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2013, Vol.40, No.2 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Observation on Changes of Morphological Structure of the Ovules During
    Pollination Period in Ginkgo biloba L. var. epiphylla
  • HUANG Yan, XING Shi-Yan-*, FU Zhao-Jun, LI Zhen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 205-212.
  • Abstract ( 1248 ) HTML ( 1392 ) PDF (1058KB) ( 1392 )    
  • Comparative analysis and observation on morphological structure of the epiphyllous ovule
    and normal ovule during pollination period in Ginkgo biloba L. var. epiphylla using the resin semi-thin
    section and scanning electron microscopy(SEM)was taken in order to reveal the mechanism of
    morphogenesis of the former. The results showed that:Normal ovule organizations had already
    differentiated completely before pollination,and the integument grew rapidly,then drew together in apex
    of the nucellus gradually in normal ovule. Meanwhile,there were no differentiation in collar and nucellus,
    but with some ridge gibbosities in epiphyllous ovule which obtained the nutrition from the vascular bundle
    in gibbosities. Then the palisade tissue and spongy tissue differentiated along with the development of
    gibbosities. In pollination period,there was pollination drop secreted by the nucellus and then the pollen
    chamber formed by the programmed cell death of the nucellus in normal ovule. While there was no
    pollination drop in epiphyllous ovule,besides the collar and nucellus had already differentiated with the
    rostrate micropyle,the extended micropylar canal. But no pollen chamber was formed because there was
    no cell degradation in the bottom of micropylar canal in epiphyllous ovule. Then epiphyllous ovuleand ovulewere into free nuclei stage of female gametophyte after pollination period. In addition,
    epiphyllous ovule developed asymmetrically and was obviously smaller from appearance than the normal
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  • Effects of ABA and Its Synthesis Inhibitor Sodium Tungstate Treatments on
    Ovule Development of Corylus heterophylla
  • LIU Jian-Feng- 1, * , ZHANG Chun-Ji-2, CHENG Yun-Qing-2, LIU Chun-Ming-2, WANG Zhan-Wu-2, WANG Yao- 2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 213-220.
  • Abstract ( 1257 ) HTML ( 1977 ) PDF (281KB) ( 1977 )    
  • Changing dynamics of four endogenous hormones in normal and aborted ovules of
    hazelnut(Corylus heterophylla Fisch)was analyzed during fruit development stage,and following ABA
    and its synthesis inhibitor sodium tungstate solution spraying treatments were carried out to study the
    effects of ABA on ovules filling process. The results showed that:(1)Content changing curves of IAA,
    GA3 and ZR in normal filled ovules were approximately single peak shaped,and their peak value appeared
    on 80th,90th and 100th day after blooming,respectively. Compared during the same developing period,
    content of IAA and GA3 in aborted ovules were lower than that in filled ovules in most cases,while higher
    ZR content was found to exist in aborted ovules. Eighty to 110 days after blooming was a key period for
    rapid growth of hazelnut ovule. During the stage,ABA content in developing ovules was significantly higher than that in abortive one.(2)20.0 and 50.0 mg · L-1 ABA treatments promoted fresh weight of kernel,
    shell and nut to different degrees,while sodium tungstate had an opposite effects on the above indexes
    compared with ABA treatments. The results above indicated that ABA was involved in the regulation
    process of ovule filling in hazelnut.
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  • Effects of Fertilizer Application on Expression of Genes Related to
    Nitrogen Metabolism in Fujiminori Grapevine
  • CHU Jian-Qing, YUE Lin-Xu, FANG Jing-Gui, LIU Hong, SONG Chang-Nian, ZHANG Yan-Yi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 221-230.
  • Abstract ( 1204 ) HTML ( 1641 ) PDF (439KB) ( 1641 )    
  • To understand gene response to fertilizer application,quantitative PCR and semiquantitative
    PCR were used to analyze the expression of five genes(VvGHDVvNiRVvNRVvGS and
    VvAS)of‘Fujiminori’grape at different times with the fertilizer application. The results show that the
    expression levels of five genes exhibit significant differences at different times after treatment,the overall
    trend was first increased and then decreased;The highest expression level of VvGDH was in 48 h,VvNR
    and VvNiR the highest expression level in 24 h,VvGS the highest expression level in 6 h,VvAS the highest
    expression level in 2 h. The highest expression levels of five genes after ground fertilization in leaves were
    delayed longer than those after foliar fertilizer application,and the overall expression level lower than
    foliar fertilizer application;Response of five genes after ground fertilization in leaves was delayed longer
    than the root,but the response intensity was significantly higher than corresponding genes in the root.
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  • Research on the Pathogen Causing Botryosphaeria Stem Blight on
  • XU Cheng-Nan, ZHOU Zong-Shan, CHI Fu-Mei, WU Yu-Xing, JI Zhi-Rui, ZHANG Hong-Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 231-236.
