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2015, Vol.42, No.11 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Genetic Studies and Molecular Markers Screening of Apple Resistance to Glomerella Leaf Spot
  • LIU Yuan-xia1,2,LI Bao-hua3,WANG Cai-hong2,LIU Chun-xiao2,KONG Xiang-hua2,ZHU Jun2,and DAI Hong-yi2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2105-2112. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0288
  • Abstract ( 555 ) HTML ( 1872 ) PDF (412KB) ( 1872 )    
  • Genetic study of apple resistance to Glomerella Leaf Spot(GLS)were carried out by using 4 F1 hybrid groups(‘Fuji’בGolden Delicious’,‘Golden Delicious’בFuji’,‘Gala’בFuji’and‘Fuji’בQF-2’)generated from two highly resistant variety or selection,‘Fuji’and‘QF-2’,and two highly susceptible varieties‘Golden Delicious’and‘Gala’. The results showed that the separation ratio of resistant plants to the susceptible ones in 4 F1 hybrid groups were statistically consistent with the theoretical ratios of 1︰1,1︰1,1︰0 and 0︰1. By comprehensive analysis,the conclusions could be drawn as the follows:The apple resistance to GLS may controlled by a single recessive gene. The genotype of the resistant plants was rr,while the genotypes of the susceptible ones were RR and Rr. Using‘GoldenDelicious’בFuji’F1 hybrid groups and the Bulked Segregation Analysis(BSA)method,the marker S0506206-243 bp associated with disease resistance character to GLS were identified through screening 500 SSR primers covering the whole apple genome evenly,and the genetic distance between the marker and the resistant gene to GLS was 9.8 cM.

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  • Ca2+ Redistribution and Expression of MdCPK in Apple Leaves Infected by Alternaria alternata Apple Pathotype
  • WEI Meng-han,NI Wei-chen,ZHU Long-ming,CAI Bin-hua,and WANG San-hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2113-2122. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0362
  • Abstract ( 358 ) HTML ( 877 ) PDF (1291KB) ( 877 )    
  • To investigate the function of calcium signal of apple trees during defense process in response to Alternaria alternata apple pathotype(A. alternata AP),this study analyzed the leaf cellultra-structure,distribution change of calcium and relative expression of MdCPKs during the plant- pathogen interaction period. The susceptible and resistant cultivars to A. alternata AP,Red Delicious and Jonathan apple were used as materials. The variation of Ca2+ subcellular localization and relative expression of MdCPKs in leaves were detected by transmission electron microscope and qRT-PCR analysis when leaves were attacked by A. alternata AP. The results were as follows:The cell structure of Red Delicious and Jonathan remained intact and calcium antimonate deposits localized mainly in the vacuoles and intercellular spaces of the mesophyll cells under the resting conditions,while the density of calcium precipitation in intercellular spaces is higher in Jonathan than that in Red Delicious. Calcium gathered in the cytoplasms and remarkable reduced in the vacuoles in Red Delicious,while it not only gathered in the cytoplasms but also in the sieve tubes in Jonathan,declined in the vacuoles and intercellular spaces,and tended to locate in the outside of the cell wall and vacuole membrane when leaves were inoculated with A. alternata AP at 8 hpi(hours post inoculation). Calcium in the leaf cells of Red Delicious tended to move from the cells to the intercellular spaces at 18 hpi,while a large number of calcium localized in the cytoplasms,vacuoles and sieve tubes in Jonathan at this time. When inoculated A. alternata AP at 24 hpi,the cell structure of Red Delicious had been distorted,plasmalemma were broken and sieve tube wall was lignified,and calcium mainly localized in the cytoplasms,while the cell structure of Jonathan still kept integrity and calcium localized in the vacuoles and cytoplasms. Some cells in Red Delicious were invaded by hyphae at 36 hpi. Calcium deposits mainly localized in the vacuoles in the undamaged cells,and distributed in intercellular spaces disorderly around the damaged cells,however,the calcium level kept dynamic homeostasis in the leaf cells of Jonathan at this time. The relative expression of MdCPKs in Red Delicious and Jonathan showed different characters during the different stages of A. alternata AP infection. Most MdCPKs reached to the highest expression level at 24 hpi in Jonathan while that delayed at 36 hpi in Red Delicious,and the relative expression of MdCPKs in Jonathan were higher than in Red Delicious. The results indicated that calcium signal involved in the response of apple to A. alternata AP infection. The increasing of cytoplasm calcium in Jonathan and in Red Delicious mainly resulted from the inflow of extracellular spaces and the release of organelle respectively when they attacked by A. alternata AP. Moreover,MdCPKs in Jonathan responded to the infection earlier and more intensely than they did in Red Delicious.
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  • Effect of Bag Removing with Reflective Film Mulching Before Harvest on#br# Fruit Coloration and Expression of Anthocyanin Related Genes in Peach
  • MA Rui-juan*,ZHANG Bin-bin,ZHANG Chun-hua,CAI Zhi-xiang,and YAN Zhi-mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2123-2132. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0290
  • Abstract ( 535 ) HTML ( 855 ) PDF (530KB) ( 855 )    
  • This study explored the effects of applying reflective film before harvest on fruit
    appearance quality of peach(Prunus persica),and discussed the influencing mechanism on fruit coloration.
    Yellow outside and black inside double-layer bags were removed from fruit 12 d before harvest. Peel
    color,pigment content,enzyme activity as well as the gene expression related to fruit coloration of a
    well-colored and late-ripening peach cultivar Xiahui 8 with different treatments(non-bagging with
    non-reflective film mulching,debagging with non-reflective film mulching,debagging with reflective film
    mulching)were researched. The results showed that both debagging with non-reflective film mulching and
    debagging with reflective film mulching could significantly improve red and green color difference value(a*),a*/b*(b* is yellow and blue color difference value),chroma(C),anthocyanin(Ant)content and
    reduce hue angle(h),while debagging with reflective film mulching had higher Ant content than
    debagging with non-reflective film mulching(P < 0.05). The two treatments up-regulated the transcript level
    of anthocyanin biosynthetic related genes(UFGT,CHS)at the beginning of the experiment,however,
    the expression of DFR,LDOX and F3H were enhanced along with the testing process. A downward trend
    on phenylalanine ammonia lyase(PAL)activity of non-bagging with non-reflective film mulching was
    observed during the experiment,however,the peel PAL activity of the other two treatments first increased
    and then decreased. What’s more,peel PAL activity of debagging with reflective film mulching was higher
    than debagging with non-reflective film mulching. These results suggested that Ant synthesis in the peel
    was the result of cooperation among several genes,and debagging with reflective film mulching had better
    effect on promoting Ant accumulation than debagging with non-reflective film mulching.

