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2011, Vol.38, No.3 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Effects of Cadmium and Lead Accumulation in Strawberry Growing Period by Spraying Se-fertilizer to Leaves
  • ZHANG Hai-ying;HAN Tao;TIAN Lei;and WANG You-nian;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 409-416.
  • Abstract ( 2731 ) HTML ( 2353 ) PDF (258KB) ( 2353 )    
  • ‘Beinong 3’strawberry was sprayed Se-fertilizer on leaves in different growing stages at the Na2SeO3 concentrations of 0,0.5,1.0,2.5,5.0 and 10.0 mg .8226. L-1. The Se,Cd and Pb content and other physiological indexes of leaves were detected after Se-fertilizer was sprayed. Heavy metal cadmium(Cd)and lead(Pb)accumulation affected by spraying Se-fertilizer to strawberry leaves. The changes of metabolic mechanism of strawberries after exogenous selenium being sprayed,and the interactive effects of selenium and heavy metal was investigated. The research results show that the strawberry had the highest absorption capacity of Se in the leaf-expansion period and full opening flower period,and Se can slow down the damage of cell membrane integrity by removing malonaldehyde(MDA)accumulation of membrance lipid peroxidation. Further,the toxic action of heavy metals was reduced,and the deposition of Cd and Pb in the strawberry leaves and fruits was effectively controlled. This research shows spraying Se-fertilizer to leaves is a sound method for supplementing selenium to the strawberries and suitable amount of selenium can alleviate the toxic action to the strawberry caused by heavy metal.
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  • Gene Expression Profiling in Response to Drought Stress in Citrus Leaves by cDNA-AFLP
  • XIAO Jin-ping;CHEN Jun-wei;ZHANG Hui-qin;XU Hong-xia;WANG Hui-liang;and XIE Ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 417-424.
  • Abstract ( 2345 ) HTML ( 1819 ) PDF (460KB) ( 1819 )    
  • Transcripts involved in drought stress in‘Amakusa’tangor(Citrus reticulata × C. sinensis)were identified by cDNA-AFLP gene expression profiling in leaves under normal watering and water deficit condition. A total of 113 differentially expressed transcript-derived fragments(TDFs)were identified by selective PCR amplification using 81 primer combinations. The TDFs included 71(63%)upregulated,29(26%)downregualted,and 13(11%)transiently expressed genes. Seventy TDFs were recovered,sequenced,and functionally annotated using sequence homology to GenBank entries. Out of the 70 TDFs,33 are homolog to genes with a known function,18 are similar to genes with unknown function,and 11 have not sequence homology to GenBank entries. The function of homologous genes included signal transduction,energy metabolism,ion channel,and protein synthesis.
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  • Relationship Between Leaf Vein Splitting and Mineral Nutrition of Citrus
  • LI Jian;XIE Zhong-chen;XIE Wen-long;WU Xing-ming;and SHI Qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 425-433.
  • Abstract ( 2041 ) HTML ( 1486 ) PDF (440KB) ( 1486 )    
  • This study confirmed that leaf vein splitting of citrus was multi-pathogeny caused by both Mg-deficiency and B-deficiency. Spraying 1.0% Mg(NO3)2 • 6H2O had significant effect on remedying leaf vein splitting of‘Newhall’[Citrus sinensis(L.)Osbeck] caused by Mg-deficiency in April. According to the investigation in Fujian citrus orchards,86.2% of leaf vein splitting was suffered from Mg-deficiency,11.5% from Mg-deficiency and B-deficiency,only 2.3% from B-deficiency. Infection rates of leaf vein splitting caused by Mg-deficiency ranked in descending order was as follow:Newhall navel orange,‘Guanxi-miyou’[C. grandis(L.)Osbeck]. Other infected varieties included‘Kumquat’(Fortunella crassifolia Swingle),Satsuma mandarin(C. unshiu Marc.‘Early variety’)and‘Ougan’(C. suavissima Hort. ex Tanaka). Leaf vein splitting susceptible variety Newhall [C. sinensis(L.)Osbeck] and resistant varieties Ponkan(C. reticulate Blanco)were used as intermediate stocks in graft of Ponkan or Newhall. Comparing with Ponkan,Newhall absorbed less Magnesium and Born,but more potassium,which may explain Newhall sensitive to leaf vein splitting. There was significant difference symptom between Mg-deficiency and B-deficiency. Infected leaf caused by Mg-deficiency had -shaped etiolate in leaf top and vein splitting normally appeared in this part. Leaf caused by B-deficiency kept green. Infected leaf caused by Mg-deficiency and B-deficiency had symptom of full leaf etiolatemain and lateral veins splitting obviously or veins splitting to the leaf base with -shaped green.
