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Current Issue

2013, Vol.40, No.11 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Physiological Responses of Waterlogging on Different Rootstock Combinations
    of Cabernet Sauvignon Grape
  • LI Yan, DU Yuan-Peng, FU Yan-Dong, ZHAI Heng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2105-2114.
  • Abstract ( 1040 ) HTML ( 1339 ) PDF (336KB) ( 1339 )    
  • Abstract:Seven rootstock graftings and Cabernet Sauvignon grape own-root seedlings were treated
    with pot waterlogging to study the effects of waterlogging stress on the growth,leaf photosynthetic
    characteristics and root physiological indexes. Based on the principle component analysis and cluster
    analysis,the waterlogging-tolerance of these varieties were comprehensively evaluated. The results
    showed that,compared with control,the plant growth and photosynthetic capacity obviously declined
    under waterlogging stress. The root was more seriously affected than leaf,expressed by root dry weight,
    root/shoot and root activity were decreased,while relative membrane permeability(RMP)in roots was
    increased,CS/SO4,CS/101-14M and CS/5BB were less influenced by waterlogging stress,while own-root
    seedlings was mostly influenced;Besides,the photosynthetic capacity,fluorescence parameters and
    chlorophyll contents of scion were influnced by rootstocks. Among all the treaments,Cabernet Sauvignon
    grape own-root seedling was the weakest in waterlogging stress,the order of resistance ability of different
    rootstock combinations from best to bad was CS/SO4 > CS/101-14M > CS/5BB > CS/3309C > CS/Beta >
    CS/140Ru > CS/1103P.
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  • Molecular Cloning and Function Analyses of Two Ammonium Transporter Protein Genes from Pyrus calleryana
  • CONG Yu, YANG Shun-Ying, JIN Man, HAO Dong-Li, SU Yan-Hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2115-2126.
  • Abstract ( 783 ) HTML ( 1259 ) PDF (1147KB) ( 1259 )    
  • The objective of this study was to illuminate sequence feature,physiological function and expression characteristic of PcAMT1-1 and PcAMT1-2 from ammonium transport protein gene family in bean pear(Pyrus calleryana Dcne.). The cDNA sequences of PcAMT1-1 and PcAMT1-2 were cloned from bean pear seedlings by EST splicing and rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE)methods. The yeast complementation was adapted to preliminary study PcAMT1-1 and PcAMT1-2 physiological functions.Furthermore,their expression patterns were analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR under different ammonium concentrations. The results showed that PcAMT1-1 cDNA had an open reading frame of 1 518 nucleotides encoding a polypeptide with 505 residues,while PcAMT1-2 cDNA had an opening reading frame of 1 515 nucleotides encoding a polypeptide with 504 residues. The deduced proteins of PcAMT1-1 and PcAMT1-2 had higher homologies(81.96% and 78.31%)with Citrus sinensis × Citrus trifoliata CpAMT(ABI52423)and Camellia sinensis CsAMT1;2(AB114913),respectively. Both PcAMT1-1 and PcAMT1-2 were able to complement the growth defect of yeast(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)ammonium transport mutant strain 31019b. Furthermore,the complementary effect under acid condition(pH 4.8 or 5.8)was slightly better than neutral condition(pH 6.8). The presence of toxic NH4+ analog methylamine(MeA+)markedly inhibited the growth of yeast with PcAMT1-1,whereas yeast cells transformed with PcAMT1-2 can grow normally. L-methionine sulfoximine(MSX),the glutamine synthetase inhibitors,could effectively inhibit PcAMT1-2 complementary. However,it had no significant effect on PcAMT1-1.Under the normal NH4+ concentration condition,transcription of PcAMT1-1 was mainly in the leaves andPcAMT1-2 expressed mainly in the root. When NH4+ was depleted,PcAMT1-1 and PcAMT1-2 expression levels in roots increased firstly and then decreased. Moreover,their expression levels were recovered upon NH4+ resupply. However,their expression levels in shoots were not observably changed when the NH4+ concentration was changed. Taken together,both PcAMT1-1 and PcAMT1-2 play the roles in absorption or
    translocate NH4+ in bean pear,which maybe have different regulatory mechanisms.
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  • Effects of Planting Depth of Apple Dwarfing Rootstock on Root Growth,
    Hormone Content,Fruit Yields and Quality
  • REN Xue-Fei, LI Bing-Zhi, ZHANG Lin-Sen, HAN Ming-Yu, LI Xue-Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2127-2136.
  • Abstract ( 965 ) HTML ( 1300 ) PDF (271KB) ( 1300 )    
  • Abstract:In the present study,three-year old‘Changfu 2’apple trees grafted on dwarfing interstock
    (M26)were respectively planted with different planting depth in Yangling,combined with the
    investigation of Fengxiang,Yongshou and Pucheng,Shaanxi Province. Then these trees were used to
    investigate the effects of the planting depth on root system growth,root hormone,fruit yields and quality.
    The results showed that,in the treatment with 15 cm planting depth of dwarfing interstock,fine roots
    (< 2 mm)mainly distributed in the soil layer of 0–40 cm,and the number of fine roots was 13.6%–
    41.5% more than other treatments,total roots number was 18.2%–33.3% more than other treatments,the
    root dry weight was 11.2%–68.4% of that in other treatments. Moreover,15 cm treatment showed more
    competitive advantage,i.e.,the quantity of fruit yields,single fruit weight,soluble solid contents,fruit
    hardness,fruit coloring and the titratable acid. Furthermore,the 15 cm planting depth had highest level ofIAA,ZR and GA contents,but the contents of ABA was at the lowest level. the ratio of (IAA + GA + ZR)/ ABA
    was at the peak,which helps to stimulate the growth of roots. These results indicate that 15 cm planting
    depth of dwarfing interstock can promote the growth of root,increase fine and total root numbers so that
    apple trees obtain more nutrition by root and have good fruit quality.
