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2008, Vol.35, No.8 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Characteristics about Embryo Development of the Hybridized Offspring from Pingyi Tiancha〔Malus hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehd. var. pingyiensis Jiang〕 and Zhaai Shandingzi〔Malus baccata ( L.) Borkh.〕
  • WANG Ying;SHANG Yue-hui;WANG Yu-xia;WEI Xin;and DONG Wen-xuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1093-1100.
  • Abstract ( 2339 ) HTML ( 1764 ) PDF (1506KB) ( 1764 )    
  • By the help of laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) and paraffin-section method, six leaf-wrinkled and dwarf plants from the hybridization of Pingyi Tiancha 〔Malus hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehd. var. pingyiensis Jiang〕 and Zhaai Shandingzi〔M. baccata ( L.) Borkh.〕 were selected as the experimental materials to make the overall observation and systematic investigation about their embryogenesis development and characteristics, and the parents were used as the contrast. The results indicated that the six leaf-wrinkled and dwarf plants could carry on the normal process of the meiosis and form the functional megaspores from which the sexual embryo sacs derived. From the full blooming day to 2 days later, the sperm cells or the pollen inclusion emerged and the fertilized eggs were partially observed in the embryo sacs of the six leaf-wrinkled and dwarf plants. The proembryos formed about 10 days after the full blooming day. There were some differences about the distributing way of the nucleolus in the specific time during the development of the sacs, and few poly-embryo sacs were observed in some of the leaf-wrinkled and dwarf plants. So, the embryogenesis characteristics of the leaf-wrinkled plants were basically consistent with Zhaai Shandingzi whose characteristics of the sexual reproduction are distinct; and compared with Pingyi Tiancha, they did not have the complex phenomena during the process of the embryogenesis. General speaking, the sexual reproduction was the main reproductive mode of the leaf-wrinkled and dwarf plants which had the low level ability of apomixis.
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  • Effect of Low Temperature on Nucleolus and Chromosomes’ Behavior of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) PMC During Meiosis
  • HUANG Jing-hao;;WU Hong-xia;WANG Song-biao;LIANG Guo-lu;WANG Wei-xing;and MA Wei-hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1101-1108.
  • Abstract ( 2640 ) HTML ( 1634 ) PDF (1521KB) ( 1634 )    
  • The developed smearing method was adopted to observe the process of PMC meiosis of 'Tainong 1' and 'Irwin' (Mangifera indica L.) in this article. Results were as follow: The cytoplasm devision of mango PMC was simultaneous type. under normal temperature (25-30℃), the process of pollen mother cell meiosis is normal; The most of chromosomes become bivalents which like "V", "O", "Y", "X", sticks and dots, and mainly like dots, "V" and "O"; and a few of univalent (0.79% of Tainong 1 and 0 of Irwin) and multivalent (4.76% of Tainong 1 and 3.57% of Irwin) had been observed. While under natural low temperature (10-20℃), a great deal of abnormalities, including micro nucleoli, scattered and lagged chromosomes and anaphase bridges were detected during PMC meiosis, even though the abnormalities were different between the two cultivars; the ratio of micro nucleoli was 22.88% of average, which was obviously higher than that of control (4.56% of average under normal temperature); and the ratios of univalent and multivalent in diplotene, which increased seriously, were 8.82% and 17.65% of Tainong 1, and 14.52% and 24.19% of Irwin under natural low temperatures. Abnormalities during meiosis under natural low temperatures might play a role in male sterile.
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  • Molecular mechanism and Genetic Characterization of self-compatibility in pears ‘Osa-Nijisseiki’
  • WU Hua-qing;Qi Yong-jie;and ZHANG Shao-ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1109-1116.
  • Abstract ( 2476 ) HTML ( 1512 ) PDF (1186KB) ( 1512 )    
  • ‘Osa-Nijisseiki’ is a stylar-specific self-compatible (SC) mutant from 'Nijisseiki' which exhibit S-RNase-mediated gametophytic self-incompatibility. The mechanism underlying SC was not clear though many investigations have been carried out. In the present study, the S-RNase genes in ‘Osa-Nijisseiki’and its SC progenies were systematically investigated at genomic, transcriptional and translational level in comparison with its wild type, 'Nijisseiki'. Results showed that both ‘Osa-Nijisseiki’ and ‘Nijisseiki’showed no differences in performances of S2-RNase gene, but the former produced less S4-RNase gene signals than the latter did. However, S4-RNase genes were absent in progeny of 'Osa-Nijisseiki'. It could be concluded that S4-RNase in ‘Osa-Nijisseiki’ gene does present in the genome and express, but could not be transmitted sexually.
