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2020, Vol.47, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Research Papers

  • Analysis of Chloroplast Genome of Pyrus betulaefolia
  • LI Yongtan,ZHANG Jun*,HUANG Yali,FAN Jianmin,ZHANG Yiwen,and ZUO Lihui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1021-1032. DOI:0.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0658
  • Abstract ( 346 ) HTML ( 931 ) PDF (1650KB) ( 931 )    
  • In this study,the chloroplast(cp)genome sequencing of Pyrus betulaeolia was done by high-throughput sequencing,and the genome sequence structure was analyzed. The results showed that like most of higher plants,cp genome had the typical circular double-chain tetrad structure. The P. betulaefolia cp genome was 160 058 bp in size,containing 61 SSR loci(58 single nucleotide repeats and 3 dinucleotide repeats)and 56 RNA editing sites,all of which caused amino acid changes. The comparison with P. pyrifolia,P. pashia,and P. spinosa showed that the genome types and numbers were relatively conservative,indicating that the Pyrus evolved slowly. A total of 351 single nucleotide polymorphisms and 217 InDels were detected in four Pyrus species.
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  • Studies on the Leaf Morphology,Anatomical Structure and Drought Resistance Evaluation of 238 Chinese Chestnut Varieties(Strains)
  • GUO Yan,ZHANG Shuhang,LI Ying,ZHANG Xinfang,and WANG Guangpeng*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1033-1046. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0771
  • Abstract ( 1383 ) HTML ( 798 ) PDF (4435KB) ( 798 )    
  • Morphological,anatomical structure and stomatal characteristics of the leaves of 238 Chinese chestnut varieties(stains)were observed and measured by multi-function image analysis,frozen sectioning and nail oil seal methods in this experiment. Total number of 33 indexes were screened for drought resistant evalution via coefficient of variation,principal component analysis and the subordinate function method. Firstly,the cuticle thickness of upper epidermis,the variation coefficient of the width of upper epidermis cell,the first layer of palisade tissue cell density,the first layer of palisade tissue cell width,the width of lower epidermis and the cuticle thickness of lower epidermis cell among these 33 indicators were all less than 10%,and appeared the small difference among those 238 varieties(strains). The variation coefficients of the other 27 indexes were all greater than 10%,and the differences among varieties(strains)were large too. Through principal component analysis,10 indexes were selected from the 27 indexes as representative indexes for comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance of Chinese chestnut varieties or strain. Secondly,those 238 varieties(strains)were divided into 4 groups by using analysis of the average membership value:the first group consists of 31 varieties(strains)with extremely strong drought resistance,the average membership value ranging from 0.60 to 0.80;the second group including 48 varieties(strains)with strong drought resistance,ranging from 0.50 to 0.59;the third group consists of 84 varieties(strains)with medium drought resistance,ranging from 0.30 to 0.49;the fourth group consists of 75 varieties(strains)with weak drought resistance,ranging from 0.20 to 0.29.
