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2014, Vol.41, No.1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
  • Expression Analysis of Three Phloem-specific Promoters in Transgenic Poncirus trifoliata
  • XU Lan-Zhen, PENG Ai-Hong, HE Yong-Rui, YAO Li-Xiao, LEI Tian-Gang, LIU Xiao-Feng, JIANG Guo-Jin, ZOU Xiu-Ping, CHEN Shan-Chun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 1-8.
  • Abstract ( 975 ) HTML ( 1917 ) PDF (1587KB) ( 1917 )    
  • For screening phloem-specific promoters in citrus,the plant expression vectors containing
    GUS reporter cassette driven by Glycine-rich protein gene promoter (GRP)from Vigna unguiculata(Linn.)
    Walp(bean),Agrobacterium Rhizogenes RolC gene promoter(Rolc)from Agrobacterium rhizogenes and
    Sucrose synthase 1 gene(RSSl)promoter from Oryza sativa(rice)were constructed,and introduced into
    the Poncirus trifoliata(L.)Raf. seedling epicotyls by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.
    Histochemical β-glucuronidase(GUS)analysis revealed vascular-specific expression of the GUS protein in
    citrus. The GRP promoter displayed strong and strict phloem-specific expression pattern in this study while
    the RSS1 promoter could drive low levels of GUS gene expression in citrus. Strong constitutive expression of GUS driven by the Rolc promoter was detected in root and stem. These results were further confirmed
    by reverse transcription real-time polymerase chain reaction and quantitative GUS enzyme activity assays.
    The strong vascular-specific promoter i.e. GRP promoter provides a good candidate for targeting
    expression of antibacterial constructs to battle Citrus huanglongbing disease(HLB or citrus greening
    disease),associated with a phloem-limited Gram-negative bacterium
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of PtrZPT2-2 from Trifoliate Orange (Poncirus trifoliata
  • LIU De-Chun, WU Qi, WANG Yue-Chen, LIU Shan-Bei, LIU Yong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 9-16.
  • Abstract ( 691 ) HTML ( 1581 ) PDF (665KB) ( 1581 )    
  • In the present study,a novel C2H2-type zinc finger protein gene,PtrZPT2-2,was cloned
    from trifoliate orange by in silico and RT-PCR approaches. The PtrZPT2-2 encodes a protein of 159 amino
    acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 17.28 kD and an isoelectric point of 9.51. The PtrZPT2-2
    protein contains two C2H2-type zinc finger domains,and a putative transcription repression domain
    (EAR/DLN-box)at the C-terminus. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the PtrZPT2-2 clustered with
    PtaZFP2,ZPT2-12,ZPT2-13,ZAT12 and ZAT7. PtrZPT2-2 shared high identity with other C2H2-type
    zinc finger proteins involved in abiotic stress responses. Semi-quantitative PCR analysis showed that
    expression of PtrZPT2-2 was upregulated by cold,salt,drought and ABA treatments in leaves,stems and
    roots of trifoliate orange seedlings. Our data suggested that PtrZPT2-2 is a new member of the C2H2-type
    zinc finger protein genes and may play an important role in response to cold,salt,drought and ABA
    stresses in citrus.
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  • Using Differential Thermal Analysis to Analyze Grape Buds Cold Hardiness of 8 Rootstocks and 6 Cultivars
  • GAO Zhen, DI Heng, ZANG Xing-Long, ZHU Hua-Ping, DU Yuan-Peng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 17-25.
