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2009, Vol.36, No.8 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Analysis of the Main Factors and Threshold Temperature on Vitis Berry Sunburn
  • KUAI Chuan-hua;LIU San-jun;WU Guo-liang;YANG Chao-xuan;CHEN Yong-peng;WANG Peng;LIU Chong-huai;and YU Qiao-li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1093-1098.
  • Abstract ( 1842 ) HTML ( 1909 ) PDF (460KB) ( 1909 )    
  • The experiments were conducted in an 8 years old grape orchard, ‘Red Globe’, to study the effect of sunlight, air temperature, wind speed and other factors on grape berry sunburn. The results showed that the higher temperature on fruit surface was the direct factor inducing grape sunburn. The threshold temperatures to induce sunburn ranged from 42.0℃ to 42.8℃(average temperature was 42.3℃) during fruit fast swell stage. It would reach to maximum after 12 minutes if the berries were suddenly exposed to the sunlight. The excessive sunlight increased both air temperature and fruit surface temperature. Therefore, excessive sunlight was the most important factor causing grape sunburn. The illumination per 10 000 lx could add about 1℃ on fruit surface at noon of a shiny and windless day in summer. The fruit surface temperature was significantly higher on the days without wind than when the wind speed was 1.5m﹒s-1. When wind speed approached 3.0m/s, the fruit surface temperature decreased to a very low level within 6 minutes. The higher relative humidity increased grape sunburn under the same light and temperature conditions.

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  • Effects of Storage Temperature on Resveratrol and Its Glycosides Content in Grape Berries Skin Following UV-C Irradiation
  • ZHENG Xian-bo;;LI Xiao-dong;WU Ben-hong;LI Shao-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1099-1104.
  • Abstract ( 2344 ) HTML ( 1355 ) PDF (476KB) ( 1355 )    
  • The mature fruits of post-harvest ‘Jingmi’grape were irradiated by the dosage of 3.6 kJ·m-2 ultraviolet C (UV-C) and then incubated 24 hours in dark at 25 ℃. The UV-C irradiated berries and control berries were stored at 0 ℃ and 25 ℃. The berries was sampled at 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 7, 10,14, 24 and 34 d. Resveratrol and piceid content in grape berries was determined by HPLC. The results showed: Trans-resveratrol (trans-Res) and cis-Piceid (cis-PD) content in grape berries skin was significantly increased when treated by UV-C irradiation and then incubated 24 h in dark at 25 ℃, but trans-Piceid (trans-PD) content in grape berries skin was not significantly increased. Storage temperature played an important role on the level of Res and its glycosides by UV-C irradiation treatment. cis-Resveratrol (cis-Res)could not detected in skin of UV-C irradiated berries and control berries.trans-Res, trans-PD and cis-PD content of control grape berries skin was low and stable under 25 ℃ and 0 ℃, while UV-C irradiated berries skin was higher than control at mostly sampling time and changed sharply.

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  • Effects of Light Quality on the Growth and Development of in Vitro CulturedGrape Plantlets
  • LIU Yuan;LI Sheng;;MA Shao-ying;;ZHANG Zhen;ZHANG Qing-song;LUO Li-yuan;XUE Chong;PEI Xiao-li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1105-1112.
  • Abstract ( 1914 ) HTML ( 1913 ) PDF (748KB) ( 1913 )    
  • Test2tube p lantlets of different grape varieties ( Fenghuang 51, PinotNoir, Beta and Kyoho) were used in the experiment to study their growth and development under 5 different light qualities ( red, yellow, green, blue and white light). The results showed that the white light was the best for the proliferation, biomass, chlorophyll synthesis and net photosynthetic rate of grape test-tube plantlets. The shoot and root elongation growth were promoted under red or yellow light. Under blue light resveratrol production was highest, but the chlorophyll a/b ratio was the lowest.