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  • Molecular Cloning of PpOAT and PpP5CS and Their Expression Profile in#br# Responses to Exogenous GABA in Postharvest Peach Fruit
  • SONG Chun-bo1,2,CHAO Qing-qing2,LIANG Min-hua2,SHAO Jia-rong2,CHEN Wei2,and YANG
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2133-2143. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0269
  • Abstract ( 488 ) HTML ( 876 ) PDF (1339KB) ( 876 )    
  • Full-length cDNAs of Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase(PpP5CS)and ornithine
    aminotransferase(PpOAT)were isolated from peach fruit using degenerate RT-PCR and RACE(rapid
    amplification of cDNA ends)method. The sequences of these two genes were then deposited in GenBank
    database with the accession number KP973954 and KP973956,respectively. PpP5CS was 2 511 bp in full
    length and encoded a predicted protein of 717 amino acids(ORF length 2 151 bp),and flanked by 123
    nucleotides at the 5′-UTR and 235 nucleotides at the 3′-UTR. The full length of PpOAT was 1 686 bp with
    ORF 1 416 bp,5′-UTR 151 bp and 3′-UTR 119 bp,which encoded a deduced polypeptide of 472 amino
    acids. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that PpOAT and PpP5CS shared high similarity with otherplants with 88% and 91% homology with MhOAT and MhP5CS,respectively. Furthermore,the effect of
    5 mmol · L-1 γ-aminobutyric acid treatment on chilling injury incidence and PpOAT and PpP5CS
    expression,which were involved in proline biosynthesis,in postharvest peach fruit stored at 0 ℃ was
    investigated. The results showed that 5 mmol · L-1 γ-aminobutyric acid treatment significantly inhibited the
    decline of extractable juice,and alleviated chilling injury in peach fruit during cold storage. Meanwhile,
    the expression of these two genes in peach fruit was induced by the treatment during cold storage. These
    results suggested that γ-aminobutyric acid treatment could increase proline biosynthesis and accumulation
    by up-regulating the expression levels of PpOAT and PpP5CS thereby promote chilling tolerance in
    cold-stored peach fruit.

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  • Changes of Lignin Content and Its Related Enzyme Activities in Endocarp#br# During Walnut Shell Development Period
  • WEN Jing1,ZHAO Shu-gang2,*,WANG Hong-xia1,ZHANG Zhi-hua1,*,and LI Xi-bo1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2144-2152. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0261
  • Abstract ( 485 ) HTML ( 860 ) PDF (333KB) ( 860 )    
  • Lignification process was observed by the method of Phloroglucinol-HCl and content of
    lignin,cellulose,polyphenol and the activity of related enzymes were measured during development with
    the materials of walnut of‘Zanmei’and‘Zhenzhuxiang’. The results showed that lignification occurred
    at beginning of June,already initial took shape in mid-June and completed in late July. From shell
    lignification to harvest,the content of lignin,cellulose and polyphenol was increased,while polyphenol
    content slightly decreased before harvest. The activities of both POD and PAL were decreased and PPO
    varied little. The correlation analysis showed that lignin content was significant positive correlated with the
    content of cellulose. Polyphenol content was significant positive correlated with the content of lignin.
    Polyphenol content was positively correlated with cellulose. The activity of POD was significant negative
    correlated with content of lignin,cellulose and polyphenol,but positively correlated with activity of

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  • Characterization of Carotenoids Accumulation and Carotenogenic Genes#br# Expression During Fruit Development in Two Loquat Cultivars with#br# Different Colour
  • ZHANG Ling,ZHENG Ting-ting,WEI Wei-lin,ZHU Yun-mei,GAO Yong-shun,YANG Xiang-hui*,
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2153-2162. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0248
  • Abstract ( 296 ) HTML ( 874 ) PDF (352KB) ( 874 )    
  • The yellow-fleshed loquat‘Zaozhong 6’and the white-fleshed loquat‘Baiyu’were used
    as materials,the accumulation of carotenoids in peel and pulp during different fruit development stages
    were detected,and the expression of 15 carotenogenic genes were analysized. During loquat fruit
    ripening,the content of β-carotene in peel and pulp of‘Zaozhong 6’increased gradually and peaked at the
    fully ripe stage,in the peel it was 68.53 μg ? g-1 FW,while in the pulp it was 11.92 μg ? g-1 FW. And in the
    peel of‘Baiyu’,the content of β-carotene increased and peaked at the fully ripe stage,reached to 38.89
    μg ? g-1 FW,while it decreased in the pulp of‘Baiyu’,from the original 0.47 μg ? g-1 FW reduced to 0.29
    μg ? g-1 FW;The content of β-cryptoxanthin in the peel and pulp of‘Zaozhong 6’and‘Baiyu’bothincreased steadily,and peaked at the fully ripe stage;However,the content of lutein decreased in the peel
    of ‘Zaozhong 6’and increased in the pulp of ‘Zaozhong 6’;It droped and then rised in the peel of ‘Baiyu’,
    and there was no significant change of β-cryptoxanthin in the pulp of‘Baiyu’. After the breaker stage,the
    mRNA levels of phytoene synthase(PSY)and chromoplast-specific lycopene β-cyclase(CYCB)were
    higher in the peel,and CYCB and β-carotene hydroxylase(BCH)mRNAs were higher in the flesh of
    ‘Zaozhong 6’,compared with‘Baiyu’. The results showed that the expression level of PSY,CYCB and
    BCH was likely to cooperatively regulate the accumulation of carotenoids.