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Fruit Trees

  • Studies on Floral Organ Development Process of Precocious Walnut (Juglans regia) by Anatomia
  • LI Yong-tao;ZHAO Yong-gang;YANG Ke-qiang;;;FANG Yao-yao;and HOU Li-qun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 434-440.
  • Abstract ( 2354 ) HTML ( 1732 ) PDF (455KB) ( 1732 )    
  • Anatomic characteristics of the floral differentiation were compared between two walnut (Juglans regia L.)cultivars,precocious‘Xiangling’ and late maturing‘Qinglin’,during their first florescence. The results showed that female floral bud of ’Xiangling’ started critical stage of differentiation in early/middle of May in Tai’an,Shandong Province. Sequent phases consisted of stage of female floral inflorescence differentiation,stage of stalk and female floral primordium differentiation,stage of differentiation of bract primordium,the female flower calyx,petal,pistil and ovule primordium. For ‘Xiangling’,female floral primordium was occasionally observed advancing toward petal primordium and pistil primordium,which would abort later although. However,this extraordinary progress did not occur in‘Qinglin’. The results also revealed that male floral bud of‘Xiangling’began the differentiation in early/middle of April and then progressed towards the inflorescence differentiation of male flowers,differentiation of calyx primordium,stamen and anthers primordium,formation of pollen sacs and pollenin time of occurrence.
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  • Studies on Germplasm of Juglans by EST-SSR Markers
  • QI Jian-xun;HAO Yan-bin;ZHU Yan;WU Chun-lin;WANG Wei-xia;and LENG Ping;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 441-448.
  • Abstract ( 2052 ) HTML ( 1730 ) PDF (291KB) ( 1730 )    
  • Eighteen EST-SSR primer pairs were used to amplify SSR fragments for 8 Sect. Rhysocayon samples,14 Sect. Cardiocaryon samples,28 Sect. Juglans samples in Juglans L. and 4 C. illinoinensis samples in Carya Nutt. The 18 pairs of EST-SSR primers generated a total of 110 alleles. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 10,and averaged 6.1. The observed heterozygosity(Ho)of 18 EST-SSR loci ranged from 0.057 to 0.574,and averaged 0.323. The value of allelic polymorphism information content(PIC)ranged from 0.3723 to 0.8795,and averaged 0.6890. The average percentage of available loci amplified in C. illinoinensis,Sect. Rhysocayon,Sect. Cardiocaryon,J. regia and J. sigillata samples are 87.5%,96.3%,98.8%,100% and 99.8%,respectively. It showed that the EST-SSR had good transferability among species in Juglans L. and Carya Nutt. In the dendrogram,the samples clustered clearly among species or sect. in Juglans L. and Carya Nutt,and the result accorded with the conventional taxonomy. In J. regia,the samples could be clustered into 3 ecological types,namely Xinjiang walnut,Huabei walnut and Tibet walnut. The walnut samples from Shaanxi clustered together with those from Beijing,Shandong and Henan. It indicated that Shaanxi walnuts and Huabei walnuts probably belonged to the same ecological type. In J. sigillata,‘Jinshajiang 1’,‘Jinshajiang 2’and‘Yongping Tie-walnut 1’clustered together as the group of J. sigillata. But the other two samples of J. sigillata,named‘Santai’and ‘Lijiang tie-walnut 1’,clustered together with‘Lijiang walnut 1’and Tibet walnuts. It indicated that,‘Lijiang walnut 1’should belong to Tibet walnut ecological type,and some samples of J. sigillata have closely relationship with Tibet walnuts. J. sigillata and J. regia live together,which possibly lead to some offspring of J. sigillata coming from J. Sigillata × J. regia.
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  • Genetic Diversity of Mango Germplasm Based on Morphological Charaters and AFLP Markers
  • SHI Sheng-you;WU Hong-xia;WANG Song-biao;LIU Li-qin;WANG Yi-cheng;and MA Wei-hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 449-456.