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  • Studies of Changes in Sugar Accumulation and Lignin Deposition DuringPeach Fruit Endocarp Development
  • YANG Ai-zhen;;ZHANG Zhi-yi;CAO Ai-juan;MENG Hai-ling;WANG You-nian;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1113-1119.
  • Abstract ( 1969 ) HTML ( 2207 ) PDF (719KB) ( 2207 )    
  • The experiment was conducted with peach ( Prunus persica L. ) ‘Jingyu’and ‘Okubo’fruits. The sugar content was measured in peach endocarp during the course of the cell division and pit hardening, analyzing the change of sugar accumulation, observing the development of endocarp cell wall through the transmission electron microscope (TEM) and detecting the p rogress of the its lignin deposition by staining with phloroglucinol - HCl reagent. The results showed the cell in the peach endocarp divided continuously, the primary cell wall expanding, the cell organ marginalizing gradually, which was the stage of
    sugar rap id accumulation, before 40 days after full blooming. The internal part began red after more than 40 days, the lignin deposition finished after 15 days or so, sugar accumulation and dynamic metabolism decreased rapidly, which showed lignin deposition occurred after the peak of sugar accumulation. Its content had an important effect on endocarp development.

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  • Development and Validation of SCAR Markers Linked to the Non-acid /acidTrait of Fruit in Peach
  • WU Jun;SHU Huai-rui;ZHANG Kai-chun;Zhang Xiao-ming;JIANG Li-jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1120-1126.
  • Abstract ( 1646 ) HTML ( 1222 ) PDF (809KB) ( 1222 )    
  • In this paper, specific primers of BFPA1/A2 , BFPB1/B2 , BFPC1/C2 were designed respectively according to the sequence of three specific fragments from AFLP markerswhich linked to non-acid/acid trait of peach. A 158 bp polymorphic band was amplified from the DNA of 69 F1 population of the intra-specific cross between cultivars‘Jingyu’and‘Flavortop’with the primer pair BFPB1/B2. Furthermore, the steady and specific amp lification can be got with the primers designed in different location of the AFLP fragmentAT-CTA199. The SCAR marker had the same segregation pattern as the original AFLPAT/CTA marker with a linkage distance of 2199 cM and the AFLP marker was converted into SCAR marker successfully. The SCARBFPB1/B2 marker was tested in 60 F2 p rogeny of‘Okubo’and‘Xingjin’nectarine, and the results showed that the ac2 cordance ratio of genotype and phenotype was 96.7%. The SCAR marker was a codominant marker and could distinguish the heterozygous and homozygous. Polymorphism disappeared in parents and progeny with specific primers BFPA1 /A2 and BFPC1 /C2.
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  • Study on the Contents of cAMP and cGMP in Different Cultivars, GrowingPeriods and Organs in Chinese Jujube
  • ZHAO Ai-ling;LI Deng-ke;WANG Yong-kang;SUI Chuan-ling;CAO Yan-qing;LIANG Qian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1134-1139.
  • Abstract ( 1755 ) HTML ( 1698 ) PDF (618KB) ( 1698 )    
  • The contents of cAMP and cGMP in fruit skin, flesh, leaves and stem of bearing shoot of 26 Chinese jujube cultivars were analyzed using HPLC. The results showed: Firstly, fruit skin has the highest contents of cAMP and cGMP in the four organs, followed by flesh and leaves, with the lowest contents in
    stem. Secondly, the highest contents of cAMP and cGMP were in compete-mature period, while the lowest in white-mature period. Thirdly, thereps a highly significant difference in contents of cAMP and cGMP among different varieties. For examp le, the content of cAMP in Nanjing Yazao( 553 155μg·g- 1) is as 12 times as that in Guanyang Changzao (46165 μg·g- 1 ) , while the content of cGMP in Binxian J inzao (201 115 μg·g- 1) is as 23 times as that in Shandong L izao (8186μg·g- 1 ). Fourthly, the content of cAMP was always
    higher than that of cGMP in the same material, and they have similar changing rules in different organs and growing periods.
