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2020, Vol.47, No.7 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Research Papers

  • Effect of Sulfur on Apple Replanted Soil Environment and Growth of Malus hupehensis Seedlings
  • JIANG Weitao1,LI Qianjin2,WANG Haiyan1,CHEN Ran1,XIANG Li1,LIU Entai3,CHEN Xuesen1,SHEN Xiang1,YIN Chengmiao1,*,and MAO Zhiquan1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1225-1236. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0686
  • Abstract ( 525 ) HTML ( 933 ) PDF (887KB) ( 933 )    
  • In order to provide basis for preventing and controlling apple replant disease,the effects of different concentrations of sulfur(0,0.1,0.3,0.5 g ? kg-1)on soil microbial environment and replanting of Malus hupehensis Rehd. seedlings in aged apple orchard soil were studied by using pot test. The results of greenhouse and open-field pot showed that sulfur had a good effect on improving the replanted soil environment and promoting the growth of M. hupehensis Rehd. seedlings,but the effect of different concentrations was varied,among which the effect of 0.3 g ? kg-1 was the most significant. Compared with the control,plant height,ground diameter,fresh weight and dry weight of M. hupehensis Rehd. that was treated by 0.3 g ? kg-1 of sulfur increased by 60.83%(26.03%,the data from open-field pot,the same below),26.78%(19.66%),73.44%(62.15%)and 93.32%(72.93%),respectively;root length,root surface area,root volume,number of root tips,and root respiration rate of M. hupehensis Rehd. increased by1.47(1.82),2.28(2.05),2.05(2.74),1.73(1.67)and 2.12(1.98)times. The chlorophyll content,photosynthetic parameters of the leaves and soil enzyme activities were increased in different degrees after sulfur treatment. 0.3 g ? kg-1 sulphur treatment had the highest bacterial to fungal ratio,the fungal margalef and shannon index,and the lowest fungal simpson index. Principal component analysis found that with the increase of sulfur addition,the distance of soil fungal community was farther and farther away from the control,but the continuous increase of sulfur content from 0.3 to 0.5 g ? kg-1 did not have a significant effect on the improvement of continuous cropping soil environment. The results of real-time fluorescence quantitative analysis showed that the addition of sulfur significantly reduced the copy number of Fusarium oxysporum gene. In conclusion,0.3 g ? kg-1 sulfur treatment can better optimize apple replanted the soil environment and promote the growth of M. hupehensis Rehd. seedlings,which can be used as an effective method to alleviate the apple replant disease.
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  • Genome-wide Identification and Expression Analysis of miR396 Family During Adventitious Root Development in Apple
  • WEI Yanhong,LIU Zhen,LI Ke,MENG Yuan,WANG Hui,MAO Jiangping,MA Doudou,LI Shaohuan,MA Juanjuan,LU Xian,and ZHANG Dong*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1237-1252. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0761
  • Abstract ( 502 ) HTML ( 835 ) PDF (3199KB) ( 835 )    
  • In this study the evolutionary characteristics of apple miR396 family and their expression pattern during adventitious root development were analyzed. The results demonstrated that the apple miR396 family contained 4 mature sequences and 7 precursor sequences. Mfold analysis showed that 7 precursor sequences of pre-miR396 members could form a typical stable stem loop structures,and their minimal folding free energies(ΔG)ranged from–62.9 to–51.9 kal ? mol-1. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the genetic relationship of pre-miR396 family in apple could be classified into 3 subgroups (G1,G2 and G3). According to its homology,each subgroup contained 11,9,19 members respectively. Prediction of target genes for apple miR396 family revealed that their targets were MdGRF1,MdGRF2 and MdGRF5 genes. The members of miR396 family showed significantly higher expression level in lateral roots and fruits as compared to other tissues. In addition,the candidate target genes kept higher expression level in flower buds and axillary buds than other tissues. During the process of adventitious root development,the expression patterns of different miR396 family members had significant differences,and overall expression was up-regulated,however,the candidate target genes were down-regulated during the adventitious root development. Exogenous IBA treatment significantly induced the expression of miR396 family members,especially in induction and root growth phases during adventitious root formation.
