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2003, Vol.30, No.1 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Sugar Accumulation and Related Enzyme Activities in the Litchi Fruit of ‘Nuomici’and‘Feizixiao’
  • Wang Huicong;Huang Huibai;Huang Xuming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 1-5.
  • Abstract ( 1835 ) HTML ( 2210 ) PDF (227KB) ( 2210 )    
  • Two litchi cultivars , ‘Nuomici’and ‘Feizixiao’, were used to study sugar accumulation and transformatiom in aril , and the activities of enzymes involved in sucrose metabolism during their fruit maturation.In the aril of ‘Nuomici’, more sucrose rather than reducing sugars was accumulated. The ratio of sucrose to reducing sugars was 1. 5. In contrast , in ‘Feizixiao’, more reducing sugars were accumulated and the ratio of sucrose to reducing sugars was 0. 4. Sugar accumulation was closely related to sink activity , yet different cultivars showed different dominant enzymes. The dominant enzyme in the aril of ‘Nuomici’was sucrose synthase (SS),whereas in‘Feizixiao’, invertase and SS were found dominant . Different dominant enzymes in sucrose metabolism led to different sugar components in the aril sap. Absence of invertase but elevated activities of SS and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) led to predominantly accumulated sucrose in‘Nuomici’. High activity of acid invertase and relatively low activities of SS and SPS led to the predominantly accumulated reducing sugars in‘Feizixiao’.
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  • Identification of Molecular Genetic Markers Tightly Linked to White Rot Resistant Genes in Chinese Wild Grape
  • Xu Yan;Wang Yuejin;Zhou Peng;Zhang Jianxia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 6-10.
  • Abstract ( 1940 ) HTML ( 1420 ) PDF (217KB) ( 1420 )    
  • Bulk segregant analysis (BSA) , randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and sequnence characterized amplified region (SCAR) methords were used to tag the white rot-resistant genes of grape with 17 individuals of F1 progeny between Tangwei ( Vitis davidii ) , white rot-resistant and Ugni Blanc (V.vinifera) ,White rot-sensitive and 16 individuals self-pollinated of Tangwei . Among 155 random primers gave distinct band Patterns , One RAPD marker OPP09-760 was tightly linked to a major gene resistant to Coniothyrium diplodiella.Marker OPP09-760 was cloned and sequenced. According to the Sequence, two specific primers were designed to amplify all plant materials. RAPD marker was converted into SCAR marker. One distinct single band only in resistant plants was amplified and its size was the same as that of the RAPD marker. The SCAR marker’s popularity was confirmed. And it could be used for the identification of hybrid resistant to Coniothyrium diplodiella.
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  • Effect of 12MCP Treatment on Ethylene Production and Quality Retention of‘Delicious’Apples
  • Han Dongfang;Ma Shushang;Wang Ying;Du Xiaoying;Wu Chunlin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 11-14.
  • Abstract ( 1546 ) HTML ( 1281 ) PDF (108KB) ( 1281 )    
  • The effects of 1-MCP (1-methyclopropene) treatment after fruit harvesting on ethylene production,internal ethylene concentration , flesh firmness , titratable acid and total soluble solids of ‘Delicious’apples were studied during the storage at the room temperature and at 0 ℃. The result showed that the 300 nL·L-1 1-MCP treatment significantly inhibited ethylene production , delayed the ethylene peak and slowed down the decrease in the flesh firmness and titratable acid , but total soluble solids of apples was not affected by 1-MCP treatment . There is a potential application of 1-MCP in the apple storage.
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  • Microsomal Membrane Ca2+-ATPase Activity and Lipid Peroxidation Levelduring Senescence of Postharvest Strawberry Fruit
  • Fan Xiucai;Guan Junfeng;Zhang Jishu;Li Guangmin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 15-18.
