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2013, Vol.40, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Effects of Root Restriction on Berry Sugar Phloem Unloading of ‘Fenghou’ Grape
  • LOU Yu-Sui, YANG Tian-Yi, LIU Xiao-Qing, LI Hong-Yan, ZHAO Li-Ping, XU Wen-Ping, ZHANG Cai-Xi, WANG Shi-Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 817.
  • Abstract ( 1511 ) HTML ( 1598 ) PDF (366KB) ( 1598 )    
  • Sugar content in grape berry could be significantly improved under root restriction. To
    unravel the mechanism of improved sugar content,we studied the effects of root restriction on diurnal
    changes of sugar phloem unloading in grape berry by using with“berry-cup”technique in 5-year-old
    ‘Fenghou’grapevine during ripening period. The results showed that sugar phloem unloading in berry
    exhibited three peaks in both the control and root restriction treatment,which appeared at about 9:00,
    17:00 and 21:00. In the root restriction,the peak value at 9:00 was about 2.1 and 1.4 fold of those
    at 17:00 and 21:00,respectively. Compared with the control,the amount of sugar phloem unloading in
    berries under root restriction were about 1.5 fold higher through the experiment. In addition,the abundant
    sugar unloading in the morning was 3 hours earlier and the peak was 2.0-fold of the control. Furthermore,
    the addition of ABA and EGTA to buffer solution in“berry-cup”promoted sugar phloem unloading,while
    EB had adverse effects. The above evidences demonstrated that the process of sugar unloading in berry
    consumed energy and it might be related to the enhanced ABA content in grape berry under root
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Analysis of Expression Levels of Floral Genes During the Late Dormancy
    Stage of Grapevine‘Fujiminori’
  • MU Qian, LIU Geng-Sen, SUN Xin, LI Yu, TAO Ran, WANG Chen, FANG Jing-Gui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 828.
  • Abstract ( 1366 ) HTML ( 1207 ) PDF (441KB) ( 1207 )    
  • The differentiation process of winter buds at different nodes of grapevine branch during
    late dormancy stage was investigated in this study, for which some branches of 6-year-old grapevine(Vitis
    vinifera L.‘Fujiminori’)were cut back and only the two upmost buds were kept and used as material for
    expression analysis of nine floral genes. The result showed that the levels of 8 genes,such as VvAP1,
    VvAP2,VvAP3,VvAG,VvFUL,VvSOC1,VvLFY and VvFLC were low in winter. However,the buds
    could keep flower-bud-differentiation state; the branch-cut-back treatment could not only promote the
    floral development,but also increase the gene expression levels in the buds at different nodes;The quality
    of the central buds on a branch and the relative gene expression levels in them were all higher than those
    buds at upper and lower nodes of the same branches. Other,the central buds seemed to have a longer
    development period.
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  • Isolation,Subcellular Localization and Expression Analysis of Gibberellin
    Receptor Gene VvGID1A from Grapevine
  • WANG Xi-Cheng, WU Wei-Min, FANG Jing-Gui, QIAN Ya-Ming, WANG Chen, SONG Chang-Nian, ZHAO Mi-Zhen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 839.
  • Abstract ( 942 ) HTML ( 2018 ) PDF (1890KB) ( 2018 )    
  • A full length of GID1A gene was isolated from grapevine‘Fujiminori’(Vitis vinifera ×
    V. labrusca)by RT-PCR and RACE(rapid amplification of cDNA ends)method. Sequence analysis
    indicated that VvGID1A was 1 681 bp in full length,and an opening reading frame(ORF)of 1 035 bp
    encoding 344 amino acids. Subsequently,amino acid sequence analysis revealed that VvGID1A included
    two conserved domains of hormone sensitive lipase(HSL):HGG and GXSXG. Phylogenetic analysis
    showed that VvGID1A share 70.25%,70.08% and 68.21% identity with GID1 in Medicago truncatula,
    Gossypium hirsutum and Arabidopsis thaliana. Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR indicated that the
    expression of VvGID1A gene in flower,old leaf and tendril is higher than that in stem tip and young leaf.
    Furthermore,the expression of VvGID1A gene was lower in gibberellins treated fruit than in the control.
    After construction of transient expression vector and onion epidermal cell transformation,subcellular
    localization assays showed that the VvGID1A protein was located in the nucleus.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of ent-Kaurenoic Acid Oxidase Gene(PcKAO1)in Pear
  • OU Chun-Qing , JIANG Shu-Ling, WANG Fei, WANG Zhi-Gang, MA Li, LI Lian-Wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 849.
