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2009, Vol.36, No.11 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Observa tion on Ultra structure of Sclerotesta and Endotesta from NormalSeeds and Epiphyllous Seeds of Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla Mak
  • SUN Xia;LI Shi-mei;XING Shi-yan;HAN Chen-jing;ZHANG Fang;TANG Hai-xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1561-1567.
  • Abstract ( 2034 ) HTML ( 1723 ) PDF (668KB) ( 1723 )    
  • The comparative ultrastructure of sclerotesta and endotesta of Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla Mak. were studied, which involved both normal seeds and epiphyllous seeds from 6 individuals of Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla. The research showed that normal seeds in 6 individuals consist of tracheid with bordered pit. However, difference was noticed between ep iphyllous seeds. There were two types of tracheid, i. e. tracheid with bordered pit and sp iral tracheid in the sclerotesta of Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla in hipnüdong, Zhongpzhuang, Ji'nan, Tai'an, but there was only tracheid with bordered pit in sclerotesta in both normal seeds and epiphyllous seeds of Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla in You'fang and Bai'yu. In respect to tracheid length and tracheid diameter, greater variation was observed in epiphyllous seeds than that of normal seed. In addition, difference was also observed in endotesta. Based on the research, tracheid evolution and systematic significance of Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla were discussed
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  • Seasonal Changes in Carbon Nutrition Reserve in Nuomici Litchi Trees andIts Relation to Fruit Load
  • YUAN Wei-qun;HUANG Xu-ming;WANG Hui-cong;LI Jian-guo;CHEN Hou-bin;YIN Jin-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1568-1574.
  • Abstract ( 2042 ) HTML ( 1492 ) PDF (739KB) ( 1492 )    
  • Ten to twelve years old litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn. ‘Nuomici’) trees with different fruit loads (60 - 65 kg·tree- 1 vs 5 - 10 kg·tree- 1 ) were used to investigate the seasonal changes in carbon nutrition reserve ( starch) in different above-ground parts, and to examine the correlation between tree carbon nutrition reserve and fruit set. The results showed that, at harvest, starch concentrations in different tree parts were all lower in the high-yield trees than in the low-yield trees, while sugar concentration showed an opposite trend. After harvest, the low-yield trees produced flush earlier than the high-yield trees. By the late November, when the trees entered growth check status, low-yield trees and high-yield trees had undergone 3 and 2
    cycles of flush growth respectively. From July to November, during the flush growth period, there was no marked accumulation of starch in various parts of both low- and high- yield trees. After mid-November, starch accumulated significantly in various tree parts, especially in shoots and branches with diameter no larger than 4 cm. Starch concentration peaked prior to and decreased with panicle development from mid-Juanuary. The decline continued with blooming and fruit set. There was no significant difference in starch concentration at the peak period in various parts between the low- and the high-yield trees, suggesting that fruit load had no longterm effect in carbon nutrition reserve recharge during autumn and winter. Starch concentration was relatively low and constant in the leaf, the main branches and the trunk, while that in branches no thicker than 4 cm in diameter showed significant changes, indicating the medium to small branches played a more active role in carbon nutrition reservation and mobilization. The study also showed that starch concentration in small branches (2 cm in diameter) during early fruit set (within 3 weeks after bloom) had a significant positive correlation with final fruit set on the branches, whereas branch starch concentration duringmid fruit development stage (8 weeks after bloom) had no significant correlation with final fruit set, indicating that fruit development at early stages depend more on tree carbon nutrition reserve than atmid to late stages
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  • Effects of Nitrogen on the Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes and Functions ofMitochondr ia in Cherry Rootstock Roots under Hypoxia Stress
  • SHENG Li-xia;FENG Li-guo;SHU Huai-rui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1575-1580.