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  • Effects of Exogenous Hydrogen Peroxide on Ultra structure of Chloroplastsand Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes in Greenhouse-ecotype CucumberUnder Drought Stress
  • LIU Zhong-jing;GUO Yan-kui;LIN Shao-hang;BAI Ji-gang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1140-1146.
  • Abstract ( 2071 ) HTML ( 2093 ) PDF (2116KB) ( 2093 )    
  • To investigate whether exogenous-H2O2-induced drought tolerance is mediated by the increasing of antioxidant activities, agreenhouse-ecotype cucumber ‘Chunguang 2 ’was pretreated with exogenous hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 ) and was subjected to drought stress, which was simulated by 100 g·L - 1 polyethylene glycol 6000. Without pretreatment of exogenous H2O2 , drought stress resulted in plants with round chlorop lasts, the indistinct chlorop lastmembranes and thylakoids. Compared to drought treatment itself, the combination of H2O2 pretreatment and drought stress did not change the chlorop last ultrastructure obviously, and it not only increased the activities of antioxidants such as superoxidedismutase, catalase, guaiacol peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, monodehydroascorbate reductase, dehydrateascorbate reducatase, glutathione reductase,ascorbic acid and the reduced glutathione, but also decreased the contents of malonaldehyde, endogenous H2O2 and superoxide radical. We conclude that the app lication of exogenous H2O2 increases the antioxidant activities, and therefore decreases the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and alleviates the damage to chlorop lastmembranes under drought stress.
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  • Proteomic Study on Grafted and Non-grafted Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. )
  • LI Yue-jian;LIANG Gen-yun;LIU Xiao-jun;LIU Du-chen;FANG Chao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1147-1152.
  • Abstract ( 1867 ) HTML ( 1944 ) PDF (325KB) ( 1944 )    
  • Study was conducted to explain the reason why grafted cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ) performs better than non-grafted one in the respect of resistance or tolerance to biotic orabiotic stresses and photosynthesis. In a plastic chamber, grafted cucumber‘Jinyou 1’ and non-grafted cucumber‘Jinyou 1’were planted in plastic pots filled with pasterised medium consisting of peat, vermiculite and moss. Proteins from the leaves of the two types of cucumber p lants were analyzed in seedling stage, flowering stage and fruiting stage by two dimensional electrophoresis ( 2-DE) and mass spectrum (MS). In the leaves of the grafted‘Jinyou 1’, two types of proteins were found to be induced to higher degree of expression than in the non-grafted plants. The first type of p roteins was R-protein (RGC693) and squalene synthase related to resistance
    or tolerance to the stresses. The second was coenzyme which promotes chlorop last synthesize, and chlorophylla-b binding protein which enhances photosynthesis. So the results obtained in this research could partly explain the mechanism of the better stress tolerance and higher photosynthesis in the grafted cucumber plant.

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  • Expression the Potato Late Blight Resistant Gene R3a, R1 and RB in Tomato
  • JIA Zhi-qi;CUI Yan-hong;LI Ying;YANG Yu-hong;HUANG San-wen;DU Yong-chen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1153-1160.
  • Abstract ( 2211 ) HTML ( 2082 ) PDF (637KB) ( 2082 )    
  • Late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans (Mont. ) de Bary, is a devastating disease of the two Solanaceous crops, tomato and potato, and caused serious economic loss. Potato late blight resistant genes R3a, R1 and RB were cloned recently. In order to determine whether these resistance
    genes have function in tomato plants, R3a, R1 and RB were transferred separately into tomato plants by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method. The transformants showed hypersensitive response (HR) to 89148-9, the potato late blight isolate race 0. Transgenic tomato p lantswere also inoculated with 5 tomato late blight isolates, and the results demonstrated that R3a and R1 showed resistance to some tomato late blight isolates, while RB showed resistance to all 5 isolates. These results suggested that it be possible to use potato late blight resistance genes RB to protect tomato from late blight
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  • Transformation and Expressing of Bt Gene cry1Ia8 in Cabbage
  • CU ILei;YANG Li-mei;L IU Nan;LANG Zhi-hong;L IU Yu-mei;ZHUANG Mu;ZHANG Yang-yong;ZHANG You-jun;HUANG Da-fang;FANG Zhi-yuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1161-1168.