  • Abstract ( 1425 ) HTML ( 1304 ) PDF (186KB) ( 1304 )    
  • Changes in activities of Ca2+-ATPase and SOD , O-·2 production rate and MDA content in microsomal membrane of strawberry fruit stored at normal temperature (25 ℃) and cold temperature (4 ℃) were investigated. The results showed that the activities of total microsomal membrane Ca2+-ATPase, plasmolemma Ca2+-ATPase , mitochondria-Ca2+-ATPase and tonoplast-Ca2+-ATPase , and of SOD , and O-·2 production rate all increased at first and then decreased , and MDA content changed in the contrary trend during senescence in fruit stored at 4 ℃. The changing trends in Ca2+-ATPase activities and O-·2 production rate of microsomal membrane in fruit stored at 25 ℃were consistent with the fruit stored at 4 ℃. However , a gradual decrease in SOD activity and increase in MDA content were found during room temperature storage. It is suggested that the fruit senescence was closely correlated with the damage of cytoplasmic Ca2+ homeostasis and the enhancement of membrane lipid
    peroxidation in strawberry fruit
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  • Accumulation and Distribution of Manganese in Shoots of Apple Cultivars withDifferent Sensitivity to Manganese
  • Xu Shengyou;Yao Qing;Wang He;Zhang Fusuo;Yu Zhongfan;Jiang Xueling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 19-22.
  • Abstract ( 1555 ) HTML ( 1459 ) PDF (314KB) ( 1459 )    
  • With two apple cultivars of different resistance to internal bark necrosis ( IBN) as plant material ,field investigation and greenhouse culture were carried out to elucidate the relationship between accumulation and distribution of Mn in apple shoots and resistance to IBN. Investigation revealed higher Mn content in phloem and shoot of sensitive cultivar than those in xylem and shoot of resistant cultivar. Histochemical test , microscopic observation and X-ray analysis indicated that manganese oxide deposited in the IBN spot tissue , and the accumulation and distribution of Mn coincided with the IBN spot in phloem. Localized accumulation of Mn was found in the shoot cross-section of sensitive cultivar , while a even distribution of Mn was found in resistant cultivar.
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  • Cytological Studies of Litchi Pericarp during Development
  • Li Jianguo;Huang Huibai;Liu Xiangdong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 23-28.
  • Abstract ( 1797 ) HTML ( 1599 ) PDF (249KB) ( 1599 )    
  • Microscopic research has been made with cv. Huaizhi of litchi (Litchi chineasis Sonn. ) , using 7022LH (Leica 7022 histeresin embedding kit) plastic embedding and half2thin slice2up techniques. Ovary and pericarp collected before and after anthesis served as materials. The exocarp was the outermost layer consisting of uniseriate epidermis , cuticle on the epidermis and in the tubercles , and parenchyma cells in the epidermis of the crackles. The mesocarp, being the main body of a pericarp , contained sclerenchyma , upper-mesocarp and lowermesocarp. The endocarp was composed of unsuberized small and thin-walled epidermal cells. Cell division in the pericarp proceeded mainly during the period prior to anthesis , and continued after anthesis while the dates of cessation were different in endocarp , mesocarp and exocarp ; the cell division in the lower mesocarp ceased as early as about 19 days , that in the upper mesocarp ceased about 32 days , and that in the endocarp and the epicarp in the crackles ceased about 47 days after anthesis. Cell expansion in the pericarp exhibited roughly a single sigmoid pat2tern , with some differences for different parts of tissues and different types of cells.
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  • Effects of VA Mycorrhizal Fungi Inoculated on Drought Tolerance of WildJujube ( Zizyphus spinosus Hu) Seedlings
  • Lu Jinying;Mao Yongmin;Shen Lianying;Peng Shiqi;Li Xiaolin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 29-33.
  • Abstract ( 1872 ) HTML ( 1440 ) PDF (113KB) ( 1440 )    
  • of VA mycorrhiza on growth , water status of wild jujube ( Zizyphus spinosus Hu) seedlings grown in pots were studied. As contrasted to the controls , VAM could increase plant growth ( such as plant height , leaf area , fresh and dry mass) , enhance leaf relative water content, photosynthetic rates, transpiration rates , stomatal conductance and improve plant drought tolerance significantly when the relative water content of soil was 20 % , 40 % , 60 % respectively. The water consumption of the mycorrhizal plants producing one gram dry matter was from 16. 5 percent to 29. 8 percent less than that of nonmycorrhizal plants under the same soil water content condition. The VAM colonization , the growth of plants , water status of plants had no definitely difference between the water experiment Ⅰ (Water treatments started from sowing) and Ⅱ (Water treatments started from 40 days after sowing) .
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  • The Linkage Analysis of ss Gene and Its Effect on Seed Germination in Tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill . )
  • Li Junming;Zhou Yongjian;Xu Hejin;Yang Baojun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 34-38.