  • Abstract ( 1395 ) HTML ( 1112 ) PDF (1453KB) ( 1112 )    
  • Ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase(KAO)is a critical enzyme in the pathway of gibberellins
    biosynthesis. In this research,specific primers were designed based on sequence information of apple
    genome and a coding sequence of ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase gene was isolated from new shoot leaves of
    pear dwarfing inter-stock‘Zhongai 1’by RT-PCR method. The sequence was 1 568 bp in length with an
    open reading frame(ORF)encoding a protein of 503 amino acids. Molecular weight and isoelectric point
    of the protein was 57.59 kD and 9.47,respectively. Amino acids homology analysis indicated that the
    sequence shared 53.14%–98.61% similarity with other reported KAOs,and it had the typical functional
    regions of cytochrome P450 superfamily proteins,so named the gene as PcKAO1,GenBank accession
    number was KC153027.1. The other two PcKAO1 genes from control pear varieties‘Zaosu’(tall)and
    ‘Jinxiang’(semi-dwarf)also were isolated by the same method. Multiple sequence alignment showed
    that the PcKAO1 sequence only had few nucleotide bases difference among three varieties,but their
    encoding amino acids sequences were completely consistent. Half quantitative RT-PCR results showed that
    PcKAO1 gene expressed in every tested organs of‘Zhongai 1’,and in the seeds and ovary it had the
    highest expression. In all the growth periods except the initial growth period(10th May)the PcKAO1 gene
    expression of new shoot leaves in‘Zhongai 1’was lower than in control varieties tall‘Zaosu’and
    semi-dwarf‘Jinxiang’. In these periods the new shoot growth speed of‘Zhongai 1’was gradually slowed
    and stopped growing.
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  • Genetic Diversity of Red-fleshed Kiwifruit Germplasm Based on Fruit Traits and AFLP Markers
  • SUI Li-Yun, LIU Yi-Fei, HUANG Hong-Wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 859.
  • Abstract ( 1570 ) HTML ( 1791 ) PDF (528KB) ( 1791 )    
  • The germplasm resources of red-fleshed kiwifruit in China were investigated,and the
    genetic diversity and genetic relationship of red-fleshed kiwifruit germplasm were evaluated by fruit traits
    and AFLP markers. Fifty-two wild accessions and two cultivars of red-fleshed kiwifruit germplasm
    belonged to three Actinidia taxaA. argutaA. chinensis and A. deliciosa)were collected,which were
    mainly distributed in Hunan,Hubei,Henan,Jiangxi,Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces. The collected
    accessions have rich genetic variation in both fruit traits and AFLP markers. AFLP analysis using four
    primer combinations gave a total of 259 polymorphic bands. The percentage of polymorphic bands was
    90.56%,Nei’s genetic diversity was 0.318,and Shannon’s index was 0.477. Genetic similarity based on
    AFLP markers ranged from 0.568 to 0.883,with an average of 0.714. UPGMA cluster and Principal
    coordinate analysis separated 54 accessions into four major groups. Accessions of red-fleshed kiwifruit in
    A. arguta grouped together,accessions in A. chinensis and A. deliciosa had closely genetic relationship and
    would be clustered preferentially related to their geographical origin. A significant though moderate
    correlation was observed between AFLP and phenotypic data. Both AFLP markers and phenotypic traits
    could be used to characterize red-fleshed kiwifruit germplasm,and would be valuable for germplasm
    management and utilization.
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  • Survey and Pedigree Analysis of Cabbage Varieties Released in China
  • WANG Qing-Biao, FANG Zhi-Yuan, YANG Li-Mei, ZHUANG Mu, ZHANG Yang-Yong, LIU Yu-Mei, SUN Pei-Tian, Lü Hong-Hao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 869.
  • Abstract ( 1097 ) HTML ( 1818 ) PDF (765KB) ( 1818 )    
  • The survey of cabbage varieties released during 1982—2012 in China were overviewed
    and summarized. Their parents’ origination and combination rule were analyzed based on the pedigree data.
    The results showed that there were 108 flat-head varieties,88 round-head varieties and 23 pointed-head
    varieties among all the 219 cabbage varieties released,which included 183 hybrids,accounting for 83.56%.