  • Abstract ( 2163 ) HTML ( 1355 ) PDF (700KB) ( 1355 )    
  • In order to obtain transgenic cabbage lineswith insect2resistance, cry1Ia8 gene was transferred to cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. ) with the transformation of hypocotyl segments and cotyledon with petiole via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Thirty-eight transformants with kanamycin-resistance were obtained. PCR and Southern blot analysis showed that cry1Ia8 gene was integrated into the genome of cabbage. Moreover, RT-PCR and Western blot detection demonstrated that cry1Ia8 gene was exp ressed in
    RNA and protein levels. The results of bioassay with the suscep tible and resistant diamondback moth (DBM,Plutella xylostella) displayed thatmost of the transgenic plantswere resistant to the larvae of suscep tible DBM and also to the insect strain which is resistant to Cry1Ac toxin.
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  • Preliminary Study of Asymmetric Protoplast Fusion Between Celery (Apiumgraveolens L. ) and CMS Carrot (Daucus ca rota L. )
  • TAN Fang;SHEN Huo-lin;WANG Shuai;ZHOU Jing;GUO Shuang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1169-1176.
  • Abstract ( 2236 ) HTML ( 1433 ) PDF (682KB) ( 1433 )    
  • Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) celery is useful for hybrid seed production. Asymmetric protop last fusion of fertile celery and petaloid CMS carrot was carried out by polyethylene glycol ( PEG) 6000 treatment in order to introduce CMS from carrot to celery. Protop lasts of celerywere treated with 6 mmol·L - 1
    iodoacetamide for 7 min to passivate cytoplasm, and those of carrot were continuously irradiated with UV rays(20 μmol·m- 2 ·s- 1 ) for 9 min to kill the nucleus. Low temperature (5 ℃) increased aggregation rates by 20% , and 40% PEG 6000 and 0.1 mmol·L - 1 Ca2+ in high Ca2+ high pH solution were the best for fusion of two protoplasts. Twelve somatic hybrids were obtained and plants were regenerated on MS0 medium. AFLP analysis indicated that all of them were somewhat asymmetrically fused. STS marker analysis suggested that petaloid CMS were successfully introduced into 11 regenerated plants.
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  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of cDNA Encoding for ACC Synthase fromHami Melon
  • DING Qun-ying;ZHANG Rui;LIAO Xin-fu;GUO Ai-guang;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1177-1183.
  • Abstract ( 2023 ) HTML ( 1395 ) PDF (1186KB) ( 1395 )    
  • Specific primers were designed based on the reported partial sequence of melon (Cucumis melo L. ) ACS3 gene in the GenBank to clone the full-length cDNA of ACS3 gene in using RT-PCR and RACE methods. Its GenBank Accession No. is FJ383171. The length of Hamimelon ACS gene cDNA is 1 895 bp,
    this gene encodes 482 amino acids, the putative molecularweight is 54.12 kD and its pI is 8.45. The phylogenetic trees constructed by software MEGA4 showed that ACS3 gene of hamimelon was closely related to that of Cucumis sativus. The cloning of ACS3 gene full-length cDNA from the Hami melon provides the basis for understanding the role of ACS3 gene in melon.
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  • Transformation of Tobacco with Rchsp1718 from Chinese Rose EnhancesTolerance to Different Abiotic Stresses
  • LI Min;JIANG Chang-hua;HU Yong-hong;ZHANG Hao;WANG Yao-feng;MING Feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1184-1196.