  • Abstract ( 2003 ) HTML ( 1257 ) PDF (505KB) ( 1257 )    
  • The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of exogenous application nitrogen in nutrient solution on the activity of antioxidant enzymes and function of mitochondria in cherry rootstock roots under hypoxia stress. The cherry rootstock seedlings were cultured in 1 /2 Hogland nutrient solutions of different NO3- concentration (0, 7.5, 15.0, 22.5 mmol·L - 1 ). The oxygen concentration of the nutrient solution dissolved was controlled 2 mg·L - 1. Under the normal oxygen condition, 7.5 mmol·L -1 NO3- was a control.
    The results showed that the activities of SOD, POD and CAT of cherry rootstock roots in the four treatments were all increased at the first four days and then decreased. Compared with the control, the activities of SOD, POD and CAT of cherry rootstock roots after the treatmentwith 15 or 22.5 mmol·L - 1 NO3- increased and the MDA content decreased. The contents of H2O2 andMDA, production rate of O2in mitochondria of the treatment with nitrogen deficiency were the most among the four treatments. Additional nitrogen into the nutrien solution under hypoxia stress could decrease contents of H2O2 and MDA, production rate of O2, and increase the cytochrome c / a and the rate of respiration ofmitochondria by increasing resp iratory control ratio and oxidative phosphorilation ratio. The above results suggested that exogenous nitrogen application in nutrient solution could antagonize the damage of hypoxia stress on cherry seedlings.
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  • In silico Analysis and Expression Confirmation of the Regulation of FruitColoration by Transcriptional Factor MdMBY1 in Delicious Apple
  • ZHANG Hua-lei;MAO Ke;LIU Zhi;XIE Xing-bin;FENG Xiao-ming;HAO Yu-jin;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1581-1588.
  • Abstract ( 2050 ) HTML ( 1502 ) PDF (765KB) ( 1502 )    
  • In this study, MdMYB1 was cloned from Delicious apple. Itwas found that MdMYB1 protein was localized in nucleus indicated by in silico predication and GFP fusion protein fluorescence observation. In parallel, the promoter regions of MdDFT and MdUFGT were isolated and analyzed in silico. The result showed that both promoters contained cis-elements characterized as MYB binding sites. Furthermore, to examine if MdMYB1 triggers the expression of MdDFR and MdUFGT during fruit coloration, anthocyanin content, expression levels of MdMYB1, MdDFR and MdUFGT were investigated. The results demonstrated that light exposure markedly induced anthocyanin accumulation in fruit peel, along with a rapid initiation of gene expression. Interestingly, three genes were expressed in a highly similar pattern. In one word, our findings suggest that transcription factor MdMYB1 may directly regulate the expression of MdDFR and MdUFGT genes.
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  • Clon ing and Expression Analysis of a Zinc Finger Protein Gene AcRCHY1 from Pineapple
  • YANG Xiang-yan;CAI Yuan-bao;WU Qing-song;SUN Guang-ming;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1589-1596.
  • Abstract ( 1928 ) HTML ( 1611 ) PDF (1205KB) ( 1611 )    
  • Emp loying a pair of degenerate primers designed from the conserved domain of plant C3HC4 type and CHY type zinc-finger proteins, a novel zinc-finger protein gene AcRCHY1 was isolated from pineapple.(Ananas comosus) by RACE-PCR and RT-PCR techniques. The full length cDNA has 1 261 bp nucleotides with an open reading frame (ORF) of 918 bp encoding a precursor protein of 306 amino acid residues. AcRCHY1 protein sharing 81% - 91% homology with zinc-finger proteins from other plants contains two conservative zinc finger motif, C3HC4 zinc finger (RING finger) and CHY zinc finger. Semi-quantitive RT-PCR analysis indicated that AcRCHY1 was constitutively expressed in all plant organs, but stronger in ovaries, petals
    and florets than in roots and leaves, and the abiotic stresses such as low temperature, high salt , drought (20% PEG6000) and ABA, could trigger a significant induction of AcRCHY1 in leaves. All these results suggest that the AcRCHY1 protein may be involved in the regulation of floral organ growth and development, and play an important role in signal transduction pathway of dependent ABA through responses to cold, high salt and osmotic stresses as a transcrip tion factor.
