • A New Middle-maturing White Pulp Loquat Cultivar‘Libai’
  • WU Li-Ming, WU Lian-Hai, ZHU Guo-Hua, YAN Fu-Hua, JIANG Gen-Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 596-598.
  • Abstract ( 1095 ) HTML ( 1382 ) PDF (180KB) ( 1382 )    
  • Eriobotrya japonica‘Libai’is a new loquat cultivar selected from white pulp loquat
    population growing in Lishui,Zhejiang Province. The average single fruit weight is 45.1 g. Its fruit is
    juicy,flavour full,good surface. The soluble solids content is 14.2% and edible rate is 70.0%. It has high
    yield and strong disease resistance ability for leaf spot disease,fruit rust disease and sunscald. Eriobotrya
    japonica‘Libai’is suitable for planting in Lishui regin and its similar region at an altitude of 50–300 m,
    pH value 5.5–7.0 hilly land and beach dike.
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  • A New Auricularia auricula Cultivar‘Jihei 1’
  • WANG Xiao-E, ZHANG You-Min, CHEN Ying, FANG Ming, WANG Wei, YAO Fang-Jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 601-602.
  • Abstract ( 988 ) HTML ( 922 ) PDF (147KB) ( 922 )    
  • ‘Jihei 1’is a new cultivar of the edible mushroom Auricularia auricula. Its hypha body is
    white and grows strongly. The colony edge is straight,and the aerial hypha is developed and villous. The
    fruiting body is deep black and monolithic clusters. The diameter of each piece is 3.2–5.8 cm,and the
    thickness is 0.11–0.13 cm,the rate of producing fruit bodies by the‘little role’cultivation reaches over
    90%. The period is 118–130 d from the inoculation to the first harvest. The yield of fresh fruit body is
    79.8 kg per 100 kg dry basis. It has stronger resistance to green mold.
  • References | Related Articles | Metrics
  • A New Lilium Oriental Cultivar‘Red Zhuzhou’
  • CHENG Jian-Qiang, WU Long-Yun, LUO Zhi-Yong, MAO Sha-Sha, HUANG Li-Ping, FAN Fen-Fang, LING Wen-Bin, GONG Jian-Hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 603-604.
  • Abstract ( 1197 ) HTML ( 847 ) PDF (142KB) ( 847 )    
  • A new Lilium oriental cultivar‘Red Zhuzhou’which is selected from the cross Lilium
    ‘Cai 74’× Lilium‘Sorbone’. The new variety is stable,and the flower color is red with white edge,
    the stigma color is slightly green,the stem color is green with purple spots,which is distinguished with the
    parents,especially strongly resist to Fusarium oxyspoyum f. sp. lilii. strong adaptability to cold,and easy
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • A New Hybrid Tea Rose Cultivar‘Zui Hongyan’
  • LI Hong, WU Chun-Ying, WANG Xun-Yao, LUO Jing-Jing, BAI Bin-Bin, YU Hong-Qiang, YOU Jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 605-606.
  • Abstract ( 1337 ) HTML ( 1756 ) PDF (190KB) ( 1756 )    
  • The new hybrid tea rose cultivar‘Zui Hongyan’was selected from the offspring seedling
    population o‘f Jumbo Meidiland’בFirst Blush’‘. Zui Hongyan’has bright pink color and double flowers,
    with 13.9 cm average diameter of its flower. And the new cultivar has a delightful fragrance. This new
    cultivar has certain resistance to black spot disease. It is suitable to be cultivated in North China region
    which has dominated climate type as Beijing.
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  • null
  • ZHANG Le-Ping, WANG Hong-Chang, ZHOU Hui-Liang, TAN Zhi-Yong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(3): 607-608.
  • Abstract ( 1624 ) HTML ( 1513 ) PDF (163KB) ( 1513 )    
  • Jade Peach’is a new cultivar screening from the hybrid which was developed by crossing
    of Dendrobium Chian-Tzy Darumanes‘Monalisa’(female parent)and Den. Hamana Lake‘Kumi’(male
    parent). The new cultivar is small to medium in height with strong growth vigor. The blossom performance
    shows well and the pale pink purple flower has fragrance with long flowering period. It is easy to cultivate
    and has high resistance.
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