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  • Genetic Diversity of Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. as Evaluated by ISSR and SSR Markers
  • DAI hong-yan;GUO Xiu-wu;ZHANG Ye;LI Yuan-yuan;LI He;ZHOU Chuan-sheng;and ZHANG Zhi-hong;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1117-1124.
  • Abstract ( 2904 ) HTML ( 1652 ) PDF (594KB) ( 1652 )    
  • The DNA polymorphism of thirty-five hawthorn accessions (Crataegus pinnatifida Bge.) was analyzed using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers in the present study. Twelve RAPD primers generated a total of 110 clear and reproducible bands, of which 89 were polymorphic, with an average of 7.4 polymorphic fragments per primer. Thirteen ISSR primers generated a total of 110 clear and reproducible bands, of which 94 were polymorphic, with an average of 7.2 polymorphic fragments per primer. The dendrogram based on RAPD and ISSR data were constructed separately by using UPGMA analysis. The distance coefficient of the analyzed materials ranged from 0 to 0.62 and 0 to 0.64 for RAPD and ISSR markers, respectively. Our results indicated that the C. pinnatifida species has high level of genetic diversity.

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  • Genetic Variation and Fingerprinting of Torreya grandis Cultivars Detected by ISSR Markers
  • DAI Zheng; CHEN Li-geng; and TONG Pin-zhang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1125-1130.
  • Abstract ( 2046 ) HTML ( 1356 ) PDF (540KB) ( 1356 )    
  • Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) was used to determine the genomic DNA variations and relationships in Torreya grandis Fort.. Seventeen individuals including 9 cultivars and 8 elite clones were used in ISSR analysis. Of the 50 ISSR primers subjected to screening, 12 produced reproducible, polymorphic and disc- repant fragments. Using these primers, 104 DNA bands were amplified, of which 84.6% were polymorphic. The average number of DNA bands amplified by each primer was 11. DNA profiles based on ISSRs have revealed potential diagnostic for various individual accessions. A dendrogram generated using the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Average based on Nei's distance showed that the Torreya grandis cultivars were clustered into two groups. The first group include Dayuanfei, Mifei, Xuanwenfei, Liaoyafei, Zhimafei and Luoshuangfei, the second group include Xiangyafei, Xiaoyuanfei, Qiefei and the clone varieties of Torreya grandis 'Merrillii'.

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  • Allelopathic Effects of Grafting on Rhizosphere Microorganisms Population of Eggplants
  • YIN Yu-ling;ZHOU Bao-li;LI Yun-peng;and FU Ya-wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1131-1136.
  • Abstract ( 2459 ) HTML ( 1704 ) PDF (249KB) ( 1704 )    
  • The changes of microbial community structure in rhizosphere soil of grafted eggplants at different stages and the effect of grafting on resistance of eggplant were studied. Antagonistic microbes from rhizosphere of grafted eggplants were screened. Microorganism from rhizosphere of eggplants was isolated by soil dilution. Compared with self-root eggplant, grafting changed microbial community structure in rhizosphere of eggplants, with increase of bacteria (B) and actinomyces (A), decrease of fungi (F), enhancement of the ratios of B to F and A to F, and also decrease of disease incidence of Verticillium wilt. Through ordinal determination of a dual culture, the spore germination and a cylinder-plate, 7 strains from 352 strains isolated from rhizosphere of grafted eggplant indicated significant inhibitory effect against Verticillium dahiae. In pot trial, two antagonistic strains of X631 and Z111 showed significantly inhibitory effect against Verticillium dahiae. Through preliminary identification, strain X631 is Serratia Bizio, and strain Z111 is Trichoderma. The results from this study indicated that the rhizosphere microbial community via grafting is favorable to eggplant's resistance and growth.
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  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a S-Adenosylmethionine decarboxylase gene (SlSAMDC1) in tomato
  • LIU Zhi-yong;WAND Xiao-xuan;GAO Jian-chang;GUO Yan-mei;DU Yong-chen;and YE Xue-ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1137-1146.
