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2003, Vol.30, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Studies on the ISSR Marker Analyses of the Columnar Gene in Apple
  • Zhu Yuandi;Li Guangchen;Li Chunyu;Dong Limin;Wang Tao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 505-510.
  • Abstract ( 1645 ) HTML ( 1535 ) PDF (211KB) ( 1535 )    
  • In the present paper, cultivated apple ‘Fuji’(standard growth type),‘Waltz’(or‘Telemon’,columnar growth type) and seedlings in their progeny with standard and columnar types were used to establish the ISSR inter-simple sequence repeat) analyses in apple. ISSR markers were also used for genetic analysis of the columnar gene. The results showed that 80 %primers produced good amplification in 20μL reaction volume include 1U Taq DNA polymerase , 2.5 mmol ·L-1 Mg2+ , 20 ng DNA and 0.2 μmol ·L -1 primer with the annealing
    temperature 52 ℃. Adjusting the concentration of the template DNA , primers and the annealing temperature can optimize the ISSR - PCR amplification. 35 ISSR markers were obtained from the screened 65 primers. Among them 33 ISSR markers , which displayed 1∶1 segregant ratio in correspondence with the genetic segregation of Co gene, could be used for genetic analysis of the Co gene in apple.
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  • Studies on Red Flesh Sport from‘Red Sun’Kiwifruit Using RAPD Marker
  • Ning Yunye;Xiong Qing’e;Zeng Weiguang;Zeng Guangrong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 511-513.
  • Abstract ( 1650 ) HTML ( 1527 ) PDF (299KB) ( 1527 )    
  • Genomic DNAs from‘Red Sun’kiwifruit and its sport red-fleshed kiwifruit were amplified by RAPD with 300 102bp random primers to study the genetic substance change of the sport . Among the primers most amplification products were monomorphic , only ten of which could generate polymorphic segments. 20 out of the 148 amplified fragments were distinctive including the loss of a normal segment , appearance of a new segment and intensity changes. The Nei’s association coefficient and genetic distance between them were 0.7619 and 0.1429 respectively. The differences of amplified DNA segments showed that the red-fleshed sport was related to changes of some genetic substances. The polymorphic segments could be used to forecast the flesh color of grafted seedlings from the sport scion
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  • Cadmium Absorption Characteristics of Strawberry and Regulative Measures
  • Zhang Jinbiao;Huang Weinan;Ke Yuqin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 514-518.
  • Abstract ( 1736 ) HTML ( 1515 ) PDF (261KB) ( 1515 )    
  • In strawberry , Cadmium regularly distributed in accordance with accumulation factors. In light of cd-decreasing order the arrangements were root , stems , leaves and fruit . Cadmium absorption amount in strawberry increased with time , while the cadmium absorption rate gradually decreased in the meantime. In the nutrition liquid , the cadmium absorption rate reached the peak after 40 minutes , and then the absorption rate gradually reduced. The experiment of hydroponics culture showed that Ca and P could reduce the cadmium absorption.The pot experiment showed CaCO3 and Na2SiO3 could decrease the accumulation of cadmium in strawberryps fruit and other organs. The reduction of cadmium in strawberry may be relevant to the reduction of soil acid degree and the resistance of Ca to cadmium. CaCO3 appeared more significant in reducing the accumulation of cadmium in strawberryps fruit and other organs. It was a practical regulative measure to add some CaCO3 into the soil in order to decrease the accumulation of cadmium.

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  • Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Guanximiyou Pomelo Variety
  • Yi Ganjun;Jiang Xiaowen;Huo Heqiang;Zhang Qiuming;Zhou Birong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 519-524.
