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2017, Vol.44, No.8 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Research Papers

  • Effects of Over-expression of Peach PpSnRK1β1 and PpSnRK1β2 on Photosynthetic Carbohydrate Metabolism in Tomato
  • WANG Guifang1,PENG Futian2,*,YU Wen2,ZHAO Yongfei2,LUO Jingjing2,XIAO Yuansong2,and CHEN Xiaolu2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1429-1438. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0905
  • Abstract ( 535 ) HTML ( 1013 ) PDF (1058KB) ( 1013 )    
  • PpSnRK1 kinase β subunit encoding gene(PpSnRK1β1 and PpSnRK1β2)were primarily cloned from peach [Prunus persica(Linn.)Batsch.] leaves. The CDS of PpSnRK1β1 and PpSnRK1β2 are 720 bp and 867 bp respectively. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction(qRT-PCR)analysis revealed that PpSnRK1β1 expressed the highest in leaves of‘Luxing’peach,while PpSnRK1β2 expressed the highest in it’s fruits,both expressed the lowest in it’s flowers. By Agrobacterium mediated transformation,over-expression of transgenic PpSnRK1β1(line T21 and T23)and PpSnRK1β2(line T91 and T92)tomato plants were obtained. Compared with wild type tomato(WT)activities of SnRK1 in young leaves of line T23 and T91 were increased by 9.84% and 53.32%,respectively. The photosynthetic rate in leaves of T91 was 17.02% higher than that of WT. The soluble sugar content in leaves was increased by 34.00% compared with WT. The starch content in leaves of T91 and T92 was nearly doubled compared with that in WT. Instead,the content of vitamin C in fruits of T23,T91 and T92 decreased by 19.21%,38.49% and 39.76% compared with WT. These data demonstrate that PpSnRK1β1 and PpSnRK1β2 are involved in photosynthesis,and are regulated in carbohydrate metabolism and secondary metabolism.
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  • Multivariate Analysis of Relationship Between Soil Nutrient and Fruit Mineral Elements of‘Fuji’Apple Orchards in Circum-Bohai and Loess Plateau Producing Regions of China
  • ZHANG Qiang,LI Minji,ZHOU Beibei,LI Xingliang,ZHANG Junke,and WEI Qinping*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1439-1449. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0787
  • Abstract ( 331 ) HTML ( 890 ) PDF (665KB) ( 890 )    
  • Objective of the experiment is to probe into influence and interrelation of soil nutrient contents on fruit mineral elements of‘Fuji’apple,and to provide respectively theoretical basis in reasonable orchard soil fertilizer application for improving content of mineral elements in Circum-Bohai and Loess Plateau apple production regions in China. The contents of soil nutrient and fruit mineral elements were respectively analyzed at 66 commercial apple orchards with standard rootstock of 22 counties(each county 3 orchards) in Circum-Bohai and Loess Plateau apple production regions from 2011 to 2012. Partial least squares regressions(PLSR)was used to screen major soil nutrient factors affecting fruit mineral elements,and to establish regression equation of relationship between fruit mineral elements and major soil nutrition factors. Linear programming was used to obtain optimum proposals of soil nutrient elements for higher fruit mineral elements. The results showed that alkaline hydrolytic N,available P,Ca,Fe and Zn of soil in Circum-Bohai region were significantly higher than in Loess Plateau apple production region,while pH and available K were significantly lower than those. The contents of‘Fuji’fruit N and P in Circum-Bohai region were significantly higher than those of Loess Plateau region,while Ca,Fe and Zn were significantly lower than those. Soil available Fe in Loess Plateau region,soil available B in Circum-Bohai region were significantly correlated with fruit Fe and B respectively. The Ca content of fruit in Circum-Bohai region were mainly affected by soil organic matter,total N,available Zn,B,Fe and K,and soil available Zn had the biggest positive effect coefficient,while available B and total N had greater negative effect coefficient on fruit Ca. While fruit Ca content in Loess Plateau were mainly affected by soil available P,Zn,organic matter,available Fe and K,and soil available Zn and Fe had greater positive effect coefficient on fruit Ca. Linear programming was used to obtain optimum proposals of soil nutrients for higher fruit mineral elements in two apple producing regions. The key soil nutrient management measures which improving fruit Ca content in Circum-Bohai apple region are the reduction of soil total N and alkaline hydrolytic N,increased available K,Fe and Zn,stable higher soil organic matter content(more than 17.7 g ? kg-1),while in Loess Plateau apple production region are the increased soil organic matter and available Zn,reduction of soil total N and Alkaline hydrolytic N,appropriate available P and K.
