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2013, Vol.40, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Bioinformatics Analysis of ANK Gene Family in Apple
  • XU Rui-rui1,ZHANG Shi-zhong2,SU Hong-yan3,LIU Chun-xiang1,CAO Hui1,*,and SHU Huai-rui2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1021.
  • Abstract ( 1556 ) HTML ( 3045 ) PDF (1654KB) ( 3045 )    
  • ANK(ankyrin repeat)containing proteins comprise a large protein family,which play important roles in plant growth, development,and signal transduction,no ANK genes have been reported in apple. In this study,MdANK gene family,gene classification,chromosome location,sequence alignment,conserved structure domains and expression profiles of MdANKs were predicted and analyzed with bioinformatics methods,alignment of amino acid sequences and phylogenetic analysis. The results showed that MdANK family contained 351 genes,which was further divided into 16 types and the largest group is the ANK-M type contains 143 proteins. Phylogenic analysis revealed that MdANK genes in apple could be divided into 15 subfamilies(from A to O)according to the phylogenetic analysis tree by MEGA 5. A total of 112 MdANK genes were mapped to 17 chromosomes,whereas 22 MdANK genes were not mapped to any particular chromosome. For example,Chr 2 encompasses the largest number of 36 MdANK genes,while the lowest number(Chr 6,7 and 8)contained 6 MdANK genes. MdANK proteins contained from 72 to 2 429 amino acids and the isoelectric point is from 4.30 to 11.13. Expression analysis showed that the expression levels of most MdANK genes were altered during the ripening process and rootstock-scion interactions process. Our data will provide very useful information for cloning and functional analysis of members of this gene family in apple.
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  • The Mechanism Analysis of Anthocyanin Accumulation in Peach Accelerated by ALA
  • GUO Lei,CAI Zhi-xiang,ZHANG Bin-bin,XU Jian-lan,SONG Hong-feng,and MA Rui-juan*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1043.
  • Abstract ( 1000 ) HTML ( 1864 ) PDF (367KB) ( 1864 )    
  • 5-aminolevulinic acid(ALA)solutions of 300,100 and 50 mg · L-1,respectively,were applied on‘Zaobaihua’peach before coloring. The results showed that high concentration of ALA(300 mg · L-1)could accelerate fruit ripening and skin coloration by activating UFGTDFRLDOX and CHS expression. A highly similar pattern was observed between the expression of four related genes and the accumulation of anthocyanin in fruit skin. The data indicate that ALA might be involved in the regulation of ripening and anthocyanin accumulation in peach,and promoted the level of anthocyanin.
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  • Assessment of Freezing Tolerance of Juglans Germplasms by Using Annual Dormant Branches
  • TIAN Jing-hua1,WANG Hong-xia2,GAO Yi1,and ZHANG Zhi-hua2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1051.
  • Abstract ( 1323 ) HTML ( 1895 ) PDF (531KB) ( 1895 )    
  • The test materials were annual dormant branches of 18 Juglans germplasms that belong to 4 species including J. regia L.,J. hopeiensis Hu.,J. mandshurica Maxim.,and J. nigra L. The semi-lethal temperatures(LT50)were assessed separately by electrolyte leakage,tissuebrowning,and triphenyl tetrazolium chloride(TTC)dyeingmethod with Logistic equation. Branch anatomical structures were observed with paraffin sections. The correlations between branch anatomical structures and freezing tolerance were analyzed. The results showed that relative electrical conductivities(REC)of walnut annual branches were rising with the temperature drop. The significant differences of LT50 of Juglans germplasms were observed between –38 ℃ and –22 ℃. The interspecific differences were distinct,and the order of freezing tolerance was J. nigra> J. mandshuricaJ. hopeiensis > J. regia. Electrolyte leakage,tissue browning,and TTCdyeing method all could be used for assessment of the freezing tolerance in dormant period,but LT50assessed by electrolyte leakage was more accurate than the other methods. There was significant positive correlation(P < 0.01)between LT50 and REC at–24 ℃,which was a little higher than LT50 of the most Juglans germplasms. LT50 and REC at–24 ℃ could be used as physicochemical indexes for freezing tolerance identification of Juglans indormant period. In addition,thetissues thickness of annual branches with roughly similar stem diameter had significant differences. Thesignificant negative correlation(P < 0.01)was showed between LT50andphellem layerthickness orphellem layer ratio in the branch,which provided morphological indexes to assess the freezing tolerance of Juglans in dormant period.