  • Abstract ( 1655 ) HTML ( 1611 ) PDF (258KB) ( 1611 )    
  • The photosynthetic characteristics of leaves in 7-year-old guanximiyou pomelo variety under field conditions were studied by using the Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system. The results were as follows : (1) The diurnal variation of net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of peripheral leaves in sunny days presented bimodal carve , the first peak occurred at 8:00- 10:00 , Pn was 15.77μmol·m-2·s -1 , the second peak occurred after 14:00 , the value was lower than the first one ; In overcast days , the daily change of Pn had one peak , the value approach the first peak value of Pn in sunny days ; in both sunny and overcast days , the diurnal variation of Pn of inner leaves showed the one or two peak or indention carve. (2) The seasonal variation of Pn also approach bimodal carve by the average of Pn. (3) Among shoots in different months , there were differences in the responses of leaves Pn to light intensity and CO2 . The light compensate and saturated point of leaves was 16~46μmol·m-2·s -1 and 1 026 - 1 656 μmol·m-2·s -1 respectively , the apparent quantum efficiency between 0.01725 and 0.05431 , these showed that the leaves of guanximiyou had the higher utilization efficiency on weak light and in strong light ; the CO2 compensate and saturated point was 51 - 80μmol·mol - 1 and 822 - 926μmol·mol -1 respentively , the carboxying efficiency between 0.01769 and 0.05191. (4) Pn had obvious positive relationship with Cond , Trm and PAR, most of them were obvious or remarkable. Pn had obvious negative relationship with Ci , majority of them were remarkable. There were complex relationship between Pn and Tair , Tl , RH , Vpdl . (5) There were no marked relation between Pn and the chlorophyll content and specific leaf weight (SLW) of leaves. (6) The proper temperature of photosynthesis were 24 - 34 ℃.
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  • Effect of 1-MCP and Storage Temperatures on Respiration, EthyleneProduction and Fruit Quality of Peach and Nectarine
  • Ma Shushang;Tang Yan;Wu Chunlin;Liu Yalong;Du Guangyuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 525-529.
  • Abstract ( 1761 ) HTML ( 1470 ) PDF (228KB) ( 1470 )    
  • Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and storage temperatures on respiratory rate and ethylene production rate were investigated in relation to flesh firmness , titratable acid , total soluble solids and internal browing of ‘Qinguang 2’nectarine and ‘Qinwang’peach fruits during storage at 0 ℃and 5 ℃. Fruit stored at 0 ℃had more reduced rates of respiration and ethylene production , firmer flesh and less internal browing compared with those at 5 ℃. Application of 1μL·L-1 1-MCP inhibited the rates of both respiration and ethylene production, delayed fruit soffening and reduced internal browing , but had no obvious effects on contents of titratable acid and
    total soluble solids. The potential to use 1-MCP for storage and transport of nectarine and peach can be expected.
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  • Effects of Low Temperature Stress on Physiological Index and Protein Phospho-rylation in Brassica oleracea L.
  • Wu Nengbiao;Wu Junyan;Zhu Liquan;Wang Xiaojia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 530-534.
  • Abstract ( 2003 ) HTML ( 2465 ) PDF (219KB) ( 2465 )    
  • The contents of MDA , proline , soluble sugar , ABA , and the activity of PKin Brassica oleracea L. rose remarkably in a short time at 5 ℃, then went down. And the peak of ABA content and the PK activity were prior to other indexes. Low temperature , first of all , caused the activity of PKand the content of endogenesis ABA increase through some signal matter. Then , activated or prohibited some genes expressing , and at last it caused the content of other matter rising remarkably. The activity of PK had an apparently reliance on Ca2+ Mn2+ and Mg2+ had obvious effect on the PKactivity , too. The mechanismof the two ions to PK might be different . A kind of phosphoprotein (22.9 kD) caused by low temperature stress was separated
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  • Studies on Accumulation and Allocation of Carbohydrate in Zizania latifolia
  • Jiang Jiezeng;Cao Beisheng;Qiu Jiejuan;Han Xiuqin;Zhang Qiang;Zhu Qingsen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 535-539.