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  • Characteristics and Mechanism of Programmed Cell Death in Response to Citrus Canker Pathogen in the Early Stage of Infection
  • LONG Qin,XIE Yu,XU Lanzhen,HE Yongrui,ZOU Xiuping*,and CHEN Shanchun*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1047-1058. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0764
  • Abstract ( 533 ) HTML ( 544 ) PDF (1355KB) ( 544 )    
  • To further investigate the relationship between citrus canker disease resistance and programmed cell death(PCD),the dynamics of PCD related signals,antioxidant enzyme activities and gene expression upon Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri(Xcc)infection were studied in susceptible variety Wanjincheng orange(Citrus sinensis Osbeck)and resistant variety Jindan(Fortunella crassifolia Swingle). Typical canker symptoms of pustule were observed in Wanjincheng orange,while hypersensitive necrosis(blown region)occurred in Jindan after inoculation with Xcc. The base level of hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)in Jindan was higher than that of in Wanjincheng orange before inoculation. After inoculation,the content of H2O2 increased in the two varieties,but the content in Jindan was always higher than that in Wanjincheng orange. Following the increase of H2O2 level,the content of malondialdehyde(MDA),which indicates the degree of membrane lipid peroxidation also increased in two varieties,but much higher in Jindan. The activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD),which is involved in scavenging reactive oxygen species decreased in the leaves of two varieties. The activity of catalase(CAT)increased in the two varieties,but no significant difference between them. Moreover,the activity of peroxidase(POD)increased in both varieties,but more rapidly in Wanjincheng orange,and the increase was lower than that of the water treatment control. The expression of CsCEP1-1,CsCEP1-2 and CsMCA1 which positively regulate the PCD were up-regulated by Xcc in two varieties,while much higher in Jindan. The transcription levels of CsDAD1-1,CsDAD1-2,CsMLO2 and CsMLO3,which negatively regulate the PCD did not significantly change in Wanjincheng orange,but gradually decreased in Jindan. The results showed that both susceptible and resistant varieties initiated the hypersensitive reaction in response to the Xcc infection. However,the reaction was more drastic in the resistant variety,which may lead to the induction of PCD and resulted to the resistance of Jindan to Xcc.
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  • Biocontrol Effect of Paenibacillus polymyxa Strain ZF197 Against Base Stem Rot of Chinese Cabbage
  • HUANG Yishuo*,XIE Xuewen*,SHI Yanxia,CHAI Ali,LI Lei**,and LI Baoju**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1059-1071. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0915
  • Abstract ( 413 ) HTML ( 403 ) PDF (2526KB) ( 403 )    
  • In this study,a biocontrol bacterium ZF197 isolated from the Chinese cabbage rhizosphere soil samples had significant inhibitory effect on Rhizoctonia solani. The strain was identified based on biological characteristics,physiological and biochemical characteristics,and multilocus sequence analysis. To investigate the control potential of strain ZF197 on R. solani,the control effect of strain ZF197 on R. solani was studied via leaves in vitro and potted plants in greenhouse inoculation experiment,and colonization abilities of strain ZF197 on the root of Chinese cabbage was via root colonization experiment. The biological characters of strain ZF197 was studied by enzymatic test and antimicrobial spectrum tests. The antagonistic ability of ZF197 was tested by the sandwich method,and the optimum culture and fermentation time of ZF197 fermentation broth were determined. The results indicated that the strain ZF197 was identified as Paenibacillus polymyxa. The control efficacy of leaves in vitro and potted plants in greenhouse was 82.35% and 78.57%,respectively. In addition,the strain could colonize the root of Chinese cabbage in a stable way,and the colonizing amount tended to be stable at about 2.37 × 105 cfu ? g-1 after the 20 d treatment. The strain ZF197 could produce protease and cellulase during the metabolic process,and exhibited broad inhibitory spectrum against eight pathogenic fungi and six pathogenic bacteria. The results of fermentation experiments indicated that the best fermentation time of ZF197 strain was at 96 h and the inhibition rate was 58.58%. Meanwhile,the fermentation broth of cottonseed meal had the best inhibitory effect on R. solani.
