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2013, Vol.40, No.8 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Effects of Aerial Zinc Application on Carbohydrate Metabolism-related Enzymes Activities in Apple Fruit
  • ZHANG Yong,FU Chun-xia,LIU Fei,FAN Xiao-dan,YAN Yu-jing,WANG Yan-an*,and ZHANG You-peng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1429-1436.
  • Abstract ( 1309 ) HTML ( 1468 ) PDF (203KB) ( 1468 )    
  • Zn was sprayed on thirteen-year-old‘Fuji’apple trees at different developmental stages. The effects of Zn on Zn contents of fruits,reducing sugar content and activities of carbohydrate metabolism-related enzymes were investigated. The results showed that the Zn treatments significantly increased the Zn contents and the reducing sugar in fruits at mature stage. The activity of sorbitol dehydrogenase(SDH)was significantly higher in the fruit of apple trees treated prior to bud break and at three weeks after bloom than the control at young fruit stage. The SDH activity of the fruit treated when the spring shoots stopped growth was higher than the control during fruit expansion period. The fruit treated at fruit expanding stage showed higher SDH activity than the control during fruit mature stage. The sorbitol oxidase(SOX)activity of all the treatments was not significantly different compared with the control. The Zn treatment did not show significant effects on sorbitol oxidase(SOX)activity of fruits. The Zn treatments before bud break and at three weeks after blooming significantly increased the activities of sucrose synthase(SS)and acid inverse(AI)at young fruit stage. The Zn treatments at fruit expanding stage significantly increased the activity of AI at mature stage,while there were no effects on the activity of neutral inverse(NI). Our results showed Zn treatments enhanced the biofortification of fruit Zn,which resulted in the higher activities of carbohydrate metabolism-related enzymes and the accumulation of sugar in fruits.
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  • Effects of Cutting Back,Branch-bending and Bud-notching Treatments on Endogenous Hormones in the Buds of Fuji Apple
  • MAIMAITI Aishajiang,YANG Qing,WANG Jing-jing,and LIU Guo-jie*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1437-1444.
  • Abstract ( 1250 ) HTML ( 1739 ) PDF (218KB) ( 1739 )    
  • To understand the physiology of pruning responses,we studied the effects of various pruning methods(cutting back,branch-bending,bud-notching and girdling)on the endogenous hormones of young Fuji apple(Malus × domestica Borkh.)buds. Results showed that endogenous hormones in buds at the different positions of the branches were significantly different. Buds at the basal parts of the branch contained higher IAA and ABA content,and cytokinins and gibberellin content in the buds at the distal parts of the branch was significantly higher than basal parts. Compared with control group,cutting back treatment decreased IAA and ABA content in the buds at the middle and proximal parts of the branch. Contrary to cutting back,branch-bending increased IAA and ABA content. In addition,cutting back treatment increased GA3,ZR contents in the buds at the middle and basal parts of the branch,but fail to change the intrinsic distribution gradient of hormone in the different parts of the branch. Branch-bending,on the other hand,totally changed the intrinsic distribution gradient of hormone in the different parts of the branch. Bud-cutting treatment broke the original balance between endogenous hormones in the buds,growth promoting hormones such as IAA,GA3,ZR increased significantly,and the growth inhibiting hormone ABA levels decreased.
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  • Isolation of a Calcineurin B-like Protein Gene PbCBL2 from Pyrus betulaefolia and Preliminary Study of Gene Function
  • LI Hui1,2,*,LI Gang-bo1,3,*,CONG Yu4,CHANG You-hong1,2,**,LIN Jing1,and SHENG Bao-long1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1445-1455.
