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2008, Vol.35, No.9 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Comparative Studies on Anatomical Structure of Roots in Three Citrus Seedling Rootstocks and Their Two Somatic Hybrids
  • LIU xia;PENG Shu-ang;and GUO Wen-wu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1249-1254.
  • Abstract ( 2528 ) HTML ( 1632 ) PDF (894KB) ( 1632 )    
  • By paraffin method and tissue segregation procedure, the vessel elements and xylem of three citrus seedling rootstocks and their two allotetraploid somatic hybrids were comparatively studied, it showed that: (1) The root xylem and phloem of three citrus seedling rootstocks assumed the concentric circle arrangement, while that of the somatic hybrid rootstocks red tangerine + trifoliate orange, red tangerine + rough lemon arranged unusually, like starfish.(2)Total vessel / xylem area and vessel density were highest for rough lemon, but lowest for trifoliate orange which is less vigorous. (3) Citrus vessel elements all belong to pitted vessel, with perforation plate being simple and always distributed in end wall. The difference of growth potential and nutrient transportability among citrus rootstocks could be reflected by whether the vessel elements have the tail, slope, simple perforation and their proportion in side wall. (4) Rough lemon has good vessel element structure to reflect its strong transportability while that of trifoliate orange is weak. The length and tangential diameter of vessels in citrus somatic hybrid rootstocks are larger than their parents, and have polyploid characteristics; in vessel element character, citrus somatic hybrid rootstocks tend to have more primitive characters which are disadvantageous to transportability.

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  • Study on the Influence of Three Cultivation Patterns on Photosynthetics Characteristic of Blueberry
  • Chen Wei;MA Huai-yu;Li Ya-dong;Zhang Zhi-dong;Liu hai-guang;and Wu lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1255-1260.
  • Abstract ( 2299 ) HTML ( 1506 ) PDF (368KB) ( 1506 )    
  • The influences of three culturing modes (open field, green house, plastic house) on photosynthetic parameters of blueberry 'Bluecrop' were compared , including net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductivity (Gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), etc. The results showed that 'Bluecrop' Pn day curve was two-peak type, photosynthetic midday drop of 'Bluecrop' was presented under three cultivation patterns. The minimum values of Gs under three culturing patterns were appeared at 14 p.m. and the maximum values of those were at different times, open field's were at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., green house and plastic house's were all at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Ci of three culturing patterns was decreased from 6 a.m. till 10 a.m. and kept at a low level from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and then Ci started to increase. From those we concluded that the decline of Pn from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. was contributed by stomatal-limitation factor, while there were non-stomatal-limitation factors about Pn decline at other time.

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  • Studies on genetic diversity of phenotypic traits in wild myrobalan plum(Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.)
  • LIU Chong-qi;CHEN Xue-sen;WANG Jin-zheng;CHEN Xiao-liu;WANG Hai-bo;TIAN Chang-ping ;and WU Chuan-jin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1261-1268.
  • Abstract ( 2771 ) HTML ( 1658 ) PDF (761KB) ( 1658 )    
  • Ripe fruit of wild myrobalan plum obtained from 47 seedlings at Daxigou, Huocheng County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomic Region of China were studied by Morphological trait, Soluble solids content, Mineral element, Volatile component. The purpose of the study was to acquire basic data for the conservation and utilization of the species. The results indicated that considerable genetic variations in these aspects: vertical length, Transverse length, Shape index, Fruit weight, Soluble solids content. Among them, fruit weight, the variation coefficient of which was the highest(9.13%). As investigated, the shape of the fruit was mainly rotundity, and the color of the fruit were red, black, yellow, mauve. Variation coefficient of mineral elements(Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn), which revealed wider variation range and rich genetic diversity. Among them, Fe, the content and the variation coefficient of which was the highest(2.12 mg·100g-1 and 26.99%), it has large potential for futher selection. Ripe fruit of 12 wild myrobalan plum seedlings were analyzed using head space-solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed considerable genetic variations in these aspects: The total content of volatile components, the classes and contents of each compounds classes, the segregation ratio, and content of main components. There were 83 compounds in total belonging to 6 classes detected in 12 wild myrobalan plum seedlings, including esters, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, heterocycle and Hydrocarbons. Among them, Formic acid, hexyl ester, the content of which was the highest(4.33 μg·g-1),was important character impact odors.