  • Abstract ( 1641 ) HTML ( 1566 ) PDF (215KB) ( 1566 )    
  • The changes of carbohydrate accumulation in leaves and stems of the Zizania latifolia were studied on two typical varieties at their different growth and development stages. The allocation of photosynthesis assimilates in different organs was also determined by using 14C-labeling technique. The results showed that , before the Zizania gall expanding , the accumulation of total sugar , reducing sugar and starch increased continuously and the greatest amount of carbon assimilates were observed to be accumulated in the culm , as compared with that in other organs. When Zizania gall began to expand , the carbohydrate in other organs stopped accumulation. Most carbohydrates stored in culm were remobilized. The culm serves as stored organs for remobilized assimilates to the growth of Zizania gall . Starch is the main formfor stored carbohydrate , and most of 14C assimilates was prefixed in culm before pregnant . The accumulated carbohydrate in the up leaf and sheath of plant was higher than that of its low leaf and sheath. During the period of Zizania gall expanding , most of prefixed-14C was remobilized into gall . The labeled assimilates fixed by leaves supplied not only for its straws but also for the other parts of the plant .
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  • Amplified Resistance Phytophthora Blight Gene Analogs from Capsicum annuumGenomic DNA
  • Yi Tuyong;Xie Bingyan;Zhang Baoxi;Gao Bida
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 540-544.
  • Abstract ( 1728 ) HTML ( 1446 ) PDF (368KB) ( 1446 )    
  • Numerous fragments were cloned from 9 different resistant/ susceptible pepper ( Capsicum annuum)varieties to Phytophthora blight , using a PCR approach with degenerate primers designed from conserved motifs found in a number of plant resistance genes. After sequencing and homology analysis , 8 RGAs amplified by primer B were high identified with N , RPS2 , L6 and belonged to broad-spectrum RGA , 6 RGAs amplified by primer C were high identified with Cf2 , Cf9. 14 RGAs amplified by both primer B and primer C were relative to function of resistancee to Phytophthora blight . RGAs derived from susceptible lines were also associated with function of resistant to Phytophthora blight , which was accorded with reported viewpoint that resistant minor QTLs derived from susceptible parents. These pepper RGAs could be regarded as candidate sequences of disease resistance genes in Capsicum annuum using cloning resistant genes and molecular markers.
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  • Effects of Culture Medium Factors on Lycopene Synthesis in Carrot SuspensionCells
  • Liang Yan;Chen Daming;Wang Ming;Chen Hang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 545-548.
  • Abstract ( 1562 ) HTML ( 1385 ) PDF (176KB) ( 1385 )    
  • Taking a constant cell suspension systemof carrot ( Daucus carota L. ) variety -Xin Touxinhong as material , the effects of basic medium , sucrose and PO43- concentrations on lycopene synthesis activity of carrot suspension cells were studied by measurement and significant analysis on lycopene content of fresh cells per unit weight (in terms of light absorption values at 470 nm) among different treatments. The results showed that the lycopene content in carrot suspension cells under MG5 medium was significantly higher than those under the other media , MG5 was the most favorable basic medium for lycopene synthesis of carrot cells among MG5 , ER , B5 and White ; on the basis of MG5 medium , the lycopene contents under 100.0 - 120.0 g·L-1 of sucrose concentration among 7 treatments and 30.0 - 50.0 mmol·L-1 of PO43-concentration among 13 treatments were very significantly higher than those of the other corresponding treatments , and better for lycopene synthesis of carrot cells
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  • Effect of Ethylene on Abscission of Tomato Pedicel in Vitro
  • Wang Yanchang;Li Tianlai;Hou Jianping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 554-558.
  • Abstract ( 1574 ) HTML ( 1398 ) PDF (201KB) ( 1398 )    
  • Pedicels of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill ‘liaoyuanduoli’were harvested at three developmental stages , namely at the anthesis , bud stage and on the tenth day after flower. The abscission sensitivity of pedicels explants induced by ethylene was investigated. The results were showed as following : Anthesis was the stage most liable to shell of pedicels explants induced by ethylene and the optimum concentrate was 20μL·L-1 . There was a significant increasement in the activity of POD and CMC-Na enzyme in abscission zone , distal side and proximal side of pedicels explants at the end of ethylene treatment in optimum concentrate. However , no clear relationship between the activity of these enzymes and the soluble protein content was observed.
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  • A Study on the Adaptability of Two Kinds of Ball Cactus to Still Hydroponicsand the Optimum Nutrient Solution Formula
  • Liu Shizhe;Lin Dongjiao;Luo Jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 559-562.