    The hybrid proportion reached 96.74% in recent 10 years. The analysis of 176 varieties with known
    parental origination indicated that all the varieties were combined with 261 parental lines,which could be
    traced to 171 original resources,i.e. 67 domestic landraces and 104 alien accessions. In all the original
    resources,the number of‘Heiye Xiaopingtou’derived varieties was the most(38),followed by‘Beijing
    Zaoshu’(27). The pedigree analysis showed that the combinations with two parents from different
    geographical area or having great botanical characteristic difference always had strong heterosis. The rule
    of parental selection and combination was revealed based on the parental characteristic of several major
    varieties in China. Pedigree of foundation parents‘Beijing Zaoshu 01-20’and‘Heiye Xiaopingtou 21-3’
    were drawn in this study.
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  • Cloning and Functional Analysis of OguCMS-related gene BoMF1 Promoter in Brassica oleracea
  • GUO Ying-Ying, JIE Jian-Ming, JIAN Yuan-Cai, YU Ji-Hua, KANG Jun-Gen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 887.
  • Abstract ( 1026 ) HTML ( 1870 ) PDF (2127KB) ( 1870 )    
  • The regulative sequence(521 bp)of OguCMS-related gene BoMF1 promoter from
    Brassica oleracea was cloned by genomic walking(TAIL-PCR). In silico analysis showed that this
    sequence contained several acting elements,including TATA-box and CAAT-box,MYB binding sites,
    phytohormone responsive elements and so on. In order to study the promoter function,a 521 bp promoter
    sequence of BoMF1 was inserted upstream of the GUS reporter gene replacing the CaMV35S promoter of
    pBI121. The plant expression vector pBI121-BoMF1P and pBI121 were transformed into Arabidopsis
    with the Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404. It was suggested that pBI121-BoMF1P
    could drive the GUS gene exclusively express in anther and pollen of Arabidopsis thaliana.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Fruit Bending Related Gene Cs14-3-3
    in Cucumber
  • XU Yuan, QIN Zhi-Wei, ZHOU Xiu-Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 896.
  • Abstract ( 1579 ) HTML ( 2065 ) PDF (2665KB) ( 2065 )    
  • Abstract:By RT-PCR technology,we separated and cloned the 14-3-3 protein gene from the peel of
    the cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)bending variety‘Changchunmici’,named Cs14-3-3.The full length
    cDNA of Cs14-3-3 is 792 bp,encoding a protein of 263 amino acids.Its molecular mass is 29 589.287 Da,
    and pI is 4.585. Bioinformatic analysis showed that the protein of Cs14-3-3 possesses the basic structure of
    14-3-3 proteins,and shares high homology with the known 14-3-3 proteins,which is belonging to the
    14-3-3 protein family. At the same time,by using real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR(RT-qPCR),
    we studied the expression of mRNA in straight fruit and the abdomen and the ridge of the bending fruit in
    the periods of 2、4、6、8、10、12 days after flowering. The result showed that in each period,the expression
    level of Cs14-3-3 from high to low order is bending fruit abdomen,straight fruit,bending fruit ridge,and
    in each part,the expression level of Cs14-3-3 in 2 days after flowering obviously higher than that in the
    other periods. In conclusion,it was preliminarily revealed that Cs14-3-3 gene is related to fruit bending in
    cucumber,and plays an important role in the period of early fruit development after flowering.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analyzing of One BADH Gene CmBADH of
    Muskmelon Under Abiotic Stress
  • CONG Hong-Zi, YU Xi-Yan- , WANG Xiu-Feng, SHI Qing-Hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 905.
  • Abstract ( 1256 ) HTML ( 1176 ) PDF (1995KB) ( 1176 )    
  • Abstract:The muskmelon(Cucumis melo L.)of TS-2 was used as experimental materials,using PCR
    degenerate primers designed based on the conserved amino acid sequences of known betaine aldehyde
    dehydrogenase to amplify cDNA fragments from muskmelon by RT-PCR and 3′,5′RACE,a BADH gene
    named CmBADH was cloned and the registration number in GenBank is JN091961.1. Bioinformatics
    analysis indicated that the full length sequence of BADH was 1 856 bp,encoding 503 amino acids residues
    with a calculated molecular weight of 54 kD and isoelectric point of 5.182. The BADH protein in
    muskmelon showed the highest similarity with from Jatropha curcas,and the similarity was 82.96%.