  • Abstract ( 1318 ) HTML ( 1779 ) PDF (690KB) ( 1779 )    
  • Calcineurin B-like protein(CBLs),as a plant calcium sensor,plays critical role in the regulation of plant growth and stress response process. However,CBL2 gene sequence feature,expression  characteristic and physiological function in birch-leaf pear(Pyrus betulaefolia Bunge)are largely unknown. In this study,we isolated the cDNA,genomic DNA and its responding promoter sequences of PbCBL2 gene from birch-leaf pear seedlings by EST database mining,rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE)and genome walking approaches. The results have showed that PbCBL2 cDNA sequence contained a 681 bp open reading frame which encoded 226 amino acid residues. The length of genomic DNA sequence was 1 927 bp which consists of 8 exons and 7 introns. The promoter region of PbCBL2 harbored some specific regulatory elements or motifs,such as light responsive element,cis-acting regulatory element essential for the anaerobic induction,gibberellin-responsive element and cis-acting element involved in salicylic acid responsiveness. The deduced PbCBL2 polypeptide had four EF-hand structure domains(58–71,95–106,132–143 and 176–187 amino acids)which was necessary for calcium-binding and one calcineurin A subunit binding sites(156–171 amino acids). Semi-quantitative RT-PCR and prokaryotic expression analyses validated that the mRNA abundance of PbCBL2 is responsive to different abiotic stresses. However,PbCBL2 expression was barely detected in roots and leafs of birch-leaf pear seedling without abiotic stresses treatment. The inhibition effects on BL21(DE3)growth causing by NaCl,mannitol or PEG6000 were significantly alleviated after PbCBL2 gene transformation. Our studies have suggested that PbCBL2 gene has the inherent characteristics of the CBLs gene family in plants,which transcription level is respond to salt,drought,osmotic stresses and ABA treatment. E. coli BL21(DE3)tolerance to salt stress and osmotic stress was enhanced by transferred PbCBL2.
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  • Cloning and Tissue Specificity Expression of the Aquaporin Genes from Litchi
  • WANG Ling-yun1,2,SUN Jin-hua1,LIU Bao-hua1,and WANG Jia-bao1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1456-1464.
  • Abstract ( 1077 ) HTML ( 1671 ) PDF (349KB) ( 1671 )    
  • Nine plasma membrane aquaporin genes named LcPIP were cloned from litchi and their tissue specificity expressions were studied in order to provide the information for further research on litchi preservation during the postharvest storage. These nine LcPIP genes can be divided into two groups,PIP1 and PIP2. The real-time RT-PCR result showed that LcPIP1-2LcPIP1-4LcPIP2-1 and LcPIP2-2 had higher expression level in the flower than other tissues. LcPIP1-1LcPIP1-2LcPIP1-3LcPIP2-4LcPIP2-5 had higher expression level in stem,pulp,leaf,root and pericarp,respectively. All the expressions of LcPIP1-1LcPIP2-4 and LcPIP2-5 were higher in pericarp than most of other tissues,which indicated that they may be involved with water transportation of litchi pericarp. LcPIP2-3 was expressed specifically in the pericarp and has a higher expression than any other member.
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  • A Study on Karyotype Analysis of Genus Eriobotrya and Its Application to Systematic Taxonomy
  • LI Gui-fen1,2,LIANG Guo-lu3,and LIN Shun-quan1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1465-1474.
  • Abstract ( 888 ) HTML ( 2049 ) PDF (928KB) ( 2049 )    
  • In this paper the wall degradation hypotonic method was used to prepare mitotic chromosome sample of 21 materials(16 species,4 varieties,1 interspecific hybrid)of Eriobotrya and 1 closed genus of Eriobotrya[Rhaphiolepis indica(L.)Lindl.]. The results indicated that the chromosome number was 2n = 2x = 34 in all the materials,and the karyotypes of Eriobotrya and Rhaphiolepis indica consist of three kinds of chromosome:m,sm,and st(only in E. cavaleriei Rehd). The karyotype formula was 2n = 2x = 34 =(16 to 24)m +(10 to 18)sm(+ 2st)for all materials. According to the karyotype data,it can be concluded that the karyotypes of 21 Eriobotrya materials belongs to Stebbins’2A,which is a symmetrical karyotype. According to the karyotype formula we preliminarily classified these Eriobotrya materials into 5 groups. The asymmetry increased gradually from the first group to the fifth group,which indicated the systematic evolution among groups is more and more advanced.
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  • Gene Expression Profiling Analysis of pol CMS Fertility-restorer Genes in Chinese Cabbage(Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis
  • XU Wen-ling1,2,WANG Shu-fen2,WANG Cui-hua2,LIU Xian-xian2,FU Wei-min2,HE Qi-wei2,*,and ZHAO Shuang-yi3,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1475-1486.