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  • The Characteristics of Active Oxygen Metabolism in Pepper Leaf Cells underSuboptimal Temperature, Weak Light and Salt Stress
  • ZHANG Zhi-gang;SHANG Qing-mao;WANG Li-hao;MAO Sheng-li;ZHANG Bao-xi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1603-1610.
  • Abstract ( 1880 ) HTML ( 1351 ) PDF (394KB) ( 1351 )    
  • Active oxygen production rate, antioxidant enzyme activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) content were determined for testing the effects of subop timal temperature (18 ℃/10 ℃, day/night) , weak light
    (80μmol·m-2 ·s-1 ) and salt (70 mmol·L-1 NaCl) stress on the characteristics of active oxygen metabolism in pepper leaf cells. Significant or extremely significant interaction of subop timal temperature, weak light,and salt stress on the superoxide dismutase ( SOD) , catalase (CAT) , glutathione reductase ( GR) activity were observed during the experiment. Also, at the early stage, there were significant or extremely significant interaction on the activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX) , glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and the contents of O2-, H2O2 , similarly, on the content of MDA in late stage. The main effects of salt stress on the APX, CAT activity were higher than that of suboptimal temperature, weak light. The main effects of subop timal temperature were greater to other indexes.
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  • Genetic Ana lysis of Head-leaf Traits Using Mixed Major Gene Plus PolygeneInher itanceModel in Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Planch
  • LIU Er-yan;LIU Yu-mei;FANG Zhi-yuan;YANG Li-mei;ZHUANG Mu;ZHANG Yang-yong;YUAN Su-xia;SUN Ji-feng;LI Zhan-sheng;SUN Pei-tian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1611-161.
  • Abstract ( 1972 ) HTML ( 1528 ) PDF (606KB) ( 1528 )    
  • A double hap loid (DH ) population and six generations ( P1、P2、F1、B1、B2 and F2 )derived from a broccoli combination of 86101 and 90196 were used to investigate the inheritance of head2leaf trait in the B rassica oleracea L. var. italica Planch by usingmixed major gene p lus polygene inheritance model. The results showed that the head-leaf trait was controlled by linked two additive-additive additive-epitasis major genes plus polygene (E-220 model) in DH population and by two additive-dominant-epitasismajor genes plus additive-dominant-epitasis polygene ( E model) in the joint analysis of the six generations, and the major gene heritability were 70.80% , 73.59%, 57.70% and 87.07% in the DH, B1 , B2 and F2 populations, respectively. The above results showed that the head-leaf traitwas controlled by two major genes plus polygene, and the major gene heritability was relatively high.
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  • Effects of Cytokin in Growth Regulators on Senescence of Harvested Broccoli( Brassica oleracea L. var. italica ) Florets
  • WANG Yun-li;WANG Cheng-rong;WANG Ran;YANG Shao-lan;LIU Xian-lu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1619-1626.
  • Abstract ( 1965 ) HTML ( 1448 ) PDF (843KB) ( 1448 )    
  • Application of cytokinin growth regulators, KT (Kinetin ) ,6-BA(Benzyladenine ), andCPPU [N-( 2-chloro-4-pyridyl) -N'-pheuylurea] on delaying senescence of harvested broccoli florets was studied. The results showed that use of KT, 6-BA or CPPU on harvested broccoli delayed floret yellowing and chlorophyll degradation, decreased respiration and ethylene production rate, postponed climacteric time, and retarded membrane permeability loss. The content of endogenous ABA was lower and the levels of IAA and GA were higher in the broccoli treated with 6-BA and CPPU than those in the control during 12 - 84 h. The treated effects enhanced with increasing concentration in the study. The CPPU treatment (40 mg·L -1) was most effective in delaying the broccoli yellowing, followed by 6-BA and KT.