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  • Hydraulics Characteristic of Fuji Apple Grafted on Different Dwarf Interstocks Under Drought Stress
  • ZHANG Lin-Sen, XU Sheng-Rong, ZHANG Yong-Wang, HU Jing-Jiang, LIU Fu-Ting, LI Xue-Wei, HAN Ming-Yu, MA Feng-Wang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2137-2143.
  • Abstract ( 908 ) HTML ( 1168 ) PDF (201KB) ( 1168 )    
  • Fuji apple tree grafted on four types of interstocks[seedling Malus robusta(Carr.)Rehd.,
    dwarfing M9,semi-dwarfing M26 and SH6] with seedling Malus robusta(Carr.)Rehd. were used to study
    the response of hydraulics characteristic to drought stress. The results showed that the leaf specific
    conductivity(Kl)of total plant,canopy,stem and root decreased with increasing drought stress,the trend
    of leaf specific conductivity(Kl)of each organ decreased in the order of seedling,semi-dwarfing and
    dwarfing,in which the range of change of dwarfing M9 was largest,and seedling was smallest. Hydraulics
    resistance of interstock graft union varied as follows:dwarfing trees > semi-dwarfing trees > seedling. The
    ratio of hydraulic conductance resistance of dwarfing rootstock graft union to plant in seedling,interstockM9,M26 and SH6 were 4.07%,6.60%,4.97% and 5.11% respectively under well-watered conditions,and
    decreased under increasing levels of drought stress. Dwarfing rootstock may block transportition of water
    to the canopy and limit vegetative growth,thus creating the dwarfing effect.
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  • Analysis of Genes Differentially Expressed During Pericarp Browning of Postharvest Litchi Fruit Using Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Technology
  • WANG Jia-Bao, JIN Zhi-Qiang, LI Mei-Ying, ZHANG Xin-Chun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2144-2152.
  • Abstract ( 743 ) HTML ( 848 ) PDF (519KB) ( 848 )    
  • The differentially expressed genes between pericarp of‘Feizixiao’fruit at 0 h and 32 h after
    harvest(HAH)were identified by the combination of suppression subtractive hybridization(SSH)and
    cDNA microarray technology. The reciprocal,forward and reverse,SSH libraries were constructed with
    RNA extracted from the pericarp at 0 HAH and 32 HAH as tester and driver,respectively. Then 282 and
    76 positive clones were obtained from the forward and reverse library. However,only 17 and 49 clones
    with enhanced or repressed expression at 32 HAH were identified by cDNA microarray hybridization,
    representing 16 and 17 genes both with enhanced and repressed expression in the pericarp at 32 HAH,
    respectively. Among the tested genes,genes encoding enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism,cell
    wall metabolism and genes encoding heat shock proteins had higher frequencies than other genes. The
    results of cDNA microarray hybridization were confirmed by RT-PCR.
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  • Studies on Programmed Cell Death of Type-Ⅰ Stomatal Guard Cells on Spring Leaves of Citrus
  • HUANG Jing-Hao, WEN Shou-Xing, ZHANG Yan-Fang, ZHANG Ling-Yuan, CAI Zi-Jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2153-2160.
  • Abstract ( 881 ) HTML ( 1415 ) PDF (356KB) ( 1415 )    
  • The Type-Ⅰstomatal complex of citrus leaf forms at early developmental stage and
    consists of 6–8 subsidiary cells and two big stomatal guard cells. In this report,programmed cell death
    (PCD)of Type-Ⅰstomatal guard cells and its role in modification of surface structure during leaf
    expansion were studied with modified temporary slides preparation method and conventional paraffin
    section technique,which were conducted on spring leaves of different developmental stages in five citruscultivars,including‘Inaba Wase’(Citrus unshiu),‘Harumi’tangor[C. reticulata ×(C. reticulata × C.
    sinensis)],‘Cara Cara’navel orange(C. sinensis),‘HB’pummelo(C. grandis)and‘Meigui Cheng’
    (C. sinensis). Results showed that stomatal density of lower epidermis presented a unimodal distribution
    during leaf development,with a peak at two-thirds expanded stage. Degeneration rates of Type-Ⅰstomatal
    apparatus were low in spring leaves of‘Inaba Wase’,‘Harumi’tangor and‘HB’pummelo at late
    developmental stage. However,Degeneration ranges of Type-Ⅰstomatal apparatus were very high in
    spring leaves of ‘Cara Cara’navel orange and‘Meigui Cheng’,with almost all Type-Ⅰstomatal guard cells
    degenerated at matured stage in both cultivars. With DAPI staining,nuclear pyknosis with chromatin
    condensation,followed by formation of apoptotic bodies,was generally observed in degenerated Type-Ⅰ
    stomatal guard cells,suggesting that cells underwent PCD. PCD of Type-Ⅰstomatal guard cells resulted in
    closure or disappear of Type-Ⅰstomata through shrinkage of the guard cells. And as Type-Ⅰstomatal
    guard cells underwent PCD,distribution of size of stomatal inner pores in‘Cara Cara’navel orange and
    ‘Meigui Cheng’both became similar to that of‘Inaba Wase’.
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  • Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Transcription Factor
    BosiPA1 in Brasscia oleracea
  • LIU Yu-Dong, ZHU Li-Quan, GAO Qi-Guo, ZENG Jing, ZHANG Lin-Cheng, REN Xue-Song, WANG Xiao-Jia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2161-2170.