  • Abstract ( 2240 ) HTML ( 1500 ) PDF (175KB) ( 1500 )    
  • Two kinds of ball cactus ( Ferocactus horridus and Echinopsis calochlora) were grown in a still hydroponics with four formulae together with a peatmoss medium as control to study the adaptability of those plants to nutrient solution culture. The results showed that two of the ball cactuses tested could growth well in solution culture , in which the growth rate was significantly higher than or equal to that in peatmoss culture. Among the four solution culture formulae , formula 4 had the highest biomass increment and uptake of N , P and Kfor Ferocactu horridus. The biomass of Echinopsis calochlora did not differ significantly among the four formulae , but significantly increased higher than medium culture. This study indicated that ball cactuses could grow well in nutrient solution culture. The nutrient solution culture is a good plantation methods for ball cactus.
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  • Studies on Scavenging Activity Against DPPH Free Radical in Fresh Leaves from Some Common Subtropical Plants of Garden and Afforestion in China
  • He Yunhe;Hu Fenglin;Lu Ruili;Peng Daiqi;Liu Qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 563-567.
  • Abstract ( 2089 ) HTML ( 1283 ) PDF (212KB) ( 1283 )    
  • A DPPH-Microplate assay was made to determine the free radical scavenging activity in leaves of subtropical plants of garden and afforestion belonging to 83 Families 164 Species. The results showed it can be divided into three types of high (sample concentration of scavenging 50 percent of DPPH free radical IC50 < 0.500 mg ·mL -1) , medium ( IC500.501 - 1.000 mg·mL -1 ) and low ( IC50 > 1.001 mg·mL -1) free radical scavenging activity. There are 25 with high activity , 31 with medium, 108 with low. Among them, Pomegranate, Chinese Witchhazel, Beautiful Sweetgum, Buerger Maple, Chinese Loropetalum, Puberulous Glochidion , Sylvestral E2-aeocarpus , Blue Japanese Oak , Japanese Kerria and Common Nandina have the highest activity.Their IC50 are 0.283、0.292、0.312、0.326、0.345、0.369、0.379、0.389、0.398、0.403 mgmL-1,respectively.Others IC50 is between 0.401~14.300 mg·mL -1 . It is suggested that these species can be used a new resource of free radical scavenger and antioxidant products.
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  • Some Photosynthetic Characteristics of Blooming Grape in Protected Cultivation
  • Liu Tingsong;Li Guifen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 568-570.
  • Abstract ( 1518 ) HTML ( 1435 ) PDF (204KB) ( 1435 )    
  • The research on the daily variation of Pn of blooming grape was conducted in protected cultivation.Meanwhile , the effects of the main ecological factors such as PAR and CO2 concentration on Pn were studied. The results showed that the daily variation of the Pn appeared to be a marked double-peak curve in the sunny day. The daily variation of Pn of grape was chiefly decided by the daily variation of PAR in the cloudy day. The Pn in the sunny day was markedly higher than that of in the cloudy day. The response curve of Pn to PAR showed that the light saturation point was 1000μmol·m-2·s -1 and the light compensation point was 21.3μmol·m-2·s -1 . The response curve of Pn to CO2 concentration showed that the CO2 saturation point was about 1700μL·L - 1and the CO2 compensation point was 54.6μL·L - 1 .
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  • Effects of Temperatures on Storability of Postharvest Sweetsop Fruit
  • Chen Weihui;Zhang Fuping;Lin Dingxiong;Ye Bicun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 571-573.
  • Abstract ( 1726 ) HTML ( 1623 ) PDF (104KB) ( 1623 )    
  • Sweetsop fruits after harvest were sensitive to storage temperature. At room temperature (26 -33 ℃) , the shelf-life of the fruit was only 3 days. With a decrease of storage temperature , the climacteric peaks of respiration and ethylene release of the fruits were delayed , and the cell membrane permeability and the activities of pectin nethylesterase in the pulp decreased. As a result , the shelf-life was extended to 15 days with a optimal storage
    temperature of 10 ℃. Below 10 ℃, the fruit did not ripen completely and showed chilling injury. Activities of PPO, POD , SOD and CAT of harvested sweetsop were low , and all decreased rapidly before appearance of fruit softening.