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  • Effect of Low Light Stress on Photosynthetic Physiology and Gene Expression in‘Khoyo’Grapevine After Blooming
  • ZHANG Chengjun,WANG Lei,DUAN Shuyan,SONG Shiren,MA Chao,ZHAO Liping,ZHANG Caixi,WANG Shiping,and XU Wenping*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1450-1462. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0698
  • Abstract ( 561 ) HTML ( 1028 ) PDF (784KB) ( 1028 )    
  • To understand the responses of photosynthetic physiology to low light and its performance after regaining normal light,4-year-old‘Khoyo’grapevines were treated with 70% shading for 20 days right after blooming. Characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence,content of chlorophyll,sugar content and composition, expressions of photosynthetic enzyme genes,and sucrose phosphate synthase(SPS). Results showed that low light treatment resulted in lower fruit quality and fruit size,reduced photosynthetic rate and efficiency,reduced the synthesis of soluble sugar in leaves. Meanwhile,expressions of photosynthetic enzymes genes and sucrose phosphate synthase genes in leaves also decreased. After regaining normal light,the photosynthetic rate and photosynthetic efficiency increased,and the expression of PRKase,SPS1-2,SPS3 recovered to the level of the control one. After 50 days regaining normal light,the contents of glucose,fructose and sucrose and Chl. a/b in the treatment group were not significantly different from the control. However,the expression of RbcL1 was not restored. It is concluded that the low light treatment could irreversibly affect overall photosynthesis of grapevine leaves,inhibit the expression of photosynthetic enzyme genes and key enzymes of sucrose metabolism genes,resulting in smaller berries and lowering the fruit quality.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of CIPK Genes in Grapevine
  • YAN Chaohui,LI Guirong,HU Yansong,ZHOU Ruijin,HU Huiling,MIAO Weidong,and ZHU Ziguo*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1463-1476. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0778
  • Abstract ( 388 ) HTML ( 1183 ) PDF (3984KB) ( 1183 )    
  • Two CIPK genes,VvCIPK13 and VvCIPK14,were isolated from‘Carinena’grapevine(Vitis vinifera). The full-length of VvCIPK13 was 1 501 bp containing an open reading frame(1 395 bp),which encoded 465 amino acids;the full-length of VvCIPK14 was 1 616 bp containing an open reading frame(1 404 bp),which encoded 468 amino acids. They had the typical kinase domain,NAF regulatory domain and the junction domain,but their similarity was only 40.33%. Real-time PCR analysis indicated that the expressions of VvCIPK13 and VvCIPK14 were higher in tendril than other tissues. Mean- while,VvCIPK13 was induced only by 6-BA,different from that VvCIPK14 was induced by 6-BA,ABA,IAA,SA,MeJA and GA3. The expressions of VvCIPK13 and VvCIPK14 were both induced by salt and drought stresses,but weren’t induced by cold. And the expression of VvCIPK14 was stronger than VvCIPK13. These results showed that VvCIPK13 and VvCIPK14 may play a key role in abiotic stress in grapevine.
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  • The Expression and Subcellular Localization of Chalcone Isomerase in Developing Grape Berries
  • WANG Huiling1,3,*,WANG Wei2,*,YAN Ailing1,3,SUN Lei1,4,ZHANG Guojun1,WANG Xiaoyue1,and XU Haiying1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1477-1485. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0043
  • Abstract ( 369 ) HTML ( 1022 ) PDF (7941KB) ( 1022 )    
  • The gene expression,protein accumulation and subcellular localization of Chalcone isomerase(CHI,EC developing grape berry(Vitis vinifera L.‘Cabernet Sauvignon’)was performed via RT-PCR,Western-blotting and immunogold electron microscopy technique using grape CHI antibody. The results showed that the quantity of CHI gene transcript and protein in developing grape berry was developmental stage dependant. The high content of CHI transcripts and protein was observed in grape berries at early development stage(20 days after flower)and veraison,corresponding well to the accumulation of total flavonoids. Immunogold localization result showed that CHI was mainly localized in cytoplasm of the young grape berry skin cells,while some gold particles representing CHI were also found in the vacuole and plastid. In the skin cells of grape berry at veraison,CHI was mainly distributed in cytoplasm,plastids and nuclear,and the gold particles representing CHI increased significantly at this stage;CHI were observed in cytoplasm at late developmental stage,a little was also investigated in the vacuole and plastids.