  • Abstract ( 738 ) HTML ( 1397 ) PDF (475KB) ( 1397 )    
  • Through the contrast of the stigma protein expression profiling between after self-pollination and none-pollination of Brasscia oleracea L. SI line A1,an up-regulated protein was identified,which was named BosiPA1 protein. The full-length DNA of this gene was 3 730 bp,and the ORF(open reading frame)was 1 092 bp. The gene contained six exons and five introns,encoded 363 amino acids,the amino acids sequence analysis showed that BosiPA1 contained a typical basic helix-loop-helix(bHLH)domains,which can recognize and bound the E-box(CANNTG)sequence. There are the E-box sequence in the promotersequences upstream of the ATG of SCR,SRK,Exo70A1. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that Brassica oleracea L. BosiPA1 was most close to AtbHLH128,and grouped into one clade with AtHEC1/2/3 and TgGBOF-1. RT-PCR analysis indicated that BosiPA1 was expressed in petal,sepal,pollen,stigma and leaf,the further real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR analysis showed that the relative expression level of BosiPA1 in the stigma increased continually after 10 min,30 min,1 h self-pollination. All the results indicated that BosiPA1 may be a transcription factor related with SI and involved in multi-organs development in Brasscia oleracea L.
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  • Construction and Analysis of an Interspecific Linkage Map of Capsicum annuum × C. frutescens
  • ZHOU Kun-Hua, CHEN Xue-Jun, FANG Rong, CHEN Li-Zhen, ZONG Hong-Xia, MIAO 南Sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2171-2179.
  • Abstract ( 927 ) HTML ( 1444 ) PDF (337KB) ( 1444 )    
  • In this study,a population of F2 generation including 180 individual plants was derived from
    the interspecific cross between the female line Capsicum annuum B9431 and the male line C. frutescens H108.
    The SRAP,SSR,ISSR markers and morphological marker were used in constructing a genetic map. A
    genetic linkage map containing 14 linkage groups(LGs)was constructed using 264 SRAP,32 SSR and 2
    ISSR. The S gene controlling the soft flesh and deciduous fruit was located at LG8. The map covered 1 023.45
    cM with an average marker interval of 3.42 cM. Number of markers included in linkage groups varied
    from 2 to 44,mean marker interval distance from 2.38 cM to 12.90 cM and the length of linkage groups
    from 13.84 cM to 129.93 cM individually. Furthermore,the links between the map published by
    Minamiyama et al. and ours were established by the public microsatellites(SSR markers).
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  • Cloning and Functional Analysis of CsFT in Cucumber
  • ZHANG Juan, YAN Shuang-Shuang, ZHAO Wen-Sheng, ZHANG Xiao-Lan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2180-2188.
  • Abstract ( 995 ) HTML ( 2713 ) PDF (1032KB) ( 2713 )    
  • Using homolog cloning,this paper identified the FT homolog in cucumber and explored the
    functions of CsFT through expression analyses,phylogenetic characterization and ectopic transformation
    in Arabidopsis. Distinct from previous studies,CsFT is highly expressed in male and female flowers,
    whereas almost undetectable in the leaves. Overexpression of CsFT in Arabidopsis results in early
    flowering and terminal flowers at top of shoots,indicating that CsFT may play conserved role during
    flowering as that in Arabidopsis.
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  • Isolation and Expression of Mannitol Dehydrogenase Gene in Celery
  • TAN Guo-Fei, WANG Feng, JIA Xiao-Ling, LI Yan, XIONG Ai-Sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2189-2198.
  • Abstract ( 844 ) HTML ( 1223 ) PDF (1035KB) ( 1223 )    
  • In this study,the genes encoding the mannitol dehydrogenase were cloned from‘Liuhe
    Huangxinqin’and‘Ventura’,respectively. The lengths of mannitol dehydrogenase genes from the two
    celery cultivars were 1 098 bp,and encoding 365 amino acids. The protein molecular weights of the
    enzymes were 39.66 kD and 39.69 kD,and the pI values were 6.79 and 6.78,respectively. There were 17
    different nucleotide sites,and 3 different amino acid residues between the mannitol dehydrogenase genes
    from the two celery cultivars. Sequence alignment with mannitol dehydrogenase of other plants indicated
    that the enzymes were highly conserved. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the enzymes of celery
    were closed with coriander,an Apiaceae plant. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis showed that the
    mannitol dehydrogenase genes were tissue-specific expressed in the two celery cultivars,the highest
    expression level were found in the root. The expression profiles of the mannitol dehydrogenase gene weredetected by real-time quantitative PCR under different stress treatments(4 ℃,38 ℃,0.2 mol · L-1 NaCl
    and 20% PEG)in the two celery varieties. Expression profiles analysis showed that level of the induced or
    suppressed the mannitol dehydrogenase gene in‘Liuhe Huangxinqin’were larger than in‘Ventura’. The
    responses of the mannitol dehydrogenase gene to abiotic stress treatments were different in the two celery
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Ornamental Plants

  • The Effects of Several Chemicals on Leaf Color Changes of Cotinus
    coggygria var. cinerea
  • ZHENG Xu-Chen, GE Yu-Xuan, WANG Li-Jin, YUAN Ru-Yu, ZHAO Yang, ZHOU Xiao-Hong, WANG Liang-Sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2199-2206.
  • Abstract ( 1022 ) HTML ( 1245 ) PDF (254KB) ( 1245 )    
  • The leaf color changes of four-year-old Cotinus coggygria var. cinerea Engl. trees were
    studied by treating them with different concentrations of gibberellins(GA3),salicylic acid,citric acid,
    and sucrose. The results showed that the application of 0.01 mmol · L-1 GA3 could prolong the leaf-absent
    period and extend the ornamental period for average of five days compared with that of control. The
    ornamental period was delayed for average of one week by treating the trees with 0.5 mmol · L-1 salicylic
    acid while the treatment of 1.0 mmol · L-1 salicylic acid advanced the ornamental period for three days.
