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2015, Vol.42, No.7 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • An Investigation on the Mechanism Involved in Defense Response Induced by Methyl Jasmonate in Grape Cell Suspensions
  • WANG Kai-Tuo, LIAO Yun-Xia, DI Hua-Tao, HAN Lin, ZHENG Yong-Hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1225-1232. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0001
  • Abstract ( 407 ) HTML ( 1083 ) PDF (376KB) ( 1083 )    
  • In order to determine the mechanism underlying the MeJA(methyl jasmonate)-induced defense response in grapes,the grape cell suspensions from Vitis vinifera L. × V. labrusca L.‘Kyoho’berries with being subcultured once were served as materials. The grape cells were shaking-cultured in the 100 mL B5 liquid medium,in which the MeJA were supplied to obtain the final concentration of 10 μmol ? L-1. Then the cell cultures in half of shake flasks were supplemented with 5 mL of 100 nmol ? L-1 cryptogein solution for simulating pathogenic inoculation process and then incubated for 15 days. The cell growth,intracellular H2O2 burst,expression levels of defense-related genes such as VvNPR1.1,PR1 and PR2 as well as contents of individual stilbene phytoalexins were measured at 3-day intervals. These results showed that treatment with 10 μmol ? L-1 MeJA alone could not activate the defense response in grape cells throughout the whole incubation. In contrast,the cryptogein treatment alone remarkably induced H2O2burst and promoted the expressions of PR genes and contents of individual phytoalexins. Upon challenged with the cryptogein,the 10 μmol ? L-1 MeJA-treated cells displayed a series of more significant augmented defense responses including stronger H2O2 burst,more enhanced transcript levels of defense-related genes and phytoalexins biosynthesis compared with the reaction in cryptogein elicitation alone. Since the MeJA-treated cells only showed an enhanced capacity to augment systemic resistance with the present of pathogenic elicitor,it is thus clear that 10 μmol ? L-1 MeJA triggers a defense response that can be attributed to obvious Priming mechanism in grape cell suspensions,rather than direct inducible resistance. In addition,the MeJA-induced Priming defense did not exhibit the significant influence on the growth of grape cell suspensions during the whole incubation,indicating that Priming mechanism had no negative effect on cell growth and accumulation of intercellular compounds.
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  • Isolation and Expression Analysis of Cytokinin Oxidase Gene CKX3 in Kyoho Grapevine
  • YU Yi-He, LI Xiu-Zhen, CHEN Di-Xin, LI Gui-Rong, LI Xue-Qiang, ZHANG Guo-Hai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1233-1240. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1106
  • Abstract ( 639 ) HTML ( 1132 ) PDF (326KB) ( 1132 )    
  • Combined with the homologous clone and RACE technology to clone the cytokinin oxidase gene CKX3 in Kyoho grapevine,and analyzes the characteristics of the gene expression and its response to cytokinin. Sequence analysis indicated that CKX3 consisted of 2 049 bp,with ORF of 1 569 bp,encoded 522 amino acids. The deduced amino acids possessed FAD-binding and cytokinin-bining domains. CKX3 gene is located on chromosome 7 in grapevine,this gene contains 4 introns and 5 exons. Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic analysis showed that CKX3 had the highest evolutionary relationship with NuCKX3 from Nelumbo nucifera,and had the highest homology with PtCKX3 from Populus trichocarpa. The results at transcriptional level indicated that expression of CKX3 was main in root and inflorescence,the expression in tendril and fruit tissues was higher than that of stem and leavestissues. In inflorescence development process,the expression of CKX3 in blooming before is low,the expression in blooming and blooming later is increased. In the grapevine leaves after 6-BA treatment,the expression of CKX3 and the cytokinin oxidase enzyme activity were higher than that of control.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of FaMDHAR and FaGR Gene from Strawberry
  • LIN Yuan-Xiu, GU Xin-Xin, WU Wan-Ling, HOU Yan-Xia, TANG Hao-Ru
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1241-1250. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1135
  • Abstract ( 576 ) HTML ( 1140 ) PDF (338KB) ( 1140 )    
  • In order to furtherly investigate the function of monodehydroascorbate reductase(MDHAR)and glutathione reductase(GR),their cDNA sequences have been identified from strawberry(Fragaria × ananassa‘Toyonaka’)using homology cloning method. The full length of FaMDHAR cDNA is 1 305 bp,it encodes a putative protein consisted of 434 amino acids,which contains a conserved FAD binding domain. The subcellular location of this peptide is in cytoplasmic. The fragment of FaGR cDNA contains an open reading frame(ORF)of 1 491 bp,encoding a putative protein(496 amino acids,its molecular weight is 53 kD). It is also predicted to localize in cytoplasmic. The results of real-time quantitative PCR showed that,among different tissues the highest relative expression level of FaMDHARwas detected in ripe fruits,the lowest expression level was detected in root. Whereas,FaGR expressed higher in leaves and flowers compared to the expression level in ripe fruits. What’s more,the FaMDHAR expressed in green fruits and it increased dramatically up to the white stage where it showed the highest level,thereafter it decreased and stayed at a constantly level during the later ripening stages. Also,during the fruit development and ripening,FaGR showed a substantial increasing from the green fruits up to the turning stage where the highest expression was detected,thereafter it decreased and expressed lower in the ripe fruits compared to the earlier stages. And these two enzyme activities changed during fruit development and ripening,which showed similar trend with their expression pattern respectively. Furthermore,under 4 ℃ low temperature stress the relative expression level of FaMDHAR in leaves significantly increased compare to the control;In contrast,the relative expression level of FaGR showed no significant change. The results indicate that the FaMDHAR and FaGR express differently in different tissues and developmental stages,and under low temperature stress.