  • Abstract ( 1049 ) HTML ( 1133 ) PDF (255KB) ( 1133 )    
  • China is cold and little snow in winter as a continental monsoon climate,cold damage to
    grapes often occurs in northern regions. Freezing injury reduces grape output significantly,and causes an
    enormous waste of manpower and material resources due to the requirement for re-plantation in severe
    cases. The annual minimum temperature occurs in January and may reach below–15 ℃ in Shandong
    Province where belongs to the buried critical areas. Although commercial grape production in Shandong
    predominantly relies on own-rooted plants,there is an interest in grafting to rootstocks for its higher cold
    hardiness. Therefore,comparing grape hardiness in same period to filter out the strong cold resistance
    varieties for production is very important and imminent. We evaluated buds cold hardiness of 8 rootstocks
    and 6 cultivars in this study,which aims to screen out strong cold hardiness rootstocks and cultivars. A
    system for Differential Thermal Analysis(DTA)was applied for Low Temperature Exotherms(LTE)
    analysis of buds of several grape varieties,and the regression line of temperature-injury(LT–I)of buds
    was established. LTE analysis,which can be used to compare the cold hardiness of different plant varieties,has been undergoing improvement since the 1970s. Initially,the half-lethal temperature(LT50),
    LT10 or LT90 was applied to analyze initial low-temperature exothermic data,but these values failed to fully
    reflect the cold hardiness of different varieties. LT–I analysis obtained by LTE method could make an
    overall evaluation of grapevine cold hardiness,and lethal temperature coefficient(Qlt)is calculated as the
    slope of the linear portion of the LT–I regression line within 20% to 80% injury,the range of importance
    to plant survival and production. Qlt represents the rate of injury increase for one-degree decrease of lethal
    temperature(LT),could reflect the sensitivity of varieties to low temperature. The order of Qlt of buds was
    Chancellor < 5BB < Frontenac < Beichun < SO4 < Vidal < 101-14Mgt < Beta < 3309C < 140Ru <
    Moldova < Cabernet Sauvignon < 110R < 1103P;The buds 50% lethal temperature of different cultivars
    was in the order of Cabernet Sauvignon > Moldova > Vidal > Chancellor > 110R > 1103P > 3309C >
    140Ru > Beichun > 101-14 Mgt > Frontenac > Beta > 5BB > SO4. A comprehensive evaluation on LT20 to
    LT80 of different varieties were analyzed by subordinate function value analysis. The result indicated that
    the buds of Cabernet Sauvignon had the worst cold hardiness,followed by Moldova,Vidal,Chancellor,
    110R,3309C,140Ru,Beichun,1103P and 101-14M,while Frontenac,Beta,5BB and SO4 had the best
    cold hardiness. Buds in deep dormancy had a better cold hardiness,characterized by the buds cold
    hardiness in January were better than in November.
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  • Forecasting Analysis of the Grape Flowering Pathway Based on the Grape EST Database
  • LIU Dan, MU Qian, LI Xiao-Peng, LIU Geng-Sen, LI Yu, ZHANG Yan-苹, FANG Jing-Gui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 26-34.
  • Abstract ( 680 ) HTML ( 1321 ) PDF (1834KB) ( 1321 )    
  • Homologous grape EST sequences were searched against the grape EST database using the
    corresponding flowering pathway gene sequences from Arabidopsis as the probes. The existence and
    expression of related genes involved in the flowering pathway in grape were further studied by
    half-qRT-PCR using cDNA,prepared from different grape organs at various developing stages,as PCR
    template,bashed on which,the grape flowering pathways were thoroughly forecasted. The study results
    also indicated that the expression levels of the grape flowering pathway genes showed some
    spatiotemporal differences.
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  • Comparison of Peel Characteristics Between‘Golden Delicious’and Its Non-russet Sport‘Fengshuai’Apples to Explore a Method to Prevent Fruit
  • LI Jian-Hua, GAO Jing-Jing, FENG Xin-Xin, SHI Zhong-Xuan, GAO Fu-Yong, XU Xiu-Li, YANG Li-Yuan, WANG Liang-Ju
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 35-43.
  • Abstract ( 841 ) HTML ( 1262 ) PDF (5060KB) ( 1262 )    
  • In order to explore a method to prevent fruit russet formation,the peel characteristics of
    ‘Golden Delicious’apple and its non-russet sport variety‘Fengshuai’were compared by a stereo
    microscope and a scanning electron microscope in the work. The results showed that the wax layers of the
    epidemical cells of‘Golden Delicious’apple began to crack and abort at 4 weeks after bloom(WAB)
    although no macroscopic russet could be observed. At 5 WAB,the cuticles of the epidemical cells cracked
    in large areas,and the cell walls were suberificated because cork cambium was activated. And at 6 WAB,a lot of russet occurred in the surface of apple fruits. Therefore,the time from 4 to 6 WAB was crucial for
    russet formation of‘Golden Delicious’apple. Physiochemical analysis showed that the chlorophylls and
    carotenoids in‘Fengshuai’peels were significantly lower than that of‘Golden Delicious’,but its total
    flavonoids and chlorgenic acid were much higher than the latter. The differences were especially dramatic
    from 4 to 6 WAB. When exogenous chlorogenic acid of 0.05–5 mmol · L-1 solutions was sprayed at 4
    WAB to‘Golden Delicious’apples,the fruit russet formation was significantly inhibited without obvious
    adverse effect on internal quality of fruits. Therefore , exogenous chlorogenic acid in suitable
    concentrations is suggested to prevent russeting in apple production.