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  • Construction of Core Collection in Wild Rosa roxburghii from Guizhou Province Using EST-SSR Markers and Fruits Quality Traits
  • LU Min1,YAN Xiuqin1,BAI Jing1,ZHANG Huaishan1,WANG Daoping2,and AN Huaming1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1486-1495. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0792
  • Abstract ( 340 ) HTML ( 881 ) PDF (967KB) ( 881 )    
  • Genetic diversity of 220 wild Rosa roxburghii accessions was investigated using 10 EST-SSRs and quality traits. A total of 33 alleles were amplified by 10 pairs of EST-SSR primers,in which polymorphic alleles was 27. The polymorphic percentage was 76.67%. The coefficients of variation of 9 quality traits were all greater than 10%,in which the average fruit weight,titratable acid,total soluble solid/titratable acid,vitamin C and flavonoids content were above 20%. The 220 wild R. roxburghii germplasm resources in Guizhou were rich in genetic diversity in a wide range,suitable for the construction of the core collection. Nine quality traits were each further classified into 6 grades,treated as that 54 polymorphic alleles,were produced by 9 quality markers,together with EST-SSR markers,were performed for UPGMA clustering using Nei’s genetic distance. At the same time,the core collection was constructed by using the allele preferred sampling strategy. The ratio of phenotype retained,mean difference percentage,variance difference percentage,coincidence rate of range,changeable rate of coefficient of variation,percentage of polymorphic loci,Nei’s gene diversity index and Shannon’s information index were used to evaluate core collection. Principal coordinate analysis method was used to confirm core collection. Results showed that the 32 core collections can represent the genetic diversity of the original germplasm at the molecular level,the phenotypic level and the regional distribution.
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  • Genetic Analysis and Mapping of Genes Controlling Lettuce Lobed Leaf
  • YUAN Huanran,PAN Jiangpeng,and CHEN Jiongjiong*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1496-1504. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0373
  • Abstract ( 636 ) HTML ( 1177 ) PDF (912KB) ( 1177 )    
  • An F2 population derived from a cross between lettuce PI491070(entire leaf)and PI536760(lobed leaf)was used to study the gene controlling leaf shape. The segregating ratio of lobed to non-lobed leaf showed that lobed leaf was controlled by a single dominant gene. Using the BSR-seq method,the gene controlling lobed leaf was mapped on Chr3,in the interval of 60–140 Mb. A large F2 population with 1 159 recessive individuals was used to fine map the causal gene to the interval of Chr3:116.24–118.15 Mb. Twenty-four genes were predicted in this region. One gene LG3316063 encoding a zinc finger protein,has one base pair difference,leading to amino acid change between two parents. Five genotypes with lobed leaves randomly chosen from lettuce germplasm all have “G”at this SNP,while 7 genotypes with non-lobed leaves have nucleotide “T”. Therefore,the gene LG3316063 is predicted to be the candidate gene controlling the lettuce lobed leaf.