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  • Research of Relationship Between Sweet Cherry Lapins Self-compatibility and SFB4′ Gene
  • LI Yang, LI Chang-Long, WANG Jing, YAN Guo-Hua, ZHANG Xiao-Ming, LI Wei, ZHANG Kai-Chun, LI Tian-Zhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1251-1259. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0104
  • Abstract ( 710 ) HTML ( 834 ) PDF (556KB) ( 834 )    
  • The sweet cherry Lapins and Rainier were S1S4 genotype,self-pollination rate of Lapinswas 31.3%,performed self-compatibility and that of Rainier was 0,showed self-incompatibility. In the reciprocal cross experiment,it showed compatible when Lapins was the male parent,however,it showed incompatible if using Rainier as male parent. This result suggested that the reason of the Lapins self-compatibility might be caused by pollen side mutation;The pollen germination rate of Lapins was 58.08% and that of Rainier was 57.82%. The S genotypes offspring of self-pollination and cross-pollination were identified by Rainier and the results showed that S4 genotype can be detected in all generations,but S1 genotype was in part of the offspring,this further proved that Lapins pollen can germinate normal,and the self-compatibility may be caused by a mutated gene on S4 genotype pollen side. Previous studies had found that Lapins pollen SFB4 has 4 nucleotide deletion in 911 bp,and this SFB4′ gene linked style S4-RNase closely in our experiment,the linkage rate was 100%;The self-fruit rate ranged from 23.3% to 61.4% in the offsprings contained SFB4′,suggest that Lapins self-compatible may be determined by SFB4′;RT-PCR and sequencing displayed that Lapins SFB4′ and Rainier SFB4 can transcription normally,but 4 bp DNA deletion should cause a truncated protein in C terminal,and SDS-PAGE showed that the SFB4-GST fusion protein was a bit bigger than the SFB4′-GST protein. The results above showed that:The self-compatible of Lapins may be caused by the pollen side SFB4′ mutation,amino acid deletion may lead SFB4′ loss the ability to recognize S-RNase.