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  • Comparison of Allele-specific PCR and High Resolution Melting Analysis in SNP Genotyping and Their Application in Pummelo Cultivar Identification
  • YANG Run-ting1,2,WU Bo1,2,LI Chong1,ZENG Pei1,ZENG Ji-wu2,ZHONG Yun2,JIANG Bo2,ZHOU Bi-rong2,and ZHONG Guang-yan2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1061.
  • Abstract ( 1177 ) HTML ( 5898 ) PDF (427KB) ( 5898 )    
  • Allele-specific PCR(AS-PCR)and high resolution melting analysis(HRMA)are two widely used SNP genotyping methods but no research has been done to compare them in terms of genotyping efficiency. In this study,16 pummelo cultivars and 8 pummelo hybrids were genotyped using AS-PCR and HRMA respectively on two different sets of 7 SNP loci. It was shown that both methods generated the same genotyping results in which 24 accessions were assigned into 22 genotypes. It was noteworthy that Hassaku and Red Hassaku were identical at all SNP loci,indicating both accessions should  have originated asexually from the same mother cultivar,as was the same case for the two Japanese summer orange cultivars,Beni Amanatsu and Kawano Natsudaidai. Interestingly,the early- and middle-season‘Zhenlong’pummelo cultivars possessed different genotypes,indicating clearly that they unlikely had the same origin as bud mutations as was thought before,and further analysis of HRMA results showed there is no direct hereditary relationship between them. Our results showed that both AS-PCR and HRMA were suitable methods for the identification of pummelo-related accessions. AS-PCR is a reliable and low-cost SNP genotyping method and easily accessible to ordinary laboratories though the method was found to be sensitive to changes in PCR conditions. HRMA is proven to be a reliable,quick,simple and high throughput SNP genotyping method;However,it uses special equipment and expensive reagents.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cucumber CsARF10 Genes Subfamily
  • GUO Qin-wei,LI Ji,CUI Li,ZHANG Ting-lin,Kere George Mbira,and CHEN Jin-feng*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1071.
  • Abstract ( 1638 ) HTML ( 1004 ) PDF (803KB) ( 1004 )    
  • Three ARF10 genes(Auxin-Respond-Factor)named CsARF10aCsARF10b and CsARF10c,were screened from the cucumber genome database by protein homology BLAST and cloned from 8419s-1 by polymerase chain reaction(PCR). In present study,phylogenetic reconstruction indicated that the CsARF10a has closer relation with SlARF10,while CsARF10b and CsARF10c have higher similarity with AtARF10. Promoter prediction showed that the promoters consist of diversified multiple hormone response elements. The real-time quantitative PCR(RT-qPCR)analysis proved that the expression of cucumber ARF10 genes could be regulated by different phytohormones or concentrations of 1-naphthylacetic acid(NAA)and performed different expression patterns. It was also seen that CsARF10 gene subfamily had high transcriptional levels either in roots,stems,leaves or in male flowers;In additional,the qPCR results showed that although the expression of CsARF10 genes have similar transcriptional trend,the CsARF10a had high expression level while mRNA of CsARF10b and CsARF10c were relatively low.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of LsHsp70 from Lactuca sativa  
  • LI Ting,HAN Ying-yan,HAO Jing-hong,FAN Shuang-xi*,and REN Yue
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1081.
  • Abstract ( 1046 ) HTML ( 1302 ) PDF (1144KB) ( 1302 )    
  • The full-length cDNA of Hsp70 in Lactuca sativa L. was cloned using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)and rapid-amplification of cDNA ends(RACE). The results showed that LsHsp70 open reading frame is 2 094 bp which encoding a polypeptide of 697 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 74.1 kD. The three highly conserved HSP70 family signatures is IDLGTTNS,VFDLGGGTFDVSVL and VILVGGSTRIPAV. The similarity of amino acids between Hsp70 with the homologous gene in Arabidopsis thaliana is 92%. The expression patterns were analyzed by Real-time quantitative PCR in heat-resistant type‘Z36’and heat-sensitive type ‘S106’ under different high temperatures. The results showed that the high temperature could promote LsHsp70 expression,and LsHsp70 expression responses under 37 ℃ were more sensitive and had a large accumulation than under 42 ℃;In the same temperature,‘Z36’responses speed were more slowly and last longer.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of B Class MADS-box Gene AcDEF Associated with Floral Development in Onion
  • XU Qi-jiang1,DING Yi1,HUANG He1,WANG Yong2,CUI Cheng-ri3,and LIANG Yi4,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1090.