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  • Dynamic Changes of Main Mineral Elements Content in Developing Fruits and Leaves of Castanea henryi
  • FAN Xiao-Ming, YUAN De-Yi, DUAN Jing-Hua, TANG Jing, YANG Fei-Xiang, ZHANG Lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 44-52.
  • Abstract ( 792 ) HTML ( 934 ) PDF (324KB) ( 934 )    
  • In order to realize scientific fertilization and achieve high and stable yield,we investigated
    changes of main mineral elements(N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Mn,Fe,Zn,and Cu)in developing fruits i.e.
    kernel,prickly burs,and pericarp & seed coat,and different type of leaves in‘Changmangzi’. In addition,
    dynamic changes of the weight of different tissues of the fruit were also measured. Compared to the
    embryo initiation stage,nut weight,kernel weight,and total starch weight in the kernel increased by 6.14
    g(92.4%),4.97 g(99.43%),3.82 g(99.92%),respectively,at the stage of nut maturity. Cu contents
    in the leaves of bearing branch and the leaves of foliage branch showed a significant decrease tendency,
    while P and Zn showed an increase tendency. In the prickly burs,Ca,Fe,and Cu contents had a decrease tendency,while Zn increased at the early stage and then decreased,and other mineral elements did not
    change significantly. In the pericarp & seed coat,N,P,K,Mg and Cu contents had a slight change at the
    early stage an then decreased significantly;Ca and Zn increased at the early stage and then decreased. In
    the kernel,N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Mn,Fe,Zn,and Cu contents had a decrease tendency,while their gross
    had an increase tendency. The total starch in the kernel was significantly and negatively correlated with the
    contents of Cu in the leaves of bearing branch,the leaves of foliage branch,and the prickly burs,and the
    contents of K,Mn in the pericarp & seed coat,while significantly and positively correlated with the
    contents of N,P,K,Mg,Mn,Fe,Zn,and Cu in the kernel.
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  • Effects of Salicylic Acid on the Expression of FaNBS20 Gene Responsive to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Infection in Fragaria × ananassa
  • ZHANG Qing-Yu, LIU Fang-Chun, DUAN Ke, WANG Fei, WANG Yan-Xiu, GAO Qing-Hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 53-62.
  • Abstract ( 865 ) HTML ( 1947 ) PDF (1823KB) ( 1947 )    
  • A full-length cDNA of FaNBS20 was isolated by homologous cloning and RT-PCR from
    Fragaria × ananassa Duch.‘Jiuxiang’. Sequence analysis indicated that FaNBS20 holds a 3 573 bp open
    reading frame encoding 1 190 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 134.5861 kD.
    Bioinformatics analysis revealed that FaNBS20 contains typical domains of TIR,NB-ARC,and LRR type. FaNBS20 shares a 99% sequence similarity with the TMV resistance protein(GenBank accession No.
    NC_020492)from Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca. Expression of FaNBS20 was obviously changed by the
    inoculation of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides,a causal agent of strawberry anthracnose. Opposite changes
    were observed in two cultivars with different susceptibility to anthracnose. In both the resistant variety
    ‘Sweet Charlie’and the susceptible‘Jiuxiang’,resistance to C. gloeosporioides infection was clearly
    improved by spraying salicylic acid and this enhancement lasted for more than 10 d. Following the
    combined treatment of SA and C. gloeosporioides,expression of FaNBS20 showed a 38-fold and 7.2-fold
    increase in‘Sweet Charlie’and‘Jiuxiang’,respectively. These results indicate that the expression of
    FaNBS20 may be positively correlated to strawberry resistance,and external SA can increase strawberry
    resistance to anthracnose,probably,through a signaling network with FaNBS20 as an important
  • Related Articles | Metrics


  • Inheritance Analysis and QTL Mapping of Cucumber Seed Size
  • WANG Min, MIAO Han, ZHANG Sheng-Ping, LIU Shu-Lin, DONG Shao-Yun, WANG Ye, GU Xing-Fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 63-72.