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Research Papers

  • Screening,Identification and Optimization of Fermentation Conditions of Biocontrol Strain WQ-6 to Melon Fusarium Wilt Disease
  • CAO Yune,WU Qing,ZHANG Meijun,YIN Cui,GAO Yanming,ZHU Hongyan,ZHANG Wenwen,and LI Jianshe*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1072-1086. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0925
  • Abstract ( 508 ) HTML ( 470 ) PDF (3569KB) ( 470 )    
  • In order to develop a microbial agent that can prevent and control Fusarium wilt disease in melons,four pathogens(two for cucumber,one for watermelon and one for muskmelon)were tested,and vermicompost was used as the material to screen biocontrol bacterium strain. A new strain WQ-6 exhibiting antagonism towards all four pathogens tested,was screened out using the methods of plate-confrontation and inhibition mycelial growth and was identified as Bacillus siamensis. Based on single factor test and response surface analysis,an response surface analysis,an optimal fermentation condition for strain WQ-6(i.e. glucose 30 g ? L-1,peptone 30 g ? L-1,magnesium sulfate 1 g ? L-1,glycerol 1 g ? L-1,dipotassium hydrogen phosphate 1.5 g ? L-1,temperature 32.2 ℃,liquid-loading rate 19.2%,rotating speed 236.2 r ? min-1,pH 6.0,inoculation rate 4% and cultural time 24 hours)was obtained. Under the optinal condition,the inhibition zone diameter increased by 3.52–10.45 mm and the inhibition rate of pathogens increased by 2.28%–32.16%,as compared to the unoptimized control. The seed germination test(cucumber,watermelon and muskmelon)and pot experiment showed that the strain WQ-6 reduced the disease incidence of seeds by 32%–68%,increased germination rate by 100%–259.6%,and decreased the disease index of plants by 20%–34%. In addition,the WQ-6 fermentation broth(WFB)mixed with water extract of vermicompost significantly enhanced the root length,stem length and vigor index of seeds,and reduced the disease index of plants by 6.78%–36.44%,as compared with WFB alone. These results indicate that the strain WQ-6 has broad-spectrum antagonistic effect on Fusarium wilt disease in melons and presents a good option for promoting plant growth.
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  • Cloning and Functional Analysis of PhTs2 Gene in Petunia hybrida
  • TIAN Shaoze1,LIU Siyu1,2,WANG Kun1,YUE Yuanzheng1,3,MA Fangfang1,YANG Zhaonan1,YIN Qian1,and HU Huirong1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1087-1097. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0738
  • Abstract ( 462 ) HTML ( 758 ) PDF (3715KB) ( 758 )    
  • PhTs2,a gene related to flower development,was cloned from Petunia hybrida‘Fantasy Red’. The CDS of this gene is 855 bp long and encodes 284 amino acids with a conserved adh-short domain. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the PhTs2 protein was closely related to the homologous proteins in tobacco and tomato. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis indicated that the gene was specifically expressed in the early developmental stage of anther in petunia. To analyze its function,an overexpression vector of PhTs2 was constructed and transformed into tobacco,then the transgenic tobaccos were identified:Phenotypic observation of transgenic tobaccos showed abnormal anther morphology and reduced pollen count;pollen vigor and germination rate were extremely reduced;the malformed pollen grains with irregular outer wall texture was observed by scanning electron microscopy;the semi-thin section showed the disorder of the tapetum development and the abnormal morphology of pollen grains. This study provides potential genetic resources for the cultivation of male sterile lines.
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  • Phenotypic Diversity of Paphiopedilum micranthum Populations from Main Distribution Areas in China
  • CHENG Hao1,XU Yufeng2,WANG Wenxiao2,ZHU Jun2,JIA Ruidong1,*,YANG Shuhua1,ZHAO Xin1,and GE Hong1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1098-1110. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0813
  • Abstract ( 697 ) HTML ( 619 ) PDF (750KB) ( 619 )    
  • This study was designed to characterize the phenotypic diversity of Paphiopedilum micranthum,with the aim of creating a foundation for the further protection and use of Paphiopedilum germplasm resource. Analysis of 22 morphological characteristics among 9 natural populations was performed through statistical analysis methods including correlation,principal component and cluster analysis. The results showed that there were significant differences in most phenotypic traits among populations but few differences within populations. The mean phenotypic differentiation coefficient(Vst)was 64%,and the variation among populations was higher than that within populations. The average coefficient of variation(CV)was 9.52%–31.48% among 22 traits and 14.55%–18.51% among nine populations. The variation coefficients varied dramatically among phenotypic traits. Principal componentanalysis(PCA)revealed that traits including vertical diameter of flower and plant height were responsible for the diversity of P. micranthum. Pearson correlation analysis showed plant height,length of dorsal sepal and length of petal displayed significant positive correlation with the majority of traits. Vegetative characteristics,such as canopy diameter and leaf number,were positively correlated with altitude,whereas reproductive characteristics,such as diameter and vertical diameter of flower,were negatively correlated with altitude. According to the cluster analysis,the nine P. micranthum populations were divided into three groups,which is consistent with their geographic distributions.