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  • Sub-cloning of Arabidopsis FLS2 and LysM Gene and Their Expression inTransgenic Tomatoes
  • CHEN Wu;YANG Yu-ting;LI Ying;HUANG San-wen;LIDing-jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1635-1642.
  • Abstract ( 1901 ) HTML ( 2311 ) PDF (1101KB) ( 2311 )    
  • FLS2 and LysM genes, two receptor-like kinases (RLKs) genes, containing their own promoters, introns and transcription terminators were sub-cloned from Arabidopsis TAC library, and then were transformed into‘Moneymaker’by Agrobacterium-mediated approach. Transgenic plants were identified by
    polymerase chain reaction ( PCR). RT-PCR was performed to analyze two genesp expression in transgenic plants. The results illustrated that both FLS2 and LysM genes can be transcribed with the recognition of promoters, the splicing of introns and exons by tomato transcription system. It can be deduced that the transcription mechanisms of Arabidopsis and tomato could be conservative to some extent. This study provides a theoretical base for understanding functional conservation of R genes between Arabidopsis and tomato.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Effects of Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Peroxide on Rooting of Ground-coverChrysanthemum Cuttings
  • LIAO Wei-biao;ZHANGMei-ling;WU Yong-hua;XIAO Hong-lang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1643-1650.
  • Abstract ( 2149 ) HTML ( 1460 ) PDF (849KB) ( 1460 )    
  • Ground2cover chrysanthemum (Dend ranthem a m orifolium‘Beiguozhichun’) was used to understand the effects of nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 ) on rooting of p lant cuttings and the changes of activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD) , peroxidase (POD) and polyphenol oxidase ( PPO) and the total polyphenol content of cutting leaves. The results showed that the effects of exogenous H2O2 or NO on rooting of ground-cover chrysanthemum cuttings was dose dependent, with a maximal biological response at 200μmol·L -1H2O2 or 50μmol·L -1 NO donors SNP. At the same time, the rooting percentage of cuttings treated with both SNP and H2O2 was significantly higher than that of cuttings treated with SNP or H2O2 alone,
    which suggested that there might exist synergistic action between H2O2 and NO on mediating rooting. Additionally, compared with the control, SNP, H2O2 and SNP +H2O2 treatmentsmight significantly increase the activities of SOD and PPO of ground-cover chrysanthemum cuttings leaves. However, the activities of PODand the total polyphenol content were significantly higher in control than in other treatments during rooting. Moreover, lower POD activities and polyphenol contentwere attained in SNP +H2O2 treatment than in SNP or
    H2O2 treatment alone. Together, these results indicated that 50μmol·L -1 SNP and 200μmol·L - 1 H2O2 treatments enhanced rooting and root growth synergistically and independently by stimulating the activities of SOD and PPO enzymes, and simultaneously by rep ressing POD activities and the p roduction of polyphenol.
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  • A Two-locus Chloroplast (cp) DNA Barcode for Identif ication of DifferentSpecies in Eucalyptus
  • WANG Yi-hong;TAO Xiao-yu;LIU Hai-long;CHEN Xiao-ming;QIU Ying-xiong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1651-1658.
  • Abstract ( 2119 ) HTML ( 1871 ) PDF (1040KB) ( 1871 )    
  • In this study, sequences of trnH-psbA spacer were analyzed for 13 Eucalyptus samples. The trnH-psbA spacer of 13 Eucalyptus samples varied in length from 538 to 576 bp, and were aligned with a consensus length of 590 bp. Fifty-two mutationswere scored in total. Six of these characterswere indels, and 46
    characterswere substitution. The chloroplast genome of Eucalyptus, like that of most angiosperms, possesses inverted repeats ( IR). The rpl2-trnH spacer, located at one of two junctions between the IRs and the large single copy (LSC) regions, was also sequenced from 11 Eucalyptus DNA samples. equences of rpl2-trnH were 79 - 149 bp in size, and were aligned with a consensus length of 154 bp. Nineteen mutations were scored in total. Four of these characterswere indels. When compared with E. urophylla, only one mutation was observed in the rpl2-trnH spacer sequences of the elite clone ( GL4 ). However, compared with E.grand is and E. grandis ×E. urophylla, GL4 possessed a relatively large ( 27 bp ) insertion in trnH-psbA intergenic spacer. Moreover, the sequences of rpl2-trnH among these four related samples show single-site mutations ( 12 in total). Extensive variation was found in the rpl2-trnH and trnH-psbA intergenic spacer( IGS) regions, suggesting that the sequences in this pair of loci have the potential to discriminate among the
    largest number of species or varieties of eucalypt for DNA barcoding purposes.
