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2002, Vol.29, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Effects of Water Stress on Nucleic Acid Metabolisms and Changes of Free Radicals in Malus
  • Cao Hui;Han Zhenhai;and Xu Xuefeng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 505-509.
  • Abstract ( 1423 ) HTML ( 1289 ) PDF (119KB) ( 1289 )    
  • Effects of water stress on nucleic acid metabolisms and changes of free radicals in Malus hupehensis pamp Reld. and Malus sieversii (Ledeb) Roem. seedings were studied with polyethylene glycol (PEG6000) treatment . Under water stress , the contents of RWC , DNA and RNA in leaves decreased , while the content of O2 and H2O2, the activities of DNase and RNase increased. Compared with RNA , the less decrement of DNA content was
    accompanied with higher activity of DNase. The changing extents in RWC , active oxygen , DNA , RNA , DNase and RNase in the drought tolerant variety M. sieversii were lower than the drought resistant variety M. hupehensis. Under water stress , there are high significant correlation between DNA , RNA content and DNase , RNase , RWC ,O2, H2O2 in M. hupehensis pamp Reld. and M. sieversii (Ledeb) Roem. seedings.
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  • Interaction between AM Fungi and Grape Meloidogyne incognita
  • Li Haiyan;Liu Runjin;and Shu Huairui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 510-514.
  • Abstract ( 1609 ) HTML ( 1406 ) PDF (213KB) ( 1406 )    
  • The interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi Glomus versiforme Berch , Gigaspora margarita Becker & Hall , Glomus mosseae Nicolson & Gedermann and Meloidogyne incognita on grape ‘Kyoho’
    were studied under the condition of pot culture in a greenhouse. The results showed that the tested AMfungi were able to inhibit the generation and development of M. incognita , decrease the number of the second2stage juveniles in the soil of root zone , the diameter of egg mass , the number of eggs in per egg mass and on per gram root ; In addition , the treatment of pre2inoculating AM fungi and post2inoculating M. incognita performed more effectively on grape’s resistance to M. incognita than that inoculating AM fungi and M. incognita concurrently ; Inoculating AMfungi promoted plant’s photosynthesis , increased plant hight , stem diameter , leaf area , dry mass of tops or roots , which compensated the damage produced by M. incognita ; Inoculating M. incognita decreased the number of vesiculars and entry points number of G. mosseae , as well as the colonization percent of G. versiforme and Gi. margarita , while increased the number of vesiculars and entry points of G. versiforme and Gi . margarita. Therefore , we can not give a common conclusion to the every association of AMfungi-plant-nematode.
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  • Effects of Irrigation on Grape and Wine
  • Zhang Zhenwen;Li Hua;and Song Changbing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 515-518.
  • Abstract ( 1286 ) HTML ( 1285 ) PDF (220KB) ( 1285 )    
  • The effects of different irrigation methods on growth of vine and quality of grape and wine were studied. The results showed that the soil configurationwas improved by controlled irrigation, with increasing of root density in deep soil and sugar content of berry. Meanwhile the acid and salt content of the berry decreased and pH was modified. The wines had better aroma and flavor under controlled irrigation. 3825- 4800 m3#hm-2 water per year was needed in controlled irrigation, saving 36% water compared to the regular one.
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  • Studies on the Interspecific Hybridization in the Genus Fragaria
  • Lei Jiajun;Dai Hanping;Deng Mingqin;Wu Luping;and Hu Wenyu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 519-523.