    There were four strong inside to outside transmembrane helixes. PlantCare analysis indicated that there
    were cis-acting responsive elements of MeJA-responsiveness,defense and stress,zein metabolism
    regulation,low-temperature,light responsiveness,meristem expression,and circadian control as well as
    MYB binding site involved in drought-inducibility. The result of RT-PCR analysis indicated that the
    expression of CmBADH is induced by salt stress,drought stress,low temperature and high temperature
    stress,and its expression trend increased firstly and then decreased the expression of CmBADH was also
    induced by ABA treatment.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Spinach Germplasm Revealed by AFLPs
  • WU Ya-Ni, KANG Jun-Gen, WANG Wen-Ke, MENG Shu-Chun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 913.
  • Abstract ( 1128 ) HTML ( 1252 ) PDF (286KB) ( 1252 )    
  • Amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP)markers were employed to assess the
    genetic diversity and relationship of 110 spinach(Spinacia oleracea L.)germplasms from different
    geographical origins. Among the 882 polymorphic bands obtained from 20 selective primer pairs,228
    (23.6%)of them was polymorphic. The genetic similarity ranged from 0.64 to 0.87 for all germplasms
    accessions. Nei’s gene diversity index ranged from 0.1887 to 0.2501 for different populations,with the
    total value of 0.2830. Shannon information index varied from 0.2789 to 0.3793,with the total value of
    0.4337. UPGMA Cluster suggested genetic relationship of all the accessions were significantly related to
    their geographical origins. The results of PCA、UPGMA and based Nei’s gene diversity of populations
    clustering analysis exhibited a good consistency with UPGMA,and were also consistent with geographical
    origins. All the accessions were classified and clustered into two major groups. Group 1 was comprised of
    the spinach originated in European,America,West Asia,East Asia and Northern China,whereas group
    2 was comprised of the spinach originated in the Southern China and Japan. The results suggested that
    Northern and Southern Chinese spinach population may have different origins.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Studies on Phenotypic Diversity of Vulnerable Rosa praelucens Endemic to Shangrila,Yunnan
  • LI Shu-Fa, LI Chun-Jia, JIAN Hong-Ying, LI Shu-Bin, XIONG Jin, LI Jin-Kun, TANG Kai-Xue
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 924.
  • Abstract ( 1182 ) HTML ( 1004 ) PDF (681KB) ( 1004 )    
  • The phenotypic diversity of R. praelucens from three natural populations and two
    introduced populations in Shangrila County of Yunnan was investigated according to 23 morphological
    traits. The results were the following:(1)Plants from HPC population were highest,with largest flowers
    and hips producing most abundant and heaviest achenes. As for plants from NSC population,leaflet
    number was the largest and the leaves were the longest. Although their pedicels were longest,their hips were
    smallest and the achenes were lightest. Flowers of LHC population were most deep and variable in color.
    The crowns of plants from FG population were largest,while the flowers were most abundant and variable
    in petal number. The height,crowns,leaflets and flowers of plants from IAC population were all the
    smallest,but all with the highest variation coefficient. Also,this population had the palest flower color and
    the least achenes.(2)R. praelucens was rich in phenotypic variation. The average variation coefficient of
    the studied traits reached 22.88%. The mean phenotypic differentiation coefficient was 69.56%,
    demonstrating that differentiation among populations was the major source of variation. (3)Plants from the
    IAC population and FG population were very close to those from NSC population and LHC population,
    which suggested that they had been possibly transplanted directly or indirectly from these 2 locations and
    then preserved. It is necessary to conserve more populations according to the phenotypic diversity and
    variation pattern of Rosa praelucens. The integrality of populations should also be kept in order to preserve
    as more ornamental traits as possible for further utilization.
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  • The Study on Numerical Taxonomy of Cypripedium in North and Northeast China
  • ZHANG Yu, WANG Miao-Miao, ZHANG Xue, ZHAO Shi-Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 933.
  • Abstract ( 908 ) HTML ( 1751 ) PDF (14220KB) ( 1751 )    
  • Based on our Investigations for endangered Cypripedium wild resource in North and
    Northeast China,38 representative samples were studied by Q model cluster analysis of numerical
    taxonomy,and 20 typical morphological characters were studied in R-model cluster analysis and the
    principal component analysis to establish the complete Cypripedium classification system. Q-model cluster
    analysis indicated that the 38 samples were separated into two groups:C. shanxience series group(group
    A)and the other Cypripedium group(group B)at Lq1 = 0.25;and the group B were separated into three
    subgroups at Lq2 = 0.155. It has showed there are nature hybrids between C. macranthos and C. calceolus.