  • Abstract ( 979 ) HTML ( 1641 ) PDF (653KB) ( 1641 )    
  • We isolated the AP3/DEF-homologue from the onion variety‘RUPI’using RACE(rapid amplification of cDNA ends),and characterized its expression patterns in vegetative and floral organs using semi-quantitative RT-PCR and quantitative real-time PCR. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that our onion gene,denoted AcDEF,belongs to the AP3/ DEF subfamily of the B-function gene family and has sequence characteristics similar to other monocot paleoAP3 genes. The cDNA sequence is 1 014 bp long,includes both 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions,a poly(A)tail,and an open reading frame encoding a protein with a predicted length of 224 amino acids. Expression analyses indicate that AcDEF is specifically expressed in flower with no detectable signal in vegetative organs,such as roots,cauloids,leaves and bulbs. In addition,expression is tissue-specific in floral organs,with the highest level in the petals and stamens,moderate level in scapes and membranous sheath. AcDEF is expressed at very low levels in the carpels. Accumulation of AcDEF transcripts is dynamically changed and associated with the flower-bud formation and development. Expression of AcDEF is strongly detected during the initiation and early development of petals and stamens,but expression levels in these organs are somewhat reduced at later developmental stages. There also appears to be a gradual and obvious decrease in AcDEF expression during the different developmental stages of scapes,membranous sheath and carpels,such that it is almost absent from the membranous sheath and carpels in full-opening flowers.
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Ornamental Plants

  • The Apical Bud Cell Ultra-structure Changes of Lilium pumilum Bulbs During Breaking Dormancy Under Refrigerated Condition
  • LIU Fang1,2,WANG Jia-yan1,WANG Xiao-li3,and ZHOU Yun-wei1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1110.
  • Abstract ( 1086 ) HTML ( 1400 ) PDF (1467KB) ( 1400 )    
  • The bulb apical bud cell ultra-structure changes of Lilium pumilum bulbs during breaking dormancy under refrigerated condition were studied. Results showed that the material and energy metabolism of bulbs were weak between 0 to 12 days and bulbs couldn’t sprout;The germination rate of bulbs was lower and mitochondria and golgi vesicles increased,cells exchanged materials through the plasma membrane endocytosis and plasmodesmata between 12 to 48 days. Nucleoli were incompact and endoplasmic reticulums scattered orderly between 48 to 72 days,and endoplasm bridges formed at the edges of vacuole membrane and plasma membrane,with some of them extending to the nuclear envelope. Intracellular and intercellular connection had been established in this period. Endoplasm bridges and the plasmodesmata connected in budding period,and the internal structures and quantity of organelles increased obviously,dormancy is completely broken in this period.
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  • Cloning of Chlorophyll a/b Binding Protein CmLhcb1 and Promoter from Chrysanthemum morifolium and Expression Analysis
  • HAN Shuang1,2,LIU Rui-xia1,ZHANG Zhao-he1,CHEN Su-mei1,JIANG Jia-fu1,FANG Wei-min1,LIAO Yuan1,and CHEN Fa-di1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1119.
  • Abstract ( 1168 ) HTML ( 1926 ) PDF (354KB) ( 1926 )    
  • The cDNA of cut chrysanthemum‘Gongzi’was used to clonehomologous gene cab,which had 798 bp ORF and 266 amino acid. After blast analysis,we confirmed that the gene was ranked as Lhcb1,and was named as CmLhcb1. Using the cDNA of‘Puma Sunny’chrysanthemum to homologously clone gene Lhcb1,we got the same amino sequence with that of‘Gongzi’. The expression of CmLhcb1 was the higher in leaf than that in stem,flower and root. Low light and GA3 treatment increased CmLhcb1 expression. Paclobutrazol treatment inhibited CmLhcb1 expression.The circadian clock regulated the  expression of CmLhcb1. The gene expression in day was enormously higher than that in night. The promoter sequence 715 bp of‘Gongzi’cut chrysanthemum and 716 bp of‘Puma Sunny’were cloned using high-efficiency TAIL-PCR(hiTAIL-PCR),and many biologic and abiotic stress responsive elements related to light,GA,ABA,water,SA and virus were found by PLACE Databank. The promoter was light responsive,and it had the GT1-box and Z-box element.