  • Abstract ( 1159 ) HTML ( 1788 ) PDF (332KB) ( 1788 )    
  • The pathogen causing stem blight on blueberry in Liaoning,China was identified as
    Botryosphaeria dothidea by morphological characteristics,sporulation features,pathogenicity test,and the
    molecular identification. The stems showed symptoms of dieback,discoloration in trunks and death after
    inoculating with the pathogen,which were consistent with the symptoms of the natural infected plants. All
    isolates showed the colonies white at the early stage,then became gray to black,conidia were hyaline,
    aseptate,fusiform with several oil globules,young apple fruit is the suitable medium for sporulation.
    Identity of isolate LB1 was confirmed by analysis of the rDNA-ITS and β-tubulin sequences with primers
    ITS1–ITS4 and Bt2a–Bt2b. BLAST searches showed 99% and 100% identity with Botryosphaeria
    isolates from GenBank.
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  • Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of MaOPR Gene from Banana
  • XU Yi, XU Bi-Yu, SONG Shun, LIU Ju-Hua, ZHANG Jian-Bin, JIA Cai-Hong, JIN Zhi-Qiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 237-246.
  • Abstract ( 1112 ) HTML ( 1687 ) PDF (931KB) ( 1687 )    
  • Through RACE approaches and bioinformatics analysis,the full-length cDNA of the
    cysteine synthase gene,named as MaOPR(12-oxo-phytodienoic acid reductase),was obtained from root
    of banana(Musa acuminata L. AAA group‘Brazilian’)cDNA library,and its sequence characters were
    also analyzed. The full length of this gene was 1 512 bp,it had an 1 287 bp open reading frame in length
    encoding 429 amino acid. The result of bioinformatics showed that this protein was a stable protein with
    the active sites,the matrix attachment sites and the flavin mononucleotide binding sites,which pI is 8.11.
    The sequence prediction showed that it located in the cytoplasm,it was not a transmembrane protein and
    had no signal peptide. Compared with other known plants,the homology of MaOPR was more than 66%.
    Amino acids homology analysis indicated that MaOPR had 71% similarity compared with Medicago
    sativa,Setaria italic,Oryza sativa,Astragalus sinicus. RT-PCR analysis showed that MaOPR was
    constitutively expressed in roots,stems,leaves,flowers and fruits. The expression level was the highest in
    fruits. Analysis showed that MaOPR responsed to the stress including the ABA inhibitor,ethylene and wilt
    disease stress.
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  • Genetic Analysis and Gene Mapping of Glossy Fruit Skin in Cucumber
  • DONG Shao-Yun, MIAO Han, ZHANG Sheng-Ping, WANG Ye, WANG Min, LIU Shu-Lin, GU Xing-Fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 247-254.
  • Abstract ( 1650 ) HTML ( 1629 ) PDF (542KB) ( 1629 )    
  • Glossy fruit skin is one of the highly valuable appearance quality traits related to market
    values of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.). Inbred line‘1101’(glossy fruit skin)and inbred line‘1116’
    (dull fruit skin),‘9930’(dull fruit skin),‘1107’(dull fruit skin)were used as experiment materials
    for genetic analysis and gene mapping in this study. Genetic analysis showed that a single dominant
    nuclear gene,G(glossy fruit skin),determines the glossy fruit skin trait in cucumber. Bulked segregate
    analysis(BSA)and simple sequence repeat (SSR)technologies were employed to map G gene of cucumber
    in‘1101’ב1116’F2 population. G gene was mapped to a linkage group with 30 SSR markers,
    corresponding to chromosome 5 of cucumber. The flanking markers CS28 and SSR15818 were linked to
    the G gene with genetic distances of 2.0 and 6.4 cM,respectively. The physical distance between the two
    markers was 454 kb based on the whole genome sequence of cucumber,and there are 177 candidate genes
    in this region.
  • References | Related Articles | Metrics
  • Effect of Long-term Continuous Cropping of Protected Tomato on Soil
    Microbial Community Structure and Diversity
  • MA Ning-Ning, LI Tian-Lai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 255-264.
  • Abstract ( 1338 ) HTML ( 1703 ) PDF (577KB) ( 1703 )    
  • Community structure and diversity of microorganism in bare soil and continuous cropping
    protected tomato field were studied with PCR-DGGE technology. Results showed that soil indigenous
    bacterial community structure was significantly influenced by planting tomato under protected field,but
    soil bacterial community structure and diversity were not sensitive to continuous cropping years.