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  • Cloning SVP Family Gene PhSVP from Phalaenopsis and Its Expression Analysis During Flower Development
  • ZHANG Yan,XU Shenping,LIANG Fang,JIANG Suhua,YUAN Xiuyun,NIU Suyan,and CUI Bo*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1111-1125. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0507
  • Abstract ( 572 ) HTML ( 625 ) PDF (5619KB) ( 625 )    
  • A SVP-like MADS-box gene PhSVP was isolated from Phalaenopsis hybrida‘Big Chilli’. The full-length cDNA of PhSVP was obtained using the RACE method and the open reading frame was 687 bp which encoded 228 amino acids. Multiple protein sequence alignment revealed that PhSVP protein contained a highly conserved MEF2-like MADS domain and moderately conserved K-box domain and shared high identity with the homologs of SVP/AGL24 from the orchid family. Phylogenetic analysis also showed that PhSVP protein was more closely related to SVP/AGL24 homologues of other orchid species. The spatial expression pattern of PhSVP showed that it was highly expressed in vegetative organs and weakly expressed in reproductive organs such as sepals,lateral petals and lips. Further analysis of PhSVP expression in the inflorescence apex during the floral transition and flower development revealed that there was no significant change in the level of PhSVP transcript during progression from vegetative phase to inflorescence meristem phase and only a slight increase of PhSVP expression level was found in inflorescence meristem phase,whereas the expression of PhSVP was upregulated in the floral meristem phase during the early stage of flower development and gradually decreased in the late stages when sepal,petal and column primordia are sequentially formed. In addition,we also found the expression pattern of A-class MADS-box gene PhAP1 in the inflorescence apex during the flower development was similar to the expression pattern of PhSVP,whereas the expression levels of B-class gene PhPI and C-class gene PhAG were the highest in petal and column primordia stage. Finally,the expression of PhSVP in various tissues such as root,leaf and scape during scape elongation stage,floral bud stage and blooming flower stage was investigated. The result showed that PhSVP expression level in root was slightly higher at floral bud stage and its expression level in leaf at different flowering stages remained unchanged. However,the PhSVP transcript in the scape accumulated to higher levels at scape elongation stage than floral bud stage and blooming flower stage. These results suggest that PhSVP may play a regulatory role in maintaining floral meristem identity and preventing precocious differentiation of floral organ primordia.