  • Abstract ( 2635 ) HTML ( 1769 ) PDF (2134KB) ( 1769 )    
  • The SAMDC cDNA sequence from jimsonwead (GenBank Accession No: Y07768) was used as electronic probe to hybridize tomato ESTs in GenBank through blastn search. Based on the contig assembled from homologous ESTs, the full-lenghth cDNA of a new member of SAMDC family in tomato was cloned using RT-PCR and RACE,which is 1 847 bp in length with a 523 bp 5′-UTR and a 241 bp 3′-UTR. Corresponding DNA sequence is 3 648 bp, containing three introns in 5′-UTR, and all the cleave sites obey with the GT-AG rule. The gene was designated as SlSAMDC1 (GenBank Accession No: EF550528). SlSAMDC1 consists of three ORFs (tiny uORF, small uORF and main ORF), and the main ORF encodes 360 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 39kD. The comparison of deduced amino acid sequence revealed that SlSAMDC1 is highly homologous to other plant SAMDCs, but less similar to human and yeast′s. RT-PCR analysis showed that expression level of SlSAMDC1 was higher in fruit than in any other organs. The upstream regulatory sequence was cloned by genome walking. Further analysis showed that the upstream regulatory sequence contains several Cis-acting elements (eg. W-box, TATA-box, CAAT-box).

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  • The Cloning and Analysis of Reverse Transcriptase of Ty1-copia-like Retrotransposons in Cucumis
  • JIANG Biao;LOU Qun-feng;DIAO Wei-ping;CHEN Long-zheng;ZHANG Wan-ping;and CHEN Jin-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1147-1154.
  • Abstract ( 2097 ) HTML ( 1771 ) PDF (603KB) ( 1771 )    
  • Using degenerate oligoncleotide primers corresponding to conserved domains of the Ty1-copia retrantranspon reverse transcriptase, a fragment of 260 bp was amplified by PCR from Cucumis hystrix and C.sativus. The amplicons were cloned into pGEM-T Easy vector after purification, positive clones selected and identified by colony PCR, then sequenced and analyzed. 21 different sequences of reverse transcriptase from Cucumis hystrix and C. sativus-"Beijingjietou" were obtained, and five families were distinguished after cluster and alignment analyses of their nucleotide sequences. These sequences showed high heterogeneity mainly characterized by deletion mutation. The length of the nucleotide sequences varied from 255bp-272bp, and homology ranged from 27.0% to 98.1%. When translated into amino acids, four sequences presented stop codon mutation, and six sequences presented frameshift mutation. The amino cluster and alignment analyses of these sequences with other reverse transcriptase sequences from other accessions showed that they may have the same origin.

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  • The Nitrate Content and Accumulation Character of the Yellow Chinese Chive and Chinese Chive from the North Bank of Dianchi Lake
  • ZHANG Rui-jie;LIN Guo-lin;HU Zheng-yi;;WU Yong-hong;PANG Yu-wan;and YIN Xiao-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1155-1160.
  • Abstract ( 1996 ) HTML ( 1541 ) PDF (263KB) ( 1541 )    
  • The nitrate content of 52 samples of yellow Chinese chive and 109 samples of Chinese chive collected from the north bank of Dianchi Lake were determined, one field trial was also conducted to investigate effects of nitrogen fertilization, nitrification inhibitor (DCD and elemental sulfur), and light illumination on content of nitrate in yellow Chinese chive. The present results indicated content of nitrate ranged from 379.2 mg·kg-1 to 1 354.6 mg·kg-1 with an average of 774.1 mg·kg-1 in yellow Chinese chive; and from 258.2 mg·kg-1 to 3 878.0 mg·kg-1 with an average of 1 615.7 mg·kg-1 in Chinese chive. Content of nitrate in different yellow Chinese chive tissue decreased in the following order: Kelly leaf > vagina > lamina. Content of nitrate in yellow Chinese chive decreased after exposing light illumination at 6:00 am, until 12:00 am; subsequently increased gradually and reached at a peak value at 2:00 pm, thereafter decreased again. Field trial results demonstrated that reducing 20% of nitrogen fertilizer decreased by 13.6% nitrate content of yellow Chinese chive without losing yields; DCD decreased nitrate content of yellow Chinese chive by 12.9%, and increased yields 11.1%; element sulfur increased significantly yields 13.5%, and reduced its nitrate content by 8.6%; exposing sunlight of yellow Chinese chive before harvesting also resulted in decrease of its nitrate content. The measures mentioned above could decrease obviously nitrate content of yellow Chinese chive, which are prone to be extensively applied in the study area.