  • Abstract ( 1751 ) HTML ( 1174 ) PDF (214KB) ( 1174 )    
  • The genetic mechanism of ss gene controlling expression of spongy seedcoat was proved to fit Mendelian fashion in this paper. It was linked with ah , which showed obvious anthocyaninless ( Hoffman) during seedling stage and located on chromosome 9. Its seedcoat also showed the typical gray white color. The anthocyaninless individuals derived from progeny of the F2 crossing between 95148 as female parent and Hong 100 as male parent showed higher germinating rate respectively in 39 and 51 hours compared to these individuals with anthocyanin.But the great difference existed among these anthocyaninless individuals which also gave the tendency with low total
    germinating rate in 10 days. The germinating rate in 10 days in F2 population varied from 54 % to 100 %. The results showed that ah gene could improve the prophase seed germinating but it still depended on the seed genotype ,
    especially that of the embryo or endosperm. Further , the accumulation of brown pigment in seedcoat was not related with ahaw and aa genes. The described characterization of seedcoat in this paper could be directly used to select the progenies as a visual morphological marker.
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  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated Transformation of Chinese Chive ( Alliumtuberosum Rottl . ex Spreng. )
  • Zhang Song;Da Kedong;Jiang Luyan;Cao Chenxing;Wen Fujiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 39-42.
  • Abstract ( 1597 ) HTML ( 1264 ) PDF (214KB) ( 1264 )    
  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation system was established using GUS gene as a reporter and transgenic plantlets were obtained. The procedure was as following : root tips from 7 to 10 day-old seedlings were procultured on MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/ L NAA and 2 mg/ L BA. Then they were infected by Agrobacteium tumef aciens LBA4404 at OD6000. 6 - 0. 8 for 2 to 5 mins. Transformants were selected on MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/ L NAA , 2 mg/ L BA , Km 25 mg/ L , Timentin 400 mg/ L and acetosyringone 100 mg/ L. The regenerated plants were tested by X-Gluc staining , PCR analysis and Southern blot , which showed the GUS gene was integrated into Chinese chive genome.
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  • Induction of in Vitro Corms of Taro ( Colocasia esculenta Schott. )
  • Liu Yuping;Ke Weidong;Huang Xinfang;Peng Jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 43-46.
  • Abstract ( 1594 ) HTML ( 1284 ) PDF (281KB) ( 1284 )    
  • The effects of concentration of sucrose and hormone,photoperiod,temperature, the size of plantlets and the types of cultivars on the induction of in vitro corms and the effects of cultural bases on the survial ratio of the transplanted plants in vitro were studied with the plantlets cultured from taro ( Colocasia esculenta
    Schott . ) shoot tips. The results are as follows: The suitable cultural medium for inducing in vitro corms is MS + sucrose 8 % +BA 1. 0 mg·L -1 + NAA 0. 5 mg·L-1 ; The suitable cultural conditions is 12 h/ d light , 30 ℃; The bigger the size of the plantlets are , the easier the in vitro corms are to be induced ; The characters of taro in vitro corms induced are in accordance with the types of the cultivars; The survial ratio are affected by the cultural bases, among which the vermiculite is the best.
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  • Effects of Heavy Metals of Pb , Cd and Cr on the Growth of Vegetables andTheir Uptake
  • Du Yingqiong;He Jianghua;Chen Junjian;Wei Xiuguo;Yang Xiuqin;Wang Shaoyi;He Wenbiao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 51-55.
  • Abstract ( 2284 ) HTML ( 2123 ) PDF (112KB) ( 2123 )    
  • Five main leaf vegetable cultivars of Guangdong province were grown in nutrient solution with several levels of Pb , Cd and Cr to evaluate the effect of heavy metals of Pb , Cd and Cr on the vegetable growth and their uptake. The obtained results showed that heavy metals of Pb , Cd and Cr affected greatly on the growth of vegetables. The effect varied significantly with different cultivars , the sorts and levels of heavy metal . The heavy metals decreased the yield of five vegetables in following order : lettuce > edible amaranth > leaf mustard > water spinach (swamp cabbage) > flowering Chinese cabbage. The inhibiting effect of three heavy metals on five vegetables cultivars had a toxicity order : Cr > Cd > Pb. The amounts of residual heavy metals in eatable organs of vegetables were found to be in following order : edible amaranth > lettuce > flowering Chinese cabbage > water spinach (swamp cabbage) > leaf mustard. The cumulated rate of heavy metals : Cd > Cr > Pb. The vegetable yield decreased and the contentration of heavy metals increased when the levels of three heavy metals increased.