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  • Biological Characteristics and Host Range of Athelia bombacina Causing Postharvest Fruit Rot on Pear
  • JIA Xiaohui1,2,WANG Wenhui1,*,FU Junfan2,*,DU Yanmin1,WANG Yang1,ZHOU Rujun2,and LIU Bailin1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1253-1263. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0384
  • Abstract ( 254 ) HTML ( 522 ) PDF (2852KB) ( 522 )    
  • The biological characteristics and host range of Athelia bombacina,a newly discovered fruit rot pathogen of pear,were studied. The results showed that the optimum medium for hyphae growth of Athelia bombacina was potato dextrose agar(PDA),the optimum temperature was 25 ℃,the optimum pH was 7,and dark treatment was beneficial to hyphae growth. The lethal temperature for hyphae was 54 ℃ for 10 min. The optimal germination temperature of the spores was 20 ℃,the optimum pH was 6,and the best carbon source was glucose. The effect of light on spore germination was not obvious. The lethal temperature for spores was 52 ℃ for 10 min. Based on studying the spore production under different conditions,the best culture conditions for spore production of the strain were as follows:medium formula:15 g of oat,15 g of agar,10 g of glucose,2 g of glycine,0.5 g of CaCO3,2 g of NaCl,1 000 mL of water,and pH adjusted to 6,alternating light and dark,low temperature induction and high humidity more than 95%. The determination of host range for Athelia bombacina showed that,Athelia bombacina could infect not only pears,but also apples,strawberries,cherries,nectarines,apricots,and jujubes;however,it did not infect blueberries,grapes,oranges,or kiwifruit etc. The ability to infect hawthorns,oranges,and pomelos was weak,and the infection of tangerines and pomelos was limited to the peel——Athelia bombacina could not penetrate into the pulp tissue. Athelia bombacina had different infection abilities with different pear and apple varieties.
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  • Research on Control of Disease Resistance by Stilbene Synthase Genes Derived from Chinese wild Vitis quinquangularis
  • ZHAO Kaixi,DING Xi,and WANG Yuejin*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1264-1276. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2020-0263
  • Abstract ( 239 ) HTML ( 610 ) PDF (5701KB) ( 610 )    
  • Two complete open reading frames of VqSTS11 and VqSTS23,were respectively isolated from Vitis quinquangularis‘Danfeng-2’using homologous cloning technique and further for overexpression vector construction. Meristematic bulk(MB)of cultivated Vitis vinifera‘Thompson Seedless’,were induced through organogenesis and further for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation to obtain transgenic plants. After PCR detection and Western blot identification,5 transgenic lines of VqSTS11 and 3 transgenic lines of VqSTS23 were verified,respectively. Transgenic plants and non-transgenic plants were artificially inoculated with powdery mildew. Microscopic observation demonstrated that the hyphae growth in transgenic lines were slower than those in non-transgenic plants and spore germination was inhibited in transgenic plants. The disease resistance of transgenic plants was further analyzed by qRT-PCR and HPLC. The results displayed that not only the expression of STSs in transgenic plants increased,and the expression of disease resistance-related genes was up-regulated,but also stilbene compounds in the transgenic plants were accumulated. The expression product of‘Danfeng-2’VqSTS11 and VqSTS23 could tolerate powdery mildew. Therefore,‘Danfeng-2’could be used to improve the disease tolerance and provide disease- tolerant candidate genes for European grape cultivars,which could be served as a breeding resources for disease-tolerant breeding.