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  • Cloning and Stress Expression of AlDREB2 Gene from Aloe vera L. var.chinensis
  • ZHANG Qian;MA Jing;HE Jing;LI Ming-yang;SUI Shun-zhao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1659-1666.
  • Abstract ( 1814 ) HTML ( 1658 ) PDF (1526KB) ( 1658 )    
  • DREB ( dehydration responsive element-binding factor) genes encode a small family of transcriptional activators functioning in plant tolerance and acclimation to various stresses. To investigate the molecularmechanisms underlying stress resistance in aloe (Aloe vera L. var. chinensis) , a new gene encoding DREB protein was cloned from aloe via combined method of PCR and 3′RACE. Based on the high homology to previous reported AlDREB1 , this gene (GenBank accession number, FJ560460) was named as AlDREB2 .
    Sequence alignment analysis located AlDREB2 to A26 sub-group of DREB family. RT-PCR revealed that expression of AlDREB2 was significantly induced by ABA and dehydration treatments ( salt or PEG6000 ) , though with different dynamic patterns. Besides, transcript accumulation of AlDREB2 was up-regulated by cold stress and external ethylene. These results best support the interp retation that AlDREB2 is an active regulator involved in dehydration tolerance and cold acclimation in aloe.
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  • Analysis of Genetic Relationships of Osmanthus fragrans Based on SRAP markers
  • L IMei;HOU Xi-lin;HAO Ri-ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1667-1675.
  • Abstract ( 1681 ) HTML ( 1775 ) PDF (1285KB) ( 1775 )    
  • Interspecific relationship s of 88 cultivars and 1 wild species of Osmanthus fragrans were evaluated by using sequence-related amplified polymorphism ( SRAP ) marker, with O. heterophyllus (G. Don. ) P. S. Green and O. cooperi Hemsl. as contrast species. Eighteen primer pairs produced 296 loci, out of which 248 were polymorphic, the percentage of polymorphic loci was 83.78%. An average of 16.4 loci and 13.8 polymorphic lociwere generated by each pair of primers. The Shannonps index (0.3412) and genetic diversity (0.2191) within Albus Group were the highest among 4 groups of O. fragrans. A high
    level of genetic differentiation among O. fragrans groups was detected based on Nei's genetic diversity analysis (52.95% ). The cluster analysis using arithmetic averages (UPGMA ) showed that six clades existed in O. fragrans groups when genetic similarity coefficient was given as 0.762. The genetic distance between Asiaticus Group and other 3 groups were far. Cultivars with deep color in Luteus Group often clustered together with several cultivars in Aurantiacus Group. Cluster analysis based on SRAP marker is generally consistent with taxonomic result based on morphology.
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Research Notes

  • In Vitro Induction of Autotetraploid Broccoli with Colchicine
  • ZHANG Shu-ning;ZHANG Li-li;TANG Jun;KONG Yan-e;HOU Xi-lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1681-1684.
