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2018, Vol.45, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Research Papers

  • Effects of Dazomet Fumigation and Short-time Allium fistulosum Rotation on the Growth and Physiology of Malus hupehensis
  • XU Shaozhuo1,ZHAO Yuwen1,WANG Yikun1,WANG Jinzheng2,TIAN Changping3,CHEN Jie4, CHEN Xuesen1,SHEN Xiang1,YIN Chengmiao1,*,and MAO Zhiquan1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1021-1030. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0615
  • Abstract ( 365 ) HTML ( 746 ) PDF (814KB) ( 746 )    
  • In order to provide basis for preventing and controlling apple replant disease(ARD),the Malus hupehensis Rehd.,which was planted in an Allium fistulosum rotation after dazomet fumigation under pot condition,was tested to study the growth of seedlings in continuous 2 years. The results showed that,dazomet fumigation and Allium fistulosum rotation after dazomet fumigation can significantly promote the growth of the Malus hupehensis Rehd.,but the Allium fistulosum rotation after dazomet fumigation is the best. In July 2016,compared with dazomet fumigation,the plant height,stem diameter,fresh weight,dry weight and root respiration rate of M. hupehensis Rehd. seedlings with a Allium fistulosum rotation after dazomet fumigation were increased by 34.5%,19.5%,30.0%,22.6% and 21.3%. Those indices were improved 29.9%,28.4%,35.0%,34.4% and 26.5% in July 2017. Under Allium fistulosum rotation after dazomet fumigation treatment,the root activity and the antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase(SOD),peroxidase(POD),catalase(CAT)increased. The contents of MDA in root and leaf decreased,respectively. Treatment with Allium fistulosum rotation after dazomet fumigation also increased Pn,Tr,Gs and Gi of Malus hupehensis Rehd. seedling leaves. The treatment with a short time Allium fistulosum rotation after dazomet fumigation promoted the growth of M. hupeheusis Rehd.,and had the better function in prevention and control of ARD than that of dazomet fumigation,therefore,it could be an effective measure to reduce ARD.
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  • Overexpression of Apple Peptide Hormone Gene MdCEP1 Promotes the Accumulation of Anthocyanins
  • LI Rui,AN Jianping,YOU Chunxiang,WANG Xiaofei*,and HAO Yujin*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1031-1040. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0571
  • Abstract ( 539 ) HTML ( 839 ) PDF (2899KB) ( 839 )    
  • The effects of apple peptide hormone MdCEP1(C-TERMINALLY ENCODED PEPTIDE1)on the regulation of anthocyanin synthesis were investigated by using Malus × domestica‘Orin’as the test material,to provide reference for further study on the mechanism of anthocyanin synthesis and characterization of MdCEP1 function. Chromosomal localization analysis revealed that MdCEP1 was located on the chromosome 15 of the apple genome and had only one exon. Protein sequence alignment showed that CEP domains were conserved in different species. Promoter analysis showed that the MdCEP1 promoter sequence contained a number of cis-acting elements,including CAT-box elements associated with meristem,gibberellin response elements(P-boxes),light-responsive elements(MNF1)and the MYB binding site(MBSI)involved in flavonoid biosynthesis. MdCEP1 transgenic apple calli were obtained by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation. Further analysis found that overexpression of MdCEP1 could significantly promote the anthocyanin accumulation,and promote the expression of apple anthocyanin biosynthetic genes. Ectopic expression of MdCEP1 in Arabidopsis thaliana,could also promote the accumulation of anthocyanin,and promote the expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. The results showed that MdCEP1 could positively control the synthesis of anthocyanin.