  • Abstract ( 1096 ) HTML ( 1797 ) PDF (442KB) ( 1797 )    
  • To further reveal the molecular mechanism of pol CMS fertility-restorer genes,digital gene expression profiling technology was used to choose the F2 segregating population hybrid of sterile lines and restorer lines. By using the F2 lines,differential expressions of Chinese cabbage pol CMS fertility- restorer genes were analyzed and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR was used to validate some genes. There were 2 826 differentially expressed genes,441 of which were up-regulated,and 2 835,down-regulated. GO functional annotations showed that many differentially expressed genes were significantly clustered in cytoplasm,organelle,and macromolecular complex etc. Organelles were mainly mitochondria,chloroplasts and plastid etc. These genes showed exonuclease activities and were. involved in the biological processes of pollen wall formation and assembly. Metabolic pathways significantly related to pol CMS were mainly the pathways of ribosomes,glucose and amino acid metabolism,peroxidase,nucleotide excision and repair,and RNA degradation. The gene expression profile and RT-PCR results indicate that restorer genes regulate fertility restoration by down-regulation. Further,four differentially expressed genes were shown to be closely related to fertility restoration were closely related to fertility restoration.
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  • The Influence of Fertility on PAs,GA3 and JAs in the Process of Tuber Development in Potato
  • ZHENG Shun-lin,CHENG Hong,LI Shi-lin,and YUAN Ji-chao*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1487-1493.
  • Abstract ( 992 ) HTML ( 1311 ) PDF (238KB) ( 1311 )    
  • In order to reveal the mechanism of fertility promoting the tuber development,the potato landrace Cardinal(Solanum tuberosum L.)was sampled as material,and the changes of polyamines(PAs),gibberellin(GA3)and jasmines(JAs) in the process of the tuber development under different fertility levels were analyzed by HPLC. The result of the experiment follows:(1)The contents of three kinds of PAs(Put,Spm,and Spd)had two peak values at primary and middle stage in the tuber development respectively comforting with the trend of decrease-increase-decrease. But the contents had different respondents to different fertility levels. In middle stage of tuberization PAs contents under moderate fertility level were higher than that under low and high fertility levels. High fertility made the Put content decrease,the peak time of Put advance,and the peak time of Spm and Spd postpone. With the increase of fertility the peak value of Put/Spd reduced continuously and the peak time advanced.(2)In the middle stage GA3 was the highest under low fertility level and lowest under moderate fertility level. Under low fertility level JAs content was low in all stage. And in the middle stage the JAs content under moderate level was higher than that under low and high fertility levels. The GA3/JAs under low and high fertility levels increased firstly and then decreased. The change trend is reverse to that under the moderate fertility level.(3)JAs content had significant positive correlation with the content of Put,and significant negative correlation with the contents of Spd and Spm. The reasonable fertility level could improve the contents of PAs and JAs,reduce the content of GA3 in the middle stage of tuberization and favor the tuber development of potato.
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  • Effects of NaHSO3 on Photosynthesis and Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Metabolism Enzyme Activity in Ginger Leaves
  • LI Hai-dong1,ZHANG Yong-zheng1,XU Kun1,*,and XIAO Jing2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1494-1500.
  • Abstract ( 867 ) HTML ( 1270 ) PDF (299KB) ( 1270 )    
  • Gas exchange,chlorophyll fluorescence,the Mehler reaction,and activities of nitrate reductase,glutamine synthetase,and glutamate synthase were measured after addition of the photorespiration inhibitor NaHSO3 in ginger leaves. According to our results,after 1 day of NaHSO3 treatment,the net photosynthetic rate increased by 19% compared with the control. The rate subsequently decreased and was reduced by 17% compared with the control on day 6. Meanwhile,stomatal conductance and the intercellular CO2 concentration decreased. NaHSO3 treatment significantly decreased the Fv/FmФPSIIqP,and activities of nitrate reductase,glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase,and increased NPQ,the Mehler reaction,and H2O2 concentration. These results show that carbon and nitrogen metabolism is reduced when NaHSO3 inhibits photorespiration in ginger leaves.
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  • Alleviative Effects of Exogenous Trehalose on Oxidative Damage Metabolism in Pleurotus pulmonarius Under Heat Stress
  • LIU Xiu-ming,HUANG Chen-yang,CHEN Qiang,WU Xiang-li,and ZHANG Jin-xia*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1501-1508.