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  • Evaluation of Glucosinolate Composition and Contents in Tai-tsai
  • SONG Ting-yu;HOU Xi-lin﹡;HE Qi-wei﹡;WU Chun-yan;and XU Yuan-fang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1161-1166.
  • Abstract ( 2343 ) HTML ( 1728 ) PDF (231KB) ( 1728 )    
  • Four Tai-tsai cultivars,eg.‘Jingyan Taicai’, ‘Nanjing Xiaoye Taicai’, ‘Huaye Taicai’and‘Xiaoye Taicai’grown in different season i.e.spring and autumn were used to evaluate glucosinolate composition and contents in leaf blade and petiole of plants by HPLC analysis. The results showed that eight glucosinolate ingredients including Pro,NAP,4OH,GBN,NAS, GBC,NEO and 4ME were detected in all testing materials. It also showed that glucosinolate contents in leaf blade were higher than that in petiole. Moreover, glucosinolate contents in those cultivated in the autumn were higher than that in spring. Great variation of glucosinolate contents were also found among the four cultivars.
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  • Effects of Different Casing Soil on Mycelium Biomass and Yield of Agaricus bisporus
  • CAI Wei-ming;JIN Qun-li;FENG Wei-lin;Li Nan-yi;FAN Li-jun;and ZHENG Zhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1167-1174.
  • Abstract ( 2590 ) HTML ( 2155 ) PDF (639KB) ( 2155 )    
  • Physical and chemical properties, culturable bacterial population and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profile of different casing soils at different mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ) cropping stages were investigated. The air-filled porosity (AFP), water retention and water released under -2.16 kPa — -17.28 kPa of the casing soils increase with the increasing in the ratio of peat to soil. The results of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis indicated that mycelium biomass of Agaricus bisporus in 100%, 50% and 30% peat casing were significantly higher than that of traditional casing --soil with rice husk ( significant at P<0.05), and the increase in the ratio of peat to soil was accompanied by an increase in mycelium biomass. Comparatively higher mycelium biomass of Agaricus bisporus were found in all casing soils at the primordia stage of second flush. The increase of mycelium biomass of Agaricus bisporus in casing was accompanied by an increase in the bacterial population. The result may indicate the syntrophism between bacteria and mycelia during growth of mushroom. There is a strong positive correlation between the number of mushroom primordia and mycelium biomass in casing, and the yield of mushroom positively correlated with number of mushroom primordia and moisture content of casing soil. The important aspects of casing soil improvement are to increase mycelium biomass and water retention in casing.
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  • Ornamental Crabapple Pollen Morphology and Its Taxonomic Applications
  • LI Xiao-lei;SHEN Xiang;SUN Fan-ya;SHU Huai-rui;GUO Ling;and CAO Ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1175-1182.
  • Abstract ( 2661 ) HTML ( 1913 ) PDF (635KB) ( 1913 )    
  • Pollen morphology of 17 original Malus species and 25 ornamental crabapple cultivars were observed using environment scanning electron microscope. The results indicated that the apple pollen belonged to the N3P4C5 type, bilateral symmetry, prolate sphericity or ultra prolate sphericity, with three germinal furrows extending almost to the full length of the grain. The exine surface had a striate pattern and some small pores. From the UPGMA cluster analysis, the 42 taxa could be classified into four groups. The first group contained M. florentina, M. sylvestri, M. 'Robinson' and other 7 cultivars. The second group included M. baccata and other 8 species and 3 crabapple cultivars, like M. 'Hopa'. The third group consisted of M. sieversii and 3 more species and cultivar M. 'Dolgo'. The last group comprised of M. coronaria, M. platycarpa M. 'Kelsey' and 13 more crabapple cultivars. Twenty-five ornamental crabapple cultivars originated from a very complicated genetic complex, which could be stated as cross-hybrids from species from North America, Europe, and Asia.

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  • Phenotypic Variation of Natural Populations in Lilium regale Wilson
  • ZHANG Cai-xia;MING Jun;LIU Chun;ZHAO Hai-tao;REN Junfang;ZHOU Xu;and Mu Ding
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1183-1188.