  • Abstract ( 2017 ) HTML ( 1729 ) PDF (269KB) ( 1729 )    
  • The genetic diversity of 56 accessions of mango germplasm,which were maintained in South Subtropical Crops Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences,China,were analyzed using morphological characters and AFLP markers. The results showed that these mango germplasm have rich genetic variation in morphology. The Shannon-Weinner index ranged from 0.56 to 1.64,and the Euclid distance of the morphological characters analyze ranged from 0.02 to 0.45. A total of 713 fragments were generated from 8 pairs of selective AFLP primer combination,630(88.36%)of which were polymorphic. The molecular genetic similarity coefficients ranged from 0.38 to 0.85. The Mental test showed that phenotypic variation was obviously positively correlated with the genetic distance based on AFLP markers(r = 0.72,P = 0.05). Both our molecular and morphological data suggested that the mango germplasm were rich in genetic diversity.
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  • Dynamic Response of Photosynthetic System to Light Intensity Step Change on Tomato Leaf
  • BIAN Jiang and GAO Zhi-kui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 457-465.
  • Abstract ( 1902 ) HTML ( 1483 ) PDF (331KB) ( 1483 )    
  • With the step or anti-step change of blue light-emitting diode on tomato leaf,the dynamic course of the photosynthetic parameters including photosynthetic rate(Pn),intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci),stomatal conductance(Gs)measured by using a CIRAS-2 of PP system and chlorophyll fluorescence deriving from 680 nm(F680)measured by using Fiber Optic Spectrometerinstrument(QE65000)were recorded and analyzed. When the intensity of blue light step rose,the dynamic process of rise-saturated trend for Pn,symmetrical trend for Ci as comparison with Pn,firstly decline then raise for Gs,as well as rapid increase for F680 from original stabilized state phases to new stabilized state phases were observed under each starting point or order point of light intensity. However,the opposite dynamic process for Pn,Gs,Ci and F680 were presented as comparison with step-rise of blue light under the intensity of blue lightanti-step reduced. With the increasing of strating point,the incrasing amplitude of Pn from original stabilized state phases to new stabilized statephases was gradually reduced under the same stepping quantum 200 μmol • m-2 • s-1. According to the above analysis,the results showed that insignificant effect of Gs on the dynamic process of Pn and diffuseness of CO2 into intercellular space,because the Gs was maintained at a high level with a slight decline for a short time after step rising of light intensity. The greater reduce of Ci owing to fast absorption and consumption by photosynthetic dark reaction remarkable impacted the dynamic course of Pn. And the actual light quantum yiled of PSⅡY(II)′ which calculated by dynamic changes of chlorophyll fluorescence F680 under unsaturated stimulate light show increasing trend of saturation with the increasing of light intensity step,this shows that the increasing of light intensity levels related to light electronic transfer rate provide more energy driving force for the regeneration of 1,5-ribulose bisphosphate(RuBP),so the Pn show a increasing trend from the original to the final steady state.
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  • Studies on Pathogenicity Differentiation of Corynespora cassiicola Isolates,Against Cucumber,Tomato and Eggplant
  • GAO Wei;LI Bao-ju;SHI Yan-xia;and XIE Xue-wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 465-470.
  • Abstract ( 1940 ) HTML ( 1490 ) PDF (317KB) ( 1490 )    
  • Thirty-one strains of Corynespora cassiicola isolated from cucumber,tomatoe and eggplant in Shandong,Liaoning and Beijing,and 10 strains isolated from rubbers in Hainan Province were studied. The pathogenicity of the whole 41 isolates of Corynespora cassiicola to cucumber,tomato and eggplant was investigated by means of spray inoculation at seedling stage. The results showed that the pathogenicity of the isolates originated from different hosts had significant differences. There existed a strong correlation between the origins of hosts and the pathogenicity of the strains. It was proved that the intraspecific strains of Corynespora cassiicola bore a high host specialization. Furthermore,the isolates of Corynespora cassiicola collected from the same host or location showed different pathogenicity as strong,intermediate,or weak. It indicated that there was a distinct phenomenon of pathogenicity differentiation among Corynespora cassiicola strains.
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  • Preliminary Study on Resistance-related Genes in Cucumber Inoculated with Pseudoperonospora cubensis
  • LI Jian-wu;SI Sheng-wei;HU Jian-bin;and LIU Li-jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 471-478.