  • Abstract ( 991 ) HTML ( 2106 ) PDF (351KB) ( 2106 )    
  • The cucumber wild variety‘PI183967’(Cucumis sativus var. hardwickii)and a cultivated
    cucumber Northern Chinese inbred line‘931’were used as parental materials to construct genetic
    populations because of their significant difference in seed size. The inheritance of seed length and width
    was studied by joint segregation analysis using positive and negative six-generation populations. A SSR
    genetic map was constructed using the RILs to finish QTL mapping of seed length,width and 100-seed
    weight. Results showed that(1)The inheritance of seed length and width fitted into C–0 model(Additive
    dominance-epistasis polygene inheritance model)in the positive and negative cross six-generation,and
    mainly with additive effect of multi-genes(2)A SSR linkage map of cucumber was constructed 149 SSR
    markers. The map included 9 linkages and spanned 389.2 cM with a mean marker interval of 2.61 cM.(3)
    14 QTLs related to seed length,seed width and 100-seed weight were detected 2012 and 2013 spring.
    These QTLs accounted for 7.4%–28.3% of phenotypic variance were located on Chr.2,Chr.3,Chr.4,Chr.5,Chr.6 with LOD scores of 2.59–9.39. Of all the QTLs,6 QTLs explained over 10.0% of phenotypic
    variance accounting for 42.9% and 3 QTLs could be detected in different years which accounted for
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • Resistance Identification of Cucumis metuliferus to Meloidogyne incognita and Characteristic Analysis
  • MA Jin-Hui, MAO Zhen-Chuan, LI Hui-Xia, XIE Bing-Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 73-79.
  • Abstract ( 776 ) HTML ( 1335 ) PDF (2819KB) ( 1335 )    
  • Using artificial inoculation method in greenhouse,the resistance of horned melon
    (Cucumis metuliferus)‘CM3’strain against Meloidogyne incognita was evaluated,and the resistance to
    root-knot nematodes developmental pathology was observed. The results showed that C. metuliferus
    ‘CM3’had a stable resistance to M. incognita. There were some significant differences on the root knot
    number,size between C. metuliferus‘CM3’and C. sativus‘9930’. The observation of M. incognita
    developmental stage revealed that the development of J2 M. incognita was suppressed in C. metuliferus. M.
    incognita was able to complete their life cycle in C. sativus‘9930’within 21 d,but could not complete
    their life cycle in C. metuliferus within 28 d,only a small number of nematodes could develop to the adult
    stage in 42 d. The resistance identification of C. metuliferus to M. incognita provided a useful basis for
    cucumber breeding.
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  • Overexpression of Pepper Casn Gene Enhances Resistance to Meloidogyne incognita in Transgenic Plants
  • ZHANG Wen-Yue, MAO Zhen-Chuan, SHEN Bao-Ming, WANG Gang, YAO Yu-Rong, FENG Dong-Xin, XIE Bing-Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 80-88.
  • Abstract ( 742 ) HTML ( 1386 ) PDF (587KB) ( 1386 )    
  • The CaSn gene is a small cysteine-rich antimicrobial peptide encoding gene and belongs to
    the snakin family. The gene was cloned from pepper(Capsicum annuum‘Santaka’)by RT-PCR and
    constructed to the plant expression vector pBI-121,and transformed into burley tobacco via agrobacterium
    mediated method. The CaSn transgenic plants were selected by PCR and GUS staining analyses,and ten
    independent transgenic tobacco plants had been obtained. The CaSn gene was stably inherited and
    overexpressed in transgenic T1 generation plants by RT-qPCR detection. Compared to the empty vector
    control and non-transgenetic control plants,the number of the root-knots in the transgenic plants was
    reduced by 70%. Meanwhile,difference was also shown in 10 independent transgenic lines in terms of their resistance to root-knot nematodes. This study indicated that the CaSn participated in defense against
    root-knot nematodes,and had an important role in excavating and utilization of nematodes-resistant
    germplasms of plants.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of an AP2/EREBP Transcription Factor Gene BjABR1 in Brassica juncea var. tumida
  • XIANG Liu-Xin, XIA Yu-Xian, CAI Ying-Fan, FU Yu-Yin, WANG Xiao-Yan, LIU Ji-Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 89-98.
  • Abstract ( 712 ) HTML ( 1473 ) PDF (686KB) ( 1473 )    
  • The full length cDNA sequence and genomic DNA(gDNA)sequence of an AP2/EREBP
    transcription factor family gene were cloned from Brassica juncea var. tumida Tsen et Lee‘Yong’an’by
    RACE(rapid amplification of cDNA ends)and RT-PCR. Amino acid sequence alignment showed the gene
    shared 72% similarity with a known Arabidopsis thaliana AP2/EREBP family gene,AtABR1,named after
    BjABR1(GenBank accession No. JQ713825.1). BjABR1 gene contained one intron and putatively encoded
    381 amino acids with the protein molecular mass of 41.674 kD,the pI of 9.11,14 phosphorylation sites
    and an AP2 DNA-bind domain and a CMX-1 motif. Subcellular localization assays showed that the BjABR1 protein appeared in the nucleus. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed that BjABR1 gene
    was expressed in root,stem and leaf,and highest in the root. The expression of BjABR1 was inducible
    under salt stress,osmotic stress and cold stress,and its transcriptional responses subject to salinity was
    most sensitive.