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  • Improvement Effects of Chitiosan on Rhizosphere Bacterial Community Structure of Tomato Plug Seedlings
  • DONG Chunjuan,LI Liang,WANG Lingling,and SHANG Qingmao*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1505-1516. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0155
  • Abstract ( 339 ) HTML ( 1122 ) PDF (2886KB) ( 1122 )    
  • In order to investigate the effects of chitosan on rhizosphere micro-environment of tomato plug seedlings,chitosan was applied to the substrate before sowing,and the rhizosphere bacterial diversities were detected by 454 pyrosequencing. The results showed that pH value of substrate did not change upon chitosan application,a decreased EC value was detected on 40 days after sowing. In the rhizosphere of tomato plug seedlings,the major bacteria genera included Acidovorax(8.92%),Opitutus(5.03%),and Massilia(2.43%). Application of chitosan could promote the growth of tomato seedlings. After chitosan application,the rhizosphere bacterial comunities changed markedly,and the bacterial richness and diversity decreased significantly. The dominant genera included Pelomonas(13.52%),Cellvibrio(8.21%),Rhizobium(2.91%),and Nitrosospira(1.04%). Most of these bacteria were potential plant growth-promoting bacteria. Taken together,chitosan could selectively promote the proliferation of benifical bacteria,and thereby improve the bacterial community in the rhizosphere substrate of tomato plug seedlings.
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  • Changes of Aroma-active Compounds in Different Cultivars of Osmanthus fragrans During Flowering
  • ZOU Jingjing2,*,CAI Xuan1,*,ZENG Xiangling2,ZHENG Riru1,**,and WANG Caiyun1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1517-1534. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0050
  • Abstract ( 783 ) HTML ( 1927 ) PDF (5029KB) ( 1927 )    
  • The flower petals of 12 Osmanthus fragrans cultivars in full flowering stages were used for Gas Chromatograph–Mass Spectrometer(GC–MS)analysis. The results showed that there were total 59 volatiles detected in 12 cultivars. The volatile compounds of sweet osmanthus were dominated by terpenoids. According to the sum of relative content of main volatiles compounds(> 0.05%)obtained in principal component analysis(PCA),sweet osmanthus were clustered into three groups. In yellow color flowers,O. fragrans‘Liuye Jingui’has been found to have the highest cumulative explained variance ratio,which is 56.75%;in white-yellow color flowers,O. fragrans‘Houban Yingui’has been found to have the highest cumulative explained variance ratio,which is 51.91%;and in orange color flowers,O. fragrans‘Gecheng Dangui’has been found to have the highest cumulative explained variance ratio,which is 58.88%. In addition,we selected these three representative osmanthus cultivars with different flower color and fragrance to detect the content of aroma-active compounds during flowering by Gas Chromatography–Olfactometry(GC–O)analysis. The results showed that the three cultivars of O. fragrans released aroma-active compounds with Luolan/woody/fruity odors in the initial flowering stage. From the initial flowering stage to the full flowering stage,O. fragrans‘Gecheng Dangui’with orange color released aroma-active compounds with floral odors;O. fragrans‘Houban Yingui’with white-yellow color has obvious herbal odors;and O. fragrans‘Liuye Jingui’with yellow color showed more prominent violet/woody/fruity odors. In the final flowering stage,both O. fragrans‘Gecheng Dangui’and O. fragrans‘Liuye Jingui’showed more prominent obvious green/fresh odors,while O. fragrans‘Houban Yingui’still has more obvious herbal odors,which may be the reason why people feel this fragrance releasing more constantly.
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  • Studies on the Taxonomy and Molecular Phylogeny of Acer in China
  • LIN Li1,2,LIN Lejing2,ZHU Zhiyong2,DING Yulong1,and KUAI Benke1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1535-1547. DOI:0.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0912
  • Abstract ( 561 ) HTML ( 1206 ) PDF (906KB) ( 1206 )    
  • Acer Linn.,a highly diversified genus with more than 200 species in the Aceraceae,has been an very difficult group in both taxonomical and phylogenetic studies. The infrageneric phylogeny,classification and systematic positions of some species remain unclear for this genus. The main objective of this study was to examine infrageneric relationships of Acer as inferred from molecular evidence against the traditional classification on the basis of the morphological characteristics. In addition,we intended to investigate the systematic position of some controversial species,as well as to reconstruct phylogeny of this genus. In this study,the nuclear ribosomal ITS region and four chloroplast regions(matk,rbcL,trnH-psbA and trnL-trnF)were sequenced or downloaded for 61 species in Acer,representing the 15 sections in Fang' system(1981). It was indicated that the revisions of Sect. Palmata,Sect. Microcarpa and Sect. Integrifolia in Xu' system(2008)were correct,which were supported by the species clusters. Based on cluster analysis and morphological data,three evolutionary branches of Acer were inferred. Sect. Palmata,Sect. Arguta,Sect. Spicata,Sect. Cissifolia and Sect. Negundo belong to the same evolutionary branch,Sect. Acer,Sect. Ginnala,Sect. Hyptiocarpa,Sect. Integrifolia,Sect. Trifoliata and Sect. Pentaphylla were located in another evolutionary branch,and Sect. Platanoidea,Sect. Macrantha and Sect. Lithocarpa were clustered in the third evolutionary branch. In addition,some morphological indicators,such as sexuality,inflorescence type,leaf shape,and leaflets number were proved important for studying infrageneric phylogeny of this genus. Our results also demonstrated that A. olivaceum should be better treated as a synonym of A. elegantulum,while the systematic positions of A. wardii,A. hookeri,A. yangjuechi,A. prolificum,and A. changhuaense require further study.