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  • Isolation and Expression Analysis of GST Gene Encoding Glutathione S-transferase from Senecio cruentus
  • JIN Xue-hua1,2,HONG Yan1,HUANG He1,DAI Si-lan1,*,and ZHU Yuan1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1129.
  • Abstract ( 1185 ) HTML ( 1428 ) PDF (897KB) ( 1428 )    
  • We cloned 10 glutathione transferase(GST)genes from Senecio cruentus and called after ScGST110. ScGST3 was considered to be an alternative gene which related to the transfer of anthocyanin based on the similarity compare of sequence and analysis of gene expression. The amplified sequence of ScGST3 contains a 639 bp open reading frame,which encodes 212 amino acid residues. It also contains 3 exons and 2 introns and belongs to phi type GST. The compare analysis of amino acid sequence showed that the similarity between ScGST3 and other GSTs that related to the transfer of anthocyanin(such as DcGSTF2 in Dianthus caryophyllus,CkmGST3 in Cyclamen persicum and PhAN9 in Petunia hybrida and so on)were higher. The analysis of fluorescent quantitation PCR showed that this gene had a higher expression in the tissues which contain anthocyanin. The expression reached the highest abundance and decreased at the early and final stages of inflorescence development,respectively. In conclusion,we inferred that ScGST3 might associate with the transfer and accumulation of anthocyanin in Senecio cruentus.
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  • Changes of Ca2+ and Ca2+-ATPase in the Mesophyll Cells of Euonymus japonicus‘Cuzhi’Under Cold Stress
  • YANG Rui,GUAN Xue-lian*,ZHANG Rui-li,YANG Wen-li,ZHENG Jian,and LENG Ping-sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1139.
  • Abstract ( 820 ) HTML ( 1333 ) PDF (3577KB) ( 1333 )    
  • Changes of Ca2+ and Ca2+-ATPase in the mesophyll cell of Euonymus japonicus‘Cuzhi’at 4 ℃were investigated with electromicroscopic-cytochemical methods of calcium antimonate and lead nitrate precipitate. It is shown in the evidences that,compared with that of the plant at room temperature,the number of calcium particles in intercellular spaces and vacuoles of the mesophyll cell decreased,but that in the cytoplasm significantly increased at the early stage(at 4 ℃ from 3 hours to 12 hours). However,there was almost no changes of Ca2+-ATPase distribution. The plasma and vacuoles membrane showed high activity of Ca2+-ATPase simultaneously. After 24 hours at 4 ℃,Ca2+ in cytoplasm and nucleus which increased before began to go back to the intercellular spaces and the vacuoles,Ca2+-ATPase activity on plasma and vacuoles membrane was enhanced. At 4 ℃ from 48 hours to 96 hours,Ca2+ concentration in the cytoplasm restored to the lower resting level,the same as that before the cold stress,yet the plasma and vacuoles membrane still showed high activity of Ca2+-ATPase. Thus it could be concluded that there is certain relativity between Ca2+ homeostasis and dynamic changes of Ca2+-ATPase with the plant cold resistance.  
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Research Notes

  • The Preliminary Study on the Enzymes Activity Related to Fruit Texture of the Fruit of Soft/Crisp Strains from the Cross Progenies of‘Fuji’and Malus sieversii
  • GAO Li-ping,JI Xiao-hao,ZHANG Yan-min,SONG Jun,LI Min,LIU Da-liang,ZHANG Rui,and CHEN Xue-sen*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1153.