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  • Differential Expression of Genes Related to Endogenous Hormone During Bulb Development in Lycoris radiata
  • XU Junxu1,LI Qingzhu1,LI Ye2,YANG Liuyan1,LI Xin1,WANG Zhen1,and ZHANG Yongchun1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1126-1140. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0398
  • Abstract ( 308 ) HTML ( 544 ) PDF (3477KB) ( 544 )    
  • The slow growth of Lycoris radiata bulbs under natural conditions severely restricts the development of the Lycoris industry. Understanding changes in endogenous hormone regulation during bulb development could provide a theoretical basis for accelerating bulb enlargement through the application of exogenous hormone. In this study,four groups of developing Lycoris radiata bulbs with the same genetic background were developed and used to investigate changes in the content of four endogenous hormones:auxin,cytokinin,gibberellin,and abscisic acid. The expression patterns of the genes involved in hormone biosynthesis and signal transduction were also examined through transcriptome analysis. The results showed that endogenous gibberellin could negatively regulate the development of Lycoris bulbs,while endogenous auxin and cytokinin positively regulated development. Auxin mainly affected the early stage of bulb development and may act by regulating gene expression patterns related to cytokinin synthesis and signal transduction. The results also suggested that endogenous abscisic acid had little effect on the regulation of bulb development in Lycoris radiata. Finally,the study showed that genes related to jasmonic acid(JA)and salicylic acid(SA)were up-regulated during bulb development,implying that the regulation of JA and SA may be positively correlated with bulb development of Lycoris radiata.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Fatty Acid Desaturase Family Genes in Camellia sinensis
  • WANG Pengjie,CAO Hongli,CHEN Dan,CHEN Di,CHEN Guixin,YNAG Jiangfan,and YE Naixing*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1141-1152. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0288
  • Abstract ( 337 ) HTML ( 695 ) PDF (2124KB) ( 695 )    
  • In this experiment,the cDNA sequences of five fatty acid desaturase(FAD)family genes were cloned from the tea plant cultivar‘Tieguanyin’by RT-PCR,and named as CsFAD2-2,CsFAD3,Δ7-CsFAD,Δ8-CsFAD and CsFAB2,respectively. The length of coding sequences were ranged from 1 137 to 1 320 bp. Phylogenetic and motif analysis showed that CsFAD members could be divided into four subfamilies,including the ω3/ω6-FAD subfamily,the Δ7/Δ9-FAD subfamily,the Front end FAD subfamily,and the FAB subfamily. The conserved motifs of FAD members were identical in the same subfamily,while they were quite different in different subfamilies. The results of quantitative real-time PCR indicated that all of CsFAD genes were significantly induced in response to low temperature treatment,especially the expression level of Δ8-CsFAD could be strongly up-regulated to thousand folds. After exogenous ABA treatment,the expression level of CsFAD genes was up-regulated to more than two folds except for CsFAD3. Under drought stress,the expression levels of CsFAD2-2,Δ7-CsFAD and Δ8-CsFAD were up-regulated to more than 1.5 folds,and the expression of Δ8-CsFAD was induced to 5.5 folds,whereas the expression of CsFAD3 and CsFAB2 was significantly repressed by drought treatment. Moreover,we isolated the Δ8-CsFAD promoter sequence and analysis results showed that it contains multiple stress responsive cis-elements. Subcellular localization analysis in tobacco indicated that Δ8-CsFAD was localized to the cell membrane. Our results showed that CsFAD genes might be involved in the tea plants stress response,especially of Δ8-CsFAD,reflecting that they could regulate the synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids in the cell membrane to participate in the stress resistance of tea plants.
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  • Reference Genes Selection and Related Genes Expression Analysis under Low and High Temperature Stress in Taraxacum officinale
  • QIAO Yonggang*,WANG Yongfei,CAO Yaping,HE Jiaxin,JIA Mengjun,LI Zheng,ZHANG Xinrui,and SONG Yun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1153-1164. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-1005
  • Abstract ( 438 ) HTML ( 504 ) PDF (1001KB) ( 504 )    
  • In order to research the optimal reference genes and the responsive genes expression of Taraxacum officinale under different temperature stress,the leaves of Taraxacum officinale that were treated for 0,3,6,12,24 and 48 h under low temperature(4 ℃)and high temperature(38 ℃) were used as material. 18S,EF1α,TUB,40S,GAPDH,β-actin,ACT11,TUA,60S and SKIP were selected as candidate reference genes,RT-qPCR technology,geNorm,NormFinder and BestKeeper were taken advantage of evaluating the stability. Utilizing the optimal selected reference genes analyzed the expression level of 12 temperature-responsive genes(AP2/ERF,Dof,ICE1,MYB,bZIP,NTL6,HSF,Gols,HSP,NAC,XCT,WRKY). The results showed that,the optimal reference genes were 18S and GAPDH under different temperature stresses. The expression levels of AP2/ERF,HSF,Glos,HSP,NAC,XCT were firstly up-regulated and then down-regulated during low and high temperature stress. Changes of bZIP and NTL6 were undulant under temperature stresses. Dof,ICE1 and MYB were firstly up-regulated and then down-regulated under low temperature stress,but down-regulated continuously under high temperature. The expression of WRKY under high temperature stress was much higher than that under low temperature stress. Based on the genes expression,it was speculated that the response mechanism of Taraxacum officinale were different under low temperature and high temperature stress. AP2/ERF and Dof mainly responded to low temperature stress,and HSF,XCT and WRKY mainly played a role in high temperature stress.