  • Abstract ( 1986 ) HTML ( 1986 ) PDF (218KB) ( 1986 )    
  • The interspecific hybridization was carried out with diploid , tetraploid , pentaploid , octoploid species in the genus Fragaria as materials. The percentage of fruit2setting was high when the ploidy level of both
    parents was same , e. g. , 53. 3 % in the cross of F. viridis (2x) and F. mandschurica (2x) . While the ploidy of both parents was different , the fruit-setting depended to a great extent on whether the ploidy of the female parent was higher than that of the male. If the lower ploidy species was used as the female parent , the seeds would not or hardly be obtained. On the contrary , if the higher ploidy species was used as the female parent , the percentage of setting was relatively high , e. g. , 68. 4 % in the cross of cv. Yuhime (8x) and natural wild line Heilongjiang No. 7 ( 5x) . One nonaploid seedling was obtained from the corss of Yuhime and Heilongjiang No. 7. The
    unreduced gamete was postulated according to its ploidy , meioses and the size of pollens of pollens of parents. The seedlings from interspecific hybridization varied greatly. Some maternal seedlings which were assumed to have resulted from apomixis occurred in several cross combinations. Diploid , tetraploid , pentaploid , hexaploid , heptaploid , octoploid , nonaploid seedlings were obtained from the interspecific hybridization , which was helpful to improve the quality , stress and disease resistance of the cultivated strawberry , and also valuable for research in strawberry genetics.
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  • Effects of Delaying and Shortening the New Low Oxygen CA CombinationTreatment Time on the Storage of Apples
  • Yuan Kejun;Li Zhensan;Zhang Daohui;Sun Yugang;Zhang Dapeng;and Hu Xiaosong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 524-528.
  • Abstract ( 1426 ) HTML ( 1076 ) PDF (112KB) ( 1076 )    
  • We formerly reported a special lowoxygen CA combination (2 %O2 + 7. 5 %CO2) , which can control superficial scald of apples for a longer period after 4 months of treatment . Now , a further experiment of Starkrimson apples was conducted to study the effects of delayed and shortened treatment . The results showed that the scald incidence of apples of control (0 ℃, air) and conventional CA treatment (0 ℃, 3 %O2 + 3 %CO2) were 25. 6 % and 1. 02 % respectively , and their flesh firmness were 5. 79 and 6. 52 kg/ cm2 respectively after 123 days of storage. The apples of special CA treatment (10 ℃, 2 %O2 + 7. 5 %CO2) was scald2free after 123 days of storage , its flesh firmness (6. 63 kg/ cm2) was the same as that of conventional CA treatment and significantly higher than that of control . The apples of delayed treatment developed scald (6. 67 %) after 15 days of storage at 10 ℃in
    air and 108 days of special CA treatment , its flesh firmness (4. 8 kg/ cm2) was significantly higher than those of control and conventional CA treatment . These results indicted that it is necessary to treat apples with special CA
    combination on time. The scald incidence of apples of control , conventional CA treatment and special CA treatment were 46. 9 % , 36. 4 % and 0 respectively after 123 days of storage plus another 58 days of cold storage in air , their flesh firmness were 5. 28 , 5. 21 and 4. 5 kg/ cm2 respectively. The apples of special CA treatment was also scald free after 96 days of storage plus another 50 days of cold storage in air , its flesh firmness was 4. 67 kg/ cm2. Based on the consideration of both scald incidence and flesh firmness , it is possible to change the duration of special CA treatment from 4 months to 3. 3 months if we want to store apples for about 5 months. The formations ofα2farnesene and conjugated trienes in the peels of apple fruits were significantly inhibited by special CA treatment during CA storage.
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  • Inheritance of High Temperature Tolerance in Eggplant (Solanum melongenaL.)
  • Yi Jinxin;and Hou Xilin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 529-532.
  • Abstract ( 1408 ) HTML ( 1209 ) PDF (184KB) ( 1209 )    
  • The inheritance of high temperature tolerance (HT) in eggplant was studied with 4 ×4 half-diallel crosses, which derived from four parents with different tolerance to high temperature. Two parents and their progeny of F1 , F2 and BC1 involved in present experiment were simultaneously treated by high temperature in greenhouse and open field. HT index and ratios of fruit setting were respectively collected following Hayman’s procedure. The results showed that inheritance of HT in eggplant is of incomplete dominance that fits in with a model of additive-dominance , and additive effects play more important roles on HT than dominant effects do. Furthermore , selecting methods for improving HT of eggplant were suggested.
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  • A Study on the Correlation Between Several Chemical Substances and Capsicum Cultivar Resistance to Myzus persicae (Sulzer)
  • Chen Qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 533-536.