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  • Molecular Cloning and Functional Identification of Apple Auxin Repressor Protein Gene MdIAA26
  • HAN Pengliang,LIU Xiaojuan,LIU Xin,DONG Yuanhua,HU Dagang*,and HAO Yujin*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1041-1053. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0719
  • Abstract ( 323 ) HTML ( 663 ) PDF (2989KB) ( 663 )    
  • An auxin repressor protein family gene(GenBank accession number:MDP0000164095)was cloned from‘Royal Gala’apple cultivar(Malus × domestica Borkh.). It contains complete open reading frame(ORF)of 978 bp in length and encodes 325 amino acids. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the deduced peptides exhibited the highest sequence similarity with AtIAA26(Arabidopsis),which was also indicated as an auxin repressor. Based on the result,we named this deduced gene as MdIAA26. In silico analysis suggested that the promoter sequence of MdIAA26 contained several typical cis-acting elements,including abscisic acid-,gibberellin-,salicylic acid- and drought-responsive elements by using PlantCare Databases. qPCR assays showed that MdIAA26 constitutively expressed in different tissues of apple,with higher expression levels in roots and leaves. The expression pattern of MdIAA26 in apple tissue culture seedling was noticeably induced by exogenous ABA and IAA. Further,the MdIAA26 overexpressed apple calli were treated with exogenous ABA and ectopical expressed Arabidopsis plants were treated with exogenous ABA,PEG and IAA. The growth potential of transgenic materials were significantly stronger than the wild type(WT,the control). All this suggests that transgenic materials were more insensitive to exogenous ABA and IAA and less resistant to drought than the control.
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  • Differences in Organic Acid Secretion of Three Citrus Rootstocks Cultivated in Nutrient Solution with Various pH Levels
  • WANG Junxiu,YUAN Gaopeng,RUAN Ke,PENG Liangzhi,LING Lili,FU Xingzheng,and CHUN Changpin*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1054-1066. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0836
  • Abstract ( 380 ) HTML ( 712 ) PDF (1614KB) ( 712 )    
  • The relationship between acidic-alkaline tolerance and organic acids secreted from roots was investigated in Ziyang Xiangcheng(ZYXC)(Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka),trifoliate orange(TO)[Poncirus trifoliata(L.)Raf.] and Red tangerine(RT)(Citrus reticulata Blanco). The seedlings of three rootstocks were cultured in the hydroponic solutions with different pH for 30 days. The growth index,root morphology,photosynthetic pigments content,and physiological parameters of superoxide dismutase (SOD),peroxidase(POD),catalase(CAT),malondialdehyde(MDA) and soluble protein were examined. The content of organic acids secreted from root system was analyzed by Liquid Chromatography(LC). The highest biomass growth rate was observed in TO at pH 4. At pH 8,the biomass growth rate of RT was the highest and TO was the lowest. The photosynthetic pigments contents,root lengths and root surface areas of three rootstocks were significantly lower with pH 4 treatment. Under different pH conditions,the three rootstocks showed significant differences in activities of SOD and POD,as well as the contents of MDA and soluble protein. At lower pH,only oxalic and quinic acids were detected with the content of oxalic acid higher than that of quinic acid. Under higher pH condition,except those two acids,the malic acid was also detected. Overall,among three rootstocks,the RT released the highest level of organic acids followed by ZYXC,and then TO. At late stage of alkaline treatment,the highest level of malic acid was observed in ZYXC. The lowest level was in TO. This may relate to alkaline tolerance of the rootstock. In this case,the ZYXC and RT are more tolerant to alkalinity than that of TO. It can be suggested that the strong alkaline tolerance of ZYXC and RT may be related to the greater capacity of secreting malic acid from roots under alkaline condition. The strong acidic tolerance of TO would be associated with lower ability to release organic acids.