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  • Analysis of Gene Characteristic and Expression Pattern of LIM Family in Grape
  • MAO Juan,LU Shixiong,WANG Ping,MA Zonghuan,LIU Tao,HE Honghong,NAI Guojie,ZHANG Zhiqiang,and CHEN Baihong*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1277-1288. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0995
  • Abstract ( 491 ) HTML ( 633 ) PDF (2662KB) ( 633 )    
  • In order to clarify the expression characteristics of LIM gene family in grape,the bioinformatics analysis was carried out,and then the gene expression levels of LIM family under different stress were detected by qRT-PCR using Vitis vinifera‘Pinot Noir’plantlets as experimental material. The results showed that the LIM gene family of grape had 14 members and could be divided into four subgroups. Through the analysis of the selective pressure between grape genes and Arabidopsis genes,there was a passivation selection relationship between the two. Multiple sequence alignments revealed that the members of this family contained 1–2 conserved domains of zinc finger structure. The conserved motif results showed that all genes contained motif2. The analysis of gene structure showed that VvLIM contains 4–15 exons. Of the 14 genes,11 interacted with encoded protein. There were a large number of photoinduced elements and stress related elements such as salicylic acid in this gene family. The microarray data showed that the highly expressed genes mainly existed in the growing tissues. Compared with the control,the expression levels of VvLIM1 under 100 mmol ? L-1NaCl,10% PEG,and 50 mg ? L-1 SA stresses were significantly up-regulated by qRT-PCR analysis,and kept increasing with the treatment time.
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  • Differences in Tissue Structure and Physiological Changes of‘Xuxiang’and‘Hayward’Kiwifruit Fruits During Cold Storage
  • GAO Meng,QU Wei,RAN Bian,and RAO Jingping*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1289-1300. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0886
  • Abstract ( 993 ) HTML ( 591 ) PDF (3179KB) ( 591 )    
  • Two kiwifruit cultivars‘Xuxiang’(shorter storage life)and‘Hayward’(long storage life),were used to study the changes in physiological and tissue structure during storage at 0 ℃,so as to explore the internal mechanism of kiwifruit storage ability,and provide information for further selection of excellent cultivars with good storability. The results showed that the firmness of both kiwifruit cultivars decreased continuously,and the time of firmness dropping to 10 N during storage was 150 days and 95 days for‘Hayward’and‘Xuxiang’,respectively. The peaks of respiratory rate and ethylene release rate on‘Xuxiang’appeared 20 days and 10 days earlier than that of‘Hayward’,and the peak values were 16% and 250% higher than that of‘Hayward’,respectively. The higher weight loss rate was observed on‘Xuxiang’as compared with‘Hayward’. From the maturity stage to the following storage period,the contents of starch,protopectin and cellulose of‘Hayward’were higher than that of‘Xuxiang’,while the enzyme peak activities of amylase(AM),pectin(PG,PE,β-Gal)and cellulase(Cx)were lower than that of‘Xuxiang’. In terms of fruit tissue structure,the epidermal hair of‘Hayward’was significantly shorter than that of‘Xuxiang’. Moreover,the thickness of cuticle and the number of epidermal cells were larger than that of‘Xuxiang’. The degree of deformation in pulp cells of‘Hayward’during storage was less than that of‘Xuxiang’. Fruit ultrastructure showed that the cell wall of‘Hayward’was thicker than that of‘Xuxiang’;in addition,the division speed of cell wall and intercellular layer in‘Hayward’was slower as compared with‘Xuxiang’. Meanwhile,the mitochondria showed relative structural integrity in‘Hayward’. In conclusion,kiwifruit with good storage ability has thick cuticle and epidermal cells,low weight loss rate,slow respiration rate and ethylene release rate,and low cell wall enzyme activity.