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  • The Diversity of Four Anti-nutritional Factors in Kidney Bean
  • SHANG Rui,WU Hua,GUO Rui,LIU Qin,PAN Lei,LI Jia-nan,HU Zhi-hui,and CHEN Chan-you
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2163-2173. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0130
  • Abstract ( 376 ) HTML ( 1441 ) PDF (335KB) ( 1441 )    
  • Anti-nutritional factors such as lectins,saponin,trypsin inhibitor and phytic acid are
    endogenous substances in kidney bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.). In this study,the contents or activities of
    these four anti-nutritional factors in fresh pods were detected in 56 selected cultivars. The results revealed
    significant difference of each factor in the tested cultivar population. The mean value of lectin content and
    the activity of trypsin inhibitor was 1.743 mg · g-1 and 1.680 mg · g-1 respectively. Their coefficients of
    variation(CV)were both more than 100% and each of the cultivar frequency distribution curve showed a
    main peak,but the discontinuous distributions in the extremely high and low areas indicate hierarchic
    cultivars. However,the content of saponin(mean value 3.730 mg · g-1)and phytic acid(mean value 3.102
    mg · g-1)were with CV less than 41%. Each showed a main peak in its normal distribution curve and low
    frequency continuous distribution in dual tails. Meanwhile,statistic analysis demonstrated a positivecorrelation between the lectin content and trypsin inhibitor activity in fresh pods. Furthermore,all tested 56
    cultivars clustered into three groups based on their level of four anti-nutritional factors,80% of them into
    medium level group,12% of them into low level group. The endogenous edible toxic compounds,such as
    lectin and trypsin inhibitor,are closely related to the insect resistance in field. This study suggested that it
    is possible to screen the cultivars contain less lectin and other factors but with reduced the pest resistance
    in field.

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  • Studies on Haploid Plant Induction via in vitro Unfertilized Ovule Culture#br# of Cucumber
  • WANG Ye,GU Xing-fang*,ZHANG Sheng-ping,and MIAO Han
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2174-2182. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1074
  • Abstract ( 399 ) HTML ( 939 ) PDF (749KB) ( 939 )    
  • The unpollinated ovules of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)line 65G × 228 were used to
    obtain haploid plants via in vitro gynogenesis. With the unfertilized ovules,a regeneration system of
    cucumber was established by analizing the effects of pretreatment temperature,induction medium,
    concentration of TDZ,KT and BA on haploid induction. The results indicated that 0.02 mg · L-1 TDZ was
    better for the initiation of gynogenesis. Induction medium and concentration of KT significantly affected
    the frequency of embryo induction. Further,the highest embryo regeneration frequency was achieved at
    IM3 medium supplemented with 0.75 mg · L-1 KT and 2.0 mg · L-1 BA. The embryos could grow root and
    develop into the complete plant on MS medium. Flow cytometry analysis showed that 18.2% of the
    regenerated plants were haploid.

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  • Genome-wide Analysis of the WRKY Transcription Factor Family in#br# Pepper
  • DIAO Wei-ping,WANG Shu-bin*,LIU Jin-bing,PAN Bao-gui,GUO Guang-jun,and GE Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2183-2196. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0436
  • Abstract ( 508 ) HTML ( 1500 ) PDF (1323KB) ( 1500 )    
  • In the present study,based on the recently released pepper whole-genome sequences,
    CaWRKY gene family identification,gene classification,chromosome location,sequence alignment and
    conserved structure domains of CaWRKY proteins were predicted and analyzed with bioinformatics
    methods. The results showed that 71 CaWRKY genes were identified which were classified into three main
    groups(Ⅰ,Ⅱand Ⅲ),with the second group further divided five subgroups[Ⅱ(a),Ⅱ(b),Ⅱ(c),
    Ⅱ(d)and Ⅱ(e)]. A total of 70 CaWRKY genes were mapped to 12 chromosomes,whereas only
    CaWRKY70 was not mapped to any particular chromosome. Genome mapping analysis revealed that
    pepper WRKY genes were enriched on several chromosomes(1,2,3 and 7),especially on chromosome 1
    which encompasses the largest number of 10 CaWRKY genes,while chromosome 4 only contained 2
    CaWRKY genes. The pepper WRKYs from each group or subgroup were shown to share similar motif
    compositions,and CaWRKY proteins contained 132–869 amino acids and 373 in average. Our results will
    provide a platform for functional identification and molecular breeding tudy of WRKY genes in pepper.