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  • Physiological Responses and Tolerance Evaluation of Fig Cultivars to Waterlogging
  • QI Lin, MA Na, WU Wen-Wen, AN Yu-Yan, XU Jun-Cheng, QIN Xiang-Hong, WANG Liang-Ju
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1273-1284. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0086
  • Abstract ( 766 ) HTML ( 1658 ) PDF (393KB) ( 1658 )    
  • In order to evaluate the waterlogging tolerance of fig(Ficus carica Linn.),potted-cuttings of 12 cultivars were used to compare the effects of waterlogging on leaf pigments,antioxidant enzyme activities,reactive oxygen metabolism,malonaldehyde(MDA),proline,soluble protein content and the chlorophyll fast fluorescence characteristics under full flooding condition. The results showed that waterlogging significantly reduced the content of leaf pigment and soluble protein in all cultivars,but the superoxide anions,MDA and proline contents were significantly increased under the stress;Nevertheless,the amplitudes were different dependent upon cultivars. Furthermore,the leaf chlorophyll fast fluorescence characteristics,including prompt fluorescence of OJIP curves,PSⅠ and PSⅡ reaction center activities and photosynthetic capacity indexes of fig cultivars were significantly impaired by waterlogging stress,most of them were closely correlated with waterlogging tolerance. According to the leaf injury index and the correlated physiological parameters under waterlogging,the 12 cultivars were classified into four groups by fuzzy clustering of SPSS20 software,where 102A,105A and 121E were waterlogging tolerant,106A,113C,107B and 112C were medium tolerant,101A,110C and 114C were weak tolerant,and 117D and 118D were sensitive cultivars.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Tomato LeLACmiR397 Gene
  • ZHAO Xian-Yan, PANG Ming-Li, ZHAO Qiang, REN Yi-Ran, HAO Yu-Jin, YOU Chun-Xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1285-1298. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1079
  • Abstract ( 485 ) HTML ( 1217 ) PDF (1399KB) ( 1217 )    
  • Laccases are glycoproteins with polyphenol oxidase acitivity depending on copper. They ubiquitously exist in plants,fungi,insects,bacteria and other organisms,playing crucial roles in lignin synthesis,ion absorption and stress responses. It has been documented that several LAC genes were regulated by microRNAs at post–transcriptional level. In this study,homology BLAST was conducted in GenBank for LAC ESTs. Resultly,15 tomato ESTs highly similar with LAC genes were obtained,and spliced into a LAC fragment named as LeLACmiR397 containing a recognition site of miR397. In addition,a Cu-oxidase domain was predicted to be in the deduced LeLACmiR397 protein. To check the temporal and spatial expression of LeLACmiR397,semi-quantitative RT-PCR was performed. It was found that LeLACmiR397 specifically expressed in roots,flowers,ripe fruit and callus,but not in leaves. Then,its full length cDNA was cloned with RT-PCR and 5′- and 3′-RACEs,and registered as EU503151 in GenBank,corresponding to Solyc07g049460.2.1 in tomato genome. The data showed that LeLACmiR397 expression was down-regulated in the transgenic tomato overexpressing miR397a,and the contents of PPO,POD and SOD were reduced too. When being treated with Syringic acid and Sinapic acid,transgenic tomatoseedlings overexpressing LeLACmiR397 had longer root system and showed stronger resistance than WT. These results suggested that LeLACmiR397 was related to resistance to Syringic acid and Sinapic acid in tomato.
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  • Development of a Core Collection of Processing Tomato Germplasms and Analysis of Genetic Background
  • DENG Xue-Bin, LIU Lei, YAN Zhe, LI Tao, LIU Xi-Yan, FENG Jing-Jing, CHI Hai-Juan, ZHENG Zheng, LI Jun-Ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1299-1312. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0134
  • Abstract ( 344 ) HTML ( 1492 ) PDF (589KB) ( 1492 )    
  • Based on 3 026 accessions of processing tomato germplasms collected in the last 50 years,10 kinds of primary core collections were established by using 20 phenotypic traits and 46 SNP markers evenly distributed over 12 chromosomes combining with 5 different strategies(Mstrat,Random,REMC,SBS and SFS). Finally a core collection of processing tomato was determined after the evaluation and analysis of their representativeness. M strategy is a valid method to develop a core collection for the subgroup of processing tomato. The collected processing tomato germplasms could be divided into two clusters and their genetic backgrounds are based on cultivated tomato accession E6203 and M82 as the representative accessions of processing tomato,respectively. The established core collection GCC1 evenly distributed in the population of the initial processing tomato germplasms.
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  • Effects of Bulk Density of Sandy Loam Soil on Seedling Growth and Root Architecture of Tomato Plants in Greenhouse
  • LIU Wan-Gou, HE Yong-Yi, XIE Hai-Rong, LI Liang-Xian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1313-1320. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1144
  • Abstract ( 379 ) HTML ( 1115 ) PDF (487KB) ( 1115 )    
  • Soil compaction is one of soil restricting factors for greenhouse vegetable production. The effects of bulk density of 1.20(D1.20),1.35(D1.35)and 1.58 g ? cm-3(D1.58)in sandy loam on seedling growth and root architecture of tomato were investigated using soil columns in greenhouse. The results showed that leaf elongation rate,plant height,plant water content,fresh and dry weight,root to shoot ratios were negatively correlated with soil bulk density. Root surface area,root length density and root volume density also decreased significantly with increasing soil bulk density. High bulk density inhibited root penetration to deep soil,and consequently influenced root distribution,e.g. roots were confined to the top 6 cm soils in D1.58 treatment. In soil profile,the distribution of root mass,root surface area,root length density and root volume density decreased significantly with increasing soil bulk density. In root hair zone,root invagination and cell deformation occurred in outer cortex under D1.58,and the roundness(R)and eccentricity(e)of root transverse section increased significantly with increasing bulk density,which indicated that the ability of root uptake would decrease. It is concluded that a decrease in soil cultivation layer would inhibit root growth of the deep-root vegetables such as tomato plant.