  • Abstract ( 1386 ) HTML ( 1587 ) PDF (352KB) ( 1587 )    
  • Using the two soft strains‘Mianrou 1’and‘Mianrou 2’and two crisp strains‘Cuirou 1’ and‘Cuirou 2’selected from the F1 cross progenies of‘Fuji’and Malus sieversii as the experimental materials,we measured the fruit firmness,fracturability,ethylene release and cell wall degrading enzymes and analyzed their correlation. The results indicated that:1)The firmness and fracturability of two crisp strains were extremely significantly higher than that of two soft strains during various period;2)The ethylene production rate was low and there is no obvious difference between the soft and crisp strains in the young fruit and fruit enlargement period,but the ethylene release rate in the fruit of two soft strains is ten times of that of two crisp ones in 130 days after blossom,which the fruit reached the mature period;3)Activity of pectinase and β-galactosidase in two soft strains were higher than that of two crisp strains in the most fruit growing period. But for the activity of α-L-arabinofuranosidase,β-xylosidase,amylase and lipoxygenase,the difference between that in the two crisp and soft strains was little in the early fruit development period,while the activity of them in the two soft stains were significantly higher than that of two crisp strains in the later fruit growing period;4)The correlation analysis showed that the soft/crisp flesh character was closely related to the enzyme activities of polygalacturonase,α-L-arabinofuranosidase and amylase.
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  • Development of EPIC Markers in Actinidia and Their Application for Phylogenetic Analysis of Genus Actinidia
  • LIU Lei1,2,YAO Xiao-hong1,and HUANG Hong-wen3,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1162.
  • Abstract ( 956 ) HTML ( 2020 ) PDF (280KB) ( 2020 )    
  • In the present study,a set of biparental and single-copy EPIC markers were developed by blasting ESTs database of Actinidia chinensis and A. deliciosa and genome database of Vitis vinifera. A total of 129 EPIC markers were identified with an average identity ≥ 85% in the flanking exon regions. A total of 96 EPIC primer pairs were designed and tested,of which,21 successfully amplified the target regions in A. chinensis and A. deliciosa. The nucleotide diversity(Pi),variable sites,parsimony informative sites varied from 0.003 to 0.069,0.7% to 14.8%,and 0 to 9.4%,respectively. Phylogeny of five Actinidia species using EPIC-1 marker was reconstructed,showing the primers developed here could be successfully amplified in A. erianthaA. fulvicoma var. lanata and A. chrysantha. The results indicated that EPIC markers have good cross-species transferability and can be applied to phylogenetic analysis in Actinidia as universal primers.
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  • Effects of Calcium on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Quality of Garlic
  • LI He,LIU Shi-qi*,WANG Yue,LIU Jing-kai,FENG Lei,and CHEN Xiang-wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1169.
  • Abstract ( 1026 ) HTML ( 1357 ) PDF (269KB) ( 1357 )    
  • In this experiment,the effects of calcium in nutrient solution on calcium content,photosynthetic characteristics and qualities of garlic were studied. Six different Ca2+ concentrations at 0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0 mmol · L-1 were designed. The results indicated that the calcium contents of garlic bolt and bulb were increased with the increase of calcium concentrations. When the calcium concentrations were in the range of 0–3.0 mmol · L-1,the pigment contents and photosynthetic parameters(PnEGs)of garlic leaves were enhanced with the increase of calcium concentrations,then they were decreased with the increase of calcium concentrations. The fresh weight of bolt and bulb,the bolt diameter,the bolting rate and the transverse diameter of bulb were increased at first and then decreased with the increase of calcium concentrations,these shape indexes under 3.0 mmol · L-1 treatment were the highest. At the same time,the contents of allicin,soluble sugar,vitamin C,free amino acid and soluble protein in bolt and bulb were also improved with the increase of calcium concentrations ranging from 0 to 3.0 mmol · L-1,these  indexes under 3.0 mmol · L-1 treatment were increased by 54.7% and 72.1%,33.9% and 33.9%,11.5% and 5.2%,19.3% and 21.5%,32.6% and 29.6% compared to the treatment of 1.0 mmol · L-1 calcium concentration,then they were minished with the increase of calcium concentrations greater than 3.0 mmol · L-1. Thus it can be seen that,the 3.0 mmol · L-1 calcium concentration was the best treatment to garlic under hydroponic condition.
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  • Studies on Haploid Plant Induction via in Vitro of Unfertilized Ovary of Garlic
  • LIU Ying-ying,LIU Shi-qi*,XUE Xiao-yan,LIU Jing-kai,CHEN Xiang-wei,and FENG Lei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1178.