    Compared with soil indigenous bacteria,indigenous fungal community structure was more steady,but the
    dominant fungi were more different in the fields with different continuous cropping years,continuous
    cropping significantly decreased the number of some fungi,meanwhile,the number of some other fungi
    was significantly increased,most dominant fungi populations were enriched in soil with tomato continuous
    cropping years of 20,and which number was quite different with the non-dominant fungi populations. The
    256 园 艺 学 报 40 卷
    change of soil fungi population balance that caused by tomato continuous cropping maybe one of the
    important reasons for the tomato continuous cropping obstacle. Recycling and sequence analysis of
    prominent electrophoretic bands showed that the dominant bacteria of soil sample belong to Clostridium
    Uncultured bacteriumBacillus and Arthrobacter,while the dominant fungus belong to
    Saccobolus dilutellusUncultured fungusLasiobolus ciliatusSpooneromyces laeticolor and Lasiobolidium
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  • Distribution Characteristics of EST-SSRs and Their Application on
    Varieties Genetic Diversity Analysis in Pepper
  • WEI Bing-Qiang, LIU Fei-Yun, MA Zong-Huan, CHEN Ling-Zhi, ZHANG Ru, WANG Lan-Lan, HOU Dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 265-274.
  • Abstract ( 1246 ) HTML ( 1352 ) PDF (469KB) ( 1352 )    
  • Abstract:To develop efficient and practical EST-SSRs markers,10 179 EST sequences each of which
    contained at least one SSR were obtained from 120 605 non-redundant EST in pepper,accounting for
    8.44% in all EST. Mononucleotide,dinucleotide and trinuleotide were the main repeat types with a
    percentage of 91.63% in all EST-SSRs. A/T was the most frequent motif with a frequency of 31.17%,
    followed by TC/GA and CT/AG,accounting for 10.0% and 9.97% respectively. Twenty pairs of EST-SSRs
    primers were designed and synthesized and were used to amplify 25 pepper varieties. The results showed
    that 17 pairs of primers could amplify clear bands,and 12 out of 17 pairs could amplify 42 polymorphic
    bands with an average of 3.5 bands per pair of primer. The polymorphic information content of primers
    screened were between 0.21 and 0.95. The clustering results of 25 pepper varieties based on EST-SSRs
    markers were in agreement with morphological and biological classification,it is indicated that EST-SSRs
    markers developed in the study could be used for germplasm resources genetic diversity analysis in pepper.
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  • Biological Characteristics of Pepper Leaf Spot Pathogen—A New Disease
    in China
  • HUANG Xin-Yang, LIU Zhi-Heng, YANG Hong, QI Ye, HU Ji-Xiang, WANG Shi-Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 275-282.
  • Abstract ( 1115 ) HTML ( 1243 ) PDF (516KB) ( 1243 )    
  • The newly occurred pepper disease,pepper leaf spot,observed in greenhouse of Liaoning
    Province was studied. The pathogen was identified as Cladosporium oxysporum. The damage and
    symptoms of this disease were reported. The results of the biological characteristics of the pathogen
    showed that the best medium for mycelial growth was V8 juice. Pathogens can effectively use of sugar and
    nitrogen sources. Sorbitol and malt extract could be used as better carbon and nitrogen sources for growth.
    The optimum temperature for mycelial growth was 20 ℃ to 25 ℃. The optimum pH was 6 to 8. Light
    could promote mycelial growth. The mycelia lethal temperature was 77 ℃. The optimum temperature for
    conidium germination was 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. The optimum pH was 7. Light had no obvious promoting effect
    on conidium germination. The conidium lethal temperature was 48 ℃.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Flowering Related Gene AcLFY from
    Allium cepa
  • YE Yang-Yang, CHEN Dian, WANG Yong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 283-291.
  • Abstract ( 1234 ) HTML ( 1219 ) PDF (1212KB) ( 1219 )    
  • The LEAFY gene plays a key role in the regulation network of plant flower development,
    and its homologous gene named AcLFY(GenBank accession No.:JX275962)was isolated from onion
    Allium cepa L.‘1007’)using homology gene cloning and RACE-PCR. Sequence analysis showed that
    the AcLFY gene has a 1 119 bp open reading frame(ORF)encoding 372 amino acids. The amino acid
    sequence contains a 5′-N praline-rich region,a leucine zipper and a central acidic region,which are typical
    structure features of LEAFY(FLO)family. Homology analysis showed that the deduced AcLFY protein is
    highly homologous to other LEAFY proteins from different species,especially to the one from Narcissus
    tazetta with approximately 70% identity. Phylogenetic tree analysis indicated that AcLFY is more related to
    LEAFY in monocotyledons than those in dicotyledonous plants. The real-time PCR results showed that the
    AcLFY was detected during the whole period of bolting and flowering in onion,and it had a high
    transcription level in inflorescence meristem at the beginning of the bolting but nearly no transcription in
    floral organ. After the development of floral organ,the AcLFY gene mainly expressed in leaves
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  • Ultrastructrue of the Embryo Sac Before and After Fertilization in Day
    Lily(Hemerocallis citrina
  • ZHAO Yue-Chan, SHEN Jia-Heng, WANG Yan-Jie, LI Wei, GUO Xin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 292-298.