  • Abstract ( 1291 ) HTML ( 1257 ) PDF (142KB) ( 1257 )    
  • The Capsicum cultivars that had been showed steadily resistant to Myzus persicae (Sulzer) were used. This study was proceeded in 4- 6􀀁leaf stage to determine the contents of amino acids, nitrogen, sugar, proline and vitamin C in leaves. The results showed that the contents of amino acids, nitrogen, sugar, proline, vitamin C and the ratio of sugar and nitrogen were significant difference between resistant and suscept ible cultivars. Resistant cultivars had less amino acids, nitrogen, sugar, proline and vitamin C but more sugar and high ratio of sugar and nitrogen than susceptible ones; the contents of amino acids, nitrogen, sugar, proline and vitamin C of the later were 1. 1- 2. 9 times, 1. 0- 1. 7 times, 1. 4- 2. 9 times and 1. 2- 2. 6 times as much as those of the former, but the contents of sugar and the ratio of sugar and nitrogen of the former were 1. 1- 1. 3 times and 1. 3-2. 0 times as much as those of the later. The extremely signif icant difference between high resistant and high susceptible cultivars indicated that the contents of amino acids, nitrogen, sugar, proline, vitamin C and the rate of sugar and nitrogen were significantly relative to the resistance of the Capsicum cultivars to Myzus persicae(Sulzer) .
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  • The Changes of Several Endogenous Phytohormones during Microtuber Formation in vitro in Solanum tuberosum L.
  • Lian Yong;Zou Ying;Dong Huiru;Jin Liping;and Lin Huan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 537-541.
  • Abstract ( 1588 ) HTML ( 1279 ) PDF (178KB) ( 1279 )    
  • Virus free platelets in vitro of potato cv. Favoritawere used for the experiments. The changes of en dogenous phytohormones GA3, IAA, KT, BAP, ABA during microtuber formation in vitro were invest igated. The
    results showed that ( 1) overall, endohormone content in roots was higher than that in shoots during the period from platelets culture to microtuber formation; ( 2) Endohormone contents varied at all stages of microtuber format ion, GA3, IAA, KT, BAP content in platelets and ABA content in the roots at initial stage of microtuber induction ( after transfering to inducation medium and under light conditions for 2 days) was higher than that at the stage of platelet culture. GA3, IAA , KT, BAP content in the roots and IAA content in the shoots were reduced at the stage of stoloniferous shoots development ( 3 days under dark condit ions) but ABA content and IAA content in the root had no obvious changes. GA3, KT and BAP content in the shoots risen again and GA3 and BAP content in the root continuously reduced at the stage of microtuber formation ( 7 days under dark conditions) . IAA and BAP content increased gradually, BAP in the roots, KT in shoots reduced, KT in the roots and GA3 in the shoots were stable at the stage of microtuber development ( 14 days under dark conditions) .
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  • Studies on Methods and Mechanisms of Improving Vigor in Cabbage Seed(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata)
  • Wu Daofan and Song Ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 542-546.
  • Abstract ( 1418 ) HTML ( 1508 ) PDF (135KB) ( 1508 )    
  • Cabbage seeds of different vigor degree were obtained by accelerated aging. Some methods ,Including treatments of imbibition/ dryback , mannitol gibberellin ( GA) , polythyleneglyool ( PEG) , CaCl2 , KH2PO4 , ascorbic acid (AsA) , were were investigated to enhance the forgoing seed vigor by L9 (34) orthogonal experiment. Then the changes of cabbage seed at physiological and biochemical level , cell level and structure of tissue cells were investigated. The results indicated that : ①All the 7 methods could improve seed vigor of
    cabbage. Seed vigor was significantly enhanced after seed were treated by all the best effect combination , and PEG, GA treatment was the best one , the difference between PEG, GA and others methods was significant . ②Some physiological and biochemical changes were obvious : protease , dehydrogenase , SOD , CAT and POD were reduced significantly ; relative elelctive conductivity ( REC) and the content of MDA in seed were increased
    significantly. Analysis indicated that they were correlated significantly with vigor , they were the main reason of change of seed vigor , and were reliable indexes of measuring seed vigor (at physiological and biochemical level) .