  • Abstract ( 1008 ) HTML ( 1057 ) PDF (342KB) ( 1057 )    
  • The flower buds of garlic(Allium sativum L.) were used to get well-developed floral organ by means of garlic stem culture in vitro. With the unfertilized ovary,a regeneration system of garlic in vitro was established by analysis the effects of different medium(MS,B5,N6)and different hormones on haploid induction. The suitable media for callus induction was B5 + 2 mg · L-1 6-BA + 1 mg · L-1 NAA,the highest induction rate of callus and gynogenic embryos was 12.24%;The suitable media for adventitious bud was B5 + 3 mg · L-1 6-BA + 1 mg · L-1 NAA,the regeneration frequencies was 46.15%;Adventitious bud and embryos could grow root and develop into complete plant in the media B5 + 0.05 mg · L-1 NAA. Eighteen regeneration plants were obtained in total. Ploidy analysis of the regenerations with flow cytometry analysis of leaf tissue revealed that 16 regeneration palnts are haploid.
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  • Effects of Storage Temperature and Ultradrying Treatment on Vigor and Anti-lipid-peroxidation of Pugionium Seed
  • ZHAO Peng,HAO Li-zhen*,PANG Jie,ZHANG Yi-ting,ZHANG Feng-lan,and YANG Zhong-ren
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1185.
  • Abstract ( 957 ) HTML ( 1043 ) PDF (358KB) ( 1043 )    
  • The effects of storage temperature on vigor and anti-lipid-peroxidation of ultradried seeds of Pugionium Gaertn. were studied by reducing the moisture content of Pugionium cornutum(L.)Gaertn. and Pugionium dolabratum Maxim to 3.1%,2.2%,1.3% from the initial content respectively by silica gel,and aged at 50 ℃,35 ℃ and 20 ℃ for 1 year,which would provide theoretical basis for aging and storage of the seeds. The results indicated that there were optimum moisture content of P. cornutum(L.)Gaertn. and P. dolabratum Maxim. seeds stored at 50 ℃,35 ℃ and 20 ℃,and the contents of P. cornutum(L.)Gaertn. and P. dolabratum Maxim. seeds increased from 4.5%–3.1% and 4.3%–2.2% to 4.5%–2.2% and 4.3%–1.3% with the declining of the temperature respectively. The deterioration of the seed vigor occurred earlier than germination percentagereduction significantly. After aging treatment,relative electrical conductivity of the seeds increased when the content decreased,and seed germination,vigor and the integrity of cell membranes of the seeds with initial moisture content(CK)were the best in all ultradried seeds. The range of optimum moisture contents and the ability of resisting aging ofP. dolabratum Maxim. seeds were greater than P. cornutum(L.)Gaertn. seeds. The generation of superoxide generation rate()and accumulation of malondialdehyde(MDA)were promoted in storage process,and the influence was the lowest at 35 ℃. The activities of CAT,GPX,APX of the two specie seeds were still retained,which affected by stored temperature. Under the experimental conditions,the optimal conditions of storage were suggested that the optimum moisture content of P. cornutum(L.)Gaertn. and P. dolabratum Maxim. seeds are 4.5% and 4.3% respectively at 35 ℃.
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  • Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of UDP-glycosyltransferase in Siraitia grosvenorii
  • XING Ai-jia1,MA Xiao-jun2,3,*,MO Chang-ming1,3,PAN Li-mei3,4,WEI Peng-xiao1,TANG Chun-feng3,4,and TANG Qi3,4,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1195.