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Research Notes

  • Effects of Zinc Stress on Accumulation and Distribution of Zinc and Expression of 9 MTP Genes in Malus robusta Seedlings
  • HU Ya,WANG Yanxiu*,ZHU Yanfang,GUO Aixia,and JIA Xumei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1548-1558. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0045
  • Abstract ( 547 ) HTML ( 774 ) PDF (764KB) ( 774 )    
  • To investigate the responses of zinc(Zn)accumulation,distribution and molecular level to high Zn stress,the experimental materials,Malus robusta Rehd. seedlings with eight leaves,were treated with different Zn concentrations(4,25,50,100 μmol ? L-1)by solution culture. The results showed that the excessive Zn stress seriously affected plant growth and the accumulation and distribution of Zn in apple seedlings. With the increase of Zn concentration,the content of Zn in roots was significantly higher than that in stems and leaves. The increase of bioaccumulation factor(BAF)and the decrease of translocation factor(TF)all indicated that Zn was accumulated in the roots to reduce the damage to the ground. According to the relative expression of 9 MTP genes,correlation analysis under high zinc stress,expression of MTP genes was closely associated with Zn content. The expression of MTP1 had tissue specificity that was significantly higher in stems and leaves than that in roots. The expression of MTPC2-like was significantly positively correlated with Zn content under the treatment of 4 μmol ? L-1 Zn,but the correlation decreased under the high concentration of Zn stress,which indicated that the expression of MTP gene had effects of concentration.
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  • Evaluation of Resistance to Apple Ring Rot in Malus Germplasms
  • HOU Hui1,2,*,ZHANG Hengtao2,*,ZHOU Zengqiang2,**,WANG Li2,YAN Zhenli2,and WANG Shengrong1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1559-1568. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0286
  • Abstract ( 274 ) HTML ( 828 ) PDF (1365KB) ( 828 )    
  • One hundred and eighty-nine Malus germplasms accessions were tested by use the method of artificial inoculating branches identification with ZZ26 and field identification in their resistance to Apple ring rot. Based on these identification results,the resistance of the germplasms was classified and assessed. The results showed that there were significant difference in the resistance among accessions and no Malus germplasm tested was found immune to Apple ring rot. By artificial inoculation,the 189 Malus germplasms were grouped into four groups of 16 highly resistant,75 medium resistant,81 medium susceptible and 17 highly susceptible varieties. By field identification,that of all the germplasms were grouped into three groups and 144 accessions were highly resistant,44 medium resistant,1 medium susceptible in 2012,and 14 accessions were highly resistant,162 medium resistant,13 medium susceptible in 2013. No highly susceptible germplasm was found in two years. Another investigation in 2017,the results showed that the consistency rate of field identification and artificial inoculation identification improved with plantation age increasing gradually,and 13.23% in 2012,38.62% in 2013,and reached 57.14% in 2017. With comprehensive disease resistance screening,we got better consistency germplasms of 2 highly resistant were Kitanosach and Qinguan.