    Both the application of 4.8 mmol · L-1 citric acid and 200.0 mmol · L-1 sucrose significantly made the
    ornamental period in advance for six days and nine days,respectively. Meanwhile they increased the
    relative content of anthocyanins in leaves and deepened the red color of leaves.
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  • Karyotype Analysis of Four Lilium Species from China
  • WANG Zhong-Xuan, WEI Chi, LIAN Yu-Qin, DU Yun-Peng, JIA Gui-Xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2207-2212.
  • Abstract ( 1011 ) HTML ( 1096 ) PDF (282KB) ( 1096 )    
  • The chromosome number and karyotype of four Lilium species with L. fargesii,L.
    martagon var. pilosiusculum,L. formosanum and L. wardii included were analyzed. The results indicated
    that the karyotype of L. fargesii was 3A,the others were 3B. The karyotype formulae were as the
    following:2n = 24 = 4m + 8st(4SAT)+ 12t for L. fargesii,2n = 24 = 4m(4SAT)+10st(2SAT)+ 10t
    for L. martagon var. pilosiusculum,2n = 24 = 4m(2SAT)+ 4st + 16t(8SAT)for L. formosanum and,
    2n = 24 = 2m(2SAT)+ 2sm + 8st + 12t(2SAT)for L. wardii,and their asymmetry indexes(As. K%)
    were 80.54%,81.50%,81.78% and 83.89% respectively.
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  • Change Pattern of Water Potential After Long-distance Transportation and Development of Pretreatment Solution for Cut Chrysanthemum
  • LI Li, GUAN Yue, LIU Ke-Xin, LI Chun-Jie, ZENG Hai-Peng, 欧Yang-Lin , HONG Bo, GAO Jun-Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2213-2221.
  • Abstract ( 886 ) HTML ( 1164 ) PDF (704KB) ( 1164 )    
  • Cut chrysanthemum‘Jinba’was used in this study to investigate the possible reason for
    accelerated flower opening after long distant transportation. Its vase life was prolonged by using optimized
    pretreatment solution. Measurements of water potential the cut flowers after simulative long distance
    transportation in cold(2 ℃)showed considerable drop(10 × 105 Pa)in water potential in both leaves and
    flowers during cold chain. The flower opening acceleration was likely due to abrupt change in water
    potential,and the level of water potential drop was consistent with enhanced flower opening rate. High
    water loss from branches of flowers during long distant transportation caused a drastic rise in water
    potential,which triggered rapid water absorption and simultaneously resulted in faster flower petals
    expansion. Adding appropriate amount of thidiazuron(TDZ)to original solution delayed leaf andflower senescence. An efficient pretreatment solution was formulated,which contained 200 mg · L-1 8-HQ +
    200 mg · L-1 CA + 2 mL · L-1 Triton X-100 + 100 mg · L-1 vitamin C + 0.05 mg · L-1 TDZ + 1% sucrose.
    Pretreatment of this solution prolonged vase life of cut chrysanthemum by more than 3 days.
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Research Notes

  • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Fingered Citron Germplasm by ISSR
  • LIAO Fang-Lei, CHEN Min-Guan, SANG Dan, CHEN Wen-Rong, GUO Wei-Dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2222-2228.
  • Abstract ( 910 ) HTML ( 903 ) PDF (764KB) ( 903 )    
  • Thirteen fingered citron accessions,1 citrate acid orange and 6 citron accessions were
    collected and fourteen genotypes were introduced and survived in the germplasm resources garden. Based
    on the biological traits,the genetic diversities of 20 samples were evaluated by ISSR markers. A total of
    102 DNA bands were amplified from the 11 polymorphic primers,which were screened from 100 ISSR
    primers. Among those obtained bands,58 were polymorphic ones,accounting for 56.9% polymorphism.
    The genetic similarity coefficient among the accessions ranged from 0.608 to 0.990. At the point of the
    similarity coefficient 0.798,all the accessions might be separated into three groups,fingered citron,citrate
    acid orange and citron,meanwhile three pieces of Yabian mutants belonged to a new group of fingered
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  • Effects of Organic Manure Application Combined with Chemical Fertilizers on the Leaf Nutrition,Quality and Yield of Fuji Apple
  • ZHAO Zuo-Ping, GAO Yi-Min, LIU Fen, WANG Xiao-Ying, TONG Yan-An
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2229-2236.
  • Abstract ( 857 ) HTML ( 1789 ) PDF (267KB) ( 1789 )    
  • To evaluate the effect of organic manure application combined with chemical fertilizers on
    apple yield and quality under long-term located experiment,a five year field experiment was conducted in
    dry-land orchards located at Weibei,Shaanxi Province. The study included four treatments:Inorganic P
    and K(PK),swine manure only(M),inorganic N,P and K(NPK),and 1/2NPK and 1/2M(NPKM).
    Each treatment was replicated three times. The foliar nutrition,apple quality,apple yield and soil organic
    matter content at each treatment were compared. The results showed significant differences between the
    rational fertilized and irrational fertilized(PK)treatment. Apple yield was increased by 34.6% to 42.3%
    under the different fertilization. The apple yield decreased in the order NPKM > NPK ≥ M > PK. Inthe NPKM treatment,the percentage of apple with diameters > 80 mm increased to 71.34% in 2009. The
    sugar to acid(S︰A)ratio was the highest in the NPKM treatment. The vitamin C content was greater in the
    fertilized treatments than in the PK treatment. The soluble solid,hardness were the highest in the NPKM
    treatment. And soil organic matter increased by 69.6% and 58.5% respectively in the M and NPKM
    treatment after five-year field experiment,which were significantly higher than those in the PK treatment.