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  • QTL Analysis of Fruit-Associated Traits in Eggplant
  • GE Hai-yan,LIU Yang,and CHEN Huo-ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2197-2205. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0492
  • Abstract ( 371 ) HTML ( 887 ) PDF (318KB) ( 887 )    
  • Two morphologically and molecularly distinguished advanced breeding lines,Lü Qie
    (Solanum melongena L.)‘131’and Shanghai Qie(Solanum melongena L.)‘141’,were selected for
    mapping parents. An F2 population including 237 individuals was obtained. A total of 450 pairs of SSR
    markers were used to construct linkage map and therefore to locate QTL related to fruit weight,fruit
    length,fruit diameter,fruit shape index and fruit calyx size. The results showed that only 63(14%)markers
    showed polymorphism between two parents. A total of 53 SSR markers were mapped into 13 linkage
    groups,including 12 chromsomes. The map spanned 532.2 cM. The distance between loci varied from 0.2
    to 45.9 cM,with the average distance of 10.04 cM. Nine QTLs for fruit-related traits were detected,
    including 1 QTL for fruit weight,1 QTL for fruit length,2 QTLs for fruit diameter,3 QTLs for fruit shape
    index and 2 QTLs for fruit calyx size.

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  • Molecular Cloning of BoSU03 and Analysis of the Interaction Between#br# SRK and BoSU03 in Brasscia oleracea
  • BI Yun-long1,*,GAO Qi-guo2,*,SHI Song-mei2,LIU Xiao-huan2,PU Quan-ming2,ZHANG Ying2,
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2206-2214. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0352
  • Abstract ( 448 ) HTML ( 942 ) PDF (627KB) ( 942 )    
  • In this study,the coding sequences of ubiquitin protein BoSU03 identified by Brassica
    oleracea stigma protein mass spectrometry were amplified. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that it
    was highly identical with nucleotide sequence of ubiquitin protein Bol003815 in Brasscia oleracea,
    BoSU03 contained ARM repeat domain and belonged to Plant U-box protein family. In order to analyze
    the interaction between BoSU03 and SRK,GAL4 two-hybrid system was used here,and the interaction
    between SRK and ARC1 was used as control. The results showed that the yeast cells transformed withBoSRK/BoSU03 could grow better and turn deeper blue on SD/-Ade/-His/-Leu/-Trp/x-α-gal/25 mmol
    3-AT nutritional media. And the level of β-Galactosidase activity of BoSRK/BoSU03 was higher than that
    of BoSRK/BoARC1. These results will provide the basis for further analysis whether BoSU03 participates
    in SRK downstream SI signaling pathway.

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  • Effects of Pb Stress on Reactive Oxygen Metabolism in Ginger Leaves
  • LIU Can-yu,WANG Yun,ZHANG Yi,CAO Bi-li,and XU Kun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2215-2222. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0539
  • Abstract ( 302 ) HTML ( 843 ) PDF (343KB) ( 843 )    
  • The effects of the different Pb content(0,150,450,1 350 mg · kg-1)stress on the active
    oxygen metabolism in ginger leaves were studied with a ginger(Zingiber officinale Roscoe)cultivar
    ‘Laiwu Ginger’by using the method of sewage irrigation. The results showed that with the increase of Pb
    stress level and exposure duration, productivity rate and H2O2 content increased significantly and then
    decreased under excessive Pb stress,while MDA content and electrolyte leakage rate increased
    continuously. After 40 days of Pb stress which was during the seedling stage,with the increase of Pb stress
    level,the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD),peroxidase(POD),catalase(CAT),glutathione
    reductase(GR),ascorbate acid(APX),monodehydroascorbate reductase(MDHAR)and dehydroascorbate
    reductase(DHAR)were enhanced markedly,and the contents of reduced ascorbic acid(AsA),totalascorbic acid(AsA + DHA),reduced glutathione(GSH)and total glutathione(GSH + GSSG)were
    increased remarkably,and the ratios of AsA/DHA,GSH/GSSG were also increased significantly.
    Moreover,with ginger growth going on and the stress time increasing significantly,the antioxidant
    enzymes activities and the antioxidant substance contents were higher mostly under 150 mg · kg-1 mild Pb
    stress and inhibited under excessive Pb stress,which indicated that the AsA-GSH cycle suffered serious

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Ornamental Plants

  • Inheritance of Perpetual Blooming in Rosa chinensis‘Old Blush’
  • LI Shu-bin,ZHOU Ning-ning,ZHOU Qing,YAN Hui-jun,JIAN Hong-ying,WANG Qi-gang,CHEN
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2223-2228. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0737
  • Abstract ( 514 ) HTML ( 1053 ) PDF (440KB) ( 1053 )    
  • Perpetual blooming is one of the most important trait of ornamental plant,and it is the huge
    contribution of Chinese rose(diploid rose)to modern rose(tetraploid rose)breeding. However,the genetic
    basis of this trait is still largely unknown. In order to investigate the inheritance of perpetual blooming
    behavior in Rosa chinensis‘Old Blush’(OB),we developed six rose populations(OB,W,F1,F2,
    BC1OB and BC1W)derived from WOB population[interspecific diploid hybrid between OB and Rosa
    wichuriana‘Basye’s Thornless’(W)]. Perpetual blooming trait was analyzed as a major gene,and
    blooming behavior of each individual was evaluated at Flower Research Institute,Yunnan Academy of
    Agricultural Sciences(Kunming,China)from 2012 to 2015. Perpetual blooming type is absent both in a
    F1 population with 296 genotypes and a BC1W population(Rosa wichuriana‘Basye’s Thornless’as a
    backcross parent)with 150 individuals. More interesting is,a backcross population BC1OB(Rosachinensis‘Old Blush’as a backcross parent)with 300 progenies showed a 3︰1(P < 0.05)segregation ratio
    in blooming behavior(non-perpetual blooming dominant to perpetual blooming). The results indicate that
    the inherence of perpetual blooming in rose might be regulated by double recessive loci.