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  • Photosynthesis of Different Cultivars of Camellia japonica L. in Greenhouse
  • Liu Donghuan;Zhao Shiwei;Zhang Zuoshuang;Liu Yujun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 65-68.
  • Abstract ( 1613 ) HTML ( 1428 ) PDF (197KB) ( 1428 )    
  • Photosynthetic characteristics , including chlorophyll content , soluble protein content and carboxylation efficiency , in different cultivars of Camellia japonica , and the influences of light intensity and temperature on photosynthesis of the cultivars were studied. The results showed that photosynthesis in different
    cultivars of Camellia japonica were similar : Light compensation point is between 6. 7 - 8. 4μmol·m-2·s -1 , light saturation point is arroud 300μmol·m-2·s -1, maximal light saturation photosynthetic rate is between 4. 1-4. 8μmol·m-2·s-1 , apparent quantity yield is between 0. 055 - 0. 075 CO2/ photon, Carboxylation efficiency is between 0. 03 - 0. 04 μmol·m-2·s -1 , proper temperature was between 15 - 25 ℃. Therefore , they were susceptible to higher light intensity and temperature. For that , during the cultivation and attendance to Camellia japonica L , both light intensity and temperature should be proper to meet with the needs of growth and development of different cultivars of Camellia japonica.
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  • Studies on Metabolism of Active Oxygen during Senescence of Cut Gerbera
  • Wu Lanfang;Huang Mianjia;Cai Shiying;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 69-73.
  • Abstract ( 1642 ) HTML ( 1528 ) PDF (231KB) ( 1528 )    
  • The metabolism of active oxygen was investigated during senescence of cut Gerbera jamesonii and effects of exogenous ethylene and exogenous active oxygen species on the cut flowers were studied in terms of modern plant senescence theory and by means of modern detected method. The technical measures that delayed the senescence of cut gerbera were found and the corresponding mechanisms were discussed in this paper. The results showed that the level of active oxgen metabolism during the senescence of cut gerbera flower was high. Gerbera was much more sensitive to the kinds of exogenous active oxygen than that to exogenous ethylene. The suitable concentration of active oxygen scavengers could retard the senescence of cut gerbera.
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  • Negative Regulation of Amylase Activity by Fructose and Glucose in GrowingApple Fruits
  • Duan Changqing;Wang Yongzhang;Pan Qiuhong;Zhang Lingyun;Zhang Dapeng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 74-76.
  • Abstract ( 1808 ) HTML ( 1300 ) PDF (159KB) ( 1300 )    
  • The experiment conducted with Red Fuji apple (Malus domistica Borkh) showed that the girdling resulted in a decrease of sucrose , fructose and glucose contents and induced an amylase activation. The amylase activity began to decline on 3rd day of treatment from the high level and deceased to the control level when starch content in the treated fruits was lower than 1/ 3 of the control . Incubation of the fruit discs in the medium containing the soluble sugars showed that fructose and glucose induced the decrease of amylase activity. It is considered that the changes in fructose and glucose concentration in the fruits may be a signal regulating the amylase activity.
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  • Effect of Phenolic Compounds on Efficiency of Genetic Transformation in Grape
  • Wu Di;Zhou Changmei;Zhu Yanming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 77-78.
  • Abstract ( 1525 ) HTML ( 1230 ) PDF (116KB) ( 1230 )    
  • In order to find out more efficient and cheaper phenolic compounds insteading of 3 , 5-dimetho xy4-hydro xyaceto phenone (AS) to improve efficiency of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation into grape , this research utilized Agrobacterium strain LBA4404 carrying pBI1301 with GUS and NPTII to transfer embryogenic callus of grape. The results showed that , compared with AS , trans-ferulic acid was better than AS , with the best concentration of 150 mg/ L ; 4-Hydroxy-3 , 5-dimethoxy-benzoesaure and erucic acid also had a significant efficiency of genetic transformation than control II (phenolic compound free) .
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  • Effect of Different Water2controlled Measures on Leaf Structure and Fruit Yieldof Walnut
  • Li Kairong;Chen Yuanguo;Fan Jinshuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 79-81.