  • Abstract ( 1058 ) HTML ( 1319 ) PDF (1791KB) ( 1319 )    
  • We used transmission electron microscopy to study the ultrastructural changes in embryo
    sac before and after fertilization,including synergid,egg,central cell,zygote and primary endosperm
    nucleus of Hemerocallis citrina,so as to provide information on the reproductive biology of angiosperms
    and related research into day lily. Results were as follows:Both of the two synergids had highly developed
    filiform apparatus,and one degenerated after pollen tube penetrated in,the other persisted until zygophase.
    The chalazal end of egg and synergid cells lacked cell wall before fertilization. But after fertilization,
    zygote had integrated cell wall. Ultrastructural characteristics suggested that the egg which was inactive
    with low metabolism could be activated by fertilization,and both the central cell and primary endosperm
    show high metabolism. Sperm nucleus with double membrane,highly condensated chromatin and a few
    nuclear pores immersed in the cytoplasm of egg. The remarkable characteristic of mature embryo sac of
    day lily was that there was no large central vacuole in synergids,egg and central cell.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Effect of Thidiazuron on Fruit Growth and Development of Lilium Oriental
  • LI Gai-Li, ZHANG Yan-Long, NIU Li-Xin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 299-306.
  • Abstract ( 1674 ) HTML ( 1337 ) PDF (382KB) ( 1337 )    
  • Abstract:It was investigated for the effects of thidiazuron(TDZ)by folia spray treatments with
    different concentrations on the development of the fruits and seeds of Lilium Oriental Hybrids‘Sorbonne’
    at its primary flowering date. The fruit sizes,fruit and seed setting rates were measured in different
    development stages. At the same time,it was detected for cell wall-bound invertase activity of fruits,
    chlorophyll content and net photosynthesis rate of leaves. The results showed that exogenous TDZ played
    a significant role in promoting the fruit expansion and seed maturity,which had a close correlation with
    TDZ concentrations and treating time,especially the treatment with 200 μmol · L-1 TDZ performed most
    prominent outcome until 30 days later. Furthermore,exogenous TDZ increased the cell wall-bound
    invertase activity,total chlorophyll content and net photosynthesis rate,and consequently improved the
    development of the fruit and its seeds of lily cultivar‘Sorbonne’. Compared with control group,it was less
    for the difference of the TDZ effect on the fruit development at the early stage(10 days)after spray and
    it get more and more in the coming days and performed significant different at 30 days. The spray
    treatment with 200 μmol · L-1 TDZ was optimal that could improve the fruit transverse,longitudinal
    diameter by 1.75 and 1.23 times respectively;That fruit setting rate and seed rate with embryo were
    increased by 75.22% and 65.31% respectively,and that the plump seed number and weight per fruit were
    as high as 12.89 and 21.87 times of the control respectively.
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  • Studies on Molecular Cloning,Expression Pattern of ECE Clade TCP
    Genes in Petunia
  • ZOU Shi-Hui, WANG Hui-Ping, YU Yong, MA Jing, GUO Yu-Long, LI Ming-Yang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 307-316.
  • Abstract ( 1059 ) HTML ( 1666 ) PDF (395KB) ( 1666 )    
  • The TCP family is an ancient group of plant developmental transcription factors that
    regulate cell division in vegetative and reproductive structures. The ECE clade TCP genes include genes
    mainly involved in the development of axillary meristems giving rise to either flowers or lateral shoots.
    They play critical roles in plant evolution and crop domestication process. In order to study the function of
    ECE clade of petunia,degenerate primer PCR method and RACE(rapid amplification of cDNA ends)
    method were used to isolate the ECE clade TCP genes from petunia. Four full-length cDNA sequences and
    their corresponding gnomic sequences were obtained,and designated as PhTCP1,PhTCP2,PhTCP3 and
    PhTCP4 respectively. The GenBank accession numbers for cDNA are JQ400104–JQ400107. Genomic
    DNA and cDNA analyses showed that PhTCP1–4 genes encode proteins of 406,332,341 and 343 amino
    acids respectively. The PhTCP1 is a gene without intron,while the others have 1–2 introns. Phylogenetic
    analysis indicated that PhTCP1–4 genes belong to the CYC1,CYC2 and CYC3 clade respectively.
    Real-time quantitative PCR showed that PhTCP1–4 genes were expressed mainly in were expressed mainly were expressed mainly in axillary buds of mature petunia,suggesting that the ECE clade TCP genes may
    be primarily associated with the growth and development of axillary buds
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Research Notes

  • Effects of Different Plumpness Buds on the Distribution and Utilization of
    13C and 15N in Gala(Malus × domestica/Malus micromalus Makino)
  • SUN Cong-Wei, FENG Jian-Zhong, CHEN Qian, WANG Fu-Lin, ZHOU 恩Da, JIANG Yuan-Mao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 317-324.