  • Abstract ( 2264 ) HTML ( 1809 ) PDF (251KB) ( 1809 )    
  • An experiment was conducted to analyze the phenotypic diversities in terms of 6 phenotypic traits(height of plant ,length of petal, number of leaf, number of flowers, length of leaf and width of leaf)using 7 natural populations of Lilium regale Wilson. Analysis of variance for all traits showed that there was significant difference among populations. Among populations, the F value of 6 traits was from 4.878 to 34.915, except leaf was significantly different; other traits were quite significantly different. Within population other traits were not significant except that length and width of leaf. The mean phenotypic differentiation coefficient VST of the 6 traits is 61.5%, and the variation among populations was higher than within population, which indicated that the variance among populations was the main part of the phenotypic variation. The correlation analysis between the phenotypic traits of Lilium regale Wilson and geography factor showed that the correlation between them was not significant except that height of plant and the number of flowers and width of leaf significantly different positive affected by latitude.7 natural populations of Lilium regale Wilson could be divided into 2 groups by UPGMA cluster analysis. Explaining the phenotypic traits didn't gathers a type according to geography distance.
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  • Effects of Bagging on Fruit Quality and Antioxidant Capacity in 'Baiyu' Loquat
  • XU Hong-xia;CHEN Jun-wei;ZHANG Yu-chao;XIE Ming;ZHOU Li-ming;QIAN Jin-long;TANG Qing-ming;and XU Chun-ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1193-1198.
  • Abstract ( 2064 ) HTML ( 1668 ) PDF (260KB) ( 1668 )    
  • The effects of fruit bagging on fruit quality and antioxidant capacity were studied in white flesh loquat fruit (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl cv. 'baiyu') with four different types of bags (one-layer white paper bag, one-layer yellow paper bag, two-layer yellow paper bag and two-layer grey-out-dark-in paper bag). The results showed that bagging promoted the luster of loquat fruits. Compared with control, the treatment of one-layer white paper bag increased the content of total soluble solids and total sugars, while the treatment of other three types of bags decreased the content of total soluble solids, and increased the titratable acids in mature fruit of 'Baiyu'. The contents of total phenolic and flavone and antioxidant capacity in bagging fruit were lower than those in control. The lowest occurred in the fruit bagged with two-layer grey-out-dark-in paper bag. The decrease of total antioxidant capacity in bagging fruit was attributed to the decrease of the content of total phenolic and flavone in bagging fruit. According to above results, the one-layer white paper bag was the most suitable for bagging of 'Baiyu' loquat fruit.

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  • Genetic Diversity of Coconut Cultivars from Hainan Province based on SSR Molecular Markers
  • LIU Xiao-lei;TANG Hua;LI Dong-dong;WANG Qian;LIN Yan-qing;and ZHOU Rong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1199-1204.
  • Abstract ( 2643 ) HTML ( 1487 ) PDF (530KB) ( 1487 )    
  • In this study, genetic diversity and relationship among 11 coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) cultivars were analyzed based on the data of SSR. Genetic diversity of 11 coconut cultivars from Hainan province were studied using 30 SSR primer pairs, among them, 23 primer pairs amplified polymorphic fragments. A total of 136 polymorphic segments were produced, with the average polymorphic bands per SSR primer pair being 6.17 and ranging from 2 to 12. Polymorphic index content (PIC) values varied from 0.173 to 0.896 with an average of 0.561. The genetic similarity coefficients among 11 coconut cultivars ranged from 0.061 to 0.861. It indicated that there was sufficient genetic diversity among these coconut cultivars. Cluster analysis was made with unweighted pair group method for arithmetic averages (UPGMA) using genetic similarity coefficients. Eleven materials were clustered into 4 groups and 2 sub-groups. The denerogram revealed that traditional morphological classification system could not completely reflect the genetic relationship among coconut cultivars native to Hainan.
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  • Analysis of Glucosinolate Composition and Content in Radish
  • LI Qiu-yun;DAI Shao-jun;CHEN Si-xue;and YAN Xiu-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1205-1208.