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  • Cloning and Expression Under Abiotic Stress of Br14-3-3 in Brassica rapa subsp. rapifera
  • WANG Ruonan,LI Ju,MIAO Hongyu,and YAN Haifang*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1301-1311. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2020-0119
  • Abstract ( 225 ) HTML ( 477 ) PDF (981KB) ( 477 )    
  • In this study,we cloned the general regulatory factor 14-3-3 gene from Brassica rapa subsp. rapifera‘Tsuda’,which was named Br14-3-3 with the accession number of MK896872 in the NCBI GenBank. The full cDNA sequence of the Br14-3-3 gene was 1 113 bp,cotaining an open reading frame of 774 bp encoding a protein of 257 amino acids. We determined the expression of the Br14-3-3 gene in different tissues and under different abiotic stress conditions,such as extreme temperature,dehydration,adverse osmosis,abscisic acid(ABA)and salt stress by quantitative-PCR analysis. The results demonstrated that the highest expression levels of the Br14-3-3 gene could be reached in the flower of Brassica rapa subsp. rapifera‘Tsuda’,followed by the seedling. The expression of the Br14-3-3 gene was upregulated under aforementioned stress conditions except for low temperature,suggesting that the Br14-3-3 gene may play a role in response of abiotic stresses.
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  • Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression Analysis of a Transcription Factor Gene SlWRKY16 in Tomato
  • ZHOU Tao1,2,WANG Juan2,WANG Lulu1,WANG Baike2,HU Jiahui1,2,LAN Haiyan1,*,and YU Qinghui2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1312-1322. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0956
  • Abstract ( 404 ) HTML ( 893 ) PDF (1926KB) ( 893 )    
  • A WRKY family gene SlWRKY16 was cloned from cultivated processing tomato(Solanum lycopersicum‘M82’). The results showed that the open reading frame of SlWRKY16 was obtained from S. lycopersicum,which is 1 497 bp long and encodes 498 amino acids with an estimated molecular weight of 55.5 kD. Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequence of SlWRKY16 with WRKYs from other plant species indicates that SlWRKY16 contains a WRKYGQK conservative domain and a C2H2 zinc finger structure domain,which belongs to class Ⅱb WRKY transcription factor and locates on the plasma membrane. Further phylogenetic tree analysis showed that SlWRKY16 shared a high degree of sequence similarity with SpWRKY6(XP_015064265.1)and StWRKY6(XP_006350473.1)from S. pennellii and S. tuberosum,respectively. Moreover,quantitative RT-PCR analysis indicated that the expression of SlWRKY16 was tissue-specific and significantly decreased and down-regulated under short-term salt and drought stress. In addition,the recombinant strains(pET-30a-SlWRKY16)significantly grew lower than that of the control strain(pET-30a)when being applied with salt or simulated drought(mannitol)stress. Taken together,the above results suggest that SlWRKY16 from S. lycopersicum may have a negative regulatory effect in response to abiotic stress.
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  • Expressied Analysis of miRNA with Tomato JA Deficient Mutant Reponse to Botrytis cinerea Infection
  • LI Linlin1,JIN Hua1,LIU Sichao3,ZOU Jixiang1,and LI Tianlai2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1323-1334. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2020-0162
  • Abstract ( 359 ) HTML ( 465 ) PDF (1603KB) ( 465 )    
  • In order to investigate the mechanism of miRNA response to Botrytis cinerea in tomato,two JA deficient mutants def1 and spr2,and the wild type(Castlemart)plant had been used in this study. miRNA database were conducted following RNA-seq and bioinformatics analysis after B.cinerea inoculation on plant materials at 0 h and 48 h.The qRT-PCR was performed to examine the target miRNA and its predicted target gene expression levels.The results showed that JA defective mutants were more sensitive than wild type to B. cinerea. And H2O2 content was also lower compared to that of wild type. One hundred and thirty known miRNAs and 811 new miRNAs had been identified by RNA-seq,and 8 conserved miRNAs(Sly-miR156e-3p,Sly-miR166c-5p,Sly-miR171f,Sly-miR172b,Sly-miR319a,Sly-miR390b-5p,Sly-miR399b and Sly-miR482d-5p)showed different expression patterns which had been selected in 6 samples. Altogether 122 predicted target genes were obtained,and the expression level of 8 miRNAs and their target genes have been verified by qRT-PCR which showed consistent results with RNA-seq.Therefore,Sly-miR156e-3p,Sly-miR390b-5p,Sly-miR399b and Sly-miR482d-5p may involve in B. cinerea resistance through JA pathway.