  • Abstract ( 1202 ) HTML ( 927 ) PDF (256KB) ( 927 )    
  • Different plumpness buds were used to study the distribution and utilization of 13C and 15N
    using two-year-old potted Gala apple trees(Malus × domestica/Malus micromalus Makino)as materials
    under high N-level conditions. The results showed that the distribution ratios of 13C in leaves during the
    shoots early vigorous growing period ranked in the following order:Plumpless bud tree > secondary bud
    tree > plump bud tree,but the rank was plumpless bud tree < secondary bud tree < plump bud tree in
    roots at the same period. The ranks were opposite in leaves and roots of the distribution ratios of 13C at the
    vigorous growing period. The 13C distribution ratio in roots of plump bud tree was lower than that of
    secondary bud tree and plumpless bud tree at the slow growth period. The distribution ratios of 15N in
    leaves of plump bud,secondary bud and plumpless bud increased,and reached the highest at the slow
    growth period,which were 55.67%,52.45% and 51.54% respectively. The 15N distribution ratios in roots
    decreased significantly with the process of growth. However,the 15N distribution ratio in roots of
    plumpless bud tree was the highest,followed with secondary bud tree and plump bud tree at the early
    vigorous growing period and vigorous growing period. There was no significant difference at the slow
    growth period. The utilization ratio of the N fertilizer and 13C fixed capacity were improved gradually with
    the growth and development of the trees. Different plumpness buds tree can achieve results of renewal
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  • Studies on Changes in Carbohydrate Contents and Related Gene
    Expression in Floral Buds of‘Cuiguan’Pear During Dormancy
  • ZHENG Peng-Hua, LIU Guo-Qin, Sayed Hussain, TENG Yuan-Wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 325-332.
  • Abstract ( 1289 ) HTML ( 1575 ) PDF (263KB) ( 1575 )    
  • Changes in carbohydrate contents and expression patterns of genes coding for alphaamylase,
    beta-amylase and alpha-glucan phosphorylase in floral buds of‘Cuiguan’pear(Pyrus pyrifolia
    Nakai)were studied during dormancy period for two successive years. The results indicated that the
    content of soluble sugar in floral buds decreased gradually with increased depth of dormancy,and reached
    the lowest value on November 15. Then the soluble sugar content increased during endo-dormancy and
    dormancy release. The starch content in floral buds decreased with increased depth of dormancy. But there
    is a difference in the occurring date of the lowest content of starch between two years. The starch content
    increased gradually with the beginning of dormancy release,and reached maximum value just before totalrelease of dormancy and then decreased gradually. PpAMY,PpBAM1,PpBAM2 and PpPHS showed an
    expression peak at the final stage of endo-dormancy and then dropped gradually until the total release of
    dormancy. Thereafter,except for PpBAM2,other three genes up-expressed again. The change in the starch
    content correlated with the expression levels of PpAMY,PpBAM1,PpBAM2 and PpPHS during the floral
    buds dormancy of‘Cuiguan’pear,which implied that these genes possibly co-regulated carbohydrate
    metabolism in floral buds of‘Cuiguan’pear
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  • Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Populations Genetic Structure in Wild
    Chinese Cherry from Sichuan Province Using SSR Markers
  • CHEN Jiao, WANG Xiao-Rong, TANG Hao-Ru, CHEN Tao, HUANG Xiao-Jiao, LIANG Qin-Biao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 333-340.
  • Abstract ( 1301 ) HTML ( 2580 ) PDF (351KB) ( 2580 )    
  • Genetic diversity and genetic structure of five wild Chinese cherry(Prunus pseudocerasus
    Lindl.)populations from Sichuan were investigated using ten SSR markers selected from 31 markers. A
    total of 78 alleles were successfully amplified,and the number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 10,
    with an average of 7.8. The relatively high levels gene diversity(H:0.6112–0.6689)and Shannon’s
    diversity(I:1.1984–1.3786)revealed relatively rich genetic diversity in the five wild Chinese cherry
    populations. The AMOVA analysis revealed low genetic differentiation among populations,with only
    7.47% of total variability partitioned among populations(P < 0.001). This consisted with genetic distance
    (GD < 0.2416),genetic identity(GI > 0.7854),genetic differentiation(Fst = 0.0844)and strong gene
    flow(Nm = 2.7125). Five populations showed inbreeding and deviated from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
    at most loci. Based on these results,the possible formation of the high level genetic diversity and the low
    genetic differentiation were discussed , and further strategies and suggestions for utilization and
    conservation of these resources were also proposed.
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  • Chilling Tolerance Difference Among Three Kiwifruit Cultivars
  • WANG Yu-Ping, RAO Jing-Ping, YANG Qing-Zhen, LI Meng, SUO Jiang-Tao, ZHAO Hai-Liang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 341-349.