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  • Lycopene β-cyclase Gene Cloning from Citrus sinensis Osbeck 'Cara Cara' and Its Functional Expression in E. coli
  • ZHANG Jian-cheng;TAO Neng-guo;ZHOU Wen-jing;XU Juan;PAN Zhi-yong;and DENG Xiu-xin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1269-1276.
  • Abstract ( 2648 ) HTML ( 1364 ) PDF (1305KB) ( 1364 )    
  • Using the mRNA from the fruit of Citrus sinensis Osbeck cv. Cara Cara as the template, we amplified and cloned the cDNA of lycopene β-cyclase gene by reverse transcription polymerse chain reactin(RT-PCR). Sequence analysis indicated that the cDNA was 1654 bp long with two transcripts Lcyb1 and Lcyb2, which had an open reading frame of 1512 bp and encoded a protein of 504 amino acids respectively. The full-length coding region of Lcyb1 and Lcyb2 cDNA were cloned using PCR and further subcloned into pET-28a(+), resulting in the prokaryotic expression vector pET-CitLcyb1 and pET-CitLcyb2. The results of color complementation demonstrated fusion protein 6×His-Lcyb1 and 6×His-Lcyb2 could catalyse lycopene to form β-carotene respectively.
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  • Distribution of Photosynthetic Pigments and Chloroplasts in Different Tissue Zone of Kiwifruit During the Fruit Development Period
  • GUO Xue-min;;WANG Gui-xi;and GAO Rong-fu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1277-1284.
  • Abstract ( 2914 ) HTML ( 2381 ) PDF (766KB) ( 2381 )    
  • The distribution characteristics of photosynthetic pigments and chloroplasts were investigated in outer pericarp, inner pericarp and axile placenta of kiwifruit during the fruit development period, aiming at providing scientific basis for studies on its photosynthetic mechanism and other physiological and biochemical properties. Temporal differences of the derivative absorption spectra of photosynthetic pigments and contents of chlorophylls (Chl.) were analyzed among three tissue zones of Actinididia deliciosa 'Qinmei' fruit by derivative spectrophotometry, and the distribution features of chloroplast in various pulp cells were observed in the different tissue zones of A.deliciosa 'Meiwei 84' and A. chinensis Planch 'Zhonghua 36' fruits by microscopy. The results showed that the composition of photosynthetic pigments in each tissue zone changed with kiwifruit development; The presence of Chl. and (or) chlide made the pulp green within our experimental periods; with the fruit development, Chl. a, Chl. b and Chl.(a+b) contents decreased gradually and Chl. a/b increased in the same tissue zone of 'Qinmei' kiwifruit; at the same development stage, the orders of content of Chl. a, Chl. b and Chl. (a+b) of each tissue zone of 'Qinmei' fruit were OP>IP>AP. Almost all the pulp cells contained chloroplasts except for mucous cells and some cells around carpellary bundle of 'Meiwei 84' and 'Zhonghua 36' fruits, and the brachysclereids of OP in 'Zhonghua 36' fruit had chloroplasts as well. The results indicate that there were significant differences in the photosynthetic pigment composition, Chl. content and Chl. a/b ratio of different tissue zones among the fruit development stages, and chloroplast distribution were similar in the pulp cells at the different tissue zones between 'Zhonghua 36' and 'Meiwei 84' fruits.