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  • Fate of Fertilizer Nitrogen and Total Balance of Soil Nitrogen in Fuji Apple During Fruit Rapid-swelling Stage
  • WANG Fen,TIAN Ge,YU Bo,HE Liu,LIU Xiaoxia,GE Shunfeng*,and JIANG Yuanmao*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1569-1578. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0126
  • Abstract ( 269 ) HTML ( 828 ) PDF (722KB) ( 828 )    
  • The effect of fertilizer N absorption and utilization,soil N residue and total balance of soil N under different nitrogen levels(0,50,100,150,200,250 kg ? hm-2)were studied using 15N isotope tracer technique during Fuji apple fruit rapid-swelling stage. The results showed that when the nitrogen level was lower than 100 kg ? hm-2,the fruit quality and yield increased significantly with the increase of nitrogen level. But when the level of nitrogen application was higher than 100 kg ? hm-2,there was no significant difference among treatments. With the increase of nitrogen application,nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate decreased gradually. The tree nitrogen from soil nitrogen proportion gradually decreased,and the proportion from fertilizer nitrogen increased;At the end of fruit rapid-swelling stage(after 2 months of nitrogen application),5.98%–13.78% of fertilizer N was absorbed by tree,27.26%–37.38% of fertilizer N was resided in 0–60 cm soil,and 48.84%–66.76% of fertilizer N was lost by other means. With the increase of nitrogen application rate,the amount of fertilizer N absorbed by trees and soil N residue were increased gradually,but the utilization rate of fertilizer N and soil residual rate were decreased,and meantime,the loss and the loss rate were increased gradually. With the increase of nitrogen application,0–60 cm soil inorganic nitrogen(NO3--N + NH4+-N) content increased significantly,and residual inorganic nitrogen in the soil profile is mainly distributed in the topsoil(0–20 cm). The accumulation of inorganic nitrogen was negative accumulation with no nitrogen and low nitrogen level(50 kg ? hm-2). When the nitrogen application rate was higher than 100 kg ? hm-2,the accumulation of inorganic nitrogen was positive. With the increase of nitrogen application,soil total nitrogen balance is changed from deficit to surplus,the results showed that low nitrogen application rate could cause the decrease of soil N fertility,and the excessive application of nitrogen could increase the accumulation of nitrogen and increase the risk of nitrogen pollution. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between soil total nitrogen balance and nitrogen application rate in the test fertilization level,the regression equation is y = 0.2912x–22.481(R2 = 0.986),soil nitrogen reached balance when the nitrogen rate was 77.20 kg ? hm-2.
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  • Bioinformatics and Subcellular Localization on Citrus yellow vein clearing virus-Triple Gene Block
  • CUI Tiantian,WANG Yanjiao,LI Zhongan,ZHOU Changyong,and SONG Zhen*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1579-1588. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0165
  • Abstract ( 446 ) HTML ( 1401 ) PDF (1975KB) ( 1401 )    
  • Citrus yellow vein cleansing virus(CYVCV)is a simple positive-sense RNA virus. Its genome contains six open reading frames(ORFs),among which ORF2,ORF3 and ORF4 constitute a triple gene block(TGB). The TGB gene of CYVCV was amplified and cloned by using the total RNA of infected Eureka lemon[Citrus limon(L.)Burm. F.]. Bioinformatic analysis of TGB encoded proteins were carried out with the physicochemical property and molecular characteristics. The TGB gene subcellular localization vector were constructed through the In-Fusion? technology and transformated to onion epidermal cells mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Subcellular localization was then observed under fluorescence microscope. Bioinformatics analysis results showed that the physicochemical properties and molecular characteristics of CYVCV-TGB were similar to that of the Potexvirus,and the TGB may involved in virus movement in the host. Subcellular localization results showed that TGBp1 was located on the cell wall(cell membrane),while TGBp2 and TGBp3 were mainly located on the cell wall(cell membrane),with a small amount located in the cell. These results laid the foundation of revealing the CYVCV movement mechanism.