    R-model cluster analysis indicated that most of selected morphological characters were independent from
    each other. The principal component analysis suggested that 20 characters can be combinated to 9 main
    components,and the cumulative contribution rate of the top five main components have arrived as much as
    80.81%,13 dominate characteristics among 20 were selected for their important influence.
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Research Notes

  • Screening and Identification of Genes Involved in Regulating Internode Length for Semi-dwarf Peach
  • LU Zhen-Hua, LI Yu-Ting, WANG Zhi-Qiang-*, NIU Liang, CUI Guo-Chao, WANG Yu-Lan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 943.
  • Abstract ( 1115 ) HTML ( 1432 ) PDF (1349KB) ( 1432 )    
  • This study aimed to select and identify genes related to regulate the length of internode,
    and provide basis for revealing expression pattern of regulating internode length related genes and cloning
    the gene of controlling semi-dwarf trait. cDNA-AFLP technique was employed to investigate differentially
    expressed genes. The transcript-derived fragments(TDFs)was recycled,cloned,sequenced and functionally
    annotated and then validate by qRT-PCR. A total of 9 021 TDFs were screened by 256 primer
    combinations,of which 899 TDFs were identified differentially expression. Totally,497 TDFs were
    successfully sequenced and 254 sequences were high similar to genes with known functions. The results
    indicated that these genes were involved in signal transduction,growth and development,transcription
    regulation,stress tolerance,protein degradation and synthesis and so on. The expression abundance of 26
    genes validated by real-time quantitative RT-PCR was consistent with the result of cDNA-AFLP analysis.
    We generated candidate genes in plant IAA,CK,BR,ABA and cell cycle regulation pathways,which will
    help to elucidate the molecular regulation mechanism of internode length.
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  • Difference in Root Architecture of Two Stylosanthes Cultivars and Their Competition for Phosphorus with Citrus Rootstock Seedling
  • WANG Cai-Huan, LI Li-Ying, XIE Xiao-Lin, ZHU Hong-Hui, YAO Qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 953.
  • Abstract ( 1352 ) HTML ( 1064 ) PDF (248KB) ( 1064 )    
  • Root architecture is closely associated with plant nutrient uptake,and can influence the
    nutrient competition among different plants. Root architectures of Stylosanthes‘Graham’and‘CIAT 184’
    were compared,and their effects on plant growth and nutrient uptake of Citrus limonia in inter-cropping
    condition were investigated. Results indicated that,the biomass,total root length,tap root length and root
    tip number were comparable for‘Graham’and‘CIAT 184’in mono-cropping condition,however,the
    basal root angle,root surface area and average root diameter of‘CIAT 184’were lower than those of
    ‘Graham’. In inter-cropping condition,41.4% roots of‘CIAT 184’grew into the root zone of citrus while
    only 0.8% roots of‘Graham’grew into the root zone of citrus. Therefore,the biomass and phosphorus
    uptake of citrus seedlings inter-cropped with‘CIAT 184’were significantly lower than those with
    ‘Graham’. This study suggests that Stylosanthes‘CIAT 184’with horizontal root growth are not suitable
    for sod culture in orchard when compared with Stylosanthes‘Graham’with vertical root growth,and that
    root architecture can be regarded as critical indicator for the screening of grass species.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Flavanone 3-hydroxylase Gene LrF3H from Lycoris radiate
  • HUANG Chun-Hong, GAO Yan-Hui, ZHU Yu-Qiu, TONG Zai-Kang, JIANG Xiao-Feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 960.
  • Abstract ( 1175 ) HTML ( 1392 ) PDF (2728KB) ( 1392 )    
  • Flavanone 3-hydroxylase(F3H)is a crucial enzyme in the early stage of anthocyanins
    biosynthesis which is important in regulating the formation of flower color. In the study,a full-length
    cDNA sequence of F3H gene was cloned from petals of Lycoris radiate using RT-PCR and RACE
    approaches. The cDNA sequence was 1 293 bp and included a whole open reading frame of 1098 bp
    encoding 365 amino acids. The amino acid sequence of this gene shared up to 91% homology with F3H
    from Narcissus tazetta,and then was named LrF3H. The predicted secondary structure indicated that
    random coil was the most important structural element. However,alpha helix and extended strand
    distributed in the whole protein. The conserved structural domain analysis revealed that LrF3H had the
    typical functional domains of F3H protein,containing 2-oxoglutarate and iron ion combination sites and
    belonging to the 2OG-Fe(Ⅱ)-dependent dioxygenase superfamily. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed
    that LrF3H was expressed in the whole phases of flower development,and the expression level was
    increasing concomitant with the growth of flower bud and pigmentation until the phase of blooming flower.