  • Abstract ( 1747 ) HTML ( 1297 ) PDF (701KB) ( 1297 )    
  • Rchsp1718 cloned from Chinese rose belongs to a cytosolic class I sHSP, and it is induced under different stress. In order to study the physiological function of Rchsp1718, we subcloned the ORF of Rchsp1718 recombined after 35S: p romoter into DH5α, then transformed into plant gene expression vector Agrobaterium rumefaciens, leaf disc of tobacco was infected by Agrobaterium and three transformants were attained. We assessed the phenotype, relative electrical leakage, proline content, water lose rate under high temperature, osmotic stress, and salt stress respectively, and the transcrip t levels of P5CS gene was also investigated by semi-quantitative RT2PCR. Results showed that transgenic line showed lower relative electrical leakage, more proline content, lower water lose rate, and the expressed of P5CS was elevated. Compared
    with the non-transgenic lines, transformed ones showed obvious resistance to high temperature and osmotic stress. The possible mechanism to different abiotic stresswas also discussed.
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  • Analysis of Sugar Metabolism During Florescence and Flower Senescence ofTree Peony Petal
  • SHI Guo-an;GUO Xiang-feng;ZHANG Guo-hai;BAO Man-zhu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1184-1190.
  • Abstract ( 1728 ) HTML ( 1668 ) PDF (529KB) ( 1668 )    
  • To clarify the mechanism of flower opening and senescence in tree peony ( Paeon ia suffruticosa) ‘Luoyanghong’and‘Huhong’, we investigated sugarmetabolism in the petals of two tree peony cultivars. The results showed that total soluble sugar content increased rap idlywith the cell enlargement in the petals and during flower senescence. The contents of hexoses (glucose and fructose) markedly increased during flower opening and reached a highest level at full-opening, but the content of sucrose dropped gradually. The hexose content and sucrose degradation index ( SDI) were positively correlated with the fresh weight of flower. The activity for acid invertase (AI) increased during flower opening and decreased after the flowers opened. Based on regression analyses, the soluble sugarmetabolism was related to the actions of the 4 enzymes, viz1 acid invertase (AI) , neutral invertase (NI) , sucrose synthase (SS) and sucrose phosphate synthase ( SPS). Our results suggest that hexose accumulation in the petal might be important for flowering opening and senescence in tree peony.
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  • Genetic Diversity in Natural Populations of Chimonanthus praecox (L.)Link Revealed by SRAP Markers
  • ZUO Dan-dan;ZHAO Hai-tao;LIU Chun;MU Ding;WANG Xiao-wu;MING Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1197-1202.
  • Abstract ( 1781 ) HTML ( 1647 ) PDF (340KB) ( 1647 )    
  • The genetic diversity and genetic structure of natural populations of Chimonanthus praecox(L. ) L ink, were analyzed using Sequence-related Amp lified Polymorphism ( SRAP) markers. One hundred and fifty accessions from 5 natural populations were used in this study. Seven SRAP primer combinations
    revealed 170 legible bands of which 41 were polymorphic markers. The average proportion of polymorphic loci PPL was 83.41%. Gene diversity ( h) was from 0.21 to 0.25 ( average 0.22) , Shannonps Information index
    ( I) was 0.34, coefficient of genetic differentiation (Gst) was 0.17 and the mean of gene flow estimated(Nm) was 2.40. The results of AMOVA indicated that the variance components within populations and among populations contributing to total genetic variance were 79189% and 20111%, among regions was 32.39% and within regions were 67.61%. There was obvious genetic differentiation among populations and among regions. UPGMA cluster analysis based on Nei's genetic distance indicated that the genetic distances were
    closely related to corresponding geographic distances among populations, 22wayMantel testMatrix correlation r was 0.89. Conservation and utilization strategies for the species should be therefore emphasized on conserving
    asmany as possible the existing populations, and selecting genetic diversitywithin populations considering the current conditions of severe population fragmentation and losses.
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  • Relation ship of Hemerocallis spp . Wild Species and Cultivars by AFLPMarker
  • L IHai-li;DONG Li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1203-1208.