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  • Effects of the Starch Accumulation on Photosynthesis of Cucumber Leaves Under Long Term Elevated CO2 Condition
  • ZHANG Li-Hong, SONG Yang, ZHANG Zhi-Wei, SUN Shi-Jun, PAN Lu, TAN Zhan-Ming, CUI Shi-Mao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1321-1328. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0011
  • Abstract ( 463 ) HTML ( 1275 ) PDF (261KB) ( 1275 )    
  • In this experiment,Jinyou 37 was selected as the material to study the relationship between photosynthesis and starch content of grafted cucumber in greenhouse at elevated CO2 conditions. The results showed that:① High temperature treatment inhibited the net photosynthesis rate of cucumber leaves and reached at the peak level after treatment of 22 days,content of starch and carbohydrate was the lowest of the treatments. ② The photosynthesis could be promoted with elevated CO2. It reached at the peak level after 29 days of treatment with elevated CO2 at ambient temperature,while treatment with elevated CO2 at high temperature extent to 36 days. ③ Content of carbohydrate presented the opposite changes with starch content. Starch content was higher than control after treatment of 36 days withelevated CO2 at high temperature condition;Content of starch with elevated CO2 at ambient temperature started to increase after treatment of 22 days,of which was earlier than the other treatments in terms of the starting time of the starch accumulation,but its net photosynthesis was lower than control after treatment of 36 days,starch content t had significant negative correlation relationship with the net photosynthetic rate,which turned out that the accumulation of starch made a feedback to photosynthesis in cucumber leaves.
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  • Analysis of InDel Markers and Identification of Chromosome Number in Selfing Progenies of Chinese Cabbage–Head Cabbage Chromosome 1 Disomic Alien Addition Line
  • LI Yan-Bin, XUAN Shu-Xin, WANG Yan-Hua, FENG Da-Ling, ZHAO Jian-Jun, SHEN Shu-Xing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1329-1337. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0249
  • Abstract ( 387 ) HTML ( 934 ) PDF (885KB) ( 934 )    
  • Based on the identification of Chinese cabbage–head cabbage addition lines and the screening of InDel markers on the corresponding linkage groups,46 selfing offspring individuals of Chinese cabbage - head cabbage chromosome 1 disomic alien addition lines were identified and analyzed using InDel markers and cytological method in order to clarify their chromosomal organization and number. The results showed that the specific fragment of head cabbage C03 chromosome could be amplified by each of 67 InDel markers corresponding to C03 linkage group of head cabbage in one individual plant at least. Of 46 selfing offsprings,three individual plants with 22 chromosomes were Chinese cabbage–head cabbage chromosome 1 disomic alien addition lines,six individual plants with 21 chromosomes were Chinese cabbage–head cabbage monosomic addition lines,one individual plant with20 chromosomes was Chinese cabbage–head cabbage disomic substitution line,twenty-eight individual plants with 20 chromosomes were Chinese cabbage translocation lines adding chromosomal C03 fragments of head cabbage. In addition,there were three individual plants with 22 chromosomes and two individual plants with 21 chromosomes,which were inferred to be Chinese cabbage aneuploids with the translocation fragments of head cabbage C03 chromosome. And three individual plants were not detected the specific bands of cabbage. This study will offer useful information for further research and utility of these selfing offsprings.