  • Abstract ( 1839 ) HTML ( 1476 ) PDF (400KB) ( 1476 )    
  • In this study, the tube plantlets of broccoliwere cultured on Murashige and Skoog fluid medium supplemented 6-BA and NAA in combinationswith different concentrations of colchicine and treatment time to induce tetraploid. The results showed that the treatmentwith 200 mg· L - 1 colchicines inMS + 011 mg·L - 1 NAA + 6.0 mg·L - 1 6-BA for 48 hours yielded doubled chromosomes at highest rates, the number of shoots per exp lant was 2.1, the variation efficiency was 83.33% , and the variational rate of tetrap loid was 79.17 %. Compared with the dip loid, the tetrap loid plants possessed gigantism in leaves, floral, stomata of plantlets. The flow cytometry was used to identify the ploidy of induced plants. The result suggested that the relative DNA content of controlwas 200 and the number of chromosome was 2n = 2x = 18, and tetrap loid relative DNA contentwas 400 and the number of chromosome was 2n = 4x = 36. The identification of the chromosome analysis indicated the regeneration plantletswere tetraploid.
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  • Changes of Antioxidative Activity During Florescence and Flower Senescenceof Peonies Petal
  • SHI Guo-an;GUO Xiang-feng;GAO Shuang-cheng;FAN Bing-you;BAO Man-zhu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1685-1690.
  • Abstract ( 2178 ) HTML ( 1731 ) PDF (496KB) ( 1731 )    
  • Changes of poly phenolics and antioxidative activities in petals during florescence and flower senescence of two tree peony cultivarswere analyzed. The results showed that there were richwith total phenolics, flavonoids and anthocyanin of petal in ‘Luoyanghong’and ‘Huhong’, while content of total phenolics decreased in petal during florescence and flower senescence of peonies. The antioxidative activity in the peroxidation system of polyunsaturated fatty acid from lipoprotein induced by iron and secavenging ridical ability in three radical detective systems was at a high level during florescence and declined rip idly after blooming. Significantly positive correlation existed between content of total phenolics and IC50 of DPPH secavenging ability in both the peony cultivars. Itwas proposed that decrease of content of poly phenolics and antioxidative activity was a main physioglical reason for petal senescence of peonies. Tree peonies flowers from early bloom stage to full opening stage possess the high functional benefit and thuswould be the app rop riate stage in view of the nutritional consideration.
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  • Influences of Division Size and Shade Density on the Growth of Miscan thussinensis ( Anderss) ‘Variegatus’
  • WU Ju-ying;TENGWen-jun;YUAN Xiao-huan;YANG Xue-jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1691-1696.
  • Abstract ( 1698 ) HTML ( 1217 ) PDF (312KB) ( 1217 )    
  • Pot experimentswere conducted to determine appropriate division size and to understand the effects of shading density on Miscanthus sinensis (Anderss) ‘Variegatus’. Plants from 4 initial division sizes, of 2 - 3, 5 - 6, 10 - 12 and 20 - 23 tillers, were evaluated following a complete growing season. It was indicated that number of shoots and inflorescences, crown size and shoot biomass increased significantly with increased initial division sizes, but plant height was not affected by initial sizes. However, division of 2 - 3 tillers produced 3.2 times asmany new shoots perinitial tiller as did 20 - 23 tiller division. Plants of Miscanthus sinensis‘Variegatus’were grown under shading densities of 0, 25% , 50% and 75% p rovided by polyp ropylene shade cloth. At shading densities of 25% - 50%, shading increased plant height, shoot and inflorescence number, shoot and root biomass, as well as chlorophyll content, but at high shading density of 75% , all these measurements decreased. So 25% - 50% shading is recommended for planting and production of Miscanthus sinensis (Anderss) ‘Variegatus’.
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  • Floral Syndrome and Breeding System of Agapanthus praecox ssp. orientalis‘Big Blue’
  • ZHUO Li-huan;SUN Ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1697-1700.
  • Abstract ( 1908 ) HTML ( 2421 ) PDF (248KB) ( 2421 )    
  • We conducted a field investigation of the floral syndrome and breeding system of Agapanthus praecox ssp. orientalis‘BigB lue’ in artificial populations in Shanghai, China. The results showed that flowering lasted 2 to 3 days and anther dehiscence lasted 3 to 5 hours. On the day of anthesis, the styles were
    shorter than the filaments. Spatial positioning of stigma and anthers were spatially desperation. The total value of OCI is 4 and the value of P/O is 25 622. The seed set rate with different treatments showed that its breeding
    system could be determined as outcrossing with partly self-compatible and needed pollinators during the pollination.