  • Abstract ( 928 ) HTML ( 1256 ) PDF (422KB) ( 1256 )    
  • Kiwifruit of three different cultivars(early-ripening red pulp type‘Hongyang’,
    mid-ripening yellow pulp type‘Huayou’and late-ripening green pulp type‘Xuxiang’)were stored at 0 ℃
    (90%–95% RH)to study the differences of chilling injury(CI)development,relative physiological and
    biochemical indexes among three cultivars. The results indicated that chilling tolerance of the kiwifruits
    showed differences among three cultivars.‘Hongyang’and‘Huayou’(Actinidia chinensis)exhibited more
    chilling-sensitive and occurred chilling injury earlier than‘Xuxiang’(Actinidia deliciosa). The chilling
    injury index,chilling injury incidence,malonaldehyde(MDA)content and lipoxygenase(LOX)activity
    of‘Hongyang’and‘Huayou’were significantly higher than that of‘Xuxiang’at later storage,while
    ethylene production and respiratory rate maintained in high levels at earlier stage.‘Xuxiang’exhibited
    lighter chilling injury,maintained higher peroxidase(POD)activity and lower polyphenol oxidase(PPO)
    activity than that of‘Hongyang’and‘Huayou’during storage. It also had higher accepted fruit percentage
    and lower weight loss than that of‘Hongyang’and‘Huayou’,and the firmness of‘Huayou’decreased
    quickly. Results suggested that‘Hongyang’and‘Huayou’were more sensitive to CI than‘Xuxiang’,
    which may be useful in breeding cultivars with improved storage life at low temperatures.
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  • Preliminary Report of Tospovirus Infecting Macadamia Seedling in
  • FANG Qi, DING Ming, DONG Jia-Hong, YIN Yue-Yan, ZHANG Lei, SU Xiao-Xia, LI Ting-Ting
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 350-354.
  • Abstract ( 1573 ) HTML ( 1428 ) PDF (543KB) ( 1428 )    
  • Infected plant seedlings of macadamia showing concentric chlorotic ring spot or brown
    lethal spot symptoms were found in a nursing base located at the altitude of about 800 meters in Lincang,
    Yunnan,China. In order to confirm the presence of virus,typically infected leaves of Macadamia sp. were
    detected by using electron microscopy and DAS-ELISA. Virions with a diameter of about 80–85 nm,
    similar in size to the Tospovirus particles,were both observed in the sap and ultrathin sections of diseased
    leaves of macadamia. The crude extracts of infected leaves had a positive reaction to the complex antibody
    of Watermelon silver mottle virus(WSMoV)/Groundnut bud necrosis virus(GBNV). These results above
    indicated that macadamia was infected by a Tospovirus. It is the first report of Tospovirus infecting macadamia.
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  • Physiological Roles of Exogenous Oxalic Acid in Preservation of Bamboo
    Shoots During Cold Storage
  • SHEN Mei, WANG Qi, ZHAO Yu-Ying, ZHENG Xiao-Lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 355-362.
  • Abstract ( 1130 ) HTML ( 1137 ) PDF (291KB) ( 1137 )    
  • Harvested bamboo shoots(Dendrocalamopsis oldhami)were dipped in water and 5
    mmol · L-1 oxalic acid solution for 10 min respectively,and then stored at low temperature(4 ± 0.5)℃.
    The results showed that oxalic acid treatment inhibited wound browning,and also delayed lignification in
    bamboo shoots as compared to control. Physiological roles of oxalic acid including decreased activities of
    lipoxygenase(LOX),polyphenoloxidase(PPO),phenylalanine ammonia-lyase(PAL)and peroxidase
    (POD),increased activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD)and catalase(CAT),and decreased hydrogen
    peroxide(H2O2)content were contributed to the alleviation of browning and lignification in bamboo shoots
    during storage.
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  • A Study on Floral Syndrome and Breeding System of Begonia fimbristipula
  • CHEN Xiong-Wei, SHAO Ling, LIANG Guang-Jian, LIANG Xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 363-372.
  • Abstract ( 1157 ) HTML ( 1628 ) PDF (451KB) ( 1628 )    
  • By investigating on the specific field observation and breeding cultivation of endangered
    plant(Begonia fimbristipula Hance),its outcrossing index,pollen vitality and stigma receptivity,the ratio
    of pollen and ovule,artificial pollination and bagging experiments were performed for understanding the
    flower feature,blossom dynamic and breeding system. Results showed:The single plant florescence of B.
    fimbristipula is 25–30 d,while group plants florescence last to 45–55 d. The flowers,setting on the
    same inflorescence,are monoecism. Male and female flowers mature at different time,the stamens mature
    earlier than pistils,and the distance between anther and stigma is about 2.0 cm. The blooming pattern
    follows male-female-male;Female flowers lag 2–3 days than male ones. The out cross index(OCI)is ≥
    4,pollen-ovule ratio(P/O)is 96.56. Taking the results of the emasculated,bagged and artificial pollination
    experiment together , it indicates that B. fimbristipula flower is a mixed-crossing system using
    self-compatibility as the main breeding form and concomitance out-crossing. The specific dependence on
    its living environment and the long term of small gregarious self-compatibility might be one of the reasons
    causing this species in endangered,“bulb”is an effective way to its reproductive compensation.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Phytoene Desaturase in Strelitzia
  • HUANG Min-Ling, FAN Rong-Hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 373-379.