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  • Determination of Biological Characteristics and Preliminary Screening of Control Fungicides of Fusarium acuminatum Causing Fusarium Fruit Rot on Blueberry
  • WANG Chunwei,WANG Yan*,ZHANG Xiqian,ZHANG Zuogang,WANG Meiqin,and WANG Jianming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1589-1598 . DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0017
  • Abstract ( 347 ) HTML ( 972 ) PDF (745KB) ( 972 )    
  • The biological characteristics and fungicide control of Fusarium acuminatum causing Fusarium fruit rot were studied. The results of biological characteristics showed that the optimal media for mycelium growth and spore production were PSA and OA,respectively. The optimal temperature was 20 ℃ for mycelium growth,and 21 ℃ for spore production. Maltose and CMC-Na were optimal carbon sources for mycelium growth and spore production,respectively. Yeast powder was optimal nitrogen source for mycelium growth,and urea was suitable for spore production. The optimum pH for mycelium growth was 5 to 6,and the optimal pH for spore production was 6. The full darkness was suitable for mycelium growth. Under full light condition,the pathogen could produce more abundant spores. The mycelial lethal temperature was at 51 ℃ for 10 min. The spore lethal temperature was at 67 ℃ for 10 min. The results of orthogonal test showed that temperature was the most important influence factor on colony diameter. The sensitivity of F. acuminatum to 21 fungicides was detected by mycelium growth rate method. The results showed that the pathogen was more sensitive to Paenibacillus polymyxa,Bacillus cereus,fludioxonil,propiconazole · azoxystrobin and B. subtilis(EC50 < 0.5000 mg · L-1). The results of control effect experiment showed that fludioxonil and Paenibacillus polymyxa with lower disease incidence and lesion diameter had better control effects,and could effectively control Fusarium fruit rot on blueberry.
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  • Research on Proper Proportions of Fermented Helianthus tuberosus Straw of Tomatoes in Substrate Culture
  • JI Yanhai1,3,ZHAO Mengliang2,WU Zhanhui1,3,LIANG Hao1,3,and LIU Mingchi1,2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1599-1608. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0238
  • Abstract ( 299 ) HTML ( 678 ) PDF (707KB) ( 678 )    
  • In order to study the feasibility of utilizations of fermented Helianthus tuberosus straw(FHTS)as substrates,and to find a proper proportions of mixed substrate for soilless cultivation,the growing adaptability of tomato in mixed substrates with FHTS was researched. In the control group(CK),peat︰vermiculite = 2︰1;five treatments were set with the proportions of FHTS being 10%,20%,30%,40% and 50%. Physicochemical properties of the compound substrates were tested and effects for growth,quality,yield and disease resistance were carried out. The results showed that a higher proportion of FHTS resulted in lower bulk density(BD),total porosity(TP),and water retaining porosity(WTP). However,water-holding capacity(WHC),aeration porosity(AP),void ratio(VR) were raised with the increasing proportion of FHTS. Plant height of 30% treatment was increased 8.22% than that of CK. Pn were first increased and then decreased with the increasing proportion of FHTS,and treatments of 10%,20%,30%,and 40% were 21.53%,17.72%,14.77% and 14.20% higher than that of CK,significantly. Disease index(DI)of CK(70.00)was higher than that of other treatments(35.72–51.98). The content of soluble solids,vitamin C,soluble sugar,sugar acid ratio were first increased and then decreased with the increasing proportion of FHTS. And the amount of FHTS added was 20%–30%,the content of vitamin C,soluble sugar and sugar acid ratio were significantly higher than that of CK. Titratable acid of CK was higher than that of other treatments,and sugar acid ratio of 30% treatment was the highest and 110.39% higher than that of CK,significantly. Yield per plant of 20% and 10% treatments were 14.50% and 12.50% higher than that of CK. The observed consequences indicated that 20%–30% volume proportions of FHTS were suitable for tomato cultivation.