    Organic manure application with chemical fertilizers increased the apple yield and apple quality,reduced
    the risk of environmental pollution,and improved soil fertility greatly. It could be a good practical
    technique that protects the environment and maintains or raises the apple yield and apple quality in this
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  • Cloning,Expression Analysis of MdGID1a Gene and Promoter from Spur-type Apple
  • SONG Yang, ZHANG Yan-Min, WU Shu-Jing, FENG Shou-Qian, WANG Chuan-Zeng, CHEN Xue-Sen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2237-2244.
  • Abstract ( 679 ) HTML ( 1422 ) PDF (630KB) ( 1422 )    
  • MdGID1a gene was amplified from spur-type apple(Malus × domestica Borkh.‘Longfu
    Duanzhi’)shoots by using RT-PCR and RACE method. The sequence has been deposited in GenBank
    database with the accession number of JF516247. The gene was named MdGID1a,containing an open
    reading frame(1 035 bp)and encoding a protein of 345 amino acid. Sequence analysis indicated that
    MdGID1a shared highly homology with HGG and GXSXG domain of HSL family gene. The promoter of
    MdGID1a contained phytohormone and light regulatory elements. The real-time quantitative PCR analysis
    showed that the expression levels of MdGID1a gene changed in different tissues,standard shoots andshoots of different growth stages. The GA receptor gene MdGID1a may play an important role during the
    shoots development apple.
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  • Changes of Volatile Components During Different Stages of Loquat Flowers
  • LU Yan, LU Zhou-Min, FAN Mei-Li, BAI Wei-Dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2245-2254.
  • Abstract ( 710 ) HTML ( 1566 ) PDF (330KB) ( 1566 )    
  • Volatile compounds in four different stages of loquat flowers(the bud stage,the bud
    swelling and come out white petals,the petals beginning spread and the petals opened)were extracted by
    Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction(SPME),seperated and analysed by GC–MS. As a result,84,
    90,69 and 73 kinds of volatile compounds were identified from the four different stages of loquat flowers,
    respectively,and accounted for 93.84%,97.74%,92.56% and 92.67% of the total volatile compounds.
    Ketones,acids,esters,aldehydes,alkanes,alcohols and a few other compounds existed in the volatile
    compounds. From the bud stages to the petals opened of loquat flowers,the content of the esters and acids
    showed gradually increase,the content of aldehydes revealed a rapid decrease,and the content of akanes
    and ketones exhibited an initial increase and a final decrease. In all volatile compounds of loquat flowers,
    the main aromatic components were 4-methoxy-benzoic acid methyl ester,4-methoxy-benzoic acid ethyl
    ester,oxalic acid di(2-phenylethyl)ester,benzaldehyde,4-methoxy-benzaldehyde,(E)-2-hexenal,
    phenylethyl alcohol,tridecane,heneicosane,etc. These aromatic components accounted for 55.03%,59%,
    72.68% and 70.71% of four different stages of loquat flowers,respectively. In conclusion,there were good aromatic components in loquat flowers from the bud swelling and come out white petals to the petals
    beginning spread.
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  • Effects of Light Intensity and Water Stress on Leaf Photosynthetic Characteristics of Ginger
  • ZHANG Yong-Zheng, LI Hai-Dong, LI Xiu, XIAO Jing, XU Kun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2255-2262.
  • Abstract ( 712 ) HTML ( 1080 ) PDF (328KB) ( 1080 )    
  • To investigate the relation of water supply condition in rhizosphere and leaf photosynthetic
    characteristics,the paper studied the effects of different treatments such as Natural light with normal water
    supply(T1),Shading 50% with normal water supply(T2),Natural light with drought(T3)and Shading
    50% with drought(T4)on leaf photosynthetic parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of
    potted ginger. The results showed that during the treatment,the Pn in T1,T2 had no significant change,
    but in T3,T4 reduced constantly and amplitude of T3 was significantly higher than T4;With the
    prolonging of treatment,Ci and Ls in T1,T2 all had no significant change,but Ci in T3 and T4 increased
    and Ls reduced after 1 and 3 days of stress treatment respectively,showing that the initial reduced of Pn in T3,T4 is mainly due to stomatal limitation and the latter to non-stomatal limitation;After six-day stress,
    although Pn reduced significantly in all treatments at midday,but the amplitude of T3,T4 was higher than
    T1 and T2,especially T3 did not appear second peak,while T1,T2,T4 all showed a bimodal curve. The
    Fv/Fm of ginger leaves in T1,T3,T4 reduced constantly during stress treatment,meanwhile NPQ increased,
    and the largest change amplitude was got by T3,and followed by T4 and T1,but T2 had no significant
    change. After six-day treatment,Fv/Fm,ФPSⅡ,qP in all treatments reduced significantly at noon,meanwhile
    NPQ increased prominently,the largest change amplitude was got by T3,and followed by T4 and T1,but
    the change amplitude of T2 was smaller. The results indicated that the effect of water stress was greater
    than strong light on ginger leaves photochemical efficiency,and shading can relieve drought stress.
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  • Genetic Analysis on the Restoration of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility with
    Mixed Model of Major Gene Plus Polygene in Pepper
  • WEI Bing-Qiang, WANG Lan-Lan-*, CHEN Ling-Zhi, ZHANG Ru
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2263-2268.