  • Abstract ( 1312 ) HTML ( 1379 ) PDF (498KB) ( 1379 )    
  • The SrPDS gene cDNA sequence involved in carotenoids synthesis was cloned from the
    yellow sepals of Strelitzia reginae Banks using RT-PCR and RACE techniques. The cDNA sequence
    consists of 2 069 bp with an intact open reading frame of 1 746 bp,encoding a polypeptide of 581 amino
    acids. Homology analysis showed that the deduced SrPDS protein was highly homologous to other PDS
    proteins from different plants. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that SrPDS was clustered together with PDS
    of Crocus sativus firstly and was more related to PDS of Narcissus tazetta and Lilium hybrid division. The
    semi-quantitative PCR analysis indicated that SrPDS showed the highest transcript abundance in early
    flowering season and SrPDS was highly expressed in leaves and yellow sepals,but lowly expressed in blue
    petals and root. The results indicated that SrPDS played an important role in the growth of yellow sepals.
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  • Utilization of a Real-time PCR-based Approach for Rapid Quantitative
    Detection of Bacterial Soft Rot of Banana
  • DOU Ya-Ya, RUAN Xiao-Lei, YUAN Yue, LIU Qiong-Guang, LI Hua-Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 380-388.
  • Abstract ( 1263 ) HTML ( 1281 ) PDF (205KB) ( 1281 )    
  • Bacterial soft rot of banana,caused by Dickeya spp.,is a destructive disease on banana
    discovered recently in Guangdong,China. Establishment and application of detection method is an
    important means to prevent the disease from spreading and occuring. A real-time fluorescent PCR assay
    was developed based on the universal primers for detecting Dickeya spp. from infectious banana plants and
    soil. The results showed that the lowest detection limits for the Plasmid DNA and bacterial suspensions of
    bacterial isolate(XJ8-3-3)was 2.4 × 10-5 ng · μL-1,and 4.0 × 102 cfu · mL-1,respectively,by the optimized
    real-time fluorescent PCR system,which indicated that detection sensitivity with real-time fluorescent
    PCR was at least hundred times higher than that with conventional PCR. The bacterial DNA of XJ8-3-3 in
    the infected banana plant tissues and soil could be accurately and rapidly identified by the developed
    detection system. The detection limit of bacterial DNA from the soil inoculated with different
    concentrations of XJ8-3-3 suspensions,was 0.35 pg · μL-1 per reaction in real-time quantitative PCR. In
    conclusion,this real-time PCR method could be utilized to assist in the implementation of quarantine
    measures for prevention and control of the bacterial soft rot of banana caused by Dickeya spp.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Walnut Cultivar‘Zhonghe Duanzhi’
  • CAO Shang-Yin, GUO Jun-Ying, XUE Hua-Bai, YUAN Ping-Li, LI Hao-Xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 389-390.
  • Abstract ( 1218 ) HTML ( 1206 ) PDF (170KB) ( 1206 )    
  • ‘Zhonghe Duanzhi’is a new walnut cultivar that selected and bred from the Xinjiang
    precocious walnut for over 40 years. It has some characteristics,such as strong and short shoot. The fruit
    development period is 125 days. The shape is cylindrical. The average fruit weight is 15.1 g. The shell is
    smooth. The shell thickness is 0.9 mm. The nut is full and plump,with membrane of diaphragm. The
    kernel is ivory-yellow,nutrient,sweet taste. Kernel rate is 65.8%. It has excellent quality,good
    productivity,high resistant to cold and disease.
  • Related Articles | Metrics

Research Notes

  • A  New Walnut Cultivar‘Jingxiang 2’
  • QI Jian-Xun, HAO Yan-Bin, WU Chun-Lin, CHEN Yong-Hao, WANG Wei-Xia, DONG Ning-Guang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 391-392.
  • Abstract ( 878 ) HTML ( 877 ) PDF (169KB) ( 877 )    
  • ‘Jingxiang 2’is a new late bearing walnut cultivar selected from wild seedling resources
    in Miyun County of Beijing. It belongs to“Baishui”walnuts,for it’s fruit husk not staining hands. The nuts
    range in weight from 11.5 g to 14.8 g,and average 13.5 g. The thickness of shell is 1.1 mm. Kernel weight
    is 56.0% of nut. It is easy to take out the whole kernel. The kernel is very full and fat. The color of kernel
    is light yellow,and it tastes fragrant and astringent lightly. The contents of total fat and protein are 69.5%
    and 16.6% respectively. It yields well and has high resistances to cold and disease.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Chinese Cabbage Cultivar‘Xiasheng’
  • LI Gui-Hua, CHEN Han-Cai, LUO Shao-Bo, ZHANG Yan, LIU Kai, ZHOU Nian, WEN Yi-Min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 393-394.