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  • Studies on the Gamete Formation and Transmission Rate of a Set of Primary Trisomics in Chinese Cabbage
  • SHEN Shu-xing;;HOU Xi-lin;and LUO Shuang-xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1285-1290.
  • Abstract ( 1949 ) HTML ( 1435 ) PDF (621KB) ( 1435 )    
  • Transmission rate of n+1 gametes is an important parameter for genetic analysis of trisomics. The transmission rate of n+1 gametes identified by analyzing the progenies of a set of primary trisomics in Chinese cabbage reciprocal crosses with diploid respectively .The chromosome behaviors of each trisomics during meiotic divisions were studied. The results showed that n+1 female and male gametes of the trisomics could transmitted except of Tri-10, whereas transmission rate among various trisomics were different. The main influencing factor on n+1 male gamete transmission rate were the trivalent formation and abnormal chromosome segregation at anaphaseⅠandⅡ during meiotic divisions of each trisomics.
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  • Effects of Cadmium and its Subcellular Distribution on the Photosynthesis of Cauliflower
  • TANG Hui-hua;YANG Tao;HU Hong-you;TANG Chao-feng;and LU Chang-yi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1291-1296.
  • Abstract ( 2736 ) HTML ( 6465 ) PDF (374KB) ( 6465 )    
  • The effects of cadmium (Cd)(5、15、30 mg·L-1)on chlorophyll levels and photosynthesis of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) were studied under different concentrations of Cd using hydroponics system. Meanwhile, the differential centrifugation techniques and sequential extraction methods were used to determine the subcellular distribution and chemical form of Cd in leaves. Cd contents in different parts of plant were also measured after harvest. The results showed that, after different contents of Cd were supplied for two weeks, except intercellular CO2 concentration(Ci), the levels of chlorophyll a and b, net photosynthesis rate(Pn), stomatal conductance(Gs) and transpiration rate(Tr) all decreased significantly compared with the control. For the leaves, Cd was mainly distributed in the fractions of cytoplasm(70.19%-74.40%) and cell wall (22.56%-27.12%), and less distributed in the fractions of mitochondrion and chloroplast(0.90%-2.49%). The sequential extraction results of Cd in leaves indicated that NaCl extractable Cd was predominated (33%—39%), and the distribution of six Cd forms in leaves was as following: F NaCl > FH2O> FHAC> FAlcohol> FHCL> FResidue. Most of Cd absorbed by plant was accumulated in roots, little of them was transported to the aboveground portions. The order of Cd accumulation in different plant parts was: roots>stems, leaves>flowers.

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  • Allelopathy of the Eggplant / Tomato Grafted Eggplants Root Exudates to Verticillium wiltVerticillium dahllae
  • LIU Na;ZHOU Bao-li;LI Yi-xiu;HAO Jing;and FU Ya-wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1297-1304.
  • Abstract ( 2170 ) HTML ( 1560 ) PDF (215KB) ( 1560 )    
  • Allelopathy to Verticillium wiltVerticillium dahllae)and the allelochemicals of the root exudates in the grafted eggplants with tomato as rootstock were studied. The ether extracts of the root exudates were detected by GC-MS. The results showed that a significant, strong disease resistance was found in grafted eggplants thean in own root plants. The root exudates of grafted eggplants had a significant suppression to the Verticillium wilt with the inhibitory rate at 15.43%. And the dentificantion of the allelochemicals in root exudates of grafted eggplants indicated that the categories and the relative contents were different from the own-root plants. The substances, such as carbazoles, azulenes, amines, fluorene and indenol, were be detected only in the grafted eggplants.
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  • Inheritance of the Eggplant Parthenocarpy and AFLP Molecular Marker
  • LIU Fu-zhong;WAN Xiang;CHEN Yu-hui;LIAN Yong;and SONG Ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1305-1309.