  • Abstract ( 1836 ) HTML ( 1246 ) PDF (272KB) ( 1246 )    
  • In order to identify the genes associated with cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)resistance against Pseudoperonospora cubensis(Berk. and Curk.)Rostov.,two cDNA libraries were constructed by suppression subtractive hybridization(SSH). After differential screening by reverse northern dot blot hybridization,sequencing and BLAST,2I15(GD254229),3C19(GD254243)and 1O08(GD254207)differential expressed genes with unknown function were isolated,furthermore,expression patterns of the genes were monitored by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. The results indicated that these genes were differentially up-regulated earlier and more quantitative in the resistant inbred line than the susceptible inbred line. Moreover,1O08 and 2I15 could be differentially up- or down- regulated,respectively,by salicylic acid(SA),jasmonic acid(JA)and abscissic acid(ABA),and 3C19 could be induced or suppressed significantly by ABA and SA,respectively. Mechanical wounding,NaCl stresses,cold and heat shock could induce or suppress these genes differential expression,suggesting that these genes may have some functions involved in biotic and abiotic stresses.
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  • Fitness Cost and Specialization of Pepper Me3 Virulent Population in the Parthenogenetic Nematode Meloidogyne incognita
  • JIANG Li-fen;MAO Zhen-chuan;CHEN Guo-hua;YANG Yu-hong;and XIE Bing-yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 479-486.
  • Abstract ( 2026 ) HTML ( 1279 ) PDF (437KB) ( 1279 )    
  • A natural population of Meloidogyne incognita from field was inoculated on resistant pepper cultivar HDA149,which carried a single dominant nematode-resistant gene Me3. For 15 successive generations,a pair of near-isogenic lines of virulent and avirulent nematode to Me3 was obtained. The fitness cost was analyzed with the reproductive fitness(RF),that Me3 virulent nematodes on the resistant pepper cultivar HDA149 and susceptible pepper cultivar Qiemen. The result indicated that the fitness cost was associated with virulence on susceptible host Qiemen and the fitness value was only 76%. The specialization was detected by the reproductive index of Me3 virulent nematodes on pepper and tomato which contained different resistant genes(Mi,Me). The Me3 virulent nematodes didn’t produce any root-knots or egg-masses on resistant tomato which with Mi gene,but the virulent nematodes produced egg-masses on resistant pepper which carried other Me genes,it showed that the Me3 virulence had specialization.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Enhancer of Glabra3(BrEGL3)in Brassica campestris L. ssp. rapifera‘Tsuda’
  • YAN Hai-fang;LI Yu-hua;SUN Bai-he;XU Dao-qi;NIE Wei-tian;LIU Zhen-hua;and MIN Yuan-qin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 487-494.
  • Abstract ( 1765 ) HTML ( 1740 ) PDF (841KB) ( 1740 )    
  • Enhancer of Glabra3(EGL3)is a bHLH protein that is an important transcript factor in plant. In order to elucidate the regulation mechanism of EGL3 in‘Tsuda’anthocyanin biosynthesis,cDNA of EGL3 gene was isolated from this plant by the method of RT-PCR using degenerate primers designed according to Arabidopsis EGL3(GenBank accession No. NM202351). This gene was named BrEGL3 (GenBank accession No. HM208589). BrEGL3 was 1 794 bp in full length open reading frame(ORF)encoding 597 amino acids with the molecular weight of 66.8 kD. Software prediction results showed that BrEGL3 contained a DNA helix-loop-helix binding domain. Homology analysis showed that the deduced amino acid sequence of BrEGL3 shared the highest similarity with Raphanus sativus EGL3 and the lowest similarity with Lotus angustissimus EGL3. Quantitative-PCR analysis showed that the BrEGL3 was the highest expressed in the in red root epidermis of turnip.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Phenotypic Diversity of Natural Populations of Rosa laxa Retz. in Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang
  • GUO Ning;YANG Shu-hua;GE Wei-ya;and GE Hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 495-502.
  • Abstract ( 2025 ) HTML ( 1425 ) PDF (209KB) ( 1425 )    
  • Six natural populations of Rosa laxa Retz. in Tianshan mountains of Xinjiang were selected to analyze the phenotypic diversity based on 14 phenotypic traits from leaves,flowers,fruits and seeds. The results showed that there were significant differences in the phenotypic traits among populations and among individuals within populations. The mean phenotypic differentiation coefficient(VST)of the 13 morphological traits among populations was 41.84%,which indicating the comparatively abundant phenotypic diversity among or within populations. The average variation coefficient(CV)of phenotype traits was 22.79% showing the high variation of the phenotypic traits. Duncan’s test of CV and the principal component analysis of phenotypic traits both indicated that the traits on inflorescences and seeds were the main factors account for the phenotypic variations. According to the UPGMA cluster analysis,the populations of Rosa laxa in this study could be divided into three groups. These cluster results were not due to geographic distances.