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  • Effects of ABA on the Expression of Key Genes in Postharvest Fruit of ‘Kyoho’Grapevine
  • ZHANG Peian1,WANG Zhuangwei2,CAI Binhua1,WEN Xicheng1,TIAN Liang1,WANG Chen1,JIA Haifeng1,*,and FANG Jinggui1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1067-1080. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0603
  • Abstract ( 360 ) HTML ( 872 ) PDF (2484KB) ( 872 )    
  • In order to reveal the senescence mechanism during fruit development,the effects of ABA,NDGA(Nordihydroguaiaretic acid,an inhibitor of NCED),fluridone,ethephon,and AS6(3′- hexylsulfanyl-ABA,antagonists of PYL-PP2C receptor)on fruit firmness,anthocyanin biosynthesis,aroma volatiles,and their related genes were investigated in grape(Vitis vinifera L. × V. labrusca L.‘Kyoho’)berries after postharvest. The results showed that ABA promoted anthocyanin,aroma volatile,and total soluble solid productions,but reduced fruit firmness and tartaric acid. Whereas NDGA,fluridone and AS6 showed an opposite effect. The expressions of VvMYBA2,VvUFGT or VvEGS1 coincided with anthocyanin content or aroma volatiles production,except that for the VvLAR1. Endogenous ABA content and the expressions of VvOPR3,VvACO1,and VvSUT11 were increased by ABA,but decreased by NDGA and fluridone. AS6 increased endogenous ABA content. The expressions of VvNCED1,VvCYP707A1 and VvPYL8 coincided with endogenous ABA content. In contrast,VvPYL8 expressions was decreased by AS6. The change of VvPP2C49 expression was contrary to ABA content,and AS6 increased VvPP2C49 expression. These results suggest that endogenous ABA content influence the anthocyanin formation,aroma volatile production,fruit softening,and sugar metabolism.
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  • Exploring Variant Sites Associated with Ve-1,I-2,Mi-1 and Pto Genes in Processing Tomato by Genome-wide Association Analysis
  • LIU Lei,DENG Xuebin,FENG Jingjing,WANG Jing,SUN Xiaorong,SHU Jinshuai,and LI Junming*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1089-1100. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0829
  • Abstract ( 278 ) HTML ( 662 ) PDF (1168KB) ( 662 )    
  • To develop the high through molecular markers of Verticillium wilt,Fusarium wilt,Meloidogyne,and Bacterial speck,the core collection of 189 processing tomato accessions was analysed by genome-wide association study(GWAS). The 189 processing tomato accessions can be divided into two subgroups,by the Neighbor-joining tree and principal component analysis of the data of 0.5× re-sequence. The disease resistant genes,Ve-1,I-2,Mi-1 and Pto,were tested using molecular markers. The genome-wide association of the resistance genes were analysed by mixed linear model(MLM). The results were consistent with previous gene localization,and the inner SNPs of the resistance genes of Ve-1,I-2,Mi-1 and Pto were obtained,which can improve the accuracy of gene detection. The highest association SNP of Ve-1 was on the gene of Ve-1,and the highest loci associated with I-2,Mi-1 and Pto genes were located in the flanking region. The background and the frequency of variation of SNPs may affect the result of GWAS. The results indicated that the core collection of processing tomato can be used for exploring other traits. The SNPs obtained by GWAS can be used for the development of SNP markers,molecular markers assisted breeding and improvement of the breeding efficiency about tomato.
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  • Photosynthetic Characteristics and Light Response Model Fitting of Pepper Leaves in Different Degrees of Purple
  • YE Yinglin1,2,OU Lijun2,and ZOU Xuexiao1,3,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1101-1114. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0858
  • Abstract ( 562 ) HTML ( 589 ) PDF (1390KB) ( 589 )    