    ③Karyotype of root tip chromosome showed that the chromosome did not change clearly before and after improving seed vigor. ④Observation on the ultrastructure of the radicle cell of cabbage seed indicated that ultrastructure
    changed with seed vigor reduced , the lower seed vigor , the clearer the change. When seed vigor was improved by all kinds of methods , ultrastructure of cell would be recovered at different degree.
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  • Effects of Selenium on Antioxidative System and H2O2 Content in Spinach
  • Li Dengchao;Zhu Zhujun;and Xu Zhihao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 547-550.
  • Abstract ( 1499 ) HTML ( 1606 ) PDF (181KB) ( 1606 )    
  • The effects of different concentrations of seleniumon the growth , the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) , catalase (CAT) , ascorbate peroxidase (APX) , dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) , glutathione
    peroxidase (GSH2PX) and the content of ascorbate (AsA) , hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were studied in the hydroponic spinach. The results showed that the growth was enhanced by selenium at the low level ( ≤0. 1 mg·L-1) , but inhibited at the high level (1. 0 mg·L-1) . The activities of SOD , CAT and GSH2PX were increased and the activities of APX and DHAR were decreased. The contents of AsA and H2O2 decreased with the increasing selenite concentration , whereas , H2O2 content decreased firstly and then increased. From our results , we conclude that proper selenite concentration could increase the yield and antioxidative activity of spinach.
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  • Physiological Bases of Difference Related to Water Deficit Tolerance of Cut Rosecv. Samantha and Gabriella
  • Zhang Changqing;Tang Xuemei;Gao Junping;Zhang Hao;and Xiong Li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 556-560.
  • Abstract ( 1483 ) HTML ( 1100 ) PDF (176KB) ( 1100 )    
  • In our previous work, 17 commercial cultivars of cut rose (Rosa hybrida) were classified into three levels of tolerance to water deficit by measuring the vase life decrease after 24 h water deficit, at 22- 25 and 40% - 60% relat ive humidity. In this paper, Samantha, a cultivar with strong tolerance to water deficit, and a weak one, Gabriella, were used to determine their vase life, fresh mass loss, water potential of flowers and leaves, leaf stomatal resistance, relative electrolyte conductance, flower ethylene product ion, SOD and POD
    activities of petals and leaves under water deficit. The results showed that as prolonging the t ime of water deficit, the decreased percentage of vase life, fresh mass loss, relative electrolyte conductance and flower ethylene
    production increased, while water potentials of flowers and leaves decreased in both cultivars; andmore remarkable changes were obtained in cv. Gabriella than in Samantha. SOD and POD act ivities of petals and leaves were higher
    in medium range of water deficit than in light and heavy ones. And no remarkable difference of leaf stomatal resistance was found between the two cultivars. Samantha showed a higher abilities to recover from the same water
    deficit than Gabriella during vasing period. Finally the relationships were discussed between the test parameters of petals and leaves and water deficit tolerance of cut roses.
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  • Technology and Its Mechanism of Color Keeping in Red Rose Petals during theProcessing of Dry Pressed Flowers
  • Hong Bo;Liu Xianghuan;and Zhang Xiaofang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 561-565.
  • Abstract ( 1682 ) HTML ( 1929 ) PDF (198KB) ( 1929 )    
  • 7 kinds of color protected solut ion for red petals of cut rose ‘Samantha’were made up based on internal and external factors which influence changes of the petal color during pressing and drying of the petals. The
    treatments of the solution were performed with painting of different concentration and with soaking of different time. The results of color protection that very closed to the fresh petals (K40M100Y55) were obtained in 9 treatments from 80 treatment combinations, which are A1 0. 5 h soaking, A1-2 painting with 1/ 2 diluted solution, A1-2 painting with 1/ 4 diluted solut ion, A2-6 36 h soaking, A2-6 6 h soaking, A2-6 12 h soaking, A2-9 32 h soaking, A2-9 48 h soaking, and A2-9 56 h soaking. The best result of the color protection was gained in the treatment of A2-9 48 h soaking among the 9 treatments above after 6 months of natural sunshine. The results of pigment analysis showed that there are mainly cyanidin ( 3, 5, 7-trihydro-diphenylpyrane) and 8􀀁hydrolycopene in the petals. The possible mechanism of protect ing permanently the red color after drying of the rose petals is suggested that cyanidin might react with magnesium salt of the color protection solution, producing stable substances such as cyanin and its aglycon.