  • Abstract ( 1476 ) HTML ( 1195 ) PDF (145KB) ( 1195 )    
  • Structure indicators of walnut leaves and fruit yield of walnut were determined after applications of different water-controlled measures in walnut orchard in terraces of gully slope in Weibei loess plateau. Results showed that effects of 225 kg watering , 150 kg watering per tree , plastic film mulch and hay mulch on walnut leaves’structure were significant . Fruit yield per tree was increased more than 29 % by 225 kg/ tree watering, medium pruning , plastic film mulch , and hay mulch , of which fruit yield per tree was increased by 43. 1 % after
    tree were watered by 225 kg water/ tree.
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  • Detection of Strawberry Vein Banding Virus in Strawberries by PCR
  • Sui Chun;Wu Luping;Zhang Zhihong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 82-84.
  • Abstract ( 1628 ) HTML ( 1568 ) PDF (172KB) ( 1568 )    
  • Total DNA , isolated from 30 strawberry cultivars , was used as template to amplify strawberry vein banding virus (SVBV) CP gene fragment by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) . Meanwhile , the tested plants were detected by indicator leaf grafting technique.The plants with typical band in PCR showed vein banding symptoms in indicator UC5 ( Fragaria vesca) , EMC ( F. vesca) , and those without typical band didn’t showed symptoms. Results were identical in two detection methods. The amplified fragment by PCR was recycled , cloned in pMD18-T vector , and then sequenced. It is suggested that the expected SVBV CP gene fragment was obtained and is 90. 94 % identical to that of American isolate ATCC 45058.
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  • Somatic Embryo Genesis from in Vitro Leaves of Pear
  • Sun Qingrong;Liu Qingzhong;Zhao Ruihua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 85-86.
  • Abstract ( 1772 ) HTML ( 1293 ) PDF (170KB) ( 1293 )    
  • Young leaves in vitro of pear ( Pyrus communis L. ) cultivars Red D’Anjou and D’Anjou were selected as materials. Effect of media on shoot and somatic embryo regeneration from leaves was studied. Results showed that the composition of basic media was the main factor affecting shoot regeneration or somatic embryo regeneration from leaves ; the kind and concentration of exogenous hormone supplemented were important factor to higher
    frequency regeneration of somatic embryo. In this study , somatic embryo regeneration rate was the highest in the treatment with medium NN69 supplemented with 2 mg/ L TDZ and 0. 1 mg/ L NAA , D’Anjou was 55. 5 % , and Red D’Anjou was 47. 3 %. Shoot regeneration rate was the highest on NN69 supplemented with 5 mg/ L BA and 0. 1mg/ L NAA , D’Anjou was 100 % , Red D’Anjou was 85. 7 %.

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  • In Vitro Shoot Tip Culture of Sweet Cherry Cultivars and Detection of PNRSVby RT2PCR
  • Dai Hongyan;Zhang Zhihong;Wu Luping;Hou Yilong;LüDeguo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 87-89.
  • Abstract ( 1820 ) HTML ( 1220 ) PDF (150KB) ( 1220 )    
  • The effects of size of inoculated shoot tip , method of inoculation , medium and genotype on shoot tip culture of sweet cherry ( Prunus avium L. ) cultivars were studied. The rate of shoots forming from tips of one-year-old twigs was low , 8. 3 % to 23. 7 % , while the rate of shoots forming from tips of actively growing shoots was higher , 27. 3 % to 37. 5 %. Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) was detected early in some of sweet cherry plantlets in vitro with RT-PCR technique. Plants free of PNRSV were found. It was proved that PNRSV could not be eliminated effectively from sweet cherry plantlets in vitro by culture of minor shoot tip.
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  • Effects of 1-MCP on Physiological Changes of ‘Jonagold’Apples at Ambient Temperature after Harvest
  • Sun Xisheng;Wang Wenhui;Wang Zhihua;Li Zhiqiang;Zhang Zhiyun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 90-92.
  • Abstract ( 2783 ) HTML ( 1497 ) PDF (174KB) ( 1497 )    
  • 1-MCP , an ethylene inhibitor as the most promising fresh keeping agent of horticultural products,was applied to‘Jonagold’apple fruits after harvest at ambient temperature. 1-MCP gas concentrations used were 250 nL·L -1, 500 nL·L -1and 1000 nL·L -1 generated from measured amount of EthylblocTM (0. 14 %) powder.The results indicated that 1-MCP delayed fruit ripening and senescence by decreasing respiration rate , delayed the time of climacteric phase of respiration. It decreased the loss of fruit firmness and acidity dramatically. Decomposition of chlorophyll in the fruit skin was inhibited by application of 1-MCP. The results also implied that 1-MCP treatments increased the incidence of bitter pit after harvest and its reason was unclear.