  • A comparative study was conducted on the photosynthetic characteristics of seven peppers with different purple levels with CS3 hybrid F2 generation segregation population. The seven peppers were named as Z-1,Z-2,Z-3,Z-4,Z-5,Z-6 and Z-7,respectively,as the color changed from dark purple to green. Four models(i.e.,rectangular hyperbolic model,non-rectangular hyperbolic model,exponential model and modified rectangular hyperbolic model)were adopted to fit the light response curves for photosynthesis of the seven peppers. The difference among the four models was determined by comparing the parameters,such as determining coefficient(R2),apparent quantum efficiency(α),maximum net photosynthetic rate(Pn,max),light compensation point(LCP),light saturation point(LSP)and dark respiration rate(Rd). The light response curves among the 7 types of peppers were significantly different under high photosynthetic effective radiation(PAR),i.e.,the light response of net photosynthetic rate(Pn) for the peppers with higher purple levels remained rising after PAR greater than 1 200 μmol · m-2 · s-1,without saturation and light inhibition phenomena. Meanwhile,stomata conductance(Gs)and transpiration rate(Tr)increased rapidly,the inter-cellular CO2 concentration(Ci)and water use efficiency kept in a high level. Under the photosynthetic effective radiation of 2 000 μmol · m-2 · s-1,the highest Pn value was (20.16 ± 0.58)μmol · m-2 · s-1 for Z-4,while the highest water use efficiency value(CO2/H2O)was(2.02 ± 0.01)μmol · μmol-1 for Z-5. Four models were applicable to fitting the Pn–PAR curve of multiple peppers varying in purple degree,with the R2 between 0.964 and 1.000. According to R2,the model performance decreased in the order of modified rectangular hyperbolic model,non-rectangular hyperbolic model,rectangular hyperbolic model and exponential function model. Nevertheless,the light saturation point(LSP)was only obtained by the modified rectangular hyperbolic model for the five types of purple peppers,i.e.,Z-2,Z-4,Z-5,Z-6 and Z-7. The maximum values of LSP were found in Z-4 through the modified rectangular hyperbolic model,valued(2 958.41 ± 923.48)μmol · m-2 · s-1. Our findings suggested that(1)purple pepper has an excellent weak light utilization capability,and could well adapt to strong light conditions without saturation or light inhibition phenomenon. At the same time,purple pepper has a lower dark respiration,which in turn benefits organism matter accumulation.(2)Purple pepper like Z-5 facilitates the selection of water-saving material.(3)The modified rectangular hyperbolic model is more suitable for fitting the purple pepper Pn–PAR curve as it could provide more parameters comparable to the measured ones.
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  • Effects of Silicon Nutrition and Rootstocks on Silicon Uptake and Distribution and Expression of Silicon Transporter Genes in Grafted Cucumbers
  • ZHAO Sheng1,LI Zhihong1,*,SHEN Qiong1,WANG Hui1,ZHOU Xin1,and WEI Min1,2,3,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1115-1124. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0744
  • Abstract ( 253 ) HTML ( 606 ) PDF (743KB) ( 606 )    
  • In order to investigate the mechanism underlying the effects of rootstocks on fruit bloom formation of grafted cucumbers under different silicon nutrition conditions,the rootstocks‘Yunnan figleaf gourd’and‘Huangchenggen 2’were used to study the absorption and distribution of silicon,expression of silicon transporter genes and bloom formation in the grafted plants of cucumber‘Shannong 5’,which were grown by hydroponics with the nutrient solution with silicon added or without. The results showed that the fruit bloom and silicon contents in organ of the cucumbers grafted on‘Yunnan figleaf gourd’and self-rooted cucumbers were significantly increased by added silicon,and much higher than those in the cucumbers grafted on‘Huangchenggen 2’. The fruit bloom and silicon contents in organs of the cucumbers grafted on‘Huangchenggen 2’by added silicon were similar with those of the cucumbers grafted or self-rooted cucumbers in the condition without silicon added. The expression of CmLsi1,CmLsi2-1,CmLsi2-2 and CmLsi3 in roots of cucumbers grafted on‘Yunnan figleaf gourd’was higher than that in roots of cucumbers grafted on‘Huangchenggen 2’. With the prolongation of silicon treatment,the expression of silicon transporter genes in roots of cucumbers grafted onto‘Yunnan figleaf gourd’was down-regulated,the expression of those genes in roots of cucumbers grafted on‘Huangchenggen 2’also decreased.