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  • Screening and Analysis of Rose(Rosa hybrida)RhNAC31 Interacting Proteins by Yeast Two-Hybrid System
  • DING Aiqin1,2,HAN Kunjie1,YANG Lichen1,ZHANG Zhujun1,GENG Ziwen1,FU Lufeng1,LIU Qinghua1,*,and JIANG Xinqiang1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1335-1344. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0739
  • Abstract ( 555 ) HTML ( 511 ) PDF (1915KB) ( 511 )    
  • To further understand the molecular mechanism of RhNAC31 in stress response,we used the RhNAC31 protein as bait through cut rose‘Samantha’water deficit stress yeast two-hybrid(Y2H)cDNA libraries and screened its interacting proteins. RhNAC31 transactivation domain was located in its C-terminal(157–286 aa). Two different deletion regions,including RhNAC31-C1(157–250 aa)and RhNAC31-C2(251–286 aa),were constructed to pGBKT7 vector,respectively. Self-activation activity and toxicity were also examined in Y2H Gold yeast cells. The results showed that both pGBKT7-RhNAC31-C1 and pGBKT7-RhNAC31-C2 had no toxicity in Y2H Gold cells and could stimulate Aureobasidin A(AbA)reporter gene with auto-activation activity. The activities were obviously inhibited when supplemented with 400 ng ? mL-1 AbA under SD deficient medium. The SD deficient medium plus 400 ng ? mL-1 AbA was used as Y2H screening library medium. Twenty-one positive colonies were screened by Y2H,and 16 of them may be candidate interacting proteins of RhNAC31 which were further sequenced. In addition,these interacting proteins were also functional associations based on gene ontology through Uniprot website. RhNAC31 may interact with RZFP34,MIEL1,RUB E3 ubiquitin ligase,SGT1,DnaJ and other proteins. These different proteins may participate in glycolipid biosynthesis,protein ubiquitination,plant defense,chlorophyll biosynthesis,pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway,protein folding,ethylene biosynthesis,stress response and other biological processes.
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  • Construction of Transformation System and Integration of LrCCoAOMT Gene into Lilium lancifolium
  • FU Yongyao1,Liu Jianling1,ZHU Yiyong1,XU Wenji1,Lei Meiyan2,and YANG Liping1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1345-1358. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0782
  • Abstract ( 296 ) HTML ( 592 ) PDF (2277KB) ( 592 )    
  • In vitro aseptic bulb scales of Lilium lancifolium Thunb. were used as the explants to establish a highly efficient Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation system by slicing scales,optimizing the concentration and infection time of Agrobacterium solution,adjusting the composition of the suspension solution and co-culture medium. The results showed that MS + 1.5 mg ? L-1 6-BA + 0.5 mg ? L-1 NAA + 30 g ? L-1 sucrose was the optimized medium for the bud differentiation of scale slices,and adding 100 mg ? L-1 vitamin C in this medium can effectively inhibit the browning of scale slices and promote the proliferation of adventitious buds. For root induction,MS + 2.0 mg ? L-1 NAA + 30 g ? L-1 sucrose was the best medium choice. Antibiotic susceptibility testing revealed that the addition of 100 mg ? L-1 Kan or 75 mg ? L-1 Hyg in combination with 400 mg ? L-1 Cef in the medium was suitable for resistance screening. Taking the modified MS + 100 μmol ? L-1 AS as the suspension solution and the modified MS + 1.0 mg ? L-1 6-BA + 1.0 mg ? L-1 NAA + 100 μmol ? L-1 AS as co-culture medium,the final GUS histochemical staining indicated that the transient transformation efficiency and stable transformation efficiency can reach 81.72% and 25.2%,respectively,after inoculating scale slices in the Agrobacterium infection solution with OD600 = 0.4 for 15 min. Moreover,LrCCoAOMT gene cloned from L. regale Wilson was transformed into L. lancifolium Thunb. using this genetic transformation system,and transgenic positive plants were successfully obtained based on the molecular analysis and GUS staining.