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  • Analysis on Introduction Trial and Genetic Diversity of Black Locust Populations
  • ZHANG Shuang1,GU Juntao2,WANG Jinmao1,ZUO Lihui1,and YANG Minsheng1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1609-1618. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0964
  • Abstract ( 357 ) HTML ( 858 ) PDF (754KB) ( 858 )    
  • This paper studies the genetic diversity in different geographical conditions can help to understand geographic variation pattern of black locust in China,which can be a reference for the cultivation. Contrast experimental forests were built in Baoding,Hebei with black locust seeds collected from 19 provenances,and the growth traits were investigated. Analysis of SSR markers of 19 populations of total 570 samples are done. Investigation of 5-year-old experimental forest showed that different groups in survival rate,height and diameter at breast height(DBH)had significant differences,that survival rate ranged 53.33%–83.33%,height changed in 5.65–6.61 m,DBH distributed in 4.28–5.48 cm. There was a significant differences in growth traits among populations of different origins,that the performance of the experimental forests planting area as the center radiates outside. The population which farther away from the test site,has a lower survival rate and growth,that indicates the black locust have formed geographical variations in growth traits,with abundant genetic diversity. SSR analysis showed that the total genetic diversity(HT)changes in amplitude of 0.5154–0.7569,and coefficient of genetic differentiation(GST)has an average of 0.0128. The variation among populations only 1.28% shows that the most variation within populations. The number of effective alleles,expected heterozygosity and observed heterozygosity of 19 black locust populations show increasing from north to south. Correlation analysis of growth traits and genetic parameters showed significant negative correlations. The black locust from different origins have an abundant genetic diversity,that has initially formed a geographical variation. The results show that the farther away from the test site,the populations have the lower survival rate and growth;affected by latitude and the annual mean temperature,number of effective allele,expected heterozygosity and observed heterozygosity both showed trend of increasing from north to south.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Medium-ripening Peach Cultivar‘Qinchao’
  • LI Gaochao1,HUO Qiangqiang1,FAN Chonghui1,*,CAO Shan2,*,HAN Mingyu1,TIAN Yuming1,LI Yunliang1,and LU Zhicheng3
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1619-1620. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0920
  • Abstract ( 352 ) HTML ( 876 ) PDF (2001KB) ( 876 )    
  • ‘Qinchao’peach is the bud mutation of‘Qinwang’. Its average fruit weight is 334 g,and the biggest one is 600 g. Its fruit is flat round,and its fruit surface is attached to the thick red halo and all red. The flesh is white,hard-melting,clingstone,sweet flavor,palatable aroma,sweet with soluble solids content of 14.5%. The flesh firmness is 9.59 kg ? cm-2. It has good character for storage and transportation,and it has longer shelf-life. After ripening the picking time can be extended 30–40 days. ‘Qinchao’is high yield and the yield can up to 31 500 kg ? hm-2 for 5-year tree.

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  • A New Large Aril Pomegranate Cultivar‘Jingliu’
  • ZHAO Dengchao1,SUN Lei1,*,HAO Zhaoxiang2,TANG Guimin3,HAN Chuanming1,WANG Yanqin2,and JIA Ming1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1621-1622. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0925
  • Abstract ( 339 ) HTML ( 733 ) PDF (836KB) ( 733 )    
  • ‘Jingliu’is a new large aril pomegranate cultivar selected from pomegranate of white pericarp in Zaozhuang,Shandong. The fruit is nearly round. Its average fruit weight is 455 g,the biggest fruit can amount to 820 g. The pericarp color is white. Shape in cross section is circular or angular. Seed is hard,100-aril weight is 78.3 g. It is a large aril pomegranate cultivar. The main color of aril is white,with a small amount of needle shaped radiation. The soluble solids content is 15.1%,the flavor is sweet. Its yield is high and stable. The new cultivar fruit is large,has good quality and mild cracking characteristics.
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  • A New Hybrid Winter Gourd Cultivar‘Tiezhu 2’
  • XIE Dasen*,JIANG Biao,LIU Wenrui,PENG Qingwu,and LIN Yu’e
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(8): 1625-1626. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0910
  • Abstract ( 662 ) HTML ( 784 ) PDF (1281KB) ( 784 )    
  • ‘Tiezhu 2’is a middle maturity hybrid of winter gourd[Benincasa hispida(Thumb.)Cogn. How.] with good quality,high yield and tolerance to storage. The fruit is in long cylinder shape,with dark green skin,weighing about 14.8 kg. The fruit is 82.4 cm in length,19.0 cm in diameter and 6.6 cm in flesh thickness. The white flesh is firm and compactness ratio is 0.8756 g ? cm-3. The hybrid grows vigorously and has wide adaptability. Seeds are ridged margins,with short dormancy. The yield is above 91 t ? hm-2. It takes 115 days to harvest from sowing. The cultivar is moderately resistant to Phytophthora blight wilt and resistant to Fusarum wilt.

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