    The transcript level was highest in anthocyanin-pigmented petals,moderate in cape and lower in root,
    corm and leaf. Those indicated that LrF3H gene might play a role in flower pigmentation in Lycoris
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  • Heat Stress Effects on Osmotic Potential , Membrane Fatty Acid Composition and Lipid Peroxidation Content of Two Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars Differing in Drought Tolerance
  • PENG Yan, HUANG Bing-Ru, XU Li-Xin, LI Zhou
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 971.
  • Abstract ( 1108 ) HTML ( 1515 ) PDF (720KB) ( 1515 )    
  • Abstract:The objective of this study was to examine osmotic potential,membrane fatty acid changes
    and antioxidant enzyme protection in two Kentucky bluegrass(Poa pratensis)cultivars(heat-tolerant
    ‘Midnight’and heat-sensitive‘Brilliant’)in response to heat stress(35/30 ℃,day/night). The results
    showed that under heat stress,‘Midnight’demonstrated significantly higher turf apparent quality than
    ‘Brilliant’. With the extension of heat stress,osmotic potential in‘Midnight’constantly decreased and
    remained unchanged in‘Brilliant’except for an initial drop. At the same time,‘Midnight’maintained a
    higher relative water content than‘Brilliant’. Linolenic acid(18︰3)content of the two cultivars gradually
    decreased and linoleic acid(18︰2)and palmic acid(16︰0)gradually increased,accordingly,there was
    an increase in levels of saturated fatty acid. However,the higher 18︰3 and palmitoleic acid(16︰1)
    contents,correspondingly,the lower 16︰0 and stearic acid(18︰0)contents in‘Midnight’were observed
    as compared to‘Brilliant’,therefore,‘Midnight’had a higher double bond index(DBI)than‘Brilliant’.
    MDA content of‘Brilliant’increased quickly after 10 d of heat stress and was 1.6 times higher than that of
    ‘Midnight’at the end of heat stress. Furthermore,SOD activity was significantly higher and electrolyte
    leakage was significantly lower in‘Midnight’than in‘Brilliant’. These results suggested that a better
    osmotic adjustment,a higher SOD activity and a less MDA accumulation from membrane unsaturated fatty
    acid composition in‘Midnight’provided effective protection for membrane stability against heat stress. As
    a result,water deficit and oxidative stress was relieved. Meanwhile,‘Midnight’had an ability to avoiding
    a dramatic change of lipid saturation level. These mechanisms conferred‘Midnight’a better heat tolerance
    compared to‘Brilliant’.
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  • Nucleotide acid diversity of Inosine-5'-monophosphate Dehydrogenase Gene and Association Analysis of the Gene with Caffeine Content in Tea Plant
  • ZHOU Chen-Yang, JIN Ji-Qiang, MA Chun-Lei, YAO Ming-Zhe, CHEN Liang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 981.
  • Abstract ( 6706 ) HTML ( 2012 ) PDF (712KB) ( 2012 )    
  • Caffeine is one of the most important purine alkaloids,as it plays an important role in
    flavor of tea. It’s of great importance to study the caffeine biosynthesis pathway of tea plant. The primers
    were designed based on TIDH(which codes for inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase,a key gene in
    the caffeine biosynthesis pathway of tea plant)cDNA from the NCBI. One internal fragment of TIDH
    genomic DNA was cloned(4 172 bp,TIDH3). A set of 95 accessions which are typical in caffeine content
    was selected from the core collection of Chinese tea germplasm previously established. The caffeine
    content of two seasons of spring and autumn in two years was tested by HPLC. The result showed the
    caffeine content of most germplasms was 2.50%–4.50%,the average content was 3.50%. The coefficient
    of variation is 15.52%–19.25%,which means that the caffeine content of tea is stable between different
    years or seasons. A 759 bp genomic DNA fragment of TIDH3 was cloned,sequenced and analyzed. The
    average nucleotide diversity for the sequenced region was calculated to be πT = 0.06 and θW = 0.012. The
    diversity at synonymous sites,πsyn = 0.009,was higher than diversity at non-synonymous sites,πnonsyn =
    0.006. The ratio of Ka/Ks was 0.600(lower than 1.0),indicating the action of purifying selection. The
    linkage disequilibrium(LD)of SNPs in TIDH3 was detected and the result showed that LD declined
    rapidly within the gene region(the value of r2 reduced to 0.2 in 300 bp). By means of association analysis,
    two SNPs were found to be significantly correlated with caffeine content,their genetic effect values were
    10.43% and 5.68%,respectively.