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Research Notes

  • Cloning and Functional Analysis of ERF Transcription Factor Gene PpERF1a in Peach
  • LIU Yong1,*,WANG Zeqiong1,2,*,GONG Linzhong1,**,WANG Furong1,WANG Huiliang1,AI Xiaoyan1,and HE Huaping1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1165-1171. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0872
  • Abstract ( 352 ) HTML ( 546 ) PDF (1596KB) ( 546 )    
  • In this study,an ethylene response factor was cloned from‘Fengguang’nectarine and named as PpERF1a(ppa018178m). The full length of PpERF1a was 600 bp,which encoded 199 amino acids. PpERF1a contained a single AP2 domain, which was consistent with the ERF families’ features. Subcellular localization assays showed that PpERF1a was targeted to nucleus and cell membrane. Fifteen transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing PpERF1a were generated. Comparing with the wild type Arabidopsis plants,transgenic plants showed obvious stunted phenotype. Six transgenic plants kept on producing rosette leaves without bolting or producing seeds. Six transgenic plants bolted and flowered,but no seed. Three transgenic plants could flower and produce seed,but the seed yield of the transgenic plants was obviously lower than that of the wild type. These results showed that PpERF1a gene regulated the growth and development of transgenic Arabidopsis plants. This study provides a technical basis for further analysis the functions of PpERF1a gene in peach growth and development.
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  • Physiological Mechanisms for the Phenomenon of“Blue albedo”Fruits of Citrus reticulata in Guangxi
  • YU Qiaoming1,LI Guoguo2,XU Rangwei1,PENG Zhaoxin1,YUAN Ziyu1,LI Wenyun1,3,TIAN Jing1,ZENG Jiwu4,PENG Shu’ang1,and XU Juan1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1172-1182. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0750
  • Abstract ( 1329 ) HTML ( 645 ) PDF (1459KB) ( 645 )    
  • In recent years,abnormal fruits of Citrus reticulata Blanco with commonly known as“Blue albedo”were reported to appear in some citrus producing areas. The phenomenon of blue patches or blue areas near the segment membrane side of the albedo arouses the common concern of consumers and growers. In an attempt to clarify the reason behind,the normal fruits of three loose-skinned mandarins,including Orah mandarin,Gonggan mandarin and Mashuiju tangerine,and their respective“Blue albedo” fruits were collected from three production areas in Guangxi. Anthocyanins and other flavonoids,mineral elements in the albedo were detected and analyzed. Simultaneously,soluble sugar and organic acids in the albedo and juice sacs were analyzed by using GC–MS,so as to illustrate the changes of flavor quality. The results showed that the blue color was not caused by the accumulation of anthocyanins and flavanones;the contents of 5 polymethoxyflavones in the albedo of“Blue albedo”fruit increased significantly at ripening;compared with the control,the contents of Ca,Mg,S,Zn,B and Ba in the blue albedo had significant differences,but without consistent trend. OPLS-DA analysis based on 21 mineral elements could distinguish the“Blue albedo”from the normal albedo,with K as the first marker element and S as the second. Compared with normal fruits,the content of malic acid and sucrose in blue albedo and its juice sacs increased significantly. Therefore,the formation of“Blue albedo”fruit may be related to the accumulation of various mineral element complexes or chelates under stress.