  • Abstract ( 1106 ) HTML ( 1084 ) PDF (214KB) ( 1084 )    
  • Heat stress affects the quality and productivity of mushroom. Oxidative stress triggered by heat stress is the main reasons that lead to damage. We investigated the alleviative effects of exogenous trehalose on heat-induced oxidative stress in two Pleurotus pulmonarius strains,heat sensitive strain CCMSSC 00494 and heat tolerant strain CCMSSC 00499. The results showed that the TBARS level in heat sensitive strain was significantly higher than that in heat tolerant strain when heat stress(40 ℃)lasted 48 h,and the tolerance of heat-induced oxidative damage of heat tolerant strain was better than heat sensitive strain. Exogenous trehalose could alleviate the oxidative damage induced by heat stress by reducing the generation rate of and H2O2 and the activity of LOX and the content of TBARS. Additionally,exogenous trehalose had a positive effect on the activity of antioxidants SOD,and a negative effect on enzymetic antioxidants including CAT and APX,but had no effect on enzymetic antioxidants POD under the heat stress. Besides,the effect of exogenous trehalose on heat sensitive strain was more obvious than that of heat tolerant strain.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Daily Photosynthetic Changes and Physiological Mechanisms of the Seedlings of Rosa platyacantha from Different Altitudes of Xinjiang
  • WEI Jing-jing,YANG Shu-hua*,GUO Ning,YANG Shuang,LI Qiu-xiang,LIU Xin-yan,JIA Rui-dong,and GE Hong*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1509-1516.
  • Abstract ( 933 ) HTML ( 1345 ) PDF (295KB) ( 1345 )    
  • The parameters of photosynthesis,chlorophyll fluorescence and antioxidant systems during the day or at 13:00 were ex situ measured in Beijing on the leaves of 1-year-old seedlings of Rosa platyacantha from three different altitudes from Xinjiang. The results showed there were continuous declines of Pn after 9:00 on the seedlings of R. platyacantha from all altitudes,which should be due to stomatal limitation in the morning while non-stomatal limitation at noon. In comparison to the seedlings from low and medium altitudes,the impaired PSⅡ activity and heat dissipation were observed at 13:00 in the seedlings from high altitude,indicating a worse photoinhibition. Moreover,the antioxidant system including POD and APX activities,as well as AsA/DHA were enhanced at 13:00 but still led to the excessive ROS and lipid peroxidation in the seedlings from high altitude,which suggesting the significant  photodamage happened.
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  • Establishment of the Regeneration System and Genetic Transformation of BrDFR Gene in Chrysanthemum Cultivar
  • XU Zhi-ru,CHEN Zhi-hua,JIANG Yan-dong,HOU Jie,TONG Ling,and LI Yu-hua*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1517-1526.
  • Abstract ( 1133 ) HTML ( 1569 ) PDF (693KB) ( 1569 )    
  • In our study,with the leaves of the aseptic seedlings of Chrysanthemum morifolium‘Shenyun’,the effect of plant growth regulator combination on regeneration buds induced from callus was analyzed,and the regeneration system of‘Shenyun’was established. The study results indicated that the optimum condition for regeneration buds inducing on MS medium is NAA 1.0 mg · L-1 + BA 1.0 mg · L-1 for Chrysanthemum morifolium‘Shenyun’. Using the BrDFR gene of turnip‘Tsuda’,the expression vector of non-antibiotic screening was constructed. Leaf explants of the chrysanthemumaseptic seedlings were infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105 pCAMBIA1301 and the BrDFR gene of turnip‘Tsuda’was introduced into‘Shenyun’. The selection system was based on the use of Escherichia coli phosphomannose isomerase(PMI)gene as a selectable marker gene and mannose as a selective nutrient. The explants were selected on medium supplemented with a combination of mannose and sucrose as a carbon source at different concentrations. Among the leaf explants which were infected,there were 7 shoots surviving after selection by the medium containing 10 g · L-1 mannose. PCR analysis and southern blot analysis confirmed that T4 and T7 independent transformed lines were positive for PMI and DFR genes.
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  • Dynamic Changes of Starch Granules During Somatic Embryogenesis and Development in Cyclamen persicum
  • YU Wen-sheng1,JIANG Wei1,GONG Xue-qin2,LUO Zhen-zhen1,XIE Xiao-xu1,and YOU Cui-rong2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1527-1534.
  • Abstract ( 1022 ) HTML ( 1448 ) PDF (564KB) ( 1448 )    
  • Embryogenic calluses were induced and filtrated from young leaf explants in flowering Cyclamen persicum plant,and somatic embryos were formed. Histological observation revealed that embryogenic calluses were comprised of embryogenic and non-embryogenic cells,and that embryogenic cells mostly existed in embryogenic aggregates. Embryogenic aggregates derived from induced embryogenic determined cells. Somatic embryogenesis originated from a single embryogenic cell. Somatic embryo grew into a complete plantlet after passing through proembryos,globular,heart- and torpedo- shaped stages. During somatic embryogenesis and development,four peaks of starch granules appeared,respectively at the stage of embryogenic cells,globular embryos,early torpedo-shaped embryos and complete plantlets from mature embryos. Starch metabolism was closely related to somatic embryogenesis,development and plantlet regeneration.