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  • Effect of GA3 Treatment on Changes of Pigments in Peel of Citrus Fruit
  • Tao Jun;Zhang Shanglong;Chen Kunsong;Zhao Zhizhong;and Chen Junwei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 566-568.
  • Abstract ( 1283 ) HTML ( 1384 ) PDF (161KB) ( 1384 )    
  • Effects of exogenous GA3 (100mg/ L) treatment on changes of endogenous hormone , chlorophyll , carotenoid content in peel of citrus fruit were investigated and their possible connections with changes in color and
    lustre of citrus fruit were also examined. The results showed that GA3 treatment had little effect on ABA content , however , it inhibited decreasing of endogenous GA3 and ZT content , correspondingly , it delayed chlorophyll degradation and inhibited orange carotenoidβ-cryptoxanthin biosynthesis and acumulation that led to repress development
    color and lustre.
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  • Photosynthesis of Different Pear (Pyrus L.) Cultivar-rootstock Combinations
  • Jiang Weibing;Yu Kaijin;Gao Guanglin;and Ma Kai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 569-570.
  • Abstract ( 1452 ) HTML ( 1044 ) PDF (118KB) ( 1044 )    
  • In this paper a comparison of the photosynthetic characteristics among pear rootstock Pyrus betulae folia Bunge and P. calleryana Dcen. , four combinations of two pear varieties Hosui and Niitaka on the above two rootstocks is presented. Results showed that the value of net photosynthetic rate ( Pn) , apparent quantum yield (Φi) , carboxylation efficiency (CE) , and water use efficiency (WUE) of P. calleryana Dcen. , Hosui or Niitaka on P. calleryana Dcen. , Niitaka on either P. calleryana Dcen. or P. betulaefolia Bunge was all higher than that of the above four physiological indices of P. betulaefolia Bunge , Hosui or Niitaka on P. betulaefolia Bunge , Hosui on either P. calleryana Dcen. or P. betulaefolia Bunge respectively.
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  • Genetic Identity Analysis of Malus xiaoj inensis by AFLPs
  • Li Yinghui;Han Zhenhai;Xu Xuefeng;Lu Renqiang;and Qi Liping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 571-572.
  • Abstract ( 1470 ) HTML ( 955 ) PDF (108KB) ( 955 )    
  • AFLP was applied in this experiment to detect the genetic ident ity of Malus xiaojinensis from natural population. The fingerprint ing of 20 seedlings of M. xiaojinensis with 8 pairs of primers showed that M. xiaojinensis in natural population had a high degree of genetic ident ity, its genetic similar coefficient being 98. 92 %. Genetic difference also existed in this population, 1. 08 %fragments were different fragments. The patterns analysis
    indicated that these different fragments were resulted from gene recombination of sexual hybridizat ion.
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  • RAPD Analysis for the Identification of the Precocious Trait in Walnuts
  • Yang Keqiang;Wang Yuejin;Zhang Yindong;and Zheng Xueqin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 573-574.
  • Abstract ( 1260 ) HTML ( 1126 ) PDF (175KB) ( 1126 )    
  • A random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker linked to the precocious trait of walnut (Juglans regia L. ) , OPB208900, was identified with bulked segregant analysis ( BSA) . Two bulks of DNA samples were created from open2pollinated Liao 1 (an precocious cultivar) . The bulks were screened using 220 random primers (OP Kit) . OPB208 ( 5. GTCCA CACGG 3. ) generated a specific fragment with precocious individuals and without backward individuals. The specific fragment of approximately 900 base pairs ( bp) , was designated as OPB208900. 22 DNAs from 19 cultivars and 3 clones were used as templates for RAPD analysis with primer OPB208 respectively. The specific band of OPB208900 was present in 12 out of 17 precocious cultivars and absent in 5 backward cultivars/ clones. The RAPD marker OPB208900 is related with precocious trait in walnut and
    would be used to distinguish the precocious trait and backward trait in walnut.