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  • Paternity Identification and Genetic Structure Analysis on the Wild Population in Paeonia lactiflora Pallas(Paeoniaceae)
  • HU Wen-qing;LU Heng;LIU Wei;YUAN Jun-xia;and ZHANG Da-ming;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 503-511.
  • Abstract ( 1985 ) HTML ( 1719 ) PDF (367KB) ( 1719 )    
  • Paternal identification and constitution,reproductive fitness,pollen dispersal,genetic diversity levels and genetic distance in the semi-sibling families of a wild population of Paeonia lactiflora (Paeoniaceae),were analyzed based on AFLP markers. The pedigree between parental and seed populations was reconstructed,and gene flow,including its obstacles among pollen donors and acceptors within the population,was revealed. Nine pairs of selective AFLP primers amplified 255 clear bands,among which 113 were polymorphic. Analysis on the paternity of the semi-sibling families showed that selfing was as low as 2.25%,and total reproductive fitness with 95% confidence interval was 78.07%. The pollen dispersal showed a leptokurtic distances around a median of 5 meters(average 23 meters),reaching a farthest distance of 50 meters. The polymorphic ratio of parental population was 42.75%,the genetic diversity index,He,was 0.1683 ± 0.2083,and I was 0.2462 ± 0.2982;whereas P in seed population was 52.94%,He was 0.1921 ± 0.2055,and I was 0.2855 ± 0.2920. The range of genetic distances between the seeds(2.646–7.937)was slightly wider than that between the parental individuals(3.742–8.062). The spatial genetic structure was visible only from 0 to 32 meters. The result showed that P. lactiflora is a strict out breeding species,but the distance of pollen dispersal was short,being influenced significantly by the geographic distances,which was accordance to neighbor dispersal model. The genetic diversity of the wild population was very low,and the genetic diversity level of the parental individuals was similar to that of the seeds. Merely in short distance the genetic structure was significant.
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  • The Pollination Biology of Primula sieboldii
  • ZHOU Yun-wei;SHEN Li-li;WANG Xiao-li;and HAN Li-qun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 519-526.
  • Abstract ( 1890 ) HTML ( 894 ) PDF (1404KB) ( 894 )    
  • To investigate the pollination characteristics of Primula sieboldii E. Morren,we observed the flowering phenology,flower morphology,the kinds of insects visited Primula sieboldii,the behavior of insects visited Primula sieboldii,the frequency of insects visited Primula sieboldii,and examined the pollen viability,the stigma acceptability,P/O(pollen /ovule rate)and the breeding system of Primula sieboldii,which was introduced to the forest botanical garden of the Heilongjiang Province. The results showed:Primula sieboldii is typically distylous and had two floral morphs within a population:long-styled (Pin)and short-styled(Thrum)morph;The flowering of P. sieboldii take place in May;The pollen viability and the stigma acceptability were both stronger within three days after blossoming;According to Dafni (1992),if the outcrossing indexes were three or four,the breeding system of Primula sieboldii was outcrossing,partially self-compatible,and demanded for pollinators. But by Cruden(1977),if the pollen-ovule ratio(P/O)of Primula sieboldii was from 244 to 361,the breeding system of Primula sieboldii was facultative xenogamy. The pollinators for this species include Papilio maackii M.,Pieris melete M.,Loxostege sticticalis L.,Haemorrhagia sp.,Papilio machaon L. of the Lepidoptera and Eristalis arbustorum L. of the Diptera. In the sunny days,the peak visiting frequencies of vistors is from 10:00 to 15:00 and when it was rainy or the temperature sharply declined,the frequency of visitors was lower obviously.
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  • Identification of Anthocyanins Involving in Petal Coloration in Chaenomeles speciosa Cultivars
  • ZHANG Jie;WANG Liang-sheng;GAO Jin-ming;LI Sheng-bo;XU Yan-jun;LI Chong-hui;and YANG Rui-zhen;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 527-535.