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  • Analysis of the Expression of Chlorophyll Degrading Genes During Senescence of Broccoli
  • FAN Yan-Yan, LIU Yu-Mei, LI Zhan-Sheng, FANG Zhi-Yuan, YANG Li-Mei, ZHUANG Mu, ZHANG Yang-Yong, SUN Pei-Tian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1338-1346. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0155
  • Abstract ( 476 ) HTML ( 836 ) PDF (298KB) ( 836 )    
  • Two different storage properties broccoli‘8554’and‘90196’were used for the study. In this work,the changes of chlorophyll content and the relative expression levels of chlorophyll degrading genes in the two high-generation inbred lines were analyzed. The results showed that the chlorophyll contents of the two materials showed decreased during the storage,while‘8554’declined slowly and remained higher compared with‘90196’. The expression of BoCLH1(chlorophyllase 1)showed the samebehavior in the two materials,it was detected a higher expression before storage,then decreased to a low level during the storage. The expression of BoCLH2(chlorophyllase 2)changed slightly in‘8554’,however it changed largely in‘90196’,and the expression level was higher than‘8554’.The expression of BoPPH(pheophytinase)declined in‘8554’during the whole storage,but it had a evident increase at the 14th day in‘90196’. The expression of BoPaO(pheide a oxygenase)had a sharp increase in both of them,but the day appeared in‘8554’was later than‘90196’. The obvious expression peak of BoRCCR(red chlorophyll catabolite reductase)appeared in‘90196’,but it did not appear in‘8554’. Those results indicated that the mechanism of chlorophyll degradation was different in different storage properties broccoli,the changes of chlorophyll content were mainly regulated by the expression levels of BoCLH2,BoPPH,BoPaO and BoRCCR in the senescence,and BoCLH1 was responsible for the degradation of chlorophyll in the initial stage.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Flowering Inhibitor CmFLC-like1 Gene in Chrysanthemum
  • ZHAN Yan-Li, WANG Cui-Bo, QI Yu-Ying, CHEN Fa-Di, JIANG Jia-Fu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1347-1355. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0106
  • Abstract ( 634 ) HTML ( 1027 ) PDF (790KB) ( 1027 )    
  • The full-length cDNA sequence of Chrysanthemum morflorium(Ramat.)Kitam.‘Yuuka’CmFLC-like1 gene was obtained using PCR and RACE. The cDNA was 945 bp in length with a 636 bp open reading frame which encodes a peptide of 211 residues. CmFLC-like1 has a high homology to VvFLC(Vitis vinifera)and DlFLC(Dimocarpus longan)contained a typical MADS domain,with the homology of 55% and 52%,respectively. CmFLC-like1 was located in the nuclear genome by subcellular localization. And it has no transcription activation activity in yeast system,while it show inhibitory activity in the plastid transformation system. CmFLC-like1 has the highest expression levels in leaves,while the lowest expression in stems and shoot tip,followed by root. The expression of CmFLC-like1 was inhibited by low temperature,especially at 4 ℃. Furthermore,the longer the cold treatment time,the more suppresser ofCmFLC-like1 expression.
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  • Effect of Glucose and Ethylene on Flower Color and Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Tree Peony‘Luoyanghong’Cut Flower
  • GAO Shu-Lin, ZHANG Chao, DU Dan-Ni, LIU Ai-Qing, DONG Li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1356-1366. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1000
  • Abstract ( 431 ) HTML ( 1081 ) PDF (682KB) ( 1081 )    
  • The effects of different treatments(10 μL ? L-1 ethylene,1 μL ? L-1 ethylene inhibitor 1-MCP,90 g ? L-1 glucose and 90 g ? L-1 glucose in combination with 10 μL ? L-1 ethylene)on flower color and anthocyanin biosynthesis in the cut flowers of a tree peony(Paeonia suffruticosa)purplish red-?owered cultivar‘Luoyanghong’were investigated. Results showed that flowers under ethylene treatment presented higher lightness,lower redness and chroma,as well as decreased anthocyanin content compared to ones from the control treatment. However,1-MCP treatment had no significant effects on the cut flowers. Glucose treatment prominently decreased lightness,increased redness and chroma of theflowers,and enhanced the anthocyanin accumulation. Similarly,glucose-ethylene combined treatment also marked beneficial effects on the coloration and anthocyanin accumulation. qRT-PCR was used to analyze the relative expression levels of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes and results showed that ethylene treatment significantly inhibited the expression of all tested genes,while glucose enhanced the expression of most genes. Glucose-ethylene combined treatment significantly up-regulated the genes,which would be inhibited by ethylene solo treatment. According to all above results,it can be concluded that petal coloration and anthocyanin biosynthesis in tree peony‘Luoyang Hong’cut flower is negatively regulated by ethylene signaling but positively regulated by glucose signaling. Moreover,ethylene signaling and glucose signaling have an antagonism effect on anthocyanin biosynthesis,since glucose increased anthocyanin accumulation which was inhibited by ethylene.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of a B-box-type Protein Gene BlCOL13 in Betula luminifera
  • DOU Jin-Qing, CHENG Long-Jun, XU Feng-Hua, ZHANG Jun-Hong, TONG Zai-Kang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1367-1377. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0208
  • Abstract ( 425 ) HTML ( 1123 ) PDF (812KB) ( 1123 )    
  • The full-length cDNA,genomic DNA and promoter sequence of BlCOL13 were cloned from Betula luminifera with RACE,RT-PCR and Genome Walking methods respectively. BlCOL13 genomic DNA was 2 808 bp containing 4 exons and 3 introns,and its cDNA was 1 370 bp encoding a protein of 379 amin acids. The BlCOL13 protein contained 2 B-box domains at N terminus and 1 CCT domains at C terminus which was classified into BBX proteins. Basing on the classification rules of BBX in Arabidopsis,BlCOL13 belongs to type Ⅱ BBX. There are several cis-elements related with flowering,light-response,hormone signal transduction and stress response in the promoter of BlCOL13 which was 685 bp. Nuclear localization with BlCOL13 merged protein with GFP implied BlCOL13 mainly located in the nucleus. BlCOL13 all expressed in roots stems,leaves,male and female flowers,but highly in male flowers. qRT-PCR result of BlCOL13 under low temperature,drought,ABA and salt treatments revealed it was induced by these abiotic stress condition,especially for the salt treatment,implying BlCOL13 possiblyplayed important roles in stress resistance in Betula luminifera.