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  • Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cryptochrome Gene PsCRY2#br# in Tree Peony
  • REN Xiu-xia,WANG Shun-li,XUE Jing-qi,ZHU Fu-yong,LIU Chuan-jiao,and ZHANG Xiu-xin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2229-2236. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0252
  • Abstract ( 391 ) HTML ( 945 ) PDF (744KB) ( 945 )    
  • Cryptochrome 2(CRY2)was isolated from Paeonia suffruticosa by RT-PCR. The full open
    reading fragment(ORF)length of PsCRY2 encoding 633 amino acids was 1 902 bp,and the GenBank No.
    was KP982893. Sequence alignment and motif analysis showed that the deduced amino acids contained a
    PHR domain near the amino terminus and a CCT domain near the carboxy terminus. It was designated as
    PsCRY2,according to its high identity with AtCRY2 in Arabidopsis. Phylogenetic analysis showed that it
    had close relationship with Citrus sinensis. Gene expression analysis revealed that the highest expression
    levels of PsCRY2 were appeared in the bud and seed embryo of P. suffruticosa,followed by root,stem and
    leaves. The expression of PsCRY2 in the whole process of bud differentiation was high. While the
    expression of PsCRY2 was low in the early stage of bud development and quite high in the middle and latestage. The expression of PsCRY2 reached a peak in big bell-like flower-bud. The results suggested that
    PsCRY2 play an important role both in the process of bud differentiation and bud development. The
    expression patterns of PsCRY2 in the bud of‘Luoyanghong’and‘Qiufa 1’were similar,while the
    expression level of PsCRY2 in the bud of‘Qiufa 1’was significantly higher than that in the bud of
    ‘Luoyanghong’. The expression patterns of PsCRY2 in the buds with different photoperiod treatments
    were different. The expression of PsCRY2 decreased in bud sprouting and small bell-like flower bud under
    short day photoperiod,compared with that in long day photoperiod.

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Research Notes

  • Effects of Exogenous Glycine Betaine Treatment on Chilling Injury and#br# Quality of Cold-stored Peach Fruits
  • SHAN Ti-min,JIN Peng*,XU Jia,LI Xiao-an,WANG Lei,and ZHENG Yong-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2244-2252. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0184
  • Abstract ( 278 ) HTML ( 1078 ) PDF (423KB) ( 1078 )    
  • The effects of various concentration of glycine betaine(GB 5,10,20 mmol · L-1)treatments
    on chilling injury and quality of peach fruits(Prunus persica Batsch‘Yuhua 2’)during cold storage were
    investigated. The results showed that various concentrations of GB treatment could reduce internal
    browning of peach fruit,wherevers 10 mmol · L-1 GB treatment had the best effect. Exogenous GB
    treatment inhibited the increase of electric conductivity and malondialdehyde(MDA)content,and
    prevented the activities of polyphenol oxidase(PPO)and peroxidase(POD)in cold-stored peach fruits.
    Moreover,10 mmol · L-1 GB treatment maintained the high level of extractable juice,total soluble solids
    content,total phenolics content and vitamin C content,and enhanced DPPH radical scavenging capability
    and reducing power in peach fruit during cold storage. These results suggested that exogenous GB
    treatment could reduce chilling injury and maintain edible quality of cold-stored peach fruits,which had
    potential application in postharvest industry.

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  • The Discovery of Natural Dwarf Mutant of Pyrus and the Evaluation of the#br# Main Characters
  • MA Chun-hui,WANG Ran*,SONG Jian-kun,LI Ding-li,and YANG Ying-jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2253-2260. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0367
  • Abstract ( 335 ) HTML ( 921 ) PDF (764KB) ( 921 )    
  • Dwarf mutant type was discovered during the investigation of wild pear resources in the
    Yimeng Mountain Area,and the mutant shoots were grafted on adult trees in the experimental station of
    Qingdao Agricultural University in 2009. The botanical characteristics,biological habits and the heritable
    stability of dwarf property were observed. The results showed that the mutant tree was compact with very
    short internodes of shoots,and obviously different from the general Pyrus betulaefolia. Moreover,the
    dwarf property kept stable after transfer grafting for many times on the adult trees,and virology test
    showed no obvious abnormality. Besides internodes,the villi of shoots,fruit shape,leaf,etc were obvious
    difference as comparison with P. betulaefolia and P. calleryana,and preliminary could be confirmed as a
    natural dwarf mutant type of the genus Pyrus,and named as‘PY-9’on the basis of field investigation
    number. The discovery of this resource material,provided special genetic resources for the future research
    on the pear dwarf mechanism and dwarf rootstock breeding.

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  • First Report of Watermelon silver mottle virus Infecting Pepper in#br# Guangdong Province
  • TANG Ya-fei1 and HE Zi-fu1,2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2261-2266. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0316
  • Abstract ( 566 ) HTML ( 885 ) PDF (797KB) ( 885 )    
  • Pepper plants showing chlorotic and necrotic rings symptoms on the leaves reminiscent of
    infection by tospoviruses were found in pepper-production fields of Guangdong in 2014. The infected
    samples were detected by Dot-ELISA and RT-PCR,respectively. Negative results were obtained in the
    Dot-ELISA with monoclonal antibody of Tomato spotted wilt virus(TSWV). This result indicated that the
    virus isolate didn’t belong to TSWV. However,an expected approximately 800 bp-fragment were obtained
    from all infected pepper samples by RT-PCR using the universal primer pair gL3637/gL4435C for
    tospoviruses. The results of gene cloning and sequence analysis showed that the fragment shared the
    highest identity at 97.5% with corresponding parts of the Guangzhou isolate of Watermelon silver mottle
    virus(WSMoV). Phylogenic analysis showed that the virus isolate infecting pepper in Guangdong is most
    closely related to the reported isolates of WSMoV,and that they clustered in a monophyletic group.
    Therefore,the virus isolate infecting pepper in Guangdong is an isolate of WSMoV.