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  • Cloning and Response to Abiotic Stress of NAC Transcription Gene AgNAC1 in Apium graveolens
  • DUAN Aoqi,FENG Kai,LIU Jiexia,XU Zhisheng,and XIONG Aisheng*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1125-1135. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0071
  • Abstract ( 303 ) HTML ( 548 ) PDF (1716KB) ( 548 )    
  • An AgNAC1 gene encoding NAC transcription factor was cloned from Apium graveolens‘Liuhe Huangxinqin’and‘Ventura’by RT-PCR method,respectively. The amino acid sequences,protein physicochemical properties,phylogenetic relationships and spatial structures of AgNAC1 were analyzed. The relative expression levels of AgNAC1 under different abiotic stresses were detected by quantitative real-time PCR. The results showed that the lengths of open reading frame of AgNAC1 genes in‘Liuhe Huangxinqin’and‘Ventura’were both 957 bp and encoded 318 amino acids. The relative molecular masses of AgNAC1 were 36.89 and 36.77 kD,with theoretical pI about 5.94 and 5.78,respectively. The homologous alignment and phylogenetic analysis of AgNAC1 with other NAC TFs in different plants revealed that AgNAC1 and DcNAC of Daucus carota belong to the same branch of evolutionary distance. AgNAC1 had the closest genetic relation with DcNAC. The prediction of protein functional domain showed that AgNAC1 protein contains multiple α-helix and β-turn secondary structure units. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis indicated that the AgNAC1 was tissue-specific in celery,and it mainly expressed in leaf. In addition,AgNAC1 responded to heat,cold,drought and salt stresses. The expression levels of AgNAC1 in‘Liuhe Huangxinqin’peaked at 24 h under high temperature treatment. The expression levels of AgNAC1 in‘Ventura’were higher than that of the control at 2 h and 8 h under high temperature treatment,low temperature and salt treatments,showing a trend of first decrease and then increase. The expression level of AgNAC1 was the highest at 4 h under drought treatment.
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  • Polyploidy Induction and Identification of Lilium pumilum and Lilium davidii var. unicolor Based on Somatic Embryogenesis
  • SUN Hongmei1,2,*,FU Linlan1,WANG Zhiping1,GAI Meizhu1,and WANG Chunxia1,2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1136-1146. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0879
  • Abstract ( 260 ) HTML ( 702 ) PDF (4306KB) ( 702 )    
  • Using scales and embryogenic callus as the target tissues,Lilium pumilum DC. Fisch. and Lilium davidii var. unicolor were accomplished the ployploid inducement by soaking and mixed culture with different concentrations of colchicine. Nineteen tetraploids of Lilium pumilum DC. Fisch. and 6 tetraploids of Lilium davidii var. unicolor have been identified,through morphological observation,root tip chromosome count and stomatal observation. The optimum condition is immersing embryogenic callus with 0.1% colchicine for 24 hours to achieve the highest efficiency of chromosome doubling. Dipold plants of both lilies are genetically stable while polyploid plants experience the genetic variation by using ISSR to conduct the genetic analysis of plants via somatic embryogenesis. The variation rates of polyploid in Lilium pumilum DC. Fisch. and Lilium davidii var. unicolor are 15.48% and 9.75%,respectively.
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  • Studies of the Seed Micromorphology of Twenty-nine Species of Hydrangea
  • ZHANG Mei1,2,LIU Xu3,ZHOU Huilong4,LI Zhenyu1,and YU Shengxiang1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1147-1159. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0486
  • Abstract ( 449 ) HTML ( 240 ) PDF (0KB) ( 240 )    
  • Seed micromorphological characters of 29 species of Hydrangea were studied under SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). Two types of seeds,viz. ellipsoid and oblong were observed with reticulate and reticulate polygon ornamentation patterns. The ridges of reticulation varies from undulate,sinuate or substraight and some rugae and without ornamentation. Shape and ornamentation patterns are specific to sections and these results also support in traditional taxonomy. Section Petalanthae were character of ellipsoid seed,undulate or sinuate ridges,irregular or regular foveate cavities among ridges;sect. Hydrangea were with ellipsoid seeds,substraight ridges,no ornamentation among ridges;sect. Cornidia and sect. Heteromallae were characterized by oblong seeds,substraight ridges,smooth among ridges;sect. Calyptranthe were of oblong or ellipsoid seeds covered with reticulated polygon ornamentations,some small foveate cavities in polygon lumina. The results indicated that seeds micromorphological characters of Hydrangea showed high specificity in sectional level classification. In addition,it has high value in circumscription among infrasectional relative species as well as with systematic significance in phylogenetic reconstructions.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Small Heat Shock Protein Genes CsHSP22.4,CsHSP27.4,CsHSP17.5 and CsHSP25.2 in Camellia sinensis