  • Abstract ( 2110 ) HTML ( 1401 ) PDF (567KB) ( 1401 )    
  • Emphytic character and AFLP marker of eggplant parthenocarpic gene were studied by using materials of parthenocarpic selfing line D-10 and un-parthenocarpic selfing line 03-2. Analysing the separated rate of the parthenocarpic phenotype in F1,F2, and BC1, we found that parthenocarpic gene of D-10 was controlled by single dominant nucleus gene and named as Pat. Using AFLP and BSA techniques with 512 pairs of E/M primers screening, we obtained one AFLP marker E75/M53-70 that linked with parthenocarpic gene.The genetic distance was 15.38 cM,which could be used as parthenocarpic identification and molecular marker-assisted selection.
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  • Cloning and Expression Characterization of a Lysine-rich Protein cDNA(Cflr ) from Pepper
  • SUN Xiao-bo;FANG Rui;YU Gui-hong;LIU Quan-bing;and MA Hong-xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1310-1316.
  • Abstract ( 1966 ) HTML ( 1684 ) PDF (971KB) ( 1684 )    
  • To obtain a new lysine-rich protein gene from species of solanaceae, a 390-bp fragment was amplified from pepper cultivar‘Jiangshu 7’using its matural pollen cDNA as the template and the conservative sequences of potato and tomato lysine-rich protein genes as the primers by RT-PCR. A full-length cDNA with completed open reading frame of 223 amino acids was cloned using the strategy of RACE(rapid amplification of cDNA ends ).This cDNA was designated as Cflr (GenBank accession number : EU367999 ), which contains 920 bp with an un-translated region of 84 bp at its 5'end and a polyA tail at the 3'end. BLAST search against NCBI showed that the Cflr gene shared 50%-60% identity with the lysine-rich protein genes from potato and tomato in nucleotide and 40%-50% in amino acid. The lysine content of CFLR protein was 21.2%,which was higher than the reported natural lysine-rich proteins, and the threonine content was 10.3%. Analysis of semi-quantitative RT-PCR indicated that Cflr gene was transcribed in matural pollen and petal largely, less in leave, and hardly in immature anther, stem and root.
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  • Cloning and expression analysis of the anthocyanin transcriptional activator gene stwd40 of Solanum tuberosum
  • Luo Zun-xi;Liu Shi-yun;Zhang Shu-zhen;Yang Ben-peng;and Cai Wen-wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1317-1322.
  • Abstract ( 2498 ) HTML ( 1794 ) PDF (1180KB) ( 1794 )    
  • Based on the conserved sequence of petunia hybrida anthocyain transcriptional activator gene wd40 (an11) and tomato wd40 mRAN (113964R) from GeneBank, the conserved fragment of stwd40 transcriptional activator gene was cloned from the purple potato coat. The 3'-end and 5' -end of this gene were amplified by using RACE technique separately. Sequence analysis show that the nucleotide sequence of this gene is 1292bp, containing a complete open reading frame and encoding 326aa. The stwd40 amino acid sequence is similar to anthocyanin transcriptional activator protein wd40 from large number of species, and the homology is 86% with the petunia hybrida anthocyain transcriptional regulatory gene an11. The results of RT-PCR expression analysis show that stwd40 expressed in the leaves, stems, tuber skins, tuber fleshes and roots of purple potato and the leaves, tuber skins, tuber fleshes of white potato with the different expression levels. It is suggested that the stwd40 is constitutive expressed in potato.
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  • Genetic Diversity of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Germplasm by SSR
  • MU Sheng-qi;GU Xing-fang;ZHANG Sheng-ping;WANG Xiao-wu;and Wang Ye
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1323-1330.