  • Abstract ( 3245 ) HTML ( 2799 ) PDF (172KB) ( 2799 )    
  • The composition and content of glucosinolates (GSs) in sprouts, leaves and edible roots of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) were analyzed by HPLC-MS. A total of eight GSs were identified in different tissues of radish, including five aliphatic GSs (4-methylsulfinyl-3-butenyl GS, 2-hydroxy-3-butenyl GS, ethyl GS, 4-methylthio-3-butenyl GS and 6-heptenyl GS) and three indole GSs (1-methoxyindol-3-ylmethyl GS, indol-3-ylmethyl GS, 4-hrdroxyindol-3-ylmethyl GS). Remarkable differences in glucosinolate profiles in sprouts, leaves and edible roots of radish were observed. The contents of total GSs in the sprouts and edible roots were higher than in the leaves. The major GS in edible roots and sprouts was 4-methylthio-3-butenyl GS, accounting for 75.5% and 71.5% of the total GSs, respectively. Indol-3-ylmethyl GS was the major GS in radish leaves, accounting for 57.1% of the total leaf GSs.

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  • Full-length cDNA Clone and Sequence Analysis of A New Double-stranded RNA from Radish
  • LI Lu-lu;LI Li-qiang;QIAO Ai-min;CHEN Liang;and CHEN Ji-shuang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1209-1214.
  • Abstract ( 1970 ) HTML ( 1472 ) PDF (1118KB) ( 1472 )    
  • Double stranded RNA (dsRNA) were extracted from leaf tissues of radish (Raphanus sativus-root cv. Yidianhong) grown in Hangzhou China. Complementary DNAs corresponding to the dsRNA segments were obtained by using a modified single primer amplification technique (SPAT), and followed by cloning and sequencing. The results revealed that a new dsRNA sequence, different from all the previously reported sequences RasR1-RasR5, was obtained. And the newly detected RasR 6 (EU285027) was found to be 1778 bp in length. It predicted that the positive strand of RasR 6 potentially encoded a protein of about 55.1 kDa, containing 502 amino acids. Five members of Partitiviridae, all of which encoded putative viral CPs, were found to have some identity with RasR 6. Multiple alignments showed that RasR 6 were highly conserved at the 5(UTR regions with RasR 1 and RasR 2 previously reported from the same radish varities, but had no similarity with RasR 3-RasR 5. Thus, it could be presumed that both RasR 6, RasR 1 and RasR 2 should belong to Raphanus sativus virus 1(RasV 1), and RasR 6 encods CP together with RasR 2, or is a satellite dsRNA of this virus.

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  • Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on The Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Antioxidant System of Dendrobium huoshanense Under High Light Stress
  • FAN Hong-hong;LI Ting-chun;LI Zheng-peng;LIN Yi;and CAI Yong-ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1215-1220.
  • Abstract ( 2284 ) HTML ( 1718 ) PDF (868KB) ( 1718 )    
  • In this paper, the effects of NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on the chlorophyll fluorescence and antioxidant system of Dendrobium huoshanense under high light stress were studied. The result showed that the efficiency of light energy conversion and nonphotochemical dissipation of excess light energy for photosystemⅡ were inproved, and the capacity of scavenging active oxygen for antioxidant system was increased as well by presoaking with 0.1 mmol·L-1SNP , which alleviated the photoinhibition on leaves of Dendrobium huoshanense significantly. Therefore the PSⅡ was protected efficiently and the recovery was faster. On the contrary, the leaves presoaked in 0.5 mmol·L-1SNP were severely inhibited by the high light and the enzyme activities of SOD, POD and CAT were decreased.
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  • Genetic Diversity with Molecular Marker SRAP of Tagetes erecta L.
  • ZANG Xi-xi;XU Xin;WANG Tao;DONG Ai-xiang;and ZHAO Liang-jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1221-1226.
  • Abstract ( 1988 ) HTML ( 1941 ) PDF (541KB) ( 1941 )    
  • Study on genetic diversity of Marigold could benefit the research of cultivar property right protecting,seanged purity testing,and genetic breeding. A new molecular marker system-SRAP (Sequence-Related Amplified Polymorphism) was firstly applied on 48 marigold hybrids genetic diversity research. 20 primer pairs selected from 60 amplified 289 polymorphic bands with an average of 14.45 polymorphic bands perprimer pair. Cluster analysis using UPGMA method based on the data of SRAP amplified bands by 20 primer pairs showed 48 hybrids could be distinguished into two main groups. Jaccard s similarity coefficient ranged from 0.25-0.91.