  • Abstract ( 866 ) HTML ( 1230 ) PDF (562KB) ( 1230 )    
  • ‘Xiasheng’which cultivated by self-incompatibility system is a Chinese cabbage cultivar
    with tolerance to water-logging and hot,strong disease resistance and adaptability. It is good in quality.
    Plant is 26.9 cm in height and 33.6 cm in width. Leafstalk is 8.8 cm in length and 3.6 cm in width,6.8 mm
    in thickness. The soluble solids content is 5.74%,crude protein content is 1.57%,reducing sugar content is
    0.579% and vitamin C content is 7.32 mg · kg-1,crude fiber is 0.67%.

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  • A New Watermelon Cultivar‘Qianding 1’
  • MA Jian-Xiang, ZHANG Xian, ZHANG Yong, ZHANG Ji
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 395-396.
  • Abstract ( 1163 ) HTML ( 1190 ) PDF (154KB) ( 1190 )    
  • ‘Qianding 1’watermelon is a new early maturing watermelon cultivar selected from
    cross-combination Q16 × D09. It is suitable for the early spring protected cultivation in Shaanxi Province.
    The whole growth period of which is about 90 days and the fruit development period is around 30 days.
    The single average fruit weight is 6.0 kg and the yield is about 47.196 t · hm-2. This cultivar has round
    shape fruit and the shape index is 1.1. The fruit skin is dark green,covers with clear blackish green fine
    stripes,and the pericarp thickness is about 1.2 cm. Its fruit flesh is red and fine sandy,juicy but less fiber,
    and the center sugar content is 12% with little differentiation from the edge. The cultivar has high
    disease-resistance as well as strong adverse-resistance.
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  • A New Watermelon Cultivar‘E-xigua 16’
  • LI Yu-Hua, SHI Xian-Feng, ZENG Hong-Xia, DU Nian-Hua, ZHANG Na, REN Jian, TANG Mi, SUN Yu-Hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 397-398.
  • Abstract ( 1110 ) HTML ( 1007 ) PDF (192KB) ( 1007 )    
  • ‘E-xigua 16’is a new middle-ripening watermelon cultivar derived from the cross
    ‘01P005’ב01P011’. The average fruit mass is about 3.0–3.5 kg,and the yield is 30.0–37.5 t · hm-2.
    The fruit is long-ball with dark-green stripes on surface. The flesh is bright red,with juicy and crisp. It
    tastes very sweet. The pericarp is thin but hard to crack. It is resistant to diseases and suitable for storing
    and transporting.
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  • A New Lily Cultivar‘Xiyangyang’
  • WU Long-Yun, LING Wen-Bin, CHENG Jian-Qiang, GONG Jian-Hua, MAO Sha-Sha, HUANG Li-Ping, FAN Fen-Fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 399-400.
  • Abstract ( 1195 ) HTML ( 2312 ) PDF (560KB) ( 2312 )    
  • A new OT lily cultivar‘Xiyangyang’which is selected from the cross Lilium‘Cai74’×
    seedling‘OT-62’. The new variety is stable,and the flower major color is white,the second color is red
    which is distributed on midribs. Many spots were on the tepals. The stigma color is slightly green,the stem
    color is green with purple spots,which is distinguished with the parents,strongly resist to Fusarium
    oxyspoyum f. sp. lilii. strong adaptability to cold,and easy propagation.
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  • A New Malus Ornamental Crabapple Cultivar‘Hongying’
  • SHI Feng-Hou, SHEN Yong-Bao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 401-402.
  • Abstract ( 1005 ) HTML ( 1030 ) PDF (215KB) ( 1030 )    
  • Malus‘Hongying’is a new crabapple cultivar which was selected from the openpollination
    progeny of Malus‘Radiant’. The color of the twigs,young leaves,petals and ripe fruits of this
    cultivar are purple-red. It is featured with long flowering period of 20 d in spring,large amount of fruit,
    big fruit,fruit period long,fruit ornamental period of 120 d,the whole plant ornamental period of more
    than 200 d. Its adaptability is strong,rapid growth.
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  • A New Rosa Cultivar‘Candy Avalanche’
  • FU Cheng, YANG Can-Jun, Nic Pannekeet, WANG Qi-Gang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(2): 403-404.
  • Abstract ( 3699 ) HTML ( 1433 ) PDF (167KB) ( 1433 )    
  • Candy Avalanche’is a new cut rose cultivar,selected from mutation breeding of modern
    rose cultivar‘Avalanche’. The flower is white with a broad and strong pink laciness and its flower is
    10–13 cm large. The growth period of single cut flower in greenhouse is 38–42 d. The length of
    flowering branch is 90–110 cm. The yield of cut flower is 280–300 branches · m-2 every year.
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