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  • Studies on the 15 N Absorption and Utilization Characteristics of Strawberry inDifferent N Application Stage
  • Guo Yingyan;Jiang Yuanmao;Peng Futian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 574-576.
  • Abstract ( 1510 ) HTML ( 1115 ) PDF (89KB) ( 1115 )    
  • The technique of stable isotope15N-labelled urea was used to study the rule of nitrogen absorption ,utilization and distribution of strawberry in different N application stage. The results showed that , the treatment fertilizing N before and after flower at half dose respectively got the highest nitrogen utilization rate , and it was as much as 48.57 %; while the rate of the treatment fertilizing N after flower was the lowest , it was only 22.92 %. The rate of N-distribution in various organs existed significant difference in different N application stages , the rate of N-distribution in vegetative tissues of treatment fertilizing N before flower took up 84.93 % , but the rate of treatment fertilizing N before and after flower was 65.34 %; the distribution rate in reproductive tissues of treatment fertilizing N after flower was 47.04 % , it was much higher than the other treatment . The competition ability of reproductive tissues to15N at the later growing period was higher than vegetative tissues. At every N application
    stage ,15N in each organ all attributed little to total nitrogen.
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  • Establishment of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions from Meristematic Globules ofMusa spp.
  • Xu Chunxiang;Li Huaping;Xiao Huogen;Fan Huaizhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 580-582.
  • Abstract ( 1554 ) HTML ( 1317 ) PDF (220KB) ( 1317 )    
  • Meristematic globules were induced from immature male flowers of 7 different banana cultivars. The induction percentages of meristematic globules from immature male flowers was from 15 % to 81 % , depending on the cultivars. Furthermore , both of the characters and the induction time for the appearance of meristematic globules varied with the cultivars.Embryogenic cell suspensions (ECSs) of 3 banana cultuvars ,‘Guangdong 2’,‘Huanong7’and‘Hekou Longya’were established successfully from meristematic globules , and regenerable plants were got successfully from the ECSs of the first two cultivars.
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  • Plant Regeneration from in Vitro Adventitious Roots of Chinese Cherry‘Duiyingtao’( Prunus pseudocerasus)
  • Yan Guohua;Zhang Kaichun;Zhou Yu;Zhang Xiaoming;Niu Aiguo;Li Wensheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 583-585.
  • Abstract ( 1766 ) HTML ( 1521 ) PDF (255KB) ( 1521 )    
  • Plant regeneration was obtained on embryogenic callus ,which derived from in vitro adventitious roots of a Chinese cherry( Prunus pseudocerasus) cultivar‘Duiyingtao’,either by adventitious bud proliferation or primary somatic embryogenesis. Embryogenic callus were induced from root segments on medium MS + NAA 1.0 mg/ L +BA 0.05 mg/ L + IBA 0.05 mg/ L ,with the frequency of 54.2 %.Adventitious bus proliferation emerged on all embryogenic callus on medium MS + NAA 1.0 mg/ L +BA 0.5 mg/ L ,the buds developed on mediumMS +BA 0.5 mg/ L + IBA 0.1 mg/ L ,and rooted on medium MS + NAA 0.02 mg/ L + IBA 0.02 mg/ L by 100 %. Primary somatic embryos and adventitious bud were induced from intact root systems simultaneously on medium MS +2 ,4-D 1-3 mg/L +BA 0.5 mg/ L , with 5 - 25 somatic embryos and 3 - 22 adventitious buds per root explant . 100 % of the somatic embryos developed into intact plantlets when transferred to medium MS +BA 0.5 mg/ L + IBA 0.1 mg/ L.
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  • Inhibiting Muskmelon Pink Mold Rot of Cantaloupe ‘Yujinxiang’Treated withSilicon Agents
  • Guo Yurong;Bi Yang;Cao Ziyi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 586-588.