  • Abstract ( 799 ) HTML ( 1086 ) PDF (188KB) ( 1086 )    
  • In this study,hybrid of combination of pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)were made with
    cytoplasmic male sterility line 8A and it’s restorer line F19. In addition to F1 and F2,two parents were used
    to explore the restorer genetic pattern of cytoplasmic male sterility by mixed model of major gene plus
    polygene. The results showed that the restoration of cytoplasmic male sterility was controlled by two
    major additive-dominant epistasis genes and additive-dominant polygenes. The additive effects and the
    dominant effects of the first major gene make the restoration add with a value of 0.9314 and 1.1549
    respectively,and that of the second major gene make the restoration descend with a value of–0.5276 and
    –0.1930 respectively. The absolute values of the first major gene’s effects were higher than that of the
    second major gene apparently. The value of additive effects and dominant effects of polygene were
    –2.4038 and 0.1036 respectively,the dominant effects make the restoration add and the additive effects
    make the restoration descend. Two major genes exhibited a good heritability with a value of 97.57%,it was
    indicated that the restoration could be selected in early generations.
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  • Effect of Iron on Accumulation and Chemical Forms of Cadmium in Tomato
  • ZHOU Kun, LIU Jun, XU Wei-Hong, ZHANG Ming-Zhong, JIANG Ling, YANG Yun, WANG Chong-Li, ZHANG Jin-Zhong, XIONG Zhi-Ting
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2269-2279.
  • Abstract ( 871 ) HTML ( 1099 ) PDF (356KB) ( 1099 )    
  • Pot experiments were carried out to investigate the influence of different iron(Fe)levels
    (0,200 and 400 μmol · L-1)on the plant growth,activities of antioxidant enzymes,accumulation and
    chemical forms of cadmium(Cd)in tomato when exposed to Cd(10 mg · kg-1). The results showed that
    dry weights of fruit,roots,stem,leaf and plant,and concentrations and accumulation of Cd significantly
    differed between two varieties of tomato. Dry weights of fruit,roots,stem,leaf and plant increased in the presence of Fe. Photosynthetic rate(Pn),stomatal conductance(Gs)and transpiration rate(Tr)in both
    varieties,and activity of peroxidase(POD)in‘Yufen109’,and activity of catalase(CAT)in‘4641’
    increased at first,and then decreased with increasing levels of Fe,while intercellular carbon dioxide
    concentration(Ci)in both varieties,activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD)in‘Yufen109’decreased
    at first,and then increased with increasing levels of Fe. The contents of chemical forms of Cd in fruit of
    tomato were in order of residual Cd(FR)> hydrochloric acid-extractable Cd(FHCl)> ethanol-extractable
    Cd(FE)> sodium chloride-extractable Cd(FNaCl)> acetic acid-extractable Cd(FHAc)> deionized
    water-extractable Cd(FW). All chemical forms of Cd significantly decreased after the application of
    adequate Fe(200 μmol · L-1)compared to the control. However,FHCl and FR of‘4641’,and the total
    extractable Cd,FE,FNaCl and FR of‘Yufen109’increased at 400 μmol · L-1 Fe treatment. Cadmium
    accumulations in tomato were in order of leaf > stem > fruit > roots. Cadmium concentrations in leaf,
    stem,roots and fruit of both varieties decreased by 7.1%–21.9%,35.6%–50.4%,13.1%–37.0% and
    2.8%–8.2% in the presence of Fe when exposed to Cd,respectively. Cadmium concentrations,and Cd
    accumulation in fruit and plant were in order of ‘4641’<‘Yufen109’in the presence or absence of Fe.
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  • Studies on the Genetic Transformation Factors of Photinia fraseri Using
    Microprojectile Bombardment
  • LIU Cui-Lan, YAN Li-Ping, MAO Xiu-Hong, SUN Chao, XIA Yang, LIANG Hui-Min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2280-2286.
  • Abstract ( 850 ) HTML ( 1166 ) PDF (416KB) ( 1166 )    
  • The study has transformed the cold resistant gene rd29A into the acceptor,the embryo
    callus derived from Photinia fraseri leaf,in order to establish the transformation system by using particle
    bombardment method. The results indicate that the optimal transformation scheme for Photinia fraseri leaf
    callus using particle bombardment method was treating embryogenic callus tissue within 0.3 mol · L-1
    mannitol for 15–16 h,in MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg · L-1 6-benzy aminopurine,5.0 mg · L-1
    napthaleneacetic acid,0.5 mg · L-1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid,5.0 g · L-1 agar powder and 20 g · L-1
    glucose. When particle bombardmenting,in addition of 12.5 mol · L-1 CaCl2 50 μL and 0.1 mol · L-1
    spermidine 50 μL,and bombarding the samples once a time,at 9 cm bombardment distance,at 1 100 psi
    heli μm pressure and with the dosage of gold powder 300 μg and plasmid DNA 3.0 μg per bombardment.
    Six transgenic Photinia fraseri plants were obtained in the study and it was confirmed that the rd29A gene
    was integrated into Photinia fraseri genomes according to the PCR and Southern analysis of plant DNA.
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  • A Highly Efficient in Vitro Regeneration Protocol for Crassula clavata as Novel Tube-flower
  • KANG Dong-Ru, GUO Xian-Feng, LI Yuan-Yuan, HU Xiao-Rong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2287-2294.
  • Abstract ( 882 ) HTML ( 1082 ) PDF (746KB) ( 1082 )    
  • Tube-flower is a novel form of in vitro plant products. A highly efficient in vitro
    regeneration system was established for the production of succulent plant Crassula clavata N. E. Brown.