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  • Effects of Low Temperature Stress and ABA on Flower Formation and Endogenous Hormone of Litchi
  • Zhou Biyan;Li Yubin;Chen Jiezhong;Ji Zuoliang;and Hu Zhiqun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 577-578.
  • Abstract ( 1868 ) HTML ( 1240 ) PDF (82KB) ( 1240 )    
  • Litchi trees were treated at low temperature in controlled growing chamber for imitating cold wave. The results showed that abscisic acid (ABA) and indole-3-acetic acid ( IAA) contents of litchi leaves increased , transpiration rate (Tr) decreased and leaf water potential increased during the low temperature treatment . Exogenous ABA treatment raised ABA levels and reduced IAA levels of litchi leaves in the low temperature. Hence the value of
    ABA/ IAA was higher than that of control . Also , Tr decreased and leaf water potential increased. Trees sprayed with ABA remained a relatively high flower formation rate after being treated at low temperature.
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  • cDNA Library Construction and Identification of Cabbage
  • Cao Bihao;Lei Jianjun;Song Hongyuan;Song Ming;Yang Zhaohui;Chengbin Xiang;David. J . Oliver;and Li Danqiong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 579-580.
  • Abstract ( 1435 ) HTML ( 1318 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1318 )    
  • A cDNA library of cabbage was constructed and an expression plasmid introduced into E. coli XL12Blue was used as cloning vector. The titer of cDNA library is 2 ×108 - 4 ×108 pfu/ mL ; most of the fragments are more than 500bp , the recombinant rate of the library is about 95 %. Probed with resistant gene fragment , phage in situ hybridization , the hybridization signal is clear , which shows this library is good , and the library had been amplified and stored.
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  • Effect of Illumination and Exogenous Substance on Spore Germination andSeedling Survival of Pteridium aquilinum
  • Niu Junyi;Li Sheng;Xu Zuomi;Qin Shuhao;and Lian Rongfang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 584-586.
  • Abstract ( 1434 ) HTML ( 1074 ) PDF (147KB) ( 1074 )    
  • This experiment was conducted to study the effect of the different illumination intensities and exogenous substance (GA3 , 6-BA , humic acid) on pteridium aquilinum’s spore germination and seedling survival . The results showed that the illumination intensity had a direct bearing on the germination percentage and the growing rate of pteridium aquilinum’s spore. There was a remarkable effect on spore germination and seedling
    survival under the treatment of 1 800 lx and continuous lighting , and when illumination intensity was below 1 000 lx , the spores germinated very slowly and could not survive ; the spores couldn’t germinate under darkness.
    There was a significant promotion effect for spore germination , growth and development of survived seedling if the culture was treated by GA3 , and the survival rate was the highest (61. 42 %) when treated by 0. 2 mg/ L GA3 .
    The significant mutual effect was not found between illumination intensity and exogenous substance.
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  • AFLP Analysis of Genetic Relationships of Prunus mume ‘Meiren’and Relatives
  • Ming Jun;Zhang Qixiang;Mao Qingshan;and Yan Xiaolan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 588-589.
  • Abstract ( 1627 ) HTML ( 1692 ) PDF (132KB) ( 1692 )    
  • The silver-stained AFLP analysis was employed to analyse the DNA fingerprints of four cultivars of Meiren Mei Form , and a wild species , a Pink Double Form and seven relatives. For 420 loci 6 300 bandings was
    capable of producing sharp fingerprint patterns with the primer combinations of E-ACT/M-CAT , E-GA/M-CTC , E-ACT/M-CCA , E-ACT/M-CAC. NTSYSpc 2. 1 was used to SAHN Clustering of UPGMA and according to DICE coefficient , Jaccard coefficient and Simple Matching coefficient (SM) , cluster analysis was done. The relationship among the species was discussed. The result indicated that Prunus mume‘Meiren’was the most close to Prunus
    mume and Prunus cerasifera‘Pissardii’, and distantly related to plum , peach and apricot , conforming to morphological classification and breeding record.
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  • A New Pear Variety‘Jimi’
  • Wang Yingtao;Li Xiao;Li Yong;and Liu Guosheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 590-590.