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  • Effects of LED Supplemental Light on the Growth and Development of Blueberry in Greenhouse
  • WANG Jiaqi,HE Yingyu,WEI Xiaotong,LI Yongqiang,YANG Li,CHEN Wenrong,LIAO Fanglei*,and GUO Weidong*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1183-1193. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0707
  • Abstract ( 737 ) HTML ( 736 ) PDF (993KB) ( 736 )    
  • The two-year-old southern highbush blueberry cultivar‘Emerald’were used to study the effect of LED supplemental light in greenhouse. Selecting the natural light as the control,we evaluated the plant growth situation,photosynthesis,carbon and nitrogen metabolism,the expression of flowering control genes,flowering rate and fruit quality under LED supplemental light of the red/blue light(3︰1 and 6︰1),ultraviolet A(UVA). The results showed the red/blue light treatment was beneficial for the vigorous vegetative growth of‘Emerald’,which could increase the plant height,the length and diameter of annual branches. Meanwhile,the leaf chlorophyll relative content,specific leaf weight and net photosynthetic rate were significantly improved by red/blue(6︰1)treatment. In addition,the expression of flowering gene FT and flowering rate were remarkably higher than those of the control,indicating the red/blue light induced flowering earlier. The nitrogen contents of leaves,the flowering rate and the expression of FT gene under UVA light were higher than those of the control. Moreover,the red/blue(3︰1)treatment raised the fruit quality of‘Emerald’,characterized by a heavier fruit weight,the increase in the transverse and longitudinal diameter,the content of soluble solids,soluble sugar,anthocyanin and the sugar acid ratio. In summary,the application of different LED supplemental light can promote the growth and development of the blueberry‘Emerald’,because the red/blue(6︰1)treatment works better on the vegetative growth while the red/blue(3︰1)treatment improves because the fruit quality. Although the UVA treatment can change plant morphology and accelerate flowering,its effect on fruit quality was slightly weaker than that of the red/blue light treatment.
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  • A Review of Reduced-representation Genome Sequencing Technique and Its Applications in Ornamental Plants
  • XIONG Yan1,2,ZHANG Jinzhu1,*,DONG Jie1,WANG Li1,GAO Peng1,JIANG Wan1,and CHE Daidi1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1194-1202. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0716
  • Abstract ( 401 ) HTML ( 768 ) PDF (706KB) ( 768 )    
  • Reduced-representation Genome Sequencing(RRGS)was based on the second-generation high-throughput sequencing technology in which the genome was interrupted by restriction endonuclease and a large number of genetic polymorphism tag sequences were obtained by high-throughput sequencing of specific regions of the genome,and then revealing the characteristics of the entire Genome sequence. This method has the advantages of simple process of library building,cost-effective,and can effectively reduce the complexity of genome. At present,RRGS has been widely used in the development of molecular markers,population genetics and phylogeny,construction of high-density genetic map and quantitative characteristics localization of ornamental plants. In this paper,the technical principle of RRGS and its research progress in ornamental plants were reviewed,the problems and development prospects were also discussed.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Late-maturing Pear Cultivar‘Yingshuang’
  • ZHAO Jingxian*,GUO Weizhen,QIN Sujie,LI Ying,and LI Mengchai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1213-1214. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0121
  • Abstract ( 424 ) HTML ( 273 ) PDF (931KB) ( 273 )    
  • ‘Yingshuang’is a new late-maturing pear cultivar derived from the cross of‘Huangguan’and‘Jinhua 4’. This new cultivar is vigorous with upright growth habit,which also has strong sprouting ability and weak branching ablility. The fruit shape is mainly round with green peel and beautiful appearance. The average fruit weight is 374.3 g;and its flesh is crisp,juicy,fine texture. The soluble solids content is 12%–14%,the fruit firmness is 6.5 kg ? cm-2,and the titratable acid cantent is 0.3%. The fruit development period is 160–170 days and its maturity period is from the late September to early October in Shijiazhuang area. It has exhibited relatively strong adaptability and resistance to adverse circumstances. The average output of 6-year-old plant is 36 825 kg ? hm-2.