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  • Effect of Nitrogen Forms on Nitrate Accumulation and Nutrient Absorption inCabbage
  • Zhang Fucang;ang Shaozhong;Li Zhijun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 93-94.
  • Abstract ( 1575 ) HTML ( 1401 ) PDF (122KB) ( 1401 )    
  • Response of cabbage to NH4+-N and NO3--N (mmol/ L) quantity and ratio was studied in solution culture. Ratio of NH4+-N to NO3--N (mmol/ L) of cabbage suitable growth is 5. 0∶5. 0. The accumulated quantity 2N retained in cabbage decreased , while NO3--N quantity increased with the increase of NH4+-N rate in nutrition solution was over 75 % , praline content increased in cabbage leaf , growth rate decreased , leave relative water content and root length obviously decreased , the amount of root absorption of P , K, Ca , Mg etc decreased , cabbage obviously suffered from ammonia injury. Regulating suitable nitrogen form proportion in cabbage growth condition would be benefit to cabbage growth and quality , and available utilization and absorption of water and nutrient .
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  • Effect of Heat Stress on Calcium Distribution in Pepper Style
  • Yan Chunlan;Wang Jianbo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 95-97.
  • Abstract ( 1571 ) HTML ( 1359 ) PDF (127KB) ( 1359 )    
  • Calcium distribution in the stigma and style of pepper ( Capsicum annuum L. cv. Xiangyan 1)under heat stress was investigated with potassium antimonite technique. The calcium precipitates emerged in the apoplast system , such as the stigma receptive surface and the intercellular spaces of the transmitting tissue in style,in which calcium precipitates firstly increased before pollen tube penetration , then decreased after that . Under heat stress , abundant calcium precipitates not only accumulated in the apoplast system , but also distributed in the cytoplasm and nucleus , and the pollen tube in the transmitting tissue showed some distortion and transfiguration. It suggests that those results may correlate with abnormalities in the distribution of calcium.
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  • Main Factors Influencing the Frequency of Direct Organogenesis of Cucumberin Vitro
  • Hou Aiju;Zhu Yanming;Yang Aifu;Zhang Binbin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 101-103.
  • Abstract ( 1564 ) HTML ( 1253 ) PDF (164KB) ( 1253 )    
  • The main factors influencing the frequency of direct organogenesis of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. ) were discussed. The results showed that the types of explants , genotypes and plant growth regulator had significantly effects on regenerating frequency. The optimum explant is cotyledonary nodes. Genotypes ‘Changchun mici’and ‘Longzahuang 7’had higher frequency of regeneration which were 93. 2 % and 92. 1 % respectively. But the former differentiated much more buds (13. 2 per explant) than that of the latter (3. 1 per explant) . 6-BA can effectively induced buds and the optimum concentration is 0. 5 mg/ L.
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  • Changes in Membrane Lipid Peroxidation and Activities of Cell Defense Enzymein Leaves of Butia capitata Becc Seedling under Low Temperature Stress
  • Yang Shengchang;Xie Chaotian;Zhang Ping;Chen Dehai;Ding Yinlong;Liao Qiliao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 104-106.
  • Abstract ( 1636 ) HTML ( 1424 ) PDF (158KB) ( 1424 )    
  • Under low temperature stress , as a product of membrane liquid peroxidation , malondialdehyde (MDA) content in leaves of Butia capitata seedling gradually increased with elongation of stress time and stress intensity. Membrane lipid peroxidation raised more quickly under - 8 ℃than that under 2 ℃. As for membrane permeability , there was only a little change under 2 ℃, but it showed a sharp increase under - 8 ℃, indicating that cell membrane suffered severe damage after 24 h of - 8 ℃. Cell defense enzymes SOD , POD and CAT activity raised immediately in 6 h and then decreased under - 8 ℃. They were severely inhibited by low temperature stress. Under 2 ℃, SOD activity had little change in 6 h , and then decreased. CAT activity had a similar trend with that under - 8 ℃, but it changed by a lower ranger. Though POD activity also took a trend of increasing firstly and then decreasing , POD activity maintained a high level until 48 h , it gave us a hint that 2 ℃ low temperature stress probably could not inhibit , but promote POD activity in 48 h for leaves of Butia capitata
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  • The Callus Induction of Anthurium andraeanum Linden and Bud Differentiation
  • Lan Qinying;Li Qiren;He Huiying;Zhang Yanjun;Xie Xingyun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 107-109.