  • Abstract ( 1469 ) HTML ( 1187 ) PDF (4546KB) ( 1187 )    
  • Cloning,sequence analysis of the UDP-glycosyltransferase gene from Siraitia grosvenorii and its expression in E. coli were conducted to further explore the relationship between SgUDPG1 expression and mogroside Ⅴ biosynthesis. The UDP-glycosyltransferase cDNA fragments amplified from Siraitia grosvenorii transcriptome by rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE)and RT-PCR,and then the cloned gene of SgUDPG1 was inserted into vector pEASY-E1. The recombinant plasmid pEASY-E1-SgUDPG1 was expressed in a prokaryotic expression system after it was transformed into  E. coli BL21(DE3).The fusion protein was analyzed by SDS-PAGE,Western-blotting and mass spectrometry. The results showed that a full-length SgUDPG1 cDNA of 1 959 bp including open reading frame(ORF)of 1 365 bp was isolated. The predicted SgUDPG1 protein has 454 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 51.2 kD and an isoelectric point of 5.39. The SgUDPG1 contains 6 conserved domains predicted by InterProScan,including PSPG-box motif which is a unique consensus sequence of glycosyltransferases involved in plant secondary metabolism. DGE analysis showed that the expression of SgUDPG1 in 50 d and 70 d increased 5.16 and 13.12 times respectively than the 3 d. The results of SDS-PAGE,Western-blotting and mass spectrometry demonstrated that the recombinant plasmid pEASY- E1-His-SgUDPG1 could express a fusion protein whose molecule mass is 5.3 kD larger than the predicted molecule mass. Therefore,the SgUDPG1 of Siraitia grosvenorii was cloned and successfully expressed in E. coli. This study will provide a foundation for studying the function of this UDP-glycosyltransferase.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Mid-ripening Flat Peach Cultivar‘Yuxia Pantao’
  • XU Jian-lan,MA Rui-juan*,YU Ming-liang,SHEN Zhi-jun,ZHANG Bin-bin,CAI Zhi-xiang,and DU Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1205.
  • Abstract ( 1198 ) HTML ( 1059 ) PDF (169KB) ( 1059 )    
  • ‘Yuxia Pantao’is a mid-ripening flat peach cultivar derived from the cross of‘Ruipan 4’and‘Ruiguang 18’. The fruit shape is flat,the average weight is 174 g,and the biggest one is 337 g. The flesh is white,melting,sweet,with 12.9% soluble solids content,9.37% soluble sugar content and 0.18% titratable acid content. The stone is cling. It ripens in late-July in Nanjing,and the fruit development period is about 120 d. It is self-fruitful and the yield is high.
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  • A New Precocious Walnut Cultivar‘Zanmei’
  • ZHAO Shu-gang1,WANG Hong-xia2,GAO Yi3,CHU Fa-chao4,ZHANG Zhi-hua2,*,GUO Jian-chao4,and LEI Ling4
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1207.
  • Abstract ( 1247 ) HTML ( 973 ) PDF (165KB) ( 973 )    
  • ‘Zanmei’is a new precocious walnut cultivar selected from seedling resources in Taihang Mountain area. The walnut is oblong in shape. The average nut weight is 11.30 g,and kernel percentage is 53.6%. The thickness of shell is about 1.23 mm;The shell seal grade is 264.11N. The nut has smooth surface. It is very easy to take out the whole kernel for dissepiment of nut shells degradated;The kernel was full and plump with a light yellow-white episperm. The kernel total fat content is 57.3%,and total protein content is 15.3%. In addition,it has good productivity,high resistant to disease.
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  • A New Chinese Jujube Cultivar‘Luzao 9’
  • SHAN Gong-hua1,*,ZHOU Guang-fang1,ZHANG Qiong1,Lü Fei-fei1,XUE Pei-sheng1,WANG Chang-gui2,and WANG Zhong-tang1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1209.
  • Abstract ( 754 ) HTML ( 762 ) PDF (86KB) ( 762 )    
  • ‘Luzao 9’is a new jujube cultivar,was selected from the open pollinated seedlings. It is suitable for dry and fresh fruit. The fruit is big,flat-topped cone in shape,with the average fruit weight of 12.5 g,34.5% the soluble solids,2.93 mg · g-1 vitamin C content,the edible rate is 93.0%. It is suitable for dry and fresh fruit. It ripens in mid September in Tai’an,Shandong. The cultivar is resistant to fruit crack. The trees are precocious and productive,high yield.
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  • A New Strawberry Cultivar‘Tongsheng 1’
  • GU Di-zhou*,ZHU Jun-yi,XIA Guang-qing,FENG Ying,and JIANG Yun-tian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1211.
  • Abstract ( 927 ) HTML ( 1022 ) PDF (165KB) ( 1022 )    
  • ‘Tongsheng 1’is a new strawberry cultivar from variation of the petals of Fragaria orientalis Lozinsk. var. concolor(Kitag.)Liou et C. Y. Li. The fruit is roundish,bright red and cone-shaped. The average fruit weight is 44.5 g,and the maximum is 62.4 g. It has 8.2%–10.0% soluble solids content,6.53% total sugar content,0.57% total acid content,0.83 mg · g-1 vitamin C content,and 2.16 kg · cm-2 firmness,storage and transport. It has resistant to powdery mildew,Botrytis cinerea,cold weather,and drought,which is suitable for cultivation under the low temperature natural conditions in the east of Jilin.