  • CHEN Jiangfei1,GAO Tong1,WAN Siqing1,ZHANG Yongheng1,ZHOU Tianshan1,YU Youben1,YANG Yajun1,2,XIAO Bin1,*,and WANG Weidong1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1160-1172. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0729
  • Abstract ( 230 ) HTML ( 727 ) PDF (2853KB) ( 727 )    
  • Four small heat shock protein(sHSP) genes were cloned from Camallia sinensis‘Longjing Changye’using RT-PCR technology. The open reading frames of them were 600,732,462 and 657 bp,which encoded 199,243,153 and 218 amino acids,respectively. According to the molecular weight of encoded protein,they were named as CsHSP22.4,CsHSP27.4,CsHSP17.5 and CsHSP25.2. Protein structure analysis showed that the four CsHSPs contained a ACD domain consisting of CRⅠ,CRⅡ and β6-loop,typically belonging to the sHSP family member. Subcellular localization prediction and phylogenetic analysis showed that CsHSP22.4 and CsHSP17.5 were mainly localized in the mitochondria and cytoplasm,belonging to the MⅠ and CⅠ subfamily,respectively. CsHSP27.4 and CsHSP25.2 were mainly located in the chloroplast,which belonged to the CP subfamily. qRT-PCR test results indicated that the expression of CsHSP22.4 and CsHSP27.4 was higher in leaf than in other tissues,while the expression of CsHSP17.5 and CsHSP25.2 was higher in stem. The expression of CsHSP22.4,CsHSP27.4,CsHSP17.5 and CsHSP25.2 was induced by heat and drought stress,and the expression level increased explosively under heat stress,implying that they were involved in response to heat and drought stress in Camallia sinensis,although they were more sensitive to heat stress.
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Research Notes

  • Effects of Light Quality on Fruit Quality and Absorption of Mineral Elements in‘Dangshan Suli’Pear Fruit Development
  • KONG Jiajun,CAO Peng,WU Xiao,YUAN Yazhou,YU Peijia,TAO Shutian*,and ZHANG Shaoling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1173-1184. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0861
  • Abstract ( 365 ) HTML ( 675 ) PDF (800KB) ( 675 )    
  • The‘Dangshan Suli’pear fruits were treated with different colored fruit bags(eg. green,purple,red,orange and blue),which were made of different color filters. The fruit weight,content of fruit soluble solids,sugar,stone cells and mineral elements have been analyzed,in order to make a comparison of the effects of different light spectrum on the fruit quality. The results are as followings:(1) The fruits treated with green bags had the minimum stone cell content,reduced by 28.85% compared with the control group,and obtained the highest ratio of fresh weight to dry weight(3.54),and the content of Ca and Zn increased significantly(1.34 and 1.49 fold);(2) For the fruits treated with purple bags,the soluble solids content has improved by 5.11% compared with the control,which is the highest of all the treatments,but the fruit shape index has decreased by 8.95%,which is the smallest of all the treatments. In addition,the ratio of fresh weight to dry weight increased by 9.38% compared with the control,but the stone cell content,total acid content and fruit hardness reduced by 22.83%,14.29% and 14.88%,respectively. Meanwhile,the content of Fe,Ca,K and Zn significantly increased by 1.09,1.26,1.24 and 1.40 fold compared with the control,respectively;(3) The weight and soluble sugar content of the fruits treated with red bags reduced by 7.33% and 31.27% compared with the control,whereas the content of Fe and Zn increased significantly(1.13 and 1.37 fold);(4) The stone cell content of fruits treated with orange bags increased by 14.87%,which were the most of all the treatments;(5) The weight and soluble solids content of the fruits treated with blue bags decreased by 10.19% and 19.62% compared with the control,both of which were the minimum of all the treatments. Comprehensively,the purple bags can reduce the content of stone cell,and increase the soluble sugar content,the soluble solids and the contents of mineral elements of pear fruits,furthermore,the fruit hardness,the single fruit weight and fruit shape index are more ideal,thus the purple bags can be used to improve the‘Dangshan Suli’pear fruit quality.