  • Abstract ( 1971 ) HTML ( 1171 ) PDF (153KB) ( 1171 )    
  • Cantaloupe ‘Yujinxiang’was treated with different silicon agents to study their imfluence on muskmelon pink mold rot . The results showed that : Sodium silicate and ethyl ester silicate was effective in suppressing the redial growth of T. roseum by way of in vitro tests while nanosize silicon oxide was ineffective. By menas of in vivo tests , both sodium silicate and nanosize silicon oxide reduced the severity of pink rot of the cantaloupe. Whenn the concentrations of both silicon agents were at 50 mmol/ L , the lesion diameters in treated
    melons significantly decreased ( P < 0.01) compared with those in the control groups. Enhanced POD and PAL activities were observed in sodium silicate-treated melons but not in those treated with nanosize silicon oxide. Ethyl
    ester silicate and higher concentration sodium silicae made a different-degree injury on melons.
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  • Cloning of Tomato myb Gene Fragments and Expression upon Development ofHypersensitive Response
  • Cai Xinzhong;Xu Youping;Lou Jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 589-591.
  • Abstract ( 1689 ) HTML ( 1205 ) PDF (208KB) ( 1205 )    
  • Two 215 bp myb gene fragments,LeMYB1 and LeMYB2 with GenBank accession No. AY131230 and AY131231 respectively , were cloned through RT - PCR. The primers were designed in accordance with tobacco myb1 at the DNA-binding domain conserved in MYB , and the template was the RNA isolated from tomato seedlings showing hypersensitive responses (HR) . Only nucleotide 63 was different between the two fragments , of which LeMYB1 was A and LeMYB2 was G. Three nucleotides within the primers for cloning of LeMYB1 were different between LeMYB1 and counterpart of THM18,whereas 90.7% nucleotide sequence of LeMYB1 was identical to corresponding parts of tobacco myb1. Northern assay revealed that expression of LeMYB1-related genes were
    induced upon occurrence of hypersensitive necrosis in tomato seedlings and enhanced henceforth. Their coincident expression with HR development in tomato indicated that LeMYB1-related genes might be involved in regulation of
    HR and disease resistance conferred by tomato fungal resistance gene Cf-9.
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  • Effects of Different Temperatures on Physiological Traits of Cardamine huping-shanensis
  • Bai Hongfeng;Chen Liangbi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 601-602.
  • Abstract ( 1516 ) HTML ( 1211 ) PDF (115KB) ( 1211 )    
  • The seedling of Cardamine hupingshanensis were treated in chamber of 10 ℃、15 ℃、20 ℃、25 ℃、30 ℃and 35 ℃respectively , the results showed that Cardamine hupingshanensis could grow well with the normal metabolism at 15 - 25 ℃. When the temperature reached 30 ℃, its chlorophyll content and SOD activity decreased quickly , while the MDA content , electrical conductivity and POD activity increased drastically. At 35 ℃, the fresh mass of Cardamine hupingshanensis decreased with the disordered metabolism. The present study indicated that Cardamine hupingshanensis was not tolerant to high temperature and the optimum temperature for the growth was 20 ℃.
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  • Effects of Polyamine and ABA on Regeneration from Cotyledon of Pepper
  • Yang Guoshun;Xie Bingyan;Jiang Fangling;Wang Xiaowu;LuXiang yang;Liu Zhimin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 603-605.
  • Abstract ( 1462 ) HTML ( 1339 ) PDF (280KB) ( 1339 )    
  • ‘Zhongjiao 5’and‘Xiangyan 10’were used as experimental materials , The effects of different concentration of PA (Spd , Spm) and ABA and added at different stages on regeneration from cotyledon of pepper were studied. The results are following : (1) The rate of adventitious bud elongation is increased obviously by adding 100μmol·L-1 Spm at both different and elongating stages ; The rate of elongation on ‘Zhongjiao 5’and ‘Xiangyan 10’are increased 78%, 73% respectively compared with control ; (2) The rate of adventitious bud elongation is increased significantly by adding 0.3 mg·L-1 ABA at different stages. The rate of elongation on ‘Zhongjiao 5’and‘Xiangyan 10’are increased by 52.8 % , 71.6 % respectively over the control .