  • Abstract ( 1933 ) HTML ( 1790 ) PDF (1052KB) ( 1790 )    
  • Coloration and anthocyanins of petals collected from Chaenomeles speciosa(Sweet Nakai of 24 accessions were determined. Color was measured by CIE L*a*b* scale and anthocyanins composition of C. speciosa was determined using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with photodiode array detection(HPLC–DAD)and HPLC electrospray ionization mass spectrometry(HPLC–ESI–MSn). Cyanidin-3-O-galactoside(Cy3Ga),cyanidin-3-O-glucoside,pelargonidin-3-O-galactoside,pelargonidin-3-O-(galactose-glucose)[Pg3(Ga-G)],cyanidin-3-O-(galactose-glucose)and cyanidin-3-O- succinylarabinoside(Cy3SucAra)were detected. Cy3SucAra was identified in C. speciosa for the first time. We explored the relationship between petal colors and anthocyanin contents by multiple linear regression analyses. The results indicated that Cy3Ga,Pg3(Ga-G)and Cy3SucAra were important pigments,high contents of which significantly enhanced the red color of petals. Based on anthocyanins constitutions,flower color modification and blue color breeding for C. speciosa were discussed.
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Research Notes

  • Identification of SSR Marker Link to Maturity QTL in Peach
  • SONG Li-qin;ZHANG Li-bin;ZHANG Ji-jun;YU Feng-ming;and XIAO Xiao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 535-540.
  • Abstract ( 1577 ) HTML ( 1671 ) PDF (344KB) ( 1671 )    
  • The self-crossed progeny of Okubo peach were used as material to mapping the maturity QTL in peach. 165 SSR markers from the genome of Prunus persica were screened by Bulked Segregant Analysis(BSA). BPPCT015,a SSR on the 4th linkage group,was found link to the maturity QTL in peach. The conformity percentage(compared amplification band with phenotype)was 90% and 92% in early maturity(Fruit development period < 75 d)and late maturity(Fruit development period > 120 d)individuals respectively;In 88 peach accessions with different maturity date the conformity percentage was 82% and 84% respectively.
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  • Studies on Main Nutritional Components of Chinese Kale Among Different Organs
  • SUN Bo;FANG Li;LIU Na;YAN Hui-zhuan;ZHANG Ya-jun;SHI Qian-qian;and WANG Qiao-mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 541-548.
  • Abstract ( 1816 ) HTML ( 1664 ) PDF (226KB) ( 1664 )    
  • The variation of the contents of soluble solids,reducing sugars,soluble proteins,chlorophyll,carotenoids,vitamin C,and total phenols,as well as antioxidant capacities and glucosinolate profiles among different organs were investigated using Chinese kale(Brassica alboglabra Bailey)of typical varieties as material. The results showed that the contents of nutrients exhibited remarkable differences among different organs. In general,the highest contents of total phenols,vitamin C and soluble solids were found in inflorescences,and the significant differences existed between inflorescences and other organs. The contents of chlorophyll,carotenoids,soluble proteins and antioxidant capacities in leaves were remarkably higher than those in other organs. The roots contained markedly higher concentrations of glucosinolates,especially gluconasturtiin and glucoerucin,than those in other organs. Great differences in the nutrition value of bolting stem,the edible part of Chinese kale were observed among different varieties. JL-02 had the highest amounts of total phenols and antioxidant capacities. The significantly higher level of glucoraphanin and total glucosinolates was found in Dengfengzhongchi.
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  • Effects of Potassium in Nutrient Solution on Physiological and Quality of Garlic
  • CHEN Kun;LIU Shi-qi;ZHANG Zi-kun;ZHANG Tao;and MENG Fan-lu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 556-562.
  • Abstract ( 1974 ) HTML ( 1434 ) PDF (242KB) ( 1434 )    
  • In this study,‘Jinxiang White Garlic’was cultivated with nutrient solution to investigate the effects of potassium in nutrient solution on physiological and quality of garlic. Five different K+ concentrations at 0,3.0,6.0,9.0 and 12.0 mmol · L-1 were designed. The results indicated that pigment content,net photosynthesis rate,fresh and dry weight of garlic sprout and bulb increased with K+ concentration ranging from 0–9.0 mmol · L-1,while decreased in the treatment of 12.0 mmol · L-1 K+ Compared with 0 mmol · L-1 K+ ,the treatment of 9.0 mmol · L-1 K+ enhanced the contents of soluble sugars,vitamin C,soluble proteins and allicin by 67.0%,31.22%,79.38% and 76.38%,respectively,in garlic sprout,while these indexes increased by 91.51%,45.61%,91.47% and 99.26%,respectively,in bulb.
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  • Establishment of an SSR Analysis Protocol and Corresponding Analysis of Characteristics in Lycoris chinensis
  • SHI Jian;TONG Zai-kang;;HUANG Hua-hong;LIU Zhi-gao;PENG Sha-sha;and ZHOU Hou-jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 571-578.