  • Abstract ( 1874 ) HTML ( 2059 ) PDF (177KB) ( 2059 )    
  • The factors that influence the callus induction and bud differentiation of Anthurium andraeanum Linden were studied. Petiole showed significantly better results than blade in callus induction , bud differentiation and duration for bud formation. The callus induction on blade was influenced by the way of placement on medium and period for lighting , and the highest percentage (100 % and 97 %) for callus induction were recorded under the condition that the downside of blade were against the medium and with 24 h/ d and 10 h/ d light . Differnet light treatments did not affect the callus induction of petiole significantly. However , the 24 h/ d and 10 h/ d light treatment obviously improved the bud differentiation compared to the treatment with no light . Promising results among several mediums tested were recorded : N6 , KC and 1/ 2 MS for petiole and P , N6 and 1/ 2 MS for blade , respectively. The time from explant to bud differentiation were 49 d , which was 11 - 31 d earlier than time previously reported.
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  • Neck2bending Phenomena in Cut Gerbera Flower
  • Liao Lixin;Peng Yonghong;Ye Qingsheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 110-112.
  • Abstract ( 1943 ) HTML ( 2104 ) PDF (96KB) ( 2104 )    
  • Water balance and some physiological indexe changes during vase life in cut gerbera flowers ,especially in the easy-bending sections of the scape , were investigated. The results showed that fresh mass and water content of cut gerbera flowers increased firstly but decreased afterwards ; water absorption dropped consistently ; moisture loss caused by transpiration maintained at a stable level while water saturation deficit rose ; soluble protein content tended to decrease with the upper sections having a higher content than that in the middle and lower scape sections ; MDA content increased constantly ; MDA content in the upper scape sections was lower when compared with that in the middle and lower sections ; no significant differences were detected in coarse fiber content between the middle and upper sections with the lower sections having a much higher content of coarse fiber ; POD activity varied slightly at earlier period but increased dramatically during the later period of vase life ; POD
    activity in the upper sections was higher than that in the middle and lower sections. The causes of easy to bend
    neck in the middle section of the scape were discussed.
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  • The Studies of the Tissue Culture of Anigozanthos ( Kangaroo paws)
  • Liu Chun;Mu Ding
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 113-114.
  • Abstract ( 1656 ) HTML ( 1605 ) PDF (108KB) ( 1605 )    
  • The results of current study show that the optimum sterilization of explants is 7 -8 min with 0. 1 %HgCl2. The concentration of NAA , 6-BA affects the formation of callus , shoot induction and rooting of plantlets.A increase in 6-BA concentration resulted in increased callus formation. The BA/ NAA ratio determined the shoot induction. Half strength MS mediumproved best for the rooting plantlets and the addition of 6-BA inhibited it . The best media for different cultural stages are : (1) callus : MS + 6-BA 1 mg/ L + NAA 0. 1 mg/ L + charcoal 3 %;(2) shoot induction : MS + 6-BA 0. 5 mg/ L + NAA 0. 5 mg/ L ; (3) rooting : 1/ 2 MS + IBA 0. 2 mg/ L.
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  • ‘Eli 2’ —A New Early Ripening Pear Cultivar
  • Qin Zhongqi;Liu Xianqin;Li Xianming;Zhan Shuhua;Wang Hanchen;Li Yumin;Zhou Qiaosheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 116-116.
  • Abstract ( 1838 ) HTML ( 1252 ) PDF (149KB) ( 1252 )    
  • ‘Eli 2’is a early ripening pear cultivar by outcrossing the female parent ‘Zhongxiang’with the male parent ‘43-4-11’(Fuli ×Qifa) . It ripens at the middle to end of July and fruit shape is obovate with yellowgreenish skin. Its average fruit mass is 200 g with the biggest of 330 g. Soluble solid and total acid content are 12. 0 % - 14. 7 % and 0. 14 % - 0. 16 % , respectively.