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Other Horticulture Plants

  • A Study on the Involvement of Nitric Oxide in Inhibiting Pollen Tube Growth of Tea Plant(Camellia sinensis)Under Low-temperature
  • WANG Wei-dong1,JIANG Xin1,DU Yu-lin1,WANG Yu-hua1,2,*,and LI Xing-hui1,2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1535-1540.
  • Abstract ( 891 ) HTML ( 1492 ) PDF (294KB) ( 1492 )    
  • The pollen germination and pollen tube growth of tea plant,as well as their relationship with nitric oxide(NO)under low-temperature were studied using pollen of culivar‘Longjing 43’. The results showed that low-temperature significantly inhibited the tea pollen germination and pollen tube growth in a time-dependent manner. Similar inhibitory effects in a dose-dependent manner were observed with exogenous NO donor(Sodium Nitroprusside,SNP). Both NO scavenger(cPTIO)and nitric oxide synthase(NOS)inhibitor(L-NNA)partially alleviated this inhibitory effect. Furthermore,the NO releasing along with the NOS activity were promoted in tea pollen tubes under low-temperature. The results indicated that the inhibitory effects of low-temperature treatment on tea pollen germination and pollen tube growth are related to NO generating from NOS activity.
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Research Notes

  • Effect of Potassium Oxalate Treatment on Softening in Actindia eriantha ‘Walter’Fruit
  • LI Pei-yan,ZHOU Gang,ZHOU Qiao-li,ZHAO Jing,and ZHENG Xiao-lin*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1553-1559.
  • Abstract ( 1119 ) HTML ( 1461 ) PDF (323KB) ( 1461 )    
  • Harvested kiwifruit(Actinidia eriantha Benth‘Walter’)were dipped in 50 or 75 mmol · L-1 potassium oxalate solution for 10 min,and then stored at room temperature. The results showed that lower softening and decay incidence in treated fruit were observed as compared to control fruit. After 15 days in storage,the decay incidence in 50 and 75 mmol · L-1 potassium oxalate treated fruit decreased by 6.7% and 10%,respectively,and vitamin C content in treated fruit was significantly higher than that in control fruit. The application of potassium oxalate not only reduced ethylene production and respiratory rate,but also delayed the climacteric respiration in fruit. In addition,activities of pectolytic enzymes including polygalacturonase(PG),xylanase(Xyl)and β-galactosidase(β-Gal)were significantly decreased in treated fruit. It was suggested that these physiological effects of potassium oxalate might collectively contribute to slowing the process of softening and ripening in kiwifruit during storage.
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  • Studies on Identification and Pathogenicity of Cherry Black Spot Caused by Alternaria alternata
  • ZHAO Yuan-zheng,LIU Zhi-heng*,LI Yu-tao,ZHOU Si,and HUANG Xin-yang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1560-1566.
  • Abstract ( 1014 ) HTML ( 1100 ) PDF (408KB) ( 1100 )    
  • The test was based on the pathogen’s identification and pathogenicity of cherry black spot. And it was identified as Alternaria alternata by morphological identification and rDNA-ITS sequence analysis. Pathogenic test showed that it infected the cherry fruits directly or by wound and natural ostiole,and disease on the fruits inoculated by the pathogen through wound was more serious. The pathogen showed some pathogenicity on the wound leaves,but had no effect on the intact ones. The pathogen effected on pear,apricot and plum fruits with high pathogenicity,while it infected hawthorn fruits with a relatively low pathogenicity.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of a New Stress-resistant ERF Gene from Banana
  • ZHANG Jun-fang1,2,3,HUANG Jun-sheng3,CONG Han-qing2,LI Zhi-ying2,and XU Li2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1567-1573.