  • Abstract ( 1766 ) HTML ( 1345 ) PDF (399KB) ( 1345 )    
  • The genetic diversity and relationship of 35 accessions of daylilies in China was analyzed by AFLP markers. Among the 380 polymorphic bands obtained from 7 selective primer pairs, 357 ( 93.39% ) was polymorphic. The average number of DNA bands per primer pair was 51 with a range of 19-85. The polymorphic rates of per primer pair were beyond 90.0%. The average genetic similarity among all 35 accessions evaluated was 0.7039 and ranged from 0.3822 to 0.9656. Based on the UPGMA dendrogram, all the materials could be divided into three types: Early-blooming type, mid-blooming type, late-blooming type.
    Cultivars originated from the same country could be clustered together in the AFLP dendrogram. The results showed that AFLP approach was efficient in generating more accurate information on the genetic diversity and relationship of daylily germplasms
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  • The Anatomic Study on Relationship of Stone Cells and Parenchyma CellsDuring Fruit Development of Pyrus bretschneideri
  • N IE Jing-quan;CAI Yong-ping;ZHANG Shi-hong;LIN Yi;XU Yi-liu;ZHANG J in-yun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1209-1214.
  • Abstract ( 1799 ) HTML ( 2120 ) PDF (446KB) ( 2120 )    
  • It was anatomic studied enlarging of stone cell group and the expanding of parenchyma cells during fruit development of Pyrus bretschneideri. The results indicate: Unequal thickness of fruit parenchyma cells'wall forms thick wall cell, thick wall cells develop to stone cell through cell wall re-thickness; The forming of stone cellmostly starts at 15 DPA and it commences largely within a week. The stone cells gather and emerge at 23 DPA and the diameter of stone cell group enlarges. The max diameter of stone cell group comes forth at 67 DPA. At the same time, the parenchyma cells grew and enlarged with two different methods, strip and ellip soid. The content of stone cell increases firstly, and then descends during pear fruit development. The max content of stone cell come forth at 51 DPA ( 18.95%). The content of stone cell is determined the forming of stone cell and the expansion of parenchyma cells during fruit development
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  • Identification and Prokaryotic Expression of Almond AcSFB Gene
  • GUO Chang-kui;LUO Shu-ping;LI Jiang;GAO Qi-ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1215-1220.
  • Abstract ( 1696 ) HTML ( 1228 ) PDF (809KB) ( 1228 )    
  • Style S-determinants have been determined to be S-RNase and the SFB ( S-haplotype-specific F-box gene) alleles are considered to be the first candidates of the pollen S-determinants. A total length SFB gene (GenBank accession No1FJ362525) named AcSFBd was cloned with RT-PCR and RACE technolgy from the anther of almond Yingzui p lanted in Xinjiang. AcSFBd was 1 125 bp in length encoding a protein of 374 amino acids. This gene encoded proteins with the F-box motif in the N amino terminus, and with four ( hyper) variable regions, i e. , V1, V2, Hva and Hvb which were similarwith S-RNase genes, considered to be recognition site between SFB and S-RNase. With the bioinformatics analysis, the AcSFBd protein was 43 kD,was instable, hydrophilicity and non-secretory protein and had ligase enzyme activity. After transformed to Escherichia coli BL21 and induced by isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside ( IPTG) , recombinant protein about
    60 kD was expressed in pET-AcSFB system and separated by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis
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  • Establishment of Specific SSR from Different Linkage Groups of CabbageCompared with Chinese Cabbage
  • GU Ai-xia;WANG Yan-hua;XUAN Shu-xin;CHEN Xue- ing;SHEN Shu-xing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1221-1226.