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  • Pedigree Analysis of Bred Backbone Parents and Variety Using by#br# ‘Fudijian’Pepper
  • WANG Li-qun1,DAI Xiong-ze2,MA Yan-qing2,LI Xue-feng2,ZHANG Zhu-qing2,CHEN Wen-chao2,
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2267-2277. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0364
  • Abstract ( 371 ) HTML ( 849 ) PDF (279KB) ( 849 )    
  • The finding and evaluation of excellent local pepper variety‘Fudijian’in Hunan and main
    characteristics and selection process of pepper foundation parents‘5901’were described. The variety type
    and application breeded by the utilization of‘5901’and derivative parents were analyzed through relevant
    literature. The results showed the excellent local variety and foundation parent have characteristics such as
    very precocious,resistance to low light,high pre-production,combining ability and seed production. There
    were 31 pepper varieties breeded directly or indirectly by the use of‘5901’and applicated in large scale
    during 1988–2014 in China. Pedigree of foundation parents‘5901’were draw to provide a reference for
    the creation and utilization of parents.

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  • Content Changes of Endogenous Hormones and Polyamine During#br# Development of Male and Female Flowers of Asparagus‘Champion’
  • LIU Meng,NIE Lan-chun*,HU Shu-ming,and WANG Shan-shan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2278-2282. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0481
  • Abstract ( 266 ) HTML ( 779 ) PDF (212KB) ( 779 )    
  • Content change was studied on endogenous hormones and polyamine during development
    of male and female flowers of Asparagus officinalis L.‘Champion’. The results showed that GA3 content
    in female flowers was constantly higher than that in male. ABA,ZR and IAA contents decreased in female
    flowers from hermaphroditic stage to unisexual stage,while ABA,ZR and IAA contents in male flowers
    increased rapidly from hermaphroditic stage to unisexual stage. Ratios of GA3/ABA,GA3/IAA and
    GA3/ZR at hermaphroditic stage were lower in female flowers than that in male flowers,however they
    increased rapidly at unisexual stage. These results indicated that higher level of GA3 and lower level of
    ABA,IAA and ZR were related to the development of female organ and higher level of ABA,ZR and IAA
    were related to the development of male organ in asparagus. Spd,Put and Spm contents increased rapidly
    and then decreased during development of female flowers,but they remained stable in male flowers.
    Higher level of Spm,Spd and Put might be related to the development of female organ.

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  • The Analysis of Volatile Flavor Compounds of Honeysuckle and Red#br# Honeysuckle
  • CUI Ting-ting1,SHAN Chang-song1,WU Peng1,*,and ZHOU Tao2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2283-2290. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0543
  • Abstract ( 329 ) HTML ( 945 ) PDF (311KB) ( 945 )    
  • The chemical components of volatile flavor compounds of fresh and dried honeysuckle
    were analyzed. The volatile constituents of them were compared and analyzed by Headspace Solid–Phase
    Micro extraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The results showed that 67 volatile
    compounds of these 4 flower buds were identified by this identification method. Forty-eight and 46
    volatile compounds were detected among flesh honeysuckle and red honeysuckle;Thirty-four and 37
    volatile compounds were identified among dried honeysuckle and red honeysuckle. In these samples,the
    dominant components were Tricyclo[,5)]octane,beta-Linalool,5-methyl-2-hexanol and
    Hexadecane. Combined with the special volatile substances,formed their own aroma characteristics.
    Besides,the mainly volatile compounds of red honeysuckle are hydrocarbons,alcohols and ketones,the
    content of beta-Linalool is significantly higher than the honeysuckle. During the process from fresh to
    drying,hydrocarbon and esters of volatile compounds were decreased,aldehydes and alchols ketones
    volatile subatances were increased significantly.

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  • Morphological and Histological Examination of Meristematic Nodules from#br# Adventitious Root of Pulsatilla koreana
  • LIAN Yu-ji1,*,ZHAO Xiao-mei1,LIN Guang-zhe1,LIU Lin2,and QU Yuan-gang1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2291-2298. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0464
  • Abstract ( 394 ) HTML ( 842 ) PDF (508KB) ( 842 )    
  • In order to investigate the in vitro morphologic pathway of meristematic nodules from
    adventitious root of Pulsatilla koreana Nakai,young leaves were used as materials to induce adventitious
    root,then meristematic nodules were induced using adventitious roots. Top of the early stage of
    meristematic nodule consisted of 3–4 meristematic cells,small and deeply stained small cells were widely
    distributed at epidermal layers and cortex. Two kinds of tissue type were observed at paraffin section,one
    type tissue with meristematic cell,vascular component,parenchymatous cells,leaf primordia and shoot
    apex. The other type tissue consisted of parenchymatous cells were surrounded by regularly arranged
    epidermal layers. Globular,heart,oval stage somatic embryo were widely distributed on the surface of
    tissue. Finally,shoot organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis were developed from meristematic nodules.