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  • In vitro Selection of Resistant Somaclonal Variation of‘Gailiang’Garlic to Violet Leaf Spot
  • LI Xiao-Min, CHENG Zhi-Hui, MENG Huan-Wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 99-106.
  • Abstract ( 578 ) HTML ( 1370 ) PDF (4079KB) ( 1370 )    
  • Using the clove base of‘Gailiang’garlic as explants the disease resistant garlic somaclonal
    variation was screened on MS media containing different levels of the violet leaf spot pathogen culture
    crude toxin by means of multi-step in vitro selection method. The bulblets of the resistant line were then
    induced with the screened disease resistant variations and their disease resistance was tested on seedlings
    growing from the bulblets by foliage spraying of the pathogen culture crude toxin. The results showed that
    the pathogen crude toxin inhibited garlic callus induction evidently and the inhibition became stronger
    with the increase of pathogen crude toxin concentration. The suitable concentration of pathogen crude
    toxin is 30% for disease resistant somaclonal variation selection. The somaclonal variations were selected
    by step culture on the MS media with different levels(10%,20%,30%)of pathogen crude toxin. The
    resistance test by foliage spray inoculation of the pathogen culture crude toxin showed that the resistant
    seedlings from the bulblets possessed stronger resistance to violet leaf spot than the control.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Regulation of the Rose RhPIP1;1 Promoter Activity by Hormones and Abiotic Stresses
  • YIN Xia, CHEN Wen, WANG Lei, YANG Ruo-Yun, XUE Jing-Qi, GAO Jun-Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 107-117.
  • Abstract ( 822 ) HTML ( 2320 ) PDF (1617KB) ( 2320 )    
  • A 2 126 bp sequence of the RhPIP1;1 promoter was isolated from rose(Rosa hybrida L.
    ‘Samantha’)through inverse PCR. PLACE analysis indicated that the RhPIP1;1 promoter harbors
    hormone-responsive elements,such as GA,ABA,and ethylene related cis-elements,and abiotic
    stresses-responsive elements,such as dehydration-,salt-,and cold-related cis-elements. In
    RhPIP1;1promoter::GUS-expressing Arabidopsis,the activity of RhPIP1;1 promoter was found to be
    associated with the development process. Almost all the organs exhibited the promoter activity,which is
    particularly active in expanding organs and vascular tissues of leaves and flowers. Moreover,in the 6- or
    9-day-old transgenic plants,the promoter activity was up-regulated by GA treatment in the rosettes,
    whereas down-regulated by ABA,mannitol,NaCl,and cold treatment in the rosettes and roots. A series of 5′ deletion fragments of the RhPIP1;1 promoter were fused with GUS gene,and transiently expressed in
    tobacco leaves. It was found that deleting 324 bp fragment from–580 to–256 led to a significant
    decrease of the promoter activity. Taken together,our results demonstrated that the RhPIP1;1 promoter
    responds to various hormones and abiotic stresses in a developmental- and spatial-dependent manner. And
    the–580 to–256 region is important for the activity of the RhPIP1;1 promoter.
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  • Genetic Diversity Analysis in Cut Chrysanthemum Cultivars Based on Morphology and SRAP Markers
  • ZHANG Dong-Ju, LI Shi-Chao, WU Peng-Fu, ZHANG Xiao, LI Qiu-Xiang, YANG Shu-Hua, JIA Rui-Dong, GE Hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 118-130.
  • Abstract ( 929 ) HTML ( 1879 ) PDF (288KB) ( 1879 )    
  • Based on phenotypic analysis and SRAP markers,genetic diversity among 56 cultivars of
    cut chrysanthemum were analyzed. Variation analysis showed that there were 21 characters which
    presented the high consistency within cultivars and the distinct specificity between cultivars. Principal
    component analysis showed that flower characters such as inflorescence diameter,inflorescence form and
    petal type et al contributed mainly to the principal components,while leaf and stem characters as a secondary contribution. The results indicated that it would be necessary to primarily consider the flower traits,then
    leaf and stem traits,as the criterion of classification and identification for cut chrysanthemum. Phenotypic
    UPGMA clustering analysis showed that 56 cut chrysanthemum cultivars were classified into flat type,
    spatulate type,irregular type,spatulate-flat type and tubiform type groups,which were mainly according
    to three-grades classification as Inflorescence diameter–Petal type–Inflorescence form. 14 SRAP primer
    pairs were screened and generated 423 polymorphic bands among 454 bands in total,which the percentage
    of polymorphic bands reached 93.17%. The values of polymorphism information content(PIC)ranged
    from 0.72 to 0.89 with an average of 0.82. These results indicated there was abundant genetic diversity
    among cut chrysanthemum cultivars. UPGMA clustering analysis with SRAP markers showed 56 cultivars
    with the genetic coefficient ranged from 0.64 to 0.97 were divided into spatulate-flat type,irregular type
    and tubiform type groups,which were also according to three-grades classification as Inflorescence
    diameter–Petal type–Inflorescence form. Mantel’s test with correlation coefficient of 0.682 indicated that
    the high accordance between phenotypic and molecular markers analysis,suggesting both analysis could
    well reflect the genetic relationship of cut chrysanthemum cultivars.