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  • Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolism and Signal Transduction under Cold Stressin Plants
  • LIU Ling-yi;ZHAO Dan-ying;ZHENG Yang;SHEN Lin;SHENG Ji-ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1701-1708.
  • Abstract ( 2263 ) HTML ( 2348 ) PDF (563KB) ( 2348 )    
  • Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 ) is one reactive oxygen species in the metabolism of plant cell.Although it was considered to be harmful to plant cell, more and more evidences have proved that H2O2 is an important signal molecule in plant cell under stresses. This article discussed the H2O2 metabolism under low temperature stress, and listed the recent researches of H2O2 signal transduction, including interaction effect between H2O2 and other signal molecules, such as ethylene and salicylic acid, regulation of gene expression
    and root water up take by H2O2.
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New Cultivars

  • A New South Subtropical Plum Cultivar‘HuamiDamili’
  • HE Ye-hua;HAN Jing-hong;LIU Cheng-ming;LIN Shun-quan;HU Gui-bing;AUYEUNG Ruo;YE Zi-xing;YU Xiao-ling;XIE Zhi-liang;XU Yong-lu;HE Hai-bo;ZHANG Li-tian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1709-1710.
  • Abstract ( 1637 ) HTML ( 1291 ) PDF (239KB) ( 1291 )    
  • ‘HuamiDamili’ ( Prunus salicina ‘Huami Damili’) is a new agood quality plum cultivar selected from ‘Sanhuali’. The fruit shape is near round. The average weight of fruit is 51.5 g, The soluble solid content is 9% - 11%, The flavor is very sweet and fragrant, the flesh is tender and soluble. The output has remained high and stable. It is a cultivar with large fruit in ‘Sanhua’plum, it is fit to be planted in south subtropical mountainous regions, the fruit ripens from middle to late of June in Guangdong Province.
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  • A New Melon Cultivar ‘Shouyan 1’Bred from Gynoecious and Its FingerPrinting
  • ZHAO Na;ZHOU Jing;FANG Zhi-yuan;SHEN Huo-lin;MIAO Jin-shan;LIU Wen-bo;XUMei-rong;ZHANG Xi-yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1711-1712.
  • Abstract ( 2019 ) HTML ( 1478 ) PDF (151KB) ( 1478 )    
  • ‘Shouyan 1’ is a new melon cultivar bred from the crossing of‘Bai 9298gy’ בYu 9635’. It belongs to earlymaturing cultivar and it takes about 33 - 36 days from sowing to harvest. The fruit is round in shape with smooth surface, white and light green color. The average single fruit weight is about 1.5 - 2.0 kg. The soluble solid sugar content of the fruit is 16.5%. It tastes very delicious. It has high resistance to disease and tolerance to low temperature. It is suitable to cultivate in greenhouses. The finger printing was constructed by 8 pairs of primers using SSR marker analysis, and the repeat probablity is 1 /291 600
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  • A New Lilium oriental L. Cultivar ‘China Red’
  • ZHENG Si-xiang;LUO Fu-xian;ZHANG Chao-jun;LI Ying;ZHAO Ning;HUANG Jing;ZHANG Hai-long
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(11): 1713-1714.
  • Abstract ( 1589 ) HTML ( 1159 ) PDF (128KB) ( 1159 )    
  • ‘China Red’ is a new lily cultivar which is selected from ‘Co Amore’ בAcapulco’by triploid breeding method (The patent No.ZL03153342.6). The yield trial of three years showed that it is stable, and the flower color is bright red, the stigma color is deep purple, the stem color is green, which is distinguished with the parents. It has strong adaptability and easy to propagate, it is a good cut-flower cultivar.
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