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  • Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Anthocyanidin 3-O-glucoside#br# 5-O-glucosyltransferase Gene in Houttuynia cordata
  • LI Xiao-ying,WU Xian-jin,YAO Yuan-zhi,FU Ming,NING Peng-fei,LI Zhao-jun,and WEI Lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2299-2305. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0454
  • Abstract ( 286 ) HTML ( 1027 ) PDF (394KB) ( 1027 )    
  • To clone the anthocyanidin 3-O-glucoside 5-O-glucosyltransferase(UGT75C1) gene from
    Houttuynia cordata and analyse the prokaryotic expression. The cloning primers were designed based on
    the transcriptome dataset of H. cordata,one unique sequence encoding UGT75C1 was discovered. The
    sequence of UGT75C1 was cloned from H. cordata by RT-PCR. The physical and chemical properties,
    secondary structure and three-dimensional structure of the UGT75C1 protein were forecasted and
    analyzed,and its structure and function were predicted. And the different expression levels of UGT75C1
    gene in rhizome,stems,leaves,and flowers of Houttuynia cordata were analyzed by fluorescent
    quantitative PCR. And then the cloned opening reading frame of UGT75C1 gene was inserted into vectorpGEX4T-1. The recombinant plasmid pGEX4T- UGT75C1 was expressed in a prokaryotic expression
    system after they were transformed into E. coli BL21(DE3). The fusion proteins were analyzed by
    SDS-PAGE. The cDNA contains a 1 461bp open reading frame and encodes a predicted protein of 486
    amino acids. Transmembrane regions and no signal peptide were presented in UGT75C1. The PSPG motif
    domain of glycosyltransferases was presented in UGT75C1. Relative real-time PCR analysis indicated that
    UGT75C1 showed the highest transcript abundance in the leaves,moderate level in the stems and
    rhizomes,and the lowest level in the flowers. The UGT75C1 gene was expressed in a prokaryotic
    expression system. This study cloned the UGT75C1 gene from H. cordata for the first time. It will provide
    a foundation for studying the function of the UGT75C1,and it provide a scientific basis for functional
    genomics research of H. cordata and mechanism research of flavonoids biosynthesis.

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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Sulfate Transporter CsSUL3.5 Gene in#br# Tea Plant
  • HU Yu-rong1,YUE Chuan1,ZHOU Chao2,HUANG Yu-ting1,CAO Hong-li1,HAO Xin-yuan1,WANG
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2306-2314. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0513
  • Abstract ( 463 ) HTML ( 754 ) PDF (582KB) ( 754 )    
  • The cDNA of putative sulfate transporter(CsSUL3.5)gene(GenBank accession number
    KP984500)was cloned from tea plant[Camellia sinensis(L.)O. Kuntze]. Bioinformatics analysis
    indicated that the cDNA of CsSUL3.5 containing 1 914 bp ORF encoded 637 amino acids residues with a
    putative molecular mass of 70.38 kD. It was predicted that CsSUL3.5 was a non-secretory protein without
    a signal peptide. CsSUL3.5 could be located in the plasma membrane with 11 transmembrane domains.
    Further analyses showed that CsSUL3.5 had the typically conserved domain and the highest identity(74%)with Sulfate Transporter 3.5 of Nicotiana sylvestris. The real-time PCR analysis showed that
    CsSUL3.5 transcripts were significantly increased upon the treatment of Na2SO4 and Na2SeO4.

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New Cultivars

  • A New Precocious Sand Pear Cultivar‘Jinmi’
  • CHEN Qi-liang,HU Hong-ju*,TIAN Rui,YANG Xiao-ping,ZHANG Jing-guo,and FAN Jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2315-2316. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0987
  • Abstract ( 394 ) HTML ( 631 ) PDF (180KB) ( 631 )    
  • Pyrus pyrifolia‘Jinmi’selected from‘Huali 2’בNinomiyahakuri’,is a new
    precocious cultivar of sand pear. This new cultivar is tree moderately vigorous and spreading growth habit.
    Fruits are nearly oblate,average weight is 235 g. Fruits have green peel,skin smooth and fine flesh. The
    fruit is juicy and TSS is 11.6%. The fruit growth period is 110 d and it matures in middle July in
    Wuhan.‘Jinmi’is precocity early,yield,beautiful fruit appearance, moderate resistant to pear black spot.

  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • A New Peach Cultivar‘Baojiahong’
  • ZHANG Xue-ying1,CHEN Hai-jiang1,*,DI Bao1,CAO Hong-bo1,ZHANG Yong-sheng2,XU Shu-fang1,3,
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2317-2318. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0850
  • Abstract ( 333 ) HTML ( 638 ) PDF (446KB) ( 638 )    
  • ‘Baojiahong’is a new cultivar from seedlings of peach. The fruit is near round with a
    round-flat fruit top. The average fruit weight is 218 g,and the biggest one is 404 g. The fruit skin color is
    bright,and flush degree is above 90%. The flesh is white,with intermediate red pigment,hard-melting and
    free stone,sweet and sour flavor. The soluble solids content is 13.5%. It has excellent storage capacity.
    The fruit development period is 95 days.It has high yield,the yield is up to 45 000 kg · hm-2.

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  • A New Seedless Litchi Cultivar‘Nandao Wuhe’
  • XING Yi-wang1,2,WU Kai-mao3,FU Wen-ying2,*,Lü He-jin3,and XING Yi-shi3
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2319-2320. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0907
  • Abstract ( 942 ) HTML ( 761 ) PDF (583KB) ( 761 )    
  • ‘Nandao Wuhe’is a new seedless litchi cultivar selected from the the group in Hainan
    litchi Qiongbei Area Leihuling seedling breeding. The fruit is near round in shape. The average weight of
    the single fruit is 35 g with 86% of the edible percentage. The seedless percentage of fruits is 95%. The
    pericarp with sharp peaks of cracked pieces and obvious suture lines looks light red. One side of the fruit
    shoulder is fastigiate,and the other side is raised. The juicy pulp looks crystal-clear,tastes crisp and smells
    mellow. The contents of the soluble solids,the soluble sugar,the total acid and Vitamin C in pulp are
    16.40%,14.70%,0.22% and 310.0 mg · kg-1 respectively,so the integrated quality of the pulp is very nice.
    It has good and stable productivity and strong adaptability. The yield is 23.3 kg up to 35.6 kg.