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  • Analysis of Effects of Chemicals on Dormancy - breaking of Toona sinensis
  • Tu Bingkun;Ding Xiaofei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 606-608.
  • Abstract ( 1528 ) HTML ( 1256 ) PDF (93KB) ( 1256 )    
  • Effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) , 6-benzy laminopurine (6-BA) , thiourea c. p. (NH2) 2CS,zinc sulphate ( ZnSO4 ) , saltpeter ( KNO3 ) on dormancy-breaking of Toona sinensis were investigated in the present research using a design of square , regressive and orthogonal rotation with five factors. Among the chemicals ZnSO4 had the best effect , followed by(NH2) 2CS , GA3 , 6-BA and KNO3 , respectively. The optimum chemical combination for breaking dormancy was 6-BA 20 mg/ L + GA3 180 mg/ L + (NH2) 2CS 1 % + ZnSO4 0. 5 % + KNO3
    2% , which could result in sprouting 23 days earlier than the control .
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  • Rapid Propagation of Cactus‘Milpa Alta’in Vitro
  • Zhao Changzeng;Lu Lu;Chen Baihong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 609-611.
  • Abstract ( 1578 ) HTML ( 1132 ) PDF (267KB) ( 1132 )    
  • Effects of several factors such as medium, cutting materials and sterilization methods for rapid propagation in vitro on cactus ( Opuntia dillenii ) ‘Milpa Alta’were studied. The results indicated that the optimal mediumfor primary culture was MS + 6-BA 0.6 mg·L-1 + NAA 1.0 mg·L-1 + 2 ,4-D 011 mg·L-1 . Taking cactus fresh stem as explant , a shooting rate of 67 %of latent bud under the spine-base was investigated after 60 days of inoculation on this medium. The appropriate mediumfor multiplication and subculture of shooting were MS + 6-BA 0.1 mg·L-1 +NAA 1.0 mg·L-1 + 2 ,4-D 0.2 mg·L-1 or MS + 6-BA 0.1 mg·L-1 +NAA 0.5 mg·L-1 . On this medium shoot multiplication occured at a 5 to 6-fold rate after 50 days. The shoots cultured on the rooting medium of MS + IAA 0.1 mg·L-1 or MS + IBA 0.1 mg·L-1 produced rootlets after 10 days. The plantlet upwards of 5 cm height was rooted in sand medium with up to 99 % survival and produced new shoots in the field after 60 days.
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  • A Cytological Study on Two Hybridized Combinations of Magnoliaceae
  • Gong Xun;Zhang Guoli;Pan Yuezhi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 615-617.
  • Abstract ( 1600 ) HTML ( 1311 ) PDF (214KB) ( 1311 )    
  • The chromosome number and size of two intergeneric hybridized combinations between Magnolia and Michelia in Magnoliaceae were studied in this paper. Magnolia liliflora is a tetraploid species with a chromosome number of 2n = 4x = 76 , Michelia yunnanensis is diploid species with a chromosome number of 2n = 2x = 38.The intergeneric hybridized combination , Magnolia liliflora ( ♀) ×Michelia yunnanensis ( ♂) , is triploid with a chromosome number of 2n = 3x = 57 , which was a half of the total chromosome number of its two parents. Of
    which , 38 chromosomes from M. liliflora are smaller , and 19 chromosomes from M. yunnanensis are larger.So , the hybrid was confirmed to be crossbreeding filial generation of M. liliflora and M. yunnanensis. Michelia sphaerantha is a diploid species with a chromosome number of 2n = 2x = 38. Magnolia grandiflora is a hexaploid species with a chromosome number of 2n = 6x = 114. The intergeneric hybridized combination , M. sphaerantha ( ♀) ×M. grandiflora ( ♂) , is a diploid with a chromosome number of 2n = 2x = 38 , which is the same to that of its female parent , M. sphaerantha , in number and size. So , the hybridized combination is not a real hybrid , and the filial generation may be resulted from apomixes. The study showed that cytological method is one of efficient measures applied to early identification in crossbreeding of Magnoliaceae. The cross - compatibility indicated that Michelia is closely allied with Magnolia subgenus Yulania and is far allied with Magnolia subgenus Magnolia in phylogeny.