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Technologies and Methods

  • Identification and PCR Detection of the Pathogen Causing Root Rot of Anthurium andraeanum
  • ZHOU Xiao-Yun, YOU Chun-Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 989.
  • Abstract ( 1052 ) HTML ( 1643 ) PDF (1909KB) ( 1643 )    
  • Abstract:Based on the difference in internal transcribed spacer (ITS)sequences of Pythium splendens
    and other Pythium spp.,a specific pair of primers SF1/SR2 was designed. Among 30 P. splendens isolates
    causing root rot of Anthurium andraeanum,and other eight fungi and two bacteria species,the primer pair
    amplified a single 572 bp product from all isolates of P. splendens,but not from any other isolates tested.
    The sensitivity of detection of the pathogen P. splendens with primers SF1/SR2 was 1 pg genomic DNA. It
    could amplified a specific single product from natural infected A. andraeanum plants,that was not
    amplified from healthy tissue. The results showed that the PCR protocol provides a rapid,sensitive and
    reliable tool routine detection and identification of P. splendens. In addition,this study is beneficial to
    control root rot disease of A. andraeanum.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Citrus Cultivar‘Yuenong Wanju’
  • ZHOU Bi-Rong, TAN Ke-Cheng, CHEN Yun-Hui, ZHONG Yun, LUO Wei-Liang, ZENG Ji-Wu, ZHONG Guang-Yan, JIANG Bo, JI Qian-Hua, HUANG Hai-Ying, ZHOU Cheng-An
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 997.
  • Abstract ( 1326 ) HTML ( 1234 ) PDF (210KB) ( 1234 )    
  • ‘Yuenong Wanju’is a new seedless and good quality citrus cultivar selected from
    ‘Shatang’tangerine bud mutation branches. The tree of this new cultivar is robust,and the fruit is oblate
    spheroidal with bright orange or orange peel. The flesh is sweet and sour goluptious and is succulent with
    fine texture,well-flavor and aroma. The average fruit weight is 39.9 g,soluble solids,total acid and total
    sugar account for 16.0%–16.89%,0.606%–0.89% and 12.2%–13.92%,respectively. The vitamin C
    content is 163 mg · L-1 and edible content of fruit is about 70%. Notably,fruit ripening period of‘Yuenong
    Wanju’is 2.5–3 months later than‘Shatang’tangerine and all the‘Shatang’tangerine growing areas in
    Guangdong are suitable for planting‘Yuenong Wanju’.
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  • A New Early-maturing Cultivar of Chinese Chestnut‘Jingshuhong’
  • QIN Ling, ZHANG Qing, CAO Qing-Qin, FANG Ke-Feng, XING Yu, FENG Yong-Qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 999.
  • Abstract ( 1171 ) HTML ( 1236 ) PDF (1442KB) ( 1236 )    
  • The new extremely early-maturing cultivar of Chinese chestnut named‘Jingshuhong’was
    selected from natural seedlings. ‘Jingshuhong’ buds on the middle of April,full bloom on the middle of
    June,and nut mature at the end of August in Beijing. The total fruit developing period is about 75 days.
    The morphology of involucres is oval. The burr contains 2.1 nuts,and the nut ratio is 44.6%. The nut shell
    is reddish-brown and smooth. The roasted kernel is faint yellow,smells sweet and savory. The average
    single nut is 8.2 g. The content of water、ash、fat、protein、sugar、starch and amino acids is 57.2%,2.0%,
    4.5%,5.6%,20.4%,38.2% and 1.5%(dry weigh),respectively. Endocarp is easy to peel. After three
    years grafting,the yield of per chestnut tree is 2.5 kg. This new cultivar is suitable for density cultivation,
    the density is 2–3 m × 3–4 m.‘Yanshan Hongli’and‘Yanshan Zaofeng’are the appropriate pollination
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  • A New Late-fruiting Walnut Cultivar‘Zhenzhu Xiang’
  • WANG Hong-Xia, GAO Yi, CHU Fa-Chao, ZHANG Zhi-Hua, GUO Jian-Chao, ZHAO Shu-Gang, LEI Ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 1002.