  • Abstract ( 2447 ) HTML ( 2155 ) PDF (711KB) ( 2155 )    
  • 62 polymorphic SSR primers were used to study the genetic relationships of 59 cucumber materials. Germplasm used in this study were divided into 7 groups by cluster analysis. Six European greenhouse ecotype materials with no spines were in the 1st group. Four American ecotype germplasm with small fruits belonged to the 2nd group. The Xishuangbanna cucumber D59 formed the 3th group. The genetic distance between D59 and other materials were more than 0.33. The white fruited accession D38 belonged to 4th group. The accession D13 and its male parent D39 which were the progenies of European greenhouse ecotype and North China ecotype were in the 5th group. The leaf color mutant D28 was the only accession in the 6th group. The 7th group were consisted of 33 north China type materials, 7 south China type accessions and 4 Japanese type germplasm. Results obtained from the principal coordinate analysis were consistent with those from the cluster analysis, which were in according with the morphological taxonomy on cucumber.

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  • Flower Color, Pigment Composition and Their Changes During Flowering in Chimonanthus praecox Link.
  • Ge Yu-xuan;WANG Liang-sheng;XU Yan-jun;LIU Zheng-an;LI Chong-hui;and JIA Ni;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1331-1338.
  • Abstract ( 2655 ) HTML ( 2444 ) PDF (770KB) ( 2444 )    
  • The changes of flower color, pigment composition during flowering in four varieties of Chimonanthus praecox Link. were studied. The flower color was measured according to the Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart (RHSCC) and by a NF333 spectrophotometer, respectively. A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a photodiode array detector (HPLC-PAD) and a HPLC-electrospray ionization-mass spectroscopy (HPLC-ESI-MS) were employed for qualitative and quantitative analysis of anthocyanins and flavonoids. The results indicated that the flower color of each variety showed significant difference during flowering. The chroma (C*) of the both perianths decreased, while the hue angle (h) of the yellow outer perianths increased from yellow to pale yellow, and the red inner perianths decreased from red to dark red. Two anthocyanins (cyanidin 3-O-glucoside and cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside) and three flavonols (quercetin 3-O-rutinoside, kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside and quercetin aglycone) were detected in the red inner perianths. The three flavonols in the red inner perianths were also detected in the yellow outer perianths. Cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside was detected from C. praecox petals for the first time. Although the kind of pigments kept unchanged during flowering, the pigment contents showed significant difference. Total flavonols (TF) content decreased rapidly from the alabastrum period to the initial flowering period, and then changed smoothly, while total anthocyanins (TA) content in the red inner perianths kept no remarkable changed.

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  • Effects of Light Spectral Energy Distribution on Growth of Ilex chinensis Sims Plantlets in Vitro
  • Di Xiu-ru;Cui Jin;Xu Zhi-gang;Chang Tao-tao;Zhang Huan;and Liu Hai-jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1339-1344.
  • Abstract ( 1982 ) HTML ( 1775 ) PDF (632KB) ( 1775 )    
  • The effects of different light spectral energy distribution of light-emitting diode (LED) on growth of Ilex chinensis Sims plantlets in vitro were studied. Fluorescent light was used as the control. The results showed that, plantlets under red LED exhibited the highest dry mass, rooting rate, root/shoot rate and root length, but blue LED had the contrary effects. Green LED was suitable for leave growth. However, monochromic red LED induced abnormal growth, poor root vigor and least survival rate. Compared with fluorescent light, complex of LED showed the obvious advantages on energy efficiency, dry mass, carbohydrate contents, SOD and CAT activities. The results indicated that application of complex of LED could improve antioxidant capacity and environment adaptable of Ilex chinensis Sims plantlets in vitro. which got stronger and survival rate were higher than those under fluorescent.
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  • Effects of Branch Bending Angle on Physiological Characteristics and Fruit Quality of Fuji Apple
  • HAN Ming-yu;LI Yong-wu;FAN Chong-hui;and ZHAO Cai-ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1345-1350.