    In primary culture,adventitious buds instead of adventitious roots were differentiated from the shoot
    explants on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of IBA;The highest multiplication
    rate and high-quality adventitious buds were obtained on the optimal medium of MS containing 0.3
    mg · L-1 IBA. In subculture,the medium of MS containing 0.1 mg · L-1 NAA and 0.5 mg · L-1 6-BA was
    screened out for large amounts of embryogenic callus could be significantly induced and sprouts could be
    further differentiated on the callus surface. In culture for colorful decorative products,0.25 mg · L-1 edible
    colourant to half strength MS medium was feasible to give pleasant visual effect without harmful or toxic
    effect on the in vitro plants.
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  • Recent Advances in the Transcriptional Regulation of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis
  • LIU Xiao-Fen, LI Fang, YIN Xue-Ren, XU Chang-Jie, CHEN Kun-Song
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2295-2306.
  • Abstract ( 1111 ) HTML ( 3005 ) PDF (307KB) ( 3005 )    
  • Anthocyanins are biosynthesized through a series of enzymes with the transcript levels of
    their encoding genes commonly regulated by the MBW transcription complex containing MYB,bHLH and
    WD40 transcription factors. The transcriptional regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis has been studied in
    model plants,such as maize,Arabidopsis and petunia,since 30 years ago,and great progresses have been
    made in fleshy fruits as well in recent years. After briefly introducing general knowledge on classes,
    distribution and functions of anthocyanins,the characteristics and roles of MYB,bHLH and WD40 TFs in
    the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis,as well as the advances in mechanisms involved for
    transcriptional regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis by MYB-bHLH-WD40 transcription complex in
    fleshy fruits were reviewed.
  • Related Articles | Metrics

Technologies and Methods

  • CAPS and TSP Analyses of Grape SNP Markers
  • GUO Da-Long, LI Meng, ZHANG Guo-Hai, GUO Ming-Xiao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2307-2315.
  • Abstract ( 876 ) HTML ( 1642 ) PDF (327KB) ( 1642 )    
  • The grape EST-SNP loci developed previously were firstly screened in order to establish
    the ordinary analyzing method and investigate the performance of grape SNP markers. Twenty-eight CAPS
    (cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences)primers and twenty-two TSP(temperature-switch PCR)
    primers were designed to analyze the screened SNP loci. Finally,twenty CAPS primers and ten TSP
    primers produced clear and polymorphic bands in 31 grape genotypes. The genotyping results showed that
    all SNP loci have two alleles. The average polymorphism information content and Shannon index are
    0.336 and 0.511,respectively. The genotyping and cluster results of this study showed that CAPS and TSP
    method were efficient and reliable. The CAPS and TSP primers developed in this study could be used in
    SNP genotyping,cultivar identification and genetic diversity analysis of grape varieties in future.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Pomegranate Cultivar‘Manao Hong’
  • ZHANG Jin-Yun, XU Yi-Liu, PAN Hai-Fa, LIU Chang-Hua, LOU Zhi, SHU Bing, YI Xing-Kai, GAO Zheng-Hui, QI Yong-Jie, QIN Gai-Hua, WANG Wei-Yuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2316-2318.
  • Abstract ( 664 ) HTML ( 909 ) PDF (208KB) ( 909 )    
  • The new pomegranate cultivar‘Manao Hong’is an excellent mutant of‘Da Benzi’. Its
    maturation period was about 10 days later than‘Da Benzi’. The average weight is 357.6 g per fruit,which
    is 50 g higher than that of‘Da Benzi’. The shape of fruit is near round,the basic color of peel is
    yellowish-white,covering with red,and the face of the peel is very smooth. Not only the appearance
    quality,but also the comprehensive quality is very good. The cultivar has high sprouting ability and
    branching ability,so it can get high and stable yield easily. It has strong resistant to stress,early defoliation
    and dry rot.
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  • A New Tomato Cultivar‘Yifeng 2’with Resistance to Bacterial Wilt Disease
  • QIU Man-Yu, ZHANG Su-Ping, LIU Yu-Ping, LI Bo-Shou, HE Zi-Fu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2321-2322.
  • Abstract ( 822 ) HTML ( 741 ) PDF (168KB) ( 741 )    
  • ‘Yifeng 2’is a new indeterminate growth type tomato hybrid which is developed by
    crossing‘g-8’בg-4’. The hybrid grows strongly. The young fruits have no green shoulder and high
    glossiness. Its matured fruit is red of round in shape with uniform colour. The fruit has high hardness and
    resistance to cracking,long storability. The cultivar has high resistance to bacterial wilt disease and
    extensive adaptability. The average single fruit weight 110 g,and normally yield is about 50–60 t · hm-2.
    It is suitable for open cultivating in spring,autumn of Southern China.
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  • A New Early-maturing Eggplant Cultivar‘Jinqiezao 1’
  • ZHANG Ji-Ning, YAN Shi-Jiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2323-2324.
  • Abstract ( 751 ) HTML ( 784 ) PDF (156KB) ( 784 )    
  • ‘Jinqiezao 1’is a new F1 hybrid of eggplant developed by crossing inbred line 24-1-2-9-7
    selected from‘Duanba Hei’with inbred line 10-4-8-8 selected from‘Xinzhou Xiaohongqie’. It grows
    vigorously,the first flower is in 7–8 th node,and the average fruit weight is about 500 g. The shape of
    fruit is nearly round with black purple skin and good luster,the color of flesh is light green and the flesh is
    firmness. It has high quality,good commodity,and early maturity. It also has high disease resistance,no
    earlier senescence and high yield. It is suitable for cultivation in spring as well as summer in open field of
    Shanxi or the same climate conditions areas.