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Research Notes

  • Image Changes in Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Vitis amurensis in Response to Downy Mildew
  • XU Pei-Lei, FAN Shu-Tian, LIU Ying-Xue, QIN Hong-Yan, YANG Yi-Ming, ZHANG Qing-Tian, ZHAO Ying, LI Xiao-Yan, LI Xiao-Hong, AI Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1378-1384. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1104
  • Abstract ( 357 ) HTML ( 741 ) PDF (446KB) ( 741 )    
  • In order to elucidate one mechanism underlying plant resistance to downy mildew(DM)disease,Vitis amurensis‘Zuoshanyi’(a DM-tolerant cultivar)and‘Shuangfeng’(a DM-susceptible cultivar)were inoculated with Plasmopara viticola,and chlorophyll fluorescence IMAGING-PAM was used to analyze the photosynthetic changes in leaves. After 3 days of inoculation,spot lesions caused by DM were observed,and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were significantly altered in the infected leaf tissues. In the leaf spots by 7 days of inoculation,the amplitudes of Fv/Fm,ФPSII,Y(NPQ),and Y(NO)changes were higher in Zuoshanyi(–73.42%,–100%,–49.64%,+ 285.21%,respectively)than in Shuangfeng(–22.98%,–28.17%,+ 5.62%,+ 26.18%,respectively). Compared to the control leaves,ФPSIIand rETR in tissues surrounding the infection sites were higher in Zuoshanyi but lower in Shuangfeng. Therefore,withered spots period of Zuoshanyi was earlier than Shuangfeng,which lead to fluorescence parameters in withered spots changed rapidly,at the same time,ФPSII and rETR of the surrounding tissues of infected sites in Zuoshanyi was higher than in Shuangfeng,which enhanced the ability of DM inhabitation. ФPSII and rETR might be used as an indicator to screen DM-resistant cultivars of V. amurensis.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of Thaumatin-like Protein Gene from Litchi chinenesis
  • WANG Shu-Jun, FENG Chao, WANG Ling-Yun, LI Huan-Ling, LIU Bao-Hua, WANG Jia-Bao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1385-1392. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1146
  • Abstract ( 307 ) HTML ( 808 ) PDF (644KB) ( 808 )    
  • The full length of cDNA sequence and the genome sequence corresponding to the open reading frame(ORF)of a thaumatin-like protein gene(LcTLP,Accession No:JF682821)were obtained from‘Feizixiao’litchi(Litchi chinensis Sonn.‘Feizixaio’)by PCR method. The cDNA sequence was contained an ORF with 672 bp in length,encoding a polypeptide with 223 amino acid residues. There was no intron in LcTLP genome sequence. Quantitative real-time PCR results showed that the expression of LcTLP was the highest in the flower,followed by in the pericarp,and the lowest in the pulp. During the fruit development,the expression of LcTLP in the pericarp increased firstly,and then decreased. The expression of the gene in the pericarp of postharvested fruit was higher than that of developed fruit. The expression of LcTLP in the pericarp could be induced by Colletotrichum infection;However,it could be inhibited by water loss and low temperature.