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  • Explore the Key Period of Floral Determination Based on the Microstructure and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Phalaenopsis
  • XU Shenping,ZHANG Yan,YUAN Xiuyun,and CUI Bo*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1359-1368. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0693
  • Abstract ( 613 ) HTML ( 695 ) PDF (3040KB) ( 695 )    
  • The processes of flower bud differentiation and the changes of photosynthetic characteristics,carbohydrates,soluble proteins and hormones were studied during flower bud development in Phalaenopsis‘Big Chili’. The results showed that flower bud differentiation could be divided into initial differentiation stage,inflorescence primordium differentiation stage,flower primordium differentiation stage,sepal primordium differentiation stage and petal primordium differentiation stage(16 cm and 24 cm),when the length of spike was 0,2,4,8,16 and 24 cm,respectively. The net CO2 uptake rate of Phalaenopsis showed no significant difference in the early stage of flower bud differentiation(0–4 cm),while the rate was markedly reduced in the spike at 8 cm in length. The contents of carbohydrates and soluble proteins in flower buds were significantly higher than those in leaves. The carbohydrate level reached a steady state when the length of flower bud was 4 cm and the contents of soluble proteins achieved a balance between leaves and flower buds when the flower bud grew to 8 cm. The contents of GA in the flower bud reached the maximum level in the inflorescence primordium differentiation stage(2 cm). IAA levels increased significantly when the flower bud grew to 4 cm,and ZT contents strongly decreased in the flower bud at 8 cm in length,while the contents of ABA showed no significant change during the whole process of flower bud differentiation. In conclusion,the photosynthetic,physiological and biochemical characteristics reached a relatively stable level when the sepal primordium began to differentiate(8 cm),and floral determination was likely to have been completely finished at this stage.
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  • A Preliminary Study on Identity and Pathogenicity of Common Fungi Associated with Diseased Leaves of Oncidium sp. in Hainan Island
  • GUO Xiangyang1,GAO Jie1,SONG Xiqiang1,LING Peng1,ZHOU Yang1,HAO Daicheng2,LI Weishi2,and DING Qiong1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1369-1382. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2020-0108
  • Abstract ( 237 ) HTML ( 590 ) PDF (3040KB) ( 590 )    
  • In this study,culturable fungi were isolated from diseased leaves of 258 individual plants of Oncidium sp.‘Boda 1’in three multi span plastic film greenhouses in Hainan Island in China. Fungal taxa are identified by analyses of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region(ITS). To test the pathogenicity of the common fungi,the ten most frequently occurring fungal species were inoculated into the aseptic seedlings. One hundred and nineteen strains belonging to 39 OTUs were isolated. The fungal lineage is highly diverse,involving Ascomycota(90%),Mucoromycota(8%),and Basidiomycota(2%). The isolation was thorough enough to catch 31 common fungal species which contributed 60% seqeuence reads in next generation sequncing. The fungi isolated from the diseased leaves were mainly pathogenic and saprophytic fungi,while the symbiotic fungi were rare. Of the 25 pathogenic fungi,9 species were also reported as symbiotroph,and 6 species as saprotroph-symbiotroph;Nine and one species were reported as saprotroph and saprotroph-symbiotroph,respectively;Trophic mode of the remaining 4 fungal species are unknown. The pathogenicity of top 10 dominant fungi was confirmed by inoculation of aseptic seedling. The most aggressive fungi are Muyocopron alcornii,Colletotrichum gloeosporioides,Diaporthe miriciae that produced distinct symptoms on inoculated seedling one or two days after inoculation.