  • Abstract ( 997 ) HTML ( 1383 ) PDF (539KB) ( 1383 )    
  • A full length cDNA named MaERF which was cloned from banana on the basis of a AP2/ERF fragment combined with RACE technology. The full cDNA of this gene was 1 611 bp,the open reading frame was 1 128 bp and coded a polypeptide of 376 amino acids. This gene had one typical AP2/ERF domain. The genome sequence full-length of this gene was 2 881 bp,and contained one intron splice site according to the rules of the“GT-AG”. The phylogenetic tree shows that the gene belongs to B2 subsets of ERF genes,and they are more involved in plant stress reactions. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the gene was expressed in various organs of the banana,with lower the amount of expression in the roots and leaves,while high expression in fruit and flowers;Fluorescence quantitative real-time PCR detection showed this gene had high expression with Fusarium oxysporum and low temperature stress,so this gene may play an important role in bananas stress reaction.
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  • Gene Cloning and Expression Analysis of Pathogenesis-related Protein 1 of Paeonia suffruticosa
  • YANG De-cui,ZHANG Yu-xi,and ZHENG Guo-sheng*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1583-1590.
  • Abstract ( 1063 ) HTML ( 1615 ) PDF (539KB) ( 1615 )    
  • One pair of degenerate primer was designed according to the conservative domains of the pathogenesis-related protein PR1 genes of other plants and using RT-PCR and RACE technology,a full length cDNA of pathogenesis-related protein 1,named PsPR1,was obtained from leaves of Paeonia suffruticosa‘Luhehong’,treated by Cylindrocladium canadense. Sequence analysis indicated that PsPR1 consisted of 744 bp and the 5′ UTR and 3′ UTR were 42 bp and 225 bp,respectively. The length of open reading frame(ORF)was 477 nucleotides encoding 158 amino acids with molecular weight 14.8 kD,isoelectric point 6.19. The deduced amino acids possessed SCP_PR1_like conserved domain. The PsPR1 was highly homologous to PR1,which have been isolated from other plants. Real-time PCR analysis indicated that expression level of PsPR1 was the highest in sepal,but the lowest in leaves. PsPR1 was significantly induced by C. canadense and signaling molecule salicylic acid(SA)and expression level of PsPR1 reached the highest peak in 24 h and 12 h,respectively,which showed that PsPR1 might involved in the disease defense.
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  • Primary Screening of Differentially Expressed Genes During TDZ Induced Floral Initiation with SSH in Dendrobium nobile
  • WEN Zhen-zhen,ZHANG E,LIU Yun-quan,and LIU Wei*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1591-1599.
  • Abstract ( 863 ) HTML ( 1991 ) PDF (704KB) ( 1991 )    
  • A forward and a reverse suppression subtractive cDNA library were constructed,using cDNAs from the TDZ-treated and non-treated axillary buds of Dendrobium nobile Lindl. A total of 314 and 59 recombinant clones were identified from the forward and reverse SSH library respectively,by PCR and reverse Northern blotting. All of these clones were sequenced and assembled,finally 39 ESTs from the forward library and 21 ESTs from the reverse library were obtained. Effects of TDZ on the transcription of some ESTs were confirmed by semi RT-PCR. Of these sequences,twenty genes were not homologious to the reported genes in GenBank,the rest were classified into photosynthesis,biosynthesis,metabolism or regulatory function. A sequence homologious to MADS-box genes and a homology of Sos were identified from the reverse library,and several retrotransposons were characterized from the forward library,these results indicated that TDZ could promote the flowering of D. nobile,by affecting the transcriptions of some transcription factors and signal genes.
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Technologies and Methods

  • Detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae in Authurium andreanum by Immunomagnetic Separation-PCR
  • WANG Zhao1,CHU Li-hong2,ZHAO Kai1,PENG Jia-jia3,MING Jun1,YUAN Su-xia1,and LIU Chun1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1600-1599.
  • Abstract ( 861 ) HTML ( 1871 ) PDF (497KB) ( 1871 )    
  • According to the RAPD of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae,specific primers were designed,and binding ability of carboxyl magnetic beads were tested. The system of optimization of immunomagnetic separation-PCR(IMS-PCR)protocol for detecting the Bacterial Blight of Anthurium were establisted. The results showed that the saturate absorption of 1 mg carboxyl magnetic beads to the polyclonal antibodys is 0.268 mg. The optimal concentration of immunomagnetic beads(IMB)is 0.566–0.741 mg ?mL-1 when X. axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae is captured. The detection sensitivity for X. axonopodis,by IMS-PCR which can reduce the inhibitory substances in reaction,is 10–100 cfu ? mL-1. It is 100 times more sensitive than ordinary PCR at least. pv. dieffenbachiae
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New Cultivars

  • A New Yellow-flesh Peach Cultivar‘Huihuang’
  • GAO Zheng-hui1,XU Yi-liu1,*,ZHANG Jin-yun1,PAN Hai-fa1,SHU Bing1,and YUE Lan-ju2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1609-1610.