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  • A New Walnut Cultivar‘Xiling’
  • ZHANG Jian-ying1,2,MAO Xiang-hong1,2,*,ZHANG Ying-ying1,2,and YANG Hui-juan3
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2321-2322. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0877
  • Abstract ( 412 ) HTML ( 557 ) PDF (137KB) ( 557 )    
  • ‘Xiling’is a new early bearing walnut cultivar selected from‘Liaoning 1’seedling
    resources. The nut has a round shape,uniform size,very smooth shell,with vertical,transverse and lateral
    diameters of 3.9 cm,3.7 cm and 3.7 cm respectively. The average weight is 15.9 g per nut and 9.65 g per
    kernel. The nut shell is 1.1 mm thick,easy to remove,with kernel rate of 60.68%. Plump light yellow
    kernel has good taste with slight astringency. The tree has good yielding ability,strong resistance to
    diseases and cold.

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  • A New Processing Pepper Cultivar‘Yanjiao 426’
  • HUANG Ren-zhong1,Lü Zhong-hua1,ZHANG Shi-cai1,LIN Qing2,LI Yi-fei1,and HUANG Qi-zhong1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2325-2326. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0841
  • Abstract ( 335 ) HTML ( 592 ) PDF (170KB) ( 592 )    
  • ‘Yanjiao 426’is a new mid-late maturing hot pepper F1 hybrid,developed by crossing
    ‘754(2)-1’as female parent and‘750-1’as male parent. The average plant height is 102.0 cm. The
    node of the first flower is 15. The fruit is small hot peppers shape,about 6.0 cm in length,1.0 cm in width
    and 0.1 cm in flesh thickness. The average fruit weight is 4.8 g. The yield of fresh pepper is 25.5 t · hm-2. The
    cultivar has strong growth vigor and high resistance to virus disease and Phytophthora capsici Leonian.

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  • A New Iris germanica Cultivar‘Huanwu’
  • HUANG Su-zhen*,GU Chun-sun,YUAN Hai-yan,and TONG Hai-ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2327-2328. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0925
  • Abstract ( 360 ) HTML ( 850 ) PDF (190KB) ( 850 )    
  • ‘Huanwu’is a new Iris germanica cultivar,deriving from the crossbreeding between
    female parent‘93E41076-10’and male parent‘Elizabeth of England’. It is a kind of evergreen,
    xerophytic and cold resistant plant. The flowers are blue with a 50–60 cm stem height. There are 4–6
    flowers grown on each single stem. The florescence is from April to May. It has the advantages of short
    stems,large flowers,bright colors and lodging resistance. It is suitable for open field cultivation in Jiangsu

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  • New Cultivars of Viola × wittrockiana‘Bingzi’,‘Maomi’and‘Weixiao’
  • YANG Di,YANG Hui-na,CHEN Qing,YU Ai-xia,LI Chun-yan,LI Qing-bin,ZHANG Qi-sheng,
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2329-2330. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0927
  • Abstract ( 545 ) HTML ( 678 ) PDF (149KB) ( 678 )    
  • The petals of‘Bingzi’are light purple,and there is a white halo with deep purple stripes
    at the bases of the lateral petals and the labellum;The petals of‘Maomi’are pure yellow,and there are
    deep brown stripes at the bases of the lateral petals and the labellum;The petals of‘Weixiao’are deep
    purple,and there are white patches embedded with deep purple flecks at the bases of the lateral petals and
    the labellum. The new cultivars are early flowering,since their time from sowing to the first blooming is
    only 95–120 d. The flower quantity of it is large as more than 20 flowers per plant can open
    simultaneously during the full-bloom stage. With florescence up to 6 months,it can flower through the
    early summer,showing their resistant to heat. Thus,the new cultivars are suitable for flowering beds and
    potted flowering plants.

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  • A New Celosia Cultivar‘Ronghua’
  • LIAO Fei-xiong1,2,*,LIU Xiao-rong1,LIU Jin-mei1,LIU Xiao-fei1,WANG Dai-rong1,and LIN Yi-jian1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2331-2332. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0832
  • Abstract ( 418 ) HTML ( 670 ) PDF (170KB) ( 670 )    
  • ‘Ronghua’ is a new cultivar developed from the seeds carried by recoverable satellite of
    Celosia cristata‘Zaoshui’,a traditional cultivar in Guangdong. The stable mutant lines were cultivated
    through selecting for 5 generations. ‘Ronghua’cockscomb is 26.32 cm in height,30.92 cm in width,9
    scarlet color crested inflorescences on average and long oval leaf with yellowish green color.
    Inflorescences of this cultivar set earlier than that of the original cultivar and lasts over 60 days. The best
    growing season for this cultivar is in summer in the most regions of China but around year in Southern
    China for its tolerance to high temperature.

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  • A New Ligularia sachalinensis Cultivar‘Jinsui’
  • QI Yuan1,CAI Yan2,DONG Ran2,*,ZHAO He-xiang2,and FENG Yu-cai2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(11): 2333-2334. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0910
  • Abstract ( 299 ) HTML ( 583 ) PDF (183KB) ( 583 )    
  • ‘Jinsui’was selected from the seedling individual of Ligularia sachalinensis Nakai. The
    plant is high and compact with heart-shaped leaves. The inflorescence diameter is 6–7 cm with yellow
    flowers. The blooming stage is 45 days from early July till late August. The height of flowering plant is
    between 106–165 cm. It has the characters such as cold resistance,shade tolerance,hygrophilous and
    long flowering duration. Both the individual and group have a good ornamental value. It is suitable to be
    cultivated in the Northeast of China.

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