  • Abstract ( 2801 ) HTML ( 1804 ) PDF (372KB) ( 1804 )    
  • The effects of branch bending angle on physiological characteristics and fruit quality of Fuji apple were studied. The results showed that except content of fruit the total acid, most of the items increased with the increase of branch bending angle, arrived to the highest point when the angle of branch was 110°, and then decreased. Leaf photosynthetic rate and fruit VC content in 110°were markedly higher than that of the other angles; Leaf stomata conductance, leaf thickness, fruit mass and fruit pectin content in 110°were significantly higher than those of 70° and 55°; Leaf total sugar content and thickness of the foliar epidermis in 110° were markedly higher than those of 90, 70° and 55°; there were not significant differences in leaf intercellular CO2 concentration, leaf total nitrogen content, stockade cell length, fruit shape index, hardness and total sugar content between the different treatments of branch bending angle. The content of fruit total acid reduced with the increase of branch bending angle, and arrived its lowest point when the angle of branch was 110°, and then increased. The angle of bending branch also affected the quantity and types of shoots, and when the angle of bending branch was 90°and 110°, shoots were mainly located in 30-120 cm from the trunk and the length of most branches were about between 5-30 cm. So when bending angle is 110°, Fuji tree is easy to form flower bud and improve fruit quality.
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  • Genetic Diversity of Phenolic Compounds in Malus sieversii
  • ZHANG Xiao-yan;CHEN Xue-sen;PENG Yong;LIU Zun-chun;SHI Jun;and WANG Hai-bo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1351-1356.
  • Abstract ( 2177 ) HTML ( 1775 ) PDF (399KB) ( 1775 )    
  • Experiments were conducted in ripened fruits of Malus sieversii obtained from 30 seedlings to study composition, content and genetic diversity of phenolic compounds. The results indicated that variation coefficients of phenolic compounds in M. sieversii seedlings were more than 36.12%, which revealed wider variation range and rich genetic diversity. Proanthocyanidin, gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, ρ-hydroxybenzoic acid, catechin, epicatechin, vanillin, ferulic acid, benzoic acid, phloridzin, quercetin, cinnamic acid, phloretin were identified in the study, in which proanthocyanidin, epicatechin, phloridzin and chlorogenic acid existed in high concentraions. Comparision of phenolic compound contents in M. sieversii with those in M. domestica showed that total phenolic compounds and main constituents in M. sieversii were higher than that in M. domestica significantly.

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  • Development of Molecular Markers IRAP and REMAP in Eggplant
  • WANG Li-ying;DU Yong-chen;ZHANG Bin;SHI Yao;WANG Qiu-jin;and ZHAO Fu-kuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1363-1367.
  • Abstract ( 2260 ) HTML ( 1585 ) PDF (841KB) ( 1585 )    
  • Primers were designed based on LTR reserve region of Bare-1 and Tto1 in tobacco and barley.14 varieties of eggplant were used as experimental materials for PCR amplification.Agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were adopted to detect amplification products and the technique of IRAP and REMAP molecular marker was constructed.Polymorphic fingerprints were obtained using two methods (IRAP and REMAP),new methods were developed for variety appraisal and fingerprint in eggplant.
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  • Morphological Observation on flower bud differentiation of Lilium formolongi Bulb
  • NING Yun-fen;LONG Ming-hua;TAO Ji;YANG Mei-chun;WEI Peng-xiao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1368-1372.
  • Abstract ( 2272 ) HTML ( 1982 ) PDF (823KB) ( 1982 )    
  • Anatomic observations were made in the terminal bud of Lilium formolongi cv. Raizan during flower bud differentiation with the paraffin sections and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results indicated that flower bud differentiation began at 20~30 days and finished at 50~60 days after planting. The process of flower bud differentiation lasted for about 40 days and could be divided into five stages, i.e. Undifferentiation phase, Initial differentiation phase, Inflorescence and small floral primordium differentiation phase, Flower organ differentiation phase, The whole inflorescence formation.

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  • Study on in vitro Propagation of Endangered Plant Phyllitis japonia
  • GU De-feng;LI Dong-sheng;WANG Lei;QI Guang-xun;ZHAO He-xiangand DONG Ran
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1373-1376.