  • Abstract ( 1001 ) HTML ( 1029 ) PDF (1597KB) ( 1029 )    
  • ‘Zhenzhu Xiang’is a new late-fruiting walnut cultivar selected from wild seedling
    resources in Huabei Mountain Area. The walnut is spherical in shape. The average nut weight is 6.8 g,and
    kernel percentage is 56.8%. The thickness of shell is about 0.93 mm;the shell seal grade is 169.1N. The nut
    has smooth surface. It is very easy to take out the whole kernel for dissepiment of nut shells degradated;
    The kernel was full and plump with a light yellow episperm. Total protein content is 23.1%. The kernel
    total fat content is 53.0%,including Linolenic acid which content is 12.4%. In addition,it has strong
    adaptability,good productivity and high resistant to disease.
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  • A New Muskmelon Cultivar‘Hongzhuangyuan’
  • FAN Min, ZHANG Rui-Lin, NIU Xiao-Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 1005.
  • Abstract ( 1099 ) HTML ( 908 ) PDF (2613KB) ( 908 )    
  • ‘Hongzhuangyuan’is a new generation of hybrid muskmelon germplasm with high yield
    and superior quality. This cultivar is characterized by its short-oval shape,golden pericarp color and thick,
    crisp,jacinth-colored flesh,which makes it smell faint scent and tasty. In normal conditions,the soluble
    solids content ranges between 15%–18% and the average weight of single fruit is around 1.8 kg. So,it is
    better quality,beautiful appearance,long distance transportation and good merchandise. The whole growth
    period is 110 d and the fruit development period is 41–45 d. The plants are medium susceptible to blight
    and gummy stem blight. The yield under filed condition is up to 30–40 t · hm-2.
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  • A New Hybrid Variety of Michelia‘Yun xia’
  • LI Ying-Jie, PAN Yue-Zhi, GONG Xun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 1007.
  • Abstract ( 939 ) HTML ( 1126 ) PDF (3214KB) ( 1126 )    
  • Yunxia’is a new Michelia cultivar selected from hybrid between Michelia sphaerantha
    and Michelia crassipes. The characters of the new Michelia cultivar are as follows:Flowering from March
    to May,the base of the inner wheel perianth segments and perianth pieces tip is red,spreading and dense
    branches,Shining leaves,strong adaptability to drought and poor soil,big crown that is advantageous to
    shade,beautiful tree. It is a good ornamental plant in gardens for enjoying flowers.
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  • A New Renantanda Cultivar‘SCBG Smurfs’
  • WANG Jia, ZENG Song-Jun, WU Kun-Lin, ZHANG Jian-Xia, DUAN Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 1010.
  • Abstract ( 1171 ) HTML ( 1265 ) PDF (1581KB) ( 1265 )    
  • ‘SCBG Smurfs’is a new cultivar of Renantanda developed by crossing female parent
    Renanthera citrina var. sinica Z. J. Liu & S. C. Chen and male parent Vanda coerulescens Griff.. This new
    cultivar is characterized by beautiful plant shape,strong growth vigor,dense flowers,long flowering
    period,long flower life and strong adaptability. The flowers are purple-blue with dark red spots.
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  • A New Cymbidium Cultivar‘Xiaguang’
  • WANG Yu-Ying, LI Zhi-Lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(5): 1013.
  • Abstract ( 1540 ) HTML ( 1271 ) PDF (825KB) ( 1271 )    
  • ‘Xiaguang’is derived from the cross of female Cymbidium tracyanum L. Castle and male
    Cymbidium mastersii Griff. ex Lindl. It belongs to a potted flower cultivar and evergreen perennial plant
    with ribbon leaf,golden to yellow sepal and petal,red flat dorsal and ventral surface of gynandrium,and
    fragrant flower. There are two lines of golden fuzz between the right and left lobed labellum. The number
    of leave is about 14–20,the peduncle length is 52–55 cm with 6–12 flowers,the diameter of flower
    head is about 9.6–13.2 cm,the diameter of petal is added slightly about(1.4 ± 0.2)cm. Blooming of
    flower is 40–60 days,and the vase life can last 20–45 days. It is suitable for subtropical or climate at
    some place protected cultivation.
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