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  • The Effects of Different Soilless Media on the Growth and Development ofMiniature Pot Rose
  • Wang Guoliang;Zong Lianggang;Li Xiaozheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 618-620.
  • Abstract ( 1686 ) HTML ( 1549 ) PDF (145KB) ( 1549 )    
  • The effects of different soilless media on the growth and development of miniature pot rose ( Rosa hybrida‘Miniature Pink’) have been carried out systematically in this paper. The results were indicated as follows : the three kinds of soilless media (100% peat moss , 70% peat moss + 30% perlite , and 70% perlite + 30 % peat moss) could significantly promote the plant height , the fresh mass and dry mass of branches and leaves , area of leaves , mean root length , the length of the longest root , the fresh mass and dry mass of roots , the days of intial buds , the flowering days , the diameter of flowers , and so on of the miniature pot rose ; the ideal of physical characteristics of the soillss meida for miniature pot rose were 0.12 - 0.19 g·cm-3 content mass , 1.6 - 1.9 g·cm-3 mass ratio , 6% -16 % content water (air dried) , and 90 % - 94 % total interspace.

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  • Plantlet Regeneration from Leaf Explants of Zamioculcas zamiifolia
  • Shi Heping;Liang Peng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 621-622.
  • Abstract ( 1837 ) HTML ( 1451 ) PDF (242KB) ( 1451 )    
  • An efficient regeneration protocol was developed through direct shoot regeneration from leaf explants of Zamioculcas zamiifolia Engl . The results showed no adventitious shoots were visible from leaf explants cultured
    for 8 weeks on the mediumonly supplemented with 6-BA , NAA or 2 ,4-D. Adventitious shoot differentiation could occur directly from leaf explants cultured for 3 weeks on MS medium supplemented with 6-BA 1.0 - 2.0 mg/ L and NAA 0.02 - 0.2 mg/ L. MS medium supplemented with 6-BA 2.0 mg/ L and NAA 0.02 mg/ L was most effective. The regenerated shoots rooted in the MS medium with IBA (indole butyric acid) 0.5 mg/ L.
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  • A New Edible Variety —‘Shunhua Blueberry 2’
  • Zhang Qichang;hou Daowei;i Qige;u Banghua;in Baoshan;quHuanyun;huang Zhiping;sun Xuelun;Jiang Weiqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 635-635.
  • Abstract ( 1552 ) HTML ( 1060 ) PDF (69KB) ( 1060 )    
  • ‘Shunhua Blueberry 2’is a good edible variety with the characteristics of early maturity , cold resistance , high and stable yield , unique taste. The eastern mountain area in Jilin province is suitable place for the development of fine variety of blueberry. Its yield is 9 711 kg/ hm2 , 17 % higher than that of Blomidon when it is three years old. Its yield is 10 272 kg/ hm2 , 22 % higher than that of ‘Blomidon’when it is four years old.
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  • A New Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Variety‘Dwarf Resistant 5’
  • Hou Xilin;Cao Shouchun;Guan Xiaochun;Jin Guoliang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2003, 30(5): 637-637.
  • Abstract ( 1407 ) HTML ( 1005 ) PDF (89KB) ( 1005 )    
  • ‘Dwarf Resistant 5’, a newly F1 hybrid , was bred in 1998 by crossing two Non2heading Chinese Cabbage , SW-13 and V-126 (Ai ×Duan) . The new variety characterized erect plant figure , bunchy waist , wideovate and green leaf , and half-round and white petiole , particularly with a soft taste. The ratio of blade and petiole mass is 0.59. The average individual mass is about 0.3 kg. More over , the new cultivar showed not only high resistance to TuMV , downy mildew and alternaia leaf spot , but strong adaptation in both summer and autumn season as well . The F1 hybrid is suitable to regions with consumption type of white-stem Chinese Cabbage.
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