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Research Notes

  • Distribution,Molecular Characterization and Genome Sequence of Actinidia virus A(AcVA)and Actinidia virus B(AcVB)in Shaanxi
  • ZHAO Lei1,ZHANG Yuanle1,HUANG Qianru1,HOU Caiting1,WU Kuan1,3,CAO Mengji4,WANG Qiaochun1,2,*,and WU Yunfeng1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1383-1390. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0760
  • Abstract ( 333 ) HTML ( 707 ) PDF (1054KB) ( 707 )    
  • Kiwifruit(Actinidia spp.)viruses has seriously damaged kiwifruit production. This study investigated the incidence and distribution of Actinidia virus A(AcVA)and Actinidia virus B(AcVB)in four major kiwifruit cultivars(‘Xuxiang’,‘Hayward’,‘Huayou’and‘Qinmei’)grown in Shaanxi. The results showed that AcVA and AcVB were widely spread,with high infection rates in Shaanxi. Among the four main kiwifruit producing areas tested in this study,the highest infection rates for AcVA and AcVB were obtained in Yangling(36.7%)and Meixian(36.9%). Among the four tested kiwifruit cultivars,the highest infection rates for AcVA(32.3%)and AcVB(32.9%)were obtained in‘Xuxiang’. This study conducted next-generation sequencing and obtained the genome sequence of AcVA-ZZ and AcVB-ZZ isolates which consisted of 7 654 and 7 454 nucleotides,respectively. The genomes of AcVA-ZZ and AcVB-ZZ isolates were 82.7% and 78.5% homologous with those of TP7-93A and TP7-93B isolates previously reported. Phylogenetic trees of AcVA and AcVB coat protein gene showed substantial sequence variations and therefore were considered as two distinct clades.
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  • Detection and Identification of Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus on Pepper from Qinghai Province
  • WU Shuhua1,*,TU Liqin1,*,XIAN Wenrong2,YAN Jiahui2,GAO Danna1,JI Ying2,TAO Xiaorong3,ZHOU Yijun1,GUO Qingyun2,**,and JI Yinghua1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1391-1400. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0920
  • Abstract ( 279 ) HTML ( 634 ) PDF (2142KB) ( 634 )    
  • An investigation on pepper virus in Qinghai province was carried out and samples with leaf spot and necrosis symptoms was found in the fields,which was very similar with the symptoms induced by Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus(TSWV). To identify the possible virus associated with the disease,49 samples was collected and detected with various pepper viruses using RT-PCR and 14 samples was found positive when using a pair of degenerate primers for Tospovirus. Samples were selected randomly for sequencing and the result of sequence analysis revealed that the virus shared the highest sequence identities with TSWV. Then 14 samples were further detected using specific primers for TSWV and the results showed that all samples were detected. Further phylogenetic analysis based on the sequence of NSs also revealed that the virus detected was clustered with TSWV and shared the highest sequence identities with the isolates from China,including Yunnan and Heilongjiang and relatively lower identities with others abroad,which show that the virus is an isolate of TSWV. Further results based on western blot using TSWV antibody also confirmed that the samples were infected by TSWV. All these results showed that the virus infected pepper is an isolate of TSWV.