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  • Effects of Overexpression of Pingyitiancha MhSnRK1 on Tomato Seed Germination and Seedling Growth
  • WANG Guifang1,YU Wen2,LUO Jingjing2,XIAO Yuansong2,ZHAO Yongfei2,CHEN Xiaolu2,and PENG Futian2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1185-1192. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0672
  • Abstract ( 228 ) HTML ( 451 ) PDF (1847KB) ( 451 )    
  • This study aims to examine the effects of sucrose non-fermenting-1-related protein kinase 1(SnRK1)from Malus hupenhensis Rehd.(Pingyitiancha)on seed germination and seedling growth in tomatoes. The germination and growth of two tomato lines overexpressing Malus hupenhensis SnRK1 (MhSnRK1),O-7 and O-9,as well as their wild-type counterpart(WT),were monitored in six different mediums. The results showed that,the germination rates of the three tomato lines were all 100% in MS medium but declined to varying degrees in trehalose medium,with WT showing the lowest germination efficiency(WT,23.3%;O-7,70.3%;O-9,67.7%). Meanwhile,the SnRK1 activities of O-7 and O-9 cultivated in MS were 12.1% and 2.3% higher,respectively,compared to that of WT. The addition of trehalose led to a 41.5% reduction in the activity of SnRK1 in WT,35.5% in O-7 and 27.5% in O-9. Fourteen days after sowing,trehalose was found to significantly suppress the growth of taproot and hypocotyl in all three tomato lines,with the inhibitory effect more pronounced on WT than on the two transgenic tomato lines. The introduction of 0.3 mg · g-1 IAA was shown to mitigate the inhibitory effect of trehalose on hypocotyl elongation in WT. As a result,in MS medium,WT displayed flatter,flesher and larger cotyledon,as well as better-developed true leaf,compared to O-7 and O-9 at day 30 after sowing. And the leaf chlorophyll content of WT was significantly higher than that of O-7 and O-9. These results showed that overexpressing MhSnRK1 in tomato could regulate the seed germination and seedling growth. In a certain range,the higher SnRK1 activity promoted the seed germination,inhibited the taproots and hypocotyls of seedling elongating,while the lower SnRK1 activity is more conducive to the growth and development of the seedlings.
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  • Effects of SH40 Interstocks and Scion-roots on Apple Root Growth and Content of Endogenous Hormones
  • MENG Hongzhi1,JIANG Xuan1,CHEN Xiude2,LI Zhongyong1,*,and XU Jizhong1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1193-1203. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0660
  • Abstract ( 569 ) HTML ( 590 ) PDF (835KB) ( 590 )    
  • The effects of different rootstocks on growth and development of apple roots and hormones contents were studied by using 3-year-old Tianhong 2/SH40/Baleng Crabapple and Tianhong 2/SH40. The results showed that the height,diameter,total shoot number,superlong shoots and long shoots number of the interstocks treatments were 21.92%,27.11%,22.48%,78.60% and 156.00% higher than those of the scion-roots. And the short shoots rate was 81.21% in scion-root,which was significantly higher than that of the interstocks(69.58%). The fine root growth,fine root death,root surface area density and root number density of the interstocks were 58.64%,49.67%,36.88% and 53.33% higher than those of the scion-roots. In 0–60 cm soil layer,four peaks appeared in the annual growth dynamics of the roots in the two treatments,the second and third peak of the interstocks were significantly higher than that of the scion-roots and the third peak was 16 days earlier than that of the scion-roots. The interstocks had two obvious death peaks,while the scion-roots treatments had four death peaks. The rate of(IAA + ZR + GA)/ABA in root of interstocks was significantly higher than that of the scion-root during the tree growth and development.