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  • Nano-silver Treatments Alleviated Bacterial Blockage in Cut Carnation Stems
  • LIU Ji-Ping, ZHANG Zhao-Qi, LI Hong-Mei, XIAN Xi-Jin, HUANG Xin-Min, HE Sheng-Gen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 131-138.
  • Abstract ( 631 ) HTML ( 1585 ) PDF (2609KB) ( 1585 )    
  • The preservation effects of pretreatment with nano-silver(NS),a new-type anti-bacterial
    agent,on cut carnations(Dianthus caryphyllus‘Master’),and its efficacy in alleviating bacterial blockage
    in their stems were investigated. The results showed that pretreatment with 150–300 mg · L-1 NS for 1 h
    to cut carnations before placed in vases containing de-ioned water could significantly prolong their vase
    life,increase the flower diameter,improve water uptake,and maintain relative fresh mass. The best
    concentration of NS was 250 mg · L-1. It was also found that pretreatment with 250 mg · L-1 NS could
    significantly delay the decline in hydraulic conductance in the stem-ends of cut carnations. Further
    determination using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry demonstrated that NS
    mostly remained within the lowermost part of the cut carnation stem throughout the vase period. In
    addition,the observation results of Scanning Electron Microscopy certified that pretreatment with 250
    mg · L-1 NS could effectively alleviate bacterial blockage in stem-ends of cut carnations.
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Research Notes

  • Comparison of the Endogenous Hormones Content and the Activities of Enzymes Related to Cell-wall Metabolism Between Jujube Cultivars Susceptible and Resistant to Fruit Cracking
  • CAO Yi-Bo, LI Chang-Jiang, SUN Fan, ZHANG Ling-Yun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 139-148.
  • Abstract ( 638 ) HTML ( 1487 ) PDF (414KB) ( 1487 )    
  • In this study,the cracking-resistant‘Yuanling’and the susceptible‘Jun’jujube were used
    as materials. The fruit growth curve,fruit shape index and the abortive rate of seed were measured.
    Endogenous hormones content in pericarp,pulp,seed and the activities of enzymes related to cell-wall
    metabolism in pericarp and mesocarp were determined. The result showed that the fruit shape index and
    seed abortive rate of‘Yuanling’cultivar was significantly higher than‘Jun’cultivar. The GA3 content in
    pericarp and IAA content in pulp of‘Jun’was evidently higher than‘Yuanling’during the late
    developmental stages of fruit,however,the content of ABA in pulp and seed of‘Yuanling’was significantly higher than‘Jun’cultivar. The ratio of(GA3 + IAA + ZT)/ABA in pulp and seed of‘Jun’
    was higher than‘Yuanling’cultivar during the whole developmental stages of fruit. Compared to
    ‘Yuanling’cultivar,‘Jun’has a higher activities of pectinase and cellulase in pericarp and activities of
    POD and PPO in pulp during the late developmental stages. The result showed that the accumulation of
    IAA in the pulp of fruit during the late developmental stage was higher in susceptible cultivar,but the
    content of ABA in the pulp and seed of fruit was significantly higher in cracking-resistant cultivar,the
    variety which has the high ratio of(GA3 + IAA + ZT)/ABA were more susceptible to cracking. The
    pectinase and cellulase activity in the pericarp of fruit during the late developmental stage affect the
    occurrence of the cracking,the activity of POD and PPO in the susceptible cultivar was higher than
    cracking-resistant cultivar.
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  • Studies on Transformation of Lily with Dehydration Responsive Element Binding Transcription Factor AtDREB2A
  • SHANG Ai-Qin, GAO Yong-He, DUAN Long-Fei, YANG Li-Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 149-156.