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  • Effects of Epicuticular Waxes on the Physiological Characteristics of Blue- leaf Hosta
  • SHAO Meini1,HAO Xin2,CUI Na1,QU Bo1,GUAN Ping1,JIA Weikang1,and XU Yufeng1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1401-1411. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0388
  • Abstract ( 365 ) HTML ( 513 ) PDF (899KB) ( 513 )    
  • In order to explore the role of epicuticular waxes on the leaf epidermis of shade plants blue-leaf Hosta in photosynthetic adaptability,Hosta‘Halcyon’and Hosta‘Baby Bunting’,two members of blue-leaf type,were grown in pots under natural lighting. Diurnal variation of photosynthesis,chlorophyll content,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters,relative conductivity and MDA content of epicuticular waxes-covered leaves and epicuticular waxes-wiped leaves were measured in 0,7,14 d,respectively. The results showed that the net photosynthetic rate,water use efficiency and maximum photochemical efficiency of leaves with intact wax were higher than those of wiped leaves,and the transpiration rate of leaves with intact wax was lower than that of wiped leaves. The net photosynthetic rate of‘Halcyon’arrived peaks at 8:00 and 16:00 respectively,but‘Baby Bunting’arrived peaks at 10:00 and 14:00 respectively. The‘Baby bunting’was more adapted to strong light than‘Halcyon’ according to the time when the net photosynthetic rate arrived to two peaks. The temperature of leaves with intact wax was higher than that of wiped leaves under conditions of strong illumination intensity. With the extension of treatment time,relative conductivity and MDA content of different treatment Hosta leaves increased and arrived to maximum at 7 d and decreased significantly. Under strong illumination intensity,epicuticular waxes on the leaf epidermis contributed to reduce the light inhibition,and the temperature or the water loss by transpiration.
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New Technologies and New Methods

New Cultivars

  • A New Okra Cultivar‘Wanqiukui 1’
  • TIAN Changjiu,YE Sihong*,and LIU Fei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1421-1422. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0133
  • Abstract ( 325 ) HTML ( 263 ) PDF (1225KB) ( 263 )    
  • ‘Wanqiukui 1’is a new cultivar selected from Anqing local okra by pedigree selection. When the plant has 5–6 leaves,it starts to blossom,and the fresh fruit picking period is about 120 d;The length of fresh fruit is 12–16 cm,the thickness of fruit is 16–20 mm,the number of edges of young fruit is 5,the average weight of single fruit is 13.5 g,the tender fruit is delicate,the taste is delicious,and the quality is excellent. There are 39.5 capsules per plant,and the fresh fruit yield is 35–40 t ? hm-2. The plant has high temperature resistance,strong lodging resistance and wide adaptability,which is suitable for promotion and planting in Anhui Province.
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  • A New Watermelon Cultivar‘Shannong 12’
  • MA Jianxiang,ZHANG Xian*,ZHANG Yong,LI Hao,WEI Chunhua,YANG Jianqiang,XU Nana,and WANG Enyu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1423-1424. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0209
  • Abstract ( 274 ) HTML ( 494 ) PDF (978KB) ( 494 )    
  • ‘Shannong 12’is a new early maturing watermelon cultivar which was selected from the hybrid of Y2M and J4F. It has vigorous growth potential. The fruit shape of‘Shannong 12’is oval and its shape index is 1.1. The average single fruit weight is 6.0 kg. The fruit skin is deep green with dark green stripes,and the pericarp thickness is about 1.1 cm;and the peel has good toughness and is more resistant to storage and transportation. The flesh is red,fine and crispy. The center sugar content is 11.9%,with little differentiation from the edge. The whole growth period of‘Shannong12’is about 89 d,and the period for fruit development is around 29 d. The yield is 62.1 t ? hm-2. More importantly,this cultivar has high resistance to disease and other adverse stimuli. It is suitable for protected cultivation in Shaanxi Province in spring.
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  • A New Ganoderma Cultivar‘Nan-GL11’
  • LIN Xingsheng,LIN Zhanxi*,LIN Hui,LIN Dongmei,LUO Hailing,and HU Yingping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(7): 1427-1428. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0180
  • Abstract ( 367 ) HTML ( 365 ) PDF (1095KB) ( 365 )    
  • Ganoderma cultivar‘Nan-GL11’was domesticated by the wild Ganoderma collected from Natal province,South Africa,which was suitable to be cultivated into antler-shape Ganoderma lucidum by Juncao. The stem of‘Nan-GL11’was antler-shaped,with length of 40.5 cm on average,and yield of 60.7 g each tube(dry weight). The contents of crude protein,amino acid,polysaccharide and total triterpenoid are 12.4%,7.52%,0.9%,1.08%,respectively. The shape of‘Nan-GL11’is good and has high yield and active ingredients.
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