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  • The Establishment of the Efficient Regeneration System of the Tender Stems of Aconitum sungpanense
  • LEI Ying, REN Yi-Jie, SHEN Xiao-Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1393-1399. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-1154
  • Abstract ( 366 ) HTML ( 528 ) PDF (289KB) ( 528 )    
  • The tender stems of Aconitum sungpanense were used as the explants to make a study of the adventitious bud induction and the plantlet regeneration. The results are as follows:The tender stems with the length of 5–10 cm are the ideal material for the explant culture. When the adventitious buds are inducted by the tender stems,the medium of MS + 6-BA 4.0 mg ? L-1 + NAA 1.0 mg ? L-1 is beneficial for the differentiation and the differentiation rate reaches 94.8%,besides,the number of the average bud is 4.2. The medium of MS + 6-BA 3.0 mg ? L-1 + IBA 0.3 mg ? L-1 is suitable for the propagation of buds. Meanwhile,to make the control of the vitrification of seedlings,it is effective to add Benzylpenicillin Potassium with 5 mg ? L-1 and GA3 0.3 mg ? L-1 to the original propagation medium and it is ideal to adopt sucrose with 50 g ? L-1 and agar with 7 g ? L-1 so that buds can be multiplied by 7.26 times and the height of seedlings can rise to about 4 cm as well. The optimum medium for rooting is 1/2MS + IAA 0.3 mg ? L-1 and the average number of rooting is approximately 10,besides,the rooting rate increases to over 96%. The seedlings transplanted to the matrix with forest soil and grass carbon(the ratio of 1︰1)grow vigorously and the survival rate reaches over 90%.
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Technologies and Methods

  • Development of a TaqMan Real-time RT-PCR Method for Detecting Apple stem pitting virus(ASPV)
  • QIN Zi-Yu, SUN Jian-She, WANG Na, SHAO Jian-Zhu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1400-1408. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0161
  • Abstract ( 442 ) HTML ( 1277 ) PDF (1598KB) ( 1277 )    
  • This study established a TaqMan real-time RT-PCR method for detecting Apple stem pitting virus(ASPV). A pair of primers and a TaqMan probe were designed based on the conserved nucleotide sequence of ASPV coat protein gene(cp). The RNA standard of ASPV was prepared with transcription in vitro and the standard curve was plotted. The specificity,sensitivity and reproducibility of this method were evaluated. The results showed that the coefficient of determination(R2)was 0.996 and the amplification efficiency(E)was 99%. There was no crossing reaction with Apple stem grooving virus(ASGV),Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus(ACLSV)and Apple scar skin viroid(ASSVd),indicating a strong specificity. The detection limit of this method was 1.31 × 102 copies ? μL-1 and the sensitivity was 100 times higher than the conventional RT-PCR. The coefficients of variation between the intra- and inter-assay were both within 1.85%. This method could be used to detect ASPV rapidly and quantitatively in field samples with strong specificity,high sensitivity and reliable reproducibility.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Walnut Cultivar‘Qianhe 7’
  • PAN Xue-Jun, FAN Wei-Guo, ZHANG Zheng, PENG Jian, LUO Kun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1411-1412. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0660
  • Abstract ( 617 ) HTML ( 798 ) PDF (170KB) ( 798 )    
  • ‘Qianhe 7’is a new late-fruiting walnut cultivar selected from wild seedling resources Juglans sigillata in Northwest of Guizhou Province. The walnut is nearly round in shape. The average nut weight is 9.9 g,and kernel percentage is 58%. The thickness of shell is about 0.7 mm,and the shell is narrow and convex sutures,loose. The nut has slightly hemp surface. It is very easy to take out the whole kernel for dissepiment of nut shells degradated. The kernel was full and plump with a light white episperm. Total protein content is 16.7%. The kernel total fat content is 67.9%. It tastes fragrant and sweet lightly. In addition,it has strong adaptability,high resistance to disease and good productivity.
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  • A New Cabbage Cultivar‘Qingan 1265’
  • XU Zhong-Min, ZHANG en Hui, CHENG Yong-An, MA Qing-Shan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1413-1414. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0674
  • Abstract ( 393 ) HTML ( 694 ) PDF (318KB) ( 694 )    
  • ‘Qingan 1265’,an medium-early cabbage cultivar,which is characterized by good leaf heading quality,crack tolerance and compact bulb,celadon leaf color,more wax content on leaf. The expansion is about 46.2 cm,plant height is 26.5 cm. The average fresh weight is 1.4 kg,and the yield is up to 71 000 kg ? hm-2. It takes about 65 days from planting to harvest in open field. With relatively strong disease-resistance,it is suitable to be cultivated in Shaanxi Province and Northwest China.