  • Abstract ( 708 ) HTML ( 1313 ) PDF (1260KB) ( 1313 )    
  • In the study,by investigating the factors influencing the transformation efficiency of Lilium
    ‘Siberia’,a genetic transformation system of scales was optimized. By Agrobacterium-mediated,the
    AtDREB2A gene was transformed into‘Siberia’. The results indicated that the highest rate of kanamycinresistant
    plants was obtained through the following transformation procedure:After preculture for 3 d,the
    explants were infected for 20 min with diluted OD600 = 0.8 Agrobacterium tumefaciens solution and then
    co-cultivated for 3 d(under 25 ℃). Molecular detection showed 59 transformed lines of‘Siberia’were
    detected by PCR analysis and 28 of them show the positive band same as objective band(AtDREB2A).
    The fragment was 402 bp approximately. It preliminarily suggested that the exogenous gene was integrated
    into the genome of‘Siberia’. Determination of physiological indexes showed that the transgenic plants
    enhanced the tolerance to high temperature.
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  • Cloning and Analysis of Reverse Transcriptase of LINE-retrotransposons of Tree Peony(Paeonia
  • SONG Cheng-Wei, GUO Da-Long, ZHANG Xi, GUO Li-Li, HOU Xiao-Gai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 157-164.
  • Abstract ( 851 ) HTML ( 1667 ) PDF (3190KB) ( 1667 )    
  • A fragment of 580 bp was amplified by PCR from the genomic DNA of tree peony
    (Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews.‘Luoyanghong’)using the degenerate oligoncleotide primers. The
    amplicons were recovered,purified and cloned. Positive clones were identified and sequenced. Finally,
    32 different sequences of reverse transcriptase from tree peony‘Luoyanghong’LINE retrotransposons
    were obtained. The length of the nucleotide sequences varied from 547 to 593 bp. The homology ranged
    from 25.7% to 94.2% by Clustal W and the variations were characterized by point mutation. Four clusters
    were identified with high heterogeneity through phylogenic analysis of their nucleotide sequences. Family
    Ⅰand Ⅲ,respectively accounted for 50% and 28% of the total number of clones. There is a very conservative point in the 18th amino acid sequence of glycine(Gly)in the translated sequence,at the same
    time,a conservative point in 138th amino acid sequence of lysine(Lys). More termination codon mutation
    and frameshift mutations were presented in 32 sequences. A phylogenic tree was constructed based on the
    amino acid sequences from other species , indicating that the RT sequences from Peony LINE
    retrotransposons have certain homology with other species.
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  • Advances on Whole Genome Sequencing in Fruit Trees
  • QIAO Xin, LI Meng, YIN Hao, LI Lei-Ting, WU Jun, ZHANG Shao-Ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 165-177.
  • Abstract ( 953 ) HTML ( 5541 ) PDF (736KB) ( 5541 )    
  • At present,10 complete genome sequences are available for fruit trees such as grape,
    papaya,apple,banana,pear and sweet orange. In this review,we first surveyed the historical development
    of genomic sequence of fruit trees. Then we investigated the evolution history of fruit trees,and
    summarized the progress of fruit trees post-genomic research. Challenges in genomics for fruit trees are
    raised and the future of post-genomics research interests in fruit trees was discussed in the end.
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  • Characterizations and Its Application of Wild Tomato Species Solanum pimpinellifolium
  • LI Tao, LIU Lei, ZHENG Zheng, ZHOU Long-Xi, ZONG Yuan-Yuan, DENG Xue-Bin, YAN Zhe, SONG Yan, LI Jun-Ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 178-186.
  • Abstract ( 866 ) HTML ( 3523 ) PDF (691KB) ( 3523 )    
  • Wild species Solanum pimpinellifolium is the most closely relative to cultivated tomato
    Solanum lycopersicum and harbors a lot of good traits. Research progresses on this wild species,including
    its distribution,characteristics,genetic diversity,evolution,resistance to biotic and abiotic stress,useful
    horticultural traits,genetic linkage maps,gene discovery and whole genome sequencing,were described.
    The problems and perspectives on research and utilization of S. pimpinellifolium were investigated and
    discussed. It would provide the valuable information for the further use of this wild species.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Navel Orange Cultivar‘Longhuihong’
  • PENG Liang-Zhi, HUANG Zong-Jun, YIN Wen-Ping, CHUN Chang-Pin, CAO Li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 187-188.
  • Abstract ( 1497 ) HTML ( 1040 ) PDF (1358KB) ( 1040 )    
  • ‘Longhuihong’,a new navel orange cultivar,was selected from‘Newhall’navel orange.