  • Abstract ( 1522 ) HTML ( 875 ) PDF (161KB) ( 875 )    
  • ‘Huihuang’is a new peach cultivar which selected from the mutant of‘NJC83’. It matures about 7–10 days earlier than‘NJC83’. Fruit nearly round,a little fruit tip,suture deep than symmetry,the two halves of chunky fruit stalk,stems depression broad and deep. The average fruit weight is 156 g,the largest fruit weight is 210 g. After ripening,the fruit turn to be golden skin,fruit tip and sunny side flush,flesh pure yellow,red fibers,clingstone fleshy good elasticity,not solute,aroma,soluble solids of 10.3%,fruit peeled hardness 7.1 kg · cm-2,fruit development period of about 83 d,high yield,strong adaptability. The fruit flavor is sweet and sour moderate,not only processing,but also for the fresh.
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  • A New High Quality Wine-grape Cultivar‘Meili’with Disease Resisitance
  • ZHANG Zhen-wen,WANG Hua,FANG Yu-lin,XI Zhu-mei,and LI Hua*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1611-1612.
  • Abstract ( 1185 ) HTML ( 954 ) PDF (153KB) ( 954 )    
  • Meili,a new variety of wine grape,was selected by means of intraspecific of Vitis vinifera- rotational crossbreeding method whose parents were Merlot,Riesling,Muscat Hamburg and intermediate hybrids Bx-82-97 and Bx-84-105. The berry is round and purple. The average weight of single bunch is about 187 g,single berry 2.1 g. The fruit composition of berry are as follows:Brix 22.36% reducing sugar(measured in glucose)198.0 g ? L-1,total acids(measured in tartaric acid)4.6 g ? L-1,and the rate of juice is about 70%. Meili shows characters of disease resistances to downy mildew and white rot of grape. It’s ripening season is about in late August in Yangling,Shaanxi.
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  • A New Jackfruit Cultivar‘Haida 1’
  • Lü Qing-fang,FENG Feng,LI Ying-zhi,YE Chun-hai*,WU Tian,MAO Qi,WANG Jun-ning,LI Hong-bo,and YANG Shao-xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1613-1614.
  • Abstract ( 1320 ) HTML ( 1377 ) PDF (186KB) ( 1377 )    
  • ‘Haida 1’is a new jackfruit cultivar obtained by selecting a single plant from a seedling population belonging to the firm type of jackfruits. The fruit is oval shaped and yellow-green colored. The average single fruit weighs 2.48 kg and its pulp is golden-yellow with a distinct aroma and an attractive crisp taste. The fruit contains 27.20% of soluble solids content,112.7 mg · kg-1 of vitamin C,292.30 g · kg-1 of soluble sugar,and 9.35 g · kg-1 of soluble protein. The mellow fruit contains a small amount of latex,and the edible yield rate is 62.30%. The average yield of a single tree of 5-year-old is 38.45 kg. ‘Haida 1’is suitable for cultivation in the subtropical climate zone of Leizhou Peninsula,Guangdong.
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  • A New Cucumber Cultivar‘Guanlü 1 Small Cucumber’
  • MIAO Bing-bing1,*,MO Wei-qin1,MAO Feng-wei2,LIU Yuan-xing1,WU Dai-ying1,and LUO Shi1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1615-1616.
  • Abstract ( 945 ) HTML ( 911 ) PDF (150KB) ( 911 )    
  • ‘Guanlü 1 Small Cucumber’is a new cucumber F1 hybrid of two inbred lines HT1 and DJ2. The flower node is lower. The early maturity and the tolerance ability of low-temperature and low-light is better. It grows vigorously and its leaf is dark green. It is resistant to Fusarium wilt,downy mildew and powery mildew. Its fruit is dark green,lustrous,17–20 cm in length,about 3.0 cm in diameter,and average 100 g in weight. Its yield is 60.0 t · hm-2.
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  • Eggplant Hybrid‘Nongfeng Changqie’
  • LI Zhen-xing*,LI Zhi-liang,SUN Bao-juan,and LUO Shao-bo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1617-1618.