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  • A New Pumpkin Cultivar‘Heilonggua 1’
  • WANG Xun, LI Zhu-Gang, DAI Zu-Yun, HAN Jun-Yan, LI Xiao-Juan, ZHAO Xing-Wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1415-1416. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0661
  • Abstract ( 507 ) HTML ( 773 ) PDF (251KB) ( 773 )    
  • ‘Heilonggua 1’is a new pumpkin F1 hybrid.The plant possesses many sprawls,and exhibits strong growth potential. The first female flower locates at 6th to 8th node of the main stem. The single plant can bear 2–4 fruits. The single oblate fruit weight is 1.0–1.5 kg with 12–18 cm in transverse diameter and 8–10 cm in longitudinal diameter. The appearance of the fruit looks good,including dark black-green skin with green stripes and spots.‘Heilonggua 1’has good quality with orange thickness flesh,dense meat. It tastes sweet,floury and delicious. The average yield is about 36 000 kg ? hm-2. This cultivar has resistance to powdery mildew,downy mildew,and good adaptive capacity. The new pumpkin cultivar is suitable for spring to be widely cultivated in Heilongjiang Province.
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  • A New Red Onion Cultivar‘Purple Star’
  • LIANG Yi, ZHANG Hong-Wei, YAN Ji-Yong, ZENG Ai-Song, LI Jian-Qi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1417-1418. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0701
  • Abstract ( 378 ) HTML ( 635 ) PDF (147KB) ( 635 )    
  • A new dark-purple onion cultivar‘Purple Star’was bred by seperating F1 of‘Italian Red’crossing‘Shaanxi Gaozhuang Hongpi’and through systematic selection for six generations. It is a middle-day onion with early-mid maturity and the bulbs can be harvested in 230 days from sowing. The bulb is typically thick-flat globe shaped with dark-purple color and its SI is 0.70. The bulbs are moderate pungency,sweet taste,crisp texture and good quality. The average weight of single bulb is 316 g. The average yield is about 79 700 kg ? hm-2. The cultivar shows high resistance to purple blotch,downy mildew. It is suitable for open field of autumn sowing and early-summer harevesting in middle and south part of middle-day area.
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  • A New Ranunculus asiaticus Cultivar‘Yaoji’
  • GU Yong-Hua, GAO Fu-Hong, HU Qian-Jun, LIU Ke-Wei, PAN Chun-Ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1423-1424. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0642
  • Abstract ( 501 ) HTML ( 712 ) PDF (149KB) ( 712 )    
  • ‘Yaoji’is a new Ranunculus asiaticus cultivar developed by crossing inbred the female parent‘Paradise’of red line and yellow line. Its average height is 23.7 cm,the flower diameter is 13.8 cm,and the largest flower diameter is 15.0 cm,5–8 cm larger than‘Paradise’. The average flower number is 5.4 with average flowering 54.5 days. Its growth potential is strong so that it is easy to plant,and produced cheaply. Its flower quality is good,with low temperature tolerance. It is suitable for growing in protected cultivation in Jiangsu Province and the Yangtze River Delta region.
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  • A New Curcuma phaeocaulis Cultivar‘Chuanpeng 1’
  • LI Min, XIA Qin, YANG Zhao-Wu, XIA Dong-Mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2015, 42(7): 1425-1426. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0626
  • Abstract ( 386 ) HTML ( 655 ) PDF (152KB) ( 655 )    
  • ‘Chuanpeng 1’is a new cultivar selected from Curcuma phaeocaulis by system selective breeding. Its main rhizome is in ovoid or spindle shape,average amount is 4,with 3–8 cm long and 1.8–4.0 cm diameter,while the secondary roots are cylindrical-like. Slender root ends are inflated into the fleshy spindle shape,which average amount is 25,1.6–3.8 cm long,1.0–1.4 cm diameter. Its average yield of dry rhizome is 5 311.8 kg ? hm-2,while the dry root is 1 941.5 kg ? hm-2;the average extract content of rhizome is 15.41% and content of volatile oil is 2.82%,while the total content of curcumin and germacrone of the root is 0.0035% and 0.0386% respectively.‘Chuanpeng 1’has consistent hereditary feature and strong adaptability with high yield and superior internal quality. It can be cultivated suitably in Sichuan Golden Horse River Valley.
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