  • Abstract ( 1560 ) HTML ( 1308 ) PDF (851KB) ( 1308 )    
  • Ninety-one primers from 9 cabbage linkage group swere amp lified on 8 cabbage cultivars and 7 Chinese cabbage cultivars, 25 of them were specific on cabbage compared with Chinese cabbage. These primers assigned 9 linkage groups of cabbage, 3 of them were assigned linkage group O1, 4 of them were assigned linkage group O2, 2 of them were assigned linkage group O3, 3 of them were assigned linkage group O4, 2 of them were assigned linkage group O5, 2 of them were assigned linkage group O6, 4 of them were assigned linkage group O7, 2 of them were assigned linkage group O8, and 3 of them were assigned linkage group O9. It laid a foundation to further dentify the introduced chromosome of cabbage in Chinese cabbage alien addition lines.
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  • RAPD Marker of the Resistant Gene Ph-3 for Tomato Late Blight
  • QIU Yi-peng;LI Hai-tao;ZHANG Zi-jun;ZOU Qing-dao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1227-1232.
  • Abstract ( 2165 ) HTML ( 1319 ) PDF (499KB) ( 1319 )    
  • The objective of this studywas to identify RAPD marker for resistance to late blight in tomato.BSA (Bulked SegregantAnalysis) was used to search for RAPD markers linked to late blight resistant gene Ph-3, using F2 segregating population (147 individuals) derived from a cross of CLN2037 ( resistant) and
    T2-03 ( susceptible ). Two hundred and thirty decamer primers with arbitrary sequences are chosen for polymerase chain reaction amplication. One RAPD marker CCPB272-03740 ( the sequence of the primer is GGTCGATCTG) was tightly linked to the resistant gene Ph-3 and it was 518 cM from the resistant gene
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  • Induction and Identification of Autotetraploids in Dendrobium
  • LIXiu-lan;AN Dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1239-1242.
  • Abstract ( 1872 ) HTML ( 1439 ) PDF (471KB) ( 1439 )    
  • In this paper, the polyp loidswere induced by low concentration of colchicin and oryzalin solution at early develop ing embryo in order to research and produce a new sort of germplasm of autotetrap loid in Dendrobium hybrida orchilds. During the process, the cross-pollinated seeds in the same plant were utilized as materials to obtain the PLBs through seed non-symbiotic germination and induction which app lied in the process of tissue culture. The results revealed that the rate of tetraploid was over 90% when treated with
    0.01% colchicine and 5 mg·L - 1 oryzalin during 8 - 10 days. Moreover mosaic was not found in the doubling materials in the whole experiment. Compared with diploid, the tetraploid plantlets have always been more stout, the leaf are dark green and wide-thick

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  • A New Late-2maturing Peach Cultivar‘Yuxi Hongmi’
  • YANG Ying-jun;CHU Ai-xiang;ZHANG Yao-zhan;LI Yan-mei;HAO Shui-wang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1243-1244.
  • Abstract ( 1643 ) HTML ( 1224 ) PDF (210KB) ( 1224 )    
  • ‘Yuxi Hongmi’ is a new later-maturing peach cultivar which is derived from the cross‘Wanhongmi’× (‘Bayüexian’and ‘Meixiandong’) in 1996. The fruits are big in size, spherical in shape and rose in color. The average single fruit weight is 350 g. The fruit flesh is high firmness, sweet flavour and
    clingstone. The fruitsmatured in middle Sep temberwhich is the time ofmid-autumn festival and National Day exactly. Therefore the cultivar has a good marketable foreground
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  • A New Almond Plum‘J idan Li’
  • TIAN Jian-bao;WANG Zhan-he;HE Yong;LIU Li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(8): 1245-1245.
  • Abstract ( 1890 ) HTML ( 1098 ) PDF (344KB) ( 1098 )    
  • ‘J idan Li’ is a new p lum cultivarwhich selected from the seedlings of an Italian p lum culti2
    var‘Susino Precoce del Italia’. Itmatures very late. It has big fruits and good quality, which could be con2
    sumed both in fresh and p rocessing. It is p roductive and resistant to drought, pests and diseases. It is suitable
    to be cultivated in the area of south, south2east and middle in Shanxi Province, and most districtswith similar
    climate condition.
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