  • Abstract ( 1716 ) HTML ( 1805 ) PDF (399KB) ( 1805 )    
  • Based on an orthogonal design and one-way experiment,an SSR molecular marker analysis protocol was established in Lycoris chinensis for the development and utilization of Lycoris resources and marker-assisted selection,which had a total volume of 20 μL containing 0.5 U of Taq DNA polymerase,1.5 mmol · L-1 Mg 2+ ,0.125 mmol · L-1 dNTP,0.5 mmol · L-1 primer and 50 ng of template DNA. This protocol had been applied to an analysis of 8 species of Lycoris and 35 clones of L. chinensis with 7 and 9.5 polymorphic loci per primer on average obtained,respectively,which reflects a good performance in universality and stability of this protocol. Analysis of the corresponding relation between SSR loci and such traits as scape height and flowering time had preliminarily shown that loci Ly 97 and Ly 98 were correlated with late flowering time‘Oct’as well as that loci Ly 84,Ly 87 and Ly 97 with scape heights ‘Mid’and‘Low’. It is suggested to verify the reliability of these markers to be used in assisted selection by further hybridization and genetic test.
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  • Studies on Physiological Characteristics of Cut Freesia Flowers During Vase Holding
  • YUAN Yuan;YU Yi-dong;LIAN Fang-qing;and TANG Dong-qin;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 579-586.
  • Abstract ( 1751 ) HTML ( 1453 ) PDF (230KB) ( 1453 )    
  • The cut flowers of Freesia hybrida‘Shangnong Jinhuanghou’were used as materials to study their phenotype changes and their physiologic response during vase holding. The results showed the vase life of an individual flower and a whole inflorescence was less than one week and 10 days,respectively. The contents of natural water and soluble protein in the petals increased at the early stage of vase holding,and then decreased 4 days later. The activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD),catalase(CAT)and ascorbate peroxidase(APX)increased in preceding stage,and decreased rapidly in later stage. However,the activity of peroxidase(POD)increased with the time postponing of vase holding. The content of superoxide radical()was accumulated during vase holding. Meanwhile,the malondialdehyde(MDA)content and the electrolyte leakage increased with the process of vase holding. The water loss,the decrease of activities of antioxidant enzymes and the accumulation of  and rising of lipid peroxidation level were considered to be the main physiological causes of senescence of cut Freesia flowers.
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Technologies and Methods

  • rotocol Establishment for Evaluation of Resistance of Garlic to White Rot (Sclerotium cepivorum Berk.)
  • LIANG Jing;CHENG Zhi-hui;MENG Huan-wen;CHAI Xi -rong;YU Ke;and LI Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 587-592.
  • Abstract ( 1736 ) HTML ( 1137 ) PDF (272KB) ( 1137 )    
  • A resistant garlic cultivar Hanzhong Red Skin(R)and a susceptible cultivar Gailiang(S)were employed to establish a protocol involved in evaluation of resistance of garlic to white rot(Sclerotium cepivorum Berk.). Results showed that at seedling stage the pathogen was able to infect garlic plants through both the wound and the natural orifices,while at flower bud differentiation stage it invaded the plants mainly through the wound. The plants with 6-week-leaf age were recognized as the best time for inoculation. In vitro inoculation was much simple and efficient,compared with in vivo inoculation. There was no significant difference in disease evaluation between leaf face inoculation and leaf back inoculation. The optimal incubation temperature and time for disease-resistant evaluation after inoculation was 18 ℃ and 7–8 days,respectively. The procedure developed from the present study was further applied to evaluate the resistant ability of other three garlic genotypes to white rot. Results obtained demonstrated that the established method was applicable to a wide range of garlic genotypes for testing their resistance to white rot.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Seedless Grape Cultivar‘Ruidu Wuheyi’
  • XU Hai-ying;ZHANG Guo-jun;YAN Ai-ling;and SUN Lei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 593-594.
  • Abstract ( 1820 ) HTML ( 1382 ) PDF (182KB) ( 1382 )    
  • 'Ruidu Wuheyi'is a new seedless grape with large berry and excellent quality,selected from a cross-combination of‘Xiangfei’בRuby seedless’. The cluster is medium in size and weighs 459 g on average. The purple reddish berry is crisp with the single berry weight of 6.2 g and the maximum of 11.4 g. The fruit skin is thin and crisp. The solube solids content reaches 16.2%. The vine has the characters of early fruiting,easy management,with the high yield of 22 t · hm-2. It ripens in the middle September in Beijing area.