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  • Study on Genetic Diversity of Some Rosa Germplasm in Yunnan Based on SSR Markers
  • TANG Kai-xue;QIU Xian-qin;ZHANG Hao;LI Shu-fa;WANG Qi-gang;JIAN Hong-ying;YAN Bo;and HUANG Xing-qi;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1227-1232.
  • Abstract ( 1986 ) HTML ( 1900 ) PDF (573KB) ( 1900 )    
  • The genetic diversity of 42 Rosa germplasm including 13 accessions of wild species (varieties , forms) and 29 rose cultivars in Yunnan was studied by simple sequence repeat (SSR). Eighteen pairs of SSR primers were used in PCR amplification with genomic DNA as template. A total of 148 alleles were detected at 18 loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 6 to 14, with an average of 8.2. The genetic similar coefficient ranged from 0.282 to 0.892, which showed that the genetic diversity among 42 rose accessions in Yunnan was abundant based on SSR molecular markers. The 13 Rosa species could be divided into five groups obviously based on the UPGMA cluster at the similar coefficient 0.456,which is consensus of botanical morphological classification. All the species and cultivars were divided into five groups at the similar coefficient of 0.43 by UPGMA cluster. Meanwhile genetic relationships between 42 rose accessions were discussed preliminarily.
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  • Progress in the Molecular Biology of Solanum peruvianum
  • MANG Fan-juan;HUANG Fen-lan;ZHAO Ling-xia;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1233-1240.
  • Abstract ( 2620 ) HTML ( 2490 ) PDF (424KB) ( 2490 )    
  • Solanum peruvianum is wild species related to S. lycopersicum, and possesses potential value for genetic improvement of tomato. In order to effectively utilize S.peruvianum and provide available information for tomato genetic improvement, we reviewed origin, taxonomy, biology character, and molecular biology of S.peruvianum, as well as progress in overcoming distant hybridization barriers between S.lycopersicum and S.peruvianum. The strategies of using S. peruvianum for tomato improvement were discussed in this paper.

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  • A New Ponkan Cultivar'Heping Ponkan'
  • ZENG Ji-wu;LIU Zhong-ping;MU Hong-na;YI Gan-jun;AIi Fu-bing;LIN Tai-hong;YUAN Xian;HUANG Chun-yuan;HUANG Yonghong;ZHOU Bi-rong and XIA Rui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1241-1241.
  • Abstract ( 2143 ) HTML ( 1055 ) PDF (51KB) ( 1055 )    
  • ‘Heping ponkan’is a good individual plant of Ponkan It have excellent characteristics such as stable inheritance, strong adaptability, high production and stable yield.The fruits are very good in appearance and quality, and the average mass is 153.6g.The contents of soluble solids, total sugars,and vitamin C are12%~14%,11.56%, and 0.446mg·mL1 ,respectively.
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  • A Late-Ripening Grape Cultivar 'Jingtian 0608'
  • XIANG Dian-fang;LI Shao-xing;ZHANG Meng-hong;LIU Jun;WANG Na;WANG Xue-dong;LUO Shu-xiang;QI Hui-xia;and GENG Xue-gang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1242-1242.
  • Abstract ( 3427 ) HTML ( 1244 ) PDF (50KB) ( 1244 )    
  • ‘Jingtian 0608’is an interspecific late-ripening hybrid cultivar derived from ‘Autumn Black ’(maternal plant) and ‘Niunai’(paternal plant). Its fruit cluster weighs 905. 0 g in average. Its berry is chicken heart -like in shape, purple-black. The average mass of a single berry is 8.3 g. The soluble content of its berry is 22.0%. The flesh tastes sweet with faint aroma. The quality is excellent. The ripening date of berry is in the later ten days of September in east of Hebei.
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  • A New Jujube Cultivar ‘Xinzhenghong 1’
  • LI Ji-dong;ZHAO Xu-sheng;FENG Jian-can;LI Zhan-lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(8): 1243-1243.
  • Abstract ( 2192 ) HTML ( 1210 ) PDF (50KB) ( 1210 )    
  • ‘Xinzhenghong 1’,a new cultivar of Chinese jujube with big fruit was selected from the variations of ‘Huizao’,an original local cultivar. The fruit is taper with an average mass of 10.3g. The flesh is crisp,juicy. The edible rate is 96% and the dried-rate is 47%. It is suitable for fresh and dry fruit and could be cultivated in Henan, Shandong, and Xinjiang provinces.
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