  • Abstract ( 2160 ) HTML ( 1502 ) PDF (503KB) ( 1502 )    
  • The sporophyllary leaves of Phyllitis japonica were used as explants to study the process of tissue culture rapid reproduction. The results showed that different inoculation types and culture methods significantly affected the spores germination and prothallus growth of Phyllitis japonica. The spores which sporangia were broken and cultured in liquid culture media germinated quickly. The prothallus propagated in MS culture medium without the plant growth hormone at a speed rate of 5 times. Pot culture of spraying 0.1% KH2PO4 upon prothallus is more suitable to translated from prothallus to spore.

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  • Comparative Analysis on Karyotype of Different Populations of Houuuynia cordate Thunb
  • YUAN Yi;WANG Lian;and WANG xiao-jua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1377-1383.
  • Abstract ( 2101 ) HTML ( 1400 ) PDF (279KB) ( 1400 )    
  • The experiment was initially analysing differences in chromosomal karyotype of 15 populations in Houuuynia cordate Thunb. with the method of essential balm.The results showed that the chromosome numbers and the karyotype formulae were as follows: hefei:2n =20=14m+6sm;chaohu :2n =24=16m+8sm;wuhu:2n=20= 14m+6sm;guangde:2n=26=16m+10sm;tongling:2n=24= 18m+6sm;chuzhou:2n=22= 14m+8sm;huangshan: 2n =22= 18m+4sm;jixi:2n=24=14m+10sm;shitai: 2n =30=20m+10sm;huoshan:2n=22=14m+8sm;anqing: 2n =20=10m+10sm;dujiangyan:2n =32=26m+6sm;luzhou:2n =32= 22m+10sm;zigong;2n =32=18m+12sm+2t;neijiang:2n =30= 20m+10sm;the chromosome mumbers were 20、22、24、26、30、32, of which the number of 20,26,30 and 32 were found for the first time .So, the chromosome mumber and karyotypic were different among diffrent populations.
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  • Advanced in Plant Invertase and Regulation of Gene Expression
  • LI Xiao-Qu;WANG Jian-She;and ZHANG Gen-Fa
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1384-1392.
  • Abstract ( 2286 ) HTML ( 4237 ) PDF (661KB) ( 4237 )    
  • Sugar is not only the energy source but also an important kind of regulator of gene expression in plant. During the process of plant sucrose metabolism, especially during the process of fruits development, invertases catalyze sucrose hydrolyzation to produce hexoses that related to the quality of vegetable and fruits. Invertases are classified into acid invertases and neutral/basic invertases, with different functions. Meanwhile, different invertases have diverse expression patterns, which are influenced by different factors, such as organs and developmental specificity, sugars, stress and phytohormones. Despite the bulk of available knowledge on invertase at present there are still many questions remain to be elucidated further.

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  • Microwave-assisted Extraction of Solanine from Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
  • ZHANG Wei;WEN Xiong;PAN Shuang-yin;and XIONG Xing-yao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1393-1396.
  • Abstract ( 4268 ) HTML ( 2607 ) PDF (246KB) ( 2607 )    
  • Solanine was extracted from peel of a potato variety ‘Zhong Shu 3’ by using microwave and ethanol/acetic acid solvent. Crude extract was further purified and then qualified by HPLC. The optimized extraction parameters were obtained through a 4 factor, 3 level orthogonal experiment. The results showed that the use of microwave not only increased the extraction efficiency but also reduced the extraction time. The best extraction procedure obtained from the orthogonal experiment was first to mix peel powder with ethanol/acetic acid (100/10,V/V) solvent at the ratio of 10 g of powder to 200 g·ml-1 solvent, and then subject the mix to microwave irradiation for 6 min at the power level of 540 W.

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  • A New Walnut Cultivar ‘Jinxiang’
  • WANG Gui;CHANG Yue-mei;WU Jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1397-1397.