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  • A New Peach Cultivar‘Baojiajun’
  • ZHANG Xueying,CAO Hongbo,HAN Yan,DI Bao,LIU Yanmeng,ZHANG Jiajun,LI Dan,and CHEN Haijiang*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1215-1216. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0129
  • Abstract ( 307 ) HTML ( 443 ) PDF (980KB) ( 443 )    
  • ‘Baojiajun’is a new peach cultivar bred from seedlings. The fruit shape is elliptic with a convex fruit top. The average fruit weight is 283 g. The fruits are light green-white background with over 80% fruit skin covered by bright red. The flesh is white,resistant to browning,with less red pigment,hard and clingstone,and has sweet flavor. The soluble solids content is 16.4%. It has excellent storage capacity. The fruit development period is 110 days. It has high yield,up to 45 000–52 500 kg ? hm-2.
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  • A New Blueberry Cultivar‘Beihua 1’
  • QI Qige1,GE Lili1,ZHANG Qichang1,*,JIANG Weiqing2,and WU Banghua1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1217-1218. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0001
  • Abstract ( 259 ) HTML ( 387 ) PDF (1327KB) ( 387 )    
  • ‘Beihua 1’was selected from the Vaccinium corymbosum introduced from the USA. Nearly round and blue-purple,fruits are covered with white powder,and the stem is 8.7 mm. The average single fruit weight was 2.08 g,long diameter was 1.57 cm,short diameter was 1.21 cm,and soluble solids content was 11.6%,total sugar was 7.82%,acidity was 0.28%,vitamin C content was 0.27 mg ? g-1,vitamin B1 content wa 11.6 μg ? g-1,and anthocyanin content was 1.52 mg ? g-1. The scavenging rate of DPPH free radical by anthocyanin was 93.12%,juice yield 73.5%. Mid-early maturing,fruits ripen in the Changbai Mountain area in early August. With the advantages of resistance to coldness and disease,high yield and stable production,it is suitable for cultivation in the Changbai Mountain area in eastern Jilin Province.
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  • MENG Qiufeng*,WANG Yuhong,HUANG Yunping,WANG Jie,REN Xiliang,and GAO Tianyi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1219-1220. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0446
  • Abstract ( 214 ) HTML ( 318 ) PDF (1334KB) ( 318 )    
  • ‘Yongzha 4’is a new tuber mustard cultivar developed by systematic selection from 6 generations of‘Pingyan Zhacai’mutants. It is characterized by erected plant type,strong growth potential,far-surface base,broad-leaf type. The tuberous stem is of round shape,the tuberous stem shape index is 1.1,and the average fresh weight is 420 g. The processing quality is better. It is of early and medium maturity. The full growth period is 170 d. The cold resistance and bolting-tolerance is stronger. The hollow heart percentage is lower with a high production of 57 975 kg ? hm-2. The cultivar was suitable for planted in Zhejiang tuber mustard field.
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  • A New Pepper Cultivar‘Longjiao 11’
  • WANG Lanlan*,CHEN Lingzhi,ZHANG Ru,and WEI Bingqiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(6): 1221-1222. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0140
  • Abstract ( 842 ) HTML ( 555 ) PDF (1207KB) ( 555 )    
  • A new hot pepper F1 hybrid‘Longjiao 11’was developed by inbred lines‘1261’as female parent and‘1245’as male parent. Its fruit is horn shaped with wrinkle,29 cm in length,3.5 cm in width,0.25 cm in pulp thickness and 60 g in weight. The average yield is 75.0 t ? hm-2. It is resistant to TMV,tolerant to phytophthora blight and powdery mildew. ‘Longjiao 11’is suitable for protected and open field cultivation in north China and other areas with similar climate.
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