  • Abstract ( 1100 ) HTML ( 847 ) PDF (149KB) ( 847 )    
  • Nongfeng Changqie’is a new eggplant hybrid which was combined with inbred line Jiaolingcuchang-5’with bacterial wilt resistance as female parent and inbred line‘Taizhe Xianqie Techang’with good quality and long slender shape fruits as male parent. It has good growth vigor,and plant height is 100 cm to 120 cm. The shape of fruit is long cylindrical,average fruit weight is 283.83 g to 301.72 g,fruit length is 30.3 cm to 31.9 cm,and fruit width is 5.06 cm to 5.12 cm. The peel color is deep purplish red colored evenly,and the fruit surface is smooth possessing good luster. The color of flesh is white,and the tightness of flesh is moderate. The rate of merchantable fruits is 96.15% to 96.37%. It was identified to be moderate resistant to bacterial wilt by inoculation during seedlings. Heat tolerance,cold resistance and waterlogging tolerance of‘Nongfeng Changqie’are all strong seen from the growth appearance in the field.
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  • A New Muskmelon Cultivar‘Jinmeigui’
  • FAN Min* and ZHANG Rui-lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1619-1620.
  • Abstract ( 931 ) HTML ( 910 ) PDF (157KB) ( 910 )    
  • ‘Jinmeigui’is a new generation of hybrid muskmelon germplasm with high yield and superior quality. This cultivar is characterized by its short-oval shape,golden pericarp color and thick,soft in texture,white-colored flesh,which makes it smell faint scent and tasty. In normal conditions,the soluble solids content ranges from 15% to 18% and the average weight of single fruit is around 1.8 kg. So,it is better quality,beautiful appearance,tolerance to low temperatures and good merchandise. The whole growth period is 100 d and the fruit development period is 41–45 d. The plants are resistant to blight and several leaf diseases. The yield under filed condition is up to 32 t · hm-2.
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  • A New Rose Cultivar‘Meiguomei AF’
  • HUANG Qing-jun1,*,GAO Dong-ju2,WANG Hong-wei1,and BIAN Tian3
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1623-1624.
  • Abstract ( 825 ) HTML ( 1211 ) PDF (786KB) ( 1211 )    
  • ‘Meiguomei AF’is a new cultivar of Rosa rugosa Thumb. Its petal color is purple and fruit color is red. The fruit shape is oblate. Its fruit length generally is about 1.96–2.48 cm,the maximum is 3.48 cm. Its fruiting period is long,the fruit can be hang from May to October. The fruit is big and gorgeous. So,‘Meiguomei AF’can be appreciated its flower and fruit in the garden.
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  • A New Musella lasiocarpa Cultivar‘Fole Jinlian’
  • MA Hong,LI Zheng-hong*,WAN You-ming,and LIU Xiu-xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1625-1626.
  • Abstract ( 928 ) HTML ( 947 ) PDF (458KB) ( 947 )    
  • ‘Fole Jinlian’is a new cultivar which is selected and bred from the natural variant plants of Musella lasiocarpa(Franch.)C. Y. Wu ex H. W. Li. The cultivar is tufted perennial herb with persistent leaf-sheaths and compact in plant type. The average height of the plants is(129.4 ± 8.9)cm;Its leaf is ovate in shape with leaf index ranging from 1.77–1.94;The midrib of leaf is adaxially orange-red and abaxially green,pinnate veins indistinct along midrib;The bract is triangle-ovate in shape whose color is yellow-orange on adaxial surface and orange-red on abaxial surface. The variety has great ornamental value,strong growing vigor and high complex resistance to main disease. It is suitable to be cultivated for domestic decoration and landscape designment widely.
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  • A New Lately-sprouting Tea Cultivar‘Wuye Dancongcha’
  • CHEN Dong1,*,CHEN Shao-ping2,QIAO Xiao-yan1,WU Hua-ling1,LI Jia-xian1,LIN Zhi-min2,HUANG Hua-lin1,YAN Chang-yu1,and HE Yu-mei1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2013, 40(8): 1627-1628.
  • Abstract ( 952 ) HTML ( 976 ) PDF (166KB) ( 976 )    
  • ‘Wuye Dancongcha’is a new tea cultivar derived from‘Fenghuang Shuixian’. It has many excellent characteristics,such as lately sprouting,high yield,superiorly quality,strong tolerance and resistance. It suitably manufactured black tea and dancongcha. Processed black tea had heavy flavour aroma,heavy and mellow taste,sweetly. Dancongcha performed high and sharp aroma,sweetly heavy and thick taste.
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