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  • Effects of Girdling on Senescence of Citrus Leaf
  • LIANG Chunhui1,2,CHEN Huimin1,LI Juan3,HE Shixiong1,CHEN Jiezhong1,*,and YAO Qing1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1204-1212. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0521
  • Abstract ( 380 ) HTML ( 565 ) PDF (814KB) ( 565 )    
  • The 3-year-old‘Anliu’orange(Citrus sinensis Osbeck)grafted on Honglimeng(Citrus limonia Osbeck)was used as experimental material to study the effect of girdling on photosynthetic property and reactive oxygen metabolism of Citrus leaves. The results showed that ringing and sprial girdling decreased the chlorophyll relative content(SPAD),net photosynthetic rate(Pn),transpiration rate(Tr),stomatal conductance(Gs)and intercellular CO2 concentration(Ci)of leaves with different degrees after 30-day treatment. Girdling treatment had a long-term impact on leaf SPAD and Pn. The activities of antioxidant enzymes(SOD,POD and CAT)in leaves were improved after ringing and girdling. The antioxidant compounds(GSH and AsA)contents in leaves were significantly decreased at 30 d after treatment,then began rising to a peak and returned to a normal state slowly at last. The malondialdehyde (MDA)content was increased in all treatments,which was significantly increased compared with the control by ringing twice and girdling. These data showed that ringing and girdling in early stage affected photosynthetic metabolism of citrus leaves,and caused a series of antioxidation reaction and accumulation of reactive oxygen species in citrus leaves.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Big Fruit Chinese Bayberry Cultivar‘Yongguan’
  • CHEN Fangyong*,NI Haizhi,WANG Yin,and YAN Bangguo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1213-1214. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0203
  • Abstract ( 1778 ) HTML ( 658 ) PDF (921KB) ( 658 )    
  • ‘Yongguan’,a new big fruit bud mutation line of‘Dongkui’Chinese bayberry cultivar,was selected from a orchard located in Huangyan,Zhejiang. The fruits are spherical in shape with red or purple red skin,having an average weight of about 30.9 g and 53.0 g in maximum. The flesh is soft and juicy,with sweet and acid taste. Moreover,the fruit edible rate reaches 95.2%,and the content of total soluble solids is 12.6%.‘Yongguan’matures in late June to early July in Huangyan,having strong resistance,especially tolerant to twig dieback disease of Myrica rubra.

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  • A New Strawberry Cultivar‘Jingtaoxiang’
  • WANG Guixia*,SUN Rui*,DONG Jing,ZHONG Chuanfei,SUN Jian,ZHANG Hongli,WEI Yongqing,SHI Kun,CHANG Linlin**,and ZHANG Yuntao**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1215-1216. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.20170870
  • Abstract ( 477 ) HTML ( 537 ) PDF (1201KB) ( 537 )    
  • ‘Jingtaoxiang’is a new strawberry(Fragaria × ananassa)cultivar bred from the cross of ‘Darselect’and‘Akihime’. The fruit is cone-shaped or wedge-shaped. The average fruit weight is 31.5 g and the largest fruit weight is 49.0 g. It has red peel,bright luster and peach flavor. The content of soluble solids,vitamin C,total reducing sugar and total titratable acid is 9.5%,0.788 mg · g-1,5.2% and 0.67%,respectively. The fruit firmness is 1.73 kg · cm-2. Its ripens in middle January in the greenhouse of Beijing. It is tolerant to storage and transportation.
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  • A New Oriental Melon Cultivar‘Tangtian 8’
  • SUN Xun1,*,REN Ruixing1,MENG Hui1,REN Xiaotang2,YANG Zhaohui1,LI Juan1,LU Qing1,YU Ying3,and SONG Zhilian4
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2018, 45(6): 1221-1222. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0075
  • Abstract ( 255 ) HTML ( 492 ) PDF (987KB) ( 492 )    
  • We bred two oriental melon inbreds with high quality named CB12507 and S57. Then we took them as female and male respectively,to breed a new cultivar of melon hybrids named‘Tangtian 8’. The fruit developing period is 30–34 d. All branches could fruit,while the first branches were the main. The fruit is round,and the peel is olivine. The emerald flesh is crisp,with the center sugar content of 14.5%–15.5% and edge sugar content of 12.0%. The weight of per melon is 0.3–0.4 kg. This cultivar has demonstrated a broad adaptability and good perspective of commercialization in many provinces such as Hebei,Liaoning,Tianjin,Anhui,Hubei,Henan,and Shandong.
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