    Its fruit traits are as follows:Oval shape,smooth and orange red peel,edible rate 73.7%–78.3%,crisp
    and sweet flesh,single fruit weight 280–346 g,juice TSS 12.2%–14.2%,TA 0.47%–0.58%,vitamin
    C 0.47–0.52 mg · mL-1. It began fruiting in 3rd year after planting and had an average yield of 9.5 kg per
    tree,21.5 kg per tree in 4th year,and 39.5 kg per tree in 5th year,accounted for 29.63 t · hm-2.
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  • A New Cultivar of Actinidia arguta‘Baby Star’
  • XIE Yue, WANG Li-Hua, DONG Guan-Yong, ZHENG Xiao-Qin, ZHUANG Qi-Guo, LI Ming-Zhang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 189-190.
  • Abstract ( 923 ) HTML ( 1092 ) PDF (829KB) ( 1092 )    
  • ‘Baby Star’is a new cultivar of Actinidia arguta,which is selected from the superior
    individual of wild kiwifruit groups by asexual reproduction. The fruit is short trapezoidal,while the fruit
    skin is green with the smooth and glabrous. The average fruit weight is 6.91 g. The flesh is green. The fruit
    tastes sweet. The soluble solids content is 23.2%,total sugar content is about 8.85%,total acid content is
    1.28% and vitamin C content is 0.198 mg · g-1. It matures in early September in Deyang,Sichuan Province.
    Flourishing time tree produce 15 000 kg · hm-2.
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  • A New Eggplant Hybrid‘Haifeng Changqie 2’
  • HUI Zhi-Ming, DENG Xiao-Mei, XING Yong-Ping, ZHANG Shu-Gen, ZHANG Jun-Min, WANG Zhen-Quan, JIANG Zhong-Ren, LI Chun-Ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 195-196.
  • Abstract ( 890 ) HTML ( 1617 ) PDF (1202KB) ( 1617 )    
  • ‘Haifeng Changqie 2’is a new long eggplant F1 hybrid developed by crossing the double
    haploid line‘11-15’as female parent with the double haploid line‘11-2’as male parent. This variety has
    strong growth vigor. The fruit is 23.2 cm in length,4.6 cm in diameter and 231.5 g in weight. Its fruit peel
    is black-purple and smooth glossy. It has long shelf-life and high commercial value. Its yield is over
    225 000 kg · hm-2 in the protected fields of long season cultivation. It is suitable to be cultivated in
    protected field in Hebei province,Liaoning province,Shandong province and Beijing city.
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  • A New Potted Oncidium Cultivar‘Fragrant Gold’
  • TAN Zhi-Yong, ZHANG Le-Ping, WANG Ya-Ping, WANG Yan-Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 197-198.
  • Abstract ( 690 ) HTML ( 1078 ) PDF (2654KB) ( 1078 )    
  • ‘Fragrant Gold’is a new Oncidium cultivar screening form the F1 which was developed by
    crossing of Onc. cheirophorum(female parent)and Onc. ornithorhyncum(male parent). The new cultivar
    is miniature in height and belongs to the yellow line. The plant is compact and symmetry with strong
    growth vigor. The flower is gold,fragrance,and the flowering period is long. It is suitable for planting in
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  • A New Pollen-free Ornamental Sunflower Cultivar‘Minkui 4’
  • WU Jian-She, HUANG Min-Ling, ZHONG Huai-Qin, YE Xiu-Xian, LUO Yuan-Hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(1): 199-200.
  • Abstract ( 729 ) HTML ( 1128 ) PDF (136KB) ( 1128 )    
  • ‘Minkui 4’is a new,pollen-free ornamental sunflower cultivar developed by cross the
    ‘GS08’as female parent and the high-generation inbred line‘M1R3-1’as male parent. The characteristics
    of‘Minkui 4’is yellow ligulate petals,black tubular flowers,pollen-free property,no branching capability.
    This vigorous,adaptable,new variety had a short growth period,was suitable for year-round cultivation.
    ‘Minkui 4’planted in the fall had a growth period of 84–89 days. Its plant height was 106–136 cm with
    leaf number of 18–23,stem diameter of 1.7–2.0 cm,faceplate diameter of 7.1–7.5 cm,flower diameter
    of 14.6–15.8 cm,petal number of 34–38,cut flower lifespan of 10–14 days and provided a cutting
    output of 90 000–120 000 pieces · hm-2‘. Minkui 4’could be used for ornamental cut flower production or
    garden landscape cultivation.
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