  • Abstract ( 1816 ) HTML ( 1284 ) PDF (55KB) ( 1284 )    
  • ‘Jinxiang’is a new cultivar selected from the seedlings of Xinjiang cultivar. The average mass of single nut is up to 11.5 g. The nut shell is smooth, which thickness is 0.75 mm. The crack seam is loose which help to the whole kernel taken out easily. Kernel weight accounts up 63.97% of nut. The color of 96% kernel is light. The kernel is filled plumply and full of aroma. Its quality is fine.
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  • A Late-Ripening Seedless Grape Cultivar 'Jingtianhuangjiawuhe'
  • XIANG Dian-fang;LI Shao-xing;LIU Jun;WANG Xue-dong;ZHANG Meng-hong;QI Hui-xia;WANG Na;LUO Shu-xiang;GENG Xue-gang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1398-1398.
  • Abstract ( 3076 ) HTML ( 1311 ) PDF (66KB) ( 1311 )    
  • ‘Jingtian Huangjia Wuhe’ is an interspecific late-ripening seedless hybrid cultivar derived from ‘Niunai’(maternal plant) and ‘Huangjiaqiutian’ (paternal plant). Its fruit cluster weighs 915. 0 g in average. Its berry is oval -like in shape, purple-red in colour. The average mass of a single berry is 7.4 g. The soluble content of its berry is 18.0%. The flesh tastes sour-sweet with faint aroma. The quality is excellent. The ripening date of berry is in the beginning ten days of October in east of Hebei.
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  • A New Early-mature Cauliflower Hybrid 'Xueguan 65'
  • GAO Wei-heng;GUAN Xu;TONG Yun;LIU Shui- ping;LU Yu-rong;LI Fang-xiang;SUN Hong-bo;XING Wen-yan;and WEI Jing-chen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1399-1399.
  • Abstract ( 2579 ) HTML ( 1223 ) PDF (60KB) ( 1223 )    
  • ‘Xueguan 65’is a new cauliflower cultivar derived from the cross ‘T1644’בM5116’.It grows well and is semi-erect. The leaves are blue-green with thick waxiness. It takes about 65 days from transplanting to harvesting. The curd is semi-global, white colour and excellent taste. The average mass of the curd is 1kg。The average yield is 30-45 t·hm-2.It is resistant to black rot, tolerant to high temperature, drought and waterlogging. It is suitable for autumn cultivation.
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  • A New Asparagus Bean Cultivar ‘Zhijiang 108’
  • WANG Xue-wu;DING Chao-hong;YING Lin-huo;LIU Ting-fu;WU Xiao-hua;and LI Guo-jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1400-1400.
  • Abstract ( 2404 ) HTML ( 1143 ) PDF (63KB) ( 1143 )    
  • ‘Zhijiang 108’is a new asparagus bean cultivar which was selected from the multi-crossing off-springs. It has excellent characteristics such as mid-mature, green skin, high density and long shelf-life. The pod length is about 70 cm, and the yield is about 30-35 t·hm-2. It has strong root system, resistant to black-eye virus, wilt and rust, and tolerant to continuous cultivation.
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  • A New Ornamental Actinidia Lindley Cultivar ‘Jinling’
  • ZHANG Zhong-hui;HUANG Hong-wen;JIANG Zheng-wang;WANG Yan-chang;ZHONG Cai-hong;and WANG Sheng-mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(9): 1401-1401.
  • Abstract ( 1933 ) HTML ( 1238 ) PDF (57KB) ( 1238 )    
  • The new ornamental Actinidia Lindley cultivar ‘Jinling’was selected from the Actinidia seedlings of A. macrosperma. The fruit is round and bright orange, which is best for ornamentation. It can be used as a new type of landscape vine with beautiful tree crown shape, jade-green leaves and colorful fruit. It has high yield (not good taste) and good adaptability to different climate.
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