  • Abstract ( 1173 ) HTML ( 777 ) PDF (62KB) ( 777 )    
  • The medium pear variety‘Jimi’ is the progeny of hybrid of ‘Xuehua’ and 􀀂Huanghua . The fruit has a oval shape with green to yellow skin and shinning. The average fruit mass is 258 g, the largest fruit mass is 600 g; the soluble solids content is 13. 5 %. The fruit ripen in later August with an ideal product ivity and highly resistant to pear scab.
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  • ‘Fengyue’ and‘Cuiyu’, Two Superior New Kiwifruit Cultivars with GoodStorage Quality
  • Zhong Caihong;Wang Zhongyan;and Bu Fanwen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 592-592.
  • Abstract ( 1612 ) HTML ( 1021 ) PDF (62KB) ( 1021 )    
  • ‘Fengyue’ and ‘Cuiyu’ are two new cultivars of Actinidia Chinensis , selected from wild kiwifruit. Both cultivars have a average fruit mass of 90 g, with max. 128 g and 129 g respectively. Their fruits are fine and tender in texture with a thick sweet taste and rich refreshing aroma. 􀀂Fengyue fruit have a soluble solids content of 13. 5%- 15. 8% ( max. 19. 0% ) , and the vitamin C content of the fruit is 840- 1 630 mg/ kg pulp, while the data for 􀀂Cuiyu are 14. 5% - 17. 3% ( max. 19. 5%) and 930 - 1 430 mg/ kg pulp,
    respectively. The fruits have good storage quality, especially fruit of‘Cuiyu’ can be stored well for about 30 days at room temperature ( 20 ) . 􀀂Fengyue matures in mid to late September in Changsha while 􀀂Cuiyu in early October.
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  • ‘Xinguo Sweet Orange 3-5’A New Sweet Orange Variety
  • Zhou Chaohua;Huang Donghua;Xiao Jianxiong;Zhang Jihui;and Zeng Guangjun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 593-593.
  • Abstract ( 1335 ) HTML ( 809 ) PDF (63KB) ( 809 )    
  • ‘Xingguo sweet orange 3-5’ is a new variety selected from the escendants of ‘Xingguo sweet orange’. Fruit is from orange􀀁yellow to salmon pink and nearly globe. The average fruit mass is 167. 7 g. The soluble solid content is 13. 6% - 15. 1% . The total sugar and acid contents are 10. 3% - 11. 5% and 0. 47%-0. 93% , respectively. The fruit has a edible part of 79. 2% - 80. 75%, and juice rate is 64. 18% - 65. 96%.
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  • ‘Jifeng’— An Excellent Late Fruiting New Walnut Variety
  • Bai Zhongkui and Zu Wenfang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 594-594.
  • Abstract ( 1475 ) HTML ( 798 ) PDF (61KB) ( 798 )    
  • ‘Jifeng’ is a late fruiting walnut variety, ehibiting excellent characterist ics of moderate-size fruit, thin shell, plump kernel, high yield and good quality. The average fruit mass is 11. 19 g, the thickness of shell is 1. 14mm, the ratio of kernel is 58. 5 %, and the content of coarse fat is 68. 53% . It grows vigorously with high adaptability to adverse growing conditions. It is suitable to be planted inHuabei walnut growing area and other place with the same soil and climate condit ions.
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  • A New Line Pepper Cultivar‘Shanjiao 2001’
  • Zhao Zunlian and Shi Lianlian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(6): 596-596.
  • Abstract ( 1309 ) HTML ( 985 ) PDF (68KB) ( 985 )    
  • ‘Shanjiao 2001’ is a line pepper cultivar that is suitable to cultivate in Shaanxi and other similar pepper production areas. This cultivar is resistant and/ or tolerant to CMV, BBWV etc. At the same time it has some resistance to anthracnose and Phytophthora blight. The length and width of fruit are 13. 4 cm and 1. 28 cm respectively. The ripe fruit is red. The contents of vitamin C, vitamin B2 and crude fat are 1. 804 mg/ g, 2. 90 µg/ g and 1. 56%, respectiverly. The yield is increased by 25. 76% over the control.
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