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  • Early-ripening Grape —‘Jingxiu’
  • Yang Meirong;Fan Peige;Zhang Yingzhu;Li Shengchen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 117-117.
  • Abstract ( 1749 ) HTML ( 1310 ) PDF (69KB) ( 1310 )    
  • :‘Jingxiu’is a hybrid cultivar derived from‘Pannonia’ ×60-33 (‘Muscat Hamburg’ בSultanina Rose’) and therefore is of Eurasian origin. The mature time of berry (in end of July in Beijing) is 7 - 10 days earlier than‘Zana’. The fruit cluster is conical , weighting 500 - 600 g on the average. The berry is ellipsoidal and bright red , weights 7 - 9 g on the average , has thick and crisp flesh , is of superior quality with 15 % - 17. 6 % soluble solid content and 0. 39 % - 0. 47 % acid content . The fruit can be held long time in the tree after riping and has high endurance for storage and transportation. It has medium resistance to diseases and high productivity.
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  • ‘Shunhua Blueberry 1’ —A New High-yield Blueberry Variety
  • Qi Qige;Zhang Qichang;Wu Banghua;Lin Baoshan;Qu Huanyun;Huang Zhiping;Sun Xuelun;Jiang Weiqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 118-118.
  • Abstract ( 1623 ) HTML ( 1312 ) PDF (88KB) ( 1312 )    
  • ‘Shunhua Blueberry 1’is a new variety with characteristics of middle maturity , cold resistance ,high and stable yield and moderate sweet-and-sour taste. In the eastern mountain areas in Jilin province the yield of its 32year2old plant is 10 292 kg·hm- 2 , 24 % higher than that of Blomidon (the contrast variety) ; The yield of its 42year-old plant is 10 778 kg·hm- 2 , 28 % higher than that of Blomidon.
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  • ‘Kangwang’Watermelon
  • Guan Lixin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 119-119.
  • Abstract ( 1542 ) HTML ( 1013 ) PDF (87KB) ( 1013 )    
  • ‘Kangwang’is a watermelon hybrid with mid2early maturity , about 32 days from flowering to harvesting. It is suitable for growing in greenhouse and open field in spring. The fruit is round , green and has deep green stripes on the surface. Fruit soluble solid content is 11 %. The mean yield is 60 - 65 t ·hm-2 .‘Kangwang’watermelon has high disease resistance and good storability.
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  • ‘Huaxi Hong’and‘Huaxi Fen’Tomato
  • Zhang Wei;Wan Wenpeng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 120-120.
  • Abstract ( 1549 ) HTML ( 1004 ) PDF (68KB) ( 1004 )    
  • ‘Huaxi Hong’and‘Huaxi Fen’are tomato sister line. The fruit of ‘Huaxi Hong’are red , the later are pink. They were selected from the progenies of the cross of ‘Tudou Hong’of Beijing Agriculture University and one semi-wild tomato from Huaxi . Both of their plants are compact with a few leaves , the fruits regular in shape , high-resistant to ToMV-0 and ToMV-1 , mid-resistant to fusarium wilt and leaf mold.
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  • A New Tomato Hybrid —‘Yinghong 1’
  • Huang Tingting;Liu Binglu;Wang Changyi;Liu Shuqin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 120-120.
  • Abstract ( 1052 ) HTML ( 1034 ) PDF (259KB) ( 1034 )    
  • A new tomato hybrid ‘Yinghong 1’has been released. It is indeterminate with strong vigor.Fruit is nearly round and red. Average fruit mass is about 12-15 g. Soluble solid content is 7%-9%. It is resistant to TMV and Fusarium wilt.The average yield can reach 105 t·hm-2 . It takes only 107 days from sowing to first harvesting. It is suitable for both in protected and open cultivation.
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  • Three New Varieties of Michelia
  • Gong Xun;Zhang Guoli;Pan Yuezhi;Yang Zhiyun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(1): 123-123.
  • Abstract ( 1936 ) HTML ( 1152 ) PDF (186KB) ( 1152 )    
  • Three new varieties with red flowers,‘Yujin hanxiao,‘Danxin hanxiao’and‘Qinfang hanxiao’, wear selected from hybrid population between Michelia yunnanensis and M. crassipes . The characters of three varieties are as follows: evergreen brush, many and fragrant flowers,flowering from Feb. to Apr., strong adaptability to drought , poor soil and pest , easy propagate.
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