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  • A New Early-maturing Autumn Cabbage Hybrid‘Huigan 68’
  • LIU Cai-hong,WU Yong-hui*,and WANG Cui-xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1213.
  • Abstract ( 964 ) HTML ( 794 ) PDF (164KB) ( 794 )    
  • ‘Huigan 68’is a new hybrid of autumn cabbage which is developed from two self-incompatible lines of‘9001-17’and‘0206-3’. It is early-maturing hybrid,68–70 days from planting to harvest. It grows vigorously,and has dark green smooth external leaves,moderate wax,green round head with good compaction and crack resistance. Its expansion is 48–50 cm. The cabbage is relatively crisp and tender,with sweet flavor and high quality. The mass of single head is 1.33 kg and the yield is 63.41–65.33 t · hm-2. It is resistant to heat and disease. As an early autumn cabbage,it is adapted to Shanxi,Beijing,Henan,Yunnan etc.
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  • A New Auricularia auricula-judae Cultivar‘Jihei 2’
  • FANG Ming1,2,YAO Fang-jie1,2,*,WANG Xiao-e1,2,CHEN Ying1,2,ZHANG Zhi-wei1,and Ren Yang-yang1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1215.
  • Abstract ( 968 ) HTML ( 823 ) PDF (154KB) ( 823 )    
  • ‘Jihei 2’is a new cultivar of edible mushroom Auricularia auricula-judae oriented from the“mon–mon”hybridization between a wild strain collected from Yuejin Forestry Centre of Jagdaqi and a landrace,then systematic breeding. 115–125 days are required from inoculation to harvest,the fruit body is fascicled of single auricle with dark color. The diameter of a single auricle is from 3.5 cm to 6.3 cm. The thickness is from 0.12 cm to 0.14 cm. The rate of single auricle is 27.8% higher than the control. The average yield is 80.9 kg every 100 kg fresh compost.
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  • A New Flower Cymbidium Cultivar‘Shuguang’
  • WANG Yu-ying1,2 and LI Zhi-lin1,3,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1217.
  • Abstract ( 1213 ) HTML ( 944 ) PDF (140KB) ( 944 )    
  • ‘Shuguang’is derived from the cross of female Cymbidium tracyanum L. Castleand male Cymbidium mastersii Griff. ex Lindl. It belongs to a potted flower cultivar and evergreen perennial plant with ribbon leaf,cream to pastel green sepal,pale yellow-green petal and reddish longitudinal veins,reddish ventral surface of gynandrium,and fragrant flower. There are two lines of golden fuzz between the right and left lobed labellum. The number of leaves is about 14–20,the peduncle length is 51–56 cm with 6–12 flowers,the diameter of flower head is about 9.5–13.0 cm,the diameter of petal is added slightly about(1.6 ± 0.2)cm. Blooming of flower is 40–60 days,and the vase life can last 20–45 days. It is suitable for subtropical or climate at some place protected cultivation.
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  • A New Musella lasiocarpa Cultivar‘Foyue Jinlian’
  • MA Hong,LI Zheng-hong*,WAN You-ming,and LIU Xiu-xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(6): 1219.
  • Abstract ( 900 ) HTML ( 1151 ) PDF (563KB) ( 1151 )    
  • ‘Foyue Jinlian’is a new cultivar which is selected and bred from the natural variant plants of Musella lasiocarpa(Franch.)C. Y. Wu ex H. W. Li. The cultivar is tufted perennial herb with persistent leaf-sheaths and compact in plant type. The average height of the plants is(127.7 ± 18.1)cm. Its leaf is ovate in shape with leaf index ranging from 1.86–1.97. The midrib of leaf is red to red-purple on both surfaces,pinnate veins distinct along midrib. The bract is triangle-ovate in shape whose color is orange on adaxial surface and orange-red on abaxial surface. The cultivar has great ornamental value,strong growing vigor and high complex resistance to main disease. It is suitable to be cultivated for domestic decoration and landscape designment widely.
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