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  • An Excellent Mid-ripening Seedless New Grape Cultivar‘Lihongbao’
  • CHEN Jun;TANG Xiao-ping;MA Xiao-he;ZHAO Qi-feng;and DONG Zhi-gang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 595-596.
  • Abstract ( 1646 ) HTML ( 1163 ) PDF (164KB) ( 1163 )    
  • Lihongbao’is a new grape cultivar which is bred by crossing‘Guibao’with‘Seedless Baijixin’. Its fruit clusters are large and conical with the average weight of 300 g. The berries are chicken-heart shape,weighing averagely 3.9 g,having a purple-red skin. The flesh is crisp with rose aroma and without seed. It has soluble solids content of 19.40%,titrtable sugar content of 16.6%,and titrtable acid content of 0.47%. The ratio between sugar and acid is 35.5︰1. It matures in mid-late August in Jinzhong of Shanxi Province.
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  • A New Mid-maturing Peach Cultivar‘Shuangaohong’
  • DONG Xiao-ying;LIU Cheng-lian;LI Pei-huan;LIU Geng-sen;MA Chun-hui;and YUAN Yong-bing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 597-598.
  • Abstract ( 1635 ) HTML ( 1549 ) PDF (188KB) ( 1549 )    
  • ‘Shuangaohong’is a new mid-maturing peach cultivar selected from‘Beijing 8’. The fruit development period is about 100 days. Moreover,fruit flesh firmness is high,the shelf life would last above 10 days at room temperature. The fruits are round shape,with a little tip on the top. The average mass of single fruit is above 260 g,the maximum is 450 g. Fruit surface covered with powder and fresh red color. The flesh is red in color,freestone. The soluble solids content is above 14%. It is concluded that the cultivar has excellent characteristics such as good commodity,early fruiting,high fertility and strong adaptability.
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  • A New Peach Cultivar‘Jiuhong’
  • ZHANG Li-bin;XIAO Xiao;ZHANG Ji-jun;LIU Jian-zhen;and Song Li-qin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 599-600.
  • Abstract ( 2224 ) HTML ( 1335 ) PDF (135KB) ( 1335 )    
  • Jiuhong’is a new peach cultivar from seedling of‘Okubo’peach. The fruit shape is round with a round-flat fruit top. The average fruit weight is 245 g.The fruit skin color is bright,and flush degree is above 80%. The flesh is white,with intermediate red pigment,hard-melting and free stone. The soluble solids content is 12%. It has high yield with 70%–80% fruit setting ratio of self-polination. The fruit development period is 98 days.
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  • An Early-maturing Table Cultivar of Chinese Jujube‘Lifu Gongzao’
  • SUN Jun;SUN Qi-bao;YU Fei-fei;LU Li-juan;and LIU Mao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 603-604.
  • Abstract ( 1550 ) HTML ( 1238 ) PDF (183KB) ( 1238 )    
  • ‘Lifu Gongzao’is a new early-maturing table cultivar of Chinese jujube(Ziziphus jujuba Mill). It was selected from the local germplasm in Hefei,Anhui Province. It has high quality and high yield,which is suitable for fresh-consuming. The fruit is round with the average weight of 13.97 g,the maximal of 18.1 g. The edible rate is 97.92%. The flesh is crisp,succulent and delicate. It ripes in middle August in Hefei. The fruit developing periods is about 75–80 d.‘Lifu Gongzao’has strong disease resistance,which is suitable for growing in open and protected field.
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  • A New Malus Crabapple Cultivar‘Zimeiren’
  • SHEN Hong-xiang;ZHANG Jie;JIN Kai-na;KONG Yun;and YAO Yun-cong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(3): 607-608.
  • Abstract ( 1554 ) HTML ( 1195 ) PDF (161KB) ( 1195 )    
  • Zimeiren’is a new crabapple cultivar which is selected from the progeny of‘Indian Magic’. The cultivar has ramose crown and upright tree appearance. One year old branch is red-brown. Young leaf is salmon pink,mature leaf is dark green. Buds are amaranth,while blooming flowers are pink. The fruit is oval or round with good uniformity,and its surface is smooth with yellow-green background and amaranth cover. The average fruit weight is 2.33 g. Flowering is stable and long. The color of flower is bright. The cultivar has strong resistance and high ornamental value.
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