  • Related Articles | Metrics
  • A New White Skin Green Flesh Melon Cultivar‘Lüle’
  • YE Li-Hua, GU Zhang-Gen, CHU Wei-Xiong, YUAN Wei, SHOU Xin-Hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2325-2326.
  • Abstract ( 833 ) HTML ( 1079 ) PDF (132KB) ( 1079 )    
  • ‘Lüle’is a new middle-late ripening melon hybrid. The fruit is elliptical. The average fruit
    weight is 1.2–1.5 kg,and the fruit developing period is about 45 d. The fruit color is white. The variety
    belongs to soft-flesh type and the flesh color is light green with thickness of 3.5 cm. The soluble solids
    content in the center of fruit is 15.6%. The fruit yield is about 30 t · hm-2. And this cultivar is resistant to
    gummy stem blight in field.
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  • A New Minitype Hami Melon Cultivar‘Jincuifeng’
  • FAN Min, ZHANG Rui-Lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2327-2328.
  • Abstract ( 758 ) HTML ( 725 ) PDF (139KB) ( 725 )    
  • ‘Jincuifeng’is a new minitype Hami melon hybrid cultivar with superior quality. This
    cultivar is characterized by its oval shape,golden pericarp color,dense reticulate in fruit surface and thick,
    crisp,jacinth-colored flesh,which makes it smell faint scent and tasty. In normal conditions,the soluble
    solids content ranges between 15%–18% and the average weight of single fruit is around 1.8 kg. So,it is
    better quality,beautiful appearance,long distance transportation and good merchandise. The whole growth
    period is 112 d and the fruit development period is 42 d. The plants are resistance to blight and several leaf
    diseases. The yield under filed condition is up to 30–35 t · hm-2.
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  • A New Flammulina velutipes Cultivar‘Hangjin 1’
  • ZHANG Cheng, CHEN Qing-Long, CHEN Liu-Meng, XIE Sheng, WEI Yun-Hui, HU Zhong-E, YAO Jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2329-2330.
  • Abstract ( 652 ) HTML ( 681 ) PDF (168KB) ( 681 )    
  • Flammulina velutipes strain‘Jiangshanbai F21’was selected as the experiment material.
    After mycelia of Flammulina velutipes were boarded on recoverable satellite,a new cultivar of
    Flammulina velutipes‘Hangjin 1’was selected from seven differentiation strains by the aerospace mutation
    breeding technique through multi-year trails. Compared with the control strain,the new cultivar has
    excellent characteristics such as good quality,early-maturing,high yield,high-temperature resistance and
    wide adaptability.
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  • A New Waxy Corn Cultivar‘Yuebainuo 5’
  • LIU Jian-Hua, ZHENG Jin-Rong, HU Jian-Guang, LI Yu-Liang, LI Chun-Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2331-2332.
  • Abstract ( 583 ) HTML ( 739 ) PDF (174KB) ( 739 )    
  • ‘Yuebainuo 5’is a three-cross waxy corn cultivar with high-yield,good-quality and
    tolerance to stress,which was crossed by‘Yuebainuo 3’and inbred lines‘N81-199’. Plant is 213.5 cm in
    height and 79.5 cm in ear location. Ear is 20.1 cm in length,4.6 cm in width and 14 in rows. The fresh
    weight per ear is 311 g. The tip of ear is short and kernel color is white. The content of amylose is range
    from 0.38% to 1.56%. This cultivar is good in quality,thin in pericarp,good resistance to diseases.
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  • A New Hybrid Tea Rose Cultivar‘Xiangfei’
  • WU Chun-Ying, YU Hong-Qiang-*, YOU Jie-*, LI Hong, WANG Xun-Yao, MA Hong-Yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2333-2334.
  • Abstract ( 1777 ) HTML ( 937 ) PDF (193KB) ( 937 )    
  • ‘Xiangfei’is a new tea rose cultivar developed by the female parent ‘Elle’open pollination.
    Double deep pink blossom,rich aromatic,with 9.2 cm average diameter of its flower. The continuous
    blossom characters is well. This new cultivar has resistance to black spot disease and its growth potential is
    strong so that extensive management is enough. It is suitable to be cultivated in North China which has
    dominated climate type as Beijing.
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  • New Iris dichotoma Cultivars‘Footstone’and‘Snow Honey’
  • BI Xiao-Ying, XU Wen-Ji, LI Hui, ZHENG Yang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2335-2336.
  • Abstract ( 714 ) HTML ( 703 ) PDF (151KB) ( 703 )    
  • ‘Footstone’and‘Snow Honey’were selected from the seedling progeny of Iris dichotoma,
    their flower colors are yellow and white respectively. The time of flowering is from 15:00 to 19:30,and
    the population flowering time are respectively from August to September and from July to August. The
    two cultivars showed excellent resistances to cold,drought and barren,and can be unprotected for
    overwintering outdoor in northern China.
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  • A New Cultivar of Louisiana Iris‘Huangyu’
  • ZHU Xu-Dong, TIAN Song-Qing, JIN Li-Min, ZHOU Xiao-Ming, WEI Qing-Hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(11): 2337-2338.
  • Abstract ( 561 ) HTML ( 681 ) PDF (159KB) ( 681 )    
  • ‘Huangyu’is a new Louisiana Iris cultivar derived from self-crossing‘Ann Chowning’.
    It has the features of evergreen,aquatic,yellow flower,high reproductive rate,and cold-resistant plants.
    The plant height is about 70 cm and the crown is close to 50 cm. The flower color is Traffic yellow
    (RAL1023). The average number of flowers is 4.5 of single inflorescence. It has a higher propagation
    rate of 8.4, suitable